Jewish Voice and Opinion May 2013

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THE JEWISH VOICE AND OPINION Promoting Classical Judaism

May 2013

Vol. 26 • No. 8

Sivan 5773

After More Than a Month of Increased Violence, the Israeli Government Decides Residents of Yesha Are Right: Rocks Kill While two dramatic cases

of terror dominated Israeli news last month, Jews in Judea and Samaria say the situation is really much worse. The official Israeli position is that despite an increase in terrorist violence in Judea and Samaria, it has not yet reached the threshold of a “Third Intifada,” which many Palestinian leaders have demanded. “There is definitely a growing wave of terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria, but it has not yet reached the point of an ‘Intifada,’” said Binyamin region security chief Avigdor Shatz. Nevertheless, he warned,

Asher Palmer, z”l, and his baby son, Yonatan, z”l

Adelle Biton shortly before the terrorist rock-throwing attack left her comatose, still in the ICU

Israel should act now against the spiraling violence. “Past experience has taught us that

when we reach the point that something has to be defined, it is too late,” he said.

In recent months, violence, especially rock-throwing, has increased. Mr. Shatz’s stated goal of keeping Palestinians “away from Israeli communities” is obviously insufficient. Some suggested that, because Israeli security has been generally successful in keeping terrorists out of Israeli residential areas in Judea and Samaria, there has been an escalation of attacks on the roads. Comatose Toddler On March 14, Adva Biton and her three small daughters, Adelle, two, Avigail, four, and Na’ana, six, were driving on the

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Hareidim in the IDF: “Sensitive but Determined” or Just “Hypocritical”? At the end of April, Deputy

Defense Minister Danny Danon (Likud) declared that neither he nor many other members of the Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu bloc would support a military service proposal that “unfairly focuses” on the ultra-Orthodox, but ignores the Israeli-Arab community. “We cannot deal with just one community—the hareidim—and leave the Arabs alone,” said Mr. Danon. “Nobody expects Israeli-Arabs to enlist in the Golani, but they

can volunteer in a local health center before going to study at Haifa University.” Even those who support government efforts to compel hareidim to serve in the IDF seemed taken aback by Mr. Danon’s statement. Others in the Knesset have hesitated to mention the other group of Israelis who routinely do not serve: children of the so-called wealthy elite, who manage either to procure exemptions or serve in very limited capacities.

Chidon Tanach...............................................3 Kol Ami: Women at the Kotel............. 4 The Current Crisis............................... 5 Shavuout, Cheese, and Wine........14 Jewish Paris.........................................18

Hypocrisy Yair Lapid, now Finance Minister, used the issue of ensuring that hareidim assume their “equal share of the burden” as a major platform of his new Yesh Atid party. Because Naftali Bennett, leader of the Jewish Home party, also considers the issue important, universal service united Jewish Home and Yesh Atid—and the two leaders—to form a bloc during the government coalition negotiations. Their alliance was responsible for

keeping the hareidi parties out of the coalition. But while the flamboyantly secular Mr. Lapid has become the popular face of anti-hareidi sentiment, few associate the National Religious Mr. Bennett with such hardline views. Mr. Danon accused Mr. Lapid of leading the movement to focus solely on hareidi Jews, but did not mention Mr. Bennett. “Lapid’s hatred for the hareidi community compared to the way he ignores Israeli

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Inside the Voice

Interesting Reading.................................22 The Log..........................................................24 New Classes........................................32 Mazel Tov.............................................33 Chesed Ops..........................................33

Ess Gezint: Shavuoth Creole..........38 Index of Advertisers ........................41 Honor the Professional...................43 Letters to the Editor ........................44 Walk To Shul.......................................47

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

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For Participants, the Chidon Tanach Inspires Love of “The Book of the Jewish People” On Sunday, May 5, scores

of teenagers in grades 6 through12 competed in the National Chidon Tanach (Bible Contest) held at Yeshiva University in Manhattan. Those participating had all previously completed the first three tests successfully, answering at least 72 out of 75 questions correctly. Competing in the Chidon meant gaining a mastery of many of the books comprising Tanach, an acronym for Torah (the Five Books of Moses), Neviim (Prophets), and Ketuvim (writings, the third and final section).

The winners: From left, Rabbi Dr. David Horwitz, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University; Rabbi Dr. Mark Licht, of the US Chidon Steering Committee; Asher Brenner, Passaic, first-place Jewish Day School Middle School division; Lincoln Bernhard, Minneapolis, first-place public high school division; Asher Finklestein, Teaneck and Memphis, first-place Jewish Day School High School division; Yael Goldschlag, Silver Spring, first-place public middle school division; Arthur Sandman, executive vice-president of International Development at the Jewish Agency for Israel; and Rabbi Ezra Frazer, coordinator of the US National Chidon Tanach for the Jewish Agency

Those who go on from the National contest to the International Bible Competition in Jerusalem must gain a virtual encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible and be able to access that information immediately. Many from New Jersey While students came from across the United States to compete, New Jersey had much to be proud of. Three of the top five winners in the Jewish Day School Middle School division and three of the four top winners in the Jewish Day School High School division

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THE JEWISH VOICE AND OPINION, Inc. © 2013; Publisher and Editor-in-Chief: Susan L. Rosenbluth Phone (201)569-2845 Managing Editor: Sharon Beck, Advertising: Rivkie Stern The Jewish Voice & Opinion (ISSN # 1527-3814), POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631, is published monthly in coordination with The Central Committee for Israel. A one-year subscription is $25. Periodicals postage is paid at Englewood, NJ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Jewish Voice and Opinion, POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631. All advertising in the Jewish Voice and Opinion must conform to the standards of the Orthodox Rabbinic kashruth. Editorial content reflects the views of the writer and not necessarily any other group. The Jewish Voice is not responsible for typographical errors.

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

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Kol Ami: Women’s Minyan at the Kotel? For years, Jewish-feminist activists have been trying to daven, with tallis and tefillin, at the Kotel, much to the dismay of most of the Israeli religious public (and even those who are not so religious). Last month, Natan Sharansky suggested the women be given a place away from the central plaza and the current Men’s and Women’s sections, but still facing the Kotel, where they can

As a Jewish American woman, I assume the right to pray at Israel’s holiest site, and I support my fellow sisters of the world to do the same. I would hope that the leaders of Israel support that basic human right. As women, we should all show support and collective activism for our sisters across the world. Anna Rothschild New York, NY

I oppose radicalism, and while I understand the court’s and Sharansky’s position to find the best possible compromise, I don’t understand the goal of these women. When women strive to be all they can be without comparing themselves to men but rather setting their own high standards, they often not only catch up, but do things better than men, and that is the best way to fight for equal rights and recognition. Vladimir Shpigelman Brooklyn, NY

put on tallis and tefillin and conduct their services. The Israeli Supreme Court said the women must be given that right. The question last month, asked at the “Just Jewels” Jewelry Boutique, held at The Plaza Hotel in New York by the Moise Safra Community Center, was: Do you approve of the women’s activities and the decision by Mr. Sharansky and the court? Y

What the radical women activists are doing is wrong on every level. I understand that Sharansky is trying to keep public order, but the Supreme Court’s ruling does not take into consideration that we are a people of history who have survived only because we stayed true to our traditions, including the way we pray. All the Women of the Wall want is attention and they don’t mind breaking thousands of years of customs to get it. How Jewish are they, and what is next? Avi Edri Brooklyn, NY

While I’m all for women’s independence and the right to assert themselves, radical activism contributes nothing, not even to healthy discussion. We always return to the tradition because remaining faithful to it makes us who we are, including the ability to survive for thousands of years. Rimma Rose Brooklyn, NY

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

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The Current Crisis: “Even in Laughter, the Heart Can Ache”

A dear friend in Passaic sent us the following guide to keep-

ing political news in perspective. While he swears he did not write this compendium on which newspapers handle which clientele, we think the Pulitzer Committee should call its office. 1. The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country. 2. The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country. 3. The New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country, and who are very good at crossword puzzles. 4. USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but don’t really understand The New York Times. But they do like their statistics shown in pie charts. 5. The Los Angeles Times is read by people who wouldn’t mind running the country, if they could find the time -- and if they didn’t have to leave Southern California to do it. 6. The Boston Globe is read by people whose parents used to run the country and did a poor job of it, thank you very much. 7. The New York Daily News is read by people who aren’t too sure who’s running the country and don’t really care as long as they can get a seat on the train. 8. The New York Post is read by people who don’t care who is running the country as long as they do something really scandalous, preferably while intoxicated. 9. The Miami Herald is read by people who are running another country, but need the baseball scores. 10. The San Francisco Chronicle is read by people who aren’t sure if there is a country or that anyone is running it; but if so, they oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if

the leaders are handicapped, minority, feminist, atheist dwarfs who also happen to be illegal aliens from any other country or galaxy (provided that they are not Republicans, of course). 11. The National Enquirer is read by people trapped in line at the grocery store. 12. The Key West Citizen is read by people who have recently caught a fish and need something to wrap it in. ••• In objecting to the New York Police Dept’s stop-and-frisk activity (which has saved lives), isn’t it strange that the New York Times assumes the role of strict constructionist on the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which protects Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures? On the other hand, when it comes to the protections afforded by the Second Amendment, including the right of Americans to keep and bear arms, the Times goes all wobbly. Clearly, liberals don’t want us to be permitted to bear arms, but the question is: Do they want police free to frisk people for illegal guns? In light of the bombs set off in Boston by the representatives of the religion of peace, we wonder how the folks who run the New York Times feel about giving police the right to stop and frisk for pressure cookers. Perhaps until the government gets around to legislating some serious pressure-cooker control laws, such as requiring background checks for anyone endeavoring to buy these devices, whether at pressure-cooker shows or through licensed dealers, The Jewish Voice and Opinion, in an effort to get pressure cookers off the street, will initiate a pressure-cooker buy-back program. Only kosher, toiveled pressure cookers, please. Chag Sameach, everyone, SLR

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were from the Garden State. One of the winning Middle Schoolers was from Monsey, and one of the winning High Schoolers was from Riverdale. The top winner in the Middle School division was Asher Brenner, an eighth grader at Yeshivat Beit Hillel (YBH) in Passaic who achieved a perfect score. Second place went to Shira Orlian of the Yeshiva of Spring Valley-Bais Sarah Yeshiva in Monsey. According to Rabbi Ezra Frazer, coordinator of the US National Chidon Tanach for the Jewish Agency since 2009 and himself the second place winner in the 2012 International Bible Contest for Adults, Miss Orlian is the first student from her school to participate in the contest. “Her grandfather, Dr. Mitchell Orlian, ran the Chidon for most of the 1980s and 1990s,” said Rabbi Frazer. Nechama Novick, another YBH eighth grader, took fourth place in the Middle School division, and Tehila Kornwasser of Teaneck, a student at the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, was fifth. Miriam Waghalter, the only winner not from New Jersey or New York, won third place. She attends the Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy in Beverly Hills, California. New Jersey and New York Asher Finkelstein, a tenth

grader who grew up in Memphis but currently lives in Teaneck so that he can attend MTA at Yeshiva University, won first place in the High School division. He was followed by Dani Peyser of Teaneck who attends the Torah Academy of Bergen County and Elisheva Friedman, a ninth grader who lives in Passaic but attends Reenas Bais Yaakov in Highland Park. Mr. Peyser and Miss Friedman tied for second place. Benjamin Kepecs, who took fourth attends SAR High School in Riverdale. Other students participating in the Chidon came from Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota. Close Contest According to Rabbi Frazer, the conclusion of the Hebrew High School finals was a “true nail-biter.” After taking the 135-question written exam, the youngsters in the top four slots found themselves with only five points separating Mr. Finkelstein in first place and Mr. Kepecs in fourth. Mr. Peyser and Miss Friedman were only two points from Mr. Finkelstein’s winning score. According to Reuven Stepansky, who served as a volunteer coach for the Passaic team, youngsters in day school, public school, or even home-schooled are eligible to compete in the Chidon Tanach. The Passaic participants pre-

pared with Mr. Stepansky since last summer, going through the contest’s material, which included the Biblical books of Devarim (Deuteronomy), Yehoshua (Joshua), Ruth, Iyov (Job), and Daniel. The high school participants also needed to have mastery of the Book of Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah). “Knowing the breadth, similarities, and nuances of the verses is no small feat, but these students were selfmotivated and reviewed the material almost weekly,” said Mr. Stepansky. Big Shoes Mr. Brenner will now go on to compete in the 2014 International Chidon Tanach, which will be held in Jerusalem on Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. Mr. Stepansky hopes he will follow in the footsteps of Yishai Eisenberg, also a Passaic resident and graduate of YBH who was one of two first-place winners in this year’s International Chidon Tanach in Jerusalem. Now a ninth grader at Yeshiva University High School for Boys, Mr. Eisenberg was the first non-Israeli to take first place in the contest in 25 years. He was the first ninth grader ever to win the contest. In 1988, Jeremy Wieder of Teaneck, now a rosh yeshiva at YU’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, was the first American to tie with an Israeli for first place. The contest this year took place at the Jerusalem Theater under the auspices of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Education Minister Rabbi Shai Piron of the Yesh Atid Party. Challenged Winner Mr. Eisenberg’s co-winner for first place was Elior Babian, 16, of Beit Shemesh, whose own climb to success seems nothing short of miraculous. He is

one of five sons, four of whom have special-needs, including Elior Babian who was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia following years of anxiety and depression. Two of his brothers, Eliran, 19, and Elihu, 10, suffer from pituitary dwarfism, requiring daily injections of growth hormones that are not completely covered by Israel’s national health insurance. Another brother, Eliav, 12, is developmentally disabled and requires a special-education program. While the Babians receive some government assistance, it does not nearly cover the funds required to care for their children. Aharon Babian, 48, is a substitute Hebrew studies teacher in the local religious public school system. His wife, Shula, is a certified caregiver for seniors. To make ends meet, they ask for personal donations, starting with their neighbors in the observant community. This year, they are receiving help from Teaneck, where Tehila Kornwasser, who placed fifth in the Middle School division, has decided to make raising funds for the family her bat mitzvah project. “Cultural Heroes” Two days before the contest in Jerusalem, Rabbi Piron held a special reception for the participants, praising them for their commitment to Jewish life and education, and calling them “cultural heroes.” Rabbi Piron said his childhood dream had been to participate in the contest and he confessed to be “immensely jealous” of the students. “It doesn’t matter whether you win or not. You have the greatest treasure—the knowledge of the books of the Tanach. You know where you came from and where you are going.

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

Hareidim in the IDF Arabs is sheer hypocrisy,” said Mr. Danon. Israeli-Arab leaders, like many of the hareidim, have said they would opt for prison terms rather than serve in the IDF. But it is unclear how their communities would react to financial penalties for failing to serve, or to perks for agreeing to enlist. For his part, Mr. Bennett has said that ensuring employment for sectors of Israeli society not currently in the workforce, including hareidim and Arabs— especially Arab women—is “more important than tackling the issue of equal burden in army service.” Terminology of Destruction Even many of those who are convinced that hareidim must serve in the Israeli military and then become part of the workforce, cringed at the words used last month by Yaakov Peri, the Yesh Atid MK who is now Minister of Science and Technology. Mr. Peri heads the new ministerial committee


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charged with compelling the hareidim to share military service and workforce obligations. According to Mr. Peri, the committee’s assignment is to find a formula for hareidi enlistment in the IDF that is “sensitive but determined.” The phrase was the same one used in 2005 by the government of then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to describe its approach toward the 10,000 residents of Gush Katif Gaza who were evicted from their homes while their communities were razed to the ground. Many hareidim believe the Peri Committee is similarly committed to destruction, in this case, of the ultra-religious way of life and the demolition of its institutions, especially yeshivas. An Alternative In fact, the Peri Committee was created to design an alternative to the Tal Law, which had allowed full-time Torah students to defer military service indefinitely. The overwhelming

majority of hareidi men took advantage of the law to avoid military service, whether or not they studied full-time. While many believe this is the way the hareidi community always behaved, a knowledgeable member of the IDF rabbinate said it is a relatively new phenomenon. “If you go into hareidi communities throughout Israel, and ask men over 60 if they served in the IDF, the answer is overwhelmingly yes. But they did not send their sons, because 20 years later, it was no longer acceptable, and no one really knows why,” he said. Seeking “Balance” In any case, in 2012, the Israeli Supreme Court declared the Tal Law illegal. The Peri Committee is expected to propose its alternative by the end of May. “The law will be good news for all citizens of Israel— secular, hareidi, and Arab,” said Mr. Peri, exhibiting optimism

that many Israelis believe is unwarranted. The challenge, he said, “is to create a reality in which military service in defense of Israel, civilian national service, and the value of work are all important values that are balanced against Torah study to create real equality in ‘carrying the burden.’” Likud Minister of Culture and Sports Limor Livnat, a member of the committee, said any solution would have to be implemented in a way that was “balanced, gradual, just, and fair, while making sure not to create brotherly strife and not to incite one sector against another.” Bitter and Estranged But the mission itself has left many hareidi leaders and their community feeling bitter and more estranged than ever from the rest of Israeli society. Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman, widely regarded as the Gadol

weekly portion every Shabbat with his 18-year-old son, Avner, who, in 2010, was the winner of the Israeli National Bible Quiz in Kiryat Shmona. Yesh Atid MK Rabbi Dov Lipman, who, like the Babians, resides in Beit Shemesh, said the entire city was “filled with tremendous pride over Elior’s victory.” As an American who made aliyah, Rabbi Lipman said he saw the joint victory of Mr. Eisenberg and Mr. Babian “as packed with meaning.” “The bond between Israel and North American Jewry must go way beyond simple financial support. We have joint values, built around the Bible, which we must seek to strengthen. I hope that Yishai and Elior sharing the victory platform

for the Bible contest will serve as the springboard for numerous projects to strengthen the bond between these communities,” he said. Imbuing Love For Mr. Stepansky, the importance of participation lay in his efforts to “imbue the love for what is sometimes referred to as ‘the book of the Jewish people.’” For Elisheva Friedman, who won second place in the Middle School division last year when she was in 8th grade and 2nd place again this year in the High School division, participation was its own reward. “I’m happy I participated in the Chidon because it gives kids the motivation to study and the desire to know Tanach,” she said. S.L.R.

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The main thing is that the Bible should become your main guide in life,” he told them. He told the participants from abroad that he hoped their trip to Israel would be life-changing. As he handed each of the students a Book of Tehillim, he asked that they “tell your children that you participated in the contest and that you understand the need to be emissaries of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.” Prime Minister’s Privilege As has been the tradition since the contest was founded by David Ben-Gurion 50 years ago, it is the Prime Minister’s privilege to present the finalists with the most challenging questions in the third round. After Mr. Netanyahu asked

his questions, Mr. Eisenberg and Mr. Babian were tied. They had both successfully managed 12 very difficult tasks, including completing quotes from Biblical verses, identifying which prophet made which prophesy, and identifying a king by the number of years he reigned. Before the emcee for the evening, linguist Avshalom Kor, could call for more questions, the judges decided unanimously to award both boys first place. Building Bonds In his speech congratulating the winners, Mr. Netanyahu said he, too, had been given a gift that evening from Education Minister Piron: a book on the weekly Torah portions. Mr. Netanyahu said he studies the

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

Hareidim in the IDF Hador, or leader of the generation, of the non-chassidic Lithuanian world, advocated a position that seemed to view the government as it would any capricious Diaspora ruler. In Bnei Brak, he declared that while the exclusion of hareidi-religious parties from the government and the requirement that hareidi men enlist in the military are “two bad things,” eventually all measures, even funding cuts affecting yeshivas, would ultimately benefit the community. “We must know that everything the Holy One does is His will, and G-d’s will is what will be. We have to work on faith. In the end, all will turn to good,” he said. “Hareidi Autonomy” Others were far less sanguine. The hareidi newspaper Hamodia called for creating a “hareidi autonomy” within the borders of Israel, meaning administrative independence regarding internal affairs, including economic independence and police, but without the status of a sovereign state with an army or foreign policy. The editorial seemed to believe the plan could work, suggesting that the community which has established its own enclaves and institutions could also build “an electric company, highways, and whatever else is needed.” In an “hareidi autonomy,” the piece said, workers would not be limited by their lack of academic background or by immodesty in the workplace, and “large sums would not have to be spent on sports, modern culture, prisons, or

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continued from page 8 treatment centers for drug addiction.” “Torah scholars would be respected members of society and get decent stipends, and we will ensure housing at reasonable prices,” the piece added. Like Hitler? In the hareidi Yated Neeman, Chaim Walder compared some of Mr. Lapid’s statements with those of Adolpf Hitler. Mr. Walder stressed that he was not comparing the current situation to the Holocaust, recognizing that, in Israel, even “those who hate religion do not want to physically destroy hareidi Jews.” “But they have wicked plans regarding [our] quality of life, the ability to live a normal life. To strip us of basic rights like payments, tax discounts, welfare, food for our children. There are even those who speak of taking the freedom to vote, or of leaving Israel, which is true dictatorship,” he said. The anti-Zionist Satmar community in Israel, in conjunction with its counterpart in the US, has established an emergency “Draft Refugee Committee” whose function the group says will be to “save” Satmar teenagers from having to choose between the “calamities” of serving the State of Israel or serving time in a Zionist prison. Even a tragic death in a prominent hareidi family seemed to pale beside the prospect of the Peri Committee’s solution. When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid a shiva call to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef upon the loss of his son, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, who had just died of cancer, the conversation began with talk about the

pain of losing a child and quickly moved to the “tragedy” of forced hareidi enlistment. “I am a mourner now, a father burying his son. And yet my greatest pain is my sorrow over the enlistment of yeshiva students,” said Rabbi Yosef. Sensitivity? The situation did not improve when it became clear that Mr. Lapid had no intention of worrying about the “sensitivity” of the Peri Committee’s mission. When MK Rabbi Meir Porush of the United Torah Judaism (UTJ) party worried publicly about severe cutbacks proposed by Mr. Lapid and then accused him of “hating the hareidi community,” Mr. Lapid argued that Israel’s deficit problems were entirely the fault of the hareidim. “You sat in every government for the past 30 years, and this deficit has your names on it. I need to deal with the deficit that you created. You were not cheap coalition partners,” Mr. Lapid told the hareidim. A draft of the cuts Mr. Lapid intends to implement includes cutting funding for hareidi schools that do not teach the “core secular subjects and are not recognized by the Minister of Education.” The draft stipulates that child care subsidies will be given only to families in which both parents work. Mr. Lapid issued a cold denial that he hated hareidim. “The only thing that happened is that you aren’t in the coalition, and that’s called democracy. The state is sick of taking orders from you, and now you aren’t on the Finance Committee,” he told the hareidi MKs. Media Spin Rabbi Porush’s UTJ colleague Moshe Gafni called Mr. Lapid’s response “a media spin that unfortunately worked for him.” Mr. Gafni said Mr. Lapid recognized that many of his fiscal policies are opposed by other MKs who are not hareidi. “Instead of talking about budget cuts, he talked about hareidi Jews,” said Mr. Gafni. He said he and the other hareidim in the opposition intend to hold financial discussions “and not let Lapid make it personal.” “We will not be his hiding place. We will not let him talk about hareidi issues instead of giving answers regarding the economy,” he said.

