August 30, 1963

Page 1


Vol. XLI-No. 4,1

i*ul>Ik*ii1lmt Of/ice, 101 No. UOt 1» Omaha, Nebraska, J'liune .'MU-.l.'ifiG


Federation of To Meet Thursday A dessert luncheon will open the fall season for members of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, at thj home of its president, Mrs Harry Sidman, 847 Parkwond Lane, Thursday, September 5, at 12::iO p.m. The program will include discussion of plans for the coming club season and announcement of the chairmen-of the various committees.


Presidents and representatives of the 11 organizations belonging to the club, as well as the committee chairmen are urged to attend the meeting by Mrs. Sidman. Officers serving with Mrs. Sidman are: Mmes. Dave Colin and Abe C. Fellman, vice-presidents respectively, and Mrs. Harry Trustin. secretary.

Jewish Burial flights Israelis Do No* Denied in Moscow. Toronto (WNS) Jews in Israel New York (WNSi The sudden denial by Soviet authorities of do not discriminate a g a i n s t Ch'ristians, it was declared by Jewish religion.'; burial rites in The Rev. A. C. Maclnnes, AngliMoscow aroused indignation in can Bishop of Jerusalem. The western countries and prompted Bishop said that, to his knowa proposal that President Ken- ledge, "there has been no social nedy test the presumed "thaw" discrimination against Christians in fsrael similar to the kind of in American-Soviet relations by discrimination against Jews in acting to halt such anti-Jewish other countries." manifestations in Russia. Fresh reports from Moscow indicated that city officials had allocated a new site for a cemetery because a major burial ground has become filled but the new sile has no section for The Workman Circle's MidJewish burials as such. The big general cemetery on Vostrako- west District Committee will vskoe Street, and the Jewish hold its annual conference in Sunday and Monday, section inside of it, is full. This Omaha, I ;md 2 at the Labor fact was not announced in ad- September 3024 Cuming street. vance and there were cases Lyceum, A banquet will be held at the when funeral groups arrived Fireside Sunday, :it and told then that there was no 0:30 p.m. Restaurant. Witkin. meeting more room in the Jewish sec- chairman, Louis will preside. tion. The alternatives proved to Delegates from Sioux City and be either burial in a mixed cem- Des Moines. la., Lincoln, Nebr., etery of cremation. Jews were and Omaha, will be in attendreported to fear this choice ance. might become the rule in other Soviet cities where J e w i s h cemeteries are becoming filled. §r. Citizens to ieel

Midwest Conference Of Workman Girds 1 and 2

Israel Stamp A single stamp was issued August 21 by the Israel Postal Authorities, in honor of the first settlers in Palestine. The date of issue coincides with the date the settlers arrived in Palestine in 1882. Unwilling to martyr themselves to persecution, groups of young Russian Jews set out for Palestine determined to create agricultural villages and end the age old problem of the rootlessness of their people One.of the young pioneers described the land as a "bleak wilderness of sand dunes and


thorn bushes," It took many years of struggle to tame the desert. The arid land resisted cultivation. Malaria, cholera and trachoma threatened the group with extinction. But, slowly pioneerg from many other lands joined their ranks. Their efforts were finally rewarded with the establishment of seven small, but thriving villages. These villages were vital stepping stones that led to the foundation of the State of Israel. The 0.37 s t a m p shows, in stylized design a hoe clearing a field of thistle.

nd Class Postage I'ulti Single Copy 10 Cents at Omaha, Nebr. Annual Hale 4 DoJIais

ItlHAV, AlKiliST 30, J»GS

,»«rs. Grotier, Sum. The Beth Israel congregation will honor Rabbi and Mrs. Benjamin Groner on their tenth anniversary with the synagogue at a reception in the social hall on Sunday, September 1 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Rabbi Groner was born and educated in Chicago, graduated from DePaul University in 1!),!7 with the Degree of Bachelor of Laws. Shortly thereafter, he was admitted by examination to the Bar of the Slate of Illinois. He was ordained at the Hebrew Theological College in Chicago in 1938, served in Windsor, Ontario, Canada until 1919 and then returned to accept a Chicago pulpit. He assumed the spiritual leadership of Beth Israel Synagogue of Omaha in the summer of 1953. Rabbi and Mrs. Groner are the parents of seven children. Diane 21, Raphael 18. Gladys 10, Linda 7, twin daughters Arline and Sandra, G, and Lewis, age 4. Miss Diane Groner. arrived August 20 from Boston to be with her family and to participate in Sunday's Festivities for her parents. She will return to Boston to receive her Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston University. She will assume a teaching role at the Quincy. (Mass.) Sterling Junior High School immediately after Labor Day.

