STATE HISTORICAL Lincoln, Nebraska
socim •
VoL.XI.I-No. 21
Publication Otfiec, 101 Nn. 20th Omalia, Nebraska. PDone 3t2-lScJB
A special free Piirim treat to the community will be the rollicking musical adaptation of Peretz Hirshbimi's play, "The Blacksmith's Daughter" to be presented this Sunday evening, Harry Sidman, the Center's . Committee Chairman, stated. Featuring a Yiddish Theatrical Ensemble of seven outstanding stars of the New York Jew. jsb comedy stage, the program will start at B p.m. at the Center's Auditorium. The performance is cosponored 7)y the Jewish Community Center, the local Farband Labor Zionist Order and the Yiddish Culture Cojncil. Directed by the internationally renowned singing star, Ben Bonus, th- Iroupc includes song-, ,_.*- ., . tress Mina Bern;[ /"• the musical com f '•'" \ edy duo Lily Ltl. f ' iana and Leon k» • -'* -; Leibgold; come- *y;" ., ^ dian Sam Gold- ij> ,., Etein; the Sholem ..' \ Alecheim imper-' Vsonator, Al Harris; and painiM, Brn Bonus Paula. Kadison. Along with the musical play, the talented 'ensemble perfor-
Rabbis Ask Social Clergy to Intervene In Behalf of Jews
Second Class Postage Paid Single Copy 10 Cents at Omaha. Ncur. Annual Rate 4 Dollar*
\ Leon Libgold Lily i.ilia mcrs will present an entertaining concert program of Yiddish folk songs and songs of Israel in Hebrew, as well as humorous sluts. In charge of the evening's entertainment is Joseph Radinowski, representing the Farband group.
Center Sponsors Painting Class An early spring series of painting classes for women will be started shortly under the sponsorship of the Jewish Community Center. To feature, water color painting of still life settings and outdoor scenes, the series will be supervised by a professional painter. Registration for the e i g h t week series, to be conducted Wednesday afternoons, is by phone call registration with the Center's Activities Department at 342-1366. The fee for the s e r i e s of classes to start the end of March is $5.
Denver (JTA)—High Soviet Russian clergymen, ttu;t here this weekend with a group of Denver rabbis, and promised to convey to Soviet officials the concern of the American rabbinate over the lack of the freedom to pursue their religious rights and practices endured by the Jews in the USSR. VVithin one week of the anThe Russians', guests here of nouncement of the Esther K. the N a t i o n a l Council of Newman camp dates and rates, Churches, which concluded its annual board meeting on March over one-third of the total, pos:), included representatives of sible registrations have been the Orthodox Church of Georgia, accepted by the Camp Office at the Armenian Church, the Evan- the Center, Edward D. Brodkey, gelical Christian-Baptist Union, Camp Chairman, stated. and the Lutheran Churches of Many parents, he continued, Esthonia and Latvia. The Denver rabbis welcomed the Rus- are enthusiastic about the new sians on their behalf, as well as camp that will afford the best on behalf of the Synagogue Council of America, and made physical facilities for camping in the midwest. these points, among others; American Jewish religious leaders cannot meet with their counterparts from the Soviet Union, although Christian clergymen do not suffer such restrictions; Russian Jews have Washington, (JTA)—The State been forbidden to obtain matzo Department officially a g r e e d from State bakeries; there is a this week that Milton Friedman, lack of Jewish prayer books, Washington correspondent of prayer shawls, phylacteries and the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, other religious articles needed should have been admitted to a by practitioners of the Jewish w background briefing in the Defaith in the Soviet Union; nine 'partment on January 28, and synagogues in the USSR have attributed his exclusion to an been closed recently; there are official "misunderstanding." only four students at the single Assistant Secretary of State yeshiva in the Soviet Union. Robert Manning, replying to the The replies were that the vis- • protest made on behalf of the iting clergymen would convey Jewish Telegraphic Agency by the protests to higher authori- Philip Slomovitz, its vice-presities in the USSR. The Russians dent conceded that the matter insisted, however, that they had " s h o u l d have been handled no "special status" with the So- more wisely." Once Mr. Friedviet Ministry of Cults. man had. made known his desire to attend the briefing, Mr. Manning said, "he should have KBON Radio 1490 Presents been invited, I regret that he "MESSAGE OF ISRAEL" was hot." Sun. March 10 at 10 p.m. Program 50 AMBULANCES "Miracles Do Happen" FOR' ISRAEL Speaker New York (JTA)—A nationRabbi Jakob J. Petuchowski, wide effort to provide 50 amAssociate professor of Rabbulances as a gift to Israel on binics, Hebrew Union College the state's 15th anniversary was — Jewish Institute of Reannounced by the American ligion, Cincinnati, O. Bed Mogen Dovid for Israel.
