Publlcutlfin Office, 101 No. 'JDlh OmaDa. Nebraska, I'Jionc 342-KSCB
Second Class PosluKe Paid Single Copy 10 Cents at. Oiniilia, Ncbr. Annual Rate 4 Dollars
[mergence Appeci. All members of the Jewish community are invited to the 59th Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation, Sunday, January G, at 8 p.m., at the Jewish Community Center, Ernest A. Nogg, Federation president, announced. "The Annual Meeting of the Federation is the most important community event of the year. Reports on community progress and achievements will be presented," Mr. Nogg declared. Federation Activities "The activities of the Federation," Mr. Nogg said, "are intimately involved with the spiritual, physical and moral welfare of the community, reaching practically into every Jewish household, in one manner or another. In addition, our Federation is also the instrument through which Omaha Jewry helps national Jewish agencies, overseas relief institutions, and in the rebuilding of Israel, Attendance Urged "For this reason, I urge every member of our community to attend the Federation Annual Meeting, January 6," Mr. Nogg concluded. Election of Officers Election of officers will take place. Nominations will be presented by Dr. Abraham Grcenberg, chairman. Robert M. Feinberg, General chairman of the 1962 Philanthropies Campaign will submit the final eampaign report, and present special awards to campaign leaders of the various divisions. Present officers are: Ernest A. Nogg, president; Arthur H. Goldstein, first vice-president; Milton R. Abrahams, second vice-president; Isadore Chapman, treasurer; Harry Sidman, secretary, and Dr. Philip Sher, honorary president.
Jewish Urgently Nee<
Special Events HighSl Center Day Camp Sessions
the VifcoS Meeds oft Home
A Day Camp filled with "fun" programs and entertainment will start Monday, December 31st, as part of the children'3 vacation activities at the Jewish Community Center. The camp will be in session from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for Tuesday when the Center will be closed. Fee for the entire Day Camp is $10. Among the special afternoon events to be featured are: Monday, December 31, color movie, "Seventh Voyage of Sinbad" 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 2, "Suitcase Theatre" acts and plays, 1:30 p.m. Free popcorn, Thursday, January 3, Crafts, 1:30-3 p.m. Swimming from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, January 4, "Once Upon a Clothesline" by Omaha
Philip Quits U.N. Post
Before the YeŠ1 Ends! JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES 101 North 20th Street
Omaha 2, Nebraska
United Nations, N.V. (JTA)â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The resignation of Philip M. Klutznick from his Ambassadorial post as a member of the United States delegation to the United Nations for the last two years takes effect this week, it was revealed here in an exchange of letters between Mr. Klutznick and President Kennedy. In his letter to the President, Mr. Klutznick recalled that he had informed Mr. Kennedy last fall that he would have to retire from the delegation "for personal and business reasons." Mr. Klutznick, former national president of B'nai B'rith and former general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, has bedn serving chiefly as tho American representative to the UN "Economic and Social Council. President Kennedy wrote* "I am disappointed to see you leave tho Mission." He expressed "warm a p p r e c i a t i o n " for Mr. Klutz-. n i c k ' s services, and accepted tho resignation "with regret"
Section, National Council of Jewish Women, 1:30 p.m. For those children unable to attend the full day sessions, arrangements have been made to accommodate them at the special events for a small fee. A staff of experienced camp counselors will be on hand to direct activities. Also scheduled is swimming from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The gym will be available each afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m. for basketball and other sports.