77% of Israel

Jerusalem, fJTA) — Seventyseven per cent of Israel's males over 14 years of age, and 211 per cent of women above that age, are gainfully employed. Married women make up more than two-thirds of the female labor force. The data also cited a sui'vey Tues. instead of Mon. which indicated that 13 per cent The Senior Citizens Lounge at of Israel's Jews over the age the Jewish Community Center of 14 had no schooling whatwill hold its regular Monday ac- ever, while another 8 per cent tivities on Tuesday, September had less than four years of 3. The postponement was sched- s c h o o l i n g . Among Israel's uled because of the Labor Day Arabs, half of those 14 years holiday. and older had never attended any school. Indications that non-Jewish portion of the population had a far higher fertility rate than the Jews were buttressed by popJerusalem (WNS) The Israeli ulation data indicating that the Cabinet met here to consider annual increase in'the Jewish the latest Arab provocation in. population was 1.1 per cent comthe deteriorating Mid-Eeast sit- pared with 4 per cent for the uation as Jordianiarc t r o o p s minority groups. A projection fired upon and killed an Is- of the current fertility, rates for raeli s o l d i e r in the divided the two groups of women to Jerusalem area. Israel made an 1!)(>7 was listed, excluding imimmediate request for an invest- migration. The projection indiigation of the incident by the cated that the Jewish populaUnited Nations Mixed Armistice tion would increase by 130,000 Commission, which sent obser- to a total of 2,200,000 by that vers to the seen*" of the killing year while the non-Jewish miimmediately. norities would increase by 60,It was also reported that Jor- 000 to a total of 320,000. danian soldiers made three separate attacks on Israeli troops and that after the third attack the Israeli soldiers finally returned the fire with on JordanNew trustees of the Mizrachi ian soldier having been wounded W o m e n ' s Organization are in the exchange. The new provocations by Jor- Mmes. Max Arbltman,' Irving dan troops appear to have ser- Blank, William Epstein, Abe iously heightened tensions in the Fisher, Benjamin Groner, Abe border areas and have raised Lipsman, Max Slutsky a n d great doubt about the willing- Frank Sekar, it was announced nes of the Arab states to abide by Mrs. Matthew Poliakoff, by the recent cease fire agree- president. Serving as committee chairment reached in the United Namen are Miss Kalah Franklin, tions. Jewish National Fund; Mrs. Mendel Landsman bonds; Mrs; fiOO LATIN AMERICANS Ignac Grunzweig, Sunshine; Mrs. TO MVE IN ISRAEL Blank, mother in Israel; Mrs. Tel Aviv (JTA)—About 600 im- Moses Traube, publicity; Mmes. Arbitman, Slutsky, Hersh Flatomigrants from Latin America, most of them from Argentina, witz, Fisher, telephone; Mmes. a r r i v e d in Israel, and were Arbitman, Fisher and Lipsman, transferred i m m e d i a t e l y to luncheon; Mmes. Oscar Diahomes prepared for them in var- mond, Morris Franklin, program and Mrs. Traube, cultural. ious parts of the country.

Tensions Heighten on Jordan-Israel Border

i Names Mew Trustees

J. .Harry Kulakofsky, a foremost Jewish community and civic leader, has accepted the post of General Chairman of the 1963 I s r a e l Bond Campaign, Robert M. Feinberg, Area Chairman of Israel Bond Organization, announced this week. "We are very h a p p y and proud to announce that Harry Kulakofsky, an outstanding and respected leader of our community, will direct the 19!i3 Israel Bond Sales Drive. "The forthcoming h i s t o r i c campaign, which is the Redemption Year Drive, will be headed by a person recognized and honored by the community for his

