SEP 1 3 !963j
XMI—Nu. 3
Publication Office, 101 NH. HOIh Oinailil. Nebruska. fiione 342-1.1M
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The University of Omaha 10(i:t Annual Institute on World Affairs will again be co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Omaha, Arthur H. Goldstein, president, announced. Schedule of speakers, and free ticket of admission will be mailed to Jewish Federation members on request. Please mail the following order blank if you wish a ticket: Jewish Federation, 101 N. ;>(Hli St., Omaha, Neb., 68102 Please send me a free ticket (admits two) for the 18th Annual World Affairs Institute, held at Omaha University. Name Address
Irviu Yaffe, chairman of the Jewish Community Center Physical Education 'Committee, indicated this week that the committee plans to follow through on a physical fitness resolution adopted recently by the National Association of Jewish Center Workers. Among other things, the committee plans: A Wf-XL'ORGANIZED and well-balanced broad program for school-age children. A SPECIAL program which will meet the needs of typical children and those of low-fitness levels. KNMSTMKNT of volunteer leadership qualified to extend physical fitness programs into youth and adult groups. "Furthermore," Mr. Y a f f e said, 'physical fitness programs will be extended into the adult area by organizing more adult recreational activities and sponsorship of more family-type activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, skating and camping. Mexico City (WNS) — Israel Will train thirty Mexican farmers for a three-month period under its technical assistance program for Latin American countries. This report was made here by Javier Rojo Gomez, president of Mexican Farmers.
vl l>ri'
Becoml Class Poslaije Paid Single Copy 3 0 Cents ui Oinaliu, Nrbr. Annual Hale 4 Dollarj
->na\ Women "—drs in Omaha Sept. 23-24
Free to At Omaha U on World Affairs
JCC Will Push Plan for Fitness
Bazaar Reminder Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar will be Monday, October 28, at the SheratonFontenelle Hotel. Have you returned your pink envelope? Are you working on y o u r handmade articles? Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs chairmen are: Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, 391-0685 Mrs. Morton A. Richards. 553-t:il7 Mrs. Alfred' Sophir, 553-3950 The Sophir residence, 6729 Davenport, is the main depot for the gifts.
In response to requests, an additional New Year greetings column will appear in the Yom Kippur Issue. If you wish to extend greetings to Relatives and Friends please call The Jewish Press by Monday, Sept. 23. 342-1366 (Price of greetings: $3.00)
Mrs. Henry Newman of Kansas City. Mo., will conduct the one day workshop of the United Jewish Appeal-Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds women's conference to be held on Tuesday, September 24, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Blackstone Hotel, A reception honoring the outof-town delegates will he given on Monday evening, September Zl, I! p.m. at the Blackstone Hotel with the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs acting as hostesses. Mrs. Harry Sidman, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs will bring greetings to the conference and introduce Mrs. Newman. Delegates will be coming from North and South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. Former Omaliun Mrs. Edward Smith of Kansas City. Mo., the former Beth Kulakofsky of Omaha, will participate in the program. Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky. Mrs. Marvin Slang of New York City, Director of Women's Division of United Jewish Appeal and Mrs. Boa Finkelstein of New York City. Secretary of National Committee on Women's Communal Service, Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds will also attend. Campaign Workshop The morning session will be "Dealing with Campaigns—the ingredients of what goes into a good campaign" and the afternoon session "Year-Round Education Program." - A luncheon is also planned at the Hotel. Mrs. Sidman is being assisted by Dave Colin, Mrs. Abe C. Fellman and Mrs. Harry Trustin, officers of the Federation Women, in the arrangements of the conference. An invitation is extended to Omaha women, who are interested, to attend the reception and workshop.
