3 1S64
Vi>l. XLlI—No. 18
Publication Offlrc 1(11 No. 1 Oliiuha, Nebraska, I'flurio .'J i'J-
Center Activities for Everyone For further information on (lie following activities and programs rail the Jewish Coininiinily Center's Activities Office, 3-12-1366. LSKAICL INFOKMATION KITS POPULAR A new packet of specially prepared inforniiition. bulletins and pamphlets on Israel is now being offered free to students and adults by the Jewish Community Center. Answering the question, "What should I know about Israel?1' the free kits include maps, brochures and booklets on all aspects of Israel from the form of government and political organization to the economy and geography of the country. The free kits may be ordered by calling the Center's Activities Office. . COLLKGK MATI;KIAL.S PKKPAKEI)
"A College Finder," "Facts About Colleges," "Choosing a College," and "What Will College Be Like?" are publications available to parents and high school students through the Center's High School Counseling Service. The booklets are available tree upon request and supplement other advisory services that include testing and counseling plus up-to-date libraries and files of college information. *•
CIIILimKN'S THEATKIt KKING PLANNED Girls and boys interested in acting will have an opportunity to develop their talents in a new Children's Theater sponsored by the Center starting in late January, it was announced. Sunday afternoon rehearsals are being planned for the group, to be under the supervision of an experienced director. Boys and girls interested in participating in the new activity are requested to call the Center so that they might be notified of rehearsal and tryout schedules. The Children's Theater rounds out the Center's complete 'dramatic program which includes the Resident Theater for adults and the Suitcase Theater for junior high and high school students. >. ' </ OVEK 15 IN TIIKEEI'KNNY CAST We aie particularly pleased with the cast we were able to obtain for the Threepenny Opera, Al DiMauro, Director of the Center's Resident Theater, commented. Rehearsals start January 7 for an e a r l y March presentation, Mary Levine will direct the music, Mrs. Harold Clifford will design the sets and costumes, Emaleen Skinner will direct the choreography, while a crew of seven will handle sets and lighting. Members of the cast include Robert Halm, Richard Boyd. David Gallner. Louise Filbert, Crystal Kent, Joan Daxon and Dorothy Davitt. Others in the cast are Dick Mueller, David Gibson, Terry Mollner, Lester Corbin, Roni Machski, Carol Locks, Miriam Boyd and Joy Shun. Tickets for the popular musical, to be presented in Omaha for the first time, are to go on sale shortly, DiMauro said. * ' * CHILDREN'S GROUPS MEET SUNDAY The Center sponsored Tropical Fish Club and the Science Club for grade school and junior high school youths will meet this Sunday at 2:,'!0 p.m. at the Center. Other children's clubs being planned include a Coin Club, Photo Club, Model Car Club and Crafts Club. Children may enroll in any of the free center groups by calling the Activities Office. * * * CHILDREN LEARN TO SWIM NOW FOR SUMMER Now is the time for children to learn how to swim for summer vacation, day camping and camping, Barton Greenberg, the Center's Swim Chair/nan, stated this week. Convenient after school hours, 4:15 to 5:15 weekdays, and special classes for campfire girls, girl scouts and boys scouts are provided in the Center instructional schedule. . More children learn how to swim at the Center, Greenberg commented, than at any other pool in Omaha. Adult certified and experienced instructors supervise all classes he said, with the entire swimming program being under the supervision of Joseph Micek, Center swim director. The Center was recently commended by the National Safety Congress and the National Recreation Association for its outstanding job in promoting water safety and instruction, preenberg concluded. , Classes for adults and recreational swimming periods are also scheduled. . . .
EVENTS SLATED FOR UNIVERSITY CLUB A full schedule of activities and events have been planned for collegiates and young adults under sponsorship of the Center's University Club. Three events are being planned for January starting with a social event January 12, Jerry Schwartz, Club coordinator mentioned. A regular news bulletin plus several cultural events and community service projects are being planned by the group. t*
I9M CHEAT DECISION KITS.FOR SALE A kit of special information on major foreign policy considerations is available through the Center. The kit, costing $1.50, is prepared by the Foreign Policy Association and includes such topics as World Communism Today, France and the West, Egypt and the Middle East, Disarmament, Castro's Cuba, Indonesia, Foreign Aid and Ideological Warfare. . The information, not available currently in books, will be supplemented by weekly TV shows in February and March sponsored locally by the Omaha Adult Education Council. Only a limited number of kits arc available.
Hctoilfl dnss Posl/t;;e l'ulli at Omalia, Nebr.
Single ropy 10 Cents Annual Kale 4 Dullars
THa! A r a c b e | Federation Libraryl ' tesfiwl!z ' « ™ AttenlioB FRANKFURT (JTA)—West Germany's biggest war crime trial
ADVENTURE IN FKEICDOM by Oscar Handlin Three hundred years ago, in 1C54, the first Jews to settle in America landed in New Amsterdam. In this significant year of the American Jewish Tercentanary celebration, Oscar Iiandlin. a distinguished writer ;ind Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, has written a vivid narrative history of three centuries of Jewish Life in America. The early Jewish Settlers, mostly of Spanish and then of German origin, found their adjustment to the New World relatively simple. Jews fought on both sides of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars; joined the westward migration, often as peddlers and shopkeepers; made steady social and economic gains in all parts of the land; and generally met the challenge of their newfound freedom by growing themselves and contributing steadily to the growth of America. Professor Handlin outlines the scope of the Jewish contribution to every important phase of American life. Without ever allowing the flow of his powerful narrative to falter, he vjvidiy depicts the thrce-huntlred-year story of the American Jewish experience, truly an "Adventure in Freedom." OTHERS WORTH READING OUK JEWISH FARMKHS by Gabriel Davidson. THF. WRITING OF AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORY edited by Moshe Davis and Isidore S. Meyer. COMMENTARY ON T »K AMERICAN SCENE edited by Elliot E. Cohen. . JUDAISM UNDER F R E E DOM by Ira Eisenstcin. THE POLITICAL BEHAVIOR OF AMERICAN JEWS by Lawence Fuchs. JEWISH PIONEEUS AND PATRO1TS by Lee M. Friedman. AMERICAN O V E B T l ! K K: JEWISH RIGHTS IN COLONIAL TIMES by Abram Vosson Goodman. THE JEWS IN AMERICA: A History by Rufus Learsi. GENERATION OF DECISION by Sol Liptzin. HISTORY OF.THE JEWS IN AMERICA by Deborah Pessin. THE JEWS: SOCIAL PATTERNS OF AN AMERICAN GROUP by Marshall Sklare, HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN THE UNITED STATES by lUibbi Lee J. Levinger. ESSAYS IN A M E R I C A N JEWISH HISTORY by Jacob Rader Marcus. A J E W I S H TOURIST'S GUIDE TO THE UNITED STATES by Bernard Postal & Lionel Koppman.
