(L^ VOL.
I'ubMAition Offire, ]0I No. adlli Omiiliu, Nebraska, i'Jionc 'JI'2-l'MM
Second Class Poslnge Paid Single Copy JO Cents at Omaha. Nebr. Annual Kale <J Dollars
our help and look to us to carry , hunger and need and danger out the p r o m i s e s we made now; and now is the moment through our pledges. We are en- when your dollars can perform gaged in a vast program of res- their greatest service and do the cue, relief, rehabilitation, as well most good," Mr. G o l d s t e i n as programs which strengthen stated. Noting that the New Year is our communities and which enMr. Goldstein especially emthe traditional season for the re- rich our lives. But these can be the exodus of Jews demption of obligations among carried out only if we meet our phasized from Algeria, the problems oE Jewish p e o p l e , , y- * ,""~ <" obligations. emergency relief to be given to Arthur H. Gold- * , \ \ Funds Urgently Needed some 100,000 Algerian Jews in stein, president "Please do not wait; there is France, and the increased temp9 of the J e w i s h ol immigration to Israel. F c d c r a t i o n of At this time, more refugees Omaha, i s s u e d Mid-West Women entered Israel than for the entire an urgent appeal year of 1962. for payment on Leaders in Omaha p I e d g e s to the Women from Jewish commuJ e w i s h Philanl nities of the middle west area, Teacher's Institute thropies. including the following states, "All over the North and South Dakota, Iowa, At Temple Sunday world, as well as Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, The annilal Teacher Training (The Diy Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged acknowleges in our own home A. Goldstein will meet in Omaha for a con- Institute of the Midwest Region, town, people are depending upon the following memorials and donations.) ference on Monday, September Union of American Hebrew Con23, and Tuesday, September 24, gregations will be held Sunday, Donor fn Memory of Mrs. Harry Sidman, president of September 8, from 10 a.m. until icazescsr CHiairmen the Messrs ond tomes Simon After, Harry Oreslow (Untold, Federation of Jewish Wom- 3 p.m., at Temple Israel., Net>r.), lrodore Cicwtt*, Mrs. Robert V, Dovli, Ihe William J, JCMM family, Brolhcrliood of Railway Clerks, en's Clubs, announced. The Institute will be led by Complete Plans Lodge No. li} Dovld Abrami The meeting is sponsored Dr. Sylvan Schwartzman, ProMessrs and Mines. Arthur A. Cofin, Horry DuBaff, Wil"It's a pleasure! No one ever Uom A. Levey, M. Krupimky, C. M. (Hick) Hewmon, by the women's division fessor of Education at the Hetrncil A, tioy<», MM old Sobcl, Millon YtitJelson- Mrs. turns us down for the Children's jointly Eva C. Maxted Atan Hogg Mrs. Mollic Goldstein of the Council of Jewish Federa- brew Union College-Jewish InMemorial Hospital Bazaar," was tions and Welfare Funds and stitute of Religion, Cincinnati, O. Mr. ond Mrs, Reuben Brown , . . . * . . . . . . . . , . . . Oscor Kofleman Messrs. ond Mmes. Max Br«rilow, Sam Epstein, Edward the comment made this week by the United Jewish Appeal. 1. Konlor, Charles MoglJ, Arthur H, Rubin, Soroft cmd Session topics will be on "EfMrs. Arthur Goldstein, chairDave Slobobhky M n . Minnl* Kurhman Reception for the delegates L e s s o n Planning" and Mr. ond M n . MiMon Yudslson * William B. Mlnkln, Sr. man, and affirmed by Mmes. will be held Monday night and fective "Problem Clinic." Lunch will be Wr. and Mrs. Frank O'Melll, 5fecle, Weinsteln & A^sodaics Robert Noddle Morton Richards and Alfred seminaries will be held on TuesMessrs and Mmes, Arthur A. Cohn, Harry DuQoK, Harold S0b«l, M r j . Leonard Klein Rosalind Hogg Sophir, cochairmen, who have day morning and afternoon. The served by the