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Yom Hashoah commemoration is April 8 BY JUDITH L. STANDER On Sunday, April 8, at 2 pm, the Jewish Federation of Central New will host the 2018 Yom Hashoah Memorial Observance at Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas. It will begin with a commemoration program created and led by the Rabbinical Council of Syracuse, whose members include Chair Rabbi Paul Drazen, Rabbi Irvin Beigel, Rabbi Leah Fein, Rabbi Daniel Fellman, Rabbi Daniel Jezer, Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone and Rabbi Evan Shore. Area cantors will also participate

in the program and include Cantor Francine Berg, Cantor Kari Siegel Eglash, Ba’alat Tefillah Esa Jaffe, Cantor Robert Lieberman, Cantor Marvin Moskowitz and Cantor Paula Pepperstone. Alan Goldberg, chair of the Yom Hashoah Planning Committee, said, “Each year we come together as a community to remember the Shoah and to remember our obligation to transmit the legacy and lessons of the Shoah to the next generation. This year we will explore the legacy of the Shoah through the eyes of the second

and third generation children and grandchildren of survivors.” Yellow memorial candles will be available for every person attending the event to light before sitting down. Attendees are encouraged to light one of these candles in memory of people destroyed during the Holocaust. One does not have to have known a victim or even be a relative to light a candle. Lighting them has been called a symbol of remembrance for those lost in the Shoah. In addition, the traditional lighting of

Federation to start Hebrew Interest-free Loan Program of CNY BY BETTE SIEGEL In 2017, the Jewish Federation of Central New York board voted unanimously to institute a pilot program to benefit the Jewish community in Central New York. Called the Hebrew Interest-free Loan Program of CNY, its mission is to offer small interest-free loans to Jewish community members at least 18 years old, who have lived in the Central New York area for at least six months or who have moved to the area for employment. The goal of the loan is to help people

with “life’s ups and downs,” such as camp fees, school tuition, medical expenses, car expenses or any purpose deemed legitimate by the committee. The maximum amount of the loan is $4,000, with repayment due within two years. President/CEO Michael Balanoff said, “Although this is a new program, it is also one of Federation’s oldest programs, as it goes back to Federation’s roots 100 years ago, when it was called the Syracuse Jewish Welfare Federation.At that time, loans were made available to new arrivals to help them get started in their new life

From our families to yours, have a happy and healthy Passover!

here. The interest-free loan program exists in many communities around the country and has been met with great success. We hope it is as successful in Syracuse.” Funds for the program will not come from Federation’s Campaign, but from its reserves. Unless otherwise stated, to qualify for a loan, an applicant must be employed and/or have other sources of income, such as government assistance or retirement income, sufficient to service the loan. Hebrew Interest-free Loan Program of CNY Committee Chair Steven Volinsky said, “We were able to lay the groundwork for this program with the help of leaders from Hebrew Interest-free Loan Programs of Buffalo, Detroit, Los Angeles, Portland and Milwaukee. Our program will be modeled closely after the Buffalo program. We are so excited that Central New York will offer this wonderful program. The committee is to be commended for its hard work in launching this program. Supporting one another, we can ensure the strength and vitality of our community.” Applications can be obtained through the Federation website,

other memorial candles will take place during the program. Individuals identified as survivors and liberators will be invited to light a candle to remember and honor those lost during the Shoah. Candles will also be lit by members of the Central New York community to ensure that the memories of those lost be preserved. During the program portion of this Yom Hashoah memorial observance, individuals from the community will share their reflections on their experiences visiting some of the most notorious sites of the Holocaust – not only what they saw, but what they learned and felt as they carry forward the legacy of always remembering the Holocaust. For more information, contact Judith Stander at 315-445-0161, ext. 114, or

2018 Federation Annual Campaign For more information, contact Colleen Baker at 315-445-2040, ext. 102, or

Goal: $1,300,000



as of March 26, 2018


March 30......................... 7:11 pm.................................................. Parasha-Passover March 31................ after 8:12 pm...............................................................Paassover April 5.............................. 7:18 pm.................................................................Passover April 6.............................. 7:19 pm.................................................. Parasha-Passover April 13............................ 7:27 pm...................................................Parasha-Shemini


Congregational notes

JCC summer camp

Oswego Opera Theater will Local synagogues announce Registration for the Sam Pomeranz present the children’s opera upcoming talks, concerts, dinners JCC’s 2018 Camp Joe and Lynne and more for all ages. “Brundibar” on April 14. Romano has begun. Stores on page 4 Story on page 3 Story on page 7

PLUS Healthcare Greetings............. 7 Personal Greetings..............8-9 Classifieds...............................11 Obituaries................................11



All dressed up for JCC Purim Carnival fun

BY ANKUR DANG Several children dressed as Micky Mouse, Wonder Woman, a jellyfish and Princess Jasmine stood in the popcorn line waiting for their turn. Behind them, a goblin was debating with Albert Einstein about the shape of his lens-less glasses. A little further away, a laughing-withtears-of-joy emoji was hunting for her lost tickets – tickets she would use to claim prizes for the carnival games she had won. Meanwhile, as Batman offered her some of his tickets, a jellyfish moved ahead in the queue and got herself a bag of hot, buttered popcorn. All of this happened in a matter of minutes and was but a tiny slice of the “action and fun” that took place during the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s annual Purim Carnival on March 4. “That was so nice of him,” said Isabella Weinberg, the emoji, as she happily counted the new tickets she had received from Batman. A few feet away, Ephraim Lezak was smiling at the little girl’s enthusiasm. “That’s my favorite costume this year,” he said. “A girl with a happy face wearing

a happy face.” Lezak, who was wearing a maroon and gold sombrero, said that this was his way of spreading joy and gladness on the holiday of Purim – though he conceded that a child wearing a smile as a costume beats pretty much everything else. “Do you know why we dress up on Purim?” he asked Weinberg after she was informed that Lezak loved her costume. “Erm… no,” she answered with a shy smile. She knew the story of Purim with Queen Esther, Mordechai and Haman. But now she was about to find out the reason behind the costumes. “Have you noticed that in the entire story of Purim, God is never directly mentioned?” Lezak asked her. “But even then, we know that God is present in the story. It’s just that sometimes, He helps people in a hidden way. Purim is about knowing that even though we don’t see God, He is the one running the world and keeping us safe and happy. We dress up in costumes on Purim to celebrate the hidden ways in which God helps us.” While Weinberg chose her emoji costume because it was fun, other children’s costumes reflected their parents’ interests. Ian Hendricks, 9, and his brother Aaron

Isabella Weinberg, aka laughing-withtears-of-joy emoji (which is pinned to the back of her shirt), had a teardrop painted on her cheek by volunteer Peri Lowenstein. Hendricks, 6, were dressed up as Star Wars characters, a fandom their father adores. While Ian was a stormtrooper, Aaron was the X-wing fighter pilot Poe Dameron. Aaron’s favorite character in Star Wars is Luke Skywalker. He’s proud of that fact and has absolutely no shame in admitting it. But for Ian, the query about his favorite character was a tough question to answer. After much coaxing from his father and his younger brother, he mumbled, “Princess Leia.”

