Jewish Voice and Opinion June 2014

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THE JEWISH VOICE AND OPINION Promoting Classical Judaism

June 2014

Vol. 27 • No. 9

Sivan 5774

With the Exception of Some in Congress, Israel Is on Its Own Against the PA’s New Unity Government Left-wing Israeli MKs, of-

ficials with the European Union and the UN, and the Obama administration do not seem to understand why the Israeli government is refusing to negotiate peace—or anything else for that matter—with the new Palestinian “unity” government consisting of Fatah and Hamas. But many US lawmakers understand, and while the Obama administration is determined to continue

Hamas Cartoon shows Jews marching to genocide. The caption reads:”Israel is preparing to accept waves of Jewish immigration from France and Ukraine,” and the epitaph says “Invaders’ Graves.” Hamas is now part of the PA Unity Government.

funding the Palestinian Authority despite the inclusion of Hamas, many Congressmen and Senators are equally determined to cut off the flow of American taxpayer dollars to the terrorists. Senators Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) sent Secretary of State John Kerry a letter reminding the Obama administration of provisions of the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006. It stipulates that for the PA to continue receiv-

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Face-to-Face: Israeli and Saudi Former Intel Heads Discuss Peace, Nuclear Danger, and What to Do about Syria In January 2014, when US

Secretary of State John Kerry still believed his efforts for a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians might come to fruition, Israeli negotiator Tzipi Livni addressed an audience on the subject of Middle East Peace at the Munich Security Conference. Sitting in the front row was Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, who had served as director of his country’s General Intelligence from 1979 to 2001.

Israeli General Amos Yadlin, left, and Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud

When the time came for questions, Prince Turki had one for Ms. Livni: Why, he asked her, don’t Israelis respond to and accept the Saudi Peace Initiative enunciated by Saudi King Abdullah in 2002? According to Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, who was at the session, there was a discussion “back and forth,” but Ms. Livni did not have a direct answer to the prince’s question.

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Inside the Voice “Nicky’s Family”........................................5 Kol Ami: Which Side in Russia?........... 6 The Current Crisis............................... 7 Addiction Addressed......................12 Save It in Style....................................14 At Holy Name This Month....................15

Leaping for OHEL..................................16 Uptick in Terror..........................................18 Another Mohammed al-Dura?.........21 The Log..........................................................24 New Classes........................................29 Mazal Tov.............................................30

Ess Gezint: Olive Oil..................................38 Index of Advertisers ........................41 Honor the Professional...................43 Letters to the Editor ........................44 JEC Annual Dinner...................................18 Walk to Shul............ 24, 31, 35, 46, 47

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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“Nicky’s Family” Recounts the Remarkable Rescue of 669 Czech-Jewish Children in 1939 In the fall of 1938, Nicholas

Winton, a 29-year-old successful British stockbroker and sports buff who favored skiing and fencing, visited Prague. He was prompted to spend his two-week vacation in Czechoslovakia after hearing alarming reports about the way the Germans were treating the local population, especially the Jews. Mr. Winton went to Prague to see if there was anything he could do to help. By the time he was through, he had personally rescued 669 Czech-Jewish children from the hands of the Nazis

and brought them to Britain. The infamous Munich Agreement, signed at the end of September by Germany, France, Britain, and Italy, permitted Nazi Germany to annex the primarily German-speaking area of Czechoslovakia that came to be known as Sudetenland. The pact is today widely regarded as a failed act of appeasement towards Germany. It paved the way for Hitler’s army to march unopposed into Czechoslovakia. The European powers’ role in permitting the Munich Agreement was seen as an act of betrayal by the Czechs.

Desperate Jewish Parents In Prague, Mr. Winton realized that the city was literally flooded with desperate Jews trying to escape. In an interview with the press, Mr. Winton, now 105, said that all he knew in 1938 “was the people I met couldn’t get out, and they were looking for ways of at least getting their children out.” Naïve, with few connections and less experience, Mr. Winton determined to help them. Asked what convinced him to make this Quixotic effort, he said, “I work on the motto that

if something’s not impossible, there must be a way of doing it.” Award-Winning Film Mr. Winton’s adventure has been carefully and lovingly preserved in the film, “Nicky’s Family,” produced by Matej Mináč and Patrik Pass. It is Mr. Mináč’s third film on Mr. Winton’s achievements. In 1999, he produced the drama, “All My Loved Ones,” in which Mr. Winton was portrayed by the actor Rupert Graves. In 2002, Mr. Mináč’s documentary “The Power of Good: Nicholas Winton” (“Síla Lidskosti—Nicholas

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THE JEWISH VOICE AND OPINION, Inc. © 2014; Publisher and Editor-in-Chief: Susan L. Rosenbluth Phone (201)569-2845 Managing Editor: Sharon Beck, Advertising: Rivkie Stern The Jewish Voice & Opinion (ISSN # 1527-3814), POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631, is published monthly in coordination with The Central Committee for Israel. A one-year subscription is $25. Periodicals postage is paid at Englewood, NJ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Jewish Voice and Opinion, POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631. All advertising in the Jewish Voice and Opinion must conform to the standards of the Orthodox Rabbinic kashruth. Editorial content reflects the views of the writer and not necessarily any other group. The Jewish Voice is not responsible for typographical errors.

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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Kol Ami: Which Side in Russia? Despite news at the beginning of June that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko had reached a “mutual understanding” to end the conflict in eastern Ukraine, the fighting verging on civil war continued between the Ukrainian military and pro-Russian separatists. After the Russian annexation of Crimea several months ago, some observers believe the Russian-speaking areas of Ukraine are next. The question last month, posed to members of the local Russian-Jewish community, was: Which side do you support? Y

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What Putin did in Crimea and now his supporting the separatists is not acceptable, and it is clear that Ukraine should be a separate independent country, but when I think of the Ukrainians, all I hear in my head is their calling us “kikes” when we were children. That makes it very hard for me to support them in any way. No Jews belong there. They should all be in the US or in Israel. Faina Vilenchik Woodbridge, NJ

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I left Russia 44 years ago, and have not been back. When it comes to the Russians and the Ukrainians, it is better for Jews not to discuss the situation. Anything else could be dangerous for the Jewish communities there. Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky Hillside, NJ

What makes me feel good is that I can watch what is happening from the safety of my home in the US. I watch the fighting on Russian TV, and when I’ve had enough, I can switch it off. It’s a very interesting war between two very deserving people. Thank G-d, the Jews there are beginning to understand they must get out now. Inessa Plotkin Englewood, NJ

I’m originally from Saint Petersburg, and my family is from Ukraine. I know Putin is little more than a dictator, but the Ukrainians have always been very antisemitic, and it is no different now. The minute there was trouble, they burned down a synagogue. While I care about all people who suffer, I really do not care which side wins. As long as the Jews get out, they can divide the land however they like. Zhanna Saks Woodcliff Lake, NJ

June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

The Current Crisis: “Even in Laughter, the Heart Can Ache”

Somehow, we liked it better when Evita sang “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina” than when Hillary asked all of us to cry for her, not because Monica Lewinsky was back, but because Maw and Paw Clinton were “dead broke” and in debt when they left the White House. Hey, all those mortgages add up, and, as John Podhoretz pointed out in the New York Post, you can bet Stanford wouldn’t accept the family’s prize pig in trade for Chelsea’s spring tuition. But maybe Chelsea’s wedding caterer would have taken something off at least for the appetizers. Hillary’s interview with Diane Sawyer actually spawned a whole cottage industry of people trying to figure out just how poor the Clintons were. One wag told us Hillary was so poor she asked Monica to lend her the blue dress on hops between Chappaqua and Washington. Come to think of it, Hillary probably needed a spare house or two when she in the Senate. Where else was she going to keep her carpet bag? *** In Israel, our friend Prof Steve Plaut tells us that, at the University of Haifa, Nakba Day, commemorating the catastrophe of Israel’s victory over its genocidal enemies, is one of the school’s major memorials. On campus, a chance for the Jewish radical left to mourn Israel’s very existence is right up there with the grieving that goes on for Hitler’s yahrtzeit. Nakba Day is marked by a variety of innovative activities. For example, at noon, a siren sounds and everyone stops what they are doing for a minute, just to think about how tragic it is that Israel exists. Nakba Day’s Jewish apologists insist there is no political agenda to all this. It is, they say, simply a time to commemorate “all forms of suffering.” Prof Plaut figures that includes the misery endured by the genocidal Arab militias, gangs, and armies that unsuccessfully attempted to annihilate the Jews of Israel in 1948. “It behooves us, then,” he said, “to make a list of other apolitical and neutral examples of human suffering to demonstrate that there are no political agendas behind the choice of which events are selected to be commemorated and mourned.” For example, how about a day of commemoration for the tragic losses in

property values by white slave owners in the American south? Thinking about them, stripped of their slave assets as a result of the loss of the Confederacy in the American Civil War, would be a great step in the direction of neutral apolitical honoring of human rights and dignity. Prof Plaut suggests there could also be a special campus day of commemoration and empathy for male rapists who hurt themselves while violently assaulting women. “Their bruised knees and knuckles and scratched faces could be seen as human tragedies that all compassionate members of society must honor and respect in the name of neutral human rights and apolitical dignity,” he said.

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And what about members of the Boko Haram group in Nigeria who may have been insulted or called names by young Christian girls? Or a special day of remembrance for the guards at Gulag facilities in the days of Stalin who suffered terribly, far from their homes and families, in order to staff the Gulag internment camps. And how could we forget the Al-Qaeda hijackers? We need a special day of sympathy, held each year on September 11, to remember these men who died such terrible deaths on that day in 2001. After commemorating all these events, we could certainly understand a mournful Nakba Day that has no ideological agenda. S.L.R.

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

Nicky’s Family Winton”) was shown on television and won an Emmy Award. The 96-minute documentary, “Nicky’s Family,” has won accolades from critics and more than 30 awards, including 14 audience awards, from US film festivals. It will open commercially next month in New York and Los Angeles. It will be available on Video on Demand and will soon have a national release. The DVD is available through Menemsha Films. Until 1988, a full 50 years after Mr. Winton managed to save all those children, virtually no one—including the children themselves, now fully grown and most of them either parents or grandparents—knew what he had done, how they had been able to arrive in the United Kingdom, or who was responsible. Mr. Winton said it’s not that he kept it a secret, “I just didn’t talk about it,” he said. Forgery and Deception In 1938, once he decided to help the Czech Jews, Mr. Winton set up a small organization based in his hotel room. He worked literally around the clock meeting parents, recording the details about their children, and collecting their photographs. By the time he returned to London, he had a list of hundreds of children and set out to convince the Brit-

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continued from page 5 ish authorities to take him seriously. He accomplished this by confiscating the stationery of an established British refugee organization, The British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia, and named himself the chairman of its fictitious “children’s section.” He recognized that he was employing deception and a bit of smoke and mirrors, but he denied it required ingenuity. “It just required getting a printing press to get the [stationery] printed,” he said. Doing What Was Necessary The “Children’s Section” of British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia operated from a tiny central London office, overseen by Mr. Winton’s mother and an all-volunteer staff. During the day, Mr. Winton worked his day job as a stockbroker. In the evenings, he wrestled with the British bureaucracy. Britain finally agreed to accept the children Mr. Winton would bring into the country, but only if “the children’s section” could find families willing to care for them. To that end, he used the photos of adorable Jewish children to win the hearts of hundreds of British families, who by that time were being inundated with reports of the Jews’ deplorable living conditions in German-occupied Czechoslovakia. But even after he secured

Nicholas Winton with one of the children he rescued from Czechoslovakia before the Second World War the required families, the British bureaucracy moved at a snail’s pace to issue official travel documents. Aware that time was a luxury the Jewish children did not have, Mr. Winton used his printing press again and forged the documents. He also paid off some British authorities to look the other way. He smiled when asked during the interview if he was aware he had employed bribery and forgery. “It worked. That’s the main thing,” he said. Departures The first 20 of “Mr. Winton’s” children left Prague on March 14, 1939, the day before German troops occupied Prague and the rest of Czechoslovakia in addition to the Sudetenland. Over the next few months, they were joined by 649 others, several of whom are interviewed in the documentary. While some were very young, others were old enough to remember everything. Most had no idea that they were seeing their parents for the last time at the train station. Hugo Meisl’s parents told him and his younger brother they were going to England for a two- or three-month holiday

and that they would all be together “soon after.” Choking back tears more than 70 years later, Mr. Meisl, now 86, said he believed his parents completely. “How did they have the strength?” he asked. Mr. Meisl and many of the now-adult children wonder at their parents’ ability to say good-bye calmly. For one family interviewed in the documentary, the departure was not smooth. The mother was putting her three young daughters on the train when the youngest, barely three, began crying and was taken off the train. After hugging the child, the mother put her back onto the train at the last minute through an open window, and thus saved her life. Over the spring and summer of 1939, seven trains carried Mr. Winton’s children from Czechoslovakia through the heart of Nazi Germany to Holland. There, they were taken first by ferry to the English coast and then by train to London. Jewish Background According to the documentary, the children were very well treated in England by the families who had agreed to take them in and by the Brit-

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

Nicky’s Family

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ish in general. They were generally cared for and educated well. Many of them were officially adopted—a few by non-Jewish families who then raised them as Christians. Mr. Winton brushed off British rabbinic complaints about Jewish children being taken by non-Jewish families, telling the rabbis that saving the young lives was more important than religion. Although the documentary says nothing about Mr. Winton’s religious heritage, his parents were German Jews who relocated to London in 1907, two years before their son was born. The family name had been Wertheim, but they changed it to Winton, converted to Christianity, and made certain to have their son baptized. There is no evidence that Mr. Winton’s efforts were based on kindred feelings for the Jews of Czechoslovakia. War An eighth train carrying 250 more Winton children was scheduled to leave Prague on September 1, 1939, but on that day war was declared in Europe and the train never left. Mr. Winton has no doubt that few if any of those children survived. Two years later, the Nazis began implementing the Final Solution. Czech Jews were sent first to Theresienstadt, an old military garrison town about an hour north of Prague. From there, some 90,000 Czech Jews, among them almost all the children Mr. Winton was unable to

rescue in time, as well as their parents and the parents of the children who were already in Britain, were deported to Poland to the Auschwitz extermination camp. After September 1939, Mr. Winton volunteered to serve with an ambulance unit for the Red Cross and then trained pilots for the Royal Air Force. He married his wife, Grete, earned a very comfortable living, and raised a family with her. He told almost no one about what he had accomplished in 1939. Aired on Television In 1988, almost by chance, Mrs. Winton found a detailed scrapbook in their attic with the lists of the children her husband had saved. The book included their parents’ names and the names and addresses of the families that took them in. Mrs. Winton wrote to more than 80 of them, telling them for the first time who their savior was. Word of the scrapbook reached the ears of the producers of the BBC program “That’s Life,” who without saying why, invited Mr. Winton to be part of the audience for an episode of the show. At one point, his scrapbook was shown, explaining what Mr. Winton had accomplished some 50 years earlier. The host of the program, Esther Rantzen, then asked if anyone in the audience owed his or her life to Mr. Winton, and dozens of people sitting around Mr. Winton rose, applauded, and said thank you. “I suppose it was the most emotional moment of my life, suddenly being confronted with all these children who weren’t by any means children anymore,” he said. Impressive Lives The dozens of “his” children who have been identified have by now produced some 6,000 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. It has been estimated that from all 669 of the saved children, there are more than 15,000 descendants. Among the children Mr. Winton saved were Baron Alfred Dubs, a former Labour Party Member of Parliament; Karel Reisz, a British filmmaker who, before his death in 2002, was one of the pioneers of the new realist strain in the 1950s and 1960s; Joe Schlesinger, an award-winning Canadian television journalist and author; Dr. Renata Laxova, Professor Emeritus of Pediatric Genetics at the Departments of Pediatric and Medical Genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, discoverer

of the rare Neu-Laxová syndrome; and Heini Halberstam, a British mathematician after whom the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture is named and who was known for books on number and sieve theories. Prof Halberstam died this past January. In 2009, to celebrate his 100th birthday, Mr. Winton was flown over the White Waltham Airfield in a microlight ultralight aircraft piloted by Judy Leden, the daughter of one of the boys he had saved 70 years earlier. Israeli Air Force Hero After the war, Hugo Meisl, like many of the children saved by Mr. Winton, returned to Czechoslovakia in a fruitless effort to search for family. Many of the returnees eventually studied in Czechoslovakia and then left the country. Mr. Meisl went to Israel, where he served in the air force during the 1948 War of Independence. He had studied at the British Royal Air Force air-training school before returning to Czechoslovakia to pursue engineering at the university in Brno. In 1947, he was visited by representatives of the Hagana asking him to find Jewish boys at his school who would be willing to be trained as pilots by the Czechs, who were selling planes to the Jews in Palestine and had offered to train them as well. Mr. Meisl and his new wife Marta (who was a camp survivor), and a few others took advantage of the offer and went on to have glittering careers in the Israeli Air Force. In Israel, Mr. Meisl’s last name was changed to “Marom” by a secretary who checked his passport one day before he left on a mission to bring new aircraft to the Jewish state. “She decided Meisl was German and changed my name to Marom without asking, and so I stayed with this name,” he said, adding that Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion specifically instructed him not to change his name from Meisl because it “is one of the oldest Jewish names in Czechoslovakia and my ancestors go back more than a thousand years in Prague.” Czech Expert Today, Mr. Marom is considered an expert on Israel/Czech relations and is frequently called on to interpret or act as a liaison for visiting Czech dignitaries. According to Mr. Marom, the reason the Czechs were so helpful to Israel during the

June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

War of Independence was “to get back at the British who had sold them out at Munich.” In 1964, Mr. Marom established his own company specializing in aviation design. He is still regularly called as a consultant by airport designers throughout the world. The Maroms’ daughter, Evie Polig, is a well-known Israeli sculptor. Their grandson carries out the family tradition, flying F-16s for the Israeli Air Force. British Honors Three years after the BBC program, Mr. Winton was appointed a member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE), but not for his work in Prague in 1938-39. He was honored for founding Abbeyfield homes for the elderly in Britain, old age establishments of which he is very proud, but in which he has no intention of living. It was not until 2002 that he was knighted by the British crown in recognition of his work on the Czech Kindertransport. In 2003, he received the Pride of Britain Award for Lifetime Achievement, and in 2010, he was named a British Hero of the Holocaust by the British government. While his work has been recognized in Jerusalem by Yad Vashem, Mr. Winton’s Jewish heritage prevented him from being declared a “Righteous among the Nations.” Czech Honors In Czechoslovakia, it has been a different story. In 1998, he was awarded the Order of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Fourth Class. Ten years later, a Czech elementary school was named for him and he was awarded the Cross of Merit of the Czech Minister of Defense. Appropriately enough, there are two very moving statues of Mr. Winton in train stations. On September 1, 2009, as part of the 70th anniversary commemoration of the last kindertransport train that never left, a statue of Mr. Winton holding one child and standing protectively next to another was unveiled on Platform 1 of Prague’s main railway station, the Praha hlavní nádraží. In 2010, a statue depicting Mr. Winton sitting on a bench reading a book was unveiled at the Maidenhead railway station in England. Nobel Prize In 2008, the Czech government nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize, an effort that is still continuing. This year, more than 200,000 people, including 120,000 children in the Czech Republic, signed a petition to award the prize to

Sir Nicholas Winton. The petition can be found at: http:// Asking FDR for Help If Americans were to start signing the petition, it might be a way of righting an historic wrong that was committed in 1939. On May 16 of that year, Mr. Winton wrote a letter to President Franklin D Roosevelt asking his help in expediting the transfer of some Czech-Jewish children to the United States. Mr. Winton wrote in his “official” capacity as chairman of the “children’s section.” After the CBS program, “60 Minutes,” ran a segment last April about Mr. Win-