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Yeshiva University | Wurzweiler School of Social Work


PROGRAM OPTIONS FEATURING THE NEW 16 -MONTH ACCELERATED PATH: Day, night and Sunday classes | Full- or part-time | Summer-only Block Program Joint MSW/PhD | International Internships | Interdenominational Clergy Track Peace Corps and City Year Partnerships

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

Hareidim in the IDF Mr. Gafni stressed that “the hatred of hareidi Jews” was not endemic to all of Yesh Atid, but, rather, “from Lapid himself.” “Those who heard his tone and words were reminded of a different man who was once the Justice Minister and who spoke the same way,” said Mr. Gafni, referring to Mr. Lapid’s late father, Tommy Lapid, a journalist-turned-politician who led the secular, virulently anti-hareidi Shinui party. Sarcasm Shas MK Eli Yishai had another approach to Mr. Lapid’s anti-hareidi diatribe. Addressing Mr. Lapid’s accusation that hareidim were responsible for Israel’s deficit, Mr. Yishai wrote sarcastically on his Facebook page that he was ready to apologize to the nation. “Over the years, I, my family, my friends and neighbors, and the entire hareidi society took money illegally from the public purse. Who do you think funded my trips abroad? The five-star hotels that all hareidi Jews stay in? The Mercedes in the parking lot? It’s all at your expense,” he wrote. “Yair, my friend, your slick, arrogant speech has led me to confess everything. We almost got away with it, and then you came and revealed that we are essentially the rich ones in the country,” he wrote. Avoiding the Knesset The hareidi backlash prompted Mr. Lapid to announce he would no longer make major speeches in the Knesset where he could be interrupted by the opposition. Accordingly, Mr. Lapid delivered his

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continued from page 10 first comprehensive speech as Finance Minister at the annual conference of the Institute for National Security Studies instead of at the Knesset, where he said he feared disruptions and heckling by hareidi MKs. Knesset Speaker MK Yuli Edelstein (Likud) said Mr. Lapid’s attitude “shows contempt for the Knesset, disrespect to his colleagues from all the Knesset factions, and causes serious damage to the image of the Knesset and its members.” “An elected representative is sent by voters to the Knesset, which is his place of work, and therefore should make his statements to the nation from there. Those who decide to carry their main speeches outside the Knesset will have to pass their laws outside the Knesset as well. In my opinion, it is exactly during these days when the state budget is being prepared, that Israel’s Finance Minister should hold a dialogue, even if it is a difficult one, with representatives of the people who may be affected by the budget,” said Mr. Edelstein. “Leeches” One day later, in the course of a radio interview, Yesh Atid MK Mickey Levy, who serves as Mr. Lapid’s Deputy Finance Minister, referred to hareidi Jews as “leeches.” He made his statement in a live radio interview for the Shmoneh Ad Esser (Eight to Ten) program on the hareidi Kol B’Rama station. After calling on hareidi Jews to “carry the burden of IDF service and join the

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workforce,” Mr. Levy said, “You can’t be leeches on Israeli society; it cannot continue.” Radio host Motti Lavi focused on the insult. “How can you say something like that during a broadcast? Aren’t you ashamed?” he said. Mr. Levy brusquely apologized for “the word.” “I’m just saying that you cannot live off the Israeli taxpayer, off those who go to the army, who serve the country. You are citizens with equal rights, so let’s have equal obligations,” he said. After the broadcast, Mr. Levy apologized before the Knesset for his words. According to reports, the hareidi MKs accepted his apology graciously. “Levy is sincere and was influenced by Yesh Atid rhetoric, which the party should alter,” said several of the hareidi MKs in a prepared statement. Hareidi Troops Perhaps buoyed by Mr. Levy’s more conciliatory tone, some hareidi combat soldiers serving in the Nahal Hareidi and Shachar Kachol brigades agreed to meet with members of the Peri Committee. Nahal Hareidi in the IDF and Shachar Kachol in the Israeli Air Force are programs which integrate hareidi men into the service. Although Shachar Kachol is only four years old, more than 600 soldiers have participated in the program, some as officers. Nahal Hareidi was created in 1999 by a group of rabbis in cooperation with the IDF and the Ministry of Defense, as “a venue for young men who wish to serve the national interests of Eretz Yisrael while adhering to the highest religious standards.” It began as a small unit of 30 soldiers. Today, it is an IDF battalion of close to 1,000 troops and is planning to reach the requisite numerical strength for designation as a fully operative infantry brigade. Not Easy At the meeting with Mr. Peri, the servicemen did not pretend that everything was easy. “The sudden, extreme change from our normal lives before the army is a tough transition. We come from a background with very clear, firm rules,” said one of the soldiers. Even more difficult is the way the hareidi-religious community views military service, particularly now that it has become a front-page issue. “Most of us take off our uniforms before entering our neighborhoods,” another soldier confessed. Nevertheless, most of the hareidim at the meeting said the military was more user-friendly to the hareidi-religious lifestyle than the majority of hareidim would believe. “It will be hard to convince hareidim to enlist, but as soon as they are here, they will be pleasantly surprised, and they will become ambassadors for us,” said another hareidi soldier. Rising Numbers Israel’s Minister of Internal Security, Yitzchak Aharonovich (Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu), agreed. He estimated that, in the next two years, some 3,500 young hareidi men will enlist in the IDF. “Over the next several years, that number will increase to 6,000,” he predicted. Many of these, he said, will serve in Internal Security agencies, such as the police, fire, and prison services Mr. Peri said he found his conversation with the hareidi soldiers “exciting.” “They epitomize the connection we’re aiming for,” he said, admitting his committee has “a difficult, but doubtless historic mission.” “Countless people and countless committees have debated this over the past 20 years. The time has come to make a decision. I am certain we will need to get things going, and we will, gradually, while maintaining the value of Torah,” he said. Exemptions “Gradually” may be the key word. At the beginning of May, the heads of virtually all hareidi yeshivas declined a personal invitation from Mr. Peri to meet with his committee or with him privately to present their positions. In refusing, the roshei yeshiva made clear they would neither meet with him nor recognize his committee’s authority. It is assumed that he wanted to discuss with them the number of hareidi students who would be excused each year from military duty. Mr. Lapid and his party have suggested 1,800, and Ms. Livnat said the fairest way to pick the lucky candidates would be by lottery. However, Mr. Peri said the exemption decisions should be made by a committee comprised of the Ministries of Defense and Education as well as members of a proposed Roshei Yeshiva delegation.

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Possible Compromise The IDF representative on the Peri Committee, Brigadier-General Gadi Agmon, was not surprised by the rabbis’ refusal to attend Mr. Peri’s meeting. “On what basis would they decide who was to be exempted?” he said. On the other hand, Defense Minister Moshe “Bogie” Ya’alon (Likud) said he is opposed in principle to any quotas and would prefer the problem be resolved “naturally” without “pushing the hareidim against the wall.” “We’re already seeing more hareidi

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soldiers, and we should allow the natural process of enlistment to take its course. My recommendation is to leave the matter of quotas open and to check enlistment figures again in five years. We should provide incentives: anyone who serves in the IDF should be rewarded more than someone who does National Service, who, in turn, should receive a higher reward than a yeshiva student,” he said. While it is unclear how Mr. Lapid or the hareidim would greet such a proposal, many in Israel say it is the only compromise which may be acceptable to most parties. S.L.R.

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Shavuot and Kosher Israeli Cheese, Paired with Golan Wine Shavuot without cheese is

like…well, Shavuot without cheese. Some say that the connection between them dates back to before the Torah was given at Sinai. Jews did not have the proper tools to prepare kosher meat, so their first meal after Matan Torah was dairy. They were on their way out of the misery of Egypt to a land flowing with milk and honey. While many consider the issue of keeping kosher to be more relaxed with dairy than it is with meat, Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, a rabbinic coordinator and dairy industry specialist in the Orthodox Union’s Kashruth Department, knows this is not the case at all. Soft cheeses, such as those used to make cheesecake and the deliciously flavored farmercheese mixes need to be certified kosher. The process used to give hard cheeses a hechsher is even more complicated than that for soft cheeses. Rennet According to Rabbi Gordimer, acid-set cheeses, those we call soft cheeses, are produced by adding bacterial cultures to milk, resulting in the formation of soft cheese curds and whey. Rennet-set cheeses are hard cheeses, such as cheddar, mozzarella, and literally

hundreds of others. They are produced by adding rennet enzymes to milk. This allows firm cheese curds to form accompanied by liquid whey. “While all hard cheeses include rennet, they vary greatly in how they are manufactured,” said Rabbi Gordimer. For example, parmesan cheese is produced by adding the rennet enzyme to scalding hot milk and then allowing the cheese to age for a year or more until it is firm. Mozzarella is cooked and then stretched in a large tub, giving it an elastic texture ideal for pizza and lasagna. But no matter the process, the presence of rennet, which was traditionally derived from the lining of a calf’s stomach, makes kosher certification a challenge. Gevinat Akum Rabbi Gordimer cited the Talmudic passage (Avodah Zarah 29b, 35a-35b) which forbids eating cheese manufactured by non-Jews (genivat Akum), specifically because the likelihood was that the calves whose linings were used had not been slaughtered in accordance with Jewish law. Just as in the case of meat, utensils and cookware used to produce gevinat Akum cheese are considered non-kosher as well. Even if only a tiny amount of rennet is used for the cheese, it is

non-kosher if produced by a non-Jew, he said, because the enzyme is required to give cheese its form. Further, because chazal banned all cheese made by non-Jews, even cheeses made from artificial rennet are generally not kosher. According to Rabbi Gordimer, that includes Portuguese hard cheese, which is made from thistle-flower rennet. For rennet-set cheese to be kosher, the animal from which the rennet is extracted must be halachically slaughtered, de-veined, salted, and processed. This is also true of lipase, a fat-digesting enzyme extracted from the tongues of domesticated animals, which is sometimes added to some cheeses to give a more powerful flavor. “Still, even cheese made with glatt kosher animal rennet and lipase is considered gevinat Akum when manufactured by non-Jews,” said Rabbi Gordimer. Gevinat Yisrael To render the cheese gevinat Yisrael and kosher, the OU maintains that only kosher rennet be used and the person adding the rennet must be Jewish. In cheese factories in which the rennet is not added manually, but, rather, in automated rennet feeders, the kashruth field representative

must activate the feeder for each vat of cheese produced. All of this accounts for why kosher hard cheese is relatively expensive. Someone must pay to send rabbinic field representatives to supervise hardcheese production, and kosher cheese manufacturers pass that expense on to the consumer. The costs rise when normally non-kosher hard-cheese plants decide at times to venture into the kosher market. Then, in addition to supervising the cheese-manufacturing process, the kashruth field representative must also kasher or supervise the kashering of every machine and utensil used. “This can take days to complete, and it is not simple work,” said Rabbi Gordimer. Jewish-Owned Farm Of course, the entire issue is greatly simplified when the owner of the plant manufacturing the cheese is Jewish, often alleviating the need for full-time rabbinic supervision and involvement. This is certainly the case in Israel. Recently, while hiking through the Jerusalem hills near the Sataf Springs, public relations consultant Anna Harwood discovered wooden signs adorned with the image of a goat. Although she had parked her car at the Sataf Visi- tors’ Center, she could just as easily have continued on the rocky path following the signs. Eventually, the signs led to a small farm, a delicious goats’ cheese dairy, nestled in a cavernous hollow. Ms. Harwood said any visitors travelling in the Jerusalem Hills should make it a point to visit the dairy. A Way of Life Owned by Shai Seltzer and his sons, the kosher dairy has been producing what Ms. Harwood

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called “mouth-watering goats’ cheese” for close to 40 years. A former botanist, Mr. Seltzer received his first lesson in cheese-making from a local monk. “And he has continued to learn about cheese-making techniques ever since,” said Ms. Harwood, calling him “somewhat of a jetsetter, attending international conferences on artisanal food from Europe to Africa to Asia, tasting, smelling, and learning as he goes.”

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

“It is a way of life; we live within the cheese-making process,” said Mr. Seltzer. An Expression of Judea According to Mr. Seltzer, the process is akin to “painting a watercolor.” He starts with milk and then slowly and lovingly adds special enzymes, yeasts, and bacteria, tasting the cheese in every stage of preparation, adjusting and refining the process, until the unique artisanal cheese is created

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“Milk is the ultimate food and the foundation on which life is developed. We then carefully nurture this base to create our cheese, which is an expression of the land on which it is created,” he said. He explained that his cheeses depend on the environmental conditions month to month and year to year. This dictates what the goats eat and the land on which they graze.

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Cheese and Wine “We can give a name to each type of cheese, but it is incomparable to cheese created elsewhere. Our cheeses are simply an expression of the Judean Mountains,” he said. A Wonderful Pairing While visiting the Seltzers, Ms. Harwood saw more than 170 goats grazing on the mountainside, alongside the natural limestone cave in which the cheeses are stored to mature and ripen. “These goats have adapted to their lush, mountainous surroundings and produce highquality milk, rich in fat and dry matter, the milk content excluding the liquid,” she said. In fact, the Seltzer family has developed a range of cheeses, which they serve to visitors along with specially selected wines chosen to bring out the unique flavors in the cheeses. “Wine and cheese make a wonderful pairing once you discover the perfect match,” said Mr. Seltzer’s son, Omri. Enjoying the Kashruth While he called many wines manufactured in Israel “wonderful,” he and his father usually choose the award-winning wines from the Golan Heights Winery. He said he prefers their depth of flavor. “They are the best kosher wines,” said Omri Seltzer, adding that being kosher has not limited their farm at all.

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He said he relishes that his is one of the few places that observant Jews are able to sample hand-crafted, artisanal food served with high-quality, internationally acclaimed wines. Soft Cheeses Usually, the first cheeses the Seltzers bring out to be sampled are a range of soft cheeses. Ms. Harwood called them “deliciously decadent, creamy cheeses whose flavors coat the tongue as they melt in the mouth.” One “scrumptious” fresh cheese was wrapped in vine leaves which, she said, added another dimension to the flavor. She found that the crumbly “mony” cheese had a much softer, delicate taste. Omri Seltzer paired the soft cheeses with Yarden White Gewurztraminer, which Ms. Harwood described as “off-dry and fruity.” It enhanced the flavor of the cheeses, she said, by allowing the fruitiness and tart acidity of the wine to cut through the creaminess of the cheese. “It refreshed the palate and allowed the individual flavors in the cheese to be fully expressed,” she said. Hard Cheeses Proceeding to hard cheeses, the Seltzers brought out a platter laden with cheeses in a wide range of colors, textures, and sizes. Most had tough rinds which had absorbed the

earthy aromas of the cave in which they were stored. One such cheese, dubbed “Michal,” was young and yellow. According to Ms. Harwood, its ability to “crumble and melt in your mouth is only half its charm.” “An exhale through the nose completes the tasting, leaving the tongue with a robust flavor majestically capturing this rich cream of the goat’s milk and the gentle bitterness and earthy flavors from the seven months of fermentation in the farm’s cave,” she said. Because the harder cheeses need a fruity, full-bodied wine to complement them, the Seltzers pair them with the Yarden Cabernet Sauvignon or the Yarden Pinot Noir. Aged Cheese The tasting culminated with what the Seltzers called their “masterpiece,” a cheese aged for four and a half years in their cave. Hard like the rind of Italian parmesan but crumbly like short bread and subtly sweet, this cheese was “an ecstatic collision of sharp nutty flavors with gentle creamy tones,” said Ms. Harwood. The Seltzers paired it with a special sweet dessert wine, Yarden Heights Wine, which Ms. Harwood thought would leave even the most ardent “drywine fan hankering for a second glass that could easily be served with any cheese platter.”

According to the Seltzers, sweeter wines, like the Yarden Heights Wine, whose long finish leaves aromatic hints of litchi and summer fruits lingering on the tongue, are often paired with sharp, blue-veined cheeses because they break down the salinity and sharpness of the cheese, “creating a perfect balance.” Bar M’Eretz Hayayin Ms. Harwood is not a novice when it comes to appreciating the Golan wines. In late April, she said, wine lovers and aficionados came to Tel Aviv’s port in droves to celebrate the thirtieth birthday of Israel’s leading winery. For one week, the Golan Heights Winery created a giant bar, called Bar M’Eretz Hayayin (Bar from the Wine Country), along the length of the pier jutting out from Tel Aviv’s fashionable portside. The bar was divided into six mini-sections, each offering a unique experience, ranging from “Taste the Place,” which offered single vineyard wines, to the “Fun Bar,” which featured sweet and bubbly wines. More than 30 unique wines were presented, a celebration of “just how far Israeli wine has come since the awardwinning winery came on the scene and revolutionized the way the wine world views our fledgling country,” according to Ms. Harwood. British-Israeli radio personality Tony Fine seemed very attracted to the Yarden Heights Wine, while other experts swarmed around the not-yet released Yarden Malbec 2010, the first Malbec to be produced by the Golan Heights Winery. Hundreds of Thousands Before the week was out, hundreds of thousands of guests came to the Bar— far more than originally pre-

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dicted. Many of the fans were often brought to their feet by the Israeli bands and DJs who showed up as well. Wine experts were available at each mini-bar to offer guests tasting “flights” of wine as well as classes on wine production, wine tasting, and the history of wine in Israel. The first mini-bar, offering tastings of wines from Mount Hermon, was staffed by mem-

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

bers of NaLaga’at, a cultural, entertainment, theatrical, and training organization for deaf and/or blind Israelis. All proceeds from this mini-bar went to support NaLaga’at’s activities. “The sheer level of enthusiasm for the entire project and extremely high turnout represents a switch in Israel’s attitude toward wine. It has taken time, but we have accepted responsibility for educating Is-

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raelis about one of Israel’s best home-grown products,” said Ayala Singer, a spokeswoman for the Golan Heights Winery. For Shavuot, Ms. Harwood hopes to duplicate at home her experiences at Bar M’Eretz Hayayin as well as at the Seltzers’ farm. “Presenting a smorgasbord of carefully paired cheeses and wines will delight guests and elevate our dairy-themed festival to new levels,” she said. S.L.R.

