Publication Of fire. 101 No. 2()lh Omaha, Nebraska. Plume 342-13(16
Vol. XM—No. 40
Second Clnss Postage Pali .Single Copy 10 Cents at Omaha, Nt-')-»i'. Annual Kate 4 Dollar*
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged (The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged acknowleges the following memorials and donations.)
In Memory of
Mesirs. arid Mmei. Abe Cohn, Arthur A. Cohn, Dave Colin. David OrKow, Philip Rlnylt, Harold Sobcl, M(s. Roltett tt. Koopcr and Howard, Mrs, Ann Roffmaii, Mr. ond Mri. Wllliom Rosscn ond Morns, Miis Donna Zoubck, Mrs. Leonard Klein Mr*. Herrm Mr. ond Mrs, Harold Brown (Kuntas City, Mo.), Dr, ond M r i . A. A. Stelnbceo , Mrs Mollie Grossman Dr, ond Mrs, A. A. Sfelnfcwro ,. * Peter Greenberg M e n r j . ond Mmes, MaK Rtekes, Philip Rlnol*, Mr. ond Mrs. Morris Klrshenbauirt and boys, Or. ond Mrs. A A. Sleinbero , Joseph Haykln Mr, ond M r i , Mox Rfekcs and family Henry Hvlterman, C. B. Nelson, W. A. Sawtell, Sr. Jtrry C. Gorrfon , . JAeltoch Katiman Mr, ond Mrs, ErnrsJ A, Noafl Mrs. Klutinlck (Park Forest, III.) Miss Belle Harwich • . . . . . . mother of Mrs. M, Kratne (Chlcapo, til.) Mrs. Paul Oernslcin ,..., Abraham Levey, Nalhan Steinberg Messrs. ond Mmes. Philip Ringle, Harry Truslin, Vole , Truslin, Jerry C. GorUon, Mis* Ocatrlce Sommer MorrJi Mild«r Mrs, Den Handler Maurice Okun Messrs. ond Mmes. Abe Cohn, Charles Engel, Fred KvrUmon, Dovid OrKow, Harold Sobcl, t.eo Wuxenbcrg, Ml Don Yudelson, Miss Harriet! Harwich, Mrs. Slclla Robinson, Mrs; Ann Rollmon, co-workers and neighbors ol Mrs. Llllte Becker ,. Samuel Posier Mr. on4 Mrs. P. Rlpj, The Vtlrttrouh f-omMy Dovo Porker Mtsirs, and Mmes, Fred Armhruit, Henry Bock, Orvel Milder, Dovld OrKow, Philip Rlngle, Max Scheucrniann, Dr, and Mr*. A. A. Steinberg Mrs. Hulda Annbur&l, Mli* Beatrice Sommer Horace Roienbium Wr, ond fAr%. Harold Sobel, Mrs. Ben Handler Harry Rlfkin Mls$ UNion Tybering • M a . Bessie Tessler Wr ond Mrs Milton Yudflion Samuel Wasserkrug Wr. ond Mrs, Philip Rlngle Philip Yousern.
Sunday was Esther K. Newman Camp Day in (he hearts its leaders dedicated (he modern new camp near Louisville, than 500 persons who overflowed the main lodge. As the speakers all eniphasized, the Jewish Federation's mother was an original. JCC dream of a camp reached its u 1 1 atl Harriet Harding. Alcomplete realization with the tllou ^camper " '^ " " < " " " n<"«>»B- «'" ™Jmnni eh the camp was called B« fcnow ceremonies n ,d,u, ct pt eHd th.-,i that 'JCC? Mother attended JCC at afternoon by Ernest A. Nogg, four different camp sites. My Past Chairman of the Camp De- sister and I have attended JCC velopment Committee and im- at three different locations. Now mediate Past President of the we have a permanent location Jewish Federation. and I am very proud tu be an Everything Admired original camper in this beautiEntire families, parents, "chil- f u | c a m p / ' Other parents who attended »^ * r first - -Federation - - - - Camp, the and In Honor of Donor structures and facilities as they whose children will be at the moved about the area. Campers M r i . Leonard Kltin SSIh. birthday, M r i , Minnie Blank this summer are Mrs. Mr, ond Mrs. Milton YuUcfsort ,,.....•... >W* birthday o( Sam who will attend the first session camp Ralph Cooper, mother of David Epsleln, Recovery ot beginning next Sunday and the Dove Sleen' and Sally Jo; Mrs. Philip Fox, Mrs, Jennlp Rostnblatr , birthday, Mrs, Mino Krestul ensiling two sessions, were as mother tAcstri, and Mmes. Loud OfumMn, Dan Cohen, Harold of Marsha and Mrs. Coopermarr, iot Crandell, Oorney Hobcrman, Nolhan pleased as the adults. Stanford Lipsey, m o t h e r of . V/elttcft 'Bernard Zcvlti, Mrs, Atie O'nsbury, Esther Parents at Same Site Ueb Klperftitt 7S»i birMiduy, M r i , Sot Lewis Janet Gail. Mr. and Mrs. Harry OuQoff 50th wedciino anniversary, Mr. and Present at the program were Mrs. Louis Oernsteln (Counc)l Qlufls, lo.) recovery, Harry Sloler, marriaae of Goldman Presents Flag parents who in their childhood, FAr. and Mrs, William Wasserkrug Mr. Goldman presented the attended the first Jewish FederMe»*n, ond Mme? Louis Kulak ofsky/Morloii Richard* .,..* 60lh wedding anniversary, Mr, and Mrs. Abe Goldstein ation sponsored camp in l!W9 Esther K. Newman flag to SusM n , Poul Berirt*eln ?5th wedding anniversary of Mr. ond Mrs. Laior Kaplan, at practically the same site: an Rips, urging the continuation Recovery, Michael Krome, and on next Sunday, some of of Federation camp tradition. Mrs, Wiiliom Levey, Gratefulness (or tate return their children will be among ol Mr. ond Mrs, Paul Veref, In accepting the camp flag Hoppy trip (or Mr, and those going off to the first per- from Mr. Goldman, Susie, deMrs. Nathan L. Noaa. iod of the new camp. M i l l Johanna Kovimonn , wedding anniversary, Mr, and clared "This [lag which is the Me, David Kaufniann (Grand Island, Ncbr.) Richard Goldman, a 1939 standard for the Esther