JftU 4
VoL XM—No. 15
Publication Office, 101 No. 20Ih Omaha, Nebraska, 1'iiono 342-13C6
Second Class I'oRtnpe paid SinRle Copy 10 Cents nt Omaha,-Neur. Annual Rate 4 Dollar!
Community Invited At Center, 8 P.M. Everyone in the community Is urged to attend the fifty-ninth annual meeting of the Jewish Federation of Omaha, Sunday, January 6, at 8 p.m., at the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Ernest A. Nogg, Federation president, in urging attendance many capacities and held variat the meeting, said, "This will ous responsibilities, including be a meeting of great interest to the post of General Chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies in our entire community. 1955. "In addition to the Cherniack"A special tribute will be paid Chapman Pavilion arid the Mild- to Ernest A. Nogg for his outer Hospital Wing at the Dr. Sher standing record of service," Dr. Home for the Aged, which were Greenberg said. Present officers of the Fedecompleted last year, a new facility, a combination Dining ration are: Ernest A. Nogg, Room and Lounge, was added to the south wing of the Home. Our aged folks benefit from the finest standards of the Homo and receive fuller and more complete service at the Home.
Israel Art Exhibit -Feature at Federation Featuring a display of 170 albums and books depleting Israel art and artists, from a special . collection at tiic Jewish Federation Library. The collection is reputed to be the largest and most comprehensive of Israel Art Albums and Books. It took a quarter of a century to assemble this special Collection which will be shown to the Omaha Jewish community for the first time this Sunday evening at the Federation annual meeting.
"The completion of the construction of the Esther K. Newman Camp will enable us to open it this summer and it will be an excellent camping facility for our children 'as well as the members of our community. "These developments will be , fully presented at this annual meeting," Mr. Nogg said. . Elect New Officers Dr. Abraham G r e e n b e r g , Chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee and his committee: Howard Kaplan, Mrs. Sam Ii. Katzman, Joe M. Rice and Dr. Maurice M. Steinberg, will submit nominations for new officers of the Federation to servo during 1903. "Mr. Nogg, our president, will retire from presidency. For many years he has served in
Rothschild to Finance Israel Educational TV Jerusalem, (JTA)—Against the reported opposition of Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, the Cabinet, at its regular weekly session here, accepted the offer of the Rothschild Trust to finance an educational television project in Israel. Abba Eban, Minister of Education and Cut ture, was'instructed by the Government to present the issue to the Knesset, Parliament. Under the terms of the Cabinet's mandate, the' educational television project will bo conducted experimentally for a period of two or three wears, during which the Ministry of Education will have exclusive jurisdiction over programming and instruction to be transmitted by TV. The construction and maintenance costs will be borne by the Rothschild Trust. After two or three years, the Government is to reconsider the entire issue. If by that time, it is decided to continue educational TV broadcasting here, the television set-up will become part of the Government's responsibility, similar to the Government ownership of the present radio and postal services.
I Memento From Warsaw Presented to Omaha Jewish Community / Hie above Is n photograph of a broken tile found In the rubble of a destroyed synagogue In War* •aw, Poland, It was sent to the Omaha Jewish community by the Warsaw Jewish Central OrganJza» lion ttooogb Bobert Rt FeUbcrg, IWZ Philanthropies Campaign General Chairman, who visited Warw w United Jewish Appeal Survey team last October. This "Memento" will be presented by Mr, Fclnberg to Omaha Jewiy at the Federation annual meeting, Sunday, January 0. -
KBON Radio 1490 Presents "Message of Israel" Sunday, Jan. 6, 10, p.m. Topic "Peace in 1963: The Supremo Quest" Speaker Rabbi Robert E. Goldburg Congregation Mishkan Israel Hamden, Conn.
Ernest A. Nogg president; Arthur H, Goldstein, first vice-president; Milton R. Abrahams, second vice-president; Isadore Chapman, treasurer, and Harry Sidman, secretary. Robert Feinberg to Report Robert M, Feinberg, General Chairman of the 1962 Philan-.
