The need for cash to meet our commitments to the scores of local, national, and overseas agencies, which we support, is urgenfand immediate. With our Cash, let us redeem NOW the pledges we made to the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. With our CASH, we perform the act that will: Bring thousands of immigrants to Israel. Feed refugees in temporary camps and shelters. Train for a new life the wanderers who have been uprooted. Educate the children and youth for future and useful occupations. Maintain in Europe and Israel hospitals, and medical institutions, serving the ill and the aged. Perpetuate and maintain American Jewish life through Teligious education. Strengthen American democracy by fighting for our rights and freedoms. Support our Omaha agencies and institutions, whose activities benefit the entire community. ARTHUR H. GOLDSTEIN, President Jewish Federation of Omaha ISADORE M- TRETIAK, Chairman l!)(i.'i Jewish Philanthropies Campaign
wee Jewish
the Vital Meeds at Home and the Desperate Needs Owerseas
Camp Commit fee Meets Sunday
Before the Year Ends! '
JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES 101 Htttii 20tii Street
York. Dec. 15 (JTA>—The U n i t e d J e w i s h Appeal announced today that the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that contributions made to the UJA are and continue to be tax-deductible under the recent ruling relating to charitable funds used abroad. In making this announcement, Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, executive vice-chairman of the UJA, emphasized that "the Internal Revenue Service approval covers contributions by individuals, corporations and foundations." (The ruling was made Dec. it.) "The ruling," the UJA executive head said, 'has reference to so-called 'conduit' organizations where funds are raised for overseas philanthropies without control over these funds by American citizens. The United Jewish Appeal is not a conduit organization, since its beneficiaries control the use of funds through boards made up of American citizens." "The rules for deductibility just publicly announced by the Internal Revenue Service have already been applied by it to the United Jewish Appeal, and the Service has ruled that the UJA meets these requirements. There is therefore no question about the tax deductibility of contributions to the United Jewish Appeal," the UJA s t a t e m e n t stressed. In Washington, Internal Revenue officials said that the ruling did not represent a reversal of policy as such. They said that the agency had been making rulings along this line, upon request from individual charitable organizations for a b o u t five years. The number of requests for individual rulings became so large, they said, that they decided to issue a general ruling
To Tcilie Cure @f
UJA Contributions Are Tax-
Omaha 2, Nebraskf
Plans for the 1964 season of camping for the Jewish Federation sponsored Esther K. Newman Camp will be discussed this Sunday by the Camp Committee, E d w a r d D. Brodkey, Camp Chairman stated. Thp 10 a.m. meeting, to be held at the Jewish Community Center, will concern dates and rates plus special programs for the summer season plus enrollment plans. Another capacity season is expected lor the Camp, Brodkey Commented.
Appointments to Federation Committees Arthur H. Goldstein, Jewish Federation President, announces the appointment of the following to serve on Federation Committees: Family Service, Mmea. Louis Katz and James Lipsey; and Youth Committee, Edward E. Milder. Dr. E d w a r d Malashock is chairman of the Family Service and Ernie Nogg is chairman of the Youth Committee.
Syria Boycotts British Concerns D a m a s c u s , Syria, Dec. 12 (Reuters) — Syria has banned dealings with 50 British companies and has forbidden the import of their products because they violated regulation in the Arab boycott of Israel, the Syrian Ministry of Economy announced today. The ministry said the decision was in accordance with a letter received from the regional office for the boycott of Israel Dec. 3. The ban would apply to b r a n c h e s of the companies everywhere. Yesterday the Jordanian Government blacklisted 49 British companies for violation of the boycott regulations and forbade their owners and directors to enter Jordan.
O.U. to Present NBC Personalities The University of Omaha will host nine nationally-known personalities of the National Broadcasting Company at 2 p.m., Sunday, January 5, 1964 in the Music Hall of the C i v i c Auditorium. The NBC correspondents will d i s c u s s what's a h e a d for tha world in a program titled "ProLevinc jection '64." Ine l u d e d on the distinguished panel are Joseph C. Harsch, Bernard Frizell, Welles Hangen, G e o r g e Clay, Wilson Hall, James Robinson, Irving R. Levine and Elie Abel. These men. cover every s e c t i o n of tha world for NBC. Merrill Muller will act as moderator. At the end of the discussion the public will h a v e the opportunity to question the panel. Omaha is one of only 10 citie3 being visited by the panel Further information on the program can be obtained from tha university. . ::
Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second week in July by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Sccctid Class Postorje Paid ci Orr.eha, Nctr. Annucl Subscription. S4 to. Advertising Rales on .Application. Putlicoiion Oificc—101 Hs. 2Glli ilrcel'. Omoho. Nctr., M2P.64.
