Jewish Voice Today, Jan/Feb 2012 - Canada Version

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January/February 2012 rda/HAY/ZAH Tevet/Shevat/Adar

Jewish Voice Today Volume 46 | Number 1

Jewish Voice Ministries International

Upcoming 2012 Medical Outreaches

Africa Woliso & Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (two outreaches)

Addis Ababa


Choose your African destination . . . Woliso . . . Addis Ababa . . . or both! You won't want to miss this landmark double blessing outreach to the Lost Tribes of Ethiopia! The Gefat Jewish People of Woliso, Ethiopia, who have a 600-year history of Jewish tradition, had been asking God to send them help—and He did through Jewish Voice in 2011 at our first medical mission to this new Jewish community. Return with us February 24 – March 4, 2012 to Woliso, just two hours south by car from the capital of Addis Ababa, to care for both the physical and spiritual needs of this grateful tribe. Then it's on to Addis Ababa March 2 –11, 2012 to minister to the Beta Avraham and the Beta Israel Jewish communities, some of the poorest of the poor.

Don't miss your ticket to world compassion!

February 24 - March 11, 2012


NEW! Zimbabwe - Lemba Tribe Join us for our pioneer medical mission to the desperately poor Lemba tribe of Zimbabwe May 25 – June 4, 2012. This Jewish community in Zimbabwe is composed of hundreds of thousands of Yemenite Jews, identified as Cohanim, or descendants of Aaron the Priest. Make history with us as we minister through medicine and the Gospel of Yeshua!


May 25 - June 4, 2012 For more information or to register, visit or call 1-800-299-YESHUA. 2 | January/February 2012

shalom M]L[ Dear Partners and Friends,


s we enter another New Year, I want to speak peace over you. Not peace as the world knows it, but the peace Yeshua (Jesus) gives to all who trust in Him. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). Though the world around us may be reeling with uncertainty, we have "put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe” (1 Timothy 4:10). I encourage you with these words as we soberly consider, Is This the End? For Believers, the Last Days should not inspire fear—but rather anticipation of the soon return of our Lord! Let us remind and uplift one another as the darkness grows around us, evidencing the “perilous times” characterizing the Last Days (2 Timothy 3:1). Yeshua tells us in Matthew 24 it will be as the “days of Noah” when He returns. This speaks of moral decay where sin runs rampant. He also warns us of an escalation of natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars, the rise of persecution against Israel and the Jewish People, and global unrest—with Jerusalem at the center. All this is taking place today, before our very eyes.

So get ready for an amazing year as we do all we can to prepare for His return. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). On behalf of all of us at Jewish Voice, thank you for your faithfulness that enables us to fulfill our mandate to reach the Jewish People. And may the Lord pour out abundant blessings to you throughout this New Year!

Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO Jewish Voice Ministries International

Although these troubling signs seem to be all around us, we are privileged to witness glorious events that testify of God’s faithfulness to His Word! My article, True Indicators of the Last Days, reveals seven signs that will encourage your faith, for you not only have a ringside seat to this amazing prophetic move of God, but you have been a partner in its fulfillment! The restoration of Israel and salvation of the Jewish People are key prophetic events that signal the return of the Lord. With your partnership, Jewish Voice is reaching more Jewish People than ever with the Good News of their Messiah!

Jewish Voice Today







14 On Topic 7 UP FRONT True Indicators of the Last Days By Jonathan Bernis

10 GUEST AUTHOR Major Events That Will Define the World in 2012 By William Koenig

12 GUEST AUTHOR 2012 and the Turkey Connection By Walid Shoebat

Regulars 16 GUEST AUTHOR The Harbinger and America's Doom By Johnathan Cahn

18 GUEST AUTHOR Jewish and Arab Reconciliation in End Times Prophecy By Jeffrey Seif

20 GUEST AUTHOR The Second Coming and the Days of Noah By Jack Kinsella

14 GUEST AUTHOR The Fig Tree and the End of the Age By Hal Lindsey

4 | January/February 2012

3 SHALOM By Jonathan Bernis

Where to Watch! 30 BROADCAST GUIDE

5 NOTEWORTHY By Sarah Weiner

6 NETWORTHY By Laura Peck


Join us monthly for our 90-minute live, interactive webcast, and get your questions about Israel, Bible prophecy, current events, and theology answered on the show. Our next webcast is January 17, 2012 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT Each webcast also includes a time of praise & worship and praying for your needs. Please visit for the latest information.

NOTEworthy I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing (2 Timothy 4:7-8).


cratch the surface and it’s easy to see we are living in a world filled with anxiety, and nearly obsessed with contemplating its end. Over the past decade Hollywood has delivered up a constant stream of doomsday thrillers—some loosely exploring biblical themes, others esoteric sources of prophecy, but mankind usually finds a way to survive. Without the assurance promised to those who trust in Adonai through Yeshua (Jesus), it’s easy to understand why these themes would be popular. The world has changed profoundly, offering very little stability, even for those in the western world. Instinctively, man looks for ways to conquer his fears.

About This Issue

the Orthodox Jews is proclaiming the Messianic era “is just around the corner.” A medieval Catholic prophecy from St. Malachy has become popular, indicating the next pope will usher in the Antichrist. More chilling in light of current events in the Arab world are the expectations of the Mahdi, the Islamic End-Time figure who will come when, as Imam Nahjul Balagha explains, “society will be engulfed by ravaging wars, overflowing with havoc and devastation” and what the Koran says in sura 27.82: “when the word is fulfilled against the unjust, we shall produce from the earth a Beast to face them.” God does not want our hearts to be troubled. He has given us clear indications in His Word so that we know the times and the seasons. Therefore, those who are His do not fear the times but rather look forward to His appearing. — Sarah Weiner

The religious, too, sense that we are embarking on prophetic times. The Moschiach Now movement among

Todah Rabah, thank you, to: Publisher

Executive Editor Jonathan Bernis Director of Communications/Publications Mary Ellen Breitwiser Writer/Editor Sarah Weiner Assoc. Ed./ Social Media Specialist Laura Peck Art Director Evie Kriegbaum Graphic Designers Evie Kriegbaum Jennifer Nelson

