Connections, February 2014

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A publication of Jewish Voice Ministries International

February 2014



2013 Year in


Jewish Voice Connections

February 2014

ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 1, 2013 A woman’s voice rose above the others in the prayer room. “No, I cannot receive Yeshua! He cannot love me. No one has ever loved me!” Prayer room volunteers told her they loved her. One wrapped her in an embrace until she melted into sobs on his shoulder. She received Yeshua that day and came to know His great love for her. An eight-year-old orphan came alone from the country. At the Distribution Center he received a full set of clothes.

8,708 PATIENTS TREATED 3,795 SALVATIONS After a five-year suspension, Israel is once again bringing Bnei Menashe to resettle in the Jewish Homeland. The government has approved 899 of these descendants of the tribe of Manasseh in India, and they will be brought to Israel over the next couple of years. About 2,200 Bnei Menashe have made aliyah (immigrated to Israel) since the 1980s, leaving approximately 7,000 waiting expectantly. Aliyah support organizations in Israel are working hard to see every last one return.



Burn Victim Finds Relief

Jewish Voice Connections


The back of her right leg was raw. From her knee all the way up her backside, the little girl endured a severe burn that would not heal. Her left leg had suffered burns too, but they were already healed. This must have happened weeks—if not months—ago. Cooking and heating in these impoverished areas of Ethiopia often involve open flames. The young girl’s trousers had caught fire. The outer edges of her raw and open flesh showed that some healing had taken place on the right leg. The skin was thick and pulled, scarred with the unevenness burns are known to leave, but healing had not yet spread across the four inches wide and 10-12 inch center of her leg. How long has she been suffering? It was difficult to fathom the pain she must have been in. Equally amazing was her calm demeanor as Nurse Shannon gently cared for her serious wounds. Tenderly and carefully, Shannon cleaned and bandaged her leg. With a pharmacy on site, antibiotics would help stave off infection. Such a short clinic (just five days) allows for only minimal followup care. At the end of the week it is hard to leave such a patient, knowing the risks she faces until her skin fully heals. When the clinic is over, our prayers follow the thousands of patients we have seen. Without our medical outreaches to these desperately poor people, most of them would never receive medical care. We are grateful for the opportunities to serve them.


Jewish Voice Connections

February 2014


Many traveled to our medical clinic long distances by wheelbarrow or carts drawn by donkeys. Some, like this man, were so weak they had to be carried into the clinic by our helpful volunteers.


“The Lord is so good. He gives joy for sadness, healing for sickness, and replaces oppression with hope!” —Bernice, Gondar medical outreach volunteer


Jewish Voice Connections

BUHERA, ZIMBABWE OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 1, 2013 Calling the Lemba to Embrace Their Priestly Identity John Powledge

The encroachment of Islam is a big issue among the Lemba. Muslims came in telling the Lemba that they were just alike and came from the same fathers, and then offered these poverty-stricken people food and clothing for coming to the mosque. If they stopped attending the mosque, the food and clothing would go away. My message to the Lemba called them back to their identity, as proven by DNA testing, as the sons of Levi and Aaron. When I asked how a son and owner of the house of Aaron could betray his house and calling to become a mere servant in the house of Ishmael, the reaction was amazing. Normally, the hearer repents, asks what he must do to be saved, and makes great protestations that he wants to return to the God of his fathers. These formerly Muslim Lemba took concrete action to come back to the great I AM. After they repented and received Yeshua as their Lord and Messiah, we also offered them baptism. They understood baptism to be a real cutting away point from the past, and the embrace of a life they will never turn from. We commonly saw Lemba who, after they were raised up from the waters of baptism, renounced their Muslim name to reclaim their Lemba name and priestly heritage. We have seen hundreds of Lemba saved, many of them Muslims who have now come back to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Among those, we baptized 83, thus sealing them in their new life in Yeshua. I believe this is the beginning of the great Last Days’ revival as these sons of the ancient priests of Israel embrace their identity, the God of Israel, their Messiah Yeshua, and their ancient calling. The apostle Paul tells us, “The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable”(Romans 11:29). The ancient calling of the Lemba was to serve as the priests of Israel. One day I was pondering the job of Israel’s priests and how that calling could be utilized today when I heard the Holy Spirit say, “The Great Commission.” The core job of the priests of Israel was simply to call the people to worship God, which is exactly what Jesus calls all Believers to do. This calling was not limited to the children of Israel. During the years of tabernacle and temple sacrifice, the priests of Israel would also offer the sacrifice of 70 bullocks during Sukkot, one for each of the Gentile clans listed in the table of nations in Genesis 10. In a nutshell, the Lemba, as the sons of Israel’s ancient priests who have the gifts and calling to perform the core job of those priests, are the perfect people for the propagation of the Good News of Jesus, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile! John Powledge and his wife, Annette, are Field Directors of Jewish Voice Ministries in Zimbabwe. They started ministering in Zimbabwe during the outreach to the Lemba of Buhera in October 2013.