Senior Citizens to Display Art Work At Annual Meeting Members of the Senior Citizens Ceramics Club will have a special display of their accomplishments at the Annual Federation Meeting, Sunday evening. Morris Nachman, instructor, announced that the group will display ashtrays, flower v a s e s, drinking cups and mugs, free form trays and other items. Displaying their ceramic creations are Mrs, Max Crounse, Mrs. Yetta Orenstein, Mrs. Sam Zwerling and Mr. and Mrs, Morris Nachman. thropies Campaign, will present the final campaign report and award Certificates of Merit to his campaign personnel. Mr. Feinberg will also present a memento from the W a t s a w Jewish community to Omaha Jewry. "A Quarter of a Century.1! A brief summary and review of twenty-five years of community progress will be given by Paud Veret, Federation Executive Director. . A social hour will follow tho meeting. Mrs. Harry Sidman, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs and Mr* Jake Wine, Hospitality chaift man; are in charge.
Page Two
Publislied weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August
p f I
Second Class Posloge Paid ct Omaha, Hcbr. Annual Subscription. S4.CQ. Advertising Rales en Applicalion. Publication Ofhcc—101 fJo. ,20th Slice), Omaha, fltDr,, 342-1366.
Religious Services I '
Candlelighting, 4:48 p.m. B'nai Jacob Adas Yesluiron: Friday Mincha, 4:50 p.m.; Saturday morning 8:30, and Mincha 4:50 p.m., followed by Sliolosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 4:50 p.m.
Kadimah Chapter of the Synagogue Youth Organization v/ill conduct services this evening at 8:15 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services iKobolas Shabbos), at 4:50 p.m. Saturday morning Shacharis at 8:45 and Junior Congregation at 10 B.m. Shabbos Mincha at 5 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv. Sunday morning services begin at !) a.m. Junior Minyon starts at 8:30 a.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:05 p.m.
T e m p l e Israel: Alan J. Blotcky, nuclear physicist, will be this month's speaker on the series of discussions on "The Modern Jew in Ethical Society," following Sabbath services. Friday. He will speak on "The Ethics of Atomic Research." Beth El: Sabbath eve services Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will at Beth El Synagogue will begin conduct the regular Sabbath this evening at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi services beginning at 8:15 p.m. Meyer S. Kripke will deliver the The muiscal portions of the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar service will be by Cantor Man- and the Beth El Synagogue fred F. Kuttner and the Temple Choir will render the musical choir under the direction of Miss portions of the service. Ida Gitlin. Traditional Sabbath morning Hebrew classes, adult Hebrew services will begin at 8:30. Famclasses and nursery school will ily service at 10:30 a.m. Minchareconvene beginning Monday, Maariv services will be held at 4:45 p.m. . January 7. Sunday morning services will Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin begin at 9 a.m. Services during Groner and Cantor Emil Berko- the week are held at 7 a.m. and vitz and the members of the 7 p.m.
Soviets '
London (JTAl—The only synagogue in Lvov, capital of Western Ukraine, in the Soviet Union, has been closed down, leaving the 30,000 Jews in that city of nearly a half-million population without a single house of worship, according to a report published here by the Sunday Telegraph. The shutdown, according to the newspaper, was the culmination of a year-long campaign carried on by the Communist press and by authorities at Lvov, . topped by a demand in the Lvov Provda, organ of the local Communist Party, which s t a t e d : "The time has come finally to close the synagogue, which has . b e c o m e a shelter for idlers, speculators, parasites and moneygrabbers." Last spring, the Sunday Telegraph reported, a r t i c l e s appeared in the controlled press of Lvov, linking the synagogue with "economic crimes." Pointing out that the local authorities were making of the Lvov Jews "a scapegoat in the campaign against economic offenses," the newspaper reported that letters from "honest workers" and from "disillusioned believers" were printed in the Lvov press as part of the drive to discredit the synagogue. Later, several members of the synagogue's board of directors were arrested and charged with "profiteering and hooliganism." Finally, the local Pravda print-
Joe Radinowski to New York Meet
ed a slander to the effect that the "synagogue's saints are dividing the profits" allegedly res u i t i n g from their economic crimes. The demand for absolute closure of the house of worship ended the campaign.
Rabbi Jay JCarzen Spiritual Leader afi Bluffs' B'nai Israel Rabbi Jay Karzen, formerly of B'nai Jacobs Synagogue in Ottumwa, la, has assumed his d u t i e s as spiritual leader of B'nai Jsrael Synagogue ol Council B.*jffs Iowa. A former resident of Chicago, 111. he was ordained at the Hebrew Theological College Skokie, 111. The college earlier in the year, presented him with a citation for Torah service. The Rabbi is a member of the Rabbinical Council of America. His wife was a vice-president of the Midwest Region, Woman's Branch, Union of Orthodox Congregations of America. Rabbi and Mrs. Karzen are the parents of two children.
