Dream Believe...

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Introducing Core Values The core values of an organiza7on are those

values we hold which form the founda7on on which we perform work and conduct ourselves. The values underlie our work, how interact with each other, and which strategies we employ to fulfill our mission. The core values are the basic elements of how we go about our work. They are the prac7ces we use (or should be using) every day in everything we do.

Great Products & Organiza7on Innovate-­‐Educate-­‐Create Fun People Team Rela7onships Simple Solu7ons

– 6000 new lines The company as a whole needs to meet this goal to be in the money. refers to the number of new lines placed in accounts. We determine this by the number of times you check the new customer box in Brandwise.

We challenge you to open 30 new accounts. These are stores that have never done business with JG2HI or KCO or haven’t done business with us in over one year.

Placing Brand New Lines into New or Existing Accounts  The first element is about placing new lines into new and existing accounts. You will receive $1 for every brand new line you place into a store. This is when you will check the new customer box in Brandwise. Â

Opening Brand New Account The 2nd element is that you will get $5 for every brand new account you open, and $5 for every inactive account (one that hasn’t ordered in 12 months) that you turn active again. The Company Goal must be met to receive payout.


PAY OUT v $5 for every brand new account v $5 for every reactivated account v $1 for every brand new line you place in a store

To receive payout we must meet the 6000 new line Company Goal. Â

EXAMPLE If a rep opens up a brand new retailer and places 3 new lines in that store, they will get $5 for opening the store, plus $3 for the new lines they placed there. The new lines placed in that store (not the store itself) are what counts towards the goal.

EXAMPLE 2 Any time a rep opens an account that has multiple doors; you will get $5 for the account – not $5 per door. However, you will get credit for each NEW line placed in each individual door – providing that the orders are shipped to the individual locations. (If they are shipped to one location, you only get credit for one placement.) Example: If a rep opens a multi-store retailer with 5 locations and places 2 NEW lines in each store, a rep would get $5 for opening the account, then $10 for placing the 2 new lines into each of the 5 the multiple shipping locations. Total earned is $15, but only the 10 new lines count towards the company goal.

Welcome to Money Land This year we have added a game board to reinforce our company core values and best prac7ces. Each square represents a goal. As you complete a goal place a s7cker on the square “marking off” that goal. Any rep that marks off the en7re map will be entered into a drawing to win a Grand prize.

MONEY LAND GAME BOARD GOALS Ø  Place 100 new lines (10 squares, each square represents 10 lines) Ø  Open 10 new accounts (10 squares) Ø  Reactivate 10 accounts (10 squares) Ø  Being nominated for demonstrating core value (3 squares) Ø  Nominating someone for demonstrating a core values (3 squares) Ø  Call Barbie and/or Michelle (2 squares) Ø  Phone a rep outside your division or attend JG University (4 squares) Ø  Contact a vendor for help (3 squares) Ø  Clean up Open Order Report once a quarter (3 squares) Ø  Promote another show ATL, LV & NY (1 square) Ø  Have Daniel consult with one of your accounts (1 square)

MONEY LAND GAME BOARD GOALS Ø  Place 100 new lines (10 squares, each square represents 10 lines) Ø  Open 10 new accounts (10 squares) Ø  Reactive 10 accounts (10 squares) Ø  Being nominated for demonstrating core value (3 squares) Ø  Nominating someone for demonstrating a core values (3 squares) Ø  Call Barbie and/or Michelle (2 squares) Ø  Phone a rep outside your division or attending JG University (4 squares) Ø  Contact a vendor for help (3 squares) Ø  Clean up open report once a quarter (3 squares) Ø  Promote another show ATL, LV & NY (1 square) Ø  Have Daniel consult with one of your accounts (1 square)

30 New/Reac7vated Accounts Ø You must open 30 new accounts to qualify to be entered on the GRAND PRIZE drawing. Ø For every 5 addi7onal accounts you open/reac7vate your name will be entered into the drawing again.

Compass for Change This is an exercise in changing negaGve habits/ beliefs into posiGve habits/beliefs.

Poor Thought/Habit Example I can’t sell this line. Nobody is going to buy it. It is too expensive and the minimum is too high. Every one already carries another line just like it. All the buyers don’t have any money or space for a new line. I am not wasting my time going in that store they never buy anything from me. I’m not making enough money.

New Thought Process Example Ø Step 1 Thoughts – I can sell any line. Ø Step 2 Beliefs – I am a great sales rep. I know my product, my industry and my customer. I have a great line package and an incredible support staff. Ø Step 3 Feelings – I am confident and excited to show this line and posi7ve I will find a home for it. Ø Step 4 AcGons – I present lines with enthusiasm and asser7veness knowing I will be successful. Ø Step 5 Results – I am making more money. I AM A ROCK STAR REP!

Program Rules Ø  New account orders must be written with accounts that have not purchased from JG2HI/KCO, or inactive accounts that have not ordered within the last 12 months. Ø  Orders must be confirmed and transmitted to the vendor with all required information by November 11, 2016. Ø  Promotion is for road and in-territory show orders only. HFC, key accounts, directs, cancelled orders and out-of-territory orders at show will not qualify. Ø  All orders must reach all opening and reorder minimums. Ø  Customer must be set up in Brandwise with complete contact information (Name, address, email, phone, fax, etc.) Ø  Complete payment information must be included. (“Call for credit card” orders will not qualify.) Ø  Contest form must be completed and turned in to your sales managers Katie, Karina, Kasey and Alison no later than the 2nd of each month. Ø  Payout will be at the December sales meeting. Ø  Rep must be an active team member at the time of payout. Ø  Rep keeps up with the new accounts you open/reactivate. (Spreadsheet is attached to this email.) Ø  Bonus payments will only be made on orders that are confirmed, paid and closed. Ø  Monthly results will be posted the 15th of every month.

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