Final Appeal for Needlework Guild Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg, chairman of the Jewish Federation Agencies' Section of the Needlework Guild, is making a final appeal to the women in the community, to send in their urgently needed contributions, before the end of the year. The following have contributed to the Needlework Guild since the last list appeared: Mmes. Ealph Biniamow, Jacob Burstein, Herman Cohen, Max E. Cohen, Max Davis, John A. Farber, Ben Garelick, Harry A. Green, Hyman E, Greenberg, Sam Greenberg, Kieva Hornstein, Louis Ickowicz, Harry Lobel, William Lohrman, Max London. Mmes. Nathan Martin, Charles Nathan, William Polack, Jack Raznick, David Rosenbaum, Is- : adore W. Rosenblatt, Sol Sherman, Abe V. Venger, F. Wakschlag, Max A. Wasserman, Samuel B. Wiesman and Allen Wohlner. KBON Radio 1490 Presents . "Message of Israel" Sunday, Dec. 30, 10 p.m. Theme: RELIGIOUS RESOLUTIONS Speaker Dr. Maurice N. Eisendrath, Union American Hebrew Congregations President
Friday, December 28, 1802
Susmcm fo Share in Festivities
Published weekly on Friday beginning the lust wick in August Scccnd Clo'.j Pcilcrjc Po!d c» Omc^.c, Ar.nuol Subscription, S' U). Advertising f?c'cs en £[!p!ic.c;!icn Publicotion Office—101 Ho. it'ri lltto, Ou-.uhrj, NcU., j ; : - l
J Religious Services LIIZ ".3
Et-thesda, Md, (JTA) — Two educated young men from "res-pt.cted families" were convict(:d in Montgomery County Court <if taking part in offenses that included the assaulting and injury of three Nc-gros and an antSemitic attack on a terrified in o t o r i s t, suspected of being Jewish, who was chased four
miles t h r o u g h the heart of Ucthesda. The motorist, Lester M. Haddad, testified that the youths, "apparently assuming'I 'was of the Jewish faith, cursed on the subject of religion, using terrible profanity." Mr. Haddad is president of the Arab-American Club, of G r e a t e r Washington and a Roman Catholic. Threatening to beat Mr. Haddad and calling him a "Jew," the youths smashed beer bottles against his car and pursued him at high speed up to the front door of his home. He called police and four young men were arrested. The judge found two guilty of assault and postponed sentencing until January 8 pending a probation officer's report. At the request of the State Attorney's office, charges against two other young men were dropped. One, granted immunity, because he served as a prosecution witness readily conceded he had thrown bottles.
Sam Susman will celebrate his 70th birthday ut the same event marking the 40th year of tho Labor L y c cum, the 30th of the Dramatic C l u b and H5th of Workmen Circle 173 The event is sppcial to Mr. Susnian because he , is p r e s ident of I the first organiK""( zations n a in e d X above and treasurer1 of the third. A dinner will Susman bo hold in honor of the nnniversaries on Sunday, December 30, at G:30 p.m. at the Labor Lyceum. Morris Goodman is chairman of the affair.
Saturday morning Shachnris at K:45 and Junior Corif-Tcpation at 10 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at 4:50 p.m. followed by S'holosh Seudos and Maariv, Sunday morning M-rvices begin at !> a.m. Junior Minyon Cantor Kultner, Star starts at fl:30 a.m. of "Sound of Music" Daily services at 7 a.m. and Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner 4:55 p.m. will be featured in "The Sound of Music'1 to be presented by Bc-lli El: Sabbath eve services Temple Israel Sisterhood folwill begin this evening at I) p.m. lowing its 1 p.m. luncheon, TuesRabbi Mycr. S. Kripke will ad- day, January I). dress his sermon on "You and Cantor Kuttner will sing and Judaism." particularly to colpresent selections on the violin Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin lege students in the congrega- and viola. His program will inGroner and Cantor Emil Berk- tion. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and lude music ranging from early ovits will conduct services this the Beth El Choir will render Jewish times to modern Jewisli evening at 8:15 p.m. Traditional the musical portions of the serv- songs of this era. Mrs. Harry Omaha artist Milton Wolsky, Friday evening services, (Kobo- ice. will be the Cantor's acwho has received national recTraditional Sabbath morning DuBoff las Shabbos) this evening at 4:45 companist. ognition for his paintings, was services will begin at 8::iO. Famp.m. Mrs. Jack Levin and Mrs. the honored artist at the first ily Service will begin at 10:30. Martin Lehr are in charge of state-wide art show recently at Mincha-Maariv services will be the program and Mrs. Ernest Hastings College in Hastings, held at 4:45 p.m. Neb. Sunday morning services be- Priesman is luncheon chairman. AU friends and relatives are gin at 9. Services during the Reservations may be made by Gov. Frank Morrison presentCambridge, Mass., Sept. 30 invited to attend services and •week are held at 7 a.m. end calling the Temple office or Mrs. Ida Hess, 551-7581. OTA)—A synagogue dating back ed Wolsky with the first Govreception.. 