July 12, 1963

Page 1

1 2 1969!

Vol. XI.I—No. 4:i

I'ukliiiutliin Officfi. 101 No. Mlh

OmuJia, Nebraska, PIHHK.1 .'n2-JJi(>y


J'KIOAY, UIJI.Y 12. 1003

Day Camp Set fo Blast Off Last 2-Week Session Monday Esthers' {j With a Few Openings Unfilled to Anplaninitiative the format,un of "Friends

Second Class Postage Paid .Single Copj' 10 {.Viils1 at Omulia. Ncbr. Annual It;ile 4 'Dollar *


Thi> Jewish Goinmunity Genfor Day Camp is sot IO'IJIUHI off >Us final two week .session on Monday, July 15. A lew openings are left for ilhis period, it was reported by Harry .Sidman, Center Chairman. Mr. Sidman stated'there is still time for -registration if -prospective campers or .their paronts cheek immediately with the Center Camp office, 342-136(i. "The -first -two periods, lnive ; been filled with fun, swimming, through 'the concluding session all kinds of trips in the immediate area, art craft, nature lore which closes July 2(i. The campers are under ithe and p r o j e c t s interesting to young Campers, The same type supervision of expert counselors, of schedule w i l l c o n t i n u e ull'top calibre, Mr. Sidman said. : The children, ranging in Jige :from four'through twelve years, nre picked up each morning at !) a.m. at'the following five convenient places; Beth.EI, Beth Israel, Jewish Community Center, Temple and G2nd and Underwood. 1 i The next edition vHhc JewJsli Press will lie Issued Friday, August 30 in accordance! ivitli (he slimmer publication .schedule. In the interest of members' iff the community who annually extend Ito.sM illasliannah,greetings t h r o u g h the. special pages in the holiday issue of the Jevvi.sli Press, a Washington (JTA)—A new -pocoupon and 'suggestions are liticul'action committee" devotmade available nn another ed to the Arab c a u s e w a s pane. launched in Washington t h i s Holiday greetings "through week with the announced obIhi! Jewish Press has long jective of blocking security arbeen a: tradition 'for families rangements involving America and organizations in the area. and Israel and ensuring continEveryone is-urged-to fill out ued flow of United States assistthe coupon, clip it and imaii ance to 'the Arabs. it to the Jewish Press. The Prof. William Ernest Hocking, greeting pages, will have an chairman of the new organizaearly closing deadline. tion, stated "this new committee isrfrankly andopenly a political a c t i o n committee. It is to be called ''The Citizens Committee Goldstein Names on American Policy in the Near Committee on Hi East'.'1 The identity .of its organizers i n d i c a t e d - , ai heavy School Treshmen sprinkling of pro-Arab-pressure of previous years and Arthur H. Goldstein, president groups so-called '"American Friends of: the Jewish Federation, an- the of the Middle East" as well as nounced the appointment of a American who leaned S p e c i a l Committee on High toward thediplomats Arabs. School Freshmen. This Committee is c h a r g e d with developing a course of action to implement the program concerning the ninth grade students which was discussed at a meeting of parents and club adArthur A. Colin, chairman visors. of the Dr. PJiilip Slier Jewish F. R:llph Nogg will serve as Home for Aged committee, ischairman of the Committee, sued-an urgent coll for womwhich'will consist of: Mrs. Siden volunteers to drive the ney Brooks, Harry Colick, Mrs. Home folks when needed. ' Julius Katzman, E d w a r d A. .Those'interested are asked Rosen, Mrs. Paul Sacks, Stanley to call Mr. Conn,. a<U<C543. '. Slosburg and Ernest'Wintroub.

Heededat-Heine ;

of the Esther-'K..-New m a n Camp,"-an organization to create interest in the Jewish Federation camp activity on the permanent new site, .met on Monday, July (i, at ithe home of Mrs.:Irving 'Herzog. 'Present were Mesdames Philip Fox, Arthur'H. Goldstein, Irving Herzog, Robert K. Kooper, Joe M. Rice, Norman D. Rips, 'David Shukert, and 'Hubert Sommer. Mrs. -Herzog hosted 'the meeting, A mailingto all women in our community will go out shortly giving details. Plans for an endbMhe'Summer affair at. the Camp site,'for all those interested; is-being arranged. Temporary officers of the group are Mrs. Herzog serving as chairman; Mrs. Sommer as treasurer, and Mrs. 'Rips as secretary.


