March 22, 1963

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MAR 2 2 1965'

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Dr. Boris E. Nelson, Director of the Division of Fine Arts at the University of Toledo, Ohio, and Chairman of its Music Department, while in Omaha on April 3, will address four separate Home meetings of Women Workers, but all with a common purpose. Klcli-Off Campaign His talks will kick-off the opening of the 1903 Women's

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h t Dr. Uoris Nelson Division activities of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, Mrs. M. H. Brodkey, Women's General Chairman, announced. "Brilliantly Informed" As a result of his personal experiences as a Jew in Hitler's Germany and his wide travels i * ,)

is \u 1

in Europe, Israel and the Mjddie East, studying the many problems w h i c h affect Jews overseas, Dr. Nelson has won nation-wide recognition as a brilliantly informed speaker, Mrs. Brodkey, stated. "A graduate of Heidelberg and Goettingen Universities in Germany, Dr. Nelson witnessed the birth of Nazism, and was in a unique position to study its development and downfall", Mrs, Brodkey revealed. Famed in Academic Circles "In the United States", she said, "he has achieved prominence in academic circles." He is a life-member of the International Institute of Arts and Letters, he has headed the graduate Department of the Westminister Choir College at Princeton. Recently Dr. Nelson was

Offer Holiday lenas Passover menus, carefully selected to please holiday hostesses p r e p a r i n g traditional meals are featured in the Jewish Community C e n t e r produced booklet, Passover in the Home. The booklet which sells for twenty five cents, also provides background infonnation on the holiday, decoration ideas and suggestions for observance. A phone call to the Center's Activities Department, 342-13GG, will make the booklet available.

In answer to the many common questions asked by parents about the new Esther K. Newman resident camp, sponsored by the Jewish" Federation, the Camp Chairman, Edward D. Brodkey, provides the following replies: J.—Q. vvill Camp be ready (his summer? A. Yes, with all new facilities and a top counseling staff. 2.—Q. What will the fee be? A. The basic fee, which covers tuition, campers laundry, craft materials, plus health insurance is $75 for Omahans for a two week period. Non-residents pay $85 for a two week period. 3.—Q. What arc the ages of (he campers?

Paris (JTA)—The Algerian Parliament adopted a new nationality law which was described by legal experts here as "discriminatory against nonMoslem residents" of Algeria, who Include some 15,000 Jews. The experts also asserted that the new law was "contrary to the spirit and letter of the Franco-Algerian Evian agreement" by which Algeria won independence from France after many years as a French colony. KBON Radio 1490 Presents "MESSAGE OF ISRAEL SUN, MARCH 24 at 10 P.M. Program "Beauty in Holiness" Speaker Rabbi Joseph Gutmann, Assistant Professor of Jewish Art and Curator of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Jewish Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio,

A. Campers ages run from 7 to 14, with special leadership and counselor-intraining programs being offered for those 15 and above. 4.—Q. When shoulJ I register my child for camp? A. We suggest immediately as camp registrations are being accepted in increasing numbers and a capacity registration is expected. 5.—Q. Whal are the camp dates? A. The camp runs from June 30 until August II. The season is divided into 3 two week periods. G.—Q. Can a child be registered for more than one period? A. Yes, a child can be registered for four weeks or even for the entire six week season. 7.—Q, Will I be nble to gel the period o( my choice? A. Periods are assigned on a first come first served basis. We hope you will be r'ole to get the period of your choice, but only early and immediate rcgisstration will guarantee this.

Discriminatory Law Adopted in Algeria


named member of the City of Toledo Arts Comission. The four meetings will replace (he usual single Won en Worker's function held annually; Mrs Brodkey said. It was felt, she added that the smaller, informal "coffees" would Rive the workers the opportunity to ask questions on the performance of their role in the drive. Dr. Nelson, appearing on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal, will be introduced at the meetings by Mrs. Brodkey, and will start the day's program at a 9:30 a.m. mect'ng. They will be at three other homes during the afternoon. Present at each of the meetings Will be one of Mrs. Brodkey's co-chair, men, her captains, workers and past Women's Chairmen, serving as assistant hostesses.