since the immediate postwar era is in recess this week, after having opened Friday.^ t h e trial, in which 22 former officials and guards at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death factory are charged with murder and complicity in murder of at least 4,000,000 men, women and children—most of the victims being Jews—was resumed December 30. On that dnte, as on the opening day of the proceeding, the accused were given an opportunity to tell their personal histories. After January G, according to the schedule set up today, the specific charges will.be detailed against each of the prisoners. Court sessions will be held three days a week. Television, newsreel and still cameras clicked and ground under hot lights as the trial opened Friday. Several of the defendants wore dark glasses. One of them, Herbert Scherepe, 56, now a butcher, tried to hide his face behind a book. Dr. Franz Lucas, a gynecologist charged with being an accessory to murder, failed to appear. His attorney said he was ill and in bed. Presiding Judge Hans Hofmeyer ordered that Lucas be tried separately. The press section in the court room was filled with representatives of various news media. However, the section reserved for the public—with only GO seats—was partly empty. Fifteen persons, relatives of victims murdered in Auschwitz or in satellite camps from 1941 to 1045, were represented. Among the 15, representing 11 nations, were three Israelis. At the initial session, three of the defendants were called on to give details about their personal lives before and during their Nazi service. They were Robert Mulke, (iU, adjutant to the first Auschwitz commandant, Rudolf Hoess, who was hanged by the Poles; Karl Hoecker, 52, adjutant to Richard Baer, the last Auschwitz commandant, who died in a Frankfurt jail last June awaiting trial; and Wilhclm Boger, 57, an SS lieutenant in Auschwitz accused of personally murdering more than J00 inmates. Mulke was on the verge of tears as he told his life story and his voice cracked with emotion several times but it was not for the millions of innocent lives sacrificed at Auschwitz. His eyes began to water when he related that, after leaving Auschwitz and returning to Hamburg, the big seaport was raided by British bombers. He described the devastated city as lying "in rubble and ashes; 70,000 women and children were killed." In a tremulous voice, he added that lit- "did my best to help in the salvage work.'' However, whenever judge Hofmeyer asked him about his activities in Auschwitz, the defendant was impassive. The 22 defendants were seen as a strange lot, pleasant-looking men who represent a healthy, in some cases overly prosperous cross-section of West German citizenry. All are doting family men, presumably good and kindly fathers who have devoted their lives to earning a living and bettering the lot of their children. But in each man's background there is a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde existence—the time when they worked on the arrival ramp at Birkenau, or dropped ZyklonB poison gas into the Auschwitz gas chambers, or mercilessly shot inmates in front of the black wall between Cellblocks 10 and 11, from 1941 to 1945. Only one of the defendants—Wilhelm Boger, 57—seemed unmoved and still fanatically loyal to the inhuman system he served for 10 years. Cocky and self-assured, he answered with a proud "yes" when Judge Hofmeyer asked him whether it was true he had joined the Nazi youth movement in 1922. He boasted that, in 192!), he became a member of the SS, the Hitler Elite Guard of sadists and murderers. One year later, he said in a ringing voice, "I became a member of the SS. My serial number is one of the lowest—2779. I was an oldtimer." . . Boger, who is on trial for some of the most serious charges in the case, told how he escaped from the transport of Nazi war criminals en route to trial in Poland. "God and luck were on my side." he said. Afterward, lie returned to a little village near Stuttgart where his family lived. There he managed to go undetected by not applying for the identity card which all German citizens must have. "I did not need a card," he testified. "Everybody knew me and anyway knew what I had done in the war. The police knew who I was, the Mayor knew. I didn't need an identity card. Nobody would have thought of turning me over to the Poles or the occupation authorities."
A J Committee-Hebrew U Launch Study
Israel Orders Gut in Army Service J e r u s a l e m (JTA)—Israel ordered this week r e d u c t i o n of army service under the country's draft law, lessening the period of service for both male and female draftees by four months. Prime Minister Levl Eshkol informed the Knesset, Parliament, of the new regulations t o d a y , noting that the changes have been approved by the Cabinet after recommendations by the army's general staff. No legislation on the issue was required, the change being effected through an Administrative order. Men to be called up during May 19G4, or thereafter, Mr. Eshkol said, will s e r v e 26 months, instead of 30 months as heretofore.
Left to right: Dr. John Slawson, American Jewish Committee director; Eliahu Elath, Hebreir University president; and Theodore Tannenwald. Jr., AJC Israel Committee chairman, announced a Joint research project on attitudes of Israeli youth toward their Jetrislinc.su and Jews outsid* of Israel. Elath was honored at the Committee's Institute of HlUMS Relations in New York City. December 9-
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etuis!) Published weekly on Friday beginning the last week in August through second wed; in July by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Scccnd Class Postage Paid ct Omaho, Ntbr, Annual Subscripiion, U to. Advertising Rales on Application. Publication Office—101 No. ?0lh Street. Omaha, llebr., 342-1366.
Bernard L. Friodborg, Editor
lous Services L .