\i-••-•• I1-, "r

J. Harry Kulakofsky outstanding devotion to human welfare. He has a sterling record of achievements in many community u n d e rtakings and campaigns. He is deeply interested in the welfare of Israel, and the more than a million refugees whom Israel absorbed in the 15 years of its existence," Mr. Feinberg said. , Federation Past President Mr. Kulakofsky has a distinguished record of community

service. In 1952, he headed the Jewish P h i 1 a n t hropies Campaign; he served as President of the Jewish Federation of Omaha in 1953 and 1954. He has been an active m e m b e r of many boards in the community, and a participant in both Jewish and city-wide projects. Currently he is serving as chairman of the Citizens Committee on the Public Housing for the Elderly. Visited Israel In accepting the post, Mr. Kuiakofsky said: "I have had the opportunity to visit Israel several times; I was able to observe first hand, the p r o g r e s s and achievements made possible through the Israel Bonds purchased by us in the past. "The primary problems of Israel today are: Immigrant settlement and the industrialization of the Negev, the southern desert area of Israel, which takes up some one half of the country. "Speedy development of these wastelands will provide a livelihood for increasing numbers of immigrants, and build up Israel's productivity. "You cannot build a new settlement, a village, or a factory before you have a road leading to it, water and electric power— all these things Israel bonds help provide. "The achievements in Israel would not have been possible without the $640,000,000 which Americans made a v a i l a b l e through their purchases of Israel bonds in the past. "The Bond Sales Campaign this year is most urgent and of great importance to Israel. Security is Israel's major concern and absorbs much of its budget. American Jews must provide the means for Israel's urgent peacetime development needs, which can be done only through Israel Bonds," Mr. Kulakofsky concluded. Additional personnel will bs announced soon.

Jewish Federation Women Prepare To Help Childrens Hospital The Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs will again have its own booth at the annual Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar to be held all day Monday, October 28, at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, it was announced by Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein, chairman and Mmes. Morton Richards and Alfred Sophir, co-chairmen of tho project. "In the past several years the Jewish women have done an outstanding job for this cause," said Mrs. Goldstein. She added "that we want to do even better this year." Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Sophir will announce members of their pickup and staffing committee next week. They announced that in the meantime the self-addressed envelopes mailed to the women of the community have met with a warm response both in cash contributions and in offers of hand-made articles and new merchandise to be sold at the bazaar.

Israeli Recording Star Entertains Residents of Jewish Home for Aged Benny Berman, Noted Israeli composer and recording star, this week, entertained residents of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, and did a benefit performance for the Hadassah style show. A composer of four or five hundred songs, he has 18 current hits and has also recorded six albums. The library at the Jewish Community Center has his entire collection available. He sings his own compositions which he has translated from Hebrew to English. A 24-year-old Sabra from Tel Aviv, Berman has written children's scores for the Habima Theater. Currently appearing at

the Jolly Coachman in Council Bluffs, he is scheduled for a concert tour at major universities throughout the country. APPOINTED TO POSTS BY HOLLAND UNIVERSITY Amsterdam UTA)—Two Jewish scholars have been appointed to high posts in Utrecht State University. Prof. Herman Freudenthal, a noted mathematician, has been n a m e d vice-chancellor of tha university. Prof. Lodewyk Hymans Vandenb'erg, a well-known jurist, has been designated, secretary of the institution's academic senate.



Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second week in July. Second Closs Postage Poid ct Omcha, Nctr, Annual Subscription, 54.00. Advertising Rules on Application. Publication Office—101 Mo. 2Clh Sired, Omoho, Hctr., 342-1H6.



EZLLJ Religious Services L Candleliglithi},', C:42 p.m. Betli El: Sabbath eve services will begin this evening at 7. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at !l:.'!0. Mincha-Manriv services will be held «t 6:45 p.m. Sunday morning services be- • gin at !). Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Beth Israel: The traditional Friday evening service (Kobolas Shabbos) will be at 6:45 p.m. Shabbos morning service at 8:45 a.m. and Shabbos Mincha at 6:45 p.m. followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv at 7:40 p.m. Sunday morning services at i) a.m. followed by breakfast and Rabbis class in Bible. Labor Day—9 a.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 6:55 p.m. Beth Israel Talmud Torah classes open on Tuesday, September 3. B'nai Jacoh Adas Ycslmron: Friday Mincha, G:45 p.m.; Sat-