The appointments of project Bnai Brith Henry Monsky Chapheads of the Federation of Jew- ter No. 470, Mmes. Bernard ish Women's Clubs were an- Goldstrom, Charles Stern; Bnai nounced by Mrs. Harry Sidman, Brith Cornhusker Chapter No. organization president, at a re- 1032, Mmes. Seymour Abram, cent meeting in her home. Maurice I. Greenspan; Hadassah, Mrs. Sam L. Katzman, Project Chairmen Named were Mrs. J. Harry Ladies Free Loan Society, Mrs. Kulakofsky, Bonds of Israel; Sam Klaver; National Women's Mrs. Jake Wine, Center Hospi- Committee Brandeis University, tality; Mmes. Arthur H. Gold- Mines. Leo Kisenstatt, Ted J. stein, Morton A. Richards and Sanford; Omaha Hebrew AcadAlfred Sophir, Childrens Memor- emy, Mmes. Irving Shapiro, Sain ial Hospital Bazaar; Mrs. Dan Dogulov; M i z r a c h i Women, Gordman, Civil Defense; Mrs. Mmes. M. M. Poliakoff, Harry Robert Levine, Community Cal- Paskowitz; National Council of endar; Mmes. Phil Gerelick and Jewish Women, Mmes. Justin David D. Weinberg, Community Manvitz, Louis Sogolow; Pioneer Chest-Red Cross; Mrs. Henry Women, Mmes. Milton NearenA p p e I, Community Coopera- berg, Sam Richman; Temple tions; Mrs. Maynard M. Green- Israel Sisterhood, Mmes. I. M. berg, Federation Liaison; Mrs. Liberman, Herbert Weil; and Alfred Frank, Historian; Mrs. Workman's C i r c l e Auxiliary, Sidney Katleman, Jewish Home Mmes. Louis Witkin, Sam H. for Aged; Mrs. Fred D. Brodkey, Binder. chairman, Mines. Izadore EleReports Made witz, Abe C. Fellman, Calvin Chairmen made their reports M. Newman and Miss Dorothy Weiner, co-chairmen. Jewish at the meeting at Mrs. Sidman's Philanthropies; Mmes. Milton home. Future luncheon meetings Waldbaum and Maurice Fleischl. will be held on Thursday noons National Conference of Christ- —December 5, March 5, and ians and Jews; Mmes. Joe J. May 7. The March meeting will Greenberg and Richard Wright, take place at the Dr. Philip Needlework Guild; Mrs. Lloyd Sher Jewish Home for Aged; F r i e d in a n, Parliamentarian; all others are scheduled at tlia Mrs. Sam L. Katzman, Program- Jewish Community Center. ming; Mrs. Nathan L. Nogg, A Club Calendar was distribServices to Armed Forces; Mrs. uted to all those present' indiStanley F. Levin, Telephone; cating holiday dates, Special Mrs. Abe Bear, Veterans Hos- events, and women's organizapital; Mrs. M. A. Venger, Wel- tions board and regular meetcoming. ings. The schedule of holiday parties at the Dr. Philip Sher Affiliated Organizations The Women's Federation is Jewish Home for Aged, Vetercomposed of 14 community or- ans Hospital Bingo Party Schedganizations. The organizations, ule, Important Dates, and Compresidents and representatives, munity Calendar Notes was alin their respective order are: so distributed. Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood, Officers Mmes. Albert G. Rimmerman, Serving with Mrs. Sidman as William Siref; Beth Israel Syn- officers of the 1963-64 Women's agogue Sisterhood, Mmes. Har- group are Mrs. Dave Cohn, first old Zelinsky, Nathan Kaplan; vice-president; Mrs. Abe C. FellBikur Clio li in Organization, man, second vice-persident; and Mines. Jake Wine, I. Grunsweig; Mrs. Harry Trustin, secretary
As the New Year 5724 begins, immigration into Israel has reached large proportions. To help make sure that every incoming immigrant will be "inscribed in the Book of Life for a happy life and peace," will you redeem your Jewish Philanthropies pledge, to meet immediate needs.
In the spirit of the New Year, will you help in this holy work of "redeeming the captives."
[ Jews are fleeing from con\ ditions of oppression in large numbers for the haven that is Israel.
Pay Your Pledge—Send your check to: Jewish Philanthropies, 101 North 20th Streer, Omaha, Nebraska
v -„
Tage Two'
Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week In August through second week in July by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Second Class Posfoge Potd ot Omoha, N f t r , Annual Subscription, $4.00. Advertising Roles "" Application. Publ'Calion Olllce—101 No. 20lh Slrttt, Omgha, lltbr., 3A2-IU4.