"God's Word a n d Man's 'World" Willbe'the subject for a seven-week series of discussions on the "Message of Israel" program over .KBON Radio, starting Sunday,'July 14 at 10 p.m. Participants in!the discussions will be Rabbi Chaim I. JEssrog, Director of 'the" Department of Adult Jewish Education, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, and .'Rabbi .Irwin Blank, of Temple Sinai, Tenafly, N. J. Schedule for-series will be as follows: July 14—"God and Man" July 21-—"Revelation" July .2fl—"The.Nature of Man" August 4—('The Meaning of Life" August 11—"The iBible Speaks About Tragedy" August 18—"Prophetic Morality and Contemporary Concern" August 25—"Peace and War"


Follow-up on contributors who have not made • 'thoir contribution to ithe '1963 drive, remains the top /priority activity and responsibility of volunteer leaders, Isadore M. Trotiak,,general chairmun'Df the Rhilanlhropies Campaign, said thisvveek. Mr.Tretiak commended theidevotod service to-the campaign being demonstrated by Hie workers. "II; is community effort of this kind which will ul-1 timately produce for.us the results that. Omaha is cap-, able of. I urge all .the workers to continue on theii\ cards so that the campaign will be completed before ' 'the end of July,"-Mr. Trctiak stated. - "Pliilanthropics Scoreboard Asof JulylO,19C3 The ifbllowing nre current -reports from divisions • in the .1963 Omaha Jewish 'Philanthropies Campaign: 1963 Total Division .To Date ' Initial Gifts .$346,653.50 ' General Men 16,450.00 ' "Women's Division , . . . . .55;906.0:5 B. & P. Unit 3t050.50 , Children's Division 1,7.72.52 ; High School Division 1,146.25 • University Division "69:00 • Organizations l t 547.50 ' ^Miscollanoous 1,110:00 Total

.$427,705.32 /

Sioux"City'Bederdtion Has Votecl Granf lor New Gamp The Sioux City Jewish Federation Board voted last week to make an allocation froimtheir annual United Jewish Campaign to the Esther K. Newman Camp Building Fund. The total amount of the grant is to be determined. The Sioux City iBoard.felt.that

Anti-Semites Parade At Argentine Church Buenos Aires (WNS) — Some 20O anti-Semites hooligans paraded before a church shouting anti-Jewish, slogans as the police stood by ignoring'the fact ithat the demonstrators were members of the banned Tacuara organization, extreme nationalists. The marchers distributed anti Semitic leaflets; wore nazi uniforms and greeted each other with Hitlerite salutes.

the Esther K. .^Newman Camp will be a valuable and permanent asset to its community, and is deserving of the Tederation support. Several Sioux City Jewish children are already enrolled inthe camp this summer. SATURDAY CIVIL SKRVICK • TESTS NOT COMPULSORY

Boston (JTA) — Special arrangements forpersons who observe Saturday as the .Sabbath to take their Civil Service examinations on other.days, have been made through an agreement betweenithe Massachusetts Council of Rabbis an ".the.State Civil Service Commission. Applicantssmust requestthese arrangements in writing, i This must be accompanied. by a letter from a rabbi stating>that the applicant is a member >of good standing.of a faith that-observes the seventh day.