Barring of newsman
.(Seated, left to right)—Mrs. Dave Greenberg, captain, Mrs. M. II. BroGkey, Women's General Chairman; Mrs. George Kagan, II. & I'. Chairman; Miss Kalah Franklin, Executive Secretary: (back row, left to righl) MLss Lillian Slutsky, Mmes. Saul Fcllmnn, Samuel Kaplan, Harry Ilaykin, Abe Mozcr, all captains, and Mrs. Phil D. Schwartz, advisor—maping plans for the B. & P. Divisions vole in the 19G3 Philanthropies Campaign. Miss Judy Colin, also a captain, was unable to be present for the photograph.
C a p t a i n s appointed by Mrs. George Kagan, chairman of the Business and Professional Women's Division of the Jewish Philan-
thropies Campaign held their initial planning session last Sunday at a coffee at the Kagan residence. The c a p t a i n s are Miss Judy Colin, Mmes. Saul Fellman, Dave Greenberg, Harry Haykin, Samuel Kaplan, Abe Mozer and Miss Lillian Slutzky. Mrs. Phil D. Schwartz, a past chairman of the group, will serve in an advisory capacity. Others in attendance
The camp includes sixteen modern cabins, with each group of four cabins. having its own unit lodge for recreational use The main lodge, is a particularly impressive structure, he continued ,in that it is two stories, glassed in on three sides, and Another booklet in the Jevv^h overlooks the Plattc River basin. Community Center's Holiday at Other facilities at the camp Home Series, "Passover In The include a large Olympic size, el- Home" is now available, Harry shaped swimming pool and pool Sidman, Center Chairman, rep a v i l i o n , an administration ported this week. building, a modern camp hosThe Passover b o o k l e t depital, plus supplemental build- scribes the backg-ound of the ings for administrative person- holiday, offers home decorating nel and program specialists. suggestions, plus menu ideas Stables plus endless miles of and other interesting facts and trails to hike and ride over are information. Designed for the housewife, on the scenic site. Parents may register their and for information for children, children for any or all of the the booklet is available by catting the Center's Activities Department at 342-1360. ESTHER K. NEWMAN CAMP A service charge of 25 cents Season Dates is made to cover the cost of June 30-July 14—2 weeks printing and mailing. July 14-JuIy 28—2 weeks Because the supply of bookJuly 28-AiiRust 11—2 weeks lets is limited, requests for the Season Rates booklet will be handled in the Non-Res iorder in which they are reOmahans dents ceived. 2 Weeks ....$ 75.00 $ 85.00 4 Weeks ....$150.00 $170.00 6 Weeks ....$225.00. $255.00 Campers may be enrolled for two weeks, a month, or for (lie full six week season. Monday, March 11 is the date selected for the Bikur Cholim three two week sessions, Brod- Purim luncheon and card party key stated. He urged parents at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Comdesiring a camp experience for munity Center Auditorium. their children to register them Proceeds of the affair will be immediately, to insure them a used for furnishing for the replace in this summer's camp cently completed Conine Livprogram. Only the capacity of ingston Lounge at the Dr. Philip the camp wil be enrolled, the Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. Camp Chairman, said. Mrs. John Zorinsky and Mrs. Farther information and par- Dave Wine are the luncheon ticulars on Jewish Federation and party arrangements chairsponsored the camp and its pro- men. Free bingo will be availgram may be obtained by call- able for those not wishing to ing the Camp Office at 342-13GG. play cards.
were Mrs. M. I I . Brodkey, Women's General Campaign chairman and Miss Kalah Franklin, its executive secretary. The w o m e n discussed plans and ideas for future events, whose dates will be announced later.
Problem of Education lexf to Security in Calf Center for Passover Doohlet Israel—Ben-Ourion Jerusalem (WNS) Next to se-
likur GhoHm Plans
curity, education is Israel's most urgent national problem, it was declared on the floor of Knesset by Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, who counselled a widening school program that would extend the compulsory school age to sixteen. At the same time the Prime M i n i s t e r suggested that all school children between the ages of 13 and 16 be required to learn a trade in industry or farming. Aprepos the teacher shortage and the lack of funds for secondary education, Mr. Ben Gurion said that the financial problem wil not be solved without the help of Jews outside Israel. To meet the educational needs of Israel's new generation, he said, will require an utmost effort in Israel and byworld Jewry.
Science Club Meets Sunday The Jewish Community Center's Science Club will hold' its second meeting on S\i«day, March 10, at the Center under the direction of Donald Klein, its advisor. The program will feature an experiment, in addition to the regular "Let's Explore Science." Students in the 7-14 age range, interested in science, are invited to place their names on the- club's mailing list. Meeting time is 3:30 p.m.
Page Two
f etotsl)
Festival Begins Saturday Nt
Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second week in July. Second Class Postage Paid ot Omaha, Ncbr. Annual Subscription, H CO. Advertising Raits en Application, Publication Ofllce—101 No. 20th sired, Omoha, Netc, K2-1366.
