Jewish Voice and Opinion February 2014

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THE JEWISH VOICE AND OPINION Promoting Classical Judaism

February 2014

Vol. 27 • No. 6

Adar I 5774

John Kerry’s Peace Framework Rejected by Both Sides, But Will Only Israel Pay the Price? Few Israelis doubt that Sec-

retary of State John Kerry earnestly wants to achieve a peace settlement between the Jewish State and the Palestinians. Some have guessed his energy is fueled by a desire to net himself a Nobel Prize; others say he might be dreaming of another run for the Presidency. In any case, an increasing number of Israelis, including some government officials, believe his fervor for a settlement has prompted him to threaten the Jewish state with international delegitimi-

At the end of January, a massive gathering brought thousands together at the Kotel in prayers beseeching G-d to “cancel the decrees” of US Secretary of State John Kerry, whose peace plans would create an Arab capital in Jerusalem.

zation, increased terrorism, and global boycotts that he himself has orchestrated if they do not agree to implement his framework for a peace plan. The proposals Mr. Kerry will present this month have not been formulated as an agreement that he is forcing on the parties. They are “a suggestion for a framework for negotiations,” as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put it. “This is not an agreement, but a path to making progress,” said Mr. Netanyahu.

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Ariel Sharon: War Hero, War Criminal, Builder, Destroyer When former Israeli Prime

Minister Ariel Sharon died last month after spending eight years in a coma, reactions were as disparate as the communities in Israel and its surrounding neighbors. Many in the Arab world celebrated. While passing out sweets and recognizing the day of his funeral as one of joy, some Palestinians and Israeli Arabs said their only regret was that Mr. Sharon was never hauled into court for trial as a “war criminal.”

Palestinians in Gaza celebrate the death of Ariel Sharon

Inside the Voice Yachad Camp...........................................5 Kol Ami: A Ruse?.................................... 6 The Current Crisis............................... 7 ZOA Says No Nuclear Iran................ 8 Unexpected Gifts................................13 New at OHEL...............................................14

Peace Process Pressures........................16 “Beautiful” on Broadway.......................22 The Log..........................................................28 New Classes........................................37 Mazal Tov.............................................37 New Minyanim..................................38

Jewish reaction was mixed. Those on the left mourned soberly, concentrating on the fact that Mr. Sharon was the first to engage in the major expulsion of Jewish settlers from their homes and communities in lands won in the 1967 SixDay War. The leftists chose to skip over what for them is the distaste of Mr. Sharon’s earlier career as a celebrated soldier and fighter of terrorism. Those on the Jewish right who mourned Mr. Sharon chose to remember the early years

continued on page 24 Chesed Ops.........................................38 Ess Gezint: Eating the Bible..............46 New at Holy Name...........................48 Index of Advertisers ........................49 Honor the Professional...................51 Letters to the Editor ........................52

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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Director of NJ Yachad Chani Herrmann to Head Yachad “Integrated” Program at Camp Mesorah Yachad, the flagship program

of the Orthodox Union’s National Jewish Council for Disabilities (NJCD), announced last month that Chani Herrmann of Teaneck, the head of New Jersey Yachad, will also serve as program director for Yachad at Camp Mesorah in upstate Guilford, New York. Camp Mesorah is the largest of more than 20 overnight and day camps in which Yachad members are mainstreamed into the camp program as campers or staffers. At Mesorah, the special-needs Yachad campers JVO020414 Ad_Layout 1 2/3/14 are assisted by shadows, one

hired for each child, while the older Yachad staff members are helped by job coaches for the vocational staff. As program director, Mrs. Herrmann, who has a degree as a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW), will oversee all aspects of Yachad at Camp Mesorah, including working with campers, staff members, shadows, and coaches, and coordinating their efforts with the many regular camp departments. Integrated Program As director of New Jersey Yachad, Mrs. Herrmann has been responsible for oversee11:09 AM Page 1 ing Yachad’s social, education-

al, and recreational programs for individuals with learning, developmental, and physical disabilities. Yachad’s goal is to include these individuals in the total life of the Jewish community. At Camp Mesorah, Yachad’s goal is to integrate the special-needs campers into the life of the camp. Married to Dr. Daniel Herrmann, the school psychologist and college guidance counselor at the Hillel Yeshiva High School in Deal, New Jersey, Mrs. Herrmann and the couple’s four children will spend the summer at the camp. Dr. Herrmann will join them on weekends.

Feb. 16

“I’ve always been excited about Yachad summer programs, and many New Jersey kids go there,” said Mrs. Herrmann. Experienced Camper No stranger to camping, Mrs. Herrmann was eight years old when she spent the first of what would be ten summer at Camp Hillel in Swan Lake, New York. For seven of those years, she was a camper; for the last three, she was a member of the staff. Yachad at Camp Mesorah is the largest provider of “inclusive” and special-needs summer programs. That, said

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THE JEWISH VOICE AND OPINION, Inc. © 2014; Publisher and Editor-in-Chief: Susan L. Rosenbluth Phone (201)569-2845 Managing Editor: Sharon Beck, Advertising: Rivkie Stern The Jewish Voice & Opinion (ISSN # 1527-3814), POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631, is published monthly in coordination with The Central Committee for Israel. A one-year subscription is $25. Periodicals postage is paid at Englewood, NJ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Jewish Voice and Opinion, POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631. All advertising in the Jewish Voice and Opinion must conform to the standards of the Orthodox Rabbinic kashruth. Editorial content reflects the views of the writer and not necessarily any other group. The Jewish Voice is not responsible for typographical errors.

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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Kol Ami: Just a Ruse? Last month, a source told reporters Benjamin Netanyahu had suggested the following: instead of razing Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria to make way for a Palestinian state, the residents of those communities should be allowed to stay in their homes and simply fall under the jurisdiction of the Palestinians, either as “Palestinian citizens” or foreign residents. Before the Palestinians shot the idea down, Economics Minister Naftali Bennett called the suggestion a reversal of

Netanyahu’s approach was dangerous and foolish. The Arabs have constantly repeated that they want the land judenrein, cleared of Jews. Even now Israeli security has signs at junctions to Arab towns warning Jewish Israelis not to enter. What does Bibi think will happen to Jews under Palestinian auspices? Bibi is hoping that Abbas will send Kerry packing. It’s not going to happen. Kerry has prepped the Arabs to keep squeezing Bibi until he gives in. One should never underestimate the intelligence or luck of the enemy. Bibi is doing both, hoping that he’ll

Considering it was said by Netanyahu, I think it was a ruse. The Lubavitcher Rebbe once said that proposals of giving away parts of the Land of Yisrael to Arabs while leaving Jews there are even worse than simply giving away land. Rabbi Ariel Sokolovsky Brooklyn, NY

be saved by Arab stupidity, but these aren’t the same Arabs who fled the 1967 Six Day War barefoot. Know your enemies, and listen carefully to them. Batya Medad Shiloh, Israel

Zionism that “reflects a panicked loss of values.” The source said Mr. Bennett’s outburst ruined the prime minister’s real goal, which the source claimed was to “expose” the PA’s deep hatred of Jews. The question this month is: Do you think Mr. Netanyahu was sincere in his suggestion, or do you think it really was just a ruse to expose the “true antisemitic face of the Palestinian leadership?” Y

Netanyahu’s convoluted scheme to expose core Jewhatred in the PA by suggesting that Jews might remain in Judea and Samaria under the authority of a future Palestinian state was very dangerous. It suggested that the Palestinian cause is just, and implied that the Jewish state may relinquish land it should not have. The PLO’s stellar reputation does not need Bibi’s help. Tovia Singer Jerusalem, Israel & Monsey, NY

Bennett’s criticism made Netanyahu’s suggestion look sincere, which is what the Prime Minister wanted the Palestinians to think anyway. Palestinian refusal to accept Jews as citizens or residents exposes their Judenrein position. Israel should initiate a broad media campaign publicizing the fact that Arabs comprise 20 percent of Israel’s population, enjoy membership in the Israeli Knesset, Cabinet, Supreme Court, Diplomatic corps, and national sports teams. According to a recent Harvard study, 77 percent of Israeli Arabs would rather live in the Jewish state than in any other country in the world. Cheryl Rosenberg Teaneck, NJ

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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The Current Crisis: “Even in Laughter, the Heart Can Ache” According to recent report in the Forward, the Reform movement is now trumpeting its belief that intermarriage is “a fact of modern life, an inevitability in an open society where Jews are—yes, this is hard to absorb—actually mostly loved.” Since the Reform movement believes this, its leaders and proponents are happy to direct their energies “toward welcoming interfaith couples without penalty or judgment.” “I’m not encouraging intermarriage. I’m not encouraging gravity. It’s a reality,” said Rabbi Rick Jacobs, head of the Union for Reform Judaism. We’ve got a couple of questions: How come when the nonobservant Jewish community thinks about Christians in terms of intermarriage, then Christian America becomes “an open society where Jews are…actually mostly loved”? But when polls show that religious Evangelical Christians love and support Israel, the same non-observant Jewish community thinks Christians love Jews only to convert them? *** For weeks, Hoboken’s Democratic Mayor Dawn Zimmer has been insisting she has written proof—her own diary notes— showing that staffers in Gov Chris Christie’s office threatened to withhold funds from Hoboken residents suffering from Super Storm Sandy unless she agreed to support a development contract the governor supported. Zimmer’s word that these are her notes from the time she says they are may not carry much weight. Her record includes accusations of “lying” in sworn testimony, trying to ethnically “cleanse” the city of Hoboken, and trying to steer a government contract to a politically friendly law firm.

A mere three weeks before Zimmer issued her allegation against Christie, she and the city lost a discrimination case which was filed by a former police officer who alleged he was forced to resign from his position as Hoboken’s public safety director due to his Hispanic ethnicity. The former officer, Angel Alicea, was awarded $625,000 in punitive damages in addition to $440,000 in back pay. The city will also have to pay his lawyer’s fees, which means Zimmer’s Alicea case cost Hoboken taxpayers more than $1 million. Zimmer is accused of lying on the kind of documents she used to prepare for the deposition. Zimmer also faces accusations by the Hoboken Housing Authority executive director that the mayor tried to force minorities out of the city in favor of wealthy whites, who the executive director claims the mayor considers to be more her political base. The executive director claims in her lawsuit that Zimmer ordered a government contract to a “particular law firm, which is politically connected to Mayor Zimmer.” In addition, recent press reports show that, despite Ms. Zimmer’s grousing, Hoboken has received a fair and proportionate amount of Sandy aid, which means the case is closed on the mayor’s claim that Hoboken was the target of political retribution. According to NJ State Senator Jennifer Beck (Red Bank), “The mayor must not have understood how the programs worked.” Oh yes, she did, Ms. Beck. She understands just fine. Stay warm and dry, everybody. SLR




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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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In Teaneck, ZOA’s Mort Klein Decries Obama’s Allowing Iran to Go Nuclear According to one of the

country’s leading pro-Israel activists, the deal that Iran was recently offered by the United States is just the most recent example of President Barack Obama’s willingness to accept a short-term diplomatic fix even if the long-term consequences to the US and its allies may be calamitous. “If we couldn’t get Iran to stop progress towards nuclear weapons when it was saddled with crippling sanctions, how do we plan to get them to stop

Yachad Camp

now that we’ve rescinded the sanctions?” said Mort Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). Mr. Klein made his remarks last month at Congregation Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck at a talk sponsored by the ZOA New Jersey chapter. His passion and sense of urgency in combatting antiIsrael bias and promoting Jewish welfare has been his trademark at ZOA. In Teaneck, it was part of his delivery as he endeavored to discuss what

was at risk if Iran is allowed to achieve nuclear capability. Israeli Intervention The fact that the so-called Geneva Agreement allows Iran to continue its nuclear program virtually unimpeded means Israeli military action may be all that stands between nucleararmed Mullahs in Tehran and the civilized world, he said. The good news, he continued, is that the boasts of the Iranian leaders notwithstanding, Israeli military strength is probably up to the job.

“Israel has the potential to destroy or significantly delay Iran’s nuclear program without sustaining unacceptable damage in retribution,” he said. $10 Billion Program It is no secret that Israel has already spent $10 billion developing ways to delay or completely neutralize the Iranian nuclear threat, and, last month, Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon hinted in an article published in Politico that Israel “would take all

“I will be actively involved with every child and staff member, speaking with the parents, interacting with all the Camp Mesorah staff, addressing challenges, planning, sensitizing them, making sure that everything is as inclusive as possible,” she said. “Extra Support” A typical camp day for a Yachad camper will be pretty much the same as it would be for any other camper at Mesorah. It will include sports, learning, arts and crafts, and night activities, but “with extra support,” said Mrs. Herrmann. “It is very individualized. If a child needs extra time away from the bunk, we can accommodate that,” she said. Dr. Lichtman said he is confident that “Chani and her team, together with Mesorah, will provide a one-of-a-kind camping experience that provides fun and friendship for everyone.” This will be Yachad’s fourth summer at Camp Mesorah. Each year, the enrollment has increased. There are still a few openings for this summer. The camp can be contacted at or at 212-613-8369.

Dedicated Leadership According to Dr. Joe Goldfarb, Yachad’s director of summer programs, the YachadCamp Mesorah partnership has worked because Camp Mesorah’s leadership is “dedicated to the value of including individuals with disabilities in all parts of the camp.” “We look forward to continuing our growth at Mesorah with Chani Herrmann at the helm,” he said. Rabbi Ari Katz, director of Camp Mesorah, agreed, saying he looks forward to another summer with a Yachad delegation at the camp. “Yachad has always played an integral role in the Camp Mesorah family and experience,” he said. He noted that Yachad was the first organization to establish the “integrated” program that has been wildly popular at Camp Mesorah. “Year after year, Mesorah campers and staff request Yachad campers to join them in their bunks. Our greatest joy is to see the lifetime friendships established each summer and the s’machot, the simchas, that are shared within and out of camp,” said Rabbi Katz. Y

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Dr. Jeffrey Lichtman, Yachad’s International Director, is why he personally tapped Mrs. Herrmann for the job. “It is vital that we have the best professionals leading these programs. Given our continuous, sky-rocketing growth, we need to employ our best staff to do ‘double duty.’ As a dynamic and highly competent professional, Chani fits the bill, and given the importance of our expanding program at Mesorah, there are few people better suited to well-manage the many aspects of the complex program at the camp,” he said. Same Bunk At Camp Mesorah, the Yachad campers will range in age from 8 to 16, and the

vocational staff will be between 21 and 35. Those who will work with the Yachad members have at least graduated from high school; many are in or have graduated from college. The camp season will begin June 26 with staff orientation. The first session will open on June 30, and the second on July 28. Camp ends on August 18. During the camp season, Yachad campers and their shadows bunk with Mesorah’s regular campers, one Yachad member and shadow per bunk. The Yachad children take part in the regular camp program, but extra enrichment can be provided as well to help the child adjust and develop, according to Mrs. Herrmann.

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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are joining for an amazing summer of fun! Do you know a child who wants to go to a mainstream day camp but needs additional support? Do you know a child who wants to be included with his/her typical peers?

YACHAD & CAMP KESHET ARE MAKING IT POSSIBLE! Yachad’s supportive shadows will provide the opportunity for these campers to learn social skills, while joining in the amazing activities at camp including twice daily swim, sports, electives, chinuch, education about Israel, trips, and much more! Camp Keshet is located in East Brunswick, New Jersey. This program is for children currently in grades 1 through 8. Hot lunches provided. Busing options available from surrounding areas.


Yachad, the National Jewish Council for Disabilities is dedicated to enhancing the life opportunities of Individuals with disabilities, ensuring their participation in the full spectrum of Jewish life.

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

No Nuclear Iran means necessary to prevent a nuclear Iran—including a possible strike.” Analysts point out that in September 2007, Israel managed to destroy the Syrian plutonium reactor at Al Kibar, a feat American military experts had thought was improbable, and some said impossible. Current polls indicate Israel would have the support of the American people in such an action against Iran. A 2013 Pew Research Center Poll showed that 64 percent of Americans would support military action to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Misleading Language Although President Obama has said that his goal is to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, his willingness and/or ability to succeed is viewed in Israel with skepticism. According to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif, the

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continued from page 8 President’s language is viewed in Iran as a joke. Although the Obama administration uses terms such as “dismantling,” Mr. Zarif has denied that his country has agreed to dismantle anything. In an interview with CNN last month, Mr. Zarif insisted that the terminology used by the Obama administration is not only misleading, but it differs from the text agreed to by Iran and the other Western countries involved in the Geneva deal, the so-called P5+1, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council— the US, Britain, France, Russia, and China—plus Germany. “The White House version both underplays the concessions [Iran received] and overplays Iranian commitments,” said Mr. Zarif. Not Dismantling The agreement mandates that Iran halt all enrichment

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above 5 percent and dismantle the technical connections required to enrich above 5 percent, according to a fact sheet distributed by the White House. Mr. Zarif said the White House language creates “a false impression.” “We’re not dismantling any centrifuges; we’re not dismantling any equipment; we’re simply not producing, not enriching over 5 percent,” he said, stressing that Iran will not give up its “right to enrich uranium.” As part of the implementation of the new agreement, Iran will receive the first $550 million installment of a total of $4.2 billion in previously blocked overseas funds in early February. Violent Intentions For Israel, a nuclear-armed Iran would be a nightmare. Iranian leaders have made no secret of their ambition to wipe Israel off the map. Its threatening language towards the Jewish state is matched only by its attempts to intimidate the US and other Western powers. Even while negotiations were proceeding on the interim deal late last year, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei found tine to address a mass rally at which thousands chanted “Death to America” and labeled the US “the Great Satan” and “an enemy who smiles.” The last slogan is a reference to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s characterization of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, whose “charm offensive” is credited with prompting President Obama to reduce the sanctions against Tehran last fall. Accepted Antisemitism In Teaneck, Mr. Klein was critical of Secretary of State John Kerry for silently acquiescing to Iran’s verbal assaults. Mr. Klein contrasted Mr. Kerry’s

lack of response to Mr. Khamenei’s characterization of Israel as a “rabid dog” with the State Department’s outrage over Israeli Minister of Defense Moshe Ya’alon’s strong criticism of the US for unrealistic expectations regarding the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. “The State Department demanded apologies and pressed Netanyahu to reprimand Ya’alon, whereas the Iranian remarks were basically ignored,” said Mr. Klein. At the end of December, the Simon Wiesenthal Center placed Mr. Khamenei at the head of its “Top Ten Antisemitic and Anti-Israel List” for 2013. The center gave him that position in recognition of his “continuous calls for Israel’s annihilation even during the announcement of the interim nuclear agreement.” “Throughout 2013, as the US conducted secret talks with Tehran, the Ayatollah’s antisemitic and anti-Israel hate flowed unabated. On the eve of Iranian elections, Khamenei declared, ‘Zionists’ were the real power in the United States, updating the old canard of a global Jewish conspiracy,” said the center. Nuclear Train Mr. Netanyahu has compared Iran’s bid for a nuclear weapon to a train which needs to pass three stops en route to building a military capacity: enriching uranium to 3.5 percent, enriching to 20 percent, and a “final stop” of enriching to 90 percent. “The Geneva Agreement cancelled the 20 percent stop, but left the train on the track, so that one day, Iran will be able to rush forward to the final stop, on an express track, without slowing down for the interim stops. In a permanent

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

No Nuclear Iran

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agreement, the international community must get the Iranian nuclear train off the track. Iran must never get the ability to build an atomic bomb,” said Mr. Netanyahu. According to Mr. Klein, the Iranian interim nuclear deal that went into effect last month does virtually nothing to reduce the threat of Iran’s ability to produce weapon-grade nuclear capability. It also leaves Israeli military action as the only realistic solution to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. Easily Reversible He pointed out that much to Israel’s chagrin, the interim deal struck last November between Iran and the P5+1 permits Tehran to retain all the vital elements of its nuclear weapons program, including the construction of its Arak plutonium plant, its ballistic missile programs, and all 18,000 of its centrifuges. Iran is required only to undergo limited inspections and maintain easily reversible reduction of its enriched uranium stores. “The deal requires Iran to stop enriching uranium to 20 percent, which is weapons grade, and to oxidize some of its current uranium stock stores, a process that can be easily reversed in a matter of days,” said Mr. Klein. No Repercussions He noted that the inspections to which Iran committed itself are limited and cover only the country’s known facilities. The agreement does not cover suspected facilities Iran has not yet acknowledged.

“In the meantime, the deal allows Iran to continue research on other necessary elements of nuclear weapons, such as the bomb-trigger mechanism and other auxiliary elements, all without fear of repercussions,” said Mr. Klein. “This means Iran is more likely to be able to produce a nuclear weapon after the six-month period of sanction relief than it would have been with no deal.” Iran already possesses the technology necessary for uranium enrichment, he said. According to the terms of the deal, the country is permitted to enrich to five percent during the interim period. “Afterwards, it can quickly revert the oxidized stores back to 20 percent enrichment,” aid Mr. Klein. Hoping for the Best He dismissed the Obama administration’s notion that the interim deal could somehow lead to a final agreement requiring Iran actually to dismantle its nuclearweapons program, which Mr. Obama has said is his ultimate goal. “The reduction of sanctions, coupled with the Obama administration’s repeated assertions that military action will be avoided, has clearly weakened America’s influence in the Middle East, especially among its allies,” said Mr. Klein, noting that minus sanctions or the credible threat of military intervention, “Iran faces no repercussions for reprehensible behavior.” This fact has been noted not only by Israel, but also by the Saudis, who have expressed grave concerns over the interim agreement with Iran, he said.

