HAKOL - October 2019

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The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community



Issue No. 424


October 2019


Tishrei/Cheshvan 5780


Meet 17 spectacular older adults p12-13

Follow the Bethlehem Interfaith Group on their first “Faith Crawl” p16-17


Community celebrates LIFE & LEGACY Year 2


Lehigh Valley Jewish community members who have made a commitment to the future through the LIFE & LEGACY program gather for a celebration in honor of a successful Year 2. In two years, the Lehigh Valley’s 10 participating organizations have secured 480 commitments with an estimated value of $7.7 million! This national program is made possible in the Lehigh Valley by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation in partnership with Congregation Am Haskalah, Congregation Brith Sholom, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Congregation Sons of Israel, the Jewish Community Center, the Jewish Day School, Jewish Family Service, the Jewish Federation, Temple Beth El and Temple Covenant of Peace. To learn more about ways that you can remember one or several of these organizations with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy​, contact Jim Mueth at 610-821-5500 or jim@jflv.org. See more photos from the celebration on Page 3.

The results are in: Who will emerge from Israel’s election deadlock? By Alex Traiman Jewish News Syndicate

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pledged to support a Gantz-led government secured only 52 mandates. The Joint Arab List secured 13 mandates, making it the third-largest party in the Knesset. In the days ahead, each party will send a delegation to meet with Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin and recommend their preferred candidate for prime minister. Based on the recommendations, Rivlin will select the Knesset member he believes is most likely to form a majority coalition. With both the rightwing and left-wing blocs short of an obvious coalition, Netanyahu and Gantz will attempt to recruit factions within larger parties to break party discipline and cross over to provide one side with a majority. Should those attempts fail, as is expected, Rivlin will seek to convince the Likud and Blue and White parties to form a national unity government. Together, the two largest parties total 64 seats, enough to form a government by them-


Israel’s hyper-democratic parliamentary system is being put to the test once again as the second round of elections in six months has yielded no clear winner. The two largest parties—Netanyahu’s reigning right-wing Likud Party, and left-wing challenger Blue and White, led by

Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid— were nearly tied at time of press. Among the other seven parties to enter the government, the alliance of right-wing and religious parties that pledged to support Netanyahu’s premiership secured only 55 mandates— six seats short of a parliamentary majority. At the same time, secular and left-wing parties that

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz shake hands at a memorial ceremony for the late Israeli President Shimon Peres at Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem, Sept. 19, 2019. selves. Should they agree to join a coalition, other parties both to the right and left would likely attempt to join, creating the possibility of an even larger government. If the parties cannot come to some sort of coalition arrangement, Israelis would be sent

back to the polls yet again—a scenario that Rivlin and Knesset members have pledged to avoid. It is unlikely that the Knesset would vote to dissolve itself as it did following April’s election. As such, the makeup of a new government may not be known for many weeks.

Volunteering, a work of heart As I think about the beginning of our new campaign year, what stands out for me is the commitment of volunteers who are ensuring the vibrancy of our Jewish community. Volunteerism is deeply rooted in Jewish tradition as gmilut chasadim (acts of loving kindness). Judaism teaches us that people must play an active role in the world. In Jewish life, the concept of tikkun olam (repairing the world) is an expression of the value of volunteering. The world may not be perfect, but we have the opportunity, and really the obligation to help make it better. Volunteers are doing noble work and the Jewish Federation is excited to partner with

volunteers to strengthen our community. It enables us all to take an active role in nourishing and enriching Lehigh Valley Jewish life. There are so many activities happening right now, both here at Federation and in the broader Jewish community, that are strengthened by our volunteers. At Federation, our upcoming major donor reception and events for Women’s Philanthropy and the Maimonides Society will be made successful by the many volunteers who give their time, energy and ideas. Additionally, our synagogues and agencies are also kicking off the new year with programs that engage commu-

nity members and enhance our Jewish community’s vibrancy. The fall calendar is beyond full! On Nov. 21, we will celebrate community at a concert at ArtsQuest’s Musikfest Café featuring the high-energy Israeli band Hatikva 6. The efforts of our volunteer chairs and committee members are designed to put the “unity” in community, to celebrate coming together on a happy occasion. Without a strong and diverse group of volunteers, this undertaking would not be possible. If you have not already done so, I hope you will get your tickets and join us for this mega community event. Follow us at #unitybe-

ginswithU. What happens after this significant event will be even more of a testimony to the kind of Jewish community we want here in the Lehigh Valley. It is not only meant to be a onenight-fun-night, but another step in creating the inclusive, caring and committed environment that we would all like to see for ourselves, our neighbors and our entire Jewish family. There is room for everyone to make an impact. Federation’s campaign slogan, “it all starts with you,” is more than just a slogan. You are the power driving our community. While we have challenges and opportunities ahead of us, you are a valuable


Federation launches campaign challenge By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Community Development & Operations

COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS Submissions to HAKOL must be of interest to the entire Jewish community. HAKOL reserves all editorial rights including, but not limited to, the decision to print any submitted materials, the editing of submissions to conform to style and length requirements, and the placement of any printed material. Articles should be submitted by e-mail or presented as typed copy; “Community Calendar” listings must be submitted by e-mail to hakol@jflv.org or online at www.jewishlehighvalley.org. Please include your name and a daytime telephone number where you can be contacted in the event questions arise. We cannot guarantee publication or placement of submissions. MAIL, FAX, OR E-MAIL TO: JFLV ATTN: HAKOL 702 N. 22nd St. Allentown, PA 18104 Phone: (610) 821-5500 Fax: (610) 821-8946 E-mail: hakol@jflv.org

DIANE MCKEE Account Representative TEL: 610-515-1391 hakolads@jflv.org

JFLV EXECUTIVE STAFF JERI ZIMMERMAN Executive Director STEPHANIE SMARTSCHAN Director of Community Development & Operations TEMPLE COLDREN Director of Finance & Administration AARON GORODZINSKY Director of Campaign & Security Planning JIM MUETH Director of Planned Giving & Endowments WENDY EDWARDS Office Manager GARY FROMER JFLV President


Member American Jewish Press Association

All advertising is subject to review and approval by The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley (JFLV). JFLV reserves the right to decline, withdraw and/or edit any ad. The appearance of any advertising in HAKOL does not represent an endorsement or kashrut certification. Paid political advertisements that appear in HAKOL do not represent an endorsement of any candidate by the JFLV.

We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship by requesting that trees be planted in the Mark L. Goldstein Friendship Park, a Yoav-Lehigh Valley Partnership Forest. YETTA ZEIGER (Mother of Jay Zeiger) Lisa and Barnet Fraenkel IN HONOR ISAAC DAHAN In honor of your bar mitzvah Bob Lembach Alicia and Bruce Zahn ALICE AND MARK NOTIS In honor of the birth of your grandchildren Ori Dardashti and Tibi Berger Cooky and Mike Notis RABBI SETH PHILLIPS AND MARGE KRAMER In honor of birth of your granddaughter Eileen and Roberto Fischmann

TO ORDER TREES, call the JFLV at 610-821-5500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org. 2 OCTOBER 2019 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

ALLISON MEYERS Graphic Designer

Monica Friess, Acting Chair Barbara Reisner Judith Rodwin Sara Vigneri

The Lehigh Valley-Yoav Partnership Park in Blessed Memory of Mark L. Goldstein IN MEMORY IVAN BUTLER (Father of Hank Butler) LOUIS FRUMANSKY (Husband of Shirley Furmansky, father of Stewart Furmansky and Helen Kirshbaum) Eileen and Roberta Fischmann Lisa and Barnet Fraenkel Joan Lesavoy and Family Evelyn and Jay Lipschutz PEARL GLATT (Mother of Rabbi Melody Davis) LEAH KITZ Aaron Gorodzinsky STEVE WEINER (Husband, father and grandfather) Arlene and Richard Stein


HAKOL is published 11 times per year for the Jewish communities of Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and vicinity by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.

The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s Annual Campaign “all starts with you.” This year, the Federation is offering a unique opportunity for those who make their pledges to the 2020 Campaign by Nov. 1. Families that make a combined pledge of $365 or more by the deadline will have the opportunity to have their photos taken by a professional photographer. The photo shoots will take place on Nov. 6 and 7 at the JCC, and each family will be able to sign up for a 5-minute time slot. All other individuals or families who make pledges by that date will receive a special gift. “A pledge is simply a promise to make a donation to the campaign,” said Aaron Gorodzinsky, director of campaign and security planning for the Federation. “In receiving these pledges early in the year, we are able to be more mindful and planful as we determine how we will allocate this year’s campaign dollars.” Pledges do not have to be paid until December of 2020. To make your pledge to the Jewish Federation by Nov. 1, call 610-821-5500, email mailbox@jflv.org or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org.

and significant part of leading us into the future. You make the difference in determining what our Jewish community will look like in five years, 10 years, 50 years. If you are interested in volunteering, there are many opportunities for you to get involved with the work of Federation – please be in touch. The Jewish Federation really depends on people being active not only in their own lives, but in our community’s destiny, too.


In order to unite, sustain, and enhance the Lehigh Valley Jewish community, and support Jewish communities in Israel and around the world, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is dedicated to the following core values: • Supporting Jews in need wherever they may be. • Supporting Israel as a Jewish homeland. • Supporting and encouraging Jewish education in the Lehigh Valley as a means of strengthening Jewish life for individuals and families. • Supporting programs and services of organizations whose values and mission meet local Jewish needs. To accomplish this mission the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is committed to the following operating guidelines: • Raising and distributing funds to support the core values. • Developing Jewish leaders. • Building endowments to support implementation of core values. • Committing to ongoing Jewish community strategic planning. • Fostering cooperation among organizations and community building. • Evaluating all decisions with respect to fiscal responsibility. • Identifying unmet needs and investing in community initiatives to help get them started. • Coordinating and convening a community response as an issue or need arises. • Setting priorities for allocation and distribution of funds. • Acting as a central address for communication about events, programs and services of the Jewish community as a whole. Approved by the JFLV Board of Directors on November 15, 2000

LIFE & LEGACY supporters enjoy celebration 1



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1. Vicki Wax and Amy Golding 2. Federation Executive Director Jeri Zimmerman offers her best wishes at the end of the program. 3. Jewish Federation supporters receive their check from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation for meeting their Year 2 goal. Each of the 10 participating organizations met their goal and received a check. 4. Gary Preis with Melvin and Pearl Schmier. 5. Ross Born, Kathy Zimmerman and Peter Fisher. 6. Amy Fels, Martina Obenski, Eric Fels and Bruce Reich.




Momentum’s Israel trip just keeps giving By Jennifer Lader Momentum Participant This past summer’s Momentum Israel experience just keeps giving. For the 11 women who travelled to Israel from the Lehigh Valley, this happens in a lot of ways: how we relate to Israel, new approaches to existing challenges and because we are recharged for ordinary daily life.

Momentum participant Feather Frazier said, “I can’t get over how much Israel feels a part of me now. It feels like a treasure I can’t wait to share with my girls. I can’t wait for it to feel a part of our life.” That means a fresh and firsthand approach in how we talk with our children about Israel, and it’s of the travelers’ teen children eager to go on a Birthright trip.

Likewise, the trip led to new approaches to the things that matter most to us. While on the trip, several of us noticed that we had previously been putting a lot of energy into pursuits that weren’t getting off the ground (or more aptly, the couch) while ignoring areas where we could do more good. Thanks to the daily Momentum workshops on topics like “courage” and “relationships,” a lot of us saw new opportunities for change. The good news is, the trip was long enough to think through how we were going to make that happen after returning home. But it went further than that. Momentum traveler Julia Uhrich called the experience a renewal, saying it was “time for yourself so you can truly reset your soul.” She likened the experience to putting on a new, supportive pair of sneakers; only then do you realize how worn out those old sneakers were! For Julia and others, one delight of the trip was to “turn everything else off and sit with yourself

Momentum travelers cool off in Jerusalem with Golda’s Ice Cream. for a while.” But we weren’t sitting just anywhere. “Somehow, in Israel, the inner work is very intense and instant,” said Momentum participant Anya Ratmansky. She said you can “allow the magic, and it’s everywhere, if you look.” It was a chance to enjoy every moment and see the beauty in all. There was also time to enjoy Golda’s Ice Cream and have a lot of good laughs, which trip madricha Naomi Schacter called “necessary for life.” The group continues to stay in touch through a What’sApp group and monthly meetings and is

already making new travel plans (shh, don’t tell our families).

Breaking News! The Jewish Federation will soon begin accepting applications for a Momentum trip in July 2020. If you or someone you know might be a good fit for this program or for more information, contact Stephanie Smartschan at stephanie@jflv.org or 610-821-5500.

Moms meet under the same moon in Yoav


welcoming new babies to the Lehigh Valley If you’re expecting, know someone who is, or have a new baby, PLEASE LET US KNOW! Contact Abby Trachtman, 610-821-5500 | abbyt@jflv.org SPONSORED BY

An amazing connection was discovered during the Momentum pre-trip to Yoav that brought two moms to tears and proved the power of the Partnership2Gether program. After spending the day with the Lehigh Valley delegation in Yoav, Yael Feller Malka went home to her family. Her son Geva reminded her he had a penpal through the Partnership’s “Under the Same Moon” program in 2014. Turns out his penpal Tommy’s mom was part of the delegation! The next morning, Malka brought the letters that Tommy, who is now going into 8th grade, had written as a 2nd grader to his friend in Israel. His mom, Gwen Hartnett, was overwhelmed with emotion reading the letters, and the two forged an even

Hartnett and Malka embrace in Yoav after they discover their sons were penpals in 2014. deeper bond and started discussing how to get the boys together in the future. “It works!” Malka said excitedly of the long-standing

bond between the Lehigh Valley and Yoav in an effort to build people-to-people connections. “This is unbelievable!”

