Vol. XM—No. J9
Publication Office, 101 No. UOUi Oinalja. Kt'bru.ska, i'Jiune 'M'J-i'MU
.Second CI;ISH I'OHt;u;e Paid Single Copy 10 Cents at Omaha. Keljr. Annuul Kate 4 Dollars
&pen Letter f© Every Woman in file Community
Dr. Philip Sher Home. / (The Dr. Pliilip Sher Jewish Homo for the following memorials and donations.)
fn Memory of
• Mr, and M'3. Iscl Sofjman Mrs. Ka!c Abrohsml, Dr. Siirnm Kleiner (Hampden, Conn.) Mesiri. aud Mro«, Jtjck Broniicn. Leon Graelj, M. M. Krupinsky, Marry Trusfln, Mrs Paul Oerni*eln, AAlss Kullicrlne Byrnes (Ctilumtus, NefcrJ. Mr». Leonard Klein Jyf.ob Bcrek (Fremont, Nebr.) Mtsirs, nnd Mmes. ». Ompman, Harold Clicrnlack, Jay Cherniock, Ml".! Bcalrlce Sommer , Mrs. Rulh «la*w«ll Birk Messrs. arid Mines. Keubcn tlrown, Mlllon Yudclson, Dr. ond Mri. II. H. CrctnUrg Mrj. Anno Blumcnlnol /Messrs, ond AVncs. 1, Chapman, Harold Clicrnluck. Jay Cnerntek MorrU Cohen Messrs, and Mmes. I, Chapman, Harold -Cherniock, Joy Cherniock, Mo* Riekes. Mllfon Yutlclson Mrs. Bcrlha Fiedler Mr>, Leonard Klein. tM. oni) Mrs. Philip Rlnsjle Waller Jacobson Mr. ond Mrs. William Skolnik, Mr. ond Mrs. Mlllon Yutfclsor) ond Mlchc«J Louis Katelman (Council Bluffs, la.) Or, ond Mr*. A. D. Faler, Messrs. ond Mmos. Harold Ulock. AI Goer, David Crecnbero, Ricnard Hol>erman, Horry Scltulman. VVIIHom Skofnlk, Robert Sworli, Atyron Tarnoll Mr. I. Kolnnan (Los Angclci .Calif.) Charles, Leonard and Harmon Korn«y, /Acssrs, ond Mmes. Duvld Grecnuera, Richard Hobcrmon. Wtlllam Skolnlk, Mlllon Yudclson Boris Knrney William, Soptlle and Morris Rosier! , Mrs. Dorothy Krolofl fLos Anneles, Calif.) ' Messrs. cmd Mfnes. Reuben Orov/n, Arlhur A, Colin. I. Chopnwn, Harold Clitrniack. Joy Chcrnicck Som Levin ' M r . ond Mrs. David Orfcow Mrs. Mathan Plllor Messrs. ond Mmes. Mwskell Cohen, Margin Olcnhfry, DavW Orkow, Harold %dic\ Mrs. Eva Polikov Or. ond Mrs. I*. M. Grecnncra Mothon Slelnutro Messrs. and Mmes. Jerome Brelt (E. Oranne, H. J . l , Morion Or«lt. Alje Cohn, £Iug*^ic Cooper. Oavid Crtenbero, Kurt Hlrv.hiaqtr, Hlchara Mohcrrnon, Wllllom Skolnlk, Robert Stlilller, Mott Trachlcn. , baro, Mrs. Ann Roflman Mrs. Eva V/oskoft Messrs. Qnd Mmes. Jnck Brumion, Reuben Drown, Harry Dutloll, Louis KulakcfiW. Charles Rosen. slock, Horry Truslln, Miss Beatrice Sommcr, Mrs. Paul iurenky I. B. Zlmman
Mrs. Ccorgc Kagan
Mrs. Kagan Heads B. & P. Women
Mrs. George Kagan, wellknown Omahan, will serve as chairman of the Business and In Honor of Professional Section of the Donor Women's Division of the JewMr, ond Mrs. Max RIcVcs recovery. Mrs. Louis Albert Mr. ond Mrs. Cnorltj fttnerntcck recovery. Mrs. Sam Appltmon ish Philanthropies Campaign, it Mr, and Mrs. Mlllon Yudclson recovery, David Bernstein was announced this week by Messrs, ond Mmes. Charles Rosenstock, Louis Kulakofsfcy recovery, Abraham Coldsleln Mrs. M. H. Brodkey, Women's Mr. and Mrs, Horry DuQoff ...» recovery, Mrs. Arthur Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Millon Yudelson recovery, Mrs. Poul M .Goldstein General Chairman. Philip Rlnale recovery, Mrs. Ethef Rlnqli Mr. one* Mrs. Philip Rlnfjlr , '. recovery, Mox Stoller In accepting the post, Mrs. Mr. ond /Ms. Isel Solimon recovery, Abe Londa (Elliobtth. N. J.) Kagan said "I am delighted and Mr. ond Mrs. Joe Lcvlnsky , blrlhday, Mrs. Ben Handler Mr ond Mrs MtHon Vudelson 70lh birthday, J. Harry Kulofcofsky feel privileged to be working Mr. ond Mrs. JocH Fox Klh blrlliday, Mrs. Anna Shermon for the Philanthropies with the Mr. and Mrt. Milton Yodclltm ialtl blrthdoy, Samuel 5. Stelnbcro Mrs. Jay Molo-shock, Mr. ond Mrs, Mlllon Yudclion wonderful calibre of leadership and Michael 40lh wedding onnlversary, lAr. ond Mrs. Max Fromkln M«:rs. ond Mmes. Henry Z. Rctenfeld, Ucl Solrrepresented by Mrs. Brodkey ' man 35lh onnlversory. Paut Veret as ciccciillve director of Jtwhh Federotlon and her co-chairmen, as well as Rnbbl Wolfoona