HAKOL - November 2018

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The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community



Issue No. 414


November 2018


Cheshvan/Kislev 5779


The candidates for PA-7 weigh in on important issues p5

JCC celebrates 100 years. See photos p16-17


Jewish community mourns the loss of long-time Federation director Mark L. Goldstein served as leader of the Federation and the Lehigh Valley Jewish community for 16 years

By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing Mark L. Goldstein, beloved husband, father and leader of the Lehigh Valley Jewish community, passed away on October 11, 2018, after living with cancer for an extended time. He was 60 years old. Mark served as the executive director of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley for the past 16 years.

The son of a Holocaust survivor, Mark committed his entire professional career to Jewish communal service and his life to Jewish causes. At 6-foot-3, he acted as both a literal and figurative pillar in the Jewish community and was an inspiration to all who knew him. Many of those people have shared their memories of Mark for this article. “Mark really loved the Non-Profit Organization

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community and the members of the community,” said Bobby Hammel, past Federation president and long-time friend. “He worked hard for us. He inspired us, he motivated us and he was a great orator both in what he said and what he did.” “He was always kiddingly called the ‘king of the Jewish community,’” said close family friend Cantor Kevin Wartell. “He just was allencompassing. As a Jewish professional, his heart was as large as the universe. He was special as a professional, he was even more special as a friend, and I considered him my brother.” “Mark was a mentor and a very dear friend,” said Eva Levitt, current Federation president. “I will miss him greatly.” With his signature mustache and Starbucks cup in hand, Mark worked tirelessly to bring the Lehigh Valley

Jewish community together, to raise money, to strengthen programs and to build relationships. “He allowed me to be the lay leader while, at the same time, coaching and tutoring me in what it meant to be a community leader,” said Mark Scoblionko, immediate past president of the Federation. “The community has lost its true leader.” He was a committed member of Temple Beth El and a committed supporter of the Jewish Community Center, Jewish Day School, Jewish Family Service, Jewish summer camps and all local synagogues. His greatest passions included leading the community on missions to Israel and dressing up for Purim. His leadership has had a lasting impact on the past, present and future of the Jewish community. “One of the recurring themes in Jewish prayer is

that G-d is ‘ozer dalim,’ ‘helper of the weak,’” said Rabbi Moshe Re’em of Temple Beth El. “As human beings, we aspire to model ourselves after that Divine characteristic. Far too often many of us fall short. Mark Goldstein did not … Whether it was coming to the aid of those in need in Israel, Morocco, Ukraine, hurricane victims, or more locally, Mark was always someone you could rely on to help. He cared deeply.” “Our thoughts and prayers are with Mark Goldstein’s family as our entire community mourns the loss of our beloved Mark,” Jewish Day School Head of School Amy Golding wrote in an email to parents and the community. “He was one of those individuals you would describe as being larger than Mark Goldstein Continues on page 12



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We carry on

Mark was not the kind of boss to heap praise. If you didn’t hear from him, you knew you were doing something right. He had the uncanny ability to see the big picture and the missing comma. Often with just a single “okay” or a drawn-out discussion ripe with tangents, he steered us in the right direction. Our decisions were always made with “WWMD” (What Would Mark Do) in mind. His commitment to the Jewish community was contagious. He made us all want to work harder, to be better, to live up to the standard he set for himself and for those around him. He was the consummate professional. Rarely was he seen without a jacket and tie and a Starbucks cup in hand. He had a deep understanding of and interest in every aspect of our operation.

He loved this newspaper, and especially this column. He taught us. By word, by example, by decades of experience. He taught us how to be professionals in the Jewish world, how to work for the betterment of Jews in the Lehigh Valley, in Israel and everywhere. We are grateful that he chose us. That over the course of 16 years, he personally hired each of us (except for one who preceded him), and that we had the chance to learn what he had to impart. Despite the gaping hole in our office and in our hearts, we carry on. We carry on his mission: to make our Annual Campaign stronger; to strengthen our endowment through LIFE & LEGACY; to support Holocaust education and prejudice reduction; to provide scholarships so more Jewish children


Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

can go to camp; to provide incentives and opportunities for more teens and young adults to experience Israel; to travel with our community on missions. We will continue to build community. To strengthen the ties that bind us to our Jewish Community Center, our Jewish Day School, our Jewish Family Service and all of our local synagogues. To strengthen our relationship with and support for Jews in Israel and Jews worldwide. To be there anytime and anywhere when disaster strikes. Most importantly, we work to strengthen the bonds we feel amongst each other. We know how he would want us to proceed. After so many collective years working for him, we can anticipate how he would have guided. We carry on. We will continue to host events, to celebrate, to come to work

Rotem: 10 things I’ve learned about the Lehigh Valley so far

and work hard. As an aside, we note that Mark would hate this column. When asked earlier this year to be featured in the JCC Centennial yearbook, he quickly demurred. The focus should be on volunteers, he said. Not staff.

But Mark transcended staff. He was community. Hamakom yenachem etchem b’toch she’ar aveilei tzion v’yerushalayim. May God comfort the Spark-Goldstein family amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.


HAKOL is published 11 times per year for the Jewish communities of Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and vicinity by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.

COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS Submissions to HAKOL must be of interest to the entire Jewish community. HAKOL reserves all editorial rights including, but not limited to, the decision to print any submitted materials, the editing of submissions to conform to style and length requirements, and the placement of any printed material. Articles should be submitted by e-mail or presented as typed copy; “Community Calendar” listings must be submitted by e-mail to hakol@jflv.org or online at www.jewishlehighvalley.org. Please include your name and a daytime telephone number where you can be contacted in the event questions arise. We cannot guarantee publication or placement of submissions. MAIL, FAX, OR E-MAIL TO: JFLV ATTN: HAKOL 702 N. 22nd St. Allentown, PA 18104 Phone: (610) 821-5500 Fax: (610) 821-8946 E-mail: hakol@jflv.org

ALLISON MEYERS Graphic Designer DIANE MCKEE Advertising Representative TEL: 610-515-1391 hakolads@jflv.org

JFLV EXECUTIVE STAFF MARK L. GOLDSTEIN, Z”L Executive Director JERI ZIMMERMAN Assistant Executive Director TEMPLE COLDREN Director of Finance & Administration JIM MUETH Director of Planned Giving & Endowments AARON GORODZINSKY Director of Outreach & Community Relations EVA LEVITT JFLV President

EDITORIAL BOARD Monica Friess, Acting Chair Barbara Reisner Judith Rodwin Sara Vigneri

Israeli shlicha Rotem Bar created two "Isra-Walls" to bring a little piece of Israel into the JCC and JDS. By Rotem Bar Israeli Shlicha Editor’s Note: Rotem is in the Lehigh Valley as a shlicha, a cultural emissary, who will be bringing Israeli culture, food, programming and more to the community during the next year. Is this a penny? Quilt, what? What’s cash back? What’s yield? And can I turn now? New things about living in America! Although I have visited the United States more than a few times in my life, and already knew things like “squirrels are the American version of street cats in Israel,” I am still finding myself learning new things about the culture, the driving, the food and the people. I am slowly starting to blend in and hide my confusion. Hopefully, soon enough, everything will look regular and familiar to me. But for now here are 10 new things I have learned since arriving here:

1. The greetings here are a loud “hi” accompanied with a loud “how are you” even by complete strangers. In reality, no strangers really wants to know how I’m doing and are sometimes surprised when I ask how they are doing and really want to know. 2. What’s the fuss with Wawa coffee? Is it really that good?! 3. Four-way stop signs everywhere and turning right on a red light. If you have driven in Israel before, you probably know that’s never going to work there. 4. Asian food. Everywhere, all the time. I have had more Asian food since I got here than I have had in the last three years. 5. Jews and bagels. It’s a thing! 6. If I thought trying to reach public offices in Israel was difficult, I take it back. It’s almost impossible here. 7. Everyone uses iPhones and iPhones only. Now I know why Apple is so successful. 8. I haven’t seen a single taxi

in the Lehigh valley. Are they extinct here? 9. Everything is sweet! It’s almost impossible to find food with no added sugar. If you know where, please tell me where it’s hidden. 10. So much peanut butter. Yet, so many people are allergic to it. Besides this list, and putting my cynicism aside, I have learned how wonderful this community is. How it’s nice and very special that Jews in the community can belong to more than one stream of Judaism (for example, attend both the Reform and the Orthodox synagogues). I have gotten to see how tight this community is through celebrating 100 years of the Jewish Community Center and the past generations and through loss and unity. Looking forward to learning more about this wonderful community and "blending in."

Member American Jewish Press Association

All advertising is subject to review and approval by The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley (JFLV). JFLV reserves the right to decline, withdraw and/or edit any ad. The appearance of any advertising in HAKOL does not represent an endorsement or kashrut certification. Paid political advertisements that appear in HAKOL do not represent an endorsement of any candidate by the JFLV.


In order to unite, sustain, and enhance the Lehigh Valley Jewish community, and support Jewish communities in Israel and around the world, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is dedicated to the following core values: • Supporting Jews in need wherever they may be. • Supporting Israel as a Jewish homeland. • Supporting and encouraging Jewish education in the Lehigh Valley as a means of strengthening Jewish life for individuals and families. • Supporting programs and services of organizations whose values and mission meet local Jewish needs. To accomplish this mission the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is committed to the following operating guidelines: • Raising and distributing funds to support the core values. • Developing Jewish leaders. • Building endowments to support implementation of core values. • Committing to ongoing Jewish community strategic planning. • Fostering cooperation among organizations and community building. • Evaluating all decisions with respect to fiscal responsibility. • Identifying unmet needs and investing in community initiatives to help get them started. • Coordinating and convening a community response as an issue or need arises. • Setting priorities for allocation and distribution of funds. • Acting as a central address for communication about events, programs and services of the Jewish community as a whole. Approved by the JFLV Board of Directors on November 15, 2000


Donor offers matching gifts to support JDS By Amy Golding Jewish Day School The mitzvah of supporting a Jewish school can take many forms: tzedakah, volunteering, attending school events and helping families learn about the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley. All of these mitzvot are special. They make the education of our children possible, and they model the performance of good deeds in ways that we hope will shape our children’s values throughout their lives. It is said that the students’ good deeds reflect back on the school’s supporters for all eternity. We are fortunate that our community has so many people who support our school and set examples that will inspire our students and our future generations. It is in this spirit that the JDS will celebrate its 65th anniversary and honor Eva and Larry Levitt for the many ways they support the JDS. Please join us on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018. The JDS Gala is the school’s biggest fun-

draising event of the year, raising close to a quarter of a million dollars. It is only through the community’s generous support that this is possible. Tickets to the gala and donations to our annual campaign support the JDS’s stellar academic programs and helps make an inclusive Jewish education accessible to every child in our community. This year, we are excited to announce a new opportunity to make your gift even more powerful. A generous donor has stepped forward and offered to match all donations above the cost of a ticket, dollar for dollar. If you have never given before, your whole gift will be doubled. If you have previously donated, any increase over last year’s gift will be doubled! This is an amazing opportunity to support the JDS and to build for the next 65 years. Act now to help support something powerful. Call the JDS at 610-437-0721 or email Gala Chair Jessica Cooperman at cooperman@muhlenberg. edu to learn more.

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Readers, As some of you may know, I am leaving the Lehigh Valley this month and heading for Chicago, where I will be working with the Jewish United Fund. Similar to this position, I will be writing about the Jewish community for the local newspaper and magazine. The past two years in the Lehigh Valley have opened my eyes to a vibrant Jewish community that I know will continue to thrive, and I look forward to reading about everything in future issues of

HAKOL. I will miss seeing all of you at events, hearing story ideas wherever I go, and meeting people from a variety of walks of life who all contribute to the welcoming feel of the Lehigh Valley Jewish community. I hope you have all enjoyed my contributions to HAKOL over the past two years. I’ll be thinking about you as I head to Chicago, starting a new path in life but definitely not leaving the Lehigh Valley behind. Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to stay in touch!

Wishing you all the best! Shalom, Michelle

JEWISH FEDERATION OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship by requesting that trees be planted in the Yoav--Lehigh Valley Partnership Park.


welcoming new babies to the Lehigh Valley If you’re expecting, know someone who is, or have a new baby, PLEASE LET US KNOW! Contact Abby Trachtman, 610-821-5500 | abbyt@jflv.org SPONSORED BY

IN MEMORY DEBBIE (Sister of the Silverstein Family) Andie and Jim Jesberger MARK L. GOLDSTEIN (Husband of Shari Spark) Ned, Lia, Jane and Edward Roberto and Eileen Fischmann Diane McKee BETTY OVERLANDER (Sister of Lucy Wahrman) Linda and Neil Dicker MURIEL STEIN

(Mother of Barry Stein) Roni and Tom Englert SONDRA TOLAND (Mother of Howard Toland) Elliott Wiser IN HONOR SHIRLEY FRIEDLANDER Happy 95th Birthday Robie and Don Barga and Family ALEX AND ROBIN ROSENAU Birth of their grandson, Judah Roberto and Eileen Fischmann

TO ORDER TREES, call the JFLV at 610-821-5500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org.

