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Diplomat and scholar Dennis Ross to speak to the Syracuse Jewish community on October 1 The Jewish community has been invited to attend a presentation by Ambassador Dennis Ross on Thursday, October 1, at 7:30 pm, in the sanctuary at Temple Adath Yeshurun, 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse. The event is being sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Central New York. Ross will also be the guest and speaker at the Federation’s Major Gifts dinner preceding his talk to the community. Federation President/CEO Linda Alexander said, “We are thrilled to welcome Ambassador Ross as he begins his book tour on his latest publication, ‘Doomed to Succeed: The U.S.-Israel Relationship from Truman to Obama.’ The official release date for this new book is not until October 13, so our community is one of the first he is visiting. We hope the community will come out to meet and greet the ambassador.” Ross is counselor and a Davidson Distinguished Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, as well as a distinguished professor in the practice of diplomacy at Georgetown University. Prior to returning to the in-

and Middle East policy, Ross stitute in 2011, he served two worked with Secretaries of State years as special assistant to James Baker, Warren ChristoPresident Barack Obama and pher and Madeleine Albright. as National Security Council Prior to his service as special senior director for the Central Middle East coordinator under Region, and a year as special Clinton, Ross served as director advisor to Secretary of State of the State Department’s Policy Hillary Rodham Clinton. Planning Staff in the first Bush For more than 12 years, he administration. played a role in shaping U.S. Ross is the author of several involvement in the Middle books on the peace process, inEast peace process and dealing directly with the parties in U.S. Ambassador cluding “Myths, Illusions, and Dennis Ross Peace: Finding a New Direcnegotiations. Considered by tion for America in the Middle many to be a “highly skilled diplomat,” he was the U.S. point man East,” which he cowrote with Institute on the peace process in both the George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations. He was considered “instrumental” in assisting Israelis and Palestinians in reaching the 1995 Interim Agreement; he also brokered the 1997 Hebron Accord, facilitated the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty, and worked to bring Israel and ( – Despite its recognition of Syria together. A scholar and diplomat with more a “state of Palestine,” the Vatican has than two decades of experience in Soviet requested it be removed from a Palestinian-prepared United Nations General Assembly draft resolution that calls for the flags of “Palestine” and the Holy See to be flown at U.N. headquarters in New York City. The draft resolution, which was prepared without consultation with the Vatican, seeks to change U.N. policy to allow non-member observer states (which is the Palestinians’ U.N. status) to fly their flags outside the U.N., coinciding with Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S. this month. The pope is scheduled to address the General Assembly on Friday, September 25, during his official visit. “The Holy See does not intend to cosponsor a draft resolution that the state of Palestine may eventually present on the matter,” the Vatican said in a statement, Reuters reported. “The Holy See asks the Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine and the United Nations kindly to remove in its draft resolution any reference to the ‘Holy See’ and any generic reference ‘on behalf of the Observer States,’” added the statement. The Palestinian proposal, seen as yet another unilateral step to obtaining statehood recognition via the U.N., has already been placed on the agenda of the annual General Assembly. In May, the Vatican officially rec-

peace process expert David Makovsky. An earlier study, “The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace,” offers analytical and personal insight into the Middle East peace process. The New York Times praised his publication, “Statecraft, And How to Restore America’s Standing in the World” as “important and illuminating.” Copies of his new book will be available for purchase at the event and Ross will sign books after his talk. There will be no fee to attend. For more information, contact Marianne Bazydlo at the Federation office at 445-2040, ext. 102, or

Vatican demands removal from Palestinian flag bid at U.N. ognized the “state of Palestine” in an official bilateral treaty. Israel’s Foreign Ministry said it was “disappointed” in the decision and that the Vatican’s move would deter the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians.

2015 Federation paign Update Cam Goal: $1,000,000



as of Aug. 23, 2015

For more information about Federation's ongoing campaigns, please contact Marianne at 445-2040 ext. 102 or


wishing you a althy and happy New Ye healthy Year 5776

September 4.............7:17 pm......................................... Parasha-Ki Tavo-Selichot September 11...........7:04 pm......................................................Parasha-Nitzavim September 13...........7:01 pm............................................... Erev Rosh Hashanah September 14...........after 7:59 pm............................................... Rosh Hashanah September 18...........6:52 pm........................Parasha-Vayelech -Shabbat Shuvah September 22...........6:44 pm......................................................Erev Yom Kippur

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Point/counterpoint

High Holidays

Moving to the Negev

Two views on the recent nuclear Area synagogues announce their The Or Movement and the Jewish deal reached between Iran and High Holiday services; recipes; National Fund are the force behind children’s books; and more. the world powers. a renaissance in the Negev. Stories on page 2 Stories on pages 6, 9, 11 and 12 Story on page 13

PLUS Community Institutions.......11 Health Greetings................... 12 Personal Greetings............... 13 Obituaries............................... 15


JEWISH OBSERVER ■ september 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775

a matter of opinion Point/counterpoint A critical choice – accept a “bad” The Iran deal – a safer and more Iran deal or not stable future

By Richard D. Wilkins The Iran nuclear deal is not just “bad,” but breathtakingly so. Iran’s illegal nuclear infrastructure is legitimized, not dismantled, but largely “mothballed,” remaining readily reversible. Sanctions relief is front-loaded, unconditional and unable to be “snapped back.” The inspection and verification scheme is incredibly weak. At agreement “sunset,” all restrictions are lifted. An eventual massive Iranian nuclear arsenal is guaranteed, at best delayed, but not denied. That’s even if Iran fully complies. Past experience strongly suggests that any noncompliance will either go undetected or ignored. It took years, and dissident tips, to discover Iran’s secret nuclear sites. The “most intrusive inspections in history,” “anywhere, anytime” are anything but. IAEA-Iran secret “side deals” would allow Iran to provide soil samples from “sensitive sites” and self-investigate “possible military dimensions” of activities at Parchin. Being on the oversight committee, Iran would be privy to, and able to chill, complainants’ intelligence sources. Iran could delay inspection for 24 days – likely much longer. The most damning evidence – explosion simulation software, weapons design and mockups, etc. – is neither immovable nor radioactive. Neither Iran’s abysmal human-rights record, worldwide support for terrorism

and subversion, regional aggression, incessant chant of “Death to America, Death to Israel,” nor its still-held American hostages merit mention amid an astonishing array of unconscionable concessions. Wholesale sanctions removal includes Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Quds Force and its commander, Qasem Solemeini. A windfall $100-150 billion “signing bonus” would lavishly finance Iranian adventurism. Near-term expiration of embargoes on arms trafficking and ballistic-missile technology transfers would facilitate massive arming of Hezbollah and Hamas proxies, and accelerate Iran’s ICBM development – missiles that could soon strike the American heartland. A critical choice confronts us, both as Americans and Jews. Administration “smear and scare” tactics haven’t silenced critics. Opposition is broad, bipartisan and burgeoning. War is not the only other option. The Islamic Republic’s anti-America, anti-Israel and antisemitic threats are no mere rhetoric. Iran has murdered or maimed thousands of Americans. Its terrorist tentacles reach round Israel’s borders. Israelis across the political spectrum have united in opposition to this deal. Contrary to Obama and Kerry, they surely know better what is good for Israel – and so should we. Richard D. Wilkins is a member of Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse.

a matter of opinion Yasher koach to our community! from the desk of the federation president/ceo linda alexander

Did you notice that the 2015 Federation Campaign “thermometer” was back on page 1 again today, after being dormant for many issues? We reached our million dollar goal months ago and respectfully retired the thermometer. However, this summer we had a surge in 2015 Campaign gifts, enough to bring us to new Campaign heights not seen in our community in a long time. We are proud to announce that the 2015 Campaign is closing at $1,050,000. We have not reached this level since 2008, and just two years ago, we only reached $962,269. Here we are raising almost $90,000 more in just two years. We have a lot to be thankful for! Certainly our thanks go out first and foremost to you, our donors, for your generous support of our Community Campaign. Thanks also to our Campaign Advisory Board, our Super Sunday chairs, and all the volunteers who help make our Campaign a success, year after year. However, I want to recognize the extraordinary leadership of Philip Holstein, who took on the Campaign chairmanship for not one year, but the past two years. His hands-on leadership inspired us all to reach new heights. Phil wasn’t just satisfied with reaching the million dollar level in 2014; he motivated us to surpass

that goal this past year and the result is a Campaign total we have not seen in almost a decade. It was through Phil’s efforts that we brought in the bonus dollars this summer. He kept his eye on the ball. More dollars meant more support for the Jewish agencies and organizations we support. The day we reached $1,050,000, he sent me the following message: “What this means is that we will have tens of thousands of dollars more to allocate through the Community Program Fund to beneficiary agencies and other Jewish organizations in Central New York, including synagogues, which come up with compelling and innovative program ideas to strengthen and sustain our Jewish community.” Thank you, Phil, for your unselfish and inspirational leadership. Now we are looking ahead to a new Campaign and new leadership. Mark Wladis has taken on the mantle with a vengeance. He has already been working on the 2016 Campaign for months. In the next few issues, you will read more about him and his plans. How lucky we are to have such a seamless transition of wonderful leaders! I can’t say it enough... Yasher koach to us all!