Religious Services Candlclighting 6:03 p.m. Beth El: Sabbath Eve Services will begin at U:15 p.m. this evening. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. C a n t o r Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30. Family Service, at which members Of the United Synagogue Intermediates will participate in the service, will begin at 10:30. Mincha-Maariv services will begin at C p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Services 9 a.m. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. B'nai Jacob Adas Yesliuron: Friday Mincha, 6 p.m.; Saturday morning, 8:30 and Mincha, G p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 0:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath even-
Study Group "LORI) OF THE FLIES", DISCUSSION TOPIC The book group of the Omaha Section National Women's Committee of Brandeis University will meet 10 a.m. M o n d a y , March 11, at the home of Mrs. Michael Krasne, 1037 Country Club Blvd. The book to be discussed is "Lord of the Flys" by William Goldberg. Mrs. N. H. Greenberg is group chairman. MRS. KATELMAN, IS HADASSAH HOSTESS Mrs. Alfred Frank, Hadassah Education Chairman, said the study group discussing "Jeremiah" will meet at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, March 14, for a coffee, at the home of Mrs. Sidney Katelman, 7515 Cass Street. COFFEE And CONVERSATION , The Spring Series of Coffee and Conversation at Temple Israel will open March 19 at 10 a.m. " BIBLE CLASS The bible study class will meet at Temple Israel on March 14 at 1 p.m. with Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks leading the discussion on "Further Readings in Isaiah, The Prince of Prophets." RABBI KRIPKE WILL LEAD DISCUSSION Coffee with the Rabbi, a study group discussing the Pentateuch, and led by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, will meet on Wednesday, March 13 at 9:30 a.m. in the Beth El Synagogue Library.
Friday, March 8, 19G3
ing services will be at 8:15 p.m. Friday evening. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks has chosen as his sermon topic "The New Torah Translation . . . Its History and Purpose." Musical portions of the services will be by Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and the Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin. Men's Sunday brunch, originally scheduled for March 3, will be held on March 17, at 10 a.m. at the Temple. The assistant teachers' meeting scheduled for March 5 at 4:30 p.m. at Temple Israel has been cancelled and re-scheduled for Tuesday, March 12. Adult Hebrew class at Temple will meet on Monday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m. The class is led by Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner. Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin, Groner, Cantor Emil Berkovits and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct the late Friday evening family Girl Scout Sabbath services at 8:15 p.m. Traditional Friday evening services, (Kobolas Shabbos) at 0:05 p.m. Saturday morning Shacharis at 8:45 a.m. and Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at 0:10 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 7:05 p.m.
Deaths MRS. PAULINE JACOBS A report has been received of the death of Mrs. Pauline Jacobs, 37, a former Omahan, on February 2C, in a Van Nuys, Cal., hospital. A brother, Bernard Falk and an aunt, Mrs. Ida Geifman reside in Omaha. Also surviving are her husband, Lou and sons, Jordy and Barry and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Falk, all of California.
Purim, the Biblical festival observed by the traditional reading of the Book of Esther, or (known as the Megillah), in commemoration of the deliverance of the Persian Jews, will be greeted in Jewish homes and synagogues this Saturday evening and Sunday. The events associated with the holiday, occurred in Persia some 2-100 years ago, during the reign of King Ahasuerus, when Hainan, prime m i n i s t e r and arch-anti-Semite plotted to exterminate the entire Jewish population because Mordecni, a Jew refused to bow down to him. His sinister designs were frustrated by the timely intervention of Queen Esther. Purim in many ways has the spirit of a social event with carnivals, parties, costume parades and other festivities. However, the holiday is a happy reminder that while evil may seem allpowerful, it can be defeated if people of good faith work together. Beth El Coronation The Megillah will be read at Beth El Synagogue, after the G:30 p.m. Maariv on Saturday and at 9 a.m. on Sunday. The children's Purim coronation will be held after their reading of the Megillah Sunday at 11 a.m. in the main sanctuary. Lynn Nogg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Nogg, and Jerry Raznick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris R a z n i c k , selected as queen and king of Purim, will head the march of princesses and princes in the coronation. The princesses are: L i n d a
High Schoolers in Md. Wear Nazi Costumes
Boonsboro, Md. UTA)—Black "stormtrooper" uniforms have been banned at Boonsboro High School by school authorities because students sought to dress like the thugs of Nazi Germany. It became a fad among the students to render Nazi salutes and shout "Heil Hitler!" Dr. J. Williard Newton, school principal, said that a group of students began wearing black shirts and black trousers to class. BEN NOODELL adulation of Nazism at Funeral services were held theTheschool reached such proMonday at the Jewish Funeral portions Dr. Newton this Home for Ben Noodell, 50, Oma- weekend that the 750 students ha grocer slain Saturday. Burial body thattoldNazi-like uniforms . was in Mount Sinai Cemetery. would be prohibited. Eleven stuMr. Noodell's home was at 1020 dents defied the ban and were North 64 Street. from classes. One tenthSurviving are his wife, Selma, barred grade student was suspended for d a u g h t e r , Sharon Kay; son. five days, another barred Steven; mother, Mrs. Belle Noo- from classes until was school offidell; brother, Harry and sister, cials can confer with his parMrs. Rose Schwartz, all of Oma- ents, and disciplinary action is ha. , pending against four others. It was reported that swastikas have been scrawled on blackAU friends and relatives are boards. There was talk among Invited to attend services and Nazi emblems brought back students of acquiring authentic reception. from Europe as war souvenirs JUDY LINCOLN of some of them, Judy Lincoln, daughter of by the fathers with German bayonets Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lincoln, along will become Bas Mitzvah Sat- and pistols. urday morning, March 16, at Shop through the Jewish Press Temple Israel. Ads.