Ian’s hesitation was understandable because Princess Leia is a woman. He was afraid that he would be mocked if he admitted it; but even then, he said that she was the reason why he chose to dress up in a Star Wars costume. “She is brave like Queen Esther,” Ian said softly, but surely. “And Purim’s about her. That’s why Aaron and I chose Star Wars costumes. Obviously, we couldn’t dress up like Princess Leia. But we could do other people from Star Wars, so we did.” Other characters spotted at the carnival included Br’er Rabbit, Tinkerbell, Cinderella, Superman, Goldilocks and Daisy Duck. Children and adults alike joined in the festivities and had their faces painted before allowing the carnival caricaturist to draw them. For the more serious and academically-inclined, there was a book sale with hundreds of rare and classic titles offered at reasonable prices – and that was the next stop for many of the fairies and elves after claiming their prizes from the prize room set up in the JCC’s lounge. For instance, Weinberg had her eyes on a copy of folk See “Purim” on page 6

How Palestinian votes in municipal elections may change the face of Jerusalem BY ISRAEL KASNETT (JNS) – At the center of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute has been the city of Jerusalem. Since Israel united its divided parts in 1967, the ancient city has seen a “remarkable shift” toward modernity with infrastructure upgrades and a thriving economy. Yet at the same time, the predominately Arab eastern half of the city has largely been cut off from these upgrades – and their resulting successes – because of complex political and nationalist motives. Under Israeli jurisdiction, some 350,000 Palestinian residents of eastern Jerusalem receive certain civilian, welfare, health and municipal services. They carry blue identity cards, but are not eligible for an Israeli passport and have no voting rights for the Knesset. They can, however, vote in Jerusalem’s municipal elections. In recent years, only 1 percent to 2 percent of this population has participated in municipal elections. However, with a stalled peace process, Palestinian Authority intransigence and rising frustration with Palestinian political parties in Jerusalem, experts for the first time are seeing a shift in Palestinian participation in Jerusalem. Professor Dan Miodownik, director of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, discussed the status of Palestinians living in eastern Jerusalem in a conversation with JNS, emphasizing that “one important qualifier is that they are not Israeli Arabs, and they are not Israeli citizens. They are Palestinian residents of the city of Jerusalem. They are different than the Arabs who live in Nazareth or Haifa. This is important to understand since this is what makes this population quite distinct. They view themselves as living under occupation since 1967, yet they do have a right that other Palestinians do not have.” Recently, Miodownik conducted a poll in Jerusalem that gauged the interest of Palestinian residents in voting in the upcoming Jerusalem municipal elections and found that 58 percent of respondents appeared to support the idea. “The wording of the poll is vague,” he emphasized. “Nowhere in the poll does it

say that they will participate. They don’t say: ‘Yes, I will participate in elections.’ This doesn’t mean that if there were elections tomorrow, such a great number of eastern Jerusalem residents would vote, but it does reflect an undercurrent that is quite visible and already pronounced in eastern Jerusalem, where there is growing interest in taking control of their own lives, perhaps through participation in elections. You hear these voices in civil society, but it doesn’t mean they will actually vote.” Dr. David Koren, advisor to Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat on East Jerusalem Arab affairs, told JNS that “a lot has changed. ...In recent years, they see Barkat looking to eastern Jerusalem, spending more of the budget there,” he said. “Eastern Jerusalem Arabs are also identifying more with Israeli Arabs and are looking to become more affiliated with them than previously. They work more in Western Jerusalem, and there seems to be a process taking place in schools by which they are moving from a Palestinian curriculum to an Israeli curriculum. From the point of view of their identity, they are closer to the Arabs of Judea and Samaria than they are to those in Nazareth. “So there is a possibility that in the next election, the numbers of those voting will be higher,” stated Koren. “Not a big possibility, but we may see a small growth in the numbers.” Asked if Palestinians living in eastern Jerusalem are undergoing a process of normalization with Israel, Koren said, “I am not sure there is enough proof there, but it is a possibility. Perhaps some Palestinians believe voting will bear more fruit than sticking with the Palestinian Authority.” “AN EXPRESSION OF PROTEST” Miodownik noted a number of reasons why Palestinians may not vote. “The strongest and most accurate phrase you can use here is ‘anti-normalization sentiment.’ In a way, for average Palestinians in eastern Jerusalem who receive benefits, politically and culturally, they do not want to participate because it would be seen as an act of normalization with Israel.” On the flip side, Miodownik said “if Palestinians do indeed participate in

About the cover

This year’s Passover cover was designed by Jenn DePersis, production coordinator of the Jewish Observer.

greater numbers in elections, voting for an Arab candidate, it could be considered an expression of protest on their part,” adding that “it is hard to imagine that Palestinians will vote without a normative push from the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah.” Koren surmised that “if the Palestinian Authority will say ‘do what you want,’ then there can be a growth in the number of voters. Alternatively, the Palestinian Authority could threaten against voting. “Ultimately,” he said, “the influence of the Palestinian Authority is the most defining factor.” Asked if he felt a focus on improving the Palestinian’s economic situation would change anti-Israel sentiment, Miodownik demurred, saying “it should not lead us to believe that this will change their position, but Israel and the Jerusalem municipality

of Central New York

Syracuse Office

Bette Siegel Syracuse Editor Publisher Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Ellen Weinstein Chair of the Board Michael Balanoff Federation President/CEO Alan Goldberg Vice President for Communications Editorial 5655 Thompson Rd. DeWitt, NY 13214

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still have a responsibility to concern themselves with eastern Jerusalem’s residents.” MORE DEMANDS WILL NEED TO BE MET Professor Efraim Inbar, president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic Studies, sees Jerusalem becoming a changed city if Palestinians vote – for better and for worse. He told JNS that “Barkat diverted funds to eastern Jerusalem and inserted a greater police presence there so Palestinians there certainly feel Israeli sovereignty as a result.” More classrooms and parks are being built, and services are slowly being brought up to standards seen in other areas in Jerusalem. Inbar welcomed the municipality’s efforts to unify the city, as well as the Palestinian recognition of this fact. “We should recognize that the See “Vote” on page 9

All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper. THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published 24 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions: $36/year; student $10/ year. POST MASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214.

The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

MARCH 29, 2018/13 NISAN 5778 ■




“Brundibar” – a children’s opera about hope

BY MARILYNN SMILEY Oswego Opera Theater will present the children’s opera “Brundibar” on Saturday, April 14, at 7:30 pm, and Sunday, April 15, at 2 pm, at the Church of the Resurrection, 120 West Fifth St., in Oswego, NY. “Brundibar” is an opera about hope and the triumph of good over evil. Written in 1938 by the Czech composer Hans Krasa, it was first performed in Prague. In July 1943, the score was smuggled into the Terezin concentration camp, where Krasa re-orchestrated it for the instruments available in the camp. The opera

became popular in Terezin because of the “memorable” music and the opera’s allegorical meaning. The last of 55 performances took place in September 1944, after which the mass transportations of Jews from Terezin to Auschwitz began. Organizers feel that “Brundibar” is especially significant for the Central New York area because of Oswego’s history as the only city in the United States that was a safe haven for Holocaust refugees. The opera cast will be local students ranging in age from 7-17. The orchestra, conducted by Juan F. LaManna,

faculty member at SUNY Oswego and artistic director of the Oswego Opera Theater, includes members of the Oswego Community Youth Orchestra, community musicians and college students. Lyndsie Jones, who is well-known in the area in children’s theater, is the stage director and Mihoko Tsutsumi, director of choral music at SUNY Oswego and the Oswego Youth Conservatory, is the vocal coach. Tickets are available at Wayne Drug, the river’s end bookstore in Oswego and at the door. There is a cost to attend, with a discount for students.

