Fallout magazine

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Bethesda Softwork’s Fallout 3 Facts: Fallout 3 is an action role-playing game released by Bethesda Game Studios, and is the third major installment in the Fallout series. Fallout 3 takes place in the year 2277, 36 years after the setting of Fallout 2 and 200 years after the nuclear apocalypse that devastated the game’s world in a future where international conflicts culminated in a Sino-American war in the second half of the 21st century. The player character is an inhabitant of Vault 101, a survival shelter designed to protect up to 1000 humans from the nuclear fallout. When the player’s character’s father disappears under mysterious circumstances, the player is forced to escape from the Vault and journey into the ruins of Washington D.C. to track him down. Along the way the player is assisted by a number of human survivors and must battle myriad enemies that inhabit the area now known as the ”Capital Wasteland”. The game has an attribute and combat system typical of an action strategy game but also incorporates elements of survival horror games.


Vault-Tec engineers have worked around the clock on an interactive reproduction of Wasteland life for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own vault. Included is an expansive world, unique combat, shockingly realistic visuals, tons of player choice, and an incredible cast of dynamic characters. Every minute is a fight for survival against the terrors of the outside world – radiation, Super Mutants, and hostile mutated creatures. From Vault-Tec, America’s First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation.


Vault 101 – Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environment, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you’ve ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth.

To enable console in the game press the “§” button above the TAB Button. Result Cheat Code God mode, infinite ammo, and infinite weight capacity tgm Noclip mode = tcl All mapmarkers tmm1 Kill selected target Kill Kill everyone in area Killall Toggle fog of war tfow Toggle HUD tm Toggle AI tai Teleport to room with all items coc testqaitems Teleport back to game coc megatoncommonhouse Toggle free camera mode tfc Get indicated number of Caps player.additem 000000F [number] Give player ownership of selected item Setownership Set player level player.setlevel [number] Add indicated number of Karma points rewardKarma [number] Add indicated number of Tag Skill Points addtagskills [number] Add indicated number of points to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats modpca [attribute] [number] Add indicated number of points to your skills modpcs [skill name] [number] Set Special Points setspecialpoints [number] Set ability (sneak, barter, etc.) score player.setAV [ability] [number] Set melee damage done by player player.setav meleedamage [number] Set chance to score a critical hit player.setav critchance [0-100] Set maximum carrying weight player.setAV carryweight [number] Set jump height; default is 64 setgs fJumpHeightMin [number]

Set run speed; default is 4

setgs fMoveRunMult [number]

Fully heal player or selected NPC Resethealth Disable all mines disableallmines Remove all weapons and clothes from target Removeallitems Resurrect selected dead target resurrect Get information on the selected target’s value GetAVInfo [actor value] Set how much an NPC has to trade with SetBarterGold [number] Set name of selected NPC setactorfullname ”[first name] [last name]” Teleport to quest’s target location movetoqt All items for current quest GetQC Complete objectives for current quest CompleteAllObjectives or CompleteQuest Complete current quest GetQuestCompleted Reset current quest ResetQuest Toggle Power Armor use setpccanusepowerarmor [0 or 1] Sets Tag Skill Points settagskills [number] Permanently set player’s maximum HP player.modav health [number] Turn back into child SetPCYoung Change size of selected object or NPC; default is 1 setscale [-10 to 10] Change player size; 1 = large, -1 =normal player.modScale [-1 or 1] Modify your characters appearance again showracemenu Change your name ShowNameMenu Change gender SexChange Gain one level advlevel Remove player from all factions removefromallfactions Unlock selected door, lock or terminals unlock Activate last locked door needed to be opened from another place activate Set game speed set timescale to [number] Immediately quit game QQQ