Homburotr (Lincoln. Hebr.) marr!o35 of Mr. ond M/i. fien Perclmori Mr. ond Mrs. Hymls i l t l n Bar Mltlvoh, Michoel Mll'er the very capable and dependable business and professional Special Contribuf ions women who annually help in ev. Mr. ond Mrs. Orvel A Milder. ery way they can." "In fact," Norman L. UnUii, tickets lor V/orkrnrn Circle Drama she added, I am looking forLazier Kovlch, d^^or Mrs. Lea Rosenihol, k!cvi;icn set ward to taking part." Mrs. Kagan is probably best known in her role of executive secretary at Beth El Synagogue. She will observe her 11th year on the synagogue staff next month. • She is a past recording secretary of Hadassah, past financial secretary of Beth El Sisterhood and a member of the Omaha Six new members were elect- Chapter of the Brandeis Uni• Israel must be in a position at all times, to accept newcom- ed to the Federation's Execu- versity Women's Committee. ers, as long as they wish to en- tive Committee. They are Mrs. ter, Colonel Yosef Nevo, one of Morris C. F e l l m a n , Arthur Israel's outstanding military Gould, Ray Simon, Marlon Somleaders, old members of the berg, Dr. Maurice M. Steinberg Board of Governors of the Jew- and Irvin Yaffc. Mrs. Simcha Rabinowitz of Raish Federation. He spoke last Arthur H. Goldstein, president mat Aviv, Israel, chairman of Sunday at the organization's of the Federation, presided. Mizrachi's Board of Trustees in annual meeting at the Jewish Israel, began a three-day visit, Community Center. in Omaha, Friday, as the guest Colonel Nevo, Military Comof the local Mizrachi organizamander of the Jerusalem Distion. trict, said that the need to help She will speak at a social immigrants with homes, and The Jewish Community Cen- hour following Sabbath services, jobs to make them self-suffi- ter's special courses in real escient, steadily grows greater. tate principles and practice will During the past year, he stat- begin next week, Harry Sidman, ed Israel supplied three-fourths Center Activities Chairman, anof the funds for assistance of nounced. newcomers, while the other The ten week series will prefourth was provided by Ameri- sent one class a week and is can Jewry through the United keyed to help adult students in Jewish Appeal. preparing for the Nebraska He revealed that in 10C2, his Real Estate License examinacountry anticipated 61,000 new- tions while, at the same time, comers but the number rose to offering a broad and general 72,000 p e r s o n s . Israel, he background in real estate sales stressed, must be prepared for and financing. such increases. One class will be conducted Col. Nevo discussed the Is- Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m., rael's border problems, and ex- and another will be held Thursplained what she Would have to day afternoons at 1 p.m. for expect in case of an attack. women. Registrations for the two Mrs: Rabinowitz classes may be made by calling KBON Radio 1490 Presents the Center Activities Depart- Friday, at Beth Israel Syna"Message of Israel" gogue, and earlier in the day ment, 342-13GG. Sun., Feb. 3 at 10 p.m. appeared in a guest interview Program onKMTV. Jonah B, Wise In Mcmorium" The community is invited to Participants an '.'Israeli Evening" arranged Rabbi Snnford Seltzer, Dlr. in her honor, Saturday at 8:15 of Southeast Council) South Jerusalem (WNS)—Israel this p.m. by Mizrachi at the Jewish Florida Federation of UAIIC week marked another important Community Center. At that time, presiding. first—floating for the first time Eli JJittner, president of B'nai Rabbi David J, Scllgson, of a ship built in its own ship- Jacob Adas Yeshuron, will preCentral Synagogue, New yards. The floating ceremony sent to Mrs. Rabinowitz, on beYork, Speaker was attended by high naval of- half of his synagogue, the gift Music of Mario Castclnuovoficers who were impressed by of a check for Kfar Batya in Tedesco. Israelits performance.