Tucson, Ariz, UTA)-rA narration :to an JSaster symphony, which offended many Jewish patrons at its.first performance by the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, has been resolved in.nego^tiations with the orchestra management. Three more stamps have been nies, and builds its nest; inside The symphony was entitled issued-in its current air .mail . loamy 'banks. The 'Palestine Graceful AWar"TheWay Dfithe Cross," an orig- series 'by ithe, Israel's Ministry inal work by Camil Van !Hulse. • of Postsi (Birds xif Israel are.fea- bler, ><0;40), ^native to' Israel, i3 Many Jewish patrons-were so turcdiDn: these stamps as ithey noted for its exceptionally long tail which twirls irestlerisly in. a offended by; the dialogue in ithe (The Dr. Philip Slier JewishHome for the Aged acknowleges narration w h i c h accompanied •were on six earlier issues ithis circular motion. The Warbler year. the following memorials and donations.) m a k e s its ,nest close >to itha the performance, 'that ithey left This portion-of"the.'Series in- ground in shrubs and plants. during or after intermission. The Sunbird(0.45), the.small•Im Memory of Donor M a n y complaints:'ivere: re- cludes: The (Blue-Checked >Bee--Eater est bird of Israel, lives wherever ceived by ithe .AntiiDefamation Mesfrs, ond Mm«s. Iry Cliorney. Horry Coldberp, Mmes, Joy . 'Malashpck, Gen Woldmon; Mr, 5om Flih, mends ol Lcagae^ommunity Relations '(O.SO^which dwells /mainly, in there are gardens and shrubs..It .Arthur Abroms David Abroml Gommitteeiof the Tucson Jewish the.;area..of..the .Dead Sea. It feeds, on the nectar • of .flowers Mis) Beatrice Sommer Mrs. Hermon Franklin M o ond Mrs. Edward Ruback Morris Cross (Chicago. III.) Gommunity Council • according travels in iflocks, breeds in colo- and sings melodiously. M«»rj,.'Ond'MmeJ. Edward Kortfor, Morris E, Klrshenbaum, r to its chairman, Stanley PeldM. Kruplniky, Npthgn L. Moog, Oovld Orkow, George 'Vereruysie/. Jr., /Ames, Millie. Btck*rj .Raie-Glmburo, -Abe man. Morer, Frances'McGowan ond.family, FernM. Cronemeyer, 'Motlltr McPlurren arid Judd , Mrs. Max Kurliman • "Following": a .meeting of our Messrs. and Mmei. Abe Oretnspon, M, I, Greenspan, Mrs, Vela Cofun ; < Sonr f»oiler committee with o f f i c e r s - and Joseph Radlnovsskl Horry Rllkln Mciiri. and Mmti, Harry Goldberg, Morris E, Klrshenboum . . . . . . . . . . Mrs, Berlho Shyken board ,members > of 'the Tucson Symphony, the controversy has been resolved," he added. Euflrr Honor of gene Steinhaimer, p r e s i d e n t Donor elect of thei.orche3tra,.Eaid in a ^essn. and Mmef. Jock Oramson, Edword £. Brodkey, Arthur A. Cohn, Leon GriHlr, Horry Trvilln SOIh wedding annlvenory letteritoitheiGommunity Council • Mr, ond'Mrs. Isodore Sherman that the .meeting was Van outWri. Robtrl Kooper and Howard eOln lilrlhday • • . . William M v e y standing example of good community relations in a possibly disturbing situation," "He ^paid Special Contributions Uiat the issue involved *'an inIn Israel Tolmud Tafoh ona*/allna«laii"-llm»ers)>Mrrond:Mri.'It(mle/'HiK—flowers) 'Or, ant Mr$t Marshall Denenbera*llowerf. . . . . . . . Advertent «rror. in. a Sew. of th« Palestine SunblrA '•Blue Checked words'' used in the concert. •Graceful ••Warbler

Dr.}Fhilip:£her .Home. for.the~ Aged




Page Two

f |

Published weekly on Friday beginning (lie lasl week in August through second week in July.


Second Class Postage Paid ot Omoho, fJcbr, Annual Subscription, U CO. Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Office—101 Ho. Mtn Street, Omaha. Nebr., 342-1364.


