Connections, December 2012 - UK Edition

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Jewish Voice


From the heart of

Jonathan Bernis Greetings and shalom, dear friend, We are thrilled at what God has been doing in our midst as we seek to minister to His Lost Tribes around the globe. Our reach is extending, and we are making more of an impact on hearts and minds for the Lord than ever. In October, we traveled again to Gondar, Ethiopia, to offer the Beta Israel Jewish community free medical care through a five-day clinic. And we reached a new milestone—the most patients treated through a Jewish Voice Gondar medical outreach since we began work among the Beta Israel in 1999! Plus, 3,645 of these precious people prayed to receive Yeshua as their Messiah. We believe it’s time to water the harvest God has given us through strategic follow-up. Our African brothers and sisters in Yeshua need continual discipleship by Messianic leaders within their own community. That’s why we also returned recently to the Lemba of Zimbabwe, who we first ministered to in May, to check on the Messianic congregation that we started there with the help of MJBI. Nearly 200 Lemba Believers crowded together under the sukkah for a Saturday morning Shabbat service during the Feast of Tabernacles. As we stood under that booth, we were reminded that the suffering and displacement of His People—even His precious Lemba—was merely temporary.

Outreach Stats Ethiopia


Clinic Dates: October 1 - 5


Patients Treated

3,685 Salvations

Mexico City

Festival Dates: Sept. 6-8

22,700 Attendance




Clinic Dates: May 28 - June 1


Patients Treated

5,791 Salvations

Please pray for this new Jewish community as they seek to honor the Lord by renouncing cultural practices of witchcraft and extreme alcohol abuse. I am confident that the Lord will prevail and sanctify the traditions of the Lemba. There is no question in my mind that with leadership, teaching, and logistical assistance, this Lemba community can grow into one of the most influential Messianic movements in the world.

Clinic Dates: March 5-9

Thanks again, friend, for your support whether through financial gifts, prayer, or traveling with us as a minister of the Gospel. You are an essential part of God’s plan.

Patients Treated

Your partner to reach the Jew first and also the Nations,


Addis Ababa

8,448 2,402 Salvations



Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 | London W2 4UN | 1-855-9-YESHUA


Patients Treated

2,265 Salvations

Connections Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 | 800-299-YESHUA

Clinic Dates: Feb. 27 - March 2

Year to Date: Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 | 1-855-7-YESHUA


Patients Treated

14,916 Salvations

December 2012

Connections A publication of Jewish Voice Ministries International

Feasting Our Hearts on God’s Great Work in Gondar


n October 1-5, more than 60 volunteer medical professionals and support staff from five continents united for five days for one purpose: to be a blessing to the Beta Israel of Gondar, Ethiopia, and their neighbors, in Yeshua’s Name. As our propeller plane landed at Gondar Airport, the Ade Ababa (“new flower”), which blooms throughout Ethiopia every year around Sukkot, glowed bright yellow on the hillsides and along the roads where donkeys carried their burdens, and small children shepherded flocks of goats dangerously close to traffic. The brightness of the Ade Ababa reminded me of Yeshua’s words—that the fields are ripe for harvest. A team of local handymen and foreign volunteers joined together to construct a beautiful sukkah for Sukkot (“Feast of Tabernacles”) on our hotel rooftop patio. The lights of the sukkah shown downhill toward the city center of Gondar, and several Israeli tourists were drawn to ask us who we were and why we had put it up. Many rejoiced and “dwelt” in the sukkah in the cool night air after the hot days of the clinic. It was a delight to celebrate this special appointed time with our Ethiopian Jewish brothers and sisters. Working out of eucalyptus wood tents and a humble guest house-turned-medical clinic, Jewish Voice provided free medical, dental, and eye care to 9,635 patients over

Connections five days. A total of 6,896 received medical care; 846 saw a dentist for cleanings, fillings, and extractions; 1,893 received individual eye care, including reading glasses enabling them to read clearly once again and treatment to counteract disease and degeneration; and 527 desperately poor people received basic clothing and shoes in our Clothing Distribution Center. This represents the most patients treated in a Jewish Voice Gondar medical outreach since we began work among the Beta Israel in 1999. While we rejoice in being used by God as a physical blessing to nearly ten thousand people, we rejoice even more that the Lord of the Harvest provided a great spiritual breakthrough in Gondar. Some 4,185 of the patients treated chose to come into our Prayer and Counseling Tent, led by Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, to hear about the reason for the hope and love that we have. Each one had an opportunity to hear the Good News of Yeshua, and 3,685 prayed to receive Him as their Messiah!

Gondar Ministry Coordinator Sammy Zemichael and a team of elders from our local Messianic congregation are following up with each of these individuals to discuss the decision they have made and their next steps to growth in Messiah Yeshua. Please pray that these new Believers would grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Yeshua, and thank the Lord of the Harvest with us that, as He promised, Yeshua will lose none of those the Father has given Him. As is the Lord’s heart for His Chosen People, we are committed to returning again and again to the Jewish communities of Ethiopia, standing in the gap between their grievous present circumstances and their glorious prophetic destiny to return to the Lord and to return to the Land of Israel. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We depend deeply upon each of you, knowing you stand with us as we stand with our people. — Benjamin Levitt, Jewish Voice Lead International Logistics Manager

Photos by Rusty Clarke

Jewish Voice Connections

December 2012

Jewish Voice Connections

Connections five days. A total of 6,896 received medical care; 846 saw a dentist for cleanings, fillings, and extractions; 1,893 received individual eye care, including reading glasses enabling them to read clearly once again and treatment to counteract disease and degeneration; and 527 desperately poor people received basic clothing and shoes in our Clothing Distribution Center. This represents the most patients treated in a Jewish Voice Gondar medical outreach since we began work among the Beta Israel in 1999. While we rejoice in being used by God as a physical blessing to nearly ten thousand people, we rejoice even more that the Lord of the Harvest provided a great spiritual breakthrough in Gondar. Some 4,185 of the patients treated chose to come into our Prayer and Counseling Tent, led by Rabbi Jack Zimmerman, to hear about the reason for the hope and love that we have. Each one had an opportunity to hear the Good News of Yeshua, and 3,685 prayed to receive Him as their Messiah!

