October 18, 1963

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18 196SF

I'ubliratlrtn Otlke, 101 Nu. VOlli Ojnaiia, Ncl>n»sku, i'iamt? 3 I'.'-J-'JG'J



Center Activities for Everyone For more information on the following activities call the Center Activities Office, 342-l-SCfi.

Center Adult Theatre Group A meeting to organize an adult tlinnler group will be held al flic Jewish (.'uinmunily (.'enter this Sunday at 2:30 p.m. The meeting, to develop and set plans for tin- I!)fi3-I>4 season, will lie tinder (lie supervision of Al DiMauro, director of Hie new talent unit. Those interested in assisting with (lie group ;ue invited to attend the Sunday'mrrfiiig. A series of current broadivay theatrical and musical liils are bring planned foe presentation. ADULTS PAINTING AND lilt IDG K Registrations are still being accepted for the Jewish Community Center sponsored classes for women in p a i n t i n g and bridge. Afternoon classes in the two popular pastimes are offered in West Omaha locations under professional supervision. An additional advance class in portrait painting is presented at the Center each Tuesday evening under the direction of portrait artist Augustus Dunbier. * * * ADULT ACTIVITIES Activities to be started for adults shortly include classes in French or Spanish, a boating and navigation course, a swimming pool operation and maintenance course, plus classes in Jewish cookery, hat in a k i n g, cake decorating, home movies plus courses in investment, home building, everyday law and social dancing. » • • KVKNINGS WITH 0 PICK A \ The first monthly session in the* Jewish Community Center sponsored series "Evenings With Opera" will be held this Saturday evening at 8 p.m. al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josef Mayer, 2G03 South CO street. The Opera Program, tinder the direction of Rabbi Michael Sanders, director of the Omaha Hebrew Academy and a noted opera scholar and collector of recorded operatic music, is free and open to those interested in good music. Each session features opera music on a definite theme followed by open discussion. The October theme is "An Evening With French Opera" and features such o p e r a t i c greats as Georges Thill, Emma Calve, Maria Jeritza, Amelita Galli-Curci, Jussi Bjorling, Grace Moore and Marcel J o u r n e t . Others to be presented are Giuseppe Lugo, Marcella Sembrich, Hiccardo Martin, Geraldine Farrar and Giovanni Martinelli. No advance enrollment for the programs are necessary with all being invited to attend. - . •. • • CHILDREN BOG OBEDIENCE Other Center activities to be presented include dog obedience classes for children on Sunday afternoons. A series of six lessons are included in the series for children and their dogs. Instructor for the Sunday group Is a private kennel owner and dog handler. •




SPEED READING Speed reading for high school and junior high students, with /special emphasis on developing Bound study habits, is featured for Friday presentation at the Center. Starting at 4 p.m. the Friday series features the latest reading m a c h i n e s plus programmed learning. The fee for the reading series is $5 with registrations being accepted on a limited basis only. -' , • • • GRADE SCHOOL CLUBS An entire series of clubs for grade school students haa been developed for presentation this fall and spring. Free clubs open

for membership under Center sponsorship include a stamp club, the largest stamp club for youth in Nebraska, a science club, photo club, amateur radio club, fish club, crafts club and dramatics group. Also available to children are modern dance classes, a Sunday scries of quiet and active games plus neighborhood club groups, *


IIOKSICIIACK Another popular activity for children is the Sunday horseback trail rides, Leaving the Center at 1:30 p.m. and returning by 5 p.m.. the group though limited in number, has over a two hour riding session over the trails near the new Esther K. Newman Camp. Fee for each Sunday's riding and transportation is $2. *

DANCK HANI) A dance band for grade school and junior high students meets under a professional director, Charles Herzon, each Sunday afternoon at the Center. Those playing a musical instrument are always welcome to participate in this free group which rehearses and puts on special programs and concerts throughout the year. *


OTHKIt SKKVH.'ES. Other services provided by the Center for youth includes a Party Planning Service, which offers m o v i e s , magicians, story tellers and party planning assistance, and a Tutoring Service, which provides tutors to students needing assistance in particular school subjects. *

. •


SWIM TEAM Parents interested in competitive swimming for their children during the winter and spring months are invited to attend a meeting on Tuesday, October 22 at I! p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, Barton Greenberg, Center Swimming Chairman, announced. The meeting, the result of interest in competitive swimming for children in grade and junior high school, will consider plans for competitive swimming and participation in age group and youth league swimming. Practice sessions for the youth swimmers are being scheduled for Sunday afternoons in the Center's indoor pool. * Those parents unable to attend the Tuesday meeting and who have an interest in swimming competition for their children are asked to call the Swimming Department to register their interest in the program. A largo turnout is "expected for the Tuesday meeting Greenberg reported. •