Bernard L. Friedberg, Editor
CTIZI Religious Services lielh Israel: Rabbi Benjamin ting: 4:37 p.m. Beth El: Sabbath Eve Serv- Groner, Cantor Einil Berkovits ices will begin this evening ;it and the Choir will conduct Late 15:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke Services this evening at It: 15 will deliver the sermon. Cantor p.m. Traditional Friday evening Aaron I. Edgar mid the Choir services (Kobolas Sliabbos) at will render the musical portions •1:40 p.m. Saturday morning services beof the service. Traditional Sabbath Morning gin at U:45 a.m. Shabbns Mincha Services will begin at li:30. The at 4:45 p.m. followed by Maariv Family Service will begin at at 5:4(1 p.m. Sunday morning .services at 10:30. Mincha-Maariv Services ft.OO a.m. Daily services at 7:00 will be held at 4::i<> p.m. Sunday morning services be- a.m. and 4:55 p.m. gin at i). Services during t!ie Tempi'1 Israel: Sabbath Eveweek are held at 7:00 a.m. and ning Services will be held at 7:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. with Rabbi Sidney II. B'nai Jacob Adas Ycslmron: Brooks and Cantor Manfred F. Friday Mincha, 4:45 p.m.: Sat- Kuttncr officiating. Musical portions of the servurday morning. <!::!() and Mincha, 4:45 p.m., followed by Sliolosh ice wil be by Cantor Kuttncr Eeudos. Daily services at G::iU and the Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin. a.m. and 5 p.m.
New Stamps From Israel On December 10, l!)f>3 two new stamps were issued from Israel, according to information just received by the I s r a e l Philatelic Agency in New York. The first, a Red Sea Fish series will c o n s i s t of 4 colorful stamps. This set is a continuation of the Red Sea Fish series begun in December 15)62. They will be printed by photolitho on unwatermarked paper. Mrs. Chava Oman designed the second stamp which features the S/S Shalom, a new luxury liner to be the flag ship of ZIM
Junior Chambers Meet in Israel Two Israelis have been elected to Vice-presidencies of the Junior Chambers International, which held its 18th World Congress in Tel Aviv from November 18 to November 24. A thousand members of the organization from all over the world attended. Dr. E. Clinchy, Director of the C o u n c i l on World Tensions, noted that the Congress "is taking place in the cradle of civilization at a time when mankind stands on the frontier of world stabilizations." He appealed to the delegates to l e a r n from "the dynamic State of Israel. This example of success in the face of the seemingly impossible is a lesson for the nations of Asia, Africa and the Americas," he said.
Israel Navigation Company. The multicolored stamps show the new ship in the foreground with an ancient map of part of the Israeli coast making up the background. First day covers for both issues will also be available.
Kenyatta at Israel Embassy Rite Nairobi — Prime M i n i s t e r Jomo Kenyatta yesterday laid the foundation stone for the future Israeli Embassy building here in the presence of Foreign Minister Golda Meir, who arrived earlier to participate in Kenya's uhuru (independence) celebrations on Thursday. Turning to Mrs. Meir, Mr. Kenyatta staled: "My Government and I g r e e t you and stretch out our hand in friendship." He stressed that the Israeli Embassy will be the first to be built in Kenya and expressed his belief and certainty that other states "will follow Israel's example." Mrs. Meir said that the Embassy would not be used merely to house the Israeli Mission but that it would become "a center of friendship between Israel and Kenya." She presented Mr. Kenyatta with a specially bound first copy 'of the translation into Hebrew of the Premier's book, "Facing Mount Kenya," which was published in Tel Aviv to coincide with Kenya's uhuru.
Friday, I)ercmlx>r 20, 18fi3
Jewish Congress: '63 Year of Hew Spirit New York, Dec. IS fJTA)— The year l!)f>:i has seen "more progress toward inter-religious understanding than any previous year," Dr. Joachim Prinz. president of the American Jewish Congress, reported to the national governing council of his organization, meeting here today. The council is the Congress poiicy-mak ing group. Rabbi Priiii listed the year's major developments as follows: 1. The Conference on Religion and Race held in Chicago last January at which Protestant, Catholic and Jewish leaders "for the first time sat down together to map out a joint strategy in. support of their joint commitment to the civil rights struggle." 2. The Vatican C o u n c i l in Rome, "from which has emanated a new ecumenical spirit embracing not only. Christians but men of all faiths." Dr.. Prinz noted that American bishops participating in the Council had been among the most vigorous supporters of the p r o p o s e d schema on Catholic attitudes towards the Jews which, "when finally adopted, promises to establish a new relationship between the people of the Old and New Testaments." '.I. A n n o u n cement by Pope Paul VI of plans to visit the Holy Land which Dr. Prinz described as "tangible recognition of the shared roots of the Jewish and Christian traditions." 4. The growing number of inter-religious "dialogues" in communities across the country in which differences between religious groups on issues of public concern are discussed "in free and open debate in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect."