Jewish Voice Ministries International P.O. Box 31998 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998 USA 602-97l-850l 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries Canada P.O. Box 476 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2 800-299-YESHUA Jewish Voice Ministries UK P.O. Box 628 Borehamwood, UK WD6 9AT 800-299-YESHUA Magazine questions or comments: Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from the New International Version ©2011. jewishvoicetoday jewish_voice


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Production Supervisor Kathleen Johnston

Jewish Voice Today



Harnessing the Power of the Internet for Messiah Yeshua


ne of the most exciting developments of 2012 is our new list of humanitarian and festival outreach opportunities sprinkled throughout the year so you can join us as a volunteer missionary when it’s convenient for you, not just during the summer months. We are always in search of the Lost Tribes of Israel, and this year God has opened up Zimbabwe, where the Lemba tribe lives. This is a breakthrough, pioneer outreach and we need your compassion to reach this new Lost Tribe with the Gospel of Yeshua. Make sure you see our “Quick List of 2012 Outreaches” on our Medical Outreach page online and sign up for any of our trips that are currently open for registration. Go to medicaloutreach. If you aren’t our Facebook friend yet, please consider joining Jewish Voice Ministries International’s Facebook page. For each outreach we do, we always inform you about how you can get involved, how you can pray for the outreach efforts, and what wonderful things God is doing on the field to bring Jewish People back to Himself.

Those who are already our Facebook friends, we want to say thanks for letting others know about our outreach trips, for offering words of encouragement to our team when they are in the field ministering, and for being so willing to stop what you do and pray for us as we overcome the many challenges of doing global outreach in some of the most remote parts of the world. We are always here at — Laura Peck

• Woliso/Addis Ababa, Ethiopia • NEW! Zimbabwe, Africa • Mexico City, Mexico • Gondar, Ethiopia • Manipur, India Medical Outreach 2/24/12 - 3/11/12

Medical Outreach 5/25/12 - 6/4/12

Festival Outreach 8/31/12 - 9/9/12

Medical Outreach 9/28/12 - 10/7/12

Medical Outreach 10/26/12 -11/4/12

For more information: or call 1-800-299-YESHUA. 6 | January/February 2012

U P F R O N T | J O N AT H A N B E R N I S




ost Believers I speak to today firmly believe we are in the Last Days. Many have become almost obsessed with trying to interpret and unravel the Bible’s mysterious End-Time prophecies, and keep a keen eye on politics and world events—especially those that involve Israel or the Middle East. The news is scrupulously analyzed by many watching for specific prophetic signs: a ten nation confederacy, the Antichrist’s emergence and identity, the mark of the beast, the rebuilding of the Third Temple, the Bear of the North—Russia, and the cataclysmic rise of catastrophes and natural disasters. Although these signs are indeed found in the Scriptures, they are apocalyptic texts—veiled and cryptic. Not even scholars of eschatology can interpret these texts with a great deal of accuracy. Jewish Voice Today


Although these fascinating apocalyptic signs are difficult to discern, God has not left us without signposts along the way. He would have us be wise as “the men of Issachar, who understood the times . . . ” (1 Chronicles 12:32). And there are some very distinct indications that we are indeed in the Last Days. The term Last Days has a dual application, referring to the time period following the death and resurrection of Yeshua ( Jesus), and also the days that will precede His return. Looking at Luke 21, one can clearly see this principle: “Some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But Jesus said, ‘As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down’” (Luke 21:5-6). Herod’s Temple was destroyed and Jerusalem sacked in 70 A.D., fulfilling Yeshua’s words. As you continue reading through the terrible warnings of what is to come, much is applicable to the horrific Roman devastation that occurred at that time. However, verse 24b, “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled,” was not fulfilled until 1967 with the reunification of Jerusalem after the Six Day War. And verses 25-28 are looking forward to a time yet to come, when Yeshua returns.

SIGN 1: A RESTORED ISRAEL AND JEWISH JERUSALEM A predominant prophetic indicator is the re-establishment of Israel, and Jerusalem returning to Jewish sovereignty. These major, and seemingly implausible, events for nearly two thousand years had to occur before Yeshua’s return. According to the Bible, Yeshua is returning to Israel, and specifically Jerusalem.

• Israel Rebirthed—in a Day After nearly two millennia and a succession of foreign rulers, on May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion declared the restoration of the Jewish State, Israel, saying, “In order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.” Isaiah seemed just as incredulous, challenging: “Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment?” (Isaiah 66:8) We have seen it—in our lifetime!

• Jerusalem Restored to the Jews “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (Luke 21:24b). Although the exact meaning of Luke 21:24b has been debated for nearly 2,000 years—and still there is no consensus, signs of this prophetic fulfillment have begun rapidly falling into place since the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.

• The Desert Will Bloom and Blossom

8 | January/February 2012

The prophet Isaiah saw a time when “the desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom” (Isaiah 35:1). It’s

almost impossible to believe, but the fledgling State of Israel has developed such revolutionary agricultural methods, that even the sand produces lush crops! In her short time of existence as a modern State, Israel became the largest exporter of roses to Europe.

• The Hebrew Language Revived According to the prophet Zephaniah, God would “restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one accord” (Zephaniah 3:9 NKJV). In the late 1800s, Russian immigrant to Israel, Eliezer Ben-Yehudah, revived the ancient Hebrew language, giving the returning exiles of Israel a common language. Israel and Jerusalem are back in Jewish hands. The People of Israel scattered throughout the world are returning to their biblical Land and to their God. The time of His return is near!