When the t e a c h e r s meet, grade school children will have a special treat. Over the teachers convention and vacation starting Thursday, October 24 a series of activities under tho sponsorship of the Jewish Community Center have been developed for boys and girls. Lincoln Trip Featured activity T h u r s d a y will be a bus excursion to Lin-





nrt (,'i;isy I'oslfijre Paid single Copy1 30 Onts al Omuliu, Nrbr. Annual Jtutt 4 Dbllaia

"d Women Invited to Annual er Needlework Tea on Monday ,,uu U.S. Leader, ..i emerging Africa" will he discussed at the Wednesday, October 2.'i session of the University of Omaha Institute on World Affairs at 8:15 at the University. The speaker will be Dr. Horace M. Bond, who is Dean of the Atlanta University School of Education and consultant to many of the new African nations, and has been president of Fort Valley State College and Lincoln University, Dr. Bond has had numerous articles published in magazines and w r i t t e n four books, the latest of which is The Search for Talent. He has made seventeen trips to Africa and is active in several organizations dealing with the continent. He is vice-president of the Society of African Culture (International) and is for m e r president of the African-American Institute and the American Society of African Culture. Arthur H. Goldstein, president of the Jewish Federation, said that tickets can be secured by calling the Center, .'J42-f3fiO. The Federation is one of the co-sponsors of the Institute on World Affairs.

An invitation to the annual Ingathering.Tea of the Omaha Needlework Guild has been extended to the women in the community. The event will be held Monday afternoon, October 21, at the Commercial Savings and Loan Association Building. 4501 Dodge Street. The Federation of Jewish

Bazaar Donors Urged to Hurry With Their Gifts Only a few more days remain to accept, collect, mark and pack gifts for sale at the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Booth at the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar, Monday, October 2!i at the SheratonFontenelle Hotel, according to chairman, Mrs. A r t h u r Goldstein. A small army of volunteers will staff the Federation Booth after the "Before Dawn" crew mentioned last week has the booth in readiness. The volunteers are Mmes. Jack Ban, Sam Ban, Paul Blotcky, I s a d o r e (Continued on Page 4)

Everyone Invited To Panel on Youth Women Meet for A.Z.A. No. 100 will present a Israel Bonds panel discussion entitled "Future of Youth in a Free America" on Thursday evening. October 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. . Participating in the panel are Raymond Horn, Jr., president of the Catholic Inter-racial Council; Lawrence McVoy, chairman of the Omaha NAACP; Rev. Neil Danberg, director of the National Conference of Christians and Jews; Rabbi Jay Karzen of B'nai Israel S y n a g o g u e , Council Bluffs; and a member of the Omaha School Board. Hand Engel, Paul Goldenberg, Carl Riekes, Tom Rosen, Jack Steinman and Sheldon Zwerling planned the program. The program, sponsored by high school students, is open to the general public, both youth and adults. coin, Nebraska to visit tiie State Capitol Building, the museums at the University of Nebraska and the Planetarium. Fee for the all day excursion, under adult supervision is $3.00. Chi> dren will bring their own sack lunch. Picnic The featured activity Friday is a giant picnic at Elmwood Park starting at 11 a.m. and running until 3, weather permitting. There will be games, prizes galore, hiking and special entertainment. The picnic is free witli children bringing t h e i r own lunches. Oneg Shabbat Saturday afternoon a big Oneg Shabbat will be conducted at the Center starting at 2 and running until 3 p.m. Special entertainment, a movie film and treats for those present, will be featured. Admission to this event is 25 cents. Swimming and Horseback Other a c t i v i t i e s over the school vacation include horseback riding trail trips Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Open swimming will also be available Thursday and Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. for 35 cents each time, Reservations for the Lincoln excursion and the riding activities must -be made in advance by calling the Activities Office. Other activities may be participated in without prior registration.

Women's Clubs, under the name of Asscoiated Jewish Charities of which Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg is section chairman and Mrs. Richard Wright, table display chairman, invites everyone to attend. Mrs. Greenberg urges all those who have not responded to the Needlework appeal to do so immediately. The following have contributed since the last list appeared: Mmes. J. Abrahamson, Louis Abramson, Frank Alberts, Sam Ban, Jack Belmont, Jacob Bercovici, M. A. Bercovici, Dave W. Bernstien, David Bleicher, Jerome Bleicher, Isaac Block, Edward D. Erodkey, M. H. Brodkey, R. Max Canar, Harold Cherniack, Jack B. Cohen, Meyer Cohen, Sam Cohen, Ben Colin, Harry Cooperman, Meyer Crandell, Bernard Diamond, Ah- ' raham Epstein, David B. Ep(Continued on Page i)

Eshkol's Daughter Speoks for Bonds Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf will be hosts at a reception welcoming Mrs. Tama Eshkol Shochat, daughter of ^s--x Israel's P r i m e f/i £! *J5 J M i n i s t e r , Levi * ~"'~ Eshkol, on Tuesday, October 22, J at (1 p.m., at their! h o in e, 307 So A JSZ^ i,O"

