HOV IS 1963
Vol. xur—N». n
I'uijiiiiilioi) Office, 101 No. amn Omuh/i, Nebraska, I'iione 342-J3GS
fcei/ond Ctnss Postage Paid at Omami. Ni'br.
.SIIIKIO Cupy 30 Cents Annual Jiatc I Dolliu«
Center Activities for Everyone For more information on the following activities call the Center Activities'Office, 342-13C6.
Yiddish Movie Sunday A Yiddish movie. "The Great Advisor," will be shown at the Jewish Community Center this Sunday evening at 8 p.m., Joseph Radinowski. series chairman, announced. The film is an American-made Yiddish comedy. The story deals with a radio advisor, who while unable to help himself, advises his listeners on their misfortunes. Then he meets a "marriage broker." and this duo is joined by a third schemer who sells lottery tickets. The film has humorous songs. A short musical precedes the program. " Admission for adults is 50 cents, children and students admitted free. "Anyone can enjoy these filmed classics," Radinowski said, "as English subtitles complement the Yiddish dialogue." * «, . *
College Students Meet Sunday An informal group, the tlniverisly Club for collegiates and young adults, will meet this Sunday, November 17, 3 p.m. at the Ranch Bowl, Jerry Schwartz and Judy Davidson are coordinators of the event. Starting at 3 p.m., the group will be entertained by a professional folk singer from New York. Other entertainment, plus an "open end" discussion directed by Robert Eelkema, M.D. and D.V.M., will be presented. Social activities planned £or the-University Club include a college roundup for all Omaha Collegiates. young adults and those attending colleges outside of Omaha on December 2.r>; a big New Year's Eve dance plus a Hootcnnany after the first of the year. No fee is charged for belonging to the University club and all interested in its activities are invited to participate. The University Club is sponsored by the Jewish Community Center, with the active cooperation of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity at the University of Omaha.
Tropical Fish Club Sunday A tropical fish club, to. meet monthly, for grade and junior high school students, will hold its initial session this Sunday afternoon at 2:.W p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Participants in the free club learn about tropical fish, receive new information about the popular hobby, and have the opportunity to trade fish and ideas. The gronp is under the supervision of a director of one of Omaha's adult tropical fish club;;.
Youth Thanksgiving Service The • 23rd annual Youth Council Thanksgiving Services will be held Wednesday evening, November 27, 7:30 p.m. at Temple Israel, Ronee Epstein and Marshall Lewis, event chairmen, announced. All members of the Youth Council and their parents arc cordially invited to attend this event.
Painting Class Starts Wednesday A special afternoon class in oil painting for adults will start Wednesday, November 20 at 1 p.m. The first session of the art series will be conducted at the Center with other classes in the course being conducted in West Omaha locations, No materials are needed for the first session with the exception of a paper pad and pencil. Fee for the adult series is $7.
Hannukah Booklet and Menus The Jewish Community Center's Home Holiday Series Booklet, "Hannukah In The Home" is now available. The booklet suggests decorations and hints on how to celebrate the holiday and offers stories for children. Menus for the Holiday are included. The booklets cost 25 cents, which covers printing and mailing. Copies may be reserved by calling the Center's Activities Department. As a special Hannukah treat a Jewish art calendar will be included with each Hannukah packet mailed out. (More Center Activities on Page 4)
Appeals for More Aid for Israel An appeal to American Jewry to increase their contributions to meet the extremely urgent needs in immigration and absorption work in Israel was made by Louis A. Pincus, treasurer to the Jewish Agency for Israel. He said: 1. Thirty thousand families in Israel still live in one-and-a-half room flats, with scores of thousands more living in vacated Arab hwnes in new open slums. 2. Four thousand families continue to live in asbestos huts in 17 temporary tnaabarot quarters that have become all too permanent. 3. There are at least about 1 1,000 families and individuals 1 yho comprise a backlog of soi iial welfare cases—elderly men i ind women with no families to fall back on, invalids and handicapped, the blind sufferers from chronic.diseases, mental