Jewish Voice Connections

February 2014

2013 TOTALS 45,831 PATIENTS TREATED 10,823 SALVATIONS Does Your Heart Beat

Jewish Voice Ministries International

2014 Outreach Dates Woliso, Ethiopia Medical Outreach February 28 - March 9, 2014* Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Medical Outreach April 25 - May 5, 2014* Buhera, Zimbabwe Medical Outreach July 25 - August 4, 2014* Zimbabwe (New Location) Medical Outreach August 21 - September 1, 2014* NEW! Ukraine Hear O’ Israel! Festival Outreach September 19 - 29, 2014* Gondar, Ethiopia Medical Outreach October 23 - November 2, 2014* *Dates subject to change.

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Jewish Voice Connections

Thank you to our Platinum level Shalom Partners!

Thank you to our newest Platinum Shalom Partners, for your generous gift of $100 or more per month to Jewish Voice and for allowing us to honor you, as promised, in our year-end report. Because of your passion to reach the Jewish People through humanitarian aid and the Gospel of Yeshua, we know God’s blessings will be returned to you. Find out more about our Shalom Partner program by visiting A Final Touch Cleaning A Special Touch of New York, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Abbott Wendy Addison Velvet R. Adrian Pastor Richard & Denise Allen Cinderita Allen Mrs. Elly Allen Mrs. Pam Allen Ms. Cynthia Aponte Ms. Priscilla Appelgate Mr. Michael Armijo Mrs. Mercedes Armstead Mr. & Mrs. Ovey J. Babineaux Jr. Ms. Marjorie Bacon Mr. Robert O. Bacon Mrs. Mary Baer Ms. Corajean Bailey Mrs. Grace S. Barnhart Mrs. Tina M. Barrett Ms. Dianne Baukol Ms. Rose T. Beers Ms. Martha E. Bichon Bunny Bishop Mr. Danny Blanton Ms. Esperanza M. Bosworth Mr. Joseph M. Brewster Franklin Brewster Mr. George D. Brewton Jr. Mrs. Twila Briggs Roger Brinson Terry Brooks Cheryl Broome Miss Karen L. Brown Ms. Gloria Browning Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Brumit Daniela Bucuresteanu Nancy Bullock Mr. & Mrs. John W. Burgin Mr. Russell E. Byrd Mr. Charlie R. Byrd Mr. Ronald M. Calandra Michael L. Calvert Mr. & Mrs. Michael Campbell Mrs. Sheila Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carpenter Mr. Albert Castellanos Mr. James A. Chappell Mr. Robert J. Clark Richard & Sharon Clinefelter Ms. Joyce E. Coe Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cohen Lillian Coppage Mr. Kraig Coxon Mr. & Mrs. Steven Crinion Floyd Crume Mr. Edward Crundwell Ms. Beulah Davis Ms. Annie Davis Calvin & Mable Day Mrs. Evelyn DeLaPaz Mrs. Jo Ann Demarco Mrs. Cheryl A. Dissinger Mr. Leopold Douglas Mrs. Ellen S. Duncklee Ms. Dorothy Dweck Ms. Bea Eder Miss Deborah Anne Edwards Ms. Rosario Eiler Ms. Rebeca Eland Mr. & Mrs. William Elderts Mr. Ron F. Eller Mr. Roger Emerick Mr. Kent Emerson Mr. Prescott Engle Mr. & Mrs. Bonde Eulberg Mrs. Wilma J. Eulberg Miss Janet Fakhouri Mr. & Mrs. Ken Farr