Sisterhood. f/r. and tAr*. Harry Brcslow (Lincoln, Nebraska) Charle* Reinoold completed plans for the Federa- conference will be held at the NO U.S. CONSULATE Cerry Fell man (Hollywood, Calif.) , Mrs. Btrfha Shy ken tion Booth at the Bazaar on Blackstone Hotel. Messrs. ond Mmct, Arthur A, Cohn, Harry DuOofl, Fred AT HAIFA Kurlimon, C. M (Hick) Newman, Harold Solid, Mrnei. Monday, October 28, at the Fon- Local women leaders are be- Washington — The U n i t e d Leonard Kl«ln, STclla Robinson, Ml»es Kolherine Hastenelle-Sheraton Hotel. lord, Harlell Norwich Hubert Sommer ing invited to attend the ses- States consulate in Haifa closed Msisrs ond Mine? Fred Kurt/man, Harry Trui'm, Among the new enthusiastic sions. Mr*. Leonard Klein J < Qornfy Slark: September 1. Measri ond Mmes Arthur A. Cotm, Harry OuttoH, W. workers are Mrs. Lester Marcus Kfupinsky, Lrneit A. Nogy, Milton Yudefsoo Mrs. Harry We ism an and Mrs. David E. Beber who will schedule and provide staffDonor In Honor of ing for the all day project at Mmes. P. Gerelick and D. Weinberg Messrs. and Mmet. Nathan Hotwich, Foul Verel and the Federation Booth. Mrs. Jack Head Unit for Red Feather Drive Justin Horwfct birthday, Jacob Green, Ban and Mrs. Oscar Sutin will Miss Johanna Koufmonn birthday, M r j Lucfwig Kauimotin, Mrs. Phil Gerelick and Mrs. Bercovici, Sam Berman, Sam head the "pick-up" committee David (Eugene, Ore.) D. Wcinberg, co-chairmen, ..Goodman, Roland Lewis. ShelW « i r j . and Mm«. Howord M>ld«r, Leo M»td*r 7Wh birthday, William Milder, and will be assisted by Mmes. will head a unit in the Women's don Lincoln, Edwin Milder, Nawedding anniversary, Mr. ond Mrs, WHUani Milder Ramon Sombcrg, Leon Frankel, D i v i s i o n of the United Red than Novak. Ben Slutzky, Paul Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pox *. SOIh wedding onnlversory, Martin Sophir and A. D a v i d Feather-Red Cross drive. Veret and Morley Zipursky. Mr, and Mr%. liadore Sherman Goldstein. Messrs. ond Mme» Jo<k flromson, Arthur A. Co)m, Jock The captains in Mrs. WeinMrs. Gerelick and Mrs. WeinThe Sophir residence at G72!) berg are representing the Feder- berg's unit are Mmes. Seymour Fox, Leon Grac'ti, Leo M11dcry Harry Trustin iith birthday, Nole M Stierman (Chtcorjo, Illinois) Davenport will be the Main De- ation of Jewish Women's Clubs, Abrams, Gilbert Aronoff, RusWr, ond Mrs. Harry OuBofl marriage, Mr. and Mr», Will lain Boasbcrg pot for gifts of merchandise and Mrs. Harry Sidrnan, its presi- sell Blumenthal, E d w a r d D. Mr, ond Mrs. Horry.OuDotf,Mil* Koloh Franklin ..-•-.« recovery, (. Chapman liand-niade items which may be dent, said for the drive. Brodkey, Leon Fellman, Henry Wr. and Mrs. Steven Luitgarten and family * . . . , , . . . . recovery, John Robimon Wessrj, and Mm»»j. Arthur A. Cohn, Horry Trustin , recovery, Dr. Mourfce Sorhs left there at any time. Each gift A "Coffee" for Captains will L. Greenberg, Louis Hurwitz, Messrs, ond Mmes. Arthur A. Cohn, Harry DuQoff recovery, Mrs. Leonard Segal should be marked with the do- be held Tuesday, September 9 Ernie Priesman, Ray Simon and nor's name. Those unable to de- at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Max Wolfson. Special Contributions liver their gifts may call any of Weinberg, 075 Parkwood Lane. The J e w i s h Federation of Meisrj, ond Mmes. 0«n Wintroub, A. V. Vengcr flowers The Goldilem fomity reclining chair the chairmen or Mrs. Ban at . The following will serve as Omaha is one of the beneficiaLouise and Morton L. Degen In memory of mother, Minnie 0, Oeger\ directed ries of the United Red Feather550-5183 and Mrs. Sutin at 553- captains in the group by Mrs. Gerelick,1 Mmes. Moe Red Cross drive. 2072 for pickup service.