and retarded cases, and lastly, the bedridden. 4. Despite great progress in agriculture, and the well-cultivated apeparance of the Israeli landscape, not one of the 400 settlements put on the land since the establishment of the State has reached the stage of full viability. Even the needs of youth have not been niet. With the fourth Aliyoh training programs limited by budget to 10,000 annually, no more than a half and possibly only a third of the youngsters have been properly trained. Mr. Pincus stressed that there is a disproportionate division of responsibility for financing this program, which places an unfair burden upon the people of Israel. The Israeli people, he said, account for 70 per cent of this cost, while the Jews of the rest of the world contribute only 30 per cent
Congressman Seymour Halpern of New York will speak at th« Israel Bond Dinner on Sunday, November 24, at Schimmel's Indian Hills Inn, J. Harry Kulakofsky, chairman, announced. The Omaha Chapter of HaCongressman Halpern is appearing in place of Judge Simon E. dassah is inviting its members Sobeloff, who unfortunately took suddenly ill. Mr. Kulakofsky and their husbands to a pre- stated that "though the committee is disappointed that Judge Sobeloff cannot be with us. they consider it most fortunate to have donor reception ^__, obtained Congressman Halpern as a substitute." h o n o r ing Mrs ; -••— ~ ~ Milt Moss to Appear Samuel W. Hal V As a special treat, Milt Moss, p r i n of New * _ an outstanding humorist and Y o r k , an o u t ' •* entertainer, will appear that standing leader evening. Mr. Moss' repertoire and w o r l d re-1 will help make the evening not only informative and educationnowned person-' Abraham Goldstein, 82, presi- al, but an extremely enjoyable ality, Thursday dent of Goldstein-Chapman and one. evening. NovemReservations Now a leading Omaha businessman, ber 21, !i p.m., "Reservations should be made died Saturday f^ Jewish Comrnuni). i • • now by mail or by calling the ity Center. Itnsfi Ilalprin morning, Novem-1 Israel Bond office, 341-1177 imber 9. Services j mediately," ' Mr. Kulakofsky National President were held Mon- \ -.*•% urged,-Cocktails will be at 6 Mrs. Halprin, national presi- day from Ternp.m. followed by dinner at 7. dent of Hadnssah from 1932 to pel Israel with Legislator 1934. and again from 1947 to i n t e r m e n t at Congressman Halpern has P l e a s a n t Hill 1951, was chairman of Hadas- Cemetery. been a member of the United States Congress for the past sah's Jubilee Year in l!l(>2, and Mr. Goldstein four years, following fourteen chairman of its 1!)63 convention. w a s recognized years as a member in the New She participated actively in na- for his progresYork Senate. tional and international nego- sive ideas in ie- A He was elected to Congress and mei- - «'0kMrin tiations which led to the estab- tailing chandising, and was active in from the 4 th New York Conlishment of Israel. the Associated Retailers of Oma- gressional District in 195ii. He is on the House Banking and Mrs, Halprin served as acting ha. Currency Committee, CommitMr. Goldstein was one of the chairman of the American Secoriginal officers of the Jewisii tee on Veterans' Affairs and the tion of the Jewish Agency since Federation of Omaha and helped Sub-Committee on International ]nr>!