Vol. X U - N o . 18
o™ b KXS5llE l >jlle K 3i!MlM6
Second CIURK Posture Paid Single Copy 10 Cents al Oinuha, Nebr. Annual Kate 4 Dollar*
:$fl ' Hero Guesi" ^deration Board
(Back row, left (o right) Mmcs. Dave Cohn, Henry A. Newman, Alexander D. Frank, Morris Grossman, Albert B. Newman, Joseph Guss, Hubert Sommer, Ernest A. Nogg, all past cliairmen; Mrs. A. C, Fcllman, second vice-chairman of Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs; Mrs. Harold Zclinslty, arrangements chairman and Miss Kalali Franklin, executive secretary for the w o m e n ' s group. (Seated) Mines. Marlon Somberg, Julius Katzman, co-chairmen; Mrs. M. H. Brodkey, chairman; Mrs. Fred Brodkey, co-chairman; Mrs. Harry Sidman, Women's Federation president; Mrs. Herbert Rapoport, decorations chairman and Mrs. Edwin E. Brodkey, past chairman—members of the 19G3 steering committee of the Women's Division of the Jewish I'liUauUironics Campaign who met Monday at the home of the chairman.
Women's Steering Committee Prepares for 1963 Campaign The steering; committee meeting of the Women's Division of the Philanthropies Campaign buzzed with activity last Monday, as decisions, big and small, were settled, special appointments were announced and discussion of important events claimed attention. The scene followed a coffee at the home of Mrs. M. H. Erodkey, General Women's Division chairman, where tbe foundation
Be flade a! Center For Gamp's Posts College students and Jewish Community graduates may now apply for summer positions in the Center sponsored Day Camp and the Federation operated new camp, Esther K. Newman, it was announced this week. Application forms arc available from the Center's Camp Office. High school seniors who will graduate in June, are also invited to apply for Junior Counselors' openings. Also offered by the Center, is an eight session course for high school students interested in s u m m e r camp posts. The course is open to those who will be graduating high school this June or v;ho are now sophomores and juniors. Known as the CIT (counselor in training) course, it will cover an understanding of children; program skills; group process and camping. The course, limited in registration, is the first effort in a planned program in increased camp training in the Omaha area. KBON Radio 1430 Presents "Message of Israel" Sun. Jan. 27 at 10 p.m. Speaker: Rabbi Abraham J, Fcldman Congregation Beth Israel Hartford, Conn. Topic: "Is Then? Really a Jewish Way of Life?"
for the women's activities was laid. Steering Committee Members of the steering committee include, in addition to Mrs. Brodkey, her co-chairmen, Mmes. Fred Brodkey, Julius Katzman, Arthur Kulakofsky, and Mrs. Marlon Somberg; Mrs. Harry Sidman, and Mrs. Abe C. Fellman, respective president and second vice-president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Past Presidents Another segment of the group are the past presidents, Mmes: Edward E, Brodkey, Edwin E. Brodkey, Dave Cohn, Alexander D. Frank, Mike Freeman, David Greenbcrg, Joe J. Greenberg, Morris Grossman, Joseph Guss, Morris Katleman, Sam L. Katzman, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Louis Kulakofsky, Albert B. Newman, Henry A. Newman, Ernest A. Nogg, Aaron Hips, David Sherman, Hubert Sotnncr, and Harry Trustin. Appointments Mrs. Harold Zelinsky was named chairman of the arrangement committee with Mrs.
Nathan Kaplan, as her co-chairman. Mrs. Brodkey announced the appointment of Mrs. Herbert M. Jlapoport as decorations chairman. She also said plans would be made for a worker's meeting on Monday, April 1 and for the Big Meeting on April 30.
Will Feature Panel "The Panel of Americans" will be featured on the program of the Golden Age Club luncheon meeting, Moinday, January 28 at 12 noon at the Jewish Community Center. The panel will be moderated by Mrs. Louis Blumkin and will include Mmes. James Dodson, Ervin Sherman, Claude Organ and Roger Duhnke. Mmes. J. Milton Margolin and Louis Cutler are co-chairmen of the Golden Age Group which is sponsored by the Jewish Federation and the National Council of Jewish Women.
Omahans to Capito For ADL's Birthday Five Omahans will join hundreds of other delegates from all parts of the country, at the National Commission meeting of B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League and the opening event of its year-long fiftieth anniversary observance in Washington, D. C, from January 30 to February 3. The Omaha delegation will include Millard R o s e n b e r g , Omaha ADL Committee chairman; Dr. Abo Grcenberg, National Commission member;; Edward Rosen, National Community Services Committee member; Richard M. Fellman National Civil Rights Committee member; and Ted S e n n e 11, Plains States Regional Director.