Religious Services LXJLJ Candlelighting, 6:19 p.m. B'nai Jacob Atlas Ycshuron: Friday Mincha, G:20 p.m.; Saturday morning, 8:30, and Mincha, 6:25 p.m., followed by Sholesh Sudos. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath evening services will be held in the Chapel, Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will officiate at the brief worship service. Religious school sessions begin on Saturday and Sunday, September 14 and 15. Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin at 7 p.m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:30 o.m. and the Talmud Torah service at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv services will be at 6:15 p.m. Sunday morning
services begin at 9 a.m. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Slichoth services will be preceded by a coffee hour from If p.m. to 12, Saturday, September 14, sponsored by the Beth El Sisterhood. Services will begin at 12:01 a.m. conducted by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El High Holy Days Choir. Beth Israel: The traditional Friday evening service (Kobolas Shabbos) will be C:20 p.m. Shabbos morning service at 8:45 a.m. and Shabbos Mincha at 6:25 p.m. followed by Sholesh Sudos and Maariv at 7:20 p.m. Sunday morning services at !):00 a.m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 6::i0 p.m. Selichos service at 12 midnight on Saturday. Sept. 14.
'The Most Disgraceful Problem Is Silence' The following is the text of an address made by Rabbi Joachim Prinz, president of the American Jewish Congress, at the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington ceremonies on Aug. 28. (Editor's Note) I SPEAK TO YOU as an American .Jew. As Americans we'share the profound concern of millions about the shame and disgrace of inequality and injustice which makes a mockery of the great American idea. As Jews we bring to this great demonslration, in which thousands of us proudly participate, a two-fold experience— one is spiritual, the other historic. In the realm of the spirit, our fathers faughl us thousands of years ago that when God created man, he created him as everybody's neighbor. "Neighbor" is not a geographic term. It is a moral concept. It means our collective responsibility for the preservation of man's dignity. From our Jewish historic experience we say: Our ancient history began with slavery and yearning for freedom. During the Middle Ages we lived for a thousand years in the ghettos of Europe. Our modern histoiy begins with a proclamation of our emancipation. It is therefore not merely sympathy and compassion for the Negroes of America that motivates us. It is a sense of identification and solidarity bom of our own painfu] historic experience. When-1 lived under the Hitler regime, I learned many things. The most important is that bigotry and hatred are not the most urgent problem; the most urgent, the most disgraceful problem is silence. A great people had become a nation of silent onlookers. They remained silent in the face of hatred, brutality, and murder. America must not become a nation of onlookers. It .must not. be silent—not merely Black America but all of America. It must speak up and act, from the President down to the humblest of us, and not for the sake of the Negro, but for the sake of America. Our children in every school, across the land, each morning pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States. They speak fervently and innocently of this land of "liberty and justice for all." The time has come to work together—and not merely to hope—that this children's oath will become a glorious and unshakeable reality in a new united America.
Friday,' September IS, 19GS
Memorial Service Irving Chudacoff Annual memorial services will Wins Scholarship take place Sunday, September 15. The Golden Hill Cemetery services will take place at 11 a.m. Services at the Beth Haniedrosh Hagodol Cemetery will be at 2 p.m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Emil Berkovits will officiate. Memorial Service will be held al Temple Israel Cemetery in Pleasant Hill, Sunday, September 22, 2 p.m. Rabbi Alvin J. Reines and Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will officiate.
Death LOUIS KATZ Funeral services were held Thursday at the Beth El Synagogue for Louis Katz who was killed in an auto accident Tuesday. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Harriet; son, David Bennett; daughters, S u s a n Renee, Marilyn Kay; brother, Max; and sisters, Mrs. Allen Zalkin, Mrs. Jack Kaiman, all of Omaha. Mr. Katz served on the Jewish Federation B o a r d and was chairman of its Family Services Department for several years.
Dedication The unveiling of a monument in memory of Morris Abramson will be held Sunday, September 15, 10:40 a.m., Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate. Mrs. William Abrahams wishes to thank her relatives and friends for the many cards of good wishes, flowers and gifts, she received, and for the contributions given to organizations in her name, during her illness.
Howard Chi'dacoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Chudacoff, has been selected to receive a General Motors scholarship. He is a junior at the University of Chicago.
The Jewish community of Hawaii, first established more than 150 years ago, today numbers an estimated 1,000 p e r s o n s . (JTA) JUST SOLD! 435 No. tlit St.
A flatterer must not lose his temper.
19G3 JEWISH CALENDAR Kosh Hashanali. .Sept. 10-20 Yom Kippur Sept. 28 Sukkot Oct. 3-9 Sluninl Atzeret
These HOLLIS HOMES sold during the first week of September. Buyers tlitl seeking homes in this popular close-in location. Want your property sold? Call 553-2190.
