OCT 1 1 1963,
Vol. XI.1I—No. G
I'ulilk'Hllmv Office. 101 No. 'JOth Oniuhn, Nebraska, Miunr 31'2-K3(iU
Jc*onfl Class Postage Paid at Omatiu, Nt'br.
Single Copy 30 O n Is Annual Kate 4 Dull arm
9th Grade Parents Meet Sunday A special meeting for parents of Dili grade students will be held this Sunday, October 13 at 2;'.S0 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The meeting, for Dtli grade parents only, will discuss activities and pronraiiis lor 9lh grade students and will evolve the activities that are to be offered diuing the current school year.
,. o's Communism in the rn Hemisphere" will be discussed at the Wednesday, October 1(! session of the University of Omaha Institute on World Affairs at 11:15 p.m. The speaker will be William Ryan, who has been an Associated Press overseas correspondsince'1943. (The Dr. Pliilip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged acknowlegci entHe has traveled extensively in the following memorials and donations.) Latin America in'the five years prior to and since the emergDonor In Memory of ence of the Castro regime, givMario Croyce Heiltrj . . . . , . . . , , . . . , , ..,..-..Phtlip S. Blotcky ing him extensive background Mr. ond M»», Nothrifi Noog ,.,...,.,.....*>.-Sidney C!iernf*ji on the brand of Communism lyMessrs, ond Mmes. Fred Kurdmon, Paul Surcnky, Mrs. Stella ftobtmon, M i n n Bell Harwich and ing to the south of us. Harriet Harwich , Miss Harriet Cooper Mr. ond Mrs. David Orko// , , Mrs. Lena Frank Mr. Ryan speaks Spanish, and Mr, and Mrs, Fred Kurlanion ...Cdorlcs Freeman has come to understand just Mr, ond Mrs, At>a Mutti Hci* Z'on Gtkhnian, Cloru Hewbero, Anno Ncwberg and Dov 5us smart, Honnofi Goldberg, Uncte MolJho what Communism means—in a Me»jri. cif>d Mmoi, LouJs Upf>, Isodoro Welner, Or, and Mrs, A. A. 5'elnbcro Mrs, Molllf Goldslel'i 'personal as well as political and Dr. ond Mrs. A. A, Stclnbcra Mrs. Lena Green military way. He b r i n g s the Meurs, ond Mmes, Arthur A. Cohn, Duvld Qrkow, Mox Rlckes, Mllion Yudchon . . . , », Louli KoU journalists perceptive analysis Mesjrs. ond MmtJ, WlHioni A, Levey, Max Schcuer- • rttrjn, Psodore Wefntr j ,,..., Mrs Anno Levey of the problems current in Latin Messrs. ond Wmes Louit Llpp, fsudore Wciner Rosalind Moaa America. Mr. ond Mrs, Abe Mail; , Max Pelt/ Mr. und Mrs. Harry Puftoll YMHarrt Neubln Mr. Eyan has received several Mr, arid Mr\. Maurtc* Chuikcn , ..Mrs. Hannah Solly Messrs. pnd //meg. Louis l.Jp|>, Isidore V/elner, Dr. < Overseas Press Club awards. Oftd M r i , A. A, Steinberg , Hubert Sornmcr The Institute scheduled at the Dr. and Mrs, A. A. S'flnbcrg Borney Stark Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stclnljerg « *....tdn ond Haitian S'slnberg University, is co-sponsored by Mr. ond Mrs. Jacot) 5. Hen Louts Strauss, Cittier Struusi, Beitte M«s*. Solomon H«?> the Jewish Federation. Arthur Mr, Drtd Mrs. l o u i i Lfpp . , ,., Dessle Wel/mon Mr. ond Mrs. Krneit A. Noyg , . Desslf Ziev , H. Goldstein, president, said members can still Donor In Honor of Federation get a free ticket by calling the Messrs. and Mmes. Arthur A. Cohn, Nathan Nona , .recovery, Rabbi SIdne/ Brootti Center, :M2-13G6. Messrs. ond Mmes, Phil (eldmon, M, Krupiniky,
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged
Louis Lfpp, Soniuel Sleinbcrrj, I'oul Voref, hade re Welner .......recovery, I, Chapman Mr. and Mrs, Arthur A. Cohn , recovery, 5tim GoouVpan Messrs, and Mmts. t)on Rlc# ond family, David Bernstein, Lawrence piotlnrr • birthday. Jacob Green Mr. ond Mrs. Nathan Hogg .recovery. Mrs. Pauline Hay kin M H i Johanna Koufmann , birthday* David Kaufmann . M U i Johanna Koufinonn ....Hlyh Holy Do/*, Mr, and Mrs. Duvld Kaulmann, Grand Island Mr. ond Mr*. Isadora Werner .....Mth wetJdinn annlversory, Mr. ond Mrs, Frank Kropmnn Mtss Johanna Kayfmonn 50ih wctldlnrj anniversary ond High Holy Days: Mr, and Mf», Leopold Lev/, Long Island, M, Y. Mesiri. end Mmes, Horry Dufloif, Frtd Kurliman, Louis Llpp, I, H. V/einer, David flernslein, Lawrence Ptottner, Ho*old r'ollock, Paul Veret, Mist Harrlel Morwlrh ;.. ,....recovery, MoiUart L Noqg M«i»fi. ond Mmcs, V/iihf«n J. Qlohm, Arthur A. Cohn, liaihan No(JP recovery, Ratpti Hogg Mr. and Mn, Max R'rkes 50!h wedclinu onnivcrsory ol Mr, and Mrs U. Rivkfn, Mlnntopolis, Minn. • Mr, ond M r i . Harry DuDoff * birthday, Harry Trusiln
'Before Dawn' Grew To Prepare Bazaar Booth for Opening
Everything will be in readiness of the Federation of Jewish Women's Club booth when the Childrens Hospital Bazaar opens M o n d a y morning, October 28 through efforts of the first contingent of a small army of volSpocfal Contributions unteers, according to the chairMr. Calvin Wiinberg , , ,, ,t*er Mr. Herman Fricdiandef , wine and krrf men, Mmes. Arthur Goldstein, Mrs. Hubert Somnver tnedlcol supplies Morton Richards and A l f r e d Mr, Maurice Gllmort ,..,., «.... apples Ed Phillips ond Sons • •> liquor Spphir. The Bazaar will be held Louis Market „ „ . . „ ;, < wine v Mr. and Mri- Jacob Mendel ton • > .....wins from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the W«if». ond Mmes. Harry Breslow, Fred Kurtiman .« In memory of SheratonFontenelle Hotel. Minnie Kuftimon, Verso Cart The early risers who expect to be on hand before dawn to prepare the booth for business will be the three bazaar chairmen, the s t a f f i n g chairmen. By SAUL CARSON ing Israeli-Arab t e n s i o n s , to Mmes. Lester Marcus and David Uniled Nations, N. Y. fJTAV- SPC£ o u t candidly on the touchy Beber, and the Mmes. Maynard Israel got off to an excellent . problem of South African apart- Greenberg, J a m e s Samuelson start-in this year's General As- ^ " i - ( a " d . ^ c n to clmst.se he and John Winston. The "army" scmbly. and the credit must go s ° ^ Umon for Us persecution of other workers who will staff the booth from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. to its entire Cabinet which had o f n u 3 S .'» n **™p- M °; s t . dl P l() - will be announced shortly. 