Handmade Afghans BY EVA LEVITT

All proceeds benefit projects in Israel:

Food Banks in Israel Neve Michael Youth Village

For prices or to place an order, call Eva 610-398-1376.

All payments are made payable to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley 4 OCTOBER 2019 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

Community shlicha presents brunch on second Israeli election

Q&A with Neil Lazarus anti-dialogue, anti-peace and anti-coexistence. It pretends to be liberal, but the reality is it is an extremist hate movement. It is not a two-state supporting organization. Q: What is special about focusing on students and college campuses? A: They are the future, the decision-makers of the future, the future journalists and politicians. Win this battle today, you win the arguments of tomorrow.

By Stephanie Bolmer HAKOL Editor As the Lehigh Valley’s community shlicha, or Israeli emissary, Rotem Bar is our resident expert on Israeli culture. As such, she hosted a brunch on Sunday, Sept. 15, in the Jewish Community Center auxiliary auditorium for guests interested in learning more about the second Israeli election held this year. In preparation for this unprecedented second polling, Bar presented a primer on Israeli politics as they currently stand. “I’m not a political expert,” said Bar. “I have to watch the news every day. And then again the next morning, I have to do it again, because it’s changed.” Bar may not be an expert, but she gave a thoroughly researched talk on the mercurial political climate in Israel. With parties dropping out and new coalitions being formed left and right, there was a lot to keep up with going in to the Sept. 17 election. “There are a lot of people to blame for this. It’s not a oneperson show,” Bar explained, referring to why there was even a second election called in the first place. Instead of letting the second runner-up lead things, as the rules dictated, the parliament decided to disband and hold another election. Bar showed a video summarizing what led up to this point. Then, she explained the major differences between the Israeli and U.S. government systems and gave a quick background of all of the major parties in the running. She ended the brunch with summarizing the different possible outcomes of the election and taking questions from the audience.

Editor’s note: Neil Lazarus will be speaking at “How to Stop BDS in 5 Minutes or Less,” a special event open to high school juniors and seniors, parents and community members on Oct. 28 put on by the Jewish Federation’s Community Relations Council. We asked him a few questions of introduction before he visits the Lehigh Valley.

a fair image of Israel. You don’t have to agree with everything Israel does; far from it. You can have a legitimate criticism, but still fight the campaign of delegitimization.

Q: Tell us a bit about who you are and what you do?

A: If we are to ever achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians, we must start talking. BDS minimalizes the chances. It is

A: I earned my bachelors in political science at the University of Swansea in Wales. As the only Jew there, I was met with a barrage of anti-Semitism and was put in the strange situation of being the spokesman for Israel, a place I had barely visited. After graduation, I spent six months there getting to know the country I’d been defending, and decided to make aliyah. Then, I did a master’s in political science from the Hebrew University. Now, I speak to over 30,000 people a year about Israel through seminars and trainings all over the world. I’ve been called “Mr. Israel Advocacy,” but I don’t like the word “advocacy”: I prefer saying “fighting the delegitimization of Israel.” I teach people how to get

Q: Why do you think it's important for the Jewish community to learn about BDS?

Q: What do you hope that attendees of your event will walk away with? A: Knowledge to combat the hatred of BDS, and an understanding that Palestinians and Israelis must work together for peace. They will be educated, motivated and challenged. To learn more about Lazarus or to listen to his podcast “Neil Lazarus Talks Israel,” visit his website at www. awesomeseminars.com. To register for his event, contact the Federation at 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org.



Kicking off a new year in Yoav

Left, Rafts from the Raft Happening. Center, A musician at Nights of Love. Right, Painted tractor in Negba. By Nurit Galon Partnership2Gether For the last couple of weeks the whole country—and Yoav was no exception—has been busy saying (rather thankfully!) goodbye to the summer holidays, and a welcome hello to the start of a new school year. As usual, the spotlight was on the kids going into grade one, excited and thrilled to begin to learn and importantly showing off to whoever would look their new school books, lunch boxes, crayons and enormous enthusiasm and certainty that they were going to be given the key to a magic new world of learning. The summer months in Yoav were filled—as in the Lehigh Valley—with exciting and meaningful events. Once again, four teenagers from Yoav took off for the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community Center summer camp, working with the local counselors, living with local families and taking part in community activities. Once again, our four teenagers returned home with

stars in their eyes, wonderful experiences and a firm conviction for the need to strengthen ties not only with you, our partners in the Lehigh Valley, but also between Israel and the Diaspora. How much are our teen counselors to Lehigh Valley influenced by their experience? That they have a great time, make new friends and have wonderful memories is certain, but does it go any deeper than that? The answer is a loud and clear “yes.” Right from the beginning, we noticed that our teen participants returned home committed to both the Lehigh Valley and the Yoav communities. Any call for their help, such as the urgent request for them to come immediately to be counselors at the emergency camp Yoav set up for children from the North during the Lebanese War, was answered affirmatively and without hesitation. Meetings with delegations from the Lehigh Valley visiting Yoav? Our “teens”—many of them no longer teenagers—will be there. This summer, Shai, the


daughter of Hanna Bachar, chairperson of the Yoav Steering Committee, was sent by the Jewish Agency to be the Israel American Council’s community emissary in Boston for the next two years. Shai some years ago was a teen counselor in the Lehigh Valley. And so, the list goes on. If one of the aims of Partnership2Gether is to instill in our two communities the understanding that the Jewish people are one and by working together even at a young age, we are planting the seeds of a firm commitment to this aim, then surely the exchange of teen counselors is an ongoing success. In Israel, everyone goes to the army, but not everyone has the support of a family, or a home to go to. Two weeks ago, Kibbutz Galon was proud to celebrate the opening of Bet Ha Chayal (the Soldiers' Home), which will house eight soldiers who, for a variety of reasons, do not have families (or families not suitable to look after them), and these soldiers, men and women, will be adopted by Kibbutz families. Galon

volunteers prepared, repaired, painted and refurbished the house and the rooms, totally at the kibbutz's expense. For most of these soldiers, it will be the first time in their lives that they will have their very own room. The kibbutz’s motivation for this is ideological and based on the value of giving real assistance and a home to those who in turn are volunteering to help the State of Israel, and socially, the kibbutz is interested in attracting young people. The first three soldiers—two young women and a young man—are already in their house and with their adopted families, and so Galon joins a growing number of kibbutzim wishing to enter the project. Jewish values are alive and well! Kibbutz Negba celebrated its 80th anniversary this summer in a moving ceremony attended by President Rivlin. Negba played an extremely important role in the War of Independence and is still a tourist attraction for its heroic stand against the Egyptians. Volunteers from the neighboring army base painted

the famous tank and tractor which were instrumental in Negba's fight—and to this day remain a favorite climbing point for the youngest age groups! The Rafting Happening on the Kinnereth (Sea of Galilee) is an annual event organized by the Israeli Youth Movements for and with their members. It is much more than a race, though it is that also, and includes actually building your raft, lectures, discussions, mixing with youth movement groups from all over the country, meeting new friends and much more. In an era when the cell phone and Facebook are kings, how refreshing to find out that life is stimulating and exciting without them! Ninetyfive rafts, 2,250 participants, 150 counselors and 100 technical crew members—impressive! In August, people from all over the country descended on the annual Yoav festival "Nights of Love" in the archeological amphitheater in Kibbutz Beit Guvrin. With the best entertainers in the country appearing, more than 12,000 sat under the stars and were enchanted by the music, the singers and the musicians. This really is a very special happening, so when arranging your next holiday, do join us here in Yoav! The joint delegation of women from Yoav and the Lehigh Valley returned from their discovery tour of Israel on a high. The program which began with hosting the Lehigh Valley delegation in homes in Yoav and continued on through the length and breadth of Israel achieved many objectives: familiarity with Yoav and the hosting families, visiting sites in Yoav from the Ganir juice factory to the live concert in the caves of Beit Guvrin, and the firm cementing of friendships for those taking part. Hopefully this is the first of what will become a tradition. Get ready to sign up! To all our friends and the entire Lehigh Valley Jewish community, we send our greetings and firm prayers for a happy, healthy and peaceful Rosh Hashanah.

Local family creates Israel scholarship fund By Stephanie Bolmer HAKOL Editor Elaine Lerner had been thinking about creating the Elaine and Leslie (Les) Lerner Israel Scholarship Fund for a long time. She knew that she wanted to start something that would encourage young people to stay involved in Jewish life, but she wanted to get it right. She finally decided on scholarships for trips to Israel because the three trips that she has made there have had such a big impact on the lives of her and her family. Established through the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation, her fund is now dedicated to aid individuals ages 27-40 because she feels that there is a gap in the opportunities for that age range and they may need the most help as they are setting out on their own and establishing young families. As far as her own family goes, “I think that the older readers, the Allentownians, will know who I am,” she joked. “They knew the LernerDavis family. We’ve been here a long, long time.” Sitting in her beautiful Allentown home full of bright colors and eclectic artwork, Lerner reflected on her family’s long history with the local Jewish community. “The families were always very active in the JCC,” she said. “Going way back to when it was at 6th and Chew. We used to take the trolley. The trolley did go up Chew Street; that was one of the tracks we used to get off.” She also reminisced about her days being actively involved as a leader of the Jewish Community Center’s Women’s Auxiliary.

“If you wanted to be involved in the community, the Women's Auxiliary was the place to be,” she remarked. “I had the privilege of being the president for a term.” The joy of those days of putting on shows and starting up new initiatives like the still-successful Nearly New sale were no doubt also part of the inspiration for Lerner to create a fund which would nurture Jewishness in young adults. “You got involved. It brought the community together and gave you a sense of something special you’re doing for the community,” said Lerner. “You look back on everything we did as youngsters and as teens and then as marrieds and with the Auxiliary and how important that was. The kids were very involved in the sports. You want these things to survive.” Visiting Israel for the first time in the 1960s was also an education for Lerner and her children on the importance of continuing their legacy of being Jewish. She is proud to say that all four of her sons and all of her seven grandchildren but one (who will be going soon) have been to Israel. “I know how exposure of our grandchildren to Israel made just a wonderful impression on them, and you hope that it's going to carry on to their households when they’re in the next phase of their lives. I’ve been thankful for what we have, and wanted to in some small way open the doors and expose people to what we felt was important to our family.” That’s why she talked with Jim Mueth, director of planned giving and endow-

ments, and Jeri Zimmerman, executive director of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley, about creating this new fund in her and husband Les’s (z”l) names. “I know Les was very proud when I committed to the Lion of Judah, and I think when you make these kinds of decisions, you always have somebody very important in your mind. You think of what they would think and how they would feel, and Les is in my mind. I know it is something that he would commit to and he would be very proud of the ‘Lerners.’ It's not just me; it's the Lerners and part of our legacy in the community,” she said. Ultimately, Lerner says she knows that everyone is different, but she would like people to have exposure to Israel due to these scholarships and hopefully it triggers a commit-

ment in some big or small way to become or stay involved in local Jewish life. “To keep your identity,”

she emphasized. “I think it's going to make a difference in people, and that's what it's all about.”

Former Yoav teen counselor chosen as Boston shlicha

Shai Bachar, former Yoav teen counselor to Camp JCC and daughter of Yoav Steering Committee chair Hanna Bachar, has been chosen by the Israeli American Council as their new Keshet Program

manager and community shlicha in Boston for the next two years. “I’m very excited to work with families in the community and get to know them, and can’t wait to meet the Keshet kids and see them learning about Israel and the Hebrew language,” said Bachar about her new role. Bachar was born in Tel Aviv and raised on Kibbutz Beit Guvrin. During high school, in addition to her summer at Camp JCC, she also volunteered for the Hashomer Hatzair youth movement. After high school,

Bachar attended Shnat Sherut (an Israeli gap year) at Havat Hanoar Hatzioni in Jerusalem. During this time, she volunteered as a big sister— role model to eighth-graders who made aliyah without their families from the former Soviet Union. In 2016, Bachar began her compulsory army service as a commander in basic training for Bedouin soldiers. She finished her service in the IDF as an education development head on her base. Immediately after her release from the army, she started to work with 12th graders from New Jersey in Israel. This summer, Bachar flew to Pennsylvania to become a counselor in Camp Ramah in the Poconos. Now, she is bringing Israel to Boston. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | OCTOBER 2019 7

Ufberg family to be honored by Israel Bonds Israel Bonds Nine members of the Ufberg family will be honored during the 2019 Israel Bonds Philadelphia Health Professions Tribute Brunch. Aaron, David, Jacob, Larry, Leslie, Matthew, Michael, Nancian and Paul are distinguished health professionals and stalwarts in support of Israel and the Jewish community. “This is a most deserving honor for a family that exemplifies professionalism Michael Ufberg and Jewish values,” said Health Professions Division co-chairs Dr. David Forsted and Dr. Ted Tapper. The event will place on Sunday, Oct. 27, at 10 a.m. at the Philadelphia Hilton City Avenue with keynote speaker Nadav Kidron, CEO of Oramed Pharmaceuticals in Israel. Since the event occurs on the first anniversary of the Tree of Life tragedy, Dr. Amy Goldstein, Clinical Director of the Mitochondrial Medicine Frontier Program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), will offer remarks. Dr. Goldstein raised her family at Tree of Life, with her children’s b’nai mitzvah taking place there, and is a recent resident of Philadelphia, having moved here for the position at CHOP. She came from Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. To learn more about the event, contact Ari Sirner at 267-443-2007 or ari.sirner@israelbonds.com.


