V/il V I I v.i in Vol. J l U - M i . 30
1'ubllratlon Office. 101 No. 20Mi omalia, Ncbrasi'.u. i'liuni; 311!-13oU
f»\.*i OMA»
Campfire Ceremony To Welcome Campers
.Second Class I'osluce I'ald Single Copy 10 Cents at Oniuha, Nebr. Annual Hate 4 Dollam
Celebrated Israeli Diplomat Coming to Town Tuesday to Address Women's Group Meeting Oify-Wiile Gathering Will Start at 12:30 at Beth Israel
Sharing a place around an camp's operation, but tiicy will opening night Indian Council HI into a select group who may campfire is an unforgettable ex- tall themselves charter memperience in the life of any bers of the Esther IC. Newman camper, Edward D. Brodkey, Camp family. Special certifiEsther K. Newman Camp Chair- cates will be presented to those The Women's Division of the man, remarked in discussing campers attending this first sesJ e w i s h Philanthropies takes plans for the summer camp. sion, Brodkey stated. Such impressive c a m p f i r e With registrations reaching great pride in announcing that ceremonies will welcome first capacity proportions, Brodkey Ambassador Moshe Vuval will be the guest of honor and speaker at the City-wide Women's meeting, Mrs. M. H. Brodkey, Women's General Chairman, declared. . ' The event will take place Tuesday, April 23, beginning with a dessert luncheon at 12:30 p.m. at Beth Israel synagogue. Israel's Ambassador to Australia and New Zealand, Moshe Yuval is an inspiration to nny audience, Mrs. Urodkey said. Understands Needs "The Ambassador understands the needs of Jews throughout the world who are dependent upon our generosity," she stated, "and in his capacity of a great statesman, is dedicated to their aid." Ambassador Yuval was secretary of Defense Section, Political Department, Jewish Agency for Palestine, Jerusalem in 1930; Secretary. Central Mobilization Board, Jerusalem, 1939; Military Secretary to Head' of Political D e p a r t m e n t , Jewish Agency, 1840; member of the Jewish Agency Delegation to the United Nations, 1!M7; ConFuture summer camper looking out from the Main Lodge at sul and Passport Control Ofthe new Esther K. Newman Camp and day dreaming of the good ficer, New York, I9IS; Consul times he will have this summer at Camp. to Shanghai, 1910; First SecKcssfon campers on their first recommended that parents en- retary in Washington 1949; Conevening at the new Jewish Fed- roll their children immediately sul and Acting Consul-General, Ambassador Yuval eration sponsored camp on June in the camp if they want a place 30. All Indications, such as reg- for them in this summer's proMontreal, 1950 and Director of Past chairmen of the Womistration and enthusiasm of those the Research Division, Minister en's Division will greet guests who have visited the new camp, gram. for Foreign Affairs, 1953, at the door and assist them with The Camp starts June 30 and point to one of the finest camp •si "Well-Being of World" seating. They are Mmes Edseasons ever to be sponsored by closes on August 11. Children Robert M. Feir.berg, commun"We, too," said Mrs. Brodkey, ward E. B r o d k e y , Edwin E. (he Federation, Mr. Brodkey may still be enrolled for two of the three-two week periods. The ity leader, will be guest speak- "must be mindful that our role B r o d k e y , Dave Cohn, A. D. said. Staff members will participate middle two week period of the er at the monthly noon luncheon must be not only as Americans Frank, David Greenberg, Joe J. seeking to strengthen every seg- Greenberg, Joseph Guss, Morris in a week's program of counsel- camp has already reached its meeting of the ment of American life, but as a Katleman, Sam L. Katzman, J. ing orientation and preparation capacity registration, Brodkey Golden Age Club A on Monday, April people concerned with the well- Harry Kulakofsky, Louis Kulafor summer activities, prior to disclosed. kofsky, Albert B. Newman, Henbeing of all mankind." the arrival of the campers. Further information and par- 22 at the Jewish ry A. Newman, Ernest A. Nogg, Not only will these first ses- ticulars on the resident camp Community Cen Mrs. Brodkey and her co- Aaron Rips, David Sherman, sion campers thrill to the un- and its program may be had by ter. chairmen Mmes. Fred Brodkey, Hubert S o m m e r and Harry usual activities offered during calling the Camp Office at 342Mr. Feinberg Julius Katzman, Arthur Kula- Trustin. this first (wo w e e k s of the 13GG. who, w i t h his kofsky and Marlon Sombcrg, wife, representBaby sitting available. have stressed the urgent need ed the Jewish of everyone's assistance in this F e d e r a t i o n of Campaign and urged e v e r y Omaha as mem woman in the community to atbers of the re tend this meeting. cent United Jew- Feinberg The meeting p r o g r a m will ish Appeal Study Mission will three act melodrama will The Omaha community will resources and a military tradi- talk on