SIGN 2: ISRAEL SURROUNDED BY CONFLICT AND THE RISE OF GLOBAL ANTI-SEMITISM Anti-Semitism has always existed in the world. There has never been a time when the Jewish People have not been victimized by Satan’s savage attacks against them. Even today in America—probably the least anti-Semitic nation on earth, the Anti-Defamation League reports the highest level of antiSemitism since World War II. At its core is Satan fomenting hatred among men against the Children of the God of Israel, generation after generation. He

cleverly disguises each campaign with a compelling lie wrapped in a plan designed to rid the world of a perceived ill blamed on the Jews. From the very first attempt to destroy the Jews—Pharaoh’s murder of all the male Hebrew babies—to Herod’s order to kill all male babies under 2 years old two thousand years ago, the serpent’s scheme was to defeat God’s plan to bring forth the Messiah of Israel. He failed—miserably! Yet, the campaign of hatred marches on because the great redemption story is not over. Because the Jewish People and Israel play a major role in Last Days prophecy, Satan is still hard at work opposing God’s plan. The impetus he is using to rally hatred against the Jew today is a powerful anti-Israel (and proPalestinian) deception, wrapped in false humanitarian claims and causes. Understand: Deception is a hallmark of the Last Days (Matthew 24:11). For the minuscule size of the country, the lack of natural resources, or strategic seaport, one has to question why Israel is always at the center of world controversy—her existence continually hanging in the balance. We see Israel at the epicenter of a boiling cauldron of increasingly violent factions rising up within the vast Arab lands surrounding her. The world has been told, and has almost mindlessly accepted, claims that all unrest in the Middle East is Israel’s fault—that if the Jews would give the Land “back to the Palestinians” there would be peace in the world and terrorism would end. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is setting the stage to draw all nations into a final cataclysmic showdown in the Middle East—the

nations may think it is against Israel, but they will find out it is against her God! “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves” (Zechariah 12:3).

SIGN 3: THE REGATHERING OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE PHYSICALLY BACK TO THE LAND OF ISRAEL FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH Israel should not exist. She should have disappeared hundreds, or even thousands, of years ago with the rest of the “ites” of the Bible: the Amalekites, the Hittites, the Canaanites, etc. These and all the other great biblical nations, including the mighty Philistines, have vanished, yet Israel remains— against all odds. For two millennia the Land has been overrun by foreign aggressors, and her People scattered to the far reaches of the earth, where she has been threatened with annihilation, persecution, and expulsions. Without a homeland until 1948, Israel should have assimilated and ceased to be a recognizable people group. That they did not disappear completely into the cultures in which they settled throughout the world stands as evidence for God’s existence and faithfulness. The Lost Tribes of Israel are a fascinating mystery to the world, but they are not really lost. The Lord knows where they are. He promised to regather them in the Last Days and He is doing that in our time! “The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when it will no longer be said, ‘As surely as the LORD

lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,’ but it will be said, ‘As surely as the LORD lives, who brought the Israelites up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.’ For I will restore them to the land I gave their ancestors” ( Jeremiah 16:14-15). “In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean. He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth” (Isaiah 11:11-12). These are the Children of Abraham, scattered to Africa, Asia, India, Europe . . . the remote corners of the earth. God is gathering them today, back to Israel—miraculously restored to receive her returning Children: Ethiopian, Chinese, Sephardim, Asian, Russian, and on and on! Through Jewish Voice you are witness to this miracle and touch the lives of many of the Remnant of Israel that God is regathering—the Beta Avraham, Beta Israel, Gefat, and Yibir Jews of Somaliland; Lemba Tribe of Zimbabwe; and the Bnei Menashe—the Sons of Manasseh, discovered in far northeastern India! This aliyah, or return of the Jews to their biblical homeland, is yet another important sign that the Messiah’s return is approaching.

(Continued on page 26) Jewish Voice Today


O N TO P I C | W I L L I A M K O E N I G

Major Events That Will Define the World in

2012 T

here are many important events that will define the course of the world in 2012. The actions of world leaders and the repercussions will have enormous consequences.

In the past, we usually had two or three biblically significant events occurring at the same time. But today, all major finalday events are in play, and they are complex and moving at an accelerated pace. In the coming year, we are likely to see earthshaking events politically; geologically; atmospherically; in the financial world; in Israel; and with Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other parts of the Middle East.

10 | January/February 2012


Will 2012 be the year of major wars in the Middle East?

The world's leaders are obsessed with the division of the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, and this will continue to intensify.

Conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia will worsen and may pull in the United States.

Palestinian state efforts will continue at the United Nations.

Muslims will continue to speak in Protestant and Catholic churches in the United States but will not invite them to speak in their mosques.

The Quartet (United Nations, United States, European Union, and Russia), Obama, and Netanyahu speak of a peace deal between the Israelis and Palestinians by the September 2012 General Assembly meeting at the U.N. The Muslim Brotherhood will make enormous gains in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Libya as they move into power. The Middle East is becoming more Islamic thanks to the Arab Spring. An increasing number of Muslim youth are joining the ranks due to their lack of employment opportunities and economic hardships.

Replacement theology church leaders will continue to publicly chastise Christian supporters of Israel and sponsor peace conferences with the Palestinians.

Muslims will continue to speak in Protestant and Catholic churches in the United States but will not invite them to speak in their mosques.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan desires to be a major Middle East leader and will attempt to do it by appealing to the Arab street—at the expense of Israel. Iran is close to completing its nuclear program; will the United States and/or Israel try to stop it? Iranian President Ahmadinejad will continue his harsh antiIsrael and anti-United States rhetoric; will he remain in power? Israel's borders will continue to become more insecure.

Vladimir Putin very likely will become the Russian president in March 2012. He could serve two six-year terms. Republicans are expected to gain control of the Senate in the 2012 election and make greater gains in the House of Representatives. Who will be the next U.S. president? The war between good and evil is becoming more intense in the United States; darkness is making rapid inroads and gaining in America, assisted by the courts, liberal politicians, and the secular media.

(Continued on page 22)

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan desires to be a major Middle East leader and will attempt to do it by appealing to the Arab street—at the expense of Israel.

Jewish Voice Today



2012 and the


n 2012 the Mayan calendar prophecy, like the Y2K predictions, will come and go, failing the phony prognosticators, and the prudent will shun the idea of a European Union emerging as antichrist. What is coming on the horizon is an Islamic Union led by Turkey. If this sounds too bold, perhaps reading the Word of God will show that He does not mince words either. In Zechariah 9:13 the Lord without apology declares, “I will rouse your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Yavan.” In this passage, Israel is seen fighting against Ionia, or Yavan, not the European Union.

12 | January/February 2012

In several Bible versions, this word is translated as “Greece.” But Ionia/Yavan was simply a province that was located on the west coast of modern Turkey. This is crucial, because the clear context of this battle is the return of Christ: “Then Jehovah will appear over them” (Zechariah 9:14).

military armada alongside other allied European nations including Greece, Spain, and Italy in a showdown with Turkey.

find Turkey parking its naval fleet on the Mediterranean as a direct threat to Israel. And I do see Erdogan hailed as a hero throughout the Muslim world when he angrily walked out on Israel’s President Shimon Peres at Davos in 2009 over the flotilla incident, turning the tide of Turkey-Israel relations sour since that time.