The Women's Division of the Omaha Israel Bond Committee will continue its fall campaign with a meeting on Monday morn- 92nd St. V 3 " " £'• i ing. October 21,. 9:30 a.m., at the Mrs. Shochat is home of Mrs. Milton R. Abra- a pioneer settler hams, G59 North 5«th Street, it of Israel's new ^ > . , - ' was announced this week by N e g e v develop-f Mrs. Joseph Guss, chairman of ment t o w n of oft the women's group. Arad where as Tama Socliat The purpose of the meeting is Community Organizer, she is reto discuss and make plans for sponsible for planning the town s the drive which will continue communal, cultural and social through December. The women events. She and her husband, will also be given prospect cards Avraham, a civil engineer, weie and assignments to carry out as in Arad's first group of settlers part of" the intensive campaign and have h e l p e d to lay the which will be conducted in great- groundwork for the town's coner Omaha this year. tinuing social development. Mrs, Guss stated that she exA graduate social worker, the pected the 1963 Women's Divi- 27-year-old Mrs. Shochat Is no sion effort to be the most suc- stranger to pioneering life and cessful of the annual Omaha ef- was raised in the Jordan Valley forts and urged all women in the Kibbutz at Degania where her community to respond to the fu- distinguished father is still an ture efforts of those workers official member. She later volwho will attend the October 21 unteered for service at the Gaza meeting. Strip kibbutz of Nahal Oz and served there when in the army during the Sinai campaign. Arthur Spiegel Mrs. Shochat took her social degree at the Hebrew UniNew ADL Director work versity, then worked with immiArthur. Spiegel has been ap- grants in the city of Acre, helppointed director of the Plains ing hundreds of families to overStates Regional Office of the come their absorption problems. | Anti • Defamation She is making her first visit to League of B'nai the United States on a tour that B'rith, announced will take her to at least a score Millard R o s e n - of American and C a n a d i a n b e r g of Omaha, cities. Mr. J. H a r r y Kulakofsky, Nebraska, chairman of the Oma- General Chairman of the Omaha ADL Committee. Israel Bond Committee, stated Mr. Spiegel is that he is extremely pleased to a traveler, lec- welcome Mrs. Shochat to Omasaid "as a turer, student of ha. Mr. Kulakofsky of Israel's youngpolitical science representative er generation, the ones who toand an expert on day are remaking the face of Arthur Spiegel propaganda tech- the Holy,Land,.'Mrs. Shochat niques; and has traveled and symbolizes a living picture of studied extensively throughout the miracles now taking place the middle East and Europe,to in Israel with the aid of our Is(Continued on Page 4) rael Bond dollars."

Pledge Bay All Jewish 9lfi Graders are invlled to attend a Pledge Day function on Friday, October 25 at 9:30 a.m. In (he Jewish Community Center Auditorium. : Judy Nogg, Richard Diamond and F r a n k V/inkotA, Pledge Day Chairmen, announce that this will replace tin former brunch program. The Friday, October 25, gathering Is instead of Octolier S&.

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Page Two

Jlje Published weekly on Friday beginning the last weH- in August through second week in July by the Jewish Federation of Oin:ili;i. Second Class Pottage Paid of Omaha. Netr. Annual Subscription, s«.C0. Advertising Rales en Application. Publication Office—101 No. 20ln Street, Omaha, Uibr., W-lsU.



Oar and Bas frffizvah All fik'mls and relatives are Invited (o utt'iid services nml reception.