By Mark Field The Iran deal currently under congressional review has divided the American Jewish community to a level rarely, if ever, witnessed. Those critical of the deal paint a picture of Iranian negotiators taking advantage of naïve coalition negotiators and suggest there is unrestrained joy in Iran for having beaten the U.S. and its coalition partners. In general, the hardliners in Iran loathe the possibility of Iran becoming closer to the West. The Wall Street Journal reports most Iranian youth and a broad section of business owners seek better ties with the West. Many of the reformers are tired of only Chinese and Indian products, and would like to buy European and American goods. Critics of the agreement argue the curtailment of Iran’s ability to make a bomb within the 10-15-year time frame is weak, and the verification apparatus flawed. Among the conclusions of a study by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology security studies program are that this is “the most robust, intrusive, multilateral nonproliferation agreement ever negotiated... [with the deal’s three legacies] being: limiting Iran’s enrich-

ment capacity; bolstering moderates in Iran; and changing Iran’s relationship with the U.S. The deal has its risks, not the least of which is the freeing up of $150 billion in frozen Iranian assets. No doubt some of these assets will be used for purposes that seriously conflict with American and Israeli interests. Allowing normalized financial transactions will ease Iran’s ability to fund terrorist groups and other regional destabilizing elements. The coalition’s goal is to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons for at least 15 years. The coalition’s objective is to stop nuclear proliferation in the region. Other concerns, such as the recognition of Israel or return of Americans held by Iran, were not on the agenda. When one evaluates the risks of this deal against its accomplishments, or against no deal at all, it becomes clear that the deal provides a safer and more stable future, one less likely to lead to another war. Mark Field is chair of the Jewish Federation of Central New York’s Communications Committee and a member of Congregation Beth SholomChevra Shas.

correction In the Women in Business section in the August 6 Jewish Observer, the website for Albums Made For You, owned by Wendy Thomas, was listed correctly in the ad, but incorrectly in the business write-up. The correct website is www. The JO regrets the error and any confusion it may have caused.

of Central New York

Syracuse Office

Bette Siegel Syracuse Editor Publisher Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc. Ruth Stein Chair of the Board Linda Alexander Federation President/CEO Mark Field Vice President for Communications Editorial 5655 Thompson Rd. DeWitt, NY 13214

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All articles, announcements and photographs must be received by noon Wednesday, 15 days prior to publication date. Articles must be typed, double spaced and include the name of a contact person and a daytime telephone number. E-mail submissions are encouraged and may be sent to The Jewish Observer reserves the right to edit any copy. Signed letters to the editor are welcomed: they should not exceed 250 words. Names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. All material in this newspaper has been copyrighted and is exclusive property of the Jewish Observer and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Views and opinions expressed by our writers, columnists, advertisers and by our readers do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s and editors’ points of view, nor that of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. The newspaper reserves the right to cancel any advertisements at any time. This newspaper is not liable for the content of any errors appearing in the advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied. The advertiser assumes responsibility for errors in telephone orders. The Jewish Observer does not assume responsibility for the kashrut of any product or service advertised in this paper.

THE JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK (USPS 000939) (ISSN 1079-9842) Publications Periodical postage paid at Syracuse, NY and other offices. Published 24 times per year by the Jewish Federation of Central New York Inc., a non-profit corporation, 5655 Thompson Road, Dewitt, NY 13214. Subscriptions: $36/year; student $10/ year. POST MASTER: Send address change to JEWISH OBSERVER OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, 5655 Thompson Road, DeWitt, NY 13214.

The Jewish Observer is a member of the American Jewish Press Association.

SEPTEMBER 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775 ■



AROUND CENTRAL NEW YORK Epstein registration is now open

The Rabbi Jacob H. Epstein High School of Jewish Studies will begin classes on Tuesday, September 8, at 6:30 pm, at Temple Concord, for eighth-10th grades and seventh grade graduates of the Syracuse Hebrew Day School. Juniors and seniors will begin on Thursday, September 10, at 7 pm, at Wegmans Café, 6789 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville. Changes to this year’s course offerings include a new seventh grade class on “Immigration: Our Roots and Ourselves” taught by Ora Jezer; an elective by Dr. Bob Tornberg, “I’m Just a Regular Person! What Do You Want From Me?” about Jonah, Job and Esther (and people) “stepping up when needed”; and a Jewish arts

WCNY-TV “Hava Nagila”

WCNY-TV will air the film “Hava Nagila (The Movie)” on Wednesday, September 9, at 8 pm. The documentary explores the history and meaning of the Jewish song, which appears at various Jewish lifecycle events. Among the celebrities interviewed are Harry Belafonte, Leonard Nimoy, Connie Francis, Glen Campbell and Regina Spektor. The film follows the song on its journey from the shtetls of Eastern Europe, to the kibbutzim of Israel and to the U.S.

elective exploring “what makes art Jewish” that will be taught by local experts, artists and musicians, including Sarah Saulson, Maria Carson, Beth MacCrindle and Sam Gruber. New this year will be a component for juniors and seniors. While most Thursday nights Rabbi Evan Shore or Tornberg will lead text study and discussion for one hour on at Wegmans Café, for five weeks – September 24 and October 1, 8, 15 and 22 – Tornberg and Judith Huober, director of Syracuse Jewish Family Service, will lead the class “Packing for College: Where Does Judaism Fit?” Teenagers will have the opportunity to talk about their hopes and fears, and

parents will seek support from others experiencing the transition. The program is intended to teach both groups to communicate with one another “respectfully and openly.” Juniors and seniors, and sometimes their parents or guardians, will meet separately from 7-9 pm for the five weeks, with the 11th grade meeting at the Syracuse Hebrew Day School and the 12th grade meeting in the lounge at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. For more information about any of the courses, faculty, tuition or locations, contact Epstein Director Cantor Paula Pepperstone at, or visit and register at the school’s website,

JCC fitness and recreation classes for children start mid September

By William Wallak The Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse will begin the school year with a variety of classes intended to “get children moving and having fun.” The classes, open to preschool and school-age boys and girls, will consist of dance, gymnastics, basketball, karate, soccer, Cardio Hoops, fitness, sensory gym and rookie sports. Most classes will start the week of Monday, September 14, and run for 12 weeks through early December.

Syracuse Community Hebrew School kick-off At left: The Syracuse Community Hebrew School students made ice cream sundaes at the school’s kick-off on August 23 at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. The Syracuse Community Hebrew School will open on Wednesday, September 16, at Temple Adath Yeshurun.

“We’re offering another great lineup of classes this fall for children of all abilities,” said Sherri Lamanna, See “Classes” on page 8



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Wednesday, August 19................September 3 Tuesday, September 1, early.....September 17 Wednesday, September 16.............. October 1 Thursday, September 24, early..... October 15

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The Bobbi Epstein Lewis JCC Senior Adult Dining Program at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse offers Va’ad Ha’ir-supervised kosher lunches served Monday-Friday at noon. Lunch reservations are required by noon of the previous business day. There is a suggested contribution per meal. The menu is subject to change. The program is funded by a grant from the Onondaga County Department of Aging and Youth and the New York State Office for the Aging, with additional funds provided by the JCC. To attend, one need not be Jewish or a member of the JCC. For more information or to make a reservation, contact Cindy Stein at 445-2360, ext. 104, or

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ september 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775

congregational notes Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Adult learning opportunities at CBS-CS In preparation for the High Holidays, Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone will hold two classes to “enhance” participants’ understanding and readiness for the High Holidays. He will discuss “Naming God, Naming Ourselves: Re-envisioning our Relationships on the High Holidays” on Wednesday, September 9, at 7:30 pm. During the program, participants will examine selections from the High Holiday liturgy and use them as a lens to look at themselves as they prepare for the High Holidays. In preparation for reading the Jonah haftarah on Yom Kippur day, Rabbi Pepperstone will examine “Jonah: Noah’s Subversive Sequel” on Saturday, September 19, at approximately 12:15 pm, following services and kiddush. At the lunch and learn, participants will explore how the narratives of Noah and Jonah speak to each other, to humanity about the nature of God and also to the listeners as individuals. Ruth Stein will offer six classes of intermediate Hebrew on Tuesday nights beginning September 29. The class will be open to new as well as continuing students. There will be a minimum enrollment for the class to occur. Prospective students should call the CBS-CS office at 446-9570 if they wish to enroll. The September 29 and October 6 class will be held at 8 pm due to the holidays, while the following four classes will start at 7 pm. There will be a fee for the class for participants who

are not members of Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas. Members of the community are welcome to attend. For a complete list of classes, as well other activities, events and celebrations, contact the CBS-CS office at 446-9570 or Jewish Meditation at CBS-CS Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas offers a variety of opportunities to learn about and practice Jewish meditation. Proponents feel that meditation is a tool to help adherents open to the “Divine,” moving them to “an inward space of stillness and mindful prayer.” Prospective students who are curious about the practice or seeking a community with which to practice are welcome to participate in any or all of these opportunities. An area at the back of the expanded sanctuary will be set aside on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, September 23, for meditation, yoga and spiritual reading. The area is intended to provide a space to pursue alternative paths to fully experience the day. A guided meditation session will be held at 4 pm in the school wing. This fall, regular practitioners of Jewish meditation will offer “After Meditation, Just Open Your Eyes and Pray: an Introduction to Jewish Meditation,” during three lunch and learns following Saturday services and kiddush, starting at approximately 12:15 pm. Individuals may attend one or more sessions, even if they are not attending CBS-CS services that day. The first session will be held

Temple Concord September is busy at Temple Concord In addition to the activity and reflection that come with the High Holidays, Temple Concord will offer various youth, adult and combined events in September. A kick-off event for the Junior Youth Group and the Teen Youth of Concord will be held on Labor Day, Monday, September 7. JYG and TYCON families will spend the day at the New York State Fair, meeting at the Chevy Court Pavilion for lunch at 1 pm.

JYG parents have been invited to the synagogue to learn about upcoming events on Sunday, September 13, from 9:30-10 am. The TC Brotherhood will have its opening meeting of the season on September 13, at 9:30 am, featuring a lox and bagel breakfast. The TC Sisterhood will hold a welcome back brunch on Sunday, September 27, at 9:30 am. The events will be open to the community. For more information, call the TC office at 475-9952.

Temple Adath Yeshurun At right: Temple Adath Yeshurun Camp Rothschild volunteered time at the Ronald McDonald House of Central New York, where campers baked cookies and made blankets for families who need to stay at the facility while a child is in the hospital. In this photo, camper Jackson McLaughlin posed with a Ronald McDonald statue.

See “CBS-CS” on page 14

The Doors Are Open All Year Long! At Rosh Hashanah, you can join thousands of Central New Yorkers as they rediscover their spiritual connection to a home they already know...

Approximately 50 members of the greater Jewish community attended “The Creative Process of Teshuvah (Return): A Pre-High Holiday Workshop” on August 13, led by Rabbi Adina Allen and Jeff Kasowitz of The Jewish Studio Project. The program was hosted by Temple Adath Yeshurun and was endowed by the Leonard and Irwin Kamp Foundation.