K. NewMcsirs. ond Mmei, Julius Abrohnm-oo, Tdword t . Brodkey, William Frelden, Melvln VMK\n< Leo Milder, pnif Camper, spoke before the gathman camp is more than that to Roienblotf, Henry Rubin (Kearney, H^br.), I.eo vVoxeiil«rfl, Mrocl. Ros« Fr«idcn, Cdna Lul1l»0y David Sherering with his son, John a 1903 me—it is also a symbol repre*nan, Fan 5hermon . . , , SQIh wedding onnlversory, Mr, and Mrs, Camper at his side. iscuiore Shennon senting Jewish Camp tradition recovery, Mrs. A. Glnsburo, Mox Speaking for the prospective and I'm grateful I can attend Loshiniky (Lincoln, Ncbr.), t. ? lotkln Dr. ond M r i . A. A. Steinberg recovery, Mrs Pool Goldstein campers who are part of this a camp as lovely as this- one Mr, and Mrs. Fred KwrUmon, Mrs. Stella Robinson, Miss "Chain of Tradition" was Susan and proud to be a part of the Harriet Norwich recovery, CrJword 1, Konbr, Mrs. Arvln Cohen Mr, ond M r i , M, Krupltnky, Mrs. i. K Ftamm (Bnafv^ood, Rips, whose mother, Mrs. Nor- Jewish Camp life tradition." U. y.) recovery Mrs. Mollle Milder Mr and Mn, Fred Kurtrmon, Mrs. Rose Clnsburn recovery, .Mrs. Osflwr Works man D. Rips was a former sixfAr, ond Mrs, Harry Goldberg recovery, Robbl M, M. Pollakof/ Tribute lo Robert Koopcr time camper at various other Mr. Ond Mrs, Philip Rfngle, Dr. ond AAri. A. A. Sfclnberu . . . « , . recovery, Mrs, Sam Pollack Me»sr*. ond Mmes, Arlhur A. Cohn, Harry Duflolf recovery, Mrs. Aaron Rlpj, sites. Her other daughter, CathMr. Nogg gg ppaid tribute to the Harry Truslin Messrs. ortd MTICS. David Orfco//, Philip Rinole, Dr, ortd erine, will also attend this year, late Robert H. Kooper, former Mr«. A. A. Slelnberg recovery, Max Scheuermann Susie told the gathering "that Presdient of the Jewish FederM l " Horricll Horwlch, Mrs, Stella Robinson recovery, Mrs H Wishnol • (Lincoln, Hebr,) twenty-five year's ago my ation, and original Campsite Mr. ond M r j , Arthur A. C o h n . . . . . . . recovery, M r i . Sum Weinbera, Ktrshenboum boys J
Mr. ond Mrs. Leo Waxcnbcrg, Mr, ond M r i , Paul veret
*>t...., recovery, Leonard LulJbeg , , . tribute paid by the American Legion to Roy C, Feltmon, recovery, Mary Kobby
Special Contributions Dallas, Tex. (JTA)—The role of Jewish Federations in providing leadership to American J e w i s h communities for the tasks of building Judaism and strengthening American democr a c y was analyzed here this week by Philip Bernstein, executive director of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare New York fJTA)—The Nation- Centers' Senior High Council Funds, Mr. Bernstein, speaking at the al Jewish Welfare Board report- asking that smoking privileges ed that (because smoking is con- be broadened. The Council was 52nd annual meeting of the Jewsidered harmful for young peo- asked-to prepare a program on ish Welfare Federation of Dallas, said that American Jewry ple, a ban on smoking was instituted for the 2,200 teenage mem- the pros and cons of smoking. could meet its "unpredecented bers of clubs meeting at the Alter a consideration Of the find- responsibilities overseas only as Jewish Community Centers As- ings presented at the program, we build a strong Jewish comit was decided that smoking is munity here." American Jewry sociation of St. Louis. has made "progress in numThe new ruling was adopted "a harmful habit" which young- bers," he told the dinner meetas a result of a petition by the sters should not develop, and ing but there was "grave conthe Centers' board ruled against cern over the quality of what teenagers smoking on the Cen- we do." He cited as an example ters' property or at Center func- of unsolved problems that of "dropouts" of Jewish children tions. from Jewish schools "after only a year or two, or after Bar Memliers of the Golden Age Mitzvah." Less than ten per cent Club have given 150 Prayer of Jewish high-school age chilBooks to the Esther K, Newdren receive "formal Jewish inman Camp. struction w h e n they need it Vienna (WNS)—A Jewish Cen- most" in the United States, he The books are specially preter is being constructed on the added. pared for use in camps. ' site of a synagogue that had been razed by the Nazis in 1938. Shortage of Teachers The building to cost $480,000 He said the Jewish communKBON Radio 1490 Presents will be used as an education ity must niafce up shortages in "Message of Israel" center for Jewish youth. teachers, standard supervision, Sun. June 10 p.m. high schools and lay leadership Program ' "MAN OF THE YEAK" for more effective Jewish educa,"Israel—Ttie Place and Its tion. Mr, Bernstejn also stressed Washington (WNS)—The . NaPeople" that while Jews enriched the tional Council of Young Israel Speaker presented its "Man of the Year" American s o c i e t y , "we must Rabbi James A. Wax, award to Meyer Feldman, Dep- also help remove its patholTemple Israel, uty Special Counsel to President ogies." He said that half of hosMemphis, Tenn. pital beds In the United Statea Kennedy.
