5 Reasons Why Every parent should watch 3 Idiots
• 700 in U.S.A, 1000 in Nigeria, 500 in Iran, 400 in Korea, 2600 in India. Well, you might be wondering what these data are trying to reveal?? Actually, they indicate the number of movies which are released in these countries every year. Indian Cinema is the world’s largest producer of films. Bollywood is a complete blend of comedy, crime, action, drama, and fun. Besides providing entertainment, movies raises certain social issues which drastically change the overall perspective and thought the process of parents as well as children. One such movie was 3 Idiots which distinctively brings out the harsh reality of our education system. • 3 idiots was a mega hit movie, directed by Raj Kumar Hirani, released in the year 2009. The movie typically uses humor and comedy to bring out the gloomy side of an Indian student’s life. The story revolves around three friends, Rancho(Amir Khan), Farhaan(R.Madhvan), Raju(Sharman Joshi) who are students and roommates at the renowned Imperial college of engineering. Farhaan has a fascination for photography but chooses engineering just to fulfill his father’s wish. Raju has the burden of improving the financial condition of his family. Rancho is a talented and eccentric inventor and loves to build machines. The movie features challenging endeavors of 3 young boys and their creative application of mind and resources to overcome enigmas. In the backdrop, it gave us an opportunity to analyze the underlying issues which require transformation.
Here are some of the learning & the answer to every parent, why every parent should watch 3 Idiots:
1. Allow kids to follow their passion over penny-making activities.
There’s a scene in the movie where Farhan’s dad said: “my son will become an engineer”. This is exactly the kind of approach that most Indian parents possess. Imposing their will over children can make them rebellious. Studies have revealed that children’s chance to become successful increases by 91% if they are allowed to pursue a career of their own choice. Money, luxurious life, traveling etc. all these are secondary things, but the most important affair in life is to be happy and contented.
Focus more on practical training rather than rote learning.
• Although we live in a country where the worth of a student is measured by the marks shown on its report card but little do we realize that marks apparently are numbers which gauge nothing but the ability to memorize things. Yes‌ this is a bitter truth. Knowledge acquired but not applied become useless. So, instead of keeping a sole aim of achieving higher marks focus on other aspects ie. personality. Try to find a logic behind every action. This will not only make learning interesting but also develops a stronger personage.
Never compare two children • Every child is unique in its own way. Some possess high bodily-kinesthetic while others are excellent painters and so on. Contrasting two diverse kids having different fields of interests can build tremendous pressure on each of them which ultimately hampers the innate creativity in them. They will simply become order following robots, consequently curbing the ability to utilize their brains.
Understand your child, Don’t instill in them a fear of failure
• Fear acts as a biggest depressing force. It slaughters thousands of innocent dreams. A report by National Crime Record Breaue reveals that approximately 39,775 students commit suicide every year simply because they fail to secure decent score in exams. So, it is necessary for parents to support their children in whatever they do. Parent’s support can do wonders in boosting confidence level. Along with this, teaching constructive ways to handle failure and the following stress can drastically reduce the suicide rates.
Inculcate good ethics and values in children • Good virtues constructively shape the overall personality. The movie portrays, how people from influential family, sometimes try to breach other children’s modesty. All this occurs due to lack of strong moral base. Students are the future of India, Imbibing right morals in them can eventually soothes the path to success for them.
• https://www.qriyo.com/blog/every-parentshould-watch-3-idiots/