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ton, the letter was found in the National Archives in Washington. Addressing Mr. Roosevelt as “Esteemed Sir,” Mr. Winton wrote that “perhaps people in America do not realize how little is being and has been done for refugee children in Czechoslovakia.” “Their parents are forbidden work and the children are forbidden schooling, and apart from the physical discomforts, which all this signifies, the moral degradation is immeasurable. Is it possible for anything to be done to help us with this problem in America? It is hard to state our case forcibly in a letter, but we trust to your imagination to realize how desperately urgent the situa-

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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Addiction in the Jewish Community: A Scourge Being Slowly Addressed Rabbi Dr. Eric M. Lankin remembers

clearly the first time he saw Jews with kippot at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. It happened in 1985 when his wife Jeannie was studying for her Masters in Social Work at Columbia University and was assigned to attend an open meeting of AA. Rabbi Lankin accompanied her to the meeting, which was held in the basement of a Park Avenue church. Surprised by the comparatively large number of Jews in kippot among the attendees, Rabbi Lankin turned to his wife and said, “Wow, there are other Jews here studying alcoholism.” Now with over 25 years of experience working with Jewish addicts and their families, Rabbi Lankin is serving as the facilitator of JRecovery, a program offered by the Jewish Family and Vocational Service (JFVS) of Middlesex County in Milltown, New Jersey. Nurturing Spiritual Needs Every Monday evening at 7:30, Jews who are either suffering with active addictions, are in recovery, or are related to someone who meets those criteria meet at the JFVS. All know first-hand about the

Nicky’s Family

problems of alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, overeating, or sex addiction. The group is designed to complement 12-step recovery programs by nurturing the spiritual needs of those with active addictions or in recovery and their families and friends. Group discussions focus on the challenges of recovery, using the language and concepts of 12-step programs and a broad spectrum of Jewish spiritual teachings. There are no fees and all Jews are welcome regardless of background or observance. As in all 12-step meetings, participants’ anonymity is protected. A 12-step program utilizes the guiding principles originally proposed by AA as a method of recovery from alcoholism. The principles have since become the foundation of other 12-step programs for other addictions. The American Psychological Association summarizes the steps as: admitting the addiction or compulsion cannot be controlled by the addict; recognizing a higher power that can give strength; examining past errors with the help of a sponsor, usually an experienced member;

making amends for past errors; learning to live a new life with a new code of behavior; and helping others who suffer from the same addictions or compulsions. America’s Longest War Today, Rabbi Lankin, a Highland Park resident, can laugh at his naiveté in that church basement. “Who knew there were Jews with addiction problems? Surely not me,” he says. Since then, he has earned not only rabbinic ordination, but also a doctorate in pastoral counseling focusing on the issue of Jews and recovery from addiction. According to Rabbi Lankin, illegal drug use, alcoholism, sex addiction, eating disorders, and pathological gambling are among the greatest dangers to societal progress and family stability. “The so-called ‘war on drugs’ is America’s longest war. It has cost taxpayers $1 trillion in the last 40 years. That includes billions of dollars spent by individuals and families in these dangerous activities; billions of dollars in lost productivity; and billions more by government and community institutions in attempting to stop

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tion is. Believe me, Esteemed Sir, with many thanks,” he wrote. He signed the letter “Your Obedient Servant, Nicholas Winton.” Refused He received a return letter from a medium-level political officer at the American

Embassy in London, advising him that the United States government “is unable in the absence of specific legislation to permit immigration beyond that which is provided for by existing immigration legislation.” Asked by 60 Minutes if he was in-

sulted by this response, Mr. Winton said he “did not know enough about politics to feel insulted.” Nor did he feel anger. “We didn’t have much time for negative attitudes,” he said. His regret is that had America helped, more children could have been saved. “The Americans wouldn’t take any, which was a pity. We could have got a lot more out,” he said. Large Jewish Family According to the documentary, many of the people he saved and their families are now in regular contact with Mr. Winton. Although nothing is said about their shared Jewish heritage, it is an unmistakable subtext for those who know. Despite his parents’ best efforts, he has a huge Jewish family. “I’ve got children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren,” he told journalists. When reminded that none of them would be alive if it had not been for “Sir Nick,” he said, “That’s right. Terrible responsibility, isn’t it?” S.L.R.

June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

the supply of illegal drugs; treat addicts; incarcerate producers, sellers, and users of illegal drugs; control access to alcohol, pornography, and legalized gambling activities; and inhibit illegal gambling activities,” he says. Genetic Connections His up-close view has convinced him that addictions, even in the Jewish community, are responsible for a significant percentage of impaired family systems, criminal activities, stunted emotional growth of young people, and often severe physical complications for everyone affected. “A genetic connection of one generation of addicts to the next and impaired family systems passed from parents to children lead to pathological behaviors over generations. Breaking the chain of addictions provides hope not only for the present generation of a family, but also for the family’s future,” he says. Shofar Paid for Drugs While there are no scientific studies of the incidence of addictions in the Jewish community specifically, Rabbi Lankin says he knows from personal experience as well as from anecdotal evidence by clinicians who service areas with concentrated Jewish populations, that the addiction rates in the Jewish community are as serious as in the general population. A former chaplain with the Nassau County Correctional Center, he says there were usually about 50 Jews incarcerated at any given time among the inmate population of 1,500. “Ninety percent of the Jews were there due to crimes they committed because of their addictions,” he says, citing driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, stealing to pay for drugs, robbing their companies to pay gambling debts, and non-payment of child support because of addictions. “I even had an inmate admit to me that he stole a shofar from a local synagogue before Rosh Hashana, sold it at a kosher pizza restaurant to a patron, and used the money to buy drugs,” he says. “Stony Silence” He also served for six years as a US Navy Reserve Chaplain, receiving extensive training in addictions and recovery. On every duty station, he and other chaplains were part of the frontline response team for sailors and marines who were active alcoholics and/or illegal drug abusers.

When he returned home and tried to address publicly what he had learned, he was met with “stony silence” in the Jewish community. Privately however, he began to hear about members of the community who needed help. “Our people used to think that Jews were exempt from the problems of addiction. Those days are over,” he says. “We now know that thousands of Jewish families suffer from illegal drug use, alcoholism, eating disorders, pathological gambling, and sex addiction. Hundreds of Jews in every local Jewish community face the challenge of these and other addictions daily. So do thousands of other Americans, of every race and religious background.”

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Jewish Response While the Jewish community’s addiction problems are not unique, Rabbi Lankin believes the community’s response to “this terrible challenge” can and should be. “What is distinctive about the Jewish people is 4,000 years of Jewish teachings about concern for our bodies and souls, spiritual insights to address moral challenges, and rituals to create a lifestyle that accesses these truths and creates resilient families,” he says, citing experts such as Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski and the many books and lectures he has given to address the spiritual challenges facing

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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Save It In Style with Aviva Rappaport More than ten years ago,

when Aviva Rappaport launched Save It In Style, she began with the premise that clients should not always have to spend a fortune of money to give their homes a fresh look. Rather, she believed that with the right touch, clients could use what they already had in their homes to get the new feel they desired. That is how she hit on the name, “Save It In Style.” What was true when she first opened the business is


just as valid today, she says. However, she has broadened the scope of her work. Save It In Style has become a fullservice interior-decorating company. Ms. Rappaport has decorated log cabins as well as multi-million dollar properties. She has also branched out into commercial decors, frequently decorating cafés, restaurants, and offices. Easy-going yet decisive, she takes pleasure from the fact that clients are pleased with the experience of working with her. Many rarely make any

decorating decisions without her input. State of the Art Ms. Rappaport works with architects, contractors, builders, and suppliers to insure that she participates in the entire process, thus ensuring that her clients receive the most costeffective service in a stress-free environment. To help accomplish this, she uses state-of-the-art threedimensional computer design programs which allow her clients to take a virtual “tour” of the proposed decorating

plans before any work actually takes place. Beginning her second decade of providing superior service at affordable prices, Ms. Rappaport is as personable and talented as ever. Clients find that from personal shopping to sophisticated decorative planning, no job is too big or too small for her. To set up a meeting and find out what all the excitement is about, Ms. Rappaport can be reached at 201-835-7728 or Y

who have addicted friends or family members suffering from codependency, internet addiction, gambling, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), food addictions, eating disorders, or substance abuse. Jewish Spiritual Insights While Rabbi Lankin praises these efforts and gratefully acknowledges that his new program in Milltown has been embraced by the Jewish Federation of Middlesex County, he believes lack of funding is preventing the establishment of much needed further programming. Most Jews with addiction issues seek help from general community resources because they are not offered by the Jewish community. AA meetings, for example, are typically offered in church basements. He has no arguments with Jews who find help in Christian venues. “It is literally ‘recovery or death’ and Jews find important resources in the general community, exerting great personal effort using these resources,” he says. What is missing in these venues is “exposure and integration of Jewish spiritual insights and the helping hand

of other Jews in the community, key tools to prevent recidivism,” he says. Taking It Seriously For more information on Rabbi Lankin’s weekly program in Milltown, call the Jewish Family and Vocational Service at 732777-1940 or visit Rabbi Lankin can be reached at For more information on the Jewish Family Service’s monthly meetings in Teaneck, call licensed professional counselor Sheila Steinbach, director of Clinical and Adult Care Management Services, at 201837-9090. In Passaic, Ms. Wisotsky can be reached at 973-249-7435. “Very few synagogues and Jewish community centers host 12-Step and other groups dedicated to recovery. This indicates to me that much of the Jewish community continues to be in denial about addictions. Addictions in the Jewish community are a serious problem. When will Jewish leaders and philanthropists take it seriously?” says Rabbi Lankin. S.L.R.

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Jews in recovery. Rabbi Lankin acknowledges the Jewish communal efforts that have already been undertaken to address the issue, singling out JACS (Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others) groups that exist throughout the country. Communal Efforts In Teaneck, the Jewish Family Service of Bergen and Hudson Counties offers a JACS meeting on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm. Meetings open with a spiritual message relating Jewish concepts to the 12 steps, followed by a period in which participants are asked to share their

experiences. It is open to all Jews, regardless of background, who want help with their own or with a loved one’s addiction. Anonymity is respected. In Passaic, social worker Ricky Wisotsky has been running a weekly Alateen program for Orthodox girls between the ages of 9 and 19. The program meets at 7 pm on Tuesday evenings at Congregation Tifereth Israel. Alateen is a division of AlAnon, an independent international group that regards addiction as a family illness. Therefore, Al-Anon’s purpose is to help relatives and friends of addicts. In Passaic, the Alateen program addresses young girls

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New at Holy Name: Radiation Oncology Services, Support for Multiple Sclerosis Center, and New Electronic Medical Records Teaneck’s Holy Name Medi-

cal Center (HNMC), has been awarded a three-year term of accreditation in radiation oncology as the result of a recent review by the American College of Radiology (ACR). Radiation oncology (radiation therapy) is the careful use of high-energy radiation to treat cancer. A radiation oncologist may use radiation to treat cancer or to relieve a cancer patient’s pain. The seal of approval from the ACR, the country’s oldest and most widely accepted radiation oncology accrediting body, represents the highest level of quality and patient safety. It is awarded only to facilities meeting specific practice guidelines and technical standards developed by ACR after a peer-review evaluation by board-certified radiation oncologists and medical physicists who are experts in the field. HNMC’s Cancer Center is also accredited by the American College of Surgeons - Commission on Cancer. State-of-the-Art Services State-of-the-art services offered by HNMC’s Cancer Center include: • Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) which permits doctors to use online computerized imaging to pinpoint the precise positioning of the patient immediately prior to each treatment session. The process is designed to improve treatment accuracy so that a smaller, more-defined field of treatment can be used, which will better protect healthy tissue surrounding the tumor. This enables delivery of a higher dose of radiation to control the tumor more effectively. • Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), now

the gold standard in radiation treatment for many cancers. • CT-guided prone breast radiation therapy, which is for select patients. Unlike most breast radiation treatments, in which the patient receives radiation while lying on her back, prone breast radiation therapy is administered while the patient lies face down. With the breasts projected downward, radiation can be aimed with greater precision at the breast. • PET/CT, which has been utilized for diagnosis, staging and radiation treatment planning at Holy Name Medical Center for longer than at any other center in the region. Our radiologists, radiation oncologists, and physicists co-authored a seminal research paper on the topic of PET/CT for radiation treatment planning. • Respiratory Gated PET/ CT helps further protect normal tissues, especially in the regions of the body that move excessively with respiration, such as the lungs and abdomen. HNMC is the first medical center to use respiratory gated PET/CT for respiratory gated radiation treatment. • High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy is a computerdriven treatment method, in which a temporary radiation source, or “seed” is remotely, safely, and accurately placed directly into a cancerous area. Treatment takes only a few minutes and can often replace an entire multi-week course of external beam radiation therapy. Results have shown excellent control of disease and few side effects. HDR brachytherapy is used to treat many cancer sites, including prostate, lung, breast. • Stereotactic Radiosur-

gery (SRS) and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) treat tumors in the brain and other parts of the body using highly conformal and dosemaximized treatment planning, with an entire course of treatment delivered in as few as one to eight treatment sessions. This type of treatment requires continuous motion and positioning monitoring during the treatment. Benefits of the Cancer Center The Cancer Center at HNMC offers: • One-stop, comprehensive service featuring easily-accessed local care and resources. • A multidisciplinary approach that uses the expertise of many specialists to care for individual patients. This is critical to providing the most effective care with the best possible prognosis.

• Excellence in all three branches of oncology care: radiation, medical and surgical. • Leading-edge diagnostic, staging, and treatment technology. • Talented oncologists and other physician specialists, all certified by their respective boards. • Skilled and compassionate nurse practitioners, oncology certified nurses, physicists, dosimetrists and radiation oncology therapists, as well as an oncology pharmacist, oncology social worker, and oncology certified dietician, all dedicated specifically to the Cancer Center. • Supportive care, including counseling, home and hospice care, physical rehabilitation services, and nutritional guidance.

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

OHEL Takes Extreme Fund-Raising to New Heights In order to qualify to rap-

pel twenty stories over the side of the Heritage Capital Group building in Newark, 81 friends and supporters of OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services raised a minimum of $1,000 each for the agency on Tuesday, May 20. All proceeds were

At Holy Name Electronic Medical Records In addition to its superb Cancer Center, HNMC recently announced that it has finished integrating UpToDate® into WebHIS, the medical center’s electronic medical record (EMR) system, and deployed UpToDate® Anywhere. UpToDate was developed by Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals. HNMC physicians using UpToDate can obtain trusted, evidence-based clinical information and treatment recommendations at the point of care and beyond, via WebHIS and mobile devices. Physicians gain access to UpToDate® within WebHIS by using a text search link prominently located on key screens, which takes them immediately to the most current and authoritative clinical information available on more than 10,000 topics in 21 medical special-

earmarked to help OHEL’s children with developmental disabilities to enjoy meaningful camp experiences. The “over-the-edge” event sold out. Its organizers said the most difficult challenge was finding a willing building owner with whom to partner. Steve and Jeff Greenberg, owners

of the Heritage Capital Group, and their staff stepped up to the plate. Although the OHEL organizers were worried about the spring weather, which can be unpredictable, the group was blessed by a sunny day in which the only weather-related concerns were sunburn.

“Texting While Rappelling” Early in the afternoon, a large crowd of families, supporters, and curious onlookers began to gather at the base of the building to watch the men and women who were eager to rappel. Two Newark police cars kept watch throughout the event. Some of the local of-

they always have access to the information they need to practice evidence-based medicine. Using the mobile app, they can look up answers to their clinical questions immediately rather than having to find a computer between patients,” said Deb Ross, MSN, RN, Senior Clinical Informatics Specialist at HNMC. Multiple Sclerosis Center To support other innovations, HNMC recently held its 17th annual Spring Fashion Fling, raising more than $180,000 for patient care and research at its Multiple Sclerosis Center. “Holy Name Medical Center is committed to ensuring that our MS patients have access to today’s most promising therapies, novel treatment strategies and incomparable care,” said Celeste A. Oranchak, HNMC’s Vice President of Development and Executive Director of its Foundation. “We are deeply grateful for the generous support of our donors which significantly helps the MS Center provide the best medical care to the MS community.” The event, which was held at the Glenpointe Marriott Teaneck, included a fashion show by Lord and Taylor (Paramus), an auction, and a luncheon reception. Chris Cimino, WNBCTV meteorologist, served as Honorary Chairperson of the event, while friends of the MS

Center acted as models for the fashion show. Serving the Region Approximately 1,900 patients from the greater New York metropolitan region visit the Holy Name MS Center every year for its clinical excellence, personalized patient care, and innovative clinical research. To better serve patients, the MS Center recently moved to a new and expanded location on the HNMC campus. The new Center was designed to offer patients and their families more efficient access to all the specialized services offered at the HNMC. For more information about any of these services, visit or call 1-877-HOLY-NAME (1-877-4659626). For more information about giving opportunities, contact the Holy Name Medical Center Foundation at 201833-3187. HNMC is a comprehensive 361-bed medical center offering leading-edge medical practice and technology administered in an environment rooted in a tradition of compassion and respect for every patient. The center provides high quality health care across a continuum that encompasses education, prevention, early intervention, comprehensive treatment options, rehabilitation and wellness maintenance— from pre-conception through end-of-life. Y

continued from page 15 ties. An HL7 Infobutton further streamlines point-of-care decision-making by providing context-sensitive UpToDate® search results directly from the patient’s medication, problem, and other clinical lists with just a single mouse click. Clinical-Decision Support Integration of UpToDate® within WebHIS is an important component of HNMC’s longterm strategic commitment to excellence in health information technology. To expand the reach of this clinical decision support resource, HNMC has also deployed UpToDate® Anywhere to give its more than 900 physicians access to UpToDate® via an award-winning mobile app for iOS, Android and Windows. UpToDate® Anywhere also enables HNMC physicians to earn CME credit while using UpToDate® to research clinical questions. “Physicians appreciate how UpToDate® Anywhere ensures

• Leibedik One Man Band/Singer • DJ with DANCE MOTIVATORS • Projector/Screen Rentals • Full Orchestra • Karaoke • Shabbos Ruach A Capella Singers ficers jokingly gave a participant a “ticket” for “texting while rappelling.” As each rappeler prepared for the jump by ascending and then cautiously stepping off the roof ledge, onlookers cheered and shouted words of encouragement, which changed into raucous applause as the participants touched down to the safety of the sidewalk after the nerve-wracking 20-story descent.

June 2014 / Sivan 5774

“It was a day full of energy and giveaways, and all for a very good cause,” said Robert Katz, OHEL’s chief development officer. Motivation Dave, a first-time rappeler, agreed. “That was incredible. I can’t believe I just did that,” he said after landing on the ground. Marc Blumenfrucht, a longtime supporter of OHEL and a member of the board of the

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

organization’s Camp Kaylie, had another reason for going off the Heritage Capital Group building. He used to work there. “I could not miss an opportunity to rappel off of it,” he said. Mr. Katz said that while the participants had different motivators to help overcome the natural fear of going over the edge, the prospect of helping OHEL was embraced by all

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of them. He found a symbolic match between the event and the organization. “OHEL helps thousands of people every year overcome their fears and challenges, helping them deal with trauma. At this event, we watched people overcome challenges for only 20 minutes. OHEL’s clients have challenged 24/7. This was an eye-opening experience,” he said. Y

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

After Unity Pact, Israel Sees an Uptick in Terrorism, But Obama Gives Abbas a Pass After the unity pact was signed be-

tween Fatah and Hamas and the unity government was created, few analysts in Israel were surprised to see an uptick in terror activity, not only in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, but also in Judea and Samaria, including missiles, attacks on soldiers, and even an attempted suicide bombing. “Terrorists are getting a boost from the recognition of the terrorist unity government of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority by the US and Europe,” said Gershon Mesika, head of the Shomron Regional Council. “It is time for Israel to do what is good for Israel and stop thinking about what the world will say.” According to Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon, this means recognizing that in the wake of the new unity government, the PA must bear the responsibility for all terrorist activities against Israel. “All aid given to the Palestinians by the US and other countries directly aids terror attacks against the state of Israel,” he said. Incitement Israeli security officials point out that even before the unity pact was signed, Israel’s “Palestinian Incitement Index,” released earlier this year, showed that incitement against Israel and the Jewish

people has continued unabated not only by Hamas, but also by educational and religious media outlets controlled by PA President Mahmoud Abbas. The result, according to a senior Hamas official, is that the Palestinian people still openly support terrorism. In an interview with the Gaza-based Al-Quds Press, Husam Badran maintained that the PA unity government has neither a political platform nor a set of specific goals regarding domestic policies, such as securing the release of terrorists from Israeli prisons or improving the economic condition of the Palestinian people. By contrast, Hamas has not changed its position on the conflict with Israel. Hamas, he said, still relies on “armed struggle.” “We believe the majority of Palestinians still believe the way to freedom is to fight,” he said. Meaningless Even supporters of the unity government such as the Obama administration have admitted that PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s pledge to the US and other Western countries to renounce terror is meaningless to members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Both terrorist groups intend to field candidates in the next PA election. Ismail Haniyeh, who served as Hamas’s prime minister in Gaza until the unity government was formed, told participants at the opening session of the group’s terrortraining “summer camps” that Hamas’s strategy “has not [changed] and will not change.” “We emphasize now that we will not retreat from our plan to liberate our lands and ensure the right of return and the release of prisoners,” he said. Islamic Jihad leader Khaled Al-Batesh agreed. “Weapons of resistance will remain in our hands in order to liberate all of Palestine,” he said. Fatah Terror While Fatah leaders did not participate in the “summer camp” opening, the fruit of their incitement has been apparent in the field. On June 3, a Fatah-affiliated terrorist opened fire towards Israeli border police soldiers stationed at the Tapuach Junction in Samaria, near the city of Ariel.