St. Loyis Jewish Centers Ban-. .Smoking
Golden Agers Present Prayer Books to Camp
Center on Former Synagogue Site
of the Jewish Community a s Neb. in the presence of more
C h a i r m a n who gave so unstintingly of himseU and Ms time to preparing the way for the new camp. Elmer Gross, Camp Development Committee Chairman, described the problems encountered in the building of the camp and turned over the camp keys to Arthur H. Goldstein Jewish Federation President. Mr. Goldstein stressed the continuity of the camp program for some 25 years. .. , Mr. Goldstein announced the gift of $10,000 was made to the camp by the Jewish Federation of Lincoln, Neb. Representatives from various Nebraska comunities attended the dedication. Harry Trustin, a former Federation p r e s i d e n t and now President oi the Orr.aha City Council, brought greetings from the city of Omaha. Edward D. Brodkey, Chairman of the Esther K. Newman Camp committee, spoke on the program and the potential ou. the new site. Speaks for Newman Family Calvin M. Newman, as eldest son, spoke on behalf of the Newman family. Paul Veret, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation, reviewed the events which led to the establishment of the Esther K. Newman camp as a m e m o r i a l to her. He also stressed the camp as a new link in the chain of Federation services. Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Be,th Israel Synagogue oilered the benediction and camp blesswere filled with mentally ill per- ing. Cantor Emil Berkovits led sons and that American Jewry the audience in the singiug ot must help to find the causes the Star Spangled Banner. and to prevent and cure such Mrs. Harry Sidman, president illness. He added "we are doing it. Jewish agencies are in the of the Federation of J e w i s h . forefront in dealing with emo- Womens Clubs, was in charge tionally disturbed children in of refreshments. Assisting her imaginative experiments in fos- at the refreshment table were ter homes, g r o u p homes and Mmes. Arthur H. Goldstein, Milton R. Abrahams, Elmer Gross hospitals." and Ernest A, Nogg, New Approach However, he added, a new approach was needed for the aged, reporting that 40 percent of the aged in Jewish institutions in the United States were mentally London (JTA) — Groups of disturbed, a condition he said Russian rocket e x p e r t s have was "not inevitable." In recent been arriving in Egypt recently years, the approach has changed along with considerable quancompletely in the philosophy of tities of Russian anti-aircraft J e w i s h homes for the aged. weapons and air-to-air missiles, "The institution is now for the the London Daily telegraph corsick instead of the well." respondent reported here from The expansion of leisure also Beirut. posed problems, he told the din- He said that the rocket exner meeting, noting that "in our perts included men shifted from lifetime, the work week has Cuba. He spoke of a new Rusbeen reduced successively from sian agreement to provide aid 54 to 37 hours. Is it a blessing to Egypt, and that it could be or a curse?" Jewish community expected that the number and centers, he said, were grappling size ot Russian rockets going to with the problem of trying to Egypt would increase. create persons capable of using He reported that Egypt was the new leisure constructively known to already have Jovst Rusand creatively." sian-equipped launching s i t e s Cooperation with Community while several squadrons of Rus'• "We have not ghettoized our sian MIG-21 jet fighters have concern for health and welfare," b e e n equipped with air-to-air he added. "We apply this to the missiles serviced by R u s s i a n entire community." He c i t e d technicians. A Russian naval Jewish federation cooperation mission is training Egyptians ia with united funds, community the use of Soviet-built Komarchests and councils of social class missile-launching ships, bo added. : agencies. -
Egygrf Receiving Soviet Missiles
Page Two
Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second week in July. Scccnd Class Postage Paid af OmGho, Ncbr. Annual Subscription, S4.00. Advertising Rotes on Application. Publication Office—10) No. 20'h street, Omaha, Nebr., 342-nW.
HZZZ3 Religious Services L
It'nai Jacob Adas Ycshuron: Friday Mincha, 7:15 p.m.; Saturday morning, 8:30 and Mincha. 7 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath evening services will be held in the air-conditioned chapel, Friday, 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks and Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will
Bar Milzvafi Alt fiiends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception.
officiate a t a brief service.
DAVID RIFKIN The Bar Mitzvah of David Rifkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Een Rifkin will be celebrated • on Saturday, June 2'J at Beth Jsrael Synagogue.
Rclli Israel: The Traditional Friday evening service iKobolas Shabbos) will be at 7:15 p.m. Shabbos morning service at 8:45 a.m. Shabbo.- Mincha at 7:50 p.m. followed by Scholosh Sudos and Maariv at 8:40 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 7:50 p.m.
WILLIAM GILINSKV The Bar Mitzvah'of William Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Gilinsky will be celebrated on Saturday, July 6 at Beth Israel Synagogue.
The contributions of gifts to the Esther K. Newman Camp made by Mrs. Robert H. Kooper, her son, Howard Kooper and friends, and that of Robert M. Feinberg were inadvertantly reported i n c o r r e c t l y . The Koop-er gift should have been $15,000 for the Executive Duplex instead of $10,000 and the Feinberg gift should have read $3,000 for a Baseball Field instead oi $10,000.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf of Park Forest, 111., announce the birth of a daughter, Rochelle Gay on June 11. They are also the parents of Martin Ronald, Cheryl Sue and Gary Allen. Mrs. Wolf is a former Omahan. Grandparents of the children are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wolf of Kansas City, Mo. and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Chasanov of Omaha.