Eichmann ianuscript To Stale Archives Jerusalem, UTA)—A bulky volume comprising many hundreds of pages written by Adolf Eichmann in his prison cell, in the months prior to his conviction and execution in Israel for his role in the murder of 6,000,000 European Jews, has been deposited in the Israel State Archives by order of Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.
Joseph Radinowski, president of the seventh District, Farband Labor Organization, is in New York City where he is attending the 50th anniversary celebration CABINET NAMES of Iho chartering of the Far- ENVOY TO CHICAGO Israel: The Israeli Cabinetband Labor Zionist Order at the named Ya'acov Barmore as Waldorf-Astoria. The organization, on January Consul General in Chicago, 111. 4, opened a three-day National He replaces David Tesher who Planning Conference at which was appointed ambassador to plans are being mapped for the Australia. observance of its anniversary year throughout the nation. In HEBREW OFFERED IN attendance are 100 board mem- ITALIAN SCHOOL bers, representing 40,000 memRome (JTA)—Modern Hebrew bers in some 120 communities. will be offered in a GovernMr. Radinowski plans to visit mental public senior high school' In Camden, N. J- and Philadel- next month as an optional lanphia, Pa. before returning to guage course for the first time in Italian history. -Omaha.
Friday, January i, 10C3
Israeli Ohristlans Spend Christmas ai Beflilefieiii Slirines
BORIS KORNEY Services were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Jerusalem, (JTA)—Some 3,5Oo' Boris Korney, 77, of 349 North Israeli Christians, mostly Arabs, 35 Avenue. Mr. Korney, a recrossed the lines into Jordan tired sign painter, died Decemto observe the Christmas holi- ber 27. He formerly owned the Korday at shrines in the Old City Sign C o m p a n y and was of Jerusalem and to attend mid- ney treasurer of the sign painters night mass Christmas Eve at union for many years. the Church of the Nativity in Surviving are wife, Rose; chilBethlehem. Granted permission dren, Norman and Mrs. Ellato spend 3G hours in Jordan, belle Schloff, Omaha; Leonard, many of them visited relatives. Los Angeles; Charles, Minneapolis, Minn.; nine grandchildren, The crossing was described seven greatgrandchildren and a here as efficient and "good brother. natured" with police on both Burial was in G o l d e n Hill sides cooperating politely and normally across the narrow, un- Cemetery. marred no-man's land. Israel's Religious Affairs Minister Zor- LOUIS II. KATELMAN Council Bluffs—Funeral servach Warhaftig observed the crossing from the Israel side ices were held December 28 in while H. B. Khalidi, Jordan's Council Bluffs for Louis H. KaForeign Ministry liaison officer, telman, 67, with Rabbi Jay Karwatched the operation from the zen of B'nai Israel Synagogue other side. After the crossing, officiating at the mortuary. MiliMr. Khalidi told the press that tary graveside services were this was a "classic example of held at Oak Hill Cemetery. cooperation between Jews and Mr. Katelman operated a Moslems for the b e n e f i t of hardware firm here He was a Christians." former Commander of American Legion Post "No. 2, past president of B'nai B'rith and B'nai Israel Synagogue, former memAll filends and relatives are ber of. Mercer Hospital Board Invited to attend services and of Trustees and a World War I veteran. reception. Surviving are wife, Rose, and MARTIN SIIUKEKT d a u g h t e r , Harriet, Council Martin Shukert, son of Mr. Bluffs; son, B u d d y , Omaha; and Mrs. Nathan Shukert, will brothers, Joe and Sam, Council observe his Bar Mitzvah this Bluffs; Abe and Maurice, Omaevening and Saturday morning ha; Mrs. Abe Bear, Omaha; at the 10:30 service at Beth El - Mrs. Jules Wail, Los Angeles, Synagogue. Calif., and a granddaughter. MICHAEL MILLER The Bar Mitzvah of Michael Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller will be celebrated on Saturday morning, January 5 at 8:45 a.m. at Beth Israel Synagogue. STEPHEN SIMONS The Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Simons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Simons will be celebrated on Saturday morning, January 12 at 8:45 a.m. at Beth Israel Synagogue.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton C. Rochman of Peoria, 111. announce the birth of a son, Richard Elliott on December 19. The couple have another son, Randall Irwin. Mr. Rochman is a former Omanan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosenberg of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kochman. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Passer announce the birth of a son, Brent Jay, on December 23 Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Passer of Council Bluffs, la., and Mrs. and Mrs. Eli Jabenis. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mays of Kansas City, Mo., and Morris Passer. A son, Daniel Blair, was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. Steinberg of San Francisco, Cal. The maternal grandfather is Joseph Radinowski.
