HAKOL - March 2019

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The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community



Issue No. 418


March 2019


Adar I/Adar II 5779


Relive an incredible Super Sunday p18-19

Get ready to celebrate Purim! p32


Lehigh Valley-Yoav Partnership Park re-dedicated in memory of Mark L. Goldstein

Left, the Partnership2Gether committee in Yoav gathers around the plaque in Mark’s memory. Right, Mark’s wife Shari Spark, who attended the dedication, plants a tree in the park. By Nurit Galon Partnership2Gether When Barry Halper and Terry Neff first came to visit Yoav, with strict instructions to check us out as a prospective community for Partnership with the Lehigh Valley, it was pretty much love at first sight. It was clear to all of us that this had every chance of being a very successful Partnership. Our two communities were around the same size, shared many of the same interests and were both absolutely committed to the Jewish and Zionist dream. Consequently, when we received the official letter of acceptance from the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, we were thrilled and excited and both of our steering committees sprung into action almost immediately. Joint video conferences were held to help us get to know each other, and when Rany Trainin (then mayor of Yoav) and I were invited to visit the Jewish commu-

nity of the Lehigh Valley, Trainin was delighted to discover that the executive director of the Jewish Federation was none other than Mark Goldstein, z”l, with whom he had shared a course of Jewish studies in the U.S. The Partnership with the Lehigh Valley was, and is, such that families in both communities get to know each other. So it was with Goldstein and Shari Spark and their children. One of Goldstein’s favorite joint projects with Yoav was the planting and developing of the Partnership Park. However, it was not easy to find the right location, and over the years, the park moved around until, finally, it found its home close to Moshav Nachla in Yoav. When Goldstein passed away last October, we knew right away that we wanted to do something to honor his memory. On Friday, Feb. 8, Spark and members of her Israeli family took part in a belated Tu B'Shevat Non-Profit Organization

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planting with the students and staff of the Sedoth Yoav Elementary School and the re-dedication of the Lehigh Valley–Yoav Park in memory of Goldstein. The day before the ceremony, it rained, and while rain is always a blessing, this time it raised the fear that the dedication might have to be postponed. But, not to worry, Friday morning dawned with blue skies and shiny green trees and grass. The park looks out on the Nachla and Segula Moshavim and has a clear view of the entire region. With the Yoav Municipality's guarantee of irrigation the whole year round, Goldstein’s dream of a picnic park with shady trees,

bicycle paths, a children's playground and much more will now become a reality. At 9 a.m., a long line of tree planters arrived: the children from the Sedoth Yoav Elementary School, former Mayor Rany Trainin, members of the Yoav Partnership Steering Committee, representatives of the Jewish National Fund, the Jewish Agency and many more. The children presented a musical interlude on mandolins and recorders which suited the occasion beautifully. Mayor Matti Sarfatti Harcavi spoke movingly about Goldstein, describing him as large in every way – physically, in sense of humor, heart and courage, recalling

what a morale booster it was when Goldstein turned up in the middle of the war, concerned to see what was happening in Yoav and how the Lehigh Valley could help. Spark's short but heartfelt speech touched all our hearts, and the unveiling of the large plaque with the dedication received a loud ovation from everyone. The park is yet another manifestation of the strong bridge continuing to be built in so many ways between our two communities, and our greatest hope is to welcome more of the Lehigh Valley family to Yoav. Next time you come, we look forward to inviting you to a picnic in the Mark L. Goldstein Friendship Park!

Chair of Memorial Scrolls Trust visits Lehigh Valley to tell story of Torahs saved from Holocaust By Stephanie Bolmer HAKOL Editor When members of the Lehigh Valley Jewish community learned that Jeffrey Ohrenstein, chair of the Memorial Scrolls Trust, was going to be in New York City, they knew they had to ask him to extend his visit to include Pennsylvania. Many community members were not aware of the fact that the Lehigh Valley is home to five Torah scrolls rescued from the Holocaust and protected by the Trust, which Ohrenstein oversees in London. With Ohrenstein’s visit, however, not only the Jewish community, but also the entire Lehigh Valley was invited to learn the remarkable story of how these scrolls were saved and came to be housed here at Congregation Brith Sholom, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Congregation Sons of Israel, the

Jewish Day School and Temple Beth El. Ohrenstein had a jam-packed schedule in Allentown on Feb. 7, which, as he noted, was “a very auspicious day.” It was exactly 55 years to the day that the 1,564 Torah scrolls which had been moldering in a warehouse that had once been a synagogue in Prague were delivered in a truckload to London. As Ohrenstein explained first at a presentation to the Jewish Day School, then at a Lunch & Learn put on by the Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley at the Jewish Community Center, and finally at an interfaith program hosted in the chapel at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown, Jews had been thriving in the regions of Bohemia and Moravia for a thousand years before World War II. Memorial Scrolls Trust Continues on page 14

David Baldwin was stricken by the widowmaker, an often fatal heart attack. Fortunately he called 911.

Paramedics rushed David to Lehigh Valley Heart Institute where he received the immediate heart care that saved his life. That’s because the Institute provides leading-edge care supported by groundbreaking research and has more specialists than any other program in the region.

One heart. One choice.

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Security training on Super Sunday weekend a success

By Aaron Gorodzinsky JFLV Director of Outreach & Community Relations Last summer, during an impromptu meeting at a high school graduation party, Dr. Eric Fels, chair of the Community Relations Council of the Jeiwsh Federation of the Lehigh Valley, asked me if I had heard of the Community Security Service (CSS). CSS is an organization that had been providing security training for Jewish communities in Europe and was now expanding to the United States to

provide training to synagogues and agency volunteers. Eric felt strongly that our community should approach CSS to enhance the security of our community beyond the annual security seminar that our Federation holds for our agency and synagogue staff and volunteers. Fast forward a couple of months, and with a security committee formed by members representing all of our agencies and synagogues, Eric put together a few conference calls with CSS where we began exploring the type of security improve-

ments that we could bring to our community. It was then, and in consultation with CSS, that our community leaders decided it was essential to adopt additional security measures that follow the same models that other communities outside of the United States have chosen to ensure the safety and security of our Jewish community. The first step was the adoption of a security app that allowed all of our agencies to report, communicate and share information in a more centralized way, with Federation being the central com-

Maimonides brunch aims to break stigma surrounding mental illness By Stephanie Bolmer HAKOL Editor One in five Americans deals with mental illness, and that number is only rising. Unfortunately, there is still stigma surrounding such ailments as depression, anxiety, addiction, and other psychological issues despite their prevalence. State Rep. Mike Schlossberg wants to change that. He’ll be part of a panel of experts speaking from their personal and clinical experiences at the next Maimonides Society brunch on March 31. Over the past four years, Schlossberg has been public

with his personal struggle with depression and anxiety. He has also utilized his role in the state government to fight for mental health advocacy, co-founding and co-chairing the Pennsylvania State House’s Mental Health Caucus and helping to introduce two pieces of legislation geared toward suicide prevention. Joining Schlossberg on the panel will be Dr. Peter Langman, a therapist and president of the Greater Lehigh Valley chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Maggie Murphy of the National Alliance for Mental Illness, and Rabbi Seth Phillips of Congregation Keneseth Israel. Bring your questions

and join them for a discussion on how to identify people who are suffering and to break the stigma that surrounds mental illness. “Hopefully this event will leave people with a better understanding of what mental illness is and what they can do to help,” said Schlossberg. The Maimonides Society Brunch, “Lifting the Stigma on Mental Illness,” will be held on Sunday, March 31, from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. at the JCC of the Lehigh Valley. It is free for Maimonides members and spouses, $10 for community members. To learn more or register, call 610-821-5500 or visit www. jewishlehighvalley.org/maimonides.

The Lehigh-Valley Yoav Partnership Park in Blessed Memory of Mark L. Goldstein The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship by requesting that trees be planted in the Partnership Park. IN MEMORY NATE BRAUNSTEIN (Husband of Marilyn, father of Cherie Zettlemoyer, Laurie Horton and Amy McCoy) Barbara and Fred Sussman Peggy and Jim Rauand and Family MARK GOLDSTEIN (Husband of Shari Spark) Alicia and Bruce Zahn CHARLOTTE JABLON (Mother of Sheryl Menacker) Evelyn and Jay Lipschutz MARK KLEIN (Husband of Patty) Barbara and Fred Sussman SAMUEL WILF (Father of Eileen Ufberg) Lisa and Barnet Fraenkel IN HONOR DANA COHEN Thank you for your work as Super Sunday Co-Chair Aaron Gorodzinsky MICHAEL DAVIS Congratulations in honor of your special

birthday Elaine Lerner HARRY FISHER Thank you for being the Super Sunday photographer Stephanie Smartschan and Aaron Gorodzinsky REINO AND KENDRA JARVINEN In honor of the birth of your daughter, Kara Rebecca Jarvinen Aaron Gorodzinsky BETH KUSHNICK Thank you for your work as Super Sunday Mitzvah Project Chair Aaron Gorodzinsky LEHIGH VALLEY – YOAV PARTNERSHIP Alicia and Bruce Zahn NAOMI SCHACHTER Thank you for your work as Super Sunday Co-Chair Aaron Gorodzinsky MORDECHAI SINGER (Son of Rabbi Michael and Alexis Singer) In honor of your bar mitzvah Aaron Gorodzinsky

TO ORDER TREES, call the JFLV at 610-821-5500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org.

munication hub. The next step was to schedule a training with community volunteers with CSS in the next year. Then, the shooting in Pittsburgh took place. Our first meeting with our security committee was the same night as the community-wide vigil in memory of the shooting victims. We were able to meet very quickly because Federation had been training with CSS to deploy the security app to our committee for a few months before the shooting. Although we would’ve liked to have waited a few more months before it was shared with everyone, because we had all the necessary data inputted on the app and all the needed contacts, we were able to go live that night, and since then, we have captured a few minor incidents with the app. Our main goal after that was scheduling a training session with CSS, who went from a relatively unknown organization to one of the most sought-after organizations with synagogues across North America looking to train their volunteers and staff to add a layer of security to their

places of worship. However, thanks to the relationship Eric had already developed with CSS, and the fact that our Federation has been spearheading the initiative, we were able to schedule a training session ahead of hundreds of synagogues across the U.S. CSS came to our community as part of the Super Sunday weekend, and for three hours on Saturday night and five hours during Super Sunday as part of our mitzvah day, we had over 40 volunteers engaged in this important training. Although the content of the security seminar cannot be shared, we feel very strongly that our community is much better prepared to face some of the security challenges ahead. Since the training, Eric has continued to engag with CSS, and we are already looking at bringing Level 2 training for our community. We will keep working on these initiatives to ensure that our community is prepared to respond to an increasingly complex security situation for the Jewish community across the world. HAKOL STAFF STEPHANIE BOLMER Editor

HAKOL is published 11 times per year for the Jewish communities of Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and vicinity by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.

COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS Submissions to HAKOL must be of interest to the entire Jewish community. HAKOL reserves all editorial rights including, but not limited to, the decision to print any submitted materials, the editing of submissions to conform to style and length requirements, and the placement of any printed material. Articles should be submitted by e-mail or presented as typed copy; “Community Calendar” listings must be submitted by e-mail to hakol@jflv.org or online at www.jewishlehighvalley.org. Please include your name and a daytime telephone number where you can be contacted in the event questions arise. We cannot guarantee publication or placement of submissions. MAIL, FAX, OR E-MAIL TO: JFLV ATTN: HAKOL 702 N. 22nd St. Allentown, PA 18104 Phone: (610) 821-5500 Fax: (610) 821-8946 E-mail: hakol@jflv.org

STEPHANIE SMARTSCHAN JFLV Director of Marketing ALLISON MEYERS Graphic Designer DIANE MCKEE Advertising Representative TEL: 610-515-1391 hakolads@jflv.org

JFLV EXECUTIVE STAFF JERI ZIMMERMAN Interim Executive Director TEMPLE COLDREN Director of Finance & Administration JIM MUETH Director of Planned Giving & Endowments AARON GORODZINSKY Director of Outreach & Community Relations WENDY EDWARDS Office Manager EVA LEVITT JFLV President

EDITORIAL BOARD Monica Friess, Acting Chair Barbara Reisner Judith Rodwin Sara Vigneri

Member American Jewish Press Association

All advertising is subject to review and approval by The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley (JFLV). JFLV reserves the right to decline, withdraw and/or edit any ad. The appearance of any advertising in HAKOL does not represent an endorsement or kashrut certification. Paid political advertisements that appear in HAKOL do not represent an endorsement of any candidate by the JFLV.


In order to unite, sustain, and enhance the Lehigh Valley Jewish community, and support Jewish communities in Israel and around the world, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is dedicated to the following core values: • Supporting Jews in need wherever they may be. • Supporting Israel as a Jewish homeland. • Supporting and encouraging Jewish education in the Lehigh Valley as a means of strengthening Jewish life for individuals and families. • Supporting programs and services of organizations whose values and mission meet local Jewish needs. To accomplish this mission the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is committed to the following operating guidelines: • Raising and distributing funds to support the core values. • Developing Jewish leaders. • Building endowments to support implementation of core values. • Committing to ongoing Jewish community strategic planning. • Fostering cooperation among organizations and community building. • Evaluating all decisions with respect to fiscal responsibility. • Identifying unmet needs and investing in community initiatives to help get them started. • Coordinating and convening a community response as an issue or need arises. • Setting priorities for allocation and distribution of funds. • Acting as a central address for communication about events, programs and services of the Jewish community as a whole. Approved by the JFLV Board of Directors on November 15, 2000



New events planned for Pomegranates to bond through giving back this spring By Lauren Rabin Pomegranate Series Co-Chair The Pomegranates are a “sorority” dedicated to strengthening and supporting the Jewish community within the Lehigh Valley. The value of being a Pomegranate is much greater than the beautiful pin that is proudly worn by its members. Pomegranates have access to unique programs and activities which aim to strengthen the bonds and friendships among members while benefiting the Jewish community as a whole. The Pomegranates are excited to announce a new cutting-edge three-event series for this spring, co-chaired by myself and Beth Kushnick. As part of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Women’s Philanthropy programming, the Pomegranate & Lion Spring Event Series was created to strengthen ties within the Jewish community and “give back” through a series of philanthropic art and cooking projects. The first event will be a mixer where new and established Pomegranates will join with Lions of Judah to get to know each other while designing personalized pashminas. This is an ideal event for new members! The second and third events will bring Pomegranates and Lions together as volunteers to design fleece blan-

kets and cook delicious soups to benefit Jewish Family Service. These “cannot miss” events are perfect for members who enjoy crafting and cooking! Of course, any member interested in good conversation among friends over delightful snacks is welcome. This is my second year as a Pomegranate, and being a member has empowered me to give back to my community, which has supported me over the last 10 years. It was a way to connect with like-minded philanthropic women who have the same goals and ideologies about our community and Israel. One of my main goals as a Pomegranate is to acquire new members to join us in this initiative. The more we can work together as a community, the stronger it will become. See the ad to the left for more information on the new event series and contact the Jewish Federation to learn how to becoming a Pomegranate or Lion. Feel free to ask questions to anyone proudly wearing one of these pins – especially Pomegranate Chairs Amy Fels and Eileen Ufberg, Lion of Judah Chairs Beth Kozinn and Tama Tamarkin and Women’s Philanthropy President Iris Epstein – and do not hesitate to provide suggestions for additional programming and events. We would love to have you!

Branches of Love initiative brings in $35,018 for Pittsburgh synagogue


welcoming new babies to the Lehigh Valley If you’re expecting, know someone who is, or have a new baby, PLEASE LET US KNOW! Contact Abby Trachtman, 610-821-5500 | abbyt@jflv.org SPONSORED BY

Members of the Branches of Love initiative – a group that bonded through traveling to Israel together with the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project in 2017 – present a check for $35,018 that will be sent to the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. The group raised the money in the wake of the shooting at the synagogue in October by selling beautiful tree of life necklaces to supporters across the country and around the world.

Handmade Afghans BY EVA LEVITT

All proceeds benefit projects in Israel:

Food Banks in Israel Neve Michael Youth Village

For prices or to place an order, call Eva 610-398-1376.