The Longhouse Council Boy Scouts of America to honor Arnie and Libby Rubenstein BY BARBARA SHEKLIN DAVIS The Longhouse Council Boy Scouts of America will honor Arnie and Libby Rubenstein at the 50th anniversary of its annual BOYPOWER fund-raising event on

Wednesday, May 2, from 6-9 pm, at the War Memorial in downtown Syracuse. The guest speaker will be former heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman. The Longhouse Council BSA serves six counties in Central

Jewish Federation of Central New York thanks law enforcement BY BETTE SIEGEL In recent years, reported hate incidents have increased. The Jewish Federation of Central New York, together with law enforcement Counterterrorism Zones 6, 7 and 8, the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office and Hamilton College Campus Safety, collaborated to provide a briefing from a senior investigative researcher with the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism and a national security advisor from the Secure Community Network. The briefing for law enforcement personnel took place on March 12 at Onondaga Community College, with more than 75 different law enforcement agencies in attendance. Having presented before numerous law enforcement/ public safety audiences, the ADL speaker covered the latest information on the various sub-movements found under the title of white supremacy, including racist skinheads, neo-Nazis, antisemites, traditional white supremacists, the alt-right, white supremacist prison gangs and Christian Identity. The training focused on symbols and codes used by white supremacist groups See “Law” on page 11

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and Northern New York, with more than 4,500 registered youth members. More than 1,000 people are expected to attend the ceremony. The Rubensteins are being honored for their long-time commitment to scouting, as well as their community involvement. Arnold Rubenstein served as CEO of United Radio Service for 17 years until his retirement in 2003. A lifelong resident of Syracuse, he received his bachelor of science in electrical engineering from Syracuse University and served in Germany on active duty with the United States Air Force. He served on the Syracuse Israel Bond Committee, See “Scouts” on page 8



Deadlines for all articles and photos for the Jewish Observer are as follows. No exceptions will be made.


Jewish Federation of Central New York Security Liaison Susan DeMari received an Eagle Award from the Department of Justice from United States Attorney for the Northern District of New York Grant C. Jacquith “in appreciation from her friends and colleagues at the Office for the Northern District of New York and the people of the United States of America.”


Wednesday, March 28....................... April 12 Wednesday, April 11......................... April 26 Wednesday, April 25...........................May 10 Wednesday, May 9..............................May 24

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CONGREGATIONAL NOTES Temple Concord SCHOLAR SERIES PRESENTS “HITLER IN LOS ANGELES” AUTHOR STEVEN ROSS BY CHANA MEIR Steven J. Ross, author of “Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews Foiled Nazi and Fascist Plots Against Hollywood and America,” will be the next speaker in Temple Concord’s Scholar Series on Sunday, April 8, at 11 am. Ross writes that Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels “saw Hollywood as central to their efforts to win over the American public and the world to their cause,” and that Nazis in Los Angeles planned terrorist attacks against Jews and assassinations of Hollywood stars, including Charlie Chaplin, Samuel Goldwyn and Al Jolson. “Hitler in Los Angeles” is the story of how Leon Lewis, a World War I vet and a founder of the Anti-Defamation League, recruited fellow veterans and others as a spy ring to foil the Nazis’ plans. Ross was researching a previous book, “Hollywood Left and Right: How Movie Stars Shaped American Politics,” when he happened upon the material that he turned into the current one. “I knew there was an incredible story,” he told The New York Times. “It’s what every historian dreams about: an important story no one has ever told before.” Ross is a history professor at the University of Southern California and director of the Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life. In addition to being a Pulitzer Prize nominee, he has received numerous honors, including the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences’ Film Scholar Award and the Theater Library Association Book Award. His books have been recommended by The New York Times Book Review and the Los Angeles Times, and his op-ed pieces appear frequently in national newspapers. Scholar Series events are free and open to the public. Donations are welcome. For more information, contact the TC office at 315475-9952 or

GOLDENBERG SERIES PRESENTS LEMOYNE JAZZUITS BY CHANA MEIR LeMoyne College’s Jazzuits will return to Temple Concord as part of the Regina F. Goldenberg Series on Tuesday, April 10, at 7 pm. Founded in 2004, the Jazzuits is an audition-based vocal jazz group under the direction of Carol Jacobe. The group performs songs from the Great American Songbook, and past performances have included tributes to Broadway, Billy Joel, Carole King and Disney movie music. In addition to being very active on the LeMoyne campus, the Jazzuits have participated in jazz festivals and workshops, college festivals and in the community. Goldenberg Series events are free and open to the public. Donations are welcome. For more information, contact the TC office at 315-475-9952 or TC BROTHERHOOD PRESENTS SU PROFESSOR ON “ISRAEL AT 70: PROSPECTS FOR PEACE” During the week of Israel’s 70th birthday, award-winning author and Syracuse Associate Professor Miriam Elman will present “Israel at 70: Prospects for Peace” on Sunday, April 15, at 9:30 am, at the TC Brotherhood meeting. Elman is associate professor of political science at Syracuse University. She specializes in international relations, international and national security, Middle East, Israel studies, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, BDS and antisemitism, academic freedom and free speech. Alox and bagels breakfast will be served. The event is free and is open to the public. GAN FOR TODDLERS A program filled with art, movement and stories about Israel will be held for toddlers ages 2-5 at Temple Concord on Sunday, April 15, at 10:30 am. The program is open to the public and attendees are encouraged to bring along children, grandchildren, family and little friends. Call the TC office at 315-475-9952 for more information.