Bar iilzvah
Abrams, Ellen Batt, S u s a n Buchwald, Joan Faier, Kathy Goldstein, Rosalin Guss, Ellene Halprin, Susan Katz, Janet Lipsey, Sally Nogg, Karen Rice, Barbara Roseman, Sonja Rotlikop, Margaret Schneider, Karen Wintroub and Lori Wintroub. The princes are: Mark Bernstein, David Bittner, Larry Rencnberg, Ronald Fellman, Kenneth Freshman, Jim Fried, Larry Gold.strom, Barry Kaiman, Robert Kutler, Randall Ratner, Mark S i n g e r , Jim Steinberg, Joel Stern, Byron Wagner, Michael Wise and Barry Zorinsky. After that portion of the ceremonies the synagogues youth group will sponsor a carnival from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., assisted by the men's group. On the youth group committee are Nelta Kripke, Robert Slutzky, Mark Plattner, Lloyd Wohlncr, Neil Simon, Marsha Fellman, Nancy Jabenis, Alice Fellman, Jan Janger, U.S.Y. president and Ricky Chudacoff, U.S.I, president, with Stewart Tully representing the Men's Club. Beth Israel Purim Royally The Megillah reading at Beth Israel Synagogue on Saturday at 7:15 p.m. will be followed by the Coronation of Purim royalty and the annual costume parade. Elected king and queen of the Talmud Torah are David Katz son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Katz and F r a n k i e Weiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loui.1? Weiner. Their court will include the following: Karen Topper, princess; Pam19C3 JEWISH CALENDAR Purim Mar. 10 Passover Apr. 9-1G Shavuot May 29-30 Tlsha B'Av July 30 Rosh Haslianali. ScpL 19-20 Yom Kippur ..Sept. 28 Sukkot Oct. 3-9 Shmlni Atzerct ......Oct. 10 Simhat Torah Oct. 11 Hanukkah ,. .Dec. 11-18 AH observances begin on eve of (he holiday.
Horace L. Rosenblum wishes to thank all his friends for their cards of good wishes he received, and for the many gifts to organizations made in Ills name while he was ill in the hospital
aij RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
Announcement! Beth Israel Sisterhood
DONOR LUNCHEON Previously Scheduled for March 5 Will Be Held
TRAVELWARE LUGGAGE C O . Factory Repairs—Luggage—Trunks—Zippers All Leather Goods—Ladies' Purse Repairing 1416 HARNEY
ela Weiss, lady-in-waiting! Terry Wiseman, Mordecai; Larry Boguchwal, Hainan. Their par-. ents are Messrs. and Mmes. Mai. Tepper, Bernard Weiss, Robert Wiseman and Morris Boguchwal, respectively. Sunday school royalty are: Marcia Wisnia, queen; Howard Lehman, king; Robert Meyerson, prince and Joan Marshall, princess. Their parents are Messrs. and Mmes. Ben Wisnia, Jerry Lehman, Meyer Meyerson and Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Marshall, respectively. Representing Club Israel are: Fred Amster, king; Miriam Frank, queen; H a r r y Wisnia, Haman; Bruce Forbes, Mordecai, and Nancy Burstein, princess. Their parents are Messrs. and Mmes. Roman Amster, Wai-. ter Frank, Ben Wisnia, Irving Forbes, and Joseph Burstein, respectively. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. will be followed by tho reading of the Megillah. The Beth Israel Purim carnival will be held at the synagogue, Sunday, March 17 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Temple Israel Dinner Temple Israel will begin its Purim observance with a congregational d i n n e r , Saturday, March 9 at 0:30 p.m. The Megitlah reading will be at 7:30 p.m. with music by the Junior and Senior choirs. The Temple Youth group, on Sunday, will sponsor a "Purim Spiel" which will include a talent show, a magic program, a costume parade and the crowning of "Queen Esther." It'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron will have the reading of the Megillah Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m.