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

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The Enchantment of Jewish Paris By Curt Leviant and Erika Pfeifer Leviant Paris, the City of Lights, also brims with the bright light of Jewry, with which the city has been associated for centuries. With the exception of the period of expulsion after 1395 (no Jews were permitted in Paris in the 15th and 16th centuries), Jewish residence in Paris and in France—the first European nation to grant Jews citizenship—has been almost continuous since the region was conquered by Rome in the first century BCE. There is some evidence that, in those early centuries, there was a synagogue in an area just south of Notre Dame on the Ile de la Cité. By the time the SpanishJewish traveler and raconteur Benjamin of Tudela came to Paris in the 12th century, he called it Ha-Ir Hagedolah, the great city. 700,000 Jews In Paris in 1895, Theodor Herzl composed the great Zionist manifesto, “The Jewish State” (Der Judenstaat), a document central to modern Jewish history. In the 20th century, three Jews became prime ministers of France, a feat never achieved in any other country: Leon Blum, Rene Mayer,

and Pierre Mendes-France. Today 480,000 Jews live in France, making the country the fourth largest Jewish community in the world. About 350,000 live in Paris, where there are more than 20 Jewish day schools (both elementary and high schools), as well as kindergartens and religious seminaries. There are still 50 synagogues in Paris, most designated by the streets on which they are located. While these shuls offer a range of options, those seeking traditional Ashkenazic or Sephardic services will not be disappointed. Three magnificent buildings stand out historically as well as architecturally. The Great Synagogue The Great Synagogue of Paris, sometimes referred to as the Rothschild Synagogue or La Victoire, is located at rue Victoire. Built in 1874 by the architect Alfred-Philibert Aldrophe, with financial support from the Rothschild family, it is the largest synagogue in France. Its spectacular dimensions reflect the Jewish community’s elevated demographic, economic, and cultural position at the end of the 19th century. The shul can seat 1,800 people. Since its inception, services have been conducted

The Sephardic Buffault Synagogue

Rue Victoire shul in Paris, also known as the Rothschild synagogue. according to the AshkenazAlsacian tradition. The official seat of the Chief Rabbi of France, the shul is still at the forefront of Jewish life in the country. Services are held daily at 7:45am (8:30am on Sundays) and 6:30pm. On Shabbat morning, services, with the shul’s cantor and choir, begin at 9:30am; mincha, followed by seuda shlishit and ma’ariv, is at 4pm. Buffault A few minutes’ walk away from the Great Synagogue is the slightly smaller, but equally dazzling Sephardic Synagogue Buffault. It can hold 900 people (600 men and 300 women). Built in 1877, it owes its existence to a conflict with the Ashkenazic community, which had already erected the shul on rue Victoire. Originally it had been hoped that the synagogue on rue Victoire would meet the requirements of both the Ashkenazic and Sephardic communities, using a French ritual they called “Sarefath.” Nevertheless, Jews who traced their origins to Portugal and the Ottoman Empire were uncomfortable about a number of issues, such as the placement of the bimah. The Synagogue Buffault was built with the help of Daniel

Iffla Osiris, a banker and supporter of the Sephardic community, but not without some controversy. Mr. Osiris wanted a plaque that would recognize his contributions (and ignore most of the other patrons) as well as express gratitude to those he considered “illustrious children of Israel.” Among those, he wanted Baruch Spinoza (condemned by the rabbinate for heresy) and Heinrich Heine (who had officially converted to Christianity). The rabbinate and the community balked, sending the matter to court. Mr. Osiris lost. He did manage to include on the plaque the names of “Great French Defenders of Judaism,” who were non-Jewish supporters of the 1790 measure giving full French citizenship to Jews, but he caused hard feelings again when he insisted on paying tribute to his parents, his wife, his children, and his closest friends. The rabbinate was not pleased that Mr. Osiris included his wife’s maiden rather than married name. She had been born Catholic. Synagogue Nazareth The third beautiful synagogue, Synagogue Nazareth, is at 15 rue Notre Dame de Nazareth, a street on which many Jewish shops display Israeli flags in their windows. The oldest of the “great” synagogues in Paris, it was originally built in 1852, 42 years after the Ashkenazic Jews of the synagogue on Rue Sainte-Avoye (today, Rue du Temple) were evicted by their landlord. The community bought the property on rue de Nazareth after King Louis XVIII gave his permission in 1819. The synagogue was built to accommodate several hundred worshippers, but, very quickly, it became clear that the construction had been faulty. In 1848, it was in danger of collapsing, and, in 1850, the police closed it down and it was eventually destroyed. An Organ and Two Rites Once again a Rothschild—this time Baron James de Rothschild—came to the aid of the community, and the new shul was opened in 1852. Before the shul on La Victoire was built, the Synagogue Nazareth was the residence of the Chief Rabbi. Perhaps its most unusual feature is the presence of an organ in this still-Orthodox synagogue. Although it was designed as an Ashkenazic shul, the influx of North African Jews prompted a change. According to the rabbi, the synagogue follows the Sephardic tradition and rituals for most of the year. But it switches back to Ashkenazic for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, presumably to accommodate those Ashkenazic Jews who stream back for prayers during the High Holidays. The Nazareth synagogue achieved a measure of world fame when a part of the great comic French movie The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob was filmed in its sanctuary. Demographic Changes In all these synagogues, services are held regularly, and newcomers are warmly welcomed and invited to the beautiful Kiddushes after Sabbath services. There are still some native French Jews living in Paris who can trace their family lineage back many centuries. (One of our relatives has hanging on his living room wall an18th-century portrait of an ancestor who fought for French independence in the 1780s.) But they are not in the majority. Neither is there a preponderance of Eastern European Jews whose grandparents found refuge in Paris from persecution in Poland and Russia between World Wars I and II. The mass immigration of Jews from

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Muslim countries (particularly Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco) after the Israeli 1967 Six-Day War helped counterbalance the powerful forces of acculturation and intermarriage that have decimated FrenchAshkenazic Jewry. A Hotel Palace In light-filled Paris, the synagogues are not the only attractions. All of the city’s famous landmarks are now illuminated with super-bright halogen lights. Crowning them all is the Eiffel Tower, a lacy iron engineering marvel that sparkles with thousands of lights every evening on the hour. For our hotel, we chose the famous Hôtel de Crillon, about a ten- to twelve-

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minute walk from the Rue Victoire and Rue Buffault Synagogues. While there are other hotels close to these and other shuls, the Crillon (now closed for renovations until May 2015) maintains its superb reputation. An example of its luxury service: two weeks before our departure from the United States, M. Luc Delafosse, the genial General Manager of the Crillon, wrote to tell us that a limousine would pick us up at the airport—a royal welcome from a luxury hotel. Indeed, after its renovation, the Hôtel de Crillon should again be one of the two or three palatial hotels remaining in Paris.

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Jewish Paris

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An Apartment Another option is to stay in an apartment, as we did after leaving the Crillon. Ours was in the Left Bank, in the heart of the bustling university district, which has many markets, kosher bakeries, Jewish restaurants, synagogues, and other cultural amenities.

the Louvre. The famed Folies Bergere is also close by. In this district, there is a plethora of kosher restaurants, food stores, bookstores, and synagogues. The Memorial to the Deported, dedicated to FrenchJewish victims of the Nazis, is just a short walk from the

Synagogue Nazareth Tourists who rent apartments often find them more homey and private, and less expensive than hotels. Another advantage to apartment living is that it is a great way to meet and befriend neighbors as well as local shopkeepers. We found our comfortable residence through, where there is a selection of apartments not only throughout Paris, but all over France as well. Finding kosher restaurants and take-out places is as easy in Paris as it is in New York (and some people say it is easier in Paris). Rue Richer Rue Richer is a good place to begin a walking tour of the Jewish neighborhood near rue Victoire. It is in the 9th Arrondisement (district), close to the Paris Opera, the famous department stores (Galeries Lafayette and Printemps), and

Notre Dame Cathedral. If the Crillon is out of your budget, you might want to consider the Hotel Aida Opera, 11 rue Richer, which is across the street from a number of kosher food markets and restaurants as well as shuls. Marais District Another not-to-be-missed neighborhood of Jewish Paris is the city’s oldest and most famous quarter, the area around rue des Rosiers in the historic Marais district. There is evidence that in the 10th and 11th centuries, a small Jewish community was settled on rue de la Vielle Juiverie that lay between the present rue St-Séverin and rue Monsieur-le-Prince. There were two nearby Jewish cemeteries and at least one synagogue. By the 13th century, this was the Jewish residential quarter, often called simply the Juiverie, and Rue des Rosiers

was Rue des Juifs, the Street of the Jews. The Pletzl Although this area had been a Jewish section since the Middle Ages, at the end of the 19th century and early decades of the 20th, the influx of Jews from Eastern Europe began calling it “The Pletzl,” or little place. As in the Lower East Side or London’s East End, Yiddishspeaking Jews, who came to Paris seeking rights and freedom denied them in Eastern Europe, lived in tenements; built schools, shuls, and kosher delicatessens; and worked for their children’s future. During World War Two, the Jews of the Pletzl were abducted by the Nazis and sent to concentration camps, where over half of them died. In this section, there are still synagogues, shtiebels, many kosher restaurants, falafel stands, groceries, bakeries, and bookstores. Many of the signs are in Yiddish or Hebrew. One shop offers something called “Yiddish sandwiches.” Pavée Synagogue At 10 rue Pavée stands the Agoudas Hakehilos Synagogue, better known as the Pavée Synagogue or Guimard Synagogue, after its architect, Hector Guimard, who was also responsible for the famous Art Nouveau decorations for the Paris Metro. Built in 1913, the shul reflects the large wave of immigration of Orthodox Jews to Paris. Funded by a wealthy group of Polish and Russian Jews, the Pavée was intended to provide a modern, spacious house of worship for Jews who had been accustomed to the much smaller shtiebels. On Kol Nidrei night 1941, the Pavée and six other Paris synagogues were dynamited.

The Pavée has since been restored and was registered as a historic monument by the French authorities in 1989. Reminders of “the Dark Days” South of the rue des Rosiers is the narrow and dark rue des Ecouffes, where Jewish culture is still as important as it was in years gone by. Throughout, there are reminders of Nazi horrors: “Here lived a mother who was tortured to death by the Gestapo”; “Here, the patriots, Marcel, André, and Lucien Engros were shot by the Nazi occupiers”; “No 22 was the place where 44 people— adults and children—were arrested during the raid of July 16, 1942, and deported”; and “All floors here once resounded with cries of children.” At the Librairie-du-progrès, a Jewish bookstore, we learned that the elderly owner, who was born in the rue des Ecouffes, was a youngster living with his parents when the Nazi terror began. He survived because his father worked as a private tailor and was able to obtain ration cards for his family, “just like the Gentiles.” In Paris, unlike other cities, the Germans had no lists of Jews because such lists did not exist. “You had to be more afraid of the French than the Germans,” the proprietor told us in Yiddish. “You see that shul across the street? It was open throughout the war.” Museums The district brims with life and is reminiscent of New York’s Lower East Side during its heyday. There are Jews dressed in chasidic garb, but there is no way to tell if they are Ashkenazic or Sephardic. Not far away, at 71 rue du Temple, is the Museum of Jewish Art and History. Located in the 17th-century Hôtel De St-Aignan, the museum, in a

The Rue Pavée shul is in the heart of the Pletzl well-organized and user-friendly format, accents the history of French- and other European-Jewish communities with illuminated manuscripts, clothing, artifacts, ritual objects, and paintings. The eclectic collection includes items from both the Ashkenazic and Sephardic traditions. Also on display are documents related to the notorious Dreyfus case. At 17 rue Geoffroy-l’Ansier in the Marais district is the Memorial de la Shoah, a museum and documentation center opened in 2005 that pays tribute to the Six Million. Its mission is to teach the history and lessons of the Holocaust. Most poignant is its Wall of Names, inscribed in Jerusalem stone. The wall contains mostly the names of Jews, but some non-Jews as well, who were taken from the city between 1942 and 1944 and never returned. There is also a “Wall of Righteous Gentiles,” with the names of those who saved Jews during the war. Picasso and Gobelin To be sure, not only Jews tour the narrow cobblestoned streets in the Marais District. Many people of different ethnic backgrounds are drawn to the charm of this old quarter. The Musée Picasso (Picasso Museum) is an art gallery located in the Hôtel Salé in Rue de Thorigny. Built in the 17th century, the mansion now houses more than 3,000 different works of art by Picasso, including drawings, ceramics, sculptures in wood and metal, and paintings. This

May 2013/Sivan 5773

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

is complemented by Picasso’s own personal collection of works by other artists, including Cézanne, Degas, Rousseau, Seurat, de Chirico and Matisse. There are more than sixty museums and monuments throughout Paris, many of them truly world-class. One that is off the beaten track is the Gobelin Tapestry workshop, which supplied tapestries for France’s royalty from the 16th century on and even today produces tapestries for French governmental institutions. To get there, walk up Rue Mouffetard, which will surely make you think you’re in a 16th-century French village, strolling along its narrow main street. Saving Money To save money on museum admission fees, it’s a good idea to purchase a three-day or week-long museum pass. In addition to discounting admission fees, the pass also allows you to bypass the extremely long ticket-buying lines. Metro passes allow unlimited rides for one, two, three, or five consecutive days on the easy-to-use Paris subway system and bus lines. It is often well worth the time to enjoy the free concerts offered by street musicians in the huge corridors and hallways connecting the underground stations. During our stay, we were treated to American, folk, and even klezmer music—all played by young Swedes. Opera But Paris is such a musical city with an enormously wide spectrum of entertainment possibilities that it would be a shame to hear music only in the subway.

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The Palais Garnier, home of the Paris Opera, was built by order of Napoleon III as part of the great Parisian reconstruction project. Inaugurated in 1875, the Palais was completely renovated in 2000, and its ornate grandeur is all one could imagine. Its famous grand staircase is a double stairway built of variously hued marble, leading to the foyers and different levels of the auditorium. Its sister opera house, the Opera Bastille, is a modern facility offering stunning operatic productions as well as ballet performances and symphony concerts. While there is much in Paris to fascinate even the most frequent visitor, the rest of France also has many points of interest. Those who want to travel outside Paris should buy the France Railpass, which permits boarding of all trains in France. (The high-speed TGV train requires reservations.) The Railpass reduces cost and eliminates the need to wait on line for tickets, and allows travelers to change an itinerary at will and take spur-of-the-moment trips. Railpass cannot be bought in Europe; to purchase the pass, call Rail Europe at 800-361-7245. Also, check www. for special rates and low fares on point-to-point tickets. And for help in planning your Paris trip go to for an array of useful information. Y Author, translator, and Jewish Studies Professor Curt Leviant has just published his first collection of stories, Zix Zexy Ztories; Erika Leviant writes travel articles and essays on Jewish art.

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

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Interesting Reading for Shavuo

Reviewed by Dr. Alex Grobman Elliott Abrams, Tested by Zion: The Bush Administration and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 339pgs. $29.99 During and after the George W. Bush administration, the President and his staff were often accused of paying minimal or no attention to the Middle East. According to these critics, when they finally got around to the region at the end of his presidency, it was too late to accomplish anything substantial.

In this significant work, Elliott Abrams sets the record straight by detailing and analyzing the policies and activities that the Bush administration initiated in their quest to end the Arab/Israeli conflict.\ Mr. Abrams knows whereof he writes. An eyewitness and participant in the administration’s undertakings, he served as Deputy Assistant to President Bush and Deputy National Security Advisor to the president, where he supervised U.S. policy in the Middle East for the White House. Today he is Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C. In fact, according to Mr. Abrams, Mr. Bush began his term in office with a deliberately new Middle East policy. His strategy of allowing “no daylight” between Washington and Jerusalem was a stark break from the traditional State Department “consensus,” clearly represented by President Bill Clinton who fawned over PLO leader Yasser Arafat, ignoring his attempts to deny the historic connection of the Jews to the land of Israel. During the Clinton administration, Arafat visited the White House more frequently than any other political leader. Thus, Mr. Clinton elevated this terrorist to “a partner for peace.” In contrast, Mr. Abrams shows how hard Mr. Bush worked to assist the Palestinian Arabs “escape the despotic, corrupt Arafat rule,” in an attempt to establish a democratic state.

All this came crashing down in Mr. Bush’s second term, when Condoleezza Rice pushed him to re-embrace Foggy Bottom’s conventional wisdom, the view of all the so-called foreign policy realists, like Brent Scowcroft, James Baker, and Colin Powell, whose strategies have never worked because they are all based on the refusal to recognize a simple truth: the least any Palestinian leader will accept is more than any Israeli leader can give. By correcting the historical record, Mr. Abrams shows there is much to be learned about what transpired during these years. Correctly, Mr. Abrams does not believe there is much hope for any speedy resolution to the conflict, but, unfortunately, his reasons are wrong. He understands that the concessions each side would have to make are so difficult that both prefer the status quo, but then he goes off into wishful thinking, imagining that if only the Arabs were more prosperous, had more freedom of movement, and less Israeli interference in their lives, they might be willing to compromise. He believes if only Israel felt more secure, Jewish leaders would be willing to make concessions, too. This is sheer nonsense. The clash between Arabs and Israelis remains intractable because, religiously, the Arab Muslims cannot and will not accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. The truth of this tragedy can be gleaned just by reading the charters of the various Palestinian factions, or listening to what their religious leaders preach in their mosques, broadcast on their media, and teach in their schools. They are unambiguously clear about the religious war in which they are engaged. The land of Israel is viewed as Muslim holy land that they refuse to give, trade, or negotiate away. American and European administrations continually promote a two-state solution as the best way to solve the problem. But when did the Arabs ever agree to establish “two states for two people, one Jewish and one Arab?” The answer is never. Beginning with the first such proposal by the Peel Commission in July 1937, every attempt to advance the creation of this plan has been vehemently and often violently rejected. There is nothing to suggest that this will change.

May 2013/Sivan 5773

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

The betrayal by the Left has consequences for the West, because the war against Israel is a crusade to extend global jihad. If it were to be triumphant, it would threaten not only the survival of Israel, but of western civilization. Because their animosity is directed toward Israel and her many alleged transgressions, most Leftists overlook the real dangers to our democratic way of life. Prof Wistrich exposes the nature of the “self-induced stupor” in which the Left exists and explains why Leftists’ actions are a danger to us and ultimately to them as well.

Robert Wistrich, From Ambivalence to Betrayal: The Left, the Jews, and Israel (Lincoln, Nebraska :University of Nebraska Press, 2012),625 pages. $55.00 In this authoritative and brilliant study, Robert Wistrich, Professor of European and Jewish history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and director of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, exposes “the paranoid conspiracy-mongering on the Left, which invariably parades as a humanitarian endeavor and compassionate defense of the ‘oppressed’ or powerless against the might of the ‘Zionist-Crusader’ axis.” The anti-Zionist, verging on antisemitic Left continues to be sympathetic, indifferent to, or undisturbed by dictators like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, or Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, as long as they are rallying their militant supporters for terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah. Elements of the Left frequently join forces with pro-Palestinians systematically to demonize the Jewish state through an unrelenting campaign to defame and delegitimize it. They envision these efforts as capable of eventually destroying the Jewish state. Throughout, the Jews remain the scapegoat at the center of this new jihad, where “Islamo-fascism” converges with “Islamo-Marxism” in a progressive movement that does not progress, propelled by a “convulsive hatred of western modernity, of Jews, and bourgeois liberalism.”

Neil J. Kressel, “The Sons of Pigs and Apes”: Muslim Antisemitism and the Conspiracy of Silence (Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books Inc., 2012), 268 pages. $29.95 Although many people, especially those on the Left, would like the world to believe the Israeli-Arab conflict is to blame for the hatred of Jews so clearly on display throughout the Muslim world, Prof Neil J. Kressel, a social psychologist and director of the Honors Program in the Social Sciences at William Paterson University, says this simply is not true. Even if the clash between Israel and the Palestinians were somehow miraculously resolved—which it will not be for the foreseeable future—the intense enmity towards Jews and the West would not disappear.