The Synagogue

You’ll find a renewed sense of purpose... a place of prayer, song and intellectual stimulation... where people with a shared history come together in a common search for meaning. Whatever your beliefs, whatever your affiliation, however you define God, there’s a vibrant and caring congregation where you can belong. To identify the synagogue community that connects with you, call one of the numbers below:

Chabad House Chabad-Lubavitch • 424-0363 Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas Conservative • 446-9570 Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse Orthodox • 446-6194 Temple Adath Yeshurun Conservative • 445-0002 Temple Concord Reform • 475-9952 This message is brought to you by the Jewish Federation of Central New York in support of our synagogues important pillars of our Jewish community.

OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, INC. 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt, NY 13214 Tel: 315-445-0161 • Fax: 315-445-1559

Nearly 50 people attended the annual Temple Adath Yeshurun Hazak installation dinner on August 5. Entertainment was provided by Syd and Brad. The newly-elected board members were (standing, l-r): Steve Meltzer, Dee Bluman, Marcia Mizruchi, Ruth Borsky, Ceil Cohen and Lynn Cohen. Newly elected officers were (seated, l-r): Sylvia Gilman, corresponding secretary; Elaine Meltzer, vice president, membership; JoAnn Grower, president; Rita Shapiro, recording secretary; Sam Siegel, president emeritus; and Joanne Greenhouse, vice president, programming.

Congregation Ahavath Achim will observe its annual Cemetery Memorial Service Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. rain or shine. Rabbi Evan Shore will officiate.

SEPTEMBER 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775 ■

Menorah Park

Jewish Home Open tournament coordinator Bill Motto gave final instructions to the golfers before they went to their respective starting holes.



Residents from the Oaks, their guests and others watched local Barbra Streisand impersonator Jimmy Wachter and accompanist Dan Williams on August 16. This was the final show in the Oaks summer series.

Israeli doctors restore sight to 90 Kyrgyzstanis in “Eye from Zion” initiative

Approximately 110 golfers played in the 33rd annual Jewish Home Open to benefit Menorah Park, held at the Drumlins Country Club on August 19. The team from one of the tournament sponsors – Bond, Schoeneck and King – included (l-r) Jeffrey Scheer, Joe Greenman, Mark Kasowitz and Jeremy Trumble.

(Israel Hayom/Exclusive to – A group of doctors from Israel restored the eyesight of 90 adults and children in Kyrgyzstan in mid-August in an endeavor undertaken by the Eye from Zion organization. Eye from Zion is a volunteer Israeli-Jewish group established to provide medical treatment to underprivileged populations around the world. The organization sends delegations of experienced medical professionals and advanced equipment to places where they are needed most. The Eye from Zion delegations perform surgeries together with local medical teams and instruct local doctors on

Do You Know? Your Federation dollars at work – The Oaks at Menorah Park By Jackie Miron TheAllocations Committee of the Jewish Federation of Central New York awards community Program Fund Grants annually during the fall. The grants are available to all Jewish organizations, agencies, and synagogues in the Central New York community. The funds come from Federation’s Annual Jackie Miron Campaign and are given out in amounts of $10,000, $5,000 or $2,500. The Allocations Committee reviews the grant requests and makes recommendations to the board, which then votes on the recommendations. The Oaks at Menorah Park was given a $5,000 grant for a new, enlarged and technologically enhanced television system, which includes wireless headphones to enhance sound for hearing impaired users, and a portable Bluetooth speaker system, a new camera, tablet and a cart for storage. The equipment is used together and separately to improve the experiences for hearing and visually impaired individuals. The social center at The Oaks offers a full calendar

of movies, speakers, presentations and music. Since the area can hold almost 60 people, the need is ongoing for residents, guests and the greater community. The opportunity for shared experiences is well-documented as a vital part of healthy lifestyle. It is imperative that The Oaks provide the most updated technology where possible. The current aging population is continually challenged to remain engaged in all types of entertainment with hearing loss. The mission of The Oaks is to provide a high-quality residential service, and it has been successful at meeting its goals. The Oaks’ director, Mary Kimberly, has had only positive feedback from the new sound enhancements, and said, “Residents raved from the first time the equipment was used for a presentation. Headphones were a clear winner at the first movie when they were available.” Everyone commented that the sound quality was so much clearer and precise. Attendance is up at all social events with the new enhancements because the possibility for interaction and enjoyment is more achievable. Federation dollars are obviously working at The Oaks with these latest technology upgrades. Many of the events are open to the public; so people can check out the programs and enjoy the features themselves.

modern medical techniques. Many of the patients treated in Kyrgyzstan had been blind for years. The Israeli delegation, which included Dr. Yonina Ron from the pediatric ophthalmology team at Schneider Children’s Medical Center and Dr. Asher Milstein from Kaplan Medical Center, arrived in Kyrgyzstan in mid-August to perform complicated procedures such as cornea surgery, plastic surgery, tumor removal and the treatment of cataracts in children. Among the patients were several members of the Kyrgyzstani Jewish community, and the head of the Jewish community in the country stressed that the arrival of the Israeli delegation had contributed to elevating the status of the community. Professor Dov Weinberger, the head of the Ophthalmology Division at the Rabin Medical Center in Petach Tikvah and the medical director of the Eye from Zion delegation, said, “I get excited every time an Israeli delegation uses its knowledge and medical experience to restore people’s eyesight. Many patients remain blind only because the doctors in their countries do not possess the know how or the modern means to perform these surgeries.”

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ september 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775

High Holiday services 2015

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas (USCJ affiliated), 18 Patsy Ln., off Jamesville Rd., DeWitt, 446-9570. For youth programs, call Julie Tornberg at 701-2685. Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse (Orthodox, affiliated with the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America), 4313 E. Genesee St., DeWitt, 446-6194. Temple Adath Yeshurun (USCJ affiliated), 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse, 445-0002. Temple Concord (Reform, affiliated with Union for Reform Judaism), 910 Madison St., Syracuse, 475-9952. Chabad House at SU. All services at Chabad House, 825 Ostrom Ave. For information, call 424-0363. Sephardic minyan at the Jewish Community Center, 5655 Thompson Rd., DeWitt. For information, call Moshe Habib at 449-1705. Hillel – Winnick Hillel Center for Jewish Life at Syracuse University Campus, 102 Walnut Pl., Syracuse 422-5082. All services are at Winnick Hillel unless indicated otherwise. Reservations are required for meals and may be made at

Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas

Services are open to the community. For more information, guests and visitors should contact the Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas office at 446-9570 or office@ There is no fee for attending High Holiday services, nor are there tickets. Donations are welcome. Sunday, September 13 Erev Rosh Hashanah Mincha, Maariv 6 pm Candle lighting 6:59 pm Monday, September 14 Rosh Hashanah day one Shacharit and Musaf 8:30 am-1 pm Babysitting for 3-year-olds and younger 9 am-1 pm Youth programs for pre-kindergarten-fourth grade 10 am-1 pm Programming for pre-teen and teenagers, fifth-seventh and eighth-12th grade 10 am-1 pm Tashlich 5:30 pm – Mincha follows on-site Candle lighting after 7:57 pm Tuesday, September 15 Rosh Hashanah day two Shacharit and Musaf 8:30 am-1 pm Babysitting for 3-year-olds and younger 9 am-1 pm Youth programs for pre-kindergarten-fourth grade 10 am-1 pm Programming for pre-teen and teenagers, fifth-seventh and eighth-12th grade 10 am-1 pm Candle lighting 7:55 pm

Friday, September 18 Shabbat Shuvah Maariv 6 pm Candle lighting 6:50 pm Saturday, September 19 Shabbat Shuvah 9:30 am Havdalah 7:48 pm Tuesday, September 22 Erev Yom Kippur Maariv followed by Kol Nidre 6-9 pm Babysitting for 7-year-olds and younger 5:45-9 pm Candle lighting 6:43 pm Wednesday, September 23 Yom Kippur Shacharit and Musaf 8:30 am-2 pm Babysitting for 3-year-olds and younger 9 am-2 pm Youth programs for pre-kindergarten-fourth grade 10 am-1 pm Programming for pre-teen and teenagers fifth-seventh and eighth-12th grade 10 am-1 pm In addition to the service, there will be areas for yoga and meditation within the main sanctuary. Study session and meditation 4 pm Mincha 5 pm Shofar blowing 7:45 pm Maariv, Havdalah and break fast Youth services and information Babysitting for infants and children available both days of Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur. See schedule above. For details and to make reservations, call CBS-CS Youth Director Julie Tornberg at 701-2685. Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first-seventh grades 10 am-12 pm all three days. Youth programs will include age-appropriate tefillah, storytelling, games, other activities and attending the shofar service in the sanctuary for fifth-12th grade students from 10 am-1 pm all three days. Teenagers are expected to worship in the sanctuary, as well as participate in the teen program. Rosh Hashanah – both days Yom Kippur 10 am-1 pm

Sunday, September 20 – cemetery visitation approximate times Beth Sholom 9 am Upper Beth El 9:30 am Lower Beth El 10 am Chevra Shas 10:30 am To visit a grave at the Beth Israel or Anshe Sfard cemeteries, contact the CBS-CS office at 446-9570 or

Shaarei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse

Services are open to the community. No tickets will be necessary. For more information, contact rabbi@ Sunday, September 13 Erev Rosh Hashanah Selichot 7:45 am Services 8:30 am Candle lighting: 7:01 pm Mincha 7:05 pm Monday, September 14 Rosh Hashanah day one Babysitting will be available both days of Rosh Hashanah from 10 am-1 pm Morning services 8 am Shofar approximately 10:45 am Junior Congregation will be held immediately after the shofar service Tashlich Mincha 7 pm Candle lighting 8:07 pm (pre-existing flame) Tuesday, September 15 Rosh Hashanah day two Babysitting will be available both days of Rosh Hashanah from 10 am-1 pm Morning services 8 am Shofar approximately 10:45 am Junior Congregation will be held immediately after the shofar service See “Services” on page 10

CBS-CS High Holiday youth activities This year, Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas will offer family-centered activities during the High Holidays for families with children in pre-kindergarten-fourth grade. Together, families will participate in interactive activities and a discussion exploring the meaning of the High Holidays. Teenagers in grades eight-12 will stay with Sara Goldfarb, the new CBS-CS United Synagogue Youth/ Kadima advisor, and be able to participate in activities and discussions exploring the themes of the holidays as they relate to the teenagers’ lives. CBS-CS member Arel Moodie, a nationally recognized motivational speaker, will facilitate the activities for children in grades five-seven. The experience for pre-teens is intended to be the first of many events of the Kadima members. Families, pre-teens and teenagers will spend part of the morning during the High Holidays

in the main sanctuary participating in the shofar service and the procession to return the Torah to the ark with the rest of the CBS-CS community. Organizers hope the programs will meet the needs of families, children, parents and teenagers. The High Holiday youth and family activities will be held from 10 am-1 pm, during Rosh Hashanah, Monday-Tuesday, September 14-15, and on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, September 23, beginning in the CBS-CS school wing. They will all be open to the community. For more information, contact Julie Tornberg, CBS-CS director of youth and education, at 701-2685 or director@ Reservations have been requested so that the presenters can be adequately prepared. Reservations have also been requested for babysitting, which will be available for 3-year-olds and younger from 9 am-1 pm.

