Vol. Xi.r—NO. :;r>
t'ulilicallon Office, 101 Nn. 2(1H, Omaha, Js'ul/raUta, I'Jionc 312-i3(jfi
IciitMl AZA Chapter No. 1 of B'n;ii B'nth prcscnti-d its firj,t Citizen ship Award to a charter member. ""•, Harry Sidnun,^ -' '" "*l for "recognition^ j of services toi . ' the general and' ,•* " » Jewish cominim-j ities of Omaha "; Tiie award whichwill be made annually was bestowed on Mr. Sidman at a ban quet, last Sun- Sid man day night at the Sheraton-Fontcnellc Hotel. The address of the evening was made by Dr. Abe Greenberg, who is known as Omaha's •Mr. Ben Brith." Both Mr. S i d m a n and Dr. Creenberg have been prominently identified with community activities for many years. A plaque was presented to Mr. Sidman by Marshall Lewis, who was co-chairman of the event with Floyd Freiden.
21, J»C3
To See
Second Class IJoslaj,r(f i'uid Single Copy JO al Oinuliu, Kcbr, Annual lime 4
Greeeberg Honored
town messages indicated they plan to be in Omaha for the ceremonies, Dr. Fellman said. Spoils' Clinics and thv dvvvl appointments of Richard Kjistcin Wives Invited ojmieni of Youth Fitness will lie and Donald Hoiigliton, who as aiuoug the major endeavors of counselors will conduct these acThe program, to which wives ilie six: wool; season day camp have been invited, will begin of" (he Jewish Community Cen- tivities. at 8:30 p. m. at the club. A reEpstein has a long record of ter tvlien ft opens, Monday, June ception will follow the presenta17, Harry Siriman, Center Chair- camping experience, especially tion of a fifty-year membership in the field of sports. He is AZA man, announced. certificate to Dr. Greeiiberg and The sports' Clinics will include Ronu president and will attend the address by Mr. Klutznick, a Oklahoma University this fall. basketball, softball, football with former Omahan, past internaHoughton is a sophomore at .such youth fitness activities as tional B'nai B'rith president and Omaha University, and is presitrack and field—climbing, vaultformer U. S. Ambassador to the ing, jumping, running, crawling dent of the O.U. Independent United Nations. Student Association. He has and balancing—to fit in with the There will be no charge for worked in leadership roles in all-around camp aims. the evening, Edward A. Rosen, "All lu all," Mr. Sidniaii re- Boy Scouts and helped with hosChairman of the event, said. marked, physical education will pital physical therapy. provide, healthy, exciting 2nd Members of the special joint Camp applications are being challenging outlets /or the accepted by telephone confirmacommittee of the Omaha B'nai youngsters. He announced the tion. 342-13CC. B'rith lodges working on the anCongratulatory Messages nual meeting include Marvin Letters have reached Omaha Treller, Alvin Abramson, Reufrom all over the country, from ben Lippett, Michael Erman, Esther K. Newman Camp— long time friends of Dr. Green- and Richard Fellman, Mr. Rosen berg and co-workers in causes said. An election of officers in addistretching back many years, congratulating Dr. Greenberg tion to scheduled business and and the O m a h a community. reports will be held Sunday morning at the annual meeting Writers of many of the out-of- of the South West Council of B'nai B'rith. Wives are invited, also, to an installation luncheon. The entire week-end proceedings will Tlie visit of President Shazar take place at the Highland CounIsrael: Zalman Sliazar, 75, A few openings still remain A record enrollment for the Esther K. Newman Camp, spon- for the summer, he mentioned, scholar, writer, veteran labor in Omaha some years ago was try Club. sored by the Jewish Federation, but starting next week, pro- leader, has been elected presi- recalled here by Joseph Hadin its first year of operation, spective campers will he ac- dent of Israel. He becomes the inowski, then Labor Z i o n i s t third president of his country. is indicative of the way this Mr. Shazar was a close per- Chairman. He praised the adsummer program has captured cepted only on a waiting list sonal friend, since he was 16, of dress delivered by the visitor the interest and enthusiasm of basis. parents and children in the Listed below are the names the late Izhak Ben Zvi. his at that time. community, Edward D. Brod- of boys and girls signed up for predecessor in the presidency. Paul Veret, Jewish Federation Larry Batt, son of Mr. and keyf Camp Chairman, pointed this summer's camping activi- Israel's first president was the Executive Director and Mrs. Mrs. Norman Batt was elected late Dr. Chaim Weizmann. out. ties. The list is exclusive of Under Israel law, the Knesset Veret, renewed acquaintance of president of the Jewish Youth Federation sponsored camps others participating in addition—the Parliament—must elect a many years, with Israel's new- C o u n c i l at a have always reached capacity, president within 30 days of the ly elected president, during a m e e t i n g this al camping program for teens he declared, in referring to the visit to Israel in 1956, while week. He sucdemise of high standards of its camping and a d u l t s at the camp in the office. the former holder of attending a banquet there. ceeds H a r o l d programs. August. Schneider. The Youth BOYS Karen Alexander group also electBob Aronon Franklin Kaiman TerrI MandeM Shoshana Morkt Oavid B e n 11*in Jim Klriticnbaum Honey Aronion ed Harold Bordy, Lynn Marcus Olcky Bernstein AKen Kalz Ellen Ball Linda Mayers Danlrl Ooasbero Howard Ktrtrmon