All payments are made payable to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley 4 MARCH 2019 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

Local Lions honored and energized at International LOJ Conference By Iris Epstein JFLV Women’s Philanthropy President As a proud Ruby Lion and member of the National Young Leadership Cabinet, I had the privilege to represent the Lehigh Valley and join over 1,400 empowered and philanthropic women from 87 communities in North America and six countries around the world at the Jewish Federations of North America International Lion of Judah conference. Also with me representing our community were Aliette Abo, Beth Kozinn and Jeri Zimmerman. The theme of the conference was “Women Repair the World,” and during the three short days we were together, we had the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals and learn from a wide spectrum of women who are all movers and shakers in their fields of expertise, including top innovators, spiritual leaders, journalists, artists, philanthropists, fashion icons, Olympians, activists, life savers and legacy and community builders. A mover and shaker herself, and daughter of proud mom and dad Aliette and Mark, Jessica Abo was a keynote speaker on the main stage and a panelist during the breakout

sessions. Abo currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter but grew up in the Lehigh Valley and attended the Jewish Day School. She is a celebrated author and journalist. The attendees from the Lehigh Valley definitely beamed with Lion pride watching her on stage. The conference also celebrated 72 winners of the prestigious Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award, of which our very own Beth Kozinn was one. Winners of this internationally-recognized award are women who have demonstrated the highest ideals of leadership and community involvement. A current Federation board member, Kozinn has held a number of leadership positions and given generously from her heart of her time, talent and treasure. In addition to her Lehigh Valley cheerleaders, Kozinn’s sister, Ann Falchuk, a Lion herself in her own community of Boston, was there to cheer Kozinn on. Falchuk was so moved by our Lehigh Valley community at the conference that she pledged a Pomegranate gift to our Annual Campaign in honor of her sister.. Another focus of the conference was the importance of legacy giving. Throughout the event, families were highlighted as they

spoke of their legacy giving and the importance of passing down values of tikkum olam to the next generation. It was so powerful to hear stories of what motivated a great-grandmother to first start giving and then to hear how she passed on her strong values to repair the world to her daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Lion of Judah Endowment program (LOJE), JFNA launched a two-year $100 million endowment campaign. Conference participants were asked to endow their campaign gifts or to make an increase to their existing endowment, which resulted in 78 new LOJE commitments and many more indicating they would consider making a legacy gift in the near future. Toward the end of the conference, participants had an opportunity to come together in small groups to share their thoughts on their experience and make a pledge to their local Federation. The 1,400 women together raised over $35 million for Jews and communities in need across the United States and around the world. The positive energy generated during the conference was so contagious and left participants feeling happy, grateful, inspired and motivated. Please consider becoming a Lion of

Judah and joining fellow Lions from around the world at the next conference in 2021. Above, Rachel Sumekh, founder and CEO of Swipe Out Hunger, has a discussion with author and journalist Jessica Abo, a Lehigh Valley native, on stage at the ILOJ Conference. Right, the Lehigh Valley’s own Beth Kozinn is among the recipients of the internationally recognized KipnisWilson/Friedland Award, presented at the conference.


Where are they now?

Yoav Teen Madrichim to the Lehigh Valley Then & Now

Above, Naama Harcabi, left, with the rest of the Israeli delegation from 2012. Right, Harcabi leads the fun at camp. By Annette Mashi Partnership2Gether As Israel celebrates 70 years of statehood, the Yoav–Lehigh Valley Partnership2Gether reflects on 16 successful summers of Yoav teen delegations to the Lehigh Valley. Sixty-four Yoav teens, many of whom traveled to the U.S. for the first time, facilitated Israel programming and forged great friendships with the campers, their families and the staff at Camp JCC. Similarly, deep connections were made with the Jewish families in the Lehigh Valley who generously hosted the teens, as well as with the families of the teens in Yoav. The ever-widening circle of lives impacted by this flagship Partnership2Gether project continues. "Where are they now?" will periodically highlight several Yoav teens from the past 16

delegations and include updates on their lives today and memories and insights as to how their experience connecting with and living with Jews outside of Israel influenced and impacted them. Readers are invited to reconnect and share their memories and photographs on the Partnership2Gether Facebook page or write to the editor of HAKOL (sbolmer@jflv.org). Don't forget to mention who you remember from Yoav and how you got to know them, including the year you met.

Shani Kalmanovich From Sde Yoav, Israel, participated in the 2017 delegation, hosted by the Ahdieh, Fadlon, Cohen, Karp, Valuntas and Dotan families.

Shani is currently employed by the Jewish Agency as a Shinshinim (sent from Israel to do a year of service) in a Jewish community in the Diaspora. She is in Pikesville, Maryland, with seven other Shinshinim from different parts of the country and working for various Jewish institutions in the Baltimore area. Her main goal is to serve as the connecting thread between the Baltimore Jewish community and Israel. Shani says that the most significant memory of her summer was her first morning at the camp. Every morning, there is a ceremony that includes song morale, raising the American flag and singing “Hatikvah” for Israel. Hearing the American children, most of whom had never been to Israel, singing the Israeli national anthem on her first morning gave her a strong sense of pride and understanding that Israel has a great impact on Jews wherever they are. During the summer, she was exposed to Judaism different from what she knew in Israel. She went to a Reform synagogue while staying with the Valuntas family, where only one of the parents is Jewish; but the family still chose to give their children a Jewish education. She realized that for those who do not live in Israel, "being Jewish" is not a trivial matter. Maintaining a Jewish Yoav Teens Continues on page 7



It’s never boring in Israel By Nurit Galon Partnership2Gether

Above, celebrating a belated Yom Ha’atzmaut Israeli-style. Below, Shani Kalmanovich and the 2017 Israeli delegation.

Yoav Teens Continues from page 6 life in a country other than Israel is something that requires commitment and perseverance. In addition, she realized that Judaism is composed of different streams and each stream can choose to connect to the values the person believes in. The whole process of the delegation and camp experience made her believe more in herself and her abilities. She realized that if she really wants something, she cannot give up despite all the difficulties along the way, and she will be successful in the end. Her experience opened her up to the Jewish Agency. She was exposed to the possibility of service abroad, which led her to the Jewish community in Baltimore. She was recently invited to attend the B’nai Mitzvah for the twins of the Cohen family. She frequently visits the Lehigh Valley since it’s not that far from Baltimore.

Tamar’s wedding. When people from the Lehigh Valley visit Israel, they are sure to call Naama. Naama has special memories of a camper, Danielle Vaknin, who she made a connection with and counseled until the summer was out. Her relationship with Danielle was so special that she was invited to dinner at the Vaknin house so Danielle’s parents could meet the girl Danielle talked so much about. When Naama was in the army, she worked with groups coming on Birthright/Taglit. Currently, Naama is studying physics and electrical engineering at the University of Beer Sheva. Naama said, "The experience from Lehigh Valley strengthened my connection to Judiasm and made me realize that the connection between our two communities is crucial."

Israel is in the middle of what we call “pre-Eurovision hysteria”! At least twice a week, a large part of the Israeli community is glued to the television watching the competition to see who will represent us in the Eurovision Festival here in Tel Aviv. Actually, I'm not sure if I am exaggerating that this is almost more newsworthy than the primaries leading up to the Israeli elections in April 2019. Israel is never a dull place to live in. Exasperating? Annoying? Thrilling? All of these, but never boring! In fact, our Rosh Hashanah wishes are often "You should have a happy, healthy and boring year!" And of course, we all have an opinion about everything and are eager to express it. In Yoav, too, much is happening. The most important event being the dedication of the Lehigh Valley-Yoav Park in memory of Mark Goldstein, z”l (see page 1). Good news for our agriculture is that this is proving to be a rainy year, with a good distribution of the rains. As our agricultural success depends mainly on two factors—rain and world prices— every morning we all check how much rain fell yesterday, and so far it looks like a good year. How quickly the time flies! Summer is really not far away, and the Partnership2Gether steering committee is already busy with choosing and preparing the Yoav counselors who will come to Camp JCC this summer. We often call this project the jewel in the Partnership, as more and more families and young people in both our communities become involved and remain so. Meanwhile, the various activities in the Yoav Community Centre continue in high gear with literally something for everyone! Ever tried Rio Riviercha (translation: “the wandering river”—I think!)? The leader plays a variety of different types of music, and everyone dances in whatever style

they like. It’s a great way to relax in this rather nerve-wracking world we live in. We follow with interest the wide variety of great activities in the Lehigh Valley, and I am sure we can exchange ideas. An annual activity in Yoav, sponsored by the Partnership, is the evening in memory of Cipora Hurwitz, z”l, who died in 2012. Hurwitz, a member of Kibbutz Galon and the wife of Dr. Ariel Hurwitz who was a guest lecturer in the Lehigh Valley, was a survivor of the Holocaust and was liberated from Majdanek at the age of 10. She wrote a book, "Forbidden Strawberries," about that period in her life, and before our students leave for their visit to the camps in Poland, each one receives a copy of the book, which has become a best seller in Amazon. Here’s an excerpt from her

book: "European Jewry was destroyed when I was five and a half. Then, the land was covered with darkness. During the war, my childhood, which until that point, had been a happy childhood in a warm and loving home, was trampled by iron soldiers of destruction. I cannot explain why I, a spoiled little girl, was able to withstand the hellish suffering of the final solution … When we stepped foot on the soil of this country (Israel) we fulfilled a dream based on personal desires." This summer, the Jewish Women's Renaissance Project trip will take place in Israel, and we are looking forward to having a group from the Lehigh Valley. It goes without saying that we will be delighted also to welcome any of our Partners in Lehigh Valley here in Yoav this summer—or at any time!

Congregation Sons of Israel Invites You To

Purim Seudah 2019 - Thursday, March 21, 5:00 pm/CSOI Social Hall

Complete Purim Schedule of Events Wednesday, March 20: - 8 pm: Megillah Reading - 9 pm: Pizza & Baked Ziti Moon Bounce &

9 pm


dnig o Mi

h t:

Thursday, March 21: - Megillah: 7am & 4:30 pm - 5 pm: Purim Seudah Featuring: Henna Artist Fortune Teller Photo Booth Moon Bounce Live Music Adults: $18 Child: $12 (under Bar/Bat Mitzvah) th

Food & Moonbounce Only: $8 Food, Moonbounce & Laser Tag $15 Ages 8 and up

arch 11 ue by M-43 3-608 9 d t n e m 10 it h pay ff ice, 6 RSVP wgh the shul o@gmail.com u 5 1 o thr or april2 7

Naama Harcabi

From Moshav Segula, Israel, participated in the 2012 delegation, hosted by the Kaufman, Holtz, Katwan, Landsman and Ahdieh families. Naama was part of the 2012 delegation. Friendships developed with other counselors, and Naama is still in contact with Mia Kaufman (daughter of host family she stayed with) and Doug Trachtman (a fellow counselor and member of a host family for other delegate members). She had the opportunity to meet with Sarah Holtz (daughter of another host family) when Sarah came to Israel with her family for a visit in 2014. Strong and personal relationships developed, and Carolyn Katwan, former Partnership chair from the Lehigh Valley, even attended Naama’s sister HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | MARCH 2019 7

IN HONOR LISA AND ELLIS BLOCK In honor of son Adam’s engagement to Stacey Cohen Wendy and Ross Born GAIL & FRED EISENBERG In honor of the birth of their grandson, Henry Everett Colman Wendy and Ross Born AMY FELS In honor of her special birthday Vicki Wax MARJORIE & JONATHAN HERTZ In honor of the marriage of their daughter Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald BETH KOZINN In honor of receiving the KWF Award Jill and Jeff Blinder Carol and Gary Fromer Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald Suzanne Lapiduss PAT LUFTMAN Wishing a speedy and complete recovery Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald MORDECHAI SINGER In honor of his bar mitzvah Daniela Viale and Daniel Leisawitz VICKI WAX In honor of grandson’s Bar Mitzvah Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald JERI AND LEN ZIMMERMAN In honor of the birth of their granddaughter Karen and Peter Cooper IN MEMORY NATHAN (NATE) BRAUNSTEIN (Husband of Marilyn, father of Cherie Zettlemoyer, Laurie Horton and Amy McCoy) Marilyn Claire Karen and Peter Cooper Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald Iris and Jon Epstein Roberta and Jeff Epstein Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein Carol and Gary Fromer Carol and Stewart Furmansky Joanne and Barry Hetzel Beth and Wes Kozinn Diane McKee Roberta and Alan Penn Janice and Stuart Schwartz Martha and Ron Segel


Sloane House Boys Arlene and Richard Stein Marty Zales HOWARD COHEN (Father of Sherrill Dresnin) Roberta and Alan Penn ANNA FIGLIN (Mother of Cheryl Figlin-Brenner) Martha and Ron Segel LIBBY GLASS (Sister of Gloria Ginsburg) Vicki Wax MARK GOLDSTEIN (Husband of Shari Spark) Martha and Ron Segel MARTIN GOLDSTEIN (Brother of Gloria Ginsburg) Vicki Wax GLORIA GORDON (Wife of Harvey) Janice and Stuart Schwartz MARK KLEIN (Husband of Patty) Sybil and Barry Baiman Wendy and Ross Born Nanci Goldman and Steven Bergstein Carol and Stewart Furmansky Taffi Ney Vicki and Richard Schiff Janice and Stuart Schwartz Vicki Wax PATTI MITTLEMAN (Wife of Rabbi Alan Mittleman, sister of Maureen McGinty, mother of Ari Mittleman) Taffi Ney GERALD SALMAN (Husband of Etta) Suzanne Lapiduss Martha and Ron Segel MURRAY SALTZMAN (Husband of Marlene) Shirley and Louis Furmansky Rita and Donald Hoffman Elaine Lerner GERTRUDE SINGER (Mother of Ray Singer) Martha and Ron Segel SAM WILF (Father of Eileen Ufberg) Lenny Abrams Chelsea and Elliot Busch Marilyn Claire and Family Karen and Peter Cooper Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald

Iris and Jon Epstein Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein Carol and Gary Fromer Carol and Stewart Furmansky Beth and Wes Kozinn Evelyn and Jay Lipschutz Elaine and Leon Papir Roberta and Alan Penn Lauren and Doron Rabin Selma Roth Martha and Ron Segel Lynne and Mark Shampain Arlene and Richard Stein Barbara and Fred Sussman The Sam Wilf Allentown Fan Club HELEN AND SOL KRAWITZ HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR DIANE AND IRWIN GREENBERG In honor of their grandchildren Steven, Ali and Joey’s engagements Joan Lesavoy DEBBIE AND SCOTT ROSEN In honor of their son Steven’s engagement Joan Lesavoy STANLEY STEIN In honor of his Special Birthday Joan Lesavoy IN MEMORY NATHAN (NATE) BRAUNSTEIN (Husband of Marilyn, father of Cherie Zettlemoyer, Laurie Horton and Amy McCoy) Joan Lesavoy GERALD SALMAN (Husband of Etta) Joan Lesavoy MURRAY SALTZMAN (Husband of Marlene) Joan Lesavoy MARK L. GOLDSTEIN MEMORIAL FUND Established in February 2019 in memory of Mark. Donations to this fund will go toward camp scholarships and Holocaust education. Audrey Ettinger and Michael Finley We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship through recent gifts to the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation. The minimum contribution for an Endowment Card is $10. Call 610-821-5500 or visit www. jewishlehighvalley.org to place your card requests. Thank you for your continued support.

BOOK REVIEW: 'The Six-Day Hero'

Turn your state taxes into scholarships for JDS and JCC students

By Sean Boyle JDS Librarian

A change in Pennsylvania law allows individual Pennsylvania taxpayers to participate in the state’s popular Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. By expanding the definition of a business to include a Special Purpose Entity (SPE), individual donors can become members of an SPE whose purpose is to make a commitment to donate your PA tax liabilities toward a scholarship instead of to Harrisburg. Each SPE member receives a 90 percent (or a 100 percent for pre-K scholarships) tax credit for the amount of their donation, reducing or eliminating your PA taxes, and any amount donated which is not reimbursed via the tax credit can be claimed by the individual as a federal charitable tax deduction. The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley was a member of the initial EITC class, and its participation was enhanced greatly under Mark Goldstein’s, z”l, leadership. It is now administered by Jim Mueth and Temple Coldren of the Federation. Participation was expanded when the Federation recently established the Lehigh Valley Jewish Scholarship LLC, an SPE for the purpose of assisting individuals in funding needsbased scholarships to students at the Jewish Day School and JCC Early Childhood Education. To make it easy for those interested in redirecting some or all of their PA income taxes, a "Member Donor List" was established at Federation.