2rlas l s l d o tlie nlnnnpd its moves with care— " Assembly knew, Pick-ups are still being made she S weU a's to ?he G o v S n S s f " ^ that, just prior by Mrs. Sutin, 553,2072 and Mrs. to ^Hnn r./iii».. o ^ i i o ^ i vnmian coming jnto the auditorium Jack Ban, 556-5183. Donations ^ ' Golda Me!r ' K g t h a t mor™& s h e h a d , c o n f c r r c d and gifts for the booth may also K at credifS cou e, are Sf' with RuBsia's new gift to inter- be sent to one of the three chaira members of her U.N. diplomatic " a t ' °0 » a l a*<»&> ««"" ^ b men, or left at the main collection depot, 672!) D a v e n p o r t team, led by Permanent Repre- k " ^ ,10s afnn im Gromyko, mn e sentative Michel S. Comay, f^Ar arel 'P S of Smiling Street. All new saleable merchandise and handmade items As we reported earlier, Israel • > ' came to the Assembly with flyThe pace Mrs. Mcir set since are needed. ing colors, due to the moral her arrival here was astounding, victory it had won against Syria, At 65, Bhe shows no desire to whtn the Security Council con- slow down, after some 40 years demned Syria, by implication, in the service of her people, The for last summer's murder of two night before her big speech to Havana (WNS)—A recent surIsraelis at Aimagor. But the the Assembly, she was hostess q u e s t i o n was: Would Israel to a b o u t 750 diplomats and vey, the first one conducted by maintain that head of steam? press-radio people. She had stood organized Jewry since the CasThus far, Israel has done very in the receiving line two full tro regime came to power, rewell indeed. hours. Then she spent another veals that a total of 1,002 Jewish Mrs. Meir's general foreign social hour, being her most families in Cuba were identifythe Jewish policy speech to the Assembly gracious self, with a group of ing themselves with : . was deemed by all as a master- Jewish newspapermen, includ- community. • The study used as a basis for piece. While keeping the tone i"£ Israelis. And after all that, keyed to the atmosphere of cold she went to her motel suite to its findings the number of Jews war thaw here, she managed, at put the final touches on the ma- who purchased m a t z o t h last the same time, to offer a con- J°r address she would deliver Passover. There was no way of determining how many Jews did crete six-point proposal for end(Continued on Page 4) not purchase matzoth either because: they lived in areas whero they,were not available or out of indifference to religious practices. Altogether the 1,002 JewThe Yusscm, the first film in the current season's Yiddish ish families counted 2,586 peoFilm Series, will be shown this Sunday evening at 8 p.m. at ple, most of them—1,973—living the Jewish Community Center's main auditorium. Admission in Havanna. A breakdown of is 50 cents for adults with no admission being charged to chilthe Havana figures shows that dren or students. 212 are children between, the The Vusaeni, or the Living Orphan, is a Yiddish speaking ages of 1 and 7, 203 in the 7-25 movie with English ctibtitles, and is the first In a series of age bracket, 1,082 between tha lour films to be screened. The public is invited to attend tha ages o£ 25 to 60 and 406 abovo Film Series. 60.
Israel at ,the- U.
1,002 Families Reside in Cuba
First Yiddish Film Sunday Kighf
United Nations, N. Y. UTA)— selves to be in a state of war Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's For- with Israel, and are constantly eign Minister, laid down before threatening to attack it. What a plenary session of.the Gener- is more, hostility is becoming al Assembly this week a six- heavily armed. A c o n s t a n t point program to lessen existing , stream of weapons, of a more tensions in the Middle East and modern and lethal character, i3 to "allay the fears of armed being unloaded in the ports of conflict." On behalf-of Israel's Arab countries at the very moGovernment, she proposed that ment when their representatives the governments in the area plead from this rostrum for pledge themselves: peace and disarmament. Mer"I. To respect the political cenary German scientists and independence and territorial in- technicians are hired by Egypt tegrity of all the states of the to d e v e l o p non-conventional weapons of mass destruction, region; and rockets are paraded in the 2. Not to interfere in the in- streets of Cairo v/ith public ternal affairs of any other state; boasts by its President that they X To renounce the threat or can strike at any point in Israel. use of force; Simultaneously, a massive mili4. To abandon policies and tary buildup of conventional practices of belligerency, in- arms is proceeding." cluding boycott and blockade; Mrs. Meir stressed that if !>. To settle all disputes by Israel were to he attacked, it peaceful means; (i. To enter into negotiations would know how to defend itself with the object of achieving com- effectively. "But Israel is not plete disarmament with mutual seeking a • military victory. Our inspection, covering all types of objective is the prevention of war and the preservation of weapons." Mrs. Meir spoke to a capaci- peace," she said. She pointed ty attendance during the As- out that the vapidly escalating sembly's "general debate, a pro- arms race in the Middle East cedure giving Foreign Ministers gravely endangers the peace and other delegation heads the and stability of the area.. "At the • opportunity of outlining the same time, it consumes the overall foreign policies of their precious and limited resources respective governments. She re- so urgently needed to lift large ceived loud and prolonged ap- parts of its inhabitants from the plause from diplomats in the depths of poverty, illiteracy and A s s e m b l y auditorium while disease," she emphasized. many delegation chairmen rose Mrs. Meir hit at the Soviet to greet he.1 and shake her hand. Union's persecution of Jews in Mrs. Meir noted increasing the USSR, but avoided mentiontensions in the Middle East in ing the Soviet Union by name. the last year, saying that the She told the Assembly: "There tensions, often involving Israel, is one large Jewish community were mainly due to- inter-Arab today that is not permitted freeconflicts and struggles. Israel, ly to practice its religion, to atshe said, has been the main tar- tend to its spiritual needs, or to get of belligecency. She recalled develop its cultural life—whose that Israel's f o u r armistice observance of traditions carries agreements in 194!) were in- with it punishment and suffertended to end conflicts and to be ing—and that must witness our a transition toward full peace. Holy Scriptures and the lan"Yot, 14 years later," she told guage in which it was handed the Assembly, "our Arab neigh- on t h r o u g h the generations, bors still openly declare them- abused and suppressed."
