October 4, 1963

Page 1


Vol. Xl.ll—No. 5

I'uhllnillon Office. 10) No. y Oinnlia, Nebraska, I'liune .li'J-J







at Oiniilia. Nel.l.


.Slnale ropy ID Cents Altiiual l'ate 4 Dollatg

Center Activities for Everyone For more information on the following activities call the Center Activities Office, 342-1 rtGG. ADl/l/fS YIDDISH FILMS The fall series of Y i d d i s h Films, sponsored by the Yiddish Culture Council of the Jewish Community Center, will start Sunday, October 13 with the presentation of the prize winning film, THE YUSSEM, the living orphan. In following months the films "The Great Advisor." 'Where Is My Child" and "I Have .Sinned" will be screened. All films in the series will be shown in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium starting at a p.m. Before each film, a live program is presented. Admission lo each production is 50c with children and students being admitted free of charge. An evening of live Jewish theatre featuring a New York cast is also being considered by the Yiddish Culture Council for spring presentation. THKATKICAX GltOUl' An organizational-meeting to formulate lall plans for a new adult theatrical group under the sponsorship of the Jewish Community Center will be held Sunday. October 20, 4 p.m. at the Center. The theatrical group, to put on major current broadway musical and theatrical hits, will be directed by Al DiMauro. Adults interested in working on theatrical productions or in working on the .steering committee for the group arc urged to attend the first meeting of the group. It is expected that at least /our productions will be cast and produced during the lUG.'JM program season. PAINTING KOH 1V0MKN Afternoon painting and sketching classes for women plus an advanced evening live oil painting class a r e among the popular classes being offered for women this fall by the Jewish Community Center. Afternoon groups, to meet in West Omaha locations, feature painting in oils and watercolors' under professional supervision. Classes are now being formed. • Tuesday evening classes under the supervision and direc-

tion of Augustus Dunbier, professional portrait painter and world traveler, are held for those of advance painting skills and techniques. Live models are featured in the Tuesday evening painting series. On Tuesday, October 15th, KICAI. KSTATK COUKSIC If you would like to know Mrs. Ben Gershun, Council more about real estate, about Bluffs Chairman for Israel financing and real estate law, Bonds, .will open her home for tin! Jewish Community Center's a reception on new Iteul Estate Course is the behalf of t h e answer. Featuring ten evening Greater Omaha sessions starting Wednesday, Oc- Council B l u f f s tober IG, the Real Estate Course Israel Bond el r, prepares the adult participant fort. for state real estate license exT h a honored aminations while offering practi- guest of the evecal background and information. ning will be Rob Special materials and informa- ert Lurie of St tion developed for the course Louis, who is provide invaluable information the Chnirman of even for those not professionally Special E v e n t s , interested in the real estate field for the Israel but who have their own property Bond Organization and Publicor who are interested in pur- Relations consultant for the chasing or managing p r i v a t e America—Israel Culterual Founproperties. dation. Registration for the ten week Mrs. Gershun stated how series, which meets each Wedpleased she was that Mr. Lurie nesday evening at the Jewish Community Center is $10 With could visit Council Bluffs once registrations being accepted on again, especially in this 15th a limited basis only by phone year of statehood when Israel has reached the historic milecall confirmation. » stone of the first repayment of CHILDICICN it's Bonds. She also felt that the PAItTY PLANNING The Jewish Community Cen- impressive progress of the past ter's Party Planning Service is twelve years of Israel Bond acnow open for additional hook- tivity should serve to inspire ings, it was a n n o n n c e d this the members of the Council week. The p o p u l a r service, Bluffs-Omaha communities to which provides live entertain- assume an even greater share ment, or movies or game super- in the future upbuilding of a vision for children's birthday small nation that carries high parties and special events, can the torch of human dignity and be obtained by calling the Cen- freedom. ter Activities Office. Besides offering personnel to supervise parties, the service also offers ideas, hints and sug gestions for conducting a successful event and also provides a complete party and game book library al the Center for free use. Because of the popularity of the Party Service adults are requested to book their special occasions early to avoid possible conflicts. A nominal charge is made for the service.

Mrs. Ben Gershun Intmigrafion Reaches New Peak in Israef Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israel Government has declared a "state To Host of emergency" in the building and allocation of new immigrant

housing iuvlew of (lie recent increase in immigration, the Ministry of Housing announced. The Housing Ministry Is establishing regional committees to survey the possibilities of diverting, tor the use of immigrants, public bousing now tinder construction, or any oilier bousing which may he made available. ' ' Tin- Ministry is making an all-out effort to cope with the problem in order not lo have to resort to building temporary housing.

