2010 Master of Architecture I, Application Portfolio

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J a c k

G a u m e r

Architecture Portfolio

Fall 2010 Master of Architecture III Application

Jack Gaumer - 1912 Calle Alegria Fullerton, CA 92833 - jack.gaumer@gmail.com - (714).728.6427

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THE Cover



SOLO project



SOLO project


work projects





jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio



| Fullerton, CA

California State University, Fullerton

08.2006 - 05.2010

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics Minor in Computer Science (In Progress)

Vertrees Architecture and Engineering Junior Designer and Draftsman

| Brea, CA


Design, drafting, 3d rendering, presentation materials, project management, CAD/IT management.

California State University, Fullerton

| Fullerton, CA

Purkiss Rose RSI Landscape Architects

| Fullerton, CA

Supplemental Teaching Assistant Supplemental instruction teacher for Calculus and College Algebra. Desgin Intern Drafting, 3d rendering, skatepark design, presentation materials, and data organization.


Deans List

05.2009 - Present

05.2003 - 05 .2005

01.2009 - Present

College of Natural Science and Mathematics

California State University, Fullerton University Top Score


The 69th W. L. Putnam Mathematical Competition

California State University, Fullerton 11.2009

PUBLICATIONS & Paving the Royal Way: The Road Toward PRESENTATIONS Problem Solving

Book Review of “Putnam and Beyond�, written with Bogdan Suceava Confirmed for Publication in The Mathematical Intelligencer

Learn to Love LaTeX


Remarks on Problem A2 from the 69th


Seminar on the professional typesetting system, LaTeX. Mathematics Club Seminar - California State University, Fullerton W. L. Putnam Mathematical Competition. Problem Solving Seminar - California State University, Fullerton jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio




three-dimensional design course | spring 2009

his was a two phase project, first developing three separate forms in terms of particular composition criteria and, the second was combining the three forms into one according to rules developed by its designer. Throughout both was a focus on dynamic form and aesthetics, utilizing elements of kinetic energy such as asymmetry, implications of movement, linearity, and top heaviness.

jack gaumer


one, rules focused around point/line and their possible relationships with each other. The set required a certain number of rules generative and passive

phase 1: To design three compositions exploring space as it is defined by its boundaries. For each composition, we first created a field of fixed and immovable lines, then developed three polygonal volumes using only these fixed lines and lines that can be implied between any fixed points upon them. The volumes in each of the forms were to be complex and complete volumes in relationship with one another, and defined only by their edges.

in nature, in where a generative rule would force the compositions to interact, and passive would put limitations on their possible interactions.

phase 2: To create a set of rules with which to combine the three forms into

media: Basswood, Piano Wire, Paint, Model Glue, Google SketchUp.

m.arch iii application portfolio

final phase 2 model, outdoor photographs.

final phase 2 model, indoor photograph.

jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio

06 phase 1 model, built model (right) and SketchUp model with colors representing the “volumes” (left)

phase 1 mounted model, built model (left) and SketchUp model with colors representing the “volumes” (right)

jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio

07 08 mounted phase 1 model and (2) unmounted phase 1 models, pre-embedment

phase 1 model, built model (above) and SketchUp model with colors representing the “volumes� (below)

jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio


jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio


phase 2 model studio close up jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio

fire escape perspective screen shots

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jack gaumer


personal work | 1998

ire escape is a level for the computer game Quake 2 by id Software, specifically deisgned for the style of play as in the Rocket Arena 2 game addon by David Wright. Rocket Arena is a game of one-on-one deathmatch, focused around fast paced fighting in small strategic maps.

ers re-think their usual play style, and respond to new strategic opportunities that the environment provides.

The aim of Fire Escape is to challenge traditional player strategies of holding high ground and following opponents. Designed with multiple paths to various vantage points, Fire Escape uses changes in elevation and lighting to form a unique strategic environment. Advantages when fighting in Fire Escape are obtained when play-

•Included in the Rocket Arena 2: All-star maps package.

m.arch iii application portfolio

recognition: •Fire escape was published by id Software in Quake II: Internet Pack No. 1: Extremities, a “best of the internet” package.