The Soviet Union vetoed a resolution submitted by the United States and England that would have condemned the murder of two Israeli farmers by Syrian raiders who entered Israel territory on August lil. The Security Council voted ti to 2 for the resolution, which carried implicit condemnation of Syria for the "wanton murder" of the Israelis. Russia and Morocco voted against the resolution. Following the vote, Russia vetoed the resolution, which blocks its passage. Despite the veto by Russia, the action of the Security Council is considered a moral'victory lor Israel. The Resolution The resolution which was introduced by Adlai Stevenson condemned the murders, drew the attention of the Syrian government that the evidence established that the murder gang had come from and returned to Syria, and absolved Israel of charges made by Syria.
Holiday Appeal By Goldstein, Pres. Of Federation
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged
Don't take it for granted. Israel tvants to keep it wide open. With our help she has done so, at enormous cost to her social and economic progress, since the State was established. But if we fail her now the door may have to close. This would mean the end of all hope of a new life for the many thousands of Jews still clamouring for entry. If YOU were waiting in some European or North African country with an exit visa in your hand, which country ivould take you in? And be proud to welcome you? You can give the answer through a generous con' tribution and-by- a payment of your pledge to the UJ.A. Jewish Philanthropies before it is too late. Lydda Airport, Israel—This child, just ten minutes off the plane, is enjoying her first meal in freedom in a UJA immigrant reception center.
Jsadore M. Trctiah, Chairthan 1963 Campaign
Page Two
fet»M) fress Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second week In July. Second Cldss Posfoge Pold ct Omaha. Nctr. ; Annual Subseripiicn. iA CO. Advertising Roles en Application. Publication Ollice—101 No. 20th Street, Omaha, Hctrr., 342 1366,
COUNCIL BOARD MEETING FRIEDMAN HOME Board meeting of the Omaha Section National Council of Jewish Women will be held Thursday, September 12, at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Friedman. Cohostess for the 1 p.m. dessert l u n c h e o n will be Mrs. Phill Laser. GERALD NESS O\' BETH ISRAEL PROGRAM The Beth Israel Sisterhood at its meeting Tuesday, September )0, at 12:30 p.m. in the synagogue social hall will feature "An A f t e r n o o n With Gerald Ness." Mr. Ness is the Assistant Director of the Omaha Playhouse. Mmes. Rubin Ratner, David Hahn, A. Zelinsky, Harry Siref, Sidney Goldberg, and A l b e r t Sorkin are in charge of luncheon arrangements. Reservations are being taken by Mmes. Frank Cohen. Max Colin, and Julius Hart.
HAROLD KATLEMAN HEADS EPSTEIN-MORGAN POST Harold Katleman was elected Commander of the Epstein-Morgan Post No. 200, Jewish War Veterans at a recent meeting. The following retained their offices: Max Kanner, Sr., Vice Commander; Marvin Kaplan, Jr., Vice Commander: Nate Marcus, Quartermaster; Abe Miller, Adjutant; Jerome Grossman. Judge Advocate; Isadore Lewis, V. A. Voluntary Services; and Morris Levin, Historian. * * * ISilair Choliin •Meets Monday The Bikur Cholim Organization will hold their first dessert luncheon meeting of the Fall season on Monday. September !) at 12::iO p.m. in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Reports on the summer activities and on the Donor event will be given. All members are urged to attend this meeting.
Religious Services
Bar iifzvah
Candclgllliting, 6:31 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath evening services will be held in the Chapel, Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will officiate at the brief worship service.
AU filends and relatives are invited (o attend services nail reception.
Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin at 7 p.m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv Services will be held at 6:30 p.m. S u n d a y morning services begin at!) a.m. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Harriet Cooper Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Jewish Funeral Seb (Subby) Pulvcicnte Home for H a r r i e t C o o p e r , daughter of the late Mr. and 25 Years' Experience Mrs. David Cooper, who died WHh Jewish M o n d a y . Burial was in Beth LoHering and Memorials Hamedrosh Hagodel Cemetery. Surviving are sister, Gertrude 341-2452 Mozer and brother, E u g e n e 2211 So. 8th Cooper.
