February 2012 Connections

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February 2012

From the heart of

Jonathan Bernis In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people . . . He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth. —Isaiah 11:11-12 TNIV Warmest greetings to you in Messiah Yeshua! As you receive this exciting Jewish Voice Connections newsletter, two medical outreaches to Jewish communities in Ethiopia are already in the last stages of preparation. Our first outreach of 2012 is a return to the Gefat Tribe, a recently discovered Jewish remnant in the rugged and remote mountains of Woliso, Ethiopia. The unprecedented logistical challenges in establishing last year’s ministry to these precious “Outcasts of Israel” culminated in an epic outreach, as 600 years of desperate prayer was answered by the love of God overflowing from the hearts of His humble servants. Overcoming monumental hurdles such as lack of electricity, water, and passable bridges, the Lord provided breakthrough after breakthrough to reach His Chosen People. We were able to treat more than 7,000 and see 832 of Abraham’s children receive salvation! We are anxious to return in answer to the cries of His People, and watch God glorify His Name! Please remember this special outreach in prayer—our advance team has already left to prepare for the February 24 clinic. Our second outreach is to Addis Ababa. From the first time I saw the “Wall of Death” memorials in the synagogues of Ethiopia memorializing the staggering number of babies that die before they reach the age of two, I have been committed to reaching the Beta Israel and Beta Avraham Jewish communities with free healthcare in Messiah’s love. God has flung wide the doors to minister His love for more than a decade to the Jews of Gondar and Addis Ababa, bringing thousands to salvation and granting amazing miracles of healing in His mercy. Our advance team is already preparing for our March 2 Ethiopia medical outreach with great expectation! What an unprecedented privilege it is to take part in the prophetic restoration of the “Exiled of Israel”—to minister comfort after her two thousand year dispersion, and to proclaim to Israel, “Your Messiah has come!” Join us and experience this miracle firsthand. Thank you for your prayers and support that make this miracle possible! For Zion’s sake,

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International

Connections Jewish Voice Ministries International PO Box 31998, Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 • Phone: 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries UK PO Box 628, Borehamwood, WD6 9AT UK Jewish Voice Ministries Canada PO Box 476, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2

Connections A publication of Jewish Voice Ministries International

The Lemba of Zimbabwe

A Brief History of Africa’s Ancient Levitical Priests


thiopia will quickly stretch out her hands to God” (Psalm 68:31b NKJV). For more than a decade Jewish Voice has proclaimed Yeshua and ministered relief to the Beta Israel and Beta Avraham, the Black Jews of Addis Ababa and Gondar, Ethiopia, witnessing extraordinary miracles and salvations among Jews. This prophetic End-Time move of God—regathering the remnant of Israel, scattered to the far reaches of the earth—continues to enlarge as new Lost Tribes are found and doors of opportunity open. In 2010 a previously unknown Jewish community living in an extremely isolated and rural area of Ethiopia contacted the Jewish Voice Global Outreach team; the Gefat Tribe of Woliso, suffering the privations of their mean existence, had been praying for relief. In 2011 Jewish Voice established the first medical clinic outreach in this remote and primitive location, exemplifying the love of Messiah to desperate Jewish brethren. The work Jewish Voice has been privileged to do among the Ethiopian Jews is unprecedented, yet the doors of Africa continue to open!

The claims of the Lemba of Zimbabwe have long been considered the stuff of legend—fascinating, but dismissed. In 1999 DNA testing profoundly changed that perception. Geneticists from the U.S., U.K., and Israel not only found the Cohen modal haplotype marker, indicating the Lemba were descended from the levitical priests of the ancient Jewish Temple and Aaron, Moses’ brother, but made the remarkable discovery that the marker is in higher concentration among the Lemba than the general Jewish population! Clearly Semitic in their physical features and traditions—among them, practicing circumcision, abstaining from pork, not mixing milk and meat, and the use of the shofar—the Lemba have now been genetically linked to Levi, one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Drawing on elaborate oral traditions and historical documents, it is believed that the Lemba migrated to Yemen from Judea before moving to the African continent. Both genetic similarities and historic documentation connect the Lemba to the Jews of