Arthur Goldstein, First Immigrants Federation Pres. In Israel, §724 Israel's first immigrants of the Makes Comment Jewish New Year arrived in

Arthur H. Goldstein president. Jewish Federation of Omaha, commenting on the above news said the reports of the increased tempo of immigration to Israel point up the urgent work of the United Jewish Appeal which is included in the Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. "The flow of immigration is beyond Israel's control; one can not foresee its scope and, thus, plan accordingly. The past year was one of large scale immigration, and it appears that this year's immigration is already above last year's at this time. "We urgently appeal to members of our community to accelerate payments on their pledges so that Israel may be able to receive these immigrants without disturbing its own already strained economy and defense program." Mr. Goldstein remarked.

443 So. American Immigrants Arrive Haifa — The Brazilian ship, s.s Anna Meri, arrived here with 44:i immigrants from S o u t h America. Half of the newcomers are joining kibbutzim. Of the rest, 100 were sent to Jewish Agency Professionals Hostels until their absorption can be arranged in their own professions, and 120 left for homes provided by the Agency in various parts of the country. They include a number of artisans.

Israel Farmer Visiis Nebraska Farms

Mrs. R. Wright Aids Needlework Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg, chair-, man of the Jewish Federation Agencies" Section of the J!)53 N e e d l e w o r k Guild, has announced the appointment of Mrs. Richard Wright as table display chairman at the current year's ingathering tea. The following have sent in their contributions; Mtnes: Ben W. Abrahamson, Art Anchel. Herman H. Auerbach, Abe Baker, Lloyd Bank, Robert Bernstein, Louis Blumkin, Abe H. B r o d key, David Brodkey, E d w i n E, Brodkey, Fred Brodkey, Jacob Brookstein, Isadore Chapman, Julius Chasanov, Isaac Cherniss, Leonard Cherniss, Max E. Cohen, Michael Cohen, Sam R. Cohen, Abe Cooper, Isadore Dansky, Samual H. Davis, Ben Eisenberg, Leo Eisenstatt, Aaron. Epstein, Harold Epstein, Max Falk, Julius Falkenstein, Harold P. Farber, Robert Fclnberg, Sidney Feldman, S t e v e F e 1 d man, Charles Fellman, Harry Ferenstein, Hyriian Fercr, David H, Fertil, Alfred Fiedler, Jack Fox, Oscar Fox, Abraham Frank, Al-: exander D. Frank, Alfred Frank, Dave W. Frank, M a u r i c e J. Frank, John J. Freiden, Herman Friedlander, Herman Friedman, Samuel Friedman, Adolpli Frohman, Max Frorakin, Nettie Colin. Mmes: Ben Garelick, Samual Gcifman, Irving F. G e n d l e r ,

Haifa aboard the Jerusalem. There were 130 of them and they were immediately sent to new development areas where welfare workers waited to help them over the initial difficulties of settling down in their new homes. Immigrants who arrived on the eve of the New Year were greeted with wine and honey.

Robert Mazon, International Farm Youth Exchange student from Israel, is spending some five weeks In Nebraska. He was the guest of Raymond Burke in Stromsburg, Nebraska for three weeks and will be visiting at the home of Neil Batterman in BrOadwater, Nebraska for two weeks. Mr. Mason. 30, speaks English, French, Spanish and Turkish in addition to Hebrew and has lived five years on a twothousand-acre farm in I s r a e l which has major crops of wheat, barley, hay and also cattle and chicken operations. The farm is located in Lachish, near Kiryat Gat in the Negev of Israel. His visit in the United State* is sponsored by the Farmers Coop Grain Association.

Stewart Gilinslcy, Nathan Gimpie, I. Goldenberg, J. C. Goldner, Dan A. G o r d m a n, Saul M. Graetz. Arthur M. Green, David I.jdda Airport—A member of Isiacl's Women's Army Corps Greenberg, Edward W. Green(Chen) gives lender, loving care to one of Isiart's most precious berg, Leon Greenberg, Maynard Imports. Immigration of refugees Into Israel is so heavy tint HIP M. Greenberg. Nfllhan H. GreenWomen's Army Corps lias been called into aclion to help receive berg, Arthur M. Greene, Harry the new Immigrants which include a number of children. _____ M. Greene, Benjamin Groner, Morris Grossman, Hyman Guss, Meyer L. Halprin, Manning E. H a n d l c r , Abraham Herzberg, Martin Hcrzoff. Louis Hiller, David Hoberman, Joe M. Horwich, Edward Kahn, Irvin C. Kaiman, Edward I. Kanlor, Ben Robert M. Feinberg, leading Rotary Executive Board; ViceE. Kasloiv, S i d n e y Katleman, A Happy and Trustee Dora BinAbraham Kalskee, Dave Katz, Omaha businessman and com- President gle Foundation; Omaha Jewish munal leader, has been desigDave Katzman, Maurice KatzSukkot (Continued on Page 2) man, Mcilach Katzman, Sam nated a member' of t h e National Katzman, Archie Kavich, Benjamin Klaiman, Tevil Klotz, B o a r d of GovMartin Kolm, Robert H. Kooper, ernors of the IsNorman Korney, Albert J. rael Bond OrgaKrasnc, Myer S. Kripke; Man- nization, it was uel Krupinsky, Arthur Kulakof- announced today Sunday, October 13, has been designated as a special sky, J, Harry Kulakofsky, Ir- by Dr. Joseph J. meeting date for parents having children in the 9th grade. vin C. Levin, Dave L e v i n e, Schwartz, Vic'ej The meeting, scheduled for parents only at 2:30 p.m. at the Leopold Levy, Charles S. Lieb, President. Jewish Community Center's main auditorium, will feature an Mr. Feinberg,! Sheldon Lincoln, Louis E. Lipp, explanation of the proposed 9th grade club program. Mines: Max Magid, Ben H. C h a i r m a n for! Parents will have the opportunity to express their opinMagzamin, C a r o l y n Maizner, Special Sales for' ions and views on the new program. Erlnberg Philip Mnlkin, David Manvitz, Israel B o n d s in Israel Marcus, Jack W. Marer, the Nebraska-Iowa R e g i o n , Gail Margolin, J. Milton Margo- served as Chairman of. the Omalin, Abe H. Markovitz, Benjamin ha Committee in 1960 and 1961. Martin/Adolf Mayer, Betty S. His other philanthropic and comThe following Sunday, October 21), a special meeting will Milder, Hymie Milder, D a v i d munal activities include: United be held for i)th grade youths to explain activities and proJewish Appeal—National Cam(Continued on Page 2) grams available to them. paign Committee; West Omaha