Monument' Co.
Best Kosher Wieners u>. 75c w It'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron: pt;or89c-< Friday Mincha, 6:45 p.m.; Sat- o Oest Kosher Sdcsmi Lb. urday morning, 8:30 and Min-
LARRY STEVEN KATZMAN The Bar Mitzvah. of Larry Do your shopping in the Jewish Steven Katzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Katzman will bo Press. celebrated on Saturday, September 7 at Both Israel Synagogue.
John Kalina
PANEL PROGRAM FOR BETH EL MEETING Beth El Sisterhood will present a panel on "These Are the> Facts, Ma'm" at a luncheon meeting on September 10, at 32:30 p.m., at the synagogue. The panel, whose participants are: the Rev. Mr. Kelsey Jones, Dr. Claude Organ, Charles Peters, and L. E. Murray, will be moderated by Mrs. Alexander McKie, Also participating in the program are Mmes. A. C. Fellman and Sidney Hollis. Taking part in the various portions of the arrangements are: Mmes. David Platt arid J. M. Margolin, assisted by Mmes. Sol Lagman, A V Friedman, Ben S i m o n s , Sam Manvitz, Charles Guss, Herbert Wintroub, Bernard Siegler and Morris Erman, luncheon; Mrs. Meyer Halprin, decorations; and Mrs. William Alberts, 55M63G, r e s e r v a t i o n s . Sitter service available.
Dedication The unveiling of a stone in memory of Boris Korncy will be held on Sunday, September 8 at J1 a.m. at Golden Hill Cemetery.
Beth Israel: The traditional Friday evening service (Kobolas Shabbos) will be at 6:30 p.m. Shabbos morning service at 8:45 a.m. and Shabbos Mincha at G:'ib p.m. followed by Sholesh Sudos and Maariv at 7:30 p.m. Sunday morning services at 346-5050 1018 FARNAM 0 a.m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 2 PLACE YOUR HOLIDAY ORDER EARLY m fi:40 p.m. Z Beth Israel Sunday School will Z For Best Selection of Poultry and Meats ln open on Sunday morning, Sep- 3 tember fith. Registration of chilc dren four years and older are z being accepted,
Memorial Service cha, (i.45 p.m., followed by ShoSPEIGLMAN ON The annutil Memorial Service losh Seudos. Daily services at TEMPLE PROGRAM at Beth El Cemetery, f)4th and 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sidney Speiglman, book store L will be held on Sunexecutive, will present thumb- day,Streets No man knows whose morrow 8, at 2 p.m., with nail sketches of this fall's cur- RabbiSeptemebr it will be. Myer S. Kripke and Canrent best-selling books, both fic- tor Aaron I. Edgar officiating. tion and non-fiction at the TemMemorial services at Golden Luggage Repaired ple Israel Sisterhood luncheon meeting on Tuesday, September Hill Cemetery will be conducted Also ZIPPERS by Rabbi Benjamin Groner and JO, at 1 p.m.. at the Temple. Cantor El Berkovitz on Sunday, TRAVELWARE Luncheon chairman is Mrs. 15 at 11 a.m. and Arthur Kulakofsky. Mmes Jack September LUGGAGE CO. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol CemeLevin and Martin Lehr are Pro tery at 2 p.m. 141& Harncy 341-7498 i-'ram Co Chairmen. Baby-sitting service will be available. An 11 a.m. board meeting will precede the luncheon. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Philip Malkin, 553PHOTOGRAPHER 3286 or the Temple office. * ** 817 South 36th Street — 345-1044 CORNIICSKER CHAPTER NATURAL Black and BWA1 B'RITII And Cornhusker B'nai B.'rith ChapCOLOR White ter will meet September 9, at 8:15 p.m.. at the Blackstone Hole). GRAND OPENING Members will model in a style show. of the s*
Friday, September 0, 1963
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Mrs. II. Appcl to Be Diamond's Famous ' Pcr Mizrachl Speaker A i t A I I f o i n UPPP Taste the Mrs. Henry Appel, who recentU K U U n U i C E r Difference ly returned from a visit to Is- Pressed :, rael, will speak at the Omaha - f * r t D M E n iSSISIS Really Per Chapter Mizrachi .Women's desV » W K N E U P E S O " Delicious ..Lb. sert luncheon meeting on Wednesday, September 11, at 1 p.m. Homemade 9u ix at the Jewish Community Center. Reports on activities for the , - . . . . New Year Cards coming year will be made. PLACE YOUR HOLIDAY ORDER EARLY Store Hours: . --. Members are asked to bring Sunday 7 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. their JNF boxes and contribuMonday Thru Thursday 8 A.M.-5:30 P.M. tions to the meetings. Friday, 8 A.M.-3 P.M. - Friends * and members are urged to attend. •
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Friday, Bcptcmbrr 8,
Oma/ians m News Chairmen Announced Mrs. Sidney II. I!rool<s w;is elected president of the newly formed Eastern Nebraska Mental Health Association recently. Mrs. Henry Riekes was elected Liaison chairman.