In addition to sessions on matters of concern to the American Jewish community, two special events will highlight the meeting: A "Dinner with the President" T h u r s d a y , January 31, when John F. Kennedy will be presented with the America's Democratic Legacy Award. An hour-long p r o g r a m of American music on the theme of the nation's progress toward democracy, telecast nationally over the CBS network, from 9 to 10 p.m. January 31, will be c a r r i e d locally over WOW, Channel G. The Plains States Office of the ADL was established in Omaha in 1950. , .'......
Colonel Yosef Nevo, one of r Israel's outstanding military leaders, and Military Commander of the Jerusalem District, will be the guest of . the Boai'd of Governors of , the Jewish Federation at its meeting S u n d a y morning, January 27, at 10:15 a.m., at the Jewish Community Center, Arthur H. Goldstein, F e d e r a t i o n president, announced. At this meeting, there will also be an election of five members to the Executive Committee of the Federation. Several other matters will also be discussed, Mr. Goldstein said. Born in Cliatlanooga Colonel Nevo, who will be Colonel Yost'f N e v o the guest of honor at the meeting, was born in Chatta- the ago of three by his parnooga, Tenri., in 1919. He ents who settled there as was brought to Palestine at pioneers, and helped found the city of Herzlia. The c o l o n e l f o u g h t throughout the War of Indepedence, as commander of the Northern Front, and was second in command to Gen. The newest activit, to be of- Moshe Dayan in the defense fered by the Jewish Community of Jerusalem. Past Ne»v York Consul Center to the youth of this com' munity, will be the formation From 1949 to 1954, Coloof a dance band. Organization nel Nevo served as Israel's will be under the directior of Senior- Consul in New York Charles Herzen, Creighton Uni- City and Canada. He then versity medical student. All junior and senior high became Chief of Planning of school students who have played Israel's Army, later Coma musical instrument for one mander of the Negev Area, year or more are eligible for and currently is Commander membership and are invited to of the Jerusalem Defense ' , contact the Center's Youth Ac- Area. tivities Department, 342-13G6. In urging attendance at The band particularly needs the meeting, Mr. Goldstein, players of trumpets, trombones, Federation president, pointed saxaphones, clarinets, guitars, out that we may expect a bass violas, drums and piano. Those playing band instruments, very informative and "off other than those mentioned, are the record" talk bearing on important current problems, asked to call the Center, also. in which all of us are very much concerned.
Gfaance for Musicians To Form Dance Band; Gall Youth Activities
Power for Egypt, Food for Israel
Washington—Israel has been allocated $8,820,000 for the purchase of wheat and corn from the United States surplus agricultural commodities under the Department o f agricultures "Food for Peace" program. Egypt has been given a $30,000,000 loan by the U.S. foreign aid organization to finance the construction of a power plant near Cairo.
One Week Left to Enter Art Contest Students have one more week to enter their work in the annual Jewish Youth Art contest conducted by the* Jewish Community Center, stated Harry Sidman, Center C o m m i t t e e Chairman. Mr. Sidman said that 200 entries are expected. There will be no entrance fee for the event which is designed to recognize the abilities and talents of Jewish students. The entries will be exhibited on February 9 at the Center. The contest open to grade school, junior high and high school students, features prizes and awards for boys and girls divisions at different grade levels.
Stamp Club to Meet The Jewish Community Center Junior Stamp Club will meet Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in room 30 at. the Center... .-.". . . . . , .
Pad ¥@rei on ZOA lational Committee New York (Zins)—Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of .Omaha, was named to the ZOA National Committee on program and Education, headed by Prof. David Rudavsky of New York University. The committee, composed of eminent scholars and educators also includes Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan, Prof. Horace U. Kallen, Dr. Eisig Silberschlag, Dr. Samuel Dinin, Dr, Abraham Duker, Dr. Abraham Franzblau, Dr. Sylvan H.. Kohn, Dr. Raphael Patai, Rabbi Chaim Chanover, Dr. Judah Pilch, Rabbi Edward Neufeld and Judah Lapson. The ZOA committee is to implement a nationwide program for the promotion of Jewish culture, the fostering of Hebrew studies in high schools and colleges and the sponsorship of leadership courses.
Hajor Ktibliy Speaks Before Youth Council Major Robert S. Kubby of the U.S. Army Corps of engineers, will be the first speaker on the Jewish Youth Council speakers' series. He will appear before the organization, Sunday, January 27 at 3:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The community is invited to'attend..