MRS. EVA I'OLIKOV Mrs. Eva Polikov, wife of the late Benjamin Polokov, died December 31. Services were held Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Home with burial in Golden Hill Cemetery. Surviving are son, Abe, daughters, Mrs. Sam M. Kutler, Omaha; Mrs. Phil S i p o r i n , Los Angeles; s i s t e r , Mrs. Morris Weiner, Omaha; eight grandchildren, two great grandchildren. MRS. IDA HIMELSTEIN News has been received hero from Los Angeles, Cal., of tho death of Mrs. Ida Himelstein, former Omahan, whose funeral was held- Wednesday in Los Angeles, Cal. Surviving are husband, Louis and children, Milton and Manuel Himelstein, Martha Hitler and four grandchildren. MRS. MOLLIE P1TLOR Mrs. Mollie Pitlor, 01, of 4823 Capitol Avenue, died January 1 in a hospital. Surviving are husband, Nathan, six children, Robert, Lincoln; Joel, Buffalo, N. Y., Norman, Omaha; Mrs. Robert Kaplan, Mrs. Joe Bloom, and Mrs. Ted Bloch, all of Chicago; brother, Ruben Brown, Council Bluffs, la. Funeral was held January 2 at the Jewish Funeral Home with buriyl in Golden Hill Cemetery. ' MRS. MARGARET HANDLER Mrs. Margaret Handler, 54, 4103 North 55 Avenue, died December 24, Funeral services were held December 20 at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Ben Rifkin, Mrs. Emil Renn, Omaha and Mrs. Bruce Imes, California.
MRS. EVA WOSKOFF Mrs. Eva Woskoff, 79, resident of Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged,, died December 27. She lived in Omaha more than 20 years. Survivors, daughters, Mrs. Nate Sterling, Sioux City, la.; Mrs. Sam Levine, Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. H a r r y Schulman, Omaha and son, Walter Woskoff, Omaha, 11 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Services were held December 28 at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was in Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery.
FOR SALE Two 3-Bedroom Homes Built-in Electric Applioncci Central Air Conditioning
MRS. ANNA BLUMENTHAL Mrs. Anna Blumenthal, 8G of 4414 Parker Street, died Monday in a local hospital after a long illness. She was the widow of David Blumenthal, Omaha grocer for SO years. Mrs. BIumenthal lived in O m a h a 08 years. Surviving are daughters, Mrs. J. J. Friedman, Mrs. George Lavine, Mrs. Elmer Gross, Omaha; Mrs. E s t h e r N e m e r , Los Angeles, Cal. and a son, Joe of Los Angeles, five grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
6007 Franklin 6011 Franklin 6005 Seward—SOLD By Builder
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Daily Jewish Newspapers BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also cards, for all Jewish holidays and special occasions, Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
High School Built Jerusalem—<WNS) A new Hebrew University high school, constructed here with a contribution of $500,000 by the National Council of Jewish Women, was designed to serve as teacher training unit for the John Dewey School of Education at the university. The high school, expected to play a major role in Israel's efforts to strengthen secondary education, will a c c o r a o d a t o some 1,000 students, The threebuilding project was built at a co$t of $833,000, toward which the Council contributed $500,000,
Services were held Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Home with burial in Golden Hill Cemetery.
HUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
OMAHA'S LEADING . Kosher Meat Market & Delicatessen 551-5554
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Friday, January I, ]flf>3
JPage T h r e *
Sharon Bernstein Becomes Bride of Stanley D. Cohen
Bonnie Fisk Is Betrothed
Miss Brookstein and Milton Kafskee to Marry in June
Miss Sharon Lee Bernstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iz Bernstein became the bride of Stanley D. Cohen, Sunday noon, in a ceremony performed at Beth El Synagogue by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Rabbi Mau-
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fisk announce the engagement of their daughter, Bonnie, to Laurence Jay Hayden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hayden of Oakland, Calif. Mr. Hayden is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, where Miss Fisk is now a sophomore student. An early summer wedding is planned.