Candlt-ligliting: 4:17 p.m. Beth El: Sabbath Eve Services at Beth El Synagogue will begin this evening at 11:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edg;ir and the Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Traditional Sabbath Morning Services will begin at 8:30. The Family Service will begin at 10:30." Mincha-Maariv Services will lie held at 4:45 p.m. Sunday morning services will begin at 9. Services during the week are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuron: Friday Minclia. 4:45 p.m.; Saturday morning. 8:30 and Mincha. .4:45 p.m.. followed by Sholosh Seudos. Daily services at 0:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Temple Israel: Sabbath evening services will be at 11:15 at Temple Israel, with Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiating. Miss Ida Gitlin will be the speaker following Sabbath worship in the third of the Sabbath Discussion Series at the Temple. The theme for the series is "The Perspective of Judaism Applied to the Changing Patterns of American Life," and Miss Gitlin will speak on "In Education." Musical portions of the worship service will be by Cantor Manfred F. Kuttner and the Temple Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin. Refreshments will be served. All Classes resume at Temple Israel'..Religious School beginning Monday, January 6. Hebrew School. Adult Hebrew Classes, and Nursery School Classes resume on Monday, January 6, and will follow their regular schedule. Saturday and Sunday Divisions of the Religious School will resume January 11 and 12. Assistant Teachers of .the Re.' ligious School "Faculty of Temple Israel will meet Wednesday, January 8. from 4::iO to 5:30 p.m. at the Temple. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the meeting on the subject of "Synagogue Observances." The Women of Temple Israel will look forward to the beginning of the first series of Conversations with the Rabbi when they meet for coffee and an informal hour with Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks on Tuesday, January 7, at 10 a.m. These coffees will be held on four consecutive Tuesdays in January, and will consist of informal conversations about significant books, contemporary issues, today's news, views on yesterday, and Jewish values. Beth Israel: Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Emil Berkovits and the Choir will conduct Late services this evening at 8:15 p.m. Traditional Friday evening
services iKobolas Shabbos) at 4:50 p.m. Saturday morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. Shabbos Mincha at 4:55 p.m. followed by Maariv at 5:50 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a.m. Daily services at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
MRS. BKSSIE ROSENTHAL Funeral services were held Friday from the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Bessie Rosenthai, f)5. Burial was at Golden Hill Cemetery. Survivors: h u s b a n d . Jake; daughter, Esther; b r o t h e r s , Louis Glazer and Sol Glazer; sisters, Mrs. Betty Slpin, Mrs. Beatrice Hollander, Mrs. Lillie Gavenman, Mrs. Evelyn Batt and Miss Pauline Glazer. HARRY KOTIIKOI' Harry M. Rothkop, 71, a former Omahan, died December 10 in Philadelphia. Services were held in Omaha December 12 with burial at Golden Hill Cemetery. : Survivors are wife. Pearl; sons, Julius, Seaside, Calif., Ted, Los Angeles; daughters, Mrs. Donald Brodkey, Mrs. Philip Starr, Omaha; Mrs. Alvin H. Meyer. Nashville, Tenn.; Mrs. Malcolm M. Segal, Los Angeles; sixteen grandchildren; sisters, Rose Rothkop, Omaha, Mrs. Joe Lax and Mrs. Minnie L. Elfenbaum, Los Angeles.
YOUNG JUDAEA The regular meeting of Dots, fith grade Young Judaea, and the Junior High Young Judaea, will be held on Sunday, January 5. at the Jewisii Community Center, at 2:30. The Dots will make plans for their bake sale to be held at the Center on January 19, and the Junior High girls will have Talent Show tryouts. CTH GRADE YOUNG JUDAEA The next meeting of the fith Grade Young Judaea will be held December 29, at 2:30 p.m.
Bar baft All friends and relatives aro Invited to attend services and reception. Elliott Craig Wohlner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wohlner, •will observe his~Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, January 4th at the 10:30 Service at Beth El Synagogue. Mrs. Harry I. Epstein (Sophie) wishes to thank relatives and friends for the many cards of good wishes, flowers and gifts she received, and for the contributions given in her name to organizations during her ill-
Coffee Pol- Is on AM the Time for Your Pleasure
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged
1I1CNKY MONSKY CIIAI'TKR The Henry Monsky Chapter of (The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged ucknowlcgcs B'nai B'rith Women will hold a the following memorials and donations.) luncheon meeting Wednesday, January i), at .12:30 at King's Donor In Memory of Restaurant, X',:i N. 72nd. Mr. ond A/ry Hainan Nocy Slellu Block Messrs. and Mmes. Lhjviii Oil-.ow orni family, f H Weir ..lou Brctn Mr. Arthur Spiegel, regional Messrs. and Mines. Neuben Utcwn, Arlhur A Colin. director of the Anti-Defamation Hrjrald P. Fcifbtf. lien Kaslow. Manuel Krupinsfcy, Eincsl A. limn. David Orko,v and family, League of B'nai B'rilh will be Joe Rice, Max Hlckts, Milton Yudttson, Ucn O. (Hollywood, Flu.) Abe Brodt-.ey the guest speaker. His topic will Mr, Silver and Mrs. Arlhur A. Cohn Loyol U. Colin be "Some Concerns of a Jewish Messrs. end Mrnes. Joscl Mayer, Mike Morrli Joe FinK Mr. ond Mrs, David Huhn and daughters Benjamin Fi'.hef Defense Agency." He will also Mr. and M i l . Milsen Yudclson ". Marlifi Gluckrnan ond Mmcs. u. W. Baron (Sioux city, lo.), discuss the purpose and pro- Messrs. Harold P. Farber, tlalhun J. Hoiwich, Morris gram of the A.D.L. Kotlcnion, IJulhan Naaq, Ben D. Silver (Hc!iy. wood. FID), Miss Bcolricc Sommcr ond Herb Mr. Spiegel is a lecturer, stuBrrkowitz ,.. Abrahom Goldstein and Mrs. David Oi kow end family Nellie Gray dent of political science and an Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Arltiur Colin , ..Dr, Hurry Greenbera Messrs and Mmrs. Reuben Brown, Arlhur Colin, expert on propaganda techJ. Harry Kulakofsky, Louis Kulakofsky, Richard niques. He is the former comJ. Miller, truest A. Nona, David Orkow and timiily, Joe M. Rice, Max Rlekei. 1. H. Wclncr, munity service coordinator of MIMon Yudclson, Dr. and Mis. W. R, Hamso, Beatrice Sonimer ond Alex Wcinslein Jacob A. Gross the New York Regional A.D.L. Mr. Miss ond Mrs. Ben D, Silver Leonard Mllgrnm (Seattle, Wash.) office, former director of its Mr. and Mrs, David Orkow and family Harry Rollikqfi Mrs. Paul Bernstein Anna Rubiti Freedom Film Library and Mr. and Mis. Ernest A. Noog and Alan Philip Schiller and Mines. Harold P. Fart-.er, Ben O Silver. served as educational director Messrs. (Hollywood, Fla.), Mrs. Abe Gcjdslein, Dr. ond of the Florida A.D.L. office for Mrs. Snui Wrinslcln and Eismon 'members of the Foster Doy Care Committee (Hew York CllyJ Dr. Philip Sher five years. Messrs. ond Mmes. Arlhur Cchn, I H Welner, ond Alrx'Weimlcin Jacob WcincT Make your reservations for Mils Beatrice Sommcr , Mrs. Harry Weisrnann this program with Mrs. Frank Sekar. Donor In Honor of SDT ALUMNAE LEAGUE Sigma Delta Tau Alumnae League will meet for luncheon 12:30 p.m. Saturday January 11 in the Siniion Room of the Blackstone Hotel. By popular demand Mrs. Mary Hale, beauty expert, will return to speak on hair styling and problems. Cards and mnj-jong will follow. For reservations or information call Mrs. Hugo Kalm 391-9342 or Mrs. Mendel Weinman 333-0893.
Mrs. Paul Bcrnslcln-Recovery, Ike Levy (Mllv/aukec, V/is ). Recovery, Mrs. Tlllle Wrlrihl. Miss Harrielt Harwich—Recovery, David E. Epstein. Mr. ond Mrs. F.. Leo Nona—SOirt wedding onniversary of Mr. and Mrs Oovld C Epstein. Messrs. ond Mmes. I. C. Alfer, A. R. Green, Benny Schulman—Birthday of Jocob Green. Mr. ond Mrs. Fred Kurtimnn—Recovery, Reverend Alexander Kot*. Johanna Kaufman—Honukkah ontl a Happy Hew Year lo Mr. ond Mrs David Kaulmonfi (Grand Island, Neb.), Mrs. Ludwlg Kaufrncmn and Miss Marie Eichtcr (Euricne Oro ), Alon Norja—HQnukkali, Mrs. A, I. Kay (Las Angeles, Cal.J Leo llooo—Honukkali, Mr. ond Mrs. John Abraham, Messrs. Sidney Abrchom I orry Albcrf, Louis Albert, Don Davis, Evcretl Evnen (Lincoln, Neb ), Kcvte Klrshcnbaumend Floyd Kuklin (Lincoln, Neb.). •* Messrs, ond Mines. David Bernstein, Robert Bernslcin, Leslie Burkcnroad. Max Conor, Arlhur . Colin, Leo EhcnsluH, David Fcder, Stanley Flsk, Paul Goldstein, Louis Llpp, Henry A, Newman, Larry Planner, Henry Rlckes, Samuel G lalUnion, Paul Vcret, I, H. Welner ond Sam Wolf -.... <Clh wedding anniversary of Mr ond Mrs Jo* Rice f.Ar. and Mrs. Ben D. Silver (Hollywood, Flo.) recovery, Blanch* Seitver
Special Contributions Mr. end Mrs. Max Frcmkln ....Klddish In honor of Iheir 4Jst wedding anniversary Herman Goldstein ond Louis Sombcrq Electric hospitol tied Mr, ond Mrs, Richard Hobcrrnan ond Omaha Chapter Hadassah Floral cenferpiece Mr. ond Mrs. Paul Rips .Bar Mllzvatl of Marian Rips
Birfh Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pickus of Waukeegan, Illinois, announce the birth of their first child, David, on December 22. Mrs. Pickus is the former Janie Fellman of Omaha. Maternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. Leon Fellman. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louie Pickus of Waukeegan.
Anti-Jewish Decision Provokes Protests Johannesburg, fJTA)—A minor incident in Transvaal Town Council involving the reputation of the Union of Jewish Women of South Africa, is provoking stormy protests here by Jewish organizations and is being condemned by the press. Every year the Randfontein branch of the Union of Jewish Women receives a grant from the Randfontein Town Council towards its philanthropic work, which is performed without discrimination of race or creed, and which includes the running of a soup kitchen for poor Africans. When the grant came up for routine approval in the Randfontein Town Council this week one Councillor, P. J. Fouche, said that before approving it the Council should ascertain the nature of the activities of the Union of Jewish Women, and find out whether any of its members were connected with any subversive organization. He did not wish to imply that Jews in general were involved in subversive activities, but since "many Jews had been detained under the 90-day detention law" in connection with such activities, he thought the Council should not approve the grant until it had assured itself on the point he had raised. N. Philips, president of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, described the incident as "scandalous" and "completely irresponsible." and as "the type of smear that can do incalculable harm, not only here but overseas as well."