In the next few years, the West will enter an era like that of the late 1930s when Neville Chamberlain famously announced “peace in The war with Islam is The war with Islam is not our time.” Thus, we not simply a prelude will see the fulfillment And yet it was Turkey’s Prime Minister, to another invasion by simply a prelude to another of 1 Thessalonians Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who brokered a European Antichrist “While people a deal ordering Hamas to release Gilad invasion by a European 5:3: as is commonly are saying, ‘Peace and Shalit—something the United States, taught, but the the European Union, and the United antichrist as is commonly safety,’ destruction appearance of Christ will come.” At this Nations failed to do. As France’s Sarkozy taught, but the appearance Himself in person point, the West will put it, Erdogan emerged as the perfect to fight Turkey. He find out that secular peace broker. He will eventually even of Christ Himself in person will also fight Egypt (moderate) Islam have Hamas recognize Israel during this to fight Turkey. (Isaiah 19) to rescue and fundamentalist hudna (a tactical cease-fire in the Islamic the remnants of (radical) Islam are world). 
 Copts (native Egyptian Christians) that two faces of the same coin.
 survive the impending massacre during The Islamists are changing “set Egypt’s coming civil war. The good news, and unlike that which times and set laws” (Daniel 7:25) modern prophecy buffs have taught, the by introducing Sharia rule. The Gog Turkey (Iron) will take over the United States will continue to be the of Turkey, PM Erdogan, succeeded weakened clay nations of Egypt, strongest military power that will stand for years in establishing himself Sudan/Somalia, Tunisia, and Libya against Turkey. The United States is “the permanently by concocting the (Daniel 11:42), which recently opted mightiest fortresses” (Daniel 11:39) Ergenekon Conspiracy, an alleged plot for Sharia rule over western secularism that will eventually destroy this Islamic to overthrow Erdogan by an elaborate or democracy. This is exactly what we alliance: “I am going to bring foreigners network of retired military officers and stated long ago. We will also see the against you. . . . They will bring you other high officials. Erdogan does “not Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, and the Turkmens down to the pit, and you will die a honor the desire of women” (Daniel (C.I.S.) joining Turkey’s Islamist model violent death in the heart of the seas” 11:37), prohibiting them entry in and pledging allegiance to the New (Ezekiel 28:7-8).
 the government Ottomans.
 Christians need to stop and promoting the I believe the United giving heed to fatalists wearing of the hijab. 
 A contest between cyber-rattling Iran States, alongside (the “Bear”) and the fast moving, calm other allies, will who warn of the impending It is not any European and collected Turkey (the “Leopard”) wake up in the end. leader that is setting doom of America, but fulfill will ensue. Turkey will emerge as Christians need to his eyes on Jerusalem politically victorious in the region, stop giving heed to their biblically mandated but Erdogan who with an accepted Islamist model, and fatalists who warn declared during duty to their nation and his speech to the the West accepting it as the miniof the impending superpower in the Mediterranean doom of America, but of recognize it is Satan’s Organization region. 
 fulfill their biblically Islamic Council, mandated duty to kingdom that is doomed. 
 “Jerusalem is the Iraq will weaken as a result of America’s their nation and apple of the eye of exit to simply be devoured by Iran. By recognize it is Satan’s kingdom that is every Muslim.” No French, Italian, this, Turkey will control the Suez Canal doomed. 
 or German European Union leader and the Bosporus Strait, while Iran made such proclamations. And as we controls the Strait of Hormuz. This will I don’t see America or Europe in that predicted, Turkey failed entry to the undermine the U.S. naval hegemony in prophetic model. I don’t see Europeans the region, which will eventually use its directly threatening Israel, but I do

(Continued on page 25)

Jewish Voice Today


O N TO P I C | H A L L I N D S E Y

The Fig Tree and the End of the Age 14 | January/February 2012

"And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son."

Jesus said, "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near" (Matthew 24:32).

Jesus said, "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near" (Matthew 24:32).


ne of the most common questions I am asked is whether or not I believe that this is "the end." People have been asking me that question now for more than fifty years, and the answer is still the same. Yes, this is the end. But what, exactly, does that mean? When the disciples asked Yeshua ( Jesus) what signs would signify that the end had arrived, He answered in a parable about the fig tree. "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened" (Mark 13:28-30).

Follow the progression. First the fruit (Yeshua), and then the fig tree is 'restored' as its branches take on their covering of leaves. The leaves of the fig tree are a sign of a change in season. In outlining the signs of the times, culminating with the revival of the fig tree, Yeshua made a point of reminding His listeners, "See, I have told you ahead of time" (Matthew 24:25)—so we wouldn't miss the point. The fig tree is the sign of the end of a season; the branching out of the tree itself is the sign the new season of revival is about to begin. "Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened" (Matthew 24:33-34).

Israel serves as a mile marker on the road to the conclusion of human history. Yeshua ( Jesus) equated the existence of Israel with the generation that would witness the fulfillment of all Bible prophecy and His triumphant Second Coming.

Israel is God's time clock—her existence was foretold in detail from the point in Israel's history in which revival seemed the least likely, by individuals who had the least reason to expect that prophecy would ever be fulfilled.

As with the olive and the vine, the fig is used throughout the Bible as a symbol of Israel. The symbol of the fig tree is particularly well suited to Israel's religious history. What makes the fig tree unique is that it produces its fruit before its leaves.

To underscore Israel’s divine importance, God has surrounded the revival of Israel with one miracle after another, so that there would be no mistake. Having made that point, He promised the generation that would witness that rebirth "would not pass until all these things be fulfilled."

Jesus is the Firstfruit of Israel Who came first to the Jews. "He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him" ( John 1:11). The Tree on which Yeshua died for the sins of mankind has borne fruit unto every generation, in every corner of the earth, but Israel will, as a nation, remain in unbelief until His return.

But how long is a generation? That is the question, and its answer, I believe, was deliberately obscured in keeping with Yeshua's promise that "no man would know the day or hour” of His return.