Wedding Trip To West Coast Miss Sandra Kay Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Lewis of Meadow Grove, Nebr., became the bride of Louis Goldberg, son of Mrs. Marx Goldberg on July 3rd at the Beth El Synagogue. Rabbi Meyer S. Kripke and Rev. Alex Katz officiated. Miss Coleen Bigelow served as maid of h o n o r . Bridesmaids were Miss Nancy Baron and Miss Shirley Wright. Milton Goldberg, brother of the groom, served as best man. Groomsmen were Paul Goldberg and Ray Harris. Ushers were Jay Robert Goldberg, nephew of the groom and Terry Sanne, nephew of the bride. After a reception and dinner at the Fireside the couple left on a trip to the west coast. They will make their home at 635 No. 45th St.

urday morning, (! 30 and Mmcha, C:45 p.m., followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Temple Isr;irl: Sabbath evening services will be bold in the air-conditioned chapel. Friday, 7.\S0 p.m. Cantor Manfred F. Kultner will officiate at a brief worship service. Temple Israel Nursery School for four-year olds will hold the first class of the year. Wednesday, September 4. at 9 a.m.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Polilcnv announce the birth of a son. Evan Scott on July 19. Grandparents are Mrs. Serena W a 1 d b a ii in, Omaha; Sidney Waldbaum, Grand Island and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Polikov, Omaha. Great-grandparents are Mrs. A. Liberman, Omaha; Mrs. Rae Waldbaum, Nrw York City and Sam Waldbaum, Miami Beach, Fla.

Bar iiizvafi

Dr. and Mr?.. Z. Gordon Rips are parents of a son. Richard Allen, born July 2:t at Immanuel Hospital. The Ripses also have a daughter, Debbie. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fischer and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rips.

All filends nnil relatives nro Invited to nttind services and reception. EDWARD COHEN Bar Mitzvah of Edward Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cohen will be celebrated on Labor Day, Monday, September 2 at Beth Israel Synagogue at 9 a.m. LAKKY STEVEN KATZMAN Bar Mitzvah of Larry Steven Katzman, son of Mr."'and Mrs. Maurice Katzman will be celebrated on Saturday, September 7 at Beth Israel Synagogue, Toronto (JTA)—A non-Jewish graduate student, John Knott, has submitted the first M.A. thesis dealing with the Yiddish language ever to be completed by a student at the University of Toronto.

Dedications The unveiling of a stone in memory of Mrs. Frank Katz will be held on Sunday, September 1 at 11 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Emil Berkowitz will officiate. A monument will be dedicated in memory of the Rev. Abraham J. Diamond on Friday, August 30 at 11:30 a.m. at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. All relatives and friends are invited.

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A son. Jay David was born July 15 to Rabbi and Mrs. Norman Mussman. Grandparents are Reva Schoichet and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Z. Mussman, all of Chicago, III. Mr. and Mrs. David Solzman of Chicago, 111., and formerly of Omaha, announce the birth of a daughter, Andrea on July 23. Grandparents are Mrs. Simon Kleiner of Hamden, Conn., and Mr. and Mrs. Isel Solzman. Do your shopping in the Jewish Press.




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Carole Gomberg To Wed Dec. 22 Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gomberg have announced the engagement of their daughter, Carole Sue, to Paul Max Rubenstein, son of Mrs. Morris Rubenstein of Evanston, 111. Miss Gomberg was graduated from Northwestern University at Evanston. She plans to teach in Western Springs, 111. The future bridegroom, a graduate of Kendall College in Evanston. is now living in Highland Park, 111. He is promotion director of Radio Station WEEF of Highland Park. The couple will be married December 22.


Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lefkow of Hamburg, la., announce the birth of a son. Bruce Joseph on August 24 in Iniinanuel Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Stern of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lefkow of Sioux City, la. Great grandparents arc- Mrs. Joseph Lipsey of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Sain Sax of Los Angeles, Cal.

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Judy Frances Goldner Wed Sunday to Harvey S. Poll The wedding of- Judy Frances Goldner and Harvey S. Poll of Seattle, Washington, was held Sunday, Augu.-a 25 at the home of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Julius C. Goldner. The ceremony performed by Rabbi Arnold Kaimnn of Philadelphia. Pa., a former Omnium, was followed by a buffet brunch. Best niiin for his brother was Welvyn D. Poll of Seattle. They nre the sons of Mr. and Mrs Harold 1. Poll of Mercer Island, Wash. Miss Judith Ann Pollack served as inaidof honor. Mr. and Mrs. Poll will spend their honeymoon in the Virgin islands, Puerto Rico and Jamaica. They will live in Cambridge, Mass, where the bride; is a senior at Boston University and her husband is in his last year at Harvard Law School.