QUESTION: Why is it that there are two major systems of pronouncing Hebrew which are different from each other— i.e. the Ashkenazic and the Sephardic? ANSWER: Many authorities of late claim that the difference between the two lies in their different geographic places of origin. The so-called Ashkenazic pronunciation is said to have stemmed from Palestine, being the pronunciation which was in vogue when the Masorites established the pronunciation formula. From there it was carried over to Germany and Eastern Europe. They claim, that the so-called Sephardic pronunciation was originated in Babylon, although it has been demonstrated that this was the pronunciation in Palestine during the second commonwealth. * <* • QUESTION: Why is it that the Sephardic pronunciation came to prevail in modern Israel? ANSWER: In the fifteenth century and the sixteenth Spanish Jews migrated to Palestine in great numbers due to the Inquisition and the consequent exile of the Jews from Spain. They were then supreme in the land both because of their overwhelming numbers which made them the majority, and because of their worldly experience, knowledge, and in some cases, wealth. Even as late as the nineteenth century, the Spanish Jews, or their descendants, were still in the majority. Furthermore, the Spanish Jews enjoyed a certain political status because of the Ottoman rule. Hence, the Turkish government invested the rights of religious leadership in the hands of the Spanish rabbis. For this reason their culture, and especially their method of pronunciation took over unto this very day. Thus, the later European immigrants were absorbed in this culture. It could very well be that the early Zionists, seeking to differentiate themselves from the Galut (Diaspora) found a liking to the Sephardic pronunciation, since it distinguished them from the Ashkenazic pronunciation of Hebrew employed by Jews in the Diaspora. It is furthermore possible that a desire was manifested on the part of the settlers to bring things back to the days of the second Commonwealth, so as to continue the feeling of a Jewish State. Since it was the Sephardic type of pronunciation that was employed in the second commonwealth, this is the type that may have been thus preferred by early Palestinian Jews. (JTA)
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Omahans in News
Dr. lien Kutler was elected president of the Omaha Lions Club. Richard K. Einstein will serve ns a director of the organization.
The family of Mrs. Y e 11 a Hahn will dedicate a monument in her memory on Sunday, June 30 at i0A5 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to the service.
Re-elected officers of the Omaha Civic Music Association include Herman Goldstein,- vicepresident; and Ajon Farbcr, secretary. Stanley Krum is a new member of the group's board of directors.
A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Margaret Handler. Sunday, June 30 at 11 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the service.
As part of his training sequence in the John Hopkins Hospital neurosurgical program, Dr. H. Martin Blacker will serve as chief resident neurosurgeon at Baltimore City Hospital, Baltimore, Md. At the conclusion of Dr. Blacker's appointment there, which begins in July and runs through December, he will return to John Hopkins Hospital to continue his training. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Blacker.
The family oi William Gimple will dedicate a monument in his memory on Sunday, June 30 at Pleasant Hill Cemetery at 12 noon. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will oificiale. A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Rose Ferer on Sunday, June 30 at 11:15 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery with Rabbi Benjamin Groner oficiating. Friends and relatives ore invited to attend.
Airs. Sarah L. Hlller has been named recording secretary of the Omaha Playhouse board of trustees. Among the winners of prizes announced after the organization's annual meeting were Mrs. Hy Shrier, outstanding supporting actress of the year, director's acting award and critic's honorable mention; Mrs. Maurice Sachs, director's award and critic's honorable mention; Mrs. Donald Nogg, director's award and Mrs. M. At. Jabenls, valuable service award.
PERRY A. SILVERMAN Newt oi the death of Perry A. Silverman a former Omahan, who died June 21 in Los Angeles, Cal., has been received here. He was the uncle of Robert Silverman and Mrs. Robert Fromkin and a brother of the late Harry Silverman. Funeral services were held in Los Angeles, Cal., on Sunday. Surviving are his wife, Annette, two daughters and two grandchildren and three sisters.
'. 3
week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Candlclighting, 7:42 p.m. Beth El: Sabbath eve services wil begin this evening at 7. Ttraditiona! Sabbath morning services will begin at 3:30. Mincha-Maariv services will be held at 7:45 p.m. Sunday morning srevices begin at !). Services during the
Friday, June 28, 19U3
Mrs. W a r r e n Zweiback is chairman of the second annual benefit dance for Childrens Memorial Hospital which will be held on Friday, June 21 from 'J a.m.-midnight.. The d a n c e is open to the public. Tickets may be obtained from Mrs. Zweiback, the hospital, H o s p c's, S c h m o 11 e r and M u e l l e r , Brownies Melody Lane or Brandeis ticket office. Larry Elewitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Izadore Elewitz has received a B.S. degree in mathematics from the Illinois Institute of Technology at Chicago. He completed this four year course in three years and has been named to the Dean's list each semester. He plans to continue his studies. Newly appointed as vice-presidents by the Nebraska Clothing Company board of directors are Herbert M. Rapoport, in charge of women's and children's divisions; Envin J. Wezclman, in charge of the men's and boys' divisions and William K. DeRoos, in charge of advertising and sales promotion. Announcement of those who will remain on the board of the Omaha Sales and Marketing Executives, Inc., include Louis Jess., manager of the Commodore Hotel and Motor Inn and Charles D. Pccbler Jr., vice-president, Bozell & Jacobs, Inc. Joe Lipton of Jo-Art Foods, spoke at the National Association of Retail Grocers convention in Detroit, Mich., last week.
Services were held Wednesday at the Jewish Funeral Home for Stanley Davidson, 32, who died in Los Angeles, Cal. He was a native of Council Bluffs. Mr. Davidson, who had been on the West Coast about a year, was formerly with an Omaha radio station. Surviving are his wife, Dorothy, and a daughter, Laura. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Israeli Religious School ' for Girls Has Anniversary Israel—The twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of Beit Ze'irot Mizrachi, a technical secondary school for religious girls in Tel Aviv, was recently celebrated with an exhibition at the institution. The school has 500 pupils, and olfers courses in vocational studies, academic subjects and the teaching of handicrafts and cookery. A similar institution, the first of its kind in the Negev, was opened recently in Beersheba by the Mizrachi Women's Organizations of the USA and Canada.