But Israel's redemption begins with its restoration. It is a process that continues until the fulfillment of Zechariah 12:10 at His Second Advent:

Genesis 6:3 fixes the extreme limit of a normal lifespan at 120 years. That could qualify as a generation. That would put the return of Yeshua somewhere around 2068.

(Continued on page 24) Jewish Voice Today




magine if there existed an ancient mystery in which was hidden the secret of America’s future. Imagine if in that mystery was hidden everything from 9/11 to the War in Iraq to the crash of Wall Street and the Great Recession to the words and actions of American leaders, even those of the president of the United States. A number of years ago, I was standing at the edge of Ground Zero in New York City, and my attention was drawn to an object—one that would comprise the first puzzle piece of an ancient biblical mystery and a prophetic

message known as The Harbinger that concerns the future of every American. THE REMOVAL OF THE HEDGE Before God sends judgment to a nation, He sends warning. Ancient Israel was such a nation in danger of judgment. Though it had once known the ways of God, it had long fallen into apostasy and long rejected His prophets. Finally God removed the hedge of protection He had placed around it. An enemy was allowed to breach Israel’s borders and inflict a devastating blow that would traumatize the nation. It was temporary. It was a wake-up call. But the nation refused to wake up. Instead of

repentance, it responded with defiance. Nine Harbingers of Judgment were then manifested in the Land, nine prophetic signs, nine alarms, nine warnings and foreshadows of national destruction. America is now the nation in rapid departure from God. And the ancient pattern of judgment is now manifesting itself again. On September 11, 2001, the Lord removed the nation’s hedge of protection and allowed an enemy to strike the land. It was an alarm, a wake-up call. But as with ancient Israel, America responded not by returning to God, but with defiance. And now the same Nine Harbingers of Judgment



16 | January/February 2012

that ONCE appeared in the last days of ancient Israel have reappeared on American soil.

by a nation’s leadership, it is a sign that this nation has now entered into the days of judgment.

THE NINE HARBINGERS Five harbingers appeared at Ground Zero, two harbingers appeared in Washington, D.C. More than one involved the highest leaders of the land—leaders actually taking part in prophetic reenactments of ancient mysteries— taking the same actions, uttering the same words that were taken and spoken by the leaders of ancient Israel. Each harbinger contains a prophetic message, warning, and foreshadow. There isn’t space here to even begin to open the mysteries involved in The Harbinger, but we can touch on a few.

On the morning after September 11th, the ninth harbinger manifested in America. It happened in Washington, D.C. It happened on Capitol Hill. At the end of the speech presenting America’s response to 9/11, the Senate Majority Leader uttered the following proclamation:

THE VOW OF JUDGMENT In the wake of the nation’s first calamity, the leaders of ancient Israel uttered a vow of defiance against God. They were declaring that they would be humbled by God’s hand, but would rise up stronger against Him. They said this: The bricks have fallen But we will rebuild with quarried stone The sycamores have been cut down But we will plant cedars in their place. The utterance of the vow by the nation’s leaders would be the ninth harbinger— it would pronounce judgment on the nation and set its course for destruction. If this same ancient vow is proclaimed

“The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with dressed stone; The fig trees (sycamores) have been felled But we will replace them with cedars.” The Senate Majority Leader gave voice to the same vow spoken by the leaders of ancient Israel, 2,500 years before as that nation entered its judgment. Without realizing what he was doing, he was pronouncing judgment on America—the reenactment of an ancient mystery—and one which bore profound consequences. THE SECOND SHAKING The ancient mystery did not stop with the appearance of the Nine Harbingers. The mystery that began on 9/11 would bring about a second calamity on America, the shaking of its economic power, with the collapse of the American

economy. Even the timing of the crash of Wall Street in 2008, the greatest collapse in stock market history, happened according to a 3,000-year-old biblical mystery—on the exact day appointed by God when a nation’s financial realm is brought into judgment. Then there’s the mystery of the Three Witnesses, the number required for the confirming of national judgment, three national leaders pronouncing judgment on America. That too happened, and they had no idea what they were doing. Then there’s the Mystery Ground, an ancient biblical key that centers on the ground where America was dedicated to God on its first day as a nation, and a deep mystery hidden in the events of 9/11 . . . and more. IF MY PEOPLE There is much more than can be stated here, but all of it points to the fact that our nation is heading for judgment. Please join me in prayer that this message, coming out this month in book form as The Harbinger, would have its appointed way, that God would have mercy on America, that we would be the lights we were meant to be, and that there would still yet be repentance, revival, and restoration in this land. Jonathan Cahn is Rabbi and Pastor of the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel in Wayne, NJ, and leader of Hope of the World Ministries, Box 1111, Lodi, NJ 07644. Please visit for more information.

THE HARBINGER Before its destruction as a nation, ancient Israel received nine harbingers, prophetic omens of warning. The same nine harbingers are now manifesting in America with immediate ramifications for EndTime prophecy.

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O N TO P I C | J E F F R E Y S E I F

Jewish and Arab Reconciliation in End Times Prophecy

M]L[ peace T

unisia recently fell; Egypt was over-run; Libya recently cratered. Seems like the Muslim and Arab-Muslim worlds are coming apart at the seams. . . . Syria, Jordan, Iran, and others are in the throes of evolution and/or outright revolution, at this very moment. It looks like the Muslim world is publicly falling apart under the weight of its own misdeeds and mismanagement. Given its inability to put down its own rag-tag, in-house revolts, one wonders if they have the actual ability to both take on and put down the modern nation of Israel. Lacking conventional means, nuclear capability seems the only option that has a fighting chance.

18 | January/February 2012

Questions associated with a nuclear Iran thus come to the fore, as do questions associated with God’s plans for the region on the whole. As much as Israel’s emergence is amply attested in Ezekiel 37:1-14, so, too, in 38:1-39:16 is regional angst associated with Israel’s emergence. Iran (Persia) is noted in 38:5, as are other present-day Muslim states in 38:1-6. It climaxes with God saying: “I will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur” in v. 22. Sounds a bit nuclear, does it not?

and associated regional conflicts then depicted the emergence of healing water from the Temple-proper. The water not only brings prosperity to the Hebrews who line the river’s banks, but in v. 8, Ezekiel notes how “this water flows toward the eastern region, and goes down into the Arabah, where it enters the Dead Sea”—i.e., to the dry lands just east of Jerusalem. Arab economies are restored in v. 9, where it says, “everything will live,” and be “healed” in v. 12. Later, in v. 22 we read: “foreigners residing among you [in Israel] . . . You are to consider them as native-born Israelites; along with you they are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel.”