Oct. 10
Simhat Torah ..Oct. 11 Hanukkalt Dec. 11-18 All observances begin on eve of the holiday.
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New Year Cards PLACE YOUR HOLIDAY ORDER EARLY Store Hours: Sunday 7 A.M. lo 5:30 P.M. Monday Thru Thursday S A.M..5:30 P.M. Friday, 8 A.M.-3 P.M.
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Monuments in the Jewish Tradition We ere known for our exacting Hebrow lettering and detail, select your tfonurnent from the largest stock of up-to-date memorial! in th» midwest, tee what you buy.
We employ no agents . . . here you save expensive commissions al you deal directly with the owners . . . W« invita you fo compare . . . Wn permit no untimely solicitation . . , you are free fo make up your own mind, all memorial! plainly priced, set complete. WE i)O CEMETEItlT 1.KTTKMXG '
Omaha Monument Company Factory & Display "«?" St. or 32nd, 731-4111 Evenings by Appointment "Builders and Designer, of Fine Memorials" Since 1923
Nepal King and Queen Arrive in Israel Tel Aviv (JTA)—King Mahen- close friendship with Israel. It dra of Nepal arrived for state is expected to culminate with a visit with his Queen, Nepal Pre- joint statement of frienship and to be issued by the mier and four senior Nepal cooperation heads of state of the two coun- 1914 Fornara army officers. tries. The King was the guest of honor at a state dinner given by President Shazar. The itinerary includes'a visit to Sde Boker for 346-5050 1018 FARNAM a meeting with former Premier : David Ben-Gurion and a recep- > — •—¥•• — tion by the Nepalese Students S PLACE YOUR HOLIDAY ORDER EARLY Union in Israel. More than 60 Z For Best Selection of Poultry and Meats Nepalese students are training in this country in various fields. w CHUCK STEAK or ROAST . . . . . . . . . Lb. 59c The King will be the guest of the Z BONELESS C H U C K ROAST . . . . . . . Lb. 69c Israel Army, at a special Air a- BREAST O F VEAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lb. 59c Force display. .Lb. 39c Arab efforts to forestall the ° PICKLED TONGUE visit have continued since last IWblle Merchandise Until year. The visit here was seen its reaffirming Nepal's determiNo Order Tea U r g * or Too Small. nation to pursue its policy of
Jewish New Year Cards Newest,and Most Complete Line Cards for. Friends and Every Member of the Family
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Friday, Sriitrmber IS, I DBS
Organizations CORNIIUSKER LODGE B'NAI B'RITII The Cornlmsker L o d g e of B'nai B'rith will hold its first meeting on September 15, at 6:30 p.rn. at the Ranch Bowl. Free cold cuts and beer will be served. «
B & P IIADASSAII DINNER MEETING Bus i n e s s and Professional Women of Hadassah will hold a dinner meeting Wednesday, September 25. 6 p.m., at the Jewish Community Center. For reservations call Mrs. David Becker (Lillie), 345-3518 or Mrs. Sarah Feltman, 553-5176. • * * ORIGINAL SCRIPT AT 1IADASSAII MEETING Omahals- Chapter of Hadassah will meet Wednesday, September 25, 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. "No-one Is An Island", an original dramatic script written by Mrs. Robert Rosen, portraying HadassafTs p l a c e in the world, will be presented. The cast includes Mrs. Mace Jabenis, narrator, and special guests Mrs. Pat Lee, a lyric soprano, who appeared in the Omaha Community Playhouse p r o d u c t i o n "John Brown's Body"; Mrs. Sue Simmons, a Japanese folk dancer, born in Japan; Mrs, Al Crounse, Israeli folk song singer; and Mrs. A. C. Fellman, accompanist. Mmes. William Finkle and Bernard Altsuler are program chairmen for the month.
Pago TTira*
Council President Appoints Chairmen
Singer-Asher Wedding in Dec.
Mrs. Justin Manvitz, president of the National Council of Jewish Women has announced the appointment of^the following chairmen;
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Singer announced the engagement of their daughter, Lynn, to David Asher, son of Mrs. Ilae Asher, Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Singer attended Illinois University and graduated from Omaha University. Mr. Asher graduated from Brooklyn College. Both are t e a c h i n g in Brooklyn, N. Y. A December w e d d i n g is planned.