The soldiers returned fire and killed the terrorist. One soldier was lightly wounded in the incident and was treated at the scene by army medics. The family of the terrorist, Alaa Mohammed Awad Odeh, 31, told the Ma’an news agency that they rejected Israel’s reports that he was armed and dangerous. According to the Odeh family, their home in the nearby Arab village of Awarta was raided after the incident. Suicide Bomber The attack came just three days after Israeli security forces apprehended another Arab terrorist at the same location. When he was captured, he was wearing a suicide bomb belt. His large coat in the hot summer weather had raised Israeli security personnel’s suspicions. When they called on him to remove his coat for a security check, he refused and proceeded to lie on the floor. A bomb disposal squad was called to dismantle the explosives that were found on his person. The foiled suicide bombing was not the first such attempted attack at the Tapuach Junction in recent months. In mid-April, Israeli police thwarted a stabbing attack by an Arab man found with a knife in his pocket. In 2013, Evyatar Borovsky, a 31-yearold actor and father of five from Yitzhar, in Samaria, was stabbed to death at the same junction. Gaza Attack On June 11, it was Hamas’s turn. A Qassam rocket, fired from Gaza, exploded near a community by Highway 232 in the Eshkol Regional Council area in the northwestern Negev. “Code red” sirens sounded, but no injuries or damage were reported from the attack. Mr. Danon blamed the Palestinian unity government and called for the immediate cessation of transfers of all tax money collected by Israel for the PA. In late April, as a sanction against the PA for signing the unity pact with Hamas, Israel began a partial withholding of tax funds. This was not only punitive, but also a means of collecting on the

June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

massive debt owed by the PA to Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also blamed the PA and Mr. Abbas, who “is responsible and accountable for rockets that are fired at Israeli towns and cities by terrorists in Gaza,” he said. Obligatory Disarming Justifying the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation pact, which led to the unity government, Mr. Abbas told the US that the government would be based on what he called “the four Palestinian principles”: recognizing Israel, recognizing the terms of international agreements, and the explicit rejection of violence and terrorism. Mr. Netanyahu’s chief spokesman, Mark Regev, called for the PA to fulfill its obligations by disarming Hamas’s terrorists. “Abbas claims that the new Palestinian government honors all previous commitments. So why has he not disarmed the terrorist organizations in Gaza as he is obligated to do?” said Mr. Regev, calling Mr. Abbas “an enabler.” No Moral Outrage Mr. Abbas condemned the rocket fire from Gaza, but he did not mention the moral outrage of threatening civilian Israeli lives. He castigated the attackers merely for threatening the Hamas-Fatah unity pact and Palestinian security. “The Palestinian factions intend to do all they can to keep the unity agreement and the understandings included in this agreement. This incident concerns the interests and security of the Palestinian people, and we cannot give Israel an excuse to continue the attack on Gaza,” he said. Preparing for a Clash Unimpressed with Mr. Abbas’s condemnation, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon warned that despite having signed the reconciliation agreement, Hamas is preparing for the next clash with Israel and is unconcerned about any consequences from Mr. Abbas, the PA, or the international community. “Hamas signed the reconciliation pact from a position of disadvantage. It had no better alternative. But make no mistake: Hamas is preparing itself for a confrontation with Israel, training forces and storing missiles and rockets. It already has thousands of missiles and rockets pointed towards Israel,” Mr. Yaalon told soldiers from the IDF’s Gaza Division. Most observers say Hamas signed

the agreement with Fatah because the Gaza-based terrorists had run out of cash and hoped the PA would assume their expenses, especially the salaries of employees and terrorists. Weak Leadership However, Hamas leaders have made clear that they will not take orders from the new government. Mr. Yaalon said he doubted Mr. Abbas could disarm Hamas and take control of Gaza, even if he wanted to do so. “Abbas will not rule Gaza,” said Mr. Yaalon. “If he truly reconciled with Hamas, we demand he control Gaza and disarm Hamas. If he does not do this, the recon-

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ciliation is a false display meant only to trick the world.” Targeted Attack Mr. Abbas’s inability to control Hamas did not deter Israel. On June 11, just hours after the rocket attack in the Eshkol area, Israeli aircraft carried out a strike in Gaza that targeted and killed Mohammed Awar, a Hamas terrorist who had been involved in rocket attacks on Israeli communities surrounding Gaza as well as on Sderot. According to Israeli security agencies, the group to which Mr. Awar belonged was planning other terrorist attacks, including a plan to down an Israeli helicopter.

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

Tell Our Advertisers “I Saw It in The Jewish Voice and Opinion”

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In a written statement, the IDF said it viewed “firing of rockets at Israeli territory as very serious and will continue to act strongly against any attempt to carry out terrorist activities. The IDF is prepared to defend the citizens of Israel.” Israeli Policy Mr. Netanyahu said the successful Israeli strike was part of the Jewish state’s policy to “kill those who plan to kill you.” “Our policy is clear: kill those who rise up to kill us. The IDF and the Israeli Security Agency carried out a precise operation and will continue to take strong action against all those who try to attack the security of Israel’s citizens,” he said. Mr. Awar, he said, represented “the true face of Hamas,” which continues “to plan terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens even as it is inside the Palestinian government.” “I would like to remind the international community that Mr. Abbas—on the day he formed a government with the Hamas terrorist organization –promised to honor all previous agreements. This means that he is responsible for disarming Hamas and the other terrorist organizations of the arsenals in Gaza,” said Mr. Netanyahu. Giving Abbas a Pass In Washington, the Obama

administration condemned the rocket fire from Gaza, but the State Department excused Mr. Abbas as unable to stop the attacks. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki called the rocket attack “unprovoked aggression against civilian targets” that “is totally unacceptable.” Failing to take notice of Mr. Abbas’s lack of concern for the potential threat to Israeli lives, Ms. Psaki said the administration appreciated Mr. Abbas’s “prompt and outspoken condemnation of this attack.” Still Obama’s Partner She said the administration “acknowledge[s] the reality that Hamas currently controls Gaza.” “We believe that President Abbas must do all in his power to prevent deterioration in the security situation, but we would also note that he has upheld his responsibility to maintain security coordination with Israel and he has publicly stressed his commitment to do that. And so I think he has made every effort to continue to be a partner in this regard,” she added. Asked if the rocket attack will have any bearing on the Obama administration’s decision to work with the HamasFatah unity government, she said, “It does not.” “Obviously, we’re concerned about it and we con-

demn it in the strongest terms. But President Abbas’s ability to impact these type of attacks is really severely limited at this point in time,” she said. ICC Hamas’s actions, coupled with the terrorist group’s public rhetoric, could backfire on the PA, which has indicated its intention to use its position as a non-member observer state at the UN to pursue “war crimes” charges against Israel in the International Criminal Court (ICC). This course of action was questioned last month by a former chief prosecutor of the ICC, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who said that, if the PA accepted the ICC’s jurisdiction, Hamas could be investigated as well for its rocket fire and suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. Shurat Hadin, a non-governmental organization that operates against terrorists through the courts, has said it would lodge “a tsunami” of criminal complaints against senior PA officials, should the PA go through with its application to join the ICC. Among those encouraging the PA to apply for international jurisdiction include various Arab human rights organizations, the secretary general of Amnesty International, the executive director of Human Rights Watch, and the president of the International Federation for Human Rights. Don’t Blame Abbas While many Israelis took issue with the administration’s solicitous tone towards Mr. Abbas, Israeli Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, leader of the Jewish Home party, agreed that Mr. Abbas should not be blamed. According to Mr. Bennett, the fault lies, with the Palestinian people. “The anger against Abbas over the Fatah-Hamas unity

government is misplaced. The problem is not Abbas. Rather, it is the Palestinian public that does not accept the State of Israel,” he said. He said he based this assessment on the fact that in the only free election ever held in the PA, Hamas won 76 seats out of 132. Mr. Abbas’s Fatah faction won only 48 seats. “This means the majority of the Palestinian public voted for an anti-Jewish terrorist movement that aims to destroy Israel through Jihad. The minority voted for the anti-Jewish terrorist movement that aims to destroy Israel in stages,” he said. Israeli Response He suggested that, in response, Israel should “get stronger and we raise our heads up high.” “We apply Israeli sovereignty over the territory of our country, and we continue to build our magnificent country,” he said. He offered the hope that, in the future, there will be generations of Palestinians “who hopefully will choose a path other than terror.” But if that does not materialize, he said, “we will still manage.” Annexing “Area C” Mr. Bennett has long advocated for Israeli sovereignty over the so-called “Area C” of Judea and Samaria, which is where 350,000 Jews and only 50,000 Arabs (just four percent of the Arab population of Judea and Samaria) reside. Area C forms a contiguous Israeli land mass that includes the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, Ben-Gurion Airport and the surrounding area, Maaleh Adumim, and all the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria. According to Mr. Bennett, by extending Israeli sovereignty over the area, the Jewish state

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Revoke NGO Status of Defense of Children International: Israel Doesn’t Need Another Mohammed al-Dura By Lee Kaplan I watched with considerable interest the “video” of two Arab teenagers allegedly shot with live fire by the IDF near the location of the recent Ofer Prison riot on May 15. Nadem Syam Nawara, 17, and Mohammad Mahmoud Odeh, 16, were allegedly just walking when they were shot


and killed by IDF soldiers trying to quell a riot on Nakba Day, the Arabic word for “catastrophe” designating the creation of the Jewish state of Israel 66 years ago, when hundreds of thousands of local Arabs left Israel at the behest of invading Arab armies.. The video provided by the closed-circuit camera, is the

work of Defense of Children International (DCI). The clip, now making the rounds on the Internet, more than proves this is another faked atrocity incident like that of Mohammed al-Dura, a 12-year-old Palestinian boy allegedly shot in the crossfire between the IDF and Arab rioters in 2000. It has since been proved

that the entire incident was a fraud. The child in the video was not Mohammed al-Dura, and he was not killed. The real Mohammed al-Dura died of unrelated causes in a Gaza hospital hours before the incident shown in the video transpired. Nevertheless, al-Dura became the symbol of all Pal-

of the Jordan River,” he said. In addition, Gaza will have to remain separate from Judea and Samaria. Any “secure passage” would allow “Gaza’s troubles to stir up violence in quiet Judea and Samaria,” he said. But he does have hope for Gaza, which he said seems to be joining Egypt little by little anyway. “We have no responsibility for Gaza. We expelled 8,000 Israelis from their Gush Katif homes there; we left every centimeter of land on which we had built communities there; and in return, we got Hamastan. Let Egypt deal with it,” he said. Getting Used to It He recognized that his plan will not bring him new fans among the Arabs or “the world,” for that matter. The Arabs and Jews in Judea and

Samaria do not exactly love each other, he said, “but both sides realize by now that the other side is not going to evaporate.” “Therefore, instead of wasting our time, money, and blood on solutions that lead only to frustration and violence, we should concentrate on realistic plans that lead to stability and improved conditions,” he said. As for “the world,” he said he was well aware that the international community will not recognize Israeli sovereignty in any part of Judea and Samaria, just as it does not recognize Jewish rights to the Western Wall; the Ramot and Gilo Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem, which are beyond the Green Line; or the Golan Heights. “Not to worry,” he said. “The world will get used to it.” S.L.R.

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would ensure its vital needs: security for the Israeli coast and Jerusalem, preservation of the settlement communities intact, and sovereignty over its national heritage sites. “Residents of Tel Aviv, the coastal plain, and the entire country will live in security and be protected from the threats from the east,” he said. Full Citizenship According to Mr. Bennett’s plan, Arab residents of Area C would be offered full Israeli citizenship, just as the Arabs in the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem were offered when Israel annexed the entire capital. In addition, they would benefit from the “massive economic investment” he envisions to help Jews and Arabs live together. This would include better infrastructure, highway interchanges, and shared industrial areas. “Peace begins with dayto-day living, with ordinary citizens. Instead of useless diplomatic cocktail parties in Oslo, Geneva, and Camp David, there has to be improvement on the ground, helping ordinary people,” he said. Arab residents in the rest of Judea and Samaria would live under the PA with “full autonomy and contiguous public transportation in the areas under its control.”

One-Time Investment The cost for this would be a one-time investment of “a few hundred million dollars,” he said. But it would mean PA residents would be able “to go from one place to another without roadblocks and soldiers.” His plan calls for retaining an IDF security “umbrella” throughout all of Judea and Samaria in order to maintain tranquility, which he asserts is a necessary condition for his plan’s success. “Quiet is possible only if the IDF is in charge of security. If the IDF leaves, Hamas will take its place. That is what Hamas did in Gaza, and it is what Hezbollah did in Lebanon when the IDF left,” he said. No Refugees While his entire plan will enrage Palestinians, two sections may be especially hard to swallow. He does not envision any Palestinian refugees being allowed to “return.” Not only will they not have the right to return to Israel proper, but they would not be allowed to reside in the PA areas either. Both possibilities, he said, would lead to “an irreversible demographic catastrophe.” “The descendants of the original refugees must be absorbed by the nations wherein they reside, and in no case west

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

Doctored Videos estinian “child-martyrs,” the innocent victim who died at the hands of the IDF. Rachel Corrie The fact that the video depicting Messrs Nawara and Odeh is being shown at the same time as the Rachel Corrie appeal trial is no coincidence; the Arab world excels in manipulative propaganda, a talent that has netted them billions of dollars for their terror leaders and that constantly pressures to delegitimize Israel. Ms. Corrie, a 24-year-old member of the virulently antiIsrael International Solidarity Movement (ISM) was killed in Gaza in 2003. She was there seeking to prevent Israeli security forces from destroying homes in which tunnels had been constructed. Those tunnels were used to smuggle weapons to terrorists in Gaza to be used against Israelis.

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continued from page 21 Ms. Corrie was killed while standing in the path of a bulldozer that she believed was about to demolish the house of a Palestinian she had befriended. The Israeli soldier driving the bulldozer said he did not see her. After an extensive investigation, Ms. Corrie’s death was ruled an accident. Clearly Faked What is most irritating about the Nawara-Odeh issue is that the media, including the Israel mainstream media, runs it as a legitimate story, when the event is clearly faked. Anyone watching the “shootings” will see that when Mr. Nawara is allegedly hit, he is crossing an open area. He supposedly is shot in the chest, but falls forward putting his arms out to break his fall, then comfortably rolls over on his back—which is cushioned by his backpack.




A crowd gathers around him immediately, making many dramatic hand gestures for the cameramen who emerge at the scene. There is no blood. Not a drop. Victim Number Two The second “shooting,” in which another youth is allegedly shot from behind, occurs in the same area as the first, practically the exact same spot. There is no blood on the ground anywhere in the entire area where the first youth was allegedly shot. Victim number two is an even worse actor than victim number one. As victim number two is supposedly hit, he kneels down so as not to fall too hard and then does a Hollywood-esque lay down. Again, there’s no blood, and the human swarm surrounds him so nobody can see. There may be some bodies of two teens who were killed elsewhere that the PA will show with the names of the victims. But Nadem Nawara and Mohammed Odeh were not killed in those videos—nobody was. Meanwhile, the Israeli government and IDF are going to launch an “investigation.” The video shows that this is all faked and it is done so poorly, the IDF can forget the investigation and say so categorically. Biased NGO As for DCI, it is an NGO that has been part of an ongoing campaign to try and convince the world that Israel is daily murdering innocent Arab children, especially in Gaza. It is clear this is a biased NGO running a smear machine in an attempt to perpetuate another Mohammed al-Durah scandal. The Israeli government can swallow the tale hook,

“What is most irritating about the Nawara-Odeh issue is that the media, including the Israel mainstream media, runs it as a legitimate story, when the event is clearly faked.” line, and sinker—again—or do something about it. DCI is behind the Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement. It supports ISM activities, and consistently undertakes actions not related to children in order attack the Jewish state. DCI may have headquarters in Switzerland, but the group’s local Palestinian office is staffed with irredentist Arabs who have no compunction about lying to attack and destroy Israel. DCI are guests in Israel, and as such, should be deported for lying and engaging in fraud against the IDF. Shut It Down DCI’s offices in Ramallah should be closed down for perpetuating this fraud. The socalled event took place inside Israel, so the man interviewed in the video should be arrested for lying to the police. This needs to be done right away, not in six months after the lie has gone viral across the Internet and in the world press. The Web already has multiple entries talking about how two Arab teenagers were gunned down by the “big bad” IDF. The same videos running on You Tube can be easily refuted with voiceovers, and the IDF Spokesperson’s Office needs to do this. We don’t need Mohammmed al-Dura all over again. Y

June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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The Log: Do It Now

Register for the July 15-29 NJ Commission on Holocaust Education: Trip to Infamous Sites of the Holocaust, for teachers, with hidden child Maud Dahme, includes Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Amsterdam, spons by the NJ Commission on Holocaust Education, 609-292-9274 Jewish Teenagers Eager to Make a Difference in Senior Citizens’ Lives can apply for the Generation 2 Generation internship program at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale. Volunteers work at the home Mon-Fri, 9:15am-4:45pm, visit with selected residents, and attend educational seminars and workshops. There are two flexible sessions, June 30-July 25 and July 28-Aug 22. A stipend of $500 is available to those who complete all program requirements. Call 718-581-1232 There are openings in a Shabbat Tehillim Group, dediated to Klal Yisrael. Each person is allotted about ten Tehillim Perakim to be read anytime throughout Shabbat, from candle-lighting to havdala. The hope is to complete more than an entire Sefer every Shabbat. Contact

Fri. June 13

Film: “The Real Inglorious Bastards,” with Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler, JCC, West Orange, 10am, 973530-3400 “The Strange Case of the Stick Gatherer: Real Lessons from the Bible’s Mysterious Dissident,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at

the Shore, at Egg Harbor Township Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 “Eat and Be Satisfied: Jewish Gastronomy,” Rabbi Mordechai Becher, scholar-in-residence for Shmuel Shiur Siyum, includes Friday night dinner, Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange, through Shabbat, June 14, 973-669-7320 or 862-520-1245