Tammar Stein’s historical fiction novel, “The Six-Day Hero,” begins on May 9, 1967. Twelveyear-old Motti watches the official ceremony of the 19th anniversary of the creation of Israel while his older brother participates on stage. One month later, what is now called the Six-Day War begins. It changes both Israel and Motti’s family forever. Stein uses interviews from her family and friends to authenticate the thoughts and emotions during the month preceding the Six-Day War and its immediate aftermath. From the belief that Israel was safe from any attacks for many years to come, there are then feelings of abandonment as Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian forces prepare for war at the Israeli borders. While the UN removes its peacekeepers from Sinai and the Western embassies empty, terror ensues as the bombs and shells begin to fall. Motti’s family’s home in western Jerusalem is only one kilometer from the Jordanian border, and as Israel prepares for invasion, the family also prepares for war. Motti’s father is called up in the Reserves. His brother, who is already serving in a specialized unit in the heart of Jerusalem, can’t communicate, and his teachers and others in the neighborhood disappear as they, too, are called up to serve in the Army. Since Stein narrates from Motti’s perspective, the reader only gets a glimpse of the military’s mobilization. The author focuses on the families’ war preparation with little news about the world outside of Israel. The reader discovers that high school students helped deliver mail and the role of young foreign volunteers while the West turns a blind eye to the massing of Arab armies. Bomb shelters were improved and apartment buildings were reinforced, and in the stress and fear of the times, Motti and his friends still find time for games and mischief. In any war story there is loss. However, Stein ends with hope of the future as Motti’s family goes to pray at the Western Wall and then go explore their old ancestral homes and search for old Arab friends in the Old City. Highly recommended for ages 10-120, and a copy is available at the Jewish Day School Library. "The Six-Day Hero" (Stein, Tammar, Minneapolis, Kar-Ben Publishing, 2017, 246p.)

ing W-2s or 1099s, consultants, shareholders, partners, members of large firms and highincome retirees. How does it work? First, a donor estimates their PA taxes for 2019 and 2020. He or she calls the Federation to request to be included on the Jewish Federation Member Donor List for the SPE. When the Federation receives the award letter from the state, donors will be contacted to make their donation to the Lehigh Valley

Jewish Scholarship LLC for the amount for which they applied. Prior to filing taxes the following April, this individual will receive a K-1 from the Federation itemizing a tax credit of their donation. Essentially, most, if not all, of the money they donated comes back in the form of a tax refund. Anyone interested should contact Jim Mueth, director of planned giving and endowments at the Federation, at 610-821-5500 or jim@jflv.org.

Who qualifies to participate? Almost anyone who expects to pay PA taxes over the next two years including those receiv-


Scholar-in-residence offers data and insight on the IsraeliPalestinian conflict By Michele Salomon Special to HAKOL We all have opinions, about everything, including the IsraeliPalestinian Conflict. But not all opinions are equally informed; the weight of fact versus feeling is rarely equal. The IsraeliPalestinian conflict is a minefield of emotion, with the weight of the emotion lending to the challenge of brokering a solution. Enter Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin, a subject matter expert with over 20 years of experience studying and working in this area. Scheindlin will be spending the weekend of April 5-7 in the Lehigh Valley as a scholar-inresidence. Brought to us by the Adult Education Committees of Temple Beth El and Congregation Keneseth Israel, and made possible by the Rabbi William Greenburg Cultural Endowment Foundation and the Dr. Ray and Bonnie Singer Family Education Fund, Scheindlin will discuss the current state of the IsraeliPalestinian conflict, the role of democracy and how it can be a force for change and the way that comparisons to other conflicts can help advance the cause of peace. Scheindlin is a public opinion expert and international political and strategic consultant. She has advised five national campaigns in Israel and internationally in Albania, Austria, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Kosovo and the United States. It’s far more than just numbers, however. Measuring, analyzing and making meaning from public opinion data is equal parts art and science. Scheindlin, with her extensive experience and expertise, is a "data whisperer,"


the rare expert who can distill complex research findings into a foundation of common understanding and actionable strategy. The data is merely the basis upon which hearts and minds can be influenced. Regardless of your current level of knowledge about this topic, this weekend presents an opportunity to further your understanding of these issues. The weekend includes a variety of opportunities to hear Scheindlin speak. Keneseth Israel is hosting dinner and Shabbat services on Friday evening, where the topic will focus on where things stand, Israel and the eternal conflict. Saturday Shabbat services and kiddush will be at Beth El with a focus on the role of democracy and the links to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The weekend culminates with Sunday brunch, also at Beth El,

and a lecture exploring the value of comparing conflicts as a way to advance peace. All events are open to the entire community. Please RSVP with payment for dinner on April 5 ($30 per adult) or for brunch ($10 per person) on April 7 to either Beth El (610-435-3521) or Keneseth Israel (610-435-9074).

Like rest of Venezuela, Jews wait and watch in midst of power struggle, economic turmoil By Shiryn Ghermezian Jewish News Syndicate

The economic and political unrest currently taking place in Venezuela has left the country’s Jewish community in a “wait and see mode,” as residents hope for an end to the current political crisis that will hopefully improve living conditions for them. Juan Guaidó, the president of the Venezuela National Assembly, declared himself the interim leader of Venezuela on Jan. 23 after President Nicolás Maduro was sworn in for a second term that same month in what was widely believed to be a fraudulent contest. Under Maduro, the country has fallen into turmoil, with inflation that is expected to rise to 10 million percent this year. Venezuela has also been experiencing a humanitarian crisis with food and medicine shortages, as well as an economic and political calamity that has resulted in 3 million people fleeing the country as migrants and refugees, according to The Washington Post. In late January, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threw his support behind Guaidó, making Israel the first Middle Eastern country to recognize him as Venezuela’s new leader. A growing list of nations followed suit, including the United States, Canada and most Latin America countries, such as Venezuela’s neighbors Brazil and Colombia. “So far, the 6,000 Venezuelan Jews who remain in the country [from an original estimated 25,000] are safe, but affected like the rest of their fellow citizens by the same political, economic and social ills haunting the country as a whole,” Dina Siegel Vann, director of the American Jewish Committee’s (AJC) Arthur and Rochelle Belfer Institute for Latino and Latin American Affairs in Washington, D.C., told JNS. “The lack of relations

with Israel since 2009, the use of anti-Semitism as a political tool resulting in violence against institutions in the past and attacks in the media created a deep sense of vulnerability resulting in the exodus of twothirds of the community.” Venezuela’s small Jewish community continues to live in a besieged state, in a sense, and are sometimes targeted because they may appear as if they are doing well from an economic standpoint, even though they are suffering like the rest of the country, said Alex Rosenberg, a Venezuelan Jew now living in the United States. For example, Jews who wear nice attire to go to the synagogue on Shabbat fear being robbed or kidnapped, an unfortunately common occurrence in Latin American and South American countries. The younger generations tend to leave Venezuela after they graduate high school if the family has the economic means to support them abroad, be it to Europe, the United States or Israel, according to Rosenberg. His sister is a doctor and not licensed to work outside of Venezuela. If she decides to leave the country, like so many others she will have to start her career from the beginning, including re-doing her residency. So for now, she has decided to stay in her home country, though she made sure that her two college-aged children left. Rosenberg said “most families don’t want to worry about their kids’ well-being, opportunities and safety because of the turmoil that is constantly happening and brewing, and so they send the kids away. Everybody sends their kids away.” With the Jewish population in Venezuela continuously shrinking, the community is looking more and more “lifeless” and “empty,” he said, as they wait for a political shift that may play in their favor.

You never know

CANTOR ELLEN SUSSMAN Temple Shirat Shalom It is common in all kinds of organizations to have a process for accountability. As a Jewish professional, I have been asked to do just that; however, I find that in the “Religion Biz,” it is useless and futile. Why? Because “you never know.” I have had instances where former students have told me how I have inspired them, that things I have said or done have changed their lives. In many of these instances, I have been surprised. I did not

think what I said or did was particularly profound or important. But to them, upon reflection years later, the bar mitzvah lesson or religious school program had a profound effect on their connection to Judaism and the Jewish People. Here is an example of “you never know.” I had a bar mitzvah student who was very uninterested in Judaism, his bar mitzvah or religious studies. Each week, he would come to his lessons unprepared. I had to invite his parents to come to a lesson to see what I was talking about. It is not my policy to invite parents to sit in on b’nai mitzvah lessons because I have noticed as soon as a parent walks in the room, the child does not speak and the parent usually answers my questions to the child, thereby making it difficult for me to know how the student feels. In this case, however, I was hitting a brick wall and needed some assistance. The parents came to my office but, as it turned out, were also hostile to the bar mitzvah process. They were not interested in anything Jewish and were doing this to please the grandparents.

I tutored the child, along with his religious school teachers and even a peer. As I always manage to do, I was able to have the young man lead the congregation in worship in a poised and confident manner, but he only read three lines of Torah. All of us at the temple were not hopeful that this young man would lead a Jewish life. His family dropped out of the temple as soon as the bar mitzvah service was completed, and he never continued his Jewish education. Or so I thought. A few years later, it came to my attention that

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at college, he met some students on his floor who went to Hillel. They told him to come along one Shabbat for a free dinner. I think you can guess what happened. He met a cute girl who attended services regularly. Eventually, he majored in Jewish studies and education. He completed a master’s degree in Jewish education from Hebrew Union College and is presently the principal of a large religious school. He married a fellow student from Hebrew Union College, and they are now expecting their first child and have asked me to officiate at the

brit mila ceremony when the time comes. This was definitely a “you never know” scenario. I was sure this young man would not remain connected to Judaism, and thank goodness I was wrong. Our job in the Jewish community is to never lose hope, remain connected to Judaism and teach Judaism to our children. We must remember that our tradition is rich and that most Jews will feel connected to the religion of their ancestors at some point. We don’t know when or where but it does and will happen.


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$1,468,350 raised as of 2.18.19 Because of your support of the 2019 campaign, we are able to help when help is needed, provide a safety net for those who must rely upon it and nurture the core institutions that are the fabric of a rich and dynamic Jewish community.

PRIME MINISTERS CIRCLE $100,000+ Ross Born° Wendy Born*° Lewis and Roberta Gaines° Robert and Bonnie* Hammel° Anonymous (1) THEODORE HERZL SOCIETY $50,000 - $99,999 Shelley Stettner*° Richard and Marsha* Timmerman° KING DAVID SOCIETY $25,000 - $49,999 Fischmann Family Fund° Roberto and Eileen* Fischmann" Tama Fogelman* and Family° Dr. Harold and Sandra* Goldfarb° TREE OF LIFE SOCIETY $18,000 - $24,999 The Fraenkel Family° Gary Fromer and Dr. Carol Bub Fromer* KING SOLOMON CIRCLE $10,000 - $17,999 Judy Auritt Klein Lion of Judah Endowment Robert & Judy Auritt Klein Family Fund The Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation Dr. Jeffrey and Jill* Blinder° Charles Cohen and Rebecca Binder* Jonathan and Iris* Epstein Susan Gadomski *° Kobrovsky Family Fund Elaine Lerner*° Orgler Family Fund Dr. Richard and Barbara* Reisner° Dr. Stuart A. and Janice* Schwartz° Seidel Cohen Hof & Reid LLC° Daniel and Nancy* Cohen Phillip and Ellen* Hof Chris and Tara Reid BUILDERS OF ISRAEL $5,000 - $9,999 Alan and Sandy* Abeshaus Dr. Marc and Aliette* Abo Sadie Berman Lion of Judah Endowment Alan and Donna Black* Dr. Sam and Sylvia* Bub° Peter and Karen* Cooper° Dr. Eric J. and Amy* Fels Dr. Jeffrey Gevirtz° Robert J. and Susan* Grey Barry and Carol R.* Halper° Nat and Erica* Hyman Bernard and Flo Kobrovsky Special Fund Dr. Wesley and Beth* Kozinn° Stuart and Lynda* Krawitz Dr. Lawrence and Eva* Levitt° Stanley R. Liebman Estate Dr. William and Jane* Markson° Michael and Linda* Miller° Drs. Steven and Nancy* Oberlender Daniel Poresky° Dr. Robert and Lota* Post° Rhoda Prager*° Sandra Preis*° Sylvia and Herb Rosen Foundation Dr. Alex and Robin* Rosenau° Drs. Jarrod and Nicole* Rosenthal Lorrie Scherline*° Irwin and Ellen* Schneider° Mark and Deena* Scoblionko° Elizabeth Scofield* Edith Simon*° 12 MARCH 2019 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

Dr. Frank and Tama* Tamarkin Dr. Michael and Eileen* Ufberg° Dr. Robert and Carol* Wilson James and Linda* Wimmer° Dr. Israel and Valeska* Zighelboim Jeri Zimmerman* Anonymous (2) SABRA CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Houman and Lori* Ahdieh Air Products Foundation Phoebe Altman Lion of Judah Endowment Leonard and Beverly* Bloch Foundation° Dr. David and Sara-Jane* Bub Dr. Ian and Patricia* Carlis° Lawrence Center Glenn and Jan* Ehrich° Veronica Fischmann* Dr. Jay Fisher° Louis and Shirley* Furmansky° Dr. Mark and Carmyn Gittleman° Dr. Gordon and Rose Lee* Goldberg° Dr. Arthur and Jane* Kaplan° Drs. Andrew and Deborah* Kimmel° Martin and Judy* Krasnov° Robert and Roberta* Kritzer Dr. Michael and Carole* Langsam° Dr. Brian LeFrock Ryan and Claudia* Mattison Dr. Jay and Marla* Melman° Dr. Holmes and Jeannie* Miller° Dr. Michael and Ruth* Notis° Dr. Noah Orenstein and Diana Fischmann Orenstein* Dr. Abraham and Nancy* Ross and Family Frances and Abraham Schwab Memorial Fund Dr. Arthur and Audrey* Sosis° Arthur and Barbara* Weinrach° Dr. Michael and Miriam* Zager and Family Larry and Carolyn Zelson Anonymous (1) GATES OF JAFFA $1,500 - $2,499 Dr. Howard Altman° Richard J. Mongilutz and Kelly Banach* Dr. Alan Berger° Steven Bergstein and Nanci Goldman Bergstein° Dr. Marc and Lauren* Berson° Dr. Michael and Nancy Busch Marilyn Claire*° Helen Cook*° Patrick and Dr. Karen* Dacey Ann Falchuk* Finkelstein Family Fund Jerome and Sally Frank Dr. Ronald and Emily Freudenberger Linda Glickman*° Neil and Eydie* Glickstein° Mitzi Goldenberg* Drs. Zach and Andrea* Goldsmith Morris and Dyna Gorfinkel Memorial Fund Dr. Robert and Tracy Grob Dr. Paul Gross° Bennett Grossman Esther Halperin*° Hausman Family Dr. Jonathan and Marjorie* Hertz Marjorie Hertz* Stuart Horowitz° Dr. Howard Israel° Rabbi Allen and Toby* Juda° Dr. Robert and Stephanie* Kricun° Ferne Rodale Kushner*° Dr. Paul Lemberg Howard and Rachel* Levin Mort & Myra Levy Phil Fund Dr. Jay and Evelyn* Lipschutz° Dr. Gerald and Ethel* Melamut° Robert and Betty* Mendelson Katherine Molinaro* Dr. Robert Morrison Taffi Ney*°

Dr. Mark and Alice* Notis° Alan and Roberta* Penn° Drs. Andrew and Flora* Pestcoe Bruce and Enid Reich The Ringold Family* Dr. Marvin and Janet Rosenthal° Selma Roth* Dr. Michael and Lynn F.* Rothman Dr. Andrew and Jacqueline Schwartz Ronald and Martha* Segel° Donald and Randi Senderowitz Dr. Darryn Shaff Dr. Bruce and Donna Silverberg Spiro-Weinberger Fund Dr. Frederic A. and Gilda Stelzer° Margery Strauss*° Dr. Adam Teichman Dr. Ryan Tenzer Dr. Darren and Stefanie* Traub Anonymous (3) CHAVERIM $500 - $1,499 Dr. Richard and Judith* Aronson° Marietta Banach* Tama Lee Barsky* Richard and Joan* Bass Larry and Susan W.* Berman° Joseph and Sharon* Bernstein Ronald and Linda* Black° Rance and Sheryl* Block° Dr. Stuart and Joan* Boreen Richard and Kira* Bub Harvey and Elizabeth* Cartine Albert and Eva* Derby Richard and Ruth* Derby° Gerald Weisberger and Gail Ehrens*° Jeanette Eichenwald*° Dr. Mark and Ellyn* Elstein° Joan Epstein*° Charles L. Fletcher Memorial Fund Brian and Emily* Ford Hon. Robert and Ronnie Freedberg° Dr. Henry and Monica* Friess and Family Ronald and Olga* Gelber Vicki Glaser*° Leonard and Rhoda* Glazier° Alan Greenberger° Sandra Greenfield H. Sheftel Memorial Fund Drs. Harvey and Melissa Hakim Arthur and Susan* Hochhauser° Dr. Arthur and Barbara* Hoffman° Roslyn Holtz* Gwen Jacobs* Selma Jacowitz* Andrew and Nancy Kahn° Dr. Barbara Katz* Seth and Kathi* Katzman° Dr. Jay and Phyllis* Kaufman° Drs. William and Susan* Kitei° Maxine S. Klein*° Marge Kramer* Dr. Joshua Krassen Joshua and Danielle* Kroo Karen Kuhn*° Dr. Paul H. and Elaine* Langer° Gerson Lazar Family Fund Martha B. Lebovitz*° Dr. Henry Lehrich Bernard and Laurie Lesavoy – Lesavoy Butz & Seitz LLC Drs. Evan and Aviva* Marlin Dr. David and Robyn Meir-Levi David and Judy* Mickenberg Morton and Judy* Miller° Michael Molovinsky° James and Shelah Mueth Jay and Bobbi* Needle Marc Nissenbaum° Dr. Michael and Martina Obenski° Dr. David and Ann* Packman Joanne Palumbo* Leon and Elaine* Papir° Frank Penn Family Fund Allen and Sandra* Perlman Edward and Beth* Posner° Alison Post* and Morgan Godorov Elaine Rappaport-Bass*° Adam and Penny* Roth and Family Jerry Roth Memorial Fund