7 p.m. 1,700 years containing numer- ernor's Award For a ProfesWAYNE BRETT ous Hebrew and Greek inscrip- sional Nebraska Artist. The Cousins' Club B'nal Jacob Adas Yeshuron: received his training Wayne Brett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rose Muskin will he tions, has been discovered by at Wolsky Mincha, 4:50 p.m.; Satthe University of Omaha, the American archaeologists in westMrs, Morton Brett, will observe Friday hostess to the Cousins' club on morning 8:30, and MinArt Institute of Chicago, tho his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday urday4:50 p.m., followed by Sho- January 2, Wednesday at 12:30 ern Turkey. Art' Students League of New morning, December 29 at the cha The synagogue was built bep.m. at the Regis Hotel. She Seudos. Daily services ut 10:30 service at Beth El Syna- losh tween 220 and 250 C. E., accord- York, and has studied in the may be called at 345-7332. 7 a.m. and 4:50 p.m. gogue. ing to Professor Louis Robert, studio classes of Julian Levi director of the French Archa- and Hans Hoffmann. MARTIN SHUKICRT eological Institute in Istanbul. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Shukcrt. Inscriptions iaside the structure NEAR BETH ISRAEL announce the Bar Mitzvah of you to see a psychiatrist, but in state that is v/as renovated in By David Schwartz • their son, Martin Shukcrt on the early Byzantine era—during 5031 CHARLES Friday evening, January 4 and My little nephew and nieces Israel, you will be served with the fourth or fifth century. for Rent or Sate Saturday morning, January 5 at have just returned alter a stay it. for "dog" in Hebrew means Located in the West Turkish Fvmlthcd or Unfurnished the 10:30 service at Beth El of only a year in Israel and their fish. town of Sardis, about 50 miles In Jerusalem many years ago, Synagogue. Hebrew goes "like a water", as 5-rcorn brick, aftacfiad garage, aueast of Ismir, the synagogue's Ruico comthey say. 1 don't know why we I asked a young sabra, who decorations were said to "throw tomatic hear, file bath. knew a modicum of English, bination windows ana1 doors. MICHAEL MILLER continue sending1 children to the considerable light" on the Sardis how to say "efficiency" in HeThe Bar Mitzvah of Michael Hebrew school. ; for years in PAUL BORSKY—553-5A31 Jewish community's social statMiller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben America. Send them for a year brew. He replied, "dag bayam. us and organization at that time. Miller will be celebrated on Sat- in Israel and they will come back (Fish in Sea). The archaeologists also unEvery language has its -jpecial urday morning. January 5 at not only knowing the language J! 45 a.m. at Beth Israel Syna- themselves but probably able joys. There is much more fun earthed a marble slab showing to educate pnpa and mama a in ordering pate de foie gras a menorah, and a shofar, and gogue. little on the subject. Think of than chopped liver. They mean two marble platforms thought the saving in expense and re- the samething but one is French to have been used for B i b l e WAUL TO WALL CAUVlTrUiU member papa and mama need a and the other English. The reading. The archaeologists are AND lUIIMTUlli; little Hebrew education also. Frenchman of course may think convinced that the synagogue, Cleaned In Vour Homo JACOB BEREK CO feet wide and 120 feet long, chopped liver is more fun. My nine-year-old niece was F u n e r a l services were held v/as the Sardis Jewish communI have sometimes had the ity's main meeting place. Wednesday, December 19 at the giving me lessons in converUEFITTINH O nRPAIIU Beth El Synagogue for Jacob sational Hebrew and if 1 could queer thought that if the colored LAVIM) • SKWINU UINWN« • CLEANING Berek, 82, pioneer resident of have continued the lessons a people in the south really want SPANISH JEWISH LIFE Fremont, Nebr. Mr. Berek died bit. I probably could qualify as to win their rights, they should BEGAN IN 5TII CENTUItY a melamed and then maybe I quit speaking English and reDecember 17. The Jewish Community in Surviving are his wife, Ida would have been richer than turn to the African languages and son. Sam, both of Fremont; Rothschild, for ns the melamed of t h e i r forefathers. It has Spain, which dates back to the daughters, Mrs. S: S. Levine, in the story said, il he were as seemed to me that the blacks fifth century, today numbers RUG CLEANERS Columbus, Nebr. and Mrs. Al- rich as Rothschild, he would among the Puerto Ricara who some 3,000 persons, most of have been richer for he would speak Spanish, are treated bet- whom live in Barcelona and a Don Bernstein, 345-2554 bert Darver of Dallas, Tex. Burial was in Beth El Ceme- give some Hebrew lessons also. ter than the Negroes in America, smaller community in Madrid. tery. Danny, aged six, coming back who speak English. I think the after a year, v/as astonished American Negro has lost someJOSEPH ROMANIK how many people in the United thing by surrendering his AfriA report has been received of States speak English. He v/as can tongue. I read the other day the death of Joseph Romanik of quick to come back to English that some of the Negroes from Hollywood, Fla., father of David of course, but he sandwiched Africa find they are treated Romanik. Mr.