Shabbat, June 14

Rav Gittick Shabbaton in Fair Lawn, organized by Schneur Zalman Rusanov, 201-364-9339 Rabbi Binyamin Krauss, Young Israel Ohab Zedek of North Riverdale, 11am, 718-548-0105 “Awakening: The Zionist Spring in a Changed Middle East,” David Weinberg, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 11am, 201833-0515, ext. 200 “Does Prayer Actually Work?” Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange, 11am, 973-669-7320 or 862-520-1245 Bnai Akiva Snif (Shabbat Afternoon Groups), for grades 1-6, Cong Netivot Shalom, Teaneck, 4pm, Nerot Women of the Year Dessert, honoring Rebbetzin Sheryl Adler and Amy Vogel, with guest speaker Michal Jacob, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 4:45pm, 201-357-5653 Study Group: “The Thought of Rabbi Tzadok from Lublin,” Prof Alan Brill, private home in Teaneck, 5:30pm, safek7@gmail. com or Women’s Shabbos Shiur, Shany Gejerman, Adas Israel, Passaic, 5:30pm, “Kodshim,” Rabbi Daniel

Wolf, private home in Highland Park, 5:30pm, 732-819-4609 or 732-985-6636 Pearls of Prayer, for girls, includes seudah shlishit, Riverdale Jewish Center, 6:20pm, 718548-1850 Siyum Mishnayot, thanking volunteers who participated in the learning in memory of Pearl and Morris Weissman, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, at seudah shlishit, 201-907-0309 “Reforming the Hareidi Community in Israel and Healing Israel,” David Weinberg, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 6:45pm, 201833-0515, ext. 200 Women’s Tefillah, private home in Fair Lawn, 7pm, “Like a Candle in the Wind: Shukkelling—History, Meaning, and Halacha,” Rabbi Mordechai Becher, includes Siyyum HaNavi, Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange, 7:45pm, 973-669-7320 or 862520-1245

Motzei Shabbat, June 14

Tiferes Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Program for Women: DVD: “Taking Care of Yourself: Physically, Psychologically, and Spiritually,” Rebbetzin Faigy Twerski and Chani Juravel, private home in Edison, 10:15pm, Men’s Get Together, for men in the Highland Park/Edison community, includes food, drinks, singing, and divrei Torah, Cong Ahavas Yisrael, Highland Park, 10:30pm, 732-545-0687

Sun., June 15

Davening and Bikur Cholim at Daughters of Miriam in Clifton, meet at Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:15am; davening, followed by breakfast and bikur cholim, 8:45am, “Who ‘Owns’ the Torah: Rabbis or Ordinary People?” Rav Itiel Oron, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 8:30am, 201-530-0222 Blood Drive, for those older than 16, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 9am-3pm, 732393-1018 Torah Academy of Bergen County Scholarship Breakfast,

honoring Rachel Friedman and Suzy Schwartz, at the school, 9:30am, 201-837-7696 “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Redefining Failure,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100 Bruriah High School for Girls Graduation, Elizabeth, 10am, 908-355-4850 Beth Rochel High School Graduation, Monsey, 10am, 845352-5000 Friendship Circle End of the Year Event, for special-needs children and their families, Van Saun Park, Paramus, 10am, zeesy@ Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion Boys School Scholarship Breakfast, with Rabbi Chaim Presby, at the school, Piscataway, 10am, 732-7770029 or Riverdale Riverfest 2014, celebrating the Hudson River and supporting a waterfront Greenway in the Bronx, featuring public sails on the Mystic Whaler, the John J Harvey Fireboat, and the AJ Meerwald oyster schooner; music, a greenmarket, a medieval renaissance battle, and other activities, College of Mount Saint Vincent, 12-6pm, Bais Medrash of Bergenfield Shul BBQ, at the shul, noon,, joel@, or Yeshivat Noam 8th Grade Graduation, at the Frisch Yeshiva High School, Paramus, 1pm, 201-261-1919 Rabbi Jacob Joseph Yeshiva High School Graduation, Edison, 2pm, 732-985-6533 Theater: “Fiddler on the Roof,” Riverdale YMHA, 2 and 7pm, 718-548-8200 ext 208 Israeli National Olympic Figure Skating Team Competitors and Up-and-Coming Stars: Bravo Theatre on Ice Skaters, to benefit Chai Lifeline, Codey Arena, West Orange, 4pm, or Netivot The Montessori Yeshiva 8th Grade Gradua-

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The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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“Separate Yourself Not from the Community” tion, Edison, 4pm, 732-985-4626 Rinas Bais Yaakov High School Graduation, at Cong Ohr Torah, Edison, 5pm, 732-985-5646 Hebrew Institute of Riverdale Dinner, honoring Shani and David Schwartz, Susan and Jonathan Dzik, and Carmiya and Michael Weinraub, 5:30pm, 718-796-4730 Yeshiva Tiferes Naftali Torah Institute of Central NJ Dinner, honoring Rabbi and Mrs. Jeff Chaitoff, Radisson Hotel, Freehold, 5:30pm, 732-780-3400 Young Israel of PassaicClifton Tribute Dinner, honoring Noah and Peggy Gurock and Rabbi Eli and Abigail Rothberger, at Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaakov, Passaic, 6:30pm, 973-594-6557 Kehilas Bais Yosef Dinner, with speaker Rabbi Eli Mansourhonoring Dan and Hindy Lifshitz, Ohel Yosef Hall, Passaic, 6:30pm, Shirah Community Chorus on the Palisades Concert, songs in Yiddish, Hebrew, Ladino, and English, Mathew Lazar, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, 201-569-7900 “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Redefining Failure,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 201-794-3770

Mon., June 16

Lunch and Learn: “An Attitude of Gratitude,” Rabbi Ephraim Epstein, includes lunch, Young Israel of Fort Lee, noon, 201-592-1518 Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy 8th Grade Graduation, Livingston, 6pm, 973-597-1115 Cong Keter Torah Dinner, honoring Tammy & Ken Secemski and Gila & Gary Elbaum, at the shul in Teaneck, 6:30pm, 201-907-0180 Yeshiva K’tana 8th Grade Girls Graduation, Passaic, 7pm, 973-365-0100 Jewish Educational Center 8th Grade Boys Graduation, Elizabeth, 7pm, 908-355-4850 Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva 8th Grade Graduation, at Middlesex County College, Edison, 7pm, 732-572-5052 Salanter Akiba Riverdale (SAR) High School Graduation, Riverdale, 7pm, 718-548-2727

Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion 8th Grade Boys Graduation, Piscataway, 7pm, 732-777-0029 Shalom Torah Academy 8th Grade Graduation, East Windsor, 7pm, 609-443-4877 Kushner Hebrew Academy 8th Grade Graduation, includes students from SINAI Special Needs School, Livingston, 7:30pm, 973597-1115 Yeshivat Beit Hillel 8th Grade Girls Graduation, Passaic, 7:30pm, 973-777-0735 Yeshiva of Spring Valley 8th Grade Girls Graduation, Monsey, 7:30pm, 845-356-1400 Torah Studies: “Between One Jew and Another,” for men and women, Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky, Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe, NJ, 7:30pm, 732-656-1616 Jewish Women’s Talent Agency (JeWTA) and Open Mic, for women, includes “The Struggle as a Professional Dancer in the Orthodox Community,” Adena Blickstein; Glaser Drive; “Single Me Out,” Jessica Schecter, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 7:30pm, 718-796-4730 “Company” by Stephen Sondheim, Black Box Musical Theater Ensemble, at Bergen Performing Arts Center, Englewood, 7:30pm, also Tues, June 17 and Wed, June 18, 201-567-6664 “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Opening Our Eyes,” 7:30pm, Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz, Chabad of West Orange, 973-486-2362; Rabbi Mendy Herson, Chabad, Basking Ridge, 908-6048844,; Rabbi Dov Drizin, Chabad of Woodcliff Lake, 8pm, 201-476-0157 “Dignified Debate: Respecting Other Opinions While Maintaining Our Own,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 201-794-3770

Tues., June 17

Moriah School of Englewood 8th Grade Graduation, at the Bergen Academies, Hackensack, 10am, 201-567-0208 Brunch and Learn: Film: “The Price of Peace: The Interplay between Government Channels and Men Whose Discreet Actions Led to the Peace

Process between Egypt and Israel,” and “Life in the IDF and First Impressions of America,” Jasmin Shamir and Sharon Kariti, includes brunch, JCC, Margate, 10:30am, 609-822-1167 “Degenerate Art,” Barbara Tomlinson, JCC, Edison, 10:30am, 732-494-3232 “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Laboratory: Surprising Discoveries in Medicine,” for seniors, Dr. Mark Grebenau, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 11:15am, 973-736-1407 Film: “Movie Mavens: Sholem Aleichem,” JCC, Edison, 1:15pm, 732-494-3232 Rutgers Hillel Gala, honoring Rutgers Hillel supports and Student Rising Stars, at the Crystal Plaza, Livingston, 5:30pm, 732-545-2407 Network with Jewish Professionals: Cocktails and Carats: After-Hours Biz Card Exchange, Garden State Jewelers, Teaneck, 5:30pm, 201-677-2274 Cong Etz Chaim BBQ, at the shul, Livingston, 6pm, 973597-1655 Jewish Educational Center Dinner, honoring Marty and Miriam Knecht, Harry and Mimi Stadler, Madame Esther Captan, Dennis Van Ness, and Malvina (Stella) D’Onofrio, at The Venetian, Garfield, 6:30pm, 908-355-4850 Yeshiva K’tana 8th Grade Boys Graduation, Passaic, 7pm, 973-916-1555 Adolph Schreiber Hebrew Academy of Rockland County (ASHAR) 8th Grade Graduation, New City, 7:15pm, 845-357-1515

Yeshivat Beit Hillel 8th Grade Boys Graduation, Passaic, 7:30pm, 973-777-0735 “The Future of Western Civilization and How to Save It from Itself,” Mark Langfan and Ken Abramowitz, spons by Americans for a Safe Israel, private home in Manhattan, 7:30pm, 212-828-2424 Rachel and Her Harp, in concert, for women, private home in Teaneck, 7:45pm, 201-801-0042 Hillel Yeshiva 8th Grade Graduation, Ocean, 8pm, 732493-9300 “Become a Love and Logic Parent: Setting Limits, Thinking Words vs Fighting Words, Enforceable Statements, Consequences vs Punishment, and Locking in the Lesson with Empathy,” Rabbi Dani Staum, LMSW, Adolph Schreiber Hebrew Academy of Rockland (ASHAR), New City, 8pm, 845-641-5094 or 845-357-1515 “Understanding Prophecy as It Relates to Sefer Devarim,” for men and women, Rabbi Jeremy Donath, Cong Darchei Noam, Fair Lawn, 8:15pm, 201-773-4080

Wed., June 18

“Dignified Debate: Respecting Other Opinions While Maintaining Our Own,” for women, Rebbetzin Dinie Mangel, Chabad Lubavitch, Cherry Hill, 10am, 856874-1500 Adult Learning, Rabbi Robert Pilavin, spons by Cong Sons of Israel, at Levy’s restaurant, Manalapan, 10am, 732-446-3000 “The Influence of Yiddish Music on the American Music

continued on page 26

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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continued from page 25

Scene,” Dr. Mark Kligman, Community Room at River Edge, Highland Park, 1pm, 732-494-3232 Fair Lawn Gown Gemach, appointments available 1-2:30pm and 8-8:30pm, 201-797-1770 or Blood Drive, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 3:30-9:30pm, Interviews for Group Leaders, for those entering 7th grade and up, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, after 6pm, “The Bat Mitzvah of Christina Berg,” Black Box Studios, at Cong Beth Sholom, Teaneck, 6:30pm, 201-567-6664 Film: “Names Not Numbers: A Movie in the Making,” stories of Holocaust survivors filmed by 8th graders, Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy, Livingston, 7pm, 973-597-1115 Café Chabad Film Series: “Lena My 100 Children,” includes discussion and refreshments, Chabad, Monroe, NJ, 7pm, Salanter Akiba Riverdale (SAR) Academy 8th Grade Graduation, at the SAR High School, 7pm, 718-548-1717 Abused Women’s Confidential Support Group, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:15pm, 201-837-9090 Bruriah, 8th Grade Girls Graduation, Elizabeth, 7:30pm, 908-355-4850 Jewish 12-Step Meeting, JACS—Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201837-9090, ask for IRA (Information and Referral) or 201-981-1071 Women’s Performance,

spons by the Jewish Women’s Talent Agency (JeWTA) to benefit ORA, the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot, includes Glaser Drive; “Single Me Out,” Jessica Schechter; “The Hot Air Crisis;” dancer Reina Potaznik; and open mic, Riverdale Jewish Center, 7:30pm, 718-548-1850 or “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Opening Our Eyes,” Rabbi Mendy Lewis, Chabad of Old Tappan, 7:30pm, 201-767-4008 “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Redefining Failure,” 7:30pm, Rabbi Levi Dubinsky, Chabad of Mountain Lakes, 973-551-1898; Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 856-874-1500; Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan, Chabad of Franklin Lakes, 8pm, 201-848-0449 “Chicks with Sticks Knitting Circle,” hats for preemies, children with cancer, and IDF soldiers in Israel, private home in Highland Park, 8pm, 732-339-8492 Shomer Shabbos Boy Scout Meeting, for boys in 6th grade or 11 years old and up, Bais Medrash L’Torah, Rabbi Davis’s shul, Passaic, 8pm, Tehillim Group, Cong Shaare Tefillah, Teaneck, 8:15pm, 201-2895474, 917-902-9303, or 201-836-3431 Cong Ahavas Achim Book Club: “Calling Me Home” by Julie Kibler, private home in Highland Park, 8:30pm, 732-339-9196

Thurs. June 19

Somaich Achim Jewish Family Services Food Pantry Program non-perishable food and consumer items and pro-

The Log is a free service provided to the Jewish community in northern and central New Jersey, Rockland County and Riverdale. Events that we list include special and guest lectures, concerts, boutiques, dinners, open houses, club meetings, and new classes. Announcements are requested by the 25th of the month prior to the month of the event. Due to space and editorial constraints, we cannot guarantee publication of any announcement. Please email them to :

duce available free of charge or for a nominal fee, volunteers needed, too, Cong Adas Israel, Passaic, 9:30am-1:30pm; 8-9pm, 973-246-7717 Jewish Women’s Talent Agency (JeWTA) Children Jam, for children up to age 5, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 4pm, 718796-4730 Exhibit: “Strong Men: Perceptions of Manhood, Strength, and Spirituality” Opening Reception, Jewish Museum of NJ, at Cong Ahavas Shalom, Newark, 6-8pm, Ultimate Cake-Off, 5th vs 6th graders and 7th vs 8th graders, Young Israel of East Brunswick, 6pm, Chabad Women’s Connection: Learning, Conversation, and Camaraderie: The Grateful Life,” for women, Malkie Herson, Chabad Jewish Center, Basking Ridge, 7:30pm, “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Redefining Failure,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, Chabad at the Shore, JCC, Margate, 7:30pm, 609-822-8500 Film: “The Jewish Cardinal,” JCC, Tenafly. 7:30pm, 201569-7900 or 212-453-9418

Fri., June 20

Bronx Jewish Community Council Breakfast of Champions, at the Riverdale Jewish Center, 8am, “Dignified Debate: Respecting Other Opinions While Maintaining Our Own,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at Egg Harbor Township Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 Summer’s Almost Here Shabbaton, includes Friday night dinner, Kiddush lunch, and seudah shlishit, Cong Agudath Achim, Bradley Beach, through Shabbat, June 21, 743-774-2495

Shabbat, June 21

Educational Prayer Service, spons by the Jewish Learning Experience, includes discussions and commentary, prayers in English and Hebrew transliteration, at Cong Zichron Mordechai, Teaneck, 9:45am, 201-966-4498 or 201-836-4334

Rabbi Dani Segal, Young Israel Ohab Zedek of North Riverdale, 11am, 718-548-0105 Marking the 20th Yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: “The Rebbe: The Life and Afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson” by Samuel Heilman and Menachem Friedman, reviewed by Maxine Pilavin, Cong Sons of Israel, 11:30am, 732-446-3000 Rabbi’s Tish: “Lean and Lean Out: Exporing the World of Women in Society Today with and Beyond the Stardom of Sheryl Sandberg,” Rabbi Lawrence Zierler, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 11:45am, 201-833-0515 Cong Ohr Torah Family Luncheon, at the shul, Edison, noon,,,, or jeffreyklein@ Shabbat Afternoon Groups, for children ages 3 and up, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 3pm, 732-247-0532 Women’s Seudah Shlishit, Cong Ohr HaTorah, Bergenfield, 4pm, 201-244-5905 Shifra Rabenstein, for women and teenage girls, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 5pm, 973-736-1407 Women’s Shabbos Shiur, Rachel Besser, Adas Israel, Passaic, 5:30pm, “Halachic Man or Superman? A Jewish Response to Nietzche,” Prof Daniel Rynhold, Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 6:55pm, 201-837-2795 ext 101

Motzei Shabbat, June 21

Shiur, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Young Israel of Riverdale, 9:30pm, 718-548-4765

Sun., June 22

Parent-Child Learning Breakfast, Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:45am, 201-791-7910 Fair Lawn Hadassah Atlantic City Trip, leaves Fair Lawn Jewish Center parking lot 9-9:15am, 201791-0327, 201-791-5213, or 201791-0446 NJ NCSY Blood Drive, for those over 16, Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 9am-230pm, 201-836-6210 Men’s Club Fathers’ Day Breakfast, honoring Mitch Lust- garten, Cong Sons of Israel, Manalapan, 9:30am, 732-446-3000 Fair Lawn Gown Gemach, appointments available 9:3011:30am, 201-797-1770 or “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Opening Our Eyes,” Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Chabad of Riverdale, 9:45am, 718-549-1100 Backyard Bash, for families, includes backyard fitness studio, bounce house, and food, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 10am-1pm Senior Center Bazaar, includes local artisan vendors, a curated flea market, music, and food, 10am-4pm, 718-548-8200 Celebration Brunch: Celebrating the Shul’s Rennovation, Cong Ohr Torah, West Orange, 10:30am, 973-669-7320 Kelly Miller Circus, YJCC, Washington Twnshp, noon and 4pm, 201-666-6610 Van Cortlandt Jewish Center Dinner, honoring Rabbi David Borenstein, The Bronx, noon, 718-884-6105 Pottery and Pizza Palooza, for children ages 5 and up, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 1pm, Showcasing the Artwork of Rabbi Yitzchok Moully, includes light refreshments and children’s activities, Chabad of Basking Ridge, 1-4pm, 908-604-8844 Ametz Adoption Program, for adoptive parents or parentsto-be, Marci Schwartz, MSW, includes childcare, Nanuet Hebrew Center, 1:30pm, 212-558-9949 Jewish Home Family Yiddish Concert, Jewish Home at Rockleigh, 2:30pm, 201-750-4231 Mesivta of Clifton Graduation, Clifton, 3:30pm, 973-779-4800 Cong Anshe Chesed 100th Anniversary Dinner, at the shul in Linden, 5pm, 908-486-8616 Khal Chasidim Dinner, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Shilcrat, Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Eiserman, and Dr. Mark Stein, with music by Baruch Levine, to benefit the Chaim V’Chesed House, at Congregation Etz Ahaim, Highland Park, 5:30pm, 732-937-5904 or 732-247-3839 American Heart Association CPR Course, Charlie Wohlberg, spons by the Riverdale Hatzalah

June 2014 / Sivan 5774

Volunteer EMS, at Hudson Pointe Nursing Home, Riverdale, 6pm, Teen BBQ, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 6pm, Bais Yaakov High School of Spring Valley Graduation, Monsey, 7pm, 845-356-3113 Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation “Virtual Gala,” honoring Arlene Feinberg, z”l, to underwrite the testing of 70,000 new bone-marrow donors, to bring the total registry to 300,000, private web address reserved for ticket purchasers, 7pm, 1-800-9MARROW or 800-962-7769 “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Opening Our Eyes,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 201-794-3770