Cairo-Trained Spy Caught in Israel Tel Aviv, Dec. 22 UTA)—Kali a r i k Jacobian, an Armenian born in Cairo who, according to the Israeli security authorities was given careful training for spying operations inside Isaerl over a period of years, was arraigned here in magistrate's court on charges of espionage, and ordered held for 15 days for further interrogation. Security officials said: "We have a fat fish here." Jacobian's story and his preparation for an espionage career on behalf of the Egyptian intelligence read like a cloak-anddagger thriller after it had been revealed by the security officials here. In Cairo, where he had become a photographer, he attended an E g y p t i a n intelligence school. Given false identity papers, with which he registered as an Arab refugee, he was sentto Brazil. There, an Egyptian agent, Salim Aziz el-Said, sent him to Sao Paulo, where Jacobian presented himself as a Jew by the name of 11 z h a k Kochuk. fn preparation for his posing as a Jew, he had been circumcized in a hospital in Cairo, and had been trained in a certain amount of Jewish tradition. He "proved" his Jewish background in Sao Paulo by showing photographs of the Jewish cemetery in Cairo and claiming that one of the tombs had held the remains of his Jewish grandmother. From Sao Paulo he went back to Rio de Janeiro, where he registered with the Jewish Agen-
cy as a Jewish emigrant to Israel. Arriving in Israel, in I9G1, with secret Egyptian orders to join the Israeli army, particularly the armored corps, he tried to get into the army. However, he was sent first to Kibbutz Ncgbah to learn Hebrew. Later, he did join the Israeli army and, after a year's service, asked for release from the service. Application for release was granted. By the time he was released from the army, he was already under the surveillance of the Israeli authorities. However, ha was allowed to go about his personal affairs, in an effort to trace his fellow-spies in a ring in this country. He was finally arrested this weekend, at his home, in Ashkelon. Security officials said he has confessed. The family of Lena Greenberg wishes to thank their relatives and friends for the many contributions to organizations given in her memory and for the many expres'sions 6f sympathy extended to them in their bereavement. Mrs. Abe Miller wishes to thank relatives and friends for the many cards of good wishes, flowers and gifts she received, and for the contributions given to organizations itf her name, during her illness.
J.uftcxige, ZEppf rs and I-nOies' IIuiiJbag» Itcpalrcil 1416 Harocy
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OMAHA'S LEADING Kosher Meat Market & Delicatessen
Diamond's Famous
I'rliluy, January; 3, 19GJ
Pickled lonqms Choice Chuck Per a Real Buy. .Lb.
Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders
• Friday, January's, IU64
Miss Fogel Bride Of Mr. Hurwitz
Herbrrt Maslin
Double Ring Rite For Miss Manvifz Miss Helen Manvilz and Mr. Herbert Leonard Maslin, Denver, Colorado, were married at 5:-'10 p.m., Sunday, December 29, at Beth El Synagogue. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and C a n t o r Aaron Edgar officiated at the double ring rites. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. David Manvitz and Mr. and Mrs. William Maslin, the latter of Denver, Colo. The bride wore a gown of peau de s o i e combined with lace which formed the scooped n e c k l i n e and long tapered sleeves. The bodice topped a skirt with fullness accented in back to fashion a wide chapel train. Her tiered illusion veil was held with a pillbox of applique. She carried a bouquet of white orchids and stophanotis. Mrs. Zan D. Faigen of Rock Island, Illinois, was matron of honor for her sister. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Justin L. Manvitz, sister-in-law of the bride and Mrs. Alan Kris of Denver, sister of the groom. Honor attendants wive sheaths of sapphire blue satapeau, fashioned with scoop necklines and three-quarter l e n g t h sleeves. Double overskjrts topped the slim sheaths. Alan Kris, of Denver was best man for his b r o t h e r-in-law. Ushers were Justin L. Manvitz and Zan D. Faigen, Rock Island, brothers-in-law of the groom. Following the ceremony a dinner was held at the Blackstone Hotel. After a trip to San Francisco and Las Vegas the couple will be at home in Denver, Colorado.
Louise Stern Bride of Mr. Ladin Colonel (Ret.) and Mrs. Benjamin Stern announce the marriage of their daughter, Louise Helen, to Mr. L a w r e n c e L. Ladin, of Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Ladin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ladin of Des Moines. The wedding took place December 27.
Gail Brodkey Crowned a$ Prom Queen Miss Gail Brodkey, Central High School senior, was crowned Christmas Prom Queen at the 28th a n n u a l prom at Peony Park, Friday night, December 27. Gail is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Brodkey. There were 15 candidates for the honor, three each from Central, Westside, North, Benson and Bevcridge High Schools, The dance featured the Johnny Ray Gomez Orchestra. Arnio Weitz and Sandy Friedman were in charge of the affair attended by.more than 1200 students..
Miss Diane H e l e : u Fogel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Fogel, became the bride of William Stuart Hurwitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hurwitz of Sioux City, Iowa, in a 7:30 p.m. ceremony performed by Rabbi Myer S. K r i p k e at Beth El Synagogue, December 31. The bride, who was given in marriage by h';r father, wore a traditional floor length gown. The fitted bodice was designed with a low scooped neckline and long tapered sleeves. The skirt was controlled front with added fullness in back which fashioned an aisle wide chapel train. Imported lace frosted the entire front of the dress and was used as appliques on the train. Her tiered silk illusion v e i l was caught with a jeweled crown and she carried a cascaded hand bpuquet of white orchids and stephanotis. The bridesmaids wore floor length moss green sheaths of
Rochelle Sommer Wed to Lt. Ban
Mary Kay Hobcrmnn
Hoberman-Kaiman Plan August 9 Rife Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hoberinan have announced Ihe eng a g e m e n t of their daughter, Mary Kay, to Saul Z. Kaiman. Both Miss Ilobcrman and Mr. Kaiman are seniors at the University of Omaha. The bridee l e c t previously attended the University of Missouri. Mr. Kaiman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaiman, attended the University of Nebraska, where he was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. An August 9th wedding is planned at Beth El Synagogue.