JANET UOSI.NSTICIN SUSAN SI'IKGAI. I'AMELA WEISS A group Bas Mitzvah celebration will be held tonight at Beth | Candlclighting, 5:19 p.m. Israel Synagogue for Janet RosTemple Israel: Sabbath eve- enstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kosenstein. Susan ning services will be held at 8:15 Spiegal, daughter of Mr. and p.m. Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner Mrs. Harry Spiega! nnd Pamela Weiss, daughter ol Mr. and will officiate. Musical portions of the serv- Mrs. Bernard Weiss. ice will be by Cantor Kuttner and the Choir with Miss Gitlin, JIM FItlEI) Jim Fried, son of Mr. and Mrs. directing. Sam Fried, will observe his Bar Belli El: Sabbath eve services Mitzvah tonight and Saturday will begin this evening at 8:15 morning, October 19 at the p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will 10:30 service at Beth El Synadeliver the s e r m o n . Cantor gogue. Aaron I. Edgar and the Choir will render the musical portions KAKEN SOKOI.OF SALLY FOX of the service. Karen Sokolof. daughter of Traditional Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sokolof and The Family Service will be held Sally Fox, daughter of Mr. and at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-Maariv Mrs. Philip Fox will each beservices will begin at 5:15 p.m. come Bas Mitzvah Saturday Sunday morning services be- morning, October i'J at Temple gin at 9 a.m. Services during the Israel. week are held at 7 a.m. and DAVID KATZ 7 p.m. HOWARD HALPEKIN Bfth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Bar Mitzvah of David Kntz, Groner. Cantor Emil Berkovits son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and the Choir will conduct late Katz and Howard Halperin, son services this evening at 8:15 p.m. of Mr. and Mrs. Yale Halperin, Traditional Friday evening serv- will be observed on Saturday, ices (Kobolas Shabbos) at 5:20 October 1!) at 8:45 a.m. at Belli p.m. Israel Synagogue. Saturday morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. Shabbos Mincha SUSAN ENDEL.MAK at 5:25 p.m. followed by Maariv SHARON LIPPETT at 6:20 p.m. Bas Mitzvah of Susan EndelSunday morning services at 9 man,- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a.m. Daily services at 5:25 p.m. Robert Endelman and Sharon Lippett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Lippett will be cele|< Dedication brated Friday, October 25 at The family of Walter Jacob- 8:15 p.m. at Beth Israel Synason will dedicate a monument gogue. in his memory on Sunday, October 20 at 2:30 p.m. at Beth El BRUCE ABKAIIAMSON MARK ABRAHAMSON Cemetery. Bar Mitzvah of Bruce nnd Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will of- Mark Abrahamson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Abrahamson ficiate. will be celebrated on Saturday, October. 20 at 8:<I5 a.m. at Beth Israel Synagogue. Druse Unit

Sworn Into Israel Army

Kennedy Lauds B'nai Chicago UTA1 — The B'nai B'rith today started the nationwide observance of its I20th anniversary year with a dinner here honoring Ambassador Philip M. Klutznick, a former Omahan and a former member of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations and a past president of the B'nai B'rith. The dinner featured a major civil rights address by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, who commended Mr. Klutznick and B'nai B'rith for their roles in the advancement of national human rights objectives. B'nai B'rilh , president Label Katz, presented Mr. Klutznick with the first award of the anniversary year for personifying "the p u r p o s e and deals of B'nai B'rith in the lasting contributions he has made to Jewish life and to the American society." He commended Mr. Klutznick for having contributed vision and dynamism to B'nai B'rith. Kltitznick-Remarks Mr. Klutznick said that now that B'nai B'rith has attained 120 years, the traditional lifespan of Moses, the order must "not only, like Moses, look into the Promised Land, but actually enter it." Stressing that B'nai B'rith has not completed its work but only begun, Mr. Klutznick said: "The Promised Land we envisage is a concept of a meaningful Jewish life perpetuated despite new challenges." Citing the developing Negro revolution, Mr. Klutznick said "Jewish education must keep the torch of learning lighted with sufficient brilliance for the Jew to see his personal obligation.'' He said the Jew was entering "the Promised Land of material well-being but the B'nai B!rith old values of uniting Jews in the highest interest of humanity must not be submerged or lost in materialism or automated conformity." Mr. Klutznick said that "during the first 120 years of B'nai B'rith, the Jewish community, partly because of B'nai B'rith's role, is better organized, more unified, strengthened in its security and awakened to its communal responsibilities. Now. we must think of educating, perpetuating, and inspiring our people to bring the old values into the new life, of continuity from' the exodus of Moses to the present marches for freedom."

Two Gold iedals for Israel Anniversary Amsterdam (JTA)—The State Mint of the Netherlands has issued two gold medals in commenoration of the 15th aniversary of the Slate of Israel. The medals bear or. one side the heads of King David and King Solomon. On the other are representations of a Menorah, Israel in-Hebrew letters and representations of the shekel. Symbols of the 12 tribes comprise the border of the medals.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stone of Denver, Colo., announce the birth of a son, Bradley Jay on August 21. Grandparents are Mr., and Mrs. Sam Olesker and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stone of Denver.


Youths Accused Of Vandalism Vienna (WNS)—Two sixteenyear-old youths accused of acts of vandalism against a Jewish cemetery were seized recently when they tried to sell their loot-gold fillings they removed from the bodies of the dead. The vandals, whose identity has not been revealed by the police because of their youth: uprooted six tombs and three vaults.

Suzhng steaks, juicy and tender 'Olist b c e l - - a complete menu.