20th Session in '65

Friday, July 12, J9U.I

Israel Lauded at UH Religious Services On Arms Embargo cha-Maariv services will be held Candlelighting, 7:38 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath eve- at 7:<15 p.m. Shipment to S. Afriea ning services will be held in the Sunday morning services be-

United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— air-conditioned chapel, Friday, Israel's policy of imposing an 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks and , Editor embargo on the shipment of arms to South Africa was laud- Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner 'will ed hfire by Patrick Duncan, a officiate at a brief worship servspokesman for the Pan-African- ice. is(; Congress of South Africa, beBeth Israel: The traditional fore the Special Committee on • Friday .evening service (Kobolas the Policies of Apartheid of the Shabbos) will be at 7:15 p.m. Shabbos morning service at Government of the Republic of 8:45 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at South Africa. unacceptable." The 20th session 7:45 p.m. followed by Sholosh Mr. Duncan told the Commit- Sudos and Maariv at 8:35 p.m. of the U. N. General Assembly tee that Uzzi submachine guns Sunday morning services at 9 starts two years from next Sep- were being manufactured in Bela.m. followed by breakfast and tember. gium under a patent from an Rabbi's class in Bible. Voting for the resolution was Israeli inventor. These machine Daily services at 7 a.m. and • also the Soviet delegate. The guns were "very good," he said, 7:45 p.m. and South Africa had tried to Soviet d e 1 e g a I ion has been buy a large number of them blocking any immediate action from Belgium. However, the lilteth El: Sabbath eve services by the United Nations on the is- censing arrangement specified will begin this evening at 7. Traditional Sabbath morning sue of religious discrimination that they could not be supplied services will begin at 8:30. Minwhich affects primarily Jews in without permission from Israel and this permission had been the Soviet Union. The American refused twice, he stressed. delegate, John Means, supported the decision of the Human Dedications Rights Commission to give priA monument will be dedicated ority to a U. N. declaration on WALL TO WALL CAIU'KTING religious intolerance, but voted to the memory of Max A. Pirsch AM) FIJItN'ITlJKi: on Sunday, July 14 at Golden Cleaned in Your Home for the resolution to have the Hill Cemetery at 10:30 p.m. Rabdraft of such declaration sub- bi Benjamin Groner will officiliEFITTING • HBrAIHI.VG mitted to the 20th session of the ate. LAYING • HEWING Assembly in 19R5. ItfMMNG • CLEANING A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Anna SCHOOL OF ARCHAEOLOGY Blumenthal on Sunday, July 21 OPENED IN JERUSALEM JawWau Jerusalem, July 7 (JTA)—The at 11 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemededication took place here today tery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner of RUG CLEANERS of the School of Archaeology of Beth Israel Synagogue, will ofthe Hebrew Union College-Jew- ficiate. Friends and relatives Don Bernstein, 345-2554 ish Institute of Religion. The are invited to attend. dedication ceremony marked the inauguration of the school's academic activities. EXPERT

UN Body Delays Action On Soviet Discrimination Geneva OTA) —A resolution drawing the attention of the United Nations General Assembly to a decision of the U. N. Commission on Human Rights to give priority, at its 20th session, to preparing a draft declaration on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance, was adopted here by the Social Committee of the U. N. Economic and Social Council. The resolution was adopted unanimously, d e s p i t e a plea voiced earlier at the meeting of the Social Committee by Moshe Bartur, Israel's representative, who c i t e d the discrimination against Jews in the Soviet Union and requested "urgent and precise steps" to combat religious discrimination, and that delay would be "incomprehensible and Miss Lena Kehfeltl wishes to thank all her friends and relatives for the lovely cards, telegrams and gifts she received on her 85th birthday and for the wonderful luncheon sponsored by Miss Elizabeth Hart in celebration of the occasion.

Omahans in News !

Oomplefe Carpet Service

SAO PAULO STREET NAMED HERZL Sao Paulo, Brazil (JTA)—A Sao Paulo street was named for Theodor Herzl.

Mrs. Harry G. Mendelsbn has returned home after spending two months visiting with rela-. tives in the Boston, Mass. area. Mr. Mendelson spent two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Warin the East, earlier, when he accompanied his wife at the be- ren announce the birth of son, Marc Jeffrey, on July 8. ginning of the trip. Grandparents are Mr. and David Dvorkin of Omaha 1 Mrs. Garry Laupheimer of Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin White Plains, New York, is a Warren of Brooklyn, N. Y. Maguest at the home of her par- ternal great-grantmother is Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shiff. Rose Glazer of Omaha. She will remain until July 18.