Bar and Bas Milzvah Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second wcelt In July. Second Class Posfage Paid ot Omaha, Uebr. . ' Annual Subscription, W.CQ. Advertising Rates en Application. Publication Office—101 tto. 30m Street, Omaha, tiabr., Z42\2l&,
Friday, Jan. 25, 19(33
A Scene at the Wrestling Class
AH friends and relatives are invited (o attend services an-' reception. IilCIIAKD ABUAMSON Richard Abramson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Abramson, will become Bar Milzvah, Saturday morning, February 2, at Temple Israel.
M B Religious Services CL..Z1 SHAM RUBACK
Candlvlighting, 5:11 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath evening services at 8:15 p.m., Friday. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will officiate with Youth Group members participating. Musical portions of the service will be by Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and the Temple choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin.
Sabbath t h e m e is "Eternal Judaism." Richard Speiglman will lead a Youth Group panel discussion after the service. The group also will bo hosts at an Oneg Shabbat. Adult Hebrew Class m e e t s January 28. at Temple Israel, 7:30 p.m.
Shari Ruback, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ruback, will observe her Bas Mitzvah on Saturday, January 26 at the 10:30 a.m. service at Beth El Synagogue.
Deaths Philanthropist Dies; Well-KnoviEi Here
Belli Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Emil Berkovits and members of the J u n i o r Class of the Talmud Torah will conduct services this Friday, 8:15 p.m. Traditional F r i d a y evening services, 'Kobolas Shubbos) at 5:15 p.m. Saturday Shacharis at 8:45 a.m. Jr. Congregation at 10 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at 5:20 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Junior Minyon at 8:30 a.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5:25 p.m.
7:30 Kenrori vs. Micklin. 8:30 Milder vs. R. C. Cola.
Rene Fribourg, a founder and Chairman of the Board of Continental Grain Company with a branch office in Omaha, one of the largest grain companies in the world, passed away on Saturday morning, January 19, in New York City, after a brief illness. Surviving him is his wife Leah Fribourg. His nephew, Michel Fribourg, is the President of the Company. The late Rene Fribourg was prominent in Franco-American relations and was an officer of the French Legion of Honor. He was a well-known art collector and donated works of art to various museums. He was very much interested in refugee problems, and he and the firm have been substantial contributors to the Omaha Jewish Philanthropies as well as in other communities for many years. WALTER JACOBSON "Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Beth El synagogue for Walter Jacobson, 55, of 705 Sunset Trail, who died Sunday. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Mr.. Jacobson, a native Omahan, was the founder and owner of United. Auto Supply, 2OG0 Farnam Street. Survivors: wife, Edith; son, Richard; sisters, Mrs. Henrietta Elikan, Mrs. Louis Sokolof, Mrs. Henry Baskin, all of Omaha;.Mrs. Nathan Kraft, Kansas City, Mo.; brothers, Jack, of Omaha, and Paul of Dallas, Tex.
Hoi Dogs
. B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron: Friday Mincha, 5 p.m.; Saturday morning 8:30, and Mincha 4:50 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Max Stoller wishes to thank all his friends and relatives for the many cards of good wishes and flowers lie received and for the many contributions to charitable organizations given hi his .name, during his illncs.
Schedules Jan. 27 YOUTH COUNCIL 10 a.m. AZA No. 100 vs. Rayim, 11 a.m. Weizmann vs. Ronu. 12 p.m. Lincoln vs. AZA No. 1. FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE 2:15 p.m. I-Go-Van vs. Nebraska. 3 p.m. Treliak vs. Adler. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADES 4 p.m. Mogen-David vs. Cappy's. 5 p.m. Borsheim vs. Fireside.
Suitcase Theatre To Perform in la. The Center sponsored Suitcase Theatre Traveling Group performs at the Glenwood State School in Glenwood, Iowa on Friday, January 25. Included in the program are a one act play by the theatre group and a number of variety acts by members of the troup. These making the trip are: Susan Gerber, Janice Itkin, Majarie Siref, Harold Schneider, Donald Swartz, Ross Sennett, Jerry Faier, Fred Weiner, and director of the group, Burton Gitles. Max Slutsky Irishes to thank all his friends and relatives for the many flowers and cards of good wishes he received and for the many contributions given (o charitable organizations in his name during his recent illness. M a n n y Simon wishes to thank his r e l a t i v e s and friends for all (he flowers and cards he received, and for all the donations given to organizations in Ids name, during his illness.
Salami Lb.
Swiss Oheese Lb.
Fleishman's Pickles Jar
Mama's Cookies 4 Pkgs.