> and as its chairman since establish the Jewish Community Finance of the Banking Com11)00. Center. He was a past president mittee. As a member of this commitTemple Israel and one of the She was responsible for the of founders of the Highland Coun- tee, he helped formulate the Jewish Agency's program of im- try Club. legislation for America's partimigration and absorption of hunSurvivors are his wife, Anna; cipation in the International Dedreds of thousands of refugees son, Herman, daughter, Mrs. velopment Association, to proto Israel. Active in World Zion- Louis Somberg, all of Omaha; vide aid to underdeveloped naist Congresses and American four grandchildren, five great tions. Zionist Council, she is deeply grandchildren; and b r o t h e r , Mid-East Matters c o n c e r n e d with relations be- Louis of Phoenix, Ariz. Congressman Halpern has tween Israel and American Jewbeen particularly active in matry. She has contributed much B. and P. Hadassah ters affecting the Middle East to these issues, both in the Unit- Book Review and has achieved recognition in the effort to bring about peace ed States and Israel. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will re- and justice in the area. He Urge Attendance view "The Deed" by G e r a l d fought for freedom of passage In urging attendance at this Frank Wednesday, November 20 through the Suez Canal for the meeting. Mrs. Sam L. Katzman, at 8 p.m. at the Jewish Com- ships of all nations, and also to Omaha Hadassah president said, munity Center for the Business eliminate boycotts and dis"we are fortunnte to have this and Professional "Women of Ha- criminationArab g a i n s t United foremost authority on current dassah annual fund-raising. A States citizensa and businesses. Jewish and Israel problems as social hour will follow and a In 1961, he co-sponsored the our guest. She is universally re- door prize will be awarded. spected for her wide knowledge, The following are in charge Rooney-Halpern amendment to abilities and k e e n analytical Mrs. I. Dansky (Sarah), fund- the Foreign Appropriations bill, mind. For her tremendous la- r a i s i n g chairman; Miss Ida whicli authorized the President bors on behalf of American and Spring, Miss Elizabeth Hart, to cut off economic aid to any Israel Jewries she has been ac- Mrs. Harry Saltzman (Sarah), nation discriminating against claimed a real 'woman of val- reception committee; and Mrs. Americans because of Tace or or.' " Sarah Feltman. s o c i a l hour religion. Omahans will find her ad- chairman. In 1963, he co-sponsored the dress both inspirational and inTickets are available from Keating-Halpern amendment to formative. the Mutual Security Act. This members or at the door. amendment provides U.S. economic aid be used only for the economic development of the recipient country, and not to A Correspondence Course in Hebrew for individuals and study divert its own funds "to buy Sogroups at home, is offered by the Jewish Education Bureau to arms directed against the members of the community, by special arrangement with the Insti- viet U.S. or any other recipient of tute of Education by Correspondence, in Israel, our aid. Dr. Morris Margolin, Jewish Education Bureau As a congressman, he is acchairman, announced. The course is designed especially for those tive in the fight for full civil who have had some Hebrew, and desire to review rights and human dignity; imit. It is also suitable for serious students wiio migration law revision; more wish to undertake the study of Hebrew on a middle income housing; end to age bias in jobs; programs to "home learning basis." The full course consists of 30 lessons, and in- combat diseases and crime. Congressman Halpern is a cludes a textbook, lesson pamphlets and exercise sheets. By the end of the course, students will member of many national orhave mastered the fundamentals of Hebrew, and ganizations and the recipient of will be able to read, write and speak Hebrew on many awards and honors from both Jewish and civic organizaDr. Morris an elementary level. Margolin The exercise sheets will be corrected in Oma- tions. ha, with opportunity for individual conferences and reviews. The tuition fee for the entire course, including the text book, Pfcila. Federation lesson pamphlets, exercise sheets and individual conferences as Gets $3?O,©0O Gift needed, is $12, payable in advance. : Philadelphia (JTA)—A gift of In addition to the above listed materials, there will be available Hebrew films, records, and .filmstrlps for occasional meetings of $310,000—one of the largest contributed to the Federation Ta» the students in this course. For information and registration contact the Jewish Federation been received from The Samel Paley Foundation. Library, 342-13G6.
