9 minute read
To list an event in the Community Calendar, submit your information on our website, www.jewishlehighvalley.org, under the “Upcoming Events” menu.
All events listed in the Community Calendar are open to the public and free of charge, unless otherwise noted. Programs listed in HAKOL are provided as a service to the community. They do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. The JFLV reserves the right to accept, reject or modify listings.
JDS honors Dr. Israel & Valeska Zighelboim
7:30 p.m., Jewish Day School via Zoom. The Jewish Day School’s 69th Evening of Tribute will feature the presentation of its Pillar of the Community award to Dr. Israel and Valeska Zighelboim.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 TBE Sisterhood Giftique
9 a.m. to noon, Temple Beth El Chanukah Giftique is back, and the TBE Sisterhood Gift Shop is stocked with new goodies, including jewelry, cards, menorahs, candles and toys. Coffee and bagels will be served. For more information visit bethelallentown.org/event/sisterhood-giftique2.html. TBE Chanu Can Dinner
6:45-8:30 p.m., Temple Beth El Register at bethelallentown.org/form/2022chanucan-dinner.html.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17 PJ Library Pizza Havdalah
5:30 - 7:00 p.m., at a Nazareth residence PJ Library will host a pizza Havdalah at a private residence. Participants will light multiwick, braided Havdalah candles, say blessings, and drink wine or grape juice. Register at jewishlehighvalley.regfox.com/pj-librarypizza-havdalah-december-17-2022.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 Chanu Can Extravaganza
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 Keneseth Israel Potluck Dinner and Movie
6-9 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Movie: Such Good Friends. Discussion led by Charlie Richter. RSVP by registering at kilv. org with number attending and what you would like to bring; desserts will be provided so please bring a main, side, veggie or appetizer.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 KI Shabbat Out of the Box: Card Making for Our Elders
10 a.m., Congregation Keneseth IsraeI. Join Lynda Pollack for a morning of fun, creativity and kindness as a group makes Chanukah cards that will be delivered to Jewish seniors. Art supplies will be provided. Women of KI will be making cookies to include with the cards. All are invited to participate, ages 7 to 100. Register at kilv.org by December 5.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 Rabbi W. Jack Romberg on his book ‘A Doorway to Heroism’
7 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Discussion and Dessert with Rabbi W. Jack Romberg discussing “A Doorway to Heroism,” a story about his great uncle Richard Stern, whose photograph of his protest hangs in multiple German museums, showing a rare Jewish protest in Nazi Germany. Register at kilv.org. 10 a.m. to noon, Temple Beth El TBE invites you to a Chanukah party, Chanu Can presentation and Pakapoo (sweepstakes) prize drawing. Visit bethelallentown. org for details.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 Maimonides Society Brunch and Learn
11 a.m. to 1 p.m., JCC Dr. Doron Rabin, section chief of neurology at St. Luke’s, will talk about brain surgery to the Jewish Federation’s society of healthcare professionals. Open to the entire community. No cost for Maimonides members and spouses; $10 for others. Register at jewishlehighvalley. org/calendar.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 Family Hanukkah Celebration and Community Candle Lighting
3-5 p.m., JCC Bring your family and friends to the JCC to celebrate Hanukkah with the community. Enjoy fun for the whole family including activities, kids’ crafts, latkes, and doughnuts. End the night as we light the menorah together. Price: $20/family; JCC Members: $15/family Visit the website for complete pricing information. Advanced registration is required at lvjcc.org
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 JDS & PJ Library Chanukkah Party
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15 Belonging to Bethlehem: A Jewish Story Sampler
1:15-2:30 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom or virtual In this first session of a six-session workshop, you’ll hear the stories that made the Bethlehem Jewish community, starting from 1890. You’ll also learn writing techniques and have time to write stories from your life or family. Third Thursday of the month. $10 per session. Light refreshments served. Instructor Jennifer Lader is a writer, storyteller and author. Registration required at tammy@ brithsholom.net or 610-866-8009.
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Jewish Day School Jewish Day School and PJ Library are throwing a Chanukah party, and everyone in the community is invited to attend. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children (free under age 3); $60 is the maximum per family. Get tickets at jdslv.org/chanukkah/p/party.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 KI Shabbat Out of the Box: Havdalah Sing-a-Long and Dinner
5 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Chase away the winter blues with Rabbi Phil as KI marks the close of the Sabbath and transitions into the beginning of the week with Havdalah, songs and togetherness. All ages welcome. Register at kilv.org by Jan. 10.
Women’s Philanthropy Chanukah Party
6:30-8:00 p.m., Jewish Community Center Live, Laugh and Light it Up with JFLV Women’s Philanthropy! There will be Israeli music, games, desserts and lots of fun. Register at jewishlehighvalley.org/calendar. Sons of Israel Men’s Club Brunch
10 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel Sunday brunch sponsored by the Congregation Sons of Israel Men’s Club. Speaker to be announced. Cost is $5. RSVP to office@ sonsofisrael.net or 610-4336089 by Jan. 11.Celebrate the beauty of Shabbat SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 Mitzvah Day: Cooking for the Community 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., JCC Do you love to cook? Join the Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy in the JCC kitchen Friday, Dec. 2 4:17 pm for Mitzvah Day to prepare Friday, Dec. 9 4:17 pm kosher meals for older adults Friday, Dec. 16 4:18 pm in our community. No experi-
Shabbat & Yom Tov Candlelighting Times Friday, Dec. 23 4:21 pm Friday, Dec. 30 4:26 pm Friday, Jan. 6 4:32 pm
ence necessary. Recipes will be provided. Whether or not you plan to attend, you can also help by sponsoring meals: $10 for one, $18 for two. Register by January 23 or sponsor at jewishlehighvalley.regfox.com/womens-philanthropy-mitzvah-project-1292023.