Nasser for Action Against Israel Paris, Dec. 15 fJTA)—Three North African heads of state, including Egypt's President Nasser, met in Bizerte this weekend to stress efforts t o w a r d "Arab unity." For two of them, this m e a n t doing something against Israel. Nasser set the tone by calling for unity against Israel, "one of the last sequels of colonialism." He was seconded by President Ahmed Ben Bella of Algeria, who called Israel "colonialism imposed by the West" and said "all means" should be used to end this "colonialism." However, host P r e s i d e n t Habib Bourguiba said nothing about either Israel or Socialism, another favorite topic of Nasser and Ben Bella. He stressed instead step-by-step unity, first of North Africa, then of the entire Arab world.
Publicity in The Jewish Press All articles for tho Jewish Press Must be in writing. Deadline for copy is Friday noon.
I d e e p l y appreciate the many messages of condolence I received a f t e r the death of my dear husband. Although I cannot yet answer them all, please know of ray t h a n k s for your sympathy and helpfulness. Ruth Kaplan
Mancroft Affair Brings Rebuffs To Arab League
Controversial Play Opens in Paris
Paris UTA) — The first performance in Paris of Rolf HochLondon fJTA) — The Arab huth's controversial play, "Tho League was soundly chastised Deputy." dealing with the lato this week by the British Govern- Pope Pius XII and European ment for anti-Israel boycott ac- Jews under the Nazi dictatortivities ag'iinst British firms. ship, opened here this week in The rebuke developed fro m an atmosphere of relative calm. public outcry against the forced Performances in other European resignation of Lord Mancrolt, cities have sparked picketing a leading Jewish businessman, and demonstrations. from the London advisory board Police said that a handful of of the Norwich Union Insurance demonstrators the audience, Societies, a in a j o r insurance who distributedin leaflets, interlinn, under Arab boycott pres- rupted the performance "only sure. Lord Maneroft is a busi- five times" before they w e r o ness associate of Sir Isaac Wolfby plainclothes police son, who has many business ties evicted and other members of the audiin Israel. The theme of the play is The insurance company, stag- ence. that the late Pontiff failed to gered by the wave of criticism, speak out against the Nazi waroffered Lord Mancroft back his time slaughter of E u r o p'e a n board position but the Jewish Jewry. peer politely declined. He was Officials of the theater exreported to have remarked to pressed that if the demonfriends that he did not want to strationsfears continued at f u t u r e be in the public limelight for the performances, might pronext 20 years. He was also given voke c o u n t c they r-demonstrations about $55,000 in compensation which in turn might prompt auby the firm which he planned thorities to ban the play in tho to contribute to a charily. interests of public peace. Tho The r e b u f f e d Arabs were leaflets statements faquick with counter-statements. vorable contained to the late Pontiff by The Arab League's economic Mrs. Golda Israel's Forcouncil -said in Cairo that any eign Minister,Meir, the Chief interference by the British Gov- Rabbis of RomeandandbyBucharest. ernment or any other country * .. i with its boycott activities would cause the Arab countries to reconsider their economic relations with such countries. The council condemned the British Government for its public stand Tel Aviv — Negotiations are of disapproval of e f f o r t s by Arab embassies in London to being conducted with the Govprevent British firms from trad- ernment by Amibec, the owners ing with Israel. Support of "Zion- of the Tel Aviv Hilton Hotel, ist political endeavors" by any for the erection of a second Hilcountry, the Cairo statement ton hotel in Israel—this time in added, would be considered sup- Eilat. Mr. Emanuel Sela, Director port of "Israeli aggressive acof Amibec, has returned to the tions." Ambassadors in London of 12 U. S. after exploring the subject Arab nations held a special con- with Government officials and ference and issued a statement viewing possible sites in Eilat. It is learned that Amibec is expressing "s u r p r i s e" at the statement in the House of Lords also interested in building a by Lord Carrington, D e p u t y third hotel under Hilton manageForeign Secretary, in which the ment in Jerusalem. Government criticized the boycott actions against B r i t i s h firms. The same statement was made in the House of Commons. JACOB WEINER Services were held Monday at Vigorous debate took place over the Mancroft dismissal in both the Jewish Funeral Home for Houses. Tho 12 envoys also said Jake Weiner, 77, who died Sunthat "the sole judges" of their day at the Dr. Philip Sher Homo activities were their own gov- for Aged. Survivors are sons Louis and ernments and that they were "not prepared to receive instruc- Hymie, daughter M o 11 y e and tions or remarks" except from five grandchildren. their own governments. Janet Ickowicz wishes to Much of this Arab counterthank her f r i e n d s for the response was considered by exmany cards of good wishes, perts here on Arab politics as a flowers and g i f t s received, smokescreen for a two-day and for the contributions givmeeting of Arab military leaden to organizations in her ers in Cairo, called specifically name during her illness. to work out a plan to counter Israel's scheduled start of diversion of Jordan River waters next spring for a huge irrigation project in the Negev. Warlike threats have been made by some Arab states against those plans but the Cairo meeting was adjourned with no indication of Scb (Subby) Putvctcnta ^ny_agr£einent on any plan.
