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Both sandstone as well as limestone as perfectly suited totakeonthewinterintheUK.Theydo not absorb a lot of water, hence, they perform well even in the rainiest regions of the country such as theScottishHighlandsortheLakeDistrict.Nevertheless,somesoftersandstonessuchas Mint Fossil Indian sandstone is rather porous as opposed to the denser shades such as Kandla Grey. So, you may have to tend to it a little more often. A clean-up every now and then or applying sealant will work best for you. It is also to be noted that all types oflimestoneneedto be sealed anyway. So, it is not like you would have to seal one of the softer sandstones. Limestone certainly edges sandstone, however, only if you are comparing it with a softer sandstone,asitisalittlelessporous.



Both sandstone and limestone are sturdy enough todealwithvehiclesrollingacrossthem,given the surfacing is done correctly. However, if you are looking foranoptionthatdoesnotrequirea lot of maintenance, then limestone is the material for you. For your exterior as well as interior, limestoneisdefinitelythebestpavingstoneifyouwantsomethingquickandeasytocarefor.On the other hand, sandstone is usually softer than limestone or any other type of rock, so it is certainly more prone to denting or scratching. You may want to avoid this to maintain your flooring for longer in the case of interior use. In addition, if you havechildrenorelderlypeople in your house, you should definitely avoid highly polished sandstone. Even though it may look extravagantandclassic,itcanbeextremelyslippery,mainlyinwetconditions.

Both materials are quite low maintenance but you need to take some care of them. As long as you do not use salt to de-ice your limestone garden paving and clean it every now and then, it canstayforalongtime.


There is no question that limestone is available in plenty of stunning natural colours including Tandur Yellow limestone, Kota Blue, and Kota Black. You are sure to find some type of limestonethatwillfitperfectlywithyourlandscapinggoals.

Nonetheless, sandstone is all the more endowed with endless beautiful natural variants such as Raj Green, Autumn Brown, Kandla Grey, Cotswold Yellow, and Mint Fossil. We suggest you check and see how the stone you select looks when it is wet. Some may look even better after heavy rain as the colours tend to intensify in the wet, and can even brighten up your spaceona gloomyday.Therefore,inthiscategory,wegivetheedgetosandstone.


In the aspect of appearance, limestone, and sandstone are poles apart. To begin with, limestone tends to be smoother and flatterasopposedtosandstonetherebymakingforanexcellentinterior stone flooring option as well as for driveways. It also tends to have a rather rough feel. With a littleorange-peeltextureandwithanaturalsplitsurface,itgivestheflooringplentyofgrip.

On the other hand, sandstone has an uneven layer surface and has a rippled feeling. But with a shot blast technique, you can make it feel more finely grained just like limestone. Shot blasting hastheadditionalbenefitofgivingsandstoneevenmoregripandslipresistanceunderfoot.Allin all, sandstonehasmoretexturaloptionstopickfrom,includingsmoothaswellasroughtextures. Thechoiceisyours.


Both sandstone, as wellaslimestone,canbecutandshapedintopiecesquiteeasily,soneitherof them is costly to install whichever way you want them.Bothofthemarewater-resistant,strong, and come in plenty of different colours as well as finishes. They are the naturalmaterialsofthe Earth, occurring in mountains and seabeds naturally, so you are certain to find any type of sandstoneorlimestonethatwillappearnaturalandfitintoyourlandscapedesigningideas.

In fact, sandstone may have the edge if you are planning to renovate yourgardenpath,patio,or indoor living space. Since there are so many options to choose from, you are sure to make stunningsandstonecirclesthatwouldactasfocalpointsinyourgarden.

However, if it is the clean, sleek look that you are looking for, sandstone is not the material for you unless you are planning to opt for sawn sandstone. No two sandstone slabs look the same. On the other hand, limestone slabs look very similar, thereby making for the perfect choice for externalaswellasinternalapplications.


Now we can say that both sandstone as well as limestone are excellent choices depending on theirusage.Althoughlimestoneisalittlecheaper,youhavemyriadsofoptionstochoosefromin sandstone. Now let’s discuss your pavingserviceoptions.JH&Co.iscertainlytheplacetobeif you are looking for the best pavingcontractorsintheUKwhoofferthebestpavingservices.So, getintouchwithustodaytolearnmoreaboutourservices.


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