Second Class Postage I'ald Single Copy 10 Cents ut Oraalm. Near. Annual Kate 4 Dollar*

Publication Office, 10l>Mo. 20th oinalui. Nebraska. J'lmnc .'M2-13GII

Theodore Bilicl

Noted Arfis*. fo Theodore Bikel, noted stage, screen and television personality, will appear at the City Auditorium Music Hall, on March 26. at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are available t h r o u g h Hadassah members and at the Brandeis ticket office. SOME 800 LEAVE SOUTH AMERICA FOit ISRAEL Rio De Janeiro, (JTA)—Somo 800 Jewish immigrants left hero to settle in Israel,

8.—Q. Where can I get further Information on and about the camp? A. You may call the Camp Office at 342-13G6 and any other specific questions will be answered. Special information, will be mailed to parents after registration of their children for the camp. Because of the early advance registrations and the enthusiasm being expressed over the new camp, Mr. Brodkey repeated his statement to parents to register their children for their camp now to avoid possible disappointments later because the camps capacity has been reached.

District Conference The Workmen's Circle Mid: west District Committee will open its semi-annual conference Sunday, March 24 at 10 a.m. at the Labor Lyceum.

Isadore M. Tretiak, prominent Omaha businessman, communal and civic leader, has accepted the post of General Chairman of the 19G3 Jewish Philanthro-

1. M. Tretiak pies Campaign, Arthur H. Goldstein, Jewish Federation President announced this week. Brings Valuable Experience "Isadore Tretiak brings to the campaign valuable experience, dynamic leadership, and a sincere devotion to our Jewish community. He ha^ a clear understanding of the needs in Omaha, the requirements of the national agencies which we support through the Campaign, and the vital program of saving Jewish refugees and settling them in Israel and elsewhere. I am confident that the li)G3 Campaign wil benefit greatly from his direction and consecration and will be a success," Mr. Goldstein said, in making the announcement. "Obligation to Help" In accepting the appointment as Chairman of the Campaign, Mr. Tretiak stated: "Despite my many heavy commitments, I have accepted the assignment to lead the All-In-One Philanthropies Campaign out of a sense of deep obligation and duty to help save Jews, to help maintain American Jewish institutions, and to raise the necessary funds for our own Omaha Jewish agencies." Exodus of Refugees "Our campaign is communitywide, and 1 hope that Omaha Jewry will give us the "manpower and woman-power" to join me in this campaign. The exodus of refugees from 'closed

countries' has added to our responsibility, and will require additional efforts and funds. "Unfortunately, many of the dramatic and exact details of where Jews escape from cannot be revealed by ordinary publicity channels. This can he related only by word of mouth from person to person, so that the escape routes of the refugees will not be placed in jeopardy. Ask Community to Respond "I hope, therefore, that the community will respond in this urgent test and challenge," Mr. Tretiak, emphasized. Mr. Tretiak, a member of the Jewish Federation Board, was the 13G2 Initial Gifts Chairman. He has served as president of the Highland Town and Country Club, and presently, is a member of its board. He is a past president of American Legicn Post No. 102, and has been active in many community affairs and has participated in a number of fund-raising projects. He is the owner of the Tretiak's Omaha Jobbing Company and serves on the Beth El Synagogue board. Mr. Tretiak, also, is a member of the Omaha Transit Co. board.

Coiinne Livingston Sun., Home for Aged A ceremony dedicating the Corinne Livingston Lounge at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, will be held Sunday, March 24 at 2 p.m. The Lounge, made possible through the gifts of Milton Livingston and the late Mrs. Livingston, was added to the north end of the building, and is being used both as a dining and sitting room. Furnishings for the room were provided by the Bikur Cholim Organization. A tea, to be given by Bikur Cholim, will follow the ceremonies. Acting as hostesses will be the members of the organization's Volunteer Service Tnit. They are Mr/ies. Abe Cohn, Nate Gimple, Ignaz Gmnsweig, Ben Kahn, Ben Spector, Dave 'Wine, Dave Silverman. Clara Waldman, and Allan Zalkin. Others who will assist are Messrs. and Mmes. Fred Hahn, Max London, Max Magid and Leonard Pinkovitz. Members and friends are invited to attend.