Part 1. Escape! You are woken up by Amata who tells you how the situation is. Your father is gone and all the guards are out there looking for you. According to her, your best chance is to make it to the Overseer's office and use her father's secret tunnel to the vault exit. Once you are out of your room, head to the left. After a bit you will encounter Butch. Continue up the stairs, go past Officer Gomez and through the door to the Atrium. When you enter the Atrium you witness the not very successful attempt of two vault dwellers to follow your father's footsteps out of the vault. Go through the door next to the entrance corridor and up to the second level. Follow the signs to the Overseer's Office. After an encounter with the Security Chief you eventually hear the Overseer interrogating his daughter about your whereabouts. You can either get the Overseer's Office Key to enter his office or else pick the lock. There are various ways to get the key such as killing him, pickpocketing him, threatening to hurt Amata if he does not comply or simply finding the key in a locker in his room which is just across the entrance to his office. Once inside the office, log into his computer and open the secret tunnel. The password to the computer is in one of the lockers on the right hand side wall. Follow the tunnel until you reach a door. Use the switch on the right wall in the small room on the other side. Go through the hole in the wall and into the large room, walk past the stairs and use the control pad. Sirens go off and the vault door opens. Amata comes down and says goodbye, followed by a pair of guards trying to kill you. Then you are home free to the Capital Wasteland. Upon leaving the vault, you have a last chance to change your stats, skills, gender and appearance.

Part 2. Following in His Footsteps You are prompted to investigate the nearby town of Megaton for information about dad. Arriving there after a short walk, everybody points you to Moria owner of the local saloon. There are various ways to obtain the information from Moriarty: pay him, steal it from his computer or convince Nova to give you the password, do a quest for him, just to mention a few. Whichever way you choose you finally learn that Dad went to GNR after leaving Megaton. Head to the first Metro Station you can find and follow the quest marker until you arrive at Chevy Chase. Exiting to the surface you will soon encounter Sarah Lyons and her Brotherhood of Steel platoon who are trying to clear out the super-mutants in the vicinity of GNR. Follow the group. You will encounter a Behemot. When the beast is dead, enter the GNR building. Make your way to the top floor, enter Three Dog’s studio and talk to the DJ. To get him to tell you where your father went from here, you have to convince him either with Speech or by doing a quest for him. Either way he will eventually tell you to talk to Dr.Li in Rivet City.

Part 3. Galaxy News Radio Time to talk to Dr. Li in Rivet City. Make your way through the Metro tunnels and follow the quest arrow. Once inside, follow the signs reading "Science Lab" where Madison Li is usually to be found. She provides you with some information on Project Purity and tells you to go look for James at Jefferson Memorial. When you arrive there, enter through the metal door labeled "Gift Shop". Jefferson Memorial, like its surrounding area is infested by super-mutants, so be prepared. Several of Dad's holotapes are scattered in the various levels of the memorial. Tape #10 which is found in the Rotunda, Project Purity's control room, indicates that your father has left for Vault 112 already. Vault 112 is located underneath Smith Casey's Garage. Activating the control switch inside the Garage allows access to a lower level leading directly to the Vault 112 door. Once you step inside, a Robobrain approaches you, insisting that you wear the Vault 112 Jumpsuit it provides you with before asking you to enter a Tranquility Lounger. Continuing downstairs, you find a number of pods in a circle. Open the only one that is not either occupied or broken. Sitting down in the pod will end this quest and begin Tranquility Lane.

Part 4. Scientific Pursuits Time to talk to Dr. Li in Rivet City. Make your way through the Metro tunnels or simply quick-travel (if you have been there before) and once inside, follow the signs reading "Science Lab" where Madison Li is usually to be found. She provides you with some information on Project Purity and tells you to go look for James at Jefferson Memorial. Fortunately, the memorial is just a short walk away. When you arrive there, enter through the metal door labeled "Gift Shop". Jefferson Memorial, like its surrounding area is infested by super-mutants, so be prepared. Several of Dad's holotapes are scattered in the various levels of the memorial which will tell you about the time before your birth and your father's more recent efforts to restart the project. Tape #10 which is found in the Rotunda, Project Purity's control room, indicates that your father has left for Vault 112 already. Vault 112 is located underneath Smith Casey's Garage. Activating the control switch inside the Garage allows access to a lower level leading directly to the Vault 112 door. Once you step inside, a Robobrain approaches you, insisting that you wear the Vault 112 Jumpsuit it provides you with before asking you to enter a Tranquility Lounger. Continuing downstairs, you find a number of pods in a circle. Open the only one that is not either occupied or broken. Sitting down in the pod will end this quest and begin Tranquility Lane.