IN HONOR SYBIL BAIMAN In honor of her special birthday Vicki Wax SYBIL AND BARRY BAIMAN In honor of their anniversary Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald PEGGY AND BILL BERGER In honor of granddaughter Julia’s bat mitzvah Audrey and Art Sosis JILL AND JEFF BLINDER In honor of their new home Evelyn and Jay Lipschutz STEPHANIE BOLMER In honor of her engagement to Brandon Vicki Wax WENDY AND ROSS BORN In honor of receiving AFP’s Lifetime Achievement Award Aliette and Marc Abo Elaine and Leon Papir Janice and Stuart Schwartz Vicki Wax IRIS AND JON EPSTEIN In honor of Harry’s bar mitzvah Aliette and Marc Abo NEIL GLICKSTEIN In honor of Beth El Foundation recognition Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald DAVID HYMAN In honor of Beth El Foundation recognition Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald BETH AND WES KOZINN In honor of their new home Aliette and Marc Abo Evelyn and Jay Lipschutz Elaine and Leon Papir Vicki Wax ALLI AND SCOTT LIPSON In honor of Stacey’s bat mitzvah Vicki Wax EVA LEVITT In appreciation Bonnie and Bobby Hammel GABRIEL MORSE

In honor of his bar mitzvah Gloria Lowy ALICE AND MARK NOTIS In honor of the birth of their grandson, Ori Dardahsti Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald COOKY AND MIKE NOTIS In honor of the birth of their greatgrandson, Ori Dardahsti Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald RICHARD REISNER In honor of Beth El Foundation recognition Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald ILENE AND MIKE RINGOLD In honor of their son Matthew’s bar mitzvah Vicki Wax LYNN AND MICHAEL ROTHMAN In honor of their daughter Sarah’s engagement Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald NAOMI SCHACHTER AND DAVID DAHAN In honor of their son Isaac’s bar mitzvah Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald Vicki Wax LORRIE SCHERLINE In honor of son Lyell’s engagement to Tracey Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald Suzanne Lapiduss STEPHANIE SMARTSCHAN In honor of your hard work Susan Engelson Friefeld ARLENE AND DICK STEIN In honor of grandson Jarrod’s Bar Mitzvah Roberta and Jeff Epstein Audrey and Art Sosis HOPE, ENID AND ALAN TOPE In honor of their new home Evelyn and Jay Lipschutz EILEEN AND MICKEY UFBERG In honor of their grandson’s Bar Mitzvah Aliette and Marc Abo VICKI AND ROBBY WAX

In honor of the great work you will do as Campaign Chairs Eleanor Extract IN MEMORY LINDA CHMIELEWSKI (Mother of Danielle Silverman) Rita and Michael Bloom LOUIS FURMANSKY (Husband of Shirley Furmansky, father of Stewart Furmansky) Jill and Jeff Blinder Wendy and Ross Born Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald Roberta and Jeff Epstein Lynn and Samuel Feldman Joe Folger and Marilyn McDonald Suzanne Lapiduss Doris Lifland Roberta and Norman Marcus Edith Miller Hank Narrow Maryann Nemeth Taffi Ney Ed Nissenbaum Marc Nissenbaum Elaine and Leon Papir Penny and Adam Roth Audrey and Arthur Rubin Janice and Stuart Schwartz Judy and Larrie Sheftel Vicki Wax Marjorie Weiss JULIUS ISRAEL (Father of Howard Israel) Lynn and Samuel Feldman Marla and Brian Strahl ESTHER MANNE (Mother of Jeannette Byala) Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald JULIAN RAPPAPORT (Husband Toby Brandt-Rappaport, friend of Elaine Rappaport-Bass) Selma Roth Vicki Wax BEN-AMI SUSSMAN (Husband of Sylvia Sussman) Harriet and Sidney Parmet We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship through recent gifts to the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation. The minimum contribution for an Endowment Card is $10. Call 610-821-5500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org to place your card requests. Thank you for your continued support.

Jewish Federation Local fathers, businessmen remembered at Lunch and Learn awarded Educational

Improvement Tax Credits (EITC) for 2019-20

Muhlenberg Professors Gail Eisenberg and Susan Clemens with some of those featured in their oral history project about Lehigh Valley Jewish families and the textile industry. By Stephanie Bolmer HAKOL Editor For their third time returning to the Lunch & Learn podium, Muhlenberg College professors Gail Eisenberg and Susan Clemens drew another large crowd. Back in 2011, Eisenberg and Clemens began collecting the oral histories of local Jewish families who were involved in the textile business in the Lehigh Valley. All in all, they’ve collected 46 oral histories from 34 families. Their presentation on Friday, Sept. 13, focused on the men in those families and the pursuit of the American dream. Eisenberg explained that during the 1930-90s, the region was dotted with textile factories, as innovative business owners sought less expensive labor in Pennsylvania than what could be found in New York City. The success that they found here led Eisenberg and Clemens to entitle their talk: “The History That Speaks for Itself: Lehigh Valley Textile and Needle Trades Business Stories Through the Lens of the American Dream.” The presentation was broken into three sections of filmed interviews. The first was “Stories About Their Fathers.” Lunch & Learn attendees watched members of the local Jewish community remembering their fathers who were leaders in the textile business. Irwin and Ellen Schneider recalled how Irwin’s father, Sam Schneider (z”l), began his business the same week Pearl Harbor was bombed, with the demand for soldiers’ clothes leading to him turning a profit quickly. Lenny Abrams told of his father, Joseph Abrams (z”l)’s, rise from his job in a shirt factory to business owner. Marty Krasnov reminisced about the story

of how Samuel Krasnov (z”l) created his first slipcover when a family member asked him to bring some fabric home to cover the sofa. And Tama Fogelman and Maxine Klein spoke of their father, Saul Kivert (z”l), taking his mother’s sewing machine apart and putting it back together to teach himself how it worked before opening his own tailor shop. The second set of video clips was “Their Own Stories: The Good Years,” where Marshall Silverstein (z”l), Leonard Bloch and Nathan Braunstein (z”l) were interviewed about their experiences as business owners. “We did everything in the factory except sew,” remarked Braunstein in his interview. “The Final Chapters” was the third and final portion of the video presentation. Here, members of the younger generations of these

families—Mark Fogelman, Mark Stutz and Marc Malkovksy—relayed the stories of how their companies ultimately either closed or survived only by adapting to the modern world. Eisenberg ended the presentation by asking anyone present who had been interviewed over the course of the project to stand. “It was our honor to interview you,” she said. One such interviewee, Lenny Abrams, came up and took the mic. “On my behalf, and I’m sure I can speak for the others here, I’d like to thank both Gail and Sue for their efforts and express our gratitude to you that you have enabled us to remain in posterity,” Abrams said, before concluding with a textile business joke that got everyone laughing as the Lunch &Learn drew to a close. The program was sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.

Individual tax payers have a unique opportunity to help students at the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley— if they act quickly! The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s “special purpose entity” or SPE—an organization set up for the sole purpose of allowing individual tax payers to participate in Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program—has been notified by the state that it is eligible for up to $99,000 in tax credits this year. The Federation will receive the money if taxpayers contribute through this program by early November. The program allows Pennsylvania taxpayers to turn their tax liability into educational scholarships for children across Pennsylvania to assist them in attending the schools of their choice. Since 2001, the Federation has been able to distribute over $2.1 million in scholarships benefiting low-income families at the Jewish Community Center and the Jewish Day School through EITC.

If you want to help by participating in EITC, consult with your tax preparer to determine your eligibility and the amount of your PA taxes (minimum of $1,000) for 2019 and 2020. Participants must also own stock in a PA forprofit business. Eligible taxes include: personal income tax, corporate net income tax, capital stock/foreign income tax, bank shares tax and more. While the program was previously only open to businesses, Pennsylvania has expanded the definition of a business to include a “special purpose entity,” like the Jewish Federation’s. Those interested in participating should notify the Jewish Day School or Jewish Federation as soon as possible and plan to make a qualifying contribution by Nov. 8. For more details on how you can contribute to EITC through the Jewish Federation, contact Jim Mueth at 610-821-5500 or jim@ jflv.org or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org/eitc.

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JCC executive director chosen for prestigious local fellowship By Stephanie Bolmer HAKOL Editor Jewish Community Center Executive Director Eric Lightman has been chosen as one of 12 members of this year’s cohort for the Collective Impact Fellowship run by the Rider-Pool Foundation. The Rider-Pool Foundation was set up by Leonard Parker Pool, founder of Air Products, and his wife, Dorothy Rider Pool, in 1957. Consistent with Dorothy Rider Pool’s wishes and in keeping with the interests of Leonard Parker Pool and Dorothy Rider Pool in their lifetimes, the Rider-Pool Foundation’s intent is to serve as a means to improve the quality of life in the Lehigh Valley community, to build on the community’s strengths and add to its vitality, and to increase the capacity of the community to serve the needs of all its citizens. One of the ways they labor to achieve these goals is through the Collective Impact Fellowship, a nine-month program which fosters the development of and collaboration between leaders of nonprofits in the Lehigh Valley. “The idea is to bring together leaders from the nonprofit sector across the Lehigh Valley, with the goal of education and mentorship,” explained Lightman. “But also to create connections so that we can work together to solve community problems, with the thought being

that to solve a problem, whether it’s education or housing or healthcare, no one organization can do it alone. We have to work together.” Lightman said that the fellowship sees organizations working together in two different ways. They define “collaboration” as two organizations working together directly. “Collective impact” is when two organizations work in parallel toward the same goal with a shared understanding of where they are going and what they are doing to solve those problems. And there will be plenty of chances to make both of those happen in the future thanks to the structure of the fellowship. Now in its sixth year, the members of this year’s class will have the opportunity to get to know not only each other, but also meet the 62 others who have completed the program over the past five years. “They’re bringing everyone to the table, getting us to know each other on both professional and personal levels, so we know who to reach out to when there is a problem,” said Lightman. The things he is most looking forward to getting from the experience are twofold. “One is just getting to know my colleagues across the sector and getting exposure to what other organizations are doing and the challenges they face. And two, gaining an understanding of the role that the JCC can play in creating a stronger, greater Lehigh Valley community. I think having a strong greater community also

creates a strong Jewish community, making this a better place for everyone to live, including those inside the Jewish community.” When it comes to specific issues to tackle, Lightman said that education is a big one that he feels like the JCC can help with. “As a JCC with an Early Childhood Education department, we have something to say about that, and we think we can be part of the solution,” Lightman said. Ron Dendas, program officer for the Rider-Pool Foundation, is equally enthusiastic about Lightman’s particpation in the fellowship. “If we want to break down silos [of education, housing, healthcare, etc.], the first thing that needs to happen is we need connectivity between them,” said Dendas. “We're really thrilled to have Eric as a part of this. This is going to be a fabulous class,” he added.

JCC art gallery announces final show

By Lisa Fraenkel The Gallery at the J After nine colorful years, we are announcing the closure of The Gallery at the Jewish Community Center on Jan. 22, 2020. We hope you have enjoyed viewing the work of talented artists from the Lehigh


Valley and beyond. Our openings have been a highlight for many people, viewing art, enjoying refreshments, sharing ideas and listening to the great music of Just So’s Mickey Freeman and John Fields. We thank them for their dedication to the Gallery since the beginning. We thank our art committee and the Jewish

Community Center for the management of the Gallery for the last nine years. Our hope is that we have inspired you to enjoy art everywhere. Please join us for our final show featuring the work of Susan Smerker, painter, and Lisa Fraenkel, ceramicist and mosaic artist. The show opens Nov. 21.

Parenting and the art of love

RABBI MALKAH BINAH KLEIN Congregation Am Haskalah My wife Neysa and I are blessed to be parenting an almost-13-year-old. Some of you may recall reading my 2006 HAKOL clergy column entitled, “Reflections of a Pregnant Rabbi,” in which I explored the miraculous, yet anxiety-provoking, process of bringing a new human life into the world. Here I am now, the mother of a child who is five inches taller than me, anticipating his becoming a Bar Mitzvah in just a few months. Here I am, 13 years older, with more gray hairs, yet with a heart transformed. Parenting has been a precious opportunity to learn about the art of love. Our son Tani has taught me that love must come first. Sometimes, when I want or

need him to do something, I get so focused on the completion of the task that I allow the task, and my frustration that it’s not yet done, to interfere with our precious relationship. What is needed first is the loving connection—the sincere “how are you?,” the “good morning,” the “I love you,” the eye contact and smile, the flexibility to change course if needed. I have come to believe that our primary role as parents is to be a loving presence, or in Martin Buber’s terms, to be in “I-Thou” relationship with our children. Our teaching and guiding and disciplining flow from our love. Since becoming a parent, I have learned to be more patient, less reactive, and more gentle and humble. I am also learning to transform my sense of despair. I grew up with a tendency toward despair—brooding about the world’s troubles and the future of our planet. Only through parenting did I come to see how toxic a tendency toward despair can be, for the energy I carry affects my child. I have been learning to transform this despair into hope, to cultivate more lightness of being and curiosity, to worry less and to be more present

in the moment. Reb Zalman Schachter Shalomi, founder of the Jewish Renewal movement, taught that our task is “more joy, less oy!” This does not mean that we should deny the brokenness in the world, but rather to expand our perspective and cultivate the ability to see the wonder and mystery embedded in Creation. When Tani was born, my father said in response to becoming a grandfather, “he is the hope.” I didn’t fully understand his response at

the time. Yet reflecting back on the transformation in our family system, we are experiencing more goodness and wholeness since Tani, and his cousin Max, who was born a week later, came into our lives. We are all softening and growing in the ability to love. The phrase l’dor vador (generation to generation) takes on a new meaning. It’s not just about the elders passing on our traditions to our children; it’s also about the children teaching their elders about hope and joy and

paying attention to what’s important. As we approach the teen years, I draw strength from the image of the Divine as a tzur, a rock, uplifting us with rock-solid support (Psalm 27:5). I am excited (and anxious) as we prepare for this new phase of loving a young person who is growing in independence and responsibility, and I pray for the strength and wisdom to continue to shine love upon him as he charts his own path.