Handmade Afghans BY EVA LEVITT

All proceeds benefit projects in Israel:

Food Banks in Israel Neve Michael Youth Village

For prices or to place an order, call Eva 610-398-1376.

All payments are made payable to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley 4 NOVEMBER 2018 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

Candidates for Congress discuss Israel and more at Federation forum By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing The three candidates vying to represent the Lehigh Valley in Congress next term shared their views on issues of importance to the Jewish community at a forum sponsored by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley on Oct. 21. Marty Nothstein, Republican, Tim Silfies, Libertarian, and Susan Wild, Democrat, tackled questions from the Federation related to Israel, Iran, antiSemitism, BDS and more before answering questions from the audience. With the Anti-Defamation League reporting the largest single-year increase of antiSemitic hate crimes this year, the candidates were asked what actions the government should take to combat anti-Semitism. “As a Jewish candidate running in 2018, I feel a particular responsibility to stand up and speak out against this phenomenon,” said Wild, noting that the restroom in her campaign headquarters was defaced just this week with swastikas and white supremacist comments. “I think that Congress has to take a lead in combatting anti-Semitism and that the example of that has to start with our government.” “Let me first start by saying hate is wrong and dangerous no matter where it comes from, but unfortunately it’s becoming more prevalent than ever in this country,” Nothstein said, citing a recent report that said 72 percent of all religious-based hate crimes in Los Angeles were against Jews. “Unfortunately, I think, the greatest perpetrators are the left wing of the democratic party. Louis Farrakhan just recently called Jews ‘termites eating the world from the inside out.’ Nobody on the left condemned him.” It’s less about what govern-

ment can do and more about what we can do, Silfies said. “The best thing we can possibly do is talk to each other more and to try to understand each other more,” he said. “The temperature is so high in this country right now and the amount of division is so stark … I think rather than a left-right thing, there’s plenty of hate to go around.” When asked what the government could do to combat de-legitimization efforts against Israel, all of the candidates quickly came to Israel’s defense. Israel is a legitimate state and one of our key allies and a stabilizing force in the Middle East, Silfies said. “In today’s world, the United States has few allies as steadfast as Israel,” said Nothstein. Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem was a “great first step,” he said. “I strongly oppose the BDS movement. A strong U.S.-Israel relationship is of great personal importance to me,” said Wild, noting that she had her bat mitzvah in Israel, as did her daughter, and both of her children went on Birthright. On Iran, Silfies said “I personally feel that we should not have pulled out of the deal,” adding that the deal was “imperfect.” Iran is one of Israel’s greatest threats, Nothstein said. “The Iran deal … was in my opinion an unforgivable disaster,” he said, adding that he fully supports the president and his decision to refuse to recertify the deal. “We have to have a clear and carefully thought-out strategy to deal with Iran,” said Wild. Now that we have left the deal, we have to look forward, she said. Taking on a major topic in the news, the candidates commented on Saudi Arabia and the recent death of a Washington

Congressional candidates Tim Silfies, Libertarian, Susan Wild, Democrat, and Marty Nothstein, Republican, address the Jewish community at a Federation-sponsored forum on Oct. 21. Post journalist. “Just as disturbing to me has been our president’s equivocation about what Saudi Arabia has done,” Wild said. “I don’t think we can look the other way. I don’t think that we can forgive this act of terror.” We have to demand a full investigation, she said, and make clear to the Saudis that we are looking for answers. “Saudi Arabia for decades has been a bad actor,” and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is a reminder of that, Silfies said. “The murder of a journalist, not releasing the facts, hiding the truth from us, is something that’s not allowed,” Nothstein said. The administration needs to find out what happened, he said. Audience members had the opportunity to submit questions to a “clergy panel” made up of Rabbi Allen Juda, Rabbi Michael Singer and Cantor Ellen Sussman. The panel synthesized the questions before passing them on to moderator Dr. Chris Bo-

rick of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion. Questions focused on issues including refugees, climate change, gun control, health care and the rising cost of college. Right now we have refugees who want to come to the U.S., Nothstein said. “Those who are seeking asylum, we need to make a pathway for. Those who are coming to do bad things, we need to filter out,” he said. “Flooding the borders en masse is not the way to do it. Doing it the proper way through the proper channels is something I support.” “We have to remember that thousands of Jews were turned away from our shores during the Holocaust,” Wild said. She’s not in favor of “open borders,” she said, but we have to implement a refugee program that recognizes that there is oppression throughout the world. “It should be easier for peaceful people to come here,” Silfies said, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have processes set up.

Each candidate then had the chance to offer a 1-minute closing statement. Judaism teaches us that we all share in the work of tikkun olam, bettering the world, Wild said. “In our system, it falls to Congress to lead on these issues, but right now that’s not happening,” she said. “I’m running so that our children know that with hard work and a dream, they too can still make it in America.” The night’s forum was really about Israel, Nothstein said. “The U.S.-Israeli relationship is and will continue to be one of the most important jobs of any Congressman or woman,” he said. He has a track record of getting things done, he said. At the end of the day for me, the question is: “Is the partisan civil war in this country helping you or your family?” Silfies said. “I don’t answer to a party. I don’t answer to a president. I don’t answer to donors. I answer to my principles and I answer to you.”


Competition heats up for second round of Latke-Vodka

By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing Four new teams will take on returning champions “50 Shades of Latke” at this year’s second annual Latke-Vodka Hanukkah Cook-Off. Like at last year’s sold-out event, teams will compete to make their best version of a traditional potato pancake and vodka-based drink.

A panel of judges will rate the presentations on originality, taste, presentation and pairing. Their scores will be combined with votes from the audience taste-testers to determine the winner. “Last year’s competition was so much fun, seeing the great ideas teams came up with and just having a blast laughing and cooking with my team,” said Robyn Finberg, captain of team 50 Shades. “I am so excited to be able to take on new challengers and create something new and exciting with my team.” The cook-off is presented by the Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley and the Young Adult Division of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. “With such a strong show-

ing from last year’s teams, we can’t wait to see what this year’s teams will come up with,” said Amy Sams, adult programming coordinator at the JCC. “The possibilities are endless!” “It’s such a fun way to celebrate Hanukkah and bring people together,” said Aaron Gorodzinsky, director of outreach and community relations at the Federation. “We are ready to help the teams get cooking!” The second annual Latke-Vodka Hanukkah Cook-Off will take place on Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018, at 7 p.m. at the JCC of the Lehigh Valley. LVKC supervised. Tickets are $36 and space is limited. To secure your spot, register today by calling the JCC at 610-435-3571 or visiting www.lvjcc.org.

JDS to host first girl scout troop By Jodie Rosenblum Special to HAKOL The Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley launched its first-ever Daisy Girl Scout troop in October. Daisy Girl Scouts is appropriate for girls in kindergarten and first grade. The troop meets every other Tuesday at the JDS from 3:45 to 4:45 p.m. As Girl Scouts is an inclusive organization, I was very excited when Head of School Amy Golding offered to have this troop meet at the JDS. JDS is located within Girl Scouts Parkland Service and will be the first non-church meeting place for Daisy Girl Scouts in this area. We feel confident that we are going to be able to meet the needs that our families signing up are looking for. While the larger Girl Scouts organization runs activities that occasionally occur on Friday nights or Saturdays, our troop meetings will never conflict with families Shabbat obser6 NOVEMBER 2018 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

vance or with Jewish holidays (which can create a barrier to full participation). Our Daisy group meets right after school, which is a bonus for families to not have to go back out late at night. It is our hope that this troop will provide an opportunity for more families to participate in Girl Scouts and help our girls to become future leaders. To join our troop, please head online to: www.gseg.org/ join and select Troop: 06093. This group is open to everyone – you do not have to be Jewish or enrolled in the JDS. For those families with economic barriers to participation, Girl Scouts provides limited scholarship assistance which can be applied for at the time of registration. Volunteers make things possible! Both short and long-term volunteer opportunities are available. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact me, Jodie Rosenblum, at jg.rosenblum@yahoo.com.

Converted son of a Nazi shares story with Federation major donors

Sam Bub with Stuart and Janice Schwartz

Bernd Wollschlaeger speaks at the Major Donor Reception, hosted by Israel and Valeska Zighelboim. By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing When Bernd Wollschlaeger’s son was about 14 years old, he asked him a simple question. “Dad, who was my grandfather?” “I had to tell him these two extremes in my life,” said Wollschlaeger, speaking at the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s Major Donor Reception on Sept. 27. “On the one hand, yours truly, that’s me, is a Jew by choice, an Israeli by choice, and an officer in a combat unit in the Israeli army … And on the other hand, my father, his grandfather, was a highly decorated World War II German tank commander, an elite soldier, and a totally convinced national socialist.” Wollschlaeger was born on May 9, 1958, in Bamberg Germany, a 1,000-year-old city in the southern region of Bavaria untouched by war, “a living, breathing museum.” With history all around, he noticed even as a child that no one spoke about the period from 1939 to 1945. He knew there was a war, and that Germany probably didn’t win, but that was it. He pressed his parents for more, and they eventually told him two different stories. For his mother, the war meant suffering. But for his father, it meant glory. His father was the youngest German tank commander serving in an elite unit of the German army, often the first to roll into critical battlefields. He was awarded the Knight’s Cross by Adolf Hitler, “a man whom he still adoringly referred to as his Führer,” Wollschlaeger said. “You have to put yourself in the shoes of a 6, 7, 8-year-old boy,” he said. “I didn’t know about Adolf Hitler, I didn’t know about wars. I only saw my father the hero.” In school, he learned the Jews who were killed in the war were “collateral damage.” But then something happened that changed the national conversation: The Munich Massacre. In the summer of 1972, a Palestinian terror group took members of the Israeli Olympic team hostage during the Munich games, ultimately killing 11 Israelis. “That was the watershed moment, and we didn’t anticipate it, that separated us from the past,” Wollschlaeger said. A few days later, a subject came up at school that was never discussed before: the Holocaust.

Erica Hyman, Tama Tamarkin and Nicole Rosenthal. “I never heard this term before, it was not common knowledge. The murder of 6 million Jews, not as a result of collateral damage, but as deliberate policy of the German government, elected German government, in the name of Germany, in the name of my people. I was shocked,” he said. “I remember I walked home after having very emotional encounters with my teachers, some cried. And I asked my father, look in school, we talked about the Holocaust, what do you know about it? And my father looked at me and said your teachers are all commoners, it’s a lie. It never happened. “ Caught between a rock and a hard place of who to believe, he began reading everything he could find about the Holocaust. He pressed his father, an alcoholic, for more answers, and eventually drew out more of his deepest thoughts. “The Holocaust was necessary because the Jews took over,” his father told him. “They were just messing up the whole natural balance and we had to kill them in order to restore the balance in nature. Why is the world angry about us? This is what we do.” “That was the last thing that broke the camel’s back of trusting my father,” he said. “This was not a hero anymore, it was a murderer.” He asked his teacher, a former Jesuit priest, what he could do and the teacher said “you have to make amends.” The teacher was responsible for organizing trips of young Israelis to Germany and asked him to participate. He developed a relationship with one of the Israeli girls and when he got his passport a few months later, he went to see her. Her family took him in and brought him to Yad Vashem, patiently explaining the whole story, what his people had done. When he returned home, eager to learn more, he connected with a small community of Holocaust survivors in his home town. We’ll teach you, they said, but you will be our “Shabbos

goy” in exchange. He began spending Friday nights and Saturdays observing their services. When one year Christmas and Shabbat coincided, he missed Christmas and returned home after only to hear his father tell him to “get out.” After years of study and good treatment by the local Jews, he decided becoming a Jew was what he needed to do. He ultimately converted to Judaism and served in the Israel Defense Forces. Today he lives and practices medicine in Aventura, Florida, and shares his story with Jewish communities across the country.

Women’s Philanthropy Presents

Living an Intentional Life with Vicki Agron

Thursday, November 1, 2018 7:00 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel

Vicki Agron’s 40 years in Jewish philanthropy have earned her an international reputation as an insightful thought leader, teacher, speaker and strategist. Vicki, a long-time Lion of Judah, will talk with us about what it means to create our own personal legacies and live an intentional life. Dinner for Lions of Judah and Pomegranates at 5:30 p.m. Please RSVP by Monday, October 29, 2018 to 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org.