Youth Division Captains Chosen Club Captains for th? 1963 pies yjuth rally. It will be held Jewish Youth Council Division at 7:30 p.m. at the Sheratonof the Jewish Philanthropies Fontenelle Hotel . Campaign, were announced by Carl Riekes and Barbara Givot, Division Co-Chairmen. They are Melvin Cohen, AZA, 1, Kenneth Tretiak, AZA 100; The Golden Age group sponRichard Epstein, AZA 1000; 'Marshall Abrams, Chaim Weiz- sored by the Omaha Section Council of J e w i s h mann, AZA; Joyce Render, Ro- National Women and the Jewish Federhanue BBG; Judy Turner, Ediar ation, will hold its m o n t h l y BBG; Gail Levin, Hevrah BBG; luncheon meeting on Monday, Paula Bercutt, Ner Tamid, BBG; March 25 at 12 noon, at the Lloyd Roitstein, Rayim Frater- Jewish Community Center. nity; Howard Hahn, Unafaliated Von Trimble, field representaBoys and Nancy Jabenis, Unaf- tive of Social Securities Adminfiliated Girls. istration, will be the g u e s t The co-chairmen urged all . speaker, following the business Youth Council members to set meeting. A humorous reading aside the evening of April 7, the will be presented by Mrs. Phildate of the annual Philanthro- lip Crandell.!

Golden Agers To Meet Mon.


Fage Two

Friday, March 22, 19C3


Organizations Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through sccoud week In July. Second Class Pc.tco* Fold cr Omcho, Nttr. Annual Subscription, S4.00. Advert,slr.g Rc1« tn Application. Publication Office—101 No. 20lh Strut, Orichc, tiifc-r., ZiZVUt.



Religious Services Candlelighting G:18 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath services, 8:15 p.m. Sermon, '"German Jewish Leadership, The Nnzis and Rabbi Leo Baeck . . . Heply to The New Yorker articles.'1 Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and choir under direction of Miss ; Ida Gitlin, musical portions. Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Emil Berkowitz, choir to conduct services. Family Sabbath service, 8:15 p.m. Traditional, 6:20 p.m. Saturday, 8:45 p.m. Junior Congregation, 10 a.m. M i n e ha, C:25 p.m. Maariv, 7:20 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. Breakfast and Rabbie's Bible class, Junior minyon, 8:30 a.m. Daily service, 7 a.m. and G:30 p.m. Beth El: Sabbath eve service at 8:15 p.m. Sermon by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and choir, musical portions. Traditional sabbath morn-

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ing service, 8:30 a.m. Family s e r v i c e . 10:30 a.m. MinchaMaariv, C:15 p.m. Sunday morning, 9 a.m. During the week, 7 D.m. and 7 p.m.





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The Omaha Chapter of HadasC A N D Y 7.o, ecu. Bfl, E«. 3 5 c sah's program will feature The Choice Sid Sommers Urban League panel at a luncheon meeting, Wednesday, March 27 at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish The Sioux City All-Stars re- Community Center. Mmes. MeyManischcwlbt and Straits f*Uf%tf*li5 versed the tables on the Jewish er Rubin and Edward Green Pauorer Products % » l * i % ! # l V»l£a Community Center's four All- are taking reservations. BEEF Star teams, by winning three Over 100 Doien of * ** VEAL out of four games on the Sioux Delicious The B'nai B'rith Cornhusker City courts, Sunday. The OmaCandles and Cookies CHICKENS Chapter Donor luncheon will be ha varsity, consisting of Frank Goldberg, Joel Davis, Roy Kat- held Thursday, March 20 at skee, Al Konecky, Gary Sinde- 12:15 p.m, at the Cimarron TURKEYS lar, Tom Platt and Mark Green- room. Vita Herrina • • 9 stein, salvaged the only victory, Mrs. Ernest Hochster will be Dcfore You Buy — Shop Our Prices 87-fiO. hostess to the Beth Israel SisMother's Best Gcfilto Fish, Priced at Big Savings The Youth Council basketball terhood Study Group at her schedule for March 24 include home, 5832 Hamilton Street on STORE HOURS A2A 1 vs. Ronu, 10 a.m.; AZA Monday, March 25 at 12:30 p.m. Sunday 7 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. 100 vs. Weizmann, 11 a.m. and Rabbi Benjamin Groner will Monday Thru Thursday 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Friday, 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. Lincoln vs. Rayim at 12 noon. lead the studies.