Leanne Goldberg Engagement Told
Mrs. Hurwitz chiffon and carried floral muffs of powder blue carnations. Floor length gowns in star sapphire blue and powder blue were worn by the mothers of the bride and bridegroom. Miss Shirley Hurwitz of Brentwood, California, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. Mrs. Lawrence Fogel of Phoenix, Arizona, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Javier Sacio, Garden Grove, California, the Misses Barbara Burnett, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Carol Greene, Beverly Hills, California and Ellen Goldstein of Omaha. Lawrence Fogel, of Phoenix, Arizona, brother of the bride, was best man. Groomsmen were the Messrs. Charles Wolf, Washington, D.C., Edward Block, San Antonio, Texas, Marshall Pea.lstein, St. Louis, Missouri, Norman Kronick, Gary Shr>.go, Sioux City, Iowa. Serving as ushers were the Messrs. Jeffry Swartz, Omaha, James Rocklin, Sioux City, Iowa, Mel Plutsky, North Hollywood, California, Robert H u r w i t z , Sioux. Falls, South Dakota. After a wedding trip to Jamaica, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands/the couple will reside in Phoenix, Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Goldberg have announced the engagement of their daughter, Lcanne, to Frank Norman Goldberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goldberg. Miss Goldberg attended the University of Nebraska. Her fiance also attended the University of Nebraska where he was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. He is now a senior at Omaha University. The couple lias planned an August 30th wedding at Beth El Synagogue.
Under a bower of white mums and carnations which were supported by Grecian columns garlanded in whtie-leafed ivy, Miss Rochelle Helaine Sommer became the bride of Lt. Arnold Gershin Ban at a Saturday e-ening service at Temple Israel. Across the altar were additional columns w h i c h held urns of w h i t e mums, carnations and stock. Rabbi Sidney Brooks of Temple Israel and Rabbi Myer Kripke of Beth El Synagogue officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hubert Sommer and the late Mr. Sommei. Lt, Ban is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ban. Mr. Paul Goldstein, uncle of the bride, gave her in marriage. The bride chose for her gown an original of silk peau de soie and lace by Galim of New York. The sheath silhouette rose to a fitted bodice with bateau neckline and long sleeves. Descending, the lines flowed into a pencil slim sheath skirt of floor length. A detachable circular train added interest. Re-embroidered Alencon lace with pearl and crystal embroidery trimmed the midriff which encircled the bodice above the natural waistline. In the back, a free panel fell from the waist over the train ending in a deep silk fringe. The panel, also, was embroidered in pearls and crystal on Alencon lace. Hand made lilies of Alencon lace and satin, held the bridal veil. The petals of each flower were edged with seed pearls and centered with crystal tips. The two tiered veil of elbow length was bouffant, made of French illusion veiling. A circular blusher was an added touch to the full veil. The bride carried a bouquet of white lilies over the ivory-covered bible carried by her mother at the latter's own wedding. Miss Linda Joffe acted as maid of honor, and the' bridesmaids were Miss Neena Beber, Miss Kay Goldstein and Miss Gail Goldstein, the latter two are cousins of the bride. All the bride's attendants wore floorlength gowns of emerald green peau de soie satin with bateau necklines, elbow length sleeves and fitted bodices. They wore m a t c h i n g velvet ring hats trimmed with tinted pearl tiaras and short nylon tulle veils. They
Mrs. Arnold Ban carried cascading bouquets of miniature white Elegance carnations and stephano''s. Mr. Justin Ban served as his brother's best man. Ushers were Michael Ban, Lawrence Herman, Bernard Katz, of Denver, Colorado, Bruce Goldstein and Robert Lohrman. Groomsmen were A. David Goldstein, Bernhardt Wolf, and Thomas Kully. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Sommer wore a deep turquoise silk sheath with bodice embroidered in floral desigi of silver beads. Her corsage was of white o r c h i d s . The groom's mother, Mrs. Sam. Ban, was gowned in pale yellow brocade with matching accessories. She wore white butterfly orchids as her corsage. After a short wedding trip, Lt. and Mrs. Ban will be at home at Ft. R i l e y, Kansas, where Lt. Ban is stationed with the U.S. Army.
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Good values; excololnt condition. Want of fen. Immediate or quick postctiton. For details call 5532190.
Plan June Uupfials* Dr. and Mrs. Arnold I. Webman announce the engagement of their daughter, Estelle Madalme, to Morris Irvin Brodkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey of Omaha. Miss Wemban is a senior in speech therapy at the University of N e b r a s k a where she is a m e m b e r of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Mr. Brodkey is a graduate of the University of Nebraska where he was a member of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. He is presently a freshman at the University of Nebraska Medical School. A June wedding is planned.
Mini nuvimfi K> 11 K
After 6 p.m. RampGarflgo 18th & Dodge When Dining at Little Nugget
Leanne Goldberg Seb (Snbby) Pulvcrcnto
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John Kalina Miss Shelley Steinberg, daughter of. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, has been elected president of the Sigma Delta Tau sorority at the University of Texas. Miss Steinberg is a junior at the university.