Brith Sholom to host social justice weekend

Rev. Dr. Peter Pettit

Dr. Gregory J. Edwards

Congregation Brith Sholom will bring the Bethlehem community together this November for a weekend focused on social justice. Topics addressed will include poverty and food insecurity. On Friday, Nov. 9, the Rev. Dr. Peter Pettit, director of the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding at Muhlenberg College, will speak during services beginning at 6 p.m. On Saturday, Nov. 10, at 9 a.m., Dr. Gregory J. Edwards, senior pastor of the Resurrected Life Community Church, will deliver the d’var Torah. Saturday’s services will be followed by two workshops: “The Biblical Roots of Social Justice” and “From Social Action to Social Justice,” presented by Adina Alpert and Sarah Waldbott, Avodah fellows. “I see this event as a way of reminding all of us that there are real problems of homelessness, hunger and poverty affecting our community that we are not addressing,”

said Hannah Zabitz, Brith Sholom member and chair of the event. “It’s time for us to acknowledge the issues and try to find answers to alleviate the inequities that exist. We must strive to make emet, tzedek and tikkun olam the path forward.” Brith Sholom’s Rabbi Michael Singer sees the Shabbaton as a first step to bring together members of different faiths in Bethlehem. “We have a community of churches and people of good will and heart that are all around us and there is a wonderful opportunity to work together … to bring our congregations closer together,” he said. “Our goal is to tackle one issue that I think we can all rally around which is hunger and food insecurity and see what we can do to change and move the bar.” The Shabbaton is made possible by a Community Impact Grant from the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and co-sponsored by Jewish Family Service.

IN HONOR MARC ABO In celebration of his retirement Karl and Sara Glassman BILL AND PEGGY BERGER Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Max Roberta and Jeff Epstein SUSAN AND LARRY BERMAN Birth of their granddaughter Beth and Wes Kozinn MARC AND LAURIE BERSON Marriage of Ronni and Dave Jeff and Jill Blinder BARBRA BUTZ Happy 50th Birthday Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein LARRY CENTER Birth of his grandson, Sebastian Nathan Roberta and Robert Kritzer Roberta and Alan Penn Vicki Wax MARILYN CLAIRE Mazel tov on her new home Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein JEANETTE AND EDUARDO EICHENWALD Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Beth and Wes Kozinn MIKE AND ELLEN GORDON Marriage of their son Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein MELISSA HAKIM Becoming president of KI Sybil and Barry Baiman EVA AND LARRY LEVITT Mazel tov on their JDS Gala honor Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein LEON PAPIR

Speedy Recovery Rita and Michael Bloom ALAN AND ROBERTA PENN Bnai Mitzvah of their grandchildren, Hailey and Blake Roberta and Jeff Epstein Roberta and Robert Kritzer Arthur and Barbara Weinrach ALEX AND ROBIN ROSENAU Birth of their grandson Suzanne Lapiduss and Family PENNY ROTH Happy birthday Audrey and Jerome Cylinder RUTH SHEFTEL Happy "special" birthday Mark and Deena Scoblionko RICHARD STEIN Happy 80th birthday Sybil and Barry Baiman CANTOR KEVIN WARTELL Mazel tov Patti and Dave Binder IN MEMORY MARK L. GOLDSTEIN (Husband of Shari Spark) Lori and Houman Ahdieh and Family Barry and Sybil Baiman Sheryl and Rance Block Rita and Michael Bloom Evelyn Brown and Family Chelsea and Elliot Busch The Dacey Family Elaine Deutch and Larry Lang Marlene and Arnan Finkelstein Karl and Sara Glassman Neil and Eydie Glickstein Sandra and Harold Goldfarb

Aaron Gorodzinsky Jeff Gould Beth and Wes Kozinn Roberta and Robert Kritzer Suzanne Lapiduss and Family Diane and Paul Lemberg Elaine Lerner Diane McKee Roberta and Alan Penn Barry and Suzanne Robins Stuart and Janice Schwartz Donald and Randi Senderowitz Lolly and Shel Siegel Enid and Alan Tope Abby and Mark Trachtman Darren and Stefanie Traub Jonah and Lucille Wahrman Steven Wendell Lori Wishne Marlene, Cliff, and Sam Wolf Fred Zimmerman Jeri and Len Zimmerman Raymond and Etta Zimmerman Anonymous (1) RUTH ANN KLEIN (Mother of Amy Silverman) Ross and Wendy Born The Rabin Family Donald and Randi Senderowitz EDDIE KRAVITZ Edie Miller LOUISE WEINSTEIN (Mother of Benji Weinstein) Donald and Randi Senderowitz We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship through recent gifts to the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation. The minimum contribution for an Endowment Card is $10. Call 610-821-5500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org to place your card requests. Thank you for your continued support.

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Why it’s important for millennial Jews to vote

Riley Minkoff, Hillel president, at her "Social Jewstice" kickoff. By Chloe Goldstein Special to HAKOL Through navigating our responsibilities as young adults, we sometimes lose focus of our civic duties in life. You may be booked with group meetings or an overdue coffee date and voting may seem like a distant concept from the busy working world and college sphere. This year, I pledge that voting is pressing now more than ever for millennial voters. Riley Minkoff, Hillel president at Muhlenberg College said, “It’s important as students to vote because when we talk about representation in the office, we can’t have representation if people can’t represent you. Issues like health care, social security, things that you might not think about now, but they impact you as college students. In college you’re exposed to so many types of people and issues, but voting

is the number one way to have your voice heard. It’s the one way to be represented for people that don’t have that voice.” Minkoff has also started a new series at Hillel called “Social Jewstice: Judaism in the Era of #MeToo” to help educate and mobilize students around relevant sociopolitical topics. The first meeting was Oct. 15, where students had the space to share which social justice issue they are most passionate about and discussed voter privilege as a Jewish people. At the conclusion of the session, students were able to silently reflect through documenting their thoughts in a journal they will continue to use for these meetings. Similarly, Annie Cannon, religious chair at Hillel, perceives the importance of voting as a Jewish person. She said, “For centuries Jews in the diaspora struggled to get full rights of

citizenship. As Jews with full citizenship, we have to embrace all of our rights now.” Cannon is also an education major and connects voter rights to public education. She feels, “public education was founded to be electorate. We can’t let knowledge go to waste. We’re blessed to live in a democracy. We have to see it as a privilege.” A lot of times, students may sit in class and absorb the injustices of our world, but there seems to be a disconnect when understanding what they can do and how to put the tools of education into practice. Miranda Salters, social chair at Hillel, shared this misunderstanding about voting. ”I talked to a friend at a Conservative service who didn’t see the point of voting because she didn’t think her vote would count and I said to look up policies and platforms of candidates and base your decision off of that and your vote matters.” Salters is also a sustainability major. She believes, “environmentalism is not a bipartisan issue. Environmental justice is important because people think it’s just a faraway problem that doesn’t affect them. It’s a huge problem that affects marginalized populations through living near factories and high-carbonated areas.” Hillel International is using the hashtag #Mitzvote across all college campuses in the hopes of getting students out to the polls on Nov. 6. This message has been generated on various social media platforms as well as during tabling to help register students to vote. No matter what politics you believe, believe in the power of voting, that numbers create power and that change can happen just by casting your individual vote.

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JCC and Federation team up to Paint & Create

Newcomers came together with Adults at the J on Oct. 18 for a painting class with Kristina Cole from Paint of Mind LLC. The participants brought out their creative sides to make their own versions of a sunflower on canvas. Sarah Morse and Rachel Shurman chaired the event for Shalom Lehigh Valley, a division of the Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy that welcomes newcomers to the community. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | NOVEMBER 2018 9

Hot beverages and hope found at Tamaqua coffeehouse By Michelle Cohen HAKOL Editor

For founder Lisa Scheller, Hope & Coffee is a dream come true – her vision of a place for people in recovery from addictions to meet and find a community comes to life every day in an 1865 Victorian building in Tamaqua. Thirty-six years ago, Scheller was working through a recovery journey of her own. “Part of my program of recovery is to give back, to be able to help others to recover,” she said. On a recent Thursday, I visited Hope & Coffee to see what a typical day there was like. Here is what I found.

Lisa Scheller poses with two employees of Hope & Coffee after the morning rush.

Above, This original 1865 flooring was buried under layers of black paint before it was unearthed. Scheller uses it as a metaphor for transformation in the lives of people affected by addiction. Below, A recovery-based bulletin board and literature rack help the coffeehouse’s patrons find help if they need it. “We need more places like this,” said a customer picking up a pamphlet.

Lisa Scheller, who “planted the seed” for Hope & Coffee, put her own twist on the menu with a “Lisa Latte” featuring an extra shot of espresso.

Hope & Coffee is divided into a series of small rooms to create a homey feeling. These rooms will host sober programs on holidays like Thanksgiving, New Year’s, Saint Patrick’s Day and the Super Bowl to give people a safe space during their recovery journey.

The building is still undergoing renovations, and parts echo back to its foundation in 1865.


Celebrating Thanksgiving as Jews

RABBI YEHOSHUA MIZRACHI Congregation Sons of Israel Did you ever stop to think about why Jews are called “Jews?” Why aren’t we called Israelites like in olden days? Brief history lesson: After the reign of Solomon, the Tribes of Israel began to quarrel among themselves, until in short order two Israelite kingdoms were established. The Northern Kingdom was comprised of 10 of the original 12 Tribes. The Southern Kingdom was really the Tribes of Benjamin and Judah (not counting Levites and Kohanim),

comprising the region surrounding Jerusalem and Judea. The Northern Kingdom, cut off from the Holy Temple, quickly descended into apostasy and idolatry, while the Southern Kingdom hung on to the spiritual ideals of King David, at least for a while longer than the North. The Assyrians conquered the corrupted Northern Kingdom, and scattered its inhabitants to the four winds. These are the fabled “10 Lost Tribes” whom we are told will be reunited with the Jewish world at the time of the ultimate redemption (may it come speedily in our days.) In fact, this process has already begun: witness the return to Israel of the scattered remnants of Jews from the Maghreb, from Arabia, and from Persia; the Falashmura from Ethiopia (who claim their lineage from the Tribe of Dan) and the Bnei Menashe from the Indian subcontinent. But I digress. Ahem. When the sins of the Southern Kingdom finally filled the “poisoned cup,” G-d unleashed the Babylonians to sack Jerusalem and destroy the Holy Temple.

After the usual rape, pillage and plunder, they exiled the Judeans (majority) and Benjaminites (minority), and so the Babylonian exiles were lumped together as “Judeans” or simply “Jews” in English. The term "Jew" ties us, historically and geographically to Judea, i.e. the Land of Israel. Here's the last piece of the puzzle. Who was the original Yehuda? You will recall that in Parashat Vayetze, Leah names her fourth son Yehuda in gratitude. The very name Yehuda means “thanks to G-d.” In other words, we are

called “Jews” because giving thanks to the Almighty is our function in the world. The French are famous for their wine; the Italians for singing opera, and the Swiss for their chocolate. But Jews? Our primary purpose is to give praise to Hashem. We thank G-d when we wake up; we thank G-d when we lie down. We thank G-d before we put a morsel of food in our mouths; we thank G-d when we get up from the table. We thank G-d for the wonders of nature. We thank G-d for the holiest of things, such as studying Torah, and for the most mundane of things, such as using the

toilet. As Jews, we are in a constant state of blessing and praise because that is our defining characteristic. So let us celebrate Thanksgiving as proud Jews, a holiday intended to, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, “solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledge the manifest blessings bestowed by the Almighty as with one heart and voice by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens ... to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”


FREEDOM of movement

Mark Goldstein Continues from page 1

life. His presence was a present as he interwove childhood memories with current events, passion for building community with an equal dedication to helping individuals, always ready to share a joke and to provide a shoulder to lean on.” “He was a mensch. He treated me like I was really somebody he valued and you don’t always have that,” said Debbie Zoller, executive director of Jewish Family Service. “He was always really supportive of me and of JFS. Even if I didn’t always agree with his interpretation of something or his strategy, it didn’t matter because he did it with sincerity, he did it with caring. He felt what he was doing was right, his intentions I think were to do


good things and I always felt that.” “Mark was the true sense of community. His reach was far and wide: the Lehigh Valley and Israel and beyond,” said Sandy Newman, acting managing director of the JCC. “I am especially thankful for the relationship we had, and with the JCC and Jewish Federation. His presence will be missed, yet his strength and knowledge will continue to teach all of us.” Even before coming to the Lehigh Valley, Mark had already made a name for himself in the Jewish world. He came here in 2002 after a nine-year term as executive vice president of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Ross Born was instrumental in bringing Mark to this community. “In 2002, the Federation Board of Directors made a concerted effort to recruit an executive director that had the following qualities: impeccable character; committed to Jewish values; ability to nurture relationships – staff, colleagues, community; appreciation of the diversity within the community – and ability to bridge gaps; conviction to do what is the right thing to do, courage to take bold steps to advance an agenda designed to serve the community in the future; familiar with Jewish experiences – religious rituals and communal activities; supportive of the State of Israel; understanding the need to collaborate with community partners, even tempered . . . and a mensch!,” he said. “The Board of Directors delivered.” Prior to his work in Virginia, Mark worked at the Jewish Federation of St. Louis for nearly 10 years, serving the Federation in a variety of capacities. He also worked professionally for the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and was a regional program director for United Synagogue Youth. “He was an incredible person, as committed to the Jewish cause and as accomplished as it gets,” said Yaron Sideman, former consul

general of Israel for the midAtlantic region. “I started working with Mark several years ago – what a sweet, pleasant and delightful person he was, both personally and professionally,” said Hal Applebaum, senior vice president and managing director of Israel and global philanthropy for the Jewish Agency for Israel. “Warm and welcoming, always kind and incredibly smart. I will truly miss him. May his memory be a blessing always.” Through his Federation work, he met some of his closest friends, including fellow Federation directors Mark Freedman, Sam Asher and Alan Margolies. Together, they considered themselves the “four horsemen.” The three spoke together at his funeral. “The hole in our hearts is larger and deeper than the larger-than-life presence that was Mark's legacy,” Freedman wrote on Facebook along with a picture of the four. “We will miss him beyond all measure.” Mark was passionate about many aspects of the Jewish world, but often sunk his teeth into projects where he saw the Lehigh Valley could really make a difference. “Mark truly believed in the remarkable potential of the Ethiopian-Israeli community, and with all his spirit and unending love, worked Mark Goldstein Continues on page 13