Refugee Problems in mark the fifteenth anniversary beApresented by the Workmen's join the ranks of hundreds of tion, they were able to conduct Europe and Israel. The Fein- of the founding of Israel and Circle Dramatic Sunday, cities throughout the world in their struggle against the ovsr- bergs trip included v i s i t s to the twenty-fifth birthday of the April 21, 8:30 p.m.Club, at the Jewish observance of the twentieth an- whelming forces of the Nazi oc- Paris, France; Warsaw, Poland United Jewish Appeal. Community Center. niversary of the Warsaw Ghetto cupiers for more than three and Israel. The cast will include Mr. and Uprising in Poland, Joseph Ra- weeks, thereby providing a'chap^ 19G2, Mr. Feinberg served Mrs. Sam Zwerling, Mr. and dinowskl, chairman of the local ter in the annals of human hero- as InChairman of the Jewish PhilMrs. M. Pfeffer, Max Katz, program, said. The uprising had ism, an inspiration to the peace- anthropies Campaign and curMmes. Yetta Orenstein and Jenbeen launched on April 19,'1943, loving people of the world, and rently s e r v e s on the Jewish nie Levine, Max Crounse and a warning to would-be oppreson the eve of Passover. The home of Mrs. M. H. Brod- Sol Ash, who also will serve as Federation Board. Mr. Feinberg Mr. Radinowski stated the an- sors which will long be remem- was appointed to the, 19G3 Na- key, Women's Division Chair- prompter. Mrs. Russell Blumennual Memorial Service will be bered." tional United J e w i s h ' A p p e a l man of the 1953 Jewish Philan- thal will be the accompanist and Warsaw Exhibit held here, Sunday, April 2« at Campaign' Committee and also thropies Campaign, soon will be Sam Susman will be stage manThe Jewish Historical Insti- as a member of the U.J.A. Na- the scene of a meeting of cap8 p.m. at Temple Israel. tute in Warsaw has prepared a tional 25th Anniversary Observ- tains and workers of the Busi- ager. President's Proclamation Proceeds from the performnew exhibit dealing with the re- ance, representing Omaha. ness and Professional Section. ance President Kennedy has issued bellion of Jews in the Warsaw will be used for the upThe gathering wil be held at keep of adopted children in Isa proclamation calling on all Ghetto against the Nazi Army He holds many posts of community and civic leadership in the Brodkey residence, G60 Dil- rael. people to mark the anniversary 20 years ago. lon Drive on Sunday, April 21 with appropriate ceremonies and The Historical Institute's dis- the city and nationally. Hostesses at the Golden Age at 1:30,-p.m., Mrs. George Kacommended Jewish heroism. He play will include many docuKI5ON Radio 1490 Presents said that "of the more than 400,- ments, photographs and relics meeting will be Mesdames Bes- gan, B.'&P., Chairman, said. "Message of Israel" All workers in this unit are 000 Jews whom the Nazis had of the Ghetto, never seen pub- sie Behn, Michael Morris, AbrSun., April 21, 10 p.m. previously walled into the War- licly before, and will show ham Fisher, Morris Nachman urged to attend by their capProgram tains, the following: M i s s e s saw Ghetto, only about 70,000 graphically the day-to-day de- and J. Milton Margolin, "The People of Hie Book" The organization is j o i n 1 1 y Judith Colin, Lillian Slutzky and remained in April of 1943." tails of existence in the doomed Speaker The President pointed out that Ghetto and of the last stand by sponsored by the National Coun- the Mmes. Saul William FellRabbi B. Gorcn Perclmutcr, "the result wan known by the the Jews in the Ghetto deter- cil of Jewish Women's Omaha man, David Greenberg, HarryTemple Isaiah-Israel, Jews to be foredoomed. Yet, mined to sell their lives at high Section and the Jewish Federa- D. Haykin, Samuel S. Kaplan Chicago, 111. tion. and Abe Mozer. (Continued on Page 3.) though they lacked both military
Feinberg to Address
Services Will Observe Twentieth Anniversary of Warsaw Uprising
Nine to Perform In W.C. Show
Sun. Meeting Day For B.& P. Women
Page Two
E D Religious Services I . Temple Israel: Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will officiate and
preach on "What We Believe and How We Say It—the Shema— Why Is It Our Strength?" Friday evening at 0:15. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and the Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin will provide the musical portions of the service. Rabbi Brooks will lead the Men's Sunday firunch at 10 a.m. Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Emil Berkovits and the Beth Israel choir will conduct the family" Sabbath service at 8:15 p.m. Members of Secondary class of Talmud Torah will participate in the serv-
Meyer Meyerson wishes to thank all his relatives and friends for (heir cards of good wishes, and flowers he received, and the many contributions to organizations given in his name during his recent illness.
