Universidad del Turabo Graduate School of Education Course: EDUC 554 The Use of Computers in ESL Curriculum and Instruction Penn State University/Universidad del Turabo project Instructor: Jorge F. Figueroa, PhD Phone: 787-428-5506 Email: ut_jfiguero@suagm.edu E-mail2: jffigueroa@suagm.edu Skype IM: jfffigueroa ooVoo IM: jfffigueroa E-Classroom: http://www.drjfigueroa.moodlehub.com Course Blog: http://educ554psu.blogspot.com Class Wiki: http://educ554psu.wikispaces.com
Description This course introduces students to the use of emerging technologies for the ESL classroom. It helps the language teacher to make informed decisions on how to integrate the use of computers in the ESL curriculum and deal with digital natives. In addition it covers the use of the Web 2.0, multitasking, apps and other innovative resources to work with LEP students. Objectives By the end of the course, graduate students will:
Use Web 2.0 terms, concepts, and vocabulary correctly Demonstrate understanding of the learning theories underlying Web 2.0, Open Source, Sharing, Social Networks, Multitasking, Web Conferencing, and Mobile Learning. Integrate different Web 2.0 applications in the ESL Curriculum. Implement and evaluate software applications for ESL. Examine and reflect on emerging technologies research including distance learning. Demonstrate knowledge in the integration of the ISTE Standards.
Solomon, G, & Schrum, L(2010). Web 2.0-how to for educators. (First ed.). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. Course Content Unit 1 During this unit the students will be working with the Web 2.0. In addition they will do research on CALL and other strategies using technologies for language learning. Readings from the book will be assign.
Unit 2 During this unit the learners will gain knowledge about digital natives and how to deal with them in the classroom setting. Instruction on how to work with Web 2.0 sites will be given. Research on different sites will be covered. File conversion will be taught here. Book readings and other materials will be used. Unit 3 During this unit the learners will work with the creation of blogging, wikis, and podcasting. The advantages of each will be discussed and strategies on how to use them in the ESL class will be given. Students will create their own blogs, wikis, and podcasts. In addition they will work with the strategy of digital storytelling creating one on Windows Live Movie Maker or iMovie. Unit 4 This unit teaches how to work with social communication, multimedia, microblogging, and social networking. The phenomenon of Twitter and Facebook will be covered in addition to other important sites. The students will create multimedia video using tools such as Animoto, embed ppt presentations using Issuu. doctoc, and slide share. Use cloud computing with box.net, dropbox, and remote management. Unit 5 This unit will cover the use of distance learning and mobile application. Students will work with the Moodle platform and will create one e-learning course. Open Source software will be integrated. In addition they will learn about apps for smart phones, itouch, and tablets. Student Evaluation Students will be evaluated using the University's academic norms. This course relies heavily on the use of the hands on approach, cooperative, and collaborative learning. The assessment is divided as follows: Class attendance and participation Blog postings Wiki Project Blog Project Article review Software and website evaluation Multimedia Integration
5% 10% 25% 25% 20% 5% 10%
Classroom Rules and Regulations
Students need to be on time for the class session. Students need to bring the necessary classroom materials. Ringing mobile phones are not allowed during the class. All classroom work, presentation, and visual materials will be appropriate with the thematic units. Students must submit all the assigned coursework during on the assigned due dates. Students are allowed to inform the professor any particular situation related to the class. Family members, friends, and children must wait outside of the classroom during the class period.