Roye 0 era en v i c e president; Amy Meyerton Larry 0ffrnsleif| Douglas Koom Oeliy Derpmon M a r c Kaplan, Gayle Milder Irvin BlumMn Scoll Kotien Kothy Bergman Uancy Milder Steven OlumUn Mark Kuller Laura Berkowltz s e c r e tary and Hollfs Miller Work Bcraibetfl Dovld Lallch Sue Bernstein Linda Mltie Claudia Colin, Bail Ortxlow Gary Lallch Renee Oookin Marsha Mls'e John Oreslovv ntllotl Lefko Deborah Brown sergeant-at-arms. Jane ftooa Frontc Qrodke/ Lew Lefko Nancy Brown Solly Nog? Spcnctf Brook*(f Cory Lewis T h e i r parents Bait Martha Orody Beth Movok Ralph Budd Joel Lewis Esther Novak Stille Suchwafd are Messrs. and Mmes. Donald Michael Burslcin Michael Lilt Palli Novok Virginia Budd Richard Conlicid John Lohrman J. Bordy, Ben Kaplan and Jerry Jacqueline Oberildn Susan Chapman Joey Caisman Lorry Moloshock Paulo Ponor Amy Cauman Conn, respectively. Bobby Cfplnko Nepf Moloshock Judy Pillor Carrn Chorney Sonford Opinko Oavid Manskl Sonla Pol on tk I The Youth Council is a fedPally Ctiorney David Cooper Robert Meyerson Susan Pol iky Claudia Conn Borry Co tin Lewis Miller eration of all Jewish Youth Jane Rice Howord Cam Joseph Mlnlz Jody Rice ElUabeth Colin groups of high school age. It Lorry Davit Alan Mlrwn Karen Rice Nancy Conn Wendy Rice Jymcs CitQrnan Brian Mfrson CNiobeffi Cook serves to supplement the proJanle RImmerman. Joitpft Engmon Bryan Mlsle Solly Cooper gram of constituent organizaCatherine Rips Barbara Crandcll Eaward Epstein Peter Newman Susie Rips Jayne Cronflcll Howard tpsieln Thomas Hewman tions, and to stimulate and deMcrrylee Crandell Barbara Robin ion Steven Epstein Mark Newman Devra Davis Gwenn Robln'on Richard fc-vnrn Steven /Joan velop youth leadership through GaiJ Eiienjtott Jennifer Rodin Robert Evnen Paul Novak Rochelle Fingert a program of planned activities £!lan Rosen Midi af 1 linger f Bruce Panar Mar?ha Fmkel Helen Roienberp Dow* finkle Morris Polonikl initiated and carried out by Marline Flolowlcz Nancy Rosensfock Scijlf f inkle James Wlce Marsha Fox Nancy Ross youth. Franky Flafcwler Steven Rice Pom Fox Robin Roftirnan ^oltnnY Flotowicc Bruce Richards Dale Garber Hancy Rubock Billy f-onrl Scotl Richards Susan Garber The election of President Shazar found Jewish Federation Suoon Rubin Many 1 G'ventcf Danny Fox Richard Roblmon Paula Sounders Director Paul Veret and Mrs. Vcrct reminiscing about the occaJell FOX Irvln Rodin Barbara Goodman Margaret Schneider Kalhy Goldstein Jonothon Fox Lenny Ross sion when liicy rcnctvcd acquaintances with Sliazar at a banquet Nancy Schwartz Belh Grecnbera Robert Freeman Harvey Ross Jo Ann Sherman they altcndcd in 1956 during visit to Israci. Judy Hahn Kenneth Frestiman Robert Ralhman Dede Sitvertleln A large attendance is expected at the Regional B'nai B'rith meeting, this weekend, in Omaha, for the special civic night program on Saturday, honoring f i f t y ' years of mem herstiip and service by Dr. Abep Greeiiberg andi *.,". featuring Philip vc' M. Klutznick as \ g u e s t speaker, Dr. Leon Fellman, Regional,, President, said,j i n announcing! arrangements for* for the event Grecnberg the Highland Country Club.
Israel Elects Zalman Shazar
Larry Baft Is YlC President
Alffli Frierfmon Morris Friedman Steven Gavrorufcy Irving Gilbert Jay-Ooldenberg John Goldman floberl Goodblnder Avrom Goodman Steven Corel(ck Oenneff Greenspan . Jimmy Grrenspan'* Robert Cummer i Jomei Morris Gordon Hobermori Mlctioel Holiermon Jeffrey Hoditfer Lwnard HortuJef Lorry Hurwltz Lawrence Jtnephson Howard Jest > Harvey Jo>ln
Danny Rubin Loots Schiern flruce Schneider Morton Seldenleld Mark Station Mark Sherman. Jay Shukerl Mark Singer John Sloan Steven Sobel Crola Storr Michael stdenbero Jomes Steinberg Thomas Slrlnbero Joel Stern Oouaias Toren Mark Trustln Kenneth Wold Eric Weiner Loren Wine James Welnsteln.
KBON Radio 1490 Presents "Message of Israel" ,, Sun. May 26 at 10 p.m. Program ( 'A Time for Personal Identification" Speaker Rabbi Martin L. Goldberg Temple Beth Zion, Buffalo, N.Y.
Judy JaocnJs Koren Jabenis Linda Jess Stephanie Josepfison Doralee Kaplan
Kautice Kaplan Leslie KopJcn Bcdy Kali
Vickf Kati Sherry Kotimart Barbara Kratne Gail Krasne Kalhy Kirshenboum Sfephanfe Kutler Judy Lee
Tammy Sims Morforle- 5lr e f Judy Sloan £Ueen Sommerhouser Kalhy Snerting Joan Summer Nancy Summer Rondo Suvolsky Julie Taren Barbara Tornoff Fronclne Weiner Susan Weiner Laurie Welnsteln Ronnie Weiss Sandra Weiss Stierri Wels Karen Wine Elaine Winlroub Lori Wlntroub Janet ZJpufsky Barbara 2oob -
Dr. Ffiorris Is Belli Israel President
Proceeds raised at the Sunday afternoon dance to be held at the Jewish Community Center, PaUy Lee will be given to the Jewish PhilSusan Levins anthropies Campaign. Janet Levill Sheila Lewis Shelley Lewis Sponsoring the event is the Jooi Lohrrmm 16-picce Center Dance Band Janet Llpscy Barbara Llpihufz which will give its final performance of the season, 2 p.rh.-4 p.m. Under the direction of its leader, Charles Harzon, it will feature specially arranged numbers, in addition to music by two other Beth El board members, past combos, the "Notables" and the and present, will be honored at "Pacers." the annual congregational dinner Admission v/ill be fifteen cents meeting on Sunday, May 2G, at per person and twenty-five cents 6 p.m. at the synagogue. General per couple. All "tweens and chairmen of the event arc Yale teens" in the community are invited to attend (Continued on Page 3.)