Yemen, which is consistent with the Lemba narrative that traces their route from Judea to the vanished city of Sana’a, in ancient Yemen, before crossing the straits to the east coast of Africa. Much like the Ethiopians, the Lemba have a fascinating oral tradition, claiming to have brought the Ark of the Covenant out of Israel with them. The Lemba’s oral tradition involves a historical ritual object called the ngoma lungundu. The ngoma in Lemba tradition was used to store sacred objects and was carried on poles inserted through metal rings, as it was too holy to touch the ground. Priests were the only ones allowed to touch the ngoma, and it emitted the “Fire of God” that killed enemies. According to oral history, it came from the Temple in Jerusalem and was carried with the Lemba to Africa. Lemba legend asserts that the original ngoma was destroyed approximately 400 years ago and had to be reconstructed. A splinter of that ark was carbon dated to 1350 A.D. by University of London scholar Tudor Parfitt. Throughout their history, the Lemba have lived a somewhat isolated existence; perceived as different, scorned and persecuted by other black Africans. They have refused to intermarry or eat with non-Lembas, which has likely added to the strained relations. While their Israelite heritage and customs alienated them from their fellow black Africans, they were also not accepted by South African white Jews, as their claim was not authenticated until recent years. Mezmur ZeMichael, Africa Director for Jewish Voice, traveled to Zimbabwe in early 2011 to meet with the elders of the Lemba tribe. During his trip, Mezmur made a number of exciting discoveries regarding their heritage, and received an urgent request for help from this Jewish community. There are tens of thousands among the Lemba tribe who endure relentless poverty in this remote area of Zimbabwe. Like the Jews of Ethiopia, the Lemba are in desperate need of exactly the kind of medical care we can provide. What a joy to be able to say, “Yes, we can help!” As Yeshua’s Hand extended, together we will take the love of God in Messiah to this Lost Tribe of Israel in 2012!


NEW! Zimbabwe - Lemba Tribe May 25 - June 4, 2012 Full Package (including international airfare and all in-country costs): $3,250

Land Package

(in-country costs only):


Go to www.jewishvoice.org/medicaloutreach to register for the trip.

Jewish Voice Connections

February 2012


2012 Festival Outreach in

Mexico City


he 2012 outreach year will be crowned by one of the most epic international outreaches ever organized by JVMI. For several years the Lord has stirred the heart of Jonathan Bernis and this ministry to bring the Good News of Messiah Yeshua to one of the largest Hispanic Jewish population centers in all of the world—Mexico City. Residing primarily in the Polanco District, the Jewish community has assimilated successfully into the very nationalistic culture of Mexico. With estimates as low as 75,000 and some as high as 200,000, this largely secular Jewish community is spiritually lost and eternally hopeless without Yeshua. After years of prayer and planning, the doors for JVMI have finally opened! The Lord has emphatically confirmed the timing, the team is prepared, and we are forging ahead! Mexico City was originally built by the Aztecs in 1325 on an island of Lake Texcoco. Tenochtitlan was eventually conquered by conquistador Hernán Cortés following his defeat of the Aztec emperor Montezuma in 1520. The city was later named Mexico City in 1585. Mexico City is a sprawling city and boasts a population of more than 12 million residents. Some consider Mexico City the “New York City” of Latin America. The city’s impressive international airport, performing arts presence, museums, universities, and sporting arenas exemplify the strength and modernity of the city. However, although the city is more than 90 percent Catholic, Mexico City is extremely pluralistic. The famous national cathedral of Mexico City (Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary) was built by Spanish conquistadors on the site of an Aztec temple (Templo Mayor). Following the defeat of the Aztecs, the cathedral was constructed over the site of the temple to consolidate Spanish power. The church was built with the very stones of the Aztec temple, an architectural personification of the pluralistic nature of the city. To this day, Aztec priests can be Jewish Voice Connections

seen performing rituals just beyond the gates of the cathedral . . . while non-Catholic Believers in Jesus are legally prohibited from engaging in evangelism in the same area! The site remains one of the most spiritually oppressive areas in Mexico with demonic manifestations and satanic cultural representations in abundance. Only the light of Yeshua can pierce this ancient darkness! The Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance is a very unique outreach model. Jonathan Bernis created this outreach system nearly 20 years ago in Russia and filled stadiums and concert halls with spiritually hungry Jews who encountered Yeshua as Messiah. Many tens of thousands of Jews and Gentiles came to faith. The legacy of this great outreach model has continued over the years and will yield abundant spiritual fruit in Mexico City as it has throughout South America and Eastern Europe. Mexico City Festival dates are August 31September 9, 2012. My most sincere hope and prayer is that you begin preparing to join us on this amazing outreach. We need 150-200 people to partner with JVMI on the streets of Mexico City, sharing the Good News of Yeshua and inviting people to the Festival outreach. Together we can make a difference for the King of Kings! See you in Mexico! —Jonathan Gannon, Director of Global Outreach

Festival Pricing: $1,995 Full Package (including airfare and all in-country costs) $1,395 Land Package (including all in-country costs) $550 Single Room Supplement

Registration available soon! Call 1-800-299-YESHUA for more information.