Mrs. Harold Zelinsky, president of the Beth Israel Sisterhood has appointed the following women to serve as committee chairmen on the board: Wmcs, Marry Alloy, Henry Appel, Morrli AIJ|>(.I, Jay Chosen, Den Cohen, Irvinrj Churncy, Henry Coren, Mlchuel Cohen, Harry Ctjhn/ Frank Cohen, Max Cchn, Abe Bear, Uulhon Bern, Eugena Urourt, Irving Habcndir, Sam Berrticio, Julius Bcrnslcin. Jack Beltncnt, Elliot Drown, Gubrlcl Bergman, Emil Berkovlts, Irving Davis, Som tp'lcln, D. B. Epsleln, Aoron Epslein, Max Frornkln, Sidney Feiclrncin, Joo Frank, Bennett Flshuoln, Sam Fcdrrian, Morton Frank, Mcx Greenfie-ld, Hulhon Simple, (3en|amln Grcner. Sidney Goldberg, H. H. Greenbcrg, Juliu* Hornsteln, Sol Harris, Dovid Hahn, Mela Hochster, Julius Mart, Julius Kcitiman, Sidney KcJtlcmon, Martin Kolm, Max KirLhcnboum, Sam Katjrrnon, Manny Kreltsteln, Dcivid Kal/man, Haitian Kaplan, Ruben Llppett, Aaron Lcvlrte, Jack Levey, Harry Lewis, Herbert Mciches, Maskcll Morris, Myron Morko, tlote Marcus, Arttiur Parllman, William Poster, Paul Rifkln, Rubin Katncr, Sam Rcscnslcin, Monroe RoscnUrg, Horry Slref, Louis Schwartz, Gcorne Schaplro, Albert Sorkin, Horry Splegal, Phil Schwartz, trvino Shoplro, Harold Siegal, Harry Smith, Sam Shykcn, H. 5. Susmon, Slonley Shoplro, Horry Sldman, Sam 51one, Abe Zelinsky.
Millon S. Livingston was reappointed to the City Planning Board for a five-year term. Abe Slusky is also a member of the Board. Marty Gilbert is the executive chef at the Prom D i p l o m a t which opens its new dining room on Monday, September 10. The dining room will be open from 5 p.m. to II p.m. week-days and 5 p.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays. Frances Coopcrman
Frances Gooperman Engaged fo ft. Juro Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooperman announce the engagement of their daughter Frances Addle to Richard Juro, son of Samuel Juro of Brooklyn, N. Y, Miss Coopernian a t t e n d e d Hood College in Frederick, Md. and is now a senior at New York University College of Arts and Sciences. Mr. Juro is a graduate of Columbia College, New York City where he was affiliated with Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity. He now attends the Columbia University Law School. A June wedding is planned.