Beth El fo Honor
Dr. Haskell Morris was elected president of the Beth Israel Synagogue. Serving with him for the year 1963-1964 will be Ernest J. Hochster, vice president, HarCantor Emil Berkovits of Beth old Zelinsky, treasurer, Mrs. Israel, accompanied by Alex Harry Sidman, financial secreRiskin, will present a musical tary and Elliot Brown, recording program following the Golden secretary. Other elected commissioners Age Club luncheon. Monday include Irving Epstein, Dr. Bennoon, May 27, at the Jewish nett FisTibain, Albert Friedman, Community Center. Alfred Frank, Hugo Kahn, Martin Kolm, Rabbi M. M. PoliaReservations may be made koff, George Schapiro, Dr. Irvwith Mrs. J. Milton Margolin, ing Shapiro. The following appointments to the Coord 553-0475; Mrs. Louis Cutler, 455hove been made by Dr. Morris: Henry 7143; Joe Radinowski, 342-3891 Appel. Sam Oloom. John Kolm. Leo Meyerson, Gordon Elewltz, Paul Alperson, Dr. or Morris Nachman, 455-5217. Jomej Wax, Joe Sokolof, Harry Sldmon, William Milder, Sam Freed, Max Fromkin, Luncheon will be $1. Leon Winlroub, Maurice Katzmon, Dan Arthur Gould, Maurice Fetdman. The organization is co-spon- Gordman. Joseph Bursteln, Den Rubin, Sard Hahn, Max Isadora Elewltz. Mmei. sored by the Omaha Section of MauriceDretlow, Schwartz, Alfred Frank, Sidney the National Council of Jewish Kotleman. Harold Zelinsky, Ernest HocnSidney Goldberg, Sam Kalzman, Max Women and the Jewish Federa- ster, Fromkin, Konry Appel, and Sam M r man. tion.
Proceeds Will Go Musical Program. To Philcmfflirbpies To Be Presented
Tage Two
' |
Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second iveck in July. Sc-ccnd Class Postage Paid of Omoha, Nebr. Annual Subrcrlpricn. U.LO. Advertising Rates en Application. Publication Othcc—101 No. 20Ih Street, Ornahu, Hebr., 3*2-1146.
J Religious Services < Candlrlighling, 7:24 p. m. U'ani Jacob Adas Ycsliuron: Friday Minclia, 0:50 p. m.; Saturday morning. 8:30, and Mincha, 7 p. m., followed by Sliolosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a. ni. and 7 p. m.
and 7:35 p. m. and on May 30 at 8:45 with Yiskor at 10:15 a. in.
Helli El: Sabbath Eve services will begin this evening at 8:15. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron Temple Israel: Rabbi Sidney I. Edgar and the Beth El SynaH. Brooks will officiate and gogue Choir will render the preach at the Sabbath evening musical portions of the service. services at IJ:15 a. m., Friday. Traditional Sabbath morning Included in this service will be services will begin at fi:30. Fama special blessing of the Con- ily Service at 10:30. Minchafirmation Class and their par- Maariv services at 7:30 p. m. ents. Sunday morning services beMusic will be by Cantor Man- gin at 9. Services during the fred F. Kuttner, and the Temple week are held at 7 a. m. and Israel Choir under the direc- 7 p. m. tion of Miss Ida Gitlin. Shavuot services at Be.th El: May 28 at 7 p. m.; May 29 at Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin 9 a. in. and 8:15 p. m. with high Groner, Cantor Emil Berkovits school of Jewish Studies with and the Beth Israel choir will high school of Jewish Studies conduct the f a m i l y Sabbath exercises; May 30, at 9 a. m. service, Friday at 8:15 p. m. The with Yiskor, Memorial service. late service will be the last one until resumed in the fall. This Friday will feature the gradua- Fellman to Head tion of the Junior High School Cornhusker Lodge Class. The traditional Friday eveRichard M. Fellman, Omaha ning service at 7:30 p. m. attorney, new president of CornSaturday morning shacharis husker Lodge and other officers at 8:45 a. m. and Junior Con- elected recently, will be installed gregation at 10 a. m. Shabbos at a dinner meeting Saturday Mincha at 7:30 p. m. followed evening, June 15. by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv Others filling executive posts at 8:25 p. m. are Harold Novak, Hugo Kahn Sunday morning services at and Michael Erman, vice-presi9 a. m. followed by breakfast dents; Dr. Murray Simon, recordand Rabbi's class in Bible. Jun- ing secretary; John Anderson, ior Minyan starts at 8:30 a. m. corresponding secretary; Martin Daily services at 7 a. m. and Kolnick, treasurer; Joe Mayer, financial secretary; Larry Bush7:35 p. m. kin, warden; Dave Cooper, Following are Shavuot serv- guardian and Bernard Greenices at Beth Israel: May 28, at berg, chaplain. Edward Stein 7:30 p. m.; May 29 at 8:45 a. m. was selected to fill a board vacancy.
Bluff's Mayor fo Give Address at Memorial Service Mayor Maynard Telpner of Council IJluffs, In., will give the principal address at the joint Memorial Day Services to be held by Epstein-Morgan Post No, 2B0, Jewish War Veterans, and Irving Cohen Lodge. No. C88, B'nai B'rith, at Oak Hill Cemetery, Council Bluffs, Sunday, May 2G, at 11 a.m. The service will be conducted at the graveside of Louis Katleman by Rabbi J. Kargan of D'nai Israel Synagogue of Council Bluffs. The firing squad will be composed of members of Irving Cohen Lodge, with members of the color guard being from EpsteinMorgan Post.
Bar Hfzvah All fI .'ends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception. MAKK BOASBEUG Mark Boasberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Boasberg, will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, May 25 at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. LARKY NIC WAI AN The Bar Mitzvah of Larry Michael Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Newman will be celebrated on Saturday morning, June 1 at Beth Israel Synagogue. ALAN DEKNSTEIN Alan Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bernstein, will become Bar Mitzvah Saturday morning, June 1 at Temple Israel. MARK ROFFMAN Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Roffman announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mark Roffman, on Friday evening, May 31st and Saturday morning. June 1 at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue.