-Romanik, 62, died his Hebrew with it. "Gam" a better here if they appear in horse is in the picture," he said. their African clothes instead of December 15 in Hollywood. (Gam in Hebrew means also.) western attire. OMAHA'S LEADING This mishmash — these conA language is like a suit of Hadassah Study fusions are of course common clothes. Any kind of clothes will in Israel among the tourists do to cover you, yet people reGroup Sessions who mix their languages. I read spect differences in attire. 551-5554 4415 CUMING Mrs. Beulah Shrago, 1302 in an Israel paper a b o u t an It is told of Shalom of Lubin A m e r i c a n tourist who apNorth 49th Avenue, will be hostthat once some Hasidim heard ess at her home Wednesday, proached a soda stand in Israel him reciting his prayers at the and asked for a glass of soda January 2 at a 9:30 a.m. "cofappearance of the new moon. fee" to the Omaha Chapter of without "mitz" (syrup.) His prayers were different from "There is no such thing," those of others. They were surHadassah Study Group discuss8'OZ. Cryovac Pack ing "The Unity of the Jewish said the proprietor. "Without prised, but the rabbi said to mitz, it's lemon, without mitz, them, "What kind of a God would People." Per Mrs. Henry Stern, 105 South orange." it be, if He could only bo worReg. 69c, now . .P&g. "Have you got mitz without shiped in one way? • 50th Avenue, will be hostess at • her home at a 9:30 a.m. "cof- pinapple? asked the American. "No," said the proprietor. ,fee" on Thursday, January 10, "Thank you," said the Amerifor the group studying "JereLg. 32-01. Jar Each can,, and went away. miah." The study groups are sponSome people thought that Issored by the Hadassah Educa- rael made a mistake in revertClosed All Day Tues., Jan. 1,1963 tion Committee with Mrs. Al- ing to Hebrew. It was hard fred Frank as Chairman. enough, they said, for people 5eb, (Subby) Ftlvcrcisto to move to a new land. Why make it also necessary to learn MORE OIL 25 Yean' Experience Sfaro Heart a new language? AT HELETZ Sunday 1 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. WHhJowhh Tel Aviv (JTA)—More oil has But they would have missed Mondoy Tlira Thursday 0 A.M..5:30 P.M. Loitering and Memorials been struck at the Kochav 3 0 lot of fun without Hebrew. If Friday, B A.M.-3 P.M. well north of the present oil- you go into an American res341-2452 fields at Heletz. Two oil-bearing taurant and ask for a plate of 2211 So. Sib l were found J n J h l l !'dbgt" the; waiter jnay advise Candlclighting, AM p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath evening services will be at 8:15 p.m., Friday at Temple Israel. Rabbi Sidney 11. Brooks has c h o s e n as his sermon topic "Rabbi, Should My Child Sing Christmas Carols?" . . . A Consideration of Jewish Religious Integrity. Canotor Manfred F. Kuttner and the Temple Choir, under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin, will provide the musical portion of the service.
Artist Fiffon Wolsky Honored, State Show
1783-Year Synagogue Diseoverad in Turkey
Bar iifzvafi
Learning a Language
Meal 'Martet I
'? Having ® New Year's-Party ?
Friday, Dercnifofr 2», 10fi2
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Lloyd Silver are spending their honeymoon at Las Vegas, Nev. and Los Angeles, Cal. They were:'' married Sunday at Beth El Synagogue with Rabbi Myer S. Kripke officiating. A reception at the Town House followed. The bride is the former Nancy Jo Grossman of Omaha, daughter of Mrs. Nathan Gross' man and the late Mr. Grossman of Burlington, la. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Silver of Elkhorn, Nebr. The bride's wedding gown was of delustered satin with Alecon lace topped by a chapel length coat. She was escorted down the aisle by Max Rothenberg of Prairie Village, Kans., a cousin. Miss Jeanne Silver of Elkhorn, sister of the groom, was maid-of-honor. B r i d e s m a i ds were Mrs. Wesley Pittack and Miss Maxine Zweiback. They wore white satin brocade, ballerina length. Susan Swartz served as flower girl. Attending the groom were Thomas Sherman of St. Paul, Minn., as best man; David Silverberg, also of St. Paul and Richard M. Fellman as groomsmen. On their return the Silvers •will be at home at 10952 Prairie Hills Drive.