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We Deliver
Beth El: Sabbath e v e n i n g services at 8:15 p.m. this Friday. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will deliver the sermon, Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the mushical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30. Family service at 10:30 a.m. MinchaMaariv services at 5:15 p.m. S u n d a y services at 9 a.m. Services during the week at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
VARSITY Schedule Jan. 30
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Daily Jewish Newspapers BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also cards, for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Atlantic Monthly, 8 months §2.84. Esquire, 20 months $5.00. Fortune, 18 months $11.75. Holiday, 15 months $3.75. Ladies Home Journal, 40 Issues $6.00 Life, 70 Issues $7.00, Look, 40 issues $4.00, Newsweek, 40 issues $3.67. Sports Illustrated, 65 weeks $6.87. Elsie Horwlch 551-3957 or 341-91C8
A demonstration of a wrestling talcc-down by a student and wrestling instructor, Jim Howard, Central High wrestling coach at the regular Sunday wrestling class at the Jewish Conimunity Center.
Handball Tourney Begins February 13 The Jewish Community Center will sponsor a man's double handball ladder tournament beginning Monday, February 18. The new three months tournament is expected to attract many new participants along with the veteran players. All men interested in this competition are asked to call Sid Sommers, Center Athletic director, 342-136G.
Gymnastics for Orade Schoolers Start Soon The Jewish Community Center, soon, will begin its annual gymnastics program for grade school boys and girls. Although a definite date and time has not been announced the class will be held after school again under the direction of Dan Fogel, former University of Nebraska Gymnastic star. The Center health and physical education office should be contacted for registration.
Ohicago Lawyer §n Line for UN Post Washington (WNS>—Sidney R. Yates, Chicago Jewish lawyer and communal figure, is in line for appointment as U.S. representative to the U.N. Trusteeship Council. White House sources said the appointee would have the rank of Ambassador. An influentional member of the Democratic Party, Yates was elected from the 9th Congressional District of Illinois in 1948 and was re-elected to six succeeding terms. Last year he lost out in a close Senatorial race to Senator Dirksen. Belgium will erect a memorial to the 25,000 Jews taken from its country to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps.
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Israel—Auionomous MRS. RIMMKKMAN' HOSTESS TO BETH EL DONOK COMMITTEE A "Kick-Off Koffee" for the Beth El Sisterhood donor committee will be held on Tuesday morning, January 29 at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Al Rimmerman. Donor Chairman, Mrs. Morley Zipursky, and her cochairman, Mrs. Meyer Hubin, will discuss plans for "First Ladies' Day" when Mrs. Frank Morrison, First Lady of Nebraska, as wife of Governor Frank Morrison, will address the donors. Circle chairmen coordinators are Mines. J. M. Margolin, Alan Swarlz, Floyd Perimeter, Max Lashinsky, Marvin Dienstfrey, and Harl Weiss. WORKMEN'S LOAN ELECTION The Independent Workmen's Loan Association will hold its annual meeting and election of officers, February 3 at 3 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Farband Dinner Meeting The Farband Labor Zionist organization will hold its dinner meeting on Sunday, January 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Highlights of the National Board meeting held in New York City will be presented in a report by Joseph Radinowski, a delegate. A musical program also is being planned. Reservations will be accepted until Friday evening and may
be made by calling 3'12-38'J1. Mines. Ben Klaiman and Isadore Forbes are in charge of the dinner.