Complete Carpel Service
All members of the community interested in ordering gerM'AI.I, TO WAI.I/ 1'AItriJTIMJ aniums through the Temple IsAM) IXIt.NITIItK rael Sisterhood are urged to do denned fn Your Ilonm Editor so as soon as possible, Mines. JIEFITTIN'ti • IIWAIIIINU Howard Milder and Howard LAYING • SEWING Vann, mother and daughter ttlMUNO • ll.VANiSd team, in charge of the project, The family of Morris Poreported. lash wishes (o iliank friends Ice. Traditional Friday service and relatives for the many The geraniums, in a choice of at 6:50 p.m. red, white and cor- contributions to organizaSaturday morning at 8:45 a.m. colors—pink, tions given in his memory, al—come in four inch peat pots and Junior Congregation at 10 ready and for the expressions of RUG CLEANERS for planting. Orders will a.m. Shabbos Mincha atG:55p.m. be taken sympathy extended to them at the Temple Israel Maariv at 7:50 p.m. Don Bernstein, 345-2554 in their bereavement. • Sunday services at 9 a.m. fol- office. The Temple office also will . lowed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Junior Minyan serve as the geranium delivery center on Sunday, May 5. The starts at 8:30 a.m. Daily servprice for the plants range from ices at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. 85 cents each to $6.95 a dozen, Beth El: Sabbath Services will the chairmen, said. begin at 8:15 a.m. Rabbi Myer OMAHA'S LEADING S. Kripke will deliver the serKosher Moat Market & Delicatessen mon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth E! Synagogue Choir DAVID PAKKER 551-5554 4415 CUMING will render the musical portions Funeral services were held of the service. April 5 at the Jewish Funeral Traditional Sabbath morning Home for David Parker, G7, of Choice Chuck services at 8:30. Family Service 435 North Cl Street, who died will begin at 10:30. Mincha- in a local hospital April 4. Maariv Services at 6:45 p.m. Mr. Parker was engaged in Sunday morning services begin business in Omaha for 41 years Delicious Charcoal Broiled Per Lb, at 9. Services during the week and was the owner of the Parkat 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. STORE HOURS er Heating and Cooling Co. Sunday 7 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Surviving are wife, Clara; B'nai Jacob Adas Ycsliuron: Monday Thru Thursday 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.: Friday 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. Friday Mincha, 0:50 p.m.; Sat- sons, Milton and Edward and urday morning, 8:30 and Min- four grandchildren, all of Omacha, G:50 p.m., followed by Sho- ha and a sister in Brooklyn, losh Seudos. Daily services at N. Y.
Seccnd Class Postage. Paid ot Omaha. Netr. Annual Subscription, H DO. Advertising Rates en Application. Publication Ollice—101 Ho. 2Clti Street, Ornoha, HcCr., J<2-13W.
Candlelighting, 0:48 p.m.
Friday, April 19, 1903
Temple Office Taking Geranium Orders
Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second week in July.