Affairs Arranged to Honor Israeli finest
Real BfaSe Oosirse Starts lest Week
Israel Checks Off Another 'First'
JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES CAMPAIGN OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA WOMEN'S DIVISION January 29, 196'.! Dear Friend: It's time to start working on (lie 19G3 Philanthropies Campaign and we know that ive can count on youi1 help. Our jab this year is a greater challenge because we have to help MOKE PEOPLE. It means dial we will have to work a little bit harder, and that we should be willing to do. Like you, we believe that "charity begins at home"! Of course, you know that our local needs are met before any money is sent out o£ the city. You know that 60 per cent of the cost of the religious schools' staff comes from Philanthropies; and lli.it your money supports, among others, (he Dr. Sher Home for Aged, the Jewish Community Center, our Day and Resident Camp programs, Jewish Children aud Family Service, and major repairs in our Federation buildings. Like you, we believe that although charity begins at home, it should not end there'. Therefore, our Philanthropies contributes generously to the United Jewish Appeal, as well as to many overseas and national agencies which promote the wcUare and security of our Jewish people. Your help in this most important community undertaking is most urgently needed! More so than ever before! So, please sign and return the enclosed postcard, indicating your willingness to help in this vital campaign. H'c need you. Cordially, MRS. M. II. BRODKEY, Chairman MRS. FRED BRODKEY MRS. JULIUS KATZMAV MRS. ARTHUR KULAKOFSKY MRS. MARLON SOMBERG MRS. GEORGE KAGAN, Co-Chairmen Dear Chairmen: YES, you may count on me to HELP SAVE LIVES! I will be glad to be a worker in the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. Name Address. Phone {The above letter was sent to tlie nomen in the community with (he postcard enclosure shown.)
Culture Council Film February 17
Center Conducts French Classes
The Omaha Yiddish Culture Council will open its film series Adults interested in learning with the1 dramatic production, conversational French may now "God, Man and the Devil," Sunday, February 17 at 8 p.m. at enroll in either the beginning or the Jewish Community Center. advanced classes offered at the The series, to feature four Jewish Community Center, Haroutstanding filmed classics will ry Sidman, Center Chairman, be conducted one Sunday eve- announced. ning each month, at the Center. Classes will be held one afterJoseph Radinowski and Max Crounse, Council co-chairmen, noon, each week, under the disaid. The films have English rection of Marc Bouganim, a subtitles for those not exper- competent instructor and French ienced in Yiddish conversation. linguist. Arrangements, also arc Sponsors of the series include b e i n g made for an evening the Farband Labor Zionists, class. The courses are open (.0 Senior Citizens Group, Jewish both men and women. Fee for the series of 10 lesCommunity Center and the Yidsons is $5 with registration bedish Culture Council. Admission is free for children ing -accepted by phone confirand students and fifty cents for mation with the Center Activities Department, 342-1366. adults.
Tlie general itinerary of the Jewish Community Center spons o r e d College Tour was announced this week. Traveling by chartered bus, teenagers who will be junior and seniors in high school this coming, September, will leave Omaha in mid-June on a threeweek excursion to the major campuses in the midwest and East. They will visit Iowa City, la.; Madison, Wis.; C h i c a g o and Champaign, 111.; East Lansing and Ann Arbor, Mich.; Cambridge, Mass.; tlew.York, N. V.; Boston, Mass.; Annapolis, Md.; C o 1 u m b u s, O.; Bloomington, Ind.; St. Louis and Columbia, Mo. and other major college communities,
The purpose of the intended tour is to give students a first hand glimpse of universities and colleges while giving them an opportunity to talk personally with admissions personnel and college representatives. Those interested in further particulars on the tour to be under adult chaperonage may call the Center. A group of 30 is expected to take the tour. SWASTIKAS IN GUATEMALA Guatemala (WNS)—Swastikas and threats to Jews were scrawled on business and residential buildings in Guatemala City. Some of the inscriptions read "Death to the Jews" and "Oust monopolist Jews."
Page Two
Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second week In July. Second Class Posfoge Paid of Omcfio, Ncbr. Annual Subscrlplicn, 14.00. Advertising Rales en Applicolion. Publication Olhce—101 No. iOtn Street, Omctio, Uebr., 342-1366.