Grandson of Omahans to Wed Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Gitomer of Miami, Fla., announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Susan, to Allan Bell, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bell of Kansas City, Mo., and grand?;on of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White of Omaha. "Both Miss Gitomer and her fiance will graduate from the University of Miami in June. They will be married June 16 Jn Miami Beach.
Mrs. Harry Lloyd Silver
Florence Boyganim Miss Florence Sarah Bouganim became the bride of Jacque David Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Turner late Sunday afternoon at Temple Israel. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Sidney Brooks. The bride is the daughter of the late Rabbi and Mrs. Yamin Bouganim of Casablanca, Morocco. She was given in marriage by Arthur L. Quinn, her brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Turner both attend the University of Omaha and will make their home in Omaha.
Gaii Levin
Hail Levin, Weizmann Chapter Sweetheart Gail Levin was named sweetheart of Chaim Weizmann Chapter A.Z.A. at its annual sweetheart dance held recently at Brookhill Country Club. Gail is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levin.
Coopermans to Minn. For New Year Holiday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooper»nan will spend the New Year . holiday in,(St. Paul and Minne< opolis, Minn. Their daughter, ' Frances, who has been spending ' her school vacation in Omaha, ! will return to her studies at New 5 York University at New York . City on Saturday.
, Sisterhood Trip , To Honolulu I
The Temple Israel Sisterhood la sponsoring a 10 day trip to Honolulu, Hawaii from Omaha pud return by chartered PanAmerican Jet. Further informa* lion on the plane leaving Omaha on February 7 may bo obtained by calling Mrs. I. M. LIberman, 550-12C9 or Mrs. David Beber, 551-2301.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perlmutter celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary/ at a dinner party given in their honor at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel on Sunday by their children. The hosts were Mr. and Mrs. David P e r 1 m ut t e r, Denver, Colo.; Joe Perlmutter^Colorado Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grun, Los Angeles, Cal.; Messrs. and Mines. Daniel Lintzman, Phil Kutler and Max Kirshenbaum, all of Omaha. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. John Packer and Deena, Louis Maltzman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maltzman and Jay Maltzman, all of Boston, Mass.
iakes Appointments Mrs. Norman Lincoln was named vice-president in charge of the Department of Advanced Judaism of Temple Israel Sisterhood. Other new appointments include Mrs. Robert Rosenberg as luncheon chairman and Mrs. Sidney Taren who will serve as table decorations chairman.
Home for the Holidays Mr.' and Mrs. Martin L. Greene and Ronald Greene will spend the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levinson. Martin is a Harvard Medical student, Ronald 13 a Junior at Harvard College. Miss Shelley Steinberg, who attends the University of Texas at Austin, is with her parents, Dr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, during the holidays. She visited her brother-in-law nnd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Small in Kansas City, Mo., enrouto to Omaha.
rage Tlirw
To Larry Kohn
Center Pr©gr®i
Mr. and Mrs. James Lemson ol Waterloo, la., announce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce to Larry Kohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kohn. Mrs. Kohn will honor her son's fiancee at a bridal tea at her, home on Saturday afternoon, Miss Lemson is a junior at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, where she is affiliated with Sigma Delta Tail Sorority. Mr. Kohn is a junior at Grinncll College at Grinncll, la. The couple will be wed June !) at the Congregation Sons of Jacob in Waterloo. Miss Lemson's mother is the former Regina Klein of Omaha.
. A recently organized "trouping theatre" sponsored by the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women plans to make p u b l i c appearances twice a month, from November to April, it was announced by
Academy Youngsters To Present Program
Waller PerlsfiufSers Fiffietfi Anniversary
Members of the Senior Citizen's group will be entertained by students of the Omaha Hebrew Academy under the direction of Rabbi Michael Sanders, school principal. The program will follow a 12:30 p.m. luncheon on Monday, December 31 at the Jewish Community Center. Sponsors of the organization are the Omaha section of the national Council of the Jewish Women and the Jewish Federation.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wolf announce the birth of daughter, Andrea Louise on November 28. They are also the parents of J o a n n e , Daniel, Philip and Karen. Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wolf, Miami Beach, Fla. and Mrs. Joe Ohsman of Cedar Rapids, la. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Yadin of Silver Springs, Md., announce the birth of a daughter, Naomi Esther on December 1(1. Mrs. Yadin is the former M a 11 e e Katleman of Omaha. The baby's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Katleman of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Munisch Sukenik of Haifa, Israel.
project since last May. "Once Upon a Clothes Line" is presented by permission of Harper Row & Co.