Belli Ann iakfesky's E. L Winfroubs Betrothal to Robert To Live in Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wintroub, Feldgarden Told who were m a r r i e d August

Mr. and Mrs. Edward E, Makiesky have announced the engagement of their daughter, "I

1; t

! I

i Miss Beth Ann Mnlficsky Beth Ann, to Robert Feldgarden of New Rochelle, N. Y. Miss Makiesky, who attended Brandeis University at Waltham, Mass., will be a senior in the fall at the University College of Arts and Science of New York University in New York City. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Feldgarden of New Rochelle, was graduated cum laude frcm Brown University, Providence, R, I., where he was a member of Sphinx, honorary society. At present Mr, Feldgarden is attending the New York University School of Law. The couple is planning a June wedding.

4, will make their home at I'M'; South Seventy-sixth Street after their return from a trip to Los Vegas, Nev. and Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cal. Their parents are Messrs. and Mmes. Edward Cecan and Ben Wintroub. The bride is the former Pamela Jean Cecan. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke at Beth El Synagogue. The bride wore a floor length gown of silk organza. Her bouffant veil of illusion was caught by an organza pill-box trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a spray of white roses and stephanotis. Maid of honor was Miss Cynthia Grainger, and the bridesmaids were the Misses Barbara Novicoff of Lincoln and Ardeen Forbes. Patti Abraham was flower girl. Best man was Jon Okun and the ushers were Clark Swart/ and Michael Platt. A reception was held at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel. -r ,

' i.


it} $


Pago Tliree

William Kahmans Take Western Trip Beth El Synagogue was the setting for the wedding Sunday, August ]fi of Miss Nancy Lee Fellman and William M. Katzman Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiated Pai ents of. the couple are Dr. and Mrs. Leon E. Fellman and Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Katzman. The bi ide's gown was the wedding dress worn by her sister, Mrs Nathan Pickus of Waukegan, 111 Fashioned of silk peau de soie with accents of re-embroidered Alencon lace, it featured an aislcwide train. Miss Rita K a t z m a n , the bndegiooni's sister, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were the Misses Terri Milder, Sandra Parilman and Elaine Ladin, the latter of Des Moines, la. Bernarr Jonisch of Overland Paik, Kans., was best man. Ushers were the bride's brothers, Thomas and Richard Fellman, Jerald Schwartz, Richard Cohen, Lawrence Herman and Mr. Pickus After a reception and dinner at Indian Hills Inn, the Katzmans left for Lake Tahoe and San Francisco. They will live at 1911 Robertson Drive in Omaha.

Beth El Synagogue was the retting ioi the f! pin Saturday wedding August 21, of Miss Karen Sue Fellman of Omaha and Ron.ild ,J(lin\ Rubin ot Shaker H( ights, 0 Pi.ibbi Mjei ÂŁ> Kiipkeoffici.itcd .it the ceiemony, which was. iollo\v(d by a dinner at the Sheraton Fontenelle Hotel Parents of the couple are Mrs Saul William Kellman of Omaha and Mr and Mrs Howard Rubin of Sluker Heights A gown of white pure silk peaii dc sole vas worn by the mide Her three tiered veil of French illusion was held by a ciown of seed pearls Sei vmg as her sister's matron of honor was Mrs. Stephen Schachner of Riverdale, N. Y. Dr Schachner gave the bride in nuriiage Budesmaids were the budegioom's bister. Miss Linda Rubin of Shaker Heights, and the Misses Marcia Fogel and Marilyn Katzinan Marc Fellman, the bride's brother, served as best man. Ushers were William Shenk and Sanford Pollock, Columbus, 0.; Barry Lefkowitz, Gary Rosenberg and Gary Fromsen, all

Sfuarf Green to Wed Missourian Plclurc ot lelt,

Mr. and Mrs. Singer C. Cohen of Kansas City Mo., announce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce Dee to Stuart"Larry Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Green. A winter wedding is planned. Shop through the Jewish Presi Ads.