Mon., June 23

First Day of West Orange Police Department’s Junior Police Academy, for West Orange residents ages 11-14, 9am-3pm, through Fri., June 27, 973-325-4025 First Day of Exhibit: “Strong Men: Perceptions of Manhood, Strength, and Spirituality”, Jewish Museum of NJ, at Cong Ahavas Shalom, Newark, Mon-Thurs, 3-6pm, Yeshiva of Spring Valley 8th Grade Boys Graduation, Monsey, 7:30pm, 845-356-1400 The 20th Yahrzeit of The Rebbe, Richard Joel, spons by the Rabbinical College of America, at the Wilshire Grand Hotel, West Orange, 7:30pm, 973-267-9404 Torah Studies: “Children, Health, and Wealth,” for men and women, Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky, Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe, NJ, 7:30pm, 732-656-1616 “Curious Tales of the Talmud: Messages Behind the Magic and the Mystery,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 201-794-3770

Tues., June 24

Narrated Bus Tour of the Lower East Side and Brooklyn Jewish Neighborhoods, spons by Raritan Valley Hadassah and the Jewish Historical Society of Central Jersey, leave Concordia Shopping Center, 8:30am, or the Sears parking lot, East Brunswick, 9am, 732-249-4894

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

“Orpheus in the Underworld” by Jacques Offenbach,” Richard Ferris, JCC, Edison, 10am, 732-494-3232 Concert and Luncheon: Moonlight Duo, for seniors, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 11:15am, 973-736-1407 Night at the Museums, 13 museums in Lower Manhattan offering free admission and special programming for all ages, all are within walking distance of each other, including The Anne Frank Center USA, Museum of Jewish Heritage (“Against the Odds: American Jews and the Rescue of Europe’s Refugees, 1933-1941,” “A Town Known as Auschwitz: The Life and Death of a Jewish Community,” and guided tours of the Museum’s Core Exhibition about Jewish Heritage, the Holocaust, and Jewish Renewal), the National September 11 Memorial Museum, and the 9/11 Tribute Center,

Wed., June 25

“Curious Tales of the Talmud: Messages behind the Magic and the Mystery,” for women, Rebbetzin Dinie Mangel, Chabad Lubavitch, Cherry Hill, 10am, 856-874-1500 Adult Learning, Rabbi Robert Pilavin, spons by Cong Sons of Israel, at Levy’s restaurant, Manalapan, 10am, 732-446-3000 Cong Beth Abraham of Bergenfield Dinner, honoring Elissa and Barry Finkelstein and Steven Jacobs, at Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, 6pm, 201-384-0434 Friendship Circle Event for Special-Needs Jewish Adults, private home in Paramus, 6pm, 201-262-7172 Support Group: Strength

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to Strength, for parents whose children, 15-25, are dealing with chemical dependency, psychological disorders, and/or co-occurring issues, Dr. Jeffrey Berman, JCC, Tenafly, 7pm, 201-408-1403 or 201-569-7900 Second Generation, for children of Holocaust Survivors, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7pm, 201-837-9090 Café Chabad Film Series: “The Case for Israel,” includesdiscussion and refreshments, Chabad, Monroe, NJ, 7pm, Abused Women’s Confidential Support Group, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:15pm, 201-837-9090 “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Opening Our Eyes,” 7:30pm, Rabbi Levi Dubinsky, Chabad of Mountain Lakes, 973-551-1898; Rabbi Mendel Mangel, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 856-874-1500; Rabbi Chanoch Kaplan, Chabad of Franklin Lakes, 8pm, 201-848-0449 Makhela Sing Along, for those who can read and sing in Hebrew, JCC, Tenafly, 10:30pm, 201-408-1427

Thurs., June 26

Caregivers Support Group, for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, JCC, Tenafly, 11am, 201-569-7900 Blood Drive, Cong Sons of Israel, Manalapan, 5-8pm, 800886-7007 Meeting of Jewish-Russian Cultural Club, Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County, South River, 6:30pm, 732-698-9213 Teaneck Volunteer Ambu-

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lance Corps 75th Anniversary Dinner and Raffle, honoring the residents of Five Star Premier Residences, kosher food, at the World of Wings Butterfly Museum, Teaneck, 7pm, 201-926-9833 Reception to welcome Rabbi Simcha and Rebbetzin Simmy Morgenstern, new director of outreach and education and new women’s programming and teacher, Chabad JCC, New City, 7:30pm, “Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Opening Our Eyes,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, Chabad at the Shore, JCC, Margate, 7:30pm, 609-822-8500

Fri., June 27

“Curious Tales of the Talmud: Messages Behind the Magic and the Mystery,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, spons by Chabad at the Shore, at Egg Harbor Township Library, 12:15pm, 609-822-8500 “From Back-to-Back to Faceto-face: Securing a Healthy Relationship in Your Marriage,” Rabbi DovBer Pinson, scholarin-residence, in honor of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 20th yahrtzeit, includes dinner, Chabad of Riverdale, 718-549-1100 Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, scholar-in-residence, Cong Shomrei Emunah, Englewood, through Shabbat, June 28, 201-567-9420 Shabbos in Paramus, for couples and families to learn about the community, through Shabbat, June 28, Singles Shabbaton, for machmir singles ages 22-35, includesThe Survival Guide to Shidduchim,” Shani Ratzker, private homes in Teaneck/Bergenfield, through Shabbat, June 28, 201-522-4776

Carlebach Davening: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 8:10pm, 201833-0515

Shabbat, June 28

Rabbi DovBer Pinson, scholar-in-residence, in honor of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 20th yahrtzeit, Chabad of Riverdale, Tanya, 8:30am; “Chukim: The Veneer of Reason,” 11am; “The Spiritual Revolution of Chassidut: The Rebbe and the Baal Shemtov,” includes lunch, noon; “The Mystery of Shabbat Revealed: Four Levels of Inner Rest,” 6pm, 718-549-1100 Carlebach Minyan, Cong Darchei Noam, Fair Lawn, 8:45am, Tefilat Shlomo: The Carlebach Tefila of Riverdale, includes light and healthy Kiddush, at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 9am, 718-796-4730 Women’s Lecture, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 4pm, 732-247-0532 Farewell Seudah Shlishit for Rabbi Michael and Yael Bleicher, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, Cong Beth Aaron Young Members Seudah Shlishit, for families, private home in Teaneck, 5pm, 201-357-8999 Cong Beth Aaron Sisterhood Book Club: “An Officer and a Spy” by Robert Harris, private home in Teaneck, 5pm, 201-837-0651 Study Group: “The Thought of Rabbi Tzadok from Lublin,” Prof Alan Brill, private home in Teaneck, 5:30pm, safek7@gmail. com or Pearls of Prayer, for girls, includes seudah shlishit, River-

There Is Always Something Happening in the Jewish Community! Check our website http://www.JewishVoiceAndOpinion.Com for classes, shiurim, lectures, and events that came in after issue went to print! Updated daily!

dale Jewish Center, after mincha, 718-548-1850 Carlebach Minyan, Torah Academy of Bergen County, after mincha, 347-443-2199

Sun., June 29

Rosh Chodesh Davening, Minyan Appreciation Day, and Bikur Cholim at Daughters of Miriam in Clifton, meet at Cong Shomrei Torah, Fair Lawn, 8:15am; davening, followed by breakfast and bikur cholim, 8:45am, Community Yom Iyun: How to Educate and Inspire Our Children, Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik and Shani Taragin, with Rabbis Yosef Adler, Shalom Braun, Shaul Feldman, Yamin Goldsmith, David Milston, Chaim Hagler, Jesse Horn, Yakov Horowitz, Yaakov Neuberger, Joseph Oratz, Daniel Price, Steven Pruzansky, Tomer Ronen, Larry Rothwachs, Jacob Schacter, Zvi Sobokofsky, Reuven Taragin, and Michael Taubes; Rabbi Dr. Howard Apfel; Rabbi Dr. Yisrael Rothwachs; Rebbetzin Peshy Neuberger; Drs Sarah Feit, Elliot Prager, and Rivka Schwartz; Mali Brofsky; Eliana Flaumenhaft; Shoshana Schechter; and Dina Schoonmaker, at Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 9am, 201-836-8916 Dedication of the New Playground Named in Memory of Vivian Rein, z”l, includes brunch, Cong Ahawas Achim Bnai Jacob and David, West Orange, 11am, 973-736-1407 Community BBQ, Cong Anshe Chesed, Linden, 11am, 908-486-8616 Yiddish Arts Fair: Music, Poetry, and Film, Teaneck General Store, 6pm, 212-453-9418 JACS Meeting, 12-steps meeting for Jews in recovery, Rabbi Steven Bayar, Cong B’nai Israel, Millburn, 6pm, 973-379-3811 One Mensch Show: “Living la Vida Jewish in the 58thcomedian Marc Weiner, includes kosher wine and refreshments, Chabad of Ventnor, 6:30pm, 609822-8500 Joshua Nelson, Prince of Kosher Gospel, in concert, Clubhouse at Regency, Monroe Twnshp, 7pm, 732-588-1808

Mon., June 30

Smile on Seniors, for senior men and women, includes brunch, Chabad House, Wayne, 11:30am, 973-694-6274 “Current Events,” JCC, Tenafly, 3pm, 201-569-7900 An Evening Dedicated to the 20th Yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,” Dr. David Luchins, Chabad of Cherry Hill, 7:15pm, 856-874-1500 Torah Studies: “More Than Perfect,” for men and women, Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky, Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe, NJ, 7:30pm, 732-656-1616 “Dreaming of Redemption: Why Moshiach Makes a Difference to Our Lives,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 201-794-3770

Tues., July 1

“Understanding Prophecy as It Relates to Sefer Devarim,” for men and women, Rabbi Jeremy Donath, Cong Darchei Noam, Fair Lawn, 8:15pm, 201-773-4080

Wed., July 2

“Dreaming of Redemption: Why Moshiach Makes a Difference to Our Lives,” for women, Rebbetzin Dinie Mangel, Chabad Lubavitch, Cherry Hill, 10am, 856874-1500 Bar Mitzvah Club, for boys in grades 6-7, Rabbi Yitzchok Kahan, includes light dinner, Chabad Center, Cherry Hill, 6pm, 856-874-1500 Contemporary Israeli Poetry Group, in the original with English translation and discussion, Atara Fobar, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, 7pm, 718-796-4730 Abused Women’s Confidential Support Group, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:15pm, 201-837-9090 Jewish 12-Step Meeting, JACS—Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others, Jewish Family Service, Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201837-9090, ask for IRA (Information and Referral) or 201-981-1071 Tehillim Group, Cong Shaare Tefillah, Teaneck, 8:15pm, 201-2895474, 917-902-9303, or 201-836-3431

Thurs., July 3

Somaich Achim Jewish Family Services Food Pantry

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New Classes This Month Sundays

TorahKid Leagues, for boys, ages 5-13, and girls, ages 6-13, includes skill-building for sports with an emphasis on middos development, Highland Park High School field, girls, 9:15am; boys, 10:45am, 732-985-1050 Boys Beis Medrash Learning, Rabbi Yisroel Weiss, at the Shtieble, 10:15am (before boys TorahKidLeague), 732-985-1050 Riverdale Y Sunday Market, includes kosher baked goods, dairy products, wraps, homegrown vegetables and fruits, cheeses, and pickles and peppers, at Middle School/High School 141, Independence Ave and W 237th St, 9am-2pm; entertainment by Riverdale Rising Stars, 11am, 718-548-8200 Men’s Swim, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 3pm, 201-833-0515


“Advanced Talmud,” for women with advanced Gemara skills, Rabbi David Nachbar, spons by Lamdeinu, at Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 9:30am, also on Wed and Thurs, 9:30am,, begins June 30 “The Ten Martyrs in Liturgy,” for men and women, Rabbi Jeremy Wieder, spons by Yeshiva University, at Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 9:30am, 212-960-5400 ext 6350, begins July 14 “Heroes and Villains in Tanach,” for men and women, Nechama Price, spons by Yeshiva University, at Cong Rinat Yisrael, Teaneck, 10:45am, 212-960-5400 ext 6350, begins July 14 Gentlemen’s Kollel, Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt, Riverdale Jewish Center, 12:45pm, 718-548-1850 JRecovery: A Jewish Self-Help Group to Complement 12-Step

The Log

Programs, Jewish Fmily and Vocational Service, Milltown, 7:30pm, 732-777-1940 Krav Maga Practical Martial Arts Developed by the IDF, Dr. Eitan Savir, Cong Etz Chaim, Livingston, 8:15pm, Women’s Acqusize, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7:30pm, 201-833-0515 Women’s Swim, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 8:15pm, 201-833-0515


Torah in the AM, Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, chavurah studying personalities in Chumash, 9am; Gemara Ketubot Chapter 9, Rabbi Menahem Meier, 9:45am; 201-907-0180 Yoga Class, for women, Shifra Shafier, to benefit Rabbi Larry Rothwachs’ discretionary fund, at Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 7pm,


“Parashat HaShavua,” Rachel Friedman, bring a Tanach, spons by Lamdeinu, at Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 10am, info@lamdeinu. org, begins July 2 Haftarot of the Season, Rabbi Hayyim Angel, spons by Lamdeinu, at Cong Beth Aaron, Teaneck, 11:30am,, begins July 2 “Family Systems in Bereishit,” Leah Herzog, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 7:15pm, 201-833-4307 ext 265, begins June 18 Father-Son Seder: Gemara and Halacha Topics, for boys in 7th grade and their fathers, Cong Beth Abraham, Bergenfield, 8:15pm, 201-384-0434

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Program non-perishable food and consumer items and produce available free of charge or for a nominal fee, volunteers needed, too, Cong Adas Israel, Passaic, 9:30am-1:30pm; 8-9pm, 973-246-7717

Fri., July 4

Singles Shabbaton, for singles ages 25-39, Sharon Ganz, includes 3 meals, oneg Shabbat, mixers, group discussions, speaks, shadchan fair, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, through Sun, July 6, 718-575-3962 or 646-529-8748

Shabbat, July 5

Educational Prayer Service, spons by the Jewish Learning Experience, includes discussions and commentary, prayers in English and Hebrew transliteration, at Cong Zichron Mordechai, Teaneck, 9:45am, 201-966-4498 or 201-836-4334 Motzei Shabbat, July 5 Shiur, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Young Israel of Riverdale, 9:30pm, 718-548-4765

Sun., July 6

“Dreaming of Redemption: Why Moshiach Makes a Difference to Our Lives,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, Chabad Ventnor Shul, 10am, 609-822-8500

Jumping Jellybeans Music and Dance, for children ages 0-5 and a caregiver, Cong Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, 10:30am, 732-247-0532 Rockland and Bergen County Adoptive Families Meet-Up and Support Group, for those who have already adopted or are in the process of adopting, internationally and domestically, private home, 7:30pm, www.

Mon,, July 7

Torah Studies: “Connecting,” for men and women, Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky, Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe, NJ, 7:30pm, 732-656-1616 “Master a Mitzvah: Finding Our Niche in Judaism,” Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein, Anshei Lubavitch Congregation, Fair Lawn, 8pm, 201-794-3770

Tues., July 8

Caregivers Support Group, for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, JCC, Tenafly, 10:30am, 201-569-7900 Café Europa, for Holocaust survivors, featuring Monument Men’s Harry Ettinger and lunch,

Fair Lawn Jewish Center, 11am, 973-595-0111 Bereavement Support Group, Rabbi Bryan Kinzbrunner, Stein Hospice, Somerset, 4pm, 732-227-1212 “A New Beginning for the Riverdale Mikvah: Building the Future of Our Family,” for men and women, includes buffet dinner and dessert, Chabad, Riverdale, 6pm, 718-549-1100

Wed., July 9

“Master a Mitzvah: Finding Our Niche in Judaism,” for women, Rebbetzin Dinie Mangel, Chabad Lubavitch, Cherry Hill, 10am, 856-874-1500 Book Club: “The Lowland” by Jhumpa Lahiri, JCC Rockland, West Nyack, 1pm, 845-362-4400 Cooking Workshop: Challah, Chanie, Chabad, Monroe, NJ, 7:30pm, Makhela Sing Along, for those who can read and sing in Hebrew, JCC, Tenafly, 10:30pm, 201-408-1427

Thurs., July 10

Holocaust Museum and Study Center of Rockland County Capital Campaign Kickoff Celebration, private home in New City, 7pm,

845-634-3623 or 845-634-4003

Fri., July 11

Marriage Enrichment Retreat: “Make Your Good Marriage a Great Marriage, Build a Better Forever,” sons by the Orthodox Union, with Dr. Alex Bailey, Dr. Scott Chudnoff, Rivki Chudnoff, Dr. Jonathan Lasson, Rachel Pill, Dr. Michael J. Salamon, Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler, Sharon Zwickler, and Rabbi Dr. Tzvi H. Weinreb, Woodcliff Lake Hilton, through Sun., July 13, 212-613-8300

Shabbat, July 12

Study Group: “The Thought of Rabbi Tzadok from Lublin,” Prof Alan Brill, private home in Teaneck, 5:30pm, safek7@gmail. com or

Sun., July 13

“Bagels, Tefillin, and Breakfast,” Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky, Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe, NJ, 9:30am, 732-656-1616 “Master a Mitzvah: Finding Our Niche in Judaism,” Rabbi Avrohom Rapoport, Chabad Ventnor Shul, 10am, 609-822-8500 Beyond Bar Mitzvah Club, for boys in grade 8, Rabbi Yitzchok Kahan, Chabad Center, Cherry Hill, 12 noon, 856-874-1500 Y

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

New Classes

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Senior NCY Shmooze, Rabbi and Mrs. Rael Blumenthal, private home in Teaneck, 8:30pm,


“The Meaning of Minhag,” Rabbi Lawrence Zierler, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 7:45am, 201-833-0515 Torah in the AM, Cong Keter Torah, Teaneck, chavurah studying personalities in Chumash, 9am; Gemara Ketubot, Rabbi Menahem Meier, 9:45am; “An Examination of the Religious Thought in Mainonides’ Mishneh Torah,” Rabbi Meier, 10:45am, 201-907-0180 Senior NCSY Latte and Learning, Lazy Bean Café, Teaneck, 7pm, Shiur on Emunah, Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Cong Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, 8pm, 201-530-0222 Men’s Swim, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 8:30pm, 201-833-0515


Kabalah in Hoboken, Rabbi Moshe Schapiro, Chabad of Hoboken, 9am, 201-562-7116 Kinder Shul, for children ages 3-8, Jewish Center of Teaneck, 10:30am, 201-833-0515 ext 200

New Minyanim

Ma’ariv, Kehillat New Hempstead (KNH), Spring Valley, 9pm, Sun-Thurs, 845-362-2425

Chesed Ops

The West Orange and Fair Lawn Gown Gemachs have consolidated in Fair Lawn to offer a collection of wedding gowns and other simcha gowns, sorted by color and size. The gemach, which is open by appointment, is in need of volunteers. Contact


Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to the Bat Mitzvah Girls: Talia Adler, Batya Becker, Ariella Brodie-Weisberg, Devorah Burg, Ilana Epstein, Ayelet Hager, Sarah Hanian, Mia Labovitz, Maya Mendelson, Eliana Scheiner, Hilary Schiff, Rachel Shmuel, Chani Shulman, Anaelle Small, Shani Stark, Nechama Stein, and Leah Wenger; and the Bar Mitzvah Boys: Daniel Adler, Natan Barnett, Avery Cantor, Max Gelbtuch, Gilad Holzer, Yacov Insel, Zev Kinderlehrer, Elie Kuperman, Eli Langer, Joshua Levine, Alex Ostrin, Dovi Pfeiffer, Shlomo Plotzker, Jordan Simmons, Harry Stiel, Benjamin Stock, Ezra Stroock, Netanel Tager, Nissan Aharon Umansky, and Isaac Zaken Mazal Tov to Judith Kutzleb, DNP, RN, CCRN, APN-C, Vice-President of Advanced Practice Professionals at Holy Name Medical Center, on being selected as a finalist in the Nurse of the Year category of the 2014 NJBIZ Healthcare Heroes awards program Mazal Tov to Rabbi Shmuel Taub of the Jewish Educational Center’s Rabbi Teitz Mesivta Academy on winning the 2014 Grinspoon Award for Excellence in Jewish Education, awarded by the Greater MetroWest NJ Regional area Mazal Tov to the Bruiah Yeshiva High School for Girls Torah Bowl team on winning the 2014 Torah Bowl ChamY pionship.