MONA LISA House of Glamour III
No. 5(Hh
6 Export Hail Stylisfi
Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY
Now Featuring
(left to right) Mrs. William Fogcl nnd Mrs. Norman Dciienborg. Mrs. Norman Denenberg, general chairman ofv the project. "Once Upon A Clothes Line" by Aurand Harris is the title of a four-act play for children, being produced under the direction of Mrs. William Fogel. It will make its debut here on Friday, January 4 at 1:30 p.m. at a Jewish Community C e n t e r children's vacation program. Admission is by bringing an article for the Council's Thrift Shop. Mrs. Orvel Milder is in charge of contacting orphanages, Children's T h e r a p y Centers and homes for handicapped children, who are interested in seeing the troupe's program. The ten-member cast, accompanied by Mrs. Russell Blumenthai, pianist, and a stage crew of four having worked on the
1914 Farnan
And we can sell YOUR proporfy, ioo! For export, individualized service c a l l —
RESTAURANT COCKTAIL LOUNGE Featuring Wonderful Chinese Food and American Dishes Also Sea Food
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Loewenstein of Ottumwa, la., former Omahans, announce the birth of a daughter, Michelle Sue pn November 0. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morris.
Our Chef
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Slutzky, Cheyenne, Wyo., former OmaCandid Wedding hans, announce the birth of a daughter, Tobie Joe on Novem- I CALL ber 23. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Novick, Cheyenne and Mr. and Mrs. Mike 817 So. 36th 345-1044 Morris.'
John Kalina
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Martin announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Kay, December 22. They are also the parents of Mark David and Robin Lori. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Martin.
yielding paying
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Friday, Deoamtwr «ft I»82
U.S. Agency Grants ban for Research in Israel
"Men and Decisions" Washington (JTA>—The Unit- it was established under a five)>y Lewis L. Strauss VARSITY BASKKTBALL Jirf BASKKTISALL ed States Agency for Interna- year grant'of §3150,000..' STANDINGS In a dramatic and unique tional Development will assist in WL Under terms of its establishHordieim Jewelry won their form, Admiral Strauss here tells establishing a permanent eco:s 2 third straight victory of the seamany inside stories, tome of nomic research project in Is- ment, tin; Falk Foundation must n.c. Cola Micklin I! 2 which are among the most con- rael under a credit agreement distribute its assf/s by liiiii. As son defeatin;: fireside CO to 10. 2 3 I.Iaynard Delzer, league's leada.result, its directors decided Keuroii sequential of our time. As eye- signed this week. 2 3 in;: scorer pumped in Ti points to make a grant of $fj0(U)00 to- Milder witness or subjective particiThe credit, amounting to wards the permanent endowpant," the author has sluuvd in st'iircnuu: JANTARY :>. and Alan I'rie.sman hit for 10 and made decision'; involving $300,01)0 will be made available ment of the FaSk project, the 7:3()-Mickliu v:;. 11. C. Cola markn for the victors. Presidents Hoover, Roosevelt, to the Hebrew University of grant to bo contingent on the fl:3(J—.Milder vs. Kenron Iu a close game, C a p p y :i Truman and Eisenhower. He has. Jerusalem to assist in providing1 granting of an rrjual amount by Chargers, handed Mogan David YOUTH COUNCIL been associated with lowering a permanent endowment for the an Israeli institution. a 22 to 11! loss with Jerry ItnzI:ASKI;TI:.\LL STANDINGS figures in science, politics, diplo- university's fall; Project of ecow L nick taking scoring honors with macy and business, including nomic research in Israel! It will Ronu .'! 