Mrs. Ronald J. Rubin of Cleveland, O., and H o w a r d and Jerry Slusky. The Rubins are on a trip to Mexico City and Acapulco. They will live in Shaker Heights.

Miss Galian Engaged To Laurence Zacharia




Mrs. Edward Lee Wintrouh

Mr.' and Mrs. Sidney Cahan have announced the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Laurence Alan Zacharia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zacharia. Miss Cahan attended the University of Nebraska and is now .a senior at the University of Omaha, Mr. Zacharia is a graduate of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., and is now a senior at the Harvard U n i v e r s i ty Medical School, Boston, Mass. A June wedding is planned.

Miss Weiner Wed af Temple Temple Israel was the scene ers-in-law of the bride, and Ronof the Saturday, August 17 wed- ald J. Goldman of Fort Worth. Jeffrey Scott Levinger, Yankding of Miss Bette Weiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isa- ton was junior groomsman. Ushdore H, Weiner, and Lawrence ers were Morton L. Herman, Nolan Stern end Lawrence No- Jack D. Rubin, Gary A. Herman, lan, Stern of Fort Worth, Tex., Robert A. Greenman, all of Fort son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stern Worth; Michael A. Eaker, Dallas, Tex.; J. M. Gilbert, Amarilof Fort Worth. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks offi- lo, Tex. and Harvey J. Saikin, ciated. A reception was held at Houston. The couple, both seniors at the temple. Mrs. J.C. Levinger of Yank- the University of Texas, will reIon, S. D., was matron'of honor side at apartment 211, 1708 Mafor her sister. Bridesmaids were nor Road, at Austin. two sisters of; the bridegroom, the Misses Sandra anil Teri Ait Classes at Stern of Fort Worth, and Miss Myra Lipp. Wendy Dann, daugh- Temp!e Israel ter of Mr, and Mrs. Jerold A. - A series ot art classes will beDann was flower girl. gin Wednesday, October 2 at The bride was attired in the Temple Isra*el under the direcsame wedding gown wore by her tion of Mrs, Lillian Beber. The two sisters, Mrs. Levinger and classes will meet each Wednesday for 10 weeks from 1 p.m. to Mrs, Dann. The bridegroom's father was 3 . p.m. Reauired registration best man. Groomsmen were Mr. may be mnde by calling Mrs. Levinger, Mr. Dann, both, broth- Millard H. Krasiie, 5511)922.

MR. SAM POLLAK The Nebraska Is pleated to announce the Appointment of Mr. Sam H. Pollak, 2910 Woolworlh Avonuc, to our men'i clothing department, Sam has been associated with the clothing business for over 25 years, and he is well known throughout the area. He opened his first shop in the Loyal Hotel in 1947, Tho store was moved to a Douglas Street

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Page Four

Cape Canaverds Space Age Jewish Community By Julian N. Jablin Tlie phenomenal development of the Cape Canaveral area from a reptile-invested swampland to (he United States stepping stone to the moon has been reflected in the growth of a thriving Jewish community where, little more than ten years ago, there was none. And just as the existence of the missile complex at the Cape is a trihute to determination and belief in the march of progress, Hie existence of the organized J e w i s h community here is a tribute to firm adherence to the traditions of our people and our ideals of service to one's fellow-mail. The congregation had its beginnings in 1950 when Loon Goldberg, a staff coordinator for the National Jewish Welfare Board's service to Jewish GI's in the southeastern U. S.. received a letter from Harry Rosen, who had been assigned to the Banana River Project on "a secret mission of vast importance." Mr. Rosen had previously been stationed at Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi, where he had participated in the JWB program and knew JWB's work well. Now he wanted Mr. Goldberg, whose base is in Atlanta, Ga., to send some prayer books for the Jewish men at Patrick Air Force Base. At that time the names Hnnana Kiver, Cape Canaveral, Cocoa and Patrick had little significance in newspaper headlines. Rockets were still experimental devices which sometimes soared a few hundred miles into the innermost reaches of space and the work that was going on along this stretch of the Florida coast was unknown to most people. But the community of scientists, technicians and supporting personnel was growing and there were, of course, Jews among them. Soon a f t e r Mr. Rosen wrote to Mr. Goldberg, a group organized itself as the Brevard Brotherhood — named for the county in which the installations are located. Tha Brotherhood functioned as a committee to meet the religious and recreational needs ol Jewish personnel at Patrick. Mr. Rosen, chairman of the committee, conducted Friday night services at the Chapel on the base, and there were Oneg Shabbat gatherings after s e r v i c e s . He was soon transferred to California, but the group expanded its activities to serve civilians in the nearby communities of Melbourne, Eau Gallie and C o c o a . The base chapel ct Patrick AFB was used for minyans, services, holiday observances and other religious, cultural and social events. Growth followed growth. Activities became too numerous and ambitious for the b a s e chapel facilities, and the home of the new JWB Committee chairman, Dr. Meyer Gutterman, became the center for the program. Known as the "little shule around the corner," it was the focal point for UJA and Israel Bond drives, Bar Mitzvah celebrations, service to transient personnel, religious education and community work. When accidents occurred on nearby U. S. Highway No. 1. the Brotherhood acted as a visiting committee to the injured, and set up a blood donor group for emergencies. The Gutterman's freezer became a storehouse for delicacies and

