Connections, June 2013

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June 2013

From the heart of

Jonathan Bernis

Connections A publication of Jewish Voice Ministries International

To our faithful Friends and Partners,

Report From the Field

Greetings, and shalom. So far, it’s been another great year for our outreaches here at Jewish Voice. Already, almost 20,000 impoverished people from the Beta Avraham and Gefat Tribes in Addis Ababa and Hosanna, Ethiopia have received medical treatment, eye care, and dental care—all free of charge. And most importantly, thousands have prayed with us to receive Yeshua and are now being followed up and discipled! We are now just days away from our Manipur medical outreach, where we will minister to the Bnei Menashe, perhaps decendants of one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. We are thrilled that we have been given the opportunity once again to minister to these children of Manasseh before they make aliyah. Already some 7,000 have been approved to go to Israel, so it is just a matter of time before they will emigrate to the Land of their Fathers. We must move quickly to share the Gospel with them before they go. When we pray in faith, I believe God always answers. This year, He has already done more than we could have asked or imagined. For example, we have been praying for help to more effectively follow up and disciple the thousands of new Believers who accept Yeshua at our outreaches. He recently brought us Dr. Rick Kingham, a long-time friend, expert, and seasoned veteran in the area of missions and congregational planting. He is now leading our effort to plant congregations as quickly as we can because the harvest is great! If you don’t know about how God is bringing amazing increase in Zimbabwe among the Lemba Tribe, check out page 3. It’s proof of how the Messianic Movement is rapidly expanding globally. Please pray for our Jewish Voice outreach teams as they continue to train and care for these new Jewish Believers. And do consider joining us as a volunteer on one of our upcoming, short-term outreaches. God will use you, and you’ll come back changed. Just call or email us for more information. I want to again thank you for your financial support and prayer. We can’t do what God has mandated us to do without you. You are part of our family! Your partner to reach the Jew first, and also the Nations,

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International

Connections Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 | 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 | London W2 4UN | 1-855-9-YESHUA

Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 | 1-855-7-YESHUA

New Clothes for Tariku Seeing the Security Director at our Addis Ababa Distribution Center was surprising. Normally outside the medical clinic compound maintaining peace in the long lines of patients, Bob didn’t often venture inside the gates, let alone to the fourth floor. Standing over six feet tall, he almost eclipsed the small boy whose hand he held. What the boy wore could hardly be called clothes; they were so old and torn. He said his mother was dead and he was alone. While fitting him with a “new” set of clothes, we quickly fell in love with his charming smile and engaging personality. Concerned that older boys might steal his bag, we dressed him in the new clothes, putting his ragged clothes in the bag. Someone slipped out and returned with a plate of local food for him. After he ate his fill, we waited for an escort to take him safely out again. But everyone was swamped, including us, so the boy waited with little supervision. In the midst of the hubbub, a new local worker was assigned to us. We asked him to watch our little orphan. Soon the coworker recognized him. “I know this boy. His name is Tariku. His mother lives and he has brothers and sisters.” We didn’t care that we’d been lied to. Tariku’s tattered clothing was the worst we’d seen and we wanted to help. “His mother is a beggar,” our helper continued. “She’s blind.” Oh, my. Desperate living conditions, a beautiful smile, and a charming personality—I could see it all add up. I couldn’t fault the boy for lying and using his charm to win our hearts. The needs of his family were huge and, at 6 years old, he was doing his part to help. Describing him

Photos by Rusty Clarke

Connections later to a friend I heard the reply, “If I were in his place, I’d probably do the same. You’d have to. Lie, cheat, charm. Whatever it took to survive.” It was an honest admission I appreciated. It opened my eyes to the reality of life for such a one as our tattered little charmer with the blind beggar mother. Oh, how they must live! We sat Tariku in a chair in the hallway where we worked. If he stayed all day at least we knew he’d be safe. When things quieted down, we’d see him back outside. Some time later we saw him curled up in the big chair, sound asleep. Awhile later we looked again and he was gone. By now we knew he was artful at fending for himself on the streets. As artful as a small 6-year-old boy could be. We knew he’d make his way home just the way he’d made his way to us. We were thankful he’d received a new set of clothes and shoes, a full stomach, and a safe place to sleep. But we missed him.