18th & Douglas
PHOTOGRAPHER 817 South 36th Street — 345-1044
Black and Whit©
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RUG CLEANERS Don Bernstein, 345-2554
Page Four
Center Sports By Charles Arnold . (For more information call the Sports Office, 342-13GG) YOUTH COUNCIL VARSITV LEAGUE One! Two! Three! Everybody With only five men showing up, R. C. Cola had a rough go Up! There's a ball up there against the first place Milder someplace but all the deterOil team. R. C. Cola began mined defensive players got was strong and jumped off to a 18-12 a handful of air. Such action lead but Milder Oil kept peck- featured contests in the Youth ing away and finally took the Council League last Sunday. A sluggish Rayim team was lead in the final minutes. With two minutes left in the fourth hard pressed but managed to defeat Chaim Weizmunn 57-12 quarter the lead kept switching last Harley Shrager. hands but when the buzzer with Sunday. a smooth jump shot, led sounded, ending the game, R. C. the winners with five field goals. Cola had a 60-59 victory. Bill Joe Greenberg also led the scorGinsburg with 28 points and ing parade with 14 points, Bruce John Engstrom with 14 points Hoberman tallied 15 marks lor were high for the winners. Joe the losers. Greenberg tallied 18 points for AZA No. 1 moved into a huge the losers. lead and then had to hang on In the second encounter of to stall off a final rally by the the evening. Micklin Lumber never quitting AZA 100 team. won a forfeit victory as the Only two AZA 1 players really Rockets showed up with only hit the scoring column, but it three men. Micklin didn't need was good enough for 18 points the forfeit as they raced past and an easy win over AZA 100. the Rockets, to an easy 79-51 Neil led the winners with 11 victory. Tom Platt started off points, while Steinman, AZA the victors with three qui'Jc bas- 100's scorer pumped in 11. Lincoln had to battle for a kets in the opening minutes and scrapy Joel Davis pushed in 1!! while but then breezed to a 55counters for the game high. :if! triumph over the B Team. Mike Moran almost made the Rayim's 15 Team displayed a game close with a 12 point scor- well balanced scoring attack ing spree in the third quarter and appears to be getting and ended with 23. which was stronger as the campaign progresses toward the halfway mark. high for the losers. Jerry Goldman and Jeff KushSTANDINGS ner were high for the winners W. I.. with 44 points between them. Micklin Lumber 4 1 ', Jim Milder was high scorer for Milder Oil 4 1 the losers with 12 marks. * * * R. C. Cola 2 2 JC'C Recreation Calendar Robinson 0 4, Sunday, January 5 * * * Youth C o u n c i l Basketball MIDGET LEAGUE Games: 10 a.m.—Rayim vs. AZA Slli and Gth Grade League No. 1. II a.m.—AZA No. 100 vs. Slosburg Realty and Tre- B Team. 12 p.m.—Lincoln vs. tiak's chalked up victories as Chaim Weizmann. play got underway again in IDDY-BIDDY BASKET—1:15Midget League circles. 2:15. The opener saw the usual Wrestling—1:30-230. thrilling struggle in Midget Midget League Basketball 5th League action as Slosburg s & eth Grade: 2:15 p.m.-Slosedged I-Go-Van 18-16, after the burg vs. Nebraska. 3 p.m.—Trefinal horn sounded. I-GO-Van al- tiak vs. I-GO-Vari. most pulled the game out of the Gymnastics—3 p.rn.-4 p.m. fire in the final two minutes Modern Dancing—3 p.m.-4 with a full court press but the p.m. hustling Slosburg quintet held Midget League Basketball. on for a victory. Marc Meiches 7th & 8th Grade: 4 p.m.—Capand Mike Abrams pumped in 10 py's vs. Fireside. 4:45 p.m.—Mofor the winners and Bob Cipin- gen David vs. Kaiman. 5:30 ko hit 10 for the losers. p.m.—Cardinals vs. Borsheim. In the other encounter, Steven Fencing—7-8 p.m. Epstein and Bruce Gilinsky led Monday, January G Tretiak's to a tight 19-16 win Men's Volleyball—12:30-2 p.m. over Nebraska. Dan Grossman Open Gym—34 p.m; scored eleven points for the Iddy-Biddy Basketball — 4-5 losers. p.m. 7th and 8th Grade League Badminton—8-9 p.m. Mogen-David, Borsheim's and Tuesday, January 7 the Cardinals jumped on their Slimnastics—9 a.m.-ll a.m. opponents for comparatively Men's Physical Fitness—J21 easy victories in 7th and 8th p.m. grade play. Women's Volleyball — 1:30-4 Mogen-David. with a strong p.m. Iddy-Biddy Basketball — 4-5 trio of Jeff Krum, Steve Marantz and Steve Nogg, waltzed to p.m. Men's Volleyball—5:30-7 p.m. a 31-23 triumph. Krum tallied Wednesday, January 8 10 markers, Marantz, 8 points Men's Volleyball—12:30-2 p.m. and Nogg provided the floor Boxing and Physical Fitness— play against Cappy's. In the second contest, Bor- 3:30-5 p.m. Open Gym—3-5 p.m. sheim scored heavily in the secVarsity Basketball — 7:30-10. ond quarter to pull away from Fireside after the losers made Micklin vs. Milder; R. C. Cola some serious threats in the first vs. Robinson. Thursday, January 9 quarter. Final score was 29-16 Slimnastics—9-11 a.m. with Bruce Muskin scoring 12 Men's Physical Fitness—12-1 points. p.m. In the nightcap, undefeated Freshman Basketball Leacue Cardinals racked up their sec- —3:30-6 p.m. ' ' ond straight win in downing Varsity JCC Volleyball—7-10 Kaiman 28-18. Jerry Razniak p.m. gave his best and was really Friday, January 10 too much for the winners. He Men's Volleyball—12:30-2 pm controlled both boards, blocked Open Gym (BasketbaID-3-5 numerous shots and dumped in p.m. 11 points for the losers. Dick Young Men Metz with 8 points led the winHandball—Daily 9 am. to 9 ners. p.m. Exercise room—Daily 9 am to 9 p.m. KBON Radio 1490 Presents Health Club "Message of Israel" Men's Hours: Sunday, Jan. 5, 8:30-8:55 a.m. Weekdays—12-8 p.m. "Highlights of Sundays—9 a.m.-5 p m UAHC Assembly" Women's Hours: Rev. Martin Luther King Tues. & Thurs.—9 a.m.-ll a.m.