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Saudi, Israel Confab Complete Withdrawal When the Saudi plan was first articulated by King Abdullah, it offered Israel an end to the Israeli-Arab conflict, including full diplomatic recognition and normal relations with all Arab and Muslim countries, in exchange for Israel’s recognition of a Palestinian state on every inch of territory the Jewish state had won during the 1967 Six-Day War. Land to be ceded included all of Judea, Samaria, and the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem, which would serve as the Palestinian state’s capital. Israel would also have to withdraw from the Golan, which would be returned to Syria.. In addition, Israel would have to agree to a “just settlement” of the Palestinian-refugee issue. This so-called “right of return” would grant every Arab who fled Israel in 1948—and their descendants, who by now number in the millions—the right to return and reside in Israel proper. This would demographically spell the end of Israel as a Jewish state. According to the Saudi plan, Arab refugees who did not wish to “return” to Israel proper would be eligible to receive financial compensation. Overshadowed by Terror The plan was officially proposed at the Arab League’s Summit in Beirut on March 28, 2002. One day earlier, a Hamas suicide bomber murdered 30 Jews and injured more than 170 at a Passover seder at the Park Hotel in Netanya. The bombing overshadowed the Saudi Plan, which was debated by the ten Arab leaders who showed up for the summit (out of the 22 who had been invited). Hamas leaders intimated that the act of terror in Netanya was designed as much to send a message to

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the Arab leaders offering peace to Israel as it was to kill Jews. While some Israeli leaders, especially on the left, expressed appreciation for the Saudis’ efforts, especially the offer of full peace, most recognized that Israel could not accept the repatriation of millions of Arabs, and could not accept the complete withdrawal for many religious and securityrelated reasons. In 2002, it was unclear if the proposal was meant as the opening offer for a new set of negotiations. In 2007, when the plan was presented again at an Arab League Summit, this time in Riyadh, it was clearly a take-it-or-leave-it proposition, The PA’s chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, ruled out any negotiations on the proposal, prompting an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman to explain that the Arabs’ refusal to negotiate rendered the plan “a recipe for stagnation.” One-on-One In Munich, after Ms. Livni’s less-than-satisfactory response to Prince Turki, Israeli retired General Amos Yadlin, who, for more than 30 years, had served as head of Israeli military intelligence and is now chairman of The Institute for National Security Studies, turned to Mr. Ignatius and said, “I’d like to answer Prince Turki’s question.” Intrigued, Mr. Ignatius sought out the prince and asked if he would be willing to participate in a one-on-one session with Mr. Yadlin. It would be billed as a discussion between two former heads of intelligence, Saudi Arabia and Israel, talking about the future of the region. After some deliberation, Prince Turki agreed, which is why, on May 26, the three men were on a platform at the Brussels office of the German Mar-

shall Fund of the United States (GMF) ,a group dedicated to strengthening transatlantic cooperation. Observers said the public, on-the-record, one-on-one discussion was a sign that relations between Saudi Arabia and the Jewish state are changing for the better, probably as a result of Iran’s relentless determination to achieve nuclear weaponscapability, the raging civil war in Syria, which borders both countries, and the perceived Obama administration’s abandonment of the two countries’ interests in the region. Viable and Doable Prince Turki began the session by hailing the Saudi peace initiative as “the most viable and doable proposal that has come about between Israel and the Arabs since the dispute began several decades ago.” “And it’s on the table. It has never been taken up by

Israel. They’ve had several governments since it was put on the table, but they have not said yes,” he said. He pointed out that since the initiative was first presented, the Palestinians have said they are now willing to accept “land swaps” along the border. “If we want to go ahead after Mr. Kerry’s efforts, it should be on [the Saudi peace plan] terms. We’ve tried everything else. It hasn’t succeeded,” he said. Diktat Mr. Yadlin did not discount the virtues of the Saudi Plan, especially as an “initiative,” however, he told the prince, “The real problem was that the Saudi peace initiative became the Arab League diktat.” “What the Saudis had published was modified to become a take-it-or-leave-it kind of offer with parameters that we cannot accept,” he said.

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Saudi, Israel Confab The Golan Heights was one example, he said, pointing to the current conflict in Syria between the Alawite-Muslim government of Bashir Al-Assad, supported by Shiite Iran and its proxy Hezbollah of Lebanon, and the Sunni Muslim rebels, supported by Saudi Arabia. “You can imagine how we would feel if what is going on in Syria was also on the Golan Heights,” said Mr. Yadlin. Winning without a Ticket While he expressed appreciation for Mr. Kerry’s efforts, Mr. Yadlin said that from the beginning, he recognized “that the chances for him to succeed were very low.” “It would be like winning the lottery if you haven’t bought a ticket,” he said. He discounted those who blame all problems in the Middle East on the Israeli-Arab conflict. “What we see in the last three years in the Arab world has nothing to do with the Israeli-Palestinian issue,” he said, ticking off the poverty, the lack of jobs even for the well-educated, and the sectarian conflicts, terrorism, and civil war. Concessions Considerably more left-wing than Benjamin Netanyahu’s current Israeli government, Mr. Yadlin said that for peace, the Israelis and Palestinians would have to make concessions neither had undertaken so far. Israel, he said, would have to

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continued from page 31 recognize a Palestinian state, relinquish most of Judea and Samaria, and be willing to partition Jerusalem. “Three very tough concessions that go against the history and beliefs of our people and the political position of the main parties,” he said. The Palestinians, he said, would also have to make three concessions: recognize that this would be the end of the conflict and the finality of all claims against the Jewish state, understand that Palestinian refugees will “return” only to the Palestinian state, and agree that there would have to be some limitations on their sovereignty in deference to Israeli security needs. He said he would encourage the Saudis to “go back to their original plan and make it the basis for a negotiation on the principles I just described.” Taba Leftover Seemingly buoyed by Mr. Yadlin’s list of Israeli concessions, Prince Turki said Jerusalem and the 1967 borders are part of the Saudi plan. “The Arab proposal says the settlement of the refugee problem must be done through negotiation, through agreement with the Israelis,” he said, explaining that the clause on refugees was “not based on whimsical demand or diktat,” but, rather, on the talks carried out in Taba in the Sinai in January 2001. During those talks, Israel, under thenPrime Minister Ehud Barak, agreed to accept a limited number of Palestinian refugees into Israel proper. According to Prince Turki, the rest would be compensated. “I think it is regrettable that these conditions that Israel has put on the Arab peace initiative are the stumbling block, rather than sitting down at the table, taking the Arab peace initiative as it is, and negotiate it,” said Prince Turki. “ I don’t see any problem about sitting down and talking about refugees, about Jerusalem, land swaps, the core issues that prevent an Israeli agreement to the wording of the Arab peace initiative.” Roundabout Recognition Prince Turki pointed out that “after Camp David had split the Arab world, with Egypt’s Anwar Sadat signing the peace agreement with Israel and the rest of the Arab world shunning Sadat

and excommunicating Egypt,” virtually all Arab states except Egypt “would not even admit that there was a thing as a state called Israel.” Nevertheless, he said, in 1981, the late Saudi King Fahd presented an eightpoint proposal at an Arab Summit in Morocco that included the establishment of a Palestinian state and a declaration that “all states in the region would be recognized, safeguarded, and guaranteed their security and safety.” “It was the first time the Arab world accepted Israel as a state,” he said. That attempt failed, he said, because Iraq under Saddam Hussein, Syria under Hafez al-Assad, and Libya under Muammar al-Qaddafi, refused to agree. One year later, in light of the Israeli incursion into Lebanon, which resulted in the decimation of 90 Syrian aircraft, Mr. Assad was more compliant. According to Prince Turki, in 1982, “all the Arab states accepted the Fahd peace plan.” “But nothing came from Israel. No response whatsoever to what Saudi Arabia and the others considered a very important step.” he said. Winning Hearts Mr. Yadlin said history lessons would not win the hearts of the Israeli public, 75 percent of whom “have no idea what the Arab peace initiative is.” Mr. Yadlin suggested Prince Turki emulate Mr. Sadat by coming to Jerusalem where he could “pray in the mosques, which are, for all practical purposes, controlled by Muslim leadership in Jordan and Palestine.” From there, he could take “a very short drive to the Knesset,” and address the people on the peace plan. “If Prime Minister Netanyahu would support the Arab peace initiative, my guess is that 65 percent of Israelis would go with him,” said Mr. Yadlin. Flushed at the prospect of making big news, Mr. Ignatius turned to Prince Turki. “There is a proposal on the table that you pray in Jerusalem and then address the Knesset. Would you consider doing something like that?” he asked. Prince Turki replied, “Absolutely not.” Which Comes First? He then accused Mr. Yadlin of not negotiating “with a good heart and genuine commitment to achieve peace,” Prince

June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

Turki objected to being “a stumbling block or the key to opening the door.” He suggested the Israeli leadership explain to their people what the plan says and why they should agree to discuss it. “Since 1948, the Israelis told the world: ‘If only the Arabs would agree to sit with us and talk about peace. That is all we want.’ Well, the Arabs have crossed the Rubicon, They don’t want to fight Israel anymore. Israel has so much military superiority over them. It has atomic weapons. We all know that. It has the means to deliver those weapons. The Israeli Navy has submarines that can launch these missiles. The Arabs are not crazy. What they’re doing, instead of waging war, the Arabs are waging peace. Sit down and talk and negotiate, but emotional issues, like me going to Jerusalem before Israeli leaders explain, I think that’s putting the chicken before the egg,” said Prince Turki. Mr. Yadlin reminded him that when Mr. Sadat “put the chicken before the egg,” it “changed totally the mood in Israel.” “It’s not necessary a bad step. I don’t call it an emotional step,” said Mr. Yadlin. Negotiating with Whom? At that point, someone in the audience wondered if an Israeli would travel to Saudi Arabia. Mr. Yadlin declared that Mr. Netanyahu “is willing to come to Mecca tomorrow.” Prince Turki said nothing, but when he suggested the correct order could be accomplished if Mr. Netanyahu would accept a Palestinian state, Mr. Yadlin reminded him that the Israeli Prime Minister already did that in 2009 at Bar Ilan University. Up until that point, it had seemed Prince Turki was asking for negotiations between Israel and the Saudis over the Saudi peace plan. It suddenly became clear that he meant that negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians should be based on the Saudi initiative. “Talk to the people whose land you occupy, whose land you steal,. Not to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia will fully support whatever agreement the Palestinians reach with Israel,” said Prince Turki. Distrust The real problem, Mr. Yadlin said, is the “issue of distrust.” To overcome that challenge, he suggested “Plan B, a different paradigm.” “Since a full and comprehensive

peace cannot be reached yet, let’s do a transitional arrangement. If we can’t have a two-state solution, let’s have a two-state reality. In the future, when the time is ripe, maybe we can reach an agreement,” he said. Recognizing that most Israelis consider the disengagement from Gaza a failure, Mr. Yadlin said he considers it to have been strategically correct because it means “Israel is not occupying Gaza anymore and1.5 million Palestinians have their independence.” He did not mention the thousands of rockets that have been launched from Gaza onto neighboring Israeli civilian targets.

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“We can make another move in the West Bank which would give Palestinians more land and more freedom of movement and fewer Israelis around them,” Mr. Yadlin offered Prince Turki. But the Saudi prince was unimpressed, noting that Mr. Netanyahu “wants to leave troops on West Bank territory on the border with Jordan.” “He wants the Arabs to recognize pre-negotiation that Israel’s condition as a Jewish state be accepted, a condition that was never put when Israel signed agreements with Egypt and Jordan. He wants us to accept that the Palestinian

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Saudi, Israel Confab entity that will come out of this will allow for Israeli settlements in the West Bank, more land to be taken by these settlers who have nobody with the courage to tell them, stop. He wants us Arabs, and particularly, the Palestinians to accept. It is not going to happen,” said Prince Turki. A Danger to Both The two men seemed much more on the same page when the subject turned first to Iran and then Syria. A nuclear-armed Iran, which has threatened Israel with annihilation, is also seen as a security challenge to Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf states. “There are many countries that want to destroy Israel, but they are unable. If the very radical regime in Iran will marry a very radical weapon, it would be very worrisome for a people who went through a mass killing 70 years ago in a war in which we were not involved based on hate crimes,” said Mr. Yadlin. Not the Cold War The danger from Iran is different from the one faced by the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, he said. “Each wanted hegemony politically and ideologically, but annihilation was not the target,” he said. He identified Iran as “the source of instability, terror, and

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civil war in the Middle East.” “Who is helping Assad to survive? The Iranians and the Iranian proxy, Hezbollah. The Iranians are involved in Yemen, Bahrain, and Iraq. If they get nuclear weapons, it will be a problem for many of their neighbors, not only Israel, but the goal of my government is to do everything so that Iran will not hold of a nuclear weapon,” he said. Dangerous Sides Syria is a more complicated issue. While Saudi Arabia opposes Mr. Assad and supports the rebels fighting against him, Israel sees both sides as dangerous. Mr. Assad is Iran’s proxy in the conflict, and many of the rebels are affiliated with Al Qaeda and other Islamist jihadists. There are a few rebels who have been identified as “moderates,” but targeting them with aid is not easy and making sure that aid does not fall into the hands of extremists is even more difficult. Messrs Yadlin and Ignatius immediately thought of Afghanistan in the 1980s. Prince Turki, however, disregarded the experience Saudi Arabia and the US faced, aiding and allying themselves with the Mujahedeen in the struggle to get the Soviets out of Afghanistan. When the Russians left, the weapons fell to the

Taliban. Nevertheless, Saudi Arabia is aiding the rebels against Mr. Assad, and Prince Turki is asking the Western powers to follow suit. All such efforts in the UN have been vetoed by the Russians, who are also supporting Mr. Assad. Weapons Earmarked to Kill Jews Prince Turki said the weapons Mr. Assad had amassed to use against Israel are now being turned against his own people, “and they don’t have the weapons to defend themselves,” said the prince. “Saudi Arabia is not asking to send troops to Syria, but to provide means to defend against Assad’s aircraft and weapons,” he said. He compared the jihadists and other extremists who have found their way to Syria to “bacteria in an open wound.” “Unless you clean the wound and suture it, it’s going to continue to collect debris. The moderate opposition is fighting on both fronts, against the Syrian government and against the extremist hooligans and criminals,” he said. Alternative Asked if Israel would agree to provide assistance and training to the moderate opposition in Syria, Mr. Yadlin said that while he agreed with Prince Turki’s assessment of the situation and fully endorsed the principle of protecting the Syrian civilian population, he would have a different alternative, one that did not chance having weapons wind up in the hands of extremists. “Assad’s power should be neutralized. Imagine he wakes up and the helicopters which drop missiles on civilians aren’t there because they were destroyed,” he said. “This can be done and you don’t have to give anti-aircraft missiles to

the elements that may transfer them to fire at airliners in the future.” Further, Mr. Yadlin recommended that efforts be expended to change the perception that Mr. Assad, the Iranians, and their allies, the Lebanesebased terror group Hezbollah are winning. “It can be done if there’s determination and professionalism,” he said. Natural Allies According to strategic analyst Mark Langfan, Israel and Saudi Arabia see the downfall of Mr. Assad as a “prime element in the destruction of Iran’s waxing hegemonic enterprise from Tehran to the Mediterranean Sea.” Unlike other potential Saudi allies, “the Israelis don’t covet Saudi oil or have designs on Mecca,” he said. As a result, he said, Israel and Saudi Arabia are finding themselves in a new Middle East alliance. Iranian Deadline Both have reason to be concerned about the looming July 20th deadline for the current interim talks between Iran on one side and the socalled P5+1 (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council—the US, Russia, China, United Kingdom, and France, plus Germany) on the other. According to reports, the parties are far apart on the issue of Iran’s quest to acquire nuclear weapon capability. “For the first time, the Iranians came to negotiate not to buy time to advance their nuclear program, but to life the sanctions. However, their goal is to lift the sanctions with a minimum of rollback of their nuclear program. As yet, they have not agreed to any rollback. On the contrary, they are asking for more centrifuges, more sites, more nuclear reactors in return for sanction relief,” said Mr. Yadlin. Skilled Negotiators Acknowledging the Iranians’ adroit negotiating skills, Mr. Yadlin said this is just their opening position. “It will be very interesting to see what will happen on the night of July 19th. That is the first time they will move,” he predicted. According to the current agreement, a six-month extension can be granted. Therefore, another prediction, he said, is that there will be another sixmonth round of negotiations. “That is unless the sanctions still being applied to the Iranians are so painful to them that they really want them lifted, and then they will be motivated to compromise,” he said, noting that his Institute for National Security Studies is currently researching this issue. According to Mr. Yadlin, many Israelis fear that the $7

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billion in sanction relief already given to the Iranians will cause the sanctions regime “to melt.” However, he said, when it comes to a country’s economy, “it’s not just the numbers, but the expectation and the psychology.” “What we see is that the sanctions are holding. So there is hope the Iranians will be willing to reach an acceptable deal,” he said. What Is a “Bad Deal?” What he fears, however, is that the P5+1 will sign “a bad deal” with Iran just to have something to show for their efforts. His assumption is that “sooner or later,” the Iranians will violate or withdraw from any deal they sign. If the deal with the West is a “bad one,” it will mean they will be closer to nuclear capability, perhaps no more than in “a matter of months,” he said. “Any deal that will allow them to remain so close to the

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

bomb is very problematic. A deal that will roll them back, not months from the bomb, but years from the bomb, will give a guarantee that even if they break the deal, we’ll have enough time to react, to detect, to make decisions, and take actions,” said Mr. Yadlin. Arms Race in the Works? If Prince Turki had similar fears, he did not share them with Messrs Yadlin and Ignatius. When Mr. Ignatius asked if Saudi Arabia were considering take steps to develop a selfprotective nuclear program of its own, Prince Turki sidestepped the issue. “The interim agreement is what it says it is, so we have to wait until there is a final agreement before we can make a judgment on whether or not it is a good deal,” he said, adding that the interim agreement was “welcomed by all the Gulf states.” Mr. Ignatius seemed dubious, noting that Iran “seems in no way ready to change.”