Jerusalem OTA)—The Cabinet decided to set up an autonomous broadcasting authority and instructed a ministerial committee to prepare a law on Temple Israel Supper Club this subject for ratification by "The Future" will be the the Knesset, Israel's Parliatheme of Temple Israel's an- ment, ;it the earliest possible nual supper club gathering, Sat- date. The authority would also urday, January 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the Temple. A champagne deal with television broadcasting, educational and general, if hour will precede the dinner. Entertainment will be pre- and when they are introduced. The Cabinet decision is exsented by club members. Mr. and Mrs. Berny Ruben . are pected to win over some of the chairmen in charge of the affair. opposition to the educational television project sponsored by the Rothschild Memorial Group. BETH ISRAEL STUDY At least one party, the Liberals, GROUP AT ZELINSKYS Mrs. Harold Zelinsky will be served notice during the conhostess to the Beth Israel Sis- troversial Knesset debate on the terhood's Study Group at her subject that it would condition h o in e, 582a Hamilton Street, its -support on the establishMonday, January 28 at 12:30 ment of an autonomous television broadcasting authority. The p.m. The interpretation of morning Israel broadcasting network is prayers will be continued under presently under the Prime Minthe leadership of Rabbi Groner. ister's Office.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Kantor of Chicago, 111., announce the birth of their first child, a son, Phillip Mark on J a n u a r y 14. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kantor, Omaha, formerly of Sioux City, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schwartz of Chicago. * * * Mr. and Mrs. F. H. (Bud) Turkel announce the birth of a daughter, Kimberly H., on January 4. They are also the parents of a son, David Scott. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Koom and Dr. and Mrs. Sam Turkel. Great-grandAn entire series of activities parents are Mr, and Mrs. Ben for girls only was announced Mokofsky, Mrs. Philip Wiesman this week at the Jewish Com- and Louis Turkel. munity Center. Included are a • » * Sunday dramatic's group, a Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Saltzcheer leading club, an Israeli dance group, and a charm man of Chicago, 111., announce course taught by a professional the birth of their fourth child, Jane Marie on January 11. model. Their other children are Amy, Girls may be registered in David and Peter. these activities by calling the Grandparents are Mrs. Harry Center or by returning the reg- Saltzman, Omaha and Mr. and istration cards mailed to them. Mrs. Philip Klutznick, Chicago. Other activities in which girls can participate at the Center include swimming classes and Judi Dobrafsky to instruction, ballroom dancing classes, stamp and science WedD.Abramson clubs and other special interest Mr. and Mrs. Leon E. Dobrofgroups. sky announce the engagement of their daugther, Judi to Dan Abramson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Einer H. Abramson. Miss Dobrofsky a t t e n d e d Morningside College of Sioux Mrs. Simcha Rabinowitz of City, la., and Mr. Abramson atRamat Aviv, Israel, honorary tended University of Omaha. national president of the MizA May 5 wedding is being rachi Women's organization of planned. America' and currently chairman of the group's Board of Trustees in Israel, will make Omahans in News three public appearances in Jack G. Epstein of Ed Phillips Omaha during her visit Feb& Sons, wholesale liquors, was ruary 1-2 and 3. She will speak at Beth Is- chosen Man of the Year from rael February 1 at evening serv- Nebraska by the Hiram Walker ices and earlier in the day, will Distilleries. He will be honored appear on KMTV in an inter- along with other Men of the Year from various states at a view at 12:35 p.m. Saturday evening, February February dinner in Chicago, 2, she will be guest of honor at 111., to be given by the distilan "Israeli Evening" at • 8:15 leries. p.m. at the Jewish Community Mrs. Shcff Katsltcc has been Center. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Mrs. Harry Paskowitz are named executive secretary of chairmen for the event. Mrs. the Nebraska Foundation for Paskowitz will speak, and Can- Visually Handicapped. tor Emil Berkowitz of Beth Israel, will present a musical pro- Dog Obedience gram. Mrs. Moses Traube is the Training Series publicity secretary. A very popular series of Mrs. Rabinowitz was in Omaha previously while on a speak- classes, Dog Obedience Training tour when she was national ing, will be started shortly by president, and is on a speaking the Jewish Community Center's tour of the United States at this Activities Department. In the series designed to teach begintime. ning obedience training to dogs and their masters, eight weeks, FIRST PLACE WINNER Stanley Zwerling, Omaha Uni- evening sessions are conducted. Fee for the series, taught by versity j u n i o r , won the first place trophy for his after-dinner a professional trainer and kenspeech in the Intramural Speak- nel owner, Walter Wehr, is $10 ing Contest at the University, with registrations being made January 16. Ho is the son of Mr. in advance by calling the Center at 342-13GG. and Mrs. Al Zwcrling.
For Girls Only
iizrachi Official Will Visit in Omaha
• • # * • % : • '
Broadcast Authority
Argentine Jews [Joiv Living in Israel Israel—About 1,000 Argentine Jews immigrated to Israel during 1962, which 13 almost double the number of the previous year. The average rate of departures is now about 200 people each month, many of them professional and technical workers, including young married couples. There was one remarkable group; an entire Sephardi family, consisting of nine married brothers and their families —a total of 39 persons. Altogether 12,000 Latin American Jews have gone to Israel since the establishment of the State, about 7,000 of them from Argentina. Immigration offices note that the demand for information fluctuates with the degree of antisemitic violence.
Further Egyptian Intervention Is Seen by Premier Jerusalem: Prime Minister Ben Gurion, ,at a meeting hero, predicted Egyptian intervention in the Yemen as preparation for similar ventures in Saudi Arabia and Jordan, with the encirclement of Israel as the eventual aim. To meet this challenge, he said, Israel's defense had to be built up. Modern Weapons were expensive and Israel would have to find "much money" to pay for them.