Active Leader,
:l J
Correspondence Course in Hebrew
Friday, November 15, IOCS
f ettrisl)
Bar fdilzvah
All filends and relatives nro Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August • Invited (o attend services and through second week in July by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. reception. Second Closi Postage Paid at Omclio, Nctr. Sl'SAN CHAPMAN' Annual Subscription, 54 CO. Advertising Roles on Application. • Publication Office—101 No, 2Glh Street, Omaha, Nebr,. 34'/ 1164, Susan Chapman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Chapman, will observe her Bas Mitzvah Saturday morning. November month. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks IS at the 10:30 .service at Beth Candleligliling: 4:45 p.m. will open the series tonight with Beth KI: Sabbeth eve services the discussion centering around El Synagogue. will begin this evening at li:15 the changing patterns "in rep.m. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and ligion." Members of the congre- ALAN SIIKKMAN Bar Mitzvab of Alan Sherman, the Choir will render the musi- gation who will lead future discal portion. An Oneg Sliabbat by cussions after Sabbath worship, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley the Sisterhood will follow serv- the first Friday of each month, .Sherman will be celebrated on ices honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jo- are Leo Eisenstatt, Ida seph Poisson. and a panel of Gitlin. Mrs. Sidney H. Brooks, Monday. November 1(1 at 7 a.m. recent visitors to Israel who will Jack W. Marer and Mrs. Ed- at Beth Israel Synagogue. tell of their impressions. They ward Malciesky. Rabbi Brooks nre Dr. and Mrs. A-.'C. Fellnum, will summarize and evaluate IIAISI-AN RIPS Mrs. Matthias Levenson and Mr. the various talks and congregaHarlan Rips, son of Mr. and find Mrs. Edward E., Brodkey. tional discussions at the iinal Mrs. N. Julian Rips, will become Bur Mitzvuh November 23 Traditional Shbbiilli morning session. service will begin at 11:30. FamRabbi Brooks is also planning at Temple Israel. ily Service will begin at 10::i(). a program of Sabbath studies in Mincha-Maariv services will be Judaism from the pulpit, dates Mrs. Ben Martin wishes to at 4:4.r> p.m. to be announced. thank her r e l a t i v e s and Sunday morning services befriends for the many cards of gin at !l. Services during the good wishes, f l o w e r s and li'iuii Israel .Synagogue (Co. week are at 7 a.m. and 7 a.m. gifts, she received, and for Bluffs): Veterans Day services the contributions given to sponsored by the Irving Cohen Belh Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Lodge. B'nai B'rith will be held organizations in her name, Groner. Cantor Emil Berkovits tonight at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Jay during her illness. and the Choir will conduct late Kiirzcn will conduct the servservices this evening at I): 15. ices. Judge Fulsom Everett and honoring Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maynard Telpner will speak. An Omahans in News Stone.. Traditional Friday eve- Oneg Shabbat will follow. Sheldon A. Bernstein of Bernning services (Kobolas Shabbos) stein. Friedman & Tighe, was inat 4:50 p.m. Saturday morning stalled as president of the Neservices begin at 8:45 a.m. Shabbraska Society of Certified Pubbos Mincha at 4:50 p.m. followed MISS. TIIKICKSA KOI'AM) Funeral services were held lic Accountants. by Maariv at 5:50 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 Monday for Mrs. Theresa R. Harry It. Cohen is presidenta.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and Kopald, 7(i, with burial at Pleas- elect of the Nebraska State Bar ant Hill Cemetery. 4:55 p.m. Survivors are: son. Charles, Association. IVnai Jacob Adas Ycslmron: Omaha; brother, Earl R u b i n , "Mr. Ak-Sar-Ben" J. J. IsaacFriday Mincha, 4:45 p.m.: Sat- San Francisco; sisters, Mrs. Nel- son, of Romeo and Isaacurday morning. U:30 and Min- lie VonDorn. Lincoln and Mrs. son, now will give advice and servcha. 