Beth El Dedicates Faf!ier and Son Enter Births Mr. and Mrs. Kevee Kirshenannounce the birth of a Memorial Plaques Jewish Fold... Israel baum daughter, Kerry on May 4. They, Memorial name plaques placed
Tel Aviv (WNS)—The verity on the Memorial Tablets at Beth El Synagogue in the last six that Jewish history is relived months will be dedicated at the daily in Israel was demonstrated Shavout Yizkor Services on anew when two Marranos, whose forebears were victims of the Thursday, May 30. Those whose names will, be Spanish Inquisition, returned to commemorated by their families the Jewish fold, undergoing at that time are: Max Arbitman, Abrahamic rites and vowing to Jacob B e r e k , Benjamin M. bring back more of their tribe Brown, Ida Brown, Sandra E. into Judaism when they return Freedman, Ben J. Gershun, Ben to their native Spanish island of Katz, Sarah Katz, Abraham Le- Pala de Majorca. vey, Rebecca Platt, Reuben KatThe two, father and son, one, ner, Edythe Rosenblatt, Jess 52 and the other 18, originallyWolf, Eva Woskoff, Moshe Isaac came to Israel to study Judaism, Zilbergleit, and Rochel Zilber- and they are still at it, at B'nai gleit. Hadron Yeshiva.
also, are the parents of two sons, Craig and Todd. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vavrina, Woodside, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kirshenbaum of Omaha. A daughter, Kathleen was born May 17 to Mr. and Mrs. William Novak. The Novaks are also the parents of another daughter, Julie. Grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. -Ben Novak, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zedick of Seattle, Wash.
Mountain Named for Jewish Scientist 1018 FARNAM
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We Ship Anywhere
Monuments in the Jewish Tradition
lobe! Will Give Paper in Israel
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Los Angeles (JTA)—Dr. Joseph Kaplan, noted Jewish scientist, has had a mountain in Antarctica named for him. He is professor of physics at University of California at Los Angeles. The 4,300-foot peak in the Hughes Range has been officially designated Mount Kaplan by the United States Board of Geographical Names- in Washington, D.C. The honor was in recognition of Dr. Kaplan's major role in the International Geophysical Year, which launched a-strong program of Anarctic research.
Harry Lobe), Brownell-Talbot science teacher, said Wednesday he plans to go to Israel next March to submit a paper at Hadassah University. The conference to which he was invited will deal with problems of blood flow. Mr. Lobel is working on the correlation of heart failure causes with missile failures.
Friday, May 21, 1933
Thoughts Turn fo Confirmations, Graduations as Shavuot Hears The approach of the Festival of Shavuot May 2!)-3() brings announcements of confirmations and religious school graduations. Such ceremonies generally take place on or around this holiday, which is the traditional season of the giving of the Torah and is considered an appropriate occasion for Jewish young people to renew the pledge of their forefathers to observe the teachings of the Torah. Joint Exercises The Beth El Religious School will hold joint confirmation and graduation ceremonies of the high school department on Wednesday, May 29, at 8:15 p. m. in the synagogue. Confirmnnds will be: Sieve Abrcihomson, Debbie Baker, Sharon Bernstein, Hurrlel Dplaolf, Ronee Epstein. John Farber, Shirley Feldman, Morlynr Freedman, Judi Goldberg,' Murk Goodmon, Frances Hornslcln, Noncy Jobcnls, Barbara Jess, Judy Nogg, Susan Pachman, Atleer* Rlmmerman, Lynn Sounders, Frances 5hrler, Ronald Sfcin ond Front* Winlrout).
Graduating class consists of: Dale Brotfkey, Barry Kort, Mark Plaltner, Robert Slulzky, Alon Whitman ond Eleonbr Yatjer.
A reception service.
will follow the
Alay 28 at Temple Israel Confirmation services will be held Tuesday, May 28 at Temple Israel at 8:15 p, m. and will be followed by a reception. Confirmands will be:
Daniel G. Kulfncr, Susan Lincoln, Roehelle Rocky Lipp, Hllse Ann Lipton, Cliorlc* Steven Mover, Jeffrey Bruce Maypcr, H, Robert Milder, Duvld Jule Powclt, Bets/ Jo Raskin, Marc Richard Sherrnun, Slewort Slonn, oynle Sue Srncerin, Cheryl Stern, 5fcvcn Jay Wioodsky, Joanne Phyllis Wolf
A consecration service will be conducted on Friday, May 24 by Rabbi Sidney Brooks for the members of the confirmation class and their parents. At that time, Millard H. -Krasnc, congregation president, will present each confirmand with a Certificate of Confirmation-and a prayer book as a gift from the congregation. Hebrew graduation services will be held on Friday, May 31 at 8:15 p. m. in the Temple. Mr. Krasne will present diplomas to the graduates. The service will be followed by a reception. Miss Dalia Vilinsky is the Hebrew Class instructor. Graduating Class includes:
Alan Bernstefn, Frances flrody, Paul Eric Glllnsky, Gary Katelmun, Judith Lincoln, Jcjmes Maiashock, 5hart Malkfn, Michael Pellman, Carol Simons, John Peter Stusbury, Gary Solref, Karen Sokolof, Ellsso Slern, Cathy Jo Wlgodsky. Richard Abramson, Robert Beber, James Felntcch, Sally Fox, Sue Friedman, Koth/ Grccnbcro, Dovld Levin, Andrew Llberman, Susan //olnovc, Daniel Milder, Jeffrey Perimeter, Nanette Schulman, Steven Schu. nielsfcr, Richard Sophlr.
Beth Israel Synagogue will hold its Talmud Torah graduation on June 9.
Corot Ann Allsulcr, Jeffrey Allsuler, Ellen Ann Bonk, Stephen T, Chess. Steven Barry Cohen, Noncy M. Davis, Joseph Bernard Enalander, Jane Patricia Felnfech, Sandi A. Flelschl, Howard M. Ceretick, Sandra Gaylc Greenberg, Claire //clanle Glimmers, Frankie Lee Harding, Elaine Sue He:.s. Caret Jacobson. Diane Elizabeth Klein,
Campus NATIONAL RECOGNITION FOK IiII,L COOPER SHOW Bill Cooper, senior in the University of Nebraska's department of radio and television, is the producer and director of a national award winning radio show, sponsored by the American Foundation for the Blind in New York City. The show which will receive national distribution, tells the story of an Omaha blind couple and was written to show how the blind can fit into society and lead useful lives. C o o p e r is the son of Mrs. Sarah Cooper of Omaha. . • YALE DEBATER Richard A. Kaslow was on the Yale University debate team competing in the fifty-fifth annual triangular debate between Yale, Harvard and Princeton.
Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Nathan Saks on Sunday, 'May 26 at 2:30 p. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery with Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiating. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Effie Kay on Sunday, May 26 at 4 p. m. at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery with Rabbi Sidney Brooks, officiating.
t imn mi
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Closed Wednesday, May 29 and Thursday, May 30 . in Honor o r Shavuot Open Friday—0 A.M.
IWday, May 24, 1903
Beth Israel Is Scene of Beth Israel Synagogue was the scene Sunday, May 12, of the wedding of Sharon Elaine Grossman and Steven Richard Brown. A late afleroon ceremony was performed by Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Parents of the couple are Mr. . ntttl Mrs. Moe L. Grossman, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mrs. Steven Richard Ilroivn
Beth El Honors Board (Continued from Page 1.) Richards and Mrs. Yale Gotsdincr. Special Citations Specially honored will be Sam Kaplan who has served on the Ritual Committee for 34 years; Reuben Bordy who has served on the Cemetery Committee since its inception; and Dr. Morris Margolin who has been a member of the Beth El School Board since its origin. Board members, past and present, are: tl Abrarmon, M r . ond Mrs. William ' Alberts, Normon Bott, Moe Oercovltl, . Dovid Ocrnlfeln, Sheldon pprnstcin, David nlackcr, Reuben Bordy, Mr ond Mrs. Oovld Brodkey, Edward E. Brodkcy, Fred Brodkcy, Mrs, Morris Brodfcey, Alan Ourton, M o * Conor, 1 / Chapman, Sam Cohn. Arthur Cohn, M r . and Mrs. Dave Cohn, Pennle Davli, Marry DuBoff, Sam Epstein, Morris Erman, Robrt Ftflnbera, Albert Feltlman, Dr. ond Mrs. A. C. Fcllmon. M r . ond Mrs. Morris C. FcHmoo. David F o o d , Leo Fox, Mr. ond Mrs, A. D. Fronk, Irv'ng Frccdman, Joe Freeman, A. D. Gcndlcr, Phil Gerellck, Vole Ginsburo, Yole Colsdlncr, Leon Groet/, Soul Groctr, Jack Green, Uarlon GrecnberoM r . ond Mrs. David GrccnbcrQ, Mrs. J J . Greenberg, Elmer Grosj, Mr. and Mrs. Joe GuiB, Joel Mcllman, Irving Heriog, Mrs. Sidney Hollls, Joe Hornsteln, Sam Koplon. Den Kmlcw, Mrs Morris Kollemart, Meyer Katiman, M r , and Mrs, J , Harry Kulokolsky, Louis Kulakolsky, Mrs. Robert Kooper, Dr. Ben Kullr, Mrs. M . F. Levemon, Irvln Levin, Stanford Ltpscy, Or Morris Mnroolfn, Owen tAcycrton, Dcrtoid Uoytj, Erne-sl Mogy. Crnle Noog, Mole Noog, Rolfih Hooy, Mox HovaK, Dr. David Plait, Max Plan, William Rocusln, Wllllom RarJuzlner, Pert Render, Joe Rice, Sam Rice, Gene Rich, Morton Richards, Yole Richards, Aaron Rips, Ed Roicn, I. w. Rosenblatt. Henry Rlekes, Dr. and Albert Rfmmcrmon. Aaron Rips, ETa Rosn, | w. Rosenblatt, Marvin Sobes, Lonard Seaal, Mrs. Dave Sherman. Irvln Sherman, Carl Sleael,, Ray Simon, Abe Slusky, Dave Stein, Sam Steinberg. Arnold Stern, Robert Swarll, I. M. Trellak, Horjy Trustln, Mr. ond Mrs. Hate Turner, Abe Venger, Mrs. Moe Venger, Ernest Wlntroub, Mr. ond Mrs. Phlneas Wlntroub, M r . ond M r i . Al WoWner, Mr. ond Mrs. Som Woll, Haitian S. Voile, Ell Zolkln, I t lleomon, Morlcy Zlpursky. .
Play to Be Given "The Ballad of Beth El," written by Mmes. Morris C. Fcllman and Morley Zipursky with Mrs. Robert Wagner directing, will portray in song and tableau the story of .the Beth El Board service since its founding thirty-four years ago, • Padiclpcnls ore nuHorlsls, Barbara and Ricky Cfiudocolf; pfarra occomlmnlit, Alice Fetlman; soloists, Center Aaron Edgof pnd Mark Zolkln; narrator. Miles Remer; cast, Jan Jang/er* Judy Goldbero, Marlene Frtttlmm. Marsha Fellman, Roberi siuiiky, John Farber, Mark Goodmqn, Lloyd' Wohlner, Joel Rich •, •• ' The dinner will be catered by Mmr». David Plot), Al Swarlt, Hainan -Ccoptr, Lymon cotin, William Lohrmon, Irvlno Marcus, Dovld Welnberg, Meyer Crandcll, Willis Epstein ond Henry Stern, with decorations by Mmes. Edward Zorlnsky ond Willis Epstein.
Judy Goldner fo Be Bride Of Law Sfudenf Dr. and Mrs. Julius C. Goldner have announced the engagement of their daughter, Judy Frances, to Harvey Slephan Poll of Seattle, Wash., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold I. Poll of the same city. The bride-to-be attended the University • of Washington at Seattle for two years and is now a Junior at Boston University. Mr. Poll graduated from the University of Washington and is now completing his second year at Harvard University Law School.