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No Order Too Largo or Too Small

Pope Welcomes y.J.A. Mission

JIM MALASI1OCK Jim Malashock, son of Dr. and. Mrs. Edward Malashock, will become Bar Mitzvah Saturday, Vatican"City—An United JewOctober 26 at Temple Israel. ish Appeal study mission group had an audience with Pope Paul, at which the Pontiff told them "We have the same God and the same Bible. Let us pray GERTRUDE STEIN Funeral services were held to the .Lord to lead us, comfort October 13 at the Jewish Funer- us and bless us." al Home for Mrs. Hymie Stein, 74, who died October 9, at the - MONA LISA Dr. Sher Home for Aged. Survivors are her husband House of Glamour Hymie; son, Max, Culver City, III No. SClh 653-7000 Calif.; daughters, Mrs. Harry 6'E>p«rrHalr<Siyliit« Babendure, Fremont; Mrs. Ben Air-Conditioned Dryers Miller, Omaha and seven grandMISS MARSH and MISS JERRY children. Ownen

Tiberias—A Druse unit of Israel Army r e c r u i t s solemnly swore an oath of allegiance at Nebi Sh'eib, the traditional tomb of Jethro and the holy place of the- Druse community, at Kfar Hittin. ' The spiritual leader of the Druse community, Sheikh Amin Ta'rif, the Israel Army Chaplain, Col. Shlomo Goren, parents of the soldiers and many guests attended the ceremony. Under powerful searchlights tlie Druse soldiers delivered the oath of allegiance to the State of Israel and its Army. Since the Druse are forbidden to swear by the Bible or. the Koran, the ceremony was held at Nebi Sh'eib, American Nazis with each soldier grasping his rifle in his right hand and rais- Arrested in Row ing his left. Washington fJTA) — Fourteen Col. Goren said that the Army men and a girl, all but one iden•would continue to give full rights tified by the police as members '. to the soldiers of Israel's Minor- of the American Nazi p a r t y , ities. He stressed that the cere- were arrested this w e e k e n d mony was being held on the eve when they stirred up a row at a of Succot, which symbolizes free- civil rights panel discussion at ;dom and liberty to all the com- American University here. irnunities living in Israel, [ "Your service in the Israel Mr. and Mrs. Frank FishDefense Forces is a great conberg wishes to thank their ' tribution, both to the State of relatives and friends for the Israel and to the Druse commany cards' of sympathy and •munity," Rabbi Goren told the for the contributions given soldiers. to organizations in the name of Julius Simon, who recentDo yoiii ihopplng in the Jewish ly passed away.

Friday, October ]8, J9B3

Monuments in the Jewish Tradition We are lenown for our exacting Hobrow loitering and derail, select your monument from fho lirgeit stock of up-to-date memorial* in the midwest, tee what you buy. ' W e employ no agents . . . here you save expensive commissions at you deal directly with the owners , , , We invite you to compare . . . We permit no untimely solicitation . , . you are free to make up your own mind, all memorial! plainly priced, set complete.

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Daily Jewish Newspapers BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratu. Jations, also cards, for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge FOR KENT—Four rooms, furnished apartment, 32nd and Hamilton, 551-2034. ,


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Friday, .October J8, lflfl.1



University News


CITY OF HOPE FUND CAMPAIGN Dr. and Mrs. So) Kutlc-r, copresidents of tlie Omaha chapter of the City of Hope, nnnounce that the cloor-to-door drive will be November 3. Bob Hope is JB63 national cltairman. Workers are being recruited for the collection campaign in Omaha, rtalston, Millard, Papillion, Bellevue and La Vista. Containers for the City of Hope have been distributed to retail stores throughout the metropolitan Omaha area. The City of Hope is a medical center devoted to research and care of patients who are victims of cancer, leukemia, and blood, chest, heart and hereditary disorders. •

I;; ;

WOKKMKN'S CIKCLK AUX. TO HAVE <CARI) PAKTV The Ladies Auxiliary of the Workmen's Circle are holding their annual card party on Sunday, October 20 at 7 p.m. at the Labor Lyceum. Mmes. Louis Witkin, chairman, and h o s t e s s e s Max Crounse, Nathan Lerman nnd Yetta Orenstein are in charge. •

TEMPLE MEN'S CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS The new officers of the Temple Israel Men's Club are Sydney Osten, president; Marvin Taxman, 1st vice-president; Bernard Ruben, 2nd vice-president; Herb Singer, secretary; I. M. Liberman, treasurer;., Bernard Raskin, cultural; Milton Soskin, traffic, and Marvin Hrookstein, Chautauqua Society. • • * RUMMAGE SALE HY PIONEER WOMEN ' The Pioneer Women will hold a rummage sale and anyone having good used clothing may leave them at the home of Mrs. Rose Schwartz,' 421G Mason or call-Mines. Dave Epstein, 3454574, Rose Schwartz, 551-4272 or Harry Shrago, 551-3800, before October 20, for pickup. Proceeds from the sale will be used for the education of refugee children in Israel. •


HEBREW ACADEMY TO HAVE BAKE SALE A bake sale, sponsored by the Friends of the Omaha Hebrew Academy, will be held Thursday, October 24 from 9:.'1O a.m. to a p.m. at the Crossroads Arcade. The bake sale is to raise money for the Academy. • • • SKIT AT MEETING OF B. AND P. IIADASSAH ' The Business and Professional Women's Group of Hadassah will hold a dinner meeting Wednesday, October 23 at C p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Miss Julia Zukcr, program chairman, will present a skit.