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Friday, March 8, 1003
Page Tlireo
Combo to Entertain Arab-Christian Housewife, Now Sher Homo for Aged ©I the Israeli Kitclien1
A youthful coniljo, known as the Dixiegators, v/ill entertain at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, Sunday, March 10 in a program beginning at 1:30 p.m. The musical unit was organized two years ago by Gary Riekes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Riekes and a Western Hills pupil, who plays the c l a r i n e t and tenor saxophone. He is the group's master of ceremonies. Other members of the combo, all Lewis and Clark junior high students are Gary Soiref, drums; Robert Guss, trombone; Gary Kaplan, pianist; Joel Aresty, bass violin and Ronald Broekemeyer. They are the sons, of Messrs, and Mines. M o r t o n Soiref, Joseph CUES, Howard Kaplan, Maurice • Aresty and Carl Broekemeyer, respectively.
Hadassafi Overseas Trip to i r s . Sobel
I' m
At a recent board meeting of The Missouri Valley Region of Hadassah held in Des Moines, la., the attending Omaha delegates were notified that one of Omaha's new members, Mrs. Harold Sobel, was the recipient of a 21-day tour for two to Europe and Israel. The trip was contributed to the Missouri Valley Region of Hadassah by the Bob LurieH e r b e r t Torgove Brenlwood Travel Agency of St. Louis, Mo., in honor of Hadassah's Golden Jubilee Year. Mr. Sobel, Family Service Director of the Jewish Federation, will accompany his wife on the tour. The trip includes visits to Rome, Israel, London, Paris and Naples in addition to a tour of Israel.
Hadassah Telethon For Bikel Show The local Chapter of Hadassah will stage telethons, on Sundays, March 10 and 17 for calling and receiving reservations on the Omaha appearance of Theodore Bikel, internally k n o w n folk singer. The well-known artist will present his concert here on Tuesday, March 20 at 8:30 p.m. Ot the Music Hall. . Calls for reservations may be made by contacting 553-5227 or 393-1000 during the hours of 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. either Sunday nnd tickets will be dispatched immediately to the homes of purchasers by volunteers. Reservations may also be made in the arcade at the Crossroads from March 11 to March 14 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday and Thursday and noon until 4 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday.
Life Membership In P-TA Received Mrs. Maurice J.' Frank received P-TA's highest National award—a life membership at a meeting of the Omaha P-TA Council this week. Mrs. Frank, a member of the Omaha School Board has been active in P-TA activities for 15 years.
Israel: An Arab Christian Housewife from Nazareth, Mrs. Ablu Mazzawi, cooked her way into the hearts of the judges in the finals of the competition for the Queen of the Israel Kitchen. She was awarded the first prize of IL2,500 by the panel of nine judges for her recipe for stuffed artichoke hearts, Mrs. Mazzawi intends to invest the money in the expansion of her husband's Nazareth restaurant. The second and third prizes (electrical appliances and weeknnds at luxury hotels) v/cre won by Bulgarian-born Mrs. Matilda Alkalay (chicken in cognac, wine and orange juice) and American-born Mrs. B l a n c h e Cohen (banana souffle'). Other recipes which reached the finals included: pumpkin stuffed with meat, rice, raisins and nuts; eggplant stuffed with meat, rice and pine-nuts; chicken s t u f f e d with meat and cooked in pomegranate juice; fish stuffed with mushrooms and cheese. Presented here is Mrs. Mazzawi's prize-winning recipe. Stuffed artichoke hearts I n g r e d i e n t s : Vh lbs artichokes, 14 oz. margarine, 1 lb. mutton with small piece of tailfat, 2 large onions, 2 ozs, pine nuts, tablespoon of salt, teaspoon of black pepper, teaspoon of cinnamon.
Second Yiddish Film Coming on March 17 The Yiddish Culture Council will present the second movie in its monthly scries of Yiddish films on Sunday evening, March 17 at the Jewish Community Center. The featured film, the famous classic, "Kol Nidre," will be presented following a piano concert by Alexander Riskin, Omaha artist. Cantor Leibzele Waldman and the famous Joel Feig Double Choir star in the film. Admission fifty c e n t s for adults and free for children.
Birth Mr. and Mrs. David J, Meyers announce the birth of a son, William Wolkoff on February 19. They have two other sons, Jonathan and Joseph.
NEW LISTINGS NEEDED! Put us to work selling your property! Almost all .SOLD out and raring to to i;o again! We Imve many eajjer buyers waiting for new offerings. For free estimate of market value
Jerusalem, (JTA)—Jerusalem has absorbed 100,000 immigrants since the establishment of the State of Israel and the city's population is now 180,000, compared with the GOO . OO who remained in the capital after the lifting of the siege in 1948 during the War of Liberation, Mayor Mordechai Ish-Shalom reported.