Frederick & Laura Feurer Mr. Walter M. Ficere Mr. & Mrs. Charles Flack Ms. Tammyra Ford Ms. Verna B. Frank Mr. Charles Franks Nedra Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frey Mr. & Mrs. Don Fries Karen Funk G & G Roofing, Inc. Melvin Gamble Mr. Gary Garrison Mr. Willis R. Gilleland Mr. Jose A. Gomez Robert & Rebecca Graff Paul & Alice Gravatt Mr. William A. Graves Terry & Valerie Green Gary Grove Ruth H. Guillory Stanley & Kathy Guyer Ms. Lisa M. Harhart Ms. Betty Hartell Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hayden Ms. Delores Hayes Mr. Floyd Hazen Ronelle Heath Mario Hernandez Ronnie Herrington Ms. Carol Hill Mrs. Marsha Hines Dijana Hiros Mrs. Carol R. Hjelmstad Alma Hoffman Ms. Florsell L. Holland Ms. Vicki Holloway Mrs. Norma Howard Mr. Ron Hull Ms. Elfreda Hurcomb Mrs. Tammy Ison Deborah L. Jahn Mrs. Betty Jarrell Francisco & Maria Javier Guerra Wanda L. Johnson Linda Jones Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd W. Jordan Mr. & Mrs. William Judd Junio & Assoc. Telecommunications Mrs. Betty Kalember Mrs. Joanne Kartis Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kelley Mrs. Donna Kennedy Ms. Constance Kingma Mr. Shane R. Kiser John H. Klahr Mr. Charles Klein Mr. & Mrs. William Kloppe Ms. Mary C. Knapp Ms. Terri Kotter Ms. Joan M. Kraft Brian & Lexi Kudrle Tamara Kutyla Ms. Loretta K. Lake Ms. Rosalind Landrum Neil & Sunny Landy Gross Mrs. Sammie B. Lane Mr. Soundra Lawrence Ms. Marsha K. Layman Ms. Delores I. Layzell Mr. & Mrs. Alex Leal Ken & Shari Leier Mr. & Mrs. Talton Leonard Frances Limon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lipian Ms. Jenny C. Lopez Rene Loth Mrs. Deniese Love Mrs. Cecilia A. Lucero

Mr. Wilson Lundy Paul Q. Luu Mr. & Mrs. James Lynch Ms. Sara H. Lynn Ms. Brenda L. Maese Ms. Claudia Mapelli Mr. William E. Marsh Mr. Anthony Martin Mr. Dale P. Masher Ms. Carole L. Matheson Mr. Don Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Maxey Michael McCafferty Ms. Eileen McCarty Holly McClaran Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCue Mr. Albert B. McFaull Mrs. Sharon L. Megyes Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Mendez Mrs. Carolina Mendez Mr. & Mrs. Jim Miesner Mr. Vincent Miller Scott & Brender Miller Rev. Bobby L. Milton D. Charone Monday Mr. & Mrs. George Montgomery Angelita Moon MPS Rentals, LLC Ms. Gloria Muller Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Murray Mr. & Mrs. Allen Murray Mr. Michael J. Mvcsweeney Mrs. Dina Naron Joseph & Eileen Nelson New Life Covenant Ministries Mr. David Nichoalds Mary Lou Noon Mrs. Corrine Nowak Mrs. Joyce H. Nowell Mr. Ofobuike Okani Ms. Karen Oliver Kola Olopade Ms. Dorothy A. Osborne Ms. Barbara D. Paquette Mrs. Linda Park Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Parsell Janet Parton Dorothy Payne Mr. Harry Pearson Dee Pelham James Peugh David Pfluger Major & Mrs. Daniel Pickens Sue Pierce Mrs. Mary L. Pierce Leslie & Joyce Pilgrim Mrs. Daryl Pitts Jerry & Terry A. Plotts Laura Pollock Pool of Shalom Congregation Terry D. Pope Mrs. Alicia Prado Mr. Larry W. Preuss Mr. & Mrs. Charles Price Ms. Kathie J. Psencik Mr. & Mrs. John Pultz Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Pupa Ms. Gloria D. Putnam Kilgore Julie Putzier Dr. Robbin J. Quarterman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quinn Dolores Raines Ms. Barbara Ready Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reese Ms. Dolores Rhea Mrs. Lois L. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Rigby Mr. & Mrs. John Ritchie James & Janice Robbins