Youth CENTRAL PLAYERS TO PRESENT 'NINE GIRLS' Nine Girls will be presented by the Central High Players on Wednesday, October 23 and Thursday, October 24. Sharon Berman is student director and JoAnn Schmidman is on the production staff. Sandi Fleischl and Bob Halm ore publicity co-chairman. HEVRAH B.B.G. BEAU DANCE On November 9, Hevrah BBG will present their beau dance, "Fools Paradise." Boys running for the candidate of beau are Mel Cohen and Ronnie Stein, AZA 1; Joe Erman, AZA 100; Jeff Schwartz and Marc Kaplan, Chaim Weizmann AZA, and Arnie Kimmel, Hayim. The dance will be held at the Town House ballroom from 9 to 12 p.m. A cokeloil will precede tho dance at the home of Sarah Pereiman.'


BETH ISRAEL TO HAVE BOOK REVIEW Beth Israel Sisterhood will present Miss Kathie Ney in a Kook Review on Tuesday, October 29, in the Synagogue Social Hall. A 12:30 luncheon will precede the Review. Reservations may be made with the three cochairmen, Mmes. Max Colin, Jack Levey and H e r b e r t Meiches. Tickets may be purchased from Sisterhood members. Luncheon arrangements are being handled by Mmes. Sidney Goldberg, David Hah'n, Rubin Ratncr, Harry Siref, Albert Sorkin and A. A. Zelinsky. Baby sitter service will he provided. IIADASSAH LUNCHEON FOR PAID-UP MEMBERS The a n n u a l Hadassah free paid-up membership luncheon will be held Wednesday, October 23, 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Dues can be paid at the door but reservations must be made in advance to Mrs, Meyer Rubin. The program is "Four Sides of a Coin." The panel discussion will focus on a look at Israel t h r o u g h the news, Hadassah, business and the traveler. Panel participants are Ray C l a r k , W.O.W.-TV news and radio; Mrs. Ben Silver, world traveler; J. Harry Kulakofsky, chairman of the Israel Bonds campaign; and Mrs. Nathan Nogg, Hadassah member who recently returned from a trip to Israel. Moderator for the discussion, is Maynard Telpner, Mayor of Council Bluffs. A question and answer period will follow the program. Mrs. Donald Shafton is program chairman for the month and Mrs. Robert Rosen is overall program chairman.

Fag© Hire*

Connie Spiegal To Wed R. Boresow

Steve Kaplan, Sandy K a s l n and Bill Kully are pledges to Zela Beta Tau at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Spiegal announce the engagement of their daughter, Connie Joyce to Robert Mitchell Boresow, grandson of Mrs. Mary Boresow of Kansas City, Missouri. A January wedding is being planned.

Elected pledge-class officers of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity at the University of Omaha were Mike Green, president and Steve Boguchwal, secretary. Pledge master is Lou Rich and ehapUr president is Jerry Schwarz. L e s l i e F o r b e s and Steve Bogtichwal were recent candidates for "Typical Freshman' at the University, being nominated by the Independent Students Association and the Fi.i lernily.

JUST SOLD! 2057 No. 54th Bur

JUST LISTED! 1252 No. 53rd In this same popular close-In locution near Harrison .school, Lewis an*! Clark Jr. Jlltfh, Beth Israel, buses. fi bedrooms, '2 ceramic baths Plus 2 more ',j baths. FAMILY ROOM, firepJnoe, central air conditioning. This unusual custombuilt while Colonial Is now offered nt $29,500 'and Is clean and perfect for faiTiily living. Call 553-2100 any time for showing.

Andrea Raskin was honored .it the annual Pan-Hellenic scholarship banquet at Iowa University She is a member of Sigma Delt.i Tau.

Omahans in News Edward Zorinslcy was elected president of the Nebraska Association of Tobacco Distributors. • * * Dr. Abraham Greenlierg received the Distinguished Citizens Citation from Creighton University and a plaque for thirty years of service to the city as city and clinic physician from the City-County Health Board.

Young Judaea All sixth, seventh and eighth grade girls are invited to the opening meeting of the Young Judaea clubs on Sunday, October 20 at 2:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. A'varied program of activities has been planned for this year. Competent leadership has been obtained to insure interesting, educational and recreational activities. The clubs are open to all girls from the 6th grade and up.