Sheila Saunders*° Naomi Schachter* Marcia Schechter*° Michael and Brenna Schlossberg John Schneider Bernard and Sara* Schonbach Lillian Schwab Memorial Fund Schwartz Family Fund Dr. Mark and Lynne* Shampain° Elliot and Linda* Sheftel° Diane Silverman*° Rabbi Michael Singer and Alexis Vega-Singer* Lynda Somach*° Richard and Allison Staiman Lenore Stecher* Dr. Phil and Diane* Stein Dr. Richard Stein° Barry Goldin and Cheri Sterman* Dr. David and Laurie Strassman Dr. Michael F. Stroock° Sussman Family Fund Ron Ticho and Pam Lott* Dr. Stephen and Beverly* Volk° Dr. Ronald and Beverly* Wasserman° Martin and Frances* Weinberg Robert and Sandy* Weiner° Rosalyn Weingrod * Gerald Weisberger and Gail Ehrens* Jerry and Flossie* Zales° Richard and Cherie* Zettlemoyer Dr. Larry and Debra Zohn° Anonymous (9) SHORASHIM $250 - $499 Karen Albert*° Isabella Alkasov* Barry and Sybil Baiman Patricia Beldon* David and Clara* Bergstein R. Bill Bergstein° Andrew and Dr. Christy* Block and Family Sally Brau*° Marcia K. Cohen*° Temple and Ann Coldren Gail Combs* Donald Denburg° Dr. George and Roberta* Diamond° Fred and Gail* Eisenberg Eleanor Extract* Dr. Alex and Harriet Feig° Samuel and Lynn* Feldman° Marcia Felkay*° Phyllis Ford* Alfred T. Gifford Family Fund Renee Gittler*° Ann Goldberg* Allan and Mary Goodman° Lothar and Wendy Gumberich Jay Haltzman° Etta Heller* Ricky Hochhauser* Irving Kaplan° Dr. Corey Kirshner Lillian Kobrovsky*° Hilary Koprowski* Fay Kun* Ferne and Jack Kushner Fund Gary and Jennifer* Lader Suzanne Lapiduss*° Susan Levin* Michele Levy* Robert and Shirley* Malenovsky° Dr. Norman and Roberta* Marcus Marvi Family Fund Cary Moritz* Hank Narrow Dr. Douglas and Ruth* Nathanson Papir Family Fund Stephen and Marianne Phillips Julian Rappaport and Toby Brandt° Harry and Carole* Rose° Michael and Linda Rosenfeld° Judd Roth Cary Rothstein* Dr. Norman and Jett* Sarachek° Joel and Linda Scheer Jane Schiff* James and Sandra* Schonberger°

Sally Shapiro*° Stuart and Susan* Shmookler° Dr. Roger and Marna* Simon° Beth El Sisterhood° Adam and Stephanie* Smartschan Dr. Mark Stein and Sharon Albert* Stephanie Szilagyi*° Tenzer Family Fund Alan and Enid* Tope° Sharone and Lora* Vaknin Stanley and Judith* Walker Robert and Marcia* Weill Joseph and Kristina* Weiner Bruce and Alicia* Zahn Anonymous (7) KEHILLAH $100 - $249 Richard and Maria* Ain Choty Andres* Anthem Insurance Elaine Atlas*° Pnina Avitzur* Jayson and Nurit* Baron Barbara Bassano* Belman Family Fund Michael Benioff Millie Berg Memorial Fund Elaine Berk* Neal Berkowitz Dr. Joan Bischoff* Randi Blauth* Glenn and Melisa Block° Amy Born Fund John Botzum and Miriam Harris Botzum Ilya Bragin Joan Brody*° Robert and Gail* Burger Sara Camuti* Allen and Marjorie* Carroll Muriel Charon* Audrey Cherney*° Ofer and Dana* Cohen Robert Cohen Zachary and Ginny* Cohen Jerome and Audrey* Cylinder° Sarah Danna Leah Devine* Dr. Robert and Julie* Diamond Dr. Neil and Linda* Dicker Barbara Einhorn* Lisa Ellis Fund Lynda Extract* Dr. Ellen Field* Michael Finley and Audrey Ettinger* Vivian Fishbone* Harry and Amy* Fisher Eric and Rebecca* Fleisch Julie Paige Fraenkel Fund Dr. Allan and Sandra* Futernick Murray and Linda* Garber° Jerome and Gloria* Ginsburg° Brian and Judith* Goldman° Nathaniel and Joanna Golub Mark Kennedy and Arlene Gorchov*° Aaron Gorodzinsky Donald Greenberg Arlene Griffin*°

Ruth Gross*° Marion Halperin*° Rabbi Yaacov and Devorah* Halperin Suzanne Harris* Ronald and Joan* Harrison° Dr. Leo and Marilyn Heitlinger Alvin and Arlene* Herling° Dr. Michael and Stacy* Hortner Charles and Dale Inlander° Michael and Donna* Iorio Katz Family Dr. Lewis and Joan* Katz Martin and Susanne Katz Daniel and Anne* Kaye Ilena Key* Ludmila Khodorkovsky* Kimmel Family Fund Renee B. Kleaveland* Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein* and Neysa Nevins Barbara Kritz*° Ruth Kugelman*° Lawrence Lang Gilbert and Judy* Lappen Mary Laronge* Frederick and Sherry Lesavoy° Ira and Arlene* Levine Lee and Mary Jane* Levine Leonard and Janice Levy Paul Levy and Helen Mack-Levy Boris and Ellen Lifschutz Eric and Margo Lightman Dr. Zalman and Maya Liss° David and Marilyn* Louick° Dr. Henry and Pat Luftman Steven Markowitz° Matt and Allison* Meyers Janis Mikofsky* Gary and Diane* Miller° Norman and Maxine* Miller° Natalie Millrod* Steven and Judy Molder Michael Neuwirth Joseph and Eve* Peterson Dr. Peter Pettit Howard and Jane* Pitkoff Marlene Plotnick* Dr. Matthew and Denise* Pollack Ilene Prokup*° Abram and Alyssa Pure Raab Fund Dr. Mitchell and Carol Rabinowitz° Eric Rappaport and Choty Andres* David Reiff Ira and Erica* Robbins Dan and Mary* Rockman Rosenau Family Fund Wendy Rothstein* Barth Rubin Fae Safer* Alan and Mary* Salinger° Helene Rae Scarcia* Seith Schentzel Melvin and Pearl* Schmier Ivan and Jill* Schonfeld Dr. Arthur Levine and Dr. Janet Schwartz* Eugene Search Ezra Shapiro

Stanley Shrager Dr. Andrew Shurman Barry Siegel° Serita Silberg* Jonathan Smith Anne Snyder-Lyons* Susan Sosnow* Michael and Jane* Spitzer° Michael and Sybil* Stershic David Vaida and Cantor Ellen Sussman* Tracy Sussman* Julie Thomases* Sharon Trinker* Dr. Steven Vale Dr. Arkady and Ilana* Voloshin Debbie Walther* Marjorie Weiss* Alfred Wiener Family Fund Bernard and Adele* Wolensky° Norman and Sandra* Wruble Dr. Robert Zemble Anonymous (27) GENESIS $1 - $99 Joseph Aflalo Aaron Alkasov Florence Applebaum* Dr. Mark Auerbach Rotem Bar* Dr. Susan Basow* Carole Beck* Delores Bednar* Arthur and Phyllis Berg Aaron Berger and Nissa Gossom* Bernard and Sarina* Berlow Stephanie Berman* Jeffrey and Lisa* Bernfeld Jason and Tracy* Billig Jerome Block Stephanie Bolmer* Johanna Brams* Gerald and Audrey Brandis Jenna Brody* Susan Brody* Ziona Brotleit* Neil and Diane Brown Jerry and Wilma Brucker Victor Bunick Betty Burian* Joyce Camm* Lisa Cohen* Arlene Dabrow* Eric and Joanne* Daniels Edwin Davis Eileen Denitz* Claudia Fischmann Fund Diana Fischmann Fund Marilyn Doluisio*° Wendy Edwards* Joseph Epstein and Sheryl Feinstein Anita Evelyn* E.G. Jerry Farris* Brad and Robyn* Finberg Veronica Fischmann Fund Jeffrey Fleischaker Keith and Randi* Fraley Rhoda Futterweit* Dr. Michael and Traci Gabriel Dr. Debra Garlin*

Gail Gelb* Nancy Gevirtz Memorial Fund Samuel Gevirtz Mitzvah Fund Steven Glickman and Hannah Zabitz Shelley Goldberg* and Family Anita Goldman* Susan Goldman* Dr. Malvin and Lillian* Goldner Rosaly Greenberger* Harry and Paula* Grines Marcel and Sharon* Guindine Bernice Harris* Dolores Heller* Rita Hoffman* Sondra Jacobs*° Chester Jasinsky Jessica Kamber* Joel and Liz* Kamp Helene Kaplan* Sidney and Helene* Kaplan Harriet Karess* Chaim and Carol Kaufmann Herbert Klivan Rosine Knafo*° Susan Kolpon* Barry Konigsberg Madeline Langman* Peter and Madeline* Langman Daniel and Daniella* Leisawitz Robert Lembach Danielle Leopardi Rebecca Levine* The Eva Levitt Knitting Project Nancy Levy* Howard Lieberman Doris Lifland* Rebecca Lovingood* Rochelle Lower* Caren Lowrey* Leonard Lutsky° Silvia Mandler* David and Susan* Manela Louise Mapstone* Brie Marks* Aliza Martin* Chahine Marvi* Robert Mayer and Jan Muzycka* Debrosha McCants* Ruth Meislin*° Dr. Robert and Ellen Miller* and Family Billy and Marielle Miner Susan Mohr* Daniel and Larisa Morgenbesser Anne Morris*° Joseph Mozes Memorial Fund Jane Much* William and Sharon* Mullin Jeffrey and Sharon Murdoch Myra Needle* Brian Neff Terry David and Shirley* Neff Richard and Paula* Nelson Melanie Onesto* Robert Prichard and Ellen Osher* Michael Padin Cantor Jill Pakman* Dr. Alan Parker Dr. Sidney and Harriet* Parmet Miriam Pitkoff*

Mildred Poliner*° Adina Preis* Stacey Prohaska* Alan Raisman Andrea Reich* Reitars-Braunstein Family Fund Kevin and Lauren Reuther Linda Rich* Robert Rockmaker Jodie Rosenblum* Phyllis Rothkopf* Lance and Pamela* Rozsa Barbara Rudolph* Rick and Amy* Sams Mary Lou Scarf* Elana Michelle Schettini Fund Lynn Schiavone* Warren and Rabbi Rebecca* Schorr Jessica Schwartz Marlee Senderowitz Fund Rissa Senderowitz Philanthropic Fund Dr. Stephen Shore Daniel Siegel Judi* Silverberg Silverman Family Fund Abigail Silverman Fund Jessica Silverman Philanthropic Fund Richard Silverman Debra Skinner* Michael Smith Rabbi Aryeh Spero Danielle Staiman Mitzvah Fund Norman and Cindy* Sussman° Sandi Teplitz*° Donald Thaler Harriet Theodore* Howard and Marilyn Tokosh Ufberg Family Fund Elaine Ungerleider* Nicholas and Jessica* Volchko Lynn Waite* Dori Wallace*° Micki Wechsler* Les and Anita* Weintraub Barbara Wolfgang* Gladys Yass* Helaine Young* Herman and Jessica* Ytkin Dr. Scott and Beth* Zimmerman Anonymous (21) The donors noted above represent gifts to the JFLV 2019 Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. Every effort is made to correctly recognize all of our generous donors and honor their listing requests. If there are any inaccuracies or omissions, please call the Federation office at 610-821-5500. * Indicates an individual woman’s gift to the 2019 Campaign for Jewish Needs ° Indicates Silver Circle members who have contributed for 25 years or more.



Harvey Hakim makes calls at Super Sunday to raise money for the Jewish Federation's Annual Campaign.

Lauren Rabin and Miriam Zager pack goody bags filled with toiletries for older adults as part of the mitzvah project.

Danielle Kroo and Frank Tamarkin take a break from the phones to enjoy the day. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | MARCH 2019 13

Memorial Scrolls Trust Continues from page 1

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“There’s always anti-Semitism everywhere,” said Ohrenstein, “but there was much less there, and they were on the whole protected.” That was leading up to and especially during the “Golden Age” in “our area”—as Ohrenstein refers to the regions from which the Torahs came—of the 18th and 19th centuries. Then came the Nazis, stationed in Prague, murdering tens of thousands and displacing more. Soon, the Jewish leaders of the communities that were left saw an opportunity. The head of the Nazi government in Prague was interested in collecting books. The Jewish communities, many made up of as few as 30 people each, sent not only their Torahs, but also all of their Judaica in 1942 to the Jewish Museum in the capital city. “It really is a miracle that it survived,” said Ohrenstein. He explained that though virtually everybody from the museum lost their lives, over 200,000 items from all these little communities were saved. “Just imagine,” he told the crowd at the Lunch & Learn. “They filled some 30 buildings in the center of Prague. And

Above left, Jeffrey Ohrenstein addresses an ecumenical group at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown. Above right, Lunch & Learn attendees examine the Czech Torahs. Below, Aaron Gorodzinsky answers questions at the interfaith program.

virtually nothing in Prague was destroyed by bombings, which is another miracle. Our treasures survived the war.” Unfortunately, three years later, there was a Communist coup. The beautiful Judaica items were kept on display, “but the Torahs were nothing to them,” said Ohrenstein. From 1958, they sat rotting until they were finally rescued once and for all and taken to a synagogue in London on Feb. 7, 1964. From there, the Trust was set up so that these Torah scrolls could be used properly. Only about 10 percent were kosher, and those were given to Orthodox synagogues. The rest were in various degrees of decay. Some were able to be repaired and made kosher again, or at least restored to good enough condition for a more progressive synagogue to use them. Some are only able to be displayed as part of the exhibit at the Trust in London. These Czech scrolls, as they are commonly known – though some have origins in other countries and are written in other languages – have made their way across the world. Synagogues and other groups can be entrusted with a Torah scroll on loan, to be used for special occasions and as educational tools for their communities. Scrolls are today found in Europe, Oceania, South America, Israel and especially in the U.S., which hosts over 1,000, the vast majority of the collection. “These scrolls are survivors and silent witnesses of the Shoah,” said Ohrenstein. “They represent all the lost Jews. Use them to tell the story. Use them for interfaith work and for intrafaith work.” Ohrenstein concluded his talk at the Lunch & Learn with high praise for the Lehigh Valley Jew-

ish community gathered there. “I’m going to be talking about you,” he said, “because you are a community who stand together regardless of how you worship. I think it is wonderful. You’re the answer to my prayers.” With one last reminder, he impressed upon the crowd, “The Torah is the one thing that binds all Jews together.” As for interfaith efforts, he added, “We Jews must also respect the fact that the Torah is revered by Christians and Muslims,” going on to say that it is important to remind people of what they have in common rather than what divides them. That is what Ohrenstein himself was working on that very night as he stood up one more time to speak, this time to a crowd of a few dozen of different faiths at First Presbyterian at an event which the Rev. Jack Haberer, their lead pastor, called “a no-brainer.” “We sprang on the opportunity” to host, he said in his introduction of the evening program. Ohrenstein graciously told the story once again of the precious cargo that had made its way to his homeland on this 55th anniversary, taking time to explain how the Torah is the most important part of Shabbat services and every synagogue needs a Torah. After his presentation, the crowd was full of questions, reverently gathering round the scroll which normally resides at KI. Like all of the Czech scrolls, it was fulfilling Ohrenstein’s dream of being useful. “In my opinion,” Ohrenstein said. “None of our Czech scrolls should ever be considered out of commission and buried, because a Czech scroll can always be used to educate.”