Mmei. Morris Rolttlein, Harry Wise, 5r., Seymour Abroms, Dove B, Cohn, Wllflom Koimctn, Vote GoUdlner, Yule Glnsbury. Dovld Wefnbtro, Irving Forbe», Morton Kulesh, William Slonlm, Jock Suferstein, Sidney Brooks, Maurice Pepper, Alan Blotchy. Hymle Gendler, David Fredericks, Louis Sogolow, Phil Schwartz, B. Gilbert Aronoff, Norman DcnenberQ, Robert Bernlleln, Hqrl Weiss, Leonard Jacobson, Splomon Scrtwarir Arthur Jocobson, Marvin Kphll, Melvin Hurwich. Henry Rlekes, Louis Katr, Robert floker, Horold Garbcr, Lloyd Friedman, Melvin J, Freenion, Ramon Somber g, Ernest Hochster, Melvln TVittfinan, Norman Cain, Nathan Novak, Richard Martin, Robert Epstein/ Phlll Laser, Maurice Frank,"Morion Brett, Alan Wolf son, Leonard Lutibep, Max Wolfjon, M, Robert Fromkln, Norman Lincoln, Stuart Sfmon, Harry Fcrenstein, Edword Maloshock, Julia Jacobs, Maurice Aresty. Genevleve Farber, Arihur Rubin, Jock Epiteln, Robert Cohn, J. Mflfon Margolin, Louis Cutler, M. A. Venner, Arthur Cohn, Jercme E, Cohen, Wlllfom Slref, Juifui (Newman, Marvin Aronson, Harry Goorfblnder, trvln Kalmon, Ted Cohn, Chi Farber, Jerome Milder, Edwin E, Brcdkey, Albert Fox, E Leo Hogg, Jerold Rosen, Sam Goodman, Owen Meyerton, Willis Epstein, Morton Frank, Irvin Slntjer, Larry Albert, Morton Trochtenbaro and Dovld Rcmanik.
lotice to Glufi Publicity Chairmen
Omahans in News The latest edition of "Who's Who in American Dentistry" lists Drs. II. S. Susman, general practitioner and Sam Wcinstcin, orthodontist for their outstanding scientific contributions to the dental profession. Mrs. M i l t o n Simons was elected president and Mrs. Iicrnard Magitl, recording secretary of the newly organized volunteer auxiliary at the Lutheran Medical Center, by the wives of the c e n t e r ' s medical-dental staff members.
"Rosh Hashanah, the start of a new year and the period of the Jewish High Holy Days, affords me a welcome opportunity to extend my felicitations to all Americans of the Jewish faith. "The heritage and religious traditions of'Judaism call for a solemn review, at this time, of your deeds and the aspirations of your hearts, so that your lives may be judged and The following recordings are the ennobling goals of your faith but a few that may be borrowed reconfirmed. It Is also an apfrom the FEDERATION LI- propriate time to resolve to take BRARY: whatever steps may advance HIGH HOUDAV RECORD- the goal of a lasting and uniINGS. versal peace among nations. C A N T O R I A L S FOR THE "We enter the New Year with HIGH HOLIDAYS sung by Canboth renewed • hope for a lestor Abraham Brun. L'SHANAH TOVAH sung by sening of tensions between peoples and nations and disappointCantor Hans Bloemendal. T'FILOS sung by Sidor Belar- ment in the continuing fires of conflict around the globe. We sky. KOL HA'SHOFAR recorded are committed to the continuing pursuit of liberty and justice by David M. Hausdorff. KOL NIDREI AND YOMand neither illusion nor disapKIPPUR S E R V I C E HIGH- pointments will distract us from LIGHTS sung by Cantor Sholom our objective. In this basic effort we need the support and Katz. HEBRAIC CHANTS FOR commitment of every citizen. THE HOLY DAYS by the Mar"I am sure that all Americans, cel Lorand Trio. whatever their faith, join me in HOLIDAY PRAYERS by Can- extending to each person celetor Samuel Mnlavsky and Fam- brating Rosh Hashanah best ily Choir. KOL NIDRE NIGHT WITH wishes for a happy new year." John F. Kennedy MOISHE OYSIIER narration by Barry Gray. SELIHOTH AND NEILAII Close to Harrison School PRAYERS sung by Cantor Danand Both Israel iel Silver. Thin brick and stone bungalow Is quiut street 111 heart of strong KOL NIDRE SERVICE sung on residential urea. by Richard Tucker. THE SOUND OF THE SHO5423 Seward FAR sung by Cantor Ray Smol- Of s o i l d constitution, plaster walls, nil rooms