New Hilton Hotel Plans
KBON Radio 1400 Presents "Message of Israel" Sun., Dee. 22 at 8:30 a.m. "Brotherhood" Rabbi Harry Pastor Milwaukee, Wise.
25 Years' Exportenco With Jewish Lettering and Memorial! 341-2452
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Frankfurters R«,iBuy.............." Closed All Day December 25th
Friday, I)iirmli<r 20, 19(i3
Center Activities for Everyone
For further information on Hie following activities and programs call the Jewish ('(mummify Center's Activities Office, 342-13UG. ..
SYO ItEGIONAL CONVENTION Nineteen members of Omaha SYO and delegates from many midwestern cities will converge on St. Louis Dec. 2fi-2il to participate in the convention. Cantor Emil Berkovits will accompany the delegation. The Beth Israel Youth Commission presents scholarship awards to the members, based on their participation in religious educational, cultural, recreational activities and services to the Synagogue.
For further information on the following activities and programs call the Jewish Community Center's Activities Oflice, 342-1 :iC6. 1'KOGKAMS FOR COLLEGIATE AM) YOUNG ADULTS A series of special events sponsored by the University Club of the Jewish Community Center lor collegkilcs and young adults is scheduled for presentation this month. A Hootenanny nnd College Homecoming Party is to be held the evening of December 25 at the Ranch Bowl, Jerry Schwartz and Judy Davidson, coordinators of the event announced. Everyone is welcome to the event which starts at 7:30 p.m. A New Year's Kve Dance, open to the pnblic, is also being staged by the University Club at the Town-House Ballroom. Featuring live music and unusual entertainment, the dance will start •at 9:30 p.m. Admission is two dollars a couple. Other collegiate and young adult programs are being planned by the University Club for presentation semimonthlyLARGE CHILDREN'S VACATION PROGRAM ANNOUNCED Puppet shows, cartoons, special .swimming and splash parlies plus special sports competition will be among the events offered to vacationing school children, Harry Sidman, Center Committee Chairman, stated. Live puppet shows will be staged each Monday and Friday of the school vacation starting at 2:30 p.m. Admission to the pup pet shows, performed by the only performing puppet theater in Nebraska, is 25 cents. Swimming in the Center's heated indoor swimming pool is scheduled every day from 1 to 3 p.m. Admission to these recreational swimming sessions which are supervised by well trained and experienced life guards is 35 cents each session, or free admission to those holding Center memberships. An afternoon carnival will be featured Wednesday, December 25, while a big Pet Show will be held Thursday, January 2. A wrestling tournament will be held for grade school boys Monday, December 23, while a Midget League Basketball Tournament is slated for Thursday and Friday, December 2(i find 27. A complete schedule of the vacation programs is being mailed to all grade school children, Sidman concluded. i»
ISRAEL. INFORMATION PACKETS AVAILABLE Because of the great interest in Israel by students and adults the Jewish Community Center is now making packets of information available on Israel. The "Israel Information and Fact Kits" assembled by the Center contain pamphlets, maps and other printed publications on all aspects of Israel ranging from the economy and political organization of the nation to travel and tourist information. The Kits, available free of charge, may be ordered by calling the Center's Activities Office. Recipients of the information will be well pleased with the materials, one early prcviewer of the Kits started. * <* **
Page Three
Gary Gifnick ~ Plan June Rite Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Schrager announce the engagement of their daughter, Cherna Lee to Dr. Gary L. Gitnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gitnick. Miss Schrager attended the University of Miami and was a member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. She received a Bachelor of Science in elementary education for the University of Omaha and is presently teaching in the Omaha School system. Dr. Gitnick is a graduate of the University of Chicago where be was a member of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. He also attended Chicago Medical School • and is a member of Sigma Xi, an honorary research society. He is presently as Osier intern at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. The couple plans a June wedding.