•Converted to Quake 3: Arena for use as the finals map in the “PlanetQuake Beatdown” railgun competition. software: QE4 by John Carmack and bsp/vis by id Software.

fire escape screenshots in-battle


fire escape over all perspective screenshot jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio

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photograph during construction

perspective rendering



work experience | 2003-2009


ere are works of architecture or landscape architecture that I have had the opportunity to work on in a professional environment over the past six years. Each project is accompanied by a short explanation, including the time frame, the status of the project, the firm the work was done for, and the extent of my involvement. All drawings are not to scale unless otherwise indicated.

jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio

This page: Madera Skatepark, for the City of Madera, California. Constructed in 2004, the work was done by Purkiss Rose - RSI in 2003-2004. My involvement was in the AutoCAD 3D rendering seen above, heavy involvement in all phases of construction documentation, and implementation of minor design changes.

second floor office plan view

perspective of office entrance

Reel Lumber Corporate Offices and Warehouse, for the Reel Lumber Corporation in San Bernadino, California. Currently in construction documentation phase, with the design and current construction documents done by Vertrees A&E. My involvement has been extensive development of the 3D AutoCAD model, 2D AutoCAD design drawings, SketchUp rendering, and now in the architectural as well as the structural construction drawings.

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first floor office and warehouse plan view jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio

perspective rendering

Port Hueneme Skatepark, for the City of Port Hueneme, California. The project is unbuilt, with the design and construction drawings done by Purkiss Rose - RSI in 2004. My involvement was in the AutoCAD 3D renderings as seen on this page, design presentation drawings, heavy involvement in all phases of construction documentation, and implementation of minor design changes.

14 hand colored presentation rendering snake run and skate pool close up rendering

jack gaumer


street skating section close up rendering

m.arch iii application portfolio

Tam’s Hamburgers Restaraunt in Whittier, California. Currently under construction, with the design and construction documents done by Vertrees A&E during 2008-2009. My involvement has been extensive development of the 3D AutoCAD model, 2D AutoCAD design drawings, SketchUp rendering, and in construction drawings.

structural facade detail

west elevation view

north elevation view

jack gaumer


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m.arch iii application portfolio

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n this exercise, the design goal was multi-tiered, with each additional level of the composition responding to the previous one. Design is initialized by a series of lines a rectangular base of various thickness and length, terminating only on each other or the edge of the base. The second layer is a wood frame built upon the base which responds to the lines, feeding off of the linearity and lift implied by them, ramifying two dimensions into a third. Throughout the frame are volumetric planes which exist in juxtaposition to it, representing the flow created by the frame, magnifying its innuendo of movement. lines: are intrinsic elements of the base. The lines are not conceptual indications of any other forces, yet are collected towards one quadrant of the base in a natural and asymmetrical fashion. frame: is a natural extension of the planar base lines, thus designed from a conceptual basis of nature, as in being irregular and irreproducible in the exact, yet harmonious and precise. Harmony was produced by precise repetition of the frame elements, preserv-

ing angles, spacing, and orientation. Irregularity was held by implementing

asymmetrical changes along the frame, where elements are unexpectedly missing or changing direction. planes: existence is in theory, contingent on the existence of the frame, they are the kinetic indication of the potential energy carried by it. In a constant tense and top heavy situation, the planes dynamically flow through and around the frame, directly following its lead in movement. Usually staying close in tension, the planes will diverge from the frame when it indicates that the necessary forces are upon them. media: Basswood, Chipboard, Foamcore, Google SketchUp, and Indigo Renderer.



three-dimensional design course | spring 2009

jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio

rendering of final composition


studio image of frame during model construction jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio


rendering of final composition jack gaumer


m.arch iii application portfolio

studio image of frame during model construction

jack gaumer


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m.arch iii application portfolio

“city is its men� - 2002 - pastel drawing and acrylic painting on canvas by Jack Gaumer and Matthew Taylor (back cover)

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