“The Saudis understand that the agreement has tipped the balance of power strongly toward Iran and increased the likelihood that Israel may have to act alone against Tehran,” said Mr. Klein. Staying Up at Night Mr. Klein is, of course, not the only analyst concerned about Iran’s nuclear aspirations. At the annual conference of the Institute for National Security Studies in Israel last month, the director of INSS, Major-General (res.) Amos Yadlin, the former head of Israel’s military intelligence, confessed that one of the worries keeping him up at night is Iran’s nuclear program, which is built to achieve a nuclear weapon. “The main levers against Iran—the sanctions and the threat of the use of military force—are being undermined and eroded, and that greatly concerns me,” he said. He was joined at the conference by former CIA Director General David Petraeus, whose assessment of Mr. Obama was far more optimistic. “Obama will not hesitate to use force if he has proof that Iran is advancing, despite the agreements, towards nuclear weapon, and that there is no other possibility to prevent it from doing so. He said that several times,” said Mr. Petraeus. At the end of January, Mr. Kerry defended the nuclear deal with Iran, saying that he was “certain without a reasonable doubt” that all countries in the Middle East “are safer today from the threat of the Iranian nuclear weapon that they were before the agreement we made.” Nevertheless, if Iran does not fulfill the commitments it made with the Western powers, ”the military option of the US is ready and prepared to do what it would have to do,” Mr. Kerry said Sanctions Bill Mr. Yadlin was not convinced in Israel; neither was Mr. Klein in Teaneck. He encouraged the more than 100 people who came to hear him to do everything possible to ensure passage of an Iran Sanctions bill. The bill was introduced by Sen Robert Menendez (D-NJ), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Sen Mark Kirk (R-IL). For several weeks last month, the bill, called the “Nuclear Weapon-Free Iran Act,” seemed on fast track to passage. Its purpose was to impose additional, stiffer

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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Azriela Jaffe’s “Unexpected Gifts” Is a Professional Writer’s Effort for the Orthodox Community Ask Azriela Jaffe about the biggest

joy she felt upon finishing latest book (her 32nd work, but her first novel), and she admits that her protagonist became “the friend I never had—my fantasy friend.” The book, “Unexpected Gifts,” just published by Menucha, presented what Mrs. Jaffe calls “unique challenges.” Certainly none of them had to do with lack of experience. A professional writer for more than 20 years who has written columns for many publications and whose books include several Holocaust memoirs written for families, Mrs. Jaffe says


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sanctions on Iran if it fails to comply with the interim Geneva Agreement. Despite Mr. Obama’s disapproval and promise of a veto, the bill had 59 Republican and Democrat co-sponsors. But before it reached the magic filibusterproof 60 or the veto-proof 66, Mr. Obama managed to convince most of the Democrats to put the bill on the back burner to give his diplomatic initiative a chance. Mr. Zarif had threatened to abandon the interim agreement if the new sanctions law passed in Congress. He also said the sanctions bill would prompt Iranian lawmakers to pass a bill requiring Iran to produce 60 percent uranium. Homework In Teaneck, Mr. Klein wondered why the Obama administration was so adamantly opposed to the bill. “It would have strengthened the administration’s negotiating position by creating a consequence for noncompliance,” he said. “How could the bill be objectionable since it would take effect only if Iran violated the current agreement?” Before his talk ended, Mr. Klein sent his audience home with an assignment: to contact every media outlet, every house of worship, every organization—Jewish and non-Jewish—“that cares about peace,” to insist that Iran close its Fordow nuclear plant and its Arak heavy water plutoniumproducing reactor, stop all enrichment activity, and agree to remove all its existing enriched uranium. “We all must support military action if Iran fails to comply,” he said. S.L.R.

writing a novel for an Orthodox-Jewish publisher and readers was “one of the most difficult tasks” she has encountered. “Many novels written for Orthodox Jews are constrained in what the plot or characters are allowed or forbidden to do, and I was determined not to write a novel that was predictable in plot or in character development. So I did a lot of writing, and rewriting, and editing, so that I could achieve what I wanted and write a book that would appeal to the Orthodox-Jewish market,” says Mrs. Jaffe,

who with her family is part of the Orthodox Highland Park-Edison community. Her Own Life Like most novelists, Mrs. Jaffe was vaguely aware of the plot when she began writing “Unexpected Gifts.” She knew where she would start and where she would end, but not exactly how she would get there. “Every novelist will tell you that his or her own life shows up in the pages of the book,” she says.

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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New Programs from OHEL: Winter Camp for Special-Needs Children in Public School, an Event for Adult Siblings of Special-Needs Individuals, and a Workshop for Divorced Dads In its continuing quest to

serve the Jewish community, OHEL has recently developed a few new programs, including one to address the needs of its many special-needs children, who typically lack programs during the last week of December when public schools are closed. Other issues that OHEL recently addressed included the needs of siblings of specialneeds individuals especially as

Azriela Jaffe

they become adults, and the problems of divorced fathers who are not sure how to maintain their relationships with their children. To fill the gap left by public schools closing at the end of December, the Special Projects Department of OHEL, Bais Ezra, created a Winter Camp. Each day, more than 40 special-needs children and young adults, ages 5-21, enjoyed exciting day trips with the organization’s caring staff. A total of 150 campers were served.

Run by professionals who were assisted by more than 200 volunteers from different schools in Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island, the camp took the children to the New York Hall of Science, Laser Bounce, Woodmere Lanes, and the Long Island Children’s Museum. “At the end of each day, our campers and staff headed home with smiles on their faces and a bounce in their step. Seeing the smile on a child’s face, and hearing

from the parents how appreciative they are that we are able to run these programs, are what make working and volunteering for OHEL Bais Ezra so rewarding,” said Kuti Roberg, senior manager of OHEL’s Special Projects. Siblings A guard at the New York Hall of Science told the OHEL staff that his brother has special needs. When the guard discovered that most of the

taneously on the two different genres “perfect.” “The Holocaust work can be very heavy and sometimes painful, and the novel allows me to take a breather and write in a refreshingly fun way. I really enjoy it,” she says. Finding Time Finding time to do both is another issue. Eight months ago, she and her husband Stephen opened a retail store, Edison Pack and Ship Business Center, where she works three to four days a week. She also teaches public speaking at Rutgers as well as at three other schools. Additionally, she must work on two other Holocaust projects that recently came her way. “I’ve learned to write my novel when I can and not wait for large blocks of time. The good news is, I’ve always got the novel’s characters and plot unfolding in my head, so when I carve out the time to write, it usually flows pretty well,” she says. Like many other Shomer Shabbos artists, she says her best ideas often come while taking a Sabbath walk. After Shabbat, she hurries to write down her ideas. Different Worlds Perhaps one of the biggest

changes in her life is working closely with her family in their new business. Their 19-year-old daughter Sara, now back home from seminary, runs the store with her parents “at least until she finds her chassan,” says her mother. Their other daughter Elana will leave for seminary in Israel next year, and their son Eli dorms at yeshiva in New York. For many years, Mr. Jaffe commuted to distant corporate finance positions, leaving his wife to work out of their home while looking after their children. “Now here I am in my mid50s and he in his 60s, and we are working together in a retail shipping store,” she says, calling their new venture “an emotional roller coaster.” “I’m fortunate that I am a writer and a teacher because while I love being in our store and serving our customers, I know I have the best of both worlds. When I’ve had enough, I leave the store to teach or write. As hard it is sometimes, I think being a writer is saving my sanity. Being occupied with the store and all my writing projects is really a tremendous bracha for me,” she says. And it just might be the plot of a new novel. S.L.R.

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When the Jaffes moved to Highland Park, NJ ten years ago, they lived in the attic of a three-family house, staying there while their builders gutted the structure below them to turn it into a one-family home. “The whole time we were living through this ‘adventure’ with three small kids, I thought, ‘This would make a great plot for a novel,’” she says. In addition, she wanted to explore the “unique trials and tribulations of couples who marry a second time, either due to widowhood or divorce.” “There sure is plenty of character and plot to explore when it comes to step-parenting, giving love a second chance, and all the emotional upheaval that goes along with that,” she says.

Other Projects “Unexpected Gifts” is not her first experience with fiction; she wrote a novella, “Meant To Be,” published by Targum a few years ago. Mrs. Jaffe is now writing another work of fiction. Simultaneously, she is also collaborating with Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg on a comprehensive review of every Holocaust-themed movie and documentary produced over the last several decades. When the review is completed, there will be a teacher’s guide for those working in high school and college Holocauststudies programs, to help them choose appropriate films for their students. It will also be a useful resource for those who want to see for themselves what films are available. She finds working simul-

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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As US Applies Pressure for a Peace Deal, Israeli Politicians Make Gaffes and Sometimes Speak Truth to Power In a closed conversation that he prob-

ably did not expect to see leaked to the press, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon disparaged the terms of Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace framework as “not worth the paper it was written on” and the promoter of the plan himself as “messianic” and “obsessive.” Barely two weeks later, another Israeli politician, Economics Minister Naftali Bennett, who is also the leader of the Jewish Home Party, severely ruffled the feathers of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by vilifying a peace-process idea a source in the Prime Minister’s Office leaked to the press.


Mr. Ya’alon’s slip led to alleged demands from the White House for a condemnation from Mr. Netanyahu. Mr. Bennett’s outrage almost led to an Israeli government coalition crisis. It was easy to blame the gaffes on frayed nerves and tattered tempers. Trying to balance the normal stresses of governing coupled with the pressures of dealing with the US-sponsored peace plan seems to have left both Israeli politicians in the uncomfortable position of having to apologize for remarks they did not at all regret making. Only the IDF Writing in Yediot Achronot, senior re-

porter Shimon Shiffer made clear that Mr. Ya’alon did not think much of Mr. Kerry’s decision to remove Israeli forces from all of Judea and Samaria, including the Jordan Valley. According to Mr. Shiffer, Mr. Ya’alon said that only Israel’s “continued presence in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley will guarantee that Ben-Gurion Airport and Netanya do not become targets for missiles from every direction.” According to Mr. Shiffer, Mr. Ya’alon described the American security plan as containing “neither security nor peace.” Speaking rhetorically to the authors of the plan, Mr. Ya’alon said they did not know what they were talking about.

have special-needs siblings. The positive reaction to these programs prompted the organization to plan a groundbreaking event for the normally developing siblings when they reach adulthood. On Motzei Shabbat, February 8, OHEL will host an evening of trivia, fun, and friendships for adult siblings of individuals with developmental disabilities. “OHEL helps not only individuals with special needs, but focuses on the unique needs of their siblings as well. OHEL’s evening of trivia will give these siblings of individuals with special needs a night to hang out, bond, and enjoy the company of friends,” says Ms. Applebaum. OHEL’s ultimate goal is to promote

strong and meaningful relationships between the siblings, she said. For more information on programs for siblings of special-needs individuals, call Azriel Steiner at 718-686-3492. Devoted Dads While OHEL pays a lot of attention to special-needs individuals, the organization is aware that others in the Jewish community also have problems. With the incidence of divorce rising in the Jewish community, OHEL recognized that there is a dearth of services to address the specific needs of the post-divorce, non-residential parent. In most Jewish divorced families, that means the father. To meet this need, OHEL has developed a new workshop called “Devoted Dads,” geared to address numerous concerns of divorced non-residential fathers, including how to enrich the visitation experience, how to stay connected to the children from a distance, and how to confront stigma. The first of these workshops will be given on Wednesday, February 12, in the main OHEL office, 4510 16th Ave, in Brooklyn, For more information, call 800-603-OHEL. “The Devoted Dads workshop will speak to the specific concerns of non-residential fathers and will provide them with necessary skills and techniques that they can utilize in their parenting role,” said Dov Wilkes, a therapist at OHEL’s Tikvah Center who will be leading the workshop. Y

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staff on the trip were young volunteers, he was deeply moved. According to Alyse Applebaum, an OHEL Bais Ezra Area Coordinator, the guard’s experience as an adult sibling of a special-needs individual is not unusual. “While having a sibling with a disability can be a rewarding and gratifying experience, with many lessons to be learnt, it can also be isolating. People may treat the sibling differently, and they are often put in situations not many people can understand or relate to,” she said. Sibshop for Adults For several years, the Family Services Division of OHEL Bais Ezra has offered its Sibshops program for children who

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

“You presented us with a plan that is based on smart technologies, satellites, sensors, war rooms with television screens—without our forces being present on the ground. And I ask you: How will your technology help us when a salafist terror cell, or one from the Islamic Jihad, tries to carry out a terror attack against Israel targets? Who will take care of them? What satellites will take care of the rocket industry that is developing in Shechem, and [the rockets that] will be launched at Tel Aviv and the central region? In Gaza, the terror organizations already hold thousands of rockets that cover central Israel. These terror organizations have transferred knowledge and technologies for manufacturing rockets to the [West] Bank,” he said. “Right of Return” A former IDF Chief of Staff, Mr. Ya’alon seemed to resent Mr. Kerry’s attempts to teach him “anything about the Palestinians.” The defense minister dismissed PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas as a useless leader who “lives on our sword” and will not relinquish his demand for the Palestinian “right of return” until “the last refugee from 1948 is satisfied and every single refugee will be able to choose between returning or staying in his current place of residence.” The Palestinians modeled their “right of return” on the Israeli entitlement by the same name that gives every Jew the right to come to Israel and claim citizenship to build the Jewish state. The Palestinian “right of return” demands that all Palestinians who fled Israel in 1948—and now their millions of descendants—have the right to flood back into Israel proper, demographically destroying the Jewish state. “Once we leave Judea and Samaria, [Abbas] is finished,” said Mr. Ya’alon, adding that, for months, there had been no negotiations with the Palestinians, but, rather, only between the Israelis and the Americans. “I live and breathe the conflict with the Palestinians. I know what they think, what they want, and what they really mean,” Mr. Ya’alon allegedly said, calling the American framework plan “worthless.” “Messianic” He said Mr. Kerry had come to Israel “very determined” and had “operate[d] based on an unfathomable obsession and a messianic feeling.”

“The only thing that can save us is that John Kerry will get a Nobel Peace Prize and leave us alone,” said Mr. Ya’alon. He endorsed Mr. Netanyahu’s demand that the PA recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people and seemed convinced that the time for useless Israeli concessions and gestures had passed. Mr. Ya’alon said that if the PA continues to refuse to grant Israel the necessary recognition, “there is no meaning to the satellites and the sensors the Americans are offering,” because Palestinian terrorists will continue to attack. “The five-year-old boy with the explosive belt will continue to try and hurt us when he grows up,” said Mr. Ya’alon.

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“Enough” The expected terrorism would be exacerbated if Israel were to acquiesce to Mr. Abbas’s demand to free more terrorist murderers from Israeli prisons, he said. He also said there would be no more discussions on implementing a building freeze in Judea and Samaria, which he regarded as out of the question. “We have given enough and received nothing. Let us say to our American friends: Enough is enough,” he said. Praising Kerry A few hours after Mr. Shiffer’s article was published, the criticism began. The head of the Labor Party and, therefore, of

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Peace Process Pressures the Israeli Knesset opposition, MK Yitzhak Herzog, voiced an indignant political message, calling for new elections. He said Mr. Ya’alon’s “insulting and hurtful diatribe” had “exposed the true face of the Likud.” Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, the most left-wing member of the current government coalition and the head of the Israeli negotiating team with the Palestinians, called relations with the US “our greatest strategic asset and vital for Israel’s security.” As opposed to Mr. Ya’alon, she lauded Mr. Kerry, praising him for “working to end the conflict between us and the Palestinians out of a deep understanding that this is an Israeli interest, and out of a commitment to Israel’s future.” Not long after, the US State Department weighed in, calling Mr. Ya’alon’s remarks “offensive and inappropriate, especially given all that the United States is doing to support Israel’s security needs.” “To question [Mr. Kerry’s] motives and distort his proposals is not something we would expect from the defense minister of a close ally,” said State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki. Expecting Punishment Mr. Netanyahu responded by chiding Mr. Ya’alon for the personal nature of his criticism of Mr. Kerry, although the Prime

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Minister did not take issue with his comments about US policy. “Even when we have disagreements with the US, it is about the matter at hand and not about the person,” said Mr. Netanyahu. That allegedly did not satisfy the Obama administration, and there were reports that the White House expected Mr. Netanyahu to condemn or at least disavow Mr. Ya’alon publicly. “We expect the prime minister to put this right by expressing publicly his disagreement with the statements against Secretary Kerry, the negotiations with the Palestinians, and Kerry’s commitment to Israel’s security,” said a State Department official. Team Player According to Arutz Sheva’s Tova Dvorin, the demand placed Mr. Netanyahu in a difficult position. “Both [Mr. Kerry’s] plan and the US itself are widely held by analysts and the public alike, to be distant from the reality of Israel’s security needs and the heart of the ongoing threat Israel faces from the Palestinian Arabs,” said Ms. Dvorin. Whether to placate the Americans, remove the pressure from Mr. Netanyahu, or both, Mr. Ya’alon issued a statement saying he had no intention of offending Mr. Kerry. “Israel and the US share a common goal to advance the

peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians led by Secretary Kerry. We appreciate Secretary Kerry’s many efforts towards that end. The defense minister had no intention to cause any offense to the secretary, and he apologizes if the secretary was offended by words attributed to the minister,” said the statement. Reporters at Arutz Sheva said it was significant that Mr. Ya’alon neither denied making the original comments about Mr. Kerry and his peace framework nor withdrew them. Downplayed However he felt personally about the attack, Mr. Kerry downplayed the incident the next day. He told reporters that Mr. Netanyahu and he “talk regularly and we are both very committed to moving the process forward, and we just can’t let one set of comments undermine that effort and I don’t intend to.” The Secretary of State made his comments from Kuwait, where he was attending a donor conference aimed at raising funds for Syrians. He insisted that “everywhere I go, even here today, everybody I talk to expresses gratitude for the efforts the US is making, for President Obama’s commitment to try to make peace between Palestinians and Israelis,” he said, noting that he still intends “to work with the willing participants who are committed to peace and committed to this process, and, after five months of negotiations, I believe strongly in the prospect for peace and I know that the status quo is not sustainable.” He said there are “hard choices to be made” and “we are going to work with both sides.” Boost in Stature If anything, the incident boosted Mr. Ya’alon’s stature in Israel. Brigdier-General (res.)

Amatzia (“Patzi”) Chen, a legend in the IDF for having served in former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s renowned 101st Unit, praised Mr. Ya’alon’s criticism of Mr. Kerry, saying it was on the mark. “Ya’alon said clear things. It’s good that things are said in the open. It’s completely clear that we have no partner. They’re trying to manufacture a country with a Palestinian nation. That’s insanity,” he said, likening the situation to a “theater of the absurd… that will lead to failure.” He noted that the 2005 Disengagement from Gaza had been a failure, with approximately 50 percent of the roughly 9,500 expelled Jews still homeless in mid-2013. “Everyone understands that if they failed when they faced a few thousand expelled Gush Katif residents, it goes without saying that they shouldn’t even dream of evacuating Judea and Samaria,” said Mr. Chen. “Courage” Deputy Transportation Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) went further, congratulating Mr. Ya’alon for his “courage” and insisting there was no need for him to apologize. “What he said was right. The American stance is disconnected from the reality of the situation in the Middle East. They are trying to force a solution on us which is unacceptable to most members of the Likud, which controls the government,” she said, stressing that, like most Israelis, she felt it was “inconceivable for a sovereign state such as Israel to be subject to the whims of another, even if it is the US.” She praised Mr. Ya’alon for “standing up for our own interests, and that is exactly his job.” She noted that, in 2011, when then-French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Mr. Obama

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Scotland for Whisky Lovers

May 12-19 Join us for a deluxe, Kosher Whisky Tour, visiting the famous distilleries of Scotland. Our guide will be Sion Barrington, a local whisky legend.

New Russia: In-Depth Tour of St. Petersberg & Moscow

July 1-10 Discover the beauty and culture of St. Petersburg, and the mighty sites of Moscow, while learning the history of this mighty and complicated country.

The Jews of Alsace-Lorraine: History of Ashkenaz

August 25-September 2 The history of the Jews in this region is one of the oldest in Europe. Explore these beautiful towns with its amazing Jewish sites.

“The Pity of it All”: Jewish History Tour of Germany

June 10-19 Amos Elon’s book of the above title says it all. Under the guidance of world-renowned historian and scholar, Dr. Shnayer Leiman.

900 Years of Jewish Life in Poland

July 21-29 Explore the hundreds of years of the Rich History and Heritage of Polish Jewry... until the tragic end. Under the guidance of Dr. Shnayer Leiman.

The Winter Magic of Lapland

February 2015 (exact dates TBA) Experience a once-in-a-lifetime winter adventure... cross the Arctic Circle, visit the famous Ice Hotel, enjoy a crosscountry with dog sledges, search for the Northern Lights... and much more.

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

Jewish History Tour of Lithuania & Belarus

June 25-July 3 From Volozhin to Vilna... From Kelem to Keidan... explore 1000 years of Jewish History and Learning, under the guidance of Dr. Shnayer Leiman.

Cities of the Danube: Prague, Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest

August 11-19 Explore the famous cities of Vienna, Budapest, Bratislava... and Prague together with the world-renowned historian and scholar, Dr. Shnayer Leiman.

A Tour of Jewish Spain

February 2015 (exact dates TBA) Travel through the wonders of Jewish Spain to Madrid, Seville, Toledo, Cordova, Grenada, Barcelona and Belmonte. Explore the rich history of this vast country and the role of the Jews who shaped it.

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Peace Process Pressures were caught making disparaging remarks about Mr. Netanyahu, there were no apologies. “What they are asking for here is not an apology, but a fundamental change in principles, namely that Israel should not defend its right to defend itself,” she said. Double-Standard The Zionist Organization of America also attacked the US’s “double standard”: a “harsh US reaction” to Mr. Ya’alon’s statements, but virtual silence regarding Mr. Abbas’s actions. “Abbas can say and do anything and everything—honor Jew-killing terrorists, demand they all be released from Israeli prisons, say he’ll never accept a Jewish state—and attract no criticism or censure [from the US administration],” wrote ZOA. The administration’s lack of response is also true regarding statements emanating from Iran, argued ZOA, noting that Iran’s top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, recently addressed a rally of tens of thousands calling for “death to America” and labeling the US “a great Satan” and an “enemy who smiles.” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani recently boasted that “the US and world powers surrendered to the Iranian nation’s will.” “The Obama Administration and Secretary Kerry are silent about all these horrific Palestinian and Iranian actions

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and words, yet when General Ya’alon points out that Secretary Kerry is being dangerously unrealistic in ignoring the realities facing Israel, the Obama Administration suddenly finds its voice,” said the group. Rabbinic Support More than 350 prominent Israeli rabbis of The Rabbinical Congress for Peace (RCP) sent a letter of support and encouragement to Mr. Ya’alon, thanking him “for his clear and fearless remarks that ‘enough is enough.’” “At long last there is a cabinet minister who demonstrated what true Jewish leadership is—a man who had the courage to advocate the truth that is stated in the Code of Jewish Law (Orach Chaim, Section 329), that any withdrawal from Jewish territory leads to bloodshed,” said the letter, adding that in recent decades “this simple truth has been proved over and over again.” The RCP’s executive director, Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Lewin excused Mr. Kerry who, he said, was “not at fault.” “He took his cue from Israel’s continued weak-minded mottos, such as ‘Israel is prepared for painful concessions’ and ‘Israel supports a two-state solution.’ If we already convinced him that he can gain from Israel’s continued painful concessions and withdrawals, why shouldn’t he continue to pressure Israel

for even more concessions?” asked Rabbi Lewin. He said Israel’s only course is to help Mr. Kerry face “the reality as delineated in our Torah—that there never was and never will be genuine peace and stability in the region through Israel’s compulsive withdrawals and concessions.” “This will not harm our relations with the US because the US has no interest in leading to more bloodshed and instability in the region,” said Rabbi Lewin. Blaming Kerry Israeli Attorney Yoram Sheftel was not so willing to give Mr. Kerry a pass. In an interview with Arutz Sheva, he blamed the US for using Mr. Ya’alon’s statement to hurt Israel. Mr. Sheftel said that in the end, Israel is not conducting talks with the Palestinians, but rather with the Americans, “who are working on behalf of the Arab world.” “They want to give the Land of Israel over to the enemy; they want us to withdraw from our communities [in Judea and Samaria] and from the Jordan Valley; they want us to retreat to ‘1967 lines’ and give us security arrangements that don’t provide security,” he said. “These are the Arab world’s positions on the issues, as presented by Kerry—making him into an enemy, because he represents the very people who want to destroy us.” The incident, he said, gave Mr. Ya’alon a special moment. “Even if Ya’alon did not do anything else in his life but say what he did, we will remember him for generations to come,” said Mr. Sheftel He mocked Mr. Kerry’s insistence that “both sides will have to make painful decisions.” “What painful decisions will Abbas have to make?” Mr. Sheftel asked.