Religious Services i selections from the new translation of the Torah. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 0:30. Family Service will begin at 10:30 Temple Israel: Charles Mona- a.m. Mincha-Maariv services see, former Air Force officer, will begin at 5:15 p.m. Sunday will be the speaker following morning services will begin at Sabbath Services Friday. Mr. fl in the Chapel. Services during Monasee will speak on "The the week are held at 7 a.m. and Ethics of Military Power" in 7 p.m. the fourth of a series of discusThe Men's Club will hold its sions on the subject of "The Modern Jew in Ethical Society."' monthly meeting Sunday, Feb3 with services at 9 a.m. Regular S a b b a t h Worship ruarybreakfast at 9:30 a.m. Rabservices will be held at li.15 and bi Kripke will discuss "How p.m. with Rabbi Brooks offi- Christianity Began" at the study ciating. Music will be by Cantor Man- session which will follow. The Beth El Study Group in fred F. Kuttner and the Temple Choir under the direction of Basic Judaism will have its regular meeting on Wednesday Miss Ida Gitlin. Adult Hebrew class, Monday, morning, February G at 10 a.m. February 4 at 7:30 p.m. Assist- This group is led by Rabbi ant Teacher's meeting, Tuesday, Kripke. February 5 at 4 p.m. Religious school faculty meeting, Wednesday, February G at 8 p.m. Candlelighting, 5:20 p. m. B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron: Friday Mincha, 5 p.m.; Saturday morning 8:30, and Mincha -1:50 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Jewish Education Program Is Launched in Alaska Anchorage, Alaska (JTA) —A state-wide program of Jewish education for Jewish military personnel and their dependents and for the civilian Jewish community has been launched by Chaplain Seymour Gilin, Jewish chaplain on duty with the United States Air Force in Alaska. A credit course in Hebrew at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks and at'the university's extension branch at Elmendorf, publication of the Alaskan Jewish Chronicle, first Jewish periodical in Alaska, two Jewish libraries, two Jewish choirs and a Jewish periodical loan library are among the projects organized and directed by Chaplain Gitin. Although his primary responsibility is to serve the religious, welfare and morale needs of Jewish military personnel and their dependents at Elmendorf Air Force Base, Fort Richardson, Ellson Air Force Base, Fort Wainwright and isolated posts scattered along the Alaskan c o a s t and adjacent islands, Chaplain Gitin also serves in his leisure time as rabbi of the civilian Jewish community and of Congregation Beth Shalom in Anchorage where he supervises
Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Emil Berkovits and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct the late Friday evening family services at 8:15 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services, (Kobolas Shabbos) at 5:20 p.m. Saturday morning Shacharis at 8:45 a.m. and Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at 5:30 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv. Sunday morning services begin at 9 a.m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Junior Minyon starts at 8:30 a.m. Daily services at 8 a.m. and 5:35 p.m.
All fflcnds and relatives aro Invited to attend services and reception. RICHARD ABRAMSON Richard Abramson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Abramson, will become Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, February 2, at Temple Israel.
Mrs. Charles Hymes of Minneapolis, Minn., National Council of Jewish Women president, accepts keys to the new half-milliondollar Hebrew University High School campus of buildings in Jerusalem from Professor Alexander M. Dushkin, school's board of trustees chairman. Dedication speakers (from left) were Eiiahu Elalh, Hebrew University president; and Abba Eban, Israel Minister of Education. The model school was provided by the women's educational and service organization. The Council also provides support to the John Dewcy School of Education of Hebrew University, which uses the high school as a practice-teaching and demonstration center.
Sunday Only! Lb. . . . . We Deliver
nnd teaches at a weekly religious school which has five classes and as many teachers as well as a Bar Mitzvah class.
Israel Establishes Jewish Law Institute Israel—An Institute of Research in Jewish Law, the first of its kind in an academic institution anywhere in the world, has been set up in the Hebrew University's Faculty of Law under the joint auspices of the Faculty and the Institute of Jewish Studies. The Director is Dr. Menachem Elon, Lecturer in Jewish Law at the University and Adviser on Jewish Lav/ in the Ministry of Justice since 1959. A number of eminent scholars have devoted considerable attention to research in Jewish law during the past few decades, but the extension of these efforts had become particularly important after the establishment of the State of Israel and the need to relate the law of the State to the basic principles of Jewish Law. The institute will prepare other material necessary for scientific research in Jewish law, such as a digest of legal decisions contained in the relevant literature, and text books dealing with legal institutes in Jewish law.
Beth El College On Third Session
Beth El: Sabbath Eve services will begin at 8:15 p.m, Friday. In place of the sermon, Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will read
Friday, Fcbr. 1, 19G3
Mrs. William L o h r m a n w i s h e s to thank all her friends for the many cards of good wishes, flowcre and gifts, she received and for all the donations given to organizations in her name during her recent illness.