Home, Jerusalem Join Jn Exploring Past Israel: The Antiquities Department of the Israel Ministry of Education and the University of Rome have concluded an agreement for joint archaeological work in Israel for the next three years. Under the agreement, a joint mission will conduct e x c a v a tions in Western Galilee, mainly at the sites of the ancient church at Shavei Zion and the Phoenician cemetery at Aliziv. Both sites have been excavated in the past by the Antiquities Department, and the agreement will facilitate work on a larger scale.
Pago Tlire*
R u s s j a closes Mine Synagogues
170100 Lose Place fo Worship London—Synagogue Closures across the Soviet Union within the past few months liavc deli r i v e d an estimated 170,000 Jews of a place to worship. No explanation has been forthcoming. However, it is accepted (hat these closures are part of the government's current campaign against religion generally and the Jewish religion, in particular. Apart from the Lvov Synag o g u e , (reported previously), Soviets have ordered the shutdowns of synagogues in Sverdlovsk, Pyatigorsk, G r o z y n i, Zhmerinka, Zhitomir, K a z a n , Kalarash and in Kaunas, former Lithuanian capital of Kovno. After Lvov, Svcrdlovsky,- with some 40,000 Jews, is the largest community (o be hit by tlic closure order. The city is named after Jacob Milthailovich SverdIov, the Jewish revolutionary, and a prominent member of the First Central Committee of the Communist party under Lenin. Zhmerinka in the U k r a i n e , Jewish population of 10,000 is on a street which once had a matzo factory. Zhitomir, home of 30,000 Jews had several of its shochetim ordered by authorities, to cease the ritual slaughter of animals for food. In 1905, the city was the scene of a Tsarist progrom. In 1941, the Nazis massacred most of the Jewish population. The closure of the synagogue in Kazan (Jewish population of about 20,000) at the end of the s u m m e r , coincided with the
Desalting of Sea Water in Israel To Begin in Fall
shutdown of the synagogue in Pyatigorsk (Jewish population 5)000). Until recently, Jews enjoyed a comparatively large measure of religious freedom in such a place as Groznyi, mainly aiternli . » so"c:lllcd " m o u n t a i n , The closing of the synagogue jn the Moldavian town of Kalarsh affects some 5,000 Jews In Kaunas, the "Khor Shu!" now closed down, was before th'o war, a great center of Jewish rTnTgr' W i l h a P°PuI:>"on of ..0,000 Jews, today has a community of 8,000.
'Jewish National1 Jerusalem (WNS)—A "Jewish national" is an Israeli who has not registered as a member of another religion, according to a population registry draft bill now under study by a Ministerial legislative committee. A spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior said the definition contained nothing new except that it provides, for the first time, legislative sanction for a clearer definition.
Bridge Lessons Ladies may still join in the afternoon and evening bridge groups sponsored by the Center. Offered in a series of eight instructional sessions and taught by a professional, beginners aro taught fundamental and advanced bidding and playing skills. Fee for the series is $5. Sperial classes will be arranged for home meeting on request.
Jerusalem (ZINS)—Representatives of the Ministry of Development and members of the American firm, Fairbanks and Whitney, who are jointly interested in the enterprise, declared here that the works for the desalination of sea water by the famous Zarchin method will be put into operation in the Fall of this year. By 1964 over four million dollars will have been invested by both the Government of Israel and the American fir min the projected works.
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Voiding of Nazi's Doctorate Upheld Frankfurt (JTA)—The Frankfurt Administrative court rejected this week an appeal by the wife of Dr. Josef Mengele, the long-sought Auschwitz "selection doctor," against a decision of the Frankfurt University v o i d i n g Mengele's doctorate. M e n g e l e has been in hiding. since the collapse of the Nazi regime. He had authorized his wife to sue the university, which acted against him in July 1001.
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Friday, Jan. 25, 1963
Henry Mcns!iy Lodge Mo. 354
January Meet Wed., J.C.C.