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE JOEY WEISENBERG Joey Weisenberg is coming to Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas the weekend of April 27. Friday evening will begin at 5:45 pm with participants singing nigunim to warm up for Kabbalat Shabbat, which Weisenberg will also lead. During a CBS-CS Sisterhood-catered Shabbat dinner, he will also lead z’mirot (Shabbat table songs). On Saturday morning, he will present the d’var Torah, lead Musaf (in a new way), and then lead a lunch and learn based on his new Jewish Book Award-winning book, “The Torah of Music.” Saturday afternoon and evening, CBS-CS will host a kosher potluck for seudah shlishit (the third and final meal of Shabbat), and singing to bring Shabbat to a close, and then have a melaveh malkah concert, which means to “escort the queen” (i.e. Shabbat) and is an “extension of the beauty, joy and rest of Shabbat” accompanied by music. On Sunday morning, Weisenberg will lead a workshop focusing on davening leader skills and ideas. It will be open to the public. CBS-CS Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone said, “When a community gathers with strong davening leadership, it creates space for everyone to come together as a spontaneous choir; it is electrifying. Singing together is good for the soul and it is good for the community.” Reservations for the Sisterhood dinner on April 27 must be made by Friday, April 13, via e-mail to The Saturday kosher potluck is a cold dairy meal. While the ingredients may be prepared (chopped, mixed, etc.) on Shabbat, participants are requested not to cook any ingredients during Shabbat. The potluck policy may be found at cbscs. org/kosher or by e-mailing the CBS-CS

rabbi at for any kashrut questions. Reservations are requested and may be made by contacting Congregational Services Manager Daryl Weiss at KOSHER FOR PASSOVER LUNCH ON THURSDAY, APRIL 5 It has become a CBS-CS tradition to have a kosher Pesach lunch with hot buffet and dessert bar at the Syracuse University Hillel during the holiday. To sign up for the lunch on Thursday, April 5, at 11:30 am, contact Manager of Congregational Services Daryl Weiss at UNITED SYNAGOGUE YOUTH VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY The CBS-CS chapter of United Synagogue Youth will volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House on Sunday, April 15, at 4 pm, for a late afternoon of tikkun olam. Members will make dinner for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. Contact CBS-CS Program Director Melissa Harkavy at to sign up by Thursday, April 5. KADIMA Heather Engelman will lead “Kadima Corner” in a program titled “Up, Up and Away! Superheroes and Judaism” on Sunday, April 15, at 2 pm. The afternoon will consist of a discussion of Jews and superheroes. CBS-CS Program Director Melissa Harkavy said, “From creators to creation stories and other story lines, the connections go deeper than sneaking comic books inside siddurim.” For more information, contact Harkavy at director@ SISTERHOOD’S ANNUAL TORAH FUND DINNER The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will hold its annual Women’s League Torah Fund donor

See “CBS-CS” on page 9

Temple Adath Yeshurun

Noah Mowers volunteered to help the TAY Sisterhood bake dozens of hamantashen for its annual Purim hamantashen sale.

Hannah Grabowsky held up her Purim puppets at TAY’s religious school.

Temple Adath Yeshurun Hazak hosted a panel discussion featuring representatives from Sarah’s Guest House and Syracuse Jewish Family Service’s M-Power-U program on March 11. L-r: TAY member Iris Evans; SJFS representatives Ellen Somers and Gary Steffen; TAY members Betty Lamb and Dolores Bluman; and Renee McCaffrey from Sarah’s Guest House.

MARCH 29, 2018/13 NISAN 5778 ■


Federation at 100 – “Facing our Future” – 1988-1998 BY BARBARA SHEKLIN DAVIS Editor’s note: To mark this milestone, we are printing a series of 10 articles highlighting each decade of the Federation’s work with and for the community. We hope you enjoy this look backward as we continue to work to ensure a thriving future. In 1980, the Federation’s executive director stated: “The single most significant fact about Jewish Federations is that they are voluntary bodies, created In the late 1980s and early ‘90s, Federation members traveled on missions and perpetuated by volunteers to the nation’s capital to discuss priorities with legislative leaders and lobby who determine their philosophy, on behalf of issues important to the Jewish community.

Senator DeFrancisco recognizes the Jewish Federation of Central New York for marking its 100th anniversary On March 8, State Senator John A. DeFrancisco (R-I-C, Syracuse) recognized the Jewish Federation of Central New York for marking its 100th anniversary this year. He presented a New York State Senate Legislative Resolution to Jewish Federation of CNY President/CEO Michael Balanoff and Chair of the Board Ellen Weinstein at his district office in Syracuse. State Senator David Valesky (D-Oneida) also participated in the presentation. The Jewish Federation of Central New York is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation established in 1918. It serves the interests and well-being of the Central New York Jewish community. At right, l-r: State Senator David Valesky, Jewish Federation of CNY Chair of the Board Ellen Weinstein, State Senator John DeFrancisco and JFCNY President/ CEO Michael Balanoff.

objectives and programs. It is a trusteeship which acts on behalf of a group of contributors and is accountable to its supporting public. Our concerns encompass the total Jewish community and our responsibility is to the welfare and security of every Jew in Syracuse.” Federation’s 70th year coincided with the 40th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel. To mark the occasion, Federation sponsored IsraFest, a day-long series of events emphasizing the remarkable accomplishments of the Israeli people. Exhibits, dancing, games, videos, a sampling of Israeli foods, songs and more were designed to acknowledge the courage and hard work, the faith and determination that over four decades served to build the vibrant, but beleaguered state of Israel. Federation’s Young Leadership program underwrote missions to Israel, believing that a Mission to Israel was one of the most important experiences every member of the Jewish community could have. The goal of the missions was to make the history, beauty, tastes, sounds, current events, magic and wonder of Israel come alive for participants. Federation members themselves traveled on missions to the nation’s capital to discuss priorities with legislative leaders and lobby on behalf of issues important to the Jewish community. They learned from leading analysts, See “Federation” on page 8

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center senior dining menu APRIL 2-6 Monday-Friday – closed for Passover APRIL 9-13 Monday – teriyaki crispy baked chicken wings Tuesday – spinach cheese quiche Wednesday – hamburger with sautéed onion Thursday – spaghetti and meatballs Friday – apricot glazed chicken The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center



offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served Monday through Friday at noon. Lunch reservations are required by noon on the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For further information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 445-2360, ext. 104, or

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Kids Yoga class for preschoolers starts April 10 the essence of yoga, which means…” “Together,” Hannah Grabowsky, 5, shouted out happily, completing Langstaff’s sentence during a Kids Yoga class held in February. She has taken the yoga class before and said she is excited to join it again. “I like yoga because it makes me healthy and strong – and I can do this,” she added as she rolled herself onto her stomach and reached to hold her ankles from across her back. “Very good, Hannah,” Langstaff said. “That is very nice.” For Langstaff, yoga is more than just a type of exercise, more than just strength,

BY ANKUR DANG The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program will offer Kids Yoga classes for preschool children on Tuesdays starting April 10 from 1:15-2 pm. The class is open to children between 3 and 5 years of age and will run through May 1. It will be taught by Bridget Langstaff, an experienced yoga instructor specializing in children’s yoga. “Starting yoga at an early age allows kids to get in tune with their body and to respect its needs,” said Langstaff. “That’s At right: Nicholas Centolella (right) was all business while holding a yoga pose as his classmate Zypora Lacirignola (far left) looked on during a Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center Kids Yoga class in February. Hannah Grabowsky is in the rear.


Model Matzah Factory BY LORI TENENBAUM Students from the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse Early Childhood Development Program and the Syracuse Hebrew Day School had an immersive experience on how matzah is made in preparation for Passover. Fund-

balance, and physical well-being. She believes that it also allows children to build concentration, understand mindfulness and learn about concepts such as contentment in everyday life. Registration for Kids Yoga will continue through the class start date. Spots are limited and early registration is recommended. Children do not need to be enrolled in the JCC’s Early Childhood Program and JCC membership is not required, although JCC members receive a discount. For more information, call the JCC’s Early Childhood Program at 315-4452040, ext. 120, or visit Continued from page 2

tales from around the world. Perhaps she would be back after playing one last round of the spill-the-milk game. In the Anne and Hy Miller Family Auditorium, Esther’s Café drew a steady stream of hungry visitors seeking a variety of home-cooked kosher offerings. The JCC’s Purim Carnival is the cen-

ter’s largest indoor community event held each year. “This year’s carnival was another delightful day filled with food, fun and happy families,” said Marci Erlebacher, JCC of Syracuse executive director. “It’s a wonderful thing to be able to open our doors to the community and see everyone having such a good time.”