4:45 p.m.. followed by Sho Rose Marfisi. Omaha. ices to the clients. . losh Seudos. Daily services at 0:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. The family of Anny WeinFrederick S. Cassman was traub wishes to thank their elected president of the Harfriends and neighbors for the Temple Israel: Six leaders in vard Law School Association of many contributions to orgavarious fields will conduct disNebraska. nizations given in her memcussions in a series exploring ory and for the many expresthe perspective of Judaism apMrs. Donald Brodkey is the sions of sympathy extended plied to the "Changing Patterns new president of the University to them in their bereavement. of American Life." The discusof Omaha Law School Alumni sions will replace the regular Association. Friday night sermon, once a C o m b i n e d Campaign for Immigration Is on Robert Gross, son of Mr. and American Reform Judaism has Mrs. Gerald Gross, was elected appointed Rabbi S i d n e y H. Increase to Israel to the varsity debate team at Brooks as National Rabbinical Tel Aviv UTA)—A marked in- Yale University where he is a State Chairman and Paul BlotcIty as National State Chairman. crease in immigration from Lat- sophomore. in America is expected during The third Heritage Tea of the J963. S. Z. Shragai head of the Urban League Guild will be held Jewish Agency immigration deNovember 17 with the following partment, reported. participating: Belli El SynaHe said that immigration from Argentina this year would reach Hollywood, Fla. (JTA) — The gogue Choir, directed by Cantor a total of 5,300 persons, com- statement on the Catholic atti- Aaron Edgar; Donald Schocnpared with 1,160 in 1962 and 550 tude toward Jews presented to Ijanm; Mrs. Gail Nadler; and in 1961. Seven hundred immi- the Ecumenical Council at the Mrs. Donald Scliocnbaum, digrants were expected this year Vatican for discussion and vote rector. Mrs. Morris C. Fcllman from Hungary, and more than contains the f o l l o w i n g high is a member of the committee. 300 from Chile. Most of these points: Diplomacy is the art of letimmigrants were young people, 1. The Church has a deep and 27 per cent had expressed bond with the Chosen People of ting someone else have your way. a desire to settle in a kibbutz. the Old Testament; 80 per cent of the Argentine im2. The responsibility for the migrants were native-born Ar- death of Jesus falls on all mangentinians. kind; it is unjust to call the Jewish people a deicide people or to consider the Jews cursed by God; WALL TO WALT* CAItrETING 3. The Church can never forAND Vl'ItNlTliltK get that it is from Abraham's Cleaned In Your Home Jerusalem (JTA)—A Foreign stock that Christ's Mother and Ministry spokesman said that the apostles were born; UNFITTING • REPAIRING the French Renault automaking 4. The death of Jesus. Christ I.AVING • SEWING firm, which ended operations in cannot give rise to disdain or' BINDING • O.KANINO Israel in 1959 under Arab boy- hatred or persecution of the cott ^pressure, had asked for re- Jews; , . • _ . . . newal of trade' delations with Is5. Catholic p r i e s t s and all rael and .that, the request had Catholics are admonished never been approved. The 'request was to preach a contrary position transmitted to the Israel Gov- and, furthermore, are urged to RUG CLEANERS ernment through the: president promote understanding and esDon Bernstein, 345-2554 of the French, National Assem- teem toward Jews. bly. The 1959 break stopped assembly of Renault autos in the Haifa plant. Subsequently the French auto-firm tried to set up an assembly plant in Egypt but : the effort was a failure: < 346-5050 1018 FARNAM
Religious Services 01
A monument will be dedicated in memory of Morris Potash on Monday, November 18 at !) a.m. at Mount Sinai Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate.
MONA LISA House of Glamour I I I No. 50th 553-7000 6 E»perl Hair Stylists Air-Condttioncd Dryers MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY Owners
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We are pleased to announce that
Hail Proposed Vatican Statement
Complete Carpet Service
Renault Aulo Firm Asks Trade Renewal
Mrs. Sam Altsuler (Beckie) wishes to thank relatives and. friends for the many cards of good wishes, flowers and gifts she received, and for the contributions given in her name to organizations during her • recent- illness.
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Fritluy, November .15, 1»C3
PIONEKK WOMKN ONKG SIIABliOT Pioneer Women will, hold nn Oneg Shubbol on Saturday, November 10, 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Philip Crandell, 0003 Popplclon. Mrs. Crandell will talk on her trip to Israel and Russia and Mrs. M i l t o n Nearenbcrg will sing folk songs. Mrs. Dave Epstein, program chairman, urges members to attend and bring along their friends. *
HAOASSAII HOAKI) MKETS MONDAY lladassah will hold its board meeting on Monday, November lit at 12:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Krvin Simon. Co hostesses lire Mines. M. Le.ven.son and Nathan Turner.* .»