Mark Goldstein Continues from page 12

day and night to ensure the community’s potential could be fully realized,” the Ethiopian National Project posted on Facebook. “He was especially passionate about enabling Ethiopian-Israeli medical and dental students to pursue their studies without worry: for this reason, he spearheaded and forged partnerships that resulted in the Yanoff Master Ethiopian-Israeli Healthcare Scholarships. He has transformed the lives of so many. May his memory serve as a blessing to all.” “I like to remember Mark, sitting with a small group at camp scholarship committee meetings; working so intently to ensure that each child from an economically strapped family could go to a Jewish camp that summer,” said Barry Halper, past Federation president. “I recall Mark’s telling of so many stories where he was able to play his part in the tale of our people,” said Judy Alperin, who worked for Mark for 11 years before going on to lead a Jewish community of her own. “Of course, Mark’s commitment to Holocaust memory and the retelling of his father’s emergence from Maudhausen Concentration Camp was a constant theme and part of the foundation that Mark built upon. But he was also incredibly proud of the role he played in raising urgent funds for Operation Exodus, Operation Moses and Operation Solomon – rescuing our brothers and sisters from Russia and Ethiopia and bringing them to Israel.” Mark lectured at Washington University’s Graduate School of Social Work on organizational dynamics and human service management. He was a member of the United Jewish Communities Executive Committee and a former chairman of intermediate communities, an association of 60-plus like-size Jewish federations. He recently served on the board of the Jewish Agency for Israel. “My heart aches and soul cries for this loss,” Cynthia Wroclawski, former chair of the Lehigh Valley’s partnership with Yoav, Israel, a program of the Jewish

Agency, wrote on Facebook. “An eternal optimist and man who gave and gave and gave, Mark had a wondrous gift in his ability to bring people together and motivate them to be better and stronger members of the Jewish community.” In 2009, Mark was awarded an honorary doctorate degree by Hebrew Union College for "his singular and effective leadership to Jewish Federations in Virginia, Missouri, California and Pennsylvania, and for his talents as a fundraiser which have guided federations to new heights of success." “I loved his passion for our Jewish community, both locally and globally,” said Iris Epstein, who worked with him closely as a campaign chair and member of the Federation board. “I loved that he always seemed to know all the right things to say and do. I loved his optimism. I loved the twinkle in his eyes when he spoke about his family. I loved his ability to see you and know just how far he could push you to be the best that you can be. I loved that he loved Israel. I loved his passion and excitement for life and all that he believed in.” “Mark was a mentor, advisor, cheerleader and friend to me,” said Wendy Born, former Federation president. In recent months, as his health declined, Born wrote him this note that she shared: “Over the years, you have also been a source of encouragement and smiles for me with your positive attitude and sense of humor. Sometimes when I’ve been worried about something or not confident about how to proceed, you have boosted my spirits and made me feel better about taking the next steps. I appreciate your advice and friendship. They have made me a stronger leader and person.” “Mark was a wonderful person,” Bruce Reich, president of Temple Beth El, told The Morning Call for a feature story they wrote about him. “It’s a serious loss for us, a serious loss for our congregation and the Jewish community in the Lehigh Valley.” Mark held a master’s degree in social work from the University of Southern California and a master of arts in Jewish communal service

from Hebrew Union College. He was also a graduate of the University of Judaism, the west coast affiliate of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Mark was awarded the Louis Kraft Award from the Jewish Communal Service Association, was a Sherman Fellow from Brandeis University and was selected for the Federation Executive Recruitment and Education Program (FEREP) scholarship by the Council of Jewish Federations. He was also the undefeated “king of kosher ribs” in Tidewater, securing first place at the juried Tidewater Kosher Rib Cook-Off Competition, and an Allentown JCC latke cook-off champion. In the Lehigh Valley, Mark worked closely with the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding at Muhlenberg College and many faith communities to spread the message of tolerance and acceptance. He shared his own father’s story as inspiration. “His memory will echo for years in the minds of many of his community members who knew him,” said Mohammed Khaku, who worked with Mark as a representative of the Muslim community in the Lehigh Valley. “It is a moment of great sadness and shock for the Jewish community. Mark has left magnificent and indelible footprints on the path of the history of the Jewish Federation. “ Mark was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, and was the son of the late Leon and Helene (Kuttig) Goldstein.

He is survived by his wife of 34 years, Shari Spark; his beloved children, daughter Carlyn Piasecki, and her husband Jason, and son Ezra; his sisters Esther Kelly and husband Ted and Marianne King and husband Roland, and many nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, dona-

tions may be made to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley or the Lehigh Valley Health Network Cancer Institute. To read the full tributes to Mark submitted for this article, and to submit your own, visit www. jewishlehighvalley.org/hakol.


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LIFE & LEGACY UPDATE THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS FOR ASSURING JEWISH TOMORROWS IN OUR COMMUNITY Rony Ackerman Dr. Houman and Lori Ahdieh Karen Albert Richard Albert Dr. Scott Berman Dr. Marc Berson Lauren Berson Hon. Alan and Donna Black Rance and Sheryl Block Ross Born Wendy Born Dr. John and Ingelise Brown Jerrold L. Brucker Dr. Wilma Krause Brucker Dr. Ian Carlis Patricia Carlis Elizabeth Cartine Harvey Cartine Lawrence Center Nancy and Daniel Cohen Dr. Jessica Cooperman Edwin Davis Rabbi Melody Davis Risa Dorfman-Thomas Vikki Dunn Brion and Nancy Ebert Glenn and Jan Ehrich David Eiskowitz Iris Epstein Rabbi Mordechai Eskovitz Elizabeth Fear

Amy Fels Dr. Eric Fels Eileen Fischmann Roberto Fischmann Dr. Jay and Fran Fisher Brian and Emily Ford Rena Fraade Barnet and Lisa Fraenkel Renee D. Gittler Jordan Goldman Gary and Patricia Glascom Leonard Glazier Rhoda Glazier Neil and Eydie Glickstein Sandra Goldfarb Amy Golding Anita Goldman Mark L. Goldstein Martin Goldstein Allan B. Goodman Ben Grossman Dr. Harvey and Melissa Hakim Robert and Bonnie Hammel Jerome and Florence Hausman Diana Hirsch Arthur Hochhauser Susan Hochhauser Charity Hyde Dr. David and Susan Hyman Gwen Jacobs Rabbi Allen Juda Andrew Kahn Dr. Kenneth and Marilyn Kalnitsky Irving Kaplan Alan Kares Dr. Barbara Katz Anne Keller-Smith Ken and Sue Kirshner Dr. Nelson and Andrea Kopyt Lucy Korsky Marin and Judy Krasnov Stuart and Lynda Krawitz Ferne Kushner Jennifer Lader Scott Leiber Henry and Susan Lehrich Elaine Lerner Ina Levin Larry Levin Mary Jane Levine Eva and Dr. Larry Levitt Dr. Marc Levitt Dr. Jenni Levy Edward Levy Ursla S. Levy Pam Lott Dr. William and Jane Markson Jeannie Miller

Linda Miller Mike Miller James and Shelah Mueth Jeff Murdoch Sandra Newman Taffi Ney Audrey Alexander Nolte Dr. Michael Notis Dr. Michael A. Obenski Martina A. Obenski Eve Peterson Rabbi Seth Phillips Dr. Robert and Lota Post Gary Preis Sandra Preis Patti Price Elaine Rappaport-Bass Sy and Lois Ratner Bruce Reich Dr. Richard and Barbara Reisner Carol Robins Robert Rockmaker Judith Rodwin Michelle Rohrbach Dr. Alex and Robin Rosenau Amy Sams Richard Sams Lorrie Scherline Ivan Schonfeld Mark and Deena Scoblionko Joy Scott Eileen Segal Lynn Shampain Dr. Mark Shampain Adrian Shanker Rabbi Michael and Alexis Singer David L. Smith Elaine Snyder Ann K. Stehney Peggy A. Stettner Aimee Stewart Ron Ticho Marsha Timmerman Richard Timmerman Arthur and Barbara Weinrach Rabbi David and Rachel Wilensky Norman and Sandra Wruble Rachel Zane Larry Zelson Dr. Israel Zighelboim Valeska Zighelboim Kathy Zimmerman Drs. Lawrence and Deborah Zohn Debbie Zoller Anonymous (20)


Left, Fall Fest fun group: Kevin and Lauren Reuther with baby Everett, Fall Fest Chair Stephanie Smartschan and JCC Centennial Coordinator Amy Sams. Above, “Mr. Day Camp Spirit� Mickey Freeman hosts an all-camp singalong with help from camper Brad Finberg.

Past presidents of the JCC lead th happy birthday to the J: Stuart Kr Wendy Born, Joel Wiener, Barnet

Above, Linda, Elliot and Sasha Sheftel cut the ribbon on the newly dedicated Justin Sheftel Field. The renovations to the field were made possible by the Justin Sheftel Memorial Fund. Below, Fall Fest conversations and projects in the Camp JCC Art Barn with Peggy Waite and Carol Furmansky.

The Billig and Oselkin families enjoy fun on the hayride around Camp JCC.


On , a Family Fall Fest was held at the JCC campsite in Center Valley. Camp friends reconnected from all generations and all enjoyed many fall activities. Photos Courtesy of Heather Gogal Photography

Left, 3-year-old Lily Smartschan is having a blast! 16 NOVEMBER 2018 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

Centennial Birthday Bash chairs a tor-in-chief: Donna Iorio, Kathy Z Lapiduss, Iris Epstein and Susan E

FRIDAY, OCT. 5, was a

historic event for the Lehigh Valley. It was the first time the whole community came together to welcome Shabbat in a celebration of community. This event was in partnership with the Lehigh Valley Jewish Clergy Group and attendees were welcomed for dinner and services at the JCC regardless of religious affiliation. (All photos taken before sundown.)

Friendships made at the J: Jared Sussman and Nina Iorio.

Kathy Zimmerman, JCC president, Sandy Newman, JCC acting managing director, and Iris Epstein, centennial community Shabbat chair, welcome guests.

Shabbat Shalom from Brian, Al and Sam Ford.


On , the community came together for a JCC 100 Year Birthday Bash for the 21 and older crowd. Musical entertainment was provided by Ron Sunshine and DJ Dharak. Special guest emcee was Allentown and JCC native Rich Lerner of The Golf Channel. It was a spectacular night reliving the JCC through the decades. Photos Courtesy of Ben Reeder Photography.

he lighting of the birthday candles and singing of rawitz, Kathy Zimmerman, Andy Kahn, Ross Born, t Fraenkel and Bobby Hammel.

and 100th anniversary commemorative book ediZimmerman, Lynda Krawitz, Bill Markson, Suzanne Engleson Friefeld.

Cantor Ellen Sussman, Lehigh Valley Jewish Clergy Group chair, with her husband David Vaida.

Sandy Newman, Tracy Sussman, Sara-Jane Bub, Kimberly Valuntas, Alli Lipson, Ellen Gordon, Fay Kun, Valeska Zighelboim and Ilene Ringold offer a toast to the JCC.

Rabbi Michael Singer leads Havdalah with Larry Levitt, Barnet Fraenkel, Stewart Furmansky and Bill Markson, followed by dancing the Horah to get the birthday party started.

Leading the Motzi: Freddie Gabriel, daughter of past JCC Executive Director George Feldman (z�l); Lenny Gurvitz, executive director emeritus who served the JCC for over 30 years; Carole Rose for over 37 years of service; Selma Telles who inspired, counseled and tirelessly led the Jewish Center Youth program to new heights and instilled in her minions the need to give back; Elaine Lerner who served on the JCC board of directors and was auxiliary president; Kathy Kauffman Levine, the daughter of the beloved Pat Lerner Seinfeld (z�l), the first female president of the JCC; Joanie Lesavoy and Ellen Schneider, who led Women's Auxiliary and created the sustainable fundraiser Nearly New; and Barnet Fraenkel, a man with his own JCC legacy that continues the legacy of his parents.

Editor-inChief Susan Engleson Friefeld with the 100th anniversary commemorative book.