L-r: Mia Grabowsky, aka Supergirl, and her sister, Hannah Grabowsky, aka Wonder Woman, showed off their Purim Carnival costumes.

L-r: Dressed as Star Wars characters, Aaron Hendricks, a stormtrooper, and his older brother Ian Hendricks, the X-wing fighter pilot Poe Dameron.

ed by a Phil Holstein grant through the Jewish Federation of Central New York, Rabbi Yaakov Rapoport and several of his colleagues taught children the entire process of making a matzah for Passover – from grinding grains of wheat to eating a freshly-baked handmade matzah.

At right: Jewish Federation of Central New York President/ CEO Michael Balanoff with first and second grade Syracuse Hebrew Day School students at the Model Matzah Factory held at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse.

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The crowd in the JCC Neulander Family Sports and Fitness Center’s Schayes Family Gymnasium during the Center’s March 4 Purim Carnival.

Happy Passover! A place where everyone belongs.

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MARCH 29, 2018/13 NISAN 5778 ■


JCC summer camp registration happening now BY WILLIAM WALLAK Registration for the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center’s 2018 Camp Joe and Lynne Romano has begun. The JCC’s summer day camp for children and teens will run weekdays for eight weeks from June 25 through August 17. Camp Romano will once again offer a variety of adventurous and enriching programs so campers can establish lasting friendships, gain experience “by doing” and “have loads of fun” all summer long. Last year’s JCC summer camp season was “very successful.” Organizers confirmed that “hundreds of campers, ranging in age from infants to school-age children to teens, had a blast making friends and memories to last a lifetime.” Camp enrollment is broken out into three different age groups. The early childhood camp is for children 6-weeks-old through entering kindergarten; school-age camp is open to children entering grades one through six; and the SyraCruisin’ teen travel camp is for young

Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center camp counselors and campers prepared for the JCC Camp Joe and Lynne Romano school-age camp’s opening circle on the first day of summer camp 2017. The 2018 JCC Camp Romano season will run from June 25 through August 17.

teens entering grades seven-10. All the JCC’s camps are held at the JCC in DeWitt, except for scheduled off-site field trips, overnights and certain off-site specialty camps. In all cases, however, the camp day will begin and end at the JCC. Early and late care options are available for all campers. This summer, the JCC is again looking forward to offering its Yachad (meaning “all together” in Hebrew) inclusion program for school-age children with special needs. The program seeks to create a sense of community among participants of all abilities by utilizing additional support staff and making necessary accommodations. There will be no additional cost to enroll qualified children in the Yachad program, provided the JCC’s grant funding is approved again this year. Current JCC membership or program enrollment is not necessary for a child to attend Camp Romano; however, JCC members receive a discount. Early registration is See “Camp” on page 11

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Continued from page 5

thinkers, scientists and political and military figures, as well as getting an inside look at how Federation implements its goal of uniting and caring for Jews around the world. A rally in Syracuse to display solidarity with Soviet Jewry drew 500 attendees. A political scientist and Soviet scholar told the audience that “the status of a population like the Jews – who have historically been scapegoats – is so uncertain that it would be in the best interest of that population to leave.” But despite success in the political and social arena, as the 20th century drew to a close, the Federation found itself in a difficult situation. The American Jewish community had changed. Increasingly, assimilation and intermarriage took their toll, and many Jews were uninvolved in Jewish life. They had no desire to use Jewish institutions – even for rites of passage – and had insufficient interest in Jewish causes to contribute money. Burdened with underachieving Campaigns and depleted cash reserves, the Federation and its beneficiary agencies faced severe fiscal and existential challenges. “Downsizing” and “consolidation,” words no one liked to hear, were being used more and more often. In 1995, a group of Jewish community leaders from Federation, agencies, synagogues and other community groups began a multistage process to try to understand the new Jewish community ethos, collect data on community priorities, identify issues and establish guidelines and recommen-

Wishing the Syracuse Jewish Community a Happy Passover!

dations for the future. Titled “Facing Our Future,” the group sought as broad a community response as possible. Meeting space in the Onondaga County War Memorial was arranged to accommodate the hundreds of individuals who came to participate in three public forums. Four task forces were established on community cooperation and coordination; Jewish identity and continuity; growing older; and Jewish youth. Issues raised included community finances; fund-raising; Jewish education, including religious schools and the day school; the potential for collaboration in programming and facility usage; social service needs; service delivery; the possibilities of reducing duplication of services; the availability of physical and mental health services; Jewish residential services; etc. The information that was gathered was consolidated, reviewed and discussed over many months; and a final series of recommendations was made to all Jewish community agencies, organizations and synagogues. The “Facing Our Future” final report stated that “for one of the rare times in the life of our community, we have been given an opportunity and the responsibility to effect the kinds of changes that will carry us into our future and the future of our children. The choice is ours, whether we fall prey to our own past defensiveness and fears or, instead move forward, carried on by new and promising ideals which will both help to secure and strengthen our

May your Passover seder be joyous!

Bonnie Rozen, Advertising Executive

The Beckman Family

Passover Greetings to you and yours

A Joyous Passover To all

Elihu & Iris Cohen

Passover Blessings Steve Stern and Fredda Sacharow

Cantor Francine & Barry Berg Wishing you and your family peace, health and happiness this Pesach Cheryl & Irv Schotz

May you and your family have a joyous Pesach Robin & Neil Goldberg Seth, Leah, Abe, Harry, Shira, Jared, Eliana, Dahya, Adam, Amira, Miriam and Jeremy

May you and Wishing you a your family healthy, happy have a joyous and Pesach peaceful New Year!

community.” The report called for consolidation of staff, reduction of the costs of service and program delivery, and limitation of expenditures in line with revenue. Its proposals sought to combine and realign the delivery of specific services “in the most efficient and effective manner without sacrificing quality and, in some cases, improving quality and expanding services.” As the 20th century became the 21st, the task force stressed that “time is not our ally” and called for the “functional reorganization of our services, without any interruption of their quality.” It was a call to action, emphasizing that with a failure to change “only the innocent and unprotected will be hurt.” Instead, it declared that “our only hope is one of a perpetual leadership which ensures that all the hard work we must start to do today will not go for naught.” Barbara Sheklin Davis is co-author, with Susan B. Rabin, of “A History of the Jewish Community of Syracuse,” published by Arcadia Press. This series of articles is sponsored by Helen Marcum.