Community members 'say cheese' at an informative and delicious night Lehigh Valley residents got a taste of Israel at “Say Cheese,” a special event hosted by Congregation Keneseth Israel and Partnership2Gether on Aug. 8. Liat Efraim, a cheesemaking expert from our Partnership2Gether region of Yoav, gave a presentation about the process of making cheese. Then, participants got to have fun preparng their own Labane cheese balls in different flavors to take home.

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Meet the Spectacular Over 70 honorees

Liz & Harvey Cartine

Hon. Maxwell Davison

Jeanette & Eduardo Eichenwald

Gordon & Rose Lee Goldberg

Suzanne Lapiduss

On Sunday, Nov. 10, Jewish Family Service will honoring 17 role models at their 4th annual celebration of older volunteers, Spectacular Over 70, at 10 a.m. at Temple Beth El. Meet the honorees!

an immigrant from England, wanted to learn about gardening, so she started a garden club. Harvey, an engineer who helped blast Apollo 11 to the moon, balances his life with music and painting. While Liz was an active member of the National Council of Jewish Women and continues to knit for the needy, Harvey has served as president of TCP and is an active member of the Jewish Federation's Easton Leadership Council. Their focus has been on family, and that extends to their Jewish community, where Liz works providing support to those in need.

HON. MAXWELL DAVISON The Hon. Maxwell Davison, the Jewish Community Center’s honoree, believes, “practice makes perfect.” In 1957, Davison came to Allentown from Shenandoah, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, the former Barbara Seiden (z"l), raised their sons here and committed themselves to public service. After serving as the first Lehigh Valley Jewish judge from 1971-90, he has and continues to practice law during the 60 years of his professional life. Davison considers the JCC the glue that holds our Jewish community together and emphasizes the need for its physical presence. In addition to serving as a president of the JCC, he was an officer at Temple Beth El and was a founding member of the Jewish Family Service board. An empathetic man, Davison’s mantra is to “do the best I can.” He still answers calls for support and his devotion to PBS earned him the Mr. Rogers Award for his dedication to public radio and television.

plans for a new Honors College. Rose Lee, a speech pathologist and reading specialist, is a life member of Hadassah, chaired Brith Sholom’s L’Chaim Kickoff Event, was Union Terrace’s past PTO president, was a volunteer at Bethlehem Meals on Wheels, and is currently a regular volunteer at the JFS Food Pantry. She is proud to give her support to Jewish causes and the greater community. Both Rose Lee and Gordon served six years on the CBS Board of Trustees. Throughout their 56-year marriage, the Goldbergs support the mantra of “P&P:” planning and preparation.

Jew, he fulfills the highest level of tzedakah by not knowing who receives the bounty of his harvest. As a board member of the Jewish Day School, Levenson emphasizes that family is the center of everything and the world doesn’t revolve around us. He is proud to be a part of the Lehigh Valley Jewish community because of its strong base beyond individuals and their families. He is gratified to support Jewish Family Service because, “It is in line with taking care of human needs.” Like his fellow honorees, Levenson doesn’t understand why he was chosen for this honor. But when asked about his mantra of service, he stated, “What can we do to help? I can stand on one foot and say, ‘Common decency.’”

LIZ & HARVEY CARTINE Liz and Harvey Cartine, this year’s honorees from Temple Covenant of Peace, balance their love and dedication toward the Lehigh Valley Jewish community with professional and secular accomplishments. Liz,

JEANETTE & EDUARDO EICHENWALD Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald, the Jewish Federation’s honorees, describe themselves as spouses, parents, grandparents and friends. Married for 55 years, they are well known for their Jewish and civic activism. Although they have met Golda Meir, the highlight of their lives is family. Jeanette’s service as president of Hadassah, Jewish Federation, Sons of Israel Sisterhood and the Jewish Day School combined with service as KI’s Religious School Director, Service on the Allentown School Board and Allentown City Council supports her mantra that people go from strength to strength. In addition to starting his own business, Eduardo has served as president of Temple Beth El, Jewish Family Service treasurer, and fundraising chair for the Jewish Federation and quietly mentors volunteers throughout the community in Jewish service. He loves tikkun olam. ROSE LEE & GORDON GOLDBERG Rose Lee and Gordon Goldberg, honorees from Congregation Brith Sholom, demonstrate that Jewish values can be transmitted through volunteerism and professional work. Gordon, a William Allen High School teacher, Lehigh University Ph.D. graduate and Kutztown University history professor, wrote his doctoral thesis and book about Meyer London, a major figure in the Jewish Labor Movement and a three-term U.S. Congressman. He created a Community Election Series at Congregation Brith Sholom with Chris Borick from Muhlenberg College and worked with Dr. Peter Pettit at Muhlenberg’s Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding. He is still involved with Kutztown University, including with 12 OCTOBER 2019 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

SUZANNE LAPIDUSS Suzanne Lapiduss, Jewish Day School’s honoree, follows George Bernard Shaw’s mantra, “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.” A member of the JDS board for 19 years, Lapiduss has been actively involved in many aspects of the JDS and is also a member of the JDS Endowment Fund board. Lapiduss also established a memorial endowment after the tragic death of her son, Bobby, and since 1988 the Robert Brent Lapiduss Scholarship Fund has helped JDS students while perpetuating the memory of her son. But Lapiduss’s involvement in the Jewish community doesn’t end at the JDS. Over the years, Lapiduss developed Holocaust education programs in local Catholic schools and Parkland School District, re-established an interfaith round table at the Morning Call where religious portrayal in the media was discussed, fundraised for the Breast Health Institute and was a co-founder of the Spina Bifida Association of the Lehigh Valley. Viewing the Lehigh Valley’s Jewish community as extended family, Lapiduss has been active in the Women's Division of the Jewish Federation, is a past board member of Temple Beth El and can often be found working with children at the JDS. MYRON LEVENSON Myron Levenson, Temple Beth El’s honoree, fulfills mankind’s first mission to build a garden. Levenson believes religious faith is an action verb and gardening is his activity. This activity and guidance has enabled the community to embellish its Jewish observance and feed the hungry. He has touched the soil at Temple Beth El, nurtured the interfaith garden at the Barn and sprouted the Jewish Day School’s garden. Students at the Jewish Day School are learning that as they toil the soil, the bounty fills the Jewish Family Service Food Pantry, providing fresh produce that clients cannot afford to purchase. Although Levenson claims to be a cultural, not a religious,

JANE LEVINE Jane Levine, Am Haskalah’s honoree, believes food is a way to build community. Levine’s service on the Board of Trustees and a vital member of the Oneg Committee support her mantra, “If you feed people tantalizing food, they will come.” Her creative cooking is renowned for the exquisite recipes sourced from various world cuisines. Levine’s sensitivity and respect toward others guide her food preparation and understanding of diverse Jewish culinary needs. She is able to balance dietary needs within the framework of congregational directives. Previously a member of KI, Levine was a consistent volunteer in the library assisting clergy and congregants and supporting the religious school and self-education. Whether leading Shabbat services, preparing for Onegs and holidays, contributing her insight at board meetings or being on call for the congregational needs of Am Haskalah, Levine is spectacular because she serves with kindness, wisdom, generosity and grace. LINDA & MIKE MILLER Linda and Mike Miller, honorees from Congregation Keneseth Israel, met at Penn State more than 55 years ago. They said their initial attraction was noticing the kindness in each other. KI and the Lehigh Valley community have benefitted from their kindness and commitment to tikkun olam. They support the Jewish Community Center, the Jewish Federation, the Jewish Day School and Jewish Family Service. Honored at the 1997-98 KI Gala, the Millers served as fundraising co-chairs for KI’s 1988 building expansion that generated enough money to create a multipurpose room, religious school wing, expand the library and remodel the social hall. Linda is a past-president of the congregation and sisterhood and is an active weekly volunteer in the KI office. She taught second grade at the Jewish Day School for 18 years. Mike serves on the KI En-

Myron Levenson

Jane Levine

Mike & Linda Miller

Cooky & Mike Notis

Ronald Segel

Ellen Schaffer

dowment Foundation Board and Jewish Federation Board, chairs the Jewish Federation Endowment Investment Committee, has served in numerous capacities in the KI’s Brotherhood and on KI’s Board of Trustees and was on the Allentown Commercial and Industrial Development Authority. He is a partner and shareholder Emeritus of Concannon Miller.

ask, “Will you read to me next week?” He and his wife Martha are also volunteers for the Jewish Federation’s Super Sunday because “Wherever we’re asked, we try to help.” As a member of Congregation Keneseth Israel and Temple Beth El, where Segel attends daily minyans, he nurtures and benefits from the spirituality of these religious communities. Segel brings his work experience as a salesman in the clothing and insurance business with him in all he does. People appreciate his endearing smile and positive energy.

COOKY & MIKE NOTIS Cooky and Mike Notis, Sons of Israel’s honorees, are noticed for their diverse commitment to the Lehigh Valley Jewish community. Married more than 60 years, the couple met as children at the Hebrew Institute of Long Island. Parents of four, grandparents of 10, and great-grandparents of three and still counting, they firmly believe a Jewish Day School is the heart of a vibrant Jewish community. Mike began his career as an engineer for Grumman Aircraft, where he worked on NASA’s Apollo program and continued as a professor of materials science at Lehigh University for nearly 45 years. He believes in doing acts of kindness and teaching kids appropriate interaction in society. Morah Cooky is an active volunteer at the Jewish Day School, where she worked as a teaching assistant. She still bakes, cooks and showers the students with loving care. Older adults from Country Meadows and The Atria can be found celebrating the holiday of Sukkot in their sukkah each fall. Cooky lives by the mantra that she never asks anyone to do anything she wouldn’t do herself. Regarding volunteering, she says, “Thank you. You give me more than I give you!” RONALD SEGEL Ronald Segel, Jewish Family Service’s honoree, enjoys working with people. A previous driver for ShareCare Faith in Action, Ron continues to serve as a JFS Food Pantry volunteer and a volunteer for the Mazel J Café and the Shmooze and Shmear series for men. He is the house chairman on the Tikvah House board and worked with the residents planting flowers and paying attention to the details that make Tikvah House special to its residents and their families. For the past 15 years, Segel can be found at the Lehigh Valley Hospital 17th and Chew Streets, where he participates in Reach Out and Read. Each Monday, he reads to siblings of ill patients and because of his enthusiastic demeanor, youngsters will

ELLEN SCHAFFER Ellen Schaffer, Temple Shirat Shalom’s honoree, moved to the Lehigh Valley in 1988 with her husband Burt (z"l). They moved seven times during their marriage, and Schaffer is happily settled here. While working full-time in Muhlenberg College’s Financial Aid Office, Schaffer graduated with a degree in sociology and philosophy in 1994. Schaffer describes herself as a mom to Kenneth and Debra and a volunteer. She lives by the phrase, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” Her accomplishments support her mantra that volunteering is not a one-way street. An avid reader, Schaffer makes time to serve on the board of Temple Shirat Shalom, volunteers at the Jewish Family Service Food Pantry and the Parkland Library and has served as a court advocate in the Lehigh Valley. In her spare time, Schaffer is a fabulous cook and baker and loves to travel. Schaffer is task-oriented and a spectacular role model of living life in the pursuit of tikkun olam at Temple Shirat Shalom, Congregation Keneseth Israel, JFS and in the greater community.

Jerry Weisberger normal guy who enjoys working in the synagogue.” His pride of family values, relationships and friends motivated him to pursue an advanced degree in counseling. Weisberger stresses that it is important to keep our community vibrant and is currently part of the transition team merging B’nai Abraham and Temple Covenant of Peace. He believes his wife, Gail Ehrens Weisberger’s, partnership, encouragement, tolerance and patience make his accomplishments possible.