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SEPTEMBER 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775 ■



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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ september 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775

Summer camp fun at the JCC At right: Richie Davis started building speed as he raced down the Jewish Community Center Camp Rishon homemade slip and slide.

At left (l-r): Jewish Community Center camp counselor Julian David-Drori showed Max Selmser how to tie a bowline knot during the JCC’s wilderness skills camp.

A group of school-age children played a game on the Jewish Community Center’s front lawn at the JCC’s summer camp.


Preschool campers in the Jewish Community Center’s Jerome and Phyllis Charney Early Childhood Development Program day camp played with bubbles on the JCC’s front lawn. L-r: teacher Alisha Edwards, Rory Sartin, Marc Tubau-Garcia, Estelle McRae and Alex Sartin.

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JCC director of gymnastics, dance and preschool physical education. “We make it fun, while also teaching the children a lot of great skills and other important lessons, such as cooperation and teamwork.” The JCC’s dance classes consist of ballet, jazz and tap for ages 3-11. The focus is on movement, rhythm strength and flexibility, all while emphasizing fun, creativity and self-esteem. The program will conclude with a recital. Gymnastics classes for children ages 3-14 utilize the bars, beam, floor and vault. Children are offered a regimen of instruction to develop agility, flexibility and self-confidence. Placement in the classes in based on skill, rather than age. Also offered will be a sensory gym class for 3-5-year-olds providing appropriate sensory input for children of all abilities and developmental levels. The sports classes, which consist of basketball, karate and rookie sports, are for children ages 3-12. In addition to teaching each sport’s specific skills, children learn conditioning, teamwork, fair play and sportsmanship. The JCC has partnered with CNY Karate School to conduct the karate classes. New this fall will be “Lil’ Kickers” Soccer for pre-kindergarten and schoolage children, as well as “Cardio Hoops” and “Movin’ and Groovin’” Fitness for third-sixth grades. Lamanna said, “For children wanting to try a class for the first time, to those a little more experienced, our classes offer

Continued from page 3

Gymnastics class participant Kami Petrosillo balanced on a beam during a class at the Sam Pomeranz Jewish Community Center of Syracuse. a little something for everyone. We tailor the classes to the children’s capabilities and get everyone involved. It’s wonderful to see the children grow and develop their skills over the course of each class.” Enrollment for all classes is open to the community and will continue through the start of each program. JCC membership is not required to enroll, however members receive a discount. Busing for school-age children attending classes is available from some Syracuse city schools, select private schools, Fayetteville-Malius schools and all public schools within the JamesvilleDeWitt school district. For more information about the JCC’s classes for children, contact Lamanna at 445-2040, ext. 126, or slamanna@jccsyr. org, or visit

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SEPTEMBER 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775 ■


Read all about it: The five best new kids’ books for the High Holidays By Penny Schwartz (JTA) – From Antarctica to Shanghai and farms to cities, this year’s crop of High Holidays books for children offers a globe-trotting exploration. Friendship and family are the themes that run through five new titles that entertain and inform young ones and older readers. Turning the pages of a new book is the perfect way to usher in the holidays. “Penguin Rosh Hashanah” (CreateSpace Independent Publishing; ages 3-6) by Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod Celebrating Rosh Hashanah can be tough for a young penguin in Antarctica. There are no bees to make honey and no apple trees – just a lot of snow. In this warmhearted, offbeat introduction to the Jewish New Year, illustrated with photographs of penguins and their natural “Penguin R o s h habitat, the little penguin H a s h a n a h ” ( P h o t o sometimes finds it hard to courtesy of Jennifer do the right thing. In simple rhythmic verse, part of an Tzivia MacLeod) animal-themed series on Jewish holidays (“Otter Passover” and “Panda Purim”), the Israeli-based writer Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod conveys the themes of Rosh Hashanah – reflection, forgiveness, faith and family. Bonus: There’s a penguin origami craft project at the end. “Time to Start a Brand New Year” (Hachai Publishing; ages 2-5) by Rochel Groner Vorst; illustrated by Shepsil Scheinberg With this new title, Hachai publishing adds to its collection of rhyming, colorful stories for young children. This High Holidays story by Rochel Groner Vorst features a contemporary haredi Orthodox family getting ready to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, from apple picking to harvesting honey to hearing the shofar. The author, who as a teen won Pittsburgh’s Holocaust poetry contest, is a “Brand New Year” kindergarten teacher at a Jew- (Photo courtesy of Hachai ish day school in Charlotte, Publishing) NC, where she grew up. “Talia and the Very Yum Kippur” (KarBen; ages 4-8) by Linda Elovitz Marshall; illustrated by Francesca Assirelli The endearing Talia makes a return in “Talia and the Very Yum Kippur,” Linda Elovitz’s funny and charming encore to “Talia and the Rude Vegetables” (2012), featuring a young girl who sometimes confuses grown-up words that sound like others. It’s Yom Kippur and Talia

is visiting her grandparents, who live on a farm. She helps her grandmother prepare a noodle kugel for the family’s break fast, gathering eggs from the hen house and milking the cow with her grandfather. Kids will be tickled by the bit of merry “Talia and the Very Yum mayhem that follows when Kippur” (Photo courtesy Talia mistakes the Hebrew of Kar-Ben Publishing) word “yom” (meaning “day”) for “yum” and she begins to grow impatient for her family’s “breakfast” as she wonders why a “fast day” is moving so slowly. Grandma comes to the rescue by explaining that on Yom Kippur, people pray, fast and ask for forgiveness for any wrongdoings, leading to a heartfelt set of apologies between Talia and Grandma. A truly yummy break fast with her family ends the tale – and there’s a kugel recipe at the back of the book. “Tamar’s Sukkah” (Kar-Ben; ages 3-8) by Ellie B. Gellman; illustrated by Katherine Janus Kahn Bursting with the colors of fall, “Tamar’s Sukkah” is an upbeat story that emphasizes simple living, gratitude, and welcoming friends and strangers. Tamar, the spunky heroine of the tale, is on a mission to make her plain family “ Ta m a r ’s S u k k a h ” sukkah just right – older (Photo courtesy of Karkids in the neighborhood are Ben Publishing) invited, one by one, to lend a hand. The award-winning artist Katherine Janus Kahn, whose books include the Sammy Spider series, brings the action to life with bright illustrations that depict a pleasant, suburban multiracial neighborhood filled with squirrels, puppies and bunnies. In the final double-page spread, the kids gather to admire their handiwork and share a simple snack. “A sukkah full of friends is just right,” Tamar exclaims. “Shanghai Sukkah” (Kar-Ben; ages 5-9) by Heidi Smith Hyde; illustrations by Jing Jing Tsong Heidi Smith Hyde, an award-winning author (“Feivel’s Flying Horses,” and “Emanuel and the Hanukkah Rescue”) and Jewish educator, delivers another intriguing tale of historical fiction that introduces older kids to Jewish life in less familiar settings and cultures. This Sukkot story imagines the experiences of a family that fled Nazi Germany to Shanghai in the early 1930s. Despite their overcrowded neighborhood, young Marcus is eager to build a sukkah in his new country. Marcus and his Jewish pals, helped by their new friend Liang, build a simple rooftop sukkah using ingenuity and bamboo. But without fresh fruit available to decorate the sukkah, Marcus is disappointed that it is too plain. To cheer him up, Liang invites Marcus to the Chinese Moon Festival, China’s

traditional autumn harvest festival. A puzzling riddle that Marcus finds inside a glowing paper lantern leads to an unexpected act of kindness by his new friend. Even better than adding beauty to the sparely decorated sukkah, Marcus discovers a deeper meaning to the holiday. Illustrations by the noted Hawaiian artist Jing Jing “Shanghai Sukkah” Tsong vividly portray daily (Photo courtesy of KarJewish life in Shanghai in Ben Publishing) shades of browns and grays – in contrast to the reds, gold and orange that pop on two double-page spreads depicting the holidays, both Jewish and Chinese. An author’s note explains the heroism of Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara, who helped thousands of Jews escape Nazi Germany by obtaining visas to travel through Japan and eventually settle in Shanghai.


Travel warnings issued for Israelis in advance of holidays

The “global terrorist campaign” by Iran and Hezbollah continues to threaten Israeli and Jewish targets around the world, Israel’s Counter Terrorism Bureau said in its annual list of travel warnings. “Recent terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists over the past year in Belgium, Canada, Australia, France and Denmark raise concerns over additional attacks against Western targets, including Israeli and Jewish targets, by veterans of the fighting in Syria and Iraq who are affiliated with Global Jihad (including Islamic State) and by local and regional elements inspired by the terrorist organizations,” the warning issued onAug. 24 said.A“severe travel warning” remains in effect for the Sinai Peninsula, the advisory said. Some 27 countries were highlighted in the advisory. The top countries on the most dangerous list, which advises to avoid all visits and to leave immediately, are Iran and Lebanon. They are followed by Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

Report: American Airlines dropped Israel due to alliance with Arab carriers

( – Aviation industry sources claim that the recent American Airlines decision to cease flights to Israel is the result of the U.S. carrier’s ties with Arab airlines. The airline had announced that it would stop its flights from Philadelphia to Tel Aviv beginning in January 2016 due to financial considerations. Casey Norton, a spokesman for American Airlines, told Bloomberg News that the carrier has lost $20 million last year on the route alone. But aviation sources told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that the actual reason for

the route’s impending closure is the airline’s participation in the OneWorld alliance, whose members include Arab airlines like Qatar Airways and Royal Jordanian, as well as Malaysia Airlines (Malaysia is a Muslimmajority nation). “Profitability wasn’t a problem. The past year hasn’t been easy for the airline industry in general, but that’s far from saying that the route wasn’t profitable. No one would have operated a money-losing route for so many years,” an anonymous industry source said, Haaretz reported.