Women Invited to Needlework Guild The annual Ingathering tea for the Omaha Needlework Guild will be held Monday afternoon, October 21, Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg, chairman of the Associated Jewish Charities section; a project of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, announced. ' "The results of the Ingathering are looked forward to by all needy families," Mr. Greenberg stated. "To them it means linens, underwear, towels and much needy families," Mrs. Greenberg Jewish women of Omaha will do their share in supporting • this worthwhile project." In addition to those previously listed, the following have contributed: Mmes. Isadore Abramson, Lizzie Adler, William Alberts, Sam Appleman, Abe Bear, H y m e n Belman, Harry Belmont, David Bernstein, Paul Blotcky, D. Bolker, Simon Bordy, E u g e n e Braun, Harold Brodkey, Alfred Brody, Reuben H. Brown, Sam Cariar, Frederick Cassman, David Chapman, David R. Cohen, Fanny Cohen, Jacob Cohen, Abe H. Cohn, Bennett Cohn, Dave Cohn, Jerome Cohn, Sarah Cooper, Philip Crandell, H. Dansky, Jack Dutch, Aaron Edgar, Harry- Eisenstatt, Izadore Elewitz, Jack G. Epstein, Lawrence Epstein, William Epstein, Morris Erman, Philip Foldman, A. C. Fellman, N a t h a n Ferer> •• Ben F i s h e r , Maurice M. Fleischl, D a v e F o g e l , Leo Fox, Sam Frank, Mike Freeman, Jacob Fregger, Elizabeth Fried, Mao
Fried, Jacob Friedman, Lloyd Friedman, Louis Friedman. Mmes. Harold Gather, Arthur Gendler, Hymie Gendler, John Gidinsky, Sam Gilinsky, Nathan Gitnick, Marx Goldberg, Hyman Goldenberg, Art Goldstein, Paul Goldstein, Harry G o 1 d s t r o m, Henry Grabois, E d w a r d B. Green, Jack M. Green, Abraham Greenberg, B a r t o n H. Greenb e r g , Daniel Greenfield, Max Greenfield, Art Gross, I g n a o Grossman, R. Gummers, Charles Guss, Fred Hahn, Morton Hiller, Sarah Hiller, Donald Hoberman, Walter Jacobson, Max Joffe, C. Jonas, William Joseph, H u g o K a h n, William Kaiman, Aba Kaplan, Jake Kaplan, L a z a r Kaplan* Nate Kaplan, Morris Katleman, Ralph M. Katz, Bernard Kaufman, Lazier Kavich, Kevee Kirshenbaum, Bpris Kbrriey, I. Kraft, David Krantz,-Abraham Krantz, Michael Krasne, Robert Krasne, Fred Kurtzman, Manfred Kutner, Solomon Lagman, Sam Lebowitz, Mathias Levenson, William A. Levey, Sol Lewis, Edward Lincoln, Joseph Lipsey, Stanford Lipsey, Maurice Lipsman, Max London, Joa Lorkis, Mmes. Harry Malashock, Jay M. Malashock, Sam M a n v i t z, Abe Marcus, Robert I. Marer, Edward Mason, Alfred S. Mayer, Samuel Meiches, Jacob Mendelson, A. M e y e r s o n , -Herman Meyerson, William -Milder, Benjamin Minkin, C. A. Monasee, Joseph Morgan, E. 15. Morris, (Continued on'Page 3)
Page Two
Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second week in July by the Jewish Federation <if Omiilia. Second Cfoss Posfoye Poi<J at Onioho, Nifcr. Annual SubECriplicn, 54.CO. Actvcrlisin? Rales en Appiicalicn, Publlcallon Office—101 Ho. 20ih Slrcet, Omaha, llcbr., W1-\TU.
Bar and Bas RHfzvah All filends and relatives ore Invited to atl»nd itrvlcts and reception.
Caitdlclighting, 5:30 p.m. Beth Israel: The traditional Friday evening service (Koholas Shabbos) will be at 5:30 p.m. Shabbos morning service at 8:45 a.m. and Shabbos Mincha at 5:35 p.m. followed by'Sholesh Sudoa and Maariv at 6:30 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Daily services at 5:35 • p.m.