Continued from page 3

the advisory board of BOCES, the Better Business Bureau and the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton, NY. He and Libby were active on the Temple Adath Yeshurun PTO, and she has been active with Upstate University Medical Center and many local Jewish organizations. Arnie and Libby Rubenstein They currently belong will be honored by Longhouse to Congregation Beth Council Boy Scouts of America Sholom-Chevra Shas. at the Scouts’ BOYPOWER fundScouting has a raising event. “special place” in the Rubensteins’ lives. Arnie has been involved for most of his life, starting as a Cub Scout in Pack 40, where his mother was a den leader. Scouting was a family affair; his father was scoutmaster of Troop 40, as was his brother, Milton. “It’s been a lifelong thing,” he said. Arnie was also a scoutmaster of Troop 40 and went on to serve on the Council board in various capacities, including as council president. He recalled that “all the synagogues had a Boy Scout troop in the 1940s and ‘50s: Beth El, Temple Adath, Concord. The troops each had 40 to 50 kids. Back then, every single county in the country had a Boy Scout council and we were the Onondaga Council. Over the years, different councils started to merge. Our first merger was with Oswego. Over the years, there were two more mergers, and we are now the Longhouse Council covering six counties.” Libby was a den mother when the Rubensteins’ son Phil was a Cub Scout; Phil later became an Eagle Scout. What Arnie loved about Boy Scouts was the outdoors. “I love camping; I love the woods and the solitude in the woods,” he said. “I can express it almost as a religion. When I’m in the woods alone, I feel very close to God. I want to share that experience with other young people.” Libby appreciated the training, programs and lessons that scouting teaches. “A Scout is taught to be loyal and honest,” she said. “During camping trips, Scouts are taught how to be independent, cooperate and help one another.” She is particularly glad that girls are now accepted into the programs. A highlight of the award ceremony will be the introduction of the first girl in Boy Scouts. Jewish Federation of Central New York President/ CEO Michael Balanoff said, “Libby and Arnie live the values that scouting promotes. They deserve this honor and should be congratulated by everyone for their good work and deeds.” Information about tickets to the ceremony is available by contacting the Longhouse Council at www.cnyscouts. org or 315-463-0201.

Cheryl & Irv Schotz

May the lights of Chanukah Neil andinDebbie Rosenbaum shine your hearts forever

Arnie Rubenstein (at right) receiving the Ner Tamid Award in 1952 from Rabbi Irwin Hyman of Temple Adath and Scoutmaster Nate Meltzer.

MARCH 29, 2018/13 NISAN 5778 ■


Oslo arts festival rejects Israeli choreographers BY JTA STAFF (JTA) — An arts festival focusing on femininity and gender identity in Oslo, Norway, rejected the participation of six Israeli choreographers, saying Israel uses culture to “whitewash” its treatment of the Palestinians. The six Israeli artists who applied to participate in the “Feminine Tripper” festival – Eden Wiseman, Roni


‘Israelization’ process that has been encouraged by the Jerusalem municipality has positive results,” he noted. “To some extent, this willingness to vote is a result of the Palestinian realization that Israel is willing to integrate them, and the political dynamics are not moving in the direction of dividing the city,” explained Inbar. “What is remarkable is not that 58 percent of Palestinians are willing to vote, but that there are Arab communal leaders in the eastern part of the city willing to run on their own


Rotem, Nitzan Lederman, Maayan Cohen Marciano, Adi Shildan and Maia Halter – received copies of a letter from the organizers saying that Israel “uses culture as a form of propaganda to whitewash or justify its regime of occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people.” As a result, wrote organizers Kristiane Nerdrum Bøgwald and Margrete Slettebø, “We cannot with a clear

lists for municipal elections. This is significant since it will lend legitimacy to Israeli rule on this part of the city. “On the other hand,” he warned, “greater Palestinian participation means there will be more demands that will need to be met, and thus, a greater budget needs to go the city in this area.” Inbar cautioned that unless drastic measures are taken, a change in Palestinian voting patterns resulting in a possible coalition of haredim and Palestinians could change the


conscience invite Israeli participants when we know that artists from the occupied Palestinian territories struggle with very restricted access to travel to international art venues and that they have little opportunity to communicate their art outside of the occupied territories.” The festival was to open on March 24. See “Oslo” on page 11

Continued from page 2 Zionist character of Jerusalem. “If Arabs vote in greater numbers,” he said, “the most pressing challenge will be to bring Zionists to the city to ensure its character.” In the meantime, and aside from such speculation, for Inbar, unification of the city is paramount. “The Palestinians’ greater willingness to vote is part of their conviction that division of the city is not going to happen,” he said. “They can no longer sit on the fence. They have a choice – to integrate or oppose it.” Continued from page 4

dinner on Wednesday, April 25, at 6:30 pm, in the social hall. The Torah Fund dinner supports the Jewish Theological Seminary and the educational institutions that are the core of the Conservative movement. The evening’s program will feature Carrie Berse and Jeff Unaitis performing a medley of Broadway show tunes from different eras. A minimum donation to JTS is appreciated. Reservations may be made by contacting Dottie Goldberg by Friday, April 20, at The dinner is open to the public. TORAH TROPE CLASS WITH CANTOR PAULA PEPPERSTONE Cantor Paula Pepperstone will offer a Torah trope class on Mondays at 7:30 pm in Room 4 at the synagogue. The class is for beginners. Although the class has already started, there are still some seats available. For more information, or to sign up, contact Manager of Congregational Services Daryl Weiss at manager@ TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR “WEST SIDE STORY” AT GLIMMERGLASS OPERA Glimmerglass Opera in Cooperstown is celebrating the 100th birthday of Leonard Bernstein this summer and the CBS-CS Sisterhood will be at the Tuesday, July 24, performance of “West Side Story,” a retelling of the “Romeo and Juliet” story set in 1950s Manhat-

tan. This is the only Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim musical collaboration. There is a charge to attend with the Sisterhood and it includes transportation in a luxury coach, a kosher lunch, snacks, orchestra seating (rear), backstage tours and a private preview with a member of the opera company. Checks may be sent to CBS-CS, PO Box 271, DeWitt, NY 13214. Write “Glimmerglass” in the memo and list all attendees. Full payment is due by Tuesday, May 1. Tickets from a block of 38 will be made available to the community after May 1 on a first come, first served basis. Unsold tickets will be returned to Glimmerglass Opera on Friday, May 25. For more details, contact Congregational Services Manager Daryl Weiss at manager@ or 315-446-9570.

At right: On March 11, CBS-CS Hazak presented a program of “Songs from the Yiddish Theatre.” Lisa Levens (standing) performed with the Keyna Hora Klezmer Band

Wishing you and your family peace, health and happiness this Pesach

Ona & Bernie Bregman

May you and your family have a joyous Pesach

L-r: Among the performers were Sid and Donna Lipton. They are pictured with their son, Michael Lipton.

Michael & Euni Balanoff

Wishing you and your family os h R appyhealth peace, Hand happiness this Pesach

Has hanah !

Happy Passover!

