Voice Piano
ff Allegro q = 120 3 The No.2: PROLOGUE f very rhythmic Owl and the Pus sy cat f 6 went to sea p In mf a loco p
JULIAN GRANT EDWARD LEAR Maestoso THE OWL AND THE PUSSY-CAT (1998) an opera in many scenes q = 60 for my daughter, Hattie © JULIAN GRANT 1998. All rights reserved.
10 beau ti ful pea green 13 boat f They took some f mf sf 15 ho ney and plen ty of 17 mo ney, wrapped up in a five 2
19 pound note. 21 qqq = p The Owl 3 3 3 3 3 p 3 3 3 3 eee Slower q = 90 24 looked up to the stars a 3
27 bove, and sang 29 e = e 3 to a 3 small 3 3 gui tar. Tempo di siciliana 32 q. = 60 No.3: SERENADE 3 3 3 p 36 mf with gusto 'O love ly Pus sy O 4
41 Pus sy ten. my love a tempo colla voce mf 45 What a beau ti ful Pus sub p sy you are, you are, you p 50 are, you are, What a beau ti 5 54 e = e ful Pus sy you are!' 3 5
60 Andante q = 60 Pus sy said to the Owl No.4: LOVE SCENE p rapturously 'You, you, you, you p legato 63 e le gant 3 fowl 3 65 How charm ing ly sweet you 6
67 sing! O let us be mar ried, 70 Too long have we tar ried. 72 But, p agitato what shall we do for a ring? 7
e = e Slow q. = 40 75 No.5: INTERMEZZO with MOVING SCENERY pp p mf p pp 79 They sailed a way p 82 for a year and a day L.H 5 5 5 8
85 to the land where the Bong tree grows, mp sub pp 89 pp with contained terror and suspense And there in a wood a Pig gy wig stood 3 3 92 with a ring in the end of his nose his nose, his 3 3 9
95 nose, With a ring at the end of his
f 3 Pig-like q = 100 98 No.6: GRAND SCENE with PIG p
'Dear Pig sf 102 are you wil ling to sell for a 10
most politely, but fearful
ad lib.
No.7: GRANDE VALSE de PIG (with coloratura)
Tempo di valse, in 1
h. = 66
shil ling your ring?'
Said p cupo
Pig gy
f 'I long will. f 114 I will, I will I will, 11
120 I will I will I will sf 126 Allegro q = 120 I long No.8: WEDDING SCENE and FEAST (with bells and fanfares - cannons optional) will.' So f they took it a way p f 129 And were mar ried next day 131 By f the Tur key sf 12
133 who lives on the hill. 135 They dined on ff 137 mince and sli ces of 3 ff 139 quince, Which they ate with a run ci ble ff mf 13
141 spoon. p And hand in ff Tempo di siciliana q. = 60 143 hand No.9: DANCE FINALE 3 3 p 146 on the edge of the sand 14
149 they danced by the light of the moon 152 the moon, the 155 moon, 15
158 they danced by the light of the 162 moon. 165 p f (H A tti E) [FINE: Hong Kong 4 March 1998] 16