Mary’s Hug Mary came back into the clothing room unable to speak. Tears filled her eyes as she collected herself to tell me what happened. She’d just given away the new men’s overalls and long-sleeved shirt we’d only that morning discovered among the stacks of clothing. The man was weathered, with flowing white beard, and he carried a tall walking stick. He wore an old suit underneath a fraying shawl. We were so excited to have the sturdy clothes to give him, and he was thrilled to receive them. After Mary handed him the bag of clothes and shoes, she leaned in and hugged the old man. The surprised look on his face revealed he hadn’t expected an embrace. Showing deep and humble gratitude, he bent down to the ground and kissed Mary’s ankle. “It’s too much,” she

said to me, as now both of us stood with tears in our eyes, powerfully moved by the privilege of helping these poor people. What’s the most important help we can give people? Is it clothing to cover them? Food to feed them? Medical treatment to restore their health? All of these are tremendously important, but none surpass the eternal effects of teaching a person about Yeshua, who is God’s solution to the chasm between His holiness and our sin. Often, a person cannot hear the eternal when the physical is undergoing such suffering, as we’ve seen among the Beta Avraham (House of Abraham) of Addis Ababa. Meeting physical needs to help people become more receptive to eternal hope in Yeshua is a double blessing. All departments along the way—from Triage to Medical to Clothing Distribution—point to the Prayer Room where counselors share the Gospel of Yeshua [ Jesus]. After the old man kissed Mary’s ankle, he took his bag of new clothes and stopped by the Prayer Room on his way out. There he heard God’s plan for the meeting of his eternal needs. There this dear man prayed to receive Yeshua. Mary’s hug was a part of that. — Judi Clarke, Outreach Volunteer

Photo by Mary Van Wyk

Addis Ababa Outreach Stats Clinic Dates: February 25 - March 1

8,708 Patients Treated 3,795 Prayed to receive Yeshua as their Messiah If you are interested in coming on an outreach with us this year, go to: for details or call 1-800-299-YESHUA.

Jewish Voice Connections

June 2013

JVMI Plants Congregations in Zimbabwe


id you know that we recently planted four Messianic congregations in Zimbabwe? Did you also know that 400 people attended our first celebration service of the congregation in Danga, Zimbabwe? God has done amazing things! Meet one of the men behind this awesome follow-up outreach, our new Executive Director of Global Ministries, Dr. Rick Kingham. Rick isn’t new to international outreach. In fact, he grew up in a faith-filled home that housed missionaries whenever they came into town. “I remember the gifts they brought, the pictures they showed, the stories they would tell,” he recounts with a twinkle in his eye. “It was almost like I could be in touch again with David Livingstone when he stood and said, ‘I have seen the fires of a thousand villages.’” In 1990 Rick began traveling to the nations with Dr. Wayne Wilks, Jr., President of the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute (MJBI). The mission of MJBI is to equip leaders who will establish Messianic Jewish congregations and ministries in Jewish communities worldwide. Rick joined Dr. Wilks to train pastors to help new Believers in far-away places become steadfast disciples in Yeshua. In all, Rick has been to 40 countries and has trained 120,000 leaders. “Right now, around the world,” says Rick, “12,000 new congregations are being planted every month.” Though that number doesn’t just represent Messianic congregations, Rick explains that the growth for Messianic congregations is exploding at about the same rate. The key to planting a Messianic congregation in a foreign land is fairly straightforward. First, you look for the “man of peace,” according to Luke 10, Rick explains. These men are already followers of Yeshua, and they will be trained in the basics—assurance of salvation, immersion in water, and how to tell the Good News of Messiah Yeshua to others. These leaders will also be trained to perform Shabbat prayers, the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4), mitzvah (good deeds), and Torah portions as part of their Messianic connection. The model for congregational planting has changed dramatically through the years. “Early on in my church life, we would plant a church, put missionaries there, and then hope to attract people to the congregation. Now it’s almost reversed,” Rick says. “We are seeing this wonderful activity of the Holy Spirit and thousands come to faith in Messiah Yeshua, and now we go in afterward and plant congregations for those who have already come to faith in Yeshua. It’s the book of Acts all over again.”