Miss Judith Ann Brookstein and Milton Allen Katskee will be married in June in Beth Israel Synagogue. Their engagement was recently announced by Mr. and Mrs. Irving R. Brookstein, parents of the brideto-be. Miss Brookstein attended the University of Texas at Austin, where she was a member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority, and is presently enrolled at the University of Omaha, where she is affiliated with Kappa Delta Pi, honorary education society. She was named last week to the
Mrs. Stanley Cohen
rice Pomerantz, the latter of Lincoln. The bride was attired in a gown of slipper satin and carried a Bible covered with an orchid and stephanotis. Her sister, Mrs. Albert Feldman was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Kerry Goldberg of Kansas City, Mo. and Miss Marcia Cohen, of Lincoln, sister of the groom. They wore American beauty red dresses. Lori Feldnian served as flower girl. The groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen of Lincoln, had as best man, his brother, Lieut. Meyer Cohen of San Francisco, Cal. Ushers were Donald Novicoff, Peter Sommerhauser, Pro Sherman and Howard Martin of Lincoln. The bride's mother was attired in royal blue and the groom's mother in pink. The couple left for Kansas City, following a brunch at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. They will live in Lincoln where Mr. Cohen will resume his studies at the University of Nebraska. They will make their home at 344 South Twenty-Sixth Street, there.
Omahans in News Women's Slimnasties Jay Chernlaclc, president of the American Acceptance Cor- Glass Opens Monday, poration, has been re-elected to the board of directors of the 10 A.M., Beth Israel American Finance Conference. Harry Trustin received tho Department of the Army's Patriotic Civilian Service Award at the annual meeting of the Nebraska-Iowa Council of tho Mississippi River Association. Mr Trustin is a former president of the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Dr. Milton Simons was elected to active membership in the Omaha Midwest Clinical Society. Jack B, Orucli, graduate student at Indiana University, is among the 19 post-graduate students given dissertation fellowships by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. The award will give the recipient financial independence while completing requirements for a doctoral degree. Oruch is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oruch.
Over fifteen women have already signed up for the special ladies slimnasties sessions jointly sponsored by the Jewish Community Center and Beth Israel Synagogue Sisterhood, stated Mrs. Gilbert Aronoff this week, The sessions, open to all in the comunity, feature exercises to trim and condition the female form. The first in the series will be conducted at the synagogue this Monday at 10 a.m. Women interested in the series may register in advance -or attend the initial session. Participants are requested to wear attire suitable to the activity. This series, another activity for adult women in the community, is designed to improve general health, to improve the figures while developing a high degree of personal fitness. Patronize Our Advertisers
MILLION DOLLAR GIFT •: NEW YORK <WNS)—A onemillion-dollar gift from the Gustav Wurzweiler Foundation was presented here to Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of Yelshiva University, to develop the nation's first school of social work under Jewish auspices. ; To our many friends: Our Sincere appreciation for your kind expressions of sympathy in our recent bereavement, Our lhanlis for tho many thoughtful donations to funds In tho name of our son, Lester Friedman. Mr. and Mrs. David Friedman and Family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lichtcrman of Beverly Hills, Cal., announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan Gay to Alan Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cohen of Denver, Colo, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen of Omaha. The Robert Cohens formerly lived in Beverly Hills and previously in Lincoln, Nebr. Their son and his fiancee attend the University of California at Berkeley. Miss Lichterman studied at UCLA where she was a class ^officer during both her freshman and sophomore year. She is a member of Spurs and is affiliated with Delta Phi. EpsiIon. Mr, Cohen, an honor student at Berkeley, is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. The couple plans to be married at Temple Emmanuel at Beverly Hills on August 18. AMERICAN TECHNION SOCIETY'S ELECTS New York, (JTA) B. Sumner Gruzen, well-known architect and designer, has been elected national president of the American Technion Society.
Wins Regional Title Marilyn Breslow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Breslow of Lincoln, Nebr., was n a m e d Regional Sweetheart at the recently concluded BBYO Convention staged in Des Moines. Marilyn is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs Nathan Yaffe. Jerusalem, (JTA)—A total of 1,100 Israeli families, mostly native-born Israelis and veteran settlers, left towns for villages during the past year under a scheme to direct manpower to the development areas.