B. Brown, Kansas City, Mo. The bride wore a floor length gown of pure silk peau de soie and imported hand-run Alencon lace. A petal hat of Alencon lace, skidded with seed pearls, caught her triple tiered veil of illusion. She carried a white family Bible graced with a large orchid surrounded with stephanotis. Barbara Brown, sister of the groom was maid of honor. She was attired in a jewel colored satapenu sheath. Dressed identically were the bridesmaids, Lynda Joffe, Shelley Sommer and Arlene Grossman. Doug Brown, cousin of the groom, was best man. Robert Lohrmnn, Stuart Kutler, Eernie Grossman, brother of the bride; Hick Navoor, Larry Herman, Allan Weinstcin, Harold Weinstcin, Robert Ginsburg, and Art Lapin, were ushers. The bride's mother chose a pink organza and lace sheath. The groom's mother wore a bluegreen pure silk sheath. Both wore orchid corsages, A dinner and dance were held at the Sheraton Fontenelle Hotel. The couple, later, left on a trip to Colorado.
Raskins to Oklahoma For Son's Graduation Mr. and Mrs. William Raskin will attend the graduation of their son, Dick from Law School of the University of Oklahoma, at Norman on May 26.
Miss Judy Goldner
PIONEEft WOMEN GIVE FUNDS FROM BAKE SALE Funds from the bake sale conducted by the Pioneer Women's Organization will be given to Metzet Hapoalot services for women, youth and children in Israel. *
Center Stamp Show Winners Announced Winners of the first annual Jewish Community Center Junior Stamp Show are Leslie Helfman, Most Interesting Presentation; Alan Peterson, Best Single Category; Charles Trachtenbarg, Neatest Exhibit; Debbie Pred, Runner-up to Best Overall Presentation and Harvey Lipman, Best Overall Exhibit. Their parents are Messrs. and Mmes. Joel Helfman, Carl A. Peterson, M a l c o l m Trachtenbarg, Norman M. Pred and Norman Lipman, respectively.
Dromedary Treat New fruits of the season paired with Dromedary Date-Nut roll make festive Shavuot treats.
The Hollis Co., 553-2190
Beth Israel announced the awarding of two scholarships to two youngsters to enable them to attend camp Moshava, Wis. This was made possible through a gift by Mr. and Mrs. Max' Fromkin from the Sophye W. Fromkin Camp Fund.
ENGLISH-GERMAN All Work Satisfactorily Dane
HANS G.PETER 701 SOUTH 22ND STREET, No. 110 Omaha, Hcbr. Tel.: 341-0175
For Your Convenience . . . A New Modern •
e Repaired at Ileuaonabla
The pupils of Mrs. A. D. Faier will present "Our First Show" at Commercial S a v i n g s and Loan Co., 45th and Douglas Streets on May 2G. Included in the showing will be pencil, charcoal, watercolor and oil studies.
Uni — call "the Father of a Thousand Brides"
Ave. Nathan Rodicfc 553-4839
Shop through the Jewish Press Ads.
Will an Orchard & Wilhelm designer work with things
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CAMPERS . .... Buy Direct From Factory
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Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS 4VH9X Ownori
nose HOIIIH will be glad to discuss details and arrange showings.
Fromkin Scholarships
FINAL HEBKEW SESSION Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will conduct the final session of the Adult Hebrew Class at Temple Israel on Monday, May 27, at 7:30 p. m. * • * Mrs. Benjamin Groner will be hostess to the Beth Israel Sisterhood Study Group at her home, 1012 North 52nd Street, on Monday, May 27 at 12:30 p.m. This will be the last study group meeting of the season under the chairmanship of Mrs. Irving Blank. Rabbi Groner will conclude this season's study of morning prayers.
Mo. EOth 551-1000 6 ExporJ Hair Stylist*
541!) Western Ave.—YOUIIK but' lirlck runrh plus 3 more rooms up. Air conditioned, fenced yard, 2car tandem Kjirajje, many extras. Priced In 20's tar below cost. I l l Sou h 50th Ave.—Neur Dundee .School, Heth El, bus Air conditioned, modernized 3-bedroom Colonial. Hrlck. asbestos roof, eletfant decor plus many efficient touches added.' Reduced to low 20's to Ki'll now.
fo Serve You at
Mmts.. Herman Aucrbach, Hymen Del. man. Max Olltner, Joe Bernstein, Con Held, Lou Colter, Joe Cuss, Sidney Kollc rnon, Manlred Kreilsteln, Jack Kaulmun Charles Klmmel, Maroolin, Sum Manvllz, A/orey Londman, Henry Stern, ond Phlncos Wlnlroub. * * *
Hollis Homes
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollack announce the engagement of their daughter, Judith Ann and Lawrence Pazol of Muncie, Ind. Mr. Pazol is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pazol of Muncie, The bride-elect and her fiance are both students at the University of Indiana, Bloomington. Mr. Pazol will enter law school in the fall. A winter wedding is in the planning.
HADASSAH BLUE BOXES A committee was appointed by Hadassah for the collection of blue boxes. Its members are
MONA LISA House of Glamour
JUST IJSTKD! M1O ftlrmvooft Road in ponuttir Ofllon's Fuiracrcs. 3 bedrooms, 2 fouths, air conditioned, Ktwrous floor plan. A quality home nt. moderate price.
Judith Pollack Is Betrothed to Lawrence Pazol of Muncie, Ind.
The couple will be married on August 25.
t ..