Oafc- VUau
0:30 a.m. and G::SO p.m.
HarandBasiifzvafi All fi lends and relatives are Invited to attend services ami reception.
Tilt© SH the Iab«I means lt'»kcsliir... Jttst tijgy
i w t i
GAHY KATELMAN Gary Katelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Katelman, Saturday morning, April 20, at Temple Israel. RICHARD KAVICH Richard Kavich, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Kavich of Fremont, Nebr., on Saturday morning, April 20, at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. JOHN HOBERMAN BARRY KAIMAN John Hoberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoberman, and Barry Kaiman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kaiman on Saturday, April 27 at the 10:30 a.m. service at Beth El Synagogue.
At grocers|
CAROL SIMONS Carol Simons, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Milton Simons, on Saturday morning April 27, at Temple Israel.
Bridal Portraits AND
Candid Wedding CALL
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kohll announce the birth of a son, David Geoffrey on April 9. They are also the parents of Louis Howard and Justin Mitchell. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fisher and Mrs. Gerald P. Cohn, Omaha. Mrs. Anna Kohlberg, Venice, Cal., is a great grandmother.
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
345-1044 \
Monument Co.
BAR and Bas Mltzvah congratulations, also cards, for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
Seb (5ubby) Fulvercnto
25 Years' Experience With Jewish Lettering and Memoriali 2211 So. 8th
Only eight more days to Join the Spring Parade o£ Electric Rangest Prices are down... selection was never greater. Moreover, If your home isn't wired for an electric range, the NEBRASKA-IOWA. ELECTRICAL COUNCIL will pay $30 toward the installation of the circuit if you buy nowl* See your nearby NH3C appliance dealer today, choose the new elec* trie range that's just right for your kitchen, your family. You'H find new "drop-in" models that slip between or beside counters ...built-in models with separate oven and counter-top range., .new waK-mount* ©d, eye-level ovens,,.free-standing models, Hurry,,. Spring Parade of Electric Ranges ends April 271 SPECIAL $30 WIRING ALLOWANCE * Oiler applies to (my new electric rani* ol tho brands listed, purchased {tarn n participating NEBRASKA-IOWA EtfecTRiCAi. COUNCIL dealer between March 19 tind April 21 end installed on Omaha TublicPower Districtllneahyacontractoc* member o{ the Nebraska-Iowa Electrical Council, •
end Get the 11th Lb. FREE! We Ship Anywhere
COC/MCft 1103 WOW BUILDING ® 3454172
Friday, April 10, 39C3
Young Judeans to Plan Programs Final plans for the season will be made by the s i x t h and seventh grade Young Judaea groups when they meet Sunday, April 21, at the home of Mrs. Saul Graetz, 307 South 52 Street at 2 p.m. Try-outs for the talent show will be held.
Three Generations to Model at Style Show Three generations will model fashions when the Beth El Sisterhood holds its Mother and Daughter banquet on Thursday, April 25 at 6 p.m. in the synagogue social hall. Mrs. Sheldon Lincoln is general chairman of the event. Olherv in cliaroe are Mrs. WorHn Slcwnbcrg, lashion co-ordlnatcr; Mn. Robert Wafjner, program o n t j Mrs. Richard Marlln, decorations. The dinner will be under the direction cf Mrs. Marvin Dlcntsfrey. She will be oislsted by Mmcs. Yale Glnsbcra, WoKcr Jocobion, Morris Koom, William Pachman, Merle Polailt, Yale Richards, and Jeromo Wcmerman. Among the mothert end grandmothers modeling will be Mmcs, Alex Kalz, Yale Golsdlner, Harold Fox, A. D. Fronk, Keith Scunders, f'hincas Winlroub, Norman Pred, Fhltip Crondell, Sol Crondell, Meyer Crandefl, Leon Alexander, Al Fiedler, Avroharn Malek, Abe Sklor, Arthur Adlcr, Robert EpEteln, Ell Zolkin, Stuort Rochman, Mclvin Weiss, Albert G. Rlmnierman, Jack Frileck, James Llpsev, Stanford Llpscy, Max Lalhlnsky, Arnold Rosemqn and Jack Lincoln. Third oencratlon models will be Marsha Mean, Kalhy UOQQ, Lynn Golsdlner, Ec'ie Rice, Llnd/ Rice, Jody Rice, Belh Grcenbern, Mollle Tully, Lynn Sounders, Deborah Fred, l:ll/obelh Prcd, Karen Alexander, Robin Alexander, Jane! Llpcoy, Janle Rfmrncrmon, Solly Lip'.cy and Hancee Frlleck.