Pressure Some in Israel were curious about why Mr. Ya’alon chose to make his comments when and where he did. According to a report in Ma’ariv published after the incident, the Defense Minister reacted after being subjected to a massive campaign conducted by the US military in an effort to convince Israeli officials the Jewish state could afford to relinquish the Jordan Valley. According to the report, an effort to build a lobby among Israeli security officials to support the major American push for Israel to agree to surrender the Jordan Valley had been orchestrated by former US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk. The report said that between external pressure from the US and internal pressure from the Israeli lobby and media, Mr. Kerry hopes to be able to push Israel into making the decision. Without an Israeli withdrawal from the Jordan Valley, as well as the rest of Judea and Samaria, the PA will not agree to the peace framework Mr. Kerry is promoting. According to the report, Mr. Ya’alon, annoyed and upset by this “gross American intervention” into Israeli security matters, lashed out at Mr. Kerry. It was noted that the Secretary of Defense made his remarks in private and was not expecting them to be publicized. Jews Living in the PA? There were similar aspects to the incident between Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Bennett, which occurred at the end of January. On Sunday, January 26, an unnamed source in Mr. Netanyahu’s office told reporters the Prime Minister was considering the possibility of permitting Jews currently resident in Judea and Samaria to remain in their homes and fall under the jurisdiction of the PA if a Palestinian state is actually established in that area. According to the source, Mr. Netanyahu said there is no reason for the Palestinian state to be “mono-ethnic” if it is created. This is the explanation for Mr. Netanyahu’s recent statements that he has no intention of evicting Jews from any communities in Judea and Samaria, the source said. Reasonable On the surface, the idea is reasonable. There are Arab villages and communities in Israel. Why should there not be Jewish villages and communities in Palestine? In fact, the Jews in Palestine could theoretically retain Israeli citizenship, vote in Israel, but reside under the PA, much as expatriate Americans can live in France or the United Kingdom. Currently, Israeli Arabs have the right to vote, serve in the Knesset, study in Israeli universities, share the same

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

hospitals and public facilities, and work alongside Israeli Jews. The PA on the other hand has openly declared that the future Palestinian state will preclude any Israeli-Jewish presence. Not One The PA’s chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, reacted with fury to the suggestion that Mr. Netanyahu would leave Jews in place in Judea and Samaria rather than evict them. “Anyone who says he wants to keep settlers in the Palestinian state is actually saying he doesn’t want a Palestinian state. No settlers will be allowed to stay in the Palestinian state, not even a single one, because settlements are illegal and the presence of the settlers on the occupied lands is illegal,” he said. It was a sentiment expressed many times by Mr. Abbas. Mr. Netanyahu’s office said the PA’s response proved they are not willing to make peace with Israel.

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

“Nothing reveals more the unwillingness of the PA to reach a settlement with Israel than their extreme and reckless response to this suggestion,” said the official in the Prime Minister’s office. Israeli Palestinians It was not Israel’s first attempt to suggest a new direction in the search for peace. At the beginning of January, a report in Ma’ariv said Israel had suggested to the US that as part of the peace framework, the Jewish state could transfer to the PA those areas with dense Arab populations currently inside Israel. The report specifically referred to the “Triangle,” located in east-central Israel, which includes cities and villages in which about 300,000 Arabs reside. In exchange, according to the report, Israel hoped to retain larger Jewish community blocs in Judea and Samaria. Saying No The reaction in Israel’s Arab

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community was swift and negative. MK Ahmed Tibi (Ram-Ta’al), a former adviser to the late PA Chairman Yasir Arafat and a current resident of Tayibeh, which is located in the “Triangle,” called the suggestion “a bizarre offer which treats Arab citizens as chess pieces that one can move around and change.” He did not comment on the fact that the same could be said of Jewish residents in Judea and Samaria who do not know if they will be allowed to remain in their homes. He did however insist that “no offer that involves an exchange of population will be accepted either by the ArabIsraeli community or by the PA.” His Ram-Ta’al colleague, MK Masud Ganaim called the proposal “delusional.” “This is the country and legitimate national home of Arabs and you cannot compare them to the settlers who are occupying the West Bank

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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“Beautiful: The Carole King Musical” Has Nostalgia and Jessie Mueller The most salient element in

the new Broadway musical, “Beautiful: The Carole King Musical,” now playing at the Sondheim Theater in Manhattan, is never even mentioned in the show. Didn’t anyone find it interesting that so many of the back-stage creative personalities (writers, composers, producers, promoters) during rock-and-roll’s heyday of the late 1950s and early ’60s were Jewish, and so many of the performers were black? It was a tradition that had solid roots in George Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess,” but while the current Broadway musical would have no trouble comparing Ms. King to Gershwin (they have no trouble comparing her rendition

of a Bach Prelude to “Take Good Care of My Baby”), it is only fair to say that whatever her talents, Ms. King is not George Gershwin. As portrayed by the truly marvelous Jessie Mueller, Ms. King, née Carole Klein, is a young girl whose Jewish mother wanted her to study classical piano. But as a precocious 16-yearold tunesmith, Ms. King found she was better suited to pop music, specifically rock-androll. In Ms. Mueller’s hands, her explanation to her mother that there can be artistic release and satisfaction in composing “Everybody’s doing a brand new dance/Come on, baby, do ‘The Loco-Motion,’” sounds sweetly, plaintively convincing.

Peace Process Pressures without legal or legitimate justification,” he said. In fact, the PA has been speaking for Arab Israelis, demanding that Arab-Israelis serving sentences in Israeli prisons be released along with other Palestinian terrorists who reside in the PA areas. Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman has said that without land swaps such as those suggested by the Prime Minister, there will be no agreement. Opposed to Zionism But while there is some Israeli nationalist-camp support for the land swaps, there was virtually none for Mr. Netanyahu’s proposal to allow Israelis to remain under the PA. Some left-wingers, such as Labor MK Shelly Yechimovich recognized the outrage “from the right, the left, and from the Palestinians.” But Ms. Yechimovich said she did not think it was “such a bad idea.” ““There is no reason to disqualify the very idea outright,” she insisted. “Netanyahu demanded that the negotiations

Effacing and vulnerable, Ms. Mueller is winningly credible. As Ms. King, she shows clearly that all she really wants from her husband and songwriting partner, the artistically dissatisfied Gerry Goffin (Jake Epstein), is the chance to live a happily married Jewish life— preferably in New Jersey, while they write songs like “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?” forever. The entire idea of a musicallegend biopic on Broadway is getting a bit tired. As in “Jersey Boys,” “The Buddy Holly Story,” and even in “Dreamgirls,” the end of “Beautiful” is not in doubt. She and Gerry won’t live happily ever after with their two little girls. All the exertions of their friends, the song-writing team of Barry

Mann (Jarrod Spector) and his wife, Cynthia Weil (Anika Larsen) and their producer Don Kirshner (Jeb Brown) can’t make it right. By the time the show ends, it is of course “too late, baby, now it’s too late” for the couple, but just in time for a “natural woman” to rise to superstardom, with fans eager to hear her sing her own songs to her own piano accompaniment. There is some enjoyment in watching a sanitized, speeded up version of how it happened, but the real fun is in watching Ms. Mueller and hearing the music those of us of a certain age danced to in our bedrooms and listened to on warm summer nights in cars, before they all came with air-condit ioning. S.L.R.

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will begin without preconditions, and that everything will be on the table—so why not have this option on the table?” Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Ze’ev Elkin (Likud-Beiteinu) answered her: because it is “delusional” and diametrically opposed to the Zionist concept,” he said. “Whoever is pulling the prime minister in such delusional directions wants to cause a schism between him and Likud and the entire national camp.” Recalling the incident in 2000 when two Israeli soldiers lost their way and wound up in Ramallah, only to be lynched by a Palestinian mob, Mr. Elkin said, “Only someone who can live under the illusion of ‘and the wolf shall live with the lamb’ and that the lives of hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens can be left to the mercy of the perpetrators of the lynch[ing] in Ramallah, can really believe that the security of the residents of greater Tel Aviv and central Israel can be safeguarded in case a Palestinian state is established.”

Irresponsible The chairman of the Samaria Residents Council, Benny Katzover, said that, with this idea, Mr. Netanyahu had “reached a new low.” “In the guise of enlightenment and the refusal to uproot and evict Jews from their homes, he opts for a despicable move in which he is willing to leave 100,000 Jews at the mercy of the Palestinian police,” he said. Deputy Knesset Speaker, MK Yoni Chetboun (Jewish Home) called the idea of Jews living under Palestinian sovereignty “irresponsibility on an unprecedented level.” Deputy Minister Ofir Akunis called the proposal “hallucinatory.” Deputy Defense Minister MK Danny Danon invited “whoever thinks that Jews will live under Palestinian control in Judea and Samaria…to try and visit Gaza today and understand the meaning of ‘tolerance’ in the Middle East.” Taking another tack, Likud MK Moshe Feiglin said if the Prime Minister convinces

Israelis to opt for the plan, the Jewish state should at least give the residents remaining in their homes under the PA “part of the IDF so they can defend themselves.” Peaked Fury These condemnatory, biting, and, in some cases, personal attacks prompted sources in Mr. Netanyahu’s office to suggest that “no one” was “forcing” these nationalists in the government “to stay in their posts.” “They can leave any time they want,” said the source. But, for some reason, Mr. Netanyahu’s fury peaked when Mr. Bennett weighed in. The Economics Minister called the idea “a very grave matter” that “reflects a panicked loss of values.” “Two thousand years of longing for the Land of Israel did not transpire so that we could live under Abbas’s rule,” said Mr. Bennett. In a speech at the Institute for National Security Studies, Mr. Bennett said, “Leaving Jews under foreign leadership is a 180-degree turn from Zionism.” “Why should Jews in Tel Aviv live under Jewish sovereignty, while in Hevron and Eli they are not able to live under Jewish sovereignty?” said Mr. Bennett. Ruined Scheme The sources in Mr. Netanyahu’s office claimed that of all the voices against the proposal, it was Mr. Bennett’s that ruined Mr. Netanyahu’s “clever attempt to expose the PA’s true face: Its hatred of Jews as evinced by its refusal to accept a Jewish presence in areas under its control.” According to reports in the Israeli media, Mr. Netanyahu was livid that Mr. Bennett had presumed to “teach [him] what the love of the land of Israel is.” Calling Mr. Bennett “impudent,” the Prime Minister reportedly said the Economics Minister’s behavior and “irresponsible style won’t pass in silence. This behavior of Bennett’s harms the interests of the settlements.”


February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Ultimatum Sources in Mr. Netanyahu’s office threatened that if Mr. Bennett refused to apologize, he would risk the dissolution of the current coalition government. “Netanyahu has enough alternatives. A government without Bennett will continue to concern itself with the security of Israeli citizens,” the sources said. Knesset Council Chairman MK Tzachi Hanegbi (Likud Beiteinu), who himself has been through a number of different political parties ranging from right to left, suggested that if “Bennett is unable to lie to himself and can’t give the prime minister backing, he should retire from his position.” Mr. Feiglin dismissed the entire situation as a distraction from important national issues. “The clashes between Netanyahu and Bennett are ridiculous,” he said. “The discussion should not be on who

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

insulted whom or who needs to ask forgiveness, but focus instead on the negotiations” between Israel and the PA. Livni has already declared that she will begin negotiating over Jerusalem. I recommend to Netanyahu that he stop using the arguments with Bennett as a smokescreen and approach the people over the real issues at stake.” Pointless Argument But the politician who convinced Mr. Bennett to apologize and end the mini-crisis was Minister of Transport Yisrael Katz (Likud). He pointed out that the “argument over where Jews will live in a future ‘Palestinian State’ is a pointless one.” Mr. Katz explained that the chances of an agreement with the PA are “non-existent,” and “it is therefore preferable to maintain the coalition.” Mr. Katz recalled that it was just the other day that

Mr. Abbas repeated his position: “He is willing to accept an agreement that will include ‘a just solution’ for 5 million Palestinian refugees (implementation of the ‘right of return’) and Jerusalem, including the Old City, is to be the Palestinian capital. With positions such as these, there is no chance for an agreement, so why split forces” and destroy the coalition, he asked. Apology Therefore, amid rumors that Mr. Netanyahu had a letter of termination ready to send, Mr. Bennett issued a statement noting that “in recent days, there has been a lot of discussion about the idea of the Palestinian Authority retaining sovereignty over Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and certain people from the Prime Minister’s Office have tried to turn an existential conversation into

continued on page 24

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Remembering Arik and leave out discussions of the 2005 Disengagement, when as prime minister, Mr. Sharon ordered and orchestrated the expulsion of 9,500 Jews in Gush Katif, Gaza, and part of northern Samaria, from their homes, businesses, synagogues, schools, and communities, all of which were razed to the ground. Jewish bodies were disinterred from cemeteries and reburied elsewhere. Why He Did It Some on the right believe Mr. Sharon engineered the expulsion in the mistaken belief it would bring peace; others say he did it in an effort to please the United States. There have been reports that he was convinced only an action such as the “Disengagement” would deter Israel’s powerful liberal media and judiciary from further investigating some nefarious business deals he preferred to bury. For those who were personally impacted

continued from page 1 by the “Disengagement,” such as Jewish Home MK Zevulun Kalfa, who, with his family, was thrown out of his home in Gush Katif, Mr. Sharon’s funeral elicited memories of “the suffering and shock we are still trying to overcome.” “There is not a day that I do not think about what we lost, and that includes the day of Ariel Sharon’s funeral,” he said. Gush Katif Day On January 23, less than two weeks after Mr. Sharon’s funeral, volunteers who want to preserve the memory of the destroyed Jewish communities in Gaza, marked the eighth annual Gush Katif Day as a commemoration of the tragedy. The day—the 22nd of Shevat on the Hebrew calendar—is the anniversary of the founding of Netzer Hazani, the first civilian Jewish community in Gush Katif.

Peace Process Pressures personal attacks [on the Prime Minister] that were never there.” Mr. Bennett said if the Prime Minister was hurt by his remarks, “that was never my intention,” and stressed that he respects Mr. Netanyahu’s leadership under “not so simple conditions.” He acknowledged that Mr. Netanyahu “is under immense pressure, but though he was apologizing for his remarks, he maintained the right to criticize. “I support the Prime Minister like I have to and I criticize him like I have to.

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The date also commemorates the march from Gaza to Jerusalem, undertaken in 2005, by residents of Gush Katif, all dressed in their signature orange, who were hoping the demonstration might help save their homes. According to the organizers of Gush Katif Day, which is celebrated in many religious-Zionist schools in Israel as well as in dozens of secular ones, the focus is not on the destruction of the Gush Katif communities. The day’s chief purpose is to remind students of the 35 years of Gush Katif’s existence. Love and Beauty According to Shifra Shomron, a volunteer who runs Gush Katif Day programs in several schools, the challenge is to teach children who are too young to remember anything about the Disengagement. “What we are trying to do is help

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It is my obligation,” he concluded. After delivering his statement, he claimed that his prompt criticism of the proposal had “nipped in the bud” an action that could have resulted in the “unacceptable abandonment of more than half a million Israelis.” Who Did It? In the aftermath of the dust-up, more than a few observers wondered why Mr. Netanyahu reacted as he did. A senior coalition member, speaking anonymously to Arutz Sheva, said the entire incident

was “engineered” by a senior member of Mr. Netanyahu’s team for the express purpose of driving a wedge between the two men. “There was absolutely no reason” for the unnecessary conflagration, said the source, adding that it had gone “beyond a joke and became an embarrassment.” Deputy Transportation Minister Hotovely, one of many nationalist politicians who defended Mr. Bennett, did not buy Mr. Netanyahu’s excuse that the proposal was just a tactic to expose the PA. “There’s no need for political juggling and acrobatics to prove to the world” that Mr. Abbas is demanding the release of murderers as part of the peace talks, doesn’t recognize the Jewish state of Israel, “and has declared that Palestine will be judenrein,” she said. “There’s no need to take of the mask. There is no mask. Every process like this that the prime minister calls a tactic erodes the basic ideology that caused the people in Israel to choose him to lead this country.” A poll taken after the mini-crisis showed that if elections were to be held, Mr. Netanyahu’s Likud Beiteinu would lose one seat and drop to thirty, while Mr. Bennett’s Jewish Home would jump to seventeen seats, five more than he has in the current Knesset. S.L.R.

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The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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them remember the beauty of Gush Sharon’s status as a nemesis of Palestinian Lebanon’s Social Affairs Minister Wael Katif, the innocence, the love, the fact terrorist groups. Even earlier, however, he Abu Faor expressed hope that “Palestinians that everyone helped each other, the had developed a reputation as fighter may feel some sense of comfort from Sharon’s Torah world that existed there, and the against terror. In the 1950s, he established passing.” He referred to the massacre of educational institutions,” said Ms. Shomron. a special combat unit to deal with crossPalestinian Arabs in the Lebanese refugee She said many of those virtues exist border terror attacks from Jordan and camps of Sabra and Shatila during the in the new communities established by Egypt. 1982 First Lebanon War. Gush Katif residents since the expulsion. But Gaza and Lebanon Mr. Sharon, who served as Defense “We still hope to return to Gush Katif and, Hamas, whose control of Gaza would Minister at the time, did not order the one day, rebuild what we had,” she said. not have been possible without Mr. Sharon’s strike on the camps. That was carried out Wanting It Canceled “Disengagement,” recognized the former independently by Lebanese-Christian The far-left wing organization Peace prime minister not as the founder of their Phalangists, many of whom had suffered Now issued a futile call to cancel Gush Palestinian mini-state, but, rather, as “a grievously themselves at the hands of Katif Day. Peace Now director Yariv criminal whose hands were covered with Muslim-Palestinian terrorists. Oppenheimer called the Gush Katif Day Palestinian blood.” continued on page 26 programs “right-wing propaganda” The Pesach Destination You Love... and “manipulative.” First Time In Concert Taken To A Whole New Level... Mr. Oppenheimer, who has expressed pleasure at the recent increasing international pressure on   Israel, complained that the material shown to students on Gush Katif Day KUNSTLER BOIANGIU “contains no mention of the difficult defense situation, or the demographic reality on the eve of the Disengagement, or the price Israel paid over the years in which it maintained settlements in the Gaza Strip,” he said. According to the Friends of Gush Katif website, only 65 percent of the former residents of Gush Katif have found permanent housing since the Disengagement. Larger Than Life None of the Arab groups who celebrated Mr. Sharon’s death had anything to say about Gush Katif Day. Palestinian leaders blamed him not only for his larger-than-life role in Israel’s defensive wars against its  neighbors and for his later efforts to build communities throughout Israel •Entire Property Stunningly Renovated •Family, Group & Private Sedarim Available and fight terror, but also for what & Exclusively Ours •Day Camp/Teen Program & Babysitting they believe was his responsibility •The Mouthwatering Delicacies of •Sephardic Minyan Available for the death in 2004 of former PA Creations Catering •FamilyFun Programming Including Chairman Yasser Arafat. This is part •Lavish Kiddushim & Tearooms Hosted Grimmy Family Circus, Face Painting, of a conspiracy theory with no basis by Concierge Yaakov of Yaffe Caterers in fact propagated by the PA. •State Of The Art Spa, Fitness & Wellness Carnival, Magic & Exotic Animal Shows, Day Trips & More During the 2000-2005 Second Centers, Indoor Pool/Jacuzzi, Tennis, Intifada, when Palestinian terrorists •Singles/Shadchan Events W/Sharon Ganz Basketball & More from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza regularly •Inspired & Inspiring Speakers & Scholars; Dov & Shani Hikind, Rabbi Yale Butler, targeted Israeli civilians in deadly attacks, Dr. Mordechai Gampel, Rabbi Rafael Grossman, Hank Sheinkopf Plus Others! then-Prime Minister Sharon undertook an GLATT KOSHER/CHOLOV YISROEL/SUPERVSION BY RAV ZUSHE BLECH intensive counterterrorism campaign— CALL TODAY FOR EARLYBOOK & GROUP RATES Operation Defensive Shield—which was largely successful in crippling the terrorist infrastructure throughout the (845) 794-6000 • (800) 431-1273 • (718) 575-3962 • territories. The campaign cemented Mr. ly


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Pesach 2014



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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Remembering Arik The 1983 Israeli Kahan Commission, appointed to investigate the incident, found that Israeli military personnel were aware that a massacre was in progress and failed to take serious steps to stop it. Thus, the commission said, Israel was indirectly responsible, and Mr. Sharon bore personal responsibility “for ignoring the danger of bloodshed and revenge,” forcing him to resign. Jewish Celebration Despite all the Arab expressions of joy in and outside of Israel, only one sort of celebration bothered the Jewish

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continued from page 25 state’s Interior Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich. Reports that some Jews had published notices calling for celebrations on the occasion of Mr. Sharon’s death prompted Mr. Aharonovich to order Israeli police to open an investigation. According to reports, notices of “warm congratulations to Ariel Sharon on his death” were posted at the Torat Chaim Yeshiva in Yad Binyamin near the coast, just east of Ashdod. The Yeshiva had been destroyed by Mr. Sharon twice, first in his expulsion of Jews from Yamit in the Sinai and later, when it was uprooted

from Neve Dekalim in Gush Katif during the “Disengagement.” The notice on the yeshiva quoted from writing by the 12th Century CE sage Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon (Rambam) on apostates and informers: “We don’t mourn for apostates and informers, but rather their brothers and kinsmen wear white and wrap in white, eating, drinking and celebrating,” wrote Rambam. The understanding was that, for the yeshiva, this described Mr. Sharon. Calling the Police Rabbis of the Torat Chaim Yeshiva were not involved in the posted notice and had it removed when informed about it. Nevertheless, Mr. Aharonovich, who has been responsible for preventing Jews, including MKs, from ascending to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, called the incident at the yeshiva “contemptuous management” and said he did not intend to allow “criminal activity like this” to pass. After his comments were publicized, numerous other posters appeared in various sites in Israel and on the Internet similarly expressing joy. Mr. Aharonovich’s stated intention to investigate all of them prompted an outcry from the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, which argued that there is no law against expressing joy at the death of anyone. “Freedom of speech includes freedom to say outrageous and tasteless things. It is not the job of the Israel Police to act as ‘thought police.’ I find it a matter of serious concern that the minister in charge of enforcing the law does not know the limits of the law,” said Avner Pinchuk, an attorney for the organization. Pro Bono Legal Aid Attorneys Itamar Ben-Gvir and Baruch Ben-Yosef offered their legal services free of charge to any Israelis arrested for having made such comments. Explaining that they personally did not agree with such expressions of joy, the attorneys said, “In a country that has determined freedom of expression as the core element of democracy, and whose Supreme Court has acquitted, on more than one occasion, those who praise ‘intifada’ and the murder of Jews on claims of free speech, clearly there is no infringement of the law in expressing joy.” The attorneys joined calls for Mr.