Mr. & Mrs. James Roberts Ms. Linda Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Robles Mary H. Rogde Ms. Susan Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roland Denise Romero Kathleen Samuel Rene & Linda Saucier Mrs. Bill Scarbrough Mrs. Lauren K. Scioscia Mr. Elmer Seals Mr. Shahiedy I. Shahied Clarence & Loretta Shires William & Carolyn Simpson Mr. Milton J. Sinn Dr. Darryl E. Smika Ms. Veronica Smith Mrs. Helen Smith Dorothy M. Snyder Dr. Stephen D. Snyder Southside Laundry Kendra Spotswood Mr. Keith Spurgers Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Starr Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stathas Ms. Gloria Steele Mrs. Bea Steelman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Steiner Mr. Timothy Stephens Mrs. Lori Suprunowski Mr. William E. Swayne Jr. Mr. Eugene Swenson Timothy & Reyna Taggart Mr. & Mrs. Garry Talbot Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor Ms. Jean Thomas Susan R. Thompson Kathleen H. Thompson Mrs. Pearlena S. Thompson Paul Thun Mr. Miguel A. Torres Mr. Jon Tortora Mrs. Thomalene K. Travis Mr. Eric V. Tremlin Ms. Vanessa Trujillo Mrs. Juanita K. Trumbo David & Cynthia Uhlenhop Carmen Ullua Mr. Ronald Ulrick Mr. Maurice Van Note Mr. Ralph Van Vickle Mrs. Charlotte Veillette Mr. Joseph Villarreal Ms. Sara Viteri Mr. & Mrs. James H. Voth Shirley Walborn Sue R. Waldrep Mrs. Jo W. Walker Terran Wallace Mrs. Pamela Ward Ms. Carolan R. Warrick Mr. Dana L. Weller Ms. Sue White Freda Whitmer Dr. Leonard A. Wilkerson Rodger & Barbara Williams Mr. Michael T. Willoughby Ms. Lilian M. Wilson Mr. John Winn Mrs. Tania Wiseman Bernie & Edie Wolf Ms. Evelyn Wong Ms. Maxine Wooldridge Roxieann Wright Ms. Margie Wright Williams Mr. & Mrs. Michael Yancey Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Yeager Mr. & Mrs. Bill Young

From the heart of

Jonathan Bernis Shalom, Dear Friends! My heart is encouraged when I see so many hurting people touched physically and spiritually through our medical outreaches. They are literally taken back from the brink of death! In this year-end report, you will see the results of our collaborative efforts to bring health to broken bodies and eternal salvation to dying souls. Providing for the needs of some of the poorest of the poor on Earth touches the very heart of God. There is no greater blessing than demonstrating His love and care in these tangible ways! The Lord in His grace provides the increase, and we are happy to tell you many more joined God’s Kingdom last year. In 2013, we treated 45,831 patients and witnessed 10,823 pray to make Jesus their Messiah and Savior. And many of those who prayed with us were Jewish! The Lord continues to open new doors to us, and with your support, we will go through these doors as He provides in 2014. Thank you for your partnership with Jewish Voice. It is through this precious partnership that we are able to fulfill our mandate to proclaim the Gospel around the world, to the Jew first and also to the nations. Without you this would not be possible. May God richly bless you for being an instrument of blessing to His Chosen People!

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International

About the Cover What a joy to be able to baptize new Believers in Buhera, Zimbabwe! Pictured is one of our JVMI volunteers and an excited Lemba woman, who just got immersed.

Connections Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 | 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 | 1-855-7-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 | London W2 4UN | 1-855-9-YESHUA

We couldn’t do it without you!

Each time you send in your gift to Jewish Voice you are helping the Lost Tribes of Israel wherever we find them. Your gift supports many hurting people in Africa and India who otherwise would not discover the healing power of God and the saving knowledge of Messiah Yeshua. Your gift also supports our work in Israel through partner ministries, and provides resources here for the Church to know the Jewish roots of the faith. Thank you so much for your generous contribution. We couldn’t do it without you!

SUPPORT THE JEWISH COMMUNITY IN Ethiopia Lost Tribes Map & Ethiopian Wall Hanging (#1495)

Discover where Jewish Lost Tribes have been located and where JVMI has ministered around the world with the Lost Tribes of Israel Map. The Ethiopian Wall Hanging is handmade by members of the Jewish Community of Addis Ababa, using locally spun cotton thread. Colors vary. Size: approximately 17 in. x 17 in.


Yes! Jonathan, I want to share in the Genesis 12:3 blessing and reach the world with Yeshua’s love in 2013! Enclosed is my special gift of: $_____________ I have enclosed $75 or more. Please send me the Map and Wall Hanging. 1495 I want to help with my gift, but don’t want to receive the offered items. DS

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Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 | 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 | 1-855-7-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 | London W2 4UN | 1-855-9-YESHUA In the event this project becomes fully funded, the Board of Directors reserves the right to use all excess funds toward other ministry purposes. US: The Internal Revenue Code permits you to deduct the amount of your gift that exceeds the value of materials received.

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