An open invitation to learn about the rescued Czech Torahs at JDS

By Suzanne Lapiduss Special to HAKOL The Jewish Day School is privileged to be the caretakers of a Torah rescued from the Holocaust. This special Torah, given to us on loan by the Memorial Scrolls Trust thanks to the generosity of

By Stephanie Bolmer HAKOL Editor “Please be sure to read this bit in the blue box,” Dr. Michael Notis told the small crowd assembled in the lobby of Congregation Sons of Israel on the evening of Feb. 6. “I cry every time I read it, so I can’t.” He was referring to a section of the newly unveiled poster detailing facts about the two Torah scrolls now on display in the lobby which numbers the Jews killed in the Holocaust. The rest of the exhibit tells the story of how the scrolls came to be at Sons of Israel. One of them is an official “Czech Torah” from the Memorial Scrolls Trust in London (see article on page 1). The other is also a Czech Torah, but it is not part of the Trust. Instead, it was a gift given to Roberto Fischmann’s father as a thank you from the 43 Czech Jews whom he smuggled out of the Nazi regime to Guatemala. The fact that it is from the same region as the Memorial Scroll Trust Torahs is just a coincidence. Rabbi Yehoshua Mizrachi read from the 78th Psalm and said a prayer in dedication of the Torahs. He also offered his thoughts on why these

Rabbi Mizrachi Czech Torahs are still important today. “This dedication ceremony for these amazing Torahs is because they are more than just an artefact of history, they have a deeply spiritual significance,” said Mizrachi. “Even though these Torahs may not be readable in shul, they still retain their holiness.” As Barry Halper, who helped bring chair of the Trust Jeffrey Ohrenstein to Allentown on Feb. 7, told the group surrounding the custom-made case housing them, “The Trust was set up to give these Torahs a second life.” That aim is being fulfilled in the newly dedicated lobby at Sons of Israel.

Students welcome Ohrenstein to JDS

Jeffrey Ohrenstein, chair of the Memorial Scrolls Trust, visits the Jewish Day School on the morning of Feb. 7 to talk to the students and a dozen visitors from the community about the most recent loan to the Lehigh Valley, the Czech Torah which is now on display at their school.

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MST#1120 originally came from the former Czechoslovakia.

the Ticho family, represents the link between our past and the continuing story of Jewish life unfolding. The saving of the Jewish treasures of Bohemia and Moravia can be credited to a devoted group of Jews from Prague's Jewish community and to what became the Central Jewish Museum of Prague. Please join us on the evening of Tuesday, March 12, at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Day School to hear the story of the remarkable journey of 1,564 Torahs saved from the Holocaust, followed by a celebration of the rededication of our Shoah Torah. Share in the joy of this momentous occasion with keynote speakers Charles Ticho, Ron Ticho, Jeanette Eichenwald, and Dr. Jessica Cooperman. A dessert reception will follow the program. Please RSVP to the Jewish Day School at 610-4370721 or amanger@jdslv.org.

Congregation Sons of Israel dedicates Czech Torah scrolls in new lobby exhibit


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8. 6.





community celebrates an incredible super sunday By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing







The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley brought the community together on Super Sunday for a day of service and fun. Led by co-chairs and co-cheerleaders Dana Cohen and Naomi Schachter, volunteers reached out by phone, text and Facebook post asking the community to support the Federation’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs, which funds local Jewish agencies and needs in Israel and overseas. The response was enthusiastic and overwhelming – 188 donors pledged more than $61,000 on Super Sunday. “It was really an incredible experience – no pun intended,” said Schachter, who excitedly kept track of the totals all day as they continued to rise. “We are already looking ahead to next year.” “It’s amazing how one day of volunteering can have such a widespread impact,” said Cohen. “The volunteers really showed their stuff.” The morning and evening calling shifts were just the beginning (and end) of a great community mitzvah day. In the morning, PJ families joined in the action to kick off Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month. They learned sign language with the help of the Parkland High School Jr. NAD Club to accompany the PJ book “The Mitten String,” read by state Rep. Mike Schlossberg. Before lunch time, volunteers packed into the JCC kitchen to cook hot kosher meals with Jewish Family Service. Later, another group of volunteers came to package the meals and deliver them to 30 older adults in Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. At the same time, next door, a security training was taking place. Members of synagogues and agencies from across the community volunteered many hours of their time to learn what to do in the event of an emergency in their building. “We are thankful to all of the donors who answered the call, but Super Sunday is about so much more than raising money,” said Aaron Gorodzinsky, director of outreach and community relations for the Jewish Federation. “It’s about bringing the community together, and that’s what Federation is all about.”

thank you for being one incredible community

150 volunteers, 50 PJ kids, elected officials,

members of the media, our sponsors and everyone who answered the call made Super Sunday a huge success!


Volunteers made thank you calls to donors who had previously pledged their support to the campaign.



188 donors pledged $61,746 on Super Sunday.

thank you to our sponsors

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and everyone who gave! You are supporting Jewish life in the Lehigh Valley, across the country and around the world. If you did not have an opportunity to answer the call on Super Sunday, please contact the Federation at 610-821-5500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org.

photo key

1. JDS Head of School Amy Golding and student callers 2. State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, Super Sunday Co-Chairs Dana Cohen and Naomi Schachter and State Rep. Mike Schlossberg 3. BBYO 4. PJ Library 5. Mazel Meals volunteers Josh and Lily Kroo with Carol Wilson from Jewish Family Service, Aaron Gorodzinsky from the Jewish Federation and Allentown Mayor Ray O’Connell 6. Mitzvah Project Chair Beth Kushnick and Laurie Wax 7. Hillel students help JFS make soup 8. Rabbi Seth Phillips and Rabbi Moshe Re’em 9. Roberta Gaines 10. Sponsor Patient First performing blood pressure checks 11. Mazel Meals volunteers 12. Security training 13. Emily and Brian Ford

TO SEE MORE PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT www.jewishlehighvalley.org







$5.88 MILLION In partnership with Congregation Am Haskalah, Congregation Brith Sholom, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Congregation Sons of Israel, Jewish Community Center, Jewish Day School, Jewish Family Service, Jewish Federation, Temple Beth El and Temple Covenant of Peace. To learn more about ways that you can remember one or several of these organizations with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy, contact Jim Mueth at 610-821-5500 or jim@jflv.org or any of the participating organizations.


LIFE & LEGACY as of February 19, 2019 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS FOR ASSURING JEWISH TOMORROWS IN OUR COMMUNITY Leonard Abrams Rony Ackerman Dr. Houman and Lori Ahdieh Karen Albert Richard Albert Dr. Scott Berman Dr. Marc Berson Lauren Berson Hon. Alan and Donna Black Rance and Sheryl Block Ross Born Wendy Born Dr. John and Ingelise Brown Sheila Brown Jerrold L. Brucker Dr. Wilma Krause Brucker Dr. Ian Carlis Patricia Carlis Elizabeth Cartine Harvey Cartine Lawrence Center Nancy and Daniel Cohen Dr. Jessica Cooperman Edwin Davis Rabbi Melody Davis Risa Dorfman-Thomas Vikki Dunn Brion and Nancy Ebert Glenn and Jan Ehrich Eduardo Eichenwald Jeannette Eichenwald David Eiskowitz Iris Epstein Rabbi Mordechai Eskovitz Elizabeth Fear Amy Fels Dr. Eric Fels Eileen Fischmann Roberto Fischmann Dr. Jay and Fran Fisher Eric Fleisch Brian and Emily Ford Rena Fraade Barnet and Lisa Fraenkel Renee D. Gittler

Jordan Goldman Gary and Patricia Glascom Leonard Glazier Rhoda Glazier Neil and Eydie Glickstein Sandra Goldfarb Amy Golding Anita Goldman Mark L. Goldstein (z�l) Martin Goldstein Allan B. Goodman Ben Grossman Dr. Harvey and Melissa Hakim Linda and Greg Hamilton Robert and Bonnie Hammel Jerome and Florence Hausman Kevin and Mary Ellen Hausman Diana Hirsch Arthur Hochhauser Susan Hochhauser Arthur David Hoffman Barbara Jean Hoffman Carolyn Jayne Hoffman Charity Hyde Dr. David and Susan Hyman Gwen Jacobs Rabbi Allen Juda Andrew Kahn Dr. Kenneth and Marilyn Kalnitsky Irving Kaplan Alan Kares Dr. Barbara Katz Kathi Katzman Seth Katzman Anne Keller-Smith Ken and Sue Kirshner Dr. Nelson and Andrea Kopyt Lucy Korsky Marin and Judy Krasnov Stuart and Lynda Krawitz

Danielle Kroo Ferne Kushner Hartley Lachter Jennifer Lader Scott Leiber Henry and Susan Lehrich Elaine Lerner Ina Levin Larry Levin Mary Jane Levine Eva and Dr. Larry Levitt Dr. Marc Levitt Dr. Jenni Levy Edward Levy Ursla S. Levy Pam Lott Dr. William and Jane Markson Jeannie Miller Linda Miller Mike Miller James and Shelah Mueth Jeff Murdoch Daria Newfeld Kyle Newfeld Sandra Newman Taffi Ney Audrey Alexander Nolte Dr. Michael Notis Dr. Michael A. Obenski Martina A. Obenski Roberta and Alan Penn Eve Peterson Rabbi Seth Phillips Edward and Beth Posner Dr. Robert and Lota Post Gary Preis Sandra Preis Patti Price Elaine Rappaport-Bass Sy and Lois Ratner Bruce Reich Dr. Richard and Barbara Reisner Carol Robins Robert Rockmaker Judith Rodwin

Michelle Rohrbach Dr. Alex and Robin Rosenau Amy Sams Richard Sams Marcia Schechter Lorrie Scherline Melvin Schmier Pearl M. Schmier Irwin J. Schneider Ellen R. Schneider Ivan Schonfeld Mark and Deena Scoblionko Joy Scott Eileen Segal Lynn Shampain Dr. Mark Shampain Adrian Shanker Stanley J. Shrager Rabbi Michael and Alexis Singer David L. Smith Elaine Snyder Ann K. Stehney Peggy A. Stettner Aimee Stewart Ron Ticho Marsha Timmerman Richard Timmerman Ufberg Family Community Fund Joseph J. Weiner Arthur and Barbara Weinrach Barbara Weitzman Rabbi David and Rachel Wilensky James and Linda Wimmer Norman and Sandra Wruble Rachel Zane Larry Zelson Dr. Israel Zighelboim Valeska Zighelboim Kathy Zimmerman Drs. Lawrence and Deborah Zohn Debbie Zoller Anonymous (23)

Carrying the lessons of Tu B’Shevat into the new year

Lehigh Valley celebrates Tu B'Shevat Right, Jewish Day School first-graders make paper flowers and learn vocabulary related to the birthday of the trees. Bottom left, Chabad students study the life cycle of a tree and learn how people are like trees. Bottom center, Amy Sams poses as a tree at the JCC Tu B’Shevat seder. Bottom right, Rabbi Melody Davis guides a student in leading the Tu B’Shevat seder at Temple Covenant of Peace.

By Chloe Goldstein Special to HAKOL Tu B’Shevat is a holiday which literally translates to the “New Year for Trees.” Further, this event recognizes the earliest trees in Israel that start to bloom, beginning a new cycle. During this occasion, we eat fruit such as figs, dates, grapes and pomegranates to feel spiritually connected to the Earth and the environment. As we jump into a new year and attempt to sustain our New Year’s resolutions for 2019, I think too often than not we forget about reflecting on the past year. Gym advertisements, flashy heart cards for Valentine’s Day neatly displayed in department stores, emerging spring fashion, and birthdays entice our brain to focus on the new instead of hugging the past just a little longer. This metaphor can be linked to ferociously planting new flowers instead of admiring the beauty in nature that surrounds us currently. My best friend and I recognized this struggle of moving on too quickly, which is why we decided to innovate and get crafty for 2019. The first idea we had was to paint a wooden box and call it a memory box. We have decided after any noteworthy event, whether a positive or negative experience happens, we will quickly jot down the occasion with the date and throw a little scrap of paper into this small

box. When 2020 comes, we will go over all of our notes and reflect on this year. The other craft is a new décor piece for my apartment, but it is also a daily reminder of my goals, outlining my priorities for 2019: health, technology, relationships, work and personal goals that I can hold myself accountable to follow each and every day. It hangs up by a threaded string dangling triangular pieces in a semi-circle. My creations are my way of growing and leaning into the New Year. Early Zionists saw Tu B’Shevat as a way to connect ecology to their homeland which is why today when we celebrate it, we call for ecological awareness through planting trees, learning about environmental activism or donating tzedakah to various environmental groups. I believe that we can go beyond the eco-friendly connection on Tu B’Shevat and look into our inner selves. For me, my simple crafts are the way I am blooming and standing tall like strong and healthy trees that can live hundreds of years. Through digesting new fruits and learning about sustainability and our human impact, there is more to learn about our individual needs and goals for the New Year. This creates a reciprocal relationship between planting a tree and the seeds that we may discover, as we get our hands muddy and the sun gleams in our garden.

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Learning my way and earning my tag By Helaina Zahn Special to HAKOL I’ve been in the army for a month! Can you believe it?! The time has gone by so slowly and so quickly all at the same time. On my base, I am part of Plugah LaHava (in English: Company Flame). There are about 120 girls in my company, and we make up all the new immigrant girls on our base. Within my company, I am in the second mahlakah (platoon). There are about 60 of us, and we are all at around the same Hebrew level. Within my platoon, I am a part of a tzevet (squad) of 14. I am proud to tell you that I am in the highest squad in my platoon. Our squad level also coordinates to our level of Hebrew because all 13 girls in my squad are also in class with me every day learning Hebrew. Together we sit, learn, run and have to stand still by the time the commander says three while counting down from 10. I am definitely having a bonding experience with these girls, and they are from all over the world (France, Ukraine, South Africa, Sweden, Venezuela, etc.).

During our basic training, we learned how to shoot, clean and handle M16s. At first, this was a little terrifying for me and hard because M16s are actually heavy when you are constantly carrying them around on the same shoulder. We take turns guarding the whole base day and night. I had guard duty in the early morning at the front gate, and, although I knew that nothing was really going to happen, I felt more like a real soldier because I had a high responsibility of taking care of the gun. Our M16s are so much of a responsibility that if, let’s say, you forget it in your room, you automatically have to stay on base for the weekend as a punishment. Let me tell you, it is very easy to forget your gun. We sleep with them between our mattresses and bed frames. We shower with them in sight. We have to go to the bathroom with them and just in general carry them everywhere. I am beyond excited that our week of guard duty is over and am dreading the week when it will next be our company’s turn. Last week, we officially finished our basic training. Every unit has a different level of basic training that has to be

completed. 02 is the level that everyone must complete regardless of their job. When you finish, there is a little ceremony called a Haspa’ah. During the Haspa’ah, we all had to individually go up to the commander of our platoon, take a gun in our left hand and a Tanakh in our right. We put the Tanakh over the gun and our heart and shouted, “I promise.” It was a very emotional ceremony. We continued to say the Israel Defense Force vow to defend and guard Israel and all the people that make up the country. Usually after a Haspa’ah, every soldier receives a tag of their base. Because this base is only for educational purposes and none of us will actually be based here permanently, we did not receive one showing our base. Only four people, one from each squad, received a tag from their mefaked (commanders) for recognition and a job well done during their time in basic training. One of those girls was me! The mefaked said I was recognized because I asked good questions, took initiative and helped other soldiers. In the picture, I am holding up the tag with the words written on the back

from my mefaked. Generally, a soldier will wear this tag on their left soldier to signify where they are based. I am so happy to be here and am really grateful for everyone on this base who is helping me improve and get ready for when I eventually move to my permanent base in a more consistent job. Helaina Zahn is an Allentown native who attended Hebrew school at Temple Beth El and graduated from Parkland High School. She graduated from Temple University before making aliyah and joining the IDF.