Youth YOUNG JUDAEA BAKE SAtE The seventh Grade Young Judaea group will hold a bake sale at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday, February 3, as its fund raising project to support Tsofim, the sister movement in Israel. A short meeting will follow the sale. The sixth. Grade Young Judaea will hold its meeting at the Center on Sunday, at 2 p.m. SCORES IN NEBRASKA SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION Dale Brodkey, Central High student, placed on the second team of the All-Stars Scholastics as the result of her score in the Nebraska • Regents Scholarship Examination. Dale along with Betty Brody, Stephen Marcus, Neil Miller and Roger Persell were among the 10 Central High School students who won four-year, full tuition scholarships to the University of Nebraska. Among the alternates wero sari Baron, Cheryl Friedman, Kay Goldstein, Fran Grossman, Howard Hahn. Meivin Katskee, Barry Kort, Barry Kricsfeld, Susas Makiesky, Harold Schneider, Ross Sennett, Michael Sherman and Suzanne Sutin, STUART SMITH IS EDIAR BEAU Stuart Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith was named Ediar's beau at the organization's fifth annual beau dance, Ediar's Hideaway: The Roaring Twenties." Stuart is a member of Rayim fraternity.
The third session of the Beth El College of Adult Studies will be held on Monday evening, February A. Individual classes Will begin at 8 p.m. and will be followed by a joint session nt. 9 p.m. under the direction of Rabbi Myer S. Kripke on "Meeting Life as Jews." The sessions are still open for enrollment.
AZA NO. 1 NAMES Mother Chapter AZA No. 1 elected Rick Eirenberg ar)d Mike Silver to serve as its Jewish Youth Council representative and alternate respectively. Floyd Frieden and Marshall Lewis were chosen to be chairmen for the annual Founder's Day celebration, May 17.
Mrs. Eva Polikov wish to thank their relatives and friends for the kind expressions of sympathy received, and for the contributions to organizations made In her memory, during their bereavement.
RAYIM SCHEDULE Rayim fraternity president Larry Batt reports the organization' future schedule includes March of Dimes, January 29; freshmen initiation, February 10 at the Fireside, and a mass synagogue attendance in February.
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Friday, Febr. I, 19G3
Saluting Former Omahan:
Greenberg, The years have been busy and community philanthropic actividistinguished ones for native ties, here. Omahan, Dr. Ben N. Grcenberg Dr. Greenberg has been a Of York, who has been elected member of the University Board president of the University of jji Regents since 1953. Nebraska Board of Regents. Dr. Greenberg was graduated The son of the late Mr. and the University of NebrasMrs. Samuel Greenberg of Oma- from ka College of Medicine in 192(1 ha, the doctor is affiliated with and was a resident at the Cothe local li'nai B'rith organiza- lumbia Medical Center in New tion, is a member of Beth El York. He has been practicing Synagogue and is identified with medicine as a specialist in eye, ear, nose and throat at York for a number of years. The former Omahan is a life member of the American College of Surgeons; a honorary Innocent at the University; past president of the York Rotary Club, past councilor of the State Medical Association; past president of the York County Medical Society, AkSar-Ben ambassador and past president of the American Governing Boards and Trustees of State Universities. Dr. Grcenberg has traveled in many parts of the world. lie inspected the work of the University of Nebraska in building of a new Land-Grant College in Turkey and as a private citizen, toured behind the Iron Curtain, where he studied cultural, governmental and educational situations in Russia. Ur. Hen Grconlieri;
Page Uiree
Barbara Brodkey's Engagement To Marshall Kaplan Announced Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Erodkcy announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Ann, to Marshall Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaplan of Swampscott, Mass. Miss Brodkey, and her fiance, after a brief visit in Omaha, and later in Swampscott, will return to San Francisco, where they reside. Miss Brodkey, who studied at
CHEER LEADING CLINIC A one-day, free cheeticading clinic for girls in grade and junior high school, will be held this Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The event, to be held under the direction of Dik W e i n e r Center Youth Activities Director, and former "yell king" for Iowa University, is designed to help the girls with u n u s u a l cheerleading technique. No registration is necessary. Girls attending the clinic will be invited to lead cheers for the midget basketball competition at the Center on Sundays. GIRLS DRAMA CLASSES START SUN. AFTERNOON Drama c l a s s e s for grade school girls will start this Sunday at 2:30 p.m. The fee for the series of 10 sessions is $5. Registration is in advance or by attendance at the first session. The group will concentrate on plays, design of elementary sets, makeup and play production under adult supervision. The girls may participate in another group on late Sunday afternoons and will be able to work with high school students In "Suitcase Theatre" productions. A d d e d information is available by calling the Center Activities Department, 342-13CG. ART CONTEST CONTINUES TO ACCEPT ENTRIES Entries are , still being accepted for the Annual Jewish Youths Art Contest, Harry Sidman, Center C h a i r m a n , announced. "The contest, open to grade, junior and senior high students, provides an outlet for the artistic talent of our children," Sldman said, and, "properly recognizes their ability and encourages them to pursue this stimulating hobby." Awards are to be made at all grade levels, Sidman reported, and entries should be turned
