Poppy was created for one simple reason. Ginger, as a single Mom, needed more flexibility to spend time with her two young kids. She also saw an opportunity to create a better future for herself and her family. As Poppy continues to grow, Ginger is able to show her kids (and others) that with hard work and a clear vision, anything is possible.
With a small budget and a strong worth ethic, in 2014 Poppy opened as a small retail shop in Asheville, NC. Her mission was clear: use real ingredients, only create flavors that are different from anything else you can find and make it fun. After all, it’s just popcorn. Little did she know just how quickly the small Asheville community of artisans, musicians and adventurers would fall in love with Poppy. And not just them, but communities all over the country.
Soon, people across the country were savoring and smiling ear to ear because of our all-natural, delicious, hand-made popcorn. Our secret isn’t just fresh ingredients though. And it’s not just state -of-the-art popcorn machines either. It’s the people who pour their love into each batch so that the very person who opens the bag is welcomed with positivity and delightful flavors that bring instant cheer.
Many years on from our humble founding, we’ve discovered what truly drives us. To spread joy, happiness and empowerment. And to build, support and uplift others and our own. We hope you like to eat (and give) a lot of Poppy Handcrafted Popcorn to your friends and family because we sure love making it for you.
shipping & terms
A l l o r de r s w i l l be cha r ged or in v oiced at t h e t i me t h ey a r e shipped
C r e d it ca r d o r de r s w i l l b e p l aced on h old i n t h e event we do not have a val i d c r e d it ca r d on file .
O r de r s wi l l not ship without payment unless terms have been p r e v iously ar r anged w i th
P oppy th r ough a c r e d i t c h ec k
Have your sales rep contact to wholesale@poppyhandcraftedpopcorn.com apply for terms .
Note that accounts o n terms a r e payable by c h eck or A CH onl y If i nvo i ces beco m e
del i nquent , o r de r s w i l l be p l ace d on h old and accounts wil l automatically r eve r t to c r e d it
ca r d or to p r e -pay status .
Please not e inc r eased mini m ums wi l l app l y to app r o v ed term custome r s
Opening o r der min i mum for new custome r s i s $ 300
R eo r der minimum is $ 2 00 . A l l o r de r s ship v i a UPS . Shipping 15% will be applied at time of shipping.
Orders may not be canceled or changed once they reach a 14-day shipping window.
F l a v o r s featuring c h ocolate a r e not ava il ab l e f r o m May 1 th r ough September 30th
Standa r d turna r ound t i me is t wo weeks but sub j ect to change based on o r der v olu m e .
Sto r e P oppy p r oducts in a coo l , d r y p l ace The shelf life for savory items is four to five months from the date of delivery, while for sweet items, it extends to six to eight months from the delivery date.