Youth ELLEN BANK NAMED KAYIM DREAM GIRL Ellen Bank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bank was named Rayim fraternity's Dream Girl at the organization's annual forr mal on June 15. Announced also are the fraternity's new officers; Stuart Smith, president; Arnie Kimmel, vice president; Harley Schrager, s e c r e t a r y ; Frank Wintroub, treasurer; Don Kohn and Richard Jacobsan, sergeants-at-arms; Arnie Weitz and Bob Batt, Youth Council representative and alternate. EDIAR HOLDS INSTALLATION New officers of Ediar B.B.G. were installed recently by Mrs. Paul Sacks at a banquet at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. They are: Frances Hornstein, president; Penny Krasne, vice-president; Judy Nogg and Mallory Goldware, mil- mother and assistant mit-mother; M a r l y n e Freedman, bills treasurer; Janis F r i e d m a n , dues treasurer; , Rocky Lipp, corresponding sec-, retary; Carol Altsuler, recording secretary; Joanie Simon and Linda Eisenstatt, editors; Jennifer Rodin and Ronna Nepomnick, historians; Carol Sherman and Terri Kwaitek, Youth Council representative and alternate, and Joni Brookstien, monitress. WINS SONG AWARD Rohanue B.B.G. won the regional award for its song at the recent annual Cornbelt Leadership Training Institute in Lincoln. Entitled "What's in District Six?" the song, written by club members, will be entered in another district competition in Elkhart Lake, Wis. on June 25-29. Members who took an active part in the Lincoln Institute were Carolyn Brody, Charlotte Cahane, Marsha Fleisher, Judy Magzamin, Faye Samuelson, Linda Simons, Beverly Weisberg, Elly Zelinsky and Joyce Render, the latter, who was elected second vice president of Cornbelt Region.
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Shop through the Jewish Pres» Ads. Edward I. Kantor wishes to thank relatives and friends for the many cards of good wishes, flowers and gifts he received, and for the contributions given (o organizations in his name during his illness.
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Want Ads DAILY JEWISH NEWSPAPERS BAR and Eos Mitzvah congratulations, also, cards, for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
HOT DOGS fftCryovoc -ot Pkg. Store Hottn Sunday 7 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Mcerfay Thru Tbanday 8 A.M.-5:30 P.M. Friday, 8 A.M.-3 P.M.
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Friday, June 28, 1003
Miss Venger Engaged i Ai&m to Bennett Hornstein Mr. and Mrs. Abraham V. Venger announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy to Bennett Hornstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hornstein. Miss Venger was a princess
Holiday" Visitors Dr. and Mrs. Norman Bolker of Spokane, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bolker and daughter, Wendy of Beverly Hills, Cal. will spend the fourth of July weekend with their brother-iniaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Milder and other relatives.
in the 1963 AkSar-Ben Court. She attended the University of Oklahoma at Norman where she was affiliated with the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. She also attended the University of Omaha. Mr. Hornstein studied at the Universities of Paris and Grenoble in France and graduated from the University of Oklahoma where he was a member of Pi Lambda Phi. He is now a law student at the University of California at Berkeley. An August wedding is being planned.
.Miss Gloria Okrcnt Pre-Nupfial Dinner Given For Miss Brodkey and Fiance Okrent-Marcus
A'prenuptial dinner will be given for Miss Barbara Ann' Brodkey and her fiance, Marshall Lewis Kaplan of Swampscott, Mass., on Saturday at the House and Garden Room of the Blackstone Hotel. They will be married June 30 at Temple Israel. The dinner will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Julian I. Saltzstein of Gary, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Abrahams, uncles and aunts of the bride-to-be and Mrs. Edgar Collat of Milwaukee, Wis., also an aunt of Miss Brodkey. Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Brodkey and Mr. and Mrs. Saul M. Graetz will entertain, at a luncheon at the Dr. Brodkey residence this Friday for relatives and out-oftown guests. Following the rehearsal of the wedding party on Sunday a brunch at the Highland Country will honor Miss Brodkey and Mr. K a p l a n . Hosts will be
Reclamation of 3,250 Acres for New Settlements Jerusalem, (JTA)—A project for the reclamation of 3,250 acres of land along the JordanJan border, to strengthen the frontier posts along Jordan by the establishment of new settlements there, was reported here by the Jewish National Fund's Land Development Authority. The announcement was made voted to carry out a number of cutiye committee. The group also after a meeting of the JNF exeother reclamation projects in 1963, involving 6,500 acres in 52 settlements. It was revealed that 4,800,000 trees were planted during the last season, providing nearly 750,000 days of work for Israelis.
Israel fo Open Defense College Israel—The Israel Cabinet has approved plans for the opening in October of a National Defense College for senior Army officers and selected officials of the Foreign, Defense and o t h e r Ministries, It will be headed by Col. Uzi Narkiss. The eight-month course of instruction will include lectures and seminars on problems of Israel's defense, foreign policy, the Jewish people, and the Middle East. The aims of the College are to enable those engaged in various fields associated with the defense of the nation to study all the problems involved, and thus contribute to the develop-* ment of a comprehensive view of the subject. New York (JTA)—A documentary film fn color, released by the Keren Hayesod-United Israel Appeal, on Eilat, Israel's Gulf of Akaba port city, was named the outstanding film of Jewish interest of 1962 by the National C o u n c i l on Jewish Audi-Visual Materials.