lire lnrpe and on over. one level, Plreplnje, formal dining CHANTS, HIGH HOLIDAY room tniitefully decorated. Priced under $20,000. Fenced lot, patio In SELECTIONS, sung by Cantor reur, full floored attic. To sec contact Efl Covert, 3SU-3O40; or ClarSamuel Vigoda. ence l.lppold, 553-7D92; Office, KOL NIDRE AND HIGH SE- 34I-3362. LECTIONS included in the following records. DISTINCTIVE JAN PEERCE SINGS HEnnd BREW MELODIES. CHARMING CONCERTO FOR VIOLON- Deaullful white brick and frame near 54th and Parker. Built CELLO AND ORCHESTRA by home by a retired architect Who Is FlorOrchestre Lamoureux. lua-bour.d. Thin home la Immaculate both InHlile and out, uncl muitt KOL NIDRE by Bruch. be seen to appreciate. There tire 3 SCHELOMO. KOL NIDREI bedrooms ami H4 baths. Lovely room with fireplace nnd carAND CANZONE by Bloch and living peted. Formal dining room. Bright, Bruch. cheery kitchen with loads of cabiapace, dishwasher, disposal and ERNEST BLOCIPS SACRED net eating spoce. A half-circle sunken SERVICE by Ohio University porch overlooking a charming back yard that will give many moments Choir and Orchestra. of contentment and relaxation. To ERNEST BLOSH'S SACRED see call Larry Trlckctt, 393-48<IS-or SERVICE with Leonard Bern- Bill Stuht,. 453-3311. stein Conducting New York MAENNER •Philharmonic with Robert Mer- M.L.E. JIEAI.TOK 341-33C2 rill, (singing, ;• ••:>••:
Federation Library Holiday Recordings
Mrs. Norman E. Chudacoff and children Lawrence Bret and Alyson Alayne of Canoga Park, Calif., are visiting here through Rosh Haslianah. They are staying with Mrs. Chudacoffs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Breslow.
House of Glamour I I I No. 60th 553-7000 _ 6 Expert Hair Stylish
Air-Conditioned Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Owners
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Eva Bacharach, wife of the seventeenth century Moravian Rabbi Jair Hayim Bacharach, and daughter of Rabbi Judah Ben Bezalel, the famous rabbi of Prague, was a distinguished Talmudist and frequently gave advice to learned rabbis on Talmudic questions. (JTA)
Luggage Repaired Also ZIPPERS Phone 393-3633 8057 BLONDO
Shop through the Jewish Press
Hagerty Tarnish Preventive and Silver Foam
Organizational publicity releases, news i t e m s and pictures must be in the Jewish Press office not later than Friday noon. Copy must be typewritten and double-spaced on &W by M" paper. Write articles concise and lo the point.
5724 Holiday ©reelings Washington (JTA)—President John F. Kennedy issued Rosh Hashanah g r e e t i n g s to the American J e w i s h community through the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, reading:
Chudacoffs Visitors Of Max Breslows
Clean your silver,with Silver Foam, then apply Tarnish Preventive. Tarnish will be "locked out" for months. When Plannlttfi Your
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Combination purchase of an 8-oz. bottle of Hagerly Tarnish Preventive (regularly $2.98) and) a 7-oz. jar of Hagerly Silver Foam (regularly $ 1 . 0 0 ) . . . both for $2.98 tr Hwit — «;• W;H't _ firtt ram* In itfvtr car*
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silver—main floor, downtown; arcade level. The Crossroads
MARTY GILBERT, Executive Chef
PROM DIPLOMAT You Are Invited to Dine Often in the Main Dining Room
Opening Sept. 16 Hours: 5 P.M. to 11 P.M. Weekdays 5 P.M. to I A.M. Saturdays Also—(Featuring "After 9" Theater Snack Foods) FamoMi Kosher Corned Be«f Sandwiches
MARTY GILBERT, "chef of chefs" and well-known not only in Omaha but throughout the nation, will feature his famous "Popovers," also his luscious home-style soups and unique relish trays. Distinguished menu features foods of the mid-American mode, including nationally-known Omaha steaks, choicest of chops, and selected seafoods.
