Teacher(s) Janet Howell
Subject group and discipline Arts: Visual arts
Unit title
MYP Year
A Portrait of Someone I know
Grade 10
Unit duration 7 weeks (30 hours)
Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit Key concept
Related concept(s) Arts: Visual arts Composition Aesthetics
Global context Representation
Other Audience and Expression
Personal and cultural expression
They will relate this to the ways in which people can be perceived visually, using symbolism and colour to represent their concepts. Exploration to Develop: Artistry, craft, creation, beauty
Statement of inquiry Integrity is the key to a sensitive representation of identity. The students will understand that integrity is an important component of portraiture. They will do this through inquiry into a 'chosen person' and the study of human form represented through a range of media and techniques. Inquiry questions What artists can be considered influential in modern times?, How has the art form changed over time?, What conventions or elements can be considered or identified as specific to the genre? • Exploring Facts and topics
Visual Representation of the human, portrait or illustration? • Arts guide page 26 FPIP page 62 Conceptual To what extent does the identity of the artist impact the artwork?, In what ways can the arts influence or even change society?, What is the relationship between arts and audiences? • Analysing big ideas
Summative assessment
A: Knowing and understanding • i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art form studied, including concepts, processes, and the use of subject-specific terminology D: Responding
Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment criteria:
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
When is the process more important than the product?, Is everyone an artist?, When does art become labelled or provocative?, How sensitive are we to the intentions of the portrait artist?, How sensitive are we to the person being portrayed?, How can we po • Evaluating perspectives and developing theories. Debatable
Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry:
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• ii. create an artistic response which intends to reflect or impact on the world around them • iii. critique the artwork of self and others.
Task September
1 Tuesday
9:00 AM
Creating the intention (C, D) The student will create an intention page/s illustrating their personal plans for their individual portraits. The intention page must explain how they want the final portrait to be interpretted, how it will best describe the person they have chosen to portray. They may include a detailed analysis of the person's personality, interests, cultural background and identity. They will explain how they will use colour, composition and form and space to create mood and atmosphere.
Approaches to learning (ATL) Arts A: Knowing and understanding • i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art form studied, including concepts, processes, and the use of subject-specific terminology D: Responding • ii. create an artistic response which intends to reflect or impact on the world around them • iii. critique the artwork of self and others.
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
I. Communication skills Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction • Give and receive meaningful feedback • Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with a variety of audiences • Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences • Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information
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• Read critically and for comprehension • Read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure • Make inferences and draw conclusions • Preview and skim texts to build understanding • Organize and depict information logically Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry Content
Learning process Learning Experiences Students will be given examples of ways in which they can write about art. The sheets given will be differentiated to tailor to the different needs of the classroom. Some sheets will be just glossaries of important art terms, whereas others will offer the student starter sentences. Teaching strategies One to one verbal feedback during class and written notes on the students work. Quiz August
25 Tuesday
9:00 AM
Analysing art from different times and cultures Students will be given 9 portraits from different times and cultures, that have the title and name of the artist labelled but not the year of completion. They will be asked to work in a small group to place the portraits into a timeline. Once the group are satisfied with their timeline they will be given an additional sheet with the portraits on again but this time the sheet will have the year of completion and further information about the artist and the artwork. Students will then be asked to choose an individual portrait from the 9 and discuss it with a partner answering some of the following discussion questions; was it created at the time that they thought it was?, is the subject matter different to what they expected?, what type of mood does the portrait evoke?, how does it do that? As a hoemwrok assignment the students will be asked to write an analysis of the portrait they chose to discuss. The attached 'writing about art' worksheet will help them to construct a meaningful analysis.
Describe how you will differentiate teaching & learning for this unit? Differentiation will be done while discussing ideas with individuals. Selecting more confident students to work with students who may at first be apprehensive about sharing their point of view or opinion. Students will be given examples of ways in which they can write about art. The sheets given will be differentiated to tailor to the
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
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different needs of the classroom. Some sheets will be just glossaries of important art terms, whereas others will offer the student starter sentences. Service Reflection: Students will reflect on portraits from different times and cultures and justify their preferences at the same time as using research skills to enable them to find out more about the artwork, that they will ultimately reflect on. Learner Profile Inquirers: Find out more about the artist and the sitter. Communicators: Express their opinions verbally and in writing. Open minded: Be open-minded and respectful of different cultures, identities and ways of life. Resources Website: http://www.npg.org.uk/ Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry Prior to teaching the unit
Middle Years Programme Unit planner
During teaching
After teaching the unit
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