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Prof Kressel’s book is a clarion call written to demonstrate the depth and roots of the antisemitism that currently rages wherever Muslims rule or congregate in any numbers. The Western world’s failure to address this “exploding hostility,” he correctly points out, jeopardizes the future of Western civilization. In fact, those who value the Western, democratic way of life would do well to heed Prof Kressel’s warning about the insidious nature of this threat. Until this very serious problem is acknowledged, understood, and thwarted, the animosity will escalate. No solution can even be attempted until those who value Western democracy identify the roots of this Jew-hatred and recognize why it has increased in intensity. The danger manifests itself not only in ubiquitous threats and assaults against Israel. Jewish institutions in the Bronx, Seattle, Washington, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Mumbai, and other cities throughout the world, have been targeted and attacked. Individual Jews, such as Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Perl (whose grisly beheading was captured on video) and Dr. Warren Weinstein, an economic expert who was kidnapped in Pakistan in 2011, were not singled out because of any affiliation with Israel. The violence against them was specifically because they were Jewish. Prof Kressel notes that despite Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s dire declarations to wipe Israel off the map and destroy her citizens, and the vicious antisemitism disseminated in the Arab and Muslim media, public rhetoric, and schoolbooks, liberals either ignore the anti-Jewish rhetoric or attempt “to explain it away.” Professor Kressel has marshaled compelling evidence to illustrate the extent of the problem, and the dangers faced if it is denied or ignored. Fortunately, he also offers ways to combat this very real threat to Israel and the entire free Western World. Y

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

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The Log: Do It Now

Friendship Trip to Israel for High-Functioning Young Adults with Special Needs, spons by Taglit-Birthright, leaves Sun, June 16, 212-980-3414, 888-MAYANOT (6292668) or Nonprofit organization in Hackensack needs a paid intern from June-August to help with social media and even coordination. Requirements: advanced knowledge of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter; writing, communication, organization, and MS Office skills, 4-5 days a week, 9am-5pm, $10/hour, cover letter and resume to Stacey Horowitz,

Thurs., May 9

Last Day to Order Shavuot Cheesecake from Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 201-836-8916 JCC University, JCC, Tenafly, coffee, 10:15am; “CSI—How It’s Done in Real Life,” Det. Brian Shore, 10:30am; lunch, noon; “The Rodgers and Hamerstein Era: Reinventing Musical Theater,” Marc Courtade, 1pm, 201-408-1454 Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David Sisterhood Hat Show, hats by Steven Brody, private home in West Orange, 6pm, 973-736-1931 “One Moon,” for children ages 3-7, multi-cultural story time in English, French, Spanish, and Yiddish, includes free books, Finkelstein Library, Spring Valley, 6:15pm, 845-352-5700 Everything You Show Know about Jewish Funerals but were Afraid to Ask,” Steve Dranow, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 7pm, 845-361-4400 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Vindication of an Idolatrous King: Seeing the Divine within Everything,” Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Freehold Jewish Center, 7:30pm, 732-972-3687 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: White Eggs and Black Goats: A Camouflaged Theological Debate,” Rabbi Chaim Zvi Ehrenreich, Chabad of Rockland

County, Chestnut Ridge, 7:45pm, 845-356-6686 Yom Yerushalayim Shiur: “Jerusalem: A City for the Temple or a Temple for the City,” Rabbi Menachem Liebtag, includes dairy dessert, Cong Beth Tefillah, Paramus, 8pm, 201-265-4100 Window Dedication, with Rabbi Eli Mansour, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8pm, 973-736-1407 Rosh Chodesh Shiur: “Ruth: Core of Hesed, a Living Torah,” for women, Shira Smiles, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 8:30pm, 201-836-8916 Yom Yerushalayim Event, Cong Ahavas Israel, Passaic, “Aspects of the Uniqueness of Yerushalayim,” Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman,8:45pm; “Jerusalem, a City that Unites: The Ancient and the Modern Live Side by Side in Jerusalem” Yishai Fleisher, 9:15pm, 973-777-5929

Fri., May 10

“The Sound of Silence: Shedding Bias for Personal Growth, Putting Yourself Aside and Focussing on Others to Reveal the Common Bond,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at Egg Harbor Twnshp Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 Paramus Shabbaton, for new families who might consider moving to Paramus, spons by Cong Beth Tefillah, Paramus, through Shabbat, May 11, 201-265-4100 Cong Etz Chaim Family Shabbat Dinner, at the shul, Livingston, 7pm, 973-597-1655 West-O-Ton, Junior High School Shabbaton, with Junior Teens of Allentown, PA, at Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, includes schmooze, lunch, games, seudat shlishit, and a rocking Motzei Shabbat Improv Night, through Motzei Shabbat, May 11, 973-736-1407 East Brunswick Open House Shabbat, Young Israel of East Brunswick, Rabbi Jay Weinstein, through Shabbat, May 11, 732-254-1860 or Yom Yerushalayim Celebration, Oneg with Yishai Fleischer, spons by Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, at a private home in Edison, 732-

777-7326 or 732-777-6840

Shabbat, May 11

“I Wish I Understood Everything I Was Saying” Minyan, Rabbi Steven Weil, Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 8:45am, 201-907-0180 Yom Yerushalayim Celebration Dvar Torah, Yishai Fleischer, Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, 10:30am, 732-777-6840 Mother’s Day Kiddush, Cong Shomrei Emunah, Englewood, noon, 917-841-4811 or 201-956-5065 Kiddush to Celebrate the Learning of Hallelukah by Grades 1-2, for all girls in grades 1-4 and their parents, Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck noon, “From Vilna to the Bronx: The Life and Work of Chaim Grade,” in Yiddish, Dr. David Fishman, spons by Young Israel Ohab Zedek, private home in Riverdale, 4pm, 718-548-0105 “The Power of Chesed,” for women, Shira Smiles, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 4:45pm, 201-836-6210 Pearl Mattenson, Women’s Shabbat Afternoon Learning Series, Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange, 5pm, 973-669-7320 Parsha Shiur, for women, Nomi Schneck, spons by Cong Ahavat Shalom of the Teaneck Apartments, private home in Teaneck, 5:30pm, 201-836-3828 Seudah Shlishit to Welcome Rabbi Steven and Rebbetzin Karen Pruzansky Home from Israel, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 6pm, “Judaism and Islam: Halachic and Historical Perspectives,” Prof Marc Shapiro, seudah shlishit, Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange, 6pm, 973-669-7320 Dr. David Fishman, in English, Young Israel Ohab Zedek, seudah shlishit, 7pm, 718-548-0105 Voices of Ahavas Achim: “Leaving the Soviet Union: One Family’s Story,” Dmitry Chizhik, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 8pm, 732-247-0532 or 732-777-7891

Motzei Shabbat, May 11

Cong Ahavath Torah Mother-Daughter Pottery Painting, at Sunshine Gifts, Englewood, 9pm, 201-568-1315

Sun., May 12, Mothers’ Day

Educational Service, spons by the Jewish Learning Experience, at Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, to learn to don tefillin, 8:45am; service, 9am, 201-966-4498 “Talmud Torah and SelfCreation: Shavuos in the Thought of theGRA,” Rabbi Yitzchok Segal, Cong Tifereth Israel, Passaic, 9:30am, 973-773-2552 Mothers’ Day Breakfast, includes magician R.J. Lewis, Cong Shaarey Israel, Montebello, 9:45am, 845-354-1579 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Vindication of an Idolatrous King: Seeing the Divine within Everything,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100; Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 10am, 718-839-5296 or 201-794-3770 Pre-Shavuot Program for boys and girls in grades pre-K through 2, includes pizza lunch, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 10am, 201-837-2795 Mothers Day Pottery and Brunch, for boys and girls ages 6-12, spons by Cong Ohav Emeth, includes bagels, donuts, and spreads, at Make Me Take Me, Highland Park, 11am, Children’s Musical Tefillah, Morah Chaya Glaser, includes breakfast and arts and crafts, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 11am, 718-796-4730 Teenage Volunteers Needed at the POTS Soup Kitchen, leave Hebrew Institute of Riverdale 11:45am, 917-885-4542 Mesivta of Clifton Dinner, dedicated in memory of Walter Adler, z”l, honoring Rabbi and Mrs Yosef Eisen, Dr. and Mrs. Menachem Lipton, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Selengut, Rabbi and Mrs. Yeruchom Levovitz, and Mr. and Mrs. Zalman Groner, at the Empire Meadowlands Hotel, Secaucus, 5:15pm, 973-779-4800 Chabad of West Orange Dinner: “Lamplighters,” honoring Sheryl and Dr. Elion Krok, Elizabeth Rosenkrantz and Steve Lancman, Nella and Vladimir Ki-

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The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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“Separate Yourself Not from the Community” gel, and Abby Landau and Steve Stein, featuring Bnai Jazz, at the Richfield Regency, Verona, 5:30pm, 973-486-2362 Cong Ahavas Achim of Highland Park’s 124th Anniversary Dinner, honoring Michael and Marsha Wasserman and Yossi and Kara Benedek and Family, at the shul, 5:30pm, 732-247-0532 Rockland and Bergen County Adoptive Families Meet-Up and Support Group, for those who have already adopted or are in the process of adopting, internationally and domestically, private home, 7:30pm, www. Rosh Chodesh Women’s Dinner: “A Jewish Approach to Effective Communication,” Chabad Center, West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-486-2362 “Smoothies and Spirituality: The Kabbalah of Health for Body and Soul—Learn How to Make Natural and Refreshing Smoothies,” Bracha Meshchaninov, Chabad House, Teaneck, 8pm, Parenting and Family Life Study Group, Dr. Yisrael Feuerman, private office in Passaic, 8pm, 973-249-8111 “Smoothies and Spirituality: The Kaballah of Health for Body and Soul,” for women, Bracha Mechshaninov, Chabad House, Teaneck, 8pm, 201-907-0686 Program, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, “How Do We Decide? The Role of Mesorah and Consensus in Psak Halacha,” Rav Hershel Schachter, 8pm; “What Must a Jew Believe? Foundational Beliefs and Their Practical Implications,” Rav Michael Rosensweig, 8:45pm, 201-836-8916

Mon., May 13

Last Day for Orders for Flowers and Dairy Baked Goods to Support the Riverdale Mikvah, includes cheese and chocolate bobkas, muffins with cream cheese frosting, cheese florets, and more, Film: “Tuesday after Christmas,” discussion with Harold Chapler, JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm, 201-509-1493

“Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Vindication of an Idolatrous King: Seeing the Divine within Everything,” Rabbi Shmuel Gancz, Chabad Center of Suffern, 7:30pm, 845-368-1889 Shomer Shabbat Boy Scout Troop, for boys in grades 6-12, Scoutmaster Daniel Chazin, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201-836-7019 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: White Eggs and Black Goats: A Camouflaged Theological Debate,” Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, Chabad of West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-486-2362 “Fruit and Fruition: An Insight on Results-Oriented Thinking, the Importance of Deed and the Symbolism of Shavuot as the New Year for Fruit,” Rabbi Asher Herson, Chabad Center of Northwest NJ, Rockaway, 7:45pm, 973625-1525 ext 227 “Significance of Shavuot,” for women, spons by Valley Chabad, private home in Woodcliff Lake, 8pm,

ment Chesed Project: Grades K-5 Plant Flowers at the JEC, Elizabeth, 4pm, 917-583-5963 Jewish Educational Center Elmora Ave Shul Youth Department Chesed Project: Middle School Students Volunteer at the Jewish Family Service Vegetable Garden, Elizabeth, 4pm, 917-583-5963 Connection Retreats, for Orthodox singles mid-20s to mid40s, at the Retreat Center at Nageela, Fallsburg, NY, through Fri., May 17, Shavuoth Scholar-in-Residence, Marc Shapiro, Cong Etz Chaim, Livingston,“Between the Yeshiva World and Modern Orthodoxy,” “The Limits of Orthodox Theology,” “Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox,” “Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters,” and “How Orthodox Jews Write History,” 973-597-1655 Shavuot Learning, Rabbi Shlomo Marks, Cong Mount Sinai of Jersey City, 7:30pm, RavShlomo. Tikkun Leil Shavuot: “Sabbath Apologies: An Historical

Overview of Shabbat Accommodation in the Workplace,” Rabbi Lawrence Zierler, Jewish Center of Teaneck, services, 7:50pm; learning and dinner, 9pm, 201-833-0515 Shavuos Night Program: Prayer, Food, and Torah Learning, spons by the Jewish Learning Experience, private home in Teaneck, 8pm, 201-966-4498 Dinner Buffet, ice cream sundaes all night, sessions with Dr. Marc Kramer and Rabbi Steven Exler, for teens, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 8pm, 718-796-4730 Leil Shavuot, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, shiur, Rabbi Steven Exler, 8:10pm; “The Meaning Behind the Mitzvot,” Dr. Moshe Sokolow, 11:30pm; shiurim with Rabbi Ari Hart, David Bookbinder, Elliot Rabin, and Shira Billet, 12:30-5am, 718-796-4730 Stay as Long as You Like AllNight Study Sessiom, includes Talmud, Maimonides, Tanya, Jewish History and Philosophy, Rabbi Mordechai Baumgarten, Chabad Educational Center, Rockaway, 10:30pm, 973-625-1525 ext 202

continued on page 26

Tues., May 14, Erev Shavuoth

Election Day in Passaic,NJ to be sure you are registered, or Deadline to register to vote in the primary for New Jersey State elected officials who will decide issues such as school choice and vouchers that can be used for private and parochial school education Book Talk on “Night” by Elie Wiesel, Goodwin Holocaust Museum, Cherry Hill, 10am, 856751-9500 ext 1249 Erev Shavuot Program, for seniors, spons by Together on Tuesday, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 11am, 973-736-1407 Mitzvah Clowning, for grades 6 and up, spons by Areyvut, at CareOne Rehab and Nursing Center, Teaneck, 4pm, 201-244-6702 Jewish Educational Center Elmora Ave Shul Youth Depart-

May 21st at 7:30PM State Theatre, New Brunswick, NJ 15 Livingston Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Tickets available now at: For group discounts call State Theatre at 732-246-7469

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The Log

May 2013/Sivan 5773

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

continued from page 25

Shavuoth Learning, spons by Valley Chabad, Woodcliff Lake, coffee and refreshments, 10:30pm; Rabbi Dov Drizin, 11pm, Rabbi Yosef Orenstein, midnight, 201-476-0157 A Stimulating Night of Learning at Cong Anshe Chesed, Linden, Rabbi Joshua Hess, “Caffeine: How Coffee Made Jews Late for Minyan,” 10:30pm; “Nicotine: Lounging in a Hookah Bar,” 11:45pm; Dairy Queen Bonanza, 12:45am; “AntiDepressants: Baby, I Was Born That Way,” 1:15am; “Dopamine: Gaining an Unfair Advantage,” 2:45am; “The Cream and the Clear: Honoring the ‘Greats’ of the Steroid Era,” 4am; shacharit, 5:15am, 908-486-8616 Program for boys and girls in grades 4-6, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 10:45pm, 201-837-2795 Leil Shavuot, all-night learning, with scholar-in-residence Rabbi Dr. Dov Weiss, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 11pm, 718-796-4730 WISE Shavuot Learning Program for Women, finishing Navi, spons by the Young Israel of East Brunswick, 11:30pm, 732613-9511 Tikkun Leil Shavuot Lite, for boys and girls in grades 3-5, Jason David, includes desserts, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 11:30pm, 201-836-6210 Erev Shavuot Shiur, for women, Rachel Frazer, private home in Teaneck, 11:30pm, 201836-0347 or 201-907-0780 Highland Park NCSY Tikun Leil Shavuot, at Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, and Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, midnight, 201-407-6801

Wed., May 15, Shavuoth

“All Night Learning,” Chabad of Passaic-Clifton, includes “Creation Ex-Nihilo and Matan Torah,” Rabbi Zvi Russel, midnight; chavrusa, 12:50am; “The Unbroken Chain of Torah Transmission,” Rabbi Eliahu Eilfort, 1:40am; chavrusa, 2:30am; “The Divine Authorship of the Torah,” Rabbi Yitzchak Sebbag, 3:20am; chavrusa, 4:10am, 973-246-5251 Children’s Program and IceCream Party, Chabad of PassaicClifton, activities, 10:30am; Ten Commandments, 11am; ice-cream party, noon, 973-246-5251

Shavuot Scholar in Residence, Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, “Philosophy and Method of Nechama Leibowitz,” noon; “Jewish Education: Timeless Debates,” 7:30pm, 718-796-4730 Mishmash Ice Cream Madness: A Siyyum on Pirkei Avot, for children in grades K-12, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 2pm, 973736-1407 Separate Learning Programs for Boys and Girls, grades 1-6, Young Israel of Passaic-Clifton, 4:30pm, 973-330-2285 Dessert Open House, spons by Young Israel Ohab Zedek, private home in Riverdale, 4:30pm, or 718-884-6543 Reading of the Ten Commandments, Valley Chabad, reading, 5pm; dinner, children’s party, and raffle, 5:30pm, 201-476-0157 Wine and Cheesecake, for Rutgers Hillel seniors, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 5:30, 732-545-2407 “Timing Is Everything! Learning from When and Where the Mitzvoth Appear in the Torah,” Rabbi Jonathan Schachter, includes refreshments, private home in Teaneck, 6:30pm, 201-267-9100, 201-836-5536, or Reading of the Ten Commandments, followed by a dairy buffet, Chabad, Haskell Town Centre, Haskell, NJ, 6:30pm, 201-696-7609 Reading of the Ten Commandments, followed by an ice cream party, Rabbi Levi Dubinsky, private home in Mountain Lakes, 6:45pm, 973-551-1898

own sundaes, at the shul, noon, 732-247-0532 Shavuot Family Luncheon, includes Torah Fun activities for children, Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, noon, 201-796-1915 Women’s Learning, Rebbetzin Ruth Glasser, Rachel Besser, and Mahnaz Shmalo, Young Israel of Passaic-Clifton, 4pm, 973-330-2285 Shiur, for women, Rachel Friedman, spons by Cong Beth Aaron, private home in Teaneck, 4pm, 201-836-6210 Shavuos Shiur, for women, Aliza Weinberg, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 5pm, ylb426@ or 201-384-0434 HaKarat HaTov Youth Banquet, to thank the members of the youth department staff and teen minyan leaders, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 5pm, 732-2541860 or 732-991-6110 Tikkum Leis Shavuos, for women and girls, Mindy Lidsky andShany Gejerman, Cong Tifereth Israel, Passaic, 5pm, 973-773-2552 Designing and Eating Personal Cheesecakes, for children, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 5pm, 718-796-4730 Tikkum Leis Shavuos, for women and girls, Shoshana Sperling and Susan Weissman, Cong Tifereth Israel, Passaic, 5pm, 973-773-2552 Shavuot Bee, for grades K-5, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 5:30pm, 201-836-6210 “New Prayers: Liturgy and Innovation,” Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 7pm, 718-796-4730 Graduation Celebration, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 8:05pm, 718-796-4730

Yom Tov Teen Tefillah, followed by BBQ lunch and teen panel, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 9am, 718-796-4730 Women’s Reading of Megilat Ruth, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 9:45am, 201-833-0515 Cong Ahavas Achim of Highland Park Siyum, for men, women, and children who have studied Chumash with Rashi on their own or with a chevruta during the Sefirat HaOmer, includes cheesecake, lattes, and make-your-

Last Day to Apply for a Hildegard and Sidney Schonfeld Jewish Community College Scholarship; application can be downloaded at; an original and 5 complete copies should be mailed to Michele Schaffer, JCC on the Palisades, 411 E Clinton Ave, Tenafly, NJ 07670 Film Documentary: “The Hidden Child,” Riverdale YMHA, 10:30am, 718-548-8200 “Fruit and Fruition: An Insight on Results-Oriented Think-

Thurs., May 16, Shavuoth

Fri., May 17

ing, the Importance of Deed and the Symbolism of Shavuot as the New Year for Fruit,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at Egg Harbor Twnshp Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 “The Inquisition and the Jews in Medieval Spain: Conversion, Secrecy, and Suspicion,” Prof Paola Tartakoff, spons by the Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life, at Milledoler Hall, New Brunswick, 1:30pm, 732-932-2033 Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Cong Shomrei Emunah, Englewood, through Shabbat, May 18, 201-567-9420 Russian-American Jewish Experience of NJ Shabbaton, in Highland Park, through Shabbat, May 18, 908-727-3117 B’nei Akiva 9th Grade Shabbaton, for 9th graders from throughout the region, Young Israel of East Brunswick, through Shabbat, May 18, 732-254-1860

Shabbat, May 18

Bnot Family Spring Luncheon, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, noon, or 201-836-8916 Atara of Cong Keter Torah Spring Tea, for women, featuring “Contemporary Meanings of Sefer Bamidbar,” Rebbetzin Shira Shiowitz, honoring Heidi Kuperman and Debby Putterman, at Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck 4:30pm, 201-907-0180 Study Group: “The Thought of Rabbi Tzadok from Lublin,” Prof Alan Brill, private home in Teaneck, 5:30pm, Voices of Ahavas Achim: “Perspectives on Working with the Disabled,” John Winer, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 8pm, 732-247-0532 or 732-777-7891

Motzei Shabbat, May 18

“New Eyes,” starring Yafit Josephson, in Hebrew and English, maintaining Israeli identity in the US, JCC, Tenafly, 9:15pm, 201-408-1427 Tiferes, a Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation program for women, private home in Edison, 10pm, 732-572-4713