Relevant Information The professor reserves the right and is his prerogative to change any of the student evaluation criteria and course schedule during the course with notification to the students. Late submissions for Assignments and Other Work Late submissions won’t be accepted after two days of the due date. Late submissions will be penalized as follows: - One days after due date: -10 points of the assignment final grade - Two days after due date: -15 points of the assignment final grade References Backer, J. (2001). Using a Modular Approach to schMOOze with ESLIEFL Students, The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VII,No.5httix//itesli.org/Lessons/BackerSchMOOze.html Campbell, A. P. (2003). Weblogs for Use with ESL Classes. Internet TESL Journal Vol. IX, No. 2, February 2003, http://iteslorg/Techniciues/Campbe11-Web1ogs.htm1. Abstract; The purpose of this paper is to introduce three ways that weblogs can be used to support ESL classroom learning. After defming what a weblog is, I will proceed to show how weblogs can be put into immediate use in the ESL classroom by means of three distinct types: the tutor weblog, learner weblog, and class weblog. I will also mention the software available for creating and maintaining weblogs Dereshiwsky, M. (2000). "The Ten Commandments of Success in Cyberlnstruction" http:!/leahi.kcc.hawaii.eduIorJtcon2kIpaper/paper dereshiwskym.html. TCC Online Conference (seen June 2002) Ferdig, R. B., and Tranuneti, K. D, (2004). Content Delivery in the 'Blogosphere4. TaB. Journal (February or March issue); retrieved March 18, 2004 from: http://www.theiournal.comJmaazine/vau1t/A4677.cfm?kw=&gw= Fidelman, C.: A language professional's guide to the WWW, CALICO Journal, Vol 13 nos. 2 & 3, at http://agoralang.conilcalico/webarticle.html Schank RE. & Cleary C. (1995) Engines for education. Hilisdale, NJ: Lawrence Eribaum Associates.Journals ICT4LT Editor's Note; See also the C4LL bibliogrcphy in the ICT4LT Resource Centre CALICO Journal: Published by CALICO, the US-based professional associatIon. Computer Assisted English Language Learning Journal (CAELL Journal): ajournal for ESL teachers. Now defunct. Formerly published by ISTE, University of Orgeon. For back issues contact ISTE. ReCALL: The Journal of EUROCALL, now published by Cambridge University Press. Members and guests log in at httv:/Jwww.iournalssup.org. Back numbers are available at: http://www.eurocall-languages.orglrecalllindex.html SYSTEM:An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, Elsevier: http:f/www.elseviersom!wps/tinl!joumaklescnytion.cwshome/335Mescriptton TESL-FJ
Student Evaluation Class Attendance and Participation 5% Student attendance is imperative for the course. Students are expected to complete all assigned readings, assignments, and actively participate in all classroom discussions, activities, and the online component. Blog Postings 10% As part of this course you are required to be active in the course blog. This is a way to express your opinions about readings and subjects important to the course. The blog is located at http://educ554psu.blogspot.com . All postings should be done following the instructions given. They must meet the due date. No offensive language is permitted in the blog or postings without academic sense. Anonymous posts are permitted if the entry says the writer’s name. Wiki Project 25% A Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and cross links between internal pages on the fly. In this course you will create a Personal Wiki and a Team Wiki. Your Personal Wiki will be oriented toward your classroom and your Team Wiki toward a topic. It will be created at http://www.wikispaces.com . By this means, integrating class work to the Wiki and activities for the students and parents to see. The creation of the Wikis will be task based. All components for the Wikis will be given by the instructor. Article Review 20% Find an article oriented toward education and technology. This article must be 8 years old or less. Look for the article in different online peer reviewed journals using any available database. The article needs to be approved by the instructor. After the article is approved you will start your review. Your article review will be divided in two parts. These parts will be: description of the article, and implications for your classroom. The article review should not be less or more than five pages. Send your article review to ut_jfiguero@suagm.edu on the schedule date. Software and Webpage Evaluation 5% Read the article Educational Software and Web Site Evaluation to evaluate one educational software (ESL preferred). This educational software could be one your school is using or was using,or one you have experience with. You can also search the web for any educational software of your preference. Make the assessment of the software using the criteria in the article. In addition, read the article Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages. Search the web and find one educational web page (ESL oriented preferred). Evaluate the web page using the criteria in the article. Use the template located in the Wiki. Send your evaluations to ut_jfiguero@suagm.edu by the due date.
Software and Webpage Evaluation 15% Read the article Educational Software and Web Site Evaluation to evaluate one educational software (ESL preferred). This educational software could be one your school is using or was using,or one you have experience with. You can also search the web for any educational software of your preference. Make the assessment of the software using the criteria in the article. In addition, read the article Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages. Search the web and find one educational web page (ESL oriented preferred). Evaluate the web page using the criteria in the article. Use the template located in the Wiki. Send your evaluations to ut_jfiguero@suagm.edu by the due date.
Blog Project 25% A Blog is a website where entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. The use of blogs in instructional settings is only limited by your imagination. For this course you will create a blog oriented to your classroom or course that you teach. The blog will be created in http://www.blogger.com . In addition other components will be integrated to your blog. Multimedia Integration 10% You need to integrate multimedia during the course. This includes video creation and publishing, social networks, microblogging, flash driven presentation, virtual storage, remote management, an many other. All instructions will be given by the professor.