Divulged 2021 - Edition 1

Page 8

e hull in ou nt submarin IREMENT THE REQU external Hydro test on a clie n.

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ted ane then refit ee our gantry cr To provide an cility in Aberd by fa ) ed C ov H m (N re e entr had to be Hyperbaric C amber door the work ch ll hu e in ar bm r. ngth of the su work chambe Due to the le as inside the w e in ar ent arriving bm ient's equipm once the su cl e th of e ? advanc chamber in DERTAKEN E TEST UN move the door of the work H T S A W HOW d to re used in the is test JFD ha chamber was To support th 3 volume of the e 63m on-site. ngth) and th rnal wall. m (internal le 0c and the inte e 80 in x ) ar er bm et su am e di th and into al of rn m (inte the end to our trolley The full 300c to spare from r, load it on s le re ai tr et nt im ie nt cl ly ce the test with on bmarine from offload the su buoyancy. to e an cr e ile e ob nt confidenc overcom 100 tonne m give our clie ed down to to pp e ra fe JFD used a in st sa ar a as bm w in the su , all with r where it nducted on r operations the chambe essure test co d to in regula pr te e ec th bj d su an ith water it would be r was filled w e pressures The chambe withstand th d ul on the co t en uipm loaded back that their eq e chamber, ent. th nm m ro vi fro en ed . d ov r door as rem and controlle work chambe bmarine it w st on the su re-install the te to re le su ab es en pr th D were e successful the client. JF Following th ted back to or sp an tr d trailer an st it would ion of the co ct fra a at t, ronmen ntrolled envi ME O pment in a co C ui T eq U r O ei th G st TESTIN omer to te led the cust last 5 years. The trial enab tion. omer in the st cu e ca lo th ith on ure, w be to do g this proced sful test, usin es cc su ch fourth su This was the


Divulged | Edition 01| 2021

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