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

Ganei Tal, Gush Katif, before the summer of 2005 Ganei Tal after it was razed to accomplish so much building Minister Naftali Bennett Aharonovich’s removal from in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, praised Mr. Sharon’s military office. “He is using his position achievements and consciously because he always managed to silence people and spread skipped all criticism of the to control the Israel Lands fear among those wishing to 2005 “Disengagement.” Benny Administration (ILA). exercise their rights of free Katzover, chairman of the “No matter what ministry speech,” they said. grassroots Samaria Residents’ he ran, he insisted on including Those on the left in Israel, Council, expressed his sorrow the ILA in his jurisdiction, and including the media, generally at Mr. Sharon’s passing and he was thus able to provide the praised Mr. Sharon, although most recalled his personal friendship support the new communities acknowledged his mixed legacy. with the former prime minister, and towns needed to grow “The Bulldozer” developed while working and thrive,” he said. In general, neither together to establish Jewish Mr. Hendel recalled Mr. nationalists in Israel nor their communities in Samaria. Sharon’s successful efforts to supporters abroad celebrated According to former MK and overcome the Israeli bureaucracy Mr. Sharon’s passing, although Gush Katif activist Tzvi Hendel, and outwit leftist groups such his death elicited a variety Mr. Sharon, whose nickname as Peace Now in order to push of responses. Jewish Home was “The Bulldozer,” was able the agenda of growth in Jewish Chairman and Economics

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communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Too Painful For many on the right, however, the “Disengagement”— Mr. Sharon’s last major political act—loomed too largely and painfully to be overlooked. Former MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari wrote on his Facebook page that “history judges the results.” He said that when Mr. Sharon faces the “heavenly court” the tension will be between his “initial military accomplishments in defending the country” and the “dozens of destroyed communities in Yamit and Gush Katif,” who will come “and shed their tears and affronts,” labeling Mr. Sharon as “a seemingly right-wing leader who doggedly defends Israel’s security but, in the end, brings tragedy and disaster to Israel by turning left politically.” “When the right-wing ideology is security-based,

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

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The Log: Do It Now

The Taglit-Birthright Israel program has expanded eligibility for its free 10-day trips to Israel for Jewish young adults ages 18-26. Teenagers who went on an educational trip to Israel during high school were previously not eligible for Birthright trips, but can now participate, call 1-888-994-7723 Yachad is seeks two outstanding recent college graduates for its one year (Aug 2014Aug 2015) Yachad Jewish Communal Leadership Fellowship program. Fellows will work as part of a dynamic multidisciplinary team aimed to meet the social and inclusion needs of Jewish individuals with diverse disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders, developmental challenges, deaf and hard of hearing, physical disabilities, and medical and mental health needs. The stipend is $25,000 plus benefits. The application deadline is March 20.

Shabbat, Feb 8

Ba’al Tefillah Eitan Katz, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, 9am, 201-801-9022 Seudah Shlishit, Communal Havdala, and Making a K’toret and Mizbeach Box for B’samim, Steven Frankel of Machon HaMikdash, Cong Darch Noam, Fair Lawn, 4pm, 201-773-4080 Study Group: “The Thought of Rabbi Tzadok from Lublin,” Prof Alan Brill, private home in Teaneck, 4pm, Bnai Akiva Snif (Shabbat Afternoon Groups), for grades 1-6, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, 4:15pm, pscheininger@ Pearls of Prayer, for girls, includes seudah shlishit, Riverdale Jewish Center, after mincha, 718-548-1850 Challenges a Couple Faces in Taharat Hamishpacha, Yoetzet Halacha Shoshana Samuels, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, 4:45pm, “Loving by Learning from All People,” Rabbi Reuven Taragin, Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 5pm, 201-907-0180

Motzei Shabbat, Feb 8

Mikdash Shabbat Melva Malka: A View of the Temple Institute, learn about and make Ketoret, Cong Darch Noam, Fair Lawn, 7:15pm, Highland Park/Edison Connects Women’s Potluck Melave Malka, spons by the Highland ParkEdison Welcoming Committee, private home in Highland Park, 7:30pm, 732-249-5116 Frisch Yeshiva High School Dinner, Marriott Glenpointe, Teaneck, 8pm, aviella.bareket@ “An Evening of Trivia, Fun, and Friendships for Adult Siblings of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities,” spons by OHEL, at Cong Shomrei Emunah, Englewood, 8pm, 718-686-3492 Red Carpet Panoply, includes buffer dinner, black-tie optional, spons by the Young Israel of Teaneck, at the Jewish Center of Teaneck, 8pm, yiotsisterhood@ Sassi and Shalom Jazz, at Smokey Joe’s, Teaneck, 8pm, 201-836-7427 “Women for the Wall: Orthodox Women’s Struggle to Preserve the Sanctity of the Kotel,” Leah Aharoni, Cong Ahavas Israel, Passaic, 8:30pm, 973-777-5929 Eitan Katz and Band in Concert, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 8:30pm, Reva L’Sheva, with Yehuda Katz, in concert, spons by the Carlebach Minyan of Passaic/Clifton, private location in Passaic, 8:30pm, 973-458-8310 Café Tif: Multi-Media Trivia Game, Cong Tifereth Israel, Passaic, 8:30pm, 973-773-2552

Sun., Feb 9

Daughters of Israel Woman of Valor Breakfast Celebration, honoring Stacey Katz, Cong Sons of Israel, Manalapan, 9:30am, 732446-3000 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Freedom for All,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100 “My Journey Back to Judaism: Attraction and Obstacles in My Private and Profes-

sional Life and the Decline of Jews Identifying with the Jewish Religion (according to the Pew Report),” Rabbi Jared Viders, includes breakfast, Van Cortlandt Jewish Center, Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-884-6105 “Color Me Mine” Pottery Event, make a cup, plate, vase, or bowl to benefit Kulanu Yachad, Elmora Hills Minyan of the Jewish Educational Center, Union, 10:30am, 908-289-3445 or 908-337-0860 Children’s Circle, for specialneeds children, includes music, art, baking, story-time, sports, and entertainment, spons by the Friendship Circle, Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, noon, 201-262-7172 Teen Circle, for special-needs young adults 12-21, high school volunteers, spons by the Friendship Circle, Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, noon, 201-262-7172 “Creating a Positive School Environment for Diverse Learners,” a professional development conference, Dr. Howard Muscott, Rick Lavoie, Rabbi Yaakov Aichenbaum, Dr. Joel Dickstein, Dr. Karen Gazith, and Dr. Jeffrey Lichtmen, includes workshops: “Creating a Positive School Climate, Dr. Howard Muscott, 1pm; other workshops include: “Supporting Students with Learning Issues in the Mainstream Classroom,” “Creating the Brain-Friendly Classroom,” “Building Classroom Management Systems of Positive Behavior Support,” “Last One Picked—First One Picked On,” “Dyslexia Research and Challenges,” and “Using Technology to Teach Diverse Learners Limudei Kodesh,” Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 12-9pm 212-6138127 or 551-404-4447 The Maccabeats, in concert, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 12:45pm, 845-362-4400 Kids in Action, for children ages 6-12, Chabad Center, Wayne, 1pm, 973-694-6274 “Movie, Smoothies, and Free Play,” for children ages 5-10, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 1-3:30pm, 718-796-4730 Father-Son Event, spons by the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, at Space Odyssey,

Englewood, 1:30pm, 201-986-1414 Friendship Circle Bowling League, for special-needs children, their siblings, and volunteers, Van Houten Lanes, Clifton, 1:45pm, Makhalet HaMerkaz Jewish Choir of Central NJ Winter Concert, includes dessert reception, Cong Sons of Israel, Manalapan, 3pm, 732-446-3000 Bat Mitzvah Club International, for girls ages 11-13 from throughout NJ and NY, Chaya Kanelsky, private home in Elizabeth, 4pm, 908-463-3347 or 908-662-2722 “Israeli Night,” with Israeli foods and musical entertainment, Young Israel of Margate, 5pm, 609287-2412 or 702-673-7180 Sinai Special Needs Institute Benefit Dinner, honoring David and Marjorie Bernstein, William and Gail Hochman, Cantor Joseph and Beatrice Malovany, Stuart Kahan and Yossie Markovic of Ma’adan Caterers, and Aryeh and Arielle Sheinbein, Marriott Glenpointe, Teaneck 5:15pm, 201-833-1134 Jewish Girls Club, for 8th grade girls, Rebbetzin Mussie Mangel, Chabad House, Cherry Hill, 5pm, 856-874-1500 “Is It Legit? Steering Your Way through Everyday Ethical Dilemmas: Responsibility,” for teens, Rabbi Mendy Mangel, Chabad House, Cherry Hill, 5pm, mussie@ Cong Ohr Torah Shul Dinner, honoring Moshe and Glenda Sherman and Zev and Rachelle Stern, at the shul, Edison, 5:30pm, 732-777-6840 “The Work of the Michael Levin, z”l, Lone Soldier Center in Israel,” Ari Kalker, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 5:45pm, 718796-4730 ext 104 Mitzvah Volunteer Program, for boys and girls in 6th grade who want to work with special-needs children, spons by the Friendship Circle, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 6:30pm, 201-262-7172 Rockland and Bergen County Adoptive Families Meet-Up and Support Group, for those who have already adopted or are in the process of adopting, internationally and domestical-

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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“Separate Yourself Not from the Community” ly, private home, 7:30pm, www. “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Freedom for All,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshe Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 718-839-5296 Pirkei Avot, student run and led, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 9pm, 732-545-2407

Mon., Feb 10

“Creating a Positive School Environment for Diverse Learners,” a professional development conference, Dr. Howard Muscott, Rick Lavoie, Rabbi Yaakov Aichenbaum, Dr. Joel Dickstein, Dr. Karen Gazith, and Dr. Jeffrey Lichtmen, includes workshops: “It’s So Much Work to Be Your Friend: Social Success,” Rick Lavoie, 9am; “When Elephants Fight, It’s the Grass That Gets Trampled,” Rick Lavoie, 4pm; other workshops include: “The Social Aspects of Learning Disabilities,” “Kriah (Reading) for Struggling Students,” “No More Meltdowns: Managing and Preventing Challenging Behaviors,” “Study Skills:

2013 Program was Sold Out!

How to Become an Active Listener,” “Teaching to Multiple Student Intelligences,” “The List: A Practical Way to Teach Chumash,” and “STEM and NAO: Robotics in Education,” Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 8am-5:30pm; 212-613-8127 or 551-404-4447 Seminar with Charlie Harary, includes private appointments, spons by Ohr Nava, private location in Monsey, 10am-3pm, 718-647-6228, also Tues., Feb 11, 10am-3pm “Love Poetry in Song: Shir Hashirim and Beyond,” Cantor Lambert Hayut, JCC, Tenafly, 11:15am, 201-408-1455 “Jewish Education: How We Afforded It for Our Kids and What We Can Do for Our Grandkids,” spons by the Orthodox Union and STAJE, at Cong Rinat Yisrael, 11:30am, 201-4167742 or Chef Stu Kosher Sushi Making, Rabbi Ely Allen, Ramapo College Hillel, Mahwah, 1pm, 201820-3905 Mitzvah Volunteer Program, training 6th graders how to interact with special-needs children,

Best Self in a Selfie Generation,” Rabbi Tzvi Sytner, spons by the Jewish Education Program of Rockland, honoring Zeldy Gertzulin, Dina Katzwer, Bassy Resnik, and Tali Silverstone, private home in Monsey, 8pm, 845-425-7556 “Healthy Living Seminar: Healthy Relationships—Love Shouldn’t Hurt,” Gregory Yellin, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 8pm, 732-545-2407

spons by the Friendship Circle, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 6:30pm, 201-262-7172 Caregivers Support Group, for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, 201-569-7900 “Birthdays Done Jewishly,” for women, includes designing and decorating mini-confections with Maureen Klein and crafting handmade cards with Pamela Hoffman and Meg Rourke, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 856-874-1500 Hebrew Club, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 7:30pm, 732545-2407 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Freedom for All,” Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, Chabad of West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-486-2362; Rabbi Dov Drizin, Valley Chabad, Woodcliff Lake, 8pm, 201-476-0157 Yachad Parent Support Group, for parents of specialneeds children, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 8pm, Ladies Tea: “Becoming Your

Tues., Feb 11

Caregivers Support Group, for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, JCC, Tenafly, 10:30am, 201-569-7900 Café Europa: “The Lost Synagogues of Europe,” Andrea Strongwater, for Holocaust survivors, transportation available, Fair Lawn Jewish Center, 11am, 973-595-0111 Lunch and Learn, for seniors, Rabbi Avrohom Herman, Jewish Educational Center, Elizabeth, lunch, 11am; parsha study, 11:30am, 908-527-9815 “Medicare Fraud and How to Protect Yourself,” Tunde Akin-

continued on page 30







Glatt Kosher and Cholov Yisroel Catering by

“Besser Foods”

Mon. April 14 Wed. April 23, 2014



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The Log

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

continued from page 29

rolabu, includes lunch, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 11:15am, 973-7361407 ext 240 Lunch and Learn, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 12pm, 201-568-1315 Chef Stu Kosher Sushi Making, Rabbi Ely Allen, William Paterson University Hillel, Wayne, 12:45pm, 201-820-3905 Meet and Greet, Cake Company, Teaneck, 6pm, 201-530-7555 Chabad Women’s Connection: Learning, Conversation, and Camaraderie: Born to Lead,” for women, Malkie Herson, Chabad Jewish Center, Basking Ridge, 7:30pm, “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Freedom for All,” 7:30pm, Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 201-886-1238; Chabad of Nyack, 845-356-6686 Zumba, for women, Cong Sons of Israel, Manalapan, 7:30pm, 732-446-3000 Mom’s Night Out, for mothers of special-needs children, spons by the Friendship Circle, private homes in Bergen County, 8pm, 201-262-7172 “Become a Loving and Logic Parent: Practical Skills That Can Be Used Immediately,” Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW, ASHAR, New City, 8pm, 845-641-5094 Amos: An Introduction to Biblical Prophecy: “Fiddling While Israel Burns: Amos 6 and Institutionalized Partying,” Dr. Shalom Holtz, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 8pm, 732-247-0532 Parenting Workshop, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8pm, 201-568-1315 “What Is It Like to Be a Prophet? Delivering and Composing the Word of Hashem, Seen through the Lens of Sefer Yonah,” for men and women, Rabbi Jeremy Donath, Cong Darchei Noam, Fair Lawn, 8:15pm, 201-773-4080 Taglit-Birthright Israel Info Session, Livingston Student Center, Piscataway, 8:15pm, 732-545-2407 “Women for the Wall,” for women, Leah Aharoni, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 8:30pm,


Wed., Feb 12

Sharsheret Pink Day: “The Talk,” a national cancer genetics campaign developed for young adults on college campuses to raise awareness about the increased risk of hereditary breast, ovarian, and related cancers in Jewish families, programs at Rutgers University, Rowan University, Stern College For Women, Yeshiva University, Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy /Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School, 866-474-2774 “Mikvah,” for women, Rabbi Yisroel Teichman, Cong Ateres Rosh, Spring Valley, 10:30am, 845362-0545 “Where Is Home? How a Childhood in East Germany during World War II Shaped My Adult Life,” Anneros Balensi, Riverdale YMHA, 10:30am, 718-548-8200 MetroWest Book Club: “The Lost Wife” by Alyson Richman, The Woodlands Clubhouse, West Orange, 11am, 973-530-3421 Lunch and Learn: “The Leo Frank Case,” Prof Benjamin Nelson, Young Israel of Fort Lee, noon, 201-592-1518, 201-849-5382, or 201-944-6350 “Chef Stu Kosher Sushi Making,” Rabbi Ely Allen, Fairleigh Dickinson University Hillel, University Chapel, Teaneck, 1pm, 201-820-3905 Teen Scene: Sports and Athletics, for special-needs young adults ages 13-21, with high school volunteers and Coach Chanan, spons by The Friendship Circle, Torah Academy of Bergen County, Teaneck, 6pm, 201-262-7172 Out and About Trip, for special-needs teens, spons by The Friendship Circle, 6pm, 201262-7172 JCC Book Club: The Attack by Yasmina Khadra, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 7pm, 845-362-4400 Abused Women’s Confidential Support Group, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:15pm, 201-837-9090 Mom’s Support Group, for mothers of children with special needs, Beth Giladi, LSW, spons by Jewish Family Service of MetroWest, JCC, West Orange, 7:30pm,

973-765-9050 or 973-929-3129 “Loaves of Love: The Art of Challah Baking,” for women, Chabad of Fort Lee, 7:30pm, 201886-1238 Film: “Brave Miss World: Linor Abargil, Miss Israel,” followed by facilitated discussion, Rutgers Student Center, New Brunswick, 7:30pm, 732-545-2407 Camp Keshet Information Center, for parents of children ages 2- 4th grade, another division for grades 5-8, and, in partnership with Yachad for specialneeds children, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 7:30pm, 212-6138369 or 732-991-6110 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Freedom for All,” Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 856-874-1500; Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan, Chabad House, Franklin Lakes, 8pm, 201-848-0449 Tehillim Group, Cong Shaare Tefillah, Teaneck, 8:15pm, 201-2895474, 917-902-9303, or 201-836-3431 Conversation on the Pew Research Center Report: Is It Good or Bad News for the Jewish Community? What Can We Do about It?” Conservative Rabbi Reuven Kimmelman, Jeremy Fingerman, Orthodox Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, and Reform Rabbi David Widzer, JCC, Tenafly, 8:15pm, 201-408-1426

Thurs., Feb 13

Jewish Business Network for Jewish Professionals and Entrepreneurs, includes business card exchange, discussion of haves/needs in business, and light breakfast, CASE Museum, Jersey City, 8:30am, Somaich Achim Jewish Family Services Food Pantry Program non-perishable food and consumer items and produce available free of charge or for a nominal fee, volunteers needed, too, Cong Adas Israel, Passaic, 9:30am-1:30pm; 8-9pm, 973-246-7717 “Chef Stu Kosher Sushi Making,” Rabbi Ely Allen, Bergen Community College Hillel, Paramus, 12:30pm, 201-820-3905 “Standing Up: A Memoir

of a Funny (Not Always) Life,” Marion Grodin, JCC, Tenafly, 1pm, 201-408-1454 “My Family Story: A Collaboration with Beit Hatzfutzot Israel,” in English and Hebrew, for ages 11-13, JCC, Tenafly, 5pm, 201-408-1427 Mishmor, for special-needs and normally developing boys and girls in grades 2-5, includes study with rabbinic students, help with homework, stores, sports, and refreshments, Friendship Circle, Livingston, 6:30pm, 973-251-0200 MetroWest Book Club: “The Lost Wife” by Alyson Richman, Carol Berman; JCC, West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-530-3421 TeleCourse: “Proper Conduct Bein Ish L’Ishto behind Closed Doors,” Rabbi Manis Friedman, 9pm, 260-786-5669

Fri., Feb 14

“Happy Days: A Look at Jewish Joy,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at the Egg Harbor Twnshp Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 Chazan in Residence, Cantor Shimmy Miller, includes Friday Shabbat dinner, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, though Shabbat, Feb 15, 732-247-3038 or 732-572-5613 Rabbi Motty Berger, scholar-in-residence, Passaic Torah Institute, through Shabbat, Feb 15, 973-594-4774 Bnai Akiva of NY and NJ High School Shabbaton, Young Israel of East Brunswick, through Shabbat, Feb 15, robinjoshowitz@gmail. com or Rabbi Chaim Marcus and Members of Cong Israel of Springfield, at Cong Ahavat Shalom of the Teaneck Apartments, services at Torah Academy of Bergen County, through Shabbat, Feb 15, “The Case of the Sour Pickles: The Role of Secular Law in the Beit Din Process,” includes questions and answers, Rabbi Shlomo Weissman, scholar-inresidence, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 7pm, 973-736-1407 Oneg Shabbat, for grades 3 and up, private home in Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201-692-3956 “How Can Our Day Schools, Shuls, and Families Inspire Our Children,” Rabbi Perry Tirschwell, private home in Teaneck, 8pm, 201-530-0043 or 212-929-1525 x105

Shabbat, Feb 15

“I Wish I Understood Everything I was Saying,” Rabbi Steven Weil, Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 9am, 201-907-0180 Educational Prayer Service, spons by the Jewish Learning Experience, includes discussions and commentary, prayers in English and Hebrew transliteration, at Cong Zichron Mordechai, Teaneck, 9:45am, 201-966-4498 or 201-836-4334 Rabbi Shlomo Weissman, scholar-in-residence, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, “The Prenuptial Agreement after 20 Years,” 10:30am; “Pshara Krova Lidin: Strict Law vs Equity in Jewish and Secular Jurisprudence,” seudah shlishit, 973-736-1407

Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15

Shiur, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Young Israel of Riverdale, 7:30pm, 718-548-4765 Film: “The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers Levi Eshkol and Golda Meir,” spons by the Orthodox Forum, Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, 8pm, Ani L’Dodi: An Evening of Commitment, Signing of halachic post-nuptial agreement, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8pm, 973736-1407 Fatback and the Urban Ploughboys, at Smokey Joe’s, Teaneck, 8pm, 201-836-7427 Tween and Teen Trivia Bowl, for grades 5-12, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 8pm, mairov@ Cantor Shimmy Miller accompanied by Mezamrim and Motti Miller, in concert, with the Ohav Emeth Players, at Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 8:15pm, 732-572-5613 Tiferes Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, for women, inspirational video, private home in Edison, 8:15pm, Siegelmom@ Cong Knesses Yisrael Shul Dinner, featuring the KBY Boys

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Choir, at the shul, New Hempstead, 8:30pm, 845-354-6493