MALI. TO WAIX f AltJ'ETl-NG AXD FUtXITlltE Clruned In Your Home


Richard Fellman will speak at Ihe dinner meeting of Farband Labor Zionist Branch 51, Sunday, March 24 at. 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Call 342-3091 for reservations.

The Pioneer Women's Organization will meet for luncheon March 2G at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. * • * B'nai Jacob Adas Veshuron: Dr. Paul L. Beck, University Friday Mincha, G p.m.; Saturday of Omaha, will address the morning, 8:30 and Mincha, 6 "Let's Converse" Group of the p.m., followed by Sholosh Seu- National Council of Jewish dos. Daily services at 6:30 a.m. Women, Tuesday, March 2G at Commercial Savings and Loan and 6 p.m. Bank, 45th and Dodge. Call 55G9009 or 553-3020 for reservations.

Complete Carpet Service


The Business and Professional Women's Group of Hndassah, will have a dinner meeting Wednesday, March 27 at G p.m. at the Jewish Community Center.




We Cany a Complete Lint ef Strictly Kosher Poultry for Passover end Yccr-Aroimd Use— the Very Finest—OUEEN ESTHER BRAND

The Midget Basketball League will close its season with a oneday clinic to be conducted on Sunday, March r~" 31 f r o m 1:30 • p.m.-3:3O p.m. by two Omaha has ketball stars. Fundamentals of the sport will be examined for the class which will be composed of fifth through the eighth grade^ boys. All boys" — *>-B fl interested a r e Jon Lloyd urged to register at the Center's Athletic office immediately. The fee is $1 for Center members and $2 for non-members.

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A Complete Line of

Phosphate Reserves Found Near Arad Jerusalem, (JTA) An ore stratum with proven reserves of 15,000,000 tons of phosphates has been discovered south of Arad in southern Israel. There Is believed to be another 105,-000,000 tons of phosphate in the area.

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Friday, March 22, 1083


Bar Mifzvah

Mr., Mrs.Club Dance

All friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception.

Dancing ant' a buffet will follow a musical revue at the Beth El Mr. and Mrs. Club's spring dance, on Saturday, March 23 at the Highland Country Club. Mrs. Alan Burton, co-president of the Club, with her husband, is overall chairman of the event. Serving with her are 1 "essrs. and Mmes. Dave Rice, Miles Remer, Steve Lustgar^en; Harl Weiss, Richard Martin, Jerry Wassenjian, Irv Marcus, Ray Pred, Willis Epstein and Rabbi and Mrs, Norman Mussman.

Marc Lipmau Marc Lipman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lipman, Bar MitzVah, Saturday, March 23, 10:30 a.m., Beth El Synagogue. Robert Bcbcr Robert Beber, son of Mr. and Mrs, David E. Beber, Bar Mitzvah, Saturday morning, March 30, Temple Israel.

Steven Scliumelster 138-Year-Old Closing Steven Schumeister, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hy S. Schumeister, Law Declared Invalid Jefferson City, Mo., (JTA)— Bar Mitzvah, Saturday morning, The Missouri Supreme Court March 23, Temple Israel. held that the state's Sunday closing laws, which have been in effect for 138 years, were invaMr. and Mrs. David Goldstein lid. announce the birth of a son, I. Joseph, on March 11. Grandparents are Messrs, and Mmes. Jack Ban and Arthur Goldstein. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs. Isadore Goldstein and Mrs. Joseph Ban.