Yemen, which is consistent with the Lemba narrative that traces their route from Judea to the vanished city of Sana’a, in ancient Yemen, before crossing the straits to the east coast of Africa. Much like the Ethiopians, the Lemba have a fascinating oral tradition, claiming to have brought the Ark of the Covenant out of Israel with them. The Lemba’s oral tradition involves a historical ritual object called the ngoma lungundu. The ngoma in Lemba tradition was used to store sacred objects and was carried on poles inserted through metal rings, as it was too holy to touch the ground. Priests were the only ones allowed to touch the ngoma, and it emitted the “Fire of God” that killed enemies. According to oral history, it came from the Temple in Jerusalem and was carried with the Lemba to Africa. Lemba legend asserts that the original ngoma was destroyed approximately 400 years ago and had to be reconstructed. A splinter of that ark was carbon dated to 1350 A.D. by University of London scholar Tudor Parfitt. Throughout their history, the Lemba have lived a somewhat isolated existence; perceived as different, scorned and persecuted by other black Africans. They have refused to intermarry or eat with non-Lembas, which has likely added to the strained relations. While their Israelite heritage and customs alienated them from their fellow black Africans, they were also not accepted by South African white Jews, as their claim was not authenticated until recent years. Mezmur ZeMichael, Africa Director for Jewish Voice, traveled to Zimbabwe in early 2011 to meet with the elders of the Lemba tribe. During his trip, Mezmur made a number of exciting discoveries regarding their heritage, and received an urgent request for help from this Jewish community. There are tens of thousands among the Lemba tribe who endure relentless poverty in this remote area of Zimbabwe. Like the Jews of Ethiopia, the Lemba are in desperate need of exactly the kind of medical care we can provide. What a joy to be able to say, “Yes, we can help!” As Yeshua’s Hand extended, together we will take the love of God in Messiah to this Lost Tribe of Israel in 2012!


NEW! Zimbabwe - Lemba Tribe May 25 - June 4, 2012 Full Package (including international airfare and all in-country costs): $3,250

Land Package

(in-country costs only):


Go to www.jewishvoice.org/medicaloutreach to register for the trip.

Jewish Voice Connections

February 2012


2012 Festival Outreach in

Mexico City


he 2012 outreach year will be crowned by one of the most epic international outreaches ever organized by JVMI. For several years the Lord has stirred the heart of Jonathan Bernis and this ministry to bring the Good News of Messiah Yeshua to one of the largest Hispanic Jewish population centers in all of the world—Mexico City. Residing primarily in the Polanco District, the Jewish community has assimilated successfully into the very nationalistic culture of Mexico. With estimates as low as 75,000 and some as high as 200,000, this largely secular Jewish community is spiritually lost and eternally hopeless without Yeshua. After years of prayer and planning, the doors for JVMI have finally opened! The Lord has emphatically confirmed the timing, the team is prepared, and we are forging ahead! Mexico City was originally built by the Aztecs in 1325 on an island of Lake Texcoco. Tenochtitlan was eventually conquered by conquistador Hernán Cortés following his defeat of the Aztec emperor Montezuma in 1520. The city was later named Mexico City in 1585. Mexico City is a sprawling city and boasts a population of more than 12 million residents. Some consider Mexico City the “New York City” of Latin America. The city’s impressive international airport, performing arts presence, museums, universities, and sporting arenas exemplify the strength and modernity of the city. However, although the city is more than 90 percent Catholic, Mexico City is extremely pluralistic. The famous national cathedral of Mexico City (Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary) was built by Spanish conquistadors on the site of an Aztec temple (Templo Mayor). Following the defeat of the Aztecs, the cathedral was constructed over the site of the temple to consolidate Spanish power. The church was built with the very stones of the Aztec temple, an architectural personification of the pluralistic nature of the city. To this day, Aztec priests can be Jewish Voice Connections

seen performing rituals just beyond the gates of the cathedral . . . while non-Catholic Believers in Jesus are legally prohibited from engaging in evangelism in the same area! The site remains one of the most spiritually oppressive areas in Mexico with demonic manifestations and satanic cultural representations in abundance. Only the light of Yeshua can pierce this ancient darkness! The Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance is a very unique outreach model. Jonathan Bernis created this outreach system nearly 20 years ago in Russia and filled stadiums and concert halls with spiritually hungry Jews who encountered Yeshua as Messiah. Many tens of thousands of Jews and Gentiles came to faith. The legacy of this great outreach model has continued over the years and will yield abundant spiritual fruit in Mexico City as it has throughout South America and Eastern Europe. Mexico City Festival dates are August 31September 9, 2012. My most sincere hope and prayer is that you begin preparing to join us on this amazing outreach. We need 150-200 people to partner with JVMI on the streets of Mexico City, sharing the Good News of Yeshua and inviting people to the Festival outreach. Together we can make a difference for the King of Kings! See you in Mexico! —Jonathan Gannon, Director of Global Outreach

Festival Pricing: $1,995 Full Package (including airfare and all in-country costs) $1,395 Land Package (including all in-country costs) $550 Single Room Supplement

Registration available soon! Call 1-800-299-YESHUA for more information.