JERRY WEISBERGER Jerry Weisberger, Congregation B’nai Abraham’s honoree, moved to the Lehigh Valley from Wilkes-Barre in 1968. His dedication to the Jewish community reflects Hillel’s mantra, “If I’m only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?” In addition to being a father, husband, creator of a pharmaceutical company, past president of B’nai Brith, initiating the Jewish Federation's Easton Leadership Council, serving several terms as B’nai Abraham’s president and serving on the joint committee from Easton congregations who brought Rabbi Harold Kushner to the Lehigh Valley, Weisberger says, “I’m just a HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | OCTOBER 2019 13

Young Israeli emissaries vote in Israeli elections

Jewish Agency for Israel For shlichim (Israeli emissaries) serving in Jewish communities around the world, voting in the Israeli elections

was still an important responsibility, even if they are not presently in their home country. Fortunately, these emissaries were able to vote

Caring FOR YOUR future. Garrett, age 4, future construction worker

ahead of the Israel election on Tuesday, Sept. 17. About 500 Jewish Agency delegates and emissaries serving in Jewish communities globally voted in 39 overseas polls from

Wellington, New Zealand, to Los Angeles, California. For 18-year-olds Yael and Ravid, shinshinim (serviceyear shlichim) living in Toronto for the year, it was their first time voting ever. “I think it’s our duty as citizens to vote. I love Israel and care about it deeply, and I know getting to vote while I’m here shouldn’t be taken for granted,” said Yael. “People who live here don’t get to vote, and I was fortunate enough to be getting this special opportunity, so I knew I had to use it wisely, and I’m very grateful.” For Ravid, he knew before leaving Israel that he’d get to vote while serving as a shinshin and was looking forward to the unique experience. He and his fellow shinshinim cast their ballots at the Israeli Consulate in Toronto. “It was very exciting for me, especially because I got to vote right at the age of 18, which is the age when you can vote in Israel. I was very lucky,” shared Ravid. “Voting is so important because this is how you can bring about real change. It gave me an equal opportunity to have my voice be heard.” Among the shinshinim voting at the Israeli Con-

sulate in Toronto was also Jewish Agency Chairman of the Executive Isaac “Bougie” Herzog. “The right to vote is a civic duty, a privilege that we must fulfill as part of Israel’s democratic process,” said Herzog. “I had the honor of voting alongside our wonderful shinshinim in Toronto, who were exercising their right to vote for the very first time. They were very excited to cast their ballots, and I was thrilled to be there voting with them.” “Of so many Israelis who are living outside of Israel, we had the opaportunity to vote and take part in this election,” added Ravid. “It made me feel that even though I am not present in Israel right now, in the shortterm, I am still connected to it and influencing it. And the results of these elections will have long-term effects. It was a very empowering experience.” Editor’s Note: The Jewish Agency for Israel is an overseas partner of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. Due to this initiative, our own community shlicha, Rotem Bar, was one of the emissaries able to vote in the Israeli election while living here in the Lehigh Valley this year.

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BIG Faith Crawl explores Bethlehem ho On Sunday, Sept. 15, the Bethlehem Interfaith Group (BIG) held its first Faith Crawl. Over the span of four hours on a sunny afternoon, 150 participants loaded and unloaded from two school buses taking them from one house of worship to another across the city of Bethlehem. By the end, they had visited five different stops, learning from leaders at each one about the different faiths practiced there.

Above, the whole group gathers for a joint photo at the end of their excursion.

Left, participants unload from the bus for the next stop on the trip. Above, Bus #2 is ready to embark on the Faith Crawl.

Above left, Imam Beytullah Colak of Respect Graduate School shows off the phone app that alerts him to the five times each day he must pray. Above center, Father Anthony Mongiello sports a BIG T-shirt as he teaches the crowd about the different aspects of the sanctuary at Saint Anne’s Catholic Church. Right, the Rev. J. C. Austin introduces the first group to First Presbyterian Church.

Above, attendees line up to get a closer look at one of Congregation Brith Sholom’s Torah scrolls. Left, Central Moravian Church minister of music Rebecca Kleintop Lepore surprises the crowd by addressing them from the balcony. 16 OCTOBER 2019 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

ouses of worship

Above, Congregation Brith Sholom President Ron Ticho addresses a kippot-covered crowd.

Above, crawlers eagerly receive Moravian sugar cake and water offered them as refreshments halfway through their trek.

IJCU welcomes new interim director

By Stephanie Bolmer HAKOL Editor The Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding (IJCU) at Muhlenberg College has been an important partner with the Lehigh Valley Jewish community since its inception in 1988. With the departure earlier this year of the Rev. Dr. Peter Pettit, who was director of the IJCU for two decades, the IJCU entered a period of transition. The chair of Muhlenberg’s Religion Studies Department, Dr. William “Chip” Gruen III, has stepped in as interim director for the next year. Gruen, who has been the chair of the department for the past eight years, came to Muhlenberg 14 years ago. He earned his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania and also spent time studying Biblical Hebrew at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “We’re basically using this year to take stock and to think about the direction of

the program,” said Gruen of his current role with the IJCU. He emphasized that the college is firmly committed to the institute, and that many of its programs which have historically been important to the local Jewish community—First Fridays, the Wallenberg tribute, the Youth and Prejudice workshop—are not going anywhere. “All of those are going to be maintained,” said Gruen, “That’s not changing.” Another thing that will remain the same for the IJCU is its interest in not only Muhlenberg’s students and campus, but also involvement in the outside community. But, with times of transition, some changes can always be expected. One new thing Gruen hopes to implement in the future is a closer tie with the academic side of the college. “Our goal is to strengthen the relationship between the IJCU, Religion Studies and other academic programs, so that we can build opportunities for the community, students, faculty and staff, through a shared, mission-driven focus,” Gruen explained. Another possible change would be increased inclusivity by thinking about religious diversity and pluralism in a larger context. “In order to provide the most benefit to the community and world, our program needs to change and adapt to the times and realities of our world,” said Gruen. When asked what he’d like the Jewish community to know going forward, he asks for patience as the next year unfolds, but reaffirmed the school’s commitment to the IJCU. “We’re not naive to the problems in the contemporary world,” Gruen said. “We are alarmed by the rise in anti-Semitism and hate, and the institute will continue to deal with these issues head on.”



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How your family can have an awesome Sukkot even if you don’t have a sukkah By Rabbi Rebecca Rosenthal Kveller.com I grew up in New York City. My family used to do it up on Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Passover, and even for Shabbat, but Sukkot was often an afterthought. We didn’t have a backyard or even a concrete area in our building where we could put up a sukkah, so while we went to services and sat in the synagogue sukkah, I didn’t really appreciate how awesome Sukkot really is until I moved to Los Angeles and we were able to have a sukkah of our own. OK, it was on a concrete slab behind our apartment building, but at least it was ours. We hosted meals in our sukkah, and even thought about sleeping there, but we never got that brave. In addition, we got to visit all our friends’ sukkahs, to celebrate together and generally experience the awesomeness of being outside under the sun and stars. When we moved back to New York, I was determined to show my kids that Sukkot is one of the greatest holidays in the Jewish calendar. Here are some of the things that we did, that I hope will help you make the most of your Sukkot, no matter where you live. 1. Find a place that is selling lulavs and etrogs and go with your kids to pick them out and put them together. If you can’t go pick them out, at least order one to have at home. Nothing

beats the smell! 2. Shake the lulav every day. This is a ritual that takes less than five minutes and can be easy to learn with a video or online instructions. It is not often we let our kids bring leaves and branches into the house, and it is something they ask for long after Sukkot is over. 3. Learn the rules of how to build a sukkah and then build one inside. While it may not meet the legal requirements of a sukkah, it can be a fun way for families to learn what makes a sukkah. You can do a pillow and blanket sukkah fort or build it out of clay, Legos or blocks. One year, we took a large cardboard box and cut it into a sukkah that my kids could fit inside. Then we decorated it with paper chains and pictures of fruit. My kids and their toys loved living in their cardboard sukkah. 4. Make an edible sukkah. Get some graham crackers, frosting or marshmallow fluff and some Twizzlers for the roof and build away. You can get other candy for the decorations and then have a great time eating it together. 5. Do some community service together. On Sukkot, we choose to sit in the sukkah and experience what it is like to be eating and sleeping outside, vulnerable to the elements. We also recognize that so many in our community do not

have the choice not to sleep outside night after night. Depending on where you live, your children may regularly experience homelessness around them. Cook for a shelter, buy food and donate it, and, if you have older kids, sleep over in a shelter. Talk to your kids about people who don’t have food or shelter and how they can help them. These are lessons that will last long after Sukkot concludes. 6. Go to a synagogue. Most synagogues

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have a sukkah and often will have a sukkah decorating party or other Sukkot events that are open to the community. Even if it is only for one meal, there is something enticing for kids about eating outside, even if a few pine needles fall in your food. One of the commandments of Sukkot is to be joyful. I hope that some of these ideas can help you bring joy to your Sukkot, even without a backyard sukkah.


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Lehigh Hillel brings Israeli storyteller and peacemaker to campus Lehigh University Hillel is hosting Israeli storyteller Noa Baum for two days of special workshops open to the community on Tuesday, Oct. 22, and Wednesday, Oct. 23. The Tuesday night spoken word event focuses on a heartfelt dialogue Baum began with a Palestinian woman, offering a moving testimony illuminating the complex history and emotions that surround Jerusalem for Israelis and Palestinians alike. It is appropriate for ages 12 and up. Attendees at Wednesday’s workshop, entitled “Beyond Labels: Bridging Differences Through Storytelling,” will experience the storytelling model Baum developed to build bridges for peace and dialogue in community. The goal is for them to learn how listening to and telling the story of "the other" can help break through stereotypes and rhetoric, leading to compassion and the possibility of change. Baum is an award-winning storyteller and author who performs and teaches internationally. She works with diverse audiences ranging from The World Bank to detention centers. Born and raised in Israel, she was an actress at Jerusalem Khan Theater, studied with Uta Hagen in New York City, and holds a master of arts from New York University. Baum offers a unique combination of performance art and practical workshops that focus on the power of narrative to heal across the divides of identity. Her book, “A Land Twice Promised – An Israeli Woman’s Quest for Peace,” a winner of the Anne Izard Storytellers’ Choice Award, is an introspective memoir that mines the depths of the chasm between the Israeli and Palestinian experiences, the torment of family loss and conflict and the

therapy of storytelling as a cleansing art. Baum’s stories were featured on Public Radio International, and she is a winner of a Parents’ Choice Recommended Award, a Storytelling World Award and numerous Individual Artist Awards from Maryland State Arts Council and Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County. She has lived in the U.S. since 1990. Spoken word event on Tuesday, Oct. 22, at 7:15 p.m. in Room 101 of Packard Lab (Lower level, use the door off of W. Packer Avenue east of Vine Street.) Workshop on Wednesday, Oct. 23, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. (dinner is included) in Rauch Business Center, Rooms 291-293, at 621 Taylor St. (next to Zoellner Arts Center). Registration is required for Wednesday’s workshop by Oct. 17. For registration and information, contact inhil@lehigh.edu or 610-758-4875.

‘Game of Thrones’ star Carice van Houten to make Holocaust film on female Jewish rescuers By Cnaan Liphshiz Jewish Telegraphic Agency



Carice van Houten, a Dutch actress known for her portrayal of Melisandre in the hit series “Game of Thrones,” has purchased the film rights to a Holocaust rescue story in Holland. Van Houten, whose character had a prominent presence in the HBO series until its finale in May, and her business partner, Halina Reijn, bought the rights this month to adapt the book titled “The High Nest,” its author, Roxane van Iperen, wrote Wednesday on Twitter. She added the book “will become a movie.” The book tells the true story of two Jewish sisters, Janny and Lien Brilleslijper, who during the Holocaust turned their hiding place near Amsterdam into a Dutch resistance center for harboring Jews and others wanted by the Nazis. It is unclear whether van Houten and Reijn, who are both among the Netherlands’ best-known perform-

Carice van Houten attends the Season 8 premiere of Game of Thrones at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, April 3, 2019. ers, intend to portray the sisters. Van Houten has appeared in the two previous productions of her firm, Man Up, which she launched recently with Reijn. “The High Nest” has been on the top slots of the Netherlands’ list of bestselling books since its release last year.

Van Iperen began writing the book after she bought and began renovating, along with her family, the house where the Brilleslijpers hid and helped rescue others. During renovations, Van Iperen discovered secret rooms and hidden doors that the sisters had built.


A snapshot of India By Ben Wilson Special to HAKOL Editor’s Note: Ben traveled to India as part of his gap year with Kivunim, which he previously wrote about in the July/August 2019 issue of HAKOL. As we stepped out of the airport, I was bombarded with sensations. The first thing that hit me was the smell—the air had this stench of exhaust fumes mixed with spice. Such a distinct odor that I associate with my two weeks in India. The noises, and raucous they were, pierced the aura of calm induced by the pollution. I heard everything from celebratory greetings, cab horns, motorcycles clattering by and the barking of stray dogs. While we waited for our bus, I realized that the air traffic control tower was engulfed in a thick cloud of haze, looking like a space ship on a foreign planet—I was in India. Our resident assistants tried to prepare us for the uncomfortable sights, smells and experiences, but to fully appreciate India, it was vital that I did not immediately judge. If I wrote all of it off as bad or dirty just because I was uncomfortable with it, I was not giving justice to the country that was graciously taking me in. Whatever I saw, smelled, photographed or ate, I contemplated in order to comprehend the often difficult yet beautiful country we were visiting. I look back on my trip with very fond memories because I didn’t make snap decisions on an entire culture or people. Even the 17-hour bus ride is laughed about now. The words still rang in my ears, “There are no traffic laws in India,” my dad’s partner said before I left. I thought there must be some order to it all, a lot of honking, but I had been to New York. At times, traffic looked like one solid mass, and at others, it looked like a team of synchronized walkers, two groups walking backward at an angle but somehow perfectly gliding past each other. It was a mess, but perfectly organized at the same time. Rickshaws, taxis and bikes all jockeying for room with freight trucks and tankers four times their size, while the same process was happening in the opposite lane. Men with bundles of obscure objects piled much higher than the bike they were riding resulted in a fantastic visual. By some hand of G-d, everything seemed to fit. For reasons I can’t explain, Mumbai, a city of over 20 million people, felt totally inviting, while at the same time overwhelming and foreign. There were trees everywhere. Not just sporadically planted, these grand picturesque palms that invited me to walk down a street that I had never been on, but somehow felt comfortable on. I had seen vibrant color for the majority of my trip, but nothing like this. It was everywhere. Flashes of yellow and green as cabs raced by, women donned saris with an assortment of rich pastels, all encapsulated by the canopy overhead creating this sense of calm. I noticed a corner was swarmed with people and various Indian food