The first late Friday evening service will be held next Friday at 8:15 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath evening services will be held at 8:15 p.m. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner will officiate. Musical portions of the service will be by Cantor Kuttner and the Temple Choir with Miss Ida Gitlin. directing. Beth El: Sabbath eve services will begin this evening at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at B.-.f'O a.m. The Family Service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv services will begin at 5:30 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at !) a.m. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. A wise man hears one word and understands two. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Act of October ?3, 1962; Section 4369, Title 3V, United stoics Code.) 1. Date of tiling: Sept, 30, 1963. 1. Title of publicalicn: The Jewish Press. 3. Frequency of Issue: Weekly on Friday, beginning the last week in August through flhe second v/cck in July. 4. Location of known office of publicol!cn: 101 No. 20lh St., Omaha, Douglas County, Ncbrosko. 68102. 5. Location of the headquarters or general business offices of ihe publishers: 101 No. 20lh St., Omoha, Douglas County, Nebraska. 6BI02. 6. Publisher: Jewish Federation of Omoho. Inc.. 101 North 20lh Street. Omaha; Editor: Mrs. Frances Klein, 101 Norm 20m Street, Omoho; Managing Editor: Poul Veret, 101 North 2om Street, Omoha. 7. Owner: (if owned by a corporation. Its name and address must be stated and also Immediately thereunder the names end addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of slock. If not owned by o corporation, the names end addresses of the Individual owners must be given. It owned by o partnership or other unincorporated firm, Ms name and address,- as well as that of each Indlvlduof must be given.): Jewish Federation of Omoha, Inc.. 101 North 20th Street, Omoho; Arthur H. Goldstein, president, 101 North J0!h Street, Omoha; Milton R. Abrahams, 1st vice-president, 101 Norlh 20lh Street, Omoho; Isodore Chapmon, 2nd vice-president, 10? North 20th Street, Omoha. f). Known bondholders, mortgagees, ond elher security holders owning or holding I Percent or more1 of total amount of bonds, mcrfgoges or other securities: None. 9. Paragraphs 7 and 8 Include, In coses' where the stockholder or security holder oppears upon the books of Ihe company os trustee or In any other .fiduciary relation, Ihe name of the person or corporation tor whom such trustees Is acting, also the statements In the two paragraphs show the a f f l - ' ont's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who fio not appear upon the books of Ihe company as trustees, held slock and securities In a capaclly other than that of o bono fldo owner. Nomes and addresses of Individuals who are stockholders of a corporation which Itself Is a stockholder or holder of bonds, morfgoges or olhe r securities of Ihe publishing corporation have been Included In paragraphs 7 and s when the Interests of such Individuals are equivalent to 1 percent or more- of the tola! amount of the stock or securities of the publishing corporation. Average No, copies Single each issue Issue during preceding . nearest (o 12 monlhs lilihcj dole A, Tolol number copies printed (net press run)' 3,000 3,000 6 . Paid circulation: 1. To term subscribers by mall, carrier deI, livery or by other means I,«W J £58 1 1 7. Sates through agents, n e w s dealers, or otherwise None None C. Free distribution (including samples) by mall, carrier delivery. or by other means S30 526
D. Totol MO. of «pits _..,,.juled. (Sum of lines Bl, Bl, BZ tines B2 end C) .. J./23 5C24 I ctrtlf/ ll.nl Il-e »t<j'Mrt,.!s mitfr by me e t u e ore torrtct ooJ lomadt PAUl, VERI=T. „ , ,
RAND) TURKEI. Randi Turkel, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Sam Turkel. will become Bas Milzvnh Saturday morning. October 12 at Temple Israel, LKSME HELFMAN
Leslie Helfmnn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Heliman, will observe his Bar Mitzvab on Saturday morning, October 12, at the 10:30 service nt Beth El Synagogue. JIM FRIED Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fried announce the Bar Mitzvab oi their son, Jim, on Friday evening. October lii and Saturday morning, October 1!) at the 10:30 service at Beth El Synagogue. JANET ROSENSTBIN SUSAN SPIEGAI, PAMELA WEISS A group Bas Milzvah of Janet Rosenstein, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenstein; Susan Spiegal. daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spiegal. and Pamela Weiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weiss will be celebrated Friday evening, October 18 at Beth Israel Synagogue. HOWARD IIALPERIN DAVID KATZ Bar Mitzvah of Howard Halperin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Yale Halperin and David Katz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Katz will be celebrated on Saturday. October 10 at U a.m. at Beth Israel Synagogue. SALLY FOX KAIIEN SOKOLOF Sally Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fox and Karen Sokolof, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sokolof, will each become Bas Milzvah. on Saturday, October I!) at Temple Israel.
News Briefs Berlin (WNS)—The skeleton of Hitler's gestapo chief, Heinrich Mueller, has been dug up and investigators have examined the remains t& determine whether they are of the late murderer of Jews in Germany and the Nazi occupied countries, it was announced here by the West German prosecutor's office. * • • Jerusalem (WNS)—The first meeting between Premier Levi Eshkol and Soviet Ambassadore Mikhail Bodrov was held here at the Premier's office. The 90minute session was said lo have dealt mainly with Israel-Soviet relations, political and trade. It is understood that the issue of the Soviet Jews had been injected into the talks, as well as the problem of the flow of Russian arms into Arab countries.
'Directions '64* On KETV, Sunday
Friday, Oct. 11, JOGS
Needtwork Guild (Continued from Page 1.) Albert B. Newman, Henry A. Newman. Jack Newman, E. Leo Nogg, Albert Oruch, I. Osherolf, Hyman Osoff, Maurice II. Pessen, Max C, Platt, Isadore J. Plotkin, Melvin S, Plotkin. Tillie C. Plotkin, David Potash, Harry Ravitz. Sam Rice, Max Riekes, Paul Rifkin, Robert Rimmerman Paul Rips, Harry Rpchman, Stuart Rochnian. Abraham Roffman, Edward Z. Rosen, Etta Rosen, Sam Rosenbaum, Horace L. Rosenblum, Harry Z. Rosenfeld, Charles R o s e n s t o c k, Charles Ross, Howard Ross, Sam Rothenberg, Meyer L. Ruback, Harry Rubenstein. • Mines. Phil Sacks, Abe Schloff, Irving Schneiderman, Benjamin Shapiro, Max Shapiro, M. M. Shapiro, Sam Shiff, Harry Slirago, Dave Shukert, Nathan Shukert. Jacob Shyken, B e r n a r d Siegler, Max Simon, Stuart E. Simon, Harold Slosburg, Jacob Slosburg, Jr., Ben Slutzky, Marlon Somberg, Hubert Sommer, Barney Stark, Dave Stein, Dora Stein. Albert Steinberg, Maurice Steinberg, Sam J. S t e i n b e r g , Sam S. Steinberg, Oscar Sutin, Sam Swartz, I. M. Tretiak, Sam Tretiak, Adolph Trost, Harry Trustin, Yale Trustin, R a l p h Turkel. Herbert Weil, Albert J. W e i n b e r g, Leo Weitz, Louis Whitebook, Louis Wintroub, Samuel N. Wolf, Bernard Zevitz.