>* > *
classrooms. Social hour will follow.
ias iilzvafi All filends and relatives nre Invited to all'.'nd services and reception.
SALLY LII'SEY Sally Anne Lipsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lipsey, will observe her Bas Mitzvah on Saturday morning, December 20, at the 10:30 Service at Beth El Synagogue. BETH WINTKOUB Mr. and Mrs.. Ernest Wintroub announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Beth, on Saturday morning, December 20, at the 10:30 Service at Beth El Synagogue.
Federation library
The following books of Israeli Fiction are but a few that may be borrowed from the Federation Library. STREAMS IN THE WILDERNESS by Chayym Zeldis. "Who am I?" "What is man?" In a determined search for the LARGE TURNOUT FOR THREEPENNY OPERA answers to these questions, sev"We have been extremely pleased with the turnout for the Ronald J. Greene of Omaha, eral restless young American roles in 'The • threepenny Opera," Al DiMauro, Director of the Center's Resident Theater, announced. The musical, to be pro- has been elected to the Senior Jews — Funzel, Lois, Marsha, Sixteen of Phi Beta Kappa in Yaari, Kep, Al and others—deduced the first weeks in March, played six years off Broadway cide to spend a year on a Zionist Harvard College. nnd will be staged for the first time in the Omaha area by our Pioneer Training Farm. Each theater group, he said. The Senior Sixteen, a fall elec- has a different reason for going Additional assistance with staging, costuming, makeup and tion to Phi Beta Kappa, is an to the farm. Some are attracted publicity and promotion are still needed to make the March prescoveted honor preceding the by Israel, where they hope to entations successful, DiMauro commented. Commencement election of a serve after their training. Others Anyone having an interest in working with a progressive larger number of graduating art attracted by collective livtheater group are welcome, tie said, and may come to any of seniors. ing. But all are engaged in a the rehearsal sessions or call in advance to register their interest An honors student in Govern- painstaking search for self-realiin working with the group. ment, Mr. Greene received the zation. The book tells of the in"The Night of the Iguana," a current Broaway hit by Ten- Detur Book Prize and is an Edi- tricacies and intimacies of colnessee Williams, will also be produced by the Resident Theater tor of the Harvard Newspaper, lective life and examines the "Tevya and His Daughters" is also being considered for producThe Crimson. He is Secretary tensions, tendernesses, and tortion for special presentation to Jewish groups in Omaha, Dcs of the Quincy House Committee. pors that this sort of life genMoines and Sioux City, DiMauri said. Upon graduation from Har- erates. • •• a « » vard he plans to attend Law OTHERS WORTH NOTING: TUTORING SERVICE TO BE ACTIVE OVER VACATION School. He also hopes to obtain CUP OF FURY by Adam GilThe special Tutoring Service organized by the Center for a fellowship for study abroad. • students receiving marginal grades and for students desiring the Mr. G r e e n e was graduated Ion. DUST by Yael Dayan. highest grades possible, will be unusually active over the school from Central High School where vacation period. Because of the available time during the two- he was first in his class. HeWas FORTUNES OF A FOOL by week vacation students will be able to catch up in their class a member of the National Hon- Aharon Megged. work or exceed the work performed this school semester. or Society and Editor-in-Chief HOUSES OF HOPE by Lynne of the school newspaper. Over 50 students have been helped to receive better grades Reid Banks. this semester alone through this service. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. MUSULMAN by Dov ShilanEdward Levinson of Omaha. A small hourly charge is made by the professional tutor for sky. his services. Tutors are assigned after a call is made to the • • • THIEVES' ROAD by Reno Sussan. Center's Youth Activities Department. COLLEGE HOMECOMING at S T R E E T OF THE FOUR TEMPLE- ISRAEL COLLEGE BOOKLETS AVAILABLE College Students will be feted WINDS by Naimi Doudayi. WITH GALL AND HONEY by at a Brunch Sunday, December A series of special pamphlets on college admissions, studies 22, at 1 p.m. at Temple Israel. R. Leslie Gourse. and college life has been prepared by the Center's Activities DeWHAT S H I P ? W H E R E Conversations with Rabbi Sid^ partment for parents and high school students. ney H. Brooks will make this BOUND? by Shepard Rifkin. "Choosing Your College," "A College Dictionary," and "A B L O O D AND WATER by event one which all homecomGuide to Scholarships for Jewish Youth," are just a few of the ing college students of the Tem- Charles Humana. titles currently available free upon request. A WHOLE LOAF edited by ple should plan to attend. Besides making printed publications available, the Center, Sholom J. Kahn. in its high school advisory and counseling program also provides an up-to-date library of college catalogs and publications, a comOmahans in News prehensive selection of books on and about aspects of college MONALISA Allan I. Kenyon has joined the plus a large vocational guidance library and files of vocational House of Glamour Larry A. Petersen Omaha Ageninformation. 553-7O0O cy of the State Mutual Life As- III No. 50th Private individual counseling is also made available upon 6 Export Hair Sfyliifs surance Company of America request. Air-Conditioned Dryers as a sales representative. MISS MARSH and MISS JERRY . • • • — * * » Owners ANNUAL ART CONTEST TO START IN JANUARY Millard Seldin, president of The Center's Annual Art Contest for school youths will start Seldin Homes, last week ac, in January, it was announced this week. cepted an award for excellence THE HOLDS CO. Children enter original art created in the last six months in home merchandising at the REAL ESTATE for the contest. All participants in the contest receive gold enTo Buy or Sell Call convention of the National Asgraved certificates for participating in the contest while trophies . sociation of Home Builders in are presented to winners in grade, junior high and high school ROSE HOLLiS Chicago. It was the first time divisions. 553-2190 an Omaha home builder had Three professional artists, to be named, will judge all en"For Professional nnd won the award • from Practical; Personalized Service" tries. Winners o{ the recent Dr. Abe Greenberg Writing Contest Builder Magazine. , on "Jews and the Bible" will be announced next week.
COItNIIUSKEK B'NAI B'KITII CHAPTER The regular monthly meeting of the Cornhusker B'nai B'rilh BETH ISRAEL P-TA Study Group will be held on DeBeth Israel Synagogue P.T.A. cember 23, at 8:15 p.m. at the is sponsoring a Conference with parents and teachers on Sun- home of Mrs. Allan Siegal, 1G18 day evening, December 22, 1!)G3 Cole Creek Drive. Mrs. Rosalie between 7 p.m. and il p.m. in the Saltzman will lead the discus'*
Miss Cherna Schrager
BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD Beth Israel Sisterhood Study Group for the month of December will be held at Die home of Mrs. Gilbert A r o n o f f , 5816 Lafayette, at 12:30 p.m. on December 23rd. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will lead the group in the discussion of the "Psalms."
Ii&P OF HADASSAII The Business & Professional Women's Group of Hadassah will hold a Board Meeting, Sunday, December 22nd at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. David Becker, President of B & P. Reports will be given on the recent Fund Raising Book Review. Plans will be completed for the January Paid-Up Membership D i n n e r Meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerold A. Dann announce the birth of a son, Joseph Todd on November 5. They are the parents of two other children, Wendy and Mark. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Weiner, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan J, Dann, Newcastle, Ind. Great grandparents are Mrs. Ida Weiner and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kropman, Omaha. *
. •
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Rubin, Jr., of K a n s a s City, Kansas, announce the birth of a daughter, Sheila Kay, on December 6. Mrs. Rubin is the former Debra Fleider. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fleider of Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rubin of Omaha. The biggest ball of twine unwinds.