carts. What struck me was that all walks of life were there: from businessman to construction worker, everyone drank chai. The best part was that there was a waiter that worked for the tea stand to take the empty glasses. This reminded me of another theme we learned, that people are not exotic. That told me a lot about Indian culture. However, it was not all perfect. Mumbai was where I witnessed the most drastic poverty out of all the other cities. People slept on the street, or lived in the slums, not like I saw earlier. And those trees that were so beautiful had this thick layer of dust on the leaves—which were as brittle as tortilla chips—from the pollution. The toll it took truly came into picture once I returned to Israel. I was walking and saw what I thought was a homeless person sleeping on the ground, which was odd because I never saw that in Israel. As I got closer, I realized it was just a plastic bag blown up by the wind. I stopped walking for a few minutes, shocked that after a few weeks, that image internalized itself so deeply into my brain. The toll booth in India feels much different than the toll booth in the United States. The other side of the booth has a shoulder about three or four lanes wide, but this strip of dirt was filled with life, a stark contrast to the monotony of the toll booth. There was always a little snack cart filled with little goodies for drivers to continue their journey. Freight trucks and cars pulled over to rest or for people to relieve themselves (this was a common practice in India). Strangely, this felt like an informal rest stop, but it checked all the boxes: food, parking lot and bathrooms. India and the Lehigh Valley weren’t that different underneath all the excess. Even though India was exotic, the people who lived there were people like anyone else, no matter how different they looked. It is very tempting to

think that, due to the setting of it all, but we must remember that people are just people, nothing more. Most definitely not exotic. The trucks in India deserve to be put in a museum. These are normal trucks, painted with elaborate designs and colorful messages, like “blow horn” or “horn please.” The drivers are using this to express themselves and make an otherwise grueling task a little less. I would guess there are no two trucks alike based on the sheer amount of designs and patterns displayed. I saw men spreading out over some inviting sacks of grain, and images of gods or goddesses so real you would have sworn they were there. I once witnessed a man rush from the side of the highway in order to catch a ride on a moving bus four lanes deep. I do not know if I have ever seen anyone that desperate to catch a bus before in my life. For me, the trucks represented the strange and wonderful quirks about India that I had witnessed in my time there, like some avantgarde art exhibit. I knew that even on our most grueling rides, the bus window provided me with an escape to the world of the highway, filled with outlandish, extravagant images that would entertain me for as long as necessary.


Friendly volunteers needed for Friendship Circle

Want to feel good on a Monday? Want to make someone's day? If so, consider volunteering a few hours at the Friendship Circle luncheons that are held at the Jewish Community Center. No experience necessary. Just come with a warm smile and a kind heart. You'll be happy you did. Upcoming Friendship Circle programs include a variety of live music performances and a special guest appearance by the Lehigh Valley Jewish community’s own “Marvelous Mrs. (Ferne) Kushner” reviving her comedy routine on Oct. 23. If interested in volunteering, please contact Beth Kushnick at bkushnick@lvjcc.org or 610-417-0905.

Community member represents Lehigh Valley in global marketing battle Benjamin Feinberg, a search engine optimization (SEO) specialist, along with a team of digital marketers and developers, is competing in a global SEO competition put on by Wix, an Israeli-based website builder. Liquid, a digital business company in Fogelsville and Feinberg’s employer, was chosen from hundreds of agencies across the globe to compete in the Wix SEO Battle as the “Wix SEO Haters” against the “Wix SEO Lovers.” The Wix SEO Battle is a six-month competition to see whose site can outrank the others for the search term “Wix SEO.” The “Wix SEO Lovers” must build their site using Wix, and the “Wix SEO Haters” must build their site with anything but Wix. “While Wix can be a great solution for freelancers and some small businesses, it’s questionable if you can rank well on Google and other search engines using it to build your website. And after all, what’s the point of having a beautiful website if people can’t find it?” said Feinberg. That’s part of the reason he chose to be on the “Wix SEO Haters” team, as Liquid specializes in custom solutions for businesses and aims to maximize the opportunity to gain them new customers from search engines. This competition gives Feinberg (and Liquid) an opportunity to test their technology and digital market-

ing capabilities on a global level. They are extremely excited not only to represent the Lehigh Valley, but the local Jewish and tech communities, as well. The contest is judged by renowned SEO and social media marketing expert Lukasz Zelezny, from London. The competition will conclude on Dec. 19, with an incognito search from New York City for the search term “Wix SEO.” Whichever team outranks the other in Google search results will be crowned the winner and receive $25,000. The losing team will receive $10,000. You can visit the Wix SEO Haters website at www.WixSEOHaters.com and show your support for Feinberg and his team by sharing it with others. Learn more about the Wix SEO Battle at www. wix.com/seo-battle.

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‘Hoopla Under the Huppah’

By Sean Boyle JDS Librarian Dori Weinstein’s middle grade book, “Hoopla Under the Huppah,” is the latest book in her “YaYa & YoYo” series. The YaYa & YoYo books have fraternal pre-teen twins experience Jewish customs and traditions in an authoritative but kid-friendly manner. “Hoopla Under the Huppah” explores modern Jewish wedding customs and even takes a look into the traditions surrounding protection from the Ayin Hara, “The Evil Eye.” YaYa and YoYo are the nicknames for twins, Ellie and Joel, who are invited to be part of their aunt’s wedding along with their older brother, Jeremy, and nieces from their soon-to-be uncle. As the children prepare and learn about their roles in the wedding,

the reader is introduced to many different Jewish wedding customs. Since YaYa and YoYo’s mother is a professional artist, she is asked to paint her sister’s ketubah. Weinstein dedicates an entire chapter to explaining the different parts and traditions associated with a ketubah and other wedding customs. Since YaYa is so worried about ensuring her favorite aunt has a perfect wedding, any incident or troubles gets blamed on the Ayin Hara. The reader watches as YaYa learns the superstitions on how to remove and ward-off the Evil Eye and explores the use of a hamsa as protection. Although it is Weinstein’s third book in the series, “Hoopla Under the Huppah” can be read as a stand-alone book and gives plenty of backstory so that new readers do not need to read the first two books to understand the story. The references to nicknames and family members are written as a short explanation rather than a detailed rehash of the earlier two books. Weinstein was a teacher in both public and Jewish day schools before she started writing books. She was unable to find quality middle-grade Jewish literature for her own children to read and decided to write her own series. Her stated goal was to write 12 books, each aligned with either a Jewish holiday or other major lifecycle events. Weinstein’s first book covers the topic of Rosh Hashanah, and the second book explores Sukkot. YaYa and YoYo’s family are Conservative, but her aunt is incorporating Orthodox customs into her wedding, so “Hoopla Under the Huppah” will be an informative book about Jewish wedding customs for all denominations. Highly recommended for ages 8-14 for those attending their first wedding, and it is an entertaining read for ages 15-120. A copy of “Hoopla Under the Huppah” is available at the Jewish Day School Library. Hoopla Under the Huppah (Weinstein, Dori, Minneapolis, Five Flames Press, 2017, 287p.)



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Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf honors Tree of Life victims at Auschwitz By Marcy Oster Jewish Telegraphic Agency Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf honored the 11 victims of the attack on the Tree of Life synagogue building while on a visit to Auschwitz. Wolf signed the guestbook at the AuschwitzBirkenau Memorial on Sept. 15, by writing the names of the victims of the shooting nearly one year ago, and under that wrote “Pennsylvania mourns for the people who were murdered on October 27, 2018 in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.” He also wrote “100% tolerance; 0% hate.” Hours later he tweeted: “Thank you @AuschwitzMuseum for the opportunity to memorialize the Tree of Life victims. Pennsylvania was founded on the principle of tolerance. And we are #StrongerThanHate.”

Prior to leaving on the visit, Wolf said in a news conference that he would carry to the Nazi camp the mezuzah that hung on the office door of Tree of Life Rabbi Jeffrey Myers and which was broken in the attack. “What I’m hoping for is that this act will bring solace, some solace to the survivors, and will remind them that we Pennsylvanians will never forget their loved ones,” Wolf said during the news conference. Wolf also visited 600 Pennsylvanians stationed with the National Guard in Lithuania and Poland and was scheduled to meet with Lithuanian government and business leaders, the Associated Press reported. He was also scheduled to visit the Paneriai Holocaust Memorial, in the forests outside Vilnius, Lithuania, later in the week. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | OCTOBER 2019 25

PJ Library families celebrate Rosh Hashanah It was a beautiful day on Sunday, Sept. 15, when families gathered at the JCC to take a “ride” with Engineer Ari on a Rosh Hashanah story walk. Children visited different “stations” as they rode through “Israel” while doing crafts and eating Rosh Hashanah snacks. Local synagogues and the Jewish Day School all sent volunteers to run the stations for the families participating. The stations were designed by our Israeli shlicha, Rotem Bar, and volunteer Ally Avraham read the story. Join us at our next event when PJ Library celebrates Sukkot on Sunday, Oct. 20 at 1 p.m. at Muhlenberg College Hillel.

*see store for details.

PJ Library Family of the Month:

THE VOLCHKO FAMILY PJ Library has been an amazing part of our lives since our oldest was a baby. We have enjoyed reading the books, discussing the holidays and listening to the CDs. So excited to start over with baby Zoe. Her brothers now enjoy reading these books to her. - JESSICA AND NICK VOLCHKO To learn more about PJ Library and register to receive free Jewish-themed books for children from 6 months through 8 years, visit www.pjlibrary.org.



Bringing the community together through music

By Harry Epstein Special to HAKOL My name is Harry Epstein, and I will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Nov. 2, 2019, at Congregation Keneseth Israel in Allentown. I am a seventh grader at Springhouse Middle School and a Level 9 gymnast at Parkettes National Gymnastics Training Center. My parents are Iris and Jonathan Epstein. I was born in the Lehigh Valley, and my younger brother Charlie and I are fifth-generation Epsteins in Allentown. As such, this community is extremely important to me. Like my parents, I want my community to thrive and be vibrant for me, my brother, my friends and future generations. For my bar mitzvah project, I wanted to plan something that would bring people from every generation together to celebrate the good in the world. My parents and I discussed ways to create a special weekend to bring people together throughout our community. I have played the cello since fourth grade, and I knew that I wanted to incorporate music as part of my mitzvah project. We decided to sponsor Rick Recht as an artist-in-residence for the weekend. Rick is an amazing, fun and wellknown musician throughout the Jewish world. He is the founder and executive director of Jewish Rock Radio and celebrity spokesperson for PJ Library. My brother and I know his music from the CDs sent to our home each December from PJ Library and from my mom’s collection. We attended one of Rick’s concerts live last year, and I really enjoyed it, along with everyone else in the audience. By bringing Rick to KI, my goal is that our community will be inspired by his music of joy, Judaism and hope as much as I am. As part of his artistin-residency at KI, Rick

will be leading a community Shabbat service on the evening of Friday, Nov. 1, and a kids’ workshop and concert on the morning of Sunday, Nov. 3. One of my mom’s mentors, Jeanette Eichenwald, will be a guest speaker at a special teen and adult brunch program that morning. As part of my mitzvah project of building community, I am making both of these events free to the general public. I hope you will join me, and, if you can spare it, all I am asking in return for your attendance is to please bring a can of soup which will be donated to the food pantry of Jewish Family Service, an organization that does so much for so many. Between these two special days, Rick will be performing a community Havdalah service and concert on the evening of Saturday, Nov. 2. This concert will benefit my synagogue, KI, and all attendees are asked to make a suggested minimum donation of $18 per person to attend. These donations will help KI continue to be a strong, welcoming and caring place and help its school to continue to provide a top-notch religious education. Everyone who sends an advance donation to KI will get a reserved seat at Saturday’s concert. All attendees are invited to a VIP dessert reception to meet Rick and hang out with me. I am so excited for my bar mitzvah weekend and hope that you will come and join me throughout the weekend as I celebrate this simcha and our amazing community. In addition to my mitzvah project, I will be making my first adult gift of tzedakah to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs.

A unique restaurant in Jerusalem is fighting the norm By Rotem Bar Community Shlicha It was hard to ignore the buzz around this new initiative. In the last few months Bab El Yemen is the talk of Jerusalemites. Bab El Yemen is a wonderful restaurant in the heart of the Rehavia neighborhood of Jerusalem that is trying to bring change to the way kosher restaurants in Israel operate. Bab El Yemen opened a year ago and has become a draw for many young Jerusalemites. It serves traditional comfort Jewish food, mainly Yemenite amongst other things. This café-bar restaurant serves food like jachnun, cholent and mallawach—all foods that are very much considered “Shabbat food.” What’s special about this restaurant, besides the yummy food and hip, laid-back environment, is that it is open on Shabbat, yet it is Shabbat observant. Now how does that work? Every Saturday, the restaurant operates on a special Shabbat format (just like hotels in Israel). The food is made before Shabbat and is kept on Shabbat platters, there is no music, and smokers are asked to do so in a designated smoking area. Some people make reservations, and, in that case, payment is made in advance. If not, customers can pay after Shabbat on a trust basis. The information of the customer and their order is written down by a non-Jewish employee, and, after Shabbat, they receive a message or an email with a link to transfer the payment. Even if someone wants to pay on Shabbat, the restaurant will not allow it. Pretty amazing! The owner of the restaurant, Jonathan Vadai, says that they have not had any problems with this system and that the reactions have been wonderful. Vadai has

been trying to bring an alternative for kosher restaurants while fighting the existing restrictions made by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. According to the law, a restaurant cannot declare itself kosher without the Chief rabbinate’s supervision. Therefore, this restaurant does not have a certificate from a rabbinical authority but claims it is Shabbat observant. Many religious Jews have been coming to eat at the restaurant on Shabbat after coming back from the synagogue and are completely happy about this new initiative. Vadai says he believes we will start to see more places that will start opening their restaurants on Shabbat without violating it. In the Bab El Yemen restaurant-bar, he was hoping to create a place where both secular and religious can sit together on Shabbat, and indeed he has! Bab El Yemen operates during the week with a young, laid-back environment and music. On Fridays and Saturdays, it operates on a Shabbat format. Apart from food, cultural events are also held there and many guest speakers are invited to talk about the conduct of Shabbat in the public space. This is a unique concept in Israel, and I hope we will start seeing more of it!