Good, Welfare The Henry Moiisky Lodge extends condolences to the families of: Mr. L e s t e r Friedman, Mr. Henry Schumeister, Mr. Boris Korney, Mrs. Eva Wosltoff. Mrs. Mollie Pitlor, Mr. Jacob Berek, Mr. J. B. Zknman, Mr. Louis Katelman, Mrs. Anna Bluinenthai and Mrs. Eva Polikov. We wish speedy recovery to: Mr. Robert H. Silver, Mr. Isidore Plotkin, Mr. Nathan Weinstein, Mr. David Fogel, and to Lodge President Bert Render. Our Congratulations to: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cutler on the birth of granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Svvartz on the birth of grandson Brian Marc. Dr. and Mrs. Sam L. Turkel on the birth of grandson Jeffrey Phillip. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weiner on the birth of daughter Jeanne Harriet. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Rosen on the birth of son Martin Lee. Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d A. Rosen on the birth of granddaughter Jeanne W e i n e r and grandson Martin Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Lazar Kaplan on the birth of grandson Martin Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rochman on the birth of grandson Richard Elliot Mr. and Mrs. S a m u e l M. Greenberg on the birth of grandson Richard Kent Cblenian. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin on their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Silver on the wedding of son Harry L. Mr. and Mrs. Iz Bernstein on the wedding of daughter Sharon Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fisk on the engagement of daughter Bonnie. Mr. and Mrs. Moe Grossman on the engagement of daughter Sharon Elaine. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Perlmeter on the Bar Mitzvah of son Jeff. , Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wolfson on the Bar Mitzvah of son Ronald. Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Brett on the Bar M i t z v a h of son Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Simons on the Bar Mitzvah of son Stephen.
B'nai i'iiih Safety Award to ILHansen
, "••
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. now observing its Fiftieth Anniversary, was founded in 1913 "to end the malicious defamation of Jews" and "to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike." This year, the League will present its 19G3 America's Democratic Legacy Award to President John F. Kennedy in recognition of the President's "efforts to broaden the benefits of civil rights and assure the application of constitutional principles of freedom to all Americans." In the years between 1013 and 1963, Uie history of the League parallels and played a role in the history of democratic progress in the United States. The award presentation to President Kennedy at a dinner to be held in Washington, 0.C., on January 31 will mark the opening of a year-long observance of ADL's Golden Anniversary. In its fifty years of life, the League has devoted itself to closing the gap between the ideal of Amercian democracy and its reality. THE EARLY YEARS: Overt and unabashed anti-Semitism appeared in a profusion of fonns in 1913—in religious tags used in newspaper reports. THE 1920'S—The rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the incredible seven-year anti-Jewish campaign of Henry Ford's Dearborn Independent were the beginnings of organized and wellfinanced anti-Semitism in the United States. The League, originator of the model anti-Ku Klux Klan legislation forcing the KKK to unmask, ultimately saw the Klan's power diminish. Too. it received the written apology of Henry Ford to the Jewish people. But the damage was done—defamation did -indeed lead to discrimination, in housing, in religious quota systems or outright bans in education, employment, and housing. The League's job had just begun. THE HITLER YEARS: ADL battles of the 1920's were but a preview of the bitter campaigns to be waged in the 1930's when Hitler's rise to power in Ger-
Omaha should be proud of the The B'nai B'rith Safety Award members of our Omaha AZA was presented to Kermit Han- and BBG Groups. At the Winsea, January 21, at the annual ter Convention recently held inmeeting of the Omaha Safety Des Moines, Iowa, the Omaha Council at the Sheraton-Fon- Chapters brought home trophies tenelle Hotel. in almost all convention events. This is the fourth time that Also, the Omaha Groups were this award was made by Henry given credit for the spirit which Monsky Lodge No. 354. Ed- the convention had. •ward A. Rosen, lodge member, The Omaha Youth Commisand member of the Board of sion is also making great adTrustees of the Omaha Safety vances in working with the Council, made the award for Omaha Groups. With a RegionBert Render, Lodge President. al Director who is professionalMr. Hansen is vice-president ly trained in BBYO work, Omaof the United States National ha will continued to advance in Bank. He has been active in the its BBYO work. Omaha Safety Council since Lodge BBYO .Chairman Ber1958 and has served as its pres- nie Folikov states, "I would like ident. He also is vice-president to thank the B'nai B'rith men of the Nebraska Safety .Council. and women who went to Des It is for Ms work in reviving Momes with our BBYO groups. and organizing- these safety or- As staff members and advisors ganizations that he was select- they contributed greatly to the ed to receive this award. success of the convention,"
many provided the impetus for a variety of full-blown American fascist organizations. The League expanded its staff and educational programs. It compiled a vast storehouse of information on America's fascists —who they were, where their money came from, the nature of their backing, their links with Germany. League files became a leading reference source for the FBI, local law enforcement agencies, newspapers and other mass media, and were of substantial help in keeping down incidents of subversion and sabotage. THE POST-WAR Y E A R S : With the violent fascist menace interred, ADL was able to enlarge the scope of its activities —to champion legal moves that would outlaw racial and religious discrimination; to aid in the legal fight against Negro segregation in education; to take a leading part in the effort to amend America's oppressive immigration regulations; support modern public education with its emphasis on the teaching of good human relations. In this post-war period, ADL expanded its library of popular and academic publications on human relations and intergroup problems. ADL research reports and materials became vital • tools for use among educators, national organizations, community groups, and religious leaders. In addition, the League produced, or acted as advisor, for films and radio and TV programs with human relations themes. Its legal activities became the backbone of many of the agency's programs to protect civil rights, safeguard religious freedom, and prevent racial or religious discrimination. TODAY: After fifty years, the Anti-Defamation League is still primarily associated with the fight against anti-Semitism, but it is also recognized as an outstanding human relations organization concerned with the rights of alL The League today is a vast national agency with headquarters in New York and twenty-five professlouajly-staffcd regional offices in major American cities across the nation.