0 ti tallie:;. Einstein, Fermi, Lawrence, von match a new grant in the same France Will Assist Nebraska Furniture took the Hayim I! 0 Neumann, Teller, IJiliikan, Cher- amount by the Falk Foundation -Algerian-Emigrants AZA No. 1 2 • 1 5th and filh grade league lead well, Taft, Baruch, Forrc-stal and of Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 2 by stiting back Tretiak 2<l to 5. Directors of the Falk project many others. Distinction, boldParis UTA)-France will as- Lincoln 0 3 David Ktitz mid John I'eppcr ness, excitement, scope, contro- hope to study such aspects of sist those Algerian Frenchmen Web'inann 0 3 were top scorers with 13 and 12 versy—all mark the risk:; and the Israeli economy as the na- —which include Jews—who de- AZA No. J00 points respectively. opportunities described by Lewis ture of the inflationary process, cide to emigrate and .settle outSUNDAY, DKCKMHHIt 30 L. Strauss, just as they have which the AID described as "a side French territory. Such emi- 10:00 a.m.—AZA No. I vs. Konu Howard Katehnan led Adler marked his career, which forms securing f e a t u r e in Israel." grants will be given ¥10 a month 11:00 a.m.--AZA No. 100 vs. to a 15 to !) upset over I-Go-Van. the background of this invalu- Also to be studied are the oper- while waiting for their visas, to Kalelman pushed a c r o s s 11 Wcizmuim ation of Government and Hi.sta- enable them to study the lan- 12 Noon -Lincoln vs. Ravim able history. mark;;. drut corporations, the workings guage of country in which they Other new volumes are: of the. Government's dcvelop- intend to settle. "A Tale of Ten Citi<;s"--editc-d • mont budget, and the economics The Government of Fiance by Eugene Lipman and Albert of the collective settlements. will also "participate" in payVorspan. For the past two years, the ing transportation costs and will "The Nuremberg Trial" by Joe Falk Project has been carrying f u r t h e r give such emigrants J. Heydeeker and J o h a nu a s out an extensive study, under a small subsidies during the Leeb. contract with the U.S. Depart- few months in their new hom'"'s "You're Entitle'", by Harry ment of Agriculture, and pro- It is believed, however, tliat few vides policy recommendations Algerian Jews will take ud Golden. "Fire in My Bones" bv 'Fred on its future development. It is vantage of these aids. also now engaged in a study of Several thousand Jews, now M. Wood. relative importance of the in France, were hard hit by a "The Rise and Fall of the the government, and Hista- new decree issued by the AlJudean State" by Solomon Ztit- private drut sectors in the national gerian Government, forbidding economy. A number of previous the removal from that countiy "Letting Go" by Philip Roth. Falk project .studies of various of furniture and' other private "Noah's Ark, Tourist Class" aspects of the Israeli economy belongings "unless the owner is by Ephraim Kishon. have resulted in major policy effectively in Algeria." Many of "An American Housewife, in recommendations to the Govern- the refugees here, who abandIsrael" by Simla Hirsch. ment of Israel. The only non- oned all their possessions when "The Sound of Bow Bells" by governmental e c o n o m i c re- they left Algeria abruptly last Jerome Weidman. search agency in Israel, it has summer, will lose their movable been operating since 1034. when properties. Rio De Janiero, CvVN.S) About 1 200 Brazilian Jews stilled in Israel in 1302. Gliile Rebukes. Saudi Arabian Pefegafe
UJA Award Made To Harry S. Truman At 25th Anniversary Banquet In N. Y.
Senior Citizen's Lounge Jewish Community Center Every Monday From JO A.M. to 3 P.M. Luncheon nml Every Wednesday From 1 P.M. "Votive" Activities, Fun, Kr-ereatlon, Socials for Senior Citizens FRANKFURTER TO GIVE LIBRARY TO HEBREW U. Washington (WNS;—Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter plans to give his library to the Hebrew University; This was disclosed when Mr. Frankfur, ter confirmed on his planned bequest with Israeli Minister of Education, Abba Eban on his visit to Washington.