Now—-Downtown Dining Will Be a Delight!
PROM-DIPLOMAT Omaha's Newest Downtown Motor Inn Between 15th and 161h on Farnam
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Pag* Four
J. D. C. Aids 1 IS Camps /or Israel Gives 85 2-1,000 Children Overseas Geneva (JTAi—A record num- Nations Experts ber of 115 vacation camps for Israel is now providing asParis — It was alleged pro- Jewish children was in operato 85 countries in AfriEgyptian partiality of U Thant. tion this summer in 13 coun- sistance ca, Asia, Mediterranean area United Nations Secretary - Gen- tries in Europe, North Africa and South America. eral, caused General von Horn and the Middle East the Joint Israel was providing these to resign from the U.N, Yemen Distribution Committee report- countries with experts in mediObservation Mission, according ed. The camps received finan- cine, agriculture, youth leaderto a dispatch in "Le Monde" cial aid from the J.D.C. More than 24.000 e n j o y e d ship, education, industry, buildfrom Beirut, where the General camp h o l i d a y s lasting from ing, economics, administration, is staying at present. three weeks to two m o n t h s . trade unionism and coopera-General von Horn is reported These camps served many needs tives. Israel was also establishing to have protested repeatedly but for the children. In some counvainly at ''Egyptian interfer- tries, the camps take them from joint stock companies (in which ence" while U Thant is said to crowded slums and ghetto areas the Israelis alv/ays retained no have turned a deaf ear. Appar- into the healthy surroundings more than 40 per cent, leaving ently he also ignored General, of the beach and the mountains, to the local Government the controlling sharei. and organizing von Horn's protests that the great majority of the U.N. team Chicago—Dr. David Weinstein seminars and courses run either are undisguisedly pro-Egyptian will assume office as new presi- in Israel for foreign trainees or to the point where they aided dent of the College of Jewish conducted by Israelis inside deEgyptian Air Force missions. Studies, here, next February. veloping countries.
Thant 'Pro-Cairo' So von Horn Quits
Ads in the Jewish Press G e t Results
Friday, September 13, IMS Jordaa Condemned by Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission Jerusalem (WNSt — A sharp condemnation of Jordan for last week's s h o o t i n g incident in which an Israeli workman was k i l l e d near Jerusalem was handed down this week by the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission, which simultaneously denounced Israel for firing across the border. Calling the shooting a "flagrant breach" of the armistice, the commission called on Jordan to take "appropriate measures" to prevent a recurrence.
Jerusalem—The latest edition of the Hebrew University year b o o k records the continuing growth of Israel's top educational institution. At the end of 1902 there were 7.000 students, including 95 Arabs and Druses, as well as 491 research students. The academic staff had grown to 1,045 spread over six faculties and five schools.
KBON Radio 1490 Presents "Message of Israel" Sun., Sept. 15 at 7:30 a.m. "The Passing Years" Rabbi Edgar E. Siskin, Glencoe, III.
NICW YIOAIt CAKDS BAR and Van MiUvah congratulations, also cards, for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
Hebrew U. Grows To 7,000 Students
Want Ads
8 ways to say "Happy New Year" in Hebrew:
I With Barton's Rosh Hashanah candy, of course! Shofar gift box of Continental Bartonettes. says the sweetest things with miniature chocolates filled with nuts, fruits, cordials, creams .1 lb. 2.19
Chocolate-Dipped Fruits, whole apricots, Hawaiian pln*> apple, Smyrna figs, California prunes and dates. l | ounces 2£3
New Year Cookies, chocolate pecan wafers, a l m o n d horns, nut mocha squares, Viennese twists and others. 15-oz. 2.00
New Year Favorites. Almond kisses, fruit pecan cara» mels, chocolates filled with nuts and cordials, 14-oz. 1.93
Miniature Fruit and Honey Cakes. 15 luscious cakes with nuts, dates, juicy cherries, raisins 1.98 Almond Kisses, 1-lb. gift canister. Whole almonds in tender chocolate caramel; individually wrapped.... 1.98
Toy Shofars filled with fino milk chocolate and hard candies Each 99a Petits-fours. Luscious layers of pastry with butter cream fillings in 5 flavors; chocolate nut, mocha, raspberry! lemon, chocolato rum. Bittersweet chocolate. Box of 24
candy—main floor, downtown; arcade level, The Crossroads