Connie Spiegal

PHOTOGRAPHER 817 South 36th Street —345-1044



Black and White

Don Dandy

Something New Serving Every Wednesday, 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. an Asiorfmcnt of Kosher Style Food Euffct Slylo Try Some ef Each "Mcichut" • Chccio Blinlics • Meat Dllnlzes • M a t i o Boll Soup • Kre|Huch

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Page Four

Center Sports • By Charles Arnold

(Foi' more information call (lie Sports Office, 312-136C) from the challenging Menkes PHYSICAL FITNESS IS Club. FOR YOU Playing for the J.C.C. were Il's A Fact .. . Chuck A r n o l d , Elliot Milder, Muscle efficiency can be de- Orvel Milder, Lindy Paul, Sherveloped by regular vigorous ex- man Poska and Bud Slosburg. ercise. Fit muscles will use 40% * • » less energy to do the same work. The efficiency and capacity of FENCING BEGINS SOON your heart, lungs and other orOn Sunday, November 3, fencgans can be improved by regu- ing classes for beginners will lar vigorous exercise. open at the Center. The course A class has been designed for will consist of ten sessions meetthe man who is watching his ing each Sunday evening at 7 weight as well as the one who p.m. in the auditorium. The sits behind the desk all day. The classes are designed for nonphysical fitness program con- fencers who are interested in sists of exercises designed to studying one of the most gracedevelop breathing, circulation ful and traditional of all sports. and muscle tone—to make you The complete ten week course feel like a million and look like of instruction will cost $17.50 one too. ($15.00 Center members) and This special noonday class is registration will be held at 6:15 being held on T u e s d a y and p.m. on November 3, just prior Thursday, 12 noon to 1, Jewish to the first lesson. Because of a Community C e n t e r. You may a limited number of students join at any time. Call the sports that will be accepted in this office for registration and fur- class no registrations will be ther information. accepted after the beginning of the first session. For more information call the Sports office. WRESTLING The Center is now offering kids wrestling, under the instruc- Y. C. FOOTBALL tion of Don yap, a dental stuAthletics pointed the way to a dent at Creighton University. successful morning last Sunday, Don will instruct classes each October 13, with fine playing Sunday afternoon from 1:30-2:30. done on the part of the Jewish Wrestling provides physical Youth Council football teams. fitness, self-confidence and fun! Rayini boasts of another win. All boys interested in learning this day tfver A.ZA. I—the score wrestling should report to the reading Rayim'30 to A.ZA. I 18. Center workout room on Sun- The game found Bob Gould and days. Lessons are free to Center Jerry Lohrman piloting their members or $5.00 for 10 lessons team, utilizing the fine running for non-members. • .of Arnie Weitz, to again march * • • 5 times across the goal line to CALLING ALL MEN v i c t o r y . A.Z.A. 1 played a MEN, now is your chance to notable game with Dan Katskee participate in an activity that paving the block as scoring man you have been waiting for. The for his team. Center is starting its own volThe g a m e between Chaim leyball leagues for those inter- Weizmann and A.ZA. 100 proved ested in learning and participat- to be a hard knocking contest ing in this fast growing team seen by the slim margin score sport that promotes fun and ex- of C.W.'s 18 to A.Z.A. 100 14. ercise. As a player on a team Chaim Weizmann's Mark Kapyou will attain physical fitness, lan scored with two of the three basic-skills, teamwork and "es- touchdowns, the r e m a i n i n g pirit de Corps." All men inter- touchdown was by Randy Endelested in forming their own team man, A.Z.A. 100 did a tremenor becoming a m e m b e r of a dous job in giving Chaim Weizteam, please contact the sports mann a tough run, by scoring 14 office. points. Standings Won Lost WOMEN SLIMASTICS Rayim 5 0 TUESDAY AND THURSDAY C. W. 2 3 3 2 SLIMASTICS, *the popular fig- A.Z.A. 1 0 5 ure conditioning sessions for A.Z.A. 100 women are run at the Center Sunday, Oct. 20 two mornings a week under the A.Z.A. 1 vs. A.Z.A. 100 supervision of a trained instruc- Rayim vs. C. W. • • • tor. The Tuesday and Thursday MIDGET LEAGUE sessions from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. DAD-LAD DAY are conducted by Sadie AnzaThe annual Dad-Lad Day will lone. Featured is the baby-sitting kick-off the Midget League basservice for pre-school children. ketball program at the Jewish Following the figure condition- Community Center on Sunday, ing class, women may use the November 3rd. pool and also the health club. An area college coach will be . . . . . • • • guest speaker, movies will be VOLLEYBALL shown and refreshments served The Varsity J.C.C. defending as 5th, 6th and 7th and 8th champions got off to a fine start graders meet to participate in in the Midwest A:A.U. Volley- the leagues to be organized. ball'league at Offutt Air Force All youngsters interested in Base last week, The Center team the Midget League should enroll won three out of three games by calling the Sports Office.