Happy New Year!

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ september 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775


Continued from page 6

Mincha 7 pm Havdalah: 8:06 pm (Hamavdil only) Wednesday, September 16 Tzom Gedaliah Fast begins 5:04 am Selichot 6:15 am Morning services 6:45 am Mincha 6:45 pm Fast ends 7:45 pm Tuesday, September 22 Erev Yom Kippur Morning services 6:45 am Mincha 3:15 pm Candle lighting 6:40 pm Kol Nidre 6:50 pm Wednesday, September 23 Yom Kippur Chumash class 8:15 am Morning services 9 am Yizkor 11:45 am Mincha 5:10 pm (approximately) Havdalah 7:51 pm

Temple Adath Yeshurun

Unaffiliated individuals and families may join the TAY community for High Holiday services. To reserve tickets, contact the synagogue at 445-0002 or High Holiday children’s services Temple Adath Yeshurun will offer a variety of young children’s programs this year for the High Holidays. Young children’s services are available for children from birth-seventh grade on both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur. Beginning at 10:30 am, the Junior Congregation service will be held in the Miron Family Chapel. It is a child-centered service created to “engage and inspire” children in second-seventh grades, with a focus on prayers and the music of the holidays. Junior Congregation is followed by a High Holiday interactive program that

will provide children with an opportunity to learn about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur themes. Then the children will break up into smaller groups for holiday activities and a light kiddush snack. For children from birth-first grade, there will be an “upbeat” service with age-appropriate prayers, stories and songs. The program will be held from 10:30-11:30 am and will be geared toward young children. Yom Kippur will end with the children participating in the Havdalah service with TAY’s traditional flashlight walk and the blowing of the shofar. Babysitting will be available for children 6-years-old and younger for both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur. Sunday, September 13 Erev Rosh Hashanah Candle lighting 6:59 pm Mincha 6:15 pm Monday, September 14 Rosh Hashanah day one Morning service 8:15 am Shacharit, Torah service, blessing of the newborns, Musaf Tashlich 5:30 pm Evening service 6:30 pm Candle lighting 7:57 pm Tuesday, September 15 Rosh Hashanah day two Morning services 8:15 am Shacharit, Torah service, Musaf Evening service 7 pm Candle lighting 6:56 pm Saturday, September 19 Shabbat Shuvah 9:15 am Sunday, September 20 Cemetery memorial service 11 am Tuesday, September 22 Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre Morning services 7:30 am Mincha noon

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NEW for Juniors, Seniors, and your Parents: PACKING for COLLEGE: Where Does JUDAISM FIT? 5 special evenings beginning THURS, Sept 24, 7p-9p with Dr. Bob Tornberg and Judith Huober, Director of SJFS JUNIORS and SENIORS all year: Learn our Jewish TEXTS, and how they RELATE TO YOUR LIFE. Bring a FRIEND on THURSDAYS, 7p-8p at Wegman’s Café starting SEPT 10 with Dr. Bob Tornberg and Rabbi Shore 8TH-10TH GRADERS: Bring your adult - and a friend! to the 1ST CLASS on TUES, SEPT 8 6:30p-8:30p at Temple Concord

Kol Nidre 6:30 pm Candle lighting 6:43 pm Wednesday, September 23 Yom Kippur Morning services 9:15 am Shacharit, Torah service, Musaf Mincha, Martyrology, Neilah 4:30 pm Evening service, Havdalah, shofar approximately 7:20 pm

Temple Concord

Services will be open to the community. Guests and visitors should contact the Temple Concord office at 475-9952 or for guest passes and parking information. There is no fee for attending High Holiday services, although donations are welcome. Youth services and information Babysitting will be available during all adult services in the first floor babysitting room. Children will be brought into the sanctuary for the shofar blowing, when they can come up on the bima. Babysitting reservations should be made by Friday, September 11, by contacting Cheri Lass at 475-9952, ext. 309, or administrator@ Sunday, September 13 Erev Rosh Hashanah Evening service 8 pm Monday, September 14 Rosh Hashanah day one Morning service (office closed) 10 am Family service 1 pm Tashlich at Barry Park 4:30 pm Tuesday, September 15 Rosh Hashanah day two Morning service (office closed) 10 am Friday, September 18 Shabbat Shuvah service 6 pm Sunday, September 20 Woodlawn Cemetery memorial service 12:30 pm Tuesday, September 22 Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidre 8 pm Wednesday, September 23 Yom Kippur Morning service 10 am Study session 1 pm Family service 1 pm Afternoon and concluding services 3 pm Havdalah and break fast 6:30 pm

Chabad House

All services and meals will be held at Chabad House, 825 Ostrom Ave. Sunday, September 13 Erev Rosh Hashanah Candle lighting 7:01 pm Services 7:15 pm Dinner 8 pm – reservations required Monday, September 14 Rosh Hashanah day one Services 9:30 am Shofar 11:45 am Lunch 1:30 pm – reservations required Tashlich 7 pm at Thornden Park Rose Garden (meet in the garden) Candle lighting 7:59 pm Services 8 pm Dinner 8:30 pm – reservations required Tuesday, September 15 Rosh Hashanah day two Services 9:30 am Shofar 11:45 am Lunch 1:30 pm – reservations required Holiday ends 7:57 pm Look for “Have shofar, will travel” around campus both days of Rosh Hashanah Friday, September 18 Shabbat Shuvah Candle lighting 6:52 pm Services 7 pm Dinner 7:30 pm – reservations required Saturday, September 19 Shabbat Shuvah Services 10:30 am Torah reading 11:45 am Lunch 1 pm – reservations required

Tuesday, September 22 Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre Candle lighting 6:44 pm Fast begins 6:56 pm Kol Nidre 7:15 pm Wednesday, September 23 Yom Kippur Services 9:30 am Yizkor memorial service 12:30 pm Mincha 5:15 pm Neilah closing service 6:30 pm Shofar 7:40 pm Break fast 7:50 pm

Hillel at Syracuse University Sunday, September 13 Erev Rosh Hashanah Combined community services 7 pm, Hendricks Chapel, Reform and Conservative Dinner 8 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, reservations required by Thursday, September 10 Monday, September 14 Rosh Hashanah day one Conservative services 10 am, Hendricks Chapel, Main Chapel Reform services 10:30 am, Winnick Hillel Center, Lender Auditorium Lunch 1 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, reservations required by Thursday, September 10 Tashlich 2:15 pm. Meet at Hillel and walk to the pond in Thornden Park. Hillel will supply the bread. Conservative services 6 pm, Hendricks Chapel Main Chapel Dinner 7:15 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, reservations required by Thursday, September 10 Tuesday, September 15 Rosh Hashanah day two Conservative services 10 am Winnick Hillel Center Lender Auditorium Lunch 1 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, reservations required by Thursday, September 10 Friday, September 18 Shabbat Shuvah services and dinner 6 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, regular Shabbat service reservations required by Wednesday, September 16 Tuesday, September 22 Erev Yom Kippur Pre-fast dinner from 5-6:15 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, reservations required by Friday, September 18 Come by at any point during the specified times and get a pre-fast dinner. Kol Nidre services 6:15 pm, Hendricks Chapel, Reform and Conservative (service features the annual faculty d’var Torah) Wednesday, September 23 Yom Kippur Conservative services and Yizkor 10 am, Hendricks Chapel, Main Chapel Reform services and Yizkor 10:30 am, Winnick Hillel Center, Wohl Dining Center Combined Conservative and Reform Mincha 4:45 pm, Winnick Hillel Center, Lender Auditorium Combined Neilah and Maariv 6:15 pm, Winnick Hillel Center Break fast 7:50 pm, Winnick Hillel Center – free, no reservations required

Sephardic Minyan at the Jewish Community Center Sunday, September 13 Erev Rosh Hashanah 6:30-8:30 pm Monday, September 14 Rosh Hashanah day one Morning services 8 am-2 pm No Mincha or Maariv Tuesday, September 15 Rosh Hashanah day two Morning services 8:30 am-2 pm No Mincha or Maariv Tuesday, September 22 Kol Nidre service 6:30-9 pm Wednesday, September 23 Yom Kippur services all day – 8 am8 pm