Monroe Rosenberg CLU, assistant manager, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., will attend a life insurance institute at the University of Kansas, at Lawrence, July 15-19.

Deaf h

MRS. ANNE HIRSCHMANN Funeral services were held July 3 at John A. Gentleman Mortuary for Mrs. Anne Hirschmann, former Omahan, who made her home in Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Hirschniann, 72, was the widow of the late Dr. Herman H. Hirschmann. Surviving are daughter, Mrs. •Hermine Barron, Hollywood, Cal.; son, Dr. Jerome Hirschmann, Chicago, 111.; three grandchildren; three sisters and a ' brother. Burial was in Beth El Cemetary. Presents Flag Woodmen of the World presented a flag to the Gene Eppley Camp d u r i n g the Salvation Army's Music Camp.

All Work Satisfactorily Done

HANS G. PETER 701 SOUTH 22H0 STREET. No. 110 Omaha, Hcbr. Tel,: 341-0175


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The family of Mrs. Minnie Kiirt/iiKin wishes to thank their friends and relatives for the many contributions to organizations given in her memory and for (he many expressions of sympathy extended to them in their bereavement.

When you remember relatives and friends with a ROSH HASHANAH GREETINGS in the NEW YEAR'S Edition of the

1. Mr. and Mri. .' wish (heir friends end relatives, both for and near a Happy New Year. 2. Mr. and Mrs.

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li'iuii Jacob Adas Yt'shuron: Friday Mincha, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday morning, 8:30 and Mincha, 7 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.



gin at 9. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

MAIL TODAY JEWISH PRESS. 101 NO. 20TH ST. Omaha, Nebraska Enclosed find $3.00 for which ploase insert N o . . . . New Year's Greeting Car din your Rosh Hashanah Edition. NAME ADDRESS



CITY......... Rosh Hashanah — Sepr. 19 and 20

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Organizations SISTERHOOD BOAItl) LUNCHEON MEETING The Sisterhood Board of Beth Israel will hold a luncheon meeting in the synagogue, Tuesday, July 16 at 12, noon.