If Isaiah’s famous promise in 11:6 about the “wolf and the lamb lying down together” is to be given any credence whatsoever . . . the cessation of Israeli-Arab hostilities and unification is a must.

Musings aside, mindful as we all are of Israel’s re-emergence and prominence in biblical prophecy, and interested as we are in that State’s consequential security and stability, we must realize that the prophesied and longed-for State, and stateof-affairs, can only be realized with the participation of the sovereign nation-states surrounding Israel—and not just their defeat. To speak of Israel’s eventual success and subsequent security, without addressing the nature and structure of the State’s inter-relationships with surrounding Arab peoples, is to ignore the social, economic, and political realities that give rise to any and every sovereign state’s successes. Beyond this, students of Bible prophecy are well served to consider God’s plan to unite all the Hebrew peoples, and to subsequently prosper both the Jews in the modern State and the Arabs who dwell in the restored State’s shadow. In 47:1-5, the same prophet who both envisioned Israel’s miraculous rise

in the Last Days now. Are these the last of the Last Days? Whether they are for the world, or not, will be for my readers to judge. Staring at sixty (soon) as I am, I know I am living in my last days—or latter days, anyway. With all that is happening in the world, and with all that is stated in the Word, I think we’re a whole lot closer to the final countdown than we were some years ago, when I began my journey with the Messiah of Israel—One whom I’ve learned is also destined to be the Messiah of the nations, though they don’t all know it yet. Dr. Jeffrey Seif is a graduate of the North Texas Regional Police Academy, and holds a master’s degree and doctorate in theology and ministry from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Jeff has written many books and articles, and is known throughout the Messianic Jewish Movement. Professor Seif serves on the faculty of Kings University/Seminary, Israel College of the Bible, Christ for the Nations Institute, the Messianic Jewish Theological Institute, and the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute.

Sounds like peace and restoration, does it not? Because a literal and careful reading of the Ezekiel story includes Israel and the surrounding nations, I believe a treatment of Bible prophecy should include God’s plan for all the people in the region. If Isaiah’s famous promise in 11:6 about the “wolf and the lamb lying down together” is to be given any credence whatsoever, as with his saying the “earth [eventually] will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” in 11:9, the cessation of Israeli-Arab hostilities and unification is a must. Though disconcerting, both Israel’s rise and the surrounding nations pressing for her demise fit within my understanding of Bible prophecy, and give rise to the notion that we are living Jewish Voice Today


O N TO P I C | J A C K K I N S E L L A

Second Coming T and the Days of Noah The

he Lord Jesus described His Second Coming as being like the "days of Noah."

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:37-39). Most expositors interpret this verse figuratively; the days of Noah were the earliest days of restored mankind—the beginning of human government and the start of the times of the Gentiles. The coming of the Son of Man takes place at the conclusion of human government. In this interpretation, the ‘sign’ is no sign—things will rock on normally, despite all the warnings to the contrary.

20 | January/February 2012

Others see the sign of Noah as meaning that like Noah, the Church will be carried safely through judgment. This is how Yeshua ( Jesus) describes the coming of the Son of Man: "Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left” (Matthew 24:40-41). Most prophecy teachers are disinclined to see this as a picture of the End on the grounds that it proposes a fiftyfifty split between those who are taken and those who are left. But Jesus doesn’t say that every other person will be taken. Jesus gave two illustrations: one of two guys working in the field, and the other of two women working in the mill.

same can be said of Christians during the Church Age. We are saved by grace, and that not of ourselves, but it is the gift of God, lest any man should boast [of himself] (Ephesians 2:8-9).

So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him (Matthew 24:44). That’s the only way the illustration makes sense . . . as an illustration. The pilot disappears, leaving the co-pilot sitting beside him. The mailman disappears as he is handing a lady her mail—his stuff falls to the ground while she stands there staring. That doesn’t illustrate that only pilots and mailmen will be taken—the illustration isn’t even those who are gone—since they disappeared, what would that illustrate? The illustration is from the perspective of those who are left behind, not those who are taken. To them, it will look like almost everybody. If ever there were a time in history that approximates the days of Noah, this is it. Not because we’re eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage; that is a sign appropriate to any generation. The picture in Noah’s day was of Noah giving the warning while the world, mesmerized by the machinery of evil, rejected the warning, and was taken totally by surprise when the rains came. “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God” (Genesis 6:8-9).

And because of that unmerited grace, there is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Yeshua ( Jesus), who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit (Romans 8:1). We are not perfect, but our bloodline is unpolluted, washed clean and pure by the Blood of the Lamb through the grace of God. And by virtue of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we “walk with God.” The imagination of our hearts (movies, TV, etc.) is only evil continually. Our intellect creates the machinery of war, the epitome of evil by design. The signs are everywhere, and there is no shortage of Noahs out there giving the warning. As it was in the days of Noah, so it is today. Noah and his family were ready. Nobody else was. Until it started raining out of a clear blue sky. Jack Kinsella is the founder and publisher of the Omega Letter (www. Jack is head writer of The Hal Lindsey Report television program and former head writer for This Week in Bible Prophecy. Jack is the author of more than two thousand columns on current events and Bible prophecy.

Noah was NOT perfect—he was perfect in his generations, meaning his bloodline was unpolluted. Noah “found favor in the eyes of the LORD” and Noah walked with God. The Jewish Voice Today


(Continued from page 11) Financial cracks and employment challenges will create problems in the United States and Europe.

Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) movement than the previous 43 presidents. He endorsed abortion, late-term abortion, and even infanticide when he was a legislator in Illinois. Obama opened the doors of America widely to Islam in his June 4, 2009 speech at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. Middle East expert Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute

greatly endangering the Middle East. He is putting at risk 40 percent of the world's oil that goes through the Persian Gulf. Israel's defense will be impacted, too.

TIMES IN PERSPECTIVE We are very blessed that the Lord has given us eyes to see and ears to hear and have an understanding of these times. We are a small part of the Church and a very small part of the world. We must not fear but have total faith and thanksgiving for God's preparation and provision for us.