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Mr. Erwln Wezelman, Merchandising Manager of the Men's and Eoy3* Pepartmonts of the Nebraska Clothing Company ha3 announced two new appolnlment3. Mr. Isadora Bogdanoff Is to be the new Associate Buyer and Sales Manager of The Nebraska's Men's Clothing Departments and Mr. Jerry; Ryan 13 the new Men's Clothing Buyer. Both men are returning to The Nebraska after several years absence. We welcome them back, and are sure their many friends will be pleased to learn of their "new" affiliation. Mr. Bogdanoff has had thlriy-fiv© years experience In the men's clothing business, thirty years of which was previously spent at The Nebraska. Th» last five years he has been men's clothing coordinator' of a branch store In Omaha. Mr. Ryan while obtaining his B.S.C. degree In merchandising at CreigriIon University In 1951, worked for the Nebraska Clothing Company. He has had ten years experience as a men's clothing consultant and buyer in Omahcfc

'The Omaha National Bank lltniber Federal Deposit Inmranct Corporation MAIN DANK—17th and Fflrnam Streets WALKINDRIVEIN—17th and Douglas Street*

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Page Four — ~T^syj vy w vn A

Friday, March 22, 1963

n n ^ b n i -rf T\

' Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354


Vol. 15, No. 7 '


Meeting Dates

Greets Mr. Julius Siref Mr. Harold W. Sobel Mr. Harry Stoler Mr. Samuel Stone Dr. H. Sol Susman Mr. Moses Traube Mr. William C. VVjsserkrug Mr. Jonas Weil Mr. John Winsten Mr. Aron Zeiderman Mr. Philip Zollotuchen • Mr. Richard F. Gummers Mr. Bernard Gurtenstein Mr. Al J. Harding Mr. Nathan Kirke Mr. Joseph Koprak Mr. David L. Krantz Mr. Stanley H. Krum Mr. Walter Levi Mr. Harry Lewis . Mr. Manuel Mackey Mr. Sol Mann Mr. Nate Mantel, Jr. Mr. Nate Marcus Mr. Phil Mulnick Mr. Burton L. Oberman Mr. Arthur Parilman Rabbi Matthew M. Poliakoff Mr. Norman M. Pred Mr. Herbert M. Rapoport Mr. Morris Raznick Mr. Ben Reitzer Mr. Harry Goldberg

Mr. Danny Abramson Mr. Lee Bernstein Mr. Marshall Bernstein Mr. Irving H. Blank Mr. Joe Blend Mr. Leon Brand Mr. Jacob Burnstein Mr. Norman Cain Mr. Abraham Chunovic Mr. Harry Cooperman Mr. Bernard Denenberg Mr. Harry J. Falk •" '. Mr. Harold Feintech Mr. Sam Fleisher Mr. Joseph J. Frank Mr. Stuart Fried Mr. I. Eddy Friedberg Mr. David Friedland Mr. Albert Gaer Mr. Harry A. Green Mr. Sam Green Dr. Larry E, Roffman Mr. Samuel Rosenbaum Mr. Monroe D. Rosenberg Mr. David Rothenberg Mr. Abe Rundell Mr. George Sacks Rabbi Michael Sanders Mr. Milton M. Saylan Mr. Bernard Schein Mr. Zalman Segal Dr. Max Selo

! ,j


"\ |

| | t '1 I ,

Mar. 27—ADL Nitc. April 24—Annual Youth Night. May 22—Election of Officers. June 15—Installation of officers, Unless otherwise announced, all meetings will begin at 8 p.m. For those desiring t o participate in an informat social hour and dinner before the moeting. arrangements w i l l ' ' b e m a d e by the program chairman. Reservations for the meeting or the early social hour may be made -through B e r t Render, 556-9344; Gerhard Spies, 553-691 5, or Lou Sobrin, 393-4440.

Member Drive March Gathering, Hears Quota; Illness of the guest speaker much consternation for Windup Set caused Program Chairman Lou Sobrin

Just eight more new members are needed for the Henry Monsky Lodge to meet the quota set by national. Sunday, March 31 at 9:00 a.m., the Golden Spur of the Blackstone Hotel (free breakfast) will be the gathering place for the final drive. Volunteers are needed for that morning in order to make sure that the goal is met. Call Dr. Sol Kutler at 5500009 or 3930393 to volunteer your help. Anyone knowing of an individual eligible to become a member of Henry Monsky Lodge, please contact him and give him a chance to be counted among the thousands of Ben Britlis.