Take advantage of opportunities for a gap year in Israel By Rotem Bar Community shlicha Six years ago, I took a step that changed my life. I had just finished my military service, and three months later, I was working as a shlicha at a Jewish summer camp in Providence, Rhode Island. I say that this experience changed my life because it was the first time I met a Jewish community outside of Israel. It exposed me to different ways of being Jewish, and it gave me a better understanding of the wider Jewish world and how we are different, but very much alike. For the first time, I experienced how Jews in America feel about Israel and see their connection to it, and how this connection has transformed and is still transforming. A realization hit me that I wanted to devote myself to the mutual effort of building this connecting bridge between Israel and Diaspora Jews. That eventually led me to where I am today. Returning to Israel after camp with a pocket full of questions and motivation, I started working for a gap year program in Israel. Young Jews from around the world take a gap year after high school or during college to experience life in Israel through traveling, volunteering, studying and living like a local. Through staffing a year of the program, I fell in love with Israel all over again. Why am I telling you this? Because having experienced this made me understand that it is one of the best ways for young Jewish individuals to build a personal relationship with Israel. There are so many different programs that can fit specific interests and wishes. From a few weeks to a whole year in Israel, these programs make a significant change in their participants’ lives. Birthright isn’t the only option, either. There are several organizations that make coming to Israel on one of these programs very easy. Masa Israel Journey, for example, is leading in longterm international experiences in Israel. It is an initiative of The Jewish Agency for Israel and the Government of Israel. They offer grants and scholarships for two- to 12-month programs for 18-to 30-year-olds who want to come to Israel. With programs tailored to a variety of interests, there is really something for everyone. One of the things that I want to do in my time here in the Lehigh Valley is to bring more awareness of this possibility, which sometimes seems far from reach when it’s really not. Last month, with the amazing help of Muhlenberg students who had taken a gap year in Israel, we created a panel where they could share their experiences with students and parents. I think hearing personal experiences is the best way to have an understanding of this possibility, and I am hoping to do another event like this in the future. So stay tuned if this is something you are interested in. It’s good to know that these opportunities are out there and to take advantage of them. I will gladly assist in helping to find a program for you. 26 MARCH 2019 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

This Purim: Mishenichnas Adar marbim b’simcha By Rotem Bar Community shlicha “Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha,” meaning “when the month of Adar arrives, we should be more joyful,” is something that you can really feel in Israel. This upcoming Purim does not start until the 21st of March, yet the celebrations in Israel will start at the beginning of the month and slowly increase to large celebrations during the days of Purim. If you haven’t gotten the chance to visit Israel during Purim, I highly recommend it! It turns into the happiest place in the world! Purim is, by far, my favorite holiday. My parents have passed that Purim love to me from a very young age. They always take their costumes very seriously. We grew up having the largest costume collection at our house. Around Purim, our neighbors, friends and family start showing up at our door to see what they can borrow from our awesome selection of costumes. My favorite costume as a child, which I reused two years in a row (that’s how much I liked it), was a belly dancer costume. It was bought for me in Turkey, with a little portable CD player on which I played Arabic music. I wore it everywhere, and you can imagine how annoying it was for everyone around me. Alongside well-known Jewish traditions that we do on Purim, there are some traditions that are simply Israeli.

Most schools in Israel celebrate a week of Purim. Every day is a special themed day, like crazy hair day or pajama day, and it goes up until Purim, when each school does a carnival. That’s when everybody comes with costumes and exchanges mishlochei manot. At the high school I went to, the 12th-graders are “the bosses” of Purim and do group costumes, pranks and performances. After the carnival, each class chooses a place where they want to volunteer, since making others happy on Purim is a great mitzvah. We would usually go in our costumes to bring the festive celebrations to hospitals or residences of older adults. Another very Israeli tradition is the Adloyada (until one doesn’t know). These are fun parades that are held on Purim all across the country at different locations. The meaning of the words is derived from the rabbinic saying in the Talmud that one should celebrate on Purim by drinking “until one no longer knows.” The name was changed from carnival to Adloyada in 1932. The parades are a tradition that dates back to the early days of Tel Aviv in 1912. When Meir Dizengoff was the mayor of Tel Aviv, he used to ride his horse at the front of the parade. It used to be a mass event during the Yishuv, faded during the Second World War, and was renewed later in 1955. The largest Adloyada in recent years is held in the city

of Holon. Millions of shekels are invested in it, and it’s the most impressive parade. But different cities around Israel have different celebrations; it’s not just in Holon. In Tel Aviv, for example, the municipality hosts one of the largest street parties. It brings thousands of people each year to party on the streets of Tel Aviv. There is also an annual Purim zombie walk that takes place around Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv. In Sde Boker in the south of Israel, there is an environmental Adloyada. Its tradition was developed over the years at the Ben-Gurion High School for Environmental Education. It includes huge exhibits and costumes, all of which are made by the school’s students out of recycled materials. It attracts people from all across the country. Kibbutzim have a tradition of hosting a Purim party in the kibbutz dining hall, and these are usually themed differently each year (if you ask me, those are the best parties in Israel). In the streets of cities like Bnei Brak and Jerusalem, where large groups of Haredi Jews live, it is very common to see teenagers and even small children smoke cigarettes during the holiday. The Haredi or strictly Orthodox actually fulfill the Purim mitzvah of drinking "until one no longer knows." They are instructed throughout the year on seriousness, discretion and restraint, but Purim is the day when the barriers are broken, and how

can you bring down barriers without vodka, whiskey or wine? I saw this once when I lived in Jerusalem, and it took me completely by sur-

prise. So if you get the chance, visit Israel during Purim. It’s an experience you’ll never forget. Happy Purim!


From Super Sunday to Tournies for AZA By Jake Wiener AZA The month of March for AZA is filled with Tournies preparations and last minute Tournies changes; overall, a great month for AZA. While preparing to host the Tournies convention was stressful, our chapter and board helped prepare for the weekend, and March will prove to be one of BBYO and AZA’s most successful months this year. Tournies Movie Night was held this past month, and it was a success. Allentown boards have chosen comedy movies as the region’s theme for Tournies this year. Our

chapter chose the movie “Semi-Pro,” starring Will Ferrell. We thought that this movie would fit perfectly into the theme, as our Tshirts for Tournies are Flint Tropics themed. Tournies weekend is right around the corner, and it’s going to be a weekend to remember. AZA’s game night will be held in early March, and it is one of our chapter’s best events of the year. We are able to play several games not only competitively, but for pure pleasure as well. The attendance for events has generally increased over the year, and we are looking to continue the trend as we head into the end of the year for AZA. Super Sunday, which was held the last

Sunday of January, was a great volunteering opportunity for not only Allentown chapters, but also for the Jewish community of the Lehigh Valley. Chapter members had the opportunity to call and thank people who make donations to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. Again, we would like to thank anyone who has made any donations to the 2019 campaign! Stay tuned for upcoming news and events, you do not want to miss out! If you have any questions regarding upcoming events or about signing up for BBYO, please contact allentownaza@gmail.com or afraley8626@gmail.com.

Chicago industrialist donates $25 million to BBYO to empower Jewish young women and teens By Marcy Oster Jewish Telegraphic Agency


A Chicago industrialist has pledged $25 million to a national Jewish youth group to promote initiatives for young Jewish women and teens. Theodore Perlman and his wife, Harriette, announced their donation to BBYO on Feb. 14 at the group’s international conference in Denver. The gift, one of the largest single financial commitments to a youth-serving organization in modern history, will allow BBYO to launch and expand

new programs and provides endowment funding that will support the programs in perpetuity. The funds will be used for the Anita M. Perlman Women’s Leadership Initiative, named in honor of Perlman’s mother, the founder of the B’nai B’rith Girls, or BBG, a division of BBYO. More than 5,500 teens and adults attended the international convention, which marked the 75th anniversary of the founding of B’nai B’rith Girls. Perlman is founder of The HAVI Group, a supply chain management, packaging and logistics firm.

Harriette and Ted Perlman with BBG's international N'siah Noga Hurwitz

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24th Annual Jewish & Israeli Film Series kicks off

PJ Library families enjoy a Curious George story before a screening of the film on Feb. 10.

By Monica Friess Special to HAKOL The JCC’s 24th Annual Jewish & Israeli Film Series (JIFS) is off to a great start! Thanks to a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts/Lehigh Valley Arts Council, the series includes family movies and programming in partnership with PJ Library. Did you know that two beloved childhood icons—Curious George and Paddington Bear—have Jewish roots? On Feb. 7, we presented “Monkey Business: The Adventures of Curious George’s Creators,” which tells the endearing story of Hans and Margret

Rey, a German-Jewish couple who fled Paris on bicycles just ahead of the Nazi invasion carrying the first Curious George manuscript with them. This film was followed by a PJ Library Sunday afternoon program on Feb. 10. Children and their families enjoyed activities and a Curious George movie. On Tuesday, March 19, at 7 p.m., the moving film “Nicky’s Family” will be presented at the JCC. It tells the story of Sir Nicholas Winton, a British philanthropist who rescued 669 Jewish children in Czechoslovakia by bringing them to Britain. Author Michael Bond was inspired by Kindertransports to England such as these,

and images of Jewish refugee children arriving at London’s train station during WWII formed the basis for Paddington Bear. On Sunday, March 24, PJ Library families will enjoy the movie “Paddington” and related activities. February is Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), and the JIFS is joining with Jewish Family Service, Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and Congregation Brith Sholom to present a day of conversation and nosh followed by a screening of the inspirational film “My Hero Brother,” on Sunday, Feb. 24, at 3 p.m. at Brith Sholom. The film follows a group of young people with Down syndrome as they embark on a trek through the Himalayas with their brothers and sisters. The series continues on Thursday, April 4 at 7 p.m. with the presentation of “Wrestling Jerusalem” at Muhlenberg College’s Miller Forum in Moyer Hall, co-sponsored by Muhlenberg and the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding (IJCU). This is a filmed adaptation of a one-person play exploring the Israeli–Palestinian conflict as well as wider themes about identity and social division. A suspenseful drama inspired by true events toward the end of WWII, “The Tes-

tament” will be shown on Sunday, April 14, at 7 p.m. at Congregation Keneseth Israel, the co-sponsor. The film centers on Yoel, a historian leading a significant debate against Holocaust deniers. On Sunday, April 28, at Civic Theatre 514 at 7 p.m., JIFS will present “Heading Home: The Tale of Team Israel.” Co-sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and in partnership with Civic Theatre, this film charts the underdog journey of Israel's national baseball team, including Jewish-American MLB players, competing for the first time in the World Baseball Classic. A riveting historical drama, “An Act of Defiance” is based on events surrounding the 1963 Rivonia Trial in apartheid South Africa when Nelson Mandela and nine of his black and Jewish compatriots faced possible death sentences, having been charged with conspiracy to commit sabotage and treason. Congregation Brith Sholom is co-sponsoring this screening which will be presented in partnership with ArtsQuest at the Frank Banko Alehouse Cinema on Tuesday, April 30, at 7 p.m. “The Cousin,” shown on Thursday, May 30 at 7 p.m. at the JCC, is a dark comedy about an open-minded Israeli

who begins to question his liberal convictions when a Palestinian laborer he hired is suspected of a crime. Linda and Jim Wimmer are co-sponsors. With the 24th annual series underway, we are beginning to plan our Silver Anniversary next year, and we need you to help make the 25th annual film series a very special one. Email Stephanie Bennett at sbennett@lvjcc.org to join the fun and be a part of this exciting milestone! From choosing films to planning events, your participation can ensure a meaningful and fun celebration of this mainstay of JCC programming. Programming is supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the national Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. For more info, please visit www. lvjcc.org/filmfestival.


Congregation Sons of Israel Gala will honor the IDF By Barry Halper Congregation Sons of Israel On Sunday, March 31, Congregation Sons of Israel will host its Annual Gala, raising funds to sustain the synagogue and its mission of serving the members of the Jewish community from throughout the greater Lehigh Valley. This year, they will honor the Israel Defense Forces through the Friends of the IDF (FIDF) Adopt-a-Unit program. They will also recognize those people in their community who have served in the IDF or have a family member in the IDF. Through the FIDF, a portion of the proceeds from the Gala will be directed to soldiers of a battalion of the 80th Territorial Division, “Utzvat Edom,” which is based near the southern city of Eilat. The mission of Utzvat Edom is to

maintain security along Israel’s southern border with Egypt and Jordan. Its soldiers are required to deal mainly with criminal and terror activities such as infiltration or the smuggling of arms and drugs. Prevention and interruption of these dangerous activities require vigilant attention, rapid analysis and swift action across a very long border. Understandably, this is a highly stressful assignment. The FIDF’s program provides qualifying IDF combat battalions, comprising approximately 400 soldiers each, the opportunity to unwind from their difficult and vital responsibilities. The funding enables the soldiers to enjoy activities such as holiday ceremonies (Rosh Hashanah meals, Passover seders), recreational activities (sports, concerts, theater), battalion-wide events (training

By Jeff Blinder Chair, Segel Family Scholarship Committee completion, recognizing outstanding soldiers) and scheduled days of fun and leisure with their fellow soldiers. These help encourage high morale, camaraderie and an overall improved state of wellbeing for the soldiers of a battalion. Sons of Israel hopes you will join them at the Gala on March 31. If you want to place an ad in the Gala Journal, the deadline is March 15. For more information, please contact the synagogue office at 610-433-6089 or by email at april2715@gmail.com.

Kobi Marimi, who mixes pop and opera, to represent Israel at Eurovision By Marcy Oster Jewish Telegraphic Agency A singer who mixes pop and opera will represent Israel at Eurovision. Kobi Marimi on Feb. 12 won the Israeli reality show “Kochav Habah,” or “The Next Star,” with performances of Bon Jovi’s “Always” and the Beatles’ “Let It Be.” The winner of the show, chosen by a combination of votes from the judges and the public, represents Israel in Eurovision, which will be held in May in Tel Aviv. Marimi, 27, was voted off the show a couple weeks ago during the quarter-finals, but was invited back by the judges

using their one “life-saver.” Since Israel is hosting Eurovision, he will not have to compete in the semi-finals but will go straight through to the finals of the international song contest. The finals of Kochav Habah went forward without the Shalva Band, which announced that it would pull out over a required Eurovision rehearsal on Shabbat should it have won. Israeli songwriters currently are submitting original songs from which one will be chosen in the next couple of weeks by the KAN public broadcaster, which hosts Eurovision, for Marimi to perform at the contest.

Frank and Ada Segel Family Student Scholarship Program deadline annouced

Following his victory, Tel Aviv lit up its city hall with the words “Good Luck Kobi.” “Congratulations to Kobi Marimi who impressed and moved an entire nation with his unique voice,” Culture Minister Miri Regev said. “He proved that willpower and faith are stronger than anything … 40 years ago we won the Eurovision twice in a row, and with Kobi we can do it again.” Israel won back-to-back Eurovisions in 1978 and 1979, and then again in 1998. Israel won the right to host Eurovision in May when Netta Barzilai won the contest with her song “Toy.”

The Frank and Ada Segel Family Student Scholarship Program was established through a philanthropic bequest by Frank and Ada Segel's daughter, Helen Segel. Miss Segel recognized the importance of higher education and the need for financial assistance to students in the Jewish Community. Frank and Ada Segel were members and friends of Congregation Sons of Israel, and Miss Segel wanted to honor the memory of her beloved parents with this wonderful act of tzedakah. Applications will be accepted from Lehigh Valley Jewish students who have been accepted or are enrolled in a post-secondary educational institution, have a demonstrated record of service to the Jewish community and to the Lehigh Valley community at large, and meet additional specific criteria established by the Scholarship Program Committee. Decisions for awarding scholarships will be at the discretion of the committee. A scholarship may be awarded to one or more students on an annual basis for an amount up to $3,000.00. Please call Congregation Sons of Israel at 610-433-6089 or email april2715@gmail. com for more information and to obtain an application. Applications, along with supporting materials, should be submitted by Monday, May 20, 2019.

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Women of KI to honor Iris Epstein, celebrate the ‘Marvelous Mrs. Kushner’

By Patty Carlis and Michele Salomon Congregation Keneseth Israel Ever since Iris Epstein moved to Allentown with her husband Jonathan, she has been immersed in the life of our community. Proud that her children, Harry and Charlie, are fifth generation Epsteins in the Lehigh Valley, she is committed to ensuring that our Jewish community remains strong for future generations. Epstein has shared her indomitable spirit and dedication to Jews in our community and around the world through her leadership in the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. She received the George Feldman Achievement Award for Young Leadership in 2013 and has served as Federation’s campaign chair. She is currently Federation treasurer, Women’s Philanthropy president and a member of the allocations, LIFE & LEGACY, finance and endowment committees. Also a proud member of National Young Leadership Cabinet, Epstein frequently attends conferences and study missions to see first-hand how dollars raised through Federation’s Annual Campaign are ensuring Jewish continuity, providing dignity to our elders and saving lives by rescuing Jews from at-risk environments. She was part of the first cohort of women from the Lehigh Valley to travel to Israel on a Federation-sponsored Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project trip, creating a very special camaraderie and a real sense of purpose. But what you may not know is that Epstein is equally

committed to the Women of Keneseth Israel, formerly KI Sisterhood. For the last 12 years, Epstein has been making sure that Oneg Shabbats after Friday night services at KI are plentiful and delicious. She chaired the annual Flea Market, the major fundraiser for KI Sisterhood, for several years. As a member of the KI Board of Trustees, she played a major role in the success of KI’s annual gala events and is co-chairing this year’s gala on Saturday, May 18. Because of her commitment to Jewish education, she is also currently serving as the chair of the KI Religious School. In her “free” time, she is dedicated to her family and especially her children and is an executive board member of her son’s PTO and a Team Mom at Parkettes, where her children are competitive gymnasts on the men’s team. To be sure, Epstein’s invincible enthusiasm is contagious. For all of these reasons and more, the Women of KI are proud to honor Epstein as a “Woman of Valor” at our upcoming Donor Brunch on Sunday, March 24. The proceeds from this event provide scholarships for KI kids to enable them to participate in various Jewish youth activities. The ‘Marvelous Mrs. Kushner’ will be providing the entertainment. Like the fictional Mrs. Maisel of Amazon Prime fame, KI’s Mrs. Kushner was also born in New York, is Jewish and started her comedy career after a significant change in her life. “The Marvelous Mrs. Kushner,” Ferne to her fans, moved to the Lehigh Valley when she was 2, is a near lifelong member at

Keneseth Israel and was happily married for many, many years to her beloved husband Jack, of blessed memory. The comedic Marvelous Mrs. Kushner was born after he passed; she admitted that he might not actually approve of the jokes. She first learned her material while volunteering at Sacred Heart Hospital. The jokes are funny, the delivery deadpan, the timing precise and the laughs robust. Audiences love her. She’s become a cruise ship celebrity, entering talent contests and leaving with long lists of admirers to whom she sends her list of jokes. She teaches knitting on Wednesday afternoons at KI, now an R-rated event given the nature of the jokes. She tells jokes to charm the doctors and nurses she encounters when getting medical care. It’s now her calling card, and she proudly says she likes to leave people laughing. The brunch is an adult-only event; the students who will benefit from a scholarship won’t be listening to or telling any of Mrs. Kushner’s jokes (at least not anytime soon). The Marvelous Mrs. Kushner is enjoying her celebrity and is always ready with a joke and a smile. Her fan club, friends and relatives alike, will be in attendance. Reserve your spot and you are bound to leave laughing, a sure sign she’ll have succeeded. Please join us to honor Epstein and be entertained by Our Own Marvelous Mrs. Kushner. Chef Eric will provide a luscious brunch. Minimum donation for Women of KI members is $36. Guests are welcome at $40.