For help developing your mitzvah project, contact Abby Trachtman, program coordinator, at abbyt@jflv.org or 610821-5500. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | OCTOBER 2019 27

Women of KI event honors Michele Salomon and local educators Congregation Keneseth Israel Congregation Keneseth Israel’s fifth successful Harvest 5K took place on Sept. 22, benefitting Central Elementary School in Allentown. In October, the Women of KI Opening Brunch will feature “Bringing Central Elementary to KI.” Principal Rebecca Bodnar, along with Vice Principal Dan DeRicco and several teachers, will enjoy a brunch with attendees followed by a discussion. The educators will share their stories and speak about how the local Jewish community can help support their efforts to make a difference in the lives of their students. Central Elementary School is one of 15 elementary schools located in the city of Allentown. The richness of the Allentown School District (ASD)’s diversity is strengthened by its central role in educating students for America’s future through academic excellence and celebrating the culturally responsive, athletic and artistic range of talent. ASD students originate from 51 countries

and speak 26 languages. Nearly nine in 10 families (89.1 percent) are considered low income, and 100 percent receive free/reduced lunch. ASD serves a community with a poverty rate of 38.64 percent of the city’s population, according to the 2013 census. Michele Salomon, KI’s Fall 2019 Woman of Valor, will be honored at the Oct. 27 event. Salomon is wife to Arnie Roose, mother of Rachel and Daniel, and a consultant, researcher and mentor. She has been very active at KI for over eight years, serving on various committees, and is currently a vice president of the Board of Trustees. Salomon is also a co-leader for the Women of KI. Please join the Women of KI in celebrating Salomon’s leadership and in discussions about Central Elementary on Sunday, Oct. 27 at 10 a.m.

Above, Central Elementary School. Left, Michele Salomon.

Other exciting upcoming activities with WOKI include: • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13: RBG exhibit bus trip to Jewish Museum in Philly, as seats are available. • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26: Shabbat Yoga with Jett Sarachek, free but call 610-435-9074 to register.

Cost: $10 WOKI members; $12 guests. Make checks payable to “Women of KI” or register online at kilv.org by Oct. 20.

Umami Cod

Recently recognized as the fifth sense of taste, umami is a flavor best characterized as "savory." It is absolutely delicious! INGREDIENTS: 2 sticks salted butter 1/2 c. Kosher white miso 4 Tbsp. minced fresh chives 7 cloves garlic, minced 1 tsp. pepper 5 — 6 oz. thick pieces of cod TECHNIQUE: Mix all ingredients except cod well by hand, place in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and chill for several hours. Place the cod pieces on a buttered piece of foil in a 400 degree oven, and top with cold miso mixture. Bake for 20 minutes, basting every five minutes. Add parboiled, bite-sized vegetables such as broccoli florets, carrot coins and sliced golden beets. Baste the vegetables, and cook for five more minutes. Serve with whipped mashed potatoes, a crisp Chardonnay and spinach salad.




A slice of kibbutz life

By Helaina Zahn Special to HAKOL Hi everyone! Sometimes when I write these articles I feel like maybe I have a cult following, and other times I think maybe I’m just writing these articles so my mom can read them. Anyway, if you have been keeping up with this adventure, I am now 33 percent of the way to completing my service. This means everything is pretty much routine now. Therefore, I will be taking a break from our normal programming of writing about the army, and focus instead on my kibbutz life and my host family. In true Jewish fashion, when I came to live on Kibbutz Afikim, I was offered a host family. Not really knowing what that fully meant, I said yes. I understand that having a host family isn’t for everyone, but for me personally, it gave me that taste of “home.” My extended family in Israel gives me the privilege of feeling “home” when I visit for a holiday, but to have a place like that right where I live, each time I return from my base is something very special for a lone soldier. My host mom’s name is Ma’ayan. She is amazingly caring and such a hard worker. She is currently studying to earn her master’s degree from Kinneret College, about a seven minute ride from our kibbutz, and she also owns a jewelry store on our kibbutz. Check her out on Etsy (MaayanLoveBeads). (Sorry, but I couldn’t resist giving her a shout out. Her stuff is truly beautiful.) My host dad, Eyal, works for the dairy factory on the kibbutz. He travels all over

the world selling and helping establish industries in different countries. The company’s name is Afimilk. Can you see how it is a combination of the name of our Kibbutz, Afikim, and Milk? I think it’s so clever! Afimilk sells instruments and tools to help the dairy industry be more effective, efficient and hygienic. A lot of residents of the kibbutz work for the company, and it is so cool to see how much it supports the kibbutz. Ma’ayan and Eyal have three daughters: Liri, Guy-li and Romi. Liri is 12 and just celebrated becoming a bat mitzvah. The family had it at a nearby restaurant, and it was a beautiful celebration for a beautiful girl. Guy-li is 10, and she is the most artsy and patient of the three. She is super smart, caring and creative. Romi is the youngest at just 4 years old, but she is also the toughest. You can’t tell her “no.” It is Romi’s way or the highway. I really feel bad for her school teachers ... This family has been so generous to me and has welcomed me with open arms. I eat with them for Friday night dinner and often go to the pool with them. I hang out with their extended family when they visit, and they even invite me to go with them to other people’s houses. I’m not going to lie: it was awkward at first. I think I understand how it feels to be introduced into a spouse’s family now. It is tough not knowing the people and family dynamics and having to jump right in. Other than my host family, my kibbutz has given me, and the lone soldiers in my garin, many things. As a group, we live together in an area that

used to be for the seniors in the high school. Can you imagine that as a privilege for being older you get to move out of your parent’s house for the last year of school and live in a space with your classmates? I would have had so much fun with all my friends! Unfortunately for them, we live in that space now. Recently, we had a Shabbat Garin. This only happens two or three times a year. All of the members of our group get out of their army duty on the same weekend. Since most of our group is in combat, all being off at the same time is something extremely special. We all went to AquaKef on the Kinneret (picture BounceU on water), ate together at the Hadar Ochel (cafeteria of the kibbutz), shared a barbecue in the afternoon and all made pizza with our host families in the evening. Our director planned a great weekend, and it was so fantastic to see everyone all together. There were some friends I hadn’t seen for many months because our scheduled time off didn’t line up. All in all, living on a kibbutz has been a weird and special experience. I’ve had to give up a lot—like privacy and standards of cleanliness—while living with 20 other lone soldiers, but have gained a lot during this experience. I know that I wouldn’t have done it any other way but to come here and live in this amazing place.

Stars of the Original Cast of Jersey Boys

Thu., Nov. 21 - 7:30 PM - $50/$45

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453 Northampton St., Easton, PA www.statetheatre.org 610-252-3132 1-800-999-STATE


Helaina Zahn is an Allentown native who attended Hebrew school at Temple Beth El and graduated from Parkland High School. She graduated from Temple University before making aliyah and joining the IDF. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | OCTOBER 2019 29

Community Calendar To list an event in the Community Calendar, submit your information on our website, www. jewishlehighvalley.org, under the “Upcoming Events” menu.

5:30 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Join Rabbi Seth for relaxed refreshments in the Sukkah. Smell the etrog, shake the lulav and enjoy being outdoors.

All events listed in the Community Calendar are open to the public and free of charge, unless otherwise noted. Programs listed in HAKOL are provided as a service to the community. They do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. The JFLV reserves the right to accept, reject or modify listings.



Friendship Circle Lunch Entertainment

11:30 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Wednesday, Oct. 2: Mickey and Ken Monday, Oct. 7: Classical Music by Inna Wednesday, Oct. 16: Ron Goosley on Sax Wednesday, Oct. 23: Marvelous Mrs. Kushner Monday, Oct. 28: Parkland Strolling Strings Membership for the year is $30, includes three free luncheons and weekly luncheons at $7. Non members $10 weekly. Complimentary lunch first time guests. To learn more, contact the JCC of the Lehigh Valley at 610-4353571. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3

Jewish Federation Major Donor Reception

6:30 p.m., private residence The Jewish Federation will inaugurate its 2020 Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs with a reception for major donors featuring a story of activism and hope. Featured speaker Rudy Rochman was born in France and has lived all around the world. At the age of 17, he voluntarily enlisted in the IDF Paratroopers and served as a sniper in the 101st Airborne Brigade. Now, he is revolutionizing campus discourse through ground-breaking Zionist activism. Rudy enrolled at Columbia University because it was listed as the #1 most anti-Semitic school in North America. There, he founded a grassroots pro-Israel movement on campus called Students Supporting Israel, which became the strongest university activist group in the world with over 800 members. In 2018, he graduated from Columbia and was named one of the 36 Under 36 most influential Jews in the world. Attendance requires a $5,000 minimum family commitment to the campaign. Adult children of major donors are encouraged to attend. RSVP by Sept. 27 to 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6

Maimonides Society Brunch: How May I Be of Service?

10:15 to 11:45 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Hear how the area’s major health networks are providing care and service to those in need in our community. Free for Maimonides members and spouses, $10 for community members. To register, contact the Jewish Federation at 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org or visit www. jewishlehighvalley.org. SUNDAYS, OCTOBER 6 - NOVEMBER 24

Beginner Musical Theater Tap Dance

12:30 to 1:15 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley NEW: For 12 years and up. Focuses on the basic tap elements of rhythm, style and sound of the tap while having fun. Bring your own tap shoes. Price: $120; JCC MVP: $80. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12

Shabbat Out of the Box

10 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel This series of KI monthly events to honor Shabbat continues with “6 Word Memoirs” with Michele Salomon. RSVP to the temple office at 610-435-9074 or kilv.org. Please enter synagogue through front door at 2227 W. Chew St., Allentown.

JDS Sukkot Community Dinner

5:30 p.m., Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley Please join us for a Simchat Beit HaShoevah Mexican Feast. $36/family or $18/person. RSVP to amanger@ jdslv.org. SATURDAYS, OCTOBER 19 & 26 and NOVEMBER 2

J’s Got Talent

7 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Do you have a special skill, sure to wow an audience of adoring fans? Bring your act to the JCC’s very first J’s Got Talent. All ages and talents welcome from singers and dancers to upside-down unicyclists and everything in between! Two rounds of competition over two weekends for a chance to win $200. Round 1: Choose to perform on either Oct. 19 or 26. Semi-finalists from the first two weekends, chosen by live audience voting and local judges, will compete for the grand prize on Nov. 2. Acts should be between one and five minutes in length. Perform solo or in a group (no more than 10 participants to a group). Entry fees: Solo member $20, solo non-member $30, group member* $40, group non-member $50. Grand prize of $200 awarded after Round 2 competition. See the JCC website for official rules. Spaces are limited! Register by Sept. 27. *Only one participant in a group act needs be a member to receive member pricing. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20

PJ Celebrates Sukkot

1 to 2:30 p.m., Muhlenberg College Green Join PJ Library and Muhlenberg College Hillel students for some Sukkot fun. Meet on the Muhlenberg College Green for Sukkot crafts, snacks and, of course, some PJ Library stories. This event is planned and run by future teachers and Hillel students. RSVP to Abby Trachtman abbyt@jflv.org or 610-821-5500. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20

Daniel Pearl Memorial Concert

3 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Sartori will present chamber music for flute and strings on Daniel Pearl World Music Day. Tickets available at the door. $15 general admission/$10 KI members/$5 children under 12.


Women of KI Kick-off Event

10 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Come for a delicious brunch, learn about Women of KI activities and hear a presentation about our work at Central Elementary School. $10/WoKI members; $12/guests. RSVP to the temple office at 610-435-9074 or kilv.org. MONDAY, OCTOBER 28

How to Stop BDS in 5 Minutes or Less

6 to 8 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Neil Lazarus will speak to students from 6 to 7 p.m. and parents from 7 to 8 p.m. about how to stop BDS on campus and beyond. Open to high school juniors and seniors, parents and community members. RSVP to 610-8215500 or mailbox@jflv.org. Sponsored by the Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation. MONDAY, OCTOBER 28

Torah Repair with visiting Sofer

7 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Learn about the fine art of repairing a Torah. Please RSVP to 610-435-9074. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29

Jewish Film Nights

7 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley 93Queen follows Rachel “Ruchie” Freier, a no-nonsense Hasidic lawyer and mother of six who is determined to shake up the “boys club” in her Hasidic community by creating Ezras Nashim, the first all-female ambulance corps in NYC. All films are FREE.What is Jewish Film Nights at the J? Jewish Film Nights at the J offers thought-provoking, entertaining, and educational films. This ongoing series includes discussions with the objective of learning more about the world around us and ourselves through the films we watch. Themes will be varied but all films will be viewed through a Jewish lens. We invite everyone in the community to enjoy these free nights at the JCC. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1

KI Family Service & Birthday Celebration featuring Rick Recht

7 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Welcome Shabbat at KI and get a preview of Rick Recht’s songs before the concert Saturday night. Sponsored by Harry, Jonathon and Iris Epstein in honor of Harry’s bar mitzvah. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2


Rick Recht Concert

Simchat Torah

5 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Join us at KI for a Simchat Torah following the Daniel Pearl concert. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23

Lion of Judah & Pomegranate: A Taste of Israel

6:30 p.m., location TBA Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to join Israeli food writer Janna Gur in the kitchen for a cooking demo and talk. Take home her brand new book “Shuk” on Israeli and Jewish cuisine. A minimum pledge of $1,800 to the Jewish Federation’s 2020 campaign is required to attend. To make a pledge, RSVP or learn more, contact the Jewish Federation at 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26

Shabbat Yoga

10 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Back by popular demand - Shabbat Yoga with Jett Sarachek. FREE, but 610-435-9074 to register.