Page Four
Rayim Wins Track And Field lest; Kaiman Sets leoord •Rayim swept through the Jewish Youth Council Track and Field Meet, on May 12 at Technical High School. Paul Kairmm of Weizinann broke a Youth Council mile record with 5:45. Teams scored ns follows: Rayim, 50 points; AZA No. 1. 2!) points; AZA No. 100 and Wcizmann with six points. Event winning teams and time are 100 yard low hurdles—Spud Whitman, Rayim, 11.5; 10O yard dash—Jerry Stevens, AZA No. 1, 10.9; 220 yard dash—Jerry Stevens, AZA No. I, 26:00; ShotPut—Marc Romahik, Rayim. 35.1; Broad Jump—Spud Whit(Left) Maynard Bclzer and Daniel Katz—winners. man, Rayim, 19.2; Softball Throw —Harlan Rinimerman, AZA No. Awards Presented I, 240.4; 880 yard Run—Arnie Weitz, Rayim, 220.8; 440 yard To Center Athletes Run—Howard Katzman, Rayim, 56.9; and the 880 relay won by The Les Burkenroad Trophy YOUTH COUNCIL SOFTBALL Rnyim with Arnie Weitz, Lee for the outstanding men's athlete In Jewish Youth Council Soft- Ross, Spud Whitman, and Howat the Jewish Community Cen- hall, Wcizmann AZA came from ter was awarded to Alan Konec- behind with three runs in the ard Katzman winning in 2:43. ky, and the Harry Trustin award fifth inning to edge AZA No. Acting officials were Marshall for the Youth Council athlete 100, 6 to 5. Turkel, Dan Katskee, Mike Shershowing the most athletic ability man, Sandy Freidman, Jerry Marc Kaplan scored three Faier, Keith Levin. Jim Milder. and sportsmanship went to diet of Weizinann six runs and Gary Stoler, a Central High student Marc Romanik and Jeff Silverat the annual award's program Green was the winning pitcher. man. In a contest which will be this week at the Center. The Jewish Youth Council Guest speaker at the meeting completed on Sunday June 9. Swim meet was won by Rayim was Roger Savers. Omaha Uni- Rayim leads AZA No.'l, IS to 11 with an accumulation of 37 with Rayim going to bat in the points. Second wan taken by versity's track star. Roy C. Feltman was added bottom half of the 6th inning. Chaim Weizinann with 21 points to the JCC Hall of Fame roster. and third place went to AZA SOFTBALL SCHEDULF. No. 1 with 14 points. Cal Kirshen was master of Jewish Youth Council ceremonies. Others recognized. Individual honors in events Sunday, May 2G at Elmnood went to Dan Katskee, AZA No. 1 J. J. Creenbcrjj Memorial Park at 11 a.m. in 40 yard free style. 21.3 and Awards — Outstanding athlete Rayim vs. Weizinann <CI Diving, 71.80; Steve Luttbcrg. in seventh and eighth grades. A7.A No. I vs. AZA No. 100 Maynard Belzer; most improved Rayim. 60 yard butterfly, 45.2 (Wl in the fifth and sixth grades, and 60 yard breaststroke, 4ii.7: Omaha Softball Association David Katz. Alan Whitman, Rayim, 60 yard Wednesday—May 29, Boyd backstroke, 56.8; Jeff Silverman, Athletic Service Award*— Field South 100 yard free style, 1.18.3 The Mike Sherman. David Goldstein. Varsity vs. So. Omaha Relay was won by the Rayim James Farber. Chargers team of Larry Batt, Whitman. Silverman and Luttbeg with the Soviet Pianist Given Asylum Dr. Perry London London (WNS>—Vladimir Ash- time of 1:43.8. Robert Davis. Central High kenazi, internationally renowned On Research Post Soviet Jewish pianist, has re- School swim coach, conducted Dr. Perry London. Visiting ceived asylum in Britain. the meet. Associate Professor in Psychology at Stanford University, and regular Associate Professor in Psychology at the University of oooooooooo&ooooo oooooeaeoooooooo Illinois, has been appointed Research Director of the Institute KIEKES, PRESIDENT ternate; Francine Magzamin, for the Righteous Acts, Docu- I.INOA historian; and J a n i c e Siref, mentation and Study Center on OF STUDENT COUNCIL Linda Riekes, daughte rof Mr. monitress. Rescuers of Jews in the Nazi and Mrs. .Max Riekes, has been Era. Sharon Berman and Ellen elected president of the Student A native of Omaha, Dr. Lon- Council at Central High School Zelinsky are chairmen of the don is the son of Mr. and Mrs. for 1903-64. She, also, has been event. Max London. chosen to attend the 27th anThe research staff of the In- nual National Council to be held stitute, now under Doctor Lon- at Ann Arbor, Mich., June 23-27. KADIMAII CHAVTEIt WEEK .don's direction, is developing She Kadimah Chapter SYO, Beth a r c h i v e s on rescue activity class.is a member of the junior Israel's Youth Organization will based on a library of relevant be host to prospective members Among others elected to Coun- during a. week-end of activities literature, and materials from archives of the Holocaust in the cil posts at Central are Larry which include Friday night May United States. Europe, and Is- Grossman, son of Mr. and Mrs. 24 religious services, Saturday /• V rael. Letters have been received Arthur Grossman, a junior, as morning services, a bus party by the Institute from survivors vice-president, and K e n n y who were rescued, offering in- Hoberman. son of Mr. and Mrs. and social in the evening, and valuable information on the per- Richard Hoberman. a sopho- Sunday breakfast and seminar. Dr. Bennett Fishbain is Kadi* sons involved in courageous and more, as sergeantat-arms! mah advisor. The group's presiselfless acts of rescue. Qn the dent is Susi Stoler and its rush basis of the preliminary docu- ROHANUE TO HAVE week-end chairman is Toby mentation and other materials, ANNUAL LUNCHEON Doctor London will prepare a will be installed at Reizbaum. research design for the study of theOfficers annual Rohanue BBG Mothrescue behavior. John Zysman, son of Mr. and er-Daughter luncheon on Sun- Mrs. Jack Zysman and Bruce The Institute is l o c a t e d in day, May 2G at 12:30 p. m. at Poster, son of Mr. and Mrs. WilOakland, Cal. the Sheraton-Fntenelle Hotel. liam Poster will be among those They are: E l l e n Zelinsky, to attend the Cornhusker Boys' president; Barbara Jess, viceState in Lincoln, June 15-21 unBritish Funds fo president; Linda Simons and der the State American Legion Joyce Render, MIT mothers; Boys alternates inAid Jewish Babies Sharon Berman, third vice-presi- sponsorship. cluded Richard Speiglinan, son dent; Gerry Greenfield, secreMrs. Sidney SpeiglNow in Morocco tary; Faye Samuelson, treas- ofmanMr.andandLouis Chunovic son of London (JTA) — The Central urer; P h y l l i s Lelchock and Mr. and Mrs. Abraham ChunoBritish Fund and _ the British Carolyn Brody, sgts.-atarms; vic. OSE announced a project to im- Susan G e r b e r and Rebecca Nancy Makiesky, daughter of prove the nutrition of Jewish Maurer, editors; Dorene Wine, babies in Morocco. The project, Youth Council representative; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Makiesky which has been accepted as part Eileen Davis, Youth Council al- is an alternate to the Girls' State. of the Freedom from Hunger campaign of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organiza- Free Swimming Pool Are tion, will cost an estimated $3G,400. Clinic at Center The project, which is aimed A free swimming pool clinic Handball Champs at bringing the nutritional stand- for public and private swimming • Dr. Abe Faier and Jack Stiss ards for Moroccan Jewish in- pool managers- and personnel retained their Center Men's Doufants up to par with European will be conducted, Sunday, May bles Handball crown last Sunchildren, includes the training 26 at the Jewish Community Cen- day, by defeating Sam Ban and of special personnel and the set- ter. Professional and exper- Lindy Paul 21-7 and 2t-5. Jim ting up of infant feeding demon- ienced personnel will lead dis-, Madden, state handball chamstration centers. cussions from 9 a.m. until noon. pion, scored the tourney games.
