Summer 2020
From the Remote Desk of Jewish Family Service
The Cancer Thrivers Network is proud to be a program of Jewish Family Service, the heart of a stronger community. JFS strives to perfect the world one person at a time, offering support, guidance, education and services to those who are struggling. These past few months have been unprecedented and challenging times for all of us. It is during the most unsettling of times that JFS is needed. Here’s how JFS has been supporting the ever-changing needs of our community: • 869 individuals contacted the JFS Resource Center staff for help with accessing community resources • 1297 telehealth sessions have been provided by JFS therapists Judie Blumeno & Barb LaRue
Since our Fall 2019 newsletter, our group has been operating in two different worlds: Pre-COVID-19 and during COVID-19. In the time when we could meet face-to-face, we held our annual meeting, experienced a wonderful Life Enhancement Series program with Rabbi G. from Kids Kicking Cancer, and participated in the JFS Adopt-a-Family program to provide Hanukkah presents to families in need. In January, we enjoyed an afternoon painting landscapes at Karmanos, facilitated by their art therapist. We were also able to meet on a monthly basis to lunch, knit/crochet and hold our bimonthly book club to discuss interesting books. Of course, that all changed in March. We were undaunted. With the support from our Program Manager, Sarah Strasberger, we have continued to thrive via Zoom. We are having virtual weekly lunches, knitting and crocheting get-togethers, book club discussions, committee meetings and special webinars including a stress management session, a Challah baking demo and a chair yoga session. As we phase into the “New Normal”, our goal is to continue to find creative ways for us to connect with each other and enrich our lives. We hope all of you are staying healthy and safe and we look forward to “seeing” you soon. Judie Blumeno & Barb LaRue Co-Chairs, Cancer Thrivers Network Cancer Thrivers Network for Jewish Women is a program of Jewish Family Service Sally & Graham and Suzanne & Joseph Orley Building 6555 W. Maple Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322 248.592.2300
• 456 households received financial assistance to help with rent, food and utilities
If you or someone you know needs help, please reach out to the Jewish Family Service Resource Center at (248) 592-2313.
Cancer Thrivers Programming Goes Virtual Sign up to receive updates and Zoom log-in information for all our upcoming programming at
Knitting Group
Book Club
Every Friday at 1pm, the current group of six to eight knitters and crocheters join together on Zoom to knit/crochet and gab. We are stock piling blankets, which will eventually be given to patients at the Royal Oak-Beaumont Infusion Center or Karmanos Infusion Center. We are not missing a beat! One stitch at a time, one row at a time and — before you know it — we have a beautiful 35”x49” blanket. At the same time, we knit scarves for JFS’s clientele for the Adopt A Family Program.
The Cancer Thrivers Book Club went from meeting bi-monthly to meeting over Zoom every month. Book Club now meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 1pm. From historical fiction to fantasy to memoirs, we continue to enjoy choosing books that cover a variety of topics and genres. Together, participants review book recommendations and select the best choices for interesting, thoughtprovoking discussions. New participants and their book recommendations are always welcome.
…and the beat goes on!!!
All blanket materials and needles are available free of charge. We accept and are grateful for donations of washable acrylic yarn. Please join us. If you do not knit or crochet, join us with your favorite craft/hobby or just hang out. Susie Yesenko & Silvia Marcus Co-Chairs, Cancer Thrivers Knitting Group
Literature lovers, rejoice!
Past Book Selections: April 2020 The Library Book by Susan Orlean May 2020 This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel June 2020 The Alice Network by Kate Quinn July 22, 2020 The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See Mark Your Calendars: August 19, 2020 Life After Life by Kate Atkinson September 16, 2020 TBD October 21, 2020 The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish
Virtual Lunches
Our once-monthly lunch dates have gone bi-weekly over Zoom! The Cancer Thrivers have been loving the chance to meet more often to enjoy lunch together in a fun and friendly way. Zoom lunches have given our members frequent and consistent opportunities to get together, chat, and overcome the isolation of the stay-at-home order with positive interactions. Make sure to sign up on our website to receive email updates and Zoom information to join one of our upcoming lunches!
Past Program Highlights December 3, 2019 Breath Brake Seminar
In December, we were very pleased to welcome Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg, founder and director of Kids Kicking Cancer, as guest speaker for the final program of our 2019 Life Enhancement Series. The Kids Kicking Cancer program works with children who have life threatening illnesses, primarily cancer or sickle cell anemia, to teach them techniques to deal with the pain and anxiety that come with their illnesses. With scientific information and humor, Rabbi G.’s “Breath Brake Seminar; Learn to Live Longer and Better,” gave us a taste of how his unique program not only benefits the children, but he included important information we could adapt to use in our own lives. He even brought a surprise guest; a remarkably poised three-year-old boy who ably demonstrated the application of the method. We look forward to bringing you interesting and worthwhile LES programs in the future. Stay safe and well. Sharon Rocklin Chair, Life Enhancement Series
January 29, 2020 Karmanos Painting Class January 29, 2020 was a special day for our Thriver sisters. About 20 of us met at the Karmanos Cancer Center in Farmington Hills for a painting party! Karmanos supplied the canvases, paint and instructions. Some of us had painted before that date and, for some, it was a new experience. All participants had wonderful time, regardless of experience level. Linda FitzGerald Member, Programming Committee
Thriver Spotlights Why I am a Thriver
When I was diagnosed 20+ years ago with ovarian cancer, I looked for people who had something in common with me. I knew so little about any kind of cancer - but ovarian? Never heard of it. However, when I saw the notice in the Jewish News about a new group starting for Jewish women who were cancer survivors, I knew I had to attend their next event. I honestly don’t remember the year, but we were at the JCC and Shaindle Braunstein was doing a class on computers. I live with a man who is a computer expert, so I wasn’t sure if I needed a class on computers, but I sure wanted Elaine Greenberg (left) pictured with to meet other Jewish women who had been diagnosed Judith Kovach (right) with cancer. I went to the meeting and, other than Michelle Passon, I don’t remember too many other gals’ names. I had already met Michelle (over the phone) so I knew I liked her. That began my association with the Cancer Thrivers Network for Jewish Women. Though I don’t attend all functions, it has been a great experience with some wonderful women who I now call my friends. One thing I’ve loved doing was making the official Thrivers Calendar in 2013. That was quite a project and I was honored to be “Miss November” (my birthday month) and tell a little about ovarian cancer. When the not-for-profit company “Living For Music, Inc.” was formed, we sponsored an annual cancer benefit jazz concert at Temple Israel. Many of my Thriver friends and their families attended. When we decided to use the funds raised from the jazz concert – known as “Jazzalot” – for beautiful gift bags for people receiving chemo, one of the things that was in those bags was a blanket created by a member of the Thrivers knitting group. We gave out 75-100 bags each year and always made sure the recipient of the bag knew that the blanket was knit by a survivor. It was a decision I have never regretted – my association with the Cancer Thrivers Network for Jewish Women has been a positive and a fulfilling one. Elaine Greenberg Member, Steering Committee
The World is Stopped The world is stopped. No people out. No hugs. No kisses. No stores. No visits. No petting dogs on the street. No shaking hands with folks you meet.
No repairs; no doctors; No fairs; no shows. Television; technology: My knowledge grows!
No seeing friends, Except on screen. No dinner parties; Must clean, clean, clean!
Pick up groceries at the curb; People wearing masks and gloves. Wait a week to get your food; Plan ahead is now the mood. Pam Goldberg Member, Steering Committee