Arthur Spiegel A.D.L Director (Continued from Page 1) observe the mores and conditions of national and e t h n i c groups. Air. Spiegel comes to the midwest with a background of 10 y e a r s of professional activity with the A n t i - D e f a m a t i o n League. He has served as the Community Service Coordinator of the New York Regional Office, Director of its Freedom Film Library and has just concluded 5. years of service as Associate Director of the Florida ADL Office, Mr. Spiegel has lectured extensively before church, civic a n d educational organizations and recently served as a staff member at the 7th a n n u a l Southern Ecumenical Institute •ponsored by the National Council Of Churches of Christ. Hi*

Florida activity included working closely with church, academic and community organizations in helping create a healthier climate of race relations in the south, continued Mr. Rosenberg. • -..,• Mr. Spiegel's position as Director of the Plains States Regional Office; with headquarters in Omaha, will entail extensive travel through Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and sections of'South Dakota and Missouri concluded Mr. Rosenberg. • KBON Radio 1490 Presents "Message of Israel" ' Sun. Oct. 20 at 7:30 a.m. "Worry or Work?" Rabbi Abraham D. Shaw Baltimore, Md.

Friday, Ortober 18, 19GS

Needlework Guild Contributors

Children's Bazaar

(Continued from Page 1) Kaufman, Charles Kimmel, Rose (•Continued from Page 1.) stein. Morris Epstein, Sam Ep- Konecky, Milard Krasne, Max Chapman, R i c h a r d Einstein, stein, David Feder, Abe Feld- Lashinsky, Joe Levey, Stanley Dave Epstein, Jack Epstein, Alman, Leon Fellman, Donald Levin, Isidor Levinson, Norman fred Fiedler, M. M. Fleischl, Fischer. Alfred Fox, Albert Lincoln, Harry Lippett; Edward Dean Frankel, David FriedlandFox, Morton Frank, Sam Freed, Malashock, Sol Mann. Frank er, Lloyd Friedman, Phil GereYeshia Fregger, J. J. Friedman, Marks, Josef Mayer, Jack Mel- lick, Henry Greenberg, Robert* Mmes. Albert Garber, Irvin cher, Charles Nathan, Jack New- Kooper, Phil Laser, Jack Marer, Gendler. Yale Ginsburg. Ben- berg. Ralph F. Nogg. Harold Al Mayer, Stanley Mayper, Aljamin Gorelick, David Green- Novak, Julius Novak, Sam Ole- bert Newman, Henry Newman, berg, Joe J. Greenberg, Sam M. sker, Albert Ortich. Jack Newman, M a u r i c e NewGreenberg, Gerald S. Gross, Mmes. David Platt .Harold man, Nathan Nogg, Floyd PerlPaul Grossman, Harry Haykin, Pollack, William Racusin. Ray meter, Joe Rice, Yale Richards, Alice Heeger, Irving' Herzog, Pied, John Quinn, Eugene Rich, Edward Rosen. Charles RosenMorris Jacobs, George Kagan, Hyman Richards. Albert Rim- stock, Harry Sidman, William Joe Kahn, Jacob Kaplan, Harold merman, David Riseman, Stella Slonim, Ray Simon, Hubert SomKarp. Julius Katzman. Jack Robinson, Morris Roitstein, Isa- mer, Albert Steinberg, Oscar dore Rosenblatt, Hubert Rosen- Sutin, Abe Venger, Moe Venger, blum, Leo Rosenthal, Morris Paul Veret. I. H. Weiner, Al Ruderman, Ted Sanford, Leon Wohlner, Sam Wolf. Max WolfJunior B. B. Schmidman, Charles Schneider, son and Miss Beatrice Sommer. Bowling League .Leonard Segal. Ben Sherman, Staffing chairmen are Mmes. David Sherman, Gary Sherman, B'nai B'rith bowling for boys Max Louis Shrier, Earl David Beber and Lester Marcus. and girls from 10 years of age Siege),Shrago, With her co-chairmen, Mines. Ervin Lester Sithrough the 8th grade takes mon. Milton Simon, William Morton A. Richards and Alfred place each Sunday at 1 p.m. at Skolnik. HarrySimons, Smith, Max Sophir, Mrs. Goldstein urged the Ranch Bftwl. Teams will be Sommer, Joseph Stern, Robert that last minute donations be organized after bowling this Swartz. Sam Tarnoff, Melvin Ta- made as soon as possible. PickSunday. telman, Nathan Turner, Max ups for those unable to deliver Last year's bowlers who plan Wasserman, Isadore Weiner, the merchandise to the depots to bowl but have not been at Joe White, Ben Wintroub, Pliin- announced previously, may call the alleys since October 27 and eas Wintroub, Sophia Wohlner, Mrs. Sophir, 553-3950; Mrs. Richwant to be placed on a team Milton H. Yudelson, Eli Zalkin, ards, 553-1317 and Mrs. Goldshould call Mrs. Max Sacks, 558- Hymie Zorinsky and Misses stein, 391-0685. The main deposit 2380 immediately. Harriett Horwich and Jane point now is <>72!( Davenport At the close of the year there Kohl. Street, the Sophir residence. will be a banquet for members at which time awards will be MR. ADVERTISER: given. Also planned is a Chanukah tournament and a par"Get Seen, Get Read, Get Sales." ent-child tournament. Advertise in The Jewish Press

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