A group of young Omahans are taking steps to form a new B'nai B'rith lodge, it was announced by a steering committee composed of Peter Brodkey, Harry Falk, Av Greenberg, Milt Katelman, Sid Osten, Mike Platt, Norman Pred, Dr. Larry Roffman and Mendel Weinman. The new organization, as yet unnamed, has a quota of 50 men, not now members of B'nai B'rith, to be met by February 1. Any member of the steering committee may be contacted for further information. The group anticipates having wives of members play an active role in its programs, with an accent on husband-wife teamwork, its organizers said.
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Youth Council Roster Ready The 19G2C3 Jewish Youth Council Hoster is on sale this Friday in the Youth Council Activities office, Jewish Community Center, it was announced by the chairmen engaged in its preparation: Michelle Aronoff, Janis Meiches, Richard Diamond and Mel Cohen. The roster includes the complete BBYO roll of Lincoln, Nebr., as well as the entire membership of the O m a h a Youth Council. Copies may be obtained by high schoolers, and any college fraternity or sorority by stopping in the Youth office or by mailing 50 cents to the Center.
S. OoSieeis' Orandson Will Wed Gaiifornlan
Corinthian Society, an organization which honors outstanding scholastic achievement. She plans to teach elementary education beginning in January. Mr. Katskee, the son of Mr. and Mrs. David W. Katskee, recently entered the Creighton University School of Law after completing three years of undergraduate work there.
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Page four
office or Mrs. Ida Hess, Pioneer Women's Child Kescue Dinner 7581. The Pioneer Women's Organi* • * zation will hold its annual Child Council Fashion Show Rescue Fund Dinner, Sunday, The Omaha Section, National January 13, at 6 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, it Council of Jewish Women, is was announced by Mrs. Milton planning its annual donor dessert luncheon and fashion show Nearenberg, president. Mrs. Charles Guss will be for January 15 at 12:30 p.m. at toastmistress. Dinner Chairmen The Crossroads auditorium. The are Mmes. Dave Epstein and show is entitled "How to SucHarry Shrago. Their committee ceed at Fashion Without Really includes Mmes. Isadore Forbes, Trying." Clothes will be from J. H. I. Fried, Rose Schwartz, Sam Brandeis stores. Riclirnan, Sara Okun and Jack L.The 5N0.V girls ore: /.'imes. Barney HoLincoln. bennsn, Marvin Oirnstfrcy, Irvin Kalnion, Santera" Brcphy, William Fltikle, Yale Rich* * * ards. end Stanley Silvcrmfin. //.cdcls will be /.'mes. William Uohrman, Bernard AltCouncil Entertains m:m Matin, HorrJd Farbcr, Cdward LevinVisually IIaudicapi>ed son, Louis Blumkln, Aitriur Atl'.c.r, Merman Bordv, /v'.aurice Frank, Morris Kooni. MarThirty children from the Chil- tin 5!acn^e!g, Rtctiord Gtorcr, Som Goodman, Ernc:t A. Ncgcj. Pltlllp Sdirouer, and dren's Sight Center and the Ne- Williirn " The musical fashion braska School for the Visually shew Is Radullnrr. hcinq tftrccted by, and original lyrics were written by A'rs. Morris Shapiro, Handicapped, were guests De- //rs. Russell Dlumenttiat Is pianist. Stage are by //.mes. Kerry Lincoln cember 27 at the annual party decorations ond Jo? Llnccln. Tlie stcce crew contists given for them by The National of /.'itmj. Norman Lincoln and //lax Wolfson. Council of Jewish Women, Oma» * • ha Section. Beth Israel Young The children were treated to Couples Party bowling, lunch, entertainment The Beth Israel Young Couand gifts. Mrs. Max Wolfson ples Club will sponsor a "Roarwas in charge. ing Twenties" p a r t y at the Her committee consisted of Mmes. Irvln Londow, Leonard Luttberp. Phil SoVol'jf, synagogue on Saturday, JanuShtff Kotskco, Irvln Kalman, Owen Myerary 19, at 9 p.m. The evening soti. Robert Levine end Justin Manvltr, Assisting were Misses Jeanlne Lojictow, of entertainment will include a Laurie , Luttbea, Keren Sokolof, Dctte find Barbara Katskee and suscn Levlne. The "sing-along" and a midnight plris from Edlar Sorority also helped wilt) supper. The children. * * * The committee in charge inBoard Meeting cludes Dr. and Mrs. James Wax, The National Council of Jew- refreshments; Mr. and Mrs. Irish Women, Omaha Section, will ving Babendir, decorations; Dr. hold a board meeting, on Janu- and Mrs. Maurice Schwartz and ary 10, Thursday, at 1 p.m. at Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gilinsky, the home of Mrs. Sidney Brooks. publicity. Mrs. Wax will he acCo-hostess is Mrs. Morton . Soi- companist for "the sin,j." ref. A dessert luncheon will be served •
IScth Israel Sisterhood to Have Guest Speaker Mrs. Dory Passolt will be the guest speaker at the Tuesday, January 8 meeting of Beth Israel Sisterhood. She will talk on •'You, and the Impression You Create," following a 12:30 p.m. luncheon. Mrs. Passolt conducts a selfimprovement course in the adult education program of the Omaha Public School system, entitled "Best F o o t Forward." She has been associated with modeling studios as charm director. •
"What Is Torah?" Beth £1 Cantata "What Is Torah?" is the cantata to be presented by the Beth El Sisterhood Choral Group under the direction of Cantor Aaron I. Edgar at a luncheon meeting on Tuesday, January 8, at 12:30 p m at the synagogue. Mrs. A. C. Fellman will be* accompanist. Narrators will be Mmes. Ervin Simon and Jerry Bernstein.