Sun., May 19

Annual Run for Rachel, to benefit the Rachel Coalition to Conquer Domestic Violence, Memorial Oval, Livingston, registration, 7:45am; 5K run, 9:30am; 3K walk, 9:40am; Kids Run, 10:30am, 973-740-1233 Davening and Bikur Cholim at Daughters of Miriam in Clifton, meet at Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:15am; davening, followed by breakfast and bikur cholim, 8:45am, Rutgers Jewish Xperience Breakfast, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Teitelbaum, Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, 9am, Get Down and Dirty with eNgageNJ for Bonim Builders’ Camp Clean-Up, spons by the Jewish Federation of Northern NJ, at Camp Veritans, Wayne, 9am, 201-820-3936 NCSY West Orange Community Scholarship Breakfast, honoring Robin Amster and Rabbi Richard Kirsch, private home in West Orange, 9:15am, 973-7361407 or 973-736-2398 or gila@ Sisterhood of Cong Shomrei Torah Yom Iyum, for men and women, featuring “Lessons in Leadership: A Study of Moshe’s Leadership in Sefer Bamidbar,” Shoshana Schechter, at the shul in Fair Lawn, breakfast, 9:15am; shiur, 9:45am, 201-796-0639 East Brunswick Legislative Breakfast, featuring State Sen Barbara Buono and Assemblymen Peter Barnes and Patrick Diegnan, spons by Orthodox Union’s NJ Votes for Tuition Affordability, at the Young Israel of East Brunswick, 9:30am, 201-416-7742 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: White Eggs and Black Goats: A Camouflaged Theological Debate,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100; Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 10am, 718-839-5296 or 201-794-3770 “Explore Aliyah—Wrapping Up and Moving Forward,” spons by Nefesh B’Nefesh and the Jewish Agency, includes a seminar on the practical and emotional sides of making the move, and short sessions on communities,

May 2013/Sivan 5773

shipping, and buying or renting a home, and employment, at the Nefesh B’Nefesh office at the Jewish Federation, Paramus, 11am, 866-4-ALIYAH Yemei Iyun on Bible and Jewish Thought, spons by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, at Yeshiva Noam, Paramus, registration, 10am; lectures on Bereishit (ch 1-20), Shemot, Bamidmar, Shoftim, Amos/Micha, and The Thought of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein in Celebration of His 80th Birthday, Amnon Bazak, Yaakov Beasley,Yitzhak Berger, Shalom Carmy, Yitzchak Etshalom, David Forhrman, Rachel Friedman, Leeor Gottlieb, Nathaniel Helfgot, Leah Herzog, Vivien Hidary, Shalom Holtz, Tammy Jacobowitz, Rachel Keren, Aaron Koller, Eugene Korn, Menachem Leibtag, Nachman Levine, Ari Mermelstein, Aaron Segal, 10:45am, noon, 2:10pm, 3:20pm, and 4:30pm, http://www. or 212-666-0036 Tefiillah Class, for women, Rebbetzin Rivka Eichenstein, Cong Agudath Israel of Edison/ Highland Park, in Highland Park, 10am, Trip to the NY Yankees vs Toronto Blue Jays, includes kosher bagged lunch, for parents and children 7-14 years old, bus leaves Cong Shaarey Israel, Montebello, 11am, 845-369-0300 Park Avenue Synagogue Youth Chorus, in concert, Riverdale YMHA, 11am, 718-548-8200 “Great Women in World History: Joan of Arc, Catherine the Great, and Golda Meir,” Saul Silas Fathi, Riverdale YMHA, 1pm, 718-548-8200 Cong Beth Abraham Family BBQ, Veterans Memorial Park, Bergenfield, 3-6pm, 201-384-0270 or 201-384-0434 Cong Bnei Torah of Clifton Dinner, featuring HaRav Aaron Lopiansky, honoring Rabbi David and Devra Markowitz and Drs. Moshe and Eve Krakowski, at Zichron Moshe Hall, Passaic, 5pm, 973-777-8885 or 973-777-4885 SINAI Schools’ Summer/ Camp Boutique, Marriott Glenpointe, Teaneck, 5-9pm, blgopin@ or Trip to Watch the Newark

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

Bears Baseball Game Followed by Fireworks, for families, leave Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 5:30pm, 973-736-1407 Young Israel of Teaneck Dinner, honoring Cheryl and David Siegel and Avigail and Yitzchak Handel, Fair Lawn Jewish Center, 6:30pm, 201-837-1710 Singles Event, for singles 24-39, includes buffer dinner, sombreros and maracas, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7pm, 917-8385971 or 917-287-4756 Musical Review: “Neil Berg’s Night of Broadway Stars,” spons by Jewish Family Service of North Jersey, at Indian Hills High School, Oakland, 7pm, 973-595-0111 AMIT Mother-in-Israel Event, for women, featuring “Jew in the City,” Allison Josephs, at Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls, Teaneck, 7:30pm, 212-477-5465 “Israel and the Media: Will They Ever Be on the Same Page and What You Can Do about It,” Gary Kenzer, Honest Reporting, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck,

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8pm, 201-837-2795 or Regavim: “Determined to Stop Giving Away the Negev to the Bedouins, Already 80,000 Illegal Homes on 200,000 Acres Have Been Lost to Jewish Settlements,” Ari Briggs and Jeff Daube, private home in Riverdale, 8pm, 718-884-9778 Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David Window Dedication, featuring Rabbi Eli Mansour, at the shul, West Orange, 8pm, 973-736-1407

Mon., May 20

Yemei Iyun on Bible and Jewish Thought, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School, Riverdale, registration and introduction, 9:30am; lectures on Bereishit (ch 22-50), Devarim, Melakhim 1, Yeshayahu, Iyov, and Divine Providence in Jewish Thought, Hayyim Angel, Amnon Bazak, Yaakov Beasley, Yitzhak Berger, Shalom Carmy, David Chamudot, Yitzchak Etshalom, Jeffrey S. Fox, David Fried, Tova Ganzel, Leeor

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55 Lexington Avenue (24th St.) • 14th Floor • Room 220 • NYC 10010

EARLY BIRD RATE THROUGH MAY 23 Approved for 6 hrs. Continuing Education Credits, NASW, NYS Chapter





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Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

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Gottlieb, Richard Hidary, Shalom Holtz, Ysoscher Katz, Aaron Koller, Nachman Levine, Dov Linzer, Ari Schwab, David Shatz, David Silber, Avi Weiss, 10am, 11:15am, 12:30pm, 2:45pm, and 4pm, http://www. or 212-666-0036 “Decisions: How We Make Them, How People in the Torah Made Them,” Rebbetzin Leah Kohn, spons by the Jewish Renaissance Center, private home in Teaneck, 11am, or 201-692-3757 The Asperger’s Skill-Building Network for Adults with Asperger’s Syndrome: Informational Workshop for Consumers, Parents, and Professionals, Alex Gitter, William Paterson University, Valley Road Campus, Room 3074, Wayne, 7pm, 973-720-3762 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: White Eggs and Black Goats: A Camouflaged Theological Debate,” Rabbi Shmuel Gancz, Chabad Center of Suffern, 7:30pm, 845-368-1889 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Great Oven Debacle: When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision,” Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, Chabad of West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-486-2362 Shomer Shabbat Boy Scout Troop, for boys in grades 6-12, Scoutmaster Daniel Chazin, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201-836-7019 “Feeler or Follower: Cultivating a Human Relationship with G-d,” Rabbi Asher Herson, Chabad Center of Northwest NJ, Rockaway, 7:45pm, 973-625-1525 ext 227 “Teen Issues, Parent Awareness: Nutrition, Health, and Body Image,” for parents, JCC, Tenafly, 8pm, 201-408-1469 Rabbi Isaac L. Swift Memorial Lecture: “The Professionalization of the Rabbinate,” an historical survey of the position of the Rabbi in the Jewish community, ending with an appreciation of Rabbi Swift’s Jewish educational legacy to Northern New Jersey, Rabbi Dr. Wallace Greene, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8:15pm, 201-568-1315

TV: “Mel Brooks: Make a Noise,” featuring Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner, Public Broadcasting, 9pm (available on DVD May 21 from

Tues., May 21

Women’s Club for Widows, Jewish Federation and Vocational Services, Concordia Shopping Center, Monroe, 10:30am, 732-7771940 or 609-395-7979 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: White Eggs and Black Goats: A Camouflaged Theological Debate,” Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Chabad of Manalapan, 10:30am, 732-972-3687; Rabbi Levi Dubinsky, Chabad Center of Mountain Lakes, 7:30pm, 973-551-1898; Rabbi Chaim Zvi Ehrenreich, Chabad of Rockland County, Nyack, 7:30pm, 845-356-6686; Rabbi Dov Drizen, Valley Chabad, Woodcliff Lake, 8pm, 201-476-0157 “Arthritis: Definition, Symptoms, and Recommendations for Managing Arthritis in Hips, Knees, and Hands,” Kris Westra, PT, spons by Together on Tuesday, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 11am, 973-736-1407 Clifton Cheder/Bais Yaakov Dinner, honoring Joshua and Tova Wellikoff, Boaz and Delia Nagar, and Rabbu Gidon Lane, at Cong Adas Israel, Passaic, 5:30pm, Raritan Valley Chapter of Hadassah Paid-Up Membership Meeting, private home in Highland Park, 6:30pm, 732-643-1100 Celebrate Israel Night: New York Mets vs Cincinnati Reds, includes discounted tickets, Mets kippah, pre-game musical entertainment, at CitiField, Queens, Jewish groups include AMIT and Cong Arzei Darom of Teaneck, includes kosher tailgate, 4:30pm; mincha, 5:30pm; first pitch, 7:10pm, 212-615-0222, 718-559-3037, or Jewish Federation of Northern NJ Physicians and Dentists Division Gala, featuring Dr. Jonathan Adelman, at Temple EmanuEl, Closter, 6:30pm, 201-820-3951 Dudu Fisher in Concert, State Theatre, New Brunswick, 7:30pm, 732-246-7469

NYC City Council Candidates Forum, Riverdale YMHA, 7:30pm, 718-548-8200 Girls Night Out: “The Secret Victoria Still Doesn’t Know: The Torah’s Prescription for Marital Intimacy,” Rebbetzin Peshy Neuburger, featuring salads, hors d’oeuvres, and wine, spons by Sisterhood of Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, at a private home in West Orange, 8pm, Bishul B’Shabbos: Cooking, Reheating, and Serving on Shabbos, Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 8:30pm, 201-836-6210 Halacha L’Maaseh: “The Shabbes Goy: Does It Really Exist? Understanding Amira L’Nachri,” Rabbi Beni Krohn, Cong Rinat Yisrael, 8:30pm, 201-837-2795

Wed., May 22

Tobi Kahn’s Art Immersion Tour and Trip to Israel, includes in-depth insider tour of Israeli museums, gallery openings, and artists’ studios in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, includes daily lectures and conversations about art and visual thinking, return Wed., May 29, 201-408-1496 or 201-408-1457 The Holocaust and Genocides: When Hate Persists, How Will You Exist?” featuring film “The Last Survivor” and Rwandan survivor Jacqueline Murekatete, Raritan Valley Community College Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Branchburg, 9am, 908-526-1200 ext 8524, also Thurs, May 23, 9am “Reach for the Pomegranate Bus and Walking Tour of Brooklyn,” for women, leave the Jewish Federation of Northern NJ, Paramus, 9am, 201-820-3953 Lunch and Learn, for seniors, Rabbi Avraham Herman, Jewish Educational Center, Elizabeth, pareve lunch, 11:30am; parsha study, noon, 908-527-9815 “Good Food, Good Health through Everyday Cooking,” Yael Shapiro, JCC, Tenafly, 12:30pm, 201-408-1496 Book Club, led by Adelle Krausner, JCC, Tenafly, 1pm, 201569-7900 Girls Swim and Gym, grades 4-7, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7pm, (201) 833-0515

Jewish Business Network of Passaic County, includes dinner, schmoozing, socializing, and networking for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals to enhance and develop business skills, facilitate growth, share ideas, solve problems, and meet likeminded men and women, Chabad Center, Wayne, 7pm, 973-694-6274 Abused Women’s Confidential Support Group, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:15pm, 201-837-9090 Support Group for Fathers of Special-Needs Children, JCC, West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-530-3400 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: White Eggs and Black Goats: A Camouflaged Theological Debate,” Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 856-874-1500, 7:30pm; Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Chabad of Manalapan, 732-972-3687, 7:30pm; Rabbi Mordechai Baumgarten, Chabad of Northwest NJ, Rockaway, 7:45pm, 973-625-1525 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Great Oven Debacle: When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision,” Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan, Chabad of Franklin Lakes, 8pm, 201-848-0449 “An In-Depth Analysis of One of the Sugyos That Comes Up in the Daf Yomi Studies,” Rav Tanchum Cohen, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 8pm, 201384-0434 “About Parenting,” Dr. Wendy Pollock, Riverdale YMHA, 8pm, 718-548-8200 “Siblings without Rivalry,” Emily Shapiro, at Kidaroo, Riverdale, 8pm, 347-560-1027 Bergen Connections Singles Event, for Modern Orthodox single professionals, men 28-38, women 25-35, includes desserts and treats and a mentalist, private apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, 8pm, Tehillim Group, Cong Shaare Tefillah, Teaneck, 8:15pm, 201-289- 5474, 917-902-9303, 201-836-3431, or 201-357-0613

Thurs., May 23

Netivot Montessori Yeshiva Open House, for parents of infants (6 weeks) through children in middle school (12-14 years), Highland Park, tours begin at 9:15am, 732-985-4626 JCC University, JCC, Tenafly, coffee, 10:15am; “Foreign Affairs from a Counter-Terrorism Perspective: The Priorities of Secretary of State John Kerry,” Dr. Howard Stoffer, 10:30am; lunch, noon; “The Art of Improvisation,” Adam Sietz, 1pm, 201-408-1454 Yeshiva University High School Alumni Basketball Dinner, honoring the memory of Mitch Merlis, z”l, to support the Yeshivah Kfar Zeitim in Tiberias and to help build Merlis Basketball Court at YU, inducting into the Hall of Fame: Dr. Herb Schlussel, Stuart Poloner, Rabbi Avi Haar, Abie Dweck, Dov Wiener, Benjy Ritholtz, Irv Bader, and Dr. Allen Sapadim, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 5:30pm, EAuerbacher@ or Politz Day School of Cherry Hill Scholarship Dinner, honoring Arnold and Myrna Young, Harvey and Suzie Mindel, and Bina Tendler, at Cong Sons of Israel, Cherry Hill, 5:30pm, 856-667-1013 “One Moon,” for children ages 3-7, multi-cultural story time in English, French, Spanish, and Yiddish, includes free books, Finkelstein Library, Spring Valley, 6:15pm, 845-352-5700 Chabad of Basking Ridge Dinner, honoring Jeffrey S Chiesa and Steven G Kraus, at the Grand Summit Hotel, Summit, 6:30pm, 908-604-8844 Kesher the Community Synagogue of Tenafly and Englewood Dinner, honoring Deanna and Daniel Blank and Yaffa Regosin and Noam Ohring, at Space Odyssey, Englewood, 7pm, 201227-1117 Federation Full House: Vegas-Style Charity Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament, includes kosher dinner, scotch, stogies, entertainment, and prizes (tickets to the Grammy Awards and after-party, airfare and hotels in San Francisco and Los Angeles, etc), to bene-

May 2013/Sivan 5773

fit Israel and Jewish education, health, and social services, at the Alpine Country Club, Demarest, 7pm, 201-820-3911 Boys Swim and Gym, grades 4-7, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7pm, (201) 833-0515 Meeting of the JewishRussian Cultural Club, Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County, South River, 7pm, 732698-9213 or 732-588-1800 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: White Eggs and Black Goats: A Camouflaged Theological Debate,” Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Freehold Jewish Center, 7:30pm, 732-972-3687 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Great Oven Debacle: When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision,” Rabbi Chaim Zvi Ehrenreich, Chabad of Rockland County, Chestnut Ridge, 7:45pm, 845-356-6686

Fri., May 24

Holocaust Concentration Camp Liberator and Honoring US Veterans, Goodwin Holocaust Museum, Cherry Hill, 10am, 856751-9500 ext 1249 “Feeler or Follower: Cultivating a Human Relationship with G-d,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at Egg Harbor Twnshp Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 NCSY Spring Regional, for high school students, to be held in the Stamford Plaza Hotel, Stamford, CT, 201-862-0250 Yeshiva Netiv Aryeh Sephardic Shabbaton, private homes in West Orange, davening at the Sephardic Minyan, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, through Shabbat, May 25,

Shabbat, May 25

Trip to Daven and Enjoy Kiddush with Russian Jews of Cong Sons of Israel in Pelham Parkway and lunch with the Pelham Parkway Jewish community, followed by stop at the Bronx Botanical Gardens, leave Hebrew Institute of Riverdale 8am, 718-796-4730 Bnei Akiva Snif, for grades

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

3-6, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, 5pm, 201-801-9022

Sun., May 26

Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion Scholarship Breakfast, at Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, 9:30am, 732235-0042 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Great Oven Debacle: When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100; Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 10am, 718-839-5296 or 201-794-3770 Cong Ohr HaTorah BBQ, at the shul, Bergenfield, 4pm, Cong Ahavas Israel Dinner, honoring George and Phyllis Matyjewicz and Rabbi Zelig and Mindy Mandel, at the shul, Passaic, 5:30pm, 973-919-9524 or JACS Meeting, 12-steps meeting for Jews in recovery, Rabbi Steven Bayar, Cong B’nai Israel, Millburn, 6pm, 973-379-3811 Cong Ohav Emeth Dinner, honoring the shul’s Kiddush Committee (lilah Brown, Susan Kollmar, Judith Schlissel, Helen Stein, and Eve Stein) and Morris Niederman, at the Rutgers Chabad House, New Brunswick, 7pm, 732-247-3038 Parenting and Family Life Study Group, Dr. Yisrael Feuerman, private office in Passaic, 8pm, 973-249-8111 Project Inspire: “Taste of Discovery: The Science of Belief,” Rabbi Yaakov Salomon, Cong Knesses Yisroel, New Hempstead, 8pm, 845-517-5507

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“Love Your Neighbor as Yourself: A Mitzvah That We Need to Remind Ourselves of Every Day,” Sam Kaplan, spons by the Jewish Learning Experience, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 8:45pm, 201-966-4498

Mon., May 27, Memorial Day

“Innate Health Experience,” for women, Toby Waltzer, Leah Roth, and Rivkah Kromholz, private home in New Square, 9am3pm, also Tues., May 28, 9am-3pm, 917-676-1653 Family Fun Day and BBQ, spons by Young Israel Ohab Zedek of North Riverdale, at Tibbets Brook Park, Yonkers, 10am-1pm, yiozshul@ or 718-884-6543 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Great Oven Debacle: When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision,” Rabbi Shmuel Gancz, Chabad Center of Suffern, 7:30pm, 845368-1889 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: A Ticket to Paradise: The Security of Stagnation and the Challenge of Change,” Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, Chabad of West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-486-2362 “Of High Walls and Mighty Wills: A Timely Teaching in the Art of Courage, a Fresh Take on the Account of the Spies in Jericho that Tells of Allure and SelfMastery,” Rabbi Asher Herson, Chabad Center of Northwest NJ, Rockaway, 7:45pm, 973-625-1525 ext 227

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Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

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Tues., May 28

“Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Great Oven Debacle: When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision,” Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Chabad of Manalapan, 10:30am, 732-972-3687; Rabbi Levi Dubinsky, Chabad Center of Mountain Lakes, 7:30pm, 973-5511898; Rabbi Chaim Zvi Ehrenreich, Chabad of Rockland County, Nyack, 7:30pm, 845-356-6686; Rabbi Dov Drizen, Valley Chabad, Woodcliff Lake, 8pm, 201-476-0157 Blood Drive, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck 3-7:30pm, 800933-2566 or 201-837-2795 Cong Ahavas Achim Book Club: “Defending Jacob” by William Landay, private home in Highland Park, 8:30pm, 732-7771611 or 732-777-1504 “Leaping to Success,” Olympic Gymnast Aly Raisman, to benefit Mikvah Chana of Livingston, at the Hotel Westminster, Livingston, appetizers and Chinese Auction, 7pm; talk, 8pm; dessert, 9pm, 973-994-0200

Wed., May 29

“After the Holocaust: The Courage to Rebuild,” a professional development Conference, featuring child survivor Stefanie Seltzer; “Using National Archives Documents in Holocaust Education, for middle and high school,” Christopher Zaar; “Caring Makes a Difference,” for elementary school, Peppy Margolis; “The Internet: Holocaust Denial and More,” for middle and high school, Dr. Marlene Yahalom; “Case Study: Using Primary Source Documents to Uncover Personal History during the Holocaust,” for middle and high school, Ryan Lilienthal; “The Liberators’ Project:

Using Testimony of Liberators and Survivors in Holocaust Education,” Prof David Machlis; and “The State of Holocaust/Genocide Education,” Dr. Paul Winkler; College of Saint Elizabeth Holocaust Education Resource Center, Morristown, 8:15am, “After the Holocaust: The Courage to Rebuild,” open to the public, includes Welcome by President of the College of Saint Elizabeth SR. Francis Raferty; Introduction, Dr. Marlene Yahalom and Dr. Harriet Sepinwall; “The State of Holocaust Education,” Dr. Paul Winkler, and testimony from child survivor Stefanie Seltzer, College of Saint Elizabeth Holocaust Education Resource Center, Morristown, 9am, “The Crucible of Justice: The Notorious Case of Sacco and Vanzetti,” Prof Ben Nelson, JCC, Tenafly, 11am, 201-408-1455 Cong Beth Abraham of Bergenfield Dinner, honoring Aviva and David Markowitz and Ilana and Ari Erdfarb, at Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 5:30pm, 201-384-0434 Cocktail Reception for the New Rav, Rabbi Samuel and Rebbetzin Sarah Klibanoff, hosted by Debbie and Alan Janoff and Cong Etz Chaim of Livingston, at the Crystal Plaza, Livingston, 6-9pm, 973-597-1655 Girls Swim and Gym, grades 4-7, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7pm, (201) 833-0515 Thurs., May 30 “What Performing to Hava Nagila Meant and Why the Performance Was Dedicated to the Memory of Israeli Athletes Murdered in Munich in 1972: An Evening with Olympic Gymnast Aly Raisman,” spons by Women’s Phi-

The Log is a free service provided to the Jewish community in northern and central New Jersey, Rockland County and Riverdale. Events that we list include special and guest lectures, concerts, boutiques, dinners, open houses, club meetings, and new classes. Announcements are requested by the 25th of the month prior to the month of the event. Due to space and editorial constraints, we cannot guarantee publication of any announcement. Please email them to :

lanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Rockland County, Town and Country, Congers, NY, VIP reception, 6pm; dinner and program, 7pm, 845-362-4200 ext 133 “A Pastor’s Journey to Judaism,” for men, women, and students, former Pastor, now Rabbi Yaakov Parisi, Chabad Jewish Community Center of New City, NY, 7:30pm, 845-634-0951 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Great Oven Debacle: When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision,” Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 856-874-1500, 7:30pm; Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Chabad of Manalapan, 732-972-3687, 7:30pm; Rabbi Mordechai Baumgarten, Chabad of Northwest NJ, Rockaway, 7:45pm, 973-625-1525 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: A Ticket to Paradise: The Security of Stagnation and the Challenge of Change,” Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan, Chabad of Franklin Lakes, 8pm, 201-848-0449 Cong Shaare Tefillah Book Club: “Disobedience” by Naomi Alderman, private home in Teaneck, 8:30pm, 201-357-2169

Thurs., May 30

“The Town That Fought Hate,” about the 1993 holiday season inB Billings, MT, for grades 3-5, JCC, Cherry Hill, 10am, 856751-9500 ext 1249 JCC University, JCC, Tenafly, coffee, 10:15am; “Ike and Dick: Portrait of a Strange Political Marriage,” Jeffrey Frank, 10:30am; lunch, noon; “Mental Gymnastics,” Simie Weinberger, 1pm, 201-408-1454 Bread for Hunger: A Family Education and Social Action Program, parent and child (ages 10 and up) bake three loaves of bread, one to take home, one for senior adults, and a third for the Center for Food Action, includes discussion on Jewish values and new bread recipes, at the JCC, Tenafly, 6pm, 201-408-1429 Boys Swim and Gym, grades

4-7, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7pm, (201) 833-0515 “Security in an Insecure World: New Challenges and Future Trends in Israel and the US,” Dr. Joshua Gleis, JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm, 201-408-1427 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Great Oven Debacle: When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision,” Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Freehold Jewish Center, 7:30pm, 732-972-3687 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: A Ticket to Paradise: The Security of Stagnation and the Challenge of Change,” Rabbi Chaim Zvi Ehrenreich, Chabad of Rockland County, Chestnut Ridge, 7:45pm, 845-356-6686

Fri., May 31

“Of High Walls and Mighty Wills: A Timely Teaching in the Art of Courage, a Fresh Take on the Account of the Spies in Jericho that Tells of Allure and Self-Mastery,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at Egg Harbor Twnshp Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 Kiruv Shabbaton, for older singles, couples, and families, includes services, home hospitality, and kumzits Melave Malka, at Cong Knesses Yisrael, Wesley Hills, NY, through Motzei Shabbat, June 1, 845-354-8087 or 845-362-4221 Carlebach-Style Davening, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 201-833-0515

Shabbat, June 1

Minyan Tiferet, Shira Hadasha-style, private home in Englewood, 8:45am, minyantiferet@, 201-567-2820, 201-5673323, or The Rabbi’s Tish: “Bigness and Greatness: The Ethics of Size and Aesthetics—Our Fascination with Weight Control,” Rabbi Lawrence Zierler, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 11:45am, 201833-0515 Graduation Kiddush, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, noon, 201-384-0434 Tot Shabbat Luncheon, for families, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, noon, 718-796-4730 Welcoming Committee of Cong Ahavat Shalom of the Teaneck Apartments Shalosh Seudos, at the Torah Academy of Bergen County, Teaneck, 6pm, or Voices of Ahavas Achim: “Tales of Wonder and Adventure from My Travels in Central and Eastern Europe,” Merri Ukraincik, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 8pm, 732-247-0532 or 732-777-7891

Sun., June 2

Davening and Bikur Cholim at Daughters of Miriam in Clifton, meet at Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:15am; davening, followed by breakfast and bikur cholim, 8:45am, Teaneck Public Library Accepting Donations of Books for Book Sale, through Sun., June 2, Mon-Thurs, 9am-9pm; Sun, 12:305:30pm, 201-403-4629 Trip to Atlantic City, spons by Fair Lawn Hadassah, leave Fair Lawn Jewish Center, 9am, 201791-0327, 201-791-5213, or 201791-0446 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: A Ticket to Paradise: The Security of Stagnation and the Challenge of Change,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718549-1100; Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, of Fair Lawn, 10am, 718-839-5296 or 201-794-3770 Israel Day Parade, travel to Manhattan with the Jewish Federation of Northern NJ, leave JCC of Paramus 10:30am, 201-262-7733 “The Miracles of Noah and the Ark: Join the Animals Twoby-Two on a Fun-Filled Journey,” Finkelstein Library, Spring Valley, 1-5pm, 845-352-5700 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, Mayo Performing Arts Center, Morristown, 2pm, 973-539-8008 Take Steps for Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, Liberty State

May 2013/Sivan 5773

Park, Jersey City, 3pm, 732-786-9960, 973-243-9798, or 800-932-2423 Valley Chabad Celebration, at the Hilton Woodcliff Lake, 5pm, 201-476-0157 Riverdale Jewish Center Dinner, honoring Ruth and Chazan Shimon Craimer, Daniel Hammerman, and Sheryl and Josh Dubin, shul, 6pm, 718-548-1850

Mon., June 3

Holy Name Medical Center Foundation Golf Classic, at Hackensack Golf Club, Oradell, morning shot-gun start, 7:45am; afternoon, 12:45pm, 201-833-3187 “The Morning Prayers,” Rabbi Yisroel Teichman, spons by the Jewish Renaissance Center, private home in Teaneck, 11am, or 201-692-3757 Current Events, Stan Goldberg, Buddy Tell, and Keren Glick, JCC, Tenafly, 1:30pm, 201-408-1457 Jewish Educational Center Dinner: “Bruriah at 50,” dedicated to Chaya Neuman, z”l, honoring Chanie Moskowitz and Ephraim and Amy Bassan, at The Venetian, Garfield, 6pm, 908-355-4850 ext 113 Israeli Film, with Rotem Nahum, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 7pm, 845-361-4400 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: A Ticket to Paradise: The Security of Stagnation and the Challenge of Change,” Rabbi Shmuel Gancz, Chabad Center of Suffern, 7:30pm, 845-368-1889 “Sparkling Deeds: Infusing Feeling into Everyday Actions, a Biblical Story of Reincarnation,” Rabbi Asher Herson, Chabad Center of Northwest NJ, Rockaway, 7:45pm, 973-625-1525 ext 227

Tues., June 4

Primary Election for State Elected Officials who will decide issues such as school choice and vouchers that can be used for private and parochial school education Women’s Club for Widows, Jewish Federation and Vocational Services, Concordia Shopping Center, Monroe, 10:30am, 732-7771940 or 609-395-7979 Debi Kahn in concert, Jewish music, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 2:30pm, 845-362-4400

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

“Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: A Ticket to Paradise: The Security of Stagnation and the Challenge of Change,” Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Chabad of Manalapan, 10:30am, 732-972-3687; Rabbi Levi Dubinsky, Chabad Center of Mountain Lakes, 7:30pm, 973-551-1898; Rabbi Chaim Zvi Ehrenreich, Chabad of Rockland County, Nyack, 7:30pm, 845-356-6686; Rabbi Dov Drizen, Valley Chabad, Woodcliff Lake, 8pm, 201-476-0157 Bishul B’Shabbos: Cooking, Reheating, and Serving on Shabbos, Rabbi Larry Rothwachs, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 8:30pm, 201-836-6210 Halacha L’Maaseh: “Special Delivery? The Status of Packages, Mail, and Newspapers Arriving on Shabbat,” Rabbi Beni Krohn, Cong Rinat Yisrael, 8:30pm, 201-837-2795

Wed., June 5

Last Day to Enter Original Art Work for an Exhibition Spons by Artists Supporting Israel, open to all mediums and artists at all levels, the theme, “Support for Israel’s Right to Exist in Peace and Security” may be interpreted in an activist, political, or personal context, exhibition will be at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale from Mon., June 17-Fri., June 21, Sheryl Intrator Urman, or Pre-Tisha B’Av Class, for women, Goldie Cohen, spons by Neve Passaic Torah Institute, private home in Passaic, 9:15am, 908-278-4059

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“The Crucible of Justice: The Notorious Case of Sacco and Vanzetti,” Prof Ben Nelson, JCC, Tenafly, 11am, 201-408-1455 Forever Young Seniors, Cong Shaarey Israel, Montebello, NY, 11:30am, 845-356-8855 or 845-369-0300 “Gun Control or Out of Control?” Michael Skolnik, Lenny McAllister, Sally Kohn, Riverdale YMHA, 6pm, 718-548-8200 Contemporary Israeli Poetry Group, in the original with English translation and discussion, Atara Fobar, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 7pm, 718-796-4730 Strength-to-Strength Support Group for Parents Whose Children, Ages 15-25, Are Dealing with Chemical Dependency, Psychological Disorders, or CoOccurring Issues, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, 201-408-1403 The Friendship Circle of Suffern Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, honoring those who help special-needs children and adults, featuring “Always Walking the Extra Mile,” Richard Bernstein, a blind civil rights attorney who is also a marathon runner and triathlete, and honoring Elisa Feingold with the “Be the Best You Can Be” award, at the Courtyard by the Marriott, Montvale, 7pm, 845-368-1889 or 845-746-1927 Abused Women’s Confidential Support Group, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:15pm, 201-837-9090 Jewish 12-Step Meeting, JACS—Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201-

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

New Classes Sundays

Adult Men’s Softball, bring glove, Thomas Jefferson Junior High School, Teaneck, 9:30am, TorahKid League, separate programs for boys and girls, Rabbi Daniel Lasar, Highland Park High School, 10am, begins June 2, Pirkei Avos, spons by the Cong Beth Abraham Kiruv Committee, at the General Store, Teaneck, 10:30am, 201-530-5046 Parsha, Rabbi Meir Goldwicht, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 8:30pm, 201-836-8916


Bayit Katan, for toddlers and siblings through age 3 with parent or caregiver, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 10am, “Decisions: How We Make Them, How People in the Torah Made Them,” Rebbetzin Leah Kohn, spons by the Jewish Renaissance Center, private home in Teaneck, 11am, or 201-692-3757 Intermediate Israeli Dance, Sara Birnbaum, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, noon, 845-361-4400 Spousal Caregivers’ Support Group, Melanie Lester, Jewish

The Log

Family Service of North Jersey, Wayne, 1pm, 973-595-0111, begins June 3 Jewish Women Living the Challenge, Merri Rosenbaum and Ellie Budoff, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 1pm, 845-362-4400 Basic Skills Class for Women Without a Day School Background, Blimi Lampel, includes Chumash with Rashi, Hebrew, Navi, and Pirkei Avos, spons by Passaic Torah Institute, private home in Teaneck, 7:30pm, or Karate, for parents and children, beginners welcome, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 7:30pm, 201-568-1315 “The Religious Thought and Concept of Community of Rabbi Dr. David Hartman, z”l,” Rabbi Lawrence Zierler, Jewish Center ofTeaneck, 7:45pm, 201-833-0515 Tai Chi, beginners welcome, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8pm, 201-568-1315 Pirkei Avos: Ethics of Our Fathers, for women, Debra Korman, private home in Englewood, 8pm, 201-568-6345


Megillat Ruth, for women, Rabbi Ari Zahtz, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 10:15am, 201-836-8916

continued from page 31

837-9090, ask for IRA (Information and Referral) or 201-981-1071 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: The Great Oven Debacle: When the Rabbis Overruled a Heavenly Decision,” Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 856-874-1500; Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Chabad of Manalapan, 732-972-3687; 7:30pm “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: A Ticket to Paradise: The Security of Stagnation and the Challenge of Change,” Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 856-874-1500; Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Chabad of Manalapan, 732-972-3687, 7:30pm; Rabbi Mordechai Baumgarten, Chabad of Northwest NJ, Rockaway, 7:45pm, 973-625-1525 Shomer Shabbos Boy Scout Meeting, for boys in 6th grade or 11 years old and up, Bais Medrash L’Torah, Rabbi Davis’s shul, Passaic, 8pm, “Siblings without Rivalry,” Emily Shapiro, at Kidaroo, Riverdale, 8pm, 347-560-1027 Tehillim Group, Cong Shaare Tefillah, Teaneck, 8:15pm, 201-2895474, 917-902-9303, 201-836-3431, or 201-357-0613

“The Immigrant Saga,” Sanford Sternlicht, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 12:30m, 845-362-4400 Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Yona Reiss, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 732-247-0532

“One Moon,” for children ages 3-7, multi-cultural story time in English, French, Spanish, and Yiddish, includes free books, Finkelstein Library, Spring Valley, 6:15pm, 845-352-5700 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Finding Personal Meaning in the Legends of our Sages: A Literary Treasure: A Ticket to Paradise: The Security of Stagnation and the Challenge of Change,” Rabbi Levi Wolosow, Freehold Jewish Center, 7:30pm, 732-972-3687 Kosher Beer-and-Food Pairing Dinner, featuring Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales, at Et Al Trattoria kosher restaurant, with Chef Seth Warshaw, Vauxhall, 7:30pm, “Update on Stroke Prevention and New Treatments,” physicians from the Western Galilee Hospital in Nahariya: Drs. Olga Azrilin, Bella Gross, and Atzmon Tzur, spons by the Jewish Federation of Northern NJ’s Physicians and Dentists Division, at the Jewish Home at Rockleigh, 7:30pm, 201-820-3908

Teaneck Public Library Book Sale, through Tues., June 11, Sun,12:30-5:30pm, Mon and Tues, 9am-9pm, 201-403-4629 Hebrew Institute of Riverdale Dinner, honoring Shira Billet and Rav Steven Exler, Rabba Sara Hurwitz and Josh Abraham, and Arielle Berger and Daniel Held, 5:30pm, 718-796-4730 Kehillas Bais Yosef Dinner, honoring Phil and Beth Hymowitz, at the shul in Passaic, 5:30pm, or Cong Arzei Darom Dinner, honoring Miles and Valerie Levin, at the shul, Teaneck, 5:30pm, 201-530-0043 Spring Concert, Shirah Community Chorus on the Palisades, Matthew Lazar, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, 201-408-1465 Rockland and Bergen County Adoptive Families Meet-Up and Support Group, for those who have already adopted or are in the process of adopting, internationally and domestically, private home, 7:30pm, Rosh Chodesh Women’s Dinner: “Bridging the Gap Between Faith and Reason,” Chabad Center, West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-486-2362 Parenting and Family Life Study Group, Dr. Yisrael Feuerman, private office in Passaic, 8pm, 973-249-8111 Y

Thurs., June 6

Fri., June 7

“Sparkling Deeds: Infusing Feeling into Everyday Actions, a Biblical Story of Reincarnation,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at Egg Harbor Twnshp Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500

Shabbat, June 8

Carlebach Minyan, Cong Darchei Noam, Fair Lawn, 8:45am, Tefilat Shlomo: The Carlebach Tefila of Riverdale, includes light and healthy Kiddush, at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 9am, 718-796-4730 Shabbat Mevorchim Shalosh Seudos, for women, spons by Cong Ahavat Shalom of the Teaneck Apartments, private apartment in Teaneck, 4pm, Voices of Ahavas Achim: “Before Orthodoxy Became Widespread: Growing up Frum in Middlesex County,” Avi Maza, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 8pm, 732-247-0532 or 732-777-7891

Motzei Shabbat, June 8

Boys Lock-In, for boys in grades 4-6, includes pizza, games, movie, and a BBQ, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 9pm until Sun., June 9, 8am minyan, 201-837-2795

Sun., June 9

May 2013/Sivan 5773

“Sharing the Journey” Bereavement Support Group, for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one this past year, spons by Holy Name Medical Center, at Villa Marie Claire, Saddle River, 10:30am, 201-833-3000 ext 7483 “Introduction to Talmud,” Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 10:30am, 201-568-1315 “Parshat HaShavua,” Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 11am, 201-568-1315 Lunch and Learn, Rabbi Roy Feldman, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, noon, 201-568-1315 Beginner Conversational Hebrew, Rotem Nahum, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 7pm, 845-362-4400 “Hilchos Brachos,” for women, Rabbi Eliezer Krohn, private home in Passaic, 7:45pm, 973-471-9536 Neviim and Ketuvim, Jacob Krief, Cong Etz Ahaim, Highland Park, 8pm, 732-991-2007, begins April 30 Gemara Class, Rabbi Shlomo Nussbaum, spons by Highland Park Community Kollel, at the Young Israel of East Brunswick, 8:30pm, 732-254-1860 Daf Yomi B’Iyun, Rabbi Shlomo Landau, exploring in depth a topic from the week’s Daf Yomi, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 8:45pm, 732-254-1860


Mussar for the 21st Century, for women, Rabbi Jay Weinstein, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 9:45am, 732-254-1860 “Sharing the Journey” Bereavement Support Group, for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one this past year, Holy Name Medical Center, Teaneck, 6:30pm, 201-833-3000 ext 7483 Seminar on Shmirat Halashon, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 7:05pm, 201-568-1315 Ya’ad Group, for girls in grades 6 and 7, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 7:15pm, 201-407-6801 “Increase Your Jewish IQ: Practical Laws of Shabbat for Beginners and Intermediates,” for men and women, Rabbi David Bassous, Cong Etz Ahaim, Highland Park, 8pm, Torah Book Club, Rabbi Mordechai Gershon, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8pm, 201-568-1315 “Talmud without Excuses: Emphasizing How Talmudic Thought Influences the Way We View and Celebrate the Purim Festival,” Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8pm, 201-5681315 Hebrew Reading Crash Course Level II, Mimi Gardenswartz, Cong Ahavas Israel, Passaic, 8:15pm, 973-405-0743 In Depth Talmud, Rabbi Yaakov Weinstein, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 8:30pm, 732-254-1860 “Modern Rabbinic Controversies,” Rabbi Roy Feldman, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8:45pm, 201-568-1315


Challah Baking, spons by the Kiruv Committee of Cong Beth Abraham, private home in Teaneck, 7pm, 201-928-0383 Chumash Shiur, Rabbi Yissocher Frand, via satellite, Cong K’Hal Zichron Mordechai, Monsey (845-356-7188);Young Israel of Fair Lawn (201-797-1800); Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck (201-907-0180); Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange (973-669-7320); Cong Tifereth Israel, Passaic (973773-2552); Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park (732-247-0532); Kehillas Bais Yehudah, Wesley Hills, (917-623-4711), 9pm


“Memoir Writing: Telling Your Own Story,” David Wind, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 10am, 845-362-4400


Tefillah Shiur, for women, Rabbi Avrohom Goldhar, private home in Passaic, 4pm, 973-471-9536 Pirkei Avot Shiur, for men and women, Rabbi Avrohom Herman, spons by the Jewish Educational Center, private home in Elizabeth,

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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4pm, 908-629-9516 Perek L’Nashim, for women, Dr. Chani Miller, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 5pm, 732-247-3038 or Pirkei Avos, for women, Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange, 5pm, 973-669-7320 Shiur, for women, Rabbi Yosef Weinberger, private home in Spring Valley, 5pm, 845-356-8113 Texts of the Chassidic Master Sfat Emet, Rabbi Dr. Alan Brill, private home in Teaneck, 5:30pm, Bnai Akiva, for grades 1-6, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck 5:30pm, 201-836-8916 Interactive Study Group in the Sefirot from Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s Innerspace, Gil Dersovitz, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, between mincha and ma’ariv, 732-247-0532