MONDAYS Yiddish Club
2 to 3:30 p.m., JCC of the LV via Zoom. Experience the joys of Yiddish via Zoom as part of “Adults at the J.” The group meets weekly to discuss topics like cooking, humor, music and all kinds of entertainment in the Yiddish language. All are welcome to join this lively, weekly discussion. There is something for everyone no matter if you know a few words or are a fluent speaker. Enjoy fun, fellowship, stories and more. Participants Zoom in from 5 states. No cost. Contact Janis Mikofsky at the JCC of the Lehigh Valley, 610435-3571, ext. 501.
MONDAYS Peaking Through the Veil class
7:15 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom Jewish women have always been a spiritual force within Torah and Jewish tradition. Too often, however, the voices of prophetesses and female sages have been overlooked, discounted or repressed. Join with Rabbi Michael Singer to explore classical and modern texts, bringing new life to important voices, perspectives and issues. The required books, “A Bridge for One Night” by Ruth Calderon and “Sisters at Sinai” by Rabbi Jill Hamme, cost $50. No class November 7, December 26, or January 1 or 9. For information email tammy@brithsholom.net or call 610-8668009.
MONDAYS & THURSDAYS Online Jewish Yoga Studio
Mondays 11 to 11:45 a.m., Thursdays 4 to 4:45 p.m., Institute for Jewish Spirituality. Mindful body practices help us find shelter right where we are, in our bodies in this very moment. Join yoga teacher and IJS faculty member Rabbi Myriam Klotz or Cantor Lizzie Shammash as she guides you in an all-levels yoga and movement session informed by Jewish spiritual teachings and designed to relieve stress as we increase awareness of breath and grounding through our bodies. Open to all, no experience needed. Sign up at jewishspirituality.org/get-started.
TUESDAYS Weekly Torah Study
11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., Institute for Jewish Spirituality. Rabbi Jonathan Slater will lead a weekly program: “Torah Study to Sustain The Soul,” aimed at addressing an aspect of spiritual life that will help us navigate this time of uncertainty and isolation. Open to all, no previous knowledge needed. Sign up now.
TUESDAYS Torah Tuesdays with Bnai Shalom
12:30 p.m., At the home of Cindy Danies. Torah on Tuesdays - Interactive Torah study group. Contact office@bnaishalomeaston.org for more information.
WEDNESDAYS Judaism for Our Time with Bnai Shalom
11 a.m., Bnai Shalom via Zoom. Register in advance for this meeting: call 610-258-5343.
WEDNESDAYS Yoga with Miriam Sandler: Chair Supported Yoga
1 to 2 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom in person and via Zoom. Be seated in a comfortable chair, preferably armless (folding works well). Some standing poses holding onto chair offered, though students may choose to remain seated. Modifications given. Open to the public in person and live stream available to all via Zoom. *$10 dropin fee payable to Congregation Brith Sholom. For more information, email: mbserow@ gmail.com.
WEDNESDAYS Torah Studies: A Weekly Journey into the Soul of Torah
7 p.m., Chabad of the Lehigh Valley via Zoom and in person. Torah Studies by JLI presents Season Three, a 12-part series. Cost is $36 for the course including textbook. For more information, contact 610-351-6511 or rabbi@chabadlehighvalley.com.
1:25 p.m., via Zoom. We discuss short stories from an anthology. Please contact Marilyn Claire at mjclaire@gmail.com or 610-972-7054 to sign up.
THURSDAYS Basic Yiddish Class
4 to 5:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley via Zoom. Learn to read, write, speak and comprehend Yiddish. Textbooks from Yiddish Book Center available for purchase. Contact: Janis Mikofsky 610-435-3571, ext. 501.
FRIDAYS Kol Haemek
8:30 to 9:30 a.m., WMUH 91.7. Radio show with Cantor Wartell - muhlenberg.edu/wmuh.
5:30-7 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Art projects, songs, snack stories, prayer and dinner. Geared toward kids ages 5-10, but perfect for younger siblings too. RSVP at kilv. org.
SATURDAYS Wisdom of the Talmud class
After Shabbat Lunch and Schmooze, Congregation Brith Sholom Join Rabbi Michael Singer in a discussion about Jewish law, ethics, customs and history as found in the pages of the Talmud. The fall-winter class begins a new volume of the Talmud: “Mesechet Megillah.” Books are available in the synagogue office. No previous Talmud study required. For information email tammy@brithsholom.net or call 610866-8009.
DAILY Jewish Broadcasting Service
JBS is a Jewish television channel featuring daily news from Israel, leading Jewish figures, issues and events of Jewish importance, callin programs, Jewish studies, 92nd Street Y, Live Friday and holiday services for the homebound, children’s programs, films, music, books and entertainment.
DAILY Congregation Sons of Israel Minyanim
Shacharit on Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30 a.m.; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:45 a.m.; and Sundays at 8:30 a.m. Congregation Sons of Israel welcomes all to the daily Shacharis and Mincha/Maariv services which are conducted in the main sanctuary of the synagogue for Covid-19 safety. Please check the synagogue website. If you have any questions regarding the minyan, please call the synagogue office at 610-433-6089.
MONDAY through FRIDAY Daily Online Meditation
12:30 p.m., Institute for Jewish Spirituality. daily guided meditation. Join with people from around the world to share 30 minutes of Jewish mindfulness. Open to all, no experience needed. Sign up now.