Excavation of the ancient city Tel Ashdod .one of five Philistine cities mentioned in the Bible, will be examined on ABC News' "Direction 'C-l," Sunday, October 13 at 12:30 p.m. on KETV. The program is.the second of a five-part series—"Directions In Israel"—concentrating on Hebrew art and culture. The diggings at Ashdod, now in the second year of a three year excavation, will introduce viewers to the scientific methods of archaeology and the procedures employed by an international team of archaeologists. Ashdod, which lies on the coast of the Mediterranean, not far north of Egypt ,is not one city but many—each built layer upon layer on the ruins of the city before it. It was originally" established 3.500 years ago, and each city reflects in time the civilizations of the a n c i e n t Canaanites, A.ssyrians, Greeks,. Persians and Byzantines. Along with its description of the archaeological activity .the program will also reveal several of the numerous finds uncovered at the Ashdod site. These include fragments of Mycenaean pottery imported ilito Israel 3,000 years ago, Philistine bowls, Hebrew coins and a fragment which deMisses Sara Gilinsky, Gerscribes for the first time what a Philistine headdress looked trude Hollander, Sylvia Moskovitz and Sarah Slobodisky. like. Ashdod has also produced Shop through the Jewish Press physical evidence which cor• roborates events cited in the Ads. Bible A cuneiform inscription on an Assyrian tablet, has provided THE HOLLIS CO. the exact date for an event IIKAI. KSTATH to Ully or Sell Cull mentioned in the Book of Isaiah. The tablet relates the conquest ROSE HOLLIS of Ashdod by the Assyrians in 553-2190 712 B.C.. "Fttr Professional nn«I IVrsoiuilUctl Service" Abba Eban, Deputy Premier of Israel ,as well as three leading archaeologists, will comment on the significance of the AshMONA LISA dod dig.
House of Glamour
tU. May or Signs Fair SafibafEi Law New York IWNS)—A Fair Sabbath Law permitting familyoperated stores to stay open on Sunday if they are kept closed on Saturday was signed here this week by Mayor Robert F. Wagner following a public hearing at which Jewish religious and communal leaders urged its approval. The law was p a s s e d two weeks ago by the New York City Council and went into effect immediately upon its signing by the Mayor.
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Bucharest Synagogue Articles Torn Jerusalem UTA)—Travelers returning here from Rumania reported that worshippers going to the Bucharest synagogue found torn Torah scrolls, ripped prayer shawls and wrecked benches. The informants also said that graves in the Jewish cemetery of Bucharest were desecrated. Luggage Repaired Also ZIPPERS
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Dedication The family of Mrs. Eva Polikov will dedicate a monument in her memory on Sunday, October 13 at 11 a.m. at the Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate.
Kosher Meat Market & Delicatessen 551-5554 4415 CUMlNG
Three Cemeteries Are Desecrated Atlantic City (VVNS)—Desecration of forty-seven tombstones on three Jewish cemeteries in, this area of New Jersey was disclosed here by city officials who said the incidents occurred during the ten days between Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur, There were no arrests. The police said they were looking for the vandal's.
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Daily Jewish Newspapers BAR and Bas Milzvah congratulations, also cards, for all Jewish holidays and special , occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
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Friday, Oct. Jl, J9«3
University News COUNCIL WOMEN PKKSKNT SKIT ON TUESDAY The National Council of Jewish Women will hold its luncheon meeting on Tuesday, October 15 at 12:30 p.m. at the New Tower Restaurant. Mrs. William Sloniin, program chairman, has Mrs. Marvin Dienstfrey as program chairman of the month. A skit entitled "A Thrift Shop Day-With the Goldbergs" will he presented. The cast includes: Mines. William Finkle. Ernest Hochster, Irvin Kaiman and Robert Levine. Models will be Mmes. Seymour Abrams, Gerald BernBtien, Maynard Finkle, L|oyd Friedman, Yale Ginsburgi J. M. Horwich, William Kaiman, Morris Roitstein, William Siref, John Solomon, Philip Turek, David Weinberg, Harl Weiss, and Harry A. Wise, Sr. For luncheon reservations or sitter service, call Mmes. Arthur Jacobson, r»51-OfiO5, Leonard Jacobson 5li6-!)G'15 or Solomon Schwartz 5530230. •
COKNIIUSKEK li'NAL- It'RITH The Cornhuskcr. B'nai B'rtih will hold their meeting at 8:15 p.m. at the Blackstone Hotel. The B'nai B'rith's 120th birthday celebration will be told. Rabbi Jay Karzcn, C o u n c i l Bluffs, will conduct a study group on the "Role of the Modern Jewish Woman in the Home." •
B'nai B'rith will hold their meeting October 10 at the New Tower Motel. Chris Gugas, Omaha Public Safety Director, will speak. The combination dinner and meeting will begin at fi:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Green of Monroeville, Pa., announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, October 2. The Greens have a son Mitchell Adam. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Veret and Mr. and Mrs. Nat G r e e n of Flushing, N. Y. are the grandparents.
Shcrri Kooin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Koom, was elected to the Student Union at the University of Arizona and pledged Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority.