into the Center before this coming Monday. Any art form may bo entered, he continued, and all entries should be identified with the name of the artists, his or her age and grade in school plus address and phone number. Over 100 entries are expected. NEW DOG TRAINING SERIES AT CENTER "A dogs life," isn't so bad, especially in the new scries of dog obedience classes to be started at the Jewish Community Center for beginning training, with another course to be opened for advanced obedience techniques. To be taught by professional kennel owner and trainer, Walter Wehr, the classes are to be conducted T u e s d a y evenings. Eight evenings will be featured in the dog obedience series open to children and adults plus their dogs. Over 25 dogs and their handlers have taken dog obedience training at the Center during the past year. The fee for the new series of classes is $10. Registration is by phone confirmation with the Center. ACTIVITIES FOR GRADE SCHOOLERS New groups for grade school girls announced recently, include those meeting in neighborhoods, Israeli Dance Groups and a special Charm Course. A series of special interest groups are open also for boys and girls. This includes a stamp club, c h e e r l e a d i n g group, science club, m o d e l railroad club and a coin club. Those desiring to be placed on the mailing list to receive future announcements on these activities are invited to call the Center. CENTER TUTORING SERVICE If a student is having trouble in French or Spanish classes, can't understand how to solve a complex algebra equation, isn't doing well in English, the Jewish Community Center's special Tutoring Service is the answer. The Tutoring Service provides outstanding collegiates and college graduates in specific fields to help the student having prob lems in specific study areas. An hourly charge is made for the service with sessions being arranged at the convenience of the students in his own home or at the library. Parents or students desiring to utilize the service or to find more about the program should call the Center's YoutK Actiyities Office. : : ; ^ : ' ' • • - , •,'•?
the Sorbonne, Paris, during her junior year is working for a French import firm in the California city. She graduated from the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor in 19C2 with a B.A. degree. Her fiance graduated with honors from Boston University, with a B.A. and a M.A. Degree in Political Science. He also holds a Master's Degree in City Planning from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at Cambridge. Presently, Mr. Kaplan is consultant to the Governor's Advisory Committee on Housing Problems in California. A summer w e d d i n g is planned.
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The 1962 OPPD operations included installation of more than 2,000 street lights in the area. Shop'through the Jewish Press
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CAMP COUNSELOR APPLICATIONS STILL IJKING ACCEPTED Applications for positions in the summer camps sponsored by the Jewish Federation and the Center are still being accepted. Those applying for counselor positions must be in college or college graduates while applicants for junior counselors or assistant counselors should be high school graduates. Application f o r m s may be picked up at the Center's Camp Office or a copy will be mailed upon request.
MONA LISA House of Glamour
Omahans in News Leo Eisenslalt, was elected president of the Omaha Bar Association at the group's annual dinner. John Fcrcnstcin was installed Wednesday as president of the Omaha Pharmaceutical Association, Inc. Izadorc Elewitz, a past president, was rcelected to the board of directors and Mrs. Elewitz now serves the organization's auxiliary as second vicepresident. Edward Allan Schneider son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Schneider was graduated from the University of Omaha, January 2G, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He is a charter member of the University of Omaha chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity.
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New York (WNS)—Some 1,G17 Americans, or 300 more than in 19C2, settled in Israel in 1962. DILLON'S FAIRACRES
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Semi-Annual Clearance *.. Final Reductions SALE DATES February 1st to February 9th
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1409 FARNAM 342-5010
Fage Four
Two Players Sharpening Up Their Technique for the Handball Tourney
Dr. Abe Faier (left) and Sam Zorinsky (right) practice their handball at the Jewish Community Center courts, hi anticipation of the Center Ladder Handball Tourney, beginning Monday, February 18. Men interested in this competition are asked to call Sid Sommers, Center Athletic Director, 342-13GG.
NEBRASKA CLINCHES 5TJI AND 6TII GRADE MIDGET BASKETBALL TITLE Nebraska Furniture won the 5th and 6 th. grade Midget Basketball L e a g u e championship with 2 games still remaining to be played. Nebraska clinched the title with their s e v e n t h straight v i c t o r y but it didn't come easy as it took an overtime contest with a 17 to Hi score over I-Go-Van to bring it home. David Katz lead his team with 7 marks. Steve Epstein was the game's top scorer witli !) points for I-Go-Van. Another thrilling contest found Tretiak edging Adler 27 to 25. Bruce Muskin v/as top scorer with 13 points for Tretiak and Howard Katelman pushed across 10 tallies for Adler. B o r s h e i m won their sixth straight 7th and !!th grade basketball league victory and thus clinched at least a tie for first p l a c e , defeating Fireside last Sunday 41 to 20. Maynard Belzer and Alan Priesman hit for 20 and 13 marks each. In other league games MogenDavid t u r n e d back Cappy's Chargers 31 to 1G as Jeff Cooper pumped in 12 points. MogenDavid is in second place with a 4 and 2 record. Their only hope is for Borsheim to lose their last two games, coupled with their own two victories would tie them for first place.