Messrs. and Mmes. Harold B. Brodkey and Edwin E. Brodkey. Miss Brodkey is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Brodkey and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaplan of Swampscott. Out-of-town guests other than those mentioned above, who will attend the wedding, will be Miss Myrna Pollack, Swampscott; Mrs. Stephen Subrin, Cambridge, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Snierson and Miss Ernestine Potter, Brookline, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Saltzstein, Milwaukee; Joseph Salsteen and Mrs. George Bernhardt, Miami Beach, Fla.; Messrs, and Mmes. Ely Seff and Sol Seff, Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Julius C. Swartz, Des Moines, la.; Dr. and Mrs. R u d o l p h Selo, Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. Pacey Wohlner, Overland Park, Kans.; Mrs. Fred Elhnan, Cincinnati, O.; Miss Beverly Collat, Jack Mendelsohn, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Friedman, Chicago, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Morton Rubenstein, Glenview, III.; Mr. and Mrs. Meyer B. Cohen, Highland Park, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Jacobs, Los Angeles, Cal.; Miss Carol Collat, Redwood City, Cal.; Dr. Harry C. Saltzstein, Detroit, Mich.
Wedding Sept. 1 Miss Gloria Okrent and Fred Marcus are planning a September 1 wedding at Beth El Synagogue. Miss Okrent is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Okrent, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Marcus. Both Miss Orkent and her fiance attended the University of Omaha.
Extra ionfh of Study In Israel for 10,000 Immigrant Children Israel: Some 10,000 primary school children will go to school for an extra month this term as an experiment to h e l p them catch up to the general standard. The plan will include 250 to 300 classes in schools in immigrant villages and certain urban areas which need special aid. For some the extra month's classes will be held in July, after schools break up for the summer holiday and as continuation of the present term, while for others, they will be conducted in August, as an introduction to the new term. The new arrangement augments others designed to give special help to children, particularly from immigrant homes, who need it.
Motorcade Brings Golden Agcrs to Camp Dedication A group of Golden Agers arrived at the Esther K. Newman Camp for the dedication ceremonies last Sunday in a motorcade whose drivers were members of the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women. Council members participatCANTONESE ing were Mmes. James SamuelAPPETIZERS son, Sam Ban, rMoe Venger, Dave Epstein and J. Milton Margolin. The latter, and Mrs. Louis Cutler represent the Council in jointly sponsoring Golden Age activities with the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Future plans include a weekend at the camp for members of the Golden Age Club. • • * Young Couples Club Plan Hawaiian Luau The Beth Israel Young Couples Club will host a Hawaiian Luau at the Brookhill Country 1914 Farnoin Club on Wednesday, July 3 at 9 p.m. The evening's entertainment will consist of swimming, poolside dancing, entertainment, and authentic Hawaiian food. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Siegel are the entertainment chairmen. Assisting them are Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gilinsky, Dr. and Mrs. James Wax, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Babendir. • • * Cousins' Club Mrs. Edward Simon will be FOR hostess to the Cousins' Club on Bridal Portraits Wednesday, July 3 at 12:30 p.m. : AND at the St. Regis Hotel. Anyone Candid Wedding who cannot attend is asked to call Mrs. Simon at 553-0035. CALL • » * Pioneers Flan Picnic The Pioneer Women's Organi817So.3<th 345-1044 zation is planning a picnic on July 14 at ElmwoodPark.r: .
John Kalina
Tage Three
New Children's Books at the J.C.C. Library
Gestapo Agent Takes Shelter Behind Bars
Marseilles (WNS)^Jail doors o p e n e d here to an accused GOD AND THE STORY OF JU DAISM by Dorothy K. Kriplie French killer of Jews, former Gestapo official Jean Barbier, and Meyer Levin This book is written to reach who asked the Marseilles milia child's mind, to touch a child's tary tribunal to place him under heart, to awaken a child's sense bars where he hopes to be safe of wonder. It is an invitation to from the wrath of people he the next generation of Jews not tortured under Nazi occupation. only to read about and learn After France's liberation, he about but also to think about the deepest meanings of God and was sentenced to death. SomeJudaism—as introduced and ex- how he managed to conceal his plained in such chapters as GOD identity while living in MarIS DIFFERENT FOR PEOPLE seilles under the name of Le.. . WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE royer. His true identity was unWHAT IS RIGHT? . . . LIFE IS covered in 190], when a thirteenTO BE ENJOYED . . . TROU- year-old-girl filed b r u t a l i t y BLE IS PART OF LIFE . . . and charges against Leroyer. STUDY IS PART OF PRAYER. Its love, dignity and gentle eloMONA LISA quence make this worthy volHouse of Glamour ume for both parents and chilI I I No. 50fh 553-7000 dren. 6 Expert Heir Sfyliifs' STOKIES OF COURAGE by Air-Conditioned Dryers Shirley Gorson Milgram THE GOLDEN THREAD by MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY S. Davis and M. Kayc Owners MV FIRST POETRY BOOK by Henry L. Levitt THE STORY OF THE UNITED NATIONS by K a t h c rine Savage ALEF BET ZOO by M e l v i n Alexcnberg LET'S FIND OUT ABOUT THE UNITED N A T I O N S by Martha and Charles Shapp THE ANIMAL WORLD OF THE BIBLE by Dr. Jehuda Felilis THE PITZEL HOLIDAY BOOK by Leonard Jaffe IT'S TIME FOR BROTHERHOOD by Elizabeth Hough Seclirist and Janette Woolscy THE BOOK OF SABBATH by Rabbi Charles Wengrow When Planning l o u r
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Page Four
Center Sports JDC Aided 277.000 in 1962