Sun., Feb 16

Shiur, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Cong Shaare Tefillah, Teaneck, 9:15am, 201-357-0613 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Judaism of Our Own Choosing,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100 “Attached at the Heart: Parenting and Work/Life-Balancing,” for women, the Rebbetzins of Highland Park-Edison, includes brunch and babysitting, questions can be submitted to myturntoask@, at Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 10am, 732-626-5883, 732-393-1588 or 732-391-8695 Trip to Rebounderz in Edison, for children ages 5-12, spons by Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 10am, Haifa Symphony Orchestra, with conductor Boguslaw Dawidow and pianist Roman Rabinovitz, State Theatre of NJ, New Brunswick, 3pm, 732-246-7469 Trip to Funplex, for grades 1-5, includes games, rides, arcade, and pizza dinner, leave Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 5:30pm, Film: “The Prime Ministers: The Pioneers,” Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 7pm, 732-545-2407 Hadassah Book Club: “No Joke” by Ruth Wisse, private home in Highland Park, 7:30pm, 732545-3127 Haifa Symphony Orchestra, with conductor Boguslaw Dawidow and pianist Roman Rabinovitz, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 8pm, 845-362-4400 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Judaism of Our Own Choosing,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshe Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 718-839-5296

Mon., Feb 17 Presidents’ Day

Deadline for Early Bird Special Rates for NORPAC Mission to Washington, DC, on Wed., April 30, or 201-788-5133 Parent-Child Learning, begins with Shacharis and breakfast,

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 9am, 973-736-1407 Film: “Rabbi Hanoch Teller,” Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 10am, 201-907-0180 Snow Tubing, for families, children must be at least 5 years old and 42 inches tall, spons by Cong Beth Abraham of Bergenfield, at Mountain Creek, Vernon, noon, 201-384-0434 Film: “Reb Elimelech and the Chassidic Legacy of Brotherhood,” with Rabbi Hanoch Teller, Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 7:30pm, 201-791-7676 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Judaism of Our Own Choosing,” Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, Chabad of West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-486-2362; Rabbi Dov Drizin, Valley Chabad, Woodcliff Lake, 8pm, 201-476-0157 Girls Night Out: Glass Decorating, Abbey Wolin, make a bowl or a vase, Cong Ahawas Achim, Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8pm, 973-736-1407 or Taglit-Birthright Israel Info Session, Rutgers Hillel, New Bruns-

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wick, 8:30pm, 732-545-2407 TeleCourse: “Proper Conduct Bein Ish L’Ishto behind Closed Doors,” Rabbi Manis Friedman, 9pm, 260-786-5669 Support Group for Parents of Young Adults with Disabilities in Transition, Chani Herrmann, Yachad office, Teaneck, 9:15pm,

Tues., Feb 18

Registration Opens for The Israel Lacrosse Association’s free 10-day Taglit-Birthright trip this June, including touring and teaching the sport to young Israelis, and competing in exhibition games against the Israeli men’s and women’s national teams, 800-606-0416 “Greatest Jewish Composers through Music and Voice: Gershwin, Kern, and Rodgers and Hammerstein,” Gary Chattman, Riverdale YMHA, 10:30am, 718-548-8200 “The Yiddish Cinema,” Rabbi Jeff Lipschultz, JCC, Margate, 10:30am, 609-822-1167 ext 138 “Shake It Up: Video and Arcade Games at Dave and Busters,” for special-adults ages 21

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

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and up, spons by Yachad, leave Yachad office, Teaneck for Palisades Mall, Nyack, 5pm, 201-833-1349 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Judaism of Our Own Choosing,” 7:30pm, Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 201-886-1238; Chabad of Nyack, 845-356-6686 Amos: An Introduction to Biblical Prophecy: “What the Prophet Saw and How he Prayed: Amos 7 and 8,” Dr. Shalom Holtz, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 8pm, 732-247-0532

Wed., Feb 19

Last Day to Apply for Free Taglit-Birthright Israel Trip with Shorashim and Jewish National Fund, for young Jewish adults 18-26, visit Registration begins for Jewish Federation of Northern NJ and Israel Outdoors Free TaglitBirthright Israel Tour, those 18-22 travel in May; those 22-26 travel in June, 201-820-3936 Taglit-Birthright Israel Registration, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 10am, 732-545-2407 Tomchei Shabbos of PassaicClifton Volunteers Needed, for packing and delivery, warehouse in Passaic, women and girls, 6pm; men and boys, 7pm; drivers, 8pm, Support Group: Strength to Strength, for parents whose children, 15-25, are dealing with chemical dependency, psychological disorders, and/or co-occurring issues, Dr. Jeffrey Berman, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, 201-408-1403 or 201-569-7900 “Sanctuary in Time: A New Outlook on the Workweek,” for women, Dinie Mangel, Chabad in Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 856-874-1500 “The Hebrew Mamita

Comes to Rutgers,” Vanessa Hidary, Rutgers Student Activities Center, New Brunswick, 7:30pm, 732-545-2407 ext 405 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Judaism of Our Own Choosing,” Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 856-874-1500; Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan, Chabad House, Franklin Lakes, 8pm, 201-848-0449 “Chicks with Sticks Knitting Circle,” hats for preemies, children with cancer, and IDF soldiers in Israel, private home in Highland Park, 8pm, 732-339-8492 Shomer Shabbos Boy Scout Meeting, for boys in 6th grade or 11 years old and up, Bais Medrash L’Torah, Rabbi Davis’s shul, Passaic, 8pm, Makhela Israeli-Style Choir, for those who can read and sing in Hebrew, Zvi Klein, JCC, Tenafly, 8pm, 201-569-7900 Jewish-American Experience in Literature: “Summer in Williamsburg, a Novel by Daniel Fuchs,” discussion moderated by Marshall Wilen, at Cong Darchei Noam, Fair Lawn, 8:15pm,

Thurs., Feb 20

“Torah Scroll Factory,”, Rabbi Ely Allen, Bergen Community College Hillel, Paramus, 12:30pm, 201-820-3905 “New Forms of Ethnic Traditions: Israel in the 21st Century,” Hebrew University Prof Galit Hasan-Rokem, spons by the Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life, at the Douglass Campus Center, New Brunswick, 4pm, 848-932-2033 TeleCourse: “Proper Conduct Bein Ish L’Ishto behind Closed Doors,” Rabbi Manis

The Log is a free service provided to the Jewish community in northern and central New Jersey, Rockland County and Riverdale. Events that we list include special and guest lectures, concerts, boutiques, dinners, open houses, club meetings, and new classes. Announcements are requested by the 25th of the month prior to the month of the event. Due to space and editorial constraints, we cannot guarantee publication of any announcement. Please email them to :

Friedman, 9pm, 260-786-5669

Fri., Feb 21

Winter Camp, for specialneeds children ages 5-16 and volunteers in grades 8 and up, spons by the Friendship Circle, at the Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls, Teaneck, 10am3pm, 201-262-7172 “Sanctuary in Time: A New Outlook on the Workweek,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at the Egg Harbor Twnshp Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 Davening and Shabbat Dinner, Cong Shaare Tefillah, Teaneck, 5:15pm, 973-735-7941 Italian-Style Shabbat Dinner, includes songs and performances lef by the Girls Hebrew School class, Chabad Center of Passaic County, Wayne, 6pm, 973-694-6274 Yehoshua November, Poetin-Residence, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, through Shabbat, Feb 22, Yachad Shabbaton, Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, through Shabbat, Feb 22,, or

Shabbat, Feb 22

Shabbat Shalem, in honor of Jewish Disability Month, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 973-736-1407 “Child Abuse Issues,” Victor Vieth, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 11:30am, 718-796-4730 Study Group: “The Thought of Rabbi Tzadok from Lublin,” Prof Alan Brill, private home in Teaneck, 4pm, Pearls of Prayer, for girls, includes seudah shlishit, Riverdale Jewish Center, after mincha, 718-548-1850

Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22

Paintball, for adults and children over 10 with a parent, spons by Young Israel of East Brunswick, at All-Star Paintball Arena, Spotswood, 7pm, markdweissman@comcastnet Film: “Aftermath,” spons by the NJ Jewish Film Festival, includes discussion and wineand-dessert reception, JCC, West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-530-3417 Cong Netivot Shalom of Teaneck Dinner, honoring Justin and Robin Straus and Debra Passner,

8pm, Hadassah L’Dor v’Dor Bananagrams Game, private home in Highland Park, 8pm, 908-227-4869 Meet the Members, spons by ATARA, Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 8pm, 201-907-0180 Jersey Po-Boys Pre-Mardi Gras Concert, at Smokey Joe’s, Teaneck, 8pm, 201-836-7427 “Art and the Artist’s Role from a Torah Perspective,” Rabbi Gil Simchi and the fine art and calligraphy of Pamela Simchi, includes refreshments, Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:30pm, 201-791-7676 Panoply, with sushi dinner and dessert, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 8:30pm, renazelig@ Wine Sale, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8:30pm, 201568-1315 Cong Beth Abraham of Bergenfield Couples Bowling, at Bowler City, Hackensack, 9pm,

Sun., Feb 23

Visit to the Matzah Bakery, leave Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:30am, 201-791-7676 One-Day Trip to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and WWII Memorial in Washington, DC, for educators and survivors, leave Katz JCC, Cherry Hill, 9am, Early Childhood Education Fair, at the Frisch Yeshiva High School, Paramus, 9-11:45am; “Penny and the Puppettes,” 9:30am and 10:30am, 201-820-3917 Parent-Child Craft Project, includes story and snacks, Cong Shaare Tefillah, Teaneck, 9:30am, 201-357-0613 Men’s Club Breakfast, Cong Sons of Israel, Manalapan, 9:30am, 732-446-3000 Last Day to See Exhibit: “Judaism: A Visual Conversation,” featuring the works of Linda Coppelson, Jo Jochnowitz, Rachel Kanter, Gene Lowinger, Jennifer Moses, and Milt Ohring, JCC, West Orange, Mon-Thurs, 9am-9pm; Fri, 9am-4pm; Sun, 10am-5pm, Jan 12-Feb 23, 973–530–3413 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—The Jewish Vote,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100 Queens College Hillel Open House, Uri Cohen, for high school juniors, seniors, and their parents, private home in Teaneck, 10:30am, 718-793-2222 or 201-310-8964 “Women’s Role in the Purim Story,” for women and girls in Middle School and older, Danielle Goldstein, includes brunch and babysitting, Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange, 10:30am, 973-669-7320 Rep Scott Garrett (R-NJ), spons by NORPAC, private home in Upper Saddle River, noon, 201788-5133 Children’s Circle, for specialneeds children, includes music, art, baking, story-time, sports, and entertainment, spons by the Friendship Circle, Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, noon, 201-262-7172 Teen Circle, for special-needs young adults 12-21, high school volunteers, spons by the Friendship Circle, Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, noon, 201-262-7172 “Movie, Smoothies, and Free Play,” for children ages 5-10, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 1-3:30pm, 718-796-4730 Jewish Girls Club, for 8th grade girls, Rebbetzin Mussie Mangel, Chabad House, Cherry Hill, 5pm, 856-874-1500 Cong Beth Aaron of Teaneck Journal Dinner, honoring Roz and Ira Friedman and Barbara and Kal Feinberg, at Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 5pm, 201-836-6210 “Is It Legit? Steering Your Way through Everyday Ethical Dilemmas: Parents,” for teens, Rabbi Mendy Mangel, Chabad House, Cherry Hill, 5pm, CPR Course, Charlie Wohlberg, includes CPR skills, choking relief, and use of a defibrillator, spons by Riverdale Hatzalah EMS, private location in Riverdale, 6pm, JACS Meeting, 12-steps meeting for Jews in recovery, Rabbi Steven Bayar, Cong B’nai Israel, Millburn, 6pm, 973-379-3811 “My Family Story: A Collaboration with Beit Hatzfutzot Israel,” in English and Hebrew,

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

for ages 11-13, with Israeli Consul for Public Affairs Gil Lainer, JCC, Tenafly, 6:30pm, 201-408-1427 Musical: “On Fire,” for women and girls, by the Reenas Bais Yaakov High School, at the Forum Theatre, Metuchen, 6:30pm, 732-985-5646 Kosher Gluten-Free Baking Class, for women and girls, Elaine Bodenheimer, featuring hamantaschen, cream-filled chocolate cupcakes, and apple-cinnamon muffins, private home in Riverdale, 7pm, 718-601-6138 “Our Jerusalem: To Rebuild and Rejuvenate Jerusalem through American Friends of Ateret Cohanim/Jerusalem Chai,” Shani Hikind, Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 7:30pm, 732-247-3038 “Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof: How Do We Teaneck the Value of Social Justice to Yeshiva High School Teens?” Rivka Kahan, private home in Englewood, 7:30pm, 201-503-0402 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—The Jewish Vote,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshe Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 718-839-5296 Pirkei Avot, student run and led, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 9pm, 732-545-2407

Mon., Feb 24

Winter Camp, for specialneeds children ages 5-16 and volunteers in grades 8 and up, spons by the Friendship Circle, at the Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls, Teaneck, 10am3pm, 201-262-7172 Smile on Seniors, for senior men and women, includes brunch, Chabad House, Wayne, 11:30am, 973-694-6274 “Ask the Rabbi: Afterlife,” Rabbi Ely Allen, Ramapo College Hillel, Mahwah, 1pm, 201-820-3905 Mitzvah Volunteer Program, for boys and girls in 6th grade who want to work with special-needs children, spons by the Friendship Circle, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 6:30pm, 201-262-7172 Film: “The Harmonists,” discussion with Harold Chapler, JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm, 201-569-7900 Hebrew Club, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 7:30pm, 732545-2407

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

Elder Care Planning Seminar, Ruthie Weinerger, Cong Adas Israel, Passaic, 7:30pm, 973-773-7272 Elder Care Planning Seminar, Ruthie Weinerger, Cong Adas Israel, Passaic, 7:30pm, 973-7737272 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—The Jewish Vote,” Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, Chabad of West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-486-2362; Rabbi Dov Drizin, Valley Chabad, Woodcliff Lake, 8pm, 201-476-0157 “Become a Loving and Logic Parent: Practical Skills That Can Be Used Immediately,” Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW, ASHAR, New City, 8pm, 845-641-5094 TeleCourse: “Proper Conduct Bein Ish L’Ishto behind Closed Doors,” Rabbi Manis Friedman, 9pm, 260-786-5669

Tues., Feb 25

“What Are Bubbe Meises: Jewish Practices, Traditions, and Superstitions, from the Torah, Talmud, Rabbis, Teachers, and Bubbies,” Chaim Lauer, includes lunch, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 11:15am, 973-736-1407 ext 240

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Film: “Scream Bloody Murder,” examines how the world has fallen short of stopping genocide since the Jewish Holocaust, Mercer County Community College, West Windsor, noon, 609-586-4800 “Ask the Rabbi: Afterlife,” Rabbi Ely Allen, William Paterson University Hillel, Wayne, 12:45pm, 201-820-3905 “Holocaust, Genocides, and Violence: Posters, Photographs, and Representations,” Mercer County Community College, West Windsor, 4pm, 609-586-4800 Yeshivat Noam Dinner, Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 6pm, 201261-1919 “Raising a Self-Reliant Child,” Dr. Alanna Levine, Rockland JCC, West Nyack, 7pm, 845-354-2121 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—The Jewish Vote,” 7:30pm, Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 201-886-1238; Chabad of Nyack, 845-356-6686 Zumba, for women, Cong Sons of Israel, Manalapan, 7:30pm, 732-446-3000 Amos: An Introduction to Biblical Prophecy: “The Proph-

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

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et and Society: Amos 7:10-17,” Dr. Shalom Holtz, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 8pm, 732247-0532 “What Is It Like to Be a Prophet? Delivering and Composing the Word of Hashem, Seen through the Lens of Sefer Yonah,” for men and women, Rabbi Jeremy Donath, Cong Darchei Noam, Fair Lawn, 8:15pm, 201-773-4080

Wed., Feb 26

Film: “From Shtetl to Swing,” discussion with David Aaron, JCC, Tenafly, 11:15am, 201-408-1455 Sephardic Cooking Demonstration and Tasting, Chef Jean Duroseau, Jewish Home in River Vale, 12:30pm, 201-666-2370 “Ask the Rabbi: Afterlife,” Rabbi Ely Allen, Fairleigh Dickinson University Hillel, University Chapel, Teaneck, 1pm, 201-820-3905 “Prejudice in Schools and Colleges,” Sam Marder, Riverdale YMHA, 1:15pm, 718-548-8200 Second Generation, for children of Holocaust Survivors, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7pm, 201-837-9090 Abused Women’s Confidential Support Group, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:15pm, 201-837-9090 “Navigating the Health Insurance Bureaucracy,” for fathers of special-needs children, Scott Leshin, Jewish Family Service, Florham Park, 7:30pm, 973-929-3129 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—The Jewish Vote,” Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 856-874-1500; Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan, Chabad House, Franklin Lakes, 8pm, 201-848-0449 “Blessed Beginnings: Are

Birthdays Meaningless?” for women, Dinie Mangel, Chabad in Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 856-874-1500 Tehillim Group, Cong Shaare Tefillah, Teaneck, 8:15pm, 201-2895474, 917-902-9303, or 201-836-3431

concert, Prudential Center, Newark, 7pm, Challah-Making with the Challah Fairy, Jessica Alpert Goldman and Jessica Spiegel, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, 201-569-7900

Somaich Achim Jewish Family Services Food Pantry Program non-perishable food and consumer items and produce available free of charge or for a nominal fee, volunteers needed, too, Cong Adas Israel, Passaic, 9:30am-1:30pm; 8-9pm, 973-246-7717 Caregivers Support Group, for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, JCC, Tenafly, 11am, 201-569-7900 “Jewish Views on Issues Facing Seniors,” Rabbi Gary Katz, JCC, Tenafly, 11:15am, 201408-1455 “Ask the Rabbi: Afterlife,” Rabbi Ely Allen, Bergen Community College Hillel, Paramus, 12:30pm, 201-820-3905 Cooking Circle, for specialneeds children ages 5-12 and their siblings, spons by the Friendship Circle, Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls, Teaneck, 5:30pm, 201-262-7172 Mishmor, for special-needs and normally developing boys and girls in grades 2-5, includes study with rabbinic students, help with homework, stores, sports, and refreshments, Friendship Circle, Livingston, 6:30pm, 973-251-0200 “Antisemitism in the 21st Century: An Ongoing Threat,” Ryan Murray, JCC, Bridgewater, 7pm, 908-725-6994 Jewish Heritage Night: Devils vs Columbus Blue Jackets ice hockey game and a Maccabeats

CTeen Shabbaton, for grades 9-12 (14-18), a weekend in NYC with Chabad, includes meeting Jewish teens from around the country, a tour of NYC, an Alex Clare Concert, and all meals, transportation provided, call Chabad of Passaic County, 973-694-6274 or Chabad of Cherry Hill, 856-874-1500 ext 302, through Sun., March 2 “Blessed Beginnings: Are Birthdays Meaningless?” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at the Egg Harbor Twnshp Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 Rabbi Jeffrey Saks, scholarin-residence, Cong Anshe Chesed, Linden, through Shabbat, March 1, 908-486-8616 Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger, Rabbi Tanchum Cohen, and Members of Cong Beth Abraham of Bergenfield, at Cong Ahavat Shalom of the Teaneck Apartments, services at Torah Academy of Bergen County, through Shabbat, March 1, Friday Night Seudah, with Dr. Shnayer Leiman, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 5:15pm, 732-247-0532 Carlebach Davening: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 5:30pm, 201-833-0515 Chabad Community Shabbat Dinner, Chabad House, Ventnor, 5:30pm, 609-992-4100 Adult Friday Night Dinner: The Legacy of Ariel Sharon, for those 12 and over, Rabbi Yossi Raskin, Chabad of Fort Lee, services, 5:35pm; dinner and program, 6:45pm, 201-886-1238 Rabbi Dr. Moshe Tzvi Weinreb, Scholar-in-Residence, Friday night dinner, Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange, 6pm; also on Shabbat, March 1, at morning services and seudah shlishit, 973-669-7320 Rabbi Paysach Krohn, scholar-in-residence, Cong Arzei Darom, Teaneck, through Shabbat,

Thurs., Feb 27

There Is Always Something Happening in the Jewish Community! Check our website http://www.JewishVoiceAndOpinion.Com for classes, shiurim, lectures, and events that came in after issue went to print! Updated daily!