Another attraction will be the appearance of the "Morries' Glories," a musical trio featuring Mines. Morris Becker, Morris Koom and Maurice Sachs. Margery Siref and Barbara Jess will be- their accompanists.
Anniversary Services iContinued from Page 1.) cost to the massed Nazi army surrounding them. Itefused Visas From London it was reported that Poland has refused to issue visas to British newspaper and television correspondents who had planned to report the 20th anniversary commemoration of the Warsaw Ghetto revolt. The reason given here by the Polish Embassy today is that "the pressure on hotel accommodations in Warsaw is so great, that these accommodations are being reserved for people whose relatives were directly involved in the Ghetto uprising." Some members of an Israeli delegation who planned to attend the Warsaw services also were refused visas, it was learned from an announcement in Tel Aviv.
Page Three
Camp Offers Same Age Companionship "Offering a child the opportunity to live together and develop friendships with o t h e r youngsters his own age in small groups," is the general description given by Harry Sidman, Jewish Community Center Committee Chairman, in describing the Center sponsored Jay-C-C Day Camp and special Kiddy Kamp for preschool youngsters. Jewish Culture Day Camp activities, Sidman s t r c s s e d, enrich the child's knowledge of Jewish c u l t u r e while providing a constructive summer recerational and education program. Home base for the camp will be a special area at Peony Park. Activities will be transferred to the Center in case of inclement weather. Transportation A special attraction, Sidman added, is that transportation is provided from five convenient locations, while the pre-school Kiddy Kampers are taken directly to their homes before 12:30 p.m. each day. Another feature of the day camp is that meals are served each noon, while Kiddy Kampers receive a refreshing midmorning treat. Jewish dietary laws are strictly observed. Mature counselors, supervise the day camp g r o u p s while trained nursery personnel direct the preschool age Kiddy Kampers. Parents may enroll their children for the day camp program, Mr. Sidman said, by completing the applications sent to them, this past week, and returning them in the mail to the Center. June 17-JuIy 20 Day Camp runs from June 17 through July 26 with day campers being permitted to enroll for two, four or six weeks. The Kiddy Kamp runs four weeks with registrations being accepted for two weeks or the four week period. Further information on the day camp programs may be, had by calling Sidney Sommers, the Day Camp Director, at the Center at 342-1306. The family of Joseph Knlin wishes to thank relatives and friends for the many courtesies and expressions of sympathy extended to them during their bcrcavment.
Officers will be elected at a 12:30 p.m. luncheon meeting of Hadassah on Wednesday, April 24 at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Morris M. Franklin is nominating committee chairman. +
The Business and Professional Women's Group of Hadassah will elect officers, at a 7 p.m. meeting Wednesday, April 24 at the Jewish Community Center. Members will meet first at the Black Angus Restaurant at G p.m. for dinner. *
Now Featuring
Wednesday, April 24 at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Al Sophir, 6729 Davenport. All pledge mothers, as well as those of present members, and alumni are invited.
House of Glamour I I I No. 50th 653-7000 _ 6 Expert Hair Stylii). Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Owneri
Mrs. David Lewis will be hostess to the Beth Israel Sisterhood Study Group at her home, 1820 No. 53rd Street, on Monday, April 22nd, at 12:30 p.m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will lead the discussion. * » * A meeting of the Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' Club will be held
JUST l.r.STED! Brick Colonial with popular central hall plan. Modernized and b e a u t i f u l l y decorated 30)edroom residence complete with dishwasher, disposal, ATIt CONDITIONING, 1 ceramic: bath, 2 hair baths, "rcc" room. lie quick to see 111 South BOth Ave. Well-priced In mid 20's.
Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.