Blood Drive Wednesday The second Blood Bank Drive of the 1952-63 B'nai B'rith year will be held on Wednesday, January 30 at the Red Cross Blood Center, 39th and Dewey, from 12 noon until 5:45. There is always a "slack" on* blood donors at this time of the year due to the holidays. Start the year RIGHT and make GIVING A PINT OF LIFE A MUST! The need is DESPERATE. The usual corned beef sandwiches and Kosher dill pickles will be served all day. Calling of donors is being done by' members of the Women's Chap> ters. For the replacement of any blood used by any member of B'nai B'rith call Ida Sacks at 558-1302 or 553-2380 after 4 pjn.
In this area, ADL headquarters are the Plains States Regional Office, Omaha, Nebraska. It now has live basic programs: 1. Civil Rights, which includes efforts to break down barriers of discrimination and broaden the base of democracy through the use of law and social action. 2. Research, including investigation and sociological study of all aspects of prejudice and bigotry in American life. 3. Education, including publication of materials and the organization of conferences and workshops in the effort "to transform the classroom into an instrument for democracy" and to achieve interreligious understanding. 4. Community Relations, which makes the use of the League's regional offices to bring the League's concepts of human rights to the grassroots. 5. The Image of the American Jew, which is the effort to fight damaging stereotypes and caricatures and present the Jew as he is, a dedicated citizen, contributing to and sharing in the benefits of democracy. In the years from 1913 to 19C3, the United States lias seen marked progress in its democratic atmosphere, but the full promise of American democracy has yet to be reached: this is the League's fight for the future.
Indoctrination of new members will be in order of business at the next regular meeting of the Henry Monsky Lodge B'nai B'rith. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 30 at 0 p.m. in the Jewish Community Center. Performing the Indoctrination . Ceremonies will be the Lodge Degree Team. All new members are urged to attend this very impressive meeting. Refreshments will be served and a social hour will follow the meeting. The following are new mem> bers of Henry Monsky Lodge as of January 17, 19G3: Leo Bernstein, Marshall Bernstein, Irving Blank, Joe Blend, Norman Cain, Abraham Chunovic, Bernard Denenberg, H a r o l d Feintech, Sam Fleisher, Stuart Fried, T. Eddie Freidberg, Albert Gaer, Harry A. Green, Sam Green, Bernard Gurtenstein, Al J. Harding, Nathan Kirke, Joseph Koprak, David L. Krantz, Stanley H. Krum, Harry Lewis, Manuel Mackay, Sol Mann, Nate Mandcl, Jr., Nate Marcus, Phil Mulnick, Burton L. Oberman, Arthur Parilman, Rabbi Matthew M. Poliakoff, Norman M. Pred, Herbert M. Rapoport, Morris Raznick, Ben Reitzer, Dr. Larry E. Roffman, Samuel Roscnbaum, David Rothenberg, Monroe D. Rosenberg, Abe Rundell, George Sacks, Milton M. Saylan, Bernard Schein, Zalmnn Segal, Dr. Max Selo, Julius Siref, Harold W. Sobel, Harry Stoler, Samuel Stone, Dr. H. Sol Susman, Moses Traube, John Winsten, Philip Zollotuchen, Aron Zeiderman.
Scholarship Fund
Wednesday* af Noon
Frontier Room Black Angus
The Henry Monsky Lodgo Scholarship Fund Committee will meet shortly to review applicants. Now is the time for interested parties to get their applications in. Contact Gerhard Spies in writing for your or your child's application. Write to him at 316 So. 52nd St.
Henry Monsky Lodge
FEBR. 20
6:30 PJ
Town House lallroom Toastmaster Will Be
LOUiSLIPP Attorney and Past President of Henry Monslcy Lodge