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Seeking out a Jewish cultural experience – and some really good falafel – in Paris By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing Paris has always held a certain je ne sais quoi for me. The romance, the history and, oh, the bread. I’ve found myself drawn there at many important points in my life. Few of those experiences have yet to be Jewish experiences. In high school, with a packed itinerary, there wasn’t much opportunity for outside exploring. In college, studying abroad for four months, I accompanied a friend to take advantage of home hospitality for Rosh Hashanah. We traveled outside of the city to attend services and have dinner with a Sephardic family that she had connected with on the Internet. In hindsight, the experience was one of the most enriching of the whole semester. That was 13 years ago. Since then, I have traveled to Israel twice and spent the past eight years working for the Jewish Federation. I have begun raising two young daughters, sending them to Jewish preschool and striving to pass on traditions. Working to promote the Federation’s Annual Campaign,

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I have read countless stories of anti-Semitism in France and the need for us to do more. One image in particular sticks in my mind. It was taken shortly after the attacks at Charlie Hebdo and the Hypercacher kosher supermarket of a man wearing a dark blue kippah with the words “je suis juif” in white lettering. It was that image, and the life that has passed since my last visit, that motivated me to seek out a Jewish cultural experience when I returned to Paris this time. I traveled with my husband – a few days without the kids for our 10th anniversary. His first visit. We did not have a full itinerary, but I had a few “mustdos” in mind. One of those was visiting the Marais, the Jewish district in the first arrondissement. We took the metro from Notre Dame to Hotel de Ville and came out onto the street. At first glance, it was any Parisian neighborhood. We strolled up Rue de Rivoli, slowly but with a destination in mind. We were heading for L’As du Fallafel, which TripAdvisor assured us had the best falafel in the city. As we approached, however, disappointment sank in as we saw the storied window covered and a sign on the door. Fermé. Closed until Wednesday. We were leaving Tuesday. Then we glanced around. Falafel. Falafel. Shawarma. Gefilte fish. Falafel. It seemed we had some options. We walked down the narrow streets, eyeing the Hebrew lettering above the door frames. We found our way to Chez Hanna, with the option of ordering from the window or sitting down inside. After a long day of sightseeing, sit-

ting was welcome. Inside, the presence of Jewish patrons assured us that we had made a solid choice. We both ordered falafel in pita, which came stuffed with eggplant, cabbage and more delicious accoutrement. It may not have been “the best,” but it certainly hit the spot. After dinner, we enjoyed the festive music in the streets before heading back to our hotel in the 15th. I should mention that we attempted to go to the Holocaust memorial in the Marais, but it had closed 15 minutes early. This cultural Jewish experience, combined with the feeling of “home” intrinsic with being among Jews anywhere in the world, was exactly what I was looking for. In that moment, in my favorite city, I was proud to say “je suis juif” alongside many others.

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Seeing Israel for ourselves and through our children’s eyes By Amy Fels Special to HAKOL Before we even took off from JFK airport, the overwhelming presence of orthodox Jewish families and Hasidic men created so much excitement within Eric and me that we were headed home … to Israel. There is no place like home and no other place like Israel. Our first afternoon was spent with a visit to the Kotel, where we each prayed and enjoyed the closeness to Hashem. Quickly doing a little shopping before things closed for Shabbat, I bought a few head coverings from a dear lady named Esther who helped teach me how to put them on and tie a scarf in several beautifully artistic ways. With our level of religious observance growing, we headed back to prepare for Shabbat in Jerusalem which would include dinner at the hotel after lighting candles. We knew Shabbat in Jerusalem would be even more special for us this time as we ventured out on our own; independent from tour guides and groups. Eric left first for services at The Great Synagogue which meant if I was going to go, I had to walk myself and find my way. I cannot explain the feelings I had as I walked to Shul on a crisp Shabbat morning, paying close attention to the flowers, birds and beautiful blue sky. I marveled at the creation of our world and all that Hashem had given us. The Great Synagogue was magnificent and ornate. It gave me great joy to figure out where they were in the siddur, allowing me to join in and participate after becoming more familiar with a Shabbat service over the last year. I sat in the women’s section and could see Eric way down below with the men. Afterward, we decided to go back to the Kotel. There, I sat at the wall for a while and just closed my eyes listening to the gorgeous voices of Yeshiva boys on the other side. Eric was able to watch them and participate in praying with them while I relaxed with Hashem, feeling the warmth of the sun and the powerful presence of our history. Our journey over the next nine days would include stopping off at the Alexander Muss High School in Israel to pick up Brenna, who is attending the first three months of school there with her 11th grade classmates from the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy. In the north for the next three nights at an adorable resort of log cabins overlooking the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), we enjoyed stunning sunsets. Looking for some outdoor adventure, we took an amazing jeep tour through the Golan Heights with views of Mt. Hermon and a portion of the fence dividing Israel and Syria with cities in the distance. The highlight was seeing a former Syrian headquarters where Israeli spy Eli Cohen once met with Syrian officials during his time before the 1967 war. We were able to go inside and see the actual room where he had done business. His spy work and intelligence was directly responsible for Israel being able to regain possession of the Golan Heights, which we still enjoy today. Our tour guide directed us afterward to enjoy freshly made pita and grape leaves along the side of the road made by Arab Druze. It was beyond delicious with olive oil, spices and a goat cheese spread. Completing that

The Kushnick family

day was a trip to the Banias to see beautiful springs and a waterfall, which is so rare in Israel. And finally, a rafting adventure down the Kfar Blum River. During our visit to Tzfat and an art gallery there, we saw a documentary about an artist named Nicky Imber. We learned the fascinating story about how he walked out the front gate of Dachau by using the skills he had learned in art school to make a face mask out of bread and sand that replicated a Nazi officer. Later, we enjoyed wine and cheese tasting at a winery as we headed back down south. Other wonderful stops included Machane Yehuda market, Masada, Ein Gedi, camel riding at Eretz Bereshit, shopping on Ben Yehuda street, delicious dinners and taking the rooftop tour along the edge of the Old City. One late afternoon while walking home, we came upon an unbelievable parade of country after country whose participants held signs saying “We Love Israel,” “We Stand With Israel.” They shouted shalom, chag sameach, and shook our hands. It was such a beautiful sight and brought tears to our eyes to feel loved by some people from so many different parts of the world. With our final destination in Tel Aviv coinciding with the end of Sukkot, Shabbat and Simchat Torah, we mainly relaxed on the beach and by the pool. The Mediterranean Sea was warm and heavenly. Shops were closed most of the time there, but we still enjoyed phenomenal food and dessert each day. Many of our breakfasts throughout our week and a half were under a sukkah, which was a first for us. In between the holidays and Shabbat, we fit in a visit to Latrun, the memorial site for fallen soldiers from the armored corps and an archeological dig in Beit Guvrin. There we participated in digging for pottery, charcoal and animal bones in caves from an ancient city still buried. This trip to Israel, Eric’s second and my third, was built around the few days that we were allowed to take Brenna with us off campus during her three months at Muss. We feel so fortunate that she has this opportunity to study our history and experience Israel by immersing in the culture for such a long period of time. Muss is well known as “a living classroom” in which the students learn and visit historic sites simultaneously. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with her classmates. Brenna said, “It is difficult to find the words to describe my experience on Muss. There are so many breathtaking moments and lifelong memories I am making. I love relaxing on the beach with my friends and watching the sun-

Eric and Amy Fels

sets. Meeting other Israeli teens has been really cool.” Eric and I look forward to the connection Brenna will make to our holy land, which will hopefully propel her in advocating for Israel and the Jewish people. By Beth Kushnick Special to HAKOL Amazing. That’s the one word he used. When I asked Ethan how his Shabbat was spent at his teacher’s home with nine other classmates, his reply was short and simple. “Amazing.” We smiled ear to ear, another wonderful experience, another memory he will always have, another new adventure he took, just amazing. This October, I had the opportunity to travel to Israel with my husband Howard, our daughter Emily, 10, and Howard’s mother to visit Ethan while he studies at the Alexander Muss High School in Israel. We toured Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and spent time with Ethan while he had off from school. Ethan left at the end of August to spend his first semester of junior year with the Jack M. Barack Hebrew Academy at Muss. Muss refers to itself as the ultimate col-

lege prep study abroad adventure and that is absolutely true. While students have a full course load, they have the incredible ability to use the land of Israel for their curriculum, learning about the sites where the events took place and traveling to them. This is a gift that these students are getting. They are living in dorms, eating in the dining hall, going to classes and traveling often. They are engaging with the Muss teachers closely, who travel with them on various trips and Shabbats. The students are exposed to the local community of Hod HaSharon, to Israeli food, Hebrew language and the Israeli culture, and submerse themselves in Israel. They have time to be introspective as well as contribute to the group at large. The semester has a couple of highlights which includes the four-day hiking adventure from the Mediterranean Sea to the Sea of Galilee (Yam Le Yam) and the week-long journey to Poland to discover the history of Jewish life in Poland and the Holocaust.

One cannot begin to understand or comprehend the lifechanging experience Muss has on a person. The kids have had experiences they will never ever forget. They are making new friends, bonding with teachers, seeing new places and learning things that they will carry through their lives. They are going through a meaningful journey through the history and culture of Israel to discover their roots and heritage and making memories to last a life time. As I finish this article, a text just came through from Ethan (I had sent a text earlier that day, asking about the Yam Le Yam experience. I knew he didn’t have cell reception, but hoped in the back of my mind I would hear from him.) His response was one word, a short response, the same one as before: “amazing.” We thank the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy for the opportunity to study abroad with their partnership with the Alexander Muss High School in Israel. It has been amazing.


‘Women of KI’ to hold first event

By Michele Salomon Congregation Keneseth Israel We talk, we bake, we console. We carpool, we educate ourselves, families and communities, we laugh. We support, we elevate each other, we share. We create, we learn and we love. We are the Women of KI (formerly KI Sisterhood). We are active. You’ll be hearing more from us and seeing us more as we reimagine who we are for all the

women of KI, all ages and all backgrounds. Under the interim leadership team of three past (Sisterhood) presidents, Patty Carlis, Teri Krassen and Audrey Nolte, the Women of KI are charting our future while maintaining our core values of providing comfort, building character, ensuring continuity and creating community. The first Women of KI event of the year, on Nov. 13, will feature an author and recognition for one of our finest Women of KI. This is our annual paid-up event, our way to recognize our paid members. However, all are welcome. You can become a member at the door or the event is $25 for guests. The evening will start at 6 p.m. and include appetizers, wine and dessert. It’s sure to be a lively, fun and meaningful event and we hope to see many from the community there. Caroline Goldberg Igra will be with us to talk about her first novel, “Count to a Thousand,” the story of an American expat whose insular life in Israel is shattered by unanticipated events. While fictionalized, that basic arc is similar to Igra’s own life. She grew up in nearby Philadelphia, completed her schooling in the States, and moved to Israel along with her Israeli husband. Editorial and reader reviews are glowing, noting the empathy, honesty and relatability of the

characters along with language that rings true in its depiction of living between two worlds. We’ll also take time to honor Patricia San Andres, more familiarly known as Choty, for her many, many contributions to the Women of KI. Choty’s special gifts are in the inspiration and motivation department. She gets you to come along for the ride, sometimes literally a bike ride, sometimes a run. She’s persistent and rarely takes no for an answer. She is hardworking, dedicated and never seeks the spotlight, so we decided to tilt the spotlight in her direction. Choty was the backbone of KI’s website for a long time, she’s a regular attendee at services as well as social and educational events and created an event, the Harvest 5K, to celebrate her own achievements while doing something good for the community. For the past four years, she has led this event, an annual 5K race in Lehigh Parkway, which has supported local schools and charities including Central Elementary School, Victory House of Lehigh Valley, Habitat for Humanity, The Fund to Benefit Children and Youth and The Literacy Center. Over four years, nearly $15,000 has been raised for these local charities and Choty keeps

running, setting new goals for herself and those around her, always seeking opportunities to bring people together. The Women of KI are ready to run into the future with women like Choty, like Caroline Igra, like Patty, Teri and Audrey, like all of us. Please join us on Nov. 13. For more information about the event or to RSVP, please contact the KI office at 610-435-9074.

