1 minute read

KI and TBE Sisterhood hold plant swap

By Sharon Land Congregation Keneseth Israel

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday morning in May when the Women of Keneseth Israel held its third annual plant swap with Temple Beth El Sisterhood next to its community garden.

The group received house plants, seeds, bulbs, vegetable seedlings and perennials. Women talked about their plants and traded gardening tips. They especially enjoyed the adorable service-puppyin-training.

Beth El’s master gardener, Myron Levenson, talked briefly about TBE’s beautiful garden, already planted with early spring produce. All the vegetables are donated to Jewish Family Service. He took some seedlings from the swap for the garden.

The swap participants took advantage of Beth El’s religious school pick-up time and offered plants to the arriving parents. Several were very interested. Maybe the next Jewish generation will become interested in gardening?

For KI or TBE gardening resources, contact Sharon Land at sharonsrland@gmail. com.

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