Fri., Feb 28

March 1, 201-530-0043 Yachad-Yeshivat Noam Shabbaton, at Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, through Shabbat, March 1, 201-837-2795 Yachad Shabbaton, Young Israel of East Brunswick, includes Friday night dinner, Shabbat lunch, through Shabbat, March 1, 732432-8024

Shabbat, March 1

Carlebach Minyan, Cong Darchei Noam, Fair Lawn, 8:45am, Tefilat Shlomo: The Carlebach Tefila of Riverdale, includes light and healthy Kiddush, at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 9am, 718-796-4730 Educational Prayer Service, spons by the Jewish Learning Experience, includes discussions and commentary, prayers in English and Hebrew transliteration, at Cong Zichron Mordechai, Teaneck, 9:45am, 201-966-4498 or 201-836-4334 Rabbi’s Tish: “Hillel’s Ideals Reworked and Restated: A New Debate on Campus Hillels on Sponsoring Speakers Who Deny Israel’s Right to Exist,” Rabbi Lawrence Zierler, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 11:45am, 201-833-0515 Study Group: “The Thought of Rabbi Tzadok from Lublin,” Prof Alan Brill, private home in Teaneck, 4pm, Carlebach Minyan, after mincha, Torah Academy of Bergen County, 4:30pm, 347-443-2199 “Sages and Commoners in the Talmud: A Tuition Crisis in Antiquity,” Rabbi Tully Harcsztark, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, 5:10pm, Bnai Akiva Snif (Shabbat Afternoon Groups), for grades 1-6, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, 5:15pm, pscheininger@

Motzei Shabbat, March 1

Shiur, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Young Israel of Riverdale, 7:30pm, 718-548-4765 Siyyum Mishnayot for Zayin Adar Melave Malka, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 8pm, 973736-1407 or Melave Malka and Post- Nuptial Agreement Singing Party, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 8pm, 718-796-4730 Moriah School of Englewood Dinner, honoring Roni and Yehuda Blinder, Debby Prince, Dr. Michal Agus, and Dr. Elliot Prager, at Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 8:30pm, 201-567-0208

Sun., March 2

Jewish National Fund’s Alternative Spring Break: Free 7-Day Trip to Israel, for college students and young adults ages 18-30, 212-879-9305 ext 245 Areyvut Clowing Program, for adults and students in grade 6 and up, with the Friendship Circle, Livingston, 9:30am, 201-244-6702 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—AntisemitismFree Jewish Identity,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100 7-11, for children ages 7-11 who have difficulties reading social cues or navigating social situations, such as those with ADHD and Asperger’s, Dr. Avigael Wodinsky, includes strategies for emotion regulation, friendship skills, understanding thoughts and feelings, conversation and social-problem solving skills, spons by The Friendship Circle, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 10am, 201-262-7172 Bikur Cholim of Raritan Valley Brunch, featuring Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, at Pines Manor, Highland Park, 10:30am, 732287-2222 Purim Carnival, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 11am-1pm, 973-736-1407 Grandmother-MotherDaughter Event, Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, River Edge, 11am, 201-986-1414 Purim Costume Gemach, donate or buy a “new-to-you costume,” Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 1-5pm, 732-572-9192 Kids in the Kitchen, for boys ages 5-8 and girls ages 5-10, spons by Anshei Lubavitch, private home in Fair Lawn, 1:30pm, Cong Sons of Israel Trip of Manalapan to Watch Hockey: the NJ Devils vs San Jose Sharks, at the Prudential Center, Newark, 3pm, 732-792-1096

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

“Is It Legit? Steering Your Way through Everyday Ethical Dilemmas: Kindness and Forgiveness,” for teens, Rabbi Mendy Mangel, Chabad House, Cherry Hill, 5pm, Cong Shaare Tefillah of Teaneck Dinner, honoring Naomi and Aaron Mandelbaum and Nina and Dan Bieler, 5:30pm, 201-357-0613 Cong Shomrei Torah of Fair Lawn Dinner, honoring Ann and Joel Pogolowitz, Sara and Rabbi Andrew Markowitz, and Rachel and Judah Rabinowitz, at the shul, Fair Lawn, 5:30pm, 201-819-6431 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—AntisemitismFree Jewish Identity,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshe Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 718-839-5296

Mon., March 3

Deadline for Applications for JCC Israel Program Scholarships, for students in grades 9-12 who are planning to travel to Israel in the summer of 2014 or participate in the March of the Living, JCC, Tenafly, 201-408-1469 or 201-569-7900 “Israel Community Service,” Rabbi Ely Allen, Ramapo College Hillel, Mahwah, 1pm, 201-820-3905 Mitzvah Volunteer Program, for boys and girls in 6th grade who want to work with special-needs children, spons by the Friendship Circle, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 6:30pm, 201-262-7172 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Antisemitism-Free Jewish Identity,” Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, Chabad of West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-486-2362; Rabbi Dov Drizin, Valley Chabad, Woodcliff Lake, 8pm, 201-476-0157 “Become a Loving and Logic Parent: Practical Skills That Can Be Used Immediately,” Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW, ASHAR, New City, 8pm, 845-641-5094 Friendship Circle Volunteer Orientation, for prospective student volunteers, who want to work with special-needs children, and a parent, Cong Beth Tefillah, Paramus, 8pm, 201-262-7172 SAR Academy Bnai Mitzvah

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

Fair, for 5th grade girls, 6th grade boys, and their parents, facilitated by Areyvut to help students learn ways to be involved in community service locally, nationally, and internationally, SAR, Riverdale, 8:20-9:20pm, 201-244-6702

Tues., March 4

“Israel Community Service” and Schwarma, Rabbi Ely Allen, William Paterson University Hillel, Wayne, 12:45pm, 201-820-3905 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—AntisemitismFree Jewish Identity,” 7:30pm, Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 201-886-1238; Chabad of Nyack, 845-356-6686 Pregnancy and Newborn Loss Support Group, Holy Name Medical Center, Teaneck, 8pm, 201-833-3058 Cong Ahavas Achim Sisterhood Book Club: “Me before You” by JoJo Moyers, private home in Highland Park, 8:30pm, 732-572-6741

Wed., March 5

Webinar on Experiential Learning: “Including SpecialNeeds Students into a Limudei Kodesh Classroom and Curricula: Using Technology to Teach Diverse Learners, Batya Jacob, spons by Yachad, 12 noon, yachad. org/webinar or 212-613-8127 “In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist,” Ruchama King Feuerman, spons by Dor LeDor, includes lunch, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, noon, 201-568-1315 “Israel Community Service,” Rabbi Ely Allen, Fairleigh Dickinson University Hillel, University Chapel, Teaneck, 1pm, 201-820-3905

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BRCA Seminar: Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer, especially for Ashkenazic women, JCC, Tenafly, 5pm, 201-569-7900 Tomchei Shabbos of PassaicClifton Volunteers Needed, for packing and delivery, warehouse in Passaic, women and girls, 6pm; men and boys, 7pm; drivers, 8pm, Contemporary Israeli Poetry Group, in the original with English translation and discussion, Atara Fobar, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 7pm, 718-796-4730 Support Group: Strength to Strength, for parents whose children, 15-25, are dealing with chemical dependency, psychological disorders, and/or co-occurring issues, Dr. Jeffrey Berman, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, 201-408-1403 or 201-569-7900 Jewish 12-Step Meeting, JACS—Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201837-9090, ask for IRA (Information and Referral) or 201-981-1071 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Antisemitism-Free Jewish Identity,” Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 856-874-1500; Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan, Chabad House, Franklin Lakes, 8pm, 201-848-0449 “Simple Pleasures: A Unique Outlook on Gratification,” for women, Dinie Mangel, Chabad in Cherry Hill, 7:30pm, 856-874-1500 Shomer Shabbos Boy Scout Meeting, for boys in 6th grade or 11 years old and up, Bais Medrash L’Torah, Rabbi Davis’s shul, Passaic,

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Log

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continued from page 35

8pm, Women’s Circle Networking Initiative, in Hebrew, JCC, Tenafly, 8pm, 201-569-7900 Makhela Israeli-Style Choir, for those who can read and sing in Hebrew, Zvi Klein, JCC, Tenafly, 8pm, 201-569-7900 “Ethics in the Field: An Inside Look at the Israeli Defense Forces,” Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 8pm, 732-545-2407

Thurs., March 6

“Stories of Jewish New York,” Marty Schneit, JCC, Tenafly, 11:15am, 201-408-1455 “Israel Community Service,” Rabbi Ely Allen, Bergen Community College Hillel, Paramus, 12:30pm, 201-820-3905 Out and About Trip, for special-needs teens, spons by The Friendship Circle, 6pm, 201262-7172 Girl Teen Volunteers Night Out, for those who volunteer to work with special-needs Jewish children, spons by The Friendship Circle, private home in Teaneck, 7pm, 201-262-7172 Kosher Fiesta Mexicana, Chef Michael Wolf, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, 201-408-1457

Fri., March 7

Challah Baking, for grandparents and grandchildren ages 2-3, JCC, Tenafly, 11:45am, 201569-7900 “Simple Pleasures: A Unique Outlook on Gratification,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at the Egg Harbor Twnshp Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 18th Annual Shabbat Across

America, the National Jewish Outreach Program asks American and Canadian Jews to invite Jewish friends, relatives, or co-workers to their homes for Shabbat, 646-871-0021

Shabbat, March 8

Pearls of Prayer, for girls, includes seudah shlishit, Riverdale Jewish Center, after mincha, 718-548-1850 Family Seuda Shlishit, includes meal with singing, Divrei Torah, kid-friendly food, Ma’ariv and musical Havdala, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 4:30pm, 973-736-1407

Motzei Shabbat, March 8

Jewish National Fund’s Alternative Spring Break: Free 7-Day Trip to Israel, for college students and young adults ages 18-30, 212-879-9305 ext 245 “Iran, Syria, WMDs, and the Legality of Preemptive Strikes,” Jerusalem Post Legal Affairs Correspondent Jeremy Bob, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 8pm, 718796-4730 Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls Scholarship Dinner, honoring Mark and Bracha Bluman, Ernie and Sallie Levi, and Abbie Rabin, 8pm, 201-833-4307 ext 265 “Iran, Syria, WMDs, and the Legality of Preemptive Strikes,” Jerusalem Post’s Jeremy Bob, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 8pm, 718-796-4730 “Tiny Dynamo: How One of the Smallest Countries Is Producing Some of Our Most Important Inventions,” Marcella Rose, JCC, Tenafly, 8:30pm, 201-408-1427

Sun., March 9

Teleconference: Bilvavi

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Mishkan Evneh: Chaburah on the Energies of the Chodesh, for women, Rabbi Itamar Schwartz, 9:30am, 973-246-5223 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Purpose for All Mankind,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100 Sen Chris Coons (D-DE), spons by NORPAC, private home in Riverdale, 10am, 201-788-5133 Jewish Educational Center Elmora Ave Shul Sisterhood Spring Boutique, includes clothes, jewelry, books, etc, at the JEC, Elizabeth, 10am-3pm, Debbie@ Areyvut Mitzvah Clown Session, for students and adults in 6th grade and up, Jewish Home at Rockleigh, 10:30am, 201-244-6702 Purim Costume Gemach, donate or buy a “new-to-you costume,” Cong Ohav Emeth, Highland Park, 10am-2pm, 732-572-9192 Cooking for Purim Mishloach Manot, in Hebrew, for parents and children ages 3-8, Chef Ayelet Nathaniel, JCC, Tenafly, 11am, 201-569-7900 Purim Carnival, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, 11am, info@ Purim Carnival, includes bouncy houses, games, food, prizes, and more, costumes encouraged, Bayonne JCC, 12-3pm, 201-436-6900 Purim Palooza, performances, bounce house, arts and crafts, face-painting, food, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 1-3pm, 845-362-4400 Purim Carnival, includes inflatable mountain climber, baseball speed pitch, petting zoo, GaGa (Israeli dodge ball), face-painting, hair-braiding, music, and food, JCC, Bridgewater, 1-4pm, 908725-6994 ext 201 Ametz Adoption Program, for adoptive parents or parentsto-be, Marci Schwartz, MSW, includes childcare, Nanuet Hebrew Center, 1:30pm, 212-558-9949 Karate Circle, for specialneeds children ages 5-12 and their siblings, spons by the Friendship Circle, at Kang’s Martial Arts Center, Teaneck, 4pm, 201-262-7172

Mitvah Volunteer Program Finale, for boys and girls in 6th grade who want to work with special-needs children, spons by the Friendship Circle, Kang’s Martial Arts, Teaneck, 4pm, 201-262-7172 Bat Mitzvah Club International, for girls ages 11-13 from throughout NJ and NY, Chaya Kanelsky, private home in Elizabeth, 4pm, 908-463-3347 or 908-662-2722 Jewish Girls Club, for 8th grade girls, Rebbetzin Mussie Mangel, Chabad House, Cherry Hill, 5pm, 856-874-1500 Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David Dinner, honoring Mindy and Kenny Saibel, Natalie and Robert Lichtman, Feigy and Josh Cantor, Sarah and David (z”l) Katz, and Toby (z”l) and Harry Katz, Wilshire Grand Hotel, West Orange, 5:30pm, 973-736-1407 Yeshiva Gedola of Passaic Dinner, Sheraton Meadowlands, East Rutherford, 5:30pm, 973472-6100 “Ladies Got Talent: An AllFemale Talent Show,” for women, Mt. Sinai Jewish Center, Washington Hts, Manhattan, 7pm, 212-568-1900 or Rockland and Bergen County Adoptive Families Meet-Up and Support Group, for those who have already adopted or are in the process of adopting, internationally and domestically, private home, 7:30pm, www. Composer and Singer Rebecca Teplow in Concert: “Tfillot/Prayers and Kaveh/Hope,” JCC, Tenafly, 7:30pm, 201-408-1418 “To Be a Jew in the Free World: To Struggle for Identity in Modern Times—Purpose for All Mankind,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshe Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 718-839-5296 Pirkei Avot, student run and led, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 9pm, 732-545-2407

Mon, March 10

Deadline to Submit Art for the Artists Contest: “Water: The Essence of Our Lives,” Tell a story about water through your art, for artists from North Jersey and Nahariya, Israel, 201-820-3908 Y

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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New Classes This Month Sundays

Davening and Bikur Cholim at Daughters of Miriam in Clifton, meet at Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:15am; davening, followed by breakfast and bikur cholim, 8:45am, Sefer Melachim, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, 8:30am, Israeli Dance, for girls in grades 3-4, Jodi Senter, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 9am, 201-384-0434 “Kabbalah and the Parsha,” “Practical Jewish Law,” and “Practical Prayer—How to Follow the Prayer Book and the Order of Prayer Services,” Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100 ext 10 Lox ‘n’ Learn, Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 10am, 201-886-1238 Israeli Dance, for girls in grades 1-2, Jodi Senter, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 10am, 201-384-0434 Support Group for Married Couples or Singles in a Serious Relationship, participants can come with or without their partners, Pride Center, Highland Park, or by telephone, 7pm, 732-890-6312 Cong Ohav Emeth of Highland Park Teen Bowling League, for individuals or teams of four, at Stelton Lanes, Piscataway, 7pm, Shidduch Group, for women and girls to present documents on singles who are looking for shidduchim, private home in Tenafly, 7:30pm,


“Chassidus,” Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 8:15am, 201-886-1238 Continuing Jewish Education for Women: Intermediate, Sara Yankelewitz, spons by Neve Passaic Torah Institute, private home in Monsey, 10:30am, 908-278-4059 Continuing Jewish Education for Women: Beginners, Leah Roberts, spons by Neve Passaic Torah Institute, private home in Monsey, 11am, 908-278-4059 Shiur, for men, Rabbi Yossi Strassfeld, Yeshiva Ohr Simcha, Englewood, 11am, 201-221-5323 Zumba, spons by Cong Darchei Noam, private home in Fair Lawn, 5pm, Relationship-Building Class: Social Skills Program on Communication and Conversation Skills, for adults ages 21 and up, spons by Yachad, at Yachad, Teaneck, 6pm, 201-833-1349 “Widows and Widowers: You Are Not Alone,” Judy Brauner, LCSW, JCC, Tenafly, 6pm, begins Feb 24, 201-569-7900 Shomer Shabbat Boy Scout Troop, for boys in grades 6-12, Scoutmaster Daniel Chazin, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201833-0515

Continuing Jewish Education for Women, Sara Yankelewitz, spons by Neve Passaic Torah Institute, private home in Teaneck, 7:30pm, 908-278-4059 Uncoupling: Coping with Divorce and Separation,” Judy Brauner, LCSW, JCC, Tenafly, 7:45pm, begins Feb 24, 201-408-1456 “Gleaning from the Parsha,” Rabbi Benjamin Yudin, Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:10pm, 201-791-7676 “Ethics of Business and the Work Place,” Rabbi Yaakov Weinstein, Young Israel of East Brunswick 8:30pm, 732-254-1860 Midrash of the Week, Rabbi Akiva Weiss, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 9:30pm, 732-545-2407


“Prophetesses, Queens, and Villains: Exploring Women in Tanach,” Aliza Weinberg, Yeshiva Noam, Paramus, 9:45am, Hebrew Calligraphy, Jay Greenspan, JCC, Tenafly, 10am, 201569-7900, begins Feb 11 Intermediate Yiddish, JCC, Whippany, 12:30pm, 973-530-3519, begins March 4 Young Teens Program, Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 6pm, 201-886-1238 Frum Alateen Meeting, Ricky Wisotsky, for girls ages 9-19, who have friends or family with addiction (i.e. codependency, internet addiction, gaming, ocd, food addiction, eating disorders, internet addiction,

continued on page 38

Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to the Bar Mitzvah Boys: Aden Cohen, Jordan Dyckman, Israel Gulko, Yehudah Kamelhar, Inbal Katz, Tuvya Macklin, Noam Mayerfeld, Joey Paley, Yedidya Schechter, Boaz Simantov, Shalom Simon, Thorin Spiegelman, Noam Stein, and Yosef Teitelbaum; and the Bat Mitzvah Girls: Ayelet Aranoff, Abigail Cohn, Tamar Fineberg, Zahava Giloni, Shoshana Kaminetzky, Eliana Kravetz, Julia Langman, Hannah Nussbaum, Hannah Samuel, and Devora Slonim Mazal Tov to the JEC’s Rav Teitz Mesivta Academy Boys High School in Elizabeth on its successful blood drive that netted 84 pints of blood for the NJ Blood Services. Mazal Tov to 12th graders Dani Mazorosky, Yosef Kramer, and Avichai Wacsburg, and 11th graders Azriel Kimmel, Bentzi Engel, and Noah Botvinik Mazal Tov to Rachel Meier, 16, daughter of Dr. Ronny and Elizabeth Meier of Teaneck, for making and selling chocolate favors to benefit Yad Eliezer, which feeds the hungry in Israel. Rachel is especially concerned about babies. She can be reached at Mazal Tov to Alyse Neumark Rozenberg on being inducted into the Orthodox Union’s Ben Zakkai Honor Society Mazal Tov to the Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva in Edison on placing as one of the winners in the Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education’s 7th grade science virtual activity. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Menachem & Rebbetzin Sarah Genack on the birth of a new grandson, Avraham. Mazal Tov to the parents Rabbi Yitzi & Rebbetzin Shoshana Genack Y

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

New Classes

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continued from page 37

or substance abuse), Cong Tifereth Israel, Passaic, 7pm, 973-249-7435 Bible and BBQ, spons by NCSY, at Park Place restaurant, Highland Park, 7:30pm, 732-565-1234 Gemara Class: Prohibitions of Shabbat, Rabbi Nussbaum and the Highland Park Community Kollel, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 8:30pm, 732-254-1860 Daf Yomi B’iyun, Rabbi Shlomo Landau, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 8:45pm, 732-254-1860 Advanced Kabbalah, Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 9pm, 201-886-1238


Sefer Ha-Chinuch, for women, Rabbi Benjamin Yudin, Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 9:15am, 201-791-7676 “15-Minute Bible Study: The Book of Samuel,” Dr. Marty Cohen, Jewish Federation of Rockland, West Nyack, 9:15am, 845-3624200, begins Feb 26 Continuing Jewish Education for Women, Goldie Cohen, spons by Neve Passaic Torah Institute, private home in Passaic, 9:15am, 908278-4059 “Issues in Israeli Society,” Leslie Goldress, Jewish Federation of Rockland, West Nyack, 9:30am, 845-362-4200, begins Feb 12 “Bible Study: The Book of Samuel,” Dr. Marty Cohen, Jewish Federation of Rockland, West Nyack, 9:30am, 845-362-4200, begins Feb 26 “The Thought and Theology of Rav Kook,” for women, Rabbi Yaakov Weinstein, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 9:45am, 732-254-1860 Teen Scene, for special-needs teens ages 13-21, spons by The Friendship Circle, The Frisch Yeshiva High School, 6pm, 201-262-7172 “Understanding the Siddur and Tefillah,” Rabbi Chaim Poupko, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8pm, 201-568-1315 In-Depth Talmud Class, Rabbi Yaakov Weinstein, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 8:30pm, 732-254-1860 Shabbat Shabbaton: The Mitzvot of Shabbat and Their Manifold Themes,” Rabbi Itamar Rosensweig, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8:45pm, 201-568-1315 “Lights along the Way: Explorations of Sefer Mesilat Yesharim,” Rabbi Mordechai Gershon, Cong Ahavath Torah, Englewood, 8:45pm, 201-568-1315 Gemara Shiur: Tractate Megillah, Rabbi Akiva Weiss, Rutgers Hillel, 9pm, 732-545-2407 Gemara Betza, Rabbi Benjamin Yudin, Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 9:15pm, 201-791-7676 Weekly Intermediate/Advanced Gemara Iyun: Masechet Megillah, Rabbi Akiva Weiss, Rutgers Hillel, 10pm, 732-545-2407


“Chassidus,” Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 8:15am, 201-886-1238 “Do unto Others: A Nuanced Analysis of the Torah View on Social Justice,” Rivka Kahan, Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls, Teaneck, noon, 201-833-4307 ext 265, begins Feb 27 Yiddish Club, Rabbi Gerald Friedman, JCC, Tenafly, 1:30pm, 201408-1418

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Shiur, for men, Rabbi Yossi Strassfeld, Yeshiva Ohr Simcha, Englewood, 2pm, 201-221-5323 Advanced Yiddish, JCC, Whippany, 7pm, 973-530-3519, begins March 6 Older Teens Program, Rabbi Meir Konikov, Chabad of Fort Lee, 7pm, 201-886-1238 Yiddish for Beginners, JCC, Whippany, 8:10pm, 973-530-3519, begins March 6 Cholent Night Shmooze, Rabbi Benjamin Yudin, Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:30pm, 201-791-7676 Yeshivat Heichal HaTorah Program, Rabbi Pesach Skulnick, at Beis Medrash of Bergenfield, Hachana Seder, 8:30pm; ma’ariv, 9:15pm; chaburah, 9:30pm, Boys Learning, with Yoni Sherman and Adam Barouk, spons by NCSY, private home in Highland Park, 9pm, Chumash Shiur, Rabbi Yissocher Frand, via satellite, Cong K’Hal Zichron Mordechai, Monsey (845-356-7188);Young Israel of Fair Lawn (201-797-1800); Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck (201-907-0180); Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange (973-669-7320); Cong Tifereth Israel, Passaic (973773-2552); Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park (732-247-0532); Kehillas Bais Yehudah, Wesley Hills, (917-623-4711), Cong Knesses Yisrael, Spring Valley (845-354-6493); Cong Bais Torah, Suffern (845-352-1343), 9pm Parsha Chumash and Rabbi, Rabbi Benjamin Yudin, Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 9:15pm, 201-791-7676 Cooking with Nataly, Rebbetzin Nataly Weiss, spons by Rutgers Hillel, private home in New Brunswick, 9:30pm, 732-246-0207


Zumba, spons by Cong Darchei Noam, private home in Fair Lawn, 8am,


Kabbalah, Rabbi Moshe Schapiro, Chabad of Hoboken, 9am, 201-562-7116 Weekly Haftorah, for boys in grades 4-6, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 7:45pm, 201-836-8916

Motzei Shabbat

Navi, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, live via satellite, Young Israel of Fair Lawn (201-797-1800); Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park (732247-0532); Cong Tifereth Israel, Passaic; JEC, Elizabeth (908-591-5929); Cong Khal Zichron Mordechai, Monsey (845-356-7188); Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck; Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange (973-669-7320), Cong Bais Torah, Suffern (845-352-1343), 7:30pm Parenting Teens Support Group, for parents of teenagers, private home in Passaic, 8pm,

Special Mondays through Fridays

Halacha Class: Aruch HaShulchan by Rabbi Yechiel Epstein, Joshua Blachorsky, Rutgers Hillel, New Brunswick, 9am, 732-545-2407

New Minyanim

Ma’ariv, Monday-Thurs, Cong Bais Torah, Suffern, 8pm, 845352-1343 CareOne, Teaneck, Rabbi Yossi Siev, Sun shacharis, 8:30am; mincha/ma’ariv, Sun, 5pm; Mon-Thurs, ma’ariv only, 7:45pm; 201-287-8519 Shabbat Shacharis, Rabbi Yossi Siev, CareOne, Teaneck, 9am; youth groups, 9:30am; hot Kiddush spons by CareOne, 11:30am; in the afternoon, mincha, shiur, ma’ariv, 201-287-8519

Chesed Ops

CareOne, 544 Teaneck Rd, in Teaneck, four blocks south of Holy Name Hospital, is in need of volunteers to maintain continuity of its Shabbat and weekday minyanim, which its residents look forward to each week. Services can be combined with bikur cholim. For questions or to volunteer to daven, lain, or give a d’var Torah, call Rabbi Yossi Siev, 201-287-8519 Y

Peace Process Price According to New York Times columnist Tom Friedman, who is considered close to the Obama administration, the Secretary of State “expects and hopes” that when Mr. Netanyahu and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas see his written framework, they will declare that they will use it as the basis for further negotiations, despite their reservations about some of its elements.