Book review: ‘The Orchard’ By Sean Boyle JDS Librarian “History tells us what people do; historical fiction helps us imagine how they felt” (Guy Vanderhaeghe (Quill & Quire, Sept. 2011). “The Orchard,” Yochi Brandes’ historical fiction novel, allows us to experience the life of Rabbi Akiva ben Joseph from when he meets and marries Rachel until his death by the Romans (approx. 15-135 C.E.). The descriptive writing transports the reader to the first century C.E. where we experience the dampness in the cave as Rachel teaches the 40-year-old illiterate shepherd his first Hebrew letters. As

Akiva ben Joseph learns from and begins to debate with the best sages inside their Yeshivas, one discovers how an illiterate shepherd becomes one of the greatest sages in history with tens of thousands of students. Reading about the inner politics of competing Yeshivas and the interaction of Jewish leadership with the local Roman rulers divulges important pieces of Jewish history in an exciting and relatable manner. Rabbi Akiva’s story is intertwined with the debates between the Schools of Hillel and Shammai which give insight into the birth of Rabbinic Judaism. This transition focuses on Torah and Jewish law instead of temple sac-

rifices. Witnessing the first seder and hearing the debates of the greatest sages, as they justify and argue about including each part of the seder, brings history alive. Yochi Brandes, degreed in both Biblical and Jewish studies, writes with authority about Rabbi Akiva and the sages. While giving insight to the origins of the Mishnah and Midrash Halakha, she presents many stories from the Talmud. Brandes also provides insightful information about the issues surrounding the first Christians and their eventual separation from Rabbinic Judaism and the reluctant acceptance of the Roman rulers as the po-

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litical leaders of the Jews. Instead of glossing over the historic critiques of Rabbi Akiva or even leaving them out of her book, Brandes provides us with possible explanations that keep Rabbi Akiva in a positive light. Brandes does not apologize for Rabbi Akiva, but uses his voice to provide acceptable justifications for his more controversial actions and quotes. Highly recommended for ages 16-99, and a copy is available at the Jewish Day School Library. “The Orchard” (Brandes, Yochi, Jerusalem, Gefen Publishing House Ltd., 2018, 381p.) is

the English translation of the 2012 Hebrew novel, “Hapardes shel Akiva,” written by Yochi Brandes.


Judaism, depression take center stage in Sarah Jae Leiber’s one-act play ‘The Repair Man’ at Muhlenberg

Joseph Turner (as the Repair Man) and Emily Casey (as Nick) work with director Anna Ricciuti on a scene from Sarah Jae Leiber's play "The Repair Man."

Sarah Jae Leiber’s one-act play “The Repair Man” uses mysticism and humor to examine mental health stigma and millennial Judaism. The story of a Jewish woman with depression and the Golem who comes over to fix her dishwasher on Yom Kippur, the play receives its world premiere production at Muhlenberg College this fall. “Finding comedic levity in a story about depression was maybe the most Jewish think I could imagine,” Leiber says. “The Repair Man” will be presented as part of “New

Voices | New Visions,” a festival of student-directed and world premiere plays, Nov. 28 – Dec. 2, in Muhlenberg’s Studio Theatre, Trexler Pavilion for Theatre & Dance. Anna Ricciuti directs. Leiber is a senior theater and history major at Muhlenberg – an actor, writer, musician and dramaturg. She has appeared on stage at Muhlenberg in “Salome,” “The Sedehi Diversity Project,” “The Library” and “2BR02B,” as well as performing in Muhlenberg’s a cappella group the Chaimonics, for which she currently

serves as musical director. As a writer, Leiber has written several plays that have been featured on the Muhlenberg stage, as well as dramaturgy and editorial features for numerous theater productions. She also writes for the BroadwayWorld website. “The Repair Man” is mainly an extended interaction between Nick, the protagonist, and the Repair Man, a Golem who defies categorization. Nick has been feeling terrible about herself, and thinks the people in her life are seconds away from abandoning her. The Repair Man knows that’s not true, and makes it his mission to make sure she understands. “I was really touched by the portrayal of Nick as someone who’s struggling with mental illness, and really has a community rally around her,” Ricciuti says. “I think this play really makes a lot of strides in destigmatizing mental illness, and the addition of the Golem is what makes this play unique.” The Golem reveals himself slowly but surely over the course of the play, first by having no discernibly human social skills, next by shoving an entire sheet of paper in his mouth so

he can learn to read, and then Man is he’s not a human being by explicitly stating that he is – we’re watching him learn Golem -- “not the shrively little about all people through learnman from Lord of the Rings. ing about Nick,” Leiber says. The protector of the Jewish “I think that socially awkward people.” in-between place is where a While the story of the Golem lot of our conversations about has obvious Jewish roots, Ricmental illness start. In a way, ciuti and Leiber are sure the he’s providing a road map for audience will recognize him as how to talk to your loved ones a pop culture archetype. with mental illness in a way “Golems show up all over that isn’t condescending.” TV and movies. You’ve met Golems you didn’t even know “New Voices | New Visions” were Golems,” Leiber says. plays in the Studio Theatre, “Baymax from Big Hero 6, The Muhlenberg College Theatre & Iron Giant, and even CapDance, Nov. 28 – Dec. 2. Perfortain America are based in the mances are Wednesday through legend of the Golem. They just Saturday at 8 p.m., Saturday and don’t usually come out and tell Sunday at 2 p.m. The evening you that. Our Golem does.” of original and student-directed The intersection of Judaism plays also features “Still Growing and mental health awareness Up,” by Camille Seidel, directed are what make this play what it by Jenna Adamek; and “Am I is — “The Repair Man” covers Blue,” by Beth Henley, directed by heavy subject matter, but is also Abigail Martz. funny, with many moments of levity from the ridiculous Tickets and information are availRepair Man. able at muhlenberg.edu/theatre or Hakol-openhouse.pdf 1 10/4/18 10:40 PM “The thing about the Repair 484-664-3333.


Sarah Jae Leiber on her play and mental illness was already in it, and I didn’t want to just leave and go somewhere else, so it turned into me sitting on my bed and sobbing at my computer screen while a very nice, quiet, British man tried to make my room less cold. He must have noticed I was crying. I was incredibly aware that he was witnessing this, these huge feelings pouring out of me while he was just trying to do his job, for God’s sake. Media depictions of mental illness have always disturbed me – depression is not beautiful or poetic, and it is not necessarily earth-shatteringly noticeable. The truth about much depression is that it’s banal. It’s the self-hatred swimming around your brain all hours of the day that you’re convinced everybody experiences (they don’t). It’s forgetting to shower, or forgetting to eat, or forgetting to text your friend back – it’s not necessarily forgetting, but not having the energy to do any of those things. People live with depression for years without knowing it because depression is not a clean list of symptoms and cures. It’s different for everybody. I’ve lived with depression for more than half my life and I still sometimes need someone to point out that I’m in a funk. I realized that day that the best way I could connect Yom Kippur with honesty was to add depression into the mix. On Yom Kippur, you aren’t eating, and you aren’t working. You sit. You think about the bad things you’ve done in the past year. At the end of the day, it’s a relief to eat, but you end up feeling sick because you ate too fast. That’s what depression is – an endless cycle of feeling low and wondering why and how it’s your own fault. So Yom Kippur (and the Golem as messenger) identifies the depression, but it also serves as a light in the darkness. This is a day where you are sanctioned to feel crummy. It’s also a reset button – God writes your name in the book of life, and it’s a chance for you to start over with a new self-awareness. Nick is not cured when she realizes she is depressed, but she is armed with new information about how to make herself better. C







I am a Jewish woman with mental illness. ‘The Repair Man’ is not autobiographical, but certainly my identity and the way I experience the world inspired me to write something like this. In writing “The Repair Man,” I was trying to negotiate the similarities between hunger and honesty – Yom Kippur happened while I was studying abroad, and I missed home, and I was starving, and it made me feel very raw and open and honest. I remember talking through some stuff that night that I never thought I’d talk through. I remember feeling for the first time that Yom Kippur was giving me the blank slate that was always promised to me. I knew I wanted to write about Yom Kippur and honesty, but I couldn’t find a connecting narrative. My mind was blank, and so were the walls in my depressing, tiny, freezing dorm room in London, where, a few weeks later, I was sitting on my bed watching NBC’s “This is Us” while a man was attempting to fix my broken radiator. If you know nothing about “This is Us,” you still know that the goal of the show is to make anyone watching weep like a newborn baby. I am exactly that newborn baby. The radiator fix-it guy had come into my room mid-episode, and I


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Young families hop around town to celebrate Sukkot By Alyssa Pure Temple Beth El Sukkot is one of those holidays where you are always worried about rain. Luckily the sun shone bright for our Sukkah Hop with PJ Library and Temple Beth El. We boarded a big yellow school bus at Temple Beth El with tons of excitement and anticipation. The ride was so exciting for many of our littlest participants who never rode a bus before. At our first stop, we were greeted by Abby Trachtman and Mike Smith at the JCC. Mr. Mike read two PJ stories about Sukkot while the children enjoyed cereal and the JCC hospitality. Our next stop was a surprise as we were hosted by Amy, Lyla and Jackson Golding. We sang and danced with Nellie Gershtein, ate treats made by the students from the JDS and played in the backyard. Back on the bus again, we arrived at Dan Leisawitz, Daniella Viale, Hannah and Sam’s house, where we showed our creativity by making tea candle votives to decorate our Sukkot tables at our houses. We tried not to make too much of a mess. As the ride ended, we returned to Temple Beth El where we shared a delicious potluck dinner and Rabbi Moshe Re’em explored the lulav and etrog with the children and adults. Afterward, all the children played with friends new and old and returned home, hopefully very tired.



Older adults celebrate Sukkot with help of JFS

By Michelle Cohen HAKOL Editor This year, Jewish Family Service helped to facilitate two programs to bring the joy and celebration of Sukkot to older adults in the Lehigh Valley. Allentown resident and community member extraordinaire Cooky Notis hosted Country Meadows residents at her house on Sept. 26 and Atria residents on Sept. 27, inviting them into the sukkah to enjoy fresh, seasonal food. She and her husband prepared noodle kugel, bagels and homemade lox, fresh vegetables from their garden and a fruit salad for the residents to enjoy. Her friend Donna Black assisted JFS Volunteer Coordinator Chelsea Karp with preparation and setup. After a brief introduction to the holiday from Notis, Cantor Ellen Sussman from Temple Shirat Shalom took some time to tell holiday stories and share fun facts with the

residents before leading them in the blessings of sitting in the sukkah and shaking the lulav. She then helped each person shake the lulav and etrog together as they fulfilled this important holiday mitzvah.. The following day, Rabbi Michael Singer invited Congregation Brith Sholom congregants and older adults in Bethlehem and Easton to celebrate Sukkot at Brith Sholom. The residents were brought over to the synagogue by volunteer drivers trained by JFS. While enjoying fruit, cookies and drinks, attendees learned about Sukkot from Singer, who told Torah stories in a lively way. One particularly meaningful moment was when he brought out etrogs that were between 5 and 15 years old, making the point that they are still valuable no matter what age they reach. Everyone then brainstormed fruits to be grateful for and shook the lulav and etrog. The afternoon ended with time to schmooze and enjoy with friends.

JCC and JDS learn about Sukkot together

Pre-K students from the Jewish Day School and the Jewish Community Center came together in September to celebrate Sukkot. The JDS students visited the sukkah at the JCC, and together the students made Sukkotthemed projects. Rotem Bar, the community’s Israeli shlicha, spoke to the students about the holiday and how Sukkot is celebrated in Israel. The joint program was the first in a three-part series made possible by a Community Impact Grant from the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.

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AZA fall season off to a busy start By Jake Wiener AZA Allentown AZA’s first few months have been full of fun and exciting chapter and regional events. The chapter has already recruited several new members, and we are always looking for more new members. September and October

were two crucial months in regards to recruitment, as new members are introduced to the chapter, as well as the events of the chapter. One of AZA’s first chapter events was the “Shabbat Under the Sukkah” event that took place on Sept. 28. During this event, we enjoyed a dinner of Chinese food along with a Sukkot service outside, including the shaking of the lulav and etrog and time to bond with fellow AZA members. During the weekend of Oct. 19- 21, Liberty Region

held its first convention of the year. The convention took place at the beautiful DoubleTree Philadelphia Valley Forge. The weekend was full of guest speakers, former members of Liberty Region, teen services, dances, a chance to hang out with Jewish teens from several chapters around the area and more! This convention was a great chance to make friends with teens from around the area, as well as get a feel for the BBYO experience. As a part of Allentown AZA’s care for the community, we chose the Lauren Pearl Halper Hospice Fund as our Stand UP cause. This fund helps people with cancer enjoy the last part of their life by giving them a meal to make them happy, transportation if they would like to go somewhere, and gives them company to brighten their day. If you would like to donate, please contact allentownaza@gmail.com. Stay tuned for upcoming news and events. You do not want to miss out! If you have any questions regarding upcoming events or about signing up for BBYO, please contact allentownaza@gmail. com or afraley8626@gmail. com.

Allentown BBG invites you to take on the challenge of 30 kind acts this year too!

Allentown BBG commits to Stand UP for acts of kindness By Fana Schoen BBG Every year, BBYO chapters throughout the International Order of the B’nai B’rith Girls (BBG) and Grand Order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) choose a community service cause called Stand UP. BBYO’s Stand UP initiative began in 2014 and embodies the Jewish value of tikkun olam, which means repairing the world. BBG and AZA chapters take great pride in their Stand UP




November 6th


causes, donating their time, money and energy toward causes every year. Some chapters choose a new cause yearly, other chapters stick with the same cause year after year. Last year, Allentown AZA and Allentown BBG collaborated on a Stand UP cause for an organization in Israel called United Hatzalah. Through this organization, volunteers are trained as emergency responders and ride fully-stocked motorcycles called “ambucycles” through the streets of Jerusalem. They are always on-call in emergencies with the use of an Uber-like app. While it could take an ambulance as long as 30 minutes to navigate the narrow streets of Jerusalem, ambucycles can be on the scene in as few as 30 seconds. Allentown AZA and BBG raised a grand total of $300 to support ambucycles last year. This year, Allentown BBG chose a cause that fits the chapter’s style: “The 30 Days of Kindness Challenge.” Through combining the various lists of 30 kind acts spread all over the internet and by coming up with some of their own, BBGs in Allentown have committed to 30 Days of Kindness for the 2018-19 term. The kind acts range from treating someone to a cup of coffee or hot cocoa to writing a thank-you note; taking supplies to an animal shelter to posting something nice on Facebook; visiting a nursing home to simply smiling. This wide-range of acts will provide an opportunity for every girl in the chapter to get involved and excited about serving the community around us. Allentown BBG is very excited to get started with these exciting acts and to see to it that all of the Lehigh Valley feels the effects of the kindness they will spread!