Robert Feinberg Named to

Parents of 9th Graders Please Note Change »

9th Grade Students OcOO

' ' -V<*


Page Two


All filcndri and relative* arc Invited to attend tfrvkes anil reception.

Stccnd Class Pcsicce Pold ol Omaho, Httr. Annual Subscription. S4.1Q. Advertising Roles en fi.r.i'llt.cUc.n. Publicolion Office—101 Mo. Kill Slrttl, Omulia, Mtbr., 342 )3«.


Succos Services Ciindlelighting:

Friday, Oct. 4—5:44 p.m. Wednesday. Oct. «—5::M p.m. Thursday.'Oct. 10—5:33 p.m. KETI1 EL Friday, October 4 Sabbath eve—7 p.m. Saturday, October 5 Morning service—0:30 a.m. Family service—10:3(1 a.m. Mincha-Maariv service—5:45 p.m. Wednesday, October 9 Morning service—7 a.m. Evening service—7 p.m. Thursday, October 10 Early service including Yizior—0:45 a.m. Morning service—9 a.m. Memorial service—11 a.m. Mincha—5:30 p.m. p.m. Maariv, Simchath Torah—7 p.m. Friday, October 11 Morning service—9 a.m. .Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. BETH ISRAEL Friday, October 4 Morning services— fi:45 a.m. Junior Congregation—10 a.m. Evening services—5:45 p.m. Wednesday, October 9 Morning services—6:45 a.m. Evening services—5:35 p.m. Thursday, October 10 Morning services—8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation — 10:30 a.m. Yiskor services—10:30 a.m. Mincha service—5:35 p.m. Maariv. Hakafos and Children's Parade—6:45 p.m. Friday, October II Morning service—8:45 a.m. Junior Congregation—10 a.m. TEMPLE ISRAEL Friday, October 4 Evening Services—8:15 p.m. Wednesday, October 9 Dinner—6 p.m. Evening Service—7:30 p.m. Thursday, October 10 Morning Service—11 a.m.

Needlework Donors (Continued from Page 1.) Miller, Jack Mirmelstein, Mike Mishael, Morris M i ' t t l e m a n , Charles Mogil, Abe Mozer, S. Muskin, Elizabeth Neveleff, Ben Newman, Calvin M. Newman, Julius Newman, Maurice Newman, Robert Noodle, Nathan L. Nogg, Harry Noodell, Sam Novak, David Orkow, David Oruch, Maurice L. Pepper, Morton Plotkin, Sarah W. Potash, Louis Raduziner, William Raduziner, Joe M. Rice, Norman M. Rice, Morton Richards, Samuel Richman, Carl Riekes, Philip R i n g 1 e, Aaron Rips, Jerold Rosen, Millard Rosenberg, Jennie Rosenblatt, Philip H. Rosenblatt, Sam Rosenblum, Sam Rosenstein, Abraham S. Rubnitz. Mmes: Samuel G. Saltzman, Keith Saunders, Edward Schimmel, Jack J. Schrager, Harry Schulman, Bernard H. Schwartz, Richard J. Seitner, E d w a r d Shafton. Harry Sidman, Ben D. Silver, Harry Silverman, Morris Singer, Abe Slusky, Rubin Smeerin, Abe Somberg, Ben.Spector, Millard Speicr, Morris Stalmaster, Donald L. Stern, Paul Surenky, Samuel Swartz, Ann Tdxman, Stewart Tully, T. A. Tully, Phillip Turek, Nathan Veitzer, Abe V. Venger, Fischel Wakschlag, David D. We in b e r g , Harry Weinerv Henry H. Weiner, Arthur Wcitz, Harry W i J i ri s k y, David Wine, Richard W r i g h t , Nathan S. Yaffe, Seymour Zoob, Ben Zoorwill.