New York (WNS) The Joint North Africa and from Eastern Softball Schedule Distribution Committee in )902 Europe. JDC aid in 19G2 went to more Jewish Youth Council, Sunday. extended relief, welfare and June 30th—10:150 a.m., Elm- other aid to 277,000 Jews in 29 than 93,000 Jews m Moslem wood Park. countries, it was disclosed here areas, close to !)O,00O in EurRayim vs. AZA No. 1 Center by Moses A. Leavitt, JDC exe- ope, 84,000 in Israel an 6,000 in other areas, including AuDiamond. cutive vice-chairman, in the stralia and Central and South Weizmann vs. AZA No. 100. agency's l'J02 annual report. America. Of the 84,000 in Israel, West Diamond. The total was 25,000 greater close to 50,000 were aided by Omaha Softball Association than in the previous year. Mr. Malben, the JDC welfare proVarsity vs. Calandra's Wed- Leavitt reported that the cost gram on behalf of aged, ill and nesday, July 3. Hitchcock West of the organization's relief, re- handicapped newcoimrs to Is6:15 " settlement and rehabilit a t i o n rael. JDC chairman Edward M. M. Warburg, in a foreward programs was $28,544,000. The increase in the total num- to the report, noted that fortuber helped by JDC, Mr. Leavitt nately for JDC and for the said, was due largely to the thousands of r e f u g e e s who influx into France of 100,000 needed help, the Jews of France Washington, (JTA) — A sen- Jewish refugees from Algeria. and other European countries tence of life imprisonment was Additional thousands of Jewish undertook special emergency imposed in nearby F a i r f a x refugees made their way to fund-raising campaigns on their County, Va., on John C. Vinson. France from o t h e r parts of behalf. Jr., 18-year-old Neo-Nazi, who shot a Jewish youth to death last August 31. He killed the Jewish boy, 17-year-old Lewis Goldtein, an honor student, on the grounds of the Goldfein home in a suburb of the national capital. Vinson had been in previous, difficulties for scrawling swas tika's and was a known admirer of Nazism. Described by psychiatrists as able to distinguish between right and wrong although mentally ill and fasci nated by violence and hatred, Vinson was found guilty of murder after being examined in a mental institution. A probation officer reported to the court before sentence was passed that he could not in good conscience recommend a term that would free Vinson in less than 15 years. He said They live in slums. No other housing is available in France, i; it is important that the comto which 160,000 North African refugees have fled. munity will not be terrorized again as it has been over a period of two years." Under the life sentence pronounced by Judge Albert Bryan in Fairfax circuit court, Vinson is the son of a police officer. J e r u salem <JTA)—Premier- vantage of those threatening to designate Levi Eshkol this week attack her. presented his new Cabinet to the After slating that the GovernKnesset. Israel's Parliament. He emphasized that the new Gov- ment's first priority will be ernment is a Government of given to strengthening security, continuity, and that it will fol- Mr. Eshkol said that the GovNew York (JTA)—The Swiss low the principles of the last ernment's economic policy will Consulate here announced that Government. It will also be be geared to encouraging all beginning September 1, a gov- b o u n d by the same coalition ernment commission in Switzer- a g r e e m e n t s , Mr. E s h k o l branches of endeavor that increase foreign currency income land will start a search in banks stressed. and insurance companies with a Zalman Aranne, the new Min- and productive e m p l o y ment view to establishing the assets ister of Education, is the only shipping, aviation, tourism and there of Jews and others who new member of the Cabinet. He perisher under the Nazi regime. replaces Abba Eban, who was finance. Spiritual Partnership It is estimated that there may named to the new post of Depube $500,000,000 worth of funds, ty Premier. The Finance MinisDescribing the p a r t n e rship securities, jewels and other val- try portfolio, which was held by between Israel and the Diaspora uables deposted in Swiss banks Mf. Eshkol in the previous Gov- as unparalleled in history, he by persons persecuted by the ernment, was given to Pinhas said efforts must be made to Nazis and of whom no trace Sapir, who will continue also in transform the material partnercould be found after the war. his post of Minister of Com- ship of Western Jewry into a The Swiss Government said last merce and Industry. Like his spiritual one. While the Governfall it would initiate action to predecessor, Mr. Ben-Gurion, ment will make an all-out effort distribute such a s s e t s to the Premier' Eshkol will also hold to absorb immigrants of disproper heirs. the post of Minister of Defense. tress, it will also encourage immigration from the prosperous The a n n o u n c e m e n t of the Continue in Posts Swiss Consulate said that relaOther members of the new countries, he said. tives will have to wait u n t i l Cabinet, who will continue in The Government, he stated, March 1964 before submitting their posts are: Mrs. G o 1 d a will work unremittingly to entheir claims. Meir, Foreign Affa'irs; Bechor sure complete integration of IsA Swiss Federal Decree last Shitreet, P o l i c e ; Dov Joseph, rael's Arab c i t i z e n s in all fall made it possible to relax Justice; Ypsef Almogi, Develop- spheres of life, will persevere to the banking privacy in Switzer- ment; Moshe Dayan, Agricul- develop their economy, r a i s e land temporarily to help estab- ture; Eliahu Sasson, Posts—all their standard of living, foster lish the hidden accounts of Nazi of Mapai; Moshe Shapiro, In- education and improve the servvictims. The decree stated that terior and Health; Dr. Josef ices they receive. the ascertained assets "will de- Burg, Welfare; and Zerach WarTurning to foreign policy, Mr. volve upon the legal owners or haftig, Religious Affairs—all of Eshkol said the Government to those who have a legal right the National Religious party; Is- will strive for closer political thereto." In situations where no rael Bar-Yehuda, Transport and and economic ties with all counperson can be found as legal Yigal Allon,. L a b o r , both of tries of the east and west in all claimant, the decree said, the Achdut Avoda. continents that sincerely desire valuables will be placed in a to cooperate and will continue Security Takes Priority special fund whose use will be Mr. Eshkol told the deputies to cooperate with the new states governed by "taking into acin Africa, Asia and Latin Amercount the origins of such as- that as long as the Arab coun- ica who have won independence tries m a i n t a i n an aggressive sets." policy and continue to stockpile in recent years. modern types of offensive weapDR. EAER OFFICER A lazy messenger finds many ons designed for the destruction MUSIC ORGANIZATION of Israel,- "we must maintain excuses. Dr. Hans Baer of Bellevue is constant security preparedness. Cargo Ship Launched now first vice-president of the A strong Israel is a guarantee Nebraska Music Teachers Asso- for the prevention of war in the Paris, fJTA) — The first of ciation. Twelve of his students Middle East." four 7,200 deadweight ton carwon the Gold Medal in the BiHe reiterated Israel's wish to go motor ships financed by the ennial Recording Festival, spon- achieve a general disarmament AMPAL American Israel Corsored by the National Guild of with the Arab states and said poration was launched at NanPiano Teachers of Austin, Tex. that a special duty rests on the tes, France. The new vessel, depowers to ensure that an arms signed to carry citrus fruit and Nobody takes a beating like a imbalance is not created to Is- g e n e r a l cargo was named braggart rael's detriment and to the ad- "Hadar."