Butternut squash and sage challah The perfect autumn flavor blend By Shannon Sarna The Nosher In the category of autumn challah flavors there is pumpkin challah and even sweet potato challah. But I wanted to try my hand at combining another favorite fall flavor into challah bread: butternut squash and fresh sage. Admittedly I was a bit nervous to see how the addition of butternut squash would affect the challah. I have made pumpkin challah many times, but never before had I added butternut squash I am happy to report that not only is the consistency of this dough just perfect, but the color is beautiful and the taste even more incredible. You can swap out fresh sage for dried sage, but I really enjoyed the flecks of sage leaves throughout the challah dough, and the addition of some fresh chopped sage on top along with thick sea salt really makes this bread even more special. This challah would also translate for a wonderful savory stuffing. Ingredients ¼ cup vegetable oil 5-6 fresh sage leaves 1 ½ T. dry yeast 1 t. sugar 1 ¼ cups lukewarm water 5 ½-6 cups all-purpose unbleached flour (I prefer to use King Arthur) ¾ cup sugar ½ T. salt ½ cup butternut squash puree (fresh or frozen) 2 eggs 2 egg yolks + 1 tsp water Additional fresh sage leaves for garnish Thick sea salt

Directions Place vegetable oil and fresh sage leaves in a small saucepan over low-medium heat. Heat through until sage becomes fragrant, around 5 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to sit 25-30 minutes. Strain sage leaves, but do not discard. Finely chop leaves. In a small bowl, place yeast, 1 t. sugar and lukewarm water. Allow to sit around 10 minutes, until it becomes foamy on top. In a large bowl or stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, mix together 1 ½ cups flour, salt, butternut squash and sugar. After the water-yeast mixture has become foamy, add to flour mixture along with oil and chopped sage leaves. Mix thoroughly. Add another 1 cup of flour and eggs and mix until smooth. Switch to the dough hook attachment if you are using a stand mixer. Add an additional 3 cups of flour, 1 cup at a time, until dough is smooth and elastic. You can do this in a bowl with a wooden spoon, in a stand mixer with the dough attachment, or once the dough becomes pliable enough, on a floured work surface with the heels of your hands. Dough will be done when it bounces back to the touch, is smooth without clumps and is almost shiny. Place dough in a greased bowl and cover with damp towel. Allow to rise at least around 3 hours. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Braid challah into desired shape. Allow challah to rise another 45-60 minutes, or until you can see the size has grown and challah seems light. This step is very important to ensure a light and fluffy challah.

In a small bowl, beat 2 egg yolks with 1 t. water. Brush egg wash liberally over challah. Sprinkle with chopped fresh sage and thick sea salt. If making one large challah, bake around 27-28 minutes; if making two smaller challahs, bake 24-26 minutes.

BY SANDI TEPLITZ These are a delicious way to begin your Thanksgiving feast. They are particularly good with a glass of chilled sauterne.


1 lb. chicken livers 4 lg. onions, sliced 6 T. schmaltz (chicken fat) 1 1/4 t. salt generous 1/4 t. black pepper garlic powder to taste 4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped 1 loaf pareve white bread, crusts

removed and slices flattened 2 eggs, beaten peanut oil


Saute liver with onions in 5 T. schmaltz for 10 minutes. Remove from pan and chop, adding the hard-boiled eggs. Blend in remaining schmaltz, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Cool slightly. Spread 2/3 of each bread slice with mixture. Roll up and cut into thirds. Dip in beaten eggs, then fry in peanut oil until golden brown. Drain and serve.

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Community Calendar To list an event in the Community Calendar, submit your information on our website, www.jewishlehighvalley.org, under the “Upcoming Events” menu. All events listed in the Community Calendar are open to the public and free of charge, unless otherwise noted. Programs listed in HAKOL are provided as a service to the community. They do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. The JFLV reserves the right to accept, reject or modify listings.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28 Confronting Anti-Semitism: A Workshop for Middle and High School Students and their Parents 12:15 to 3:30 p.m., Temple Beth El. A free workshop for middle and high school students and their parents. Have you ever heard someone make an anti-Semitic joke or remark and felt that you didn’t know how to respond? Are you prepared to speak up? Join the Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation as we partner with the ADL to address this issue. Learn how to confront insensitive or hateful comments and behaviors, challenge anti-Semitic myths with facts, respond to hate-motivated incidents in school and the community at large and utilize national and regional resources to fight anti-Semitism on all levels. Lunch provided by Temple Beth El at 12:15 p.m., workshop begins promptly at 1 p.m. RSVP required to Aaron Gorodzinsky at 610-821-5500 or aaron@jflv.org. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28 PJ Library Goes to the Food Pantry Sunday October 28, 4 to 5:30 p.m. Jewish Family Service. Join PJ Library at Jewish Family Service to learn about the Community Food Pantry and go inside. Snacks, crafts and of course, a PJ Library story. Please bring a canned food item as the cost of entry. RSVP to Rebecca Axelrod-Cooper at racooper@jfslv.org. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30 Election 2018: A Blue Wave??? 7:30 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom. Dr. Chris Borick, director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, will analyze polling results for the upcoming 2018 elections. Will this election follow the pattern of the party in power losing seats in a mid-term election? Join us for a lively, thought-provoking, informative evening. Dr. Gordon Goldberg will chair the event. Refreshments will be served. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Happy Hour, Happy Life 5:30 p.m., Wegmans. Looking for ways to enhance your knowledge of Judaism? KI is introducing a new opportunity for members to come together to learn and get to know each other. A monthly happy hour (1st Thursday of each month) where we can share our thoughts and reflection on URJ’s podcast, “10 minutes of Torah” with Rabbi Rick Jacobs (www.reformjudaism.libsyn.com). We promise a little study, a little socializing, lots of fun. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Women’s Philanthropy Presents ‘Living an Intentional Life’ 7 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Join Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation for an inspiring evening. Vicki Agron’s 40 years in Jewish philanthropy have earned her an international reputation as an insightful thought leader, teacher, speaker and strategist. Vicki, a long-time Lion of Judah, will talk with us about what it means to create our own personal legacies and live an intentional life. Dinner for Lions of Judah and Pomegranates at 5:30 p.m. Please RSVP by Monday, Oct. 29, to 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org or register online at www.jewishlehighvalley.org. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Shabbat Special Service 7:30 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Birthday service. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Women’s Philanthropy Lunch & Learn: Author James Arcuri 12 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. Author of “For God and Country,” the story of Haym Salomon, a true patriot and the financier of the American Revolution. Haym Salomon’s name will forever be linked to the ideals and success of the American Revolution and to the contributions that he and other Jews have made to the cause of American freedom. $12 for lunch and program. RSVP by Nov. 5 to 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org. FRIDAY-SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9-10 Congregation Brith Shalom Social Justice Weekend Congregation Brith Sholom. On Friday night, the Rev. Dr. Peter Pettit, director of the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding at Muhlenberg College, will speak during services beginning at 6 p.m. On Saturday, morning at 9 a.m., Dr. Gregory J. Edwards, senior pastor of the Resurrected Life Community Church, will deliver the d’var Torah. Saturday’s services will be followed by two workshops: “The Biblical Roots of Social Justice” and “From Social Action to Social Justice,” presented by Adina Alpert and Sarah Waldbott. Avodah fellows. 30 NOVEMBER 2018 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 JCC Bingo Night 6:30 to 10 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. Join the JCC for their first annual JCC Bingo Night, hosted by the Fitness Department. Play some games, win some prizes, and see if you’ll be the lucky winner of one of our gift baskets. Bring a friend and receive an extra raffle ticket to use during our basket raffle. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., bingo starts at 7 p.m. $22 per person, JCC members $15. Extra bingo sheets $5. Get your tickets at the JCC Welcome Desk, by calling 610-435-3571 or online at lvjcc.org/bingo. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 The Noah Aronson Band: Music for Mind, Body and Soul 7 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. The Noah Aronson Band will be performing a concert at Congregation Keneseth Israel. Sponsored by the Dr. Ray & Bonnie Singer Education Fund. With reservations at www.kilv.org or by mail to KI by Nov. 7: adults $25, 18 and under $10, family cap $70. At the door: adults $35, 18 and under $10. Sponsorship opportunities available. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8ish Over 80ish 10 a.m., Temple Beth El. Join Jewish Family Service for its 3rd annual brunch to honor role models and mensches in our community. Visit www.jfslv.org/8ishOver80 to learn more. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Women of KI Opening Event 6 p.m. appetizers, 7 p.m. author presentation, Congregation Keneseth Israel. Honoring Choty San Andres and author Caroline Igra of “Count to a Thousand,” the story of American born and bred Victoria still struggling to make peace with her relocation to Israel after two decades and reassessing her allegiances. Free for Women of KI members, $25 for guests. To register, call KI at 610-435-9074. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 ‘Jews, Whiteness, and the Broadway Musical’ 7:30 p.m., Lehigh University, Roemmele Global Commons, Williams Hall, Building 31, 31 Williams Drive, Bethlehem. Featuring Warren Hoffman, executive director of the Association for Jewish Studies in New York. Jewish Americans served as the main creators behind the growth of the Broadway musical in the U.S., but what does the Broadway musical have to say about issues of race, especially the racial identities of its Jewish creators? In this talk, we’ll look at four musicals: “Show Boat,” “Oklahoma!,” “Annie Get Your Gun,” and “West Side Story” to see how the musical art form engaged with the concept of race in different time periods, looking particularly at the question of “white racial identity” and the ways in which musicals themselves helped Jews assimilate into the white mainstream. Lecture is free and open to the public. Sponsored by The Philip and Muriel Berman Center for Jewish Studies at Lehigh University. Metered street parking at $1 an hour. For inquiries, please contact Tara Coyle, Berman Center coordinator, 610-758-4869, tac514@lehigh.edu. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Mega Challah Bake 2018 7 p.m., Lehigh Country Club, 2319 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Allentown. Join women from across the Lehigh Valley for Chabad of the Lehigh Valley’s brand new take on the Mega Challah Bake. Braid your own challah to take home for Shabbos. With an entertaining and enlightening demo with Rebbetzin Rochie Pinson and a new format this year. RSVP at www.lvmegachallah.com. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Stagemakers Presents: ‘The Lion King, Jr.” Thursday and Saturday 7 p.m., Sunday 2 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. The African savannah comes to life on our stage with Simba, Rafiki and an unforgettable cast of characters as they journey from Pride Rock to the jungle ... and back again, in this inspiring, coming-of-age tale. Ticket prices: JCC member adult $10; non-member adult $15; JCC member child $8; non-member child $12. To purchase tickets, stop by the JCC Welcome Desk, call 610-435-3571 or visit www.lvjcc.org.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Special Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Megan Durham and Steve Derstine will join the regular professional choir for a special musical service. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Something For Everyone Shabbat 10 a.m., Temple Beth El. A Shabbat program for every age at Temple Beth El. 0-3-year-olds: bring a favorite grown up to BIMBOM BUDDIES. Pre-K-grade 2: enjoy games and stories in KINDERSHUL. Grades 3-6: daven with doughnuts at JUNIOR CONGREGATION. Teens: help lead youth service or visit GPS. Parents and other adults participate in the main service or drop in for our GUIDED PRAYER SERVICE. Everyone comes together for a delicious KIDDUSH LUNCH. Open to the community. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley 65th Annual Gala 7:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. You are cordially invited to an evening of celebration, dinner and a live auction to benefit the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley as we honor Eva and Larry Levitt. Black tie optional. Dinner will be Glatt Kosher. Kindly respond by Nov. 9. Tickets may be purchased at www.jdslv.org. For more information please call the JDS office at 610-437-0721 or email Adrienne at amanger@jdslv.org. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4 JCC Community Hanukkah Event 6 to 7:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. Dave Fry concert 6 p.m. latkes and toppings 6:30 p.m., candle lighting and sufganiyot at 7 p.m. $5 per person for concert and latkes, candle lighting and sufganiyot free. To register by Nov. 26, stop by the JCC Welcome Desk, call 610-435-3571 or visit www.lvjcc.org/hanukkah. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5 Lehigh Valley Phantoms Light Up the Night Menorah lighting 6:30 p.m., game 7:05 p.m., PPL Center. Join the community to celebrate Chanukah with the Lehigh Valley phantoms. See the giant ice menorah lit, sponsored by Chabad of the Lehigh Valley. Kosher food available. Group tickets are $20 and may be purchased through Chabad. The Jewish Federation is also selling tickets for a Young Adult Division/PJ Library outing. Under 2 free. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 Happy Hour, Happy Life 5:30 p.m., Wegmans. See listing for Nov. 1. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 Traditional Hanukkah Shabbat Dinner 6 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom. Dinner will feature the wonderful flavors of a Hanukkah feast. Make your reservations by 12 p.m. on Nov. 29 (reservations are required). The price is $15 per adult or become a patron for $20; $5 per child between the ages of 5 - 13; no charge for children under 5 with maximum family charge of $45. Please pay in advance. Make out checks to “CBS - Shabbat Dinners.” Late reservations or “at the door” price is $18 per person. Call Tammy at 610-866-8009 for reservations, transportation and more information. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 Dinner & A Movie: Doing Jewish – A Story From Ghana 5:30 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. BYOB social at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner catered by Chef Eric. African-themed with latkes and vegetarian options. Dessert and post-movie discussion facilitated by Alan Snyder. This is a teen-friendly movie. Adults $18/teens $10. RSVP by Wednesday, Dec. 5, with payment online at www.kilv.org or by mail. Sponsored by the Keneseth Israel Adult Education Committee. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13 Latke-Vodka Hanukkah Cook-Off II 7 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. Get ready for Round 2! Five teams will compete to see who will make the best latke and vodka drink. Featuring returning champion team “50 Shades of Latke” and four brand new competitors. This event WILL sell out! $36 per person. Limited to the first 100 participants. Get your tickets at the JCC Welcome Desk, by calling 610-435-3571 or by visiting www.lvjcc.org.