LEKVAR CRUMB BARS BY SANDI TEPLITZ INGREDIENTS: 3 sticks unsalted butter scant 1/2 c. sugar 4 T. confectioners' sugar 2 yolks 1 +1/4 t. pure vanilla extract 1 +1/4 c. flour 1 +1/2 c. Softasilk cake flour 3/4 t. baking powder 2/3 t. kosher salt 1 1/2 c. Lekvar TECHNIQUE: Mix dry ingredients together. Place all other ingredients in food processor and blend until well combined. Add dry ingredients slowly until well blended. Make two balls of dough, one with 3/4 of the dough, the other with the remaining quarter. Chill for an hour. Roll out the larger ball and place into the bottom of a 13x9" pan. Chill for 10 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes, then spread with 1+1/2 c. prepared lekvar. Take the smaller chilled ball of dough from the refrigerator and using a grater, grate the dough evenly over the lekvar. Return to the oven and bake for another 20 minutes. Cool, then sprinkle heavily with confectioners' sugar. Cut into small or large pieces. P.S. This can also be made with apricot filling.

Lehigh Valley full of fun this Purim Purim will start at sundown on March 20, and the Lehigh Valley Jewish community is ready for revelry. Kick off the Purim season with Candyland “Shushan” Edition! Enter the wonder of Candyland at the Jewish Day School at their co-sponsored PJ Library event, on Sunday, March 10 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Wear candy-themed costumes, enjoy a twist on your favorite hamantaschen, create candy crafts, pose for a picture in the Candyland photo booth, and enjoy storytime with PJ Library books. RSVP to Sara Schonbach at sschonbach@ jdslv.org or 610-437-0721. On Monday, March 18, at 6:30 p.m., the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Young Adult Division will perform an act of kindness in celebration of Purim. In partnership with Jewish Family Service, they will prepare hot kosher meals and hamentaschen for older adults as part of JFS’ ongoing “mazel meals” project. Cost is $10 to help cover expenses. Contact Aaron Gorodzinsky at aaron@jflv.org or 610-821-5500

to get involved. Temple Beth El and Congregation Brith Sholom are teaming up for the first time ever for a joint celebration on Wednesday, March 20, at 6:30 p.m. hosted at Brith Sholom. The theme is "Flashback 80s," which will include a karaoke DJ, dancing, photo booth and more. The megillah will be read along with fun parody singing. The evening is for adults and kids alike. “Glow crazy” with Chabad Lehigh Valley at their glow in the dark Purim party on Wednesday, March 20, at 6:45 p.m. Come in costume for a chance to win an Amazon Echo, and enjoy a dinner buffet, live DJ, Megillah reading, and spiel by their Hebrew School students. At Congregation Keneseth Israel, come in costume at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20, and be ready to make some noise. Bunny Filler and her merry band of KI Spielsters will present an original production. Bring your favorite homemade hamentaschen to share for the bake-off. All ages welcome.

Congregation Sons of Israel is offering up a double dose of Purim fun, starting with pizza, lasagna, laser tag and a moon bounce on Wednesday, March 20, at 8 p.m. $8 per person for food and moon bounce, $15 per person for food, moon bounce and laser tag. Then, the next day they will be hosting a Purim Feast at 5 p.m. following their 4:30 p.m. Megillah reading, featuring authentic Persian cuisine, henna artist, fortune teller, photo booth, live music, moon bounce and more. $18 per person, $12 per child under bar/bat mitzvah. Please RSVP for both events by March 11 to 610-433-6089 or april2715@gmail.com. In Easton, Temple Covenant of Peace is preparing for Purim with hamentaschen and babka baking to benefit their religious school on Sunday, March 10, at 12:30 p.m. Then, on Sunday, March 24, join them for a fabulous Purim play put on by their religious school students. There is fun to be had for everyone no matter your age or location this Purim.

Why Purim is so much more than the Jewish Halloween By Rivki Silver kveller.com Whenever I find myself needing to quickly explain Purim, I usually end up calling it the “Jewish Halloween.” There are enough similarities to warrant a comparison. But as fun as Halloween can be, I think Purim is way better. And here’s why: 1. First off, Purim is an all-day affair. This gives plenty of time for the kids to enjoy their costumes and, more importantly, means that it’s not too late in the day when we’re going out and about. 2. Another asset is that our kids don’t just receive treats, they give them out. It’s a mitzvah to give mishloach manot, which includes two types of ready-to-eat food, to at least one friend. It’s even better if those can be given to someone you’re on the outs with, or a new neighbor, or someone who otherwise would be lonely. 3. Speaking of food, there’s hamantaschen. Halloween has nothing on this traditional food. 4. Another thing I consider a plus is that there’s less of a chance of ghoulish costumes to alarm my small children. The majority of costumes seem to fall more along the family-friendly and non-scary spectrum. 5. As if giving mishloach manot wasn’t enough

altruism for one day, on Purim there’s also a mitzvah to give charity, and no one should be turned away empty-handed. I’m always a fan of getting my children used to and excited about giving. 6. Which brings me to the Purim meal. It’s a mitzvah to have a nice meal on Purim. The kids get to run around and play with their friends, and the grown-ups get to enjoy some adult interaction. And drinks, which is another mitzvah. So while Halloween is fun, it just can’t compete with Purim. I’m happy my kids will experience the pleasure of giving, spreading love and friendship. I suppose the next time I’m trying to explain Purim to someone who doesn’t know about it, I could tell them that it’s “Jewish Halloween, except so much better.”

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Israel’s first moon mission will conduct scientific measurements

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin received SpaceIL’s Beresheet spacecraft as a national project in a meeting with leaders of SpaceIL and IAI, January 17, 2019. By Jeffrey J. Sussman American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science After an enterprise lasting nearly a decade, the Israeli unmanned moon mission “Beresheet” (“Genesis” in Hebrew) will soon take off from Earth, bound for the moon’s rocky surface. Professor Oded Aharonson of the Weizmann Institute of Science’s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences is head of the international science team and will be watching closely as the craft approaches the moon and initiates the scientific part of the mission, which will start well before touchdown. The cost of planning and building the spacecraft was $100 million, most of it contributed by private donors, led by the president of SpaceIL, the philanthropist Morris Kahn. If Beresheet touches down successfully, it will make Israel only the fourth country to land on the moon, after the U.S., the former Soviet Union, and China. The craft will be launched on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida. After multiple orbits around the Earth, Beresheet will arrive at its destination two months later. Although the landing will be a historic achievement for Israel, the project is an independent initiative started by the three founders of SpaceIL, who had two main objectives in mind: to land the first Israeli space vehicle on the moon and to inspire a new generation of students to study science and technology. The three, Yariv Bash, Kfir Damari and Yonatan Winetraub, had entered Israel into the Google LunarX Prize competition. Although the competition officially ended in March 2018 with no win-

ners, SpaceIL announced that it would continue working toward the goal of landing on the moon. Since the establishment of SpaceIL in 2011, the mission of a lunar landing has become a national project, receiving support from many quarters. Israel Aircraft Industries has been a full partner in the project from the beginning. Other supporters include government-owned companies and academia, most prominently the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Israel Space Agency, Israel’s Ministry of Science, Bezek Communications and more. Private donors include Dr. Miri and Sheldon Adelson, Sylvan Adams, Sammy Segol, Lynn Schusterman and Stephen Grand. The scientific instruments aboard the spacecraft will begin measuring even before landing. Aharonson explains that “the main scientific goal will be measuring the magnetic field of the Moon. This will help us understand its source.” The moon today has an iron core like that of the Earth, but it is small and cold. This core does not generate a global magnetic field, as ours does, but on the surface, various areas or rocks are magnetic at different levels. “If we can measure the magnetism of these rocks, we can begin to understand how and when this magnetism arose,” Aharonson added. According to one widely accepted theory, the moon’s iron core was once hotter and convecting, creating a dynamo that magnetized the rocks on the moon. The instruments on the landing craft will thus be measuring the magnetic fields in ancient volcanic rocks (similar to basalts on Earth) to see if their intensity matches that suggested by the core-dyna-

mo theory. Among other things, such measurements might frame the time in which the dynamo was active and reveal how long ago it ceased. Other measurements – for example, of rocks in the moon’s craters – could uncover different sources of magnetization, possibly providing evidence that at least some of the moon’s magnetic field is due to the bombardment of asteroids, or even from magnetic material that originated in the asteroids themselves. Aharonson says that the instrument will first be calibrated by measuring the magnetic field of the craft itself while it is still cruising. By the time it is in orbit around the moon, the instrument will be able to detect the lunar field. It will be the short 15 minutes in which the craft descends to the moon that will be critical. As it approaches the surface, the readings of the magnetic field will increase; measuring this increase, as well as the changes recorded as the craft passes over different areas, will be crucial to understanding its source. As head of the SpaceIL International Science Team, Aharonson helped select the landing site – one that will enable communication and ensure the safety of the mission, allowing the craft to land smoothly and in a suitable area for performing the scientific experiments. The Beresheet craft will also carry a unique array of mirrors, provided by NASA, that can reflect a laser beam precisely back in the direction of its source. The source, in this case, will be a NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, and it will enable the team to locate the position of Beresheet on the moon’s surface.

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Prof. Oded Aharonson’s research is supported by the Helen Kimmel Center for Planetary Science, which he heads; the Minerva Center for Life Under Extreme Planetary Conditions; the Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program; and the Adolf and Mary Mil Foundation. The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world’s top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions. The Institute’s 3,800-strong scientific community engages in research addressing crucial problems in medicine and health, energy, technology, agriculture and the environment.


Community Calendar To list an event in the Community Calendar, submit your information on our website, www.jewishlehighvalley.org, under the “Upcoming Events” menu. All events listed in the Community Calendar are open to the public and free of charge, unless otherwise noted. Programs listed in HAKOL are provided as a service to the community. They do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. The JFLV reserves the right to accept, reject or modify listings.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 ‘93Queen:’ Documentary Film Showing and Talk Back 7 p.m., Lehigh University, Sinclair Laboratory Auditorium, 7 Asa Dr., Bethlehem. Set in the Hasidic enclave of Borough Park, Brooklyn, “93Queen” follows a group of tenacious Hasidic women who are resisting the patriarchy in their community by creating the first all-female volunteer ambulance corps in New York City. With unprecedented – and insider – access, “93Queen” offers up a unique portrayal of bold women who take matters into their own hands to change their own community from within. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by Lehigh’s Berman Center for Jewish Studies, Lehigh Hillel, and other university departments, along with Muhlenberg College’s Jewish Studies Program and Muhlenberg Hillel. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 at 7 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 2 at 7 p.m. SUNDAY, MARCH 3 at 2 p.m. Stagemakers Presents: ‘Peter Pan Jr.’ JCC of the Lehigh Valley Based on the Disney film and J.M. Barrie’s enchanting play, Disney’s “Peter Pan Jr.” is a modern version of the timeless tale about a boy who wouldn’t grow up. Ticket prices: $15/ adult; $10/child; JCC MVP $12/adult; $8/child; group rate (10 or more on the same day): $9/ticket. Tickets are available by calling 610-435-3571 or online at lvjcc.org/stagemakers. SATURDAY, MARCH 2 Something For Everyone Shabbat 10 a.m., Temple Beth El. A Shabbat program for every age at Temple Beth El. 0-3-year-olds: bring a favorite grown up to BIMBOM BUDDIES. Pre-K-grade 2: enjoy games and stories in KINDERSHUL. Grades 3-6: daven with doughnuts at JUNIOR CONGREGATION. Teens: help lead youth service or visit GPS. Parents and other adults participate in the main service or drop in for our GUIDED PRAYER SERVICE. Everyone comes together for a delicious KIDDUSH LUNCH. Open to the community. Let’s celebrate Shabbat together at Temple Beth El! SUNDAY, MARCH 3 The Anti-Israel Bias of the Mainstream Media with Rabbi Matan Peled 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Rabbi Matan Peled will speak about media bias against Israel. Free. Donations are gratefully accepted. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to the KI office at 610-435-9074 or online at www.kilv.org. MONDAY, MARCH 4 Friendship Circle Lunch & Program: The Cold Nose Lodge 11:30 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. The Cold Nose Lodge luxury dog center will be visiting with some of their furry friends! Enjoy some pet therapy and entertainment. Lunch and program $10, $7 Friendship Circle members. First visit to Friendship Circle is free. Special annual membership fee for 2018-19 year: $23. RSVP by calling the JCC Welcome Desk at 610-435-3571 or emailing Amy Sams at asams@ lvjcc.org. All adults are welcome to attend Friendship Circle. Lunch and programs are held on Mondays: March 11 - JDS Choir; March 18 - Musical Performance by Glenn Miller; March 25 - William Allen High School Chorale. Visit lvjcc.org/ friendshipcircle for program and schedule updates. SUNDAY, MARCH 10 Ritasue Charlestein: Singing to Soldiers – A Life’s Calling Brunch 9:30 a.m., program 10:15 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Ritasue Charlestein, a “hero” of the IDF, comes to Keneseth Israel for a brunch program. The KI Adult Education Committee is pleased to bring Charlestein, a dear friend of long-time KI members Laura and Bob Black, to present this program through an Israel Community Impact Grant with funding support from the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. Ritasue provides a unique perspective on Israel’s wounded soldiers and she brings this to her audiences. Through her travels and singing, her compassion, appreciation and gratitude to the IDF is apparent. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online at https://wp.me/p8r7yc-1TV or call the KI office at 610-435-9074 by March 7. SUNDAY, MARCH 10 Candyland PJ Library Purim Adventure 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley. Kick off the Purim season with Candyland “Shushan” Edition! Wear candy-themed costumes, enjoy a twist on your favorite hamantaschen, create candy crafts, pose for a pic in our Candyland photo booth and enjoy story time with your favorite PJ Library books. RSVP to Sara Schonbach at sschonbach@jdslv.org or 610-437-0721. 34 MARCH 2019 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

SUNDAY, MARCH 10 Pomegranate and Lion Mix & Mingle 1 to 3 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. Pomegranate and Lion of Judah women are invited to mix, mingle, make and take. Get to know one another while decorating beautiful pomegranate pashminas. $10 per person. RSVP by March 4 to 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org or online at www. jewishlehighvalley.org/women.

ner. Glow all out with the entire family! Adults $12, children $10, at the door $15. RSVP to 610-351-6511 or events@ chabadlehighvalley.com or www.chabadlehighvalley.com.

SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 2019 Satori Musical Concert 3 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. $15; $10 KI members. Pay at the door or call the KI office at 610-435-9074.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 Megilah Reading, Purim Party & Laser Tag 8 p.m. Megilah Reading (free), 9 p.m. party, Congregation Sons of Israel. Enjoy a Megiliah reading for all at 8 p.m., then come break your fast at CSOI with pizza and lasagna! Play in our moon bounce and play laser tag from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Ages 8 and up. $8 per person for food and moon bounce, $15 per person for food, moon bounce and laser tag. Please RSVP by March 11 to 610-433-6089 or april2715@ gmail.com.