sive wins. Chet Stoler and Stewart Forbes hit for 23 and 18 points respectively in Ronu's G4 to 32 victory over Wcizmann. Paul Kaiman, 14 points led the Weizmann attack. Paul Kutler, Sandy Friedman, Ted Sanford all led Rayim to a 7'J to 8 victory over AZA No. 10C Kutler hit for 22 and Friedman and Sanford s c o r e d 14 points apiece. Schedule Feb. 3
10 a.m.—AZA No. 1 vs. Ronu 11 a.m.—AZA No. 100 vs. Weizmann 1U noon—Lincoln vs. Rayim
Israel fiefs Beauty In Arab Spy Ring Tel Aviv (WNS)—A twentytwo-year-old b e a u t y , Khalas Jumaa, is believed to be the central figure in a spy ring that was broken up last week with the arrest of ten Israeli Arabs. An illiterate, the woman was d e s c r i b e d as "a black-eyed beauty who is the "Jewel" of the Arab El Aramseh Bedouin tribe. The indictment which is in preparation, will charge her with making periodic visits to Lebanon with maps and drawings sewn into the hem of her dress. Most members of the spy ring, accused of collecting information for the Lebanese intelligence, are related to the girl's family.
Senior Citizens Will Hear Ralibi Brooks
Rabbi Sidney Brooks of Tem- Iluikissnh Group Studies ple Israel, will address the reg- "Unity of Jewish People" ular meeting of the Senior CitiMrs. Alfred Frank, chairman zens group on Monday, Feb- of the Hadassah Education Comruary 4, following a 12:30 p.m. mittee announces that the study luncheon at the Jewish Com- group discussing "Unity of the munity Center. Jewish People," will meet for Joseph Radinowski, president, coffee at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, urged all members to be pres- February G, at the home of Mrs. ent. Henry Stern, 105 South 50 AveThe group's activities are nue. This group meets the first sponsored jointly by the Oma- and third Wednesday of each ha Section of the National Coun- month. cil of Jewish Women and the * * • Jewish Federation. SAM Parents-Sons Dinner, Planned Dance Class for The combined Omaha and Lincoln Mothers Clubs will hold their annual Parents-Sons dinA special social dance class, providing instruction and special parties, will be started shortly by the Jewish Community Center for seventh and eighth grade boys and girls. Jerusalem (JTA) — Israel's Eight Friday after school Cabinet ratified here, at its regclasses starting at 4 p.m. at the ular weekly meeting, the extraCenter will be featured in this dition treaty between the Unitannual activity. ed States and Israel signed reFee for the scries is $2.50 cently in Washington by United with the number of registrants States Secretary of State Dean being limited to 20. Rusk and Israel's Ambassador, Registration is by phone call Avraham Harman. confirmation with the Center or Under the terms of the treaty, through postcard registration 31 extraditable offenses are listed. Because Israel has abolJewish Tourists ished the death penalty—except in a case like that of the late Attacked in S.A. Adolf Eichmann—Israel may reunder the terms of the Buenos Aires (WNS)—A minor fuse, pact, to hand over a person who fracas on the Miramar beach, faces "the maximum penalty" a swanky summer resort, de- unless Israel is guaranteed that veloped into a near-riot when a the death penalty will not be group of members of the Tacua- invoked in the U.S.A. in that ra neo-Nazi youth organization case. attacked a group of Jewish tourThe treaty also provides the ists. right of non-extradition for perPolice intervention prevented sons with political ofthe incident developing into a fensescharged one of the parties conmajor battle between an esti- siders ifthe offense political or mated 300 bathers. Several of if the wanted person proves that the youths, said to be members the offense charged against of influential families, were held him is "in fact political," Israel by the police, but they were has similar extradition treaties promptly released. with Italy, France, Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Medical Self-Help The Netherlands, Austria and South Africa.
Program Started
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Carp announce the birth of their third daughter, Tenley Anne, on January 9. Their other children are Valerie and Stacy. Grandmothers are Mrs. Ray Sklarin, Bradley Beach, N. J. and Mrs. Rose Carp. Mr. and Mrs. B e r n a r d E. Greenberg announce the birth of a son, Joel Norman on January 7. Their other son is Howard Evan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Struletz of La Grange, Ga., and Mrs. Hyman E. Greenberg.