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“Not just in regards to Israel, but you should have heard what the Iranians said about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” Mr. Ignatius told Prince Turki. Nuclear-Free Zone The prince responded with what could be taken as an attack on Israel. The Jewish state is widely assumed to have nuclear weapons, although Jerusalem has always been tight-lipped about the issue. According to Prince Turki, the Middle East should become a nuclear-free zone, with all countries in the region signing the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT. Israel has neither admitted it has nuclear weapons nor signed the treaty. To expedite his vision of a nuclear-free Middle East, Prince Turki said he needs two guarantees from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council: First, the countries of the nuclear-free zone need a “nuclear security umbrella so

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ACCREDITED LUXURY HOME SPECIALIST LICENSED IN NJ & PA CHERRY HILL/SIENA 4 BR, 3.5 bath contemporary w/3 car gar. Newer Kitchen w/custom cabs, granite counters, island, commercial grade appls. Recessed lighting & custom window treats t/o. 1st floor Study w/custom built ins. Master Suite w/see-thru gas FP to custom master bath. Main floor laundry. Finished basement with 2 entertaining areas, gym area & plenty of storage. All on a professionally landscaped property. ..Realistically priced at $799,000 VOORHEES/STAFFORDS WOLD Lovely 4 BR, 2.5 bath home on huge corner lot with finished basement & 2 car, side entry garage. Many updates t/o this home with Hard-wood flooring and 2 zone heating & AC. Kitchen has newer appliances and master bath and powder room have been updated. Newer roof, Heat & AC. Professionally landscaped property with large deck. This home is in a great location and is in move in condition. Close to 295. .....Realistically priced at $464,900

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ing US aid now that the government represents unity with Hamas, the terrorists’ infrastructure must be dismantled, individuals with ties to terrorism must be dismissed, and the Hamas component must recognize Israel, agree to accept all international peace accords signed by the PA, and halt its anti-American and anti-Israeli incitement. In the House, Reps Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), who heads the Middle East and North Africa Subcommittee; Nita Lowy (D-NY), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee as well as on the subcommittee governing State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs; and Eric Cantor (R-VA), still House Majority Leader, also asked for funds to be

Saudi, Israel Confab that they don’t feel threatened by not developing their own weapons of mass destruction,” and, second, they need a guarantee that any country that violates the conditions of the zones will be sanctioned. “Not just economic or political sanctions, but also by military means. Without these two guarantees, the zone is not going to work,” said Prince Turki. Not Yet Ready Mr. Yadlin responded by saying Israel would support a nuclear-free Middle East, but only “when all the countries in the region recognize each other and stop saying they want to destroy each other.” He pointed out that even after Iraq had signed the NPT agreement, its gov-

withheld from the PA, based on US law. Will Not Comply According to Hamas leaders, none of the criteria demanded by the Americans will be met, in spite of the United States having given the Palestinians more than $5 billion over the last several decades. Moussa Abu Marzouk, the terrorist group’s deputy leader, told reporters last month that Hamas will never recognize Israel and will not accept the conditions laid out by the Middle East peacemaking Quartet, consisting of the UN, the European Union, the US, and Russia. “We will not recognize the Zionist entity, and Hamas rejects the Quartet’s conditions because they deny some of our people’s rights. We will always refuse

any conditions that deny our Palestinian rights,” said Mr. Marzouk. In the middle of May, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh announced that the terrorist group Islamic Jihad, based in Hamas-controlled Gaza, will also become integrated into the PLO. According to Mr. Haniyeh, the unity pact allows Islamic Jihad’s leadership to participate in the PA elections. Recognition Not Required Despite Hamas’s activities, the PA’s chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, has called the terrorist group a “legitimate organization” that “does not carry out terrorist attacks.” PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, did not go that far, but neither is he requiring

continued from page 35 ernment tried to buy weapons of mass destruction, as did Syria when it imported a reactor. “You have to be very careful. So first build trust in the region, build peace, and immediately, nobody will need a nuclear weapon,” said Mr. Yadlin. Who Trusts Whom? Realizing his attempt at subtlety had been thrown back at him, Prince Turki became more direct. “Not signing the NPT should not be a license to develop nuclear weapons. That is what Israel has done. Building trust is mutual,” he said, adding that he does not know whether or not Iran would sign on. “And you would trust Iran?” Mr. Yadlin asked the prince.

Prince Turki said trust was beside the point. “That’s why you need those guarantees from the five permanent members,” he said. Mr. Yadlin recalled that, against Saudi Arabia’s best efforts, Russia, one of those five permanent members of the Security Council, has continued to support the government of Mr. Assad in Syria. “Assad’s killing machine has killed 165,000 people in the last three years, 10,000 kids, and there are six million Syrian refugees throughout the area. Still Assad is protected by the Russians. I don’t take the guarantees from the Security Council seriously because look at how they’re behaving in Syria,” said Mr. Yadlin.S.L.R.

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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Hamas to recognize Israel or renounce terrorism as part of the unity pact. According to reports, Mr. Abbas told US National Security Advisor Susan Rice that despite the unity agreement, Hamas will not be part of the new unity government. He reportedly told her that no representatives of any Palestinian organizations will sit in the government. Rather, it will be made up of “independent professionals” who are politically unaffiliated, he said. Further, he said that the unity with Hamas will not affect PA positions. He said the unity government will operate under “four Palestinian principles,” including recognition of Israel, recognition of the terms of signed international agreements, and explicit rejection of violence and terrorism. Mr. Abbas said that according to the terms of the unity deal, the two sides would work together to form an “independent government of technocrats” headed by Mr. Abbas, that would then pave the way for long-delayed elections for parliament and a president. The elections are scheduled to be held within the next six months, but few believe they will actually take place then. Terrorist Exhibit The PA’s new prime minister is Rami Hamdallah, a member of Fatah who is also president of An-Najah University in Nablus. The school, which is the largest in the PA, won notoriety for its “Sbarro Café Exhibition,” a celebration of the August 9, 2001 suicide bombing in Jerusalem in which 15 people, many of them children, were murdered and dozens more wounded. Critics of the exhibit said it could not have been housed on the university campus without Mr. Hamdallah’s consent and blessings. Ms. Rice told Mr. Abbas that “any Palestinian government must unambiguously and explicitly commit to nonviolence, recognition of the State of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations between the parties.” However, in an interview with the Jordanian newspaper, Al-Radth, Fatah Central Committee Member Azzam AlAhmad said the unity government will not recognize Israel and will not feel forced to engage in future peace talks. Backtracking In the weeks leading up to the for-

mation of the new government, which was sworn in on June 2, Hamas leaders insisted they would be in control of the unity government, which they said would be overseen not by Mr. Abbas, but by the Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. In the end, however, all he retained was complete responsibility for Gaza, including the tens of thousands of armed members in Hamas’s military wing, who will continue to manage Gaza’s security. Israelis point out that despite Mr. Abbas’s insistence that Hamas is not part of the government, this means that the terrorist group can overrule the PA government on any terrorist activity emanating from Gaza.

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“The agreement with Hamas transfers to Abbas direct responsibility for terrorism from Gaza,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In addition, by the end of the unity government’s first week, there was evidence that rather than the new PA government taking control in Gaza, Hamas was beginning to exert control in Judea and Samaria. Prisons Ministry Many observers point out that the fact that the unity government was sworn in at all shows how powerful a voice Hamas will have in it. Shortly before the swearing-in cer-

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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Ess Gezint: Cooking with Olive Oil Despite a few patently non-kosher dishes, most of the recipes presented in Cooking Techniques and Recipes with Olive Oil, selfpublished by Mary Platis and Laura Bashar, (Two Extra Virgins) are easily adaptable. Healthy and delicious, olive oil is used for poach-

ing, braising, marinating, steaming, and even baking—there is a recipe here, too, for ice cream. The secrets: buy only extra virgin olive oil in small quantities (what you’ll use in a year or less) and in dark bottles, and don’t be afraid to try different flavors. Y

Roast Chicken with Olive Oil, Lemon, and Herbs

Olive Oil Mayonnaise

3½ lb whole roasting chicken 1 sprig fresh basil 2-3 Tbs extra virgin olive oil 2 sprigs fresh thyme 1 lemon, sliced ¼ tsp salt 1 onion, quartered ¹/8 tsp freshly ground pepper 1 sprig fresh mint About 30 minutes before roasting, remove chicken from refrigerator. Preheat oven to 425°. Place chicken (breast side up) on a roasting pan and rub the entire bird with olive oil. Season outside and in the cavity with salt and pepper. Run your hands and olive oil underneath the skin of the breast and thigh to loosen. Slide lemon slices under the skin. Stuff remaining lemon slices, onion, and herbs into chicken cavity. Using kitchen twine, tie the legs together and tuck wing tips under the chicken. Roast for 15 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 350°. Cook until a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh registers 170° to 175°, approximately 1 to 1½ hours. Remove from the oven, cover with foil, and let stand for 10 minutes.

1 large pasteurized egg 1 cup extra virgin olive oil, yolk at room temperature divided 1 tsp Dijon mustard ¼ tsp salt 1 tsp fresh lemon juice ¹/8 tsp freshly ground pepper Place egg yolk in a medium bowl. With a whisk, beat until light and fluffy. Whisk in mustard and lemon juice. Slowly whisk in ¼ cup olive oil. Do not rush as you continue adding the remaining oil, drop by drop, until mayonnaise completely thickens. Season with salt and pepper. Cover and chill. Refrigerate for up to 5 days. For herbal mayonnaise, add 2 Tbs freshly chopped chives, parsley, tarragon, or oregano. For horseradish mayonnaise, add 2 Tbs spicy horseradish just before serving. For garlic mayonnaise, add 1 crushed garlic clove with the egg yolk.

Tomatoes and Onions in Olive Oil with Fresh Basil 3 large tomatoes, peeled and cored 3 large onions, peeled and cored 12 fresh basil leaves 3-4 cups extra virgin olive oil 6 garlic cloves, peeled

½ tsp salt ¼ tsp freshly ground pepper 2-3 basil leaves, julienned for garnish 1 loaf good bread, sliced and toasted

Heat oven to 375°. Line the bottom of a large ovenproof dish with basil leaves. Place tomatoes and onions core-side down in the dish so they are snug, but not touching. Pour enough olive oil to cover tomatoes and onions halfway up their sides. Add and submerge garlic cloves in the oil. Bake for 45-60 minutes or until tomatoes and onions are soft. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and freshly sliced basil. Serve with bread.

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emony on June 2 in Ramallah, Mr. Abbas tried to eliminate the PA’s Ministry of Prisoners, in an effort to convince the US that the new government should not be economically abandoned. For years, the PA has claimed the ministry is responsible for supplying stipends to the families of terrorists serving prison sentences in Israel. In fact, it has been documented that the funds are actually salaries paid to the terrorist prisoners themselves. Despite the overwhelming evidence provided by Israel, US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Anne Paterson has defended the practice, telling skeptical Congressmen, that the PA “has to provide for the families.” To avoid problems with funding from the US Congress, Mr. Abbas tried to replace the ministry with an independent body, but Hamas refused, saying it would not sign onto the unity government “without a ministry and a minister of prisoners.” In a last-minute compromise, the two sides agreed to cancel the minister, but not the ministry, which will answer directly to Mr. Hamdallah. He has publicly said that the PA places “prisoners at the top of its priorities” and that his government which will continue to implement the PA’s “Prisoners’ and Released [Prisoners’] Law,” which specifically refers to salaries and other payments to the terrorists. “A Scheme” While no Hamas members serve as ministers in the new government, every office has Hamas and Fatah officials. Ms. Ros-Lehtinen called the new government a “scheme” to dupe America. “The Palestinian leaders know that a unity government

would trigger US law to cut off funding, so now they are trying to find loopholes in order to say that they are still abiding by the conditions our laws mandate. This contortionist act, akin to an embarrassingly evil Cirque du Soleil trick without any of the charm, is disingenuous at best, but this is the type of scheme you would expect from [Abbas] and his cronies as they continue to try to undermine the peace process and fail to live up to past agreements with Israel. Whether it’s a government comprised of Hamas technocrats or an interim government that includes more active members of Hamas, the Administration must not fall for this latest scheme by [Abbas] and Hamas,” she said. She insisted that the PA’s decision “to partner with a USdesignated Foreign Terrorist Organization once again reaffirms that [Abbas] is not a true partner for peace, and the US must respond by withholding assistance to any Hamas-backed unity government.” Tricking the Americans In fact, there is evidence that Mr. Abbas was fully aware he was behaving just as Ms. RosLehtinen suggests. On June 9, a former Hamas government spokesman revealed that, in private meetings with Hamas members, Mr. Abbas admitted that many of his public statements were lies intended to “trick the Americans.” Ihab al-Ghussein wrote on Facebook that, “behind closed doors,” Mr. Abbas had said, “When I go out and say the government is my government and it recognizes ‘Israel’ and so on, fine—these are my words to trick the Americans.” “Guys, let me [continue] saying what I say to the media. Those words are meant for the Americans and the occupation

[Israel], not for you. What’s important is what we agree on among ourselves. Don’t harp on everything I tell the media. Forget about the statements to the media,” Mr. Abbas said, according to Mr. al-Ghussein. In his Facebook message, which was exposed and translated by Palestinian Media Watch, Mr. al-Ghussein, who lost his position when the new unity government was sworn in, said that while he favors reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, he means “partnership and achieving unity, but not reconciliation as Abbas means it.” Total Boycott Israel’s response to the new government will be to boycott it almost completely and impose sanctions whose purpose is to emphasize that the Jewish state will not tolerate a Palestinian government run by terrorists, whether or not the international community approves, Israeli officials said. These sanctions include freezing tax revenues from being transferred to the PA. This would amount to nearly $100 million per month, about onethird of the revenues paid to the PA in total. In addition, Israeli participation with the PA in a project to develop a gas field in the sea off the coast of Gaza has

been suspended, and a cap has been placed on all PA deposits in Israeli banks. Political Repercussions Mr. Netanyahu and his ministers have also agreed not to engage politically with the new government. The IDF denied entry into Samaria to three Gaza-based members of Hamas, who were identified by Israel as “future ministers of the new government.” The three were trying to go to Ramallah for the swearing-in of the new government. Israel also cancelled the VIP cards allowing entry into Israel for all PA officials except Mr. Abbas. This decision will prevent them from freely moving back and forth between Gaza and Ramallah. Mr. Netanyahu has forbidden all Israeli government ministers to meet with PA officials and has halted all civilian and economic cooperation with the PA. An Israeli team has been formed to consider other actions that may be taken “ahead of diplomatic and security situations that will be created in the future.” A potential headache for the PA will be whether or not Arab residents of Jerusalem will be allowed to vote in the PA election. According to a re-

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port in the Jordanian newspaper Al-Arab Al-Youm, an unnamed source said the Obama administration had “promised” to persuade Israel to allow Arab residents in the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem to vote. In response, Mr. Abbas warned the PA would be prepared “to respond.” He did not elaborate. “Pretty Wrapping” Agreeing with the Prime Minister, Israeli Economics Minister Naftali Bennett, head of the Jewish Home party, said the unity government should mark the end of Israel’s engagement with “the Palestinian political agenda.” “Twenty years after the Oslo Accords and nine years after the Gaza disengagement, our engagement with the Palestinian political agenda has fallen apart and has hit the wall of reality,” he said. “They can call themselves ‘ministers’ if they want, but that won’t change what they really are. Between Fatah and Hamas, this is a unity government of terrorists in suits.” Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon (Likud) agreed, calling the new government “a pretty wrapping for the terrorist attacks that were conducted and will be conducted under their protection.” “Now all aid given to the Palestinians by the US and other countries directly aids terror attacks against the State of Israel,” he said. Disappointment What has frustrated the Israelis is that virtually all the Western countries and

groups that have welcomed the new unity government and want Israel to negotiate with it also identify Hamas as a terrorist group, based primarily on its stated mission to destroy the Jewish state. No one in Israel was surprised by the welcome the new PA government received from the EU or the UN, bodies whose anti-Israel animus is no secret, but the reaction from the US elicited deep disappointment. Despite evidence to the contrary and Mr. Netanyahu’s warning not to rush to approve the new government, US State Department spokesman Jen Psaki said Washington believes the new government does not include Hamas. Israeli Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz said the US has failed to understand that “backed by Hamas” amounts to the same thing. “You cannot present it as a Hamas government internally, and then present it publicly as a government of technocrats. If these ministers are people who identify with Hamas and Hamas identifies with them and appointed them, they are representatives of Hamas. This is a Hamas government, and Hamas is a terror organization,” he said. Precedent An Israeli government source said Washington’s actions were setting a precedent for accepting terror. “If the US administration wants to advance peace, it should be calling on Abbas to end his pact with Hamas and

return to peace talks with Israel. Instead, it is enabling Abbas to believe that it is acceptable to form a government with a terrorist organization,” said the source. Israeli Communications Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud) chalked it up to the Obama administration’s “naiveté,” which, he said, was “breaking all records.” “Cooperating with Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organization in the US and which murders women and children, is unacceptable. America’s repeated surrendering to the dictates of the Palestinians seriously harms the chances of ever resuming negotiations with the Palestinians, and Israel will take unilateral steps to protect its citizens from the terrorist government established by Abbas,” he said. Denial In Washington, Deputy State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said Israel had no call for disappointment because the Obama administration had not changed its mind about Hamas, which she said is still viewed as “a designated terror organization” that cannot receive any US assistance or recognition. Mr. Kerry echoed her statements, adding that US preparedness to work with the PA “does not mean recognition of a Palestinian state.” “The US does not recognize a government with respect to Palestine because that would recognize a state and there is no state,” he said. “No Illusions” In Israel, US Ambassador to the Jewish state Daniel Shapiro said the US has “no illusions about Hamas,” which he also said is “a terrorist organization.” He denied reports that the US has been working closely with Hamas behind closed doors. “We do not have ties to Hamas; we do not work with them; we will not give assistance to them, and we will not work with a government that has Hamas sitting [in its parliament],” he said. Disarming Hamas? Mr. Steinitz brought up the issue of disarming Hamas. As long as the PA and Hamas were separate, no one expected the government in Ramallah to disarm the Gaza-based terrorists. But if there is

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

The Jewish Voice and Opinion

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unity under the PA, then Hamas should be disarmed. “Do they intend to ask Abbas and his government to return to the principle of ‘absolute demilitarization” that was a foundation of the Oslo Accords, and to start dismantling and destroying thousands of missiles in Gaza, most of which were shipped from Iran?” he said. “If not, then all the talk about a Palestinian government ‘committed to prior agreements’ is nothing but a self-deception.” Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon agreed, saying that if Mr. Abbas does not disarm Hamas, the reconciliation will be proven as nothing but a sham. Won’t Happen Official statements by Hamas leaders make clear there will be no disarmament. For example, for a while Fatah leaders intimated that Hamas’s “military wing” would be subsumed into the PA’s security force. However, Hamas leaders said they had no intention of dismantling their terrorist Al-Qassam Brigades, nor would the Brigades be merged with the PA’s police forces, they said. Mahmoud Al-Zahar, a senior Hamas official and co-founder of the organiza-

tion, said it would not happen. “Nobody will touch the security sections in Gaza. No one will be able to touch one person from the military group. Nobody asked for that,” he said. According to Mr. Haniyeh, the PA unity pact gives the terrorists “the right to independent decision regarding the struggle against Israel.” European Simplicity Like the Americans, the EU said it, too, would work with the new PA government, provided it retains the principle of peace with Israel based on a two-state solution. “I don’t see a reason for the peace talks stopping in order to send a message that there’s a difference between Fatah and Hamas,” said Lars FaabourgAndersen, the EU’s Ambassador to Israel. The EU, whose official terrorist list includes Hamas, was one of the first groups to welcome the Fatah-Hamas unity deal. Mr. Netanyahu said it was “strange” that with “Islamic terror raising its head” throughout Europe, European governments, which harshly condemned the recent murderous terrorist strike in the Jewish Museum in Brussels, speak “with lack of clarity and even in friendly tones

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KMR Rockies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Kosherica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Quality Kosher Hotel, Montreal . . . . . 32

about a unity government with Hamas, a terror group that carries out and praises such crimes.” No Difference Mr. Faabourg-Andersen’s remarks raised eyebrows in politically conservative circles in Israel and abroad. In such circles, it has long been the contention that Fatah maintains the goal of seeking the destruction of the Jewish state, despite public declarations in English to the contrary. When Israel’s controversial Finance Minister Yair Lapid suggested the Israeli government should work with the now unified PA, including Hamas, he based his argument on the fact that the PLO itself was “a former terrorist group.” Mr. Lapid’s implication that the PLO under Mr. Abbas had renounced terrorism prompted Jewish philanthropist William Langfan to offer the Finance Minister a $200,000 contribution if he could prove the PLO has indeed rejected terror. Mr. Langfan pointed out that the PLO’s 1968 charter, which endorses “armed resistance” against Israel as “the only way to liberate Palestine,” was never amended