Jewish Voice Connections

Rick is excited about the congregational planting that he has been able to do and will continue to do as part of Jewish Voice. “Since the beginning of Jewish Voice there’s been follow up, but now it’s taking on an expanded role because of the activity of the Holy Spirit and the results we are seeing.” Beyond the four initial congregational plants, Rick believes there are many more to come in Zimbabwe. “We go back in May and will probably plant another three or four,” he says. “Then when we return in October for another [medical] outreach, we will probably plant another four. With the huge number that we have seen, we have to multiply that quickly.” As a former pastor with 40 years of experience, Rick says his driving verse is Psalm 34:8: “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (NKJV). As Rick explains, “We give them a taste of the Gospel at the outreaches, and when their eyes are flooded with light and joy because they come face to face with their Messiah, then it becomes our responsibility to help them in those early days of their journey. That’s what we are trying to do with planting congregations.”

Connections later to a friend I heard the reply, “If I were in his place, I’d probably do the same. You’d have to. Lie, cheat, charm. Whatever it took to survive.” It was an honest admission I appreciated. It opened my eyes to the reality of life for such a one as our tattered little charmer with the blind beggar mother. Oh, how they must live! We sat Tariku in a chair in the hallway where we worked. If he stayed all day at least we knew he’d be safe. When things quieted down, we’d see him back outside. Some time later we saw him curled up in the big chair, sound asleep. Awhile later we looked again and he was gone. By now we knew he was artful at fending for himself on the streets. As artful as a small 6-year-old boy could be. We knew he’d make his way home just the way he’d made his way to us. We were thankful he’d received a new set of clothes and shoes, a full stomach, and a safe place to sleep. But we missed him.

Mary’s Hug Mary came back into the clothing room unable to speak. Tears filled her eyes as she collected herself to tell me what happened. She’d just given away the new men’s overalls and long-sleeved shirt we’d only that morning discovered among the stacks of clothing. The man was weathered, with flowing white beard, and he carried a tall walking stick. He wore an old suit underneath a fraying shawl. We were so excited to have the sturdy clothes to give him, and he was thrilled to receive them. After Mary handed him the bag of clothes and shoes, she leaned in and hugged the old man. The surprised look on his face revealed he hadn’t expected an embrace. Showing deep and humble gratitude, he bent down to the ground and kissed Mary’s ankle. “It’s too much,” she

said to me, as now both of us stood with tears in our eyes, powerfully moved by the privilege of helping these poor people. What’s the most important help we can give people? Is it clothing to cover them? Food to feed them? Medical treatment to restore their health? All of these are tremendously important, but none surpass the eternal effects of teaching a person about Yeshua, who is God’s solution to the chasm between His holiness and our sin. Often, a person cannot hear the eternal when the physical is undergoing such suffering, as we’ve seen among the Beta Avraham (House of Abraham) of Addis Ababa. Meeting physical needs to help people become more receptive to eternal hope in Yeshua is a double blessing. All departments along the way—from Triage to Medical to Clothing Distribution—point to the Prayer Room where counselors share the Gospel of Yeshua [ Jesus]. After the old man kissed Mary’s ankle, he took his bag of new clothes and stopped by the Prayer Room on his way out. There he heard God’s plan for the meeting of his eternal needs. There this dear man prayed to receive Yeshua. Mary’s hug was a part of that. — Judi Clarke, Outreach Volunteer

Photo by Mary Van Wyk

Addis Ababa Outreach Stats Clinic Dates: February 25 - March 1

8,708 Patients Treated 3,795 Prayed to receive Yeshua as their Messiah If you are interested in coming on an outreach with us this year, go to: for details or call 1-800-299-YESHUA.