M i s s e s : Rebecca Bercovici, Rose Grodinsky, Elizabeth J. Hari, Belle. Horwich, Evelyn Levy, Hannah Motz, Sally Newman, Belle Siege!, Fannie Wezelman, Blanche Zimman..

Beth El Dedicates Memorial Plaques

Bar fnifzvah

Published weekly on Friday betfinnin},' the last week in August through second week iu July by the Jewish Federation of Omaha.

Religious Services

Friila.v, (UMirr t. I8«3



Temple Israel Succos Dinner

Temple Israel will hold its annual Succos Congregrationnl Dinner, Wednesday evening, October 'J. 0 p.m. at the Temple. Succos Service will be held in the sanctuary at 7:30 p.m. following dinner. Temple children are to bring baskets of iruit for the altar, Kiddish will be chanted in the outdoor decorated Siicca immediately following services. Mrs. Harold Weinhoff. dinner chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. Leonard Jacobson. For reservations, call the Temple, .r)56-fi536.

Feinberg Appointed To National Board (Continued from Page 1.) Federation Board; Chairman of the \'M2 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies; Past President of the Omaha Zionist Council; Beth El Synagogue Board; B'nai B'rith Regional A-D-L Board; National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Director and Honorary Chairman and Past Chairman of the Douglas County Branch; American Israel Public Affairs Committee; United Community Health Board and many Trade, Business. Professional Affiliations and Associations. In announcing Mr. Feinberg's acceptance of membership on the B o a r d of Governors, Dr. Schwartz stressed the importance of the Omaha leader's outstanding service. "By joining the national Board of Governors." Dr. S c h w a r t z said, "Mr. Feinberg gives greatly increased strength to our work in behalf of Israel Bonds throughout the country. His example of dedicated leadership and his wealth of experience in communal endeavor will be a source of inspiration and guidance to our campaign in many communities. "Our Israel Bond effort for the coming months is of particular importance because of Israel's urgent need to accelerate its economic growth. The population of the country is expected to reach 3,000,000 within the next few years, and this makes necessary a major program for the development and settlement of the Negev and other areas which are not fully utilized. "Key projects which require increased assistance through Israel Bonds include new industries, expansion of agricultural production, irrigation, especially the new pipeline to the Negev, new port facilities, homes, roads and power stations. The fulfillment of these essential pro-' grams depends to a great degree on the result? achieved by the Israel Bond drive in the. immediate future." •

MARK FELLMAN Mark Fellman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Fellman. will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, October 5 at the 10:30 service <it Beth El Synagogue. *

LESLIE I1KLFMAN Bar Mitzvah of Leslie Helfman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Helfman will be celebrated on Saturday morning. October 12 nt the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. * » • GEKALD TEMIN Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Temin announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son. Gerald, on Sunday morning. October 6 at 9 a.m. at Beth Israel Synagogue.

MKS. .TOIJA FAKB Mrs. Toba Farb, Chicago, sister of Mrs. Gene Rich, passed away Yom Kippur eve. Burial took place Monday in Chicago. * » * KALPH LEI'AK Ralph Lepack, 56, Chicagoan, died Thursday and burial took place Friday in Chicago. Mr. Lepack formerly r e s i d e d in Omaha and North Platte. Survivors: wife, Esther, daughter, Mrs. Barry Typlin, Chicago; mother, Mrs. Celia Lipshi'z.No. Platte; sisters, Mrs. R o s e l l a Lipp. San Francisco, Mrs. Fannie Bordy, Mrs. Norman Lincoln, brother. Morris Lipp. Omaha. • • • MICHAEL ROSENBEKG Michael Rosenberg, CO, Des Moines, Iowa, passed away Friday. Funeral services were held Sunday in Des Moines. Surviving is his wife, Ethel. « • • LILLIAN KLASS Funeral services were held Friday, Sept. 27, at the Jewish Funeral Home for Lillian Klass, 56, who died Thursday. Burial was at Fisher Farm Cemetery. Surviving are husband, Murray; daughter, Mrs. S t e p h e n Rosenthal; brother, Alex Greenberg; sisters, Mrs. Alex Sadofsky, Mrs. Morris Spector. « » • LOUIS NATHAN Louis Nathan, former Omahan, died Thursday, September 12 in Los Angeles, Calif. Services were held Friday. Surviving are son, Justin, No. Hollywood, Calif.; sisters, Mrs. Leon Teale, Flushing, N.Y., Mrs. David Hexter, Chicago, III., and Miss Esther Nathan, Omaha. * *: * DR. VICTOR E. LEVINE • Dr. Victor E. Levine, 71, prof e s s o r emeritus of biological chemistry at Creighton University, passed away Sunday in New York City. KBON Radio 1490 Presents "Message of Israel" Sun, Oct. 6 at 7:30 a.m. "Perhaps" Rabbi Leon Adler, Kensington, Md.