FREE PARKINGl After 6 p.m. Ramp Garaga 18th&Dodgo When Dining atLittlc Nugget
Don Bernstein, 345-2554
Page Four
Friday, December 20, 18CS
Center Sports Bv Charles Arnold . (For more information tall the Sports Office, .112-1360 VARSITY LEAGUE Hats off to the ten sponsors of The Milder Oil team took over undisputed possession of first the Midget basketball league. place after the third week of Their interest in youngsters and league competition at the Jay. their generosity make it possiA smooth working M i l d e r ble for the hoys to have uniteam defeated a game Micklin forms for the league competicrew 84-74, ;is the teams bat- tion. Sponsors are: Iz Tretiak. tled on even terms up until the Krnie Nopjj, Norman Batt. Bud Slnsburg, Irv Faiman, Ike Friedfinal minutes of play. Dan and Ralph Cohen, Al Konecky scoring from out- man. oy FeUinan. Cappy Liebermuu side led the parade with .'11 11 points and was assisted in that and Justin Priesman. department by Dan Katskee with Schedule Dec. 22 19 points; Nate Amster had 14 Stli & <;th Grade points and Jetf Noddle hit for Raines for Sunday, Dve. 22 e'oven. John Okun with 22 was 2:1.") p.m. I-Go-Van vs. Nebraska, high for the losers. 3:01) p.m. Trctiuk vs. Slosburg. The H. C. Cola team romped Till & 8th Grade past the Rockets Ofili! as Bill (James lor Sunday, Dec. 22 Ginsburg hit for twenty-four points and John E n g s t r o m 4:00 p.m. Cardinals vs. Fireside. pumped in eighteen. Frank Gold- 4:1") p.m. Kainiai. vs. Cappy's. berg tossed in thirteen for the r>:'.',() p.m. Uorsheim vs. Mogen David. winners. Moran was high for Above photographs show (left) mother!, and their children at a .IDC-supported clinic in Mothe losers with 2'.). CKNTKR IIKAf/l'll Cl.Vtt rocco; (upper right) a psylotliernpist at one of (he JIH'-Malben hospitals in Israel comforts an elderWednesday Dee. 1!> MEN: Are you overlooking a ly immigrant from Algeria; (bottom) instructor at a JDC-supported OUT school in France teaches 7:30 p.m. Milder vs. IX. C. Cola wonderful opportunity? YOU woodworking to Cwo North African teen-age refugees. UiuO p.m. Robinson vs. Micklin. ARE IF YOU HAVEN'T MADE Standings W I- . USE OF THE HEALTH"CLUB Milder Oil 3 0 AT THE JEWISH COMMUNITY Micklin 2 1 CENTER. Tel Aviv (JTA)—Representa- considered within two weeks deR. C. Cola 1 2 The Center's Health Club has at the same time to conRockets 0 :s an experienced masseur who is tives of 25.000 professionals and cided technicians who staged a one- tinue their support of the coalways available . . . Individual PHYSICAL FITNKSS FOK BOVS lockers, a slumber room, wet day strike against public institu- ordinating committee plans. The United Israel A p p e a l A split within the Histadrut The Physical Education De- and dry .steam room and a shav- tions this week said that their opened a campaign in Israel to over the strike developed when Professional Coordinating Compartment at the Jewish Com- ing bar are a part of your Health raise $:',(JOO,000 from the volunmunity Center will sponsor box- Club service. This coupled with mittee would meet to plan fur- it was learned that Zeev Ilering, tary contributions of Israel's head of the professional workers ing classes this year. This spe- high standards of sanitation, ther steps in their fight for more in the Histadrut. resigned. It citizens for the absorption and cial boxing and physical fitness provide a perfect setting for pay and special wage lists. was understood he opposed a settlement of immigrants in tha c'ass will be held on Wednes- healthful relaxation. Despite last minute efforts by proposal from a special com- presence of Premier Eshkol on days from 3:.'!0 to •i-.'M p.m. Mapai and Histadrut, Israel's mittee for a single wage list for November 21. This is almost $!,Learn skills in boxing in orLabor Federation, the profes- the professionals, who are de- .'iOO.000 more than was collected der to develop stronger bodies, sionals struck at sick fund of- manding special lists independ- last year. co-ordination and general fitfices and government dispens- ent of general public servants' Mr. Eshkol stressed the difness. Call or drop in at the Cenaries, hospitals, and secondary lists. ficult task:; facing the citizens of ter's Physical Education departWashington <JTA)—President schools. Only engineers in esThirty news editor;; of Kol Is- Israel in the next decade. Tho ment for registration and fur- Lyndon B. Johnson has asked sential services, such as the rael, government radio stations, population would reach three ther information. Myer Feldman, White House Electric Corporation and the this week went on a warning million by l!)70 and four million deputy special counsel to con- Defense Establishment, stayed strike, silencing two news broad- by J<mo. YOUTH COUNCIL tinue serving in the same capa- on the job. casts, over th'eir demands for Calling on the citizens of IsA.Z.A. No. 100 put on their city and also to advise him on Histadrut members among the equalization of working condibest performance of the year to Jewish