Sid Sonuncrs VARSITY BASKETBALL Lipsey also helped the winners with 11 tallies in the 7th and LEAGUE In a close and hard fought Cth grade midget league. John contest Milder Oil edged Mick- Horwich hit for 9 points for lin Lumber 70 to G7 last Wednes- Fireside. Jeff Cooper and John Whitday. Hay Kirke, Joel Davis and Lindy Paul all hit for double fig- man scored 19 points each to ures for the winners, scoring lead their Mogcn-David team to 27, 20 and 15 points respectively. a 4!! to 22 victory over Kaiman. In the 5th and Cth grade Hay Katskee took scoring honleague, Steve Epstein and Steve ors for Micklin with 16 marks. In the other game, played, Nogg scored 8 and 7 points releague leading R.C. Cola defeat- spectively to lead I-Go-Van to ed Kenron 51 to 40. Al Konecky 21 to 15 win over Tr.etiak. David led R.C. with 15 tallies and Ed KaU pumped in 15 tallies to Belgrade pumped in 2G points' lead his undefeated Nebraska team to a 24 to 9 win over Adler for the losers. Bakery. RAVIM VS. RONU FOR Y. C. LEAD Jewish Youth Council defending champions Honu AZA meets Rayim this Sunday at 11 a.m. Sao Paulo, Brazil, (JTA)— Both teams come into the game Assis Chauteaubriand, one of with identical 4 and 0 records. Last week in the closest game Brazil's wealthiest men, donated played Weizmann edged AZA 100 a 2,471 acre tract of land to 27 to 24. All players contributed the State of Israel, naming the area "Nova Israel" (New Isto their teams' effort. Bill Kutler and Bill Ginsburg rael), and requesting that the each scored 19 points in their land be used for "transplanting Ray-im victory over Lincoln to B r a z i l Israel's successful agricultural experiments" by AZA 55 to 47. After being held to a 14-14 tie founding a settlement on the at the end of the first quarter, land. Mr. Chateaubriand, former Ronu came back strong to defeat AZA No. 1, 62 to 45. diet Brazilian Ambassador to LonStoler was top scorer for Ronu don, one of the largest landownwith 13 marks. Dan Katskee led ers in this country and the prothe losers with 27 marks. prietor of a number of newspapers, radio and television stations, announced his gift in a MIDGET LEAGUE Jerry Raznick's 15 marks' led letter to Aryeh Eshel, Israel the Cappy's Chargers to a 34 to Ambassador here. Mr. Eshel, thanking'the mag31 victory over Fireside. Bob nate, said he- would turn the land over to "the Brazilian people." He informed Mr. Chateaubriand that Israel would be happy to provide experienced technical aid to help develop agrotechnical experimentation at "Nova Israel." "Because such an offer of land to an embassy is without precedent, it is not Washington (WNS)—President eliminated Arab reaction." Is- yet known in whose name the Nasser of the United Arab Re- rael, he declared, is "in a state deed will be registered. public, according to the text of of anxiety" over the Yemen revan address he recently deliv- olution in Yemen "because the ered, considers victory in Ye- Yemeni revolution opposes Zimen a step toward the destruc- onism, imperialism and reaction of Israel. tionary goals." Declaring that the "liberation In the meantime it was indiof Israel is a step along the cated here that the United States path of eliminating .Zionism," had recently informed Syria that President Nasser recalled that it would consider any Arab aphe once predicted "we could plication for the purchase of the liberate the usurped land of type of Hawk missiles that the Palestine after we organized United States had agreed to sell our home front and after we to Israel. SAM NISI HAS I 1 -!