Yager to Spend Year in Israel

jrcwisri PRESS

Page Hire*

Woman Is Deputy Of Israel's Parliament

Jerusalem. (JTA) — A woman Eleanor Y a g e r , 17-year-old leader of the National Religious daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. party, Mrs. Tova Sanhedrai, was Lewis Yager, will spend a year named Deputy Speaker of Isin Israel as a participant in rael's Parliament A co-founder PIONEER WOMEN'S PICNIC "The Young Judaean Year in of the H a p o e l Hamizrachi's Members are asked to invite Israel Course" under the spon- Women's Organization and its chairman since it was founded their families and friends to a picnic to be given by the Pio- sorship of the American Zionist in 1034, Mrs. Sanhedrai was a Knesset Deputy of the Religious neer Women's Organization and Youth Council. in 1001. Married to Rabbi Farband on Sunday, July J4 at Miss Yager is one of fifty party Elmwood Park from 1 p.m. to young persons selected to make Yisrael Sanhedrai, she succeeded the late Yaacov Greenberg 5 p.m. Proceeds from the event will be sent to the Pioneer Wom- the trip which will originate in also of the Religious Party, as en's institutions in Israel. A New York City in September. Deputy Speaker. She is one of h o m e m a d e dinner will be Its membership represents all two women on the five-member Knesset presidium. The other is served. parts of the United States. Miss Bebe Idelson of Mapai. Now studying H e b r e w in IIADASSAH'S B. AND V. preparation for her visit to IsPLANS FUTURE PROGRAM MONA LISA A membership toa and bake rael, Miss Yager, said the group House of Glamour sale were among the f u t u r e will make its headquarters in plans formulated by the mem- Jerusalem. The schedule calls III No. 50th 653-7000 bers of Hadassah's Business and for four months of study in lan6 Export Hair Sfyliifs guage, the Bible, Jewish tradiProfessional Women's group at Air-Conditioned Dryer* a board meeting at the home of tion and other related subjects MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Mrs. Lillian Becker, president. at the Hebrew University. This Owners It was announced that Mrs. will be followed by four months Becker and Mrs. Charles Ross at a Kibbutz, a general tour of will attend an Education Semi- Israel, employment at a regular HOLLIS HOMES nar in Excelsior Springs, Mo., Israel job, and a period of free July 15-18, and that s e v e r a l time b e f o r e returning to the 901 DillonFAIRACRES Drive—4 Bedrooms. members expect to attend the United States. 6410 Glcnwood Rd. — 3 Bedorganization's national convenrooms. Miss Yager graduated from tion in Washington, D. C, in Oc-' 135 N. t i l l St.—2 Bedrooms Central High School in June. tober. (Plus). All JMilslmiiHntr (iffcilncs M B. and P. members are selling LOWKHKD I'HICEK. Your opJewish New Year cords which portunity to purclifise u (|uullSAVE THIS DATE iy younfs luime In ,-i proven lomay be ordered from Mrs. Beckcation. For full <lt'.s(.'rjpllon and Tucs., August 27 er, 345-3518 or Mrs. Fannie Lagappointment call Women's Day at man, 556-7643. Esther K. Newman Camp STATE DEPARTMENT 5S3-2H0 WARNS ARAB EMBASSY Washington (JTA)—The State Department has issued a warning to charge d'affaires F a t h i Sawfat of the Iraqi Embassy because of his attempt to presCANTONESE sure Mrs, Lyndon B. Johnson, wife of the VicePresident, into APPETIZERS withdrawing from h o n o r a r y chairmanship of an Israel Bonds function held here.

Jon Berek to Conduct

Sabbath Observances

Jon Berek, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Berek of Fre-. mont, Nebr., is serving as assistant aquatics director at Boy Scout camp at Cedar Bluffs,

Nebr. He is an Eagle Scout and will conduct the weekly Friday e v e n i n g Sabbath services at camp for scouts of the Jewish Faith.

f-GO's FAMOUS GIFT CALENDARS 5724-25 Available Now ALL JEWISH HOLIDAYS with Beautiful Illustrations and Stories... Also Sabbath Candlelighting All You Have to Do Is Send Your Requcsf with Your Name and Address to: I-GO VAN & STORAGE CO., 7601 Dodge


MRS HARMON ELECTED Washington (JTA)—Mrs. Avraham Harman, wife of the Israeli Ambassador, has been elected a Vice-president of the International Council of Women. NEW MEDICAL SCHOOL New York (WNS)—Opening in 1968 of a $30,000,000 medical school at its present site, WAS announced by Mount Sinai Hospital.