Remove outer leaves of artichokes until inner tender leaves are revealed. Open up and remove thistle. Place shells of artichokes in cold water. Melt the margarine in frying pan, add artichokes with tail-fat, and fry well, place in shallow baking dish. Chop or grind meat and onion and fry in same margarine. Add pinenuts, salt, black pepper and cinnamon. Fill.
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Travel Notes Two Omaha couples will meet in London, England for the wedding of a mutual relative. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Appel left on March 7 and their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiman will start on their trip, on March 14, After the wedding, the Appels will visit Israel and will rejoin the Kaimans in Paris. They will return to the United States together. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goldberg will leave Sunday for two weeks in Los Angeles and other Caliornia points of interest.
Hlsli School students In special reserved section. Tlclictn ut Brnndcla Ticket Office and Hadassah Reservation Clialrman, Mrs, Joe Guss—rhono 553-5227. MJ2ASE IN'CMIDE SKLF-ADMIESSEH STAMPKD ENVELO1"K. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF OMAHA CHAPTER OF HADASSAH
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Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Richards of Council Bluffs, la., returned March 5 after spending a month in Miami Beach, Fla. They also visited Washington, D. C. and New York City.
Israel Medal for Bedouin Sheikh Tel Aviv (JTA)—A Bedouin sheikh was awarded a liberation medal this week for services to Israel during the War of Liberation. He was the first nonJew in Israel to receive tho award. In a colorful ceremony, the military governor of the Negev presented the award to Sheikh Auda Abu Moamer of the Azabeh tribe.
Jerusalem Absorbed 100.000 in 15 Years
Copies of tho PROSPECTUS may bo obtained by calling or writing the undersigned. Avrum Greonberg, Prosidont, O M A H A EQUITIES, Inc. 8801 Wost Center Road, Omaha 24, Nebraska 391-7300
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Page Four
Center's All-Star Youth Council Varsity Basketball Teams Picked
nrr\ 53g
VARSITY LEAGUE ALL-STARS (left to rifilil, bottom row) Steve Lustgarten, player-coach; Joel Davis, Paul Kutler, Alan Konccky; (top row) Roy Katskee, John OUun, Frank Goldberg and Marty Grccnstcin.
(Reprinted from the ROTARIAN for March 1903) On the cliffbound shores of the Dead Sea, where 40 centuries ago fire and brimstone incinerated the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and "the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace," another column of vapor today rises to greet the morning sun. Though its appearance in this bleak and eerie land, 1,300 feet below sea level, Is considerably less awesome than the pall described in the Book of Genesis, it symbolizes a story more dramatic than any Old Testament tale — that of the industrial growth of Israel, the tiny Mediterranean nation which this year marks the 15th year of its modern existence. Here on the Dead Sea, the collector of the waters of the Jordan River and the lowest spot on the face of the earth, 000 men—American and Iraqi, Moroccan and Yemenite, Yugoslav and German, the lean and sun-bronzed sabra (the nativeborn Israeli) and immigrants from a score of different lands
Friday, March 8, 19C3
—toil to make the briny waters yield their riches: an estimated one billion tons of potash, a white, powdery substance used in the manufacture of fertilizer COO million tons of bromine, a heavy brown liquid which finds its way into chemical mixtures such as antiknock additives to gasoline; and mountains of salt enough to season the tables of the world. This is the Dead Sea Works, Ltd., exploiter of Israel's chief mineral resource, producer of a sizable portion of the nation's vitally needed export income, and bellweather of increased mining activity in the Negev, Southern Israel's triangular-shaped land of tinted cliffs, b o u 1 d erstrewn wadies, and sandy plains scorched by a merciless sun. To a trio of Israeli Rotarians and others managing this unique mining enterprise, the challenge has been to weld a homegcneous work force from immigrant employees who are. as varied as Joseph's coat of mai.y colors They speak several different languages, few have had more than a rudimentary education,