Middle East expert Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute notes, “President Barack Obama's legacy will be to have legitimized the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Intensity of solar flares will increase significantly in late 2012, putting the world's satellites and power grids at great risk. The National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) says a May 2013 solar flare event could cause $1-2 trillion in damages the first year and require four to ten years for recovery, compared to $80-125 billion that resulted from Hurricane Katrina.

notes, “President Barack Obama's legacy will be to have legitimized the Muslim Brotherhood.” He has pressured Israel to freeze settlement construction in JudeaSamaria and East Jerusalem, and called for Israel to move back to pre-1967 borders with agreed-to land swaps.


Obama's statements, policies, actions, and friends are leading the country toward very serious class warfare. His financial policies are endangering America's economic future.

President Obama said in a speech at the White House on June 29, 2011, that he had done more for the Lesbian, Gay,

His actions in Egypt, Syria, Libya— and lack of actions in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and (especially) Iran—are

22 | January/February 2012

Let’s continue to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).

William Koenig is the director of “Koenig International News” (, an Internet news service with readers and e-mail subscribers in 50 states and 105 countries, and has been a White House correspondent since January 2001. Koenig publishes an online weekly news report called “Koenig’s Eye View from the White House” that focuses on biblically relevant world news and White House news from a Christian perspective. He has authored Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel, which is in its 14th printing, and published the book in Hebrew.

Pray for the Peace of


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(Continued from page 15) Numbers 32:13 defines a generation as the forty years the Israelites spent wandering in the wilderness, "until the whole generation of those who had done evil in his sight were consumed." (That generation expired in 1988.)

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Psalm 90:10 defines a generation as between seventy and eighty years. "Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for quickly pass, and The fig tree is the sign they we fly away." Using that of the end of a season; definition, the fig tree will expire the branching out of the generation somewhere between 2018 tree itself is the sign the and 2028.

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We can't know the day or the hour, but we can know when it is "soon, even at the door." Watch Israel. Hal Lindsey is a popular Bible prophecy teacher and author of some 20 books, including the popular The Late Great Planet Earth and the newly revised The Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad. He is also the host of the half-hour news and commentary television show The Hal Lindsey Report.

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(Continued from page 13) European Union, since the beast is the body of a leopard (Revelation 13:2)— the Greco-Roman and not European— with its feet of the bear (Iran) and its mouth of the lion (Babylonia). 
 The Babylon of the End Times is not Iraq, which is soon to be gobbled up by Iran when the United States pulls its troops out. Most modern prophecy buffs predicted the revival of Iraq’s Babylon by Saddam Hussein. Their predictions are in the dustbin of history. They failed to examine Scripture closely, and isolated verses from their context. The Bible in End-Time prophecy never even mentions any of the ancient cities of Babylon. In every verse in the Bible where a location within this predicted Babylon is mentioned, that vicinity or city is in Arabia, not Iraq (Isaiah 21, Jeremiah 49). It is Kedar, Dumah, and Arabia; there is no mention of Babel, Sumer, Accad, Erech, and Calneh in any of these verses. Arabia’s Islam is the mouthpiece (mouth of a lion) that rules and rides this beast. It is the harlot from the desert

(Revelation 17:3) that sits on many waters and is the “desert of the sea” (Isaiah 21), which John saw. Christ proclaimed that the Antichrist will rule from Pergamum (Revelation 2:12-13), not Rome, which will be the future seat of Satan. This is on the sides of the northern lands (Asia Minor/Turkey).
 Although this is not what many popular prophecy buffs have been saying over the last decades, I am in good company. Not only are we actually seeing it come to pass already, but many scholars of the past, including the following, also saw Islam playing a major End-Times role: Hilaire Belloc, Bishop Fulton Sheen, Gregory Palamus of Thessalonica, Vernon Richards, Sir Robert Anderson, Cyril of Jerusalem, Sophronius the Patriarch of Jerusalem (560-638), Maximus The Confessor (580662), John of Damascus

(676-749), Eulogius of Cordova, Paul Alvarus, the Martyrs of Cordova, John Calvin, and Jonathan Edwards, the great American Revivalist. These and many others simply focused on the literal proclamations in the Bible.
 Walid Shoebat was born into a prominent Arab Muslim family in Bethlehem. His grandfather was a Muktar (Arab Chieftan) and good friend of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a notorious friend to Adolf Hitler. Walid was raised to hate Jews and the Western world. He joined the PLO and was involved in numerous acts of terror, including the attempted lynching of an Israeli soldier. He immigrated to the United States where, upon a challenge to discredit the Bible in order to convert his wife, he found the truth and became a Believer in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in 1993. 
 His life has been dedicated to exposing the danger and deception of Islam, and spreading the Good News of Israel’s Messiah at great personal risk through speaking engagements, on television, radio, and the web, and through the production of books, CDs, and DVDs, such as God’s War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy, and the Bible, offered here.

GOD'S WAR ON TERROR: ISLAM, PROPHECY, AND THE BIBLE God's War on Terror is Walid Shoebat's journey and his journal of studying the ancient Bible predictions that convinced him to leave Islam. This fascinating study, with utmost respect to the rules of Hermeneutics, will unlock the mysteries in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, offering answers to questions like these: How are Muslims set up to follow the Antichrist? Who is "Mystery Babylon"? What is the "Mark of the Beast"?

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(Continued from page 9)

SIGN 4: THE GOSPEL IS PROCLAIMED TO THE NATIONS “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). The word used in this passage of Scripture is the Greek term ethnos, which actually means “a race,” “a tribe,” or “a people group.” Modern technology makes it possible for the Gospel to be preached to ethnos— people, in the remotest areas of the planet. This is yet another important sign that the Last Days are upon us. Today the Gospel is being preached to ethnos throughout the world, yet only a handful of ministries are reaching out to the Jews. This is tragic, not only because the Jewish People need to hear the Good News that Messiah has come, but because God has put a high priority on reaching the Children of Israel with the Gospel. Consider Paul’s commitment to this mandate: “When Paul and his companions had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a Jewish synagogue. As was his custom, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures” (Acts 17:1-2). Paul not only wrote “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then to the Gentile” (Romans 1:16), he lived it out on his missionary journeys. Unfortunately, over the centuries, this mandate to take the Gospel to the Jew first has been lost.