SEPTEMBER 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775 ■


Eight stories to watch in Israel next year By Ben Sales (JTA) – Tired of hearing about Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians or the machinations of a certain Islamic Republic? There’s plenty of other news happening in Israel, from uproars over the country’s enormous natural gas reserves to a growing push to legalize marijuana. Here are eight newsy items you may have missed in 5775 – and stories you should watch out for as the new year begins. 1. Israel’s controversial gas drilling increases Since the discovery of two huge offshore fields of natural gas in the Mediterranean Sea, Israel has turned from an energy importer to an exporter. Israel has signed agreements worth tens of billions of dollars to export gas to Egypt and Jordan, and in 2013, a conglomerate of two energy companies – Noble Energy and the Delek Group – began exporting gas from the Tamar natural gas field. In June, however, an agreement to let Delek and Noble also develop the much larger Leviathan field set off protests in Israel. Critics, including the head of Israel’s antitrust authority, called the deal a monopoly. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to move ahead with the agreement, telling the Knesset in July that “we will not allow populism to bury the gas in the ground.” 2. Will new reforms solve Israel’s housing crisis? Sure, Israelis are concerned about bombs and tunnels, but they’re also worried about another threat to their ability to live in Israel: skyrocketing housing prices. Since 2008, prices have risen nearly 60 percent. The prohibitive costs of housing were what led half a million Israelis to take to the streets in protest in 2011. Running on a promise to address the housing crisis, the upstart centrist party Kulanu won 10 seats in the March Knesset elections. Now Kulanu’s chairman, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, has advanced a series of reforms designed to curb prices, including raising taxes on the purchase of second homes and streamlining Israel’s housing bureaucracy, making construction and contracting more efficient. Time will tell if his efforts make it easier for young Israelis to buy a home. 3. Israel becomes more French As antisemitism rises in France, Israelis have been hearing more and more French on the street over the past few years. Since 2010, some 20,000 French Jews have moved to Israel – and officials predict that 2015 will end up being a second straight record year for French aliyah. Parisians have filled the streets of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and coastal cities like Netanya and Ashdod. Israelis already are feeling their effect; shwarma stands, for example, now offer the signature Israeli lamb dish in a baguette as well as a pita. As Israel’s French community continues to grow, we’ll see how else the French arrivals may shape their new home. 4. Israel grows closer to India and China The European Union has long been Israel’s top trading partner and the United States its strongest ally. Those things are unlikely to change anytime soon, but the past year has seen Israel look to the East as well as the West. India’s new prime minister, Narendra Modi, wants to strengthen ties with Israel – he intends to visit the country, and will be the first Indian head of state to do so – and has had friendly words for Netanyahu. Israel, meanwhile, is looking to increase its trade with China. In 2015, Chinese investments in Israel reached $6 billion, and Israel and China are looking to establish a free-trade zone between them. 5. The rise of the 5-shekel café Israelis are fond of complaining about high prices, but one cost you won’t hear them gripe about is coffee. That’s because Cofix, a rapidly expanding café chain, sells everything on its menu – from espresso to sandwiches – for 5 shekels (about $1.25). Since it launched in 2013, Cofix has opened nearly 100 branches across Israel, and has plans to open a total of 300 stores. A knockoff competitor, Cofizz, has a couple dozen branches of its own with the same 5-shekel concept. Cofix has forced older chains to lower their prices and it’s not stopping there. It’s opened a handful of bars where everything goes for 5 shekels, and just opened a couple branches of Super Cofix, a dollar store-style supermarket with the same prices. 6. Haredim join the workforce With haredi Orthodox political parties back in the governing coalition, haredi men are unlikely to be included in Israel’s draft. But haredim have been integrating into mainstream Israeli society another way: through the workforce. According to recent data from Israel’s Economy Ministry, 16 percent of Israeli businesses now employ haredim, up from 8 percent in 2008. The number of


haredi employees in the business sector also doubled, from 48,000 in 2008 to more than 100,000 now. But haredi-secular relations still have a long way to go. A recent survey found that 45 percent of haredim had no interaction at all with secular Jews. 7. Marijuana legalization gets closer Israeli cannabis growers are hoping to make the desert bloom. Medical marijuana is already legal in Israel, and


Israel’s deputy health minister announced new regulations in July that will allow cannabis to be sold in pharmacies and prescribed by a wider range of doctors. In the past few years, leaders of Israeli political parties have admitted to having a toke, and lawmakers from both right- and left-wing parties support marijuana legalization. Until 2015, the most outspoken advocate See “Stories” on page 14

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ september 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775

Forget the agonizing, here’s an easy and elegant Rosh Hashanah menu William m. Tucker, mD New Patients Welcome

Board Certified

By Shannon EyeSarna Physician and Surgeon NEW YORK (JTA) – We love to kvetch about how Exams - All– Ages early or late Complete Rosh Hashanah falls as if we have any Free Parking • Most Insurances Accepted control or say when the holidays will appear. But this year, the Jewish New Year falls on the early Suite 207 - Northeast Medical side for us Americans, right after Labor the start of school. 4000 Medical CenterDay Dr. and • Fayetteville So there’s no time to agonize over menus or prep for weeks, which can sometimes be a good thing. If you haven’t been menu planning since July, don’t fret. You can still put together an elegant but time-conscious meal for a deliciously sweet New Year. Crockpot Short Ribs with Pomegranate Molasses Short on time but New Patients stillBoard want to make a Welcome beautiful main dish? Certified Break out your slow cooker. These short ribs taste like you illiam ucker were slaving Eye over Physician and Surgeon a hot stove all day, when in fact Complete you just Exams - All Ages Free Parking • Most Insurances Accepted threw it all in your Crockpot Short Ribs With slow cooker and then Molasses (Photo Suite 207 Pomegranate - Northeast Medical poured yourself a big by Shannon Sarna) 4000 Medical Center Dr. • Fayetteville




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glass of wine. The pomegranate molasses adds a traditional, sweet flavor perfect for the New Year. For an extra festive presentation, garnish the short ribs with pomegranate seeds and fresh parsley. This recipe can easily be doubled or tripled for a larger crowd. I do not recommend skipping the step of browning the meat and veggies before putting into your slow cooker. It will add depth to the meat and vegetables and the overall richness of the sauce. 3½ lbs. short ribs on the bone ½ tsp. cinnamon ¼ tsp. dried coriander ½ tsp. sweet paprika Pinch red pepper flakes 1 or 2 tsp. salt ½ tsp. pepper Olive oil 1 onion, diced 3 garlic cloves, minced 3 ribs of celery, diced 1 heaping tablespoon tomato paste 1½ cups chicken, beef or veal stock 1½ cups red wine 3 Tbsp. soy sauce

/ cup pomegranate molasses, plus extra for serving Fresh parsley (optional) Pomegranate seeds (optional) Mix together the cinnamon, coriander, paprika, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Place the short ribs on a large plate and rub the spice mix all over the ribs, covering all sides. Allow to sit in the fridge covered in plastic wrap a few hours if you have the time. Heat a few tablespoons of olive oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Sear the short ribs on all sides until brown. You will want to do this in batches depending on how many ribs you make. When all the ribs have been seared, place them into the bottom of your slow cooker. Drain off all oil in pan, except for around 2 or 3 tablespoons. Add onion and celery to the pan and saute until translucent, about 4 to 6 minutes. Add garlic and continue to cook. After a few minutes, add 1 heaping tablespoon tomato paste and cook until the tomato has incorporated into the vegetables. Add the cooked vegetables to the slow cooker with the stock, wine, soy sauce and pomegranate molasses. Set your slow cooker for 6 hours on high and allow to cook, ensuring the short ribs are completely covered with liquid. When short ribs are finished cooking, garnish an extra drizzle of pomegranate molasses, fresh chopped parsley and pomegranate seeds, if desired. Yield: 6 servings Baba Billie’s Potato Kugel This kugel is renowned in my husband’s family, but the real credit goes to his late grandma, Baba Billie Goldberg, whose cooking was legendary. What I have learned from my husband about making potato kugel is that it is essential to heat the oil in the pan before adding the potato mixture. This step will ensure a crispy outside on the bottom and top. Baba Billie’s Potato Kugel (Photo This is not a recipe by Shannon Sarna) for anyone watching their waistline, so take a deep breath, embrace the indulgent nature of this traditional dish and enjoy the fat-laden ride. 8 medium Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and coarsely shredded 2 medium-large onions, coarsely shredded 5 large eggs ¼ cup matzah meal ½ Tbsp. salt 2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 2 tsp. garlic powder Paprika for sprinkling Thick sea salt 1/3 cup olive oil Preheat oven to 375°F. When oven is preheated, add 1/3 cup olive oil to a 9-by-13 Pyrex dish and put into the oven to heat. Whisk eggs together in a large bowl. Add shredded potato, onion, matzah meal, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Mix until combined. When oil has been heating about 10 minutes, remove from oven. Add a small spoonful of the potato mixture and if it starts sizzling, it is hot enough. If not, put it back in the oven for a few minutes. When oil is ready, add the entire potato mixture and spread in a even layer using an offset spatula or large spoon. Sprinkle sweet or hot paprika on top and a sprinkle of thick sea salt. Bake for 40-50 minutes until crispy around the edges and golden brown on top. Allow to cool slightly before cutting into squares. Serve warm or at room temperature. Yield: 10-12 servings Roasted Broccoli with Garlic Broccoli is an easy and accessible side dish to make all year. Throw it in the oven, let it caramelize and you have a crunchy, slightly sweet vegetable that will have your guests raving. Extra points: It’s super easy and requires almost no prep time. 2 large or 3 medium heads of broccoli 5-6 garlic cloves, left unpeeled Salt and pepper Olive oil Preheat oven to 400°F. Remove stems from broccoli. Cut broccoli into medium florets. Spread on a large baking sheet, or 2 medium baking sheets so as not to overcrowd while cooking. 1 3

See “Menu” on page 14

SEPTEMBER 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775 ■


OR initiative lights up Israel’s Negev region By Maayan Jaffe “The younger generation of Israelis is looking for a challenge, to create,” says Ofir Fisher, co-founder of the OR Movement. “Every generation has to have its own interpretation of ‘Zionism.’” Fisher believes that for young Israelis in 2015, the Negev and Galilee regions provide the answer. “It’s not something secular, religious, right, left. It is something we can all connect around. The Negev and the Galilee are the solution to many of the problems Israelis are facing,” he says. The OR Movement (or is the Hebrew word for light) was founded in 2002 by Fisher and three other young, idealistic Israelis dedicated to making former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion’s dream of making the desert bloom a reality. The idea for OR, however, was planted several years prior when Fisher and his friends traveled to Poland on a school trip. “We came back from seeing the camps and we felt something happened to us,” Fisher recalls. “We decided we had to contribute as much as possible to strengthening our state of Israel.” While two of the four seed members have dropped out of the OR project, one of Fisher’s friends, Roni Flamer, serves as CEO. In 1999, Fisher and Flamer worked with Ariel Sharon, then minister of infrastructure, to establish Sansana, which at the time was the first [new] Jewish community established in Israel in 15 years. They settled there and experienced first-hand the trials and rewards of life in Israel’s sparsely populated areas. Since then, the OR Movement has tackled these challenges head-on, successfully relocating more than 6,000 families to communities in the Negev and Galilee, as well as facilitating more than 50 community and public building projects, including the planning, construction and operation phases. OR has also forged government relationships, helping pass 17 Israeli government initia-

An aerial view of Jewish National Fund-supported infrastructure development in Be’er Sheva, the largest city in Israel’s Negev region. (Photo courtesy of the Jewish National Fund) tives and decisions that provide relocation incentives, benefits and assistance for the Negev and Galilee. “The Negev and the Galilee account for between 60 and 70 percent of Israel’s land mass, yet they are home to less than 30 percent of the Israeli population,” explains Fisher. “These regions offer tremendous potential for innovation and growth.” Jewish National Fund, one of OR’s most prominent strategic partners, has invested heavily in the Negev region over the last several decades. But JNF CEO Russell Robinson says the OR project has had an unprecedented impact there. He explains that in the 1950s, the Negev was a barren piece of un-farmable land. The Israeli government moved immigrants from North Africa and other Arab countries, such as Yemen, into the Negev

L’Shanah Tovah Wishes for a Healthy and Happy New Year!