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Brown of Lincoln, formerly of Omaha, announce the marriage of their daughter, Frances Jean to Benton J. Elkins of San Francisco, • •• • Jerry Slushy, son of Mr. and son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin <¥ * » Mrs. Abe Slusky, who is attend- Elkins of Pittsburgh, Pa. MrZKACHI WOMEN ing the University of Ohio, was The ceremony took place at TO MEET WEDNESDAY e l e c t e d vice-president of the pledge class of Zeta Beta Tau Temple Beth Am, Los Altos * • • The Omaha Chapter of MizHills, Calif. rachi Women will hold its reguMr. and Mrs. Marshall N. Fraternity. • * • lar salad luncheon meeting on Forbes announce the birth of a The bride is a graduate of the Nalan Scliwalb, son of Mr. and University of Nebraska and the Wednesday, October 16 at 1 daughter, Barbara Lindsay on Mrs. David Sehwalb, has re- bridegroom graduated from the o'clock at the Jewish Commun- September 30. ceived the Robert H. K o o p c r University of Pittsburgh. ity Center. Grandpa'rents are Mr. and A "Chinese Auction" will be Mrs. David Raznick and Mr. and Scholarship in Business AdminThe newlyweds are living at held. Those attending are asked Mrs. Isadore Forbes. Maternal istration at the University of 5GG V a 11 e j o, San Francisco, Omaha, where he is a senior. He to bring a gift wrapped article great-grandparents are Mr. and Calif. is a member of Alpha Epsilon that can be auctioned off. Mrs. Paul Katzman. Pi Fraternity and Rho Epsilon, Members are urged to bring professional real estate fraterntheir JNF boxes or contribuSam Levensort Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gord- ity. . tions to the meeting. (Humorist and Philosopher) man announce the birth of a • • • * * • son, Jeffrey Jay on October 4. Mike Sherman, son of Mr. Thursday, HADASSAH liOAKD Grandparents are Mr. and and Mrs. Leo Sherman, was October 24, 8 P.M. MEETS MONDAY Mrs. Dan Gordman and Mr. and elected president of his pledge The Hadassah Board meeting Mrs. Myer Rosenbaum. Great- class at Northwestern UniversMusic Hall will be held Monday, October 14, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam ity. He is a member of the Phi Spomored by the at 12:30 p.m. at the home of Richman and Mr. and Mrs. Da- Epsilon Pi Fraternity. 'Dept. of Classroom Teachers Mrs. Joseph Gliss, 722 Parkvvood vid Rosenbaum. Tickets Available at Lane. • * *' OMAHA ATHLETIC CLUB KETV Channel 7 Presents OR TEMPLE ISRAEL BRANDEJS UNIVERSITY "Directions in Israel" KBON Radio 14!)0 Presents HOOK STUDY GROUP Sun. Oct. 13 ta 12:30 p.m. Ticket: $2.20 "Message of Israel" B r a n d e i s University Book Sun. Oct. J.'i at 12:30 p.m. Study Group will meet on Mon"The Joy of Discovery" day, October 14 at 10 a.m. at the Rabbi Edwin Friedman home of Mrs, Stanley Levin, Chevy Chase, Md. Something New 1219 Marbee Drive, Apt. 2.
Serving Every Wednesday, 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. an Assortment of Kosher Style Food
CORNHUSKKK LODGE TO MEET OCT. 10 The Cornluisker Lodge of
• • • • •
Cheese Blintxcs Meat Blintxes Motto Ball Soup Krepluch Chapped Chicken Liver • Stuffed Cabbage
David Ben Gurion 77th iirthday Sdeh Boker (WNS)—Former Premier David lien Gurion this week observed his 77th birthday in the quiet of his Sdeh Boker retreat, reading books, writing letters and doing ordinary chores of the day. His most prized birthday gift was a library that is to become part of the Ncgev Youth Academy that is being established close to his home.
PHOTOGRAPHER 817 South 36th Street —345-1044 '
Black and White
o m
z t/»
For Broiling, Lb. Mo Order Too Largo or Too Small
The Honor of Yout Presence It Requested al- the
Gala Dedication Dinner-Dance , of t h . New
B'nai Israel Synagogue-Center • 618 Mynsfer Sf. Council Bluffi, Iowa
Sunday, Oct. 27, 1963—6:00 P.M.
Nazi Commander Life Imprisonment Graz, Austria (JTA)—A Graz court handed down a sentence of life imprisonment on Stefan Rojko, former assistant commandant of the Theresicnstadt concentration camp, on wartime crimes charges. A jury found that Rojko had personally murdered 26, Jewish inmates of the Nazi Camp.
John Kalina
New York (JTA^More than 7fiO books of Jewish interest published in the United States, Israel and Great Britain during the year ending May 1903, are listed and briefly described in Volume 21 of the Jewish Book Annual, a yearbook of Jewish literary creativity, published by the Jewish Book Council of the National Jewish Welfare Board.
New Rochelle, N. Y. (WNS)— Conversational Hebrew courses will be offered for the first time this year by Iona College, a Catholic institution, it was disclosed here by college officials who said the development was in response to the "remarkable revival" of and the widespread interest, in Hebrew. - Indicative of the growing interest in. Hebrew on college campuses was the simultaneous announcement in Tucson that the University of Arizona would offer a course in Hebrew for the first time and that students taking it would get full college credit.
• Pot Roast With Potato Pancakes • Klshka • Gcfilte Fish • Lokshen Kugcl • Baked Duckling • Apple Strucdcl
Also Our Regular Buffet Choice Steak — Lobster Tail — Shrimp
780 Jewish Books Published in 1963
Hebrew to Be Taught At Catholic College
Frances Brown W e d to B. Elkins
— — €u«it Speaker Rabbi Dr. Oscar Z. Fasrnan President, Hebrew Theological College Jewish University of America "Sandy and Bob"—Celebrated Chicago Nile Club Entertainers in a Program of Music and Comedy Couverf: $12.50 Per dale Mth •' • ,
Cocktails 5:00 P.M.
Checks Payable fo: B'nai Israel Synagogus
Reservation Deadline Oct. 15 (For Information Call 322.5996 Or 322-4705)
, ; ,
Page Four
Auto Industry Avoids Employing Jews in Administrative Posts
• .