Mildred Siminoff

Ruth & Joel Stein

Wishing peace, health and happiness to all this Passover

and family Michael & Euni Balanoff

Wishing you a Happy Chanukah Georgina, Paul, Joshua, Aaron, Gabriel and Laima Roth


light • peace • love Rabbi Rachel Esserman, Executive Editor, The Reporter Group

Sydney Tenenbaum & Deidre Zehner

Visit the JO online at and click on Jewish Observer Michael & Euni Balanoff



Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Wednesday, March 28 Deadline for April 12 Jewish Observer Wednesday, April 11 Deadline for April 26 JO Friday, March 30 Syracuse Jewish Family Service’s M-POWER-U Arts and Minds Café at 11:30 am Erev Passover - First seder TAY first night seder at 6:30 pm. Reservations required TC at Traditions: Kabbalat Shabbat at 5:15 and first seder family style at 6 pm. Reservation required Hillel community Passover meal at 5:30 pm in the Carrier Dome. Doors open at 5 pm; seder at 5:30 pm. Ticket required. Saturday, March 31 Passover Day 1 Hillel second seder at Winnick Hillel Center. Doors open at 6:30 pm; seder at 7 pm. Ticket required Sunday, April 1 Passover Day 2 Monday, April 2 Passover Day 3 JCC Bobbie Epstein Lewis Senior Adult Dining Program closed for Passover Tuesday, April 3 Passover Day 4 JCC Bobbie Epstein Lewis Senior Adult Dining Program closed for Passover Hillel hosts community Passover meal at 5:30 pm. Syracuse Jewish Family Service series on “Poetry as Pathway to Spirituality in Later Life” from 9-11 am Wednesday, April 4 Passover Day 5 JCC Bobbie Epstein Lewis Senior Adult Dining Program closed for Passover Thursday, April 5 Passover Day 6 JCC Bobbie Epstein Lewis Senior Adult Dining Program closed for Passover CBS-CS Passover lunch at 11:30 am at Hillel TC library Shabbat service at 6 pm Friday, April 6 Passover Day 7 JCC Bobbie Epstein Lewis Senior Adult Dining Program closed for Passover Saturday, April 7 Last day of Passover TC Library Shabbat: read, study and discuss at 12:30 pm. Includes a light dairy lunch Passover ends at sundown Sunday, April 8 TC Scholar Series presents Steven Ross at 10 am Community Yom HaShoah program at Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas at 2 pm Tuesday, April 10 Epstein School at Temple Adath Yeshurun from 6:30-8:30 pm TC Goldenberg Concert presents LeMoyne College Jazzuits at 7 pm Wednesday, April 11 TC adult education Israel series at 10 am SJFS series on “Poetry as Pathway to Spirituality in Later Life” from 9-11 am Syracuse University Jewish Studies program presents B.G. Rudolph lecture at SU at 7 pm TC Board of Trustees at 7 pm CBS-CS Board of Trustees at 7:30 pm TAY program on The Ethical Life: Jewish Values at 7:30 pm Thursday, April 12 Yom HaShoah Friday, April 13 CBS-CS Shirat Shabbat at 6 pm Sunday, April 15 TC Brotherhood at 9:30 am TC Sisterhood Brunch at 9:30 am TC GAN program at 10:30 am CBS-CS Kadima program, “Superheroes and Judaism” at 2 pm CBS-CS USY volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House at 4 pm STOCS presents Tea and Torah at 4 pm Tuesday, April 17 JCC Executive Committee at 6 pm, followed by Board of Trustees at 7 pm Epstein School at Temple Adath Yeshurun from 6:30-8:30 pm


You can count on me BY RABBI PAUL DRAZEN Although the vast majority of the formal content of the two sedarim (seders) is the same, there is an element in the seder on the second night of Pesach that stands alone. As the seder reaches its end, we commence the nightly ritual of counting the days and weeks from Pesach until Shavuot. The reason for the counting is a commandment in the Torah and is rather simple: “And from the day on which you bring the sheaf of elevation offering – the day after the Sabbath – you shall count off seven weeks. They must be complete: you must count until the day after the seventh week – 50 days…” (Leviticus 23:15–16) Through the centuries, that statement became the core of much theological discussion and posturing, but for us, it is straightforward: the Torah commands us to count days and weeks. We live in a day of information, of data-driven decisions and analyses. For us, counting things should be second nature. We count and analyze all the underpinnings of modern life, from bytes to bazookas. Our every activity is counted, multiplied, divided and run through calculations and comparisons. Each click is recorded and counted; our computers turn a simple query into consistent nagging based on every web page we visit. With all that data, it’s possible to review massive numbers of tweets and postings, queries about questions both simple and complex – in order to unearth discoveries about our society. Many discoveries were ones we would

never have considered worthy of consideration. It’s all in the data. We can tally queries, but does knowing that millions of people wondered “how do I unclog a coffee maker?” really make us a better person? Does scoring a day’s most-asked question make the world a better place? Is data wisdom? Is big data understanding? Life should be an ongoing attempt to strive for understanding and wisdom. A good life provides a meaningful focus for living. We should concentrate on improving the lot of those in need, not just improving the lot on which our house stands. We should be working on establishing the inner strength to refocus our personal goals toward living in ways that match what God wants from us. That’s where counting comes in. Each evening, we pause for a moment to complete the mitzvah of counting the omer. The very process helps us record the time between physical freedom and Torah. It’s through doing that, that we should focus on doing something that counts – beyond simple numbers. Have we done something of import today? Will we do something of value tomorrow? Of course, we can spend our days counting – or we can spend our days doing things that count. As William Bruce Cameron (often misattributed to Albert Einstein) noted, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” It’s up to us to consider the difference and make sure we tally what’s vital. Rabbi Paul Drazen is the rabbi at Temple Adath Yeshurun.

Profiles of SHDS alumni – Joseph DeMari BY BARBARA SHEKLIN DAVIS Dr. Joseph DeMari graduated from SHDS in 2003. After graduating from Cornell University, he attended SUNY Upstate Medical University and received his doctorate of medicine degree. He is now a resident in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the Ohio

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State University Medical Center. He has been interested in the field of medicine since middle school and said, “I was always fascinated by science and the human body. I initially ruled out Ob/Gyn as a specialty, but became convinced that it was the specialty for me after my rotation in my third year of medical school. I value the ability to share in a monumental part of my patients’ lives, shar- Joseph DeMari, ing in their simchas, as well as M.D. supporting them in some of their darkest moments.” DeMari enjoys backpacking, ballroom dancing and reading fiction. He says his greatest personal accomplishment was “leading my college ski team to nationals, building a cohesive unit that still keeps in touch to this day.” DeMari believes that his day school experience “gave me the confidence I needed to succeed later on in life, as well as a solid Jewish foundation to build on. This was most apparent on my Birthright (Israel) trip, where other young adults like me (from similar interfaith family backgrounds) struggled with their Jewish identity and commented on how hard it had been for them growing up as a minority in the United States.” In contrast, he says that “throughout high school, I stayed in touch with my day school classmates, and they provided a tight-knit network of friends with whom to celebrate my Jewish heritage.” TELEPHONE (315) 474-3326 See “DeMari” on page 11

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Happy Passover!


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MARCH 29, 2018/13 NISAN 5778 ■


Continued from page 9

The choreographers called the rejection “reverse discrimination,” saying it holds artists accountable for the actions of their governments. “Would you reject a Saudi artist for Saudi restrictions on women’s rights? Would you reject an American artist for the American policies regarding the ‘Muslim ban’ regulations?” they wrote in a letter, obtained by Ynet. They also asked whether the ban would apply to Arab Israelis or Jewish Israeli artists living abroad. The organizers acknowledged receiving the Israeli reply, but said that they could not address it until the festival was over because of their “current heavy workload,” Ynet reported.