Memorial Name PI ;t f| u e s placed on the Memorial Tablets at Beth El Synagogue during the past several months will be dedicated ;it the Shemini Atzercth Yizkor S e r v i c e s on Thursday, October 10. Those whose names will be commemorated by their families at that time are: Harriet Symnial Cooper, Abraham Diamond. Toby Dolgoff. Peter Greenberg, Kannie Horwich, • Kasper Horwich. Walter J a c o b s o n . Mayme Horwich Krasne, Max Knrtzman, Minnie Kurtzman. Beatrice Polack, Arthur Robinson, Nathan Salts. Burnett Louis Stark, Isadore Rosenblatt. Merrinni Rosenblatt .and David Woskoff.

BikurCholim Party Home for Aged Bikur Cholim Organiaztion annual Simchas Tornh party will be held at the Dr. Philip Slier Home for Aged on Sunday, October 6 at 2 p.m. Mrs. M o r r i e Lrmdman and Family and Mark Znlkin will appear on the program, Mrs. Fred Halm, chairman, and her committee, are decorating the Home Succah and are preparing h o l i d a y pasleries which will be served. Members and friends are invited.

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to t e l l ilRlit ">'•«>'' We i m i t i i 1 tic Jnl) iliiiic. C i l l ;>ri.')-j»I!;<» Unlay fur « Uvc 1 i ^ i n r t l ( n i filKl Jiio(t>>,HIIU>\ help:"

KETV Channel 7 Presents "Directions in Israel" Sun. Oct. 6 at 12:30 p.m. Abba Eban. Deputy Premier of Israel, participating.


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Joan Friedlander, Phoenix, Engaged fo Lawrence Fogel

Omahans in News

Chagall Exhibit In Tokyo

BEN .NACIIMAN has b e e n elected president of the senior class at The Creighlon School of Dentistry. Mr. Nachman has also been given a research grant for the study of the effectiveness of mouth guards used by Omaha area football players.

The largest exhibition ever asMr. and Mrs.. Harry M. Fried- engagement of their daughter, sembled of the works of the lander of Phoenix, Ariz., former- Joan to Lawrence M. Fogel, for- French-Jewish artist Marc Chahas opened in Tokyo at the ly of Mobile, Ala, announce Hie merly of Omaha and now of gall, National Museum of Western Phoenix. Mr. Fogel. son of Mr. and Art. The exhibition includes 45(1 Mrs. David C. Fogel attended of Chagall's works brought here the Dabson School of Finance. from 15 countries. He is a .securities broker with "•' Mr. Chagall received recent the firm Walston & Co. in Phoe- acclaim on the 12 Tribe Windows which lie painted for the nix. lladassahll e b r e w University The bride-elect received her Hospital Synagogue in JerusaB.S. in education from the Uni- lem. versity of Wisconsin, She is a The Omaha Jewish Federal ion member of Sigma Delta Tan Sorority and Phi Kappa Phi and Library has one of the largest Pi Lambda Thela, honorary .so- Chagall collections of albums and books in the country. cieties. An exhibit of these materials The wedding will take place on Saturday evening, October was held in Omaha in February VI at the Mountain Shadows of I!)(i2. Hotel in Scotsdale, Ariz.

HOMEOWNERS AND BUSINESSES Don't, # o I lit mij^h a n o t h e r bur-ki It 111 a w j n 1 c r. M t-Jt i r e ii n <i v. Kiisiei" -VhsUn••-Safer, ProdIs UiiroiKiitioMnlly (Juariinlft'd, :inlcs.s In foment, nsuhti\l .11 Ic, ubli(.'iy, Kliin, vie. Will r a i l

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Joan Friedlander

Hannah Logasa Writes Book Miss Hannah Logasa, Omaha, has prepared World Culture as a companion volume to her earlier Historical Fiction and Historical Non-Fiction, employing t w e l v e large categories; civilization and culture; communication media; economics find industry; geography; ideas, "isms," theories, philosophies; man and mankind-environment; nations-people; nature-plantsanimals; religion; science and technology; war and p e a c e ; world and international affairs. Each is further subdivided under specific subjects, where recent books in the English language, including a number of paperbacks, arc listed alphabetically by author, with occasional brief annotations, and with symbols to indicate titles for younger readers and those especially useful. There is an author nnd title index. This will be a handy reference for a reader's adviser in a public library because of its emphasis on recent library titles. Do your shopping in the Jewish Press.

