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Shake out your picnic blankets . Can anything top a go o d meal out s ide with goo d c o mpany ? A picnic blanket holds so much p otential for c o nnecti on t o be made , and we wanted t o capture that magic with th i s c o llect io n. Gather your friends and favorite snacks to settle ar o und a ba s ke t and make some memories .
Backyards are for tea parties .
This collection wa s designed with th e sweetest f leeting moment s in mi nd Th e slowness in the transiti o n fr o m s umme r to fall, the d eep b reath you take t o co llec t yourself , the minute s of stillne s s w hil e your tea steeps , a ll of th o se moment s hold the spirit of a garden at twil i ght .
Cluck , cluck .
This collection is f or the chicken l ove r in your life Whether you love chickens , your grandmother ha s a chicken-theme d kitchen , or your be s t f riend s tarte d raising them in their b ackyard , thi s collection is full of fantastic p roduct s. CHICKENS
Inspired by the pieces of nature we get to bring int o our homes , this collection re f lect s the experie nce of seeing growth happen in our daily lives .
Where the sweetest rec i pe s and s torie s often begin , we bel i eve the kitchen is a place for love and laughte r, f o r mes ses and masterpieces In the kitchen , the en d results of cookies and casseroles are onl y the beginning of the mem ori es that wil l last well after the last bite .
For the adventure seekers .
W e believe i n exploring . The wo rld ha s so much to offe r, fr o m grand mountai n skylines to colorful peb ble beaches . We ho pe our Nati o nal P ark s co llecti on sp ark s insp irat i on an d curio s ity fo r t i me s pen t in n ature
W e believe in exploring . The world ha s so much to offe r, from grand mountai n skylines to colorful pebble beaches . We ho pe o ur N at ion al P ark s coll ect ion sp ark in s pi rat ion a nd cur i os i ty fo r t i me sp ent in n ature
It’s the little things .
This concept took root in recent year s, an d has grown into a c o llection that sh ows the intricate beauty o f Earth ’s smalle st creatures . W e hope you will a l way s be on the lookout for the little thing s, and tak e time to notice how precious n ature i s, an d the honor we have in being p art o f it .
Our Feathered Friend s c o llecti on ha s been a fan favorite fo r s o me time , and we have to agree . We h op e the y continue to inspire y o u to ap p reciat e all the beautiful col o rs and so ng s nature has to offe r.
The dog days are n o t o ver .
For so many of us , a h o use is not a hom e without our fou r -legged f riends . We ’v e taken some of our most p op ul ar artw o rk an d turned it into a collecti o n that i s s o f etch !