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424 Omaha Naf'l Bank If You Aro an Investor, or Aro Looking for Investment Ideas, Call Ed Milder at 342-5065
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CAMPERS . . . Buy Direct From Factory
30" Large Mado In Our Own Factory
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T~-~T) - • - •*< p-t-vyrw-iiiH-^riEiLn-ivv =—
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fnffljJfirfOV*' ' J W - t " l t » « W i V ™ J*ftT.**C.*'&flJ3?'-
I'rMay. AJII II 19, 19I..1
Henry Monsky Lodge tv!o. 54
15. No. 8
Good, Welfare Our condolences to the famines of: Mr. Horace L. Roseiiblum. Mr. Maurice Okun, and Mrs. Rost; Magzamin. Speedy recovery to: Mr. Sam Bloom, Mr. Den IL Simons, Mrs. Henry Riekes, Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, Mr. Harold Bloch, Mr. Louis Paperny, and Mr. Martin Kolni. Our congratulations to: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z. Rosenfeld on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein on birth of grandson. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Marer on birth of granddaughter. Laura Ellen. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Chapman on birth ol granddaughter, Cathleen Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lincoln on. Bas Mitzvah of daughter, Judy. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Friedman on Bas Mitzvah of daughter, Sue. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lipniiu on Bar Mitzvah of son, Marc. Mr. and Mrs. Hy S. Scliumeister on Bar Mitzvah, of son, Steven. Mr. and Mrs. David Beber on Bar Mitzvah of son, Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Ratner on Bar Mitzvah of son. Perry,
Wednesdays at Noon
Frontier Room Black Angus
Omaha Post No. J THE AMERICAN LEGION Mr. Bert Render. President B'nai B'rith 101 North 20th Dear Mr. Render: On Tuesday, April 30, 19G3, Omaha Post No. 1. The American Legion, will honor Mr. Roy C. Feltman at a dinner to be held at Schimmel's Indian Hills Inn. Cocktails will be served starting at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets are §3.75 per plate and this includes two cocktails. Tickets are available in the Office of the Adjutant, 322 Securities Building, between the hours of 0:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. We would like as many members of B'nai B'rith as possible to attend. Most sincerely, ROBERT HART STORZ . Commander
NATIONAL JEWISH HOSPITAL AT DENVER "Our Glth Vcar" April 8, IOCS Mr. Bert Render. President Henry Monsky Lodge B'nai B'rith District Grand Lodge No. 6 3IJ! S. 52nd Omaha, Nebraska
Dear Mr. Render: Many thanks /or the gift contributed to the Service Fund of your District Grand Lodge. By your thought!ulness and generosity you will be helping to bring health and happiness to many who might otherwise have lived in sickness and despair. We are deeply grateful for your interest and hope we may long continue to merit it and your support. Sincerely yours, EDWARD MILLER President
LEO N. LEVI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Hot Springs, Ark. April 4, 19C! Mr. Bert Render, President Henry Monsky Lodge, B'nai H'rith :ilB S. 52nd Omaha, Nebr. Dear Mr. Render: „ Your contribution to the Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital through your service fund is deeply appreciated by myself and the patients of our hospital. Your continued support of "Lcvi" is an indication of your awareness and belief in the program of relief and rehabilitation rendered to the pain-racked arthritic patients at our hospital. .May we continue to merit your help and understanding. Sincerely, MRS. LOUIS H, HARRISON President
CORN'IIUSKER BOYS' STATE Lincoln, Neb., April 2, 1963 Moses Kagun, Secretary Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354 B'nai B'rith Omaha, Nebr. Receipt is acknowledged of the application and enrollment fee for John A. Zysman to attend the 19G:i Boys' State under the sponsorship of Henry Monsky Lodge. The application has been accepted, so full publicity can be given to the selection of this boy for Boys' State, Our sincere thanks are extended for your line interest in this activity and the support you give it. CORNHUSKER BOYS' STATE
OUT" An Entertaining and Educational Meeting With Our Jewish Youth of the
ALEPH ZADEK Rohanue Ediar Hevrah. Ner Tamic
AND B'NAI B'RITH 0IRLS CHAPTERS A.Z.A. No. I A.Z.A. No. 1000 --A.Z.A.-.No. 100 Chaim Weizmann
All Parents of Yourh Chapter Members and Lodge Members Are Urged to Attend Refreshments Will Be Served