Federation Library Holiday Recordings The following recordings are but a few that may be borrowed from the FEDERATION Lilt HA «Y: Children's Records with Songs for (lit Holidays THE MUSICAL CALENDAR by Gerald Marks HOLIDAY SING ALONG sung by Nacha Ilivkin SONOS OF THE HOLIDAYS ANI) F E S T I V A L S OF ALL YKAR ROUND sung by Hass Family Quartet HAI'PY HOLIDAYS — THE SPIRIT OF THE JEWISH HOLIDAYS IN MODERN SONG sung by Sue Brason and Chorus. SONGS OF THE HOLIDAYS sung by Gene Bluestein and Children of Mount Zion Hebrew Congregation TEN JEWISH HOLY DAYS— THE STORY OF JEWISH HOLY DAYS IN SONG—sung by Hay Middlcton. SING FOR FUN sung by the Sing for Fun Club of Flushing Free Synagogue. New York JEWISH CHILDREN'S SONGS AND GAMES sung by Ruth Rubin SO WE SING sung by Sara Levy MOTHER C O O S . " SONGS FOR JEWISH CHILDREN AND HOLIDAY I'LAY SONGS sung by Gladys Gewirtz

Luggage Repaired Also ZIPPERS • Mr. and Mrs. Barry Snyder announce the birth of a son Michael on September 2H. Grandparents are Mrs. Esther Snyder, Philadelphia, Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Silver. Greatgrandmother is Mrs. Celia Barnett, Johannesburg, So. Africa. • • * Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. Kaiman of Hawthorne, Calif, announce the birth of a son, Ronald Steven, Mr. Kaiinan is a former Omaban. .






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Seventeen Countries Favor Israel Link To Common iarket Strasbourg, France (JTA)—A resolution urging the European Common Market to resume negotiations with Israel "at an early date, with a view toward concluding a satisfactory agreement with Israel "was adopted by the representatives of 17 European countries attending the European Parliament here. It was generally expected here that the EEC's Council of Ministers, which is to meet next month at Brussels, will re-examine Israel's aim for a link, which has been stalemated until now. It was expected that the Council of Ministers may give new directives to the Euromart's representatives to resume negotiations with Israel before the end of I'JOa;

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(and Madeira, Gibraltar, Naples and Piraeus) Every third Friday throughout the yearamodern.stabil^or-equippod •Zlm liner tails from Now York to Israel. Pick a convonlont sailing dato.j and then get sot for tho good Ufa—the unlquoly friondly oxcitemont of Zlm. Days soom to slip by as you sail the Atlantic, as you stop at Ihe romantic ports of Madeira, Gibraltar, Naples and Plraous*... and you'" have plenty of tlmq for sight-seeing. By tho time you arrive in Haifa, refreshed, roloxcd and ready to go, you'll agree thore's fun in belonglng-and you belong on Zlm. For dotalls writo us directly ojr_5ee your travel agents *PortscfcallOiftor January 10.1964.


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<i yt<tr or two alieij


Page Four

Friday, Orlultfr 4;


Omcsfto Women BIKUIC CirOLIM SUCCOT TEA, MONDAY Bikur Cholim Succot Tea will be held Monday, October 7, l::so p.m.1 at the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Nate Brown accompanied by Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz will sing holiday songs. Mrs. Al Crounse will render Jewish folk songs. Members and friends are invited. # * » SAM COOPEIt SPEAKS TO SENIOK CITIZENS Samuel V. Cooper, attorney. will speak at the luncheon meeting- of the Senior Citizens on Monday, Otcober U, in their lounge room at Hie Jewish Community Center. Mr. Cooper's topic will be ''Law's, Lawyer's and Politics." * • • COOKING PIIOGRAM AT BETH El. LUNCHEON' The luncheon meeting of the Beth El Sisterhood will take place on Tuesday. October i! at 12:30 p.m.. Beth El Social Hall. A demonstration program of a "Hope Chest of Jewish Recipes." compiled and tested by Mines. Harry Ferenstein and Sam Ban, is planned. There are 18 recipes—including chicken soup, matzo balls, btintzes, dill pickles, tsimmes. noodle pudding. Program chairman, Mrs. Robert Wagner has planned a recipe book and demonstration with chairmen Mines. Martin Stnenberg and Sol Crandell. assisted by Mmes. Yale Richards. Meyer Rubin and Floyd Perlmeter. Demonstrators will be Mmes. Jacob Bernstein, David Cohn. Yale Ginsberg, Charles Cuss. Nathan Turner, and M. A. Venger; assisted by Mmes. Al Feldman. Bernard Hockenberg, Robert Kooper, Bcnton Kutler, Louis Paul, and Harry Wise, Jr. Arrangements are by Mmes. Isadore Bernstein. Joseph Bernstein. Harry Colick. David Katleman, Mas Lashinsky, Joseph Lerner, David Platt. Morris Kaznick, David Reiss, Eli Zalkin; table decorations. Meyer Halprin: prayers. Barton Greenberg. Ervin Simon: reservations. Morris Brick. 556-1420, Isaac Dloogoff, 551-1090, Milton Mintz. 550-2910, Jacob Turek. 55I1-2852. «



WESTSIDE HIGH QUARTET AT BETH ISRAEL MEETING Beth Israel Sisterhood will meet for a luncheon and meeting on Tuesday. October 8, 12:30 p.m. in the Synagogue social ball. The program for the afternoon will feature the Westside High School Boys Quartet. Reservations are being taken bj^Mmes. Frank Cohen, Max Colin and Julius Hart. Baby sit ting service will be provided.