$2,800,000 Credit The B.B.Y.O. groups, AZA and BBG chapters, are making great advances in completing their respective programs. Last month, the Omaha Jewish Youth Council held its annual Stage Nite. The performance was one of the best in many years. The member chapters all put on terrific skits . . . our teenagers have talents. The new AZA Chapter, Chaim Weizmann, is going to hold a "Mom and Pop" dance in May of this year. This is something new in this area and the evening promises to be very enjoyable. All members are invited to attend, whether they have children in a youth group or not. A good time is assured.

Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanganyika, (JTA> — Tanganqika announced plans for expediture of a $2,800,000 credit negotiated with Israel. Under the agreement, Is rael will provide machinery and funds for an irrigation project, for a government housing project and for a luxury tourist hotel overlooking the Dar-EsSalaam harbor.

Wednesdays at Noon

Frontier Room Blaclc Angus

During the first ten years of llio Israel Hond effort, parts of the Nesrev desert were reclaimed through the establishment of farm settlements and Hie exploitation of imm-ral resources. One of the earliest development communities in the Kegcv was Ein Ccddi, where young

Next Regular Meeting Wednesday Evening, March 27 at 8 P.M.

X D . L SHOWS THE WORLD" Speakers:

Ted Sennett Dick Pellman

Cocktails at 6 P.M. Dinner at 7 P.M.

Hotel Diploma!—Corral Room Wives and Guests Invited 556-9344

Call for Reservations 553-6915



settler* (above) tend the crops. Iirncl Bonds will be called upon to provide the major share of tho $250,000,000 which will be required in the next five years to open up> the Nregcv to industrialization anil settlement of tens of thousands of newcomerj throughout the area.

Urges Repayment of Its Indemnification Claim in Oermany The International Council of B'nai B'rith "urgently appealed" to the West German Government recently for full repayment of an indeminfication claim for B'nai B'rith properties in Germany that were confiscated by the Nazis in 1938. Half of a settlement, involving a total of 10,000,000 Deutschemerks, $2,500,000 was paid by West Gernmny to B'nai B'rith in May, 1959. A resolution adopted at the conclusion of a two-day meeting of the Council noted that the final date for payment specified in the a g r e e m e n t -was March 31, 1962. Indemnification funds are being allocated by B'nai B'rith to assist in the restoration of the Jewish community programs and institutions for surviving members of the B'nai B'rith ..movement' in prewar Germany who are now scattered throughout the world. The Council re-elected Label A. Katz, B'nai B'rith national president, as chairman,

last month. The speaker originally scheduled became ill on the Saturday preceding the meeting; a substitute program was arranged and it, too, had to cancel out on the day before the meeting, due to illness. As late as mid-morning on the day of the meeting no

Oilman program was set . . . until a brainstorm, in answer to tho tornadoes in the South and tho blizzards in the North, hit Chairman Sobrin. Why not an ADL meeting? The ADL, originally scheduled a3 the program for the March meeting, was the thought. Ted Sennett, ADL head in this area, was contacted and asked if he'd reschedule his program on such short notice. Like the true soldier and ardent Ben Brith that lie is, he came through. He and Dick Fellman had put on an ADL program in Lincoln the night before, It had been very well received. So, with only a few hours to get ready, the ADL arranged for some slides to be shown that would depict scenes from the 50th Anniversary ADL celebration in Washington. Ted was never .better . . , and Dick was outstanding. In the estimation of many, this was tho most i n t e r e s ting and best-received program in the last several years. The enthusiastic response from the audience overwhelmed our orators. This program is still the topic of conversation; the most repeated remark being, "It's too bad that a thousand members weren't present." How lucky can the Lodge get . . .Ted and Dick are returning for a repeat performance . . . Wednesday evening, March 27th at 8 p.m. For early arrivals there will be cocktails starting at 6:30; dinner at 7 with tho meeting to follow. It all happens in the Corral Room at the Diplomat Hbtel . . . and wives and guests are invited.

Good, Welfare The Henry Monsky Lodge extends condolences to the family of Mr. Ben Noodell. We wish a speedy recovery to: Mr. Sam Epstein, Mr. Jack S. Frileck, Ben Minkin, Horaca Rosenberg and Eli J. Widman. Our congratulations to: Mr. and Mrs. Morris Raznick on Bar Mitzvah of son, Jerry. Mr. and" Mrs. Robert Bernstein on Bar Milzvah of son, Jeff.

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