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Application period opens for Segel family scholarship

Applications for the Frank and Ada Segel Family Student Scholarship will be accepted from Lehigh Valley Jewish students who have been accepted to or are enrolled in a postsecondary educational institution, have a demonstrated record of service to the Jewish community and to the Lehigh Valley community at large, and meet additional specific criteria established by the scholarship committee.
The scholarship was established through a philanthropic bequest by Frank and Ada Segel’s daughter, Helen Segel. Helen recognized the importance of higher education and the need for financial assistance to students in the Jewish community. Frank and Ada were members and friends of Congregation Sons of Israel, and Helen wanted to honor their memory with this act of tzedakah.
Decisions for award- ing scholarships will be at the discretion of the scholarship committee. A scholarship may be awarded to one or more students on an annual basis for up to $3,000. Please call Congregation Sons of Israel at 610-433-6089 or email office@sonsofisrael.net for more information and to obtain an application. Applications, along with supporting materials, should be submitted by June 15.
SUNDAY, MAY 21 12:30 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. Join Shalom Baby for a play date. Meet other families with young children. There will be snacks, crafts and schmoozing. Register at jewishlehighvalley. org/calendar