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The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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Distrust However, even before Mr. Kerry’s proposal was formally presented, the Israeli and Palestinian sides rejected it. The Israelis simply said no. The Palestinians said they would revert to violence, leading some Israelis to believe Mr. Kerry had encouraged them. Mr. Kerry’s problem is that both sides have expressed dis-

trust of his judgment and fairness. For example, Mr. Kerry made several speeches last month in which he delineated the catastrophes that will befall Israel if the Jewish state fails to accede to his plan. The question Israelis and their supporters have asked is whether he is warning them about a future that he believes will unfold no matter how unjust, or is he is threatening that

unless Israel capitulates, he will work to make his dire predictions a reality. Although he has said the Palestinians would also benefit from peace, he has not spelled out any downside they would face if they walked away from the table, or even reverted to planned violence as some PA officials have threatened.

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Peace Process Price Palestinian Price? The lack of equivalent American pressure on the PA has led some Israelis to accuse Mr. Kerry of not serving as a fair intermediary. Israeli Communications Minister Gilad Erdan said the threats against Israel, especially his prediction that Israel could face a “third Palestinian intifada,” were an American attempt “to terrorize us.” “It would be expected from someone who’s supposed to be a fair and objective intermediary to also tell the Palestinian side about the price they will have to pay over their stubborn refusal to recognize the right of the Jewish people to their own nation state,” said Mr. Erdan. “Where’s the Palestinian price on all the continued incitement against Israel’s existence?” A Shiluv Millward Brown poll discussed on Israeli television at the end of January showed Mr. Erdan was not alone in his

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assessment of the Secretary of State. Asked whether Mr. Kerry was a fair broker, 38 percent said he was “biased in favor of the Palestinians;” 27 percent said his conduct was “fair.” Only two percent thought he was pro-Israel, and 32 percent did not have a view. A poll conducted by Israel Hayom found that 53 percent of Israeli respondents said Mr. Kerry was neither “honest nor sincere” in pushing peace talks. Boycotts Last September, Palestinian officials complained that Mr. Kerry was trying to pressure members of the European Union to delay their Israeli boycotts to provide him with the opportunity to start the negotiations. The PA actively promotes international boycotts of Israel. In early January, Israeli Army Radio reported that Mr. Kerry was still working to keep European threats of a boycott on

Israeli products and companies operating in Judea, Samaria, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights to a minimum. But the report said that as soon as his peace initiative fails, the Secretary of State’s intention is to “open the floodgates” to promote a full-blown international boycott on Israel. Some Israelis assumed that as long as the talks continue, the boycott effort will be kept at bay. For that reason, there has been some Israeli support for the idea of extending the peace talks beyond Mr. Kerry’s nine-month framework. The talks began last July and are scheduled to end in April. Skeptics Expectations for what will happen after the nine months are up are somewhat unclear. At the beginning, Mr. Kerry seemed brimming with optimism, certain that he could bring the two sides together even though countless other American officials have failed. By January, the vast majority of Israelis were doubtful. The Shiluv Millward Brown survey showed that 87 percent of Israeli respondents did not think the negotiations would result in a peace deal. Only seven percent thought they would. Among Palestinians, a Truman Institute survey showed that while 53 percent support a two-state solution, only 36 percent are ready to accept one under US pressure. Major-General (res) Amos Yadlin, Israel’s former head of military intelligence and current director of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), is among the skeptics. At the end of January, he pointed out that expectations “went down from a final-status agreement to a framework agreement to an agreement on framework.”

“At the end of the day, it’s maybe an American paper that says both sides have some reservations. So I think it’s going to another nine months,” he said. No More Time The PA’s chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, disagreed, telling the Bethlehem-based Ma’an News Agency that Palestinians will not agree to extending the talks “for even one day” beyond the nine-month limit. “We renewed the talks last summer on terms defined in advance and in a clear manner for a period of nine months,” he said. Messrs Erekat and Abbas told reporters that when the talks fail, the PA will turn to the UN unilaterally to recognize a Palestinian state. Mr. Abbas has frequently told Arab audiences the PA remained at the table with Israel this long only in order to secure the release of Palestinian terrorists serving sentences in Israeli prisons. To lure PA leaders to the negotiating table last summer, Israel committed to releasing 104 Palestinians terrorists, many of them confessed murderers of Jews. Thus far, Israel has released two groups of prisoners. The last group is scheduled to be released in the spring before the talks officially end. “Something Promising” In an interview with the New York Times at the beginning of February, Mr. Abbas seemed somewhat more open to continuing the talks beyond April. “Suppose by the end of nine months we got something promising. Shall I stop? I will not stop. If, after nine months, we didn’t get anything, if there is nothing on the horizon, we will stop,” he said. The PA has made clear that for them, “something promising” means Israeli accession

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The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Peace Process Price to all Arab demands, ultimatums on which the Palestinians have repeatedly declared they are unwilling to compromise: expulsion of all Israeli Jews from all land won in the 1967 Six-Day War, including Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem; sole control of the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, and the Kotel below it; the “right of return” to Israel proper for millions of Arabs and their descendants who fled Israel in 1948 and 1967, thus demographically destroying the Jewish State; the release of all Palestinian terrorists in Israeli prisons; and the right to import weapons into the newly created Palestinian State. Security Israel also has demands. Chief among them are security needs and recognition of Israel as the Jewish state. At an INSS program at the

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end of January, Mr. Netanyahu said that while most Israelis want the country to remain a Jewish state as opposed to a binational one, “we do not want another state backed by Iran next to us.” The reference was to Gaza, ruled by the Hamas terror group, which until recently was heavily financed by Iran. For its security, Israel needs “stable security arrangements, based on the IDF and Israeli security apparatuses, which include a long-term Israeli military presence along the Jordan River,” he said. In addition, he said the PA’s state must be demilitarized. Jordan Valley When word leaked out last month that, as part of his plan, Mr. Kerry would have Israel vacate the Jordan Valley, it caused an uproar in the Jewish state. The US plan called for a slow transition from IDF patrols over

the region to PA forces with an international presence. IDF drones would also be deployed over the area as a means of gathering information about any terrorist activity that could potentially develop there. The PA’s only objection to the plan was its time frame. Mr. Kerry saw the transition period as about 10-15 years. At first, Mr. Abbas said it could not be more than three years. However, he told the New York Times that he could extend transition period to five years. Afterwards, Israeli forces and all Jews would have to leave the area, but the troops could be replaced indefinitely by an American-led NATO force, working with Palestinian police and security units, he said. NATO troops could operate throughout the territory, at every crossing and within Arab eastern Jerusalem, said Mr. Abbas. Only the IDF However, that is not acceptable to the Israelis, who will not entrust their security to any force except the IDF. Mr. Abbas told the Times that in discussions with Mr. Netanyahu, the Palestinians said, “If you will not trust your allies [the Americans and NATO], so whom do you trust? I am not bringing for you Turkey and Indonesia.” Mr. Netanyahu’s response was: “I trust my army only.” It is a traditional Israeli position embraced by most Israelis. Deputy Minister Ofir Akunis (Likud) called the Jordan Valley “Israel’s iron wall.” “Only the presence of the IDF and the settlers of the Valley will guarantee the security of the citizens of Israel. Whoever cedes the Jordan Valley will abandon Israel’s security,” he said. Preventing Terror Interior Minister Gideon

Sa’ar agreed. “Without the Jordan Valley, Israel will not have the strategic depth necessary to defend itself. An Israeli military presence in the Jordan Valley will be a requirement of Israel’s defense for many generations to come,” he said. He explained that the military presence, coupled with Israeli civilians living in the area, was Israel’s only defense against the area’s devolving into “a nest for terrorists.” Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said an Israeli withdrawal from the Jordan Valley would enable Hamas to take power not only there, but throughout the PA-controlled areas, which would also lead to terror seeping into Israel proper. “It’s thanks to the IDF’s freedom of movement that Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and extremist Salafi groups cannot raise their ugly heads in Judea and Samaria,” he said. Missiles on Ben-Gurion He said the unmanned drones suggested by Mr. Kerry would be insufficient to prevent terror attacks. An IDF official, speaking off the record, said without the IDF’s presence in the Jordan Valley, “there will begin a trend of arms smuggling and terrorism, like we have along the Philadelphia corridor in Gaza.” He said his understanding is that Jordan has also refused the US-suggested arrangement. “If we transfer control of the region to the PA, then we will have missiles raining down from Nablus on Kfar Saba and Ben-Gurion Airport. In the meantime, the IDF and the Shin Bet Security must work to counter Hamas. The PA is not capable of stopping terror,” he said. A poll by Ma’ariv last month found that 73 percent of Israeli respondents rejected a total

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Peace Process Price

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withdrawal of Israeli troops from Judea and Samaria under the framework of any peace deal. Annexing the Jordan Valley Convinced that the American plan for the Jordan Valley would be disastrous for Israel, last month, the government’s Ministerial Committee for Legislation voted in favor of a bill to annex the Jordan Valley formally and place it under full Israeli sovereignty. The Ministerial Committee for Legislation decides which proposed bills will enjoy the support of the government coalition. Bills approved by the committee are likely to pass in the plenum. The one sticking point this bill faces is the objection of the Israel’s left-wing Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who is also the leading Israeli representative at the peace negotiations with the Palestinians. Because she is appealing the vote as Justice Minister, the bill will have to be revisited by the committee again. Recognition Israel’s second demand is to be recognized by the PA as the national state of the Jewish people. Mr. Netanyahu has called this “the root of the conflict.” “The conflict isn’t about territories, or about settlements, or even about a Palestinian state. The Zionist movement agreed to recognize a Palestinian state. The conflict is about the Jewish state,” he said. Recalling the terrorist attacks that targeted Israel before the 1967 Six Day War, he noted, “It was not about Judea and Samaria—those were in Arab hands.” “When we talk about an agreement, we’re talking about our being asked to recognize a Palestinian national state. Should we not demand that the Jewish

national state be recognized as well? If they do not make this concession, there cannot be an agreement,” he said. No Right of Return The Palestinians’ problem is that recognition of Israel as the Jewish state would eliminate the Palestinians’ “right of return” to pre-1967 Israel proper. The only place to which Palestinian refugees and their descendants could “return” would be to the newly established Palestinian state. In addition, Israel has insisted that in any final-status deal, the Palestinians would have to agree to relinquish all further demands for territory beyond what would be stipulated. In other words, the Palestinians would have to agree the conflict was over. So far, the PA’s response to all Israeli demands has been no. The Real Goal At the beginning of January, senior PA official Abbas Zaki told Syrian TV that any agreement reached with the Israelis will simply be the “first stage” in eradicating Israel altogether. Mr. Zaki’s interview was posted on the Internet and translated by Palestinian Media Watch. In response to the interviewer’s concern that the US-imposed deal would be “deficient” insofar as it would require Israel to vacate only Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem, Mr. Zaki smiled and said, “You can relax. We find ourselves united for the first time. Even the most extreme among us, Hamas and our fighting forces, want a state within the 1967 borders. Afterwards, we will have something to say because the inspiring idea [the destruction of Israel] cannot be achieved all at once. [It can be achieved] in stages.” In an earlier interview with Al-Jazeera, Mr. Zaki said an agreement which would

result in the destruction of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, which would then become judenrein, would prove strategically fatal for the Jewish state in the long run. “If Israel withdraws from Jerusalem; if Israel uproots [from] the settlements 650,000 settlers; if Israel removes the [security] fence, what will be with Israel? Israel will come to any end,” he said. “If I say that I want to remove it from existence, this will be great, [but] it is hard. This is not a [stated] policy. You can’t say it to the world. You can say it to yourself,” he told the interviewer. Temporary Truce It is an idea that has been endorsed by Mr. Abbas as well. Last summer, he was taped nodding with approval as the PA’s Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud AlHabbash explained that agreements with Israel should be viewed as the modern equivalent of the “Treaty of Hudabiyyah,” a temporary deal signed by Islam’s founder, the Prophet Mohammed, which he broke as soon as the Muslim armies were sufficiently strong to achieve a victory. Senior PLO official Hanan Ashrawi told the Ma’an news agency that Israel’s demand that the PA recognize it as a Jewish state is an attempt to “legalize racism.” Her rationale was based on seeing all of Israel as nothing more than a part of Palestine. Defining Israel as a Jewish state, she said, would be tantamount to agreeing that any Jew could return to “Palestine,” while Palestinian Arabs would lose that right. Mr. Abbas has repeatedly stressed that the PA will never give up the “right of return.” He also told Mr. Kerry that he would not recognize Israel as a Jewish state and that the issue was a “red line” for him.

February 2014 / Adar I 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

An editorial in the official PA daily, Al-Hayyat Al-Jadida said Mr. Netanyahu’s insistence on recognizing Israel as the Jewish state was evidence that he harbored “Nazi genes.” Keeping the Land In light of Palestinian intransigence, other Israeli officials have made demands that go further than Mr. Netanyahu’s. Many have insisted that the Prime Minister agree not to relinquish land in Judea and Samaria, and especially not to divide Jerusalem. Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon, who serves also as chairman of the Likud Central Committee, has made it clear that neither Mr. Netanyahu’s government nor his party will accept a retreat to the pre-1967 lines. “Israel will not split Jerusalem and it will not withdraw to the pre-1967 lines. I expect Prime Minister Netanyahu to tell Secretary Kerry that we appreciate his efforts, but we cannot do what he expects us to do because we have our security needs and our rights to the land,” he said. Settlement Blocs Although Mr. Kerry has not yet officially revealed his plan, many of the details were broadly discussed last month. It has been generally established that the framework Mr. Kerry will propose will allow Israel to retain the so-called “settlement blocs,” the areas in which the large majority of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria are located. In exchange for holding onto these communities, the Israelis will relinquish land already part of Israel proper to the Palestinians. It had been assumed that the three blocs Israel would retain are the Ariel bloc, which includes most of the towns of central Samaria; the Ma’ale Adumim bloc, encompassing the eastern suburbs of Jerusalem; and the Gush Etzion bloc, the cluster of Israeli communities located in the Judean Mountains directly south of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Beit El Israeli Army Radio reported last month that Mr. Netanyahu is now demanding a fourth bloc: the area around Beit El, north of Jerusalem. According to the report, Mr. Netanyahu has told Mr. Kerry that Israel cannot relinquish these areas, which have played a major role in Jewish history. The Biblical city of Shiloh, for example, which is about ten miles from Beit El, was the

home of the temporary Sanctuary, the mishkan, before the Temple was built in Jerusalem. Nabi Samuel, the burial site of the Prophet Samuel, and the surrounding archeological excavations are part of a National Park. An Arab village of 20 families is located on the hilltop. Under Israeli auspices, both Jewish and Muslim prayer services are held at the tomb. Beit El itself is the site of the famous dream of the Biblical patriarch, Jacob in which he saw angels ascending and descending from heaven. With its homes, schools, and businesses, Beit El is home to more than 6,000 Israelis. In addition to demanding the fourth bloc, Mr. Netanyahu has reportedly rejected the concept of a “centimeter-forcentimeter” land swap, as the PA had demanded. Mr. Netanyahu has proposed that at least part of the swap would be in

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the form of cash, or in the value of land that Israel would surrender to make the plan work. The PA negotiators rejected all of Mr. Netanyahu’s demands and suggestions. Evacuating Judea and Samaria According to Mr. Friedman, Mr. Kerry’s plan calls for Israel to relinquish the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem. But it is not clear if this will include the Jewish holy sites, such as the Western Wall, the Kotel, as the PA has demanded. According to some American-Jewish leaders who were briefed at the end of January by Martin Indyk, Mr. Kerry’s envoy to the negotiations, the US plan calls for Israel to vacate most of Judea and Samaria, including the Jordan Valley. Approximately 75 to 80 percent of the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

Ess Gezint: “Eating the Bible” Instead of offering cute anecdotes, Rena Rossner’s delightful new cookbook, Eating the Bible: Over 50 Delicious Recipes to Feed Your Body and Nourish Your Soul (Skyhorse Publishing), presents serious thoughts on Biblical texts for both cook and guests. The idea is to read the text, make the dish, and then discuss both. No time to cook?

Jasmine Rice with Figs

1 small onion, chopped 2 cups chicken stock 1 celery stalk, chopped ¼ cup dried cranberries 2 Tbs olive oil ¼ cup dried figs 1 tsp curry powder ¼ cup toasted sunflower seeds 1 tsp nutmeg 1 Tbs fresh mint, chopped 1 cup jasmine rice Salt and pepper, to taste Brown onion and celery in oil for 2-3 minutes. Add curry powder and nutmeg and cook 1-2 minutes more. Add rice, cook for 3 minutes longer. Pour in chicken stock, bring to a boil, and reduce heat to low. Cover and cook for 20 minutes. Take off heat and stir in dried cranberries, figs, sunflower seeds, mint, salt, and pepper. Serves 4-6.

Golden Cornbread

Numbers 31:50—Gold jewelry taken from Midianite women) 1 cup flour 1 egg 1 cup yellow cornmeal 1 cup soy milk or nondairy ½ cup sugar creamer 1 tsp salt ¼ cup oil 4 tsp baking powder Preheat oven to 400º. Grease a 9-inch round or 8x8-inch loaf pan. Combine flour, cornmeal, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Stir in egg, milk, and

For each text, Ms. Rossner offers a no-cooking alternative that allows the same discussion. For Genesis 39:14-16 (the story of Reuben’s mandrakes), she suggests Jasmine Rice with Figs (the Hebrew “dudaim” can be understood as jasmine, figs, or even violets). The no-cook alternative is to put a pot of violets on the table. Y

Pistachio Almond Chicken Parcels

(Genesis 43:11—the gift offering Jacob had his sons take to Egypt before they knew Joseph was their long-lost brother) ½ cup breadcrumbs ½ tsp salt ½ cup toasted and ½ tsp pepper ground pistachio nuts 1 cup honey ½ cup toasted and 6 skinless, boneless chicken ground almonds breasts, pounded thin 1 tsp cinnamon (about 2 lbs) ½ tsp nutmeg Preheat oven to 350º and grease a baking dish. In a bowl, combine breadcrumbs, nuts, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, pepper, and ½ cup honey. Mix. Place 1-2 Tbs of nut mixture in the center of each chicken breast, roll up, and place in the baking dish. Drizzle remaining honey over the chicken, sprinkle remaining nut mixture over chicken (if any remains), and bake for 25-30 minutes or until center of parcel is no longer pink. (Start checking after 20 minutes). Drizzle lightly with more honey before serving. Serves 6. oil until well combined. Pour batter into in pan and bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Peace Process Price will be allowed to remain in their homes even after a permanent agreement. For the most part, these are all residents of the blocs Mr. Netanyahu is demanding. But this means at least 80,000 Israeli Jews will be evicted from their homes and communities. Dani Dayan, chief foreign envoy of the Yesha Council, called the framework “inapplicable and absolutely unacceptable.” “The American framework apparently leaves Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria under Israeli sovereignty using the ‘balloon-on-a-string’ method. A road will lead to communities already built, but everything surrounding it will say ‘Palestine,’” he said. Israeli Points The plan calls for the two sides to announce the end of the conflict and includes a reference to the need for the PA to cease its incitement against Israel. The PA would recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. At the beginning of January, a senior PA official told the Chinese news service Xinhua that Mr. Kerry had suggested letting 80,000 Palestinian refugees “return” to Israel and that Mr. Abbas wanted to raise the number to 200,000. When Mr. Friedman discussed the plan, he said the so-called “right of return” for Palestinian refugees into pre-1967 Israel is not mentioned. Jewish Refugees The framework also includes a clause granting compensation to the approximately 800,000 Jews who fled or were forcibly expelled from Arab countries in the wake of the birth of the State of Israel in 1948. The vast majority of these Jewish refugees left their homes and countries—where their families had lived for gen-

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erations—with little more than the clothing they wore. The property they left behind has been valued at $4.4 billion. MK Shimon Ohayon (Yisrael Beiteinu), who serves as chairman of the Committee for Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands, welcomed the fact that the issue has finally been brought to the table. “I don’t know what the agreement says, but I welcome anything that pays attention to the Jewish refugee issue,” he said, explaining that the plight of these refugees has not been seriously discussed for 65 years. “We are talking about the systematic expulsion of almost one million Jews from Arab countries like Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, and Iraq.” A “Tactic?” Jewish Home MK Uri Orbach, who serves as Minister for Senior Citizens, also expressed satisfaction that compensation for these Jews has been included. However, he accused Mr. Kerry of using the compensation as “a tactic to drum up support for what promises to be a very unpopular proposal.” “The compensation component, justified as it is, was thrown into the agreement to convince Israelis to accept the proposal, as if to say that the more territory we give up, the greater the compensation. We must remember that Jews, unlike the Palestinians, did not threaten the existence of their homelands or anyone else. They did not declare war on Iraq, Yemen, or Egypt. They left with nothing because of pressure and danger. They must go on demanding their rights, not as a way to prevent or encourage a diplomatic agreement, but because it is a matter of justice,” he said. MK Rabbi Nissim Ze’ev (Shas) agreed, calling the clause an attempt by the US to encourage Israel to “sell out”

Judea and Samaria.” A longtime advocate for the rights of Jewish refugees from Arab lands, Rabbi Ze’ev said the clause does not make the framework deal’s call for massive territorial concessions any more palatable to the Jewish state. “We are not selling out the State of Israel to receive compensation for Jews from Arab countries. Compensation should be given to them regardless of negotiations. We must raise their rights without giving up parts of the Land of Israel,” he said. “Not Going to Happen” Upon hearing the details of Mr. Kerry’s framework, Mr. Danon announced, “It is not going to happen,” citing specifically the call for the division of Jerusalem, the loss of most of Judea and Samaria, and the eviction of 20-25 percent of Jewish residents there. “The only thing good about this plan is that the Palestinians will recognize Israel as a Jewish state. It’s about time,” he said. The Shiluv Millward Brown poll showed that most Israelis agree with him. According to the poll, 63 percent think Israel should not relinquish the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem, compared with 26 percent who think the Palestinians should have them. More than threequarters of respondents (77 percent) backed Mr. Netanyahu’s

demand that the PA recognize Israel as the Jewish state. Just 17 percent of Israelis thought this unnecessary. Armed Struggle The Israeli statements paled by comparison with the PA’s passionate rejection of the Kerry framework. According to a senior Fatah member, the PA never relinquished the option of violence against Israelis and, unless Mr. Kerry revises the framework so that it includes all the Arabs’ demands, the Palestinians will initiate a new intifada uprising of terror. “If the talks fail, the armed struggle against the Zionists could be a strategic solution for the Palestinian people,” said Jibril Rajoub, a frequent PA representative for Mr. Abbas. Mr. Rajoub emphasized that the PA terrorist groups and Mr. Abbas are supportive of violence as a tactic. Another senior PA official, Yasser Abed Rabbo, called Mr. Kerry’s framework “Israeli ideas” and said a return to violence might be the Palestinians’ only solution. He said he was particularly angry that Mr. Kerry omitted the Palestinian “right of return” and accused the Secretary of State of being “vague” regarding the status of Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley, and

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Community Programs and New Technologies Keeps Holy Name Medical Center on Its Cutting Edge Track Once again, Holy Name



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Medical Center (HNMC) is offering a host of programs to help the community stay healthy and feel better. Except where noted, there are no fees other than the $5 parking charge, but spots are available on the street. Unless otherwise noted, registration takes a phone call to 1-877-HOLYNAME (1-877-465-9626), prompt #5. The hospital is located at 718 Teaneck Road, in Teaneck. Heart Healthy On Wednesday, February 12, at 7pm, HNMC cardiologist Stephen Angeli will discuss lifestyle changes, the single most effective way to prevent the development of heart disease. On Thursday, February 13, from 6:30 to 8:30pm, Holy Name will offer a “Healthy Hearts Fair.” Participants will be able to discover their cardiac profile results (blood pressure, BMI, and waist circumference), and learn more about preventing heart disease. They can enjoy a mini-massage, discover some healthy recipes, and learn about skin care, stress reduction, and smoking cessation. At various times during the year, HNMC holds adult, child, and infant CPR classes. For dates, times, and locations, call 201-227-6254. Smoking cessation goes along with heart health. On Tuesday, February 11 and March 11, HNMC will hold two-hour smoking cessation programs, which use behavior modification—not scare tactics or gloomy statistics—to help patients stop smoking. The classes run from 7-9pm and costs $70.