New York (JTA>—The auto. mobile industry's official policy of "equal employment oppor' tunity" has failed to end the • "serious under-utiiization" of . Jews in white collar and administrative positions, B e r n a r d Nath. chairman of the Civil Rights Committee of the AntiDefamation League of B'nai B'rith, charged. He said that a study conducted by the League on the industry's employment of Jewish personnel reveals that 51,000 white collar, professional and executive employees in Detroit's Big Three auto companies, only :!2;i —less than three-fourths of one percent—are Jews, He called the low figure indicative of "an obvious gap" betwen the proclaimed policy of fair employment by top officers of the industry and actual hiring practices at operating levels. The study supervised by Arnold Forster. the League's general counsel and civil rights director, cited \these figures: of 35.500 at General Motors. SO are Jews; of .18.000 at Chrysler, 102. are Jews; of 17,500 white collar and executive employees at Ford. 146 are Jews. It noted as significant that 20 of the 140 Jews at Ford are in the Scientific Research Labora-
tory and 17 of the 102 at Chrysler are in the Missile Division— two departments which are not directly involved in the production and sales of automobiles. Furthermore, the study revealed an almost tfcial lack of Jews in sales and financing departments. The study cited no single reason for the dearth of Jewish white collar and executive personnel but gave the following circumstances as contributing factors; 1. Social discrimination at the "executive suite" level which precludes hiring Jews; 2. College recruitment procedures which fail to make merit-employment standards clear to placement officers and deans of engineering schools; :). Company toleration of department heads hostile to Jewish employment. The ADL official said meetings with college placement officers at one major mid-west university indicated that although a college recruiter might interview t h r e e engineering graduates with equal qualifications it was known that "the boy with the Jewish name" would not have an equal chance lor consideration in some company departments where prejudice superceded top level policy,
Israel at fhe 0. M. Assembly (Continued from Page 1.) the next day. The day of the speech, she started by meeting with Gromyko, made her speech, conferred with Britain's Foreign Secretary Home, saw the Cambodian Forcing Minister, had a long serious talk with SecretaryGeneral U Thant—and was still in good form when she went to a synagogue, then: to the home of a friend where she had dinner in a Succoh. Those who have seen her in action here, year to year, feel that she has not only not slowed down — she has. if anything, stepped up her workload. She seems to thrive on work. And yet she keeps a firm hand "on her country's foreign p o l i c y , knows every detail of the complex activities concerning her Government and the world at large, and does it all with good humor, patience and tact—all of it.mixed with the grace of one who truly deserves the term Lady. But it is not only Mrs. Meir's work, that gives credit to Israel here. Throughout the entire delegation, from Mr. Comay down, there is the same dedication, the same expert skill—resulting in the same successes, large and small. One of Israel's top diplomats recently showed great pleasure when a commemtator called him. a "pro." "That's the bigest compliment anyone can give us," he said, "after all, we all started as amateurs so very recently." An -example of growth in the Israeli diplomatic service is one of the members of this year's delegation to the Assembly* Dr. '. Eliezer Yapou. Correspondents J here got to know him first some years ago as the press officer for the Israel delegation. Later, he was given a post as the delegation's representative to the Assembly's social, humanitarian and cultural committee — a group where the human rights , problem are debated. Subsetjeuntly, he was taken back to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. Among his assignments was one to accompany the late •l President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi on . the latter's tour of A f r i c a n p. states. .'He was sent with Mr, / Ben-Zvi because it was known i that Dr. Yapou was personally , acquainted with 10 presidents of African countries. This year, lie was shifted to Amsterdam as ; Consort-General. He had no sooner ensconced himself.' in that post, when he was ordered to come back here—again to repre-
sent Israel in the committee handling human rights. In this committee. Dr. Yapou has truly distinguished himself so far—and the season is young. Quietly, but with force, he has tangled with the Russians on the shabby, tragic treatment meted out to Russian Jewry: with the Arabs on their attacks against Israel in season and out. He is still a youngish man— and not too old in the diplomatic service. But already he shows the stamp of skill that characterizes Israel's entire diplomatic service—and he is entirely a product of the Golda Meir regime. She knows how to pick people, how and when to give them leeway, to permit them to grow in her country's service. There are still tough days ahead for Israel here. For one thing, the Arab refugee question has not yet even been reached. When it does come up for debate, Mrs. Meir herself will return from Israel, having gone home after her first round in this year's Assembly. But the auguries are good. With her at the helm, and her team of experts on hand, Israel has nothing to fear here.
Army Dedicates Training Center Memory Zussman Detroit UTA)—The United States Army formally dedicated a new, half-millionHdollar army training center in memory of a Jewish hero, the late Lt. Raymond Zussman. Lt. Zussman, killed in action during World War II, was one of the few war heroes to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. In addition, he had been the recipient, during his life as well as posthumously, of at least II other United States military decorations and medals. According to the Army's official citation, Lt. Zussman distinguished himself particularly in one action in France when, "under his heroic and inspiring leadership, 18 enemy soldiers were killed and 92 captured." For this "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above the call of duty," the Army stated, he received the Medal , of. Honor. He lived through this action, but lost hia life under fire later.
