How people with busy lifestyle can stay fit and healthy
One often finds it a shock, of how their lifestyle has changed. From being the fit and healthy one to slogging themselves in a 9-5 job every day for six days a week and in some occasions even seven days a week. One often witnesses, that after a month or so that they are so tuned to the lifestyle that it becomes very difficult to change it. One might also feel that now there is no coming back and one can only remember the golden days of their lives and cannot live with them again. Even after long hours of work, there is more to it. There is the never ending traffic, even after your 9-5 series of sitting in your seat; you have to sit in that traffic for hours again, just so that you can get back to your own lovely paradise. It takes you another 1-2 hours of sitting to get back home. But is it really the case?
A. WELLNESS MEDITATE BEFORE BED In this busy world, one’s stressful day can be converted to a sleepless night. And it won’t be possible for one to finish the to-do list in a day, and it won’t be worth it to stress your night about those incomplete tasks. One should dedicate 5 minutes of their time before going to bed to mediation. This allows us to calm down the mind, and leads to a peaceful sleep, which results in a more PRODUCTIVE TOMORROW.
Doctors say eights glasses of water a day is a must. It doesn’t only helps you keep hydrated but it also has many health benefits. It helps you maintain your calm and keep you focused. In the busy schedule one might forget to drink the required amount of water, what one can do is either to keep a bottle of water on the desk or set reminders to drink water. It even allows you to cure hangover or on the go avoid hangovers in a go.
Those people who work in the corporate world, are often heard giving the excuse, of their not being enough time for them to take an off. But what one should strive for is a vacation even if it is for 3 days. It helps you be healthier, happier and more productive at work. But the thing that should be kept in mind, while taking a vacation is that this vacation should be without WIFI. It might sound funny, but it isn’t a good vacation with all the technology going through your mind. So take an off and embrace it.Meditation and doing Yoga goes hand in hand. Where one can always meditate at night, they can also hire a yoga instructor at their homes. This will lead to better concentration and devotion towards work.
For all those corporate geeks, who find it difficult to move out of the cubicle while doing your work. Here is a way out. Doing exercise at your desk itself. It may sound funny, but it isn’t that funny. One can always find out few minutes near their desk and do the exercise. This way you aren’t even exiting your desk and are also able to maintain your fitness regime.
In the mornings, usually each and every one of us is running late, and we often tend to leave one thing or the other behind us. We might leave our sneakers behind when we are packed with our formal attire. And with this one day, we often skip a month long of gyming. Sounds familiar, isn’t it? So a simple excuse for this is, is to hire a gym locker. Packing a gym bag isn’t that difficult but we often forget things and this might be an expense in your budget, but it is so going to be worth it.