Mclwin Rodman, dinner dance arrangeOriginal Play for Iieth rncnls; Mr. ond Mrs. Dick Prllman onfj Mr. ond Mrs. Milton Soylon, llcw Years El Sisterhood Meeting. tve arrangements * * * "The Three Faces of Eve" is the title of the production to Hetli Israel Donor be presented at the Beth El Sis- Luncheon on March 12 terhood Luncheon meeting on The Beth Israel Sisterhood Tuesday, March 12, at 12:30 donor luncheon originally schedp.m. in the15 Synagogue Social uled for March 5, and postponed Hall. The play was written, pro- because of the severe weather, duced and directed by Mrs. Nor- now will be held on Tuesday, man Mussman and will feature March 12, at 12:30 p.m. in the Mines. Sol Cutler, Miles Reiner, synagogue social hall, Mrs. AlIrv Singer and Jerome .Was- fred Frank, donor chairman, anserman. Cantor Aaron I Edgar nounced. will present a Passover PreThe program will be headlined view. Mrs. Alan Wolfson will by an original tableaux written YOUTH COUNCIL ALL-STAUS (left lo right, bottom row) Ted lead the Birkat Hamozon and and produced by Mrs. Morris M. Sanford, Mark Kaplan, Sandy Friedman, Itichard Epstein, Bill Mrs. Ray Simon will give the Franklin. More than twenty-five Kutlcr, Stewart Forbes; (top ro\v( Paul Kaiman, Jeff Kushner, D'var Torah. Neil Simon, Bill Ginsburg, Nate Amstcr, Dan Katskce, Chct women will participate. • « * Stolcr, and Gerry German, coach. Kill Kully and Alike Sherman, The luncheon will be prepared members of the team, were unable to be present for the photoSupervised Ilridge under the direction of Mrs. graph. Floyd Perimeter. Assisting her Playing, Temple The supervised bridge playing will be Mmes Ernie Nogg, Jack Fox, Bernard Hockenberg, Stan- series will meet Monday at II ley Silverman, Morton Richards, p.m. at Temple Israel under the David Katlcrnan, Harold Ep- direction of Mr. and Mrs. John stein, and Herman Weinstein. Winston, Certified Goren TeachMrs. Melvin Weiss is in charge ers and Life Masters. A special one day Basketball will get pointers on the proper of table decorations. Mmes. MorHenry Alonsky Chapter Clinic will be held at the Jew- techniques of shooting, passing, ris Brick, I. Dloogoff, Milton Meets Wednesday ish Community Center for boys dribbling and defense and other Mintz, and Jacob Turek are The March G luncheon meetin t h e f i f t h ingredients for basketball star- all taking reservations. Sitter service will be avail- ing of Henry Monsky Chapter, t h r o u g h t h e „ (, -—> **»; dom. They will hear a b o u t B'nai B'rith, cancelled because eighth grades on * ' ; "Creighton's fast break" and able. of the weather,' will be held * « i why "Omaha University had one Sunday, M a r c h f Wednesday, March 13 at the of its greatest seasons in 10 Hoard Meeting Before 31 f r o m I JO A. Jewish Community Center. Temple Luncheon years." p.m.-3:30 p.m V An 11 a.m. board meeting will Registration fee is $1 for CenPaul Silas • ter members and $2 for for non- precede the Sisterhood luncheon Creighton U n 1members. Enrollment is limited meeting on Tuesday, March 12 oooooooooooooooo versity All-Amer-,' and is on "a first come-first at Temple Israel at 1 p.m. i c a n candidate Dr. Ralph Wardle. head of the CHAIM WEIZMANN and Jon Lloyd, served" basis. The Center's PhyOmaha Universsical Education office, 342-13GG English department at the Uni- CHAPTER INITIATES ity star, will ap L may be called for further infor- versity of Omaha, will be the Freshmen initiated by Chaim pear in the role I'aul Silas mation and registration, or a guest speaker. Weizmann Chapter AZA at a of instructors. check may be sent there directReservations may be made b a n q u e t , February 24, were The center's youthful players ly. by calling Mrs. Jacob Hess, Mark Cherniack, Bruce Fried551-7581, Sitter service will-be lander, Sidney Friedman, Steven Goodman, Gary Guss, Robert available. * * • Hahn, Philip Itkin, David Jacobson, Larry Koom, Paul Landow, Dr. Schwartz to Charles Plotkin, Leon Polikov Narrate Film Richards, Mark Saunders, The regular monthly meeting Cory Siporin, Steven Sokolof of Cornhusker B'nai B'rith will Allan YOUTH COUNCIL LEAGUE AZA No. 1 43 to 32. Jerry Gold- be held on March l l t h a t 8:15 and Robert Yager. Mark Saunders, Paul Kaiman Ronu AZA and Rayim kept up man led the out-of-towners with p.m. at the Blackstone Hotel. their winning ways as the Jew- 13 points. League leading scorer, Thep rogram will be a cancer and Harold Schneider received ish Youth Council Basketball Dan Katskce also pumped in 13 film entitled "Time and Two the best freshman, best athlete Women," and will be narrated and best Aleph awards, respecLeague resumed play last Sun- points. Schedule March 10 day. The teams are leading the by Dr. Maurice Schwartz. An tively. Co-chairmen of the event league with identical 10 win and 10 a.m.—Honu vs. AZA No. 100 election of officers will be held. were Harold Bordy and Paul Landow, 11 a.m.