MONDAY, MARCH 11 Introduction to Judaism 7 to 9 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. The first of six classes for both Jews and non-Jews to expand (or learn for the first time) their knowledge of Jewish practice and beliefs. Taught by Rabbi Seth Phillips, no prior knowledge is required – just an active curiosity, willingness to participate and an open mind. Call Marina Obenski at 610-966-3226 with questions or to register. $30 for six classes. Make checks payable to Congregation Keneseth Israel. FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Women’s Shabbat Dinner 5:30 p.m. candle lighting and Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:30 p.m. dinner, Chabad of the Lehigh Valley. Enjoy the energy, warmth and joy that will fill the room at the ladies Shabbat dinner. From welcoming Shabbat, through dessert, you will enjoy delicious food, wonderful company, singing, stories and sharing that will warm your spirit and rejuvenate your soul. Cost: $36, $180 Shabbat Queen sponsor. RSVP to events@chabadlehighvalley.com or at www.chabadlehighvalley.com. FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Louisiana Cajun/Creole Shabbat Dinner 6 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom. This dinner is sure to please with tasty morsels of good food. Make your reservations by 12 p.m. on March 8 (reservations are required). The price is $15 per adult or become a patron for $20; $5 per child between the ages of 5 - 13; no charge for children under 5 with maximum family charge of $45. Please pay in advance. Make out checks to “CBS - Shabbat Dinners.” Late reservations or “at the door” price is $18 per person. Call Tammy at 610-866-8009 for reservations, transportation and more information. FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Early Service and Potluck Dinner 6 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Please RSVP to the office with what you will be bringing. SUNDAY, MARCH 17 Miller-Keystone Blood Drive 9 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Please call the temple office at 610-435-9074 to register a time to donate. MONDAY, MARCH 18 Young Adult Division Mazel Meals 6:30 to 9 p.m., Temple Beth El. Perform an act of kindness in celebration of Purim. Prepare hot kosher meals and hamentaschen for Jewish older adults. $10 per person to help cover the cost of supplies. RSVP to Aaron Gorodzinsky at 610-821-5500 or aaron@jflv.org or register at www.jewishlehighvalley.org/yad. TUESDAY, MARCH 19 JCC Jewish & Israeli Film Series: ‘Nicky’s Family’ 7 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. “Nicky’s Family” is about an Englishman who organized the rescue of 669 Czech and Slovak children just before the outbreak of World War II. $5 per person. An accompanying PJ Library program for families will take place on Sunday, March 24, with a viewing of the movie “Paddington.” The author of “Paddington” was inspired by seeing children from the Kindertransport. Register by stopping by the JCC Welcome Desk, calling 610-4353571 or visiting www.lvjcc.org. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 Let’s Glow Crazy Purim Party! 6:45 p.m., Chabad of the Lehigh Valley. Let’s all glow crazy this Purim! Join us for amazing glow in the dark entertainment and live DJ, a Purim shpeil by the Chabad Hebrew School, illustrated Megillah reading and a delicious din-

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 KI Purim Spiel 7 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Join KI in costume for the Purim Spiel, put on by KI’s own band of merry Spielsters.

THURSDAY, MARCH 21 Megillah Reading & Persian Feast 4:30 p.m. Megilah Reading (free), 5 p.m. feast, Congregation Sons of Israel. Following the Megillah reading, enjoy a Persian Feast this Purim featuring authentic Persian cuisine, henna artist, fortune teller, photo booth, live music, moon bounce and more! $18 per person, $12 per child under bar/ bat mitzvah. Please RSVP by March 11 to 610-433-6089 or april2715@gmail.com. FRIDAYS, MARCH 22 - APRIL 12, 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. SUNDAYS, MARCH 31 - APRIL 28, 9 to 11:30 a.m. Mosaics Class - Mini 4-week Session JCC of the Lehigh Valley. Choose from either Friday morning or Sunday morning. In this 4-week class, you will learn all of the skills needed to create your own beautiful mosaic art. Instructor Cindy Schneider will teach participants how to safely handle glass and how to use appropriate glass-cutting tools. Whatever your art level, Cindy will support and encourage you to grow as an artist and designer. All materials are included in this course. Limited spaces available. No class on April 21. Price: $149; JCC members $99. To register, call 610-435-3571 or visit lvjcc.org/mosaics. SUNDAY, MARCH 24 Women of KI Donor Brunch 10 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Proceeds benefit the KI Camp Scholarship Fund featuring our very own “Marvelous Mrs. Kushner.” Honoring Iris Epstein for her tireless work on behalf of the Women of KI as well as Congregation Keneseth Israel. Lovely brunch catered by Chef Eric; vegetarian and vegan options available. Members: $36; gratefully accepting $54 or $72. Guests: $40. RSVP to KI at 610 435-9074. SUNDAY, MARCH 24 JCC Jewish & Israeli Film Series & PJ Library: ‘Paddington’ 3 to 5 p.m,. JCC of the Lehigh Valley. Join PJ Library and the JCC Jewish & Israeli Film Series for a special familyfriendly presentation of “Paddington.” Bear crafts and snacks. $10 per family. To register, stop by the JCC Welcome Desk, call 610-435-3571 or visit www.lvjcc.org. SATURDAY, MARCH 30 Shabbat Yoga 10 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Led by Jett Ulaner Sarachek, certified Yoga instructor. Free. Doors open at 9:45 a.m. All are welcome. No experience required. Chair yoga will be provided if desired. RSVP to Audrey Nolte at 610-2487945 or anolte@ptd.net. SUNDAY, MARCH 31 Maimonides Brunch: Lifting the Stigma on Mental Illness 10:15 to 11:45 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. Join the Maimonides Society of the Jewish Federation for a panel discussion on the cultural and sociological causes of mental illness, broader societal trends and how we as a medical and general community can help lift the stigma. Maggie Murphy, executive director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness in the Lehigh Valley, Peter Langman, a psychologist active in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, state Rep. Mike Schlossberg, an advocate for mental health legislation, and Rabbi Seth Phillips of Congregation Keneseth Israel, who will talk about stigmas of mental health in Judaism. Brunch is free for Maimonides members and spouses, $10 for community. To register, call 610-821-5500, email mailbox@jflv.org or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org/maimonides.

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Shabbat & Yom Tov Candlelighting Times Friday, March 1

5:35 pm

Friday, March 22

6:58 pm

Friday, March 8

5:43 pm

Friday, March 29

7:05 pm

Friday, March 15

6:50 pm

Friday, April 5

7:12 pm

Ongoing Events SUNDAY to FRIDAY DAF YOMI 7:30 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel Meeting all year long, this class covers the gamut of Talmudic law, studying one page of the Talmud each day, and completing the Talmud over the course of seven and a half years. Basic Jewish background is recommended. SUNDAYS

100,000 MILES/YR FOR KOSHER! First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Congregation Beth Avraham Open to all. Fascinating vignettes from a mashgiach who drives approximately 100,000 miles/year (yes, per year!) to keep the kosher supply chain intact. From rural Arkansas to frigid Nova Scotia, winter and summer, the demands are always there. Contact Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod, Kashruth Hotline (24/6), 610-9052166, rabbiyagod1@gmail.com.

siddur, learn about key prayers and continue our study of the te’amim (trope) for Torah and Haftarah. Required texts: “JPS English TaNaKh” or “Etz Hayyim Chumash,” “Aleph Isn’t Tough” (AnT) 1 & 2, Torah/Haftarah trope book. ORTHODOX JEWISH LIVING: WHAT IS IT & HOW? 8 p.m. Contact Rabbi Yizchok I. Yagod, 610-905-2166, rabbiyagod1@ gmail.com. THURSDAYS

JEWISH WAR VETERANS POST 239 2nd Sunday of the month, 10 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Veterans and their significant others are invited as the guest of the Ladies Auxiliary. Come and enjoy comradeship; we’ll even listen to your “war stories.” A brunch follows each meeting. Questions? Contact Commander Sheila Berg at 610360-1267 or sh-berg1@hotmail. com. TEFILLIN CLUB & ADULT HEBREW SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. Tefillin; 10 to 11 a.m. Adult Hebrew, Chabad Tefillin is for Jewish men and boys over the age of bar mitzvah, to learn about, and gain appreciation for, the rich and enriching Jewish practice – the mitzvah – of donning tefillin. Contact 610-351-6511. TALMUD CLASS FOR BEGINNERS! 10 to 11 a.m., Congregation Beth Avraham of Bethlehem-Easton For information,contact Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod at 610-905-2166. TUESDAYS TORAH STUDY 12:30 p.m., at the home of Cindy Daniels, Easton Join Rabbi Melody of TCP to delve into the heart and soul of the Torah and how it applies to your life! No knowledge of Hebrew is necessary, nor is registration. Contact 610-2532031 for information. YACHAD TORAH STUDY GROUP 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley It doesn’t matter how much you know, it matters how much you want to know. Bring your curiosity to Yachad’s Torah study group and discover the wonders, adventures and meaning of the Torah. Moderated by lay leaders. Held in the front gallery at the JCC. Email barbart249@ aol.com for information. J-DAYS: CONNECTION CORNER AT THE J – YIDDUSH CLUB 2 to 3:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Enjoy fun, fellowship, stories and more. Discuss topics like cooking, humor, music and all kinds of entertainment in the Yiddish language. Join other adults to experience similar interests. Register for the year and participate in as many of the weekly activities as you would like. $5/season or register for a full year: $18/ year. JCC members: free. Register with the JCC Welcome Desk or call 610-435-3571. Contact Amy Sams for more information about J-Days at 610-435-3571 ext. 182 or asams@ lvjcc.org.

WEDNESDAYS 101 JUDAISM CLASS 10 a.m., Temple Covenant of Peace Join Rabbi Melody for the 101 Judaism Class. All welcome! Contact 610-253-2031 for information. J-DAYS: CONNECTION CORNER AT THE J – MAH JONGG 1 to 3:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Drop in for a friendly game of mahj and conversation. Join other adults to experience similar interests. Register for the year and participate in as many of the weekly activities as you would like. $5/season or register for a full year: $18/year. JCC members: free. Register with the JCC Welcome Desk or call 610-435-3571. Contact Amy Sams for more information about J-Days at 610-435-3571 ext. 182 or asams@lvjcc.org. KNITTING WITH FERNE 1 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Free and open; no experience needed. Ferne is delighted to teach newcomers to knitting and crocheting as well as confer on projects with those who have more experience. A lovely way to spend a Wednesday afternoon!

CHRONIC CONDITIONS GROUP 2nd Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Jewish Family Service The group is open to anyone that is coping with living with a chronic condition and looking for others to share life issues and garner support. Co-led by Susan Sklaroff-VanHook and Rebecca Axelrod-Cooper. Call 610-821-8722 to learn more. There is no charge for the group. ECCLESIASTES: A TIME AND A SEASON 10:30 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Join a welcoming group of KI members and their friends to discuss a variety of topics relevant to the Jewish lives we have -- or want to have. No prerequisites except an open mind and a willingness to listen to each other. For more information or to get on the email list, contact shari@kilv. org or call 610-435-9074. TORAH ON TILGHMAN 12:15 p.m., Allentown Wegmans Cantor Ellen Sussman of Temple Shirat Shalom leads a lunch and learn on the Torah. RSVP to contactus@ templeshiratshalom.com or 610820-7666. SHABBAT

HADASSAH STUDY GROUP Every other Wednesday, 1:30 p.m., Temple Beth El Allentown Hadassah presents a stimulating series of short story seminars. All are welcome to attend these free sessions in the Temple Beth El library. The group will be reading selections from anthologies available from Amazon.com. For dates and stories, contact Marilyn Claire, mjclaire@ gmail.com, 610-972-7054. BETH AVRAHAM TORAH STUDY 7 p.m. Torah: It is the common heritage that binds all Jews together. Explore the ancient wisdom of Torah together. All are welcome. RSVP: Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod, 610-905-2166, rabbiyagod1@gmail.com. TORAH STUDIES: A WEEKLY JOURNEY INTO THE SOUL OF TORAH 7 p.m., Chabad of the Lehigh Valley Torah Studies by JLI presents: Season Two 5779: A 12-part series. Cost is $36 for the complete series (textbook included). For more information contact 610-351-6511 or rabbi@chabadlehighvalley.com. ADULT B’NEI MITZVAH PROGRAM 7:15 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom Goals: In part two of the adult b’nei mitzvah program, we will continue to improve our Hebrew reading skills, explore the structure of the

BEGINNER’S GEMARA 8 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel Facilitated by Dr. Henry Grossbard, this is an excellent primer for developing the analytical tools necessary for in-depth study of the Talmud. CONTEMPORARY HALACHIC ISSUES FROM THE PARSHA 12 p.m., Congregation Sons of Israel This class takes Halachah from the weekly Torah portion and brings it to bear on some of the most pressing issues of our time. CHAVURAT TORAH STUDY Saturdays following kiddush lunch, Temple Beth El Taught by Shari Spark. No sign-up needed. Length of each class will vary. Enrich your Shabbat experience by studying the parashat hashavua, the weekly Torah portion. Questions? Email Shari at shari@ bethelallentown.org. WISDOM OF THE TALMUD 1 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom Join Rabbi Singer in a lively discussion about Jewish law, ethics, customs and history, as found in the pages of the Talmud, Masechet Brachot. This year we are continuing to focus on the roots of the Amidah and what blessings are said over different foods. Books are available for order. No previous Talmud study required.

Congregations BNAI ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE 1545 Bushkill St., Easton – 610.258.5343 Conservative SHABBAT MORNING services are Saturdays at 10 a.m. CHABAD OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY 4457 Crackersport Rd., Allentown – 610.336.6603 Rabbi Yaacov Halperin, Chabad Lubavitch SHABBAT EVENING services are held once a month seasonally, SHABBAT MORNING services are held Saturdays at 10 a.m., RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are held Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. and Sundays at 10 a.m. CONGREGATION AM HASKALAH 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.435.3775 Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein, Reconstructionist Weekly Shabbat services and a monthly family service with potluck dinner. Religious school meets Sunday mornings. Email am.haskalah.office@ gmail.com to learn more. CONGREGATION BETH AVRAHAM 439 South Nulton Ave., Palmer Township – 610.905.2166 | Rabbi Yitzchok Yagod, Orthodox SHABBAT EVENING starts half an hour after candle lighting. SHABBAT MORNING starts at 9:30 a.m., followed by a hot kiddish. CONGREGATION BRITH SHOLOM 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.866.8009 Rabbi Michael Singer, Conservative MINYAN is at 7:45 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. on Shabbat and holidays. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at Brith Sholom and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. at Temple Beth El. CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL 2227 Chew St., Allentown – 610.435.9074 Rabbi Seth D. Phillips, Reform Services begin at 7:30 pm every Friday night. The first Friday of the month is a birthday celebration. Religious School is held on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and runs from kindergarten through confirmation (10th grade). CONGREGATION SONS OF ISRAEL 2715 Tilghman St., Allentown – 610.433.6089 Orthodox SHACHARIT: Sundays at 8:30 a.m., Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30 a.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:45 a.m. MINCHAH/MAARIV: 20 minutes before sunset. FRIDAY EVENING: 20 minutes before sunset, 7 p.m. in the summer. SHABBAT MORNING: 9 a.m. SHABBAT AFTERNOON: 90 minutes before dark. TEMPLE BETH EL 1305 Springhouse Rd., Allentown – 610.435.3521 Rabbi Moshe Re’em, Conservative WEEKDAY MORNING minyan services at 7:45 a.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. SHABBAT EVENING services at 7:30 p.m. with the last Friday evening of the month featuring our Shira Chadasha Service. SHABBAT MORNING services at 9:30 a.m. followed by kiddush. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes every Tuesday at 4 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. Midrasha school classes Monday at 6:30 p.m. Shalshelet meets bimonthly on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Shalshelet (the chain) is open to ALL 10th, 11th and 12th grade students in the Lehigh Valley. For more information, contact Alicia Zahn, religious school director, at school@bethelallentown.org. TEMPLE COVENANT OF PEACE 1451 Northampton St., Easton – 610.253.2031 tcp@rcn.com; tcopeace.org Rabbi Melody Davis, Cantor Jill Pakman, Reform TCP holds Shabbat morning services at 10 a.m. For more information about our Temple and activities, see our website at www.tcopeace.org or look us up on Facebook. TEMPLE ISRAEL OF LEHIGHTON 194 Bankway Str. Lehighton – 610-379-9591 Pluralistic Shabbat evening services are held monthly beginning with potluck at 6:30 p.m. followed by services at 7:30 p.m. All regular monthly events can be found at templeisraeloflehighton.com. TEMPLE SHIRAT SHALOM 610.706.4595 | Cantor Ellen Sussman, Reform TSS meets in congregants’ homes once per month and at Cantor Sussman’s home once per month. Call Cantor Sussman for details.


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