Part 5. Tranquility Lane Upon entering the pod in Vault 112 at the end of Scientific Pursuits you find yourself in a virtual reality simulation of a pre-war neighborhood called Tranquility Lane. The residents ask you to go play with Betty at the playground in the middle of the area. There are two possibilities to finish this quest: you can either fulfill Betty's wishes, collecting a lot of bad karma along the way, or abort the simulation via the Fail-Safe Terminal. Note: If you talk to Betty she will ask you to complete a series of more and more violent tasks. If you talk to Old Lady Dithers she will give you a task to start a “Chinese Invasion� which will abort the simulation. As soon as the pod opens, James runs up to you and begins a conversation, relaying that he had intended to discuss Project Purity with Braun in an attempt to figure out whether the G.E.C.K. would help making Project Purity succeed but had been duped into entering the simulation. After some dialogue, he says he is returning to Rivet City to meet with Dr. Li and resume the project. You can either join up with him immediately or meet him up with him at Rivet City's Science Lab later.

Part 6. The Waters of Life When you arrive at Rivet City's Science Lab, James convinces Dr. Li to reactivate Project Purity. After talking to him he asks you to meet him and the scientists there. Upon arrival, your father asks you to clear the project area of enemy once you have done so, escort him and the other scientists to the control room in the Rotunda. As soon as your father arrives there, he asks you to perform a couple of routine maintenance tasks. When you arrive at the Rotunda, Dr. Li is locked out of the main area, while Janice Kaplinski, James, Colonel Autumn and two Enclave soldiers are locked in. You are forced to watch Autumn execute Janice to get James to give up control of the project and help Enclave scientists get it online. James apparently admits defeat and heads over to the controls but instead of obeying Autumn's orders, he uses the controls to flood the area with radiation, sacrificing himself to kill the soldiers and to prevent the project from falling to the Enclave. Colonel Autumn, however, is merely knocked unconscious. You must then escort Dr. Li and the surviving Scientists through the Taft Tunnels to the Citadel. Killing Enclave soldiers and feral ghouls along the way, you eventually arrive at the end of the tunnel, directly in front of the Citadel. Entering the Brotherhood of Steel stronghold completes the quest.

Part 7. Picking up the Trail Elder Owen Lyons tells you to talk to Scribe Rothchild who might be able to help you. Rothchild sends you to an old Vault-Tec terminal in the Citadel’s A-Ring where you find out that Vault 87 received such a device. He hints there might be an alternative way to get into the vault. This way is through the nearby Lamplight Caverns. Entering the caverns, you are eventually stopped by Mayor MacCready at the gates of Little Lamplight. Once you are allowed to enter Little Lamplight, there are two ways to proceed to Vault 87: Survive Murder Pass: You must speak with Mayor MacCready or Princess to have the gate to Murder Pass opened. Kill the Super mutants along the way and you eventually arrive at the vault entrance. Hack the back door: Mayor MacCready tells you that there is a door in the Great Chamber that does not open. This happens to be a back door to Vault 87. You can hack the computer terminal once Joseph has restored its power. Both doors lead to the same area in the vault.