Friday. Oct. 11, 19B3
B'tiai B'rif h
At Aqe 120 (VVNS)—Jewish folklore, in the felicitous Yiddi.sh plirase "bis hundred un tzvantzig yohr," perpetuates 120 years as the classic lifetime. On October Ki B'nai B'rith reaches that moment in its history. But the 120th anniversary of B'nai B'rith should be observed in knowledge that for this pervasive organization, the past ia but prologue. We c o m m e m o r a t e B'nai B'rith's four generations with the realization of how it grew from t w e l v e founders who sought to unite "Israelites in the work of promoting their highest interests and those of humanity." to an organization which now has nearly a half-million members and spans the Free World. Linking Jews of 42 nations under the symbol of the Menorah, and bringing a heaping measure of practical unity into the diverse ways of Jewish life, B'nai B'rith lias been, in a sense a forerunning of the United Nations concept. It has raillied together for common Jewish aims s u c h conflicting elements as Orthodox and Reform, Zionist and non-Zionist, Yiddishist and Hebraist, Sephardi and Ashkenzai. It would be easy—and quite lengthy—to list the many visable achievements of B'nai B'rith: the first Jewish community center and Jewish library in this country; the hospitals, orphanages and other philanthropies sponsored in the early years; the persistent defense of Jewish rights and community relations activities; the vast youth movement, including the pioneering H i 11 e 1 Foundations on 247 campuses; the impact on Jewish education and culture; the assistance to the Jewish colonizers of Israel, a- story that goes back almost a century, even before the advent of the Zionist movement. But the real triumph of B'nai B>ith at age 120 is invisable; it is one of the spirit, and of an abiding sense of community. In fact, the history of B'nai B'rith is inseparable from the history of the American Jewish community, and, in many ways, the one is a cameo of tlie other. With its mere 120 years in the long annals of the children of the C o v e n a n t , B'nai B'rith has served a need and made its impact. At 120 it still retain."! the vigor of youth. ISRAEL DOES NOT FAVOR SUSPENSION OF SO. AFRICA FROM U.N. New York (JTA>—Mrs. Gold.a Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, indicated in answer to a question during a television interview that Israel did not favor suspension of South Africa from the United Nations because of that country's apartheid policy. She was interviewed on the local educational television station. In a session during which most of the questions dealt with Israel's cooperation with new African states in the field of economic and social development, one of the interviewers asked the question: "Should the United Nations suspend South Africa and, if such a move is made, will Israel support it?" She replied that the UN must consider very carefully whether more pressure can be applied upon a country when-that country is "a part of the family of nations or outside." Asked about the 'criticism against Israel made by South African Premier Hendrik Verwoerd, Mrs. Meir said that theentire matter was a "serious and tragic situation." I am sorry he does not understand our position," she stated. "The Jewish people are concerned whenever a discussion arises involving discrimination because of color, race or religion. We cannot just sit back and accept apartheid."
By Charles Arnold (For more information call She Sports Office, 31:>-i:tGGJ GIIU.S' VOLLEYBALL PROGRAM STARTS The Jewish Community Center's Physical Education Department will start its high school girls' athletic program with volleyball every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The volleyball program will provide exercise along with enjoyment and fun for the girls. Enroll by calling or attend the session on Sunday. • * * HELP YOUR CHILD FUNCTION TO CAPACITY The Center is happy to announce the initiation of a quiet and active games program for children in the second through fourth grades. The games are designed to provide healthy physical development for all. and will be adaptable to meet specific needs. Enroll your children now and see them grow and have fun this fall, by contacting the sports office. •
CALLING ALL MEN MKN, now is your chance to participate in an activity that
you have been waiting for. Tha Center is starting its own VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES for those interested in learning and participating in this fast growing team sport that promotes fun and exercise. As a player on a team you will attain physical fitness. Jjasic skills, teamwork and 'esprit de corps." AH men interested in forming their own team or becoming a member of a team, please contact the office. ' *
AZA No. 1 rolled over Chaiin Weizmann last Sunday on the fourth day of the Youlh Council football contest. The score reveals an impressive victory of 72-0. Dan Katskce and Marshall Turkel led their team to victory with the unquestionably fine job done by teammate Jerry Bergman an quaterback. Rayim and AZA 100's scheduled game was forfeited by AZA .100 as they failed to have present the required number of players, thus leaving Rayim again undefeated with the statistics of 4 wins and 0 losses. Sunday, October 15 AZA 1 vs. Rayim C. W. vs. AZA 100
er Is President of B'nai B'rifh Girls Washington—This is about the f a r m e r ' s daughter who was elected president of B'nai B'rith Girls. She is eighteen-year-old Judy Elaine Smith from Salt Lake City, a dark-haired and bouyant college freshman. Judy was elected head of the largest Jewish teenage g i r l s : movement at its annual convention. She lives with her parents on a 30-acre poultry farm on the outskirts of the city. There are 30,000 chickens to be cared for. "But chores are strictly domestic," she says. "The" hen house and I have never been on very good terms." Judy dislikes eggs arid chickens make her sneeze. She is the first girl off the farm to become head of B'nai B'rith Girls in its 35-year history. She's been active in the movement since she was fourteen.
-PHcberSaodyKoufax Two Series Sames New York fJTA)—The world of professional baseball hailed the record-shattering performance of the Jewish . p i t c h e r Sandy Koufax who struck out 15 batters of the New York Yankees to give the Los Angeles Dodgers the first game in the World Series. Koufax, in his performance, cracked a ten-year record for world series games as the Dodgers won, 5-2 in the opener. Koufax, who fanned 306 batters this season while hurling 11 shutouts among his 25 victories to push the Dodgers into the National League championship, pitched out of rotation last month so that he could be free to attend services on Rosh Hashanah and Yoni Kippur. Wins 2nd Game Koufax won his second 1963 World Series game Sunday, de* feating the New York Yankees 2 to 1 and giving the Dodgers the world championship with four straight victories over the New York club. The victory marked the first time in history that the powerful Yankees have ever been defeated in a world series without winning a single game. In his first victory over the Yankees last week, he set a X/prld series record of 15 strikeouts.
"The B'nai B'rith Youth Organization is really the center • of outside activity "for tlie Jewish boys and girls in my hometown," she reports. An older brother, Niel, had been active in the boys' group. Judy, who began her studies at the University of Utah last month, has some firm convictions about the role of a Jewish youth organization. "It should be> nn adventure in living, with the kind of group experiences that help you to discover and understand what Judaism is about and how to apply it to your own life. "My friends in BBYO are eager to live Jewish lives. But many aren't quite sure how to go about it. The BBYO program has an educating influence here." During her one-year term of office Judy will do a lot of traveling throughout the U n i t e d States and Canada visiting BBG chapters. She comes from A B'nai B'rith family. Her father, Harry Smith, and her mother, Marjory, are active ia the parent organization.
Heard forhundreds of miles Proud of tha muakal. accomplishmentaof your youngstere? Their grandparents would enjoy a "concert" by Long Distance telephone. Try this idea tonight; Uiecosttasurprioingly low. Northwestern Bell.