February 2012

From the heart of

Jonathan Bernis In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people . . . He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth. —Isaiah 11:11-12 TNIV Warmest greetings to you in Messiah Yeshua! As you receive this exciting Jewish Voice Connections newsletter, two medical outreaches to Jewish communities in Ethiopia are already in the last stages of preparation. Our first outreach of 2012 is a return to the Gefat Tribe, a recently discovered Jewish remnant in the rugged and remote mountains of Woliso, Ethiopia. The unprecedented logistical challenges in establishing last year’s ministry to these precious “Outcasts of Israel” culminated in an epic outreach, as 600 years of desperate prayer was answered by the love of God overflowing from the hearts of His humble servants. Overcoming monumental hurdles such as lack of electricity, water, and passable bridges, the Lord provided breakthrough after breakthrough to reach His Chosen People. We were able to treat more than 7,000 and see 832 of Abraham’s children receive salvation! We are anxious to return in answer to the cries of His People, and watch God glorify His Name! Please remember this special outreach in prayer—our advance team has already left to prepare for the February 24 clinic. Our second outreach is to Addis Ababa. From the first time I saw the “Wall of Death” memorials in the synagogues of Ethiopia memorializing the staggering number of babies that die before they reach the age of two, I have been committed to reaching the Beta Israel and Beta Avraham Jewish communities with free healthcare in Messiah’s love. God has flung wide the doors to minister His love for more than a decade to the Jews of Gondar and Addis Ababa, bringing thousands to salvation and granting amazing miracles of healing in His mercy. Our advance team is already preparing for our March 2 Ethiopia medical outreach with great expectation! What an unprecedented privilege it is to take part in the prophetic restoration of the “Exiled of Israel”—to minister comfort after her two thousand year dispersion, and to proclaim to Israel, “Your Messiah has come!” Join us and experience this miracle firsthand. Thank you for your prayers and support that make this miracle possible! For Zion’s sake,

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International

Connections Jewish Voice Ministries International PO Box 31998, Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 • Phone: 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries UK PO Box 628, Borehamwood, WD6 9AT UK Jewish Voice Ministries Canada PO Box 476, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2

Connections A publication of Jewish Voice Ministries International

The Lemba of Zimbabwe

A Brief History of Africa’s Ancient Levitical Priests


thiopia will quickly stretch out her hands to God” (Psalm 68:31b NKJV). For more than a decade Jewish Voice has proclaimed Yeshua and ministered relief to the Beta Israel and Beta Avraham, the Black Jews of Addis Ababa and Gondar, Ethiopia, witnessing extraordinary miracles and salvations among Jews. This prophetic End-Time move of God—regathering the remnant of Israel, scattered to the far reaches of the earth—continues to enlarge as new Lost Tribes are found and doors of opportunity open. In 2010 a previously unknown Jewish community living in an extremely isolated and rural area of Ethiopia contacted the Jewish Voice Global Outreach team; the Gefat Tribe of Woliso, suffering the privations of their mean existence, had been praying for relief. In 2011 Jewish Voice established the first medical clinic outreach in this remote and primitive location, exemplifying the love of Messiah to desperate Jewish brethren. The work Jewish Voice has been privileged to do among the Ethiopian Jews is unprecedented, yet the doors of Africa continue to open!

The claims of the Lemba of Zimbabwe have long been considered the stuff of legend—fascinating, but dismissed. In 1999 DNA testing profoundly changed that perception. Geneticists from the U.S., U.K., and Israel not only found the Cohen modal haplotype marker, indicating the Lemba were descended from the levitical priests of the ancient Jewish Temple and Aaron, Moses’ brother, but made the remarkable discovery that the marker is in higher concentration among the Lemba than the general Jewish population! Clearly Semitic in their physical features and traditions—among them, practicing circumcision, abstaining from pork, not mixing milk and meat, and the use of the shofar—the Lemba have now been genetically linked to Levi, one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Drawing on elaborate oral traditions and historical documents, it is believed that the Lemba migrated to Yemen from Judea before moving to the African continent. Both genetic similarities and historic documentation connect the Lemba to the Jews of

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