TEMPLE SISTERHOOD IJOAHI) MEETING Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold a 10:30 a.m. board meeting on Tuesday, October S. The regular meeting will not follow the board meeting. *


TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTERHOOD DONOR The Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold its donor theater party box luncheon (jn Wednesday. October 16, at 12:30 p.m., at the Center Theater. The donation, which v/ill benefit Temple projects, will also include lunch and a first run showing of a feature film for the donor and a non member guest. Mmes. Howard Vann and Howard Milder, chairmen, are being assisted by Mines John Winston, vice-president, aild I. M. Liberman. president. Chairmen of committees are Mines. Larry A l b e r t , Jerry Krupinsky. reservation; Robert Cohen, Alan Simon, telephoning; and Fred Simon, Richard Goldman, publicity. General committee m e m b e r s are Mines. Ed Friedberg, Julius Goldner. Avrum Greenberg, Leonard Jacobson, William K a i m a n. Lazar Kaplan, Howard Krantz, Harry Lincoln. Norman Lincoln, Nathan Novak, Sidney Osten. Ben Shapiro. Max Wolfson, J o n a s Weil, and Warren Zweiback. . * » COUNCIL WOMEN' HOLD BOAItl> MEETING The board meeting of the National Council of Jewish Women will be held Thursday, October 10 at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Erwin Landow. 307 North !II Street. A d e s s e r t luncheon will be served. Mrs. Robert Levine will be cohostess.

Role of UN Forces Israel-Egyptian Borders Stressed United Nations. N. Y. <JTA>— Secretary General If Thant told the General Assembly here this week, in presenting the li>(>4 budget for the U. N. Emergency Force that 'UNEF continues effectively to serve as the stabilizing influence in maintaining peace in the Gaza-Sinai area of operations." Mr. Thant presented a budget calling for UNEF maintenance expenditures for 19G1 totaling $I8.«)54,3O», which is $5,700 less than the 1963 budget. In spite of reports that Mr. Thant is considering the possibility ot reducing the strength of UNEF, there is no such indication in his proposed budget. He reported thai UNEF's strength consists of ".» 119 men

Under the joint sponsorship of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds and the National United Jewish Appeal, representatives of women's division campaigns in five major midwestern cities—Des Moines, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Louis, Sioux City—assembled in Omaha on September 2), for an intercity workshop on their campaign and interpretation p r o b l e m s, needs, techniques and programs. The community leaders were addressed by Mrs. Henry Newman of Kansas City, conference chairman and keynote speaker; Mrs. Edward A. Smith, Kansas City, who spoke on. "The Elements of Good Campaigning;'' and Mrs. Sidney Kalin, Sioux City, who dealt with "Upgrading as an Effective Tool in Campaigning." A paper on "YearRound Education" by Mrs. Michael Drazen of St. Louis, was also presented. The Omaha Jewish Federation acted as conference host. Official greetings were extended by Mrs. Harry Sidman, president of the Omaha Federation's Jewish Women's Clubs. tn her keynote speech, Mrs. Newman stressed that "women are concerned with (he totality of Jewish needs and the advancement of Jewish life in their home communities, n a t i o nally and all over the world." She pointed out that the workshop which reviewed and assessed women's division campaigns in I!)(i:s was a preparation for the 1904 drive which is now being organized by the participating welfare funds and federations. The women's division leaders were also urged to strike out on their own while following the best examples of the men's campaigns. Particular stress was placed upon the continual upgrading of prospects, solicitation by the proper person at the proper time, development of a campaign climate and leadership giving by example. Mrs. Beatrice Finkelstein, secretary of the CJFWF's Committee on Women's Communal Services, and Mrs. Marvin Stang, director of the National Women's Division of the UJA, served as technical consultants to the conference.

U*C3 to Publicity Chairmen Organizational publicity releases, news items and pictures must be in the Jewish Press office not later than Friday noon. Copy must be typewritten and double-spaced on ZW by 11" paper. Write articles concise and to the point