Eden Cohn Engaged To Allan Osfravich
onizations a report on the :)7th convention of the Mizrachi Women's Organization of America held last week in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Marvin Dienstfrey will sing Hebrew and A m e r i c a n songs accompanied at the piano by Mrs. A. C. Fellman. Mrs. Joseph White is membership chairman with Mrs. Marshall Katz. as co-c h a i r ni a n. Mines. Max Arbitman. Bessie Helm, Abraham Fisher and A. Lipsmait are in charge of the tea arrangements. Members are urged to attend.
Page Hire*
Max Iticlilniau and John Zysman were on the Central High School debate team which won the Boys Missouri Valley League Debate Tournament.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Cohn announce the engagement of their daughter, Eden Kay to
The following were elected officers of the Central High 1!IO4 Senior class: John Zysman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zysman, president; Steve Kalz, son of Mr. and Mrs. M a u r i c e Katz, boys' sergeant-of-arms; and Linda. Ifielios, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Riekes, girls' serKcant-of-anns.
The seventh grade Y o u n g Judca Club will hold a meeting November 17. M e m b e r s are u r g e d to bring old clothing, canned goods and registration feo. The officers are; Diane Jacobson, president; Mary Stein, vicepresident; Barb Fisher, secretary, Mary Jo Slosburg, treasurer; and Cathy Rips, reporter.
Young Judaea
Allan S. Ostravich both of California. Mr. Ostravich is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ostravich. A February 2 w e d d i n g is planned.
Publicity in The Jewish'Press AH articles for the Jewish Press Must be in writing. Deadline for copy is Friday noon.
SIGMA ALPHA MU MOTHERS'CLUB MEET S i g m a Alpha Mu Mothers' Club will meet on Wednesday, November 20 at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Harry Smith with Mrs. Morton Soiref co-hostess. Members arc urged to attend. EPSTEIN-MORGAN POST 3. VI. V. SERVICES Epstein-Morgan Post of the Jewish War Veterans will, participate t o n i g h t in Veterans' Services at B'nai Israel Synagogue-Center in Council Bluffs. Members arc invited to attend and to wear their J. W. V. tie and cap. Last Friday night was special Veterans' Day Service.night at the various synagogues. * * «
Meet and Hear: Distinguished Congressman Relentless Fighter for Human Freedoms Firm Believer in U. S. Foreign Assistance Program .
TEA, WEDNESDAY Omaha Chapter M i z r a c h i Women will hold a paid-up membership tea and meeting Wednesday, November 20 at 1 p.m. nt the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Oscar Diamond will give
Terrill Greenstone To Wed G. Sherman The engagement of Terril! Ava, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Greenstone to Gerald N. S h e r m a n , son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S h e r m a n is announced. Miss Greenstone attended the University of Miami at Coral Gables, Florida. Mr. Sherman, a senior at Creighton University School of Pharmacy, formerly attended the University of Nebra.ika. He is affiliated with Zata Beta Tau and Phi Delta Chi fraternities. The wedding is planned for June 7.
Artist, Lecturer and Historian Humanitarian
Congressman Sepour Halpern (Republican, New York)
Be Entertained by: i Master Dialect i Man of a Hundred Voices TV, Radio and Supper Club Entertainer Veteran Dramatic Actor
Roll of Needlework Guild Contributors Contributions continue to come in, Mrs. Joe J. Greenberg, Chairman of the Jewish Federation Agencies Section of the Needlework Guild Drive, reported, and it is hoped, she said, that those who have not responded will send in their donations immediately to the Center. The following have mailed in contributions since the last list appeared: Mmes. Leon Alexander, Jacob Bernstein, Harold Cooperman, A. D. Faier, Samuel S; Kaplan, Harold Kasin, Leonard Luttbeg, Meyer Meyerson. Mmes. Carl Rosenberg, Sam H. Rosenberg, H a r r y Segall, Beulah Shrago, Paul Veret, Leo Waxenberg, Herman Weinstein, Julius Wolk, Misses Jean Gendler and Dorothy Weiner.
