Digital Design Module 1

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2019 Je Tan

915959 Junhan Fung - Studio 6

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

In the reading by Zeara-Polo, it is stated that signs (classified into icons, indexes and symbols) are material expressions of a dynamic object. This quality is representational, as opposed to a diagram, which instead “mediate between physical constructs and concepts or percepts on an organisational level� (p. 293). Signs and symbols are therefore dependent on a level of consensus across cultures, which may not always be effective. Diagrams work to prescribe performance in space, which gives them the capability to expand perception beyond experiential knowledge.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

Above Left: Plan view. The arrangement of overlapping panels can be seen in this view. Above Top Right: Northwest elevation. The variation in height of the panels and overall lightness of the design can be appreciated here. Above Bottom Right: Perspective view. The supporting frame is visible. The forest-like nature of the pavilion allows for openess.

Opposite: Gollings, John. AL_A MPavillion. 2015. Photograph, Australian Design Review, Australia. Accessed 17 March 2019. The pavilion by AL_A is composed of a repeating set of small and large panels sitting atop a frame with supporting rods. To model the pavilion, one set of small panels and large panels were constructed. Each was modelling in parts, with the supporting frame, rods, panel and pattern done independently. Afterwards, the combination of parts were duplicated and adjusted to match the position of the overall pavilion. The timber flooring was then modelled off a series of repeating triangles and placed underneath.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

AL_A’s MPavilion maintains a design which does not prescribe it a certain functionality. An open plan is interspersed with poles which act to create a semi-pivate space. This space may be appropriated for different situations, such as a play area for children in the day, or a gala space at night. The transparent panels of the pavillion may provide shelter from intense sun or rain, but do not enclose the structure to a point in which there is a clear distinction between public and private space.


Week Two


AL_A MPavilion - Isometric View Modelling the pavilion proved to be a straightforward process. As the form of the structure is based on two key elements, it was only necessary to model these and copy them throughout the design. The two key elements in the pavilion are a three-pointed petal and a six-pointed petal, each with a supporting frame. After modelling these, they were place atop supporting poles which extruded into a wooden base, another repetitive and easily modelled design. The design of AL_A’s MPavilion is based on a forest canopy, with the arrangement of poles serving as the tree trunks. It was important to convey the lightness of the structure in this isometric view, and therefore transparency and line weights needed to be carefully adjusted. As the design of the pavilion does not have any walls, it may be approached from any direction. Circulation inside the space is delineated by the placement of the poles, with visitors needing to navigate around them. The thresholds of the pavilion are blurred due to the openess of the design. The extent of the petals reaches beyond the pavilion’s wooden flooring, blending its surroundings into the design itself.


Week Two Diagrams



Transparent panels

Attractor point and circulation space


Circulation Paths

Pavilion threshold

Circulation Diagram

Threshold Diagram

This diagram describes the circulatory paths one may take when inside the pavilion. As the space inside is open, there are no prescribed paths and one must instead navigate around the many support poles. An attractor point also exists as the coffee bar, drawing people towards it.

The threshold diagram shows the permeability of the pavilion. The open design means that the boundaries are blurred, however there is a strong tactile transition as one steps onto the wood flooring from the surrounding grass. Light also penetrates the canopy, further adding to a sense of openness.




Modelling Panels

Insert the plan view of the pavilion at 1:1 scale. Draw a circle with diameter matching that of the panel on the plan. Copy two more times and fillet joining lines together.

Trace the frame from the small petal. Draw lines to align to the centre. Make note of large frame section and small frame section.

Repeat for large panel. Stack six smaller panels together rotated at 60 degrees each.

Modelling Timber Flooring

Draw a triangle matching the imported plan view. Array lines over the triangle and trim to match. Extrude the shape for depth.

Duplicate the triangle across the plan. Rotate for those aligned in a different direction. Insert the coffee stand and extrude to match the elevation view. Trace the garden areas.


Repeat for the frame.

Appendix Process

Modelling Frame and Panels

Extrude the frame, making seperate layers for the smaller and larger sections.

Attach the pole caps to the frame, then BooleanDifference to remove overlap.

Repeat for the larger frame.

Extrude the panel and align the frame to the centre.


Loft raised circles together for the pole caps.

Repeat for the large frame.



Modelling Patterns

Array lines for the pattern. Copy and rotate 24 times.

Align with centre of panel. Trim edges.

Repeat for large panel. Each pattern should occupy a third of the panel.

Place pattern on panel and frame.

Repeat for larger panel.

Creating the Pavilion

Line the panel, frame and pattern up with the imported plan. Make sure to account for overlapping panels.

Using the elevation, shift the panels upwards to align them. Reference site photos for extra accuracy.


Extrude poles from each end of the frames. Align the flooring with the panels.

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