See “Negev” on page 15

Shofar bring joy and good health for you & your family.

Ruth & Joel Stein

Cheryl & Irv Schotz

out of necessity. This decision led to the establishment of what have become known as “development towns.” Yet the towns never really developed. “The Negev became neglected, the population stagnant and decreasing. With the Ethiopian aliyah, the immigrants went south, too. When you send poverty to poverty, it leads to more poverty. So those who made it got out. And while Tel Aviv, Haifa and the Jerusalem corridor progressed, the people in the north and the south were forgotten,” Robinson says. JNF recently conducted a survey of Israelis to better understand their opinions of the Negev. Most of them knew little about it. They said they either served in the army in Be’er Sheva, stopped in that city to get gas on their way to Eilat, or knew someone who went to Be’er Sheva-based Ben-Gurion University. “There was plenty of room for development, housing, jobs,” says Robinson. “So why was it not being done? Image.” Through its Blueprint Negev initiative, JNF has provided the means for a renaissance in the Negev region. The centerpiece of its efforts is the Be’er Sheva River Park, a massive water, environment and economic development project that is transforming the river front into a 1,700-acre civic paradise. OR has taken that paradise and invested in the tools to recruit middle and upper class families to new neighborhoods and communities – religious, mixed and secular, with opportunities to build, buy, or rent. Today, Be’er Sheva is the fastest-growing city in Israel. Take the Da’el family. Parents Yoni and Shira recently moved their three children to the Negev’s Ofakim from the central Israeli city of Petach Tikvah. “There are many stigmas about the development towns in southern Israel,” says Yoni Da’el, who served in the Negev during his army service and says he always wanted to make a difference in his country. Now, he feels he is a part of helping the development town progress and advancing

Wishing the community Wishing peace, he May the soundhappiness of the to all thi a Happy Chanukah!

L’Shanah Tovah

Wishing you a Healthy, Happy and Peaceful New Year

Steven & Linda Alexander L’Shanah Tovah

Happy Rosh Hashanah

Sydney Tenenbaum & Deidre Zehner, Isaac, Sadie , lori and Abe Tenenbaum

Blessings with love and prayers, Rev. Ernest and Dr. Cheryl Morrow

Sydney Tenenbaum & D Isaac, Sadie, Lori & Abe

Ona & Bernie Bregman

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and sweet New Year!

May the new year be the start of only the sweetest things!

Bonnie Rozen, Jewish Observer Advertising Executive

May the new year be the start of only the sweetest things! Neil and Robin Goldberg Seth, Leah, Abe, Shira, Jared, Danya, Adam & Mirian


The Cominsky’s & The Gatesy’s


Sydney Tenenbaum & Deidre Zehner Isaac, Sadie, Lori & Abe Tenenbaum

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JEWISH OBSERVER ■ september 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775

Calendar Highlights

To see a full calendar of community events, visit the Federation's community calendar online at Please notify of any calendar changes.

Friday, September 4 Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra Shas SHIRAT Shabbat at 6 pm Saturday, September 5 SELICHOT CBS-CS pre-holiday lunch and learn with Rabbi Andrew Pepperstone at noon Monday, September 7 Labor Day CBS-CS Back-to-SHUL barbecue at 4 pm Tuesday, September 8 Syracuse Hebrew Day School pool party from 4-6 pm Wednesday, September 9 Jewish Federation of Central New York board orientation and dinner from 5:30-7:30 pm at The Oaks Sunday, September 13 EREV Rosh Hashanah Monday, September 14 Rosh Hashanah B day one Tuesday, September 15 Rosh Hashanah, day two Wednesday, September 16 Jewish Observer deadline for the October 1 issue Downtown lunch and learn with Rabbis Paul Drazen, Daniel Fellman and Pepperstone at noon CBS-CS board meeting at 7:30 pm Thursday, September 17 Temple Adath Yeshurun board meeting at 7 pm Saturday, September 19 CBS-CS High Holiday lunch and learn with Rabbi Pepperstone at noon Sunday, September 20 CBS-CS apple picking at Abbott Farms at 1 pm Monday, September 21 SHDS curriculum night at 7 pm Tuesday, September 22 EREV Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre Wednesday, September 23 Yom Kippur


Continued from page 4

prior to the High Holidays to help “enhance the High Holiday experience. “Each session will be 30-45 minutes long and will include teaching, a discussion and a brief practice meditation. Meditation in a group is considered “spiritual and relational.” Jef Sneider will offer a session on introduction to meditation on September 12. The session will include topics including what Jewish meditation is; why people do not know meditation and practice it; and what is the point of meditation. The series will also cover the “when, where and how” of meditation. Hanita Blair will discuss “Meditation and Jewish Traditional Practice – You are Already Doing It!” on October 3. She will cover concepts and misconceptions about meditation. Howard Blair will examine “Meditation as Attention, Preparation for Prayer, and Prayer” on November 21. This will include calls to using meditation in Shacharit, and explanations of attention and prayer. On the second Saturday of each month, at 8:45 am, prior to Shabbat services, there will be a session with an introduction to meditation, with meditation practice at 9 am. For more on Jewish meditation, visit the CBS-CS website at For more information, contact the CBS-CS office at 446-9570 or


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d’var torah

Choosing to embrace the High Holy Days By Rabbi Daniel J. Fellman The apple orchards are filled right now with small green apples, which can only mean one thing: Rosh Hashanah is coming soon. The apples will turn from green to red, and soon we will gather to welcome 5776. In so many ways, this Rosh Hashanah will be like all the others we have known. We will join for services and reconnecting; we will hear the shofar’s cry and consider our past actions. We will enjoy meals with family, see the changes in our community, and savor the crisp beginning of autumn. That may be enough, but sooner or later, each of us will face a different kind of Rosh Hashanah. We will all, at some time, find ourselves asking the deeper questions of change and accountability, repentance and renewal. Central to the prayers of the High Holy Days are the Viddui, the prayers of confession. In those prayers, we acknowledge our shortcomings collectively and individually. We utter the words in the first person plural, taking responsibility not just for ourselves, but for others as well. Most years, we mumble through the words, some of us even beating our breasts in atonement. Then it’s over and we return to regular life. This year, the Reform Movement has produced a

new machzor, High Holy Day prayer book. Like the new Conservative machzor published a few years ago, this new volume moves away from the idea of sin and atonement, and instead calls us to see the moments when we missed the mark, and encourages us to find ways to change our lives for the better. The Viddui prayers only work when we can fully enter into that place of acceptance and willingness. In both new books, the prayers have been transformed – while remaining true to tradition – to better help each of us see ourselves in the words printed on the page. The new books are wonderful tools, but the tools only work if the user is prepared to be open. This year, whether our machzor is a new vintage or an old favorite, we face a choice: keep things the same or daringly explore unknown terrain. As Jews, we know that our past serves as a constant guide. We cannot forget that ours is a tradition that calls us to create anew, to continue creating the world and move it ever closer to perfection. The choice is ours. Stay the same, or move forward. Rabbi Daniel J. Fellman is the rabbi at Temple Concord.


Report: Hezbollah enlisting Palestinian operatives to carry out attacks

Hezbollah is working to enlist Palestinian operatives from Fatah’s Al Aksa Brigades to carry out attacks against Israeli targets in Judea and Samaria, as well as inside of Israel proper, a Palestinian security source said. A Palestinian security source told the Saudi daily newspaper Okaz that “among those Hezbollah members involved in the operation is Kayis Ubayid, who was behind the kidnapping of Col. (res.) Elahanan Tenebaum in 2000,” The Jerusalem Post reported. Tenebaum was eventually returned to Israel in 2004 as part of a prisoner swap. “We estimate that there are a number of youths who were drawn into joining Hezbollah’s ranks and are now operating in the West Bank, because of economic hardship or the deterioration in the security situation,” the source said, citing a recent terror attack near Beit Jala where an explosive device was thrown at Israeli soldiers as an example of Hezbollah’s involvement.

Report finds AEPi alumni “strongly engaged” in Jewish life, support for Israel

A recent report on Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi has found that the fraternity has a “substantial


Continued from page 12

Add garlic cloves and salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle generously with olive oil. Roast for 35-40 minutes, until just starting to get crispy and caramelized. Yield: 6 servings Apples and Honey Punch (Recipe by Brittany Fishman Pais) No family gathering would be complete without a proper cocktail to mellow everyone’s mood, right? This recipe is a family f a v o r i t e f ro m Brittany Fishman Pais, whose mother Apples and Honey Punch (Photo likes to serve this by Brittany Fishman Pais) punch to prevent the family “crazies,” as she calls them. And who doesn’t want to enjoy a festive drink that incorporates the traditional New Year flavors of apple and honey? Pais recommends serving this drink with a honey swizzle stick and a thin slice of apple as garnish. 1 quart apple cider 1 quart ginger ale 2 cups honey bourbon 1 or 2 Granny Smith apples, cut into slices Honey sticks (optional) Chill apple cider, ginger ale and bourbon (if using). Pour the apple cider, ginger ale and bourbon into large pitcher or punch bowl, and add ice and apple slices. Garnish individual glasses with an apple slice and honey stick, if desired.

impact” in influencing alumni to be more engaged in Jewish life and more supportive of Israel. The report shows that AEPi alumni have lower rates of intermarriage, are raising their children Jewish and are more likely to have Jewish friends than Jews who were not involved with AEPI.  The report also found that nearly 60 percent of alumni have credited AEPi with “enhancing their pride in or support for Israel,” with about 80 percent of alumni having visited Israel at least once. Additionally, the report found that AEPi alumni also exceed other Jewish men in charitable giving to both Jewish and non-Jewish organizations and non-profits. “This study confirmed what we’ve known all along. Our brothers are more engaged in Jewish life and more supportive of Israel than other Jewish men their age,” Andy Barans, executive director of AEPi, told

IAEA says Iran may have expanded Parchin nuclear facility

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations nuclear watchdog, said in a report that Iran may have built an extension to part of its Parchin nuclear site since May. “Since (our) previous report (in May), at a particular location at the Parchin site, the agency has continued to observe, through satellite imagery, the presence of vehicles, equipment and probable construction materials. In addition, a small extension to an existing building” appeared to have been built, the confidential IAEA report, obtained by Reuters, said. The Parchin nuclear site was last visited by international inspectors in 2005 and the latest revelation may jeopardize the IAEA’s ability to verify Western intelligence has suggesting that Iran has carried out test there relevant to nuclear bomb detonations. Iran has dismissed these claims as “fabricated.” The new IAEA is the latest controversy over the Parchin nuclear site. The week of Aug. 21, the Associated Press revealed an undisclosed agreement between the IAEA and Iran that would allow the Islamic Republic to conduct nuclear inspections at the Parchin nuclear site. Israel has demanded that the IAEA publish those undisclosed agreements.