• '
lafsons for 'Saluting' Taeuara
United Nations, N. Y., (JTA)— Ahmad Shukairy, head of the Saudi Arabian delegation here who lauded the anti-Semitic Tacuara movement of Argentina and proposed that the United Nations "adopt" Tacuara, was sharply reprimanded here by a Chilean diplomat who said, that all Latin Americans reject such racism. The attack was delivered, during the current debate of the Arab refugee issue, in the General Assembly's Special Political Committee by Don Ramon Huidobro, its Chilean representative. Referring to"Mr. Shukairy's Tacuara speech, in which the Saudi Arabian had also called upon all Latin Americans to sup-
;Three blind college students with outstanding academic records, residents of Brooklyn, N.Y., receiving jcholarship check* from the Jewish Brailfc Institute of America. Mrs. Hyman Rotbbart of Bronx, N,Y., President of tha Jewish Braille Review Companion?, «n auxiliary of the Institute, presents a check to Sylvia Kashdan, 20, a student in the City College of New York. Holding their checks are Howard Fink, 19, a student in Brooklya Col!cge,<«si3 Joseph Wiiicfsky, 22, of Brooklyn Law School. "
port Tacuara, Don Ramon told the committee: "I am sure his words do not represent the feelings of the many Arabs who came to Chile Silver candlesticks wrought in Israel we»Q presented by tho and live there as equal citizen.". Jewish Appeal to Harry iS. Truman in recognition ot hia Hence I reject his words. How United (Tie-it acts of statesmanship nnd compassion" while President can he ask for such a thing? We "many of the U.S. "in behalf of tlia aurviyinjt victims of Nazi tyranny." are based on the principles of Tho award, which took place nt tho (JJA.'a 25th Annual Conference freedom. We believe in no rac- Jn New York, was'made by Murray Kcnstcr (rifrht) of Brooklyn, a ism. Under the Lima Charter, concentration camp*survivor who immigrated 1to the U.S. In 1949 all Latin Americans are pledged under tho Truman directive permittinff tlio entr* of 100,000 displaced and who later fouirht, was wounded alid decorated in tha to respect and cherish all re- persons, Korean War. Participating in tho presentation was Joseph Meyerlioff ligions." (center) who was re-elected to his third term as UJA General Chair* dan. The Conference set an overall goal'of $30,000,000 for 1003, of which ?GO,000,000 ia for the Hcgulnr Campaign nnd $36,000,009 New York fo Offer for tho Special Fund to finance Increased immigration coats to Israel,
New York fJTA) — Graduate Biblical Commentary Available in fellowships for the study of the Hebrew language and for the Original Again After Long Lapse Etudy of Hebrew culture and New York <WNS)—A scholar- the Jewish Theological Seminary education will be offered at-New York University for the 10G3-C4 ly coup based in part upon learn- of America, of lib completion academic/year. Available to col- ing, in part upon luck, and in of a definitive edition of a fifth lege graduates, the fellowships part upon the technological century work of biblical comare offered under the National progress of the modern world mentary, The Pcsikta: de RaV Defense Education Act and will was revealed here by Professor Kahana." enable recipients to work for Bernard Mandelbaum, provost of Microfilming, -.which makes the master of arts, doctor of possible the direct comparison philosophy and doctors of eduof manuscript .'fragments,- even' cation degrees. All fellowships when the originals are in geoprovide free tuition at the unigraphically remote -libraries, versity. . was the technological contribution to Professor Mandclbaum'a Fellowships in the Hebrew feat. Luck played a part whert language has been designed for students interested in pursuing • An evening of professional en- an important version of a 5th college teaching careers or en- tertainment has been booked century manuscript, previously tering fields of government serv- for the Yiddish Cultural Series, unidentified, turned up nmonp? ice for which a command of Joseph Radinowski and Mas a batch of photostats ordered Hebrew is required. They pro- Crounse, Co-Chainnen of tho from the manuscript cataloguo vide $2,250 per year, plus $C0O Center's Yiddish Cultural Com- of the Oxford University Library. annually for each dependent, mittee, announced. and may be renewed for a secA3 a result of (his forlunatq The musical comedy, Tlio ond and third year. Fellowships Blacksmith's Daughter by Per- combination of circumstances, for the study of Hebrew culture ctz Hirehbein, will be staged at an important early work of and education are granted for the Center on Sunday evening, biblical commentary will onco three years, with amount? of March 10. Following the musi- more be available to Bibla $2,000 for the first year, $2,200 a tri-Iingual musical revue scholars in its original form, for the second, and $2,400 for cale be Gtaged by the came cast after the lapse of several cen» the third, plus an allowance of will turics. $400 annually for each depend- featuring outstanding star3 from the Yiddish Theatre, Minna ent. Bern, Lilly Liliana, Loon Libgold, Ben Bonus, Shrnulik GoldCANADIAN SYNAGOGUE stein and Pola Kadison. ._ HAS BOTH ANNIVERSARY" Tho Yiddish Cultural ComDaily Jewish Newspapers Montreal (JTA) — T e m p l o mittce, a sub-committee of tho . BAH end lias MJUvah con/rratu. EmanueL the oldest Reform Center Committee headed by lations also cards, for nlf Jew» congregation in Canada, ob- Harry Sidman, nnnually offers lab, holidays and special w cerved its COth anniversary afc a free scries of movies and eneaalona, a service of re-dedicatlex tertainaieat. Meyers Mews Stand, 1S02 Dodga r