Part 8. Finding the Garden of Eden Once inside Vault 87 you find yourself confronted with more Super mutants. The way through the vault is fairly linear, simply keep going until you arrive at the Test Labs. Here you eventually encounter an imprisoned Super Mutant called Fawkes who wants to talk via intercom. If you do so, Fawkes offers to retrieve the Garden of Eden Creation Kit from the irradiated halls above in exchange for freedom. The radiation level around the G.E.C.K. storage room is indeed very high, leaving you with the options to either free Fawkes and have him retrieve the device or maximize your Radiation resistance and try to get it yourself. The room with the G.E.C.K. can be found by going left from Fawkes' cell. If you release him, he leads you there and engages the remaining enemies; otherwise, you will have to go there on your own. A locked room just upstairs holds various equipment such as a Radiation Suit which comes in handy when you are trying to retrieve the G.E.C.K. yourself. Once you are in possession of the G.E.C.K., make your way back down to the previously locked door. As a reward for your effort, you are now ambushed by a contingent of Enclave soldiers who take you and the G.E.C.K. to Raven Rock, the Enclave's main base in the Capital Wasteland.

Part 9. The American Dream You wake up in a cell at Raven Rock where Colonel Autumn interrogates you with the goal of f inding out the access code to Project Purity. He is interrupted by President Eden who releases you and asks you to meet him. Exiting your cell, you meet an Enclave officer who lets you go if you pass a Speech, Strength or Charisma check. Even if you pass one of the checks, you are only temporarily left alone by the Enclave personnel as Autumn eventually invalidates the President's orders and tells everybody to attack you. Keep killing the Enclave soldiers and follow your quest marker until you arrive at a room with two Sentry Bots, still under command of Eden, who finish off the two Enclave guards. You enter a room with a long staircase, at the top of which you encounter President Eden - who might not be exactly like you imagined. Eden informs you of his plan to "cleanse" the Capital Wasteland of the mutation and disease which has gripped it by using a modified version of the FEV virus to kill any mutated or irradiated beings living in the Wasteland. When you leave Raven Rock you meet Fawkes who is taking care of some Enclave soldiers. If you have positive karma, you have the option of asking him to join you. Make your way back to the Citadel where you walk in on a meeting of Elder Lyons, Scribe Rothchild and Lyons' Pride

Part 10. (Final part.). Take it Back! Time to take back Alaska from those rotten commies - that's what the giant robot paving your way seems to believe at least. After your return from Raven Rock, the Brotherhood of Steel decides it has to take Jefferson Memorial back from the Enclave, especially since the G.E.C.K. is now in their opponent's possession. Fortunately, Scribe Rothchild and Dr. Li have managed to reactivate Liberty Prime just in time. Following in its footsteps, Lyons' Pride and you are to assault Jefferson Memorial in hopes of regaining control over Project Purity. Simply follow the robot and watch it lay waste to the Enclave troops, their force fields and Vertibirds. All you have to do is take care of the occasional enemy who manages to escape the wrath of Liberty Prime and the Lyons' Pride until you arrive at the Memorial. Fight the soldiers here and go inside. After making your way to the control room, you encounter Colonel Autumn whom you can either kill or make leave by passing a Speech check. Sweet victory! Or not... Dr. Li informs you that Project Purity sustained damage during the assault and needs to be activated immediately, otherwise it is going to explode. Unfortunately, whoever activates it is apparently not going to survive. In case you have not figured out the activation code yet, it's 2-1-6-Enter (Revelation 21:6 is your mother's favorite bible verse).

Well, that’s about it. You have now finished the main story for Fallout 3, there is still alot to explore, so get out there in the wastes and build your own future.

DogMeat The player can have a maximum party of three, consisting of himself/herself, Dogmeat, and a single NPC. In addition to having Dogmeat in your party you are able to send him out on his own to search for items such as ammo and medicine.

Dogmeat can be killed during the game if the player misuses him or places him in a severely dangerous situations such as leading him into the Deathclaw Sanctuary. DogMeat can not be replaced unless you buy the Broken steel add on, in which you can choose a perk allowing you to recruit Dogmeat’s puppies, but if the player kills Dogmeat he can acquire two followers. In the PC version of the game, Dogmeat can then be resurrected via console commands and will continue with the player unaffected. The players party can further be extended, with several temporary quest NPCs that will stay with them until the quest related to the NPC is completed, if their quest is never completed however, many will stay permanently with the player until killed.

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