Continued from page 7

recommended as many sessions close quickly. A discount for siblings is available; and a limited number of scholarships in the form of financial aid are also available. The scholarship application deadline is Monday, May 14. For more information about Camp Romano, and to request the summer camp program guide, call 315-4452360 or visit


Continued from page 3 vs. unaffiliated white supremacists, trends within the movement and criminality associated with it. Following the ADL briefing, SCN Senior National Security Advisor Doron Horowitz provided practical training to those in attendance. SCN is a national organization dedicated to the protection of Jewish communities in North America and is the official Homeland Security initiative for the Jewish community. Horowitz, a former Israeli Defense Force member (combat-decorated) and recently retired member of the Israeli Border Police, explained the nature of the partnership between SCN, JFCNY and law enforcement. Speaking to the group of more than 250 were Congressman John Katko and Grant C. Jacquith, United States attorney for the Northern District of New York. When introduced, Katko was recognized for his efforts introducing legislation to provide national recognition for Safe Haven, a Holocaust Refugee Shelter in Oswego, NY. A former federal prosecutor for the United States District Attorney’s Office, Katko summarized progress made in Congress to assist law enforcement. Jacquith came from Albany to greet the members of law enforcement and presented JFCNY Security Liaison Susan DeMari with an Eagle Award from the Department of Justice, the DOJ’s highest award. It recognizes DeMari’s contributions in her position as security liaison with the inscription, “With grateful appreciation from your friends and colleagues at the United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of New York and the people of the United States of America.” This collaborative event served as a thank you to law enforcement for all they have done, and continue to do, on behalf of the Jewish community.


Frances Hartman, 93, died on March 1 in Delray Beach, FL. Born in Mobile, AL, she moved to Catskill, NY, as a newlywed, living there until retiring to Florida in 1990. She was the owner of Fran’s Specialty Shop in Catskill for 32 years. She was always an active and very involved participant at Temple Israel of Catskill and in Catskill Hadassah. In retirement, she was an avid golfer, and volunteered for more than 20 years at the Morikami Museum and Delray Medical Center. She enjoyed shopping, dancing, making art, Mah Jongg and travel, but was most happy when with her family. She was predeceased by her husband Jerome (Jerry) Hartman in 2004; a brother; and two sisters. She is survived by her sister, Marsha, of Birmingham, AL; two children, Barbara (Peter) Baum of Syracuse, NY, and Greenville, SC, and Phillip (Diana) Hartman of San Francisco, CA; six grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren. Burial was in Eternal Light Gardens, Delray Beach, FL following a graveside service led by Rabbi Sheldon Ezring. Beth Israel Memorial Chapel had arrangements. Contributions may be made to Temple Israel of Catskill, 220 Spring St., Catskill, NY 12414 or www. 


Patricia Esther Klein, 96, died on March 21 after a brief illness. She worked at the Onondaga County Highway and Health departments for more than 20 years. She was a member of Temple Concord, a volunteer at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center and enjoyed the JCC seniors lunch program. She was predeceased by her daughter, Paulette. She is survived by her son, Michael; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Burial was in Beth David Cemetery on Long Island. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements.  Thank you for


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Stanley P. Meltzer, 86 of Fayetteville, died on March 18 in Delray Beach, FL after a brief illness. Born January 3, 1932, in Williamsport, PA, his family moved to Syracuse shortly thereafter. During his school years, Stanley ran men’s track for Nottingham High School and SU. He started his career in physical therapy and upon completion, entered the Army. After discharge, he went to Upstate Medical School in Syracuse, graduating in 1961. His specialty was cardiovascular disease. He was in practice for more than 55 years before his retirement. He was inducted as a fellow in the American College of Cardiology in 1977. During his retirement, he enjoyed traveling abroad with his wife, going to China, Egypt, Africa, Germany and Antarctica. Through their travels, they made many lifelong friends. He was predeceased by his parents, David Joseph and Celia Edith Meltzer; and his brother, Morton Meltzer. He is survived by his wife of 37 years, Patricia A. Randall-Meltzer; and his children, Dayna B. Meltzer (Louis Lidik Jr.) and Daren S. Meltzer. Burial was in Hardage-Giddens Oaklawn Chapel in Jacksonville, FL. Sisskind Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to St. Joseph’s Health Foundation, 973 James St., Syracuse, NY 13203. 


Ellen Ann (Dee) Spitz, 67, of Syracuse, died on March 12 at Francis House in Syracuse. Born in Syracuse, she attended Edwards Elementary School, Jamesville-DeWitt High School, Boston University and Medill Journalism School at Northwestern University. She worked on the Smokey Bear Ad Council with the Department of Interior. She was a photo journalist and undertook jobs where she continued to develop her photography skills. She was featured in the Peter Palmquist collection of women in photography, which is housed in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript your loyalty since 1934. Librarytrust at Yaleand University. She was an avid painter, a member of the Everson Museum of Art, studied the When that difficult time arises, clarinet and loved music. She upon was predeceased by her parents, Bill and Fanny you rely our expertise. Continued from pagecan 10 Spitz. She is survived by her brother, Steve (Wendy); her DeMari is a supporter of day school education, saying, “I believe that an SHDS education is a priceless gift to niece, Cathy (Patrick) deVarona; and two great-nieces. Burial was in the Temple Concord section of Woodlawn give your children that will shape who they become and provide them the tools necessary to succeed and Cemetery. Birnbaum Funeral Service had arrangements. Contributions may be made to Francis House, 108 thrive in an increasingly competitive academic and East Fayette St., Syracuse, NY Ave., 13210Syracuse, • 315.472.5291 • 1.800.472.5182 Michaels NY 13208; Access CNY, 1603 work environment. In addition, a1909 day school education provides a secure foundation inMartin Judaism, allowing them Court St., Syracuse, NY 13208; or the Susan G. Komen J. Birnbaum* Elaine Birnbaum Suite 250, Dallas, TX to feel comfortable and confident asR.they grow up facing Foundation, 5005 LBJ Freeway, email: Joel M. Friedman antisemitism and a general lack of knowledge about 75244. * Also Licensed in Florida  Judaism around the country.”


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Thank you for your trust and loyalty since 1934. When that difficult time arises, you can rely upon our expertise.

1909 East Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13210 • 315.472.5291 • 1.800.472.5182 Martin J. Birnbaum* Elaine R. Birnbaum Joel M. Friedman * Also Licensed in Florida




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Everyone a Happy Rosh Hashanah ! g n i h s i WThank you for your trust and loyalty since 1934.

When that difficult time arises, you can rely upon our expertise.

1909 East Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13210 • 315.472.5291 • 1.800.472.5182 Martin J. Birnbaum* Elaine R. Birnbaum Joel M. Friedman * Also Licensed in Florida


ishing Everyone a Happy Chanukah ! W Thank you for your trust and loyalty since 1934.

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