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Shabbat & Yom Tov Candlelighting Times Friday, Nov. 2

5:38 pm

Friday, Nov. 23

4:20 pm

Friday, Nov. 9

4:31 pm

Friday, Nov. 30

4:17 pm

Friday, Nov. 16

4:24 pm

Friday, Dec. 7

4:16 pm

Ongoing Events SUNDAY to FRIDAY DAF YOMI 7:30 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel Meeting all year long, this class covers the gamut of Talmudic law, studying one page of the Talmud each day, and completing the Talmud over the course of seven and a half years. Basic Jewish background is recommended. SUNDAYS

100,000 MILES/YR FOR KOSHER! First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Congregation Beth Avraham Open to all. Fascinating vignettes from a mashgiach who drives approximately 100,000 miles/year (yes, per year!) to keep the kosher supply chain intact. From rural Arkansas to frigid Nova Scotia, winter and summer, the demands are always there. Contact Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod, Kashruth Hotline (24/6), 610-9052166, rabbiyagod1@gmail.com.

siddur, learn about key prayers and continue our study of the te’amim (trope) for Torah and Haftarah. Required texts: “JPS English TaNaKh” or “Etz Hayyim Chumash,” “Aleph Isn’t Tough” (AnT) 1 & 2, Torah/Haftarah trope book. ORTHODOX JEWISH LIVING: WHAT IS IT & HOW? 8 p.m. Contact Rabbi Yizchok I. Yagod, 610-905-2166, rabbiyagod1@ gmail.com. THURSDAYS

JEWISH WAR VETERANS POST 239 2nd Sunday of the month, 10 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Veterans and their significant others are invited as the guest of the Ladies Auxiliary. Come and enjoy comradeship; we’ll even listen to your “war stories.” A brunch follows each meeting. Questions? Contact Commander Sheila Berg at 610360-1267 or sh-berg1@hotmail. com. TEFILLIN CLUB & ADULT HEBREW SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. Tefillin; 10 to 11 a.m. Adult Hebrew, Chabad Tefillin is for Jewish men and boys over the age of bar mitzvah, to learn about, and gain appreciation for, the rich and enriching Jewish practice – the mitzvah – of donning tefillin. Contact 610-351-6511. TALMUD CLASS FOR BEGINNERS! 10 to 11 a.m., Congregation Beth Avraham of Bethlehem-Easton For information,contact Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod at 610-905-2166. TUESDAYS TORAH STUDY 12:30 p.m., at the home of Cindy Daniels, 3630 Corriere Rd., Apt. 100, Easton Join Rabbi Melody of TCP to delve into the heart and soul of the Torah and how it applies to your life! No knowledge of Hebrew is necessary, nor is registration. Contact 610-2532031 for information. YACHAD TORAH STUDY GROUP 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley It doesn’t matter how much you know, it matters how much you want to know. Bring your curiosity to Yachad’s Torah study group and discover the wonders, adventures and meaning of the Torah. Moderated by lay leaders. Held in the front gallery at the JCC. Email barbart249@ aol.com for information. J-DAYS: CONNECTION CORNER AT THE J – YIDDUSH CLUB 2 to 3:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Enjoy fun, fellowship, stories and more. Discuss topics like cooking, humor, music and all kinds of entertainment in the Yiddish language. Join other adults to experience similar interests. Register for the year and participate in as many of the weekly activities as you would like. $5/season or register for a full year: $18/ year. JCC members: free. Register with the JCC Welcome Desk or call 610-435-3571. Contact Amy Sams for more information about J-Days at 610-435-3571 ext. 182 or asams@ lvjcc.org.

WEDNESDAYS 101 JUDAISM CLASS 10 a.m., Temple Covenant of Peace Join Rabbi Melody for the 101 Judaism Class. All welcome! Contact 610-253-2031 for information. J-DAYS: CONNECTION CORNER AT THE J – MAH JONGG 1 to 3:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Drop in for a friendly game of mahj and conversation. Join other adults to experience similar interests. Register for the year and participate in as many of the weekly activities as you would like. $5/season or register for a full year: $18/year. JCC members: free. Register with the JCC Welcome Desk or call 610-435-3571. Contact Amy Sams for more information about J-Days at 610-435-3571 ext. 182 or asams@lvjcc.org. KNITTING WITH FERNE 1 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Free and open; no experience needed. Ferne is delighted to teach newcomers to knitting and crocheting as well as confer on projects with those who have more experience. A lovely way to spend a Wednesday afternoon!

CHRONIC CONDITIONS GROUP 2nd Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Jewish Family Service The group is open to anyone that is coping with living with a chronic condition and looking for others to share life issues and garner support. Co-led by Susan Sklaroff-VanHook and Rebecca Axelrod-Cooper. Call 610-821-8722 to learn more. There is no charge for the group. ECCLESIASTES: A TIME AND A SEASON 10:30 a.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel Join a welcoming group of KI members and their friends to discuss a variety of topics relevant to the Jewish lives we have -- or want to have. No prerequisites except an open mind and a willingness to listen to each other. For more information or to get on the email list, contact shari@kilv. org or call 610-435-9074. TORAH ON TILGHMAN 12:15 p.m., Allentown Wegmans Cantor Ellen Sussman of Temple Shirat Shalom leads a lunch and learn on the Torah. RSVP to contactus@ templeshiratshalom.com or 610820-7666. SHABBAT

HADASSAH STUDY GROUP Every other Wednesday, 1:30 p.m., Temple Beth El Allentown Hadassah presents a stimulating series of short story seminars. All are welcome to attend these free sessions in the Temple Beth El library. The group will be reading selections from anthologies available from Amazon.com. For dates and stories, contact Marilyn Claire, mjclaire@ gmail.com, 610-972-7054. BETH AVRAHAM TORAH STUDY 7 p.m. Torah: It is the common heritage that binds all Jews together. Explore the ancient wisdom of Torah together. All are welcome. RSVP: Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod, 610-905-2166, rabbiyagod1@gmail.com. TORAH STUDIES: A WEEKLY JOURNEY INTO THE SOUL OF TORAH 7 p.m., Chabad of the Lehigh Valley Torah Studies by JLI presents: Season Four 5778: A 12-part series. Cost is $36 for the complete series (textbook included). For more information contact 610-351-6511or Rabbi@chabadlehighvalley.com. ADULT B’NEI MITZVAH PROGRAM 7:15 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom Goals: In part two of the adult b’nei mitzvah program, we will continue to improve our Hebrew reading skills, explore the structure of the

BEGINNER’S GEMARA 8 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel Facilitated by Dr. Henry Grossbard, this is an excellent primer for developing the analytical tools necessary for in-depth study of the Talmud. CONTEMPORARY HALACHIC ISSUES FROM THE PARSHA 12 p.m., Congregation Sons of Israel This class takes Halachah from the weekly Torah portion and brings it to bear on some of the most pressing issues of our time. CHAVURAT TORAH STUDY Saturdays following kiddush lunch, Temple Beth El Taught by Shari Spark. No sign-up needed. Length of each class will vary. Enrich your Shabbat experience by studying the parashat hashavua, the weekly Torah portion. Questions? Email Shari at shari@ bethelallentown.org. WISDOM OF THE TALMUD 1 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom Join Rabbi Singer in a lively discussion about Jewish law, ethics, customs and history, as found in the pages of the Talmud, Masechet Brachot. This year we are continuing to focus on the roots of the Amidah and what blessings are said over different foods. Books are available for order. No previous Talmud study required.

Congregations BNAI ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE 1545 Bushkill St., Easton – 610.258.5343 Conservative SHABBAT EVENING services are Fridays at 8 p.m., SHABBAT MORNING services are Saturdays at 9:30 a.m., RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m. and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. CHABAD OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY 4457 Crackersport Rd., Allentown – 610.336.6603 Rabbi Yaacov Halperin, Chabad Lubavitch SHABBAT EVENING services are held once a month seasonally, SHABBAT MORNING services are held Saturdays at 10 a.m., RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are held Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. and Sundays at 10 a.m. CONGREGATION AM HASKALAH 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.435.3775 Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein, Reconstructionist Weekly Shabbat services and a monthly family service with potluck dinner. Religious school meets Sunday mornings. Email am.haskalah.office@ gmail.com to learn more. CONGREGATION BETH AVRAHAM 439 South Nulton Ave., Palmer Township – 610.905.2166 | Rabbi Yitzchok Yagod, Orthodox SHABBAT EVENING starts half an hour after candle lighting. SHABBAT MORNING starts at 9:30 a.m., followed by a hot kiddish. CONGREGATION BRITH SHOLOM 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.866.8009 Rabbi Michael Singer, Conservative MINYAN is at 7:45 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. on Shabbat and holidays. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at Brith Sholom and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. at Temple Beth El. CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL 2227 Chew St., Allentown – 610.435.9074 Rabbi Seth D. Phillips, Reform Services begin at 7:30 pm every Friday night. The first Friday of the month is a birthday celebration. Religious School is held on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and runs from kindergarten through confirmation (10th grade). CONGREGATION SONS OF ISRAEL 2715 Tilghman St., Allentown – 610.433.6089 Orthodox SHACHARIT: Sundays at 8:30 a.m., Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30 a.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:45 a.m. MINCHAH/MAARIV: 20 minutes before sunset. FRIDAY EVENING: 20 minutes before sunset, 7 p.m. in the summer. SHABBAT MORNING: 9 a.m. SHABBAT AFTERNOON: 90 minutes before dark. TEMPLE BETH EL 1305 Springhouse Rd., Allentown – 610.435.3521 Rabbi Moshe Re’em, Conservative WEEKDAY MORNING minyan services at 7:45 a.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. SHABBAT EVENING services at 7:30 p.m. with the last Friday evening of the month featuring our Shira Chadasha Service. SHABBAT MORNING services at 9:30 a.m. followed by kiddush. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes every Tuesday at 4 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. Midrasha school classes Monday at 6:30 p.m. Shalshelet meets bimonthly on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Shalshelet (the chain) is open to ALL 10th, 11th and 12th grade students in the Lehigh Valley. For more information, contact Alicia Zahn, religious school director, at school@bethelallentown.org. TEMPLE COVENANT OF PEACE 1451 Northampton St., Easton – 610.253.2031 tcp@rcn.com; tcopeace.org Rabbi Melody Davis, Cantor Jill Pakman, Reform TCP holds Shabbat morning services at 10 a.m. For more information about our Temple and activities, see our website at www.tcopeace.org or look us up on Facebook. TEMPLE ISRAEL OF LEHIGHTON 194 Bankway Str. Lehighton – 610-379-9591 Pluralistic Shabbat evening services are held monthly beginning with potluck at 6:30 p.m. followed by services at 7:30 p.m. All regular monthly events can be found at templeisraeloflehighton.com. TEMPLE SHIRAT SHALOM 610.706.4595 | Cantor Ellen Sussman, Reform TSS meets in congregants’ homes once per month and at Cantor Sussman’s home once per month. Call Cantor Sussman for details. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | NOVEMBER 2018 31

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10 $10



2 $3

Raisin Challah Bread when you spend $100 in a single transaction

Raisin Challah Bread each

$ 50


Selected Elite Chocolate Bars 3 or 3.5 ounce



4 $5

Savion Fruit Slices 6 ounce



2 $5

Weis Proudly Accepts Prices Effective November 01 through December 12, 2018

We also carry many of your favorite Kosher deli, dairy, frozen and grocery products. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors.


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