Gondar Ministry Coordinator Sammy Zemichael and a team of elders from our local Messianic congregation are following up with each of these individuals to discuss the decision they have made and their next steps to growth in Messiah Yeshua. Please pray that these new Believers would grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Yeshua, and thank the Lord of the Harvest with us that, as He promised, Yeshua will lose none of those the Father has given Him. As is the Lord’s heart for His Chosen People, we are committed to returning again and again to the Jewish communities of Ethiopia, standing in the gap between their grievous present circumstances and their glorious prophetic destiny to return to the Lord and to return to the Land of Israel. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We depend deeply upon each of you, knowing you stand with us as we stand with our people. — Benjamin Levitt, Jewish Voice Lead International Logistics Manager

Photos by Rusty Clarke

Jewish Voice Connections

December 2012

Jewish Voice Connections

Jewish Voice


From the heart of

Jonathan Bernis Greetings and shalom, dear friend, We are thrilled at what God has been doing in our midst as we seek to minister to His Lost Tribes around the globe. Our reach is extending, and we are making more of an impact on hearts and minds for the Lord than ever. In October, we traveled again to Gondar, Ethiopia, to offer the Beta Israel Jewish community free medical care through a five-day clinic. And we reached a new milestone—the most patients treated through a Jewish Voice Gondar medical outreach since we began work among the Beta Israel in 1999! Plus, 3,645 of these precious people prayed to receive Yeshua as their Messiah. We believe it’s time to water the harvest God has given us through strategic follow-up. Our African brothers and sisters in Yeshua need continual discipleship by Messianic leaders within their own community. That’s why we also returned recently to the Lemba of Zimbabwe, who we first ministered to in May, to check on the Messianic congregation that we started there with the help of MJBI. Nearly 200 Lemba Believers crowded together under the sukkah for a Saturday morning Shabbat service during the Feast of Tabernacles. As we stood under that booth, we were reminded that the suffering and displacement of His People—even His precious Lemba—was merely temporary.

Outreach Stats Ethiopia


Clinic Dates: October 1 - 5


Patients Treated

3,685 Salvations

Mexico City

Festival Dates: Sept. 6-8

22,700 Attendance




Clinic Dates: May 28 - June 1


Patients Treated

5,791 Salvations

Please pray for this new Jewish community as they seek to honor the Lord by renouncing cultural practices of witchcraft and extreme alcohol abuse. I am confident that the Lord will prevail and sanctify the traditions of the Lemba. There is no question in my mind that with leadership, teaching, and logistical assistance, this Lemba community can grow into one of the most influential Messianic movements in the world.

Clinic Dates: March 5-9

Thanks again, friend, for your support whether through financial gifts, prayer, or traveling with us as a minister of the Gospel. You are an essential part of God’s plan.

Patients Treated

Your partner to reach the Jew first and also the Nations,


Addis Ababa

8,448 2,402 Salvations



Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries

Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 | London W2 4UN | 1-855-9-YESHUA


Patients Treated

2,265 Salvations

Connections Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 | 800-299-YESHUA

Clinic Dates: Feb. 27 - March 2

Year to Date: Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 | 1-855-7-YESHUA


Patients Treated

14,916 Salvations

December 2012

Connections A publication of Jewish Voice Ministries International

Feasting Our Hearts on God’s Great Work in Gondar


n October 1-5, more than 60 volunteer medical professionals and support staff from five continents united for five days for one purpose: to be a blessing to the Beta Israel of Gondar, Ethiopia, and their neighbors, in Yeshua’s Name. As our propeller plane landed at Gondar Airport, the Ade Ababa (“new flower”), which blooms throughout Ethiopia every year around Sukkot, glowed bright yellow on the hillsides and along the roads where donkeys carried their burdens, and small children shepherded flocks of goats dangerously close to traffic. The brightness of the Ade Ababa reminded me of Yeshua’s words—that the fields are ripe for harvest. A team of local handymen and foreign volunteers joined together to construct a beautiful sukkah for Sukkot (“Feast of Tabernacles”) on our hotel rooftop patio. The lights of the sukkah shown downhill toward the city center of Gondar, and several Israeli tourists were drawn to ask us who we were and why we had put it up. Many rejoiced and “dwelt” in the sukkah in the cool night air after the hot days of the clinic. It was a delight to celebrate this special appointed time with our Ethiopian Jewish brothers and sisters. Working out of eucalyptus wood tents and a humble guest house-turned-medical clinic, Jewish Voice provided free medical, dental, and eye care to 9,635 patients over

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Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 | 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 | 1-855-7-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 | London W2 4UN | 1-855-9-YESHUA In the event this project becomes fully funded, the Board of Directors reserves the right to use all excess funds toward other ministry purposes. US: The Internal Revenue Code permits you to deduct the amount of your gift that exceeds the value of materials received.

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