Motzei Shabbat

Navi, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, live via satellite, Young Israel of Fair Lawn (201-797-1800); Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park (732247-0532); Cong Tifereth Israel, Passaic; JEC, Elizabeth (908-591-5929); Cong Khal Zichron Mordechai, Monsey (845-356-7188); Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck; Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange (973-669-7320), 10:15pm

Chesed Ops

Alexandra Goldblatt is collecting new and unused shtick leftover from bar and bat mitzvah parties or weddings to donate to Camp Simcha, Teaneck Bris Gemach, includes bris outfits, pillows and pillow cases, tefillos for the mother to say, not need-based, Dovid.lobl@ or, or 718-704-6225 Teaneck Tablecloth Gmech, in memory of Chaim Yissachar ben Yechiel Zeidel Dov z”l, to benefit Project Yi’che, all colors and sizes for simchas, Y

Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to the Bat Mitzvah Girls: Lauren Becker, Liora Belitz, Devora Berger, Arianna Levy, Liana Nicole Maza, Zoe Melzer, Rachel Piontnica, Leora Santoriello, Avigayil Sheinbein, and Hadar Tennenberg; and the Bar Mitzvah Boys: Elie Burg, Zeke Chernoff, Zev Cohen, Shmuel Tzvi Davidman, Ari Davidovsky, Aryeh Greenberg, Tani Greengart, Joseph Gruber, Michael Gul, Jason Jacobs, Zack Kaplan, Benjy Katz, Zachary Kohn, Jordan Langer, Daniel Yedidia Moradi, Leo Ottensoser, Eli Schwartz, Gavriel Scott, Jack Stepner, Yehuda Zev Willig, and Dovid Nosson Zitter Mazal tov to Yishai Eisenberg on winning the International Chidon HaTanach on Yom Haatzmaut Mazal Tov to Law Prof Michael Wildes on delivering the Kukin Entrepreneurial and Executive Lecture as part of the Rennert Leadership Institute at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business Mazal Tov to Holy Name Medical Center on being named, for the eighth consecutive year, among the “100 Best Places to Work in NJ” by NJBIZ magazine Mazal Tov to the national winners of the Chidon Tanach (Bible Contest), held at YU including Asher Brenner, an 8th grader at Yeshiva Beit Hillel in Passaic who achieved a perfect score and won the elementary school Hebrew division; Elisheva Friedman, who ame in second last year in the elementary school Hebrew division and who, as a freshman at Reenas Bais Yaakov High School in Highland Park, placed second in this year’s high school Hebrew division; and Nechama Novick, another 8th grader at YBH in Passaic, who placed 4th in the national competition.Y

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Rocks Kill

May 2013/Sivan 5773

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

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Trans-Samaria Highway when terrorists heaved rocks the size of boulders at them as well as at a truck. The truck veered into the car driven by Mrs. Biton and the crash, coupled with the rocks thrown directly at them, left every member of the family wounded. Most severely injured, however, was the youngest child, who was struck directly in the head by a stone the size of an adult man’s fist. She has been comatose in critical condition ever since. The family resides in the Samarian town of Yakir, but they spent Pesach as well as Adelle’s third birthday on April 25, at Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikva. By the beginning of May, she still had not achieved consciousness. Five Palestinian teenagers were arrested and have confessed to the attack. Other Babies Minutes before the attack on the Bitons, terrorists carried out a similar strike targeting a car driven by a father from Eli. His one-year-old son was also in the car. Both suffered light injuries and were expected to recover. In December, a similar rockthrowing attack by an Arab teenager in Samaria missed the targeted infant, crashing instead on the seat just a few inches away. Earlier in the day on March 14, Aviva Hazan, a resident of

Ariel and the wife of a former MK, was hit in the eye by broken glass when terrorists hurled stones at a bus headed for Tel Aviv, breaking its windows. “Rocks Kill” “Rocks kill,” said Jewish Home chairman MK Naftali Bennett after visiting Adelle Biton in the hospital. “Some people take rock-throwing lightly and try to prevent us from taking action against the perpetrators. But rock-throwers are trying to murder, and they need to be treated accordingly.” The Bitons were not the only recent victims. According to Gershon Mesika, head of the Samaria Regional Council, rock-throwing incidents have occurred weekly—or more— for the past several months. In an appeal to Brig-Gen Hagai Mordechai, head of the IDF’s Judea and Samaria Division, Mr. Mesika said it is time for Israel “to take off the velvet gloves when dealing with road terror and shoot to hit attackers who are trying to murder Israeli motorists traveling on the roads in Judea and Samaria.” Mr. Mesika insisted the lack of a harsh response to “rock-andboulder terrorism” has created a situation in which “anarchy has become a deadly threat.” “How many civilians have to be hurt before terrorism is treated as terrorism? The PA is daily increasing the rock-and-

boulder terrorism, and only uncompromising determination and changing the IDF’s orders regarding opening fire will stop it. The defense establishment must change the way it conceptualizes this. Citizens traveling on roads deserve to be able to expect determined, preventive measures to be taken against those who try to hurt them,” he said. School Bus On Tuesday, April 23, with Adelle Biton still in the ICU at Schneider Children’s Hospital, Arabs carried out another rockterror ambush, this time against a bus carrying children to school in Samaria on a major road, not far from where the Bitons were attacked. Although no one was hurt in the school bus attack, Mr. Mesika again demanded action from the government, which he blamed for a “limp policy and lack of determination in the face of a full-fledged terror campaign organized by the PA.” “When rocks are thrown at children who are being driven to school, the IDF is supposed to take immediate counter-action,” he said. Stabbing But rocks are not the terrorists’ only weapons. On April 30, a terrorist armed with a knife stabbed and murdered a 31-year-old father of five as he waited for a ride at the Tapuach Junction in Samaria. Evyatar Borovsky, an actor with the Ar El troupe who most recently starred in a children’s production of a humorous look at parenthood, “How Many Times Have I Told You That…,” had been looking for a ride to Jerusalem A resident of Yitzhar, he was a frequent performer on the popular Latma political satire Internet program. He was also involved in therapeutic psycho-

drama to help others overcome traumatic experiences. After stabbing Mr. Borovsky, Salam al-Zaghal, a resident of Tulkarem who had served time for previous acts of terror, grabbed his victim’s gun and fired at the border police stationed in the area. The police fired back, wounding Mr. Zaghal, who was taken to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. Mr. Zaghal had been released from an Israeli prison six months earlier. No Surprise Residents and local authorities said they knew it was only a matter of time before a fatal terror attack took place at the junction. “There were so many, many terror attacks, including rock-throwing, stabbings, and even shootings, this fatal attack was expected,” said Mr. Mesika, who blamed the attacks on the dismantling of many checkpoints, making it simpler for armed terrorists to get to the junction. “This despicable murder was the direct result of inadequate action on rock-throwing terrorism, of opening the checkpoints, and of treating terrorist actions as mere ‘disturbances.’ The IDF can easily bring quiet to the area if it is allowed to do so by the political echelons,” he said. Fury In response to the murder, Mr. Mesika relocated his offices to the Tapuach Junction, where anger among Jewish residents bubbled over into a protest, resulting in attacks on police and stones thrown at Arab-owned cars. Ten Israelis were arrested. At Mr. Borovsky’s funeral, his widow Tzofia called attention to her five orphans, ranging in age from one to seven.

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The terrorist, she said, “should have been killed on the spot.” “The murder could have been prevented if there had been a security barrier there. The Arabs are never checked and have free access. They can come in carrying anything. It makes no sense that the state cannot guard the residents of Judea and Samaria,” she said. She said she hoped there would be “an official response” by Israel, but, she added, “If there is no response from the State, there will be a response on our part.” “Hero” PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction posted on its official Facebook page a photo of Mr. Zaghal with a caption noting that he had stabbed “the settler at the Al-Za’atara checkpoint” and “is a released prisoner who sat in the occupation’s prisons for 4 years.” Mr. Borovsky’s picture was also posted on the page with the notation that he had been killed “by the hero, the released prisoner, Salam As’ad Al-Zaghal from Tulkarem.” The terrorist’s family similarly expressed pride. “This was his destiny, and we are proud. He did his duty toward the Palestinians who live under the aggression of the army and settlers,” said his father, Assad al-Zaghal. Outraged, Likud Deputy Minister MK



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Ofir Akunis said that the PA’s failing to condemn the murder was “a clear statement of intent from them.” “Israel reaches out for peace, and the PA condones brutal murder and rockthrowing terrorism,” he said. New Outpost Many Israelis said the only fitting response to the murder as well as to the increase in terrorism in general in Judea and Samaria was the construction of a new Jewish town. A number of Jews set out to do just that, erecting a new outpost, Mitzpeh Evyatar, in Samaria. Although Israeli authorities had said the outpost could remain up until the seven-day mourning shiva period was completed, security forces led by General Nitzan Alon, who had advocated dismantling the security barriers in the first place, arrived at four in the morning three days after the murder. The security team not only demolished Mitzpeh Evyatar, the troops also confiscated all cameras and cellular phones belonging to the builders. Also demolished was Mr. Mesika’s new office. “Cowardly Operation” Mr. Mesika called the demolition “a cowardly operation carried out in the middle of the night by a military commander who relies on the terrorists in uniforms known as the Palestinian police and gives soldiers instructions that prevent them from responding—all of which has caused an upsurge in terrorism.” “Alon, who cannot protect the Jews and is afraid to confront the PA, is a ‘hero’ over mourning Jews in the dead of night during the shiva,” he said. Yesha (Judea and Samaria) Council chairman Avi Ro’eh said the predawn destruction “hurts the feelings of the family and residents.” “The insensitivity of the decision makers who ordered the demolition of the place in days of the shiva screams to the heavens,” he said. Government Condemnation Israel’s Housing Minister Uri Ariel, a member of the Jewish Home party, called the demolition “unacceptable and worthy of condemnation.” “The government of Israel will react to the despicable murder with an ap-

propriate Zionist response, and I expect that the security forces, instead of taking action against Jews, will take action to prevent harm to them by evil-doers,” said Mr. Ariel. Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon (Likud) said the government of Israel is “determined to build in Judea and Samaria,” however, he said, “it should be done properly and according to the law.” “We are determined to keep the Jews who live here safe. I heard stories from the pioneers who live here and who no longer feel safe. We are committed to make sure they feel safer on the roads of Judea and Samaria,” he said, adding that the government would have to consider replacing the road blockades that had been removed. “If we need to make the Jews safer by making it uncomfortable for the Palestinians, that’s what we should do. The safety of the Jews in Judea and Samaria comes before anything else, as far as I’m concerned,” he said. More Violence Perhaps it was only to be expected that the violence would progress to guns. On May 3, a terrorist opened fire at an Israeli and a European tourist as they sat in their car in Wadi Kelt, near Mitzpeh Yericho. Though not hurt, the two told police they had been touring by the Nahal Prat nature reserve, when they noticed an Arab. When they returned to their car, he attempted to shoot them. A police unit pursued the shooter who apparently fled to the wadi. A day later, another Israeli, a resident of Neria in Samaria, was hit in the head by a rock by rioting Palestinians. Attacked as he drove past the demonstration, the victim initially suffered moderate injuries. But his medical condition deteriorated and by Sunday, May 5, he was placed on a respirator. What Is “Violence?” One of the problems is that Israelis and Palestinians do not agree on what constitutes “violence.” According to a poll of Palestinians in Gaza and Judea and Samaria, support for firebomb attacks against Israelis and other “military operations” has dropped. In December, support for firing rockets at Israel stood at 74 percent, dropping to 38 percent in March. Support for “military operations” fell from 51 percent to 31 percent. But virtually no Palestinians consider rock-throwing a military operation. They don’t even consider it “violence.” Unfortunately for Israelis facing this violence, many of their politicians, military officials, and members of the media agree with the Arabs. No Media Attention Recently, while on their way home from visiting their parents’ graves on Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives, Lt-Col(ret) Meir Indor, CEO of the Almagor Terror Victims Association, and his wife became the targets of rock-throwing Palestinians. Mrs. Indor, a nurse who has provided medical treatment to many of the residents in the Arab neighborhood in which they were attacked, was driving. Although Mr. Indor gave the media photographs of their ordeal, only Arutz Sheva published them. “No one else came to interview me about what I had experienced, about the feeling of helplessness that comes with the inability to protect one’s wife,” he said, contrasting that coverage with the stories that are published whenever a Jew decides to fight back. “Due to the lack of media coverage, warped orders are issued every day by the government and the military for dealing with the dozens of cases in which Israelis are ambushed with rocks and Molotov cocktails. In the current reality, shifts of reservists and enlisted soldiers on security duty in Judea and Samaria are competing to see who can manage to do the job without casualties…on the Palestinian side,” he said. Sexual Terrorism According to attorney Roni Sadovnik, the acts of terrorism extend to sexual activity as well. “There is a clear trend of Arab men sexually assaulting Jewish girls and women as a form of anti-Israel terrorism,” she said. According to Ms. Sadovnik, Israeli courts usually treat such crimes as solely “criminal” in nature rather than motivated by “nationalist hate.” A change of status would give the victims “a wider array of services and assistance.” She noted a case in which four PA teenagers grabbed a 13-year-old Jewish girl from the side of a road north of

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The Jewish Voice and Opinion

Jerusalem and then beat and raped her. The girl escaped after throwing sand in the eyes of one of her attackers. Although the four rapists were convicted, each will serve just two years in prison due to their youth. “Details of the case, especially the attackers’ focus on humiliating their victim, show that the attack was motivated by antiJewish hate. The crime should have been identified as a terrorist attack,” she said. The government is reluctant to do this, she said, because it would then be required to fund additional help for victims. Carjacking Another tactic has also increased: carjacking, especially after trying to run

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Israeli cars off the road. A security source in the Benjamin Authority told Arutz Sheva that although police routinely treat these, too, as criminally motivated, more often than not, they are terror attacks. The usual scheme, he said, involves Arabs in two cars trying to run an Israeli car off the road. For the most part, he said, the victims are women. The PA has taken advantage of the Israeli disinclination to label attacks as “terrorism,” said Mr. Indor. “Intelligently, craftily, they put youths and minors to work on the rock-throwing front, knowing that they are protected

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Ess Gezint: Kosher Creole for Shavuoth The New Orleans Jewish community may be relatively small, but what it lacks in numbers, it makes up for in great hospitality and large portions. Those lucky enough to be invited for a meal in one of the two Orthodox communities can anticipate enjoying kosher Creole. While Cajun—also synonymous with New Orleans—is based on rustic, provincial French cooking adapted by the Acadian immigrants to Louisiana, Creole is a blend of French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Native American, and African influences. Many of these dishes are perfect for Shavuoth and warm weather in general. A good place to begin is the Kosher Creole


¼ cup warm water ½ cup boiling water 1 egg 2 Tbs shortening 3¾ cups sifted flour ¼ cup sugar Oil for deep frying ½ tsp salt 1 cup sifted confection½ cup evaporated milk ers’ sugar ½ pkg yeast Pour boiling water over shortening, sugar, and salt, Add milk and let stand until warm. Dissolve yeast in ¼ cup warm water. Then add the yeast and egg to the milk mixture. Stir in about 2 cups flour and beat well. Add enough additional flour to make a soft dough. Place in greased bowl. Grease top of dough and cover with waxed paper and a dry cloth. Place in refrigerator until ready to use. Preheat oil in a deep-fryer or heavy skillet to 350º. Put confectioners’ sugar into a bag. Roll dough to ¼-inch thickness. Work quickly so dough does not rise before frying. Cut into 2½-inch squares. Drop squares into the

Cookbook by Mildred Covert and Sylvia Gerson (Pelican 1998). No trip to the Crescent City is complete without a look at the 19thcentury historic mansions in the Garden District or a stop at Café du Monde, which was established in the French Market in 1862 and still operates, serving the best beignets (the only food they offer) and coffee (dark roasted with chicory) in the world. It is certified kosher by Cong Beth Israel, an Orthodox shul in nearby Metairie. Eat them on site; beignets don’t work well cold. You can make Ms. Covert’s and Ms. Gerson’s version or order a mix from the experts at Chag Sameach, everyone. Y

Garden District Parfait

3 cups sponge cake, cut into 1 cup drained fruit cocktail ½-inch cubes 1 cup whipped cream (or ¼ cup (or more) sweet red wine non-dairy whip) Sprinkle each cube of cake generously with wine. In parfait or sherbet glasses, arrange alternate layers of cake cubes, fruit cocktail, and whipped cream. Chill and serve 6. oil a few at a time, allowing room for expansion. Brown on one side and then the other, flipping until golden. Drain on absorbent paper and then toss the beignets into the bag of confectioners’ sugar. Serve immediately. Makes about 30.

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by Israeli and foreign NGO’s— as well as the Israeli media, which rush to the scene the moment an investigator strays from his orders while trying to extract vital information or a confession. Welcome to the paradise of Palestinian terrorism,” he said. Found Guilty of Murder True or not, that perception made a military court ruling in early April momentous for those who had been losing confidence in their government’s willingness to protect them. The military court of Judea and Samaria found PA resident Wael Salaman Mohammed el-Arja of Hebron guilty of first-degree, premeditated murder in the September 2011 rock-throwing deaths of Asher Palmer and his infant son, Yonatan. Residents of Kiryat Arba, Mr. Palmer and the baby were on their way to pick up his pregnant wife, Pua, from her job in Jerusalem. Five months after the murders, she gave birth to a daughter, Orit. Mr. Arja had taken part in an attack in which large stones were hurled at the Palmers’ car. A stone hit Asher Palmer in the face, causing him to lose consciousness and control of the car. In the resulting crash, he and his son, who was two days shy of his first birthday, were killed. Mr. Arja was sentenced to two life sentences and an additional 60 years in prison for involvement in several other rock-throwing attacks. Not a Simple Accident In the early stages of their investigation, Israeli police called the fatal crash a simple traffic accident, but the rocks in the vehicle and their smashed outlines on the windows proved it to have been an act of terror. In addition, Mr. Palmer’s gun was missing.

The verdict came as a surprise to Mr. Arja’s attorney, Khaled Araj, who told reporters that his client would be appealing the verdict and the life-sentences because he is convinced “the court came under extreme pressure from the settler movement to reach this verdict.” In fact, deaths due to rockthrowing were rarely considered premeditated first-degree murders. Only a few weeks before the verdict, one of the judges on the panel adjudicating Mr. Arja’s trial, Major Amir Dahan, was quoted as saying that rockthrowing by Arabs was not necessarily murder, but rather, “ma’ase kundas,” or a prank. The verdict in the Palmers’ murder trial, which stipulates that stone throwing can be even more dangerous than drive-by shootings, shows that Mr. Dahan may have changed his mind. “Landmark Decision” The Palmers’ attorney, Adrian Agassi, called the verdict “a landmark decision.” Mr. Arja, he said, was the ringleader of the terrorist group who, for months, threw rocks from a moving car at oncoming vehicles. “It was deliberately thought of by them in order to cause maximum damage,” said Mr. Agassi. Journalist Yehudit Tayar said it was clear the judges understood that this was not “a random kind of incident.” Like many others, Mrs. Tayar was often in the courtroom throughout the proceedings. Although this was a criminal case, Asher Palmer’s father, Michael, hired his own attorney and then asked friends and family members to establish a presence in the military court as the trial progressed. Human Faces Michael Palmer also agreed

to Mrs. Tayar’s request to make copies of a photograph of Asher and Yonatan Palmer. Friends and family members held the pictures during the trials. “None of this had ever been done before by families of victims of terror,” said Mrs. Tayar. She said she believed Mr. Agassi’s presence coupled with that of so many supporters “had an enormous effect on the prison guards, the judges and the prosecution, and especially the terrorists and their defense lawyers.” “The case became human. It had faces—not merely names—and it brought the reality of the pain of loss into that military court,” she said. In his testimony, Michael Palmer told Mr. Arja, “You did not know Asher or Yonatan. They were murdered merely because they are Jews.” Because Asher Palmer and his son were American citizens, the trial against Mr. Arja was attended by US representatives. Jeff Daube of the Zionist Organization of America in Israel, said he hoped the verdict would become a rallying point for Congressmen, Senators, and State Department officials to enforce US laws to prosecute Arab terrorists responsible for murdering American citizens. No Joy David Wilder, a spokesman

for the Jewish community of Hebron, said the verdict was “not a reason for joy.” Even if the conviction is upheld on appeal, Israel does not have a death penalty, he said. Mr. Wilder said the most that can be expected is that Mr. Arja and his accomplice, who has yet to be tried, “will receive tickets to a two- or three-star hotel, the Israeli prison system, with free room and board, until set free in a ‘prisoner exchange’ or a ‘good-will gesture’ or some other farcical excuse.” Nevertheless, he said, there is “some sort of satisfaction” that “an official Israeli judicial panel has recognized that rocks can be considered lethal weapons, weapons of terror, utilized to kill Jews.” Manslaughter But just one month later, on May 5, an Israeli Arab from Ramle, who, in early 2012, shot and killed a Jewish neighbor, was convicted not of murder, but, rather, of manslaughter. The incident occurred as George Sado, 51, went out to walk his dog. A group of Arab youths surrounded and cursed him. Mr. Sado ignored them and continued walking, but they waited for him while allegedly discussing how to shoot him. When he returned, they shouted antisemitic insults and

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Chopstix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Teaneck Hot Bagels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

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Congr. Shomrei Emunah . . . . . . . . . . . 31


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Teaneck Chabad Preschool . . . . . . . . . 37 YU Wurzweiler Social Work . . . . . 7,9,11

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Medical Services

Bergen Veterinary Hospital . . . . . . . . . 15 Female Home Health Care Aide . . . . . 23 Holy Name Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . 2 Psychotherapy, Chana Simmonds . . 43


Dina & Ilan’s Aliyah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Glitter Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 NARTH/JONAH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


Jeff Wilks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

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Bradley Beach Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . 47 Jerusalem Villa Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Cape Cod Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

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48 40 36 12 10

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demanded to know if he had a gun. He said he did not and turned away. One of the Arabs then shot him. A member of Mr. Sado’s family said that, before he died, he told them the Arabs said, “We’re doing this because of what you’re doing in Gaza.” Nevertheless, the police categorized the murder as a criminal event, angering the Sado family who saw the attack as terrorism. The main suspect who actually fired the shots was originally charged with murder, but a plea bargain reduced the charge to manslaughter. The defendant’s attorneys will seek a 12-year prison term and a fine of less than $40,000. The Sado family called the verdict “a joke.” “We don’t accept the plea deal or the 12 years, and we don’t want the money. We want justice. There’s no way it was manslaughter; it was simply murder,” said Mrs. Sado. A Prisoners’ Intifada Throughout much of April, the increased Arab violence throughout Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem was blamed on official PA accusations that Israel was murdering terrorists in Israeli prisons and allowing hunger strikers to die.