Gordon S. llollis has completed basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas and is now in Technical school at Kcesler Air Force Base Biloxi, Miss, where he is studying to be a ground radio operator. He is the son of Mrs. Sidney llollis. Nate Kraft has been made manager of Tully's Clothing for Men in South Omaha. Israel Exports Cows To Iran by I'fane Jerusalem UTA) — The first air shipment of Israeli cows was flown from Lydda airport to Teheran. Thirty animals were shipped as part of an order of 150 purchased by Iran. The consignment arrived in the Iranian capital without incident. Four additional airlifts of 30 cows each will be dispatched to Iran via special KLM cargo aircraft.
lirrlin Jewry Leader Warns U.S.A. and Britain on Hate Kxporis Dusseldorf (JTA)—A warning to the United States and Britain to halt the sending of Nazi literature into West Germany was issued by its chairman of the Jewish community in West Berlin, where anti-Jewish posters were found tacked on the walls of the city's Jewish Community Center. The posters appearing in West Berlin bore pictures of Hitler and such English solgans as "Despite Jewish lies, Hitler was right," and "Hitler is dead, but National Socialism lives on." Similar posters, all printed in Britain, have been distributed recently in Frankfurt, Munich and other German cities.
How to say Happy New Year in Hebrew:
HOLLIS HOMES SOLD! During the Hot, Dull Summers
Dr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Alberts of Clayton, Mo., and formerly of Omaha, are parents of a son, Michael Stuart, born August 23. They are parents of two other sons, Jay Howard and Jon Scott. Grandparents arc Mrs. Esther Abramson of Kansas City, Mo. and Mr. and Mrs. William Alberts of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Sol J. Friedman announce the birth of a son, Robert Jerald on August J8. The Friedmans also have two other sons Stephen and Douglas. G r a n d p a rents are Mr. and Mrs, David Bernstein and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Friedman of Omaha. Great grandparents are Mrs. Morris Cohn of Los Angeles and Abe Bernstein of Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Siegel announce the birth of a son Mark Scott on August 20. The Siegels also have a daughter Deborah Sue. G r a n dparents are Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Epstein and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Siegel. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kaplan and Mrs. G. Winer. A son, Leon Mitchell, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Zan D. Faigen of Rock Island, 111., August 17. They have another son, Michael Howard. Grandparents are Mrs. Leon Faigen, Rock Island, 111. and Mr. and Mrs. David Manvitz. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bogdanoff announce the birth of a son, Brian Mathew, on August 21. G r a n dparents are Mr. and Mrs. I. Bogdanoff and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noodell. G r e a t grandmothers are Mines. William Bogdanoff, Francis Kavalec and Bella Noodell.
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Page Four
SENSATION AT SOCHI The first Israel-flag passenger liner to call at a Soviet port was the Zim lines' S/S JERUSALEM which put into Sochi at the end of May while on a charter cruise of Mediterranean and Black Sea ports with over 500 Israeli, British and American passengers aboard. The above photo was taken by a crew member shortly before the JERUSALEM sailed from the Russian port while her passengers, in gay cruise fashion, hurled colored paper streamers at the crowds ashore. Observers estimated close to 5,000 Russians, a great many of them undoubtedly Jewish, gathered at the quayside to see the modern, white-hulled Israeli liner. Scenes of intense emotion developed when the ship's orchestra launched into a series of popular Hebrew rnelodies in which the passengers and many of the people ashore lustily joined. The Sochi Town Band responded with a selection of popular Russian songSi
East African Cadet Officers Trained in Israel Graduate Tel Aviv (JTA)—Sixty African cadet officers trained in Israel graduated in ceremonies in which Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and Brig. Gen. 7M Tzur chief of staff of the Israel defense forces, took the salute Each graduate was awarded the emblem of an Israel army officer. The men. ranging in a g e s from 20 to 35, have undergone ,i training course begun in this country last January. They are from Uganda and Tanganyika Originally they were select< d from among several hundred dp plicants by an Israeli team comprised of an army officer, an air force officer and a medical officer. All are expected to return to their homes to assume officer status in the future army of the East African Federation. During their training courses, they were taught, among other subjects, army organization, logistics and staff work. They w e r e a l s o taught English. Another group of .t r a i n e e s from Uganda and Tanganyika is still receiving training as air force officers, and will be grad uated as officers soon. Jewish Burials in Moscow Shunted to General Cemetery London UTAj—Fresh details on reports that Jews in Moscow were being refused permits to give their departed a traditional Jewish burial w e r e received here for the Soviet capital. The reports indicated that while Moscow officials had allocated a new site for a cemetery because one of the biggest Moscow cemeteries was full, the new site has no place within il for a cemetery section. Both separate and mixed cemeteries have been the custom in Russia since 1917. Israel's Crude Oil May Be Doubled Israel's total output of crude oil may be doubled as a result of the latest drill in the Kochav oil field. An American petroleum expert working at the field said the well can produce at least 2,000 b a r r e l s daily without pumping. The rate described by the American expert would be equivalent to more than 100,000 tons of crude oil annually, compared with the aggregate production of 125,000 tons from Israel's 30 currently producing wells. . . KBON Radio 1490 Presents "Message of Israel" Sun., Sept. 8 at 7:30 a.m. - "I Am My Beloved's" Rabbi Victor H. Weissberg, Chicago, 111.