'Food for Peace' Washington UTA)-The United States Department of Agriculture announced a "Food'for Peace" authorization to Israel, for purchase of 20,000 metric tons of yellow corn, worth $1,060,000. ...• A warrn' heart and a cool head indite ah excellent combination,; (•.• "••»7i..«iXi*v
< 4 -:ih.ii..,-
tori- k *• -.- •• •-
.*,->... ,Jjv«
Leading Member of U. S. Congress
Milt Moss
at the
Cocktails: 6 P.M. Dinner: 7 P.M.
Schimmers Indian Hills Inn
$3.50 Per Person
Call in YeyrrReservqlions Now!
n • linff 1 ff' 11 rVff.. " "^Vl^^if ' e
-' I.
Page Four
Bv Charles Arnold and high schools will open on MODERN DANCE Modern Dance spells fun and Sunday, November 17 at 3 p.m. a good time for those who par- :tt the Jewish Community Centicipate in liiis very popular ter. The class will be held each recreation. The J e w i s h Community Center is happy in of- Sunday under the direction of fering to 4th -through 9th grade Phil Caboy, a specialist in this girls an excellent opportunity to field. Those desiring to attend gain more body control, to em- are asked to contact Sports Dephasize good posture and to partment. gaining poise and movement, by olfering two m o d e r n dance CALLING ALL MEN classes, beginning Sunday, NoYour health and well being is vember 17. your greatest asset . . . Each 4th thru 6th Grade Girls — visit to the Health Club will prolong your enjoyment of good 2 to 3 p.m. 7th thru 9th Grade Girls — health" by offering you facilities for relaxation and mild exercise. 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. In addition to furnishing the Lessons are free to Center members or S5.IJ0 for 8 sessions very best facilities and a courfor non-members. Call the Cen- teous and competent stalf, it ter's Athletic Office' for regis- provides its members with an tration.and further information. atmosphere of warm fellowship and friendly association in social and athletic participation. VOLLEYBALL Specialized Services Men, the Jewish Community Slumber Room Center, lias kept you in mind Ultra-Violet Lamps when they have started their Recreation Exercises own volleyball leagues on TuesRussian-Hot Room day evenings from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The league has been organized Towel Service for those interested in learning Shaving Room and participating in this fast Private Lockers growing team sport that proLounge motes fun and exercise. As a Showers player on a team you will attain Massage <by appointment on physical basic s k i l l s , weekdays i t e a m w o r k and "espirit de corps." cf:.\Ti:u STARTS OIICLS' All men interested in forming VOLLEYBALL PKOOKAM their own team or becoming n The Jewish Community Cenrnember of a team, please con- ter's Physical Education Detact the Athletic Oificc. partment has started its high * i *• school girls' athletic program HKLP VOUK CHILI) with volleyball every Sunday FUNCTION TO CAPACITY from !2 p.m. to 1 p.m. The program b e g a n last The Jewish Community Center is happy to announce the week with a game between Ner initiation of a qfliet and active Tamid and Ediar. Ner Tamid games program for children in got off to a fine start by taking the second t h r o n g h fourth two out of three from the Ediar. grades, Classes will be held on Those playing on the Ner Tamid Friday afternoons from 4 to 5 team were: Michelle Aronoff, p.m. The games are designed to Paula Magzamin. Peggy Periprovide healthy physical devel- meter. Joanie Sax, Ann Friedo p m e n t for all, and will be man. Paula Rosen, Linda Cohen, adaptable to meet s p e c i f i c Susie Stevens, Carol Jacobson. needs. Enroll your children now Diane Kolasky. Gail Hurwich, and see them grow and have Sonja Rothkop. Betty Cackin, fun, by contacting the Athletic Nancy Stern. Debbie Gordmaji, Office. Melinda Rosen, Glaydie Groner, Ellen Stein. R o n n i e Fischer, IDDY-MDOY SQUAD Shelli Strauss, Gail Ruderman, The Iddy-Biddy B a s k c tball Carry Loss. Those playing for program at the Jewish Commun- Ediar were: Carol Altsular, Jayity Center, will begin on Mon- nie Srneerin, Geniene Kraft, Terday, November Hi. Iddy-Biddy ri Kwaitek, Babs Givot. Gloria basketball involves lads in the Raznick, Marsha Gould, Sandy 2nd. 3rd and -Mi grades. Classes Singer, Linda Eisenstatt, Mariwill be held on Monday and lyn Novak. Penny Krasne. Jo Tuesday afternoons after school. Colin. Gail Goldstein. Joanie SiA special advanced class may be scheduled for Sunday at 1:15 BADMINTON CLUB p.m. A Badminton Club for men For the physical development of your boy, we suggest and and women is in progress in the urge you to enroll him in the Center gym on Monday eveIddy-Biddy basketball program nings at 8 p.m. Join this club now, only two or four players at the Center. are needed to participate in this game. Bring a friend or come GYMNASTICS, TUMBLING A gymnastics and t u m b ling alone, there will always be a class for boys and girls in grade game.