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Beth El Consecration Service on Feb. 8th
ner on Sunday, February 10 at (i p.m. at the Sheraton-Fontenolle Hotel. Guests at the banquet will be G. Robert Ross, Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Nebraska and Bill 'Thunder" Thorton, all American football player from the University. Alumni interested in attending, may m a k e reservations with Mrs. Sam Garrop.
o Under the sponsorship of the aooeoooooooooosoooooooo; o doctors and nurses in the medio o cal service division of Omahao Douglas county civil defense, o Wearing Badly?? oo Omaha hospitals, adult education and the YWCA are particio Let Us Refit Your Carpet o pating in a pilot program to inand Add More Wear to It o troduce to the community a new o training program designed • to CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE e teach people how to take care o e of themselves and their families o in an extreme emergency when a o a doctor cannot be reached. e o Further information will be o RUG CLEANERS supplied by calling the office of o William Dean Noyes, Director Don Bernstein—345-2554 e of Civil Defense, 558-0333. o o Clean—Repair—Install Dr. R. Russell Best, director of both the medical division of rtS0O009OOOOOCOO0OO00OOOC3 Civil Defense and of medical services of the Red Cross disaster committee, stated he FOR THE FINEST... hoped that all persons in OmaPortraits ha, will have an opportunity to Weddingi become familiar with medical IN PHOTOGRAPHY self-help.
LINCOLN UPSETS AZA NO. 1 Jay Kushner pumped in 25 tallies to lead Lincoln AZA to a 43 to 38 win over AZA No. I in Jewish youth council play. Amsterdam (WNS)—A Dutch No. 1 scored 27 of its 38 points in the last half but couldn't over- art collector who in 1941 purcome Lincolns lead. Neil Simon chased from the Nazis a work hit for 22 marks for the losers. of art of Jewish ownership must The Jewish Community of it to the original owners, Ecuador, In other games played Ronu return which dates back to it was ruled by a civil court in and Rayim both scored decithe turn of the century, today Arnhem. some 3,000 persons, The object, a Daumier bronze, numbers of whom are concentrated was purchased by a Mr. Rentjes, most in the capital, Q u i t o , a n d Dutch art collector, at a Nazi jGuayaquil. (JTA) auction. Later he loaned it to the Cologne Museum in GerConsecration of new pupils of many. The court o r d e r e d Beth El Talmud Torah will take Rentjes to return the are work place at the Sabbath service on within two weeks or else forfeit February 8, at 8 p.m. ' a penalty of $280 per day. Daily Jewish Newspapers The con&ecrantj ore: David Alloy, Leonard Barren. Julie Bernstein, Frances ChuThe Daumier bronze was .part BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratunovlc, David Cooper, Hollie Cooper, Joseph of the vast are collection left E'senberg, Eric Fried, Kclhy Goldstein, lations also cards, for all JewMichael Ooodman, Steven Gotsdiner, David by the late Jacob Goldschmidt, ish holidays and special ocGross, JonJ Lohrman, John TuIIy and MlcMoel Wise. famous German banker and casions. . Coyle Altman, Joan Bernstein, Sfeve Jewish philanthropist, when he Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Blum kin, Mellnda Cooper, Barbara Crandell. Lorry Denenbero, Arthur Diamond, fled from the Nazi regime in Beth Elfccn, Alan Fredricks, Larry Gendlcr, Jay Coldenberg, Betfi Greenberg. Brad 1933. The action to recover the • Atlantic Monthly, 8 months . Greenstone, Gordon Hoberman, Llndo Jess, loot was brought by Alfred Er- $2.84. Stephanie Joseph son, David Kutler, tAaik . Kutler, Doug Lincoln, Joseph Llpsey, Rob- win Goldschmidt of New York, Esquire, 20 months $5.00. ert Meyerson, Michael Muskin, Sally Hogg, Amy Novok, Jane Hogg, Jay Porsow, Jane Fortune, 18 months $11.75. son of the late Mr. Goldschmidt. Rlmmerman, Steven Sobel, Sherrle Wclsj/ Holiday, 15 months $3.75. and Loren Wine. Some 10,000 Israeli y o u n g Scott Baker/ David Brophy, Able Don, Ladies Home Journal, 40 isRobert Freeman, Jerry Manhelmcr, Ross men and women attend institusues $6.00 Margolin, Mark Raduztncr, Larry Ruback, Sheldon Sadofsky, Mark Shaflon, Michael tions of higher learning which Life,'70 issues $7.00. Slaenberg, James Ptfut Steinberg, Keith include the Hebrew University Wagner and Lori Winlroub, Look, 40 issues $4.00. An invitation to attend the in Jerusalem, the TechnionNewsweek, 40 issues $3.G7. service and the reception which Israel Institute of Technology Sports Illustrated, 65 weeks will follow, is extended to mem- in Haifa, Ear-Ilan University in $6.87. bers of the community by par- Ramat Gan and Tel Aviv UniElsie Horwich ents of the consecrants. versity. (JTA) 551-3957 or 341-9168
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