Jewish Voice Connections

June 2013

JVMI Plants Congregations in Zimbabwe


id you know that we recently planted four Messianic congregations in Zimbabwe? Did you also know that 400 people attended our first celebration service of the congregation in Danga, Zimbabwe? God has done amazing things! Meet one of the men behind this awesome follow-up outreach, our new Executive Director of Global Ministries, Dr. Rick Kingham. Rick isn’t new to international outreach. In fact, he grew up in a faith-filled home that housed missionaries whenever they came into town. “I remember the gifts they brought, the pictures they showed, the stories they would tell,” he recounts with a twinkle in his eye. “It was almost like I could be in touch again with David Livingstone when he stood and said, ‘I have seen the fires of a thousand villages.’” In 1990 Rick began traveling to the nations with Dr. Wayne Wilks, Jr., President of the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute (MJBI). As a sister ministry of Jewish Voice, MJBI equips leaders who will establish Messianic Jewish congregations and ministries in Jewish communities worldwide. Rick joined Dr. Wilks to train pastors to help new Believers in far-away places become steadfast disciples in Yeshua. In all, Rick has been to 40 countries and has trained 120,000 leaders. “Right now, around the world,” says Rick, “12,000 new congregations are being planted every month.” Though that number doesn’t just represent Messianic congregations, Rick explains that the growth for Messianic congregations is exploding at about the same rate. The key to planting a Messianic congregation in a foreign land is fairly straightforward. First, you look for the “man of peace,” according to Luke 10, Rick explains. These men are already followers of Yeshua, and they will be trained in the basics—assurance of salvation, immersion in water, and how to tell the Good News of Messiah Yeshua to others. These leaders will also be trained to perform Shabbat prayers, the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4), mitzvah (good deeds), and Torah portions as part of their Messianic connection. The model for congregational planting has changed dramatically through the years. “Early on in my church life, we would plant a church, put missionaries there, and then hope to attract people to the congregation. Now it’s almost reversed,” Rick says. “We are seeing this wonderful activity of the Holy Spirit and thousands come to faith in Messiah Yeshua, and now we go in afterward and plant congregations for those who have already come to faith in Yeshua. It’s the book of Acts all over again.”

Jewish Voice Connections

Rick is excited about the congregational planting that he has been able to do and will continue to do as part of Jewish Voice. “Since the beginning of Jewish Voice there’s been follow up, but now it’s taking on an expanded role because of the activity of the Holy Spirit and the results we are seeing.” Beyond the four initial congregational plants, Rick believes there are many more to come in Zimbabwe. “We go back in May and will probably plant another three or four,” he says. “Then when we return in October for another [medical] outreach, we will probably plant another four. With the huge number that we have seen, we have to multiply that quickly.” As a former pastor with 40 years of experience, Rick says his driving verse is Psalm 34:8: “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (NKJV). As Rick explains, “We give them a taste of the Gospel at the outreaches, and when their eyes are flooded with light and joy because they come face to face with their Messiah, then it becomes our responsibility to help them in those early days of their journey. That’s what we are trying to do with planting congregations.”

