Marine zoology 5
awesome species
turtles are part of the chelonioids (Scientific classification: Chelonioidea family). They are cold-blooded reptiles and inhabit all tropical oceans. They are exclusively marine, but touch land only for nesting. Most turtle species are found in shallow waters of bays, lagoons and estuaries. Others enter the open sea. Sea turtles can swim at speeds of 27 to 35 km / h. Its strong neck is formed by eight vertebrae and can not put it inside the shell like the terrestrial turtles. They have no teeth but sharp peaks at the top of their jaw. Their ears are not visible to the naked eye, because they have internal and are very efficient. They can swim and hold their breath for ten minutes and then rise to the surface to breathe. Its fins are adapted to the aquatic life so on the ground they move with difficulty and slowness. Something that identifies them is their strong and showy shell that according to the species, varies in its color and texture. The tortoise, for example, has a thin and flexible turtle, so it falls into the category of soft turtles. Like any reptile, the sea turtle varies its body temperature by adapting to the environment, has scales on the skin, breathe through the lungs and possesses a three-chambered heart
blue whale The Blue Fin is the largest animal ever recorded in the world. It is said to occupy the third position in length after the jellyfish lion moth and the worm boot cord, and exceeds the height of ancient dinosaurs. Incredibly it measures up to 30 meters in length and weighs between 170-180 tons. The specimens that inhabit the southern hemisphere are generally larger than those of the northern hemisphere, and females are usually larger than males. Its body is elongated and has a broad head. At the top of this has 2 breathing holes or spiracles, which are holes through which it breathes. Instead of teeth, it has white beards, keratin structures similar to the bristles of a brush or broom and used to catch small prey. Its great tongue weighs 2.7 tons and can hold within its jaw 90 tons of water and food. The heart weighs about 600 kg. Blue whale dorsal fin Photo courtesy of: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration In spite of the great size that characterizes it, the blue whale can reach speeds of 50 km / h when its instinct perceives some near threat, although normally its displacement is of 22 km / h and when it feeds it lowers even more until 5-6.5 km / H. You can also dive to depths of 100-500 meters. This marine giant is able to remain under water for periods of time ranging from 10 to 20 minutes and then to breathe to the surface and launch a dense jet of steam that can be seen several meters away, since Reaches heights ranging from 6 to 12 m. Its impressive lung capacity is 5,000 liters.
Octopus There are octopuses of different sizes as they vary according to the species. One of the smaller ones like the blue-ringed octopus, it measures only 15 cm, compared to the giant octopus (the largest octopus in the world) that can reach the incredible length of 9 meters and weigh 27.2 kg. In this species, the male is smaller than the females. They have a horny beak at the entrance of their buccal cavity and possess two pairs of salivary glands, where one of them may be poisonous. In his head are stored the eyes, brain and three hearts of which two bring blood to the gills and one to the rest of the body. The eyes of the octopuses are very well developed, since they are capable of forming images and distinguishing colors. In general, all their senses work perfectly, except the ear, because they are totally deaf. Cephalopod skins generally contain pigmentation cells in the dermis called chromatophores, which allow them to change their color accurately and quickly in case of dangerous situations. They have a mantle in which they store the viscera and the gland responsible for making the ink that is released as a form of defense towards their predators. To be propelled by water, they use the siphon, which allows them to move at a great speed. Its eight arms are connected to a small brain that in turn depends on the principal. This allows them to coordinate and control all their movements.
These animals are blue blood because of the molecule hemocyanin that carries oxygen, unlike most species that have hemoglobin. OCULUS FEEDING The octopus diet is mainly based on algae, fish, clams and small crustaceans like lobsters, sh
Jellyfish There is no denying that Medusa is an interesting creature, however, most of us do not know much about its characteristics. As you learn more about these enigmatic animals, you learn to appreciate their lifestyle and what they bring to the world. These characteristics of the jellyfish will help you to clarify things. Pink jellyfish The largest recorded and verified jellyfish measured about 120 feet long. The fossil remains show that jellyfish have been on Earth for over 700 million years, making them one of the oldest living creatures in the world. Many consider jellyfish to be one of the most intimidating forms of aquatic life All jellyfish live in the oceans around the world. Some jellyfish live close to the surface and others at the bottom of the ocean. They also exist at various depths in the middle. Jellyfish can live in all water temperatures in the ocean. There are more than 2,000 species of jellyfish identified by experts and there are still many species that have not yet been found in the depths of the oceans. Jellyfish are simple invertebrates, however, they have the ability to move in ways that others of their type can not. The body of a jellyfish is symmetrical. This allows them to detect the danger and look for food in any direction from their particular position. Jellyfish have no brain, rely on nerve receptors to help them survive.
The jellyfish has four or eight long arms depending on the species. The arms allow you to get the food and put it in the mouth. rimp and crabs.
Sharks White sharks are characterized by their fusiform body and great sturdiness, in contrast to the crushed forms that other sharks often show. The nose is conical, short and thick. The mouth, very large and rounded, is shaped like an arch. It remains always open, revealing at least a row of teeth of the upper jaw and one or two of the lower jaw, while the water penetrates and leaves continuously through the gills. If this flow stopped, the shark would drown because it lacked opercula to regulate the correct passage of the water, and would sink in the same one, since to not own also swimming swimming bladder is condemned to be in continuous movement to avoid it. During the attack, the jaws open to such an extent that the shape of the head deforms as the jaw is detached from its head, and then closed with a force 300 times greater than that of a human jaw. The teeth are large, serrated, triangular and very wide. Unlike other sharks, they have no diastema or reduction of any teeth, but have the entire jaw with teeth aligned and equally capable of grasping, cutting and tearing. Behind the two rows of main teeth, white sharks have two or three more continually growing teeth that replace the frequent dropping of teeth with new ones and are being replaced by new rows over the years. The base of the tooth lacks root and is forked, giving it an unmistakable appearance in the shape of an arrowhead.