Nasser Claims—
WRITING AWARD Betsy Raskin, Westside High school student, has for the second time, won The World-Herald's Opportunity for Writers contest. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Raskin. YOUNG JUDEA CLURS The sixth and seventh grado Young Judca clubs will meet at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday, January G, at 2 p.m. Plans for a bake sale will be discussed. AZA 100 ELECTS New officers of AZA No. 100 arc Shelly Perelman, president; Joe Erman, vice-president; Stevo Katz,, secretary; Randy Engel, treasurer; Tom Rosen and Jolin Robinson, sergeants-at-arms. New committee h e a d s aro Keith Levine, dance and Slevo Lewis, publicity. AZA No. 1 HAS NEW OFFICERS Mother Chapter A. Z. A. Number One of Omaha, recently elected the following new officers: Harry Friedman, president; Mel Cohen, vice-president; Neil Simon, secretary; Barry Lewis, treasurer; Bill Alloy and Marshall Lewis,•Arms and Stuart Frohm and Charles Kurtzman, editors. FIRST STAGE, WATER WATER PROJECT BY '64 Jerusalem, (JTA) — The first stage, of Israel's national water project which will divert water from the Jordan River to tho Negev will be completed during 19G4, the Ministry of Financo announced. The total cost of tho first stage, acording to the announcement, will be more than $100,000,000.
1914 Fornom
Those participating In the Choral Group ore Wmes. Hymon Delman, Morris Brick, Irvln Chudacoff, Bernard Gotdstrom, Max Loshlnsky, Stanford Llpsey, Phil Katzman, Sam Newman, Nalhon L. Hoaa, Robert Schiller, Sidney Schworti, Serena Walilbaum, Alan V/olfson and I. B. Zlegman. Torch Fond co-chairmen, Mrs. M. A. Bercovlcl ond Mrs. Mormon Pred, have announced that ell Torah Fund contributor* to date will be honored at the meeting: The luncheon will be catered by Umtt. Max Lashlnsky. circle coordinator, assisted by Mmes. Harry Collck, Sam Diamond, Irving Forbes, Sam Geifman, Abe Marcus, Morris Raznlck, Dave Rciss, Morris Roltjteln.
A brief Devar Torah message will be delivered by Rabbi Myer Kripke and Mrs. Sam Wolf will lead the Birkat Hamozon. Telephone reservations are being taken by Mmes. Lou Lewis and Isaac Dloogoff. Sitter service will be provided. Prior to the meeting, the board will convene at 10:30 a.m. » * • Temple Program Features Music by Cantor Kuttner The musical program to be presented by Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner at the Temple Israel Sisterhood luncheon meeting, Tuesday, January 8, will include selections on the violin and viola as well as vocal. The Cantor's recital will range from songs of ancient Jewish lore to music of modern Jewish life. Reservations for the 1 pjn. luncheon at the Temple may be made by calling the Temple
Friday, January 4, 1BG3
COCKTAIL LOUNGE Featuring Wonderful, Chinoso Food and American Dishoi Also Soa Food Our
(NOW OPEN) Wall Street window display of Torahs attracts oUcntlon.
John Kaltna PHOTOGRAPHER 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET 345-1044
A 400-year-old Torah from Yemen and other Torah scrolls from ancient Jewish communities in the Middle East are currently on display in the street level windows of Wall Street Bank Leumi le-Israel, in New York City, where the unusual exhibit is attracting large numbers of interested spectators. Following a tradition to display ceremonial and other objects of Jewish interest on tho occasion of the Jewish holidays, Bank Leumi has been showing
the scrolls since the beginning of the Hanukkah festival Some of the scrolls are contained in exquisitely hand ornamented silver covers.. They originated in communities of Iraq, Yemen, Iran and Morocco. Jerusalem (JTA) — The first monarch to visit Israel, King Mwambusta IV of Burundi, was greeted this week by M a y o r Mordecai Ish-Shalom, of Jerusalem with the traditional Jewish bread and salt on a silver plate.
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