June 2013

From the heart of

Jonathan Bernis

Connections A publication of Jewish Voice Ministries International

To our faithful Friends and Partners,

Report From the Field

Greetings, and shalom. So far, it’s been another great year for our outreaches here at Jewish Voice. Already, almost 20,000 impoverished people from the Beta Avraham and Gefat Tribes in Addis Ababa and Hosanna, Ethiopia, have received medical treatment, eye care, and dental care—all free of charge. And, most importantly, thousands have prayed with us to receive Yeshua and are now being followed up and discipled! We are now just days away from our Manipur medical outreach, where we will minister to the Bnei Menashe, perhaps descendants of one of the Lost Tribes of Israel. We are thrilled that we have been given the opportunity once again to minister to these children of Manasseh before they make aliyah. Already some 7,000 have been approved to go to Israel, so it is just a matter of time before they will emigrate to the Land of their Fathers. We must move quickly to share the Gospel with them before they go. When we pray in faith, I believe God always answers. This year, He has already done more than we could have asked or imagined. For example, we have been praying for help to more effectively follow up and disciple the thousands of new Believers who accept Yeshua at our outreaches. He recently brought us Dr. Rick Kingham, a long-time friend, expert, and seasoned veteran in the area of missions and congregational planting. He is now leading our effort to plant congregations as quickly as we can because the harvest is great! If you don’t know about how God is bringing amazing increase in Zimbabwe among the Lemba Tribe, check out page 3. It’s proof of how the Messianic Movement is rapidly expanding globally. Please pray for our Jewish Voice outreach teams as they continue to train and care for these new Jewish Believers. And do consider joining us as a volunteer on one of our upcoming, short-term outreaches. God will use you, and you’ll come back changed. Just call or email us for more information. I want to again thank you for your financial support and prayer. We can’t do what God has mandated us to do without you. You are part of our family! Your partner to reach the Jew first, and also the Nations,

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International

Connections Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 | 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 | London W2 4UN | 1-855-9-YESHUA

Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 | 1-855-7-YESHUA

New Clothes for Tariku Seeing the Security Director at our Addis Ababa Distribution Center was surprising. Normally outside the medical clinic compound maintaining peace in the long lines of patients, Bob didn’t often venture inside the gates, let alone to the fourth floor. Standing over six feet tall, he almost eclipsed the small boy whose hand he held. What the boy wore could hardly be called clothes; they were so old and torn. He said his mother was dead and he was alone. While fitting him with a “new” set of clothes, we quickly fell in love with his charming smile and engaging personality. Concerned that older boys might steal his bag, we dressed him in the new clothes, putting his ragged clothes in the bag. Someone slipped out and returned with a plate of local food for him. After he ate his fill, we waited for an escort to take him safely out again. But everyone was swamped, including us, so the boy waited with little supervision. In the midst of the hubbub, a new local worker was assigned to us. We asked him to watch our little orphan. Soon the coworker recognized him. “I know this boy. His name is Tariku. His mother lives and he has brothers and sisters.” We didn’t care that we’d been lied to. Tariku’s tattered clothing was the worst we’d seen and we wanted to help. “His mother is a beggar,” our helper continued. “She’s blind.” Oh, my. Desperate living conditions, a beautiful smile, and a charming personality—I could see it all add up. I couldn’t fault the boy for lying and using his charm to win our hearts. The needs of his family were huge and, at 6 years old, he was doing his part to help. Describing him

Photos by Rusty Clarke

Yes! Jonathan, I want to share in the Genesis 12:3 blessing and help transform lives around the world! Ethiopian Star of David Bracelet (#3092) This solid sterling silver bracelet is handmade by members of the Jewish Community of Addis Ababa. Size: approximately 7” in length. Limited supply available.

Enclosed is my special gift of: $_____________ I have enclosed $50 or more. mesend the Jewish History and Traditions I have enclosed $125 or Please more. send Please me the Ethiopian Bracelet. Set. 30921404 I want to help withwith my gift, but but don’t want to receive the the offered items. DS DS I want to help my gift, don’t want to receive offered items.

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Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 | Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 | 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 | Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 | 1-855-7-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries UK Admail 4224 | London W2 4UN | 1-855-9-YESHUA In the event this project becomes fully funded, the Board of Directors reserves the right to use all excess funds toward other ministry purposes. US: The Internal Revenue Code permits you to deduct the amount of your gift that exceeds the value of materials received.

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