The Gospel is to be preached to the Jew first, and then to the Gentiles. That’s what Paul did, and that’s what we do at Jewish Voice. I believe that every time a Jewish person turns to faith in Yeshua, we move that much closer to Messiah’s return. In fact, Scripture seems to indicate that Jewish People embracing Jesus as Messiah is actually key to His return! “For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’” (Matthew 23:39).

SIGN 5: THE BLINDNESS COMING OFF THE EYES OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE “I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” (Romans 11:25 NKJV). Another astonishing indicator is the phenomena of Jewish People coming to faith in Yeshua all over the world—in numbers not seen since the book of Acts. Through the ministry of Jewish Voice alone, we have seen some 75,000 Jewish People respond to the Gospel in the last decade of outreaches alone! For more than nineteen centuries, the number of Jews openly professing faith in Yeshua was extremely small, and of those nearly all would be assimilated into the local church. All that changed after 1967. The miraculous return of Jerusalem to the Jewish People sparked a great revival. Labeled the Jesus Movement, this revival was unique from all previous revivals, as Jews started coming to faith—in significant numbers. This was the birth of the modern

26 | January/February 2012

Messianic Movement. Before 1967 there was not a single Messianic Jewish congregation in the world. Today more than 350 Messianic Jewish congregations—50 in Israel alone—proclaim Messiah with a visibly Hebraic witness. And from a trickle over the past two thousand years, today there are hundreds of thousands, if not a million, Jews in the United States who express some level of faith in Yeshua! God is opening long-blinded eyes and softening thousands of Jewish hearts just as the Scriptures promised. This is an obvious fulfillment of biblical prophecy— and a clear indication that the Last Days are upon us.

SIGN 6: FULLNESS COMING TO THE CHURCH We need to look a little more closely at the second part of Romans 11:25, “until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in,” as Paul gives us another vital sign. Understand that he is speaking of the Church coming to its “fullness” at a specific time when God will then sovereignly begin to turn His attention back to Israel. This is that time. More Jews than ever before are coming to a saving faith in Yeshua. The spiritual restoration of the Jewish People is at hand. The time when God’s Word finds a receptive audience only among the Gentiles has come to an end!

SIGN 7: THE VISIBLE REMNANT OF JEWISH BELIEVERS “So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace” (Romans 11:5).

In the same way the miraculously

restored State of Israel is a visible declaration of divine fulfillment of physical restoration, the Messianic Jewish community is a visible declaration of divine spiritual restoration to all the world. God always keeps His covenants. Satan would like to eradicate the Jewish People, thereby proving God and the Bible untrustworthy, but it will not happen! Through Jeremiah God promised Israel a new covenant: “This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,” declares the LORD. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people” ( Jeremiah 31:33). At the Last Supper, a Jewish Passover Seder, Yeshua lifted the cup of Redemption and sharing it, announced it was the cup of the New Covenant in His blood. There is a misconception that all the Jews

rejected Jesus; however, the entire initial community of faith was Jewish. The Jews took the Gospel to the Gentiles, and eventually the Church became almost entirely Gentile and unrecognizable to the Jewish People. However, we are living in a time of Jewish revival!

bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son” (Zechariah 12:10).

All around us, there are signs that the world is being made ready for Messiah’s return. The most important of these, as we have seen, is the restoration of the People of Israel to a right relationship with God. Do you want to know what’s next? God has promised a glorious salvation for the remnant of Israel!

I’m convinced that we are not very far away from this time.

“And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve

“On that day a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity” (Zechariah 13:1).

Are you anxious to see Yeshua’s return? Ask God to give you His heart of love and compassion for His People. Ask Him to give you a burden for their redemption, and ask how He would have you participate in His glorious Last Days’ harvest among His Chosen People. You will pray with more passion, develop an urgency to share your faith, and perhaps find doors open to greater involvement in Jewish ministry! All Scripture references TNIV unless otherwise noted.



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Rabbi Jonathan Bernis shares a compelling case—with overwhelming evidence that can be traced to the Torah itself—for Jesus as Messiah. Then he provides Christians with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively share Yeshua with their Jewish family and friends in a loving and sensitive way. 240 pages, hardcover.

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A RABBI LOOKS AT THE LAST DAYS Christians have become almost obsessed with trying to unravel the Bible's mysterious prophecies about the Last Days. These are critical issues important to each of us. What if much of what you've been told about the End Times is wrong? Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis brings a fresh view and extraordinary insight to this intriguing and essential topic.

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Guest Authors THE HARBINGER Before its destruction as a nation, ancient Israel received nine harbingers, prophetic omens of warning. The same nine harbingers are now manifesting in America with immediate ramifications for End-Time prophecy.

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Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis




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30 | January/February 2012



Little Rock, AR KVTN National Cornerstone Orlando, FL WACX-TV 9 Orlando, FL WTGL National Angel One Philadelphia, PA WFMZ National Cornerstone National TCC-Church Channel Orlando, FL WACX-TV 9 El Paso, TX KSCE-TV 38 National WHT Orlando, FL WTGL National NRB Network National Angel One Cleveland, OH WGGN-TV 52 National GEB

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Sat 1:00pm (CST) Sat 7:30pm (EST)

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Central America

Mexico City, Mexico Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish Music & Dance


Mexico City

exico City is home to one of the largest Jewish communities in Central and South America, numbering more than 75,000 Jewish People. Come and minister to those who do not yet know that their Messiah has come by joining our evangelistic street outreach team, our altar and prayer intercessory team, and so much more during the three-night Messianic concert event. Be a part of history as God inspires these Jewish hearts through a celebration of Jewish history and heritage and challenges souls through the heart-changing Gospel of Yeshua. It’s a celebration of culture that is guaranteed to change a life – maybe even yours!

August 31 - September 9, 2012 For more information or to register, visit or call 1-800-299-YESHUA. Jewish Voice Today


Israel Tour


November 30 - December 11, 2012


Early Bird Full - $3,299 registration through 2/29/2012 Early Bird Land - $2,199 Full Package - $3,699 registration after 2/29/2012 Land Package - $2,499 Full Package = international airfare and all in-country costs Land Package = all in-country costs Additional $120 in tips will be collected up front from each participant $250 deposit required at registration

Reserve Your Spot Now! Call: 800-299-YESHUA Email: Web:

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