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Tage Four

A Great Adventure By David Schwartz '-Professor John B. Watson, of behavioiist psychology fame, maintained that a good cure for neurosis was -the learning of another .language. It takes you out of a mental rut, and a neurosis is a kind of rut. A new language is a new person. The need to speak Hebrew adds to the spice of the great adventure of going to Israel. Just to sit in an Israeli restaurant and order breakfast in Hebrew becomes something of an adventure. The corn flakes taste a little different then. ; It has its amusing side too. A door beconies a post oifice. The and filially a v/orld war. Hebrew word doar means post; War tame of course for a difa shave doesn't mean to remove ferent reason—Hitler tried to your beard, but to sit.down. A chew up the rest of the world. melon isn't something to eat. but UTAl a dictionary. It's spelled a little differently. Milon. The difficulties of acquiring the language afford one of the perennial sources of amusement.* I asked in Hebrew a man in Tel Aviv (or direction to an ad"By dress. He looked puzzled, turned to his companion and said in KACHIX ANNE KAIUNOWICZ perfect English. "Jack, do you A young woman v/ith dark, know what this guy wants?" damp hair dashes out of a ritI tried my Hebrew on one ualarium into her waiting limoushop lady, an impatient Yiddisli sine. mama, and she blurted out. The doorway of the semi-sub'•Vas vilist duV terranean shtiebel frames four The German Jews were com- men, grouped around a candle ing in considerable numbers at which casts a spell of flicker the time, and they were going and ilame upon the pre-occupied about the acquisition of'the-new quartet and the shadowy ark tongue v/ith their typical thor- behind them. oughness. The window of the "TempoAt the beach, a German Jew rary Synagogue of the Old Rabwith his son. •bis," adjoining the Home of the Vater, said the boy. Sages of Israel, pictures a paDon't say Vater, say Abba, triarch so pale, so frail, so aged, said the father. so ephemeral, • that the word Bitte, said the boy. "temporary'' loses its temporal Don't say Bitte, say Bevnka- quality, takes on itimeless oversha, said the father. tones, hints of a permanent •A man nearby listened in and dwelling place where an Everremarked to the father in Tie- lasting Landlord holds a neverbrew that he was going about ending lease. the right way in teaching his Yesterday's Yesterday son Hebrew. Turn up your collar and pass Jews from Poland and Iraq. from Germany and Hindustan, on, on. through this syncopated somehow they communicated stretch of a yesterday's yesterwith one another. day—through East Broadway, in I was sitting in a pension, fact. waiting for the dinner bell. Near On one side hefty housing proby sat an Oriental Jew. Soon a jects, twenty stories high, blaze man who had the definite Teu- with light and life. Lifting loudtonic look came in and took his lit well-windowed heads toward seat next to the Oriental Jew. the sky. On the other hand, the What could the Oriental Jew very names lead back to a jumsay to the German Jew, or ra- bled Sholeni Aleichem world ther how could he say it? He where Zyshe Slutsky's meat is found a way. He suddenly ex- not just kosher but "kosher-koclaimed, turning to the German sher' and where Noah Zard supJew, "Hitler Yimach Shmol" plies such cosmopolitan comes(May his name be erased.) tibles as pizza, do-nuts, knishes The German Jew smiled. He and assorted kosher kick-shaws, understood. O c c u pa tional leidig-gehers Ittamar ben Avi, the son of hold crumbling conventions on Eliezer ban Yehuda, the .father the corner of Straus Square, adof'the modern Hebrew language. joining periodically for coffee in was then trying to Latinize the the G a r d e n Dairy Cafeteria Hebrew alphabet. He based his where bagels bloom and idlers efforts on the findings of the moon. archaeologist, Prof. Petrie, who had unearthed some ancient SJns of Sons-ln-Law scripts in the Sinai Desert, On newspaper-padded stoops which are in the Latin script. clacking cliques of kerchiefed In other words, according to ladies squat in quotidian confab him. the Latins took the origi- on the sins of sons-in-law and nal Hebrew script. What we the talents of delicious einiklach, know as the Hebrew alphabet a gesunt oif zeur keppeiach. was originally'the Assyrian, inJ o l l y jabbering schoolboys ,- traduced by Ezra. Such was the general theory of Petrie and of erupt from sundry yeshiviot, esIttamar ben Avi. According to caping.the clutches of learning's this; then, the real Hebrew al- long long day. A .tired seatlcss easy-chair, phabet is the .present English discarded, decorate the s i d e one. Ittamar ben Aviv professed to walk, full of empty promise. have first unduly complicated A rebbe, silhouetted, £merges the matter by introducing cer- from a hall, kisses 'the mezuzah tain compound letters not found in.lingering consecrated caress, in ithe English alphabet, as we before he stridesdownthe street know it. In his second attempt, with towering attendant.in tow. the Hebrew was written entirely A young girl leans against a in Hhe familiar English charac- water-hydrant, waiting, wonderters and was easily readable. ing . . . wistful. Announcing the publication of a Walk on. And as'you wander, new periodical devoted io the ponder: on, improbable plaques, cause, he wrote: Ha Gillion Ha on tongue-tangling Rishon Yofia ba Shevua Ha-she beyond ;the reachesappelations of :transle acher Chag Ha Sukkot. on concepts .abstract I think that reads quite easily. literation, as cash. "Kupath A great number of profession- yet concrete Kolel Polin, Slabodka al men, especially doctors, were Rambam Yeshiva, General Free L o a n coming in at the time of the Fund of Jerusalem, Mea Sheargreat German wave. It is said a im benevolent Society, Synatelegram was sent: "Don't send gogue of the' United Hebrew any more doctors. Send patients. Community of New York (did Hitler had just come to power. you knowthat the.Hebrew ComWorld Wari JI<.was - still a good munity of New York was:unitway off,i butiH/G.'Wells fore- ed?j,.officeo£ Babbi.MayerTBall saw war. coming about ,in an Haness, House of.Menorahi "High odd way. He said ithe •war-would Rabbinical' College of the Kabe caused by a dentist outfitting menitzer. From Aleph-Bet to a Jew- •withsomobad dentures Teth (Torah or Theatron, take which" would cause him to grim- your choice), you span life and , .ace. A .Nazi, seeing this, would letters in the space of those llunk'the Jew was'making faces brief blocks. at! him and would shoot. This At junction of Jef.'erson Street would start a, local altercation,