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or annulled. Leaving the Government Mr. Lapid did not respond to the challenge, but a member of his Yesh Atid party, Welfare Minister Meir Cohen, said their faction would leave the government coalition if it does not continue to negotiate with the Hamas-Fatah government. Housing Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) dismissed the threat. He noted that the government could emerge stronger without Yesh Atid. “We want to have a future in which there is an option for Yesh Atid to leave and for the Prime Minister to invite the hareidi parties to come in,” he said. Final Nail The unity agreement between Fatah and Hama is designed to end the longstanding feud between the groups, which began in 2007 when Hamas won the first election held by the PA. When the PA tried to deny the terrorists the right to take control, Hamas undertook a bloody coup in Gaza and started cracking down on Fatah officials living there. For seven years, while Fatah ruled in Judea and Samaria as the PA, Hamas developed in its own mini-terror state in Gaza. The Palestinians’ reconciliation agreement signed at the end of April put the final nail in the coffin of the faltering US-led peace talks between Israel and Mr. Abbas’s administration. Israel had objected to official PA celebrations of the release of murderous terrorists from Israeli prisons as well as to the PA’s insistence that it stayed with the talks only to secure their prisoners’ freedom. When the PA violated the agreement with Israel by joining UN-affiliated international agencies and then entered into

reconciliation talks with Hamas, Israel pulled out of the peace talks entirely, refusing to deal in any way with an organization dedicated to the Jewish state’s demise. Incitement In one area, the PA and Hamas did not need reconciliation to achieve unity. For years, both groups have engaged in murderous incitement against Jews and Israel. While the PA has been duplicitous, engaging in peace talks with the Israelis at the same time it encourages its people to consider the Jews their enemy, Hamas has been straightforward. Senior Hamas official Salah Bardawil, for example, has indicted the only peace Hamas is interested in achieving would come through ethnic cleansing of Israelis from the country. In an interview with the Quds news agency, Mr. Bardawil called the negotiations between Israel and the PA “disgraceful Palestinian political conduct.” He insisted the Israeli “invaders” must leave all of “Palestine” to achieve peace. “Hamas’s platform is known to everyone and is not ambiguous,” said Mr. Bardawil. “Any referral to handling the Palestinian issue through peaceful means implies the cleansing of Palestine from foreigners who entered in 1948 as well as before and after this time.” He said the “foreigners must return to where they came from, and then we will extend our peace,” No Hope Hamas commemorated Israel’s 66th Independence Day last month with a genocidethemed video. It featured a song to the tune of the Israeli national anthem, “Hatikvah,” which means “the hope.” In the video, Arab words are put to the familiar song so

that it warns this is “the end of hope” for Israel, which is doomed. Jerusalem, the song says, will be renamed and known by its Arab name, Al-Quds. The video threatens to deport Israelis. The lucky ones will live; the others will be killed. In mid-May, “Palestine,” Hamas’s official daily, which is distributed throughout Gaza and in some parts of the PA, published a cartoon threatening new immigrants to Israel with genocide. Captioned “Israel is preparing to accept waves of Jewish immigrants from France and Ukraine,” the cartoon depicts hooked-nosed and bearded Jews with their wives and children marching towards Israel, which is portrayed as an open grave. The epitaph reads: “The invaders’ graves.” Shooting the Jews A few days later, a Hamas children’s television show, “Pioneers of Tomorrow,” encouraged youngsters to “shoot all the Jews.” The show featured young children being interviewed by a “bumblebee” host who inspires them to carry out a series of violent acts. At one point, a little girl says she wants to be a policewoman when she grows up. “What do the police do?” asks the bee. “They catch thieves and troublemakers, and they shoot Jews, right?” “Yes,” the child says to the delight of the host. “I will shoot all the Jews.” PA Incitement Incitement of this sort is rampant on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa television, but it is also common in PA-controlled media, including those venues very close to Mr. Abbas. Despite signed agreements demanding an end to such incitement, the PA has continued to glorify Nazism, lionize Adolf Hitler, and show

programs featuring heavily stereotyped Jews as villains against whom violence should be perpetrated. Many television and radio shows encourage wiping the Jewish state off the map. A few days after the PA unity government was sworn in, Mr. Abbas issued a statement urging the Muslim world to rush to the defense of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, because, he said, “the Zionist interlopers” were planning to destroy it. In what Israeli officials called a serious case of incitement, Mr. Abbas complained that Israel was conducting archaeological digs under and around the Temple Mount that, he said, were likely to topple the mosque. Citing the Anti-Defamation League report last month, showing that more than 25 percent of the world’s population holds antisemitic views, Mr. Netanyahu blamed Palestinian incitement. “This is the result of the PA’s endless incitement against Israel and attempts to distort Israel’s image and the character of the Jewish people, as we know from past experience,” he said. “Invasions” As if to prove Mr. Netanyahu’s point, Mr. Abbas went on to demand that Arab nations act to protect the Temple Mount from ongoing “invasions” by Jews whom he accused of coming to Judaism’s holiest site to pray, despite laws banning them from that right. In an effort to ban Jewish worship on the Temple Mount, the PA said that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has chosen Jerusalem as the “ capital of Islamic tourism” for 2016. According to PA Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud

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“Honor the Professional According to Your Need”

Habbash, the first International Forum on Islamic Tourism, held at the beginning of June in Jakarta, selected Jerusalem in order to “break Israel’s siege” of the 3,000-year-old Jewish capital. Mr. Habbash said regardless of the Jewish presence in the Israeli capital, “Jerusalem is the religious and political capital of Palestine.” Disunity In fact, despite the unity pact, visiting Jerusalem has become a point of disunity between Fatah and Hamas. Recently, Muslim leaders in Jordan issued a fatwa ending the ban on visits to Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque, as long as the Muslims don’t financially aid the “occupation.” While Fatah has accepted the ruling, Hamas rejected it, saying it gives the appearance of recognizing the rule of the

“occupation” and constitutes a de facto normalization with Israel. According to Mr. Yaalon, even this seemingly minor dispute shows the truth behind the unity pact. “The chance of real reconciliation between them is zero,” he said. Seeking Compensation According to reports, even actions that should reflect reconciliation, such as the release of prisoners from each of the factions’ jails, have not been simple. Members of both groups are seeking compensation and reparations to families that over the years were affected by violent clashes between the two groups. While a compensation plan has been drafted by the unity government, it will reportedly need at least two years and $150 million to review and settle the claims.

Many bereaved families have spoken out, claiming they are more interested in revenge than in compensation or negotiations. “I don’t want compensation. I want punishment,” Hamza Rafati, the 22-year-old son of a slain Hamas terrorist, told Fox News. He criticized the new government for causing his family to lose their “right to legal revenge.” Nakba In another example of unity at work, Hamas, which is now legal in the PA-controlled areas of Judea and Samaria, participated openly with Fatah in “Nakba” events on May 15. The date, marking Israel’s declaration of statehood in 1948, is commemorated as a “catastrophe” by Palestinians and anti-Zionists across the world, including Arab and far-left Jewish groups in Israel.

It is observed with activities copied from Jewish Yom Hashoah traditions, including a siren when participants stand in silence to mark the establishment of the state of the Jewish nation. Nakba commemorates failure of the combined Arab armies and paramilitary forces to smother the Jewish state at birth and prevent the founding of the State of Israel. In addition, on June 5, Palestinians observe “Nakba Day,” marking Israel’s liberation of Judea and Samaria and the unification of Jerusalem in 1967. Funded by Iran, Muslims are encouraged to engage on a “Global March to Jerusalem.” Riots While the march is supposed to be peaceful, this year, senior PA official Mustafa Barghouti was injured while taking part in a violent Nakba Day riot

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

How to Stop Iran

We at Never Again Is Now have the campaign that will end the Iranian nuclear threat. The Iranian nuclear holocaust war machine must be completely dismantled now! The campaign to “Stop the Iranian Holocaust Threat” is a relentless assault against blind government leadership that permits an active terrorist country like Iran to build up its nuclear might while threatening annihilation of Israel, America, Europe, and the Free World. We have the power to turn this around with continued and constant pressure from the masses. It starts with your calling Congress today. You can reach your Senator and Representatives by calling the US Capitol Switchboard (202-224-3121). Sign the Petition at Demand the dismantling of the Iranian Nuclear Holocaust War Machine now! Stanley Zir Seaford, NY

Is a Light Unto the Nations Merciful to the Wicked?

America is in an uproar. The Obama administration swapped five Taliban terror leaders for one US soldier. I had to smirk as I watched the US media screaming for a full investigation into this folly that will only cost more American lives and strengthen the resolve of the enemy. Increasingly, voices are heard warning about the enemy’s whetted appetite for further abductions. Where have I heard these sounds before? Ah, yes, in the most moral country in the world, my beloved Israel. We are so very moral—with our enemies—two hundred times more moral than the US. They only swap one for five. We are a light unto the nations. We open the prison doors to thousands at a time, time after time. Sometimes to free a known arms smuggler who happens to be a friend of a prime minister and sometimes for body parts. It is not true that we copy everything from America. They are beginning to copy from us. Our sages teach us: “He who is merciful to the wicked, will be cruel to the merciful.” This was learned when Saul pardoned the king of the enemy Amaleks and then wiped out a city of Priests and tried to kill young David. Misplaced mercy is a very dangerous habit. In our role as light unto the nations, the Peres group rolled out the red carpet for career Jew-killer Yassar Arafat, armed thousands of his thugs, and raised him to Nobel Prize stature. I wonder what the thousands of mourning Jewish families, whose loved ones were killed with the bullets from those weapons, feel about that mercy. Exactly like Saul, the moral Israeli government turned on the very best we have, the pioneers of Gush Katif and the Shomron and later Amona. Thousands of lives destroyed and thousands of rockets later, the moral voices like Shimon Peres, the high priest of national self-delusion insists it was the only way to go. This is sophistication. Mr. Peres, in a few weeks you will set off to America to

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Letters to the Editor accept yet another major “freedom” medal from your friend, Barak Hussein Obama. I am sure you will be able to share with your host pointers on how to graduate to the next step of morality. Oh, and just for the sake of a nice photo op, please bring our beloved brother Jonanthan Pollard home with you this time. Fat chance. Shalom Pollack Jerusalem, Israel

Open Letter to the General Manager of the Met

Dear Peter Gelb, As a longtime fan of grand opera, I have attended numerous superb live Met performances both at Lincoln Center and via radio and HD transmissions to theaters, and have greatly admired your accomplishments at the Met. So it was with great dismay and disappointment that I learned that the Met had scheduled for the 2014-2015 season its first-ever performances of John Adams’s “The Death of Klinghoffer.” Mediocre music is the least of the work’s problems. Even more serious is a tendentious story line and an inflammatory libretto that falsely maligns Israel and the Jewish people. This story line can be characterized fairly as “Understandably aggrieved Palestinian Arabs wreak vengeance on a disabled Jew standing in for all his perfidious co-religionists.” This is an obscene inversion of the reality that was the Achille Lauro cruise ship hijacking and subsequent terrorist murder of passenger Leon Klinghoffer. In this regard, it must be noted that the librettist, Alice Goodman, during the writing of the opera, rejected her American-Jewish heritage by joining the Anglican Church, the leadership of which is known for its hostility toward Israel. Goodman is now a parish priest in England. The most troubling aspect of the Met’s scheduling of “The Death of Klinghoffer” is the live HD transmission of this opera, set for November 15, 2014—one of 10 such transmitted opera performances planned for the coming season—to more than 2,000 theaters in 66 countries (including more than 700 in the US). This would make the live performance immediately available to hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of people, giving wide international distribution to what is, at its heart, an anti-Jewish slander. I’m aware that it may not be feasible at this juncture to cancel all or any of the eight performances of this opera scheduled during the period of October-November 2014, but in order to minimize the harm, the Met should substitute another opera for the HD transmission. The opera is based on the 1985 murder of Leon Klinghoffer, a helpless 69-year-old American Jew, confined to a wheelchair, who was shot in the head while vacationing with his wife on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean Sea. He was murdered by PalestinianArab hijackers belonging to the Palestine Liberation Front, a component of Yasser Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization, who, after shooting him, dumped his body into the water. The choice of the title, “The Death of Klinghoffer” and not “The Murder of Klinghoffer,” signals the work’s moral evasion and misrepresentation. In a sense, it is consistent with the

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“Thought Is the World of Freedom” (R’ Dov Ber of Mazeritch) PLO’s initial comments on the murder, that either Klinghoffer had died of natural causes or his wife pushed him overboard to be able to claim life insurance. The title’s sanitizing of murder is, however, also consistent with the opera’s anti-Jewish tone. Instead of properly characterizing the Palestinian hijackers of the cruise ship as permanent prisoners of their own rage originating from cultural indoctrination, Adams/Goodman impart idealism to them. The opera opens with these words sung by the Chorus of Exiled Palestinians: “My father’s house was razed—In 1948— When the Israelis passed—Over our street.” Israelis are likened to the avenging Angel of Death in the Biblical story of the original Passover, exacting punishment on the ancient Egyptians after Pharaoh, breaking a promise, refused to let the Jewish people leave Egypt. This amounts to an artistically licensed slander, falsely suggesting that the Israelis, besieged by the armies of five Arab countries and PalestinianArab “irregulars” bent on driving them into the sea, exacted widespread revenge upon Arabs residing in the ancient Jewish homeland. Hijacker Rambo invokes antisemitic canards, and, repeatedly, the Palestinians are portrayed as humane idealists. Hijacker Molqi sings: “We are—Soldiers fighting a war—We are not criminals—And we are not vandals—But men of ideals.” Hijacker Mamoud appears gentle and grieving as he tells of his mother and brother who died in the Lebanese camps at Sabra and Shatilla. This tear jerker falsely implies that Israelis, rather than members of the Lebanese Christian Phalange militia, massacred hundreds of Palestinian Arabs on Sept. 1618, 1982 in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee districts. It gives no hint that the Phalangists acted in retribution for massacres of Christian Lebanese by the PLO and the September 14 assassination of the country’s Christian president-elect, Bashir Gemayel. Leon Klinghoffer’s aria expressing his humanity and railing against the terrorists is insufficient to mitigate the harmful impression left by Goodman’s biased libretto and may even be seen as unnecessarily agitating the terrorists: “I came here with—My wife. We both—Have tried to live—Good lives. We give—Gladly, receive—Gratefully, love— And take pleasure—In small things, suffer—And comfort each other—We’re human. We are—The kind of people—You like to kill—Was it your pal— Who shot that little girl—At the airport in Rome?—You would have done the same—There’s so much anger in you—And hate.” Goodman’s biased libretto condemns Jews and Israelis as

a group, while the Arab hijackers, when condemned, are characterized as violent or revengeful individuals without regard to their ethnic/religious group. If Adams/Goodman intended some semblance of balance in this respect then they would have included, as well as anti-Jewish canards, anti-Arab/Muslim charges such as “Muslims want to destroy all infidels—their Koran tells them to do this.” But there is no semblance of this in this opera. Then there is the matter of the renewed cruelty this Met production, not so much fiction but rather propagandistically manipulated facts, is likely to inflict upon the Klinghoffer family. After the 1991 premieres of the opera, Mr. Klinghoffer’s two daughters, Lisa and Ilsa, attended a New York production of the opera, which they described as “appalling” and “antisemitic.” They were “outraged at the exploitation of our parents and the cold blooded murder of our father as the centerpiece of a production that appears to us to be antisemitic.” Mr. Gelb, I urge you, for the sake of the Met’s reputation and the constant struggle against anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, to at least provide an HD transmission substitution. Myron Kaplan Boston, MA Mr. Kaplan is a senior research analyst with the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)

Israel Belongs to Israelis

Does the US belong to Americans or to foreigners? The same is true of every nation, including Israel, despite the ambitions of Palestinian terrorists and the vast majority of Palestinians who aid, abet, and support Palestinian terrorism to take over Israel. The Palestinian agenda spearheads the radical Islamic agenda to rid the entire Middle East of all Christians, Jews, and democracy. Joel Waterman Shrub Oak, NY

The Jewish Voice and Opinion welcomes letters, especially if they are typed, double-spaced, and legible. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and style. Please send all correspondence to POB 8097, Englewood, NJ 07631. The phone number is (201) 569-2845. The FAX number is (201) 569-1739. The email address is

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June 2014 / Sivan 5774

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Financial Training at JEC Following the success of

last year’s inaugural program, students at the Jewish Educational Center of Elizabeth’s Yeshiva Elementary and Rav Teitz Mesivta Academy (RTMA) divisions were treated to another round of Financial Literacy training by the multinational financial organization PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). The program was launched last year as part of PwC’s “Earn Your Future.” It is a $160 million commitment over five years to provide financial literacy education in schools across the country. It was introduced to JEC through Brian Ness, who is a PwC partner, and a JEC board member and parent. “As someone from PwC and a parent in the school, there was such momentum from last year’s successful program that I wanted to bring my team back to JEC this year,” he said. “It is rewarding to know that we are

trustworthiness as it pertains to lending money, and investing. “Statistics have demonstrated the severe limitations of children’s and even adults’ financial litLeft to right, back row: Jake Goldberg, eracy,” said Mr. Moshe Heller, JEC parent and Board of Ness. “If we start Trustees member and PwC Partner Brian young enough, Ness, Yair Kimmel, Ephraim Ness, and Yair the kids will use Cantor. Front row: JEC alumnus and PwC these concepts team member Sammy Rosenzweig, Aaron as they grow to Heller, and Bill Staffieri of PwC. help themselves the only yeshiva day school and their families.” in the NY Metropolitan area Students in grades 3 to 11 that has a program like this.” participated in age-appropriate Modules modules that encouraged dialogue Building on last year’s modwith the professionals and each ules, 25 PwC professionals— other in small working groups. ranging from first-year associates As part of the program, to senior managers—covered Mr. Ness demonstrated a vidtopics that included money eo contest that he conducted management, budgeting, credit, leading up to the JEC visit. Stu-

dents were asked to submit one-minute videos depicting how they save money and plan their finances. There were over 30 submissions and all participating students received an array of exciting prizes. Sophisticated Program JEC administrators were especially impressed with the sophistication of the program. “The level of interaction was appropriate for each age group,” said JEC’s associate dean Rabbi Eliyahu Teitz, adding that the school looks forward to a continued partnership with Mr. Ness and PwC for many years to come. Perhaps most exciting was the participation of JEC alumnus Sammy Rosenzeweig as part of the PwC team. “It’s a nice opportunity for an alumnus who has grown into the business world to get a chance to return as a role model and give back to the school in such a dynamic manner,” said Mr. Ness. Y

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Live Where You Can Walk to Shul

PA Unity Gov

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at the Kalandia checkpoint, just north of Jerusalem. According to the PA’s Ma’an news agency, Mr. Barghouti was injured by stun grenades thrown by IDF soldiers in an effort to clear the riot in which he was participating. According to Israeli reports, more than 50 Arab rioters at the checkpoint threw rocks at soldiers. But while such demonstrations may indicate Palestinian unity, there have also been indications that the prior animosity between Fatah and Hamas is more lasting than the piece of signed paper. When members of Hamas tried to organize a large event in Hebron for Nakba Day, PA security forces took it as a direct challenge, and about 100 Hamas members were arrested. Lack of Salaries On Nakba Day, brawls

broke out in Gaza over an entirely different issue: lack of payment of salaries. Thousands of Hamas employees, who had not been paid for weeks, lined up at bank ATMs in Gaza, hoping the unity government would allow them to withdraw their backlogged salaries. Instead, only their Fatah counterparts were able to withdraw salaries, while the Hamas group remained without pay. Hamas riot police were called because fistfights broke out between the two groups necessitating closure of the banks. Threats A Fatah PA employee told Ma’an News that the Hamas police threatened the PA workers, telling them that “no one can receive a salary before we receive our salaries.”

“You call his reconciliation? We should all eat or no one does,” a Hamas employee reportedly shouted. But a PA worker wondered why he and his Fatah colleagues were to blame. “Ask your Hamas leaders who signed the deal. Why prevent us from feeding our families,” the Fatah employee said. Casting Blame The PA’s security forces spokesman Adnan Dmeiri, a Fatah member, blamed Hamas for the riot. “Hamas thugs and gangsters are preventing civil servants from withdrawing their salaries. They are firing gunshots, beating citizens, and smashing ATM machines,” he told Ma’an News. Mr. Dmeiri said he was waiting for the Hamas leadership to denounce the incident. A spokesman for the unity

government, Ehab Bessaiso, said the Hamas workers needed to be vetted by a committee before they could be added to the PA’s payroll. He urged them to be patient. Israeli pointed out that if Hamas civil servants will be paid by PA funds, so will the terrorists. According to Mr. Marzouk, Fatah and Hamas agreed to ask all Arab states to resolve the issue of payment of salaries to all public sector workers in Judea and Samaria as well as in Gaza. Qatar has agreed to pay the June salaries of Hamas workers. Between Hamas and Fatah, the PA has some 210,000 employees, of which 40,000 were hired during the seven years that Hamas alone controlled Gaza. S.L.R.

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