Friday, August 30. I9K3

Complete Carpet Service

M ALL TO IVAI.I. C'AIirKTIM; Jewish foods "imported" from AMI Fl'llNlTVltt: Miami. Cli-iuiril in Your Home For the High Holy Days and other occasions, a Scfer Torah JtKIITTINC; was borrowed from the JacksonI.AYIMi e SMVINi; ville Jewish Center, a ConservaHINDIXCi e t'l.KAM.VO tive synagogue. It was the greatest tvis'Ii of Or. Gutterman's successor as chairman, Milton 15rrliner, that the Brevard Brotherhood have its own Torah scroll. Before this wish was fulfilled, RUG CLEANERS Mr. Berliner died, and Mrs. Ber- Don Bernstein, 345-2554 liner and (he community later dedicated a Sefcr Torah to his memory. During this period, the community was visited by parttime Jewish chaplains participating in the JWB program. It was only natural that formation of a Sisterhood should folCANTONESE low. The first president was Mrs. APPETIZPRS Irving Wasserberg. whose husband, a civilian employed at Cape Canaveral, felt that the time had come to establish a formal congregation and begin work on a synagogue. With the cooperation of the Jewish community in the area and help from many interested non-Jews, a campaign was successfully undertaken for a house of worship and a community center. The new synagogue, Temple Beth Sholom, is located in Eau Gallic and serves 200 families in the total area. The rabbi is Morton H. Narrowe, formerly a Navy 1714 Faremn chaplain in J a p a n who also serves now as part-t-iie Jewish chaplain for Patrick Air Force Base. j And so, the Brevard Brotherhood, which began as a small service group for military personnel, has led to the establishment of a new Jewish community in America. It is living evidence o? the phrase, "Kol Yisroel Haverim" — all Jews are brothers — .'or the strength of this community, which makes possible its service to its people and its work in meeting its respoasibilities to nearby military installations, conies from the unity which exists among its civilian and GI members; (JTA)j

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ACTING CLASSES Miriam Shrier Drama Studio Enroll Now

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Waves from

Hebrew Academy O^ens Sept. 3 The Omaha Hebrew Academy will open its third year on September 3 with an increase of fifty percent in enrollment according to Rabb; Michael Sanders, its director. The program of the school housed at the Jewish Community Center, will include clashes from kindergarten through the third grade.

Want Ads NEW YEAR CARDS BAR and Eas Mitzvah congratulations, also cards, for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge KBON Radio 1490 Presents "Message of Israel" Sun., Sept. 1 at 7:30 a.m. Program "Labor: A Blessing or a Curse!" by Rabbi Samuel Karff, Congregation Sinai, Chicago, III.

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The pots and pans are in direct contact whh the beating etV menu on an electric range. Notice... there's no space between beat source and the, no air currents to carry tha heat off into.'yourkitchen, (On other type ranges, nearly 50% of the cooking beat is wasted into the kitchen air.) Of courts, cooler cooking Is just ono of many advantages of modem electric ranges. See the many styles...colors, too,,,at your dealer's. Start enjoying cool electric cooking now,



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