In late March, Arab terrorist Maissara Abu Hamdiyeh, 63, died of cancer in the Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva. He had been serving a life sentence for murder for his role in a 2002 botched suicide attack at the Kafit Coffee Shop in Jerusalem’s German Colony. A suicide-bomber recruiter, Mr. Hamdiyeh had created the suicide bomb belt used by the terrorist who attempted to blow himself up among some 50 people in the café. The explosive failed to detonate. Mr. Hamdiyeh’s terminal cancer of the esophagus was diagnosed in February 2013. According to Israeli prison officials, there were discussions about granting Mr. Hamdiyeh parole in light of his deteriorating health, but he died before the process could be completed. Accusations When Mr. Hamdiyeh died, Mr. Abbas said his death was “part of a long chain of Palestinians killed in Israeli prisons.” Qadura Fares, head of the Ramallahbased Prisoners Club, told reporters that Israel had “refused to release [Mr. Hamdiyeh] for treatment.” The PLO accused Israel of “a premeditated crime against humanity.” PA officials ignored the official Israeli autopsy verifying that Mr. Hamdiyeh had

died of throat cancer and not foul play. PA schools were closed for his funeral, and officials allowed crowds to be whipped into a frenzy of hatred, leading to widespread rioting and violence. “International Oversight” On the second day of rioting, the PA issued a complaint to the UN Security Council, insisting on “international oversight of Israel’s prison system,” citing not only Mr. Hamdiyeh, but also Arafat Jaradat, who died suddenly of an unexplained heart attack last February. Mr. Jaradat, 32, had been in the Meggido detention center after being arrested a few days earlier for his involvement in a rock-throwing incident in which an Israeli had been wounded. According to the Israeli prison report, he had eaten lunch and was resting when he suddenly collapsed and died, despite an Israeli medical emergency team’s efforts to resuscitate him. The head of the PA’s Prisoner Affairs Department, Issa Qaraqaa, accused Israel of torturing Mr. Jaradat and demanded “an international commission of inquiry to probe the circumstances of his death.” An autopsy conducted by Israeli physicians with a PA doctor and members of the

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Jaradat family present showed no external signs of trauma nor any underlying disease. Although the PA physician did not contradict the Israeli findings, Mr. Qaraqaa said, “The evidence corroborates our suspicion that Jaradat died as a result of torture.” He cited “broken ribs,” which the Israelis said were “testimony to resuscitation efforts.” Palestinians throughout Judea and Samaria went on another surge of rampages which were still going on in early May. Hunger Strike The PA also demanded the release of four hungerstriking terrorists in Israeli prisons. Samer Issawi, Tareq Qaadan, Jafar Ezzedine, and Ayman Sharawna had all been released from Israeli prisons in 2011 as part of the deal to secure the freedom of kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. In exchange for Mr. Shalit, Israel freed almost 1,100 terrorists.

Messrs Issawi, Qaadan, Ezzedine, and Sharawna were rearrested in 2012 after violating the terms of their release. After refusing food for three months, Messrs Ezzedine and Qaadan ended their hunger strike in March 2013, pending a hearing on their cases. Mr. Sharawna, 36, originally from Hebron, was freed with the proviso that he accept exile in Gaza for ten years. When Mr. Sharawna was released in the Gilad Shalit swap, he had served nine years of a 38-year sentence for his role in multiple terrorist attacks, including a bombing in Be’er Sheva that wounded 18 people. After he was rearrested in 2012 for returning to an active role in Hamas, a violation of the terms of his release, Israeli prosecutors sought to have him serve the remainder of his sentence, another 29 years. After his release, he was reportedly given a warm wel-




come in Gaza and said he plans to bring his family there. Early Release When Israel was settling with the other three hunger strikers, Mr. Issawi, who had been intermittently refusing food for eight months, was hospitalized in Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot. Before the Shalit swap, he had served nine years of a 26-year term for attempted murder. Under pressure from the European Union and the UN, Israel offered to deport Mr. Issawi “to any EU or UN member country,” but that initiative was rejected by Mr. Issawi. At the end of April, Israel and the PA brokered a deal by which Mr. Issawi will serve another eight months and then be freed to his home in Jerusalem. Rewarding Hunger Strikes Many Israelis believe the outcomes of these cases will prompt more hunger strikers. They certainly have been cited as reasons to continue the violence against Jews. Hamas’s Prime Minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, has urged a “prisoners’ intifada,” asking for solidarity with those on hunger strikes. Mr. Abbas has said that freeing the terrorists serving time in Israeli prisons was a “priority” for his leadership. “The Palestinian leadership gives priority to the prisoners issue and ending their suffering,” he said. A Moderate Voice? The PA’s outgoing Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad, who has been hailed as a moderate, also called for all Palestinian terrorists to be freed, saying their release “is an integral part of our obtaining freedom as a nation.” “The Occupation’s prisons hold 4,900 of our people, the prisoners of freedom,” he said, referring to the terrorists. He admitted that only 106

of them were arrested before the Oslo Accords were signed in 1994. The rest committed their acts of terror after the PA had agreed to stop all violence directed against Israel and its citizens. Mr. Fayyad accused Israel of holding “minors under the age 18 and sick people in serious condition with heart disease, cancer, and kidney failure” and failing to provide them with adequate medical care. He accused Israel of causing the deaths of 200 terrorist prisoners “through medical neglect, torture, or murder.” “These prisoners have fathers, mothers, spouses, sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters. They have beautiful memories of the life they had with their loved ones, and aspirations to take part in building a better future for their families and their people,” said Mr. Fayyad. He did not mention that the same could be said of their victims. “A Right a Duty” But support for Palestinian violence has come not only from Arabs. During chol hamoed Pesach, Ha’aretz columnist Amira Hass, who resides in the PA city of Ramallah, wrote, “Throwing stones is the right and the duty of anyone living under foreign rule.” She called rock-throwing “a metaphor for resistance” and said that arresting the perpetrators “is part of the role of the foreign occupation, no less than gunfire, torture during investigations, land theft, and discrimination in distribution of water.” Her column, which found its way onto the Hamas website, prompted Yesha Council director Ro’eh and chairman Ron Shachner to send a letter to the Jerusalem Police accusing Ms. Hass of incitement to violence.

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

“Honor the Professional According to Your Need”

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

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Letters to the Editor For Single Jewish Parents with Children ONEG, a project of the Diaspora Yeshiva, is an organization built by single parents for children from divorced homes. Nobody likes to talk about divorce, but it happens, and when it does, ONEG is there to help parents rebuild and bring light into the darkness of divorce that plagues our communities. We’re there because single parents need Sunday trips, Shabbatons, children’s events, counseling services, shadchen services, and just having someone to talk to who knows how you feel. ONEG is a tax-deductible organization, but we often need help that is more than a financial donation. Please know that, for us, no small donation is too small and no big donation—or funds or time—is too big. We are also currently running a car drive. Anyone who can donate a vehicle will receive a receipt for full KBB (Kelly Blue Book) value. We can accept water-damaged vehicles as well. Please call me at 718-809-2153. Baruch Robinson Riverdale, NY Disrespecting Israel at an Interfaith Holocaust Service I would like Edison Mayor Antonia Ricigliano and the members of the Edison Town Council to understand why I was not present at the recent Interfaith Holocaust service that was held in our town. Watching the program on Edison Cable, I saw that many town officials were present at the program. I do not know, however, if they were aware of the actions taken by Imam Moustafa Zayed of the Muslim Center in Parlin, NJ. Minutes before the singing of Hatikva, the nation anthem of Israel, which is, of course, the true legacy of every Jewish martyr of the Holocaust, the imam walked out. Two years ago, when that action had been threatened, I thought it was the better part of valor to ask for the Hatikva not to be sung at all during the Interfaith service. This past year, I rethought my position, and asked that the Hatikva be put back into the program. Very quickly, it turned out we were right back where we had been two years ago. The imam said he would not rise for the Hatikva. While I would not expect him to sing the anthem, I thought it disrespectful to the Jewish state for him to sit while everyone else stood. It was suggested that he could leave, an option to which I had no objection, as long as he departed at least 15 minutes before Hatikva was sung so the two actions would not clearly be associated. In addition, I asked the imam if he would join me in declaring that, contrary to the statements of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, there is no room in America for Muslims calling Jews pigs and apes and demanding the destruction of the Jewish people. Although the imam said he would do so, this promise was not fulfilled. While watching the program on television, I heard some of the stories told by survivors of the Holocaust who had escaped to America in 1938. My parents, on the other hand, were incarcerated in Concentration camps, lost all their family

members, and were liberated from Buchenwald in 1945. We did not go through everything in order to participate in an Interfaith service in which a clergyman insists on walking out just as Hatikva is about to be sung. Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg Edison, NJ Accepting Our Own and Dismissing the Bias against Black Hats It was a recent Friday night in Washington Heights when, in the middle of a neutral conversation, someone suddenly slipped a derogatory aside about the ultra-Orthodox. I was sitting across from her at the Shabbat table, involved in the stimulating discussion until this point. Immediately, a round of giggles and titters rippled from the other members of the group. I, meanwhile, cringed. It doesn’t matter what the off-taste comment in question was. Unfortunately, by now I’ve heard too many disapproving remarks and critical mutterings about the hareidi community to count, and not just from my fellow peers and acquaintances. Once, at a YU event, I heard a very prominent speaker make a negative joke about how Yeshivish teens marry so early. The satirical comment confused me. Would he be as critical of people who get married later in their 30s? Or those who decide never to marry at all? Just because people choose different paths than ours—whether these decisions are further to the right or to the left—who are we to judge? Many of my fellow college students are quick to voice their acceptance of their LGBT friends, but they turn up their noses and frown slightly when they speak of a chassid. They dare not find anything offensive about couples who have only one child, but will roll their eyes and smirk silently when they see a family of 11 at an amusement park. They laugh agreeably and talk freely in the presence of those who throw out curse words, or admire those who converse in professional jargon, but will poke fun at those who use Yeshivish lingo. They will be the first to volunteer in soup kitchens, drop coins into the outstretched palms of subway musicians, or romanticize the ascetic lives of Bohemian artists, but will grumble (or declare loudly) about the need for Kollel bachurim to “get a job.” Why are we hesitant to pronounce judgment on those so incredibly different than us, but cannot do the same for our own? We are oh-so-ready to sympathetically stand behind so many diverse cultures and causes of mankind, yet this same respectful acceptance somehow disappears when it comes to the ultra-Orthodox. Why the intolerance? Why the negativity? And, though one may offer several theories, the ultimate question is: how to cure this seeming imbalance of acceptance? I am not arguing for a less tolerant attitude to those less observant. It is not my place to judge those who choose to maintain a less rigidly religious lifestyle. But it also is not my place, or our place, to judge those who choose to maintain a more stringent practice, either. I have friends who are completely unaffiliated with Judaism, and that’s okay. I have relatives who are more laid back in traditional observance—not a problem.

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The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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“Thought Is the World of Freedom” (R’ Dov Ber of Mazeritch) But I also have friends who wear stockings every day, and pleated skirts that hit mid-calf, and who pin back their longsleeved blouses to ensure their collarbones are hidden—and that’s okay, too. One of my best friends married a 22-year-old full-time yeshiva boy as soon as she returned from seminary, and of course I was happy for her. The Modern Orthodox community is proud to promote its tolerance and open-mindedness. Yet we sometimes seem to be respectful and broad-minded about everyone except for “them.” We are careful never to let slip a racist joke against ethnic minorities, and we strive towards political correctness. We run to defend all sorts of people who do not conform to our own culture. So why are we so intolerant and less accepting (and, yes, irritated at times) toward the sects that choose a more right-wing philosophy than ours? If we consider ourselves “openminded,” and pride ourselves upon it, it seems hypocritical and contradictory to condemn or attack that lifestyle, too. If we extend the hand of acceptance to so many radically different demographics in the world, shouldn’t we, all the more so, make an effort to embrace a community so near our own? The Jewish community is already such a tiny group relative to the outside world. Instead of isolating and dividing ourselves further, let’s focus on unifying and bringing our people together. Yael Farzan New York, NY “Impossible” Is a Self-Fulfilling Prophesy The greatest barrier standing in the way of passage of universal school-choice legislation, which is solidly based on the foundation of liberty and free enterprise, is the fact that so many people believe it is “politically impossible.” Despite the fact that Milton Friedman’s plan, empowering parents to send their children to the school of their choice, is the only practical way to restore accountability to the system, it is believed to be “politically impossible” to achieve in NJ. Factually, the evidence confirming this is overwhelming. Since 1990, when the good people of Milwaukee were the first in America to achieve a limited school-choice program, after winning a ten-year political battle, New Jerseyites have tried and failed to achieve even a tiny “pilot program.” For the past two decades, Democrats and Republicans have worked on one, and despite bipartisan support, it was never allowed to come

to the floor of the State Legislature for debate or vote. Those now holding the key to NJ government will never on their own surrender their control of education, because this would be political suicide. The question we all need to ask ourselves is: Are we willing to allow our children and families to be deprived of our civil and human right to our own destiny? If the answer is “no,” we need to ask ourselves: How can we change the political reality? History has proven, time and again, that we all have the potential to change the political reality. It requires commitment, faith, and action. No one can do it alone. But together, when each of us places our fingers to the task, we can accomplish great things. Commitment is called for even when help appears to be impossible. Rescuers race daily and do all they can to save lives, without regard to whether or not they believe it possible. Throughout the ages, our forbearers fought for liberty, emancipation, women’s’ suffrage, and civil rights under “impossible” conditions. Yet, they persevered and succeeded. Faith also compels us to take action on behalf of liberty and justice, whether or not we see victory over the horizon. Trust in our Creator is reason enough to take the action needed to create the suitable vessel for His boundless blessings. Without action, the impossible becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. The only way to change the political reality is by electing representatives who truly represent our needs and those of our children. This requires our votes and those of everyone within our circle of influence. It requires communication, influence, and financial support. Please, for the sake of our children, grandchildren, and all society, do all that you can to empower parents to send their children to the school of their choice now, while we have a window of opportunity open before us. Rabbi Israel Teitelbaum Morris Township, NJ The Jewish Voice and Opinion welcomes letters, especially if they are typed, double-spaced, and legible. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and style. Please send all mail to POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631. The phone number is (201) 569-2845. The email address is

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May 2013/Sivan 5773

Rocks Kill

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An attorney with the Legal Forum for the Land of Israel, Hila Cohen, agreed with the Yesha Council leaders, and asked Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein to launch a criminal investigation into Ms. Hass’s activities, including her “legitimization, encouragement, and incitement of violent terrorist acts.” “Come to the ICU” Mrs. Biton responded by publicly inviting Ms. Hass to “come to the ICU, look at my Adelle, connected to tubes.” “But I do not really suggest that you put yourself in my place, hear the screams of your daughters in the tornapart car, remain fully conscious and experience my helplessness, the inability to move and help. To see your 3-year-old girl fighting for her life, without having any ability to influence the situation,”


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she wrote. Activists, many of them holding pictures of Yonatan Palmer and Adelle Biton, demonstrated at Ha’aretz against Ms. Hass and the paper’s editor, Aluf Blum. Waiting for Yaalon Many Israelis believe the wave of riots, in which rockthrowing is a principal activity, will test the mettle of incoming Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon. Prof Alex Blei, head of the Center for Middle East Research at Ariel University and a former Arab Affairs advisor to the Prime Minister, recalled that Mr. Yaalon had been critical of former Defense Minister Ehud Barak for not seeing the seriousness of rock-throwing. “People need to understand that rocks kill,” said Prof Blei, admitting that he “cannot shake the image of Adelle

Biton.” “The heart aches, and I am asking: Is it not time to change the rules for opening fire?” Ammunition Hoping to give Mr. Yaalon some of the necessary ammunition, Jewish Home MK Orit Struk called for giving farmers in Judea and Samaria the same rights that Israeli farmers enjoy elsewhere in the state: the right to protect their property. In theory, the criminal laws that allow Israeli farmers to fire on potentially dangerous intruders should apply in Judea and Samaria as well, but, in practice, the IDF, in an attempt to avoid conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians, asserts its own far more restrictive rules. IDF regulations allow a gun to be fired in self-defense only in case of an imminent attack with a deadly weapon. The would-

be terrorist must actually be holding the weapon in order to justify gunfire, and it is not certain that rocks would qualify. Mrs. Struk said that when she asked the IDF’s top prosecutor why Israelis in Judea and Samaria are prohibited from using gunfire in cases in which it is allowed by Israeli law, he told her, “The military commander has the right to forbid what is allowed by law.” Mrs. Struk said the new measure she proposes would provide for one standard for all Israelis. MK Zehava Galon of the far-left Meretz party responded by calling Mrs. Struk “deranged.” No Condemnation Arab Balad MK Jamal Zahalka, who refused to condemn the murder of Mr. Borovsky, called Mrs. Struk “a racist fascist.” “You want to murder peo-

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The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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Live Where You Can Walk To Shul Rabbi Teitelbaum is co-founder and secretary of Alliance for Free Choice in Education. He can be reached at 973-820-6121 or Israel@

ple,” he told her, adding that “settlers have no right to self-defense.” When asked to condemn the murder, Mr. Zahalka addressed Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria: “Get out of there. You’re thieves and criminals. You come to steal and take what belongs to us. The solution is that you leave.” In response Likud MK David Rotem, a resident of Efrat, told him, “Keep dreaming.” “Take Back the Roads” Many Israelis agree. In response to the uptick in Palestinian violence, there have been demonstrations by residents of Judea and Samaria and their supporters demanding that the government “take back the roads” and make them safe from terrorists. Speaking at a demonstration at the entrance to Efrat, Women in Green leader Nadia Matar said rock-throwing is not just a physical danger, it also “damages the honor of the Jewish and Israeli people.” “The Arabs’ purpose is not just to kill the driver at whom they are throwing rocks, but also to sow fear into the hearts of Jews and prevent us from using the roads in the Land of Israel altogether. The IDF must respond in a way

that is going to make it clear that Israel will not accept these attacks,” she said. Sub-Humans The month-long spate of attacks, especially those on children, seemed to impassion Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said, “Terror is not a pestilence from heaven. It is the work of sub-humans.” “The rock terror joins the terror of fire bombs, the shootings, and the rest of the terror attacks which have felled 2,500 victims. The murderers do not shy away from butchering babies and old people, or innocent bystanders. There are supposed men of morals who preach to us, day and night, but I notice they are not always quick to denounce our enemies when they spill the blood of innocents,” he said. He seemed ready to agree with a statement issued by the Young Leadership Faction of the Jewish Home Party which insisted that for terrorists “the party is over.” “When terrorists with blood on their hands are released after just a short time in prison, they understand that murdering a Jew is OK. When a terrorist goes on hunger strike and the state of Israel gives

in to him and decides to release him, it invites terrorism. We call on the government of Israel to start taking the threat of terrorism seriously. Don’t play with terrorists. The murder of Israeli citizens is not a game,” said the statement. S.L.R.

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