Nazi Gets Life Term For Killing Student
A Future for Her Children?
Swiss fo Reveal Unknown Accounts Of Nazi Victims
Friday, June 28, I9G3
Israelis to Study Hawk 'Missile Use
Israel's Diamond Exports to Exceed $100,000,000
Washington (JTA)—A group of 35 Israeli military technicians will arrive in the United States next month to begin training at the Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala., in the use of the U. S. Army's Hawk air defense missile. U. S. Army sources said that a total of 114 Israeli military men will be taught in this country to use and maintain the Hawk system. While Pentagon officials said that no contract has yet been signed, the imminent arrivalof Israeli military personnel in connection with training in the Hawk system indicates that negotiations for the sale ol the missiles to Israel are drawing to a close and agreement may be reached soon. A s e c o n d group of Israeli technicians is scheduled to report to Fort Bliss, Tex., in August to begin drills in Hawk missile firing, Some time next year, seven Israelis will undertake a course at Fort Belvoir, Va. Israeli is buying the supersonic mobile missile to counter a dangerous buildup of air striking power in Egypt. Although built to knock down low-flying airplanes, the Hawk has shown it can intercept battlefield type missiles like the V. S. Honest John missiles which have a 12mile range. Earlier this month, the U. S. Army set in motion a project to improve the Hawk's ability to engage tactical ballistic missiles, the kind that might be encountered by a field army.
Israel—This country will export $100,000,000 worth of diamonds in 196!!, some 22 per cent more than last year, when $82,000,000 were sent abroad. This was stated during a visit by the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Pinhas Sapir, to the new Diamond Center in Tel Aviv. The diamond industry was the f a s t e s t developing industrial bra noli in the country, Mr. Sapir said. Not only had exports increased considerably, but more than 1,000 additional workers had been taken on, and by the end of the year the industry would be employing some 10,009 workers, From the point of view of added value, which this year w o u l d total $20,000,000, thi3 branch was one of the first in the economy. Some 20 enterprises, employing 400 workers, plus various services, are concentrated in the new Diamond Center, and this concentration, according to m a n ufacturers, has increased productivity by 20 per cent. Mr. Sapir promised his Ministry's aid in the construction of similar centers in other parts of the country, and called on manufacturers to continue to establish diamond works in development areas, since the 20 sucli enterprises already established were proving successful.
Microfilm Data on Brazil Inquisition Cincinnati (JTA)—A collection of documents h e r e t o f o r e untapped by scholars anywhere, providing the records of the Portuguese Inquisition in Brazil in the 17th Century is being acquired on microfilm here by the American Jewish A r c h i v e s , which has its headquarters on the Cincinnati campus of the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion. The documents are said to be rich in reports in the files of the Inquisition relating to the persecutions of Jews and "Judaizers" who had emigrated in the lvtli Century to Brazil, then a Portuguese territory. In some cases, the complete Inquisition Court dockets are available, showing that Jews were burned to death.
U. $. Oroup to Study In Israel for Year New York. (JTA)-A group of •12 American college and university students sailed for Israel aboard the Zim Lines' S. S. Jerusalem to spend a year of study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The group is composed of 20 young men and 22 young women, all of whom are participants in the American Student Program which is sponsored by the American Friends of the He^ brew University. The program is now in its ninth consecutive year. The students in the 1963-61 group come from 29 colleges and universities throughout the United States. They represent 16 states. The program has the cooperation of the Jewish Agency for Israel and of Israeli cultural representatives. It is designed to "enable American students to savor Israel's culture at first hand and to contribute to a better understanding in Israel of American and American Jewish ideals and institutions." This year's program m a r k e d the i n a u g u r a tion of the Wouk Scholarships'established by the Abe Wouk Foundation, of which the noted author Herman Wouk is president. The 13 recipients of Wouk Scholarships received a combined total of $100,000. A total of 23 participants in the 1963-64 program received scholarships.
HEBREW IiUAIU.IC New York (JTA)—The First Orthodox Jewish Prayer b o o k has been issued in English and Hebrew Braille. It contains D a i l y , Sabbath and Festival Prayers. Arranged by the Jewish Braille Institute in five volumes of encyclopedia size, tho prayerbooks in braille are gifts of the United States and Canadian affiliates of the Women's Branch of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregation of America. The volumes will be distributed to the Jewish blind throughout the United States, Canada and Israel and other countries. For Your Convenience . . .
4-WEEK HEBREW STUDY New York (JTA)—The Department of Education and Culture of the American Section of the Jewish Agency for Israel, will offer a four-week seminar in New York for the intensive s t u d y of Hebrew especially geared to the needs of American Jewish communial leaders. —Have—
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