Friday, May 21, I&GX
New York (WNSi—Utilization of anti-Semitism as a political weapon in countries in turmoil, especially South America, highlighted an American J e w i s h Committee report on anti-Semitism. Presented l>y C o m in i 11 r e president A. M. Sonnabend, (lie year-long survey of anti-Semitism in 11 Kuropran and South American countries revealed (1) (hat anti-Semitism Is being used asK a political weapon in countries w li i c h are 111 tlic midst of political instability, especially in South America, (2) that there arc more than 500 neo-Nazi, Fascist and antiSemitic groups iu the various countries surveyed, with only a comparatively small number posing any major threat, (3) that there is no evidence of a neo-Nazi nor anti-Semitic network and no formal cooperation among those ffroups although there is evidence of unified propaganda campaign!;, (4) that the anti-Semites, particularly in Austria, are aiming their propaganda mainly at youths and youth groups and (5) that the
Soviet Oovf vnmtnV continues >VJ official anti-Semitic policies. In addition, the survey found (hat altiludcs towards jews.iu Western Europe were undergoing a profound change, with the people of tho.se countries feeling a sense of shame over tha fate of the 6,000,000 Jews murdered during the Hitler era. The report also s t r e s s e d that a "quiet revolution" was developing among Christians and that "some churches, Ttcognaing that their own leaching materials have all to often served to perpetuate anti-Jewish persecution, have now undertaken to re-examine their own practices and positions." On presenting the report, Mr. Sonnabend said that neo-Nazi and nco-Fascist groups were continually attempting "\o lake advantage of disaffected citizens." As an illustration he cited the foothold gained by autlSemites in the Algerian Secret Army Organization and the widespread campaigns of armed violence against Jews in the wake of political instability in Argentina.
Christians View Israel As 'Third Force'... New York UTA)~Israel offers the world a third alternative— iii the choice between the Soviet system as against democracy—because the Israeli paltern could be applied to underdeveloped nations, Dean Alfange, well known attorney, told the American Christian Association for Israel. The session, was held at All Souls Unitarian Church. Statesmen of the free world, said Mr. Alfange. should study the Israeli pattern,, since "Israel has made a notable contribution in a critical area of the cold war.'' Israel, he maintained, offers '-a third alternative" between Communism and democracy, "a pattern of life which offers decent living standards plus the essential freedoms. It is altogether possible that the free world could win the battle with the Soviet Union for the loyalty of these nations by pro-
moting the Israeli paUcrn as a third alternative to the countless millions of Africa and Asia who are yearning ior ireedoni and a just share of the good tilings of life." Another of the principal speakers, Dr. Russell Henry Stafford, president emeritus of the Hartlord S e m i n a r y Foundation, speaking on "The Christian Ethic and the State of Israel," told the meeting: "When the African nations grow up to faiU stature, no small measure of the credit will be due to the State of Israel for the men and women it has sent to them as missionaries of progress, and the throngs of students who come from them to Israel to Vie trained for leadership at home. The Christian ethic means a warm heart and a helping hand. The State of Israel deserves them."
Calvin M. Newman, president of Hinky Dinky Super Markets was elected a Midwest regional director of the Super Market Institute.
through more than a decade of continuous service to the board of Childrea1? Memorial Hospital, was a constant source of leadership, and inspiration to thosa privileged to work with him." Mr. Sliafton served on the board from 1943 through W5S,' and was elected secretary in 1956. He then served third and fourth terms, 1957-19C2 before leaving the board.
Ensign Steven J. Silver son of Mr. and Mis. Robert Silver ol Elkhorn, is home on leave after returning from the Far East, including Hawaii, Philippines, Guam, Okinawa, Japan and Hong Kong. Among those in the College Mr. S i l v e r was stationed of Medicine, University of. Neaboard the USS Colonial, which braska, who, at a convocation, was part of a twenty ship for- received special recognition for mation from the West Coast, ranking in the upper three per sent through the Panama Canal cent, or having been on the hond u r i n g the C u b a n Crisis. or roll since the freshman year Throughout the Caribbean and was Robert II. Wlntroub, medithe Western Pacific, Mr. Silver cal senior. Included in the sopiioserved on board as officer in more medical students' roll for charge of the Combat Informa- ranking in the upper ten per tion Center. . "cent of their class, were M d i R. Lipp and Irvin S. Sam Flcisher, commander of Harry B. Cohen, Omaha atEpstein Morgan Post No. 260 of the Jewish War Veterans, torney, was one of thirteen new lias received word of his ap- members elected to the board of pointment as National Deputy the Douglas-Sarpy County Red Adjutant of the national body Cross, of J.W.V. K d w a r d Cccan has been Leo Kiscnstalt and Morris K. named manager of the Mr. Jacobs have been named mem- Shops of the Nebraska Clothing bers-atlarge of the board of Company's men's departments. delegates of the American Jewish Committee,.a human relations agency, 3K\VISH Kdward Shation, Omaha attorney, was honored by the Chil- BAR aud Has Mltzvah congratulations, also cards, for all drens Memorial Hospital board of directors at a luncheon meet- "• Jewish holidays. and. special' ing. He was presented with a occasions. plaque w h i c h read, ."Who, Meyers News Stand, 1502.Dodge