Friday, January 3, 1961
Israel lames lew Chief ©f Staff Jerusalem,' Dec. 14 (JTA) — B r i g a d i e r General Yitzhak Rabin, deputy chief of staff of Israel's armed forces since 105!), was elevated today to the post of chief of staff .heading Israel's army, navy and air force. He will assume his new office January I, s u c c e e d i n g Brigadier General Vvi Tsur. who will retire from his post on December 31. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol announced Ganeral Rabin's appointment at the regular weekly meeting of the Cabinet here today, and the promotion was ap- • proved by the Cabinet. Gen. Tsur, who has held the post three years, expects to take a long leave before assuming another position. Jerusalem, Israel—President Joseph Kasavului of (he Congo Gen. Rabin, who is 41, was Republic (left) is shown acting as godfather to au infant born at born in this city. He is the son the Hadassafi-Hebrew University Medical Ce.nter in Jerusalem. of parents who were both active Wearing a blue satin skullcap, the African Chief of State held (he in Uie Haganah, the self-defense crying Eylan Shalom Schwartzbard Immediately' following tho units of the pre-Israel Jewish circumcision ceremony at Hadassah's Medical Center Synagogue. s e t t l e ment in Palestine. His Looking on at right is Madame Kasavubu. This was a highlight mother became known during of the President's visit to Israel earlier this month. anti-Jewish riots here in 1920 . and 1921, when she distributed a r m s to Jewish defenders in U. S. Stand on Jerusalem. His father served in the Jewish Battalion in World Rights Unclear War I. „ United Nations, N. Y. (JT,A>— London, (JTA)—Prime MinisYoung Rabin was educated in Sir Alex Douglas-Home de- The United States delegation to a g r i c u lture, excelling in his ter in the House of Commons the United Nations has at this studies, and received his gradu- clared this week that he was "satisfied" time no clear position on the ation diploma at the hands of that the Government could give two draft covenants oh human the British High Commissioner to the 49 British firms black- rights that have been pending; at the time. Harold McMichael. listed last by Jordan and in the General Assembly sinca Later, he became a member of Syria "all week the help that they 1954, according to Mrs. MariHaganah and. still later, of Pal- need." etta Tree, the U. S. Representamach, the H a g a n a h striking The Premier made the state- tive chiefly concerned with huforce. He distinguished himself io carrying out a series of one- ment in reply to a question from man rights issue here. Mrs. man missions against the Brit- Arthur Henderson, Labor MP, Tree made the statement hero ish police. He commanded a who had asked what steps the after Adlai E. Stevenson, chairforce of Jewish fighters who Premier was taking to conrdi- man of the U. S. delegation, conbroke into the A t h 1 i t camp nate the activities of th» various fessed during a general pres.i where "illegal" Jewish immi- Government departments af- conference that he was not cergrants were imprisoned, freeing fected by the blacklisting. He tain as to- how to reply to a said he agrees that the blackall the immigrants. listing actions were inconsistent question on human rights. During the War of Liberation with the principles of the United He was asked whether the in l!)48-194y, he commanded a Nations Charter and deplorable battalion which fought in Jeru- adding: "I have deplored many United States would use its insalem, and later succeeded in times here and in the House of fluence and prestige to obtain keeping open the route from Tel Lords mixing up politics with final action on the draft covenants next year. At this year's Aviv to Jerusalem. He also held economic relations." Assembly, the Social, Humania number-of commands on IsIn a related development. tarian and Cultural Committee rael's southern front. He was Israel's senior military officer Arthur Lewis, another Labor had voted all of the substantive in the negotiation of the armis- deputy, asked the Secretary of articles in the two draft coveState for Industry, Trade and nants on human rights except tice agreement with Jordan. Regional Development what of- for determination on how the Later, he studied at the Brit- ficial discussions he had had re- covenants would be implementish Staff College at Camberley, cently about the introduction of ed. The Committee decided to England, and also received mis- "racial discrimination" into nor- postpone discussion of implesile-warfare training in the UniU mal trade in Britain and to what mentation of the covenants until ed States. He is said to be high- extent these discussions includ- next year. ly popular with subordinates in 3d the question of political disIsrael's armed f o r c e s . He is crimination. married, and the father of two Edward Duncan, Jie Minister N.Y. Federation children. of State, said in a written reply that "it has been made clear To Build Hospital New York (JTA)—Plans for through the ambassadors of certain countries concerned" that the construction of a $35,000,009 the British Government "strong- building to house a new medical ly resents any attempt to exert school were announced here this Jerusalem, Dec. 16. (JTA)—It pressure on British companies week by Mount Sinai Hospital was learned today that -Presi- for political reasons." He added and the Federation of Jewish dent Zalman Chazar will greet that ho had "no evidence in this Philanthropies of New York. Pope Paul V.I on his arrival in connection of pressure for racial The building, to be either 30 or Jerusalem, and will present him reasons," 40 stories in height, will housa with a special gold medal showPeter Thomas, the British "a medical campus under one ing the map of Israel and bear- Minister of State, reiterated the roof." The school will offer a ing in Hebrew and Latin words Government's opposition to Arab four-year college course a fivean inscription: "I visited Israel." boyoott pressures against Bri- year postgraduate program, and Similar bronze medals will be tish firms but declined to say separate institutes of human life presented to the cardinals ac- what action had been taken in and environmental sciences. companying the Pope. specific cases. The Minister was Government authorities in- replying to a question from structed the Public Works De- Arthur Henderson, Labor Mempartment to start immediately ber of Parliament, as to what certain repairs needed to make representations had been mr.de Daily Jewish Newspapers the Pope's visit e a s i e r and to the Governments of Jordan smoother. The repairs include and Syria following their official BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations, also cards, for all the road to Mount Zion as well blacklisting of the 49 British Jewish holidays and special as roads leading to churches firms. and monasteries that the Ponoccasions. Mr, Thomas replied that Britiff may want to visit, and re- tish envoys in Amman and Da- Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge pair work iii Nazarath, the city mascus had been authorized to which the Pope is certain to express "our disapproval of revisit. strictions on the freedom to trade of British firms." Charles Core, leading British Jewish industrialist, said in New Publicity in The York that the Arab League boycott of 40 of his companies was Jewish Press "a joke." Mr. Core who arrived _ by plane from> London in conAll articles for tho nection with some of his holdJewish Press ings in New York City, said his MUST be in writing. firms "do a very slight business with the Arabs and when we do, Deadline for copy it they don't pay us anyway, so Friday noon. noiw 393-3(33 what's the worry?" 8057 BLOHDO
British P . i . Opposes
Israel President To l e s t Pope Paul
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