7 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Suggested minimum donation $18/person. Sponsored by Harry, Jonathon and Iris Epstein in honor of Harry’s bar mitzvah. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6

NYC Bus Trip: Museum of Jewish Heritage, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust 8:30 a.m. departs from the JCC of the Lehigh Valley This 90-minute guided tour of the Auschwitz Exhibit features over 700 original objects and 400 photographs from over 20 institutions and museums around the world. Price includes round-trip transportation, light breakfast, and entrance to the exhibit with guided tour. Limited spots available. Itinerary: 8:30 a.m. Bagel & coffee breakfast/bus departs JCC. 11:30 a.m. Arrive in NYC. 3 p.m. Depart NYC. 6 p.m. Arrive back at JCC. Price: $95; JCC Members: $80. To register or for more information, please call the JCC Welcome Desk at 610-435-3571 or go online at lvjcc.org/bustrip. This program was made possible in part by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.


Women of KI Trip to Jewish Museum

9 a.m., Bus from Congregation Keneseth Israel Join WOKI for a fun-filled day at the National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia. $50/person (WOKI member/spouse); $55/person (non-WOKI member). Price includes guided tour, bus, driver tip, and snacks. RSVP and payment required to confirm your space. Make checks payable to Women of KI and mail to Congregation Keneseth Israel, 2227 W. Chew St., Allentown, PA 18104. Questions? Email Michele.Salomon@ gmail.com. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13

Sippin’ in the Sukkah for Sukkot 30 OCTOBER 2019 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

Celebrate the beauty of Shabbat

with Cantor Wartell

FRIDAYS 8-9:30 AM WMUH 91.7 muhlenberg.edu/wmuh 484.664.3456

Shabbat & Yom Tov Candlelighting Times Friday, Oct. 4

6:22 pm

Friday, Oct. 25

5:50 pm

Friday, Oct. 11

6:10 pm

Friday, Nov. 1

5:41 pm

Friday, Oct. 18

6:00 pm

Friday, Nov. 8

4:33 pm

Ongoing Events SUNDAY to FRIDAY DAF YOMI 7:30 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel Meeting all year long, this class covers the gamut of Talmudic law, studying one page of the Talmud each day, and completing the Talmud over the course of seven and a half years. Basic Jewish background is recommended. SUNDAYS JEWISH WAR VETERANS POST 239 2nd Sunday of the month, 10 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Veterans and their significant others are invited as the guest of the Ladies Auxiliary. Come and enjoy comradeship; we’ll even listen to your “war stories.” A brunch follows each meeting. Questions? Contact Commander Sheila Berg at 610-360-1267 or sh-berg1@hotmail.com. TEFILLIN CLUB & ADULT HEBREW SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. Tefillin; 10 to 11 a.m. Adult Hebrew, Chabad Tefillin is for Jewish men and boys over the age of bar mitzvah, to learn about, and gain appreciation for, the rich and enriching Jewish practice – the mitzvah – of donning tefillin. Contact 610-351-6511. TALMUD CLASS FOR BEGINNERS! 10 to 11 a.m., Congregation Beth Avraham of Bethlehem-Easton For information,contact Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod at 610-905-2166. TUESDAYS TORAH STUDY 12:30 p.m., at the home of Cindy Daniels, Easton Join Rabbi Melody of TCP to delve into the heart and soul of the Torah and how it applies to your life! No knowledge of Hebrew is necessary, nor is registration. Contact 610-253-2031 for information. YACHAD TORAH STUDY GROUP 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley It doesn’t matter how much you know, it matters how much you want to know. Bring your curiosity to Yachad’s Torah study group and discover the wonders, adventures and meaning of the Torah. Moderated by lay leaders. Held in the front gallery at the JCC. Email barbart249@aol.com for information. J-DAYS: CONNECTION CORNER AT THE J – YIDDUSH CLUB 2 to 3:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Enjoy fun, fellowship, stories and more. Discuss topics like cooking, humor, music and all kinds of entertainment in the Yiddish language. Join other adults to experience similar interests. Register for the year and participate in as many of the weekly activities as you would like. $5/season or register for a full year: $18/ year. JCC members: free. Register with the JCC Welcome Desk or call 610-435-3571. Contact Amy Sams for more information about J-Days at 610-435-3571 ext. 182 or asams@ lvjcc.org.

100,000 MILES/YR FOR KOSHER! First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Congregation Beth Avraham Open to all. Fascinating vignettes from a mashgiach who drives approximately 100,000 miles/year (yes, per year!) to keep the kosher supply chain intact. From rural Arkansas to frigid Nova Scotia, winter and summer, the demands are always there. Contact Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod, Kashruth Hotline (24/6), 610-905-2166, rabbiyagod1@gmail.com.

learn about key prayers and continue our study of the te’amim (trope) for Torah and Haftarah. Required texts: “JPS English TaNaKh” or “Etz Hayyim Chumash,” “Aleph Isn’t Tough” (AnT) 1 & 2, Torah/Haftarah trope book.


CHRONIC CONDITIONS GROUP 2nd Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Jewish Family Service The group is open to anyone that is coping with living with a chronic condition and looking for others to share life issues and garner support. Co-led by Susan Sklaroff-VanHook and Rebecca Axelrod-Cooper. Call 610-821-8722 to learn more. There is no charge for the group.

101 JUDAISM CLASS 10 a.m., Temple Covenant of Peace Join Rabbi Melody for the 101 Judaism Class. All welcome! Contact 610253-2031 for information. J-DAYS: CONNECTION CORNER AT THE J – MAH JONGG 1 to 3:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Drop in for a friendly game of mahj and conversation. Join other adults to experience similar interests. Register for the year and participate in as many of the weekly activities as you would like. $5/season or register for a full year: $18/year. JCC members: free. Register with the JCC Welcome Desk or call 610-435-3571. Contact Amy Sams for more information about J-Days at 610-435-3571 ext. 182 or asams@lvjcc.org. KNITTING WITH FERNE 1 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Free and open; no experience needed. Ferne is delighted to teach newcomers to knitting and crocheting as well as confer on projects with those who have more experience. A lovely way to spend a Wednesday afternoon! HADASSAH STUDY GROUP Every other Wednesday, 1:30 p.m., Temple Beth El Allentown Hadassah presents a stimulating series of short story seminars. All are welcome to attend these free sessions in the Temple Beth El library. The group will be reading selections from anthologies available from Amazon.com. For dates and stories, contact Marilyn Claire, mjclaire@ gmail.com, 610-972-7054. BETH AVRAHAM TORAH STUDY 7 p.m. Torah: It is the common heritage that binds all Jews together. Explore the ancient wisdom of Torah together. All are welcome. RSVP: Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod, 610-905-2166, rabbiyagod1@ gmail.com. TORAH STUDIES: A WEEKLY JOURNEY INTO THE SOUL OF TORAH 7 p.m., Chabad of the Lehigh Valley Torah Studies by JLI presents: Season Four 5779: A 12-part series. Cost is $36 for the complete series (textbook included). For more information contact 610-351-6511 or rabbi@ chabadlehighvalley.com. ADULT B’NEI MITZVAH PROGRAM 7:15 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom Goals: In part two of the adult b’nei mitzvah program, we will continue to improve our Hebrew reading skills, explore the structure of the siddur,

ORTHODOX JEWISH LIVING: WHAT IS IT & HOW? 8 p.m. Contact Rabbi Yizchok I. Yagod, 610-905-2166, rabbiyagod1@ gmail.com. THURSDAYS

ECCLESIASTES: A TIME AND A SEASON 10:30 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Join a welcoming group of KI members and their friends to discuss a variety of topics relevant to the Jewish lives we have -- or want to have. No prerequisites except an open mind and a willingness to listen to each other. For more information or to get on the email list, contact shari@kilv. org or call 610-435-9074. TORAH ON TILGHMAN 12:15 p.m., Allentown Wegmans Cantor Ellen Sussman of Temple Shirat Shalom leads a lunch and learn on the Torah. RSVP to contactus@ templeshiratshalom.com or 610-8207666. SHABBAT BEGINNER’S GEMARA 8 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel Facilitated by Dr. Henry Grossbard, this is an excellent primer for developing the analytical tools necessary for in-depth study of the Talmud. CONTEMPORARY HALACHIC ISSUES FROM THE PARSHA 12 p.m., Congregation Sons of Israel This class takes Halachah from the weekly Torah portion and brings it to bear on some of the most pressing issues of our time. CHAVURAT TORAH STUDY Saturdays following kiddush lunch, Temple Beth El Taught by Shari Spark. No sign-up needed. Length of each class will vary. Enrich your Shabbat experience by studying the parashat hashavua, the weekly Torah portion. Questions? Email Shari at shari@bethelallentown. org. WISDOM OF THE TALMUD 1 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom Join Rabbi Singer in a lively discussion about Jewish law, ethics, customs and history, as found in the pages of the Talmud, Masechet Brachot. This year we are continuing to focus on the roots of the Amidah and what blessings are said over different foods. Books are available for order. No previous Talmud study required.

Congregations BNAI ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE 1545 Bushkill St., Easton – 610.258.5343 Conservative SHABBAT MORNING services are Saturdays at 10 a.m. Java & Jeans - last Saturday of every month. CHABAD OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY 4457 Crackersport Rd., Allentown – 610.336.6603 Rabbi Yaacov Halperin, Chabad Lubavitch SHABBAT EVENING services are held once a month seasonally, SHABBAT MORNING services are held Saturdays at 10 a.m., RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are held Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. and Sundays at 10 a.m. CONGREGATION AM HASKALAH 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.435.3775 Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein, Reconstructionist Weekly Shabbat services and a monthly family service with potluck dinner. Religious school meets Sunday mornings. Email am.haskalah.office@gmail. com to learn more. CONGREGATION BETH AVRAHAM 439 South Nulton Ave., Palmer Township – 610.905.2166 | Rabbi Yitzchok Yagod, Orthodox SHABBAT EVENING starts half an hour after candle lighting. SHABBAT MORNING starts at 9:30 a.m., followed by a hot kiddish. CONGREGATION BRITH SHOLOM 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.866.8009 Rabbi Michael Singer, Conservative MINYAN is at 7:45 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. on Shabbat and holidays. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at Brith Sholom and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. at Temple Beth El. CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL 2227 Chew St., Allentown – 610.435.9074 Rabbi Seth D. Phillips, Reform Services begin at 7:30 pm every Friday night. The first Friday of the month is a birthday celebration. Religious School is held on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and runs from kindergarten through confirmation (10th grade). CONGREGATION SONS OF ISRAEL 2715 Tilghman St., Allentown – 610.433.6089 Orthodox SHACHARIT: Sundays at 8:30 a.m., Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30 a.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:45 a.m. MINCHAH/MAARIV: 20 minutes before sunset. FRIDAY EVENING: 20 minutes before sunset, 7 p.m. in the summer. SHABBAT MORNING: 9 a.m. SHABBAT AFTERNOON: 90 minutes before dark. TEMPLE BETH EL 1305 Springhouse Rd., Allentown – 610.435.3521 Rabbi Moshe Re’em, Conservative Weekday morning minyan services at 7:45 a.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. Shabbat evening services at 7:30 p.m. with the last Friday evening of the month featuring our Shira Chadasha Service. Shabbat morning services at 9:30 a.m. followed by kiddush. Religious school classes every Tuesday at 4 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. Midrasha school classes Monday at 6:30 p.m. Shalshelet meets bi-monthly on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Shalshelet (the chain) is open to ALL 10th, 11th and 12th grade students in the Lehigh Valley. For more information, contact Alicia Zahn, religious school director, at school@bethelallentown.org. TEMPLE COVENANT OF PEACE 1451 Northampton St., Easton – 610.253.2031 tcp@rcn.com; tcopeace.org Rabbi Melody Davis, Cantor Jill Pakman, Reform TCP holds Shabbat morning services at 10 a.m. Dinner with the Rabbi first Friday of the month at 6:15 p.m. Call 610-253-2031 to make reservations. Second Friday of the month is Family Shabbat at 7:30 p.m. For more information about our Temple and activities, see our website at www.tcopeace.org or look us up on Facebook. TEMPLE ISRAEL OF LEHIGHTON 194 Bankway Str. Lehighton – 610-379-9591 Pluralistic Shabbat evening services are held monthly beginning with potluck at 6:30 p.m. followed by services at 7:30 p.m. All regular monthly events can be found at templeisraeloflehighton.com. TEMPLE SHIRAT SHALOM 610.706.4595 | Cantor Ellen Sussman, Reform TSS meets in congregants’ homes once per month and at Cantor Sussman’s home once per month. Call Cantor Sussman for details. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | OCTOBER 2019 31

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