Eye Health On Monday, February 24, HNMC invites the community to spend lunchtime, at 1pm, with Dr. Kurt Jackson, an ophthalmologist who will address the issue of macular degeneration. “The good news is we’re living longer. The bad news is our eyes are not keeping up,” says Dr. Jackson. This talk will address early signs and symptoms, the difference between “wet” and “dry” macular degeneration, and the advances in treatment that are saving vision and slowing the progression of the disease. Losing Weight One day later, on Tuesday, February 25, Holy Name will begin another six-week series entitled “What Have You Got to Lose? Managing Your Weight.” From 10:30-11:30am, Linda Lohsen, RN, director of Holy Name’s Center for Healthy Living, will guide discussions on topics such as portion distortion, move to lose, and emotional eating. Discussions will include goal-setting and an optional weekly weigh-in. There will also be a chance for participants to explore bariatric surgery through a free patient seminar offered by HNMC. After bariatric surgery, patients can participate in a free Bariatric Support Group hosted by HNMC. Those who want to try losing weight naturally with hypnosis can meet with a certified practitioner at Holy Name on Tuesday, March 4, at 7pm, The cost is $70. For Coaches Prevention of accidents during organized sports is also

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Index of Advertisers Events/Entertainment

Ad With Coupon

Garb Consulting Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Chopstix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Teaneck Road Bagels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Burial Services

Eden Memorial Chapels . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Gutterman and Musicant/Wien & Wien..23

Camps & Summer Programs

Camp Regesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Camp Keshet & Yachad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Car Service

Teaneck Taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Catering Services


Financial Services

Real Estate

Travel & Vacations

American General Windows . . . . . . . . 51 Shalom Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 World Carpentry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Kosher Restaurant, Take-Out

Computer Services

Medical Services

The Binah School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

an issue. The Rutgers Safety program, which will be offered at HNMC on Wednesday February 12 and March 12, from 6:309:30pm, is designed to satisfy the requirements of the NJ “Little League Law.” Run by Dr. James Mendler, a family practice physician and sports medicine specialist at Holy Name, the course will cover general coaching concepts as well as legal, psychological, training, conditioning, and medical aspects of coaching. The fee is $35 per class, and registration can be accomplished by emailing Dr. Mendler at Recognizing that March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, HCMC is joining with other hospitals, cancer groups, and communities to provide education on the prevention, treatment, and cure of colorectal cancer.

Judah S. Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Home Products & Services

Donate Your Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Umbrella Tzedeka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Education & Open Houses


Nicole Idler, Friedberg Properties . . . 55


Aldine Web and Print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Garb Consulting Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Jeff Wilks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Michael R. Marcus, C.P.A. . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Butterflake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Candy Corner Purim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chopstix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kosher Cakery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teaneck Road Bagels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Simcha Halli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Life Coach for Men . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

“Handle With Care” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2/8: OHEL Trivia Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2/16: Haifa Symphony Orchestra . . . . . . . 5 3/2: Halachic Organ Donor Soc. 5K Race 7 4/30: NORPAC Mission to Washington 12

26 46 44 42 47

Home-Health/Nurse’s Aide . . . . . . . . . 38 Holy Name Physician Network . . . . . . . 2 Psychotherapy, Chana Simmonds . . 51


Glitter Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Thank You from Bas Mitzvah Girls . . . 46

On Monday, March 10, at 7pm, Dr. Ronald White, an HNMC colon and rectal surgeon, will discuss myths and facts about colorectal cancer prevention. Babies and Their Families Babies are a priority at HNMC, which offers several programs “for the love of baby.” Those which can be taken before the baby is born include: breastfeeding preparation ($30); two- and four-week sessions of Lamaze Childbirth classes ($150); Caesarean birth preparation, for couples, ($25); diabetes and pregnancy (call 201-833-3371); baby-care basics, which prepares parents for their first weeks at home with their new infant ($20, but free for couples whose baby will be born at HNMC); and sibling preparation, designed to help children ages three to eight prepare for the new baby ($25 per family).

Diamond Club Passover Vacations . . 11 “Flakey” Jake Passover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Gateways Pesach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Honor’s Haven Pesach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Hudson Valley Pesach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Kosherica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Lasko, Fontainebleau, Passover . . . . . 41 Leisure Time Tours Pesach . . . . . . . . . . 15 KMR, Passover in Palm Springs . . . . . . 54 Marco Polo, Miama Beach, Passover . 4 Mark David Passover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MatzaFUNTours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Passover Resorts Valencia . . . . . . . . . . 13 Revel Casino - Hotel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Torah in Motion Tours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Vim’s Holidays Passover . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Zvi Lapian Kosher Vacations . . . . . . . . 19

After baby arrives, HNMC services which can help include infant massage ($40) and breastfeeding consultations ($75, but free for couples who had their babies at Holy Name). In addition to these programs, HNMC hosts a variety of free support groups. There are groups for individuals going through bereavement (201-8333000, ext 7580); breast cancer (first and third Wednesdays, 5-7pm); prostate cancer (second Monday of the month, 6pm); and other malignancies (second and fourth Wednesdays, 4pm). There are also support groups for: caregivers (first Wednesday, 1pm, at Day Away in Teaneck, 201-833-3757); diabetes patients (second Wednesday, 7pm, every other month, 201-8333371); new moms (201-8333124); and those who have suffered perinatal loss (201833-3058).

New Nuclear Medicine Suite HNMC has just established a new Nuclear Medicine Suite in its Department of Radiology. The advanced 2,700-sqaure foot facility features lategeneration technology and upgraded software systems that minimize radiation exposure and expedite the testing process. Patients receive half the dose in half the time. The centerpiece of the new suite is the Symbia® TruePoint™ SPECT•CT system from Siemens Medical Solutions, a nuclear imaging device that, when paired with upgraded software, produces detailed images by combining single-photo emission computer tomography (SPECT) with computed tomography (CT). SPECT•CT allows physicians to obtain more detailed information and increased image clarity in a

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Remembering Arik that’s its end. Our hold on the land of Israel isn’t a matter of security, but rather of faith. Sharon, who was a hero in war, brought on us destruction and dangers in the hallucination of peace. A pity over his old age that shamed his great acts,” said Dr. Ben-Ari.

Holy Name

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Warnings Jewish Home MK Orit Struk had similarly mixed words for Mr. Sharon. She called him “one of the great builders of the land of Israel and its greatest destroyer.” “Alongside our thanks and honor of the great contributions of Sharon to the state of Israel,

it is impossible also not to thank G-d that Sharon was taken from our public lives before he managed to carry out on the residents of Judea, Samaria and the ‘Judea Samaria belt’ the disaster he conducted on residents of Gush Katif and the Gaza Strip,” she said. Mr. Bennett chided her

for the comments, asking her to “save the controversies for another day.” Daniella Weiss, one of the founding leaders of Gush Emunim, which fought for the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria, saw the lionizing of

of Radiology at HNMC, the new system enables physicians to diagnose with pinpoint accuracy anywhere in the body, by providing complete information about the location, size, nature, and extent of the disease. “Earlier and more accurate diagnostic information allows us to plan treatment more effectively and provide feedback on how well treatment is working. It also allows us to avoid unnecessary surgery and reduce the risks of necessary surgery. The result is more informed decision-making and, ultimately, better outcomes for our patients,” she says. By performing multiple exams simultaneously, the SPECT•CT system increases

comfort and convenience for patients, who can make only one appointment and undergo a single seamless procedure. According to Dr. Brunetti, the two-in-one concept eliminates inconsistencies between separate exams when variables such as patient movement and the time interval between the exams could produce conflicting results between tests. She suggests patients discuss this new technology with their physicians to see if they can benefit from obtaining their radiologic tests at HNMC. Referral information can be obtained by calling 201-8333675. Y

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single, non-invasive procedure, than is possible with separate SPECT and CT procedures. The resulting scans enable physicians to detect diseases and abnormalities earlier, and target treatments with greater precision. Holy Name is the only hospital in Bergen County to offer combined SPECT•CT. At HNMC, physicians are using SPECT•CT to diagnose cancer and detect metastases, find infections of unknown origin, and determine the

status of problematic prosthetic implants for orthopedic patients. Scans that formerly required patients to lie motionless for extended periods of time, are significantly abbreviated with the new technology. For example, an oncology study that previously took more than two hours can now be performed in one hour and 10 minutes. Planning More Effectively According to Dr. Jacqueline Brunetti, director of the Department



Peace Process Price continued from page 47


security arrangements. Israel Will Manage Mr. Ya’alon seemed unfazed. He said that while the Jewish state appreciated Mr. Kerry’s efforts, Israel would “understand” if things did not work out as planned. “I hope we can achieve our goals in this agreement, but if we cannot, Israel will manage,” he said. He said the time for “fooling ourselves” regarding Mr. Abbas’s intentions had passed. “Will he be prepared to

recognize Israel as a Jewish state? He has given us a clear answer, and it is no,” he said. Further, he said, “I do not sense that the Palestinian leadership will be ready for a partition of the land and drop all further claims.” Like Mr. Netanyahu, the Defense Minister denied that the settlements were the “obstacles to peace.” “The settlements today sit on less than five percent of the land in Judea and Samaria. Why does the Palestinian lead-

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“Honor the Professional According to Your Need”

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February 2014 / Adar I 5774

Does a Teenager in NJ Have the Right Not to Want to Be Gay?

The American College of Pediatricians is urging legislators to refrain from legislating psychotherapy. Similar to laws recently enacted in California and New Jersey, a bill is being considered in Virginia to ban professional therapists from practicing conversion therapy with same-sex attracted adolescents who, or whose parents, request such therapy. Although several medical groups have moved to discourage this practice, there is no firm basis for their position. The scientific literature, however, is clear: Same-sex attractions are more fluid than fixed, especially for adolescents—many of whom can and do change. The outcomes for the treatment of unwanted attractions are no different than outcomes for other difficult psychological problems. There is not a single randomized controlled study demonstrating universal failure and/or harm from Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE). However, there is a body of literature demonstrating a variety of positive outcomes from SOCE. Barring change therapy or SOCE will threaten the health and well-being of children wanting therapy. With no other options available, same-sex attracted young people will believe that they have no choice but to engage in homosexual behaviors. These behaviors place them at risk for grave physical and psychological harm. Adolescents have a right to explore sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) with full informed consent and under the care of mental health experts in the field, just as they do for other concerns. Den Trumbull, MD President, American College of Pediatricians Gainesville, FL SLR responds: At the end of January, Agudath Israel of America and Nefesh, an international association of Orthodox-Jewish mental health professionals, filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief, arguing that the law in NJ violates the Constitutional free speech rights of both therapists and minors seeking counseling. According to the NJ law, which was endorsed by OrthodoxJewish Assemblyman Gary Schaer of Passaic and signed by Gov Chris Christie, when a licensed therapist is presented with a minor who is experiencing same-sex attraction and would like to change it if possible—and whose parents agree—the therapist will lose his or her license. Mr. Schaer says he voted for the law because it doesn’t preclude clergymen from providing this form of counseling, provided the clergyman is not licensed to practice professionally. In other words, a parent’s only choice is to seek out an unqualified counselor for help. In NJ, the law is being challenged by a 15-year-old boy and his parents who say the law interferes with the teenager’s right to try to change his sexual orientation and his parents’ right to raise their child. The amicus brief by Agudath Israel and Nefesh notes that while NJ finds it perfectly acceptable for minors over the age of 14 to check themselves in and out of psychiatric hospitals, where they can be given powerful psychotropic medications, the state deems them incapable of deciding to seek the help of a licensed

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Letters to the Editor therapist to reduce or eliminate unwanted sexual orientation, behavior, or identity. In fact, minors of any age in NJ can walk into an abortion clinic—without parental permission or even knowledge—and ask a physician neither they nor their families know to terminate a pregnancy, performing surgery if necessary. The authors of the amicus brief submitted by Agudath Israel and Nefesh are free-speech expert Ronald Coleman, Agudath Israel’s General Counsel Mordechai Biser, and Georgetown Law School student Mark Kahn. According to Mr. Biser, the issue was carefully considered by members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, the Council of Torah Sages of Agudath Israel, “who felt strongly that youngsters struggling with such a sensitive challenge should have access to the type of professional help that will enable them to lead healthy Torah lives.”

Class Reunion

We need help getting the word out. The Atlantic City High School Class of 1964 will be holding its 50th reunion this summer, July 18-20, at Atlantic City’s Resorts Casino Hotel. It will be open to anyone who graduated in any ACHS class in the 1960s. There is a website,, and a Facebook group. For more information, contact me at Eve Rose Ventnor, NJ For help with Shabbat arrangements or kosher food, contact Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport at Chabad at the Shore, 609-822-8500

A Letter to President Abbas

I know that I am totally inexperienced in international power politics, and I expect my question will below will get me labeled extremely radical and naïve. I just wish someone would explain to me why Israeli Prime Minister cannot send the following message to PA leader Mahmoud Abbas and to all interested parties worldwide. Why isn’t it just common sense: Dear President Abbas: 1 Immediately upon your receipt of this communication, “peace” negotiations between Israel and the PA will be suspended until the PA officially recognizes Israel as the Jewish State in the Jewish homeland of Eretz Yisrael. 2 Subsequent to your receipt of this message, all acts of terror which result in casualties (injury and loss of life) to Israelis and damage to their property will be immediately followed by painful retaliation and corresponding startups of Israeli building. Dr. Jerry Terdiman Woodcliff Lake, NJ

Obama’s Foreign Policy

One after the other of our most savvy political pundits and newscasters continues to insist that the major focus of the year 2014 will be Obamacare, but I disagree. This will be the year when the disastrous effect of Obama’s foreign policy will take center stage. It is the disastrous effects of Obama’s foreign policy that will ultimately bring our nation to ruin, and people are finally now starting to talk about it. The scope, size, and damage of Obama’s foreign policy lev-

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“Thought Is the World of Freedom” (R’ Dov Ber of Mazeritch) eled against America, Israel, and the free world, is now reaching critical mass. While we were distracted by Obamacare and the rise of his entitlement society, the transfer of world leadership to rogue enterprises was being accomplished without notice. In the movie “Jaws,” when police chief Brody sees the size of the great white shark they will have to face, he turns to the shark hunter Quint and says, “We’ll need a bigger boat.” Likewise, Obama’s foreign policy is now about to trump America’s domestic concerns. We are about to be swallowed whole by Obama’s political behemoth. We need to reassess our position. The defining moment that will challenge the very foundation of Western civilization has come like a thief in the night. The threat from Iran as a nuclear-armed terrorist state to American citizens is no less foreboding than Iran’s supporting cast: Russia, China, and the UN, all of whom are taking over world leadership from America. This global threat is imminent as the life lines that connect the nations of the free world continue to be severed around the globe by these totalitarian hoodlums. The ground we have gained though the spilt blood of America’s patriots is now being retaken by Russia, which has reemerged with a vengeance. Russia and modern day, re-tooled Communist China have aligned themselves with the Iranian Jihadist conglomerate (Syria, Hamas, Egypt, etc.) to impose their will on America, Israel, and whatever is left of the European Union. Stanley Zir Seaford, NY Mr. Zir has spearheaded the group Never Again Is Now (for Israel, America, and the Free World).

School Choice Could Begin in Washington, DC

Last month, “National School Choice Week” launched a whistle-stop tour across America, reminiscent of the fight for women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement. Newark, NJ served as the launching site, with a rally and conference at the Newark Club, followed one week later with a celebration and conference at the Frelinghuysen Arboretum in Morris Township. While the focal point was parental choice in education, the issue is rooted in liberty. Once government illicitly deprives you of your liberty—whether in housing, employment, travel, and so forth—you have lost all your liberty. When government financially coerces you to send your child to a government school, government has taken your heart and soul. Leaders of both major parties have referred to this as “the

civil rights issue of our time.” Indeed, there is nothing in the Declaration of Independence nor the US Constitution to justify this travesty of justice! While our nation’s capital, and inner-cities are classic examples of the devastation caused by this lawless grab of power and resources, suburbia often fares no better. When schools are free to expose children to matters that would be judged child abuse when perpetrated by a child’s uncle, government has surely crossed the line. The catastrophic results are truly immeasurable. Despite the judiciousness and proven success of school choice, the opposition represents the strongest political brick wall in America. This requires a powerful political battering ram, aimed at the weakest spot. The approximately 45,000 students in DC public schools are costing taxpayers $29,409 annually per child, with pitiful results. The graduation rate hovers at 64 percent, and too many dropouts wind up in the criminal justice system. This Washington the ideal place to begin. As the capital of the US, DC. comes directly under the jurisdiction of Congress. This enables us to build a gigantic battering ram with the participation of all 435 legislative districts. One to 1,000 active patriots in each district can break through this wall of tyranny and rescue our nation’s children. Every concerned man, woman and child can get behind this battering ram by calling their representatives in Congress (202224-3121) and respectfully urging them to sponsor the DC Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This will provide every DC student with a school voucher valued at half current costs, and the savings allocated to reduce the national debt. Rescuing our nation’s poor and downtrodden children from substandard schools is the very least our representatives can do to deserve reelection to Congress. Restoring liberty in our nation’s capital will blaze a trail for all America, and bring boundless blessings in its wake. Rabbi Israel Teitelbaum Morristown, NJ Rabbi Teitelbaum can be reached at The Jewish Voice and Opinion welcomes letters, especially if they are typed, double-spaced, and legible. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and style. Please send all mail to POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631. The phone number is (201) 569-2845. The email address is

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A combination of two outstanding operators raising the bar for service and fine cuisine. BOOKY AND LEAH ERBLICH OF AFIKOMAN THE WERNER BROTHERS OF KMR


Remembering Arik Mr. Sharon in the press as “a warning sign.” “The media uproar around his gradual death is a prelude encouraging the continued expulsion of Jews. When they make Sharon a hero, despite the expulsion of thousands of Jews from their homes and his casting aside the security of the State of Israel, they essentially give Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the message that he, too, will be crowned a greater hero if only he follows Sharon’s path,” she said. Distortions For some right-wing Israeli politicians, discussions about Mr. Sharon’s mixed legacy were one thing, distortions were something else. Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) bristled when senior PA official Jibril Rajoub called Mr. Sharon a “war criminal.” “When I hear a subhuman like Jibril Rajoub, whose hands are awash in Jewish blood,

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celebrating the death of Ariel Sharon and calling him a murderer, and when I see the joy in the Arab street over his death, I say we are all Sharon today,” said Mr. Katz. Mr. Rajoub had been sentenced to life in prison in 1970 for throwing a grenade at an IDF truck. He was released in 1985 in a prisoner exchange that released three Israeli hostages for 1,150 Arab prisoners. Security Despite mixed emotions about Mr. Sharon’s death, security for his funeral was among the tightest for any event in Israel’s history. The funeral was attended by dignitaries from around the world, including US Vice President Joseph Biden. Hundreds of soldiers and police were present, and helicopters, light planes, and drones flew above the procession as it worked its way south from Jerusalem to Mr. Sharon’s Negev

ranch, where he was buried. The Iron Dome system was on alert for terrorists seeking to fire rockets at the Negev. The security measures were necessary. A few hours before the funeral, Gaza-based terrorists fired several rockets which were aimed at the sea, apparently as tests. Shortly after the funeral, terrorists from Gaza “saluted” the area with two rockets that landed in an open space about two and a half miles from Mr. Sharon’s Sycamore Ranch. There were no injuries and no damage was reported. Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, asked the UN to condemn Hamas for the attack. Rocket Attacks A few days later, a barrage of rockets was launched from Gaza towards the city of Ashkelon. Five of the rockets fired by Gaza were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system, while

several others exploded in open areas. Once again, there were no reports of physical injuries or damage, and the “Red Alert” rocket siren successfully sounded prior to the explosions. Within hours, the Israeli Air Force retaliated, targeting several terror-related sites in Gaza. Direct hits were confirmed on a concealed rocket launcher, a weapons storage site, and a center of terrorist activity in northern Gaza. Jewish Home MK Moti Yogev saw the irony, noting that the security arrangements at Mr. Sharon’s funeral as well as the rocket attacks and the necessity of retaliation was a comment on the “mistake the Disengagement was.” “The drones, the Iron Dome, the planes, the soldiers—all the security—would not be necessary if Israel were still in control of Gaza instead of Hamas,” he said. S.L.R.

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