Continued from page 11

for legalization was the far-right Knesset member Moshe Feiglin, and while Feiglin didn’t make it into the Knesset in the March election, his cause goes on. 8. A 14-year-old Israeli is the face of Dior Move over, Bar Refaeli. Sofia Mechetner, a 14-year-old Israeli from the Tel Aviv suburb of Holon, was recently named “the face” of the French fashion label Dior. Mechetner, who had no prior modeling experience, is the daughter of Soviet immigrants and reportedly shared a bedroom with her two siblings – whom she often cared for, as her parents were busy working to make ends meet. She landed the Dior job, in part, by running into the brand’s creative director at a Dior store in Paris. Her recent scantily-clad walk down a Paris runway reignited controversy about youth and high fashion, and fashion insiders have cautioned that modeling young comes with dangers and pressures. But at least for now, says her manager, her family’s financial troubles are over.

SEPTEMBER 3, 2015/19 ELUL 5775 ■

A 20-year-old man was arrested for knocking over a 9-foot menorah at the University of Illinois in Champaign. Max Kristy of Champaign was arrested several days after the Aug. 21 incident on the front lawn of the Illini Chabad Jewish Center, the Daily Illini student newspaper reported. Kristy, who does not attend the university, was caught on a surveillance camera pushing the menorah until it snapped at the base. The electrical wiring inside also was damaged. The menorah also was knocked over in April; the police have not connected the two incidents. Kristy reportedly told police he was drunk at the time of the incident and planned to take the menorah as a gift to a Jewish friend, the News-Gazette reported. The friend confirmed to police that the two had talked about what he had done, according to the News-Gazette. Police said Kristy will not be charged with a hate crime because the vandalism was not directed at a specific person. Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel of the Illini Chabad center said after the second incident that he was raising money to replace the vandalized menorah with a larger and sturdier one.

nounced that he has seen a ground-penetrating radar image indicating that the train, which two unidentified individuals claimed to locate earlier in August, likely exists. The train is believed to be one that reportedly disappeared in 1945 loaded with gold, gems, art and guns bound for Berlin, one of several trains the Nazis used in an attempt to save their war plunder from the advancing Allies. According to local lore, the train vanished after entering a network of tunnels under the Owl Mountains. Two men, one German and one Polish, approached government officials in Poland’s southwestern district of Walbrzych earlier inAugust claiming to have found the train, but saying they would not reveal its location until they were guaranteed a 10 percent finder’s fee. At a news conference on Aug. 28, Zuchowski said he was “more than 99 percent certain that this train exists,” according to the Associated Press. Zuchowski also said the two men who claim to have found the train learned of its location from a dying individual who had been involved in transporting the train in 1945. “If it is confirmed that the train is carrying valuable items, the finders can expect a 10 percent finder’s fee, either in the form of a reward from the ministry or from the owners of the property,” Zuchowski said. He said any recovered valuables whose original owners can be identified would have their property restored to them.

Netanyahu, Italian PM at Florence meeting discuss furthering ties


Man, 20, arrested for knocking over 9-foot U. of Illinois Chabad menorah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Italian counterpart, Matteo Renzi, at a meeting in Florence discussed expanding ties between their countries. The meeting the night of Aug. 29 took place in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence’s City Hall, and focused on international concerns including Islamic terrorism and the Iran nuclear deal, and on bilateral agreements between Israel and Italy. “We can further expand the cooperation between Israel and Italy in technology, in agriculture, in culture and science, in fighting terrorism, in security and stability for our world,” Netanyahu told Renzi, according to the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office. “Together we can innovate more than separate, both for the benefit of our two peoples, but also for the benefit of other peoples.” Netanyahu, who spent three days in Italy, recalled Renzi’s speech in July to the Knesset, thanking the 40-year-old center-left leader for an addressed he termed “historic.” Renzi in the speech voiced his opposition to the international boycott movement against Israel, and said Israel and Italy “share the same fate.” While backing the Iran nuclear deal, he vowed the West “would not forsake Israel.” On Aug. 28, Netanyahu met in Florence with a delegation of Jewish leaders, headed by the president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Renzo Gattegna. “Israel considers Italy a natural bridge for Europe because it’s the country that strives to understand what are Israel’s needs,” he said following the meeting. On Aug. 27, Netanyahu visited Milan Expo, which showcases technology and development, and delivered a message of willingness to share Israel’s technological and scientific results in sustainable agriculture with the world.

U.S. national industrial union endorses BDS of Israel

A U.S. national industrial union accused Israel of ethnic cleansing and voted to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers union voted on the resolutions on Aug. 20 during its national convention, the union reported on its website on Aug. 28. The resolutions involving Israel and the Palestinians were voted on as part of a series of resolution on foreign policy issues, including support for the Iran nuclear deal. The union said in a statement that it was the first U.S. national union to endorse BDS. The union has nearly 37,000 members throughout the country. The resolution on Palestine and Israel “points to Israel’s long history of violating the human rights of the Palestinians, starting with the ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians in 1947-48 that turned most of Palestine into the state of Israel,” according to the union. It also cites a statement issued by the union’s officers in 2014 condemning Israel’s war on Gaza. The resolution also calls for cutting off U.S. aid to Israel as well as U.S. support for a peace settlement on the basis of self-determination for Palestinians and the right of return. It endorses the worldwide BDS movement in order to “pressure Israel to end its apartheid over the Palestinians just as similar tactics helped to end South African apartheid in the 1980s.”

Plunder-filled Nazi train worth millions has likely been found

With evidence mounting that a Nazi train loaded with millions of dollars worth of plundered items has been found in Poland, the World Jewish Congress urged the Polish government to ensure any goods stolen from Jews be returned to their legitimate owners or their heirs. On Aug. 28, Polish Deputy Culture Minister Piotr Zuchowski an-






Harriet Jachles Gardner

Harriet Jachles Gardner, 86, died in Parker, CO, on August 18, as a result of a 25-year battle with multiple sclerosis. A former Syracuse resident, she graduated from Nottingham High School and was employed by Wilson Jewelers, where she met her husband. She was an avid golfer, bowler and dancer, and loved to play cards. She was a former member of Lafayette Country Club, Temple Adath Yeshurun and many Jewish organizations. She was predeceased by her husband, Morton Gardner; a daughter, Gwen Greenberg; a brother, Louis Jachles; and brothers-in-law Irving Rifkin and Sol Lynne. She is survived by her sisters, Marion Rifkin and Elinor Lynne; a sister-in-law, Harriet Jachles; a son; a son-in-law; five grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and two friends who never left her side, Liz Almagno and Wendy Jiler Sherman. Burial was in Colorado. Birnbaum Funeral Service had local arrangements. Contributions may be made to Temple Adath Yeshurun Minyon Fund, 450 Kimber Rd., Syracuse, NY 13224, or a favorite charity.  Continued from page 13

the lives of his own offspring, too. “My children have a high quality of life here, the education is excellent and the community is welcoming and warm,” he says. Shira Da’el agrees. She says she is grateful to her husband at least once a week for pushing them toward this move. Similarly, the Akabayov family moved to the Negev from Boston, where Barak Akabayov was working as a visiting scholar. Originally from central Israel, he now works in the chemistry department at BGU. The family lives in Omer‚a small, suburban neighborhood about 15 minutes outside of Be’er Sheva. “We never thought we would live in this area of Israel, but it is really great,” Akabayov says. “We really like the weather here; it is better than any other place in the country.” He continues, “When the people from OR took us around to see the Negev [and Be’er Sheva], I saw that it has really developed into a modern city. It is really different than what I thought before.” Robinson explains that unlike in the United States, where local chambers of commerce and visitor’s centers make it easier to learn about a community and move, such infrastructure does not yet exist in Israel. OR serves that role and provides the connections to communities, jobs and cultural life that Israelis need in order to see themselves moving to the Negev. Fisher says OR has stopped adding new towns, but instead is focused on developing those they have already birthed and investing in the recruitment of middle class Israelis to development towns, with the goal of forming what he calls “vital neighborhoods.” The objective is to have these new families bring about improved infrastructure and education, which ultimately will enhance the

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whole town and ensure that everybody wins. He would like to see the Negev and Galilee regions have 4.5 million new residents by 2048. “The Negev and the Galilee will be independent centers of life, not dependent on Tel Aviv or the surrounding areas,” says Fisher. “Over the next decade, we will bring the next 150,000 people to these areas and this will create a ripple effect. This is all about being a visionary. … We are doing our part to keep the Zionist dream alive.”

A sketch of the planned Be’er Sheva River Park – a water, environment and economic development project that is transforming the Negev city’s river front into a 1,700-acre civic paradise. (Photo courtesy of the Jewish National Fund)


Established 1970

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eryone a Happy & Healthy New Y v e g n i h ear Wis

1909 East Fayette St., Syracuse, NY 13210 • 315.472.5291 • 1.800.472.5182 Martin J. Birnbaum* Elaine R. Birnbaum* Joel M. Friedman * Also Licensed in Florida


From our family to yours we wish you a peaceful and healthy New Year Steven and Robin Sisskind

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