—Rayim vs. AZA No. 1 1 loss records. * « * Guest speaker was Alan J. Last week Ronu romped to a Noon—Lincoln vs. Weizmann Holiday Dancing Blotky who talked on Ethics of 52 to 26 victory over Chaim Elects Officers Nuclear Energy. Weizmann with Chet Stoler takThe Holiday Dancing Club will ing high game honors with 18 hold its first dance of the sea- OFFICERS ELECTED points. Bill Kully and Mike Sherson on March 9 at the Field The graduating class of Beth man also hit for double figures Tel Aviv, (JTA)—A six-mem- Club. Israel's Talmud Torah elected with 14 and 13 tallies each. , Newly elected officers for the the following officers: ber JFrench Senatorial DelegaRayim also blasted their op- tion is due here this month to coming year are: Mr. and Mrs, President, Edward Zelinsky; ponents AZA 100 62 to 10 as study Israeli land development David Romanik, presidents; Mr. treasurer, Karen Tepper; hisPaul Kutler and Nate Amster programs. The legislators, all and Mrs. Rubin Ratner, trea- torian, Perry Ratner; Y o u t h hit for 12 marks apiece. Ted members of the French Senate surers and Mr. and Mrs. Morton Council representative, David Sanford also added 11 points Commission for Agricultural and Brett, secretarys. Katz; pledgemaster; P a m e l a members for the new season ere: for the victors. Land Improvement, will spend Mr.Board Weiss; class gift presentation by ond Mrs, G*orq« Elsenberp. and Mr. and IM%, Hrwio Lanoow. planning; Mr, and In the night-cap Lincoln AZA two weeks in Israel touring Mrl. Toby Cukier and Larry BoguchHarvey Llpsmon ond Mr. ond Mr*. No. 3 scored 17 points in the last agricultural settlements „ and Al Mepomnlck, membership; Mr. ond Mrs. wal; valedictorian, Susan HeisBen Miner ond IM, and Mrs, Norman quarter, and went on to defeat meetings with Israeli experts. Holm, ler. muilQ and ballroom; Mr, and M r i . •
French Senators Plan Israel Land Sfody
and fewer still have technical skills. The company has had to teach basic arithmetic, elementary chemistry, and even the use of simple tools such as a wrench. Such are the problems which all Israel faces, however, in its drive to b e c o m e "the Switzerland of the Middle East." With unlimited immigration in a land of limited size and natural resources, Israel's economic future lies in the development of the industrial skills of her 2,100,000 people. Already they produce and export items such as textiles, clothing, cement, refrigerators, polished diamonds, false teeth, and tires. The nation's major export item is citris fruit. Since Israel cannot trade with neighboring Arab countries because of an economic boycott, it is developing export markets elsewhere. In newly independent nations such as Ghana. Liberia,. Ceylon, and Burma these ties are expanding into v a r i o u s forms of technical assistance and studies in education, social reform, and business technique. F o r e i g n aid such as grants, loans, revenue f r o m the sale of bonds, and the United Jewish Appeal help Israel's accumulation of development capital, but the day in which Israel hopes to stand o.i its own feet, economically, is fast approaching. German reparations and restitutions to individuals, which amounted to nearly 100 million dollars in l'JGO, will end in 1964 with the final installment on the !!2!-mi!lion-do!lar debt. Israel must apply all its demonstrated ingenuity to fill the gap when these payment1; cease. Basically this calls for more exports, less imports. On the front line of this economic battle are Israel's 1,200 Rotarians, who are members of 30 Rotary Clubs r a n g i n g from Nahariya in the north to Beersheba, an ancient town of 40,000 which is the gateway to the Negev, Israel's frontier. Just 15 years ago Beersheba. was a town of 5,000 with no electricity, its only source of water Abraham's Well, dug 4,000 ago. Rotary took root in 1929 with the establishment of the Rotary Club of Jerusalem, which now has 88 members. In the Rotary Clubs of this historic land, holy to three major' faiths, Arab and Jew sit side by side, even as they did during the hostilities of 1948 when Rotarians of Haifa, for example, had to d o d g e snipers' bullets to reach the meeting place.
KAYIM ANNOUNCES CARNIVAL R a y i m Fraternity's "Annual Spring Carnival" will be held at the Jewish Community Center on March 31 from 1-4 p.m. Larry Batt is chairman of the carnival and Stuart Smith is chairman of tickets. RUNNER UP IN DEBATE „ Max Richtman was a member of the Central High team which • received the runner-up trophy in debate at Creighton University's first speech festival last Saturday.
New on Flight Menu . . . Bagel and Lox Tel Aviv (WNS)—Not to be outdone by the Scandinavians and their smorgasbord or by the French and their unique culinary dishes, the El Al airlino hereafter will offer its passengers a truly Jewish dish—a' breakfast of bagel and lox. Passengers will of course have a choice of the more traditional morning meals, but the nostalgic for bagel and lox will not ba let down either. Where will the bagel come from? From Manhattan,' next to Israel the biggest heart in Jewry.