IVida.v, -July

Drops-Bill Outlawing

London (JTA)—.An amendment ' citeinenl to racial hatred, was to the Public Order bill to make permitted to go unchecked in uttering or publishing of words the c o u n t r y . The bill would constituting an incitement to strengthen existing provision.1; of hatred on grounds of religion, the Public Order act, but it race, or color, a criminal of- does not specifically make infense, was proposed ; and with- citement to religious or racial drawn during consideration of hatred a criminal oifense. the b i l l in committee in the Lord Chancellor D i i h o r n e, House of Lords. The amendment was offered speaking against'the a m e n d by Lord Walston, who said he ment, asserted that its approval could not understand how Bri- would make a criminal olfensu tain could seek to guide other of any words used in private nations when not only racial conversation which were held to discrimination, but actual in- constitute an offense.

Jewish Youth Ceuecil Softball Schedule Sunday, July 14, Elinwood Park Itayim vs. AZA -MO—Center Diamond Chaim Weiziiuimi vs. AZA 1—• West Diamond Sunday, July 21 Rayini vs. Ciiaim Weizmtinii— Center Diamond AZA I vs. AZA >IOO---We3t Diamond Standings VV. I,. AZA No: 1 ....(> 1 Rayini 5 2 Wcizmann :t 4 AZA No. 100 0 7

and East Broadway, junction of and "real k o s h e r" ice Units • far ' decisive generations, the Educa- cream. Gotham Chemical ExterJerusalem (JTA) -The Cabinet tional Alliance, sixty-eight years mination Company, Primitiveold. caters culturally for 2.500 Christian Church. Low ail man- decided to incri.vt.si' the budget people a day. Did you know.that del toast nnd jumbo parve cook- for housing immigianW by about this is where Jacob Epstein paid ies. Yiddish printing p r e s s e s $2:!,300,000. This bum v/ill perthree cents a week of lessons, pulsing. S t r e a m l i n e d , with mit the construction of 55,000 •where Eddie Cantor acted, wheaten walls and azure panel- additional housing units beyond where D a v i d Sarnoff studied ing. Public School 134, in living the 19,000 originally provided for in the.budget lor the current English and where Arthur Mur- loving tribute to Henrietta Szold. liscal yenr. ray learned to dance? An epitaph refuses to be. writThe decision followed a rec"fch gehe verdrehen de tele- ten. Construction, demolition, vishun!" shrieks an anguished scaffolding, blueprints, bricks. ommendation by Uie Governf a t h e r , lugging a diminuitive The idarkling evening drifts to- ment Jewish Afii'nry coordinating committee. Seventy per cent scholar home to homework. ward ia.futuristic dawn . . . and of the additional units will ba> the walker drifts toward the "D" built in development areas. The Kosher Ire Cream "Da kennt ihr kaufen REAL train, the predictable toils of remainder will go up in various kosher ice cream," exults a no- city transit, the ^tinsel's tumult villages and in the vicinitv of Haifa. tice in a grocery store. Televi- of Times Square. r\VNS)

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