Israeli To Produce Film In Russia OH Soviet Jews New York (JTAl—Soviet authorities have given an Israeli iilm producer their olficial approval of a project to make a documentary movie tracing the history of the Jews of Russia, according to a dispatch from Moscow appearing in Variety, the theatrical weekly. An Israeli film producer, announced in Moscow, that .she had obtained approval of her project while attending the Moscow Film Festival. Slip said she had applied for such permission in writing six months ago. and that her request lias now been granted by the film department of the Soviet Ministry of Culture. The I s r a e l i producer was quoted as saying that, after going back to her studio near Tel Aviv, she will return to Moscow with a d i r e c t o r and a film editor, and will have the privilege of going through Soviet film archives dealing with the history of the Jews in Russia. She said she was planning a fulllength feature. If it is necessary to shoot some extra footage to supplement the film archive material, she said, she will seek such additional permission from the Moscow authorities.
Friday, Scjili:inlicr G, 19113
The Jewish QUESTION: Why is it that the Cantor does not repeat the Amidah aloud during the evening service as is the case in the afternoon service in the morning service? ANSWER: The morning and afternoon services are the basic services since there was a daily sacrifice both morning and afternoon in the temple. The evening service was not placed in the same category since there were no sacrifices offered in the evening, and the only association the evening has with the sacrifice is the continuation of the burning of the parts of tha • afternoon sacrifice in the evening. The individual, however, does recite the entire Amidah (If) Benedictions) because, while there was no public .sacrifice there were individual devotions offered in the evening. Israel Teaches 1903 Congo Paratroops •JKWISH CALF NDAR Tel Aviv UTAi—The ComRosli Ilaslianah. .Sept. 19-20 mander in Chief ol the Congol Yom Kippur . .Sept. ZS Armed Forces, Gen. Joseph MoSukkot Oct. J-'l huto, stood in formation this Sluninl Atzrrct ... ...Oct. 10 weekend with 219 of his officers S i n i l i a l T o r a h . . . . ... Oct. 11 at an Israel Army base someHanukkah Dec. 11•18 where in Israel to receive paraAll observances begin on troop wings. The silver wings eve of tin- holiday. were pinned on the Congolese general's uniform by Prime Minister Levi Eshkol. At a ceremony marking the end of a rigorous training program conducted for the Congolese by seaNEW YKAR CARDS soned Israeli army paratroop instructors, Gen. Mobuto re- BAR and Kas Mitzvah congratulations, also cards, for all quested that Israel help in orJewish holidays and special ganizing three airborne batoccasions. talions of from 2,000 to 3,000 Meyers News Stand, 1502 D?d-;e men for his army.
CAIRO ROCKET WITH 6>j MILES RANGE Washington IWNS) Cairo has a rocket with a range of more than (i'lii miles, one which is capable of reaching every point in Israel, it is claimed in an Egyptian weekly.
A (froup of Israel's skilled minors prepare for the 300-foot descent Solomon's copper mines at Tiuina, where a new shaft has been sunk with the aid of Israel Iiond investments ami reaches hitlieito untapped levels. With Israel
Bond assistance, the mines produced 5,300 tons of copper cement for export in 19U0, with a value of $.'{,500,000. Britain* Brazil and Japan me amoni» Israel's copper miyi-is; export orders now cover the next two years' production.
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