and Israeli matters as strikers who said they would tion with those of editorial work- rael to contribute their share, topple Chaim Weizmann. '.i'y'M Mr. Feldman did for President accept a proposal by Histadrut ers in the d a i l y p r o s s. The Mr. Moshe Sharett. Chairman of the Jewish Agency, said that last Sunday. A.Z.A. No. 100 got John F. Kennedy. secretary-general Aharon Beck- broadcasts were resumed the this would spur Jews to intensibehind early, but applied the Mr. Feldman has accepted f-r that their demands would be next day. The demands were fy their efforts a.s well the world pressure late in the second half. President backed by the Jerusalem Jour- over. Johnson's invitation. Jack Steinman scored Kl for He nalists Association and strongly will continue serving as the the winners. Paul Kainian had senior opposed by the Civil Servants official of Jewish faith Do your shopping in the Jewish JO for the losers. Union. the White House staff. It was Press. A.Z.A. No. \, had to battle on learned that President Johnson for the f i r s t half but then made known that he would folVatican City —- Pope Paul breezed to a'36-27 triumph over low the practice of President leaves from Rome Airport for the B Team. Neil Simon and Dan Kennedy in placing reliance on Katskee tossed in 18 for the Mr. Feldman as his personal Anman in a DC-8 jetliner of Alitalia on January 4, and is winners and Rich Jacobson tal- consultant on Jewish issues. expected to be back on the PHOTOGRAPHER lied 13 for the losers. Mr. Feldman came to the evening of January 6, Vatican Schedule, Dee. 22 817 South 36th Street— 345-1044 W h i t e House with President sources said yesterday. 10 a.m. A.Z.A. No. 1 vs. Chaim Kennedy after serving on his He wil visit the holy places in Weizmann. NATURAL Black and Senate staff and as research and the Old City of Jerusalem on And 11 a.m. Rayim vs. B Team. program director of the Demo- the first day, spend the night at COLOR White 12 p.m. A.Z.A. No. 100 vs.. cratic national committee durthe Apostolic Delegation there, Lincoln. ing the I960 Presidential elec- cross into Israel on the followtion campaign. Designated as ing day to visit Mount Zion, Deputy Special Counsel to the Nazareth and the Lake Tiberias President, Mr. Feldman works district, return to the Apostolic personally with the President Delegation for the second night, and is responsible for vital-com- and visit Bethlehem on the last munications with Congress and day of his pilgrimage. Federal agencies. In addition to Tel Aviv (JTA) —Weizmann these duties. President Kennedy, Institute officials announced this directed him to maintain liaison INVESTMENT week the development of a mag- between the White House and SECI/RITIES netic device, the size of a pen- the American Jewish communcil point and encased in plastic, ity. ..•"•• (39 Yean in Omaha) which may yield significant advance sin diagnosis, therapy College cosh aro going and surgery in presently diffiup! Build tax-free income cu't areas of illness treatment. for your children with a The device, called a "pod" "Custodian Account." Edwin G. Milder can be introduced into the bloodMore than 10,500 tourists arstreams or bodily organs and rived in Israel during Novemguided to an area of treatment ber, compared with 8,814 in Nowith magnetic field manipula- vember last year. The number Contact: tion. Officials said it held possi- of tourists for the ffrst 10 months 393-3*33 8057 BLONOO b i l i t i e s in measurement of of this year was 204,530; 31,789 bloodflow, simple but valuable more than during the corresJoe M. Kadlecek V. A. IDade) Clark operations and the removal of ponding period of 1962. Welconio to tha Donald E. Brown thrombosis blockages by circuEdwin G. Milder Now Managomonf of lation in the bloodstream to A wise man hears one word F. Arthur Flodeen Harry F. Smith dissolve clots. and understands two. TOPA TOWN The device, which has been C. Leo Adams Paul R. Wertz tested on animals, is scheduled BARBER SHOP TedT. Tfiull to be tested on human beings Ira L. Couch, Jr. . within the next year. It was deFor Good Workmanihip Harold O. Polian Walter W. Peter ton veloped by Prof. Ebpraim Frei and Daily Jewish Newspapers of the Institute in cooperation Appointments Available with Institute engineer Saul Lib- BAR and lias Mitzvah congratuinsert. It is now being tested by 10? North 49th Street 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phono 342-5065 lations, also cards, for all Professor Ashkenazi and the de553-9732 Jewish holidays and special velopers in connection w i t h ORDERS EXECUTED ON ALL EXCHANGES occasions. Mil* Oflowili neurosurgery problems. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
Professions in Israel Mold Strike
S3 liiiion Heeded For Settlement of Immigrants in Israel
LBJ Asks Feldmanto Retain His Position
Plans Announced For Pope's Visit
John Kalina
Weizmann Institute Announces l e w Medical Device
POLIAM a co.
for tL^e finest
Israel Tourism on increase This Year
in portraits— wedding eandids