Bv Charles Arnold action this October and NovemI "or more Information call ber. A new "turkey" tourney is the Sports OHlce, 342-13G6. being planned for eligible memPIIVS-ED AND SWIM The Jewish Community Cen- bers of the Jewish Community ter's Physical Education and Center. This (irsl tourney ot th« Swim activities should involve season will be a doubles meet. you. There are programs offered Ail members interested in parfor all ages and all interests. Ac- ticipating and winning themtivities are under way for Iddy selves a turkey should enroll by Biddy participants as well as for calling the Athletic office. • • • Senior Citizens. Interest activities such as quiet and active Y. C. Vl.M'. KOOTOAU, games for children, kids wresLast Sunday at Adams Park tling, basketball, body building, was Rayim's most impressive slimnastics, handball, fencing, ollensive bailie d u r i n g tl\» modern dancing and swimming Youth Council flag football seaare offered by us—to you the son to date. Rayim waltzed to Jewish community. its third straight conquest over * * • Chaim Weizmnnn. Rayim's Bol» WRESTLING Gould pushed over five touchThe Athletic Department has downs. Barry Zoob, Terry Sanagain added wrestling to its cur- ford, Jerry Lohrman, Billy Ginsrent program. Don Vap, a den- berg and Arnie Ktinmel each tal student of Creigliton Univers- marched across the goal line to ity and abled wrestler, will in- end the game, at Ti-fl. struct classes each Sunday afA.Z.A. I showed its strength ternoon from 1:00-2:00. All boys with a victory of A.Z.A. 100 with interested in learning wrestling a score of 3(1-18. Dan Kalskee report to the Center workout battled his way for four touchroom Sunday, October (ith. Les- downs, Marshall Turkel accounts sons are free to Center mem- for two touchdowns and one bers or $5.00 for 10 lessons lor 1oucM>ack. A.Z.A. 100 did threatnonmembcrs. en, however, as Kenny Tretiak Wrestling provides physical and Jack Steinman both scored fitness, self-confidence arid fun! for their teams. « • * Standings • Won Lost HANDBALL TURKEY Rayim 3 0


The number one h a n d b a l l court in Omaha is going to see

l o r e Phosphate Discovered in Israel Jerusalem UTA>— A new field of high-grade phosphates has been discovered in the desert between Sdom and Eilat by the I s r a e l American Phosphates Company, an American-financed firm. The discovery of the field, which extends over an area of two-and-a-half square miles, follows a two-year geological survey carried out by the company and in which the firm has invested $1,007,000.

Israel Exports To the U.S. New York <WNS>—Israel's exports to the U. S. will reach an expected new high of $50 million this year, it was predicted this week by Yechiel Kneger, Deputy Trade Commissioner, following conclusion of his fiveyear tour of duty with the office of the Israel Trade Commissioner in the United States. Edward G. Robinson, the actor, has been having a try at art. and he says, "I've gotten so that I can always hit the canvas when I throw some paint on it." J963 JEWISH CALENDAR SuMot Oci. 3-9 Slunfnl Alzeret Oct. 10 Simhat Torah .Oct. 11 ITanukkali Dec. 11-18 AH observances begin on eve of the holiday.

Shop throuuh the Jewish Press •Ads.

Want Ads Daily Jewish Newspapers BAR and Eas Mitzvah congratu lations, also cards, for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502-podgc

A.Z.A. I


C h a i m Weizmnnn . . . .



A.Z.A. 100




1 4



Sunday, Oct. (i, 10 a.m. AZ.A. 1 vs. Chaim Wei/.mann Rayim vs. A.Z.A. 100

Slim-Trim Class For Women '/'he J e w i s h Community Center is offering Slim-Trim c l a s s e s lor women. The course is designed to take-off pounds, take-off inches, and keep you in good physical fitness and condition. The group will meet twice weekly. Classes will be held in convenient locations. Time and dates will be announced. For further information, call the Center's Athletic Director.

i i

Reduced Service Women's Army Tel Aviv—The two-year compulsory Army service for Israel girls may be reduced as a result of a survey completed this week by the Manpower Division of Army Headquarters. The chief argument against decreasing the service period is that it takes about a year to train a competent girl soldier, leaving only six months of service if the term is reduced. Most girls are "written oil" from the reserves, since they are no longer eligible for service after their first child. Johann Ludwig Casper, a German-Jewish physician who lived in Berlin in the early part of tho nineteenth century, was a pioneer in the fields of forensic medicine and medical jurisprudence.



free to Annual Lecture Series Af Omaha U on World Affairs

FOR RENT—Room and Kosher Board or Koom alone, 4303 Chicago. Call after 2 p.m., 556-8322. IT IS NOT TOO SOON TO TIHNK ABOUT HOLIDAY MAGAZINE GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS Harper's Bazaar . .2 years $8.00 House Beautiful . ,.2years?6.00 Ladies Home Journalr . : . . . — .lyear $1.50 American Home . . . 1 year $1.50 Readers Digest . .1 year $2.97 These are just a few. For further information, call Elsie Horwich, 551-3957 of 341-9168.

Center Sports

The University of Omaha 19G3 Annual Institute on World Affairs will again be co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Omaha, Arthur H. Goldstein, president, announced. ' Free ticket of admission will l)e mailed to Jewish Federation members on request. PJease mail the order blank if you wish, a ticket: i Jewish Federation, 101 N. 20th SI., Omaha, Neb,, G8102 • Please send m me a free re ticket ket fadmits admit two) o) ffor r IM 18th Annual World Affairs Institute, held at Omaha "University, Tel Aviv—Learning a irade Is the priceless opportunity UJA funds make possible for Israeli youth via a chain of ORT vocational training schools, -'•'.••.

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