Center Activities for Everyone (Continued from Page 1.) ADDITIONAL' BRIDGE CLASSES BEING FORMED
With several bridge instruction classes underway, additional classes will be formed on request. A f t e rnoon or evening classes are formed, based upon pre-registration with the Center's Activities Department. Classes in advanced bridge competition as well as beginning play are also conducted. .
CORSAGE MAKING A three s e s s ion afternoon course in flower arranging and corsage making is to be conducted: by the Jewish Community Center. Under the professional supervision of a flower designer and expert on flower arranging, • the short course will offer the latest and most up-todate hints on corsage making and flower arranging. Fee for the course is $3.00. *
CHESS ENTHUSIASTS ' More adults are. needed to Start Wednesday evening chess
sessions at the Center. Open free to the public, the Center provides facilities each week for participants in one of America's most popular games, chess. Chess devotees may register their interest in participating in this activity by calling the Center. The Wednesday chess activities will consist of informal competition and discussion. OTHER ACTIVITIES TO START SOON* To start shortly are groups in dog obedience training, amateur radio, science clubs, crafts and dramatics groups for grade school students, plus reading effective study courses for high school students. Other services provided by the Jewish Community. Center includes a Party Planning Service, offering party planning and activities for p a r t i e s and a Tutoring Service, which prov i d e s 1 assistance to students needing help in specific school subjects.
Friday, Xuvemljer 15, JOSS*
U.S. Quiet Talks Reports on Rise in Israel Sales to U.S. York (JTA)—Secretary import increasing amounts of With Arabs-Israel of New Commerce Luther H. Hodges Israeli goods. The total was that Israel, a "rapidly in- $41,200,000 in 1962, a 26 per cent On Refugees Issue said dustrializing country, is a sig- increase over 1961, he said. Ha
United Nations, N.Y. <JTAi— The United States Government has been conducting "q u i e t talks" with Arab and Israeli leaders to find some solution to the Arab refugee problem, the United Nations Palestine Conciliation Commission reported to the General Assembly here today. The US. talks were held as a member of the PCC, which is composed of representatives of the U.S.A.. France and Turkey. The United States informed the C o m m i ssion that, in its opinion, the talks have been useful. All sides had shown good will, a desire to achieve progress on the refugee problem, and a desire to continue the talks, which are not yet completed.
200,000 in Israel Said to Be Living Below Subsistence Jerusalem (JTAt—More than 200,000 people in Israel are now living at below-subsistencc level and d e r i v i n g inadequate incomes through social assistance and insurance allowances or relief work, Dr. Israel Katz, director of the Hebrew University's Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, declared.
nificant market for American products, especially machinery and heavy equipment," aiding, the American baJance-of-paytnent difficulties. He pointed out that t h e s e sales in turn allow America to
noted also that American visitors to Israel added $23,0.00,009 to its earnings in 19G2. $1,000,000 more than in 10G1.
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The News"
Sun.. Nov. 17 at 12:30 p.m. Rabbi Jay Karzen Council Bluifs, Iowa will participate. KBON Radio 1400 Presents "Message of Israel" Sun., Nov